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#1. What is Mental Photography?

Everyone was born with this ability switched on. You used it for the first 5 yea
rs of your life. you were trained out of using it when you learned to read. We t
each you how to gain access to it and use it.
#2. Why don't I use it now?
Reading is taught in opposition to Mental Photography. When you were taught to r
ead, the ability was switched off. Reading does not work for everyone because it
is NOT a natural ability. Mental Photography IS natural.
#3. Can I learn Mental Photography, again?
YES! It is a natural ability you were born with. You never lose it. We have been
teaching Mental Photography since 1975, when Richard Welch first found it. For
over 30 years we have constantly upgraded our teaching so that our clients can a
chieve their absolute best results. We were the First, and We are STILL THE BEST

Richard Welch is the "Father of Mental Photography"
#4. Will I have to give up "reading"?
No. Mental Photography enhances the experience of reading. The average reading s
peed is 250 words per minute (wpm). Mental Photography begins at 25,000 wpm. Pro
ficient Mental Photographers show up to 600,000 words per minute with 90% recall
(just turning pages). You can go even faster by computer. The impact of Mental
Photography is 100 times reading something. It will definitely enhance your expe
rience of reading after you Mentally Photograph the book. You have barely scratc
hed the surface of what your brain is capable of doing!
#5. How does Mental Photography exercises the brain?
Elevated Whole Brain Activity
Strengthens neural pathways
Hemispheric Balancing
Heightened communication between the conscious and the subconscious
Grow more memory
Quicker and clearer thinking
#6. Since I have been relying on reading from age 5, will this get in the way of
my Mental Photographing abilities?
We teach the comprehensive "Brain Management Seminar". The Brain Management Semi
nar fully explores Mental Photography, its' endless uses, attributes, and benefi
ts. You will experience these things during the training and see results. You wi
ll know all you need to know about Mental Photography and how to use it with con

#7. Why is it necessary for me to learn more than only the Mental Photography?
We are committed to your success. Through many years of research and hundreds of
thousands of participants, we know what works. (Research shows that within 60 d
ays of learning "speed reading", over 90% revert back to reading (even though sp
eed reading is statistically better) because there has been no support provided
or basis for the readers' beliefs to change to accommodate the new way.) When ou
r clients use all parts of the complete ZOX Training, the results are off the ch
arts GREAT!
#8. What makes ZOX Training different from every other "Positive Motivation Tech
First, We are committed to your success. It is geared for your success. It is co

Second, but more importantly, We promote independent thinking, self-motivation,
and anti-guruism. You know what is in your best interests.

We put you in charge. Our clients are from 7 years old to over 90. We treat ever
yone as adult. Along with that, the client is bestowed the adult responsibility
to be in charge of themselves and what is in their best interest. Don't worry -
everyone has problems. We don't need to know what your problems are. You will be
given the ability to deal with those problems, yourself! We help you to help yo
urself by turning over these proven life-enhancing techniques to you -- for you
to be in control of your life, like never before.

"POSITIVE MOTIVATION" will hype you up, get you excited, you do everything they
say to do -- just to find yourself operating in the same old RUT about 7 days l
ater, if not sooner.

We teach "SELF MOTIVATION", NOT positive motivation!

We give you a whole system that works -- not pieces!
A system that you can apply to anything and everything!

No matter what level of training you come in at, All of them are built on the on
e true core structure that provide the foundation to YOU to have RESULTS!

We give you ALL the tools (up-front) - and we show you HOW to keep yourself moti

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