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According to Cruz, C. J. (2010), feature is an essay based on facts. It is different from a news story through
these characteristics
It is an essay based on facts and not a re!ort of an e"ent
It has many different !ur!oses# to entertain, to instruct, to ad"ise and to inform un$i%e news which is written to
sim!$y inform
It is time$ess as com!ared to news which is time$y
&he $ength de!ends u!on the needs or how $ong the writer wants it to be and not $i%e news which has to be short
&he words used may be co$orfu$, f$owery and descri!ti"e and does not ha"e to be concrete, !recise and sim!$e
&he sentences and !aragra!hs may be $onger un$i%e those of news which ha"e to be short and sim!$e
Idioms and figures of s!eech are used free$y as com!ared to news that has to be direct to the !oint
Ad'ecti"es and o!inion may be used as much as desired, not $i%e news which uses ad'ecti"es s!aring$y and ne"er
uses o!inion
It contains introduction( $ead, body and conc$usion and not 'ust $ead and body
&he writing sty$e may be com!osition sty$e or news!a!er sty$e un$i%e news which fo$$ows sty$e#sheet news!a!er
&he structure may be sus!ended interest or !yramid structure as com!ared to news which has to be in in"erted
Cruz a$so cited that a news feature is not a feature artic$e but a news story which is based on facts but containing
e)!$anations, bac%ground, and im!ression of the writer.
*ersona$ities( Character +%etch , &his may be about a famous !erson or a !erson who has done something
Miss Nia Cruz The Unsung Heroine
&ime was when the c$assroom teacher was %nown to be a cran%y, e$eder$y maestra who se$dom smi$e.
.ers was nothing but disci!$ine, which to her was a$most an obsession.
/iss 0i1a Cruz of the -ng$ish c$ass has com!$ete$y erased this century#o$d conce!t and re!resents the
new image of today2s modern, b$ithe, and friend$y teacher.
/a2am ne"er sits in one corner. 0either does she raise her "oice, too , in anger. +he mo"es around
gracefu$$y with such magnetic efficiency and bound$ess enthusiasm that her !u!i$s can2t he$! but study their
$essons so as not to dis!$ease her.
A graduate from the *hi$i!!ine 0orma$ 3ni"ersity where she ma'ored in -ng$ish, /iss Cruz ty!ifies the
!erfectionist who be$ie"es that a student shou$d ha"e we$$#rounded education.
4ur fa"orite teacher has a %nac% for writing, too. &here2s no reason why she shou$d not, because when
she was in the high schoo$, she was a regu$ar contributor to &he &orchbearer, the officia$ organ of *03
5aboratory +choo$
&his, !robab$y, is the reason why !u!i$ 'ourna$ists are "ery c$ose to her heart.
# (Cruz, C.J.)
-)!erience and Ad"enture# +eminars, fie$d tri!s and socia$ e"ents in schoo$ such as the Junior# +enior !romenade
may be good to!ics for feature artic$es (Cruz, C.J.)
The Last Agonizing !" #ours at the Press Con$a%
+oon the awarding of the !rizes came. &he 6irector of *ub$ic +choo$s was de$i"ering the conc$uding
address at the grandstand of the 5ucena City Ath$etic 7rounds.
&he audience was "ery 8uiet and the minds of the de$egates seemed to be wandering far, far away. I,
myse$f didn2t mind what the 6irector was ta$%ing about. 9hat was u!!ermost in my mind was the 8uestion , :&o
win or not to win;< , in the nationa$ !ress contest.
-"en our ad"iser, /r. C#J Cruz, was ner"ous. .e whis!ered to Chief -ditor Jose 5ina Jr., :9e wou$d be
$uc%y if we wou$d get e"en the 1=
!$ace. 4ne#hundred#fifty#two schoo$ !a!ers are com!eting in the grou!
contest and >0? de$egates in the indi"idua$ writing contest,< he sighed with !essimism.
:5et2s %ee! our fingers crossed,< conso$ed Associate editor Arthur Cruz. I $oo%ed around me. /any
contestants were sweating des!ite the co$d wind that b$ew from /t. @anahaw standing !roud$y in the distance.
&hen came the announcement of winners. 9e he$d our breath e)!ecting to hear our first disa!!ointment.
:Jose 5ina Jr.< ca$$ed /iss .ortencia @enoza, *ub$ication 6i"ision Chief, :+econd !$ace, news writing in
:.indi na bo%ya,< remar%ed the ad"iser. :+a$amat sa /ay%a!a$B< +i$ence reigned again among us whi$e
shrie%s and ah2s were heard at random.
:9a$a na yata,< sighed -$y .aute who $oo%ed more ner"ous than the rest.
:Corazon /endoza, second !$ace, inter"iew writing.
:CeyyyyB< chorused the grou!. :+tri%e two,< counted the ad"iser. &he first smi$e cre!t out from his
!arched $i!s were as dry as dry ice.
&hen Jose 5ina2s name was ca$$ed again in a row , first fir winning second !$ace in s!orts writing and
third !$ace in the essay writing contest in which he recei"ed *h! 100 cash.
:/ay !ab#b$ow#out na< chuc%$ed /anaging -ditor /e$chor /agat.
&he announcement of the reu$st of the grou!s contest came ne)t. A cheer here and a cheer there were
heard from the different !arts of the grandstand. 9e made two big :Cebas< when we recei"ed two big tro!hies ,
one for the best $ayout and the other for the feature !age.
:0a%u, wa$a tayo sa Ai$i!ino,< our ad"iser said. +omeone in the grou! shed tears. @ut when Ang
@u$a$a%aw was ca$$ed out as the second best Ai$i!ino section, the Ai$i!ino ad"iser a$most co$$a!sed.
4ur Doudest cheers were heard when another tro!hy was awarded to &he .orizon as the third best high
schoo$ news!a!er in the country.
After the awarding ceremonies, we had our !ictures ta%en, in 6ifferent 4.A. !oses of course.
@ut before going home to our 8uarters, we did not forget to enter the cha!e$ of 4ur 5ady of 5ourdes
where we had !rayed e"ery morning the who$e wee% before the start e"ery session.
@y .e$enda Casti$$o
6escri!tion# A 'ourna$ist may find many things in schoo$ worth writing about. Cet, he shou$d %ee! in mind that
he shou$d as much as !ossib$e be rea$istic and inno"ati"e. .e shou$d a$so use words that are easi$y understood by
a"erage readers (Cruz, C.J.)
We&'o(e to Pi'tures)ue Phi&i**ines
Abo"e the hea"ing bosom of the warm *acific is an archi!e$ago of E,0F> is$ands washed by the to!ic
seas... e)tending for more than a thousand mi$es from north to south.
It is here where $ife f$ows sweet$y. It is here where winter is un%nown... where !rimiti"e $ife sti$$ $ingers...
where cu$ture is rich... and where f$owers b$oom a$$ year round.
+he is a great 'ade nec%$ace, no scenes more beautifu$ than she. .er "ast "ariety of attracti"e scenery, of
!$ains and mountains, !a$m trees at her seashores, seas fu$$ of numerous fishes and uni8ue !ear$s, "erdant rice
fie$ds, forest, swa!s, ri"ers, and fa$$s.
Ces, this is !ictures8ue *hi$i!!ines.
#(Cruz, C.J.)
0arrati"es# A feature artic$e may be about interesting stories to re$ate, es!ecia$$y historica$ ones (Cruz, C.J.)
Poetr- C&ass %- Can.&e&ight
0othing can be more romantic than to $isten to a woman read -$izabeth @arrett @rowning2s +onnet from
the *ortugese in the dim$it $iterature c$ass.
&he IG#A night students were reading $o"e !oems when the $ights went out.
5iberacoin 5a!us was reading the $ines :I $o"e thee to the $e"e$ of e"erday2s most 8uiet need by sun and
ca$nd$e$ight.< &hey *assionate +he!herd to his 5o"e and +ir 9a$ter Ha$egh2s &he 0ym!h2s He!$ay.
Gictoria Asuncion !$ayed the !art of the nym!h, whi$e Heyna$do /a$onzo, the !art of the she!herd.
&he c$ass ended by singing *ercy +he$$ey2s Indian +erenade as the cand$e$ight s$ow$y f$ic%ered out 'ust
before the be$$ rang for dismissa$.
/eanwhi$e, at the 'ourna$ism room cand$e$ight was not a$together romantic as bac%dro! for hard wor%.
+taffers gro!ed in the dar% as they raced against time to meet their dead$ine for the first issue of &he 0ew
#(Cruz, C.J.)
@ac%grounders# &his e)!$ains the history or bac%ground of certain e"ents (Cruz, C.J.)
+a-anihan/ A Fi&i*ino Cu&tura& #eritage
&he -ffecti"eness of the bayanihan s!irit was best shown by grou!s of students, thousands of them as
they $oo% to the streets in su!!ort of the /etro /ani$a c$ean#u! and beautification dri"e.
@ayanihan is an ancient Ai$i!ino custom, symbo$ic of the Ai$i!ino way of grou! wor%.
As found in the Gocabu$ario de $a 5engua &aga$a (1E=?) by *. Juan de 0oceda and *. *edro de +an$ucar,
the word bayanihan is deri"ed from the rootword bayani, meaning obra comun or grou! of wor%.
Another re$ated word mag!abayani, is a re8uest for he$! by one who wants a 'ob done for him and e"o%ed
res!onse from neighbors who come in grou!s to offer their ser"ices in a$$ forms and in their own sim!$e ways. In
return, the nag!abayani gi"es them free brea%fast, $unch, or merienda as a to%en of a!!reciation and gratitude.
#(Cruz, C.J.)
6e"e$o!menta$ Aeature Artic$es# 6e"e$o!ments that affect man%ind may be a to!ic that cou$d interest readers and
cou$d ma%e a writer steer away from usua$ re!orting (Cruz, C.J.)

P&anting Trees an. Men
It was tree#!$anting day for thousands of schoo$ chi$dren in /etro /ani$a $ast wee%.
In 4sme1a .igh +choo$, first year students !$anted tree seed$ings not to forest, but to beautify the
:9e ha"e nothing to reforest, but at $east we can beautify the community in !articu$ar and the city
&his was what /r. -mi$io /endoza, head teacher of Cangco Anne) said when inter"iewd.
:@y !$anting trees, we are !$anting men. &he chi$dren get in"o$"ed in our !rogram of nationa$
de"e$o!ment,< he continued.
&he tree !$anting acti"ity was !art of the go"ernment2s reforestation dri"e, the ma'or aim of which is to
minimize if not to sto! entire$y f$oods in /etro /ani$a.
6ani$o 6agdayan, !resident of the Areshman Counci$ headed the tree#!$anting acti"ity.
&ree seed$ings were !ro"ided by the Heforestation Administration through the initiati"e of /r.
-mi$io /endoza.
#(Cruz, C.J.)
9hat#to#6o and .ow#to#6o Artic$es# +ome artic$es can de"e$o! the sub'ect either by a series of ru$es starting
with :6o< or by ha"ing the writer describe the !rocess in his own words (Cruz, C.J.)
To'ino0 An-one!
:&ocino< is a de$icious#tasting meat !re!aration e)ce$$ent for the ear$y morning mea$. &he meat stays
$onger, too, without refrigeration.
&he 3.*. Co$$ege of Agricu$ture meat !rocessing +!ecia$ist 0a!o$eon /. 6agdagan, gi"es the fo$$owing
/ateria$ one (1)%i$o of bacon or $iem!o stri!s (1(2 inch thic%), sugar, sa$t, sa$itre, "etsin, and !$astic bags.
1. Aor e"ery %i$o of meat, measure and mi) three (>) tab$es!oon sugar, one (1) tab$es!oons sa$t, one#ha$f (1(2)
teas!oon "etsin.
C$ass $ectures of *rof. Armando /a$ay, 3ni"ersity of the *hi$i!!ines.
-ng$ish and .ach, +cho$astic Journa$ism.
Hhetorica$ Iuestion# &his $ead is !hrased as a 8uestion get the attention of the readers
9hat ma%es /anny *ac8uiao into a g$oba$ icon;
+tart$ing +tatement# &his !rominent stri%e cou$d easi$y catch the attention of the readers
&he greatest fighter in the wor$d is from a thir$d wor$d country.
0arrati"e 4!ening# A feature artic$e writer cou$d start by narrating for e)am!$e the $ife of his sub'ect
Hudy is the fifth in a fami$y of se"en chi$dren. At 1=, he dro!!ed out of high schoo$ to he$! his father on
the farm. .is two e$der brothers had died in a tragic accident short$y before.
2/a%ing Auture .ar"ests without Chi$d 5abour
/inette Himando
June 11, 200E
.Iuoted Hemar%s# A we$$#%nown citation indicates to the reader what the artic$e is about
:&he Ai$i!inos are worth it.< &his is a statement from Jris A8uino reffering to $o"e of country and
sacrifices made by her !arents 0inoy and Cory A8uino.
An 4$d /a)im, An A!horism or A Salawikain- &his may gi"e a reader a hint or idea of what to e)!ect from the
:&rees, trees e"erywhere, but no fresh air to breathe.<
.istory or @ac%ground of &he +ub'ect
Is$ams throughout the wor$d, inc$uding our Ai$i!ino /us$im brothers obser"e the ho$y month of Hamadan
starting +e!tember 1E. Hamadan is theK
*rob$ems &o @e 6iscussed And &he Artic$e or Aact &o @e -stab$ished
&here is an answer to the rising cost of "egetab$es raise your own.
Contrast 5ead# +tating two dissimi$ar facts to em!hasize or high$ight the sub'ect
/ayweather is unbeaten, sti$$ many consider *ac8uiao to be better than him des!ite /anny2s im!erfect
Ana$ogy 5ead# +hows com!arison between fami$iar ob'ect or situation and the sub'ect
5ife is a bo) of choco$ates. Cou ne"er %now what you2re gonna get. Cet, you2$$ a$ways be the one to
decide for yourse$f. +o it is a$$ u! to you if you wi$$ end u! en'oying e"ery choco$ate.
*icture 5ead# +tarts by a gra!hic descri!tion of the story2s setting
+arah C$ar% %nows what they thin%. &he smir%s. &he $aughs.&he way the other gir$s, a$$ wee% $ong in
cheer$eading !ractice, ha"e been ro$$ing their eyes.
&hey thin% sheLs a 'o%e.
&hey thin% sheLs a big fat 'o%e of an eighth grader with no !rayer of becoming a high schoo$ cheer$eader.
/inutes before her tryout, +arah !aces the corridor. +he swee!s the wa"es of her $ong co!!er hair bac%
o"er her shou$der. +he tugs u! on her soc%s and down on her cheer$eader s%irt, !ressed the night before.
&hen, with her eyes o!en and in the !ri"acy of her mind, she mutters a !rayer.
0ews +ummary 5ead# Contains fi"e 92s# who, what, where, when and why
Aor si) agonizing minutes on Ju$y 1M 1FF1, a horrifying E.= magnitude earth8ua%e shoo% the mountain
city of @aguio, *hi$i!!ines.
6istincti"e Incident 5ead# 6escribes the most characteristic moment at a !oint when it has reached its summit or
dramatic interest
+usan watched in horror as her four#year o$d son dashed to the street after his rubber ba$$. In an instant,
e"erything was o"erB .er son $ay in a !oo$ of b$oodB
0ota @ene Aeature artic$es shou$d get the attention of the readers in first few sentences
A summary of the who$e artic$e
&a%e it from the e)!erts +mo%ing is definite$y harmfu$ to hea$th. +mo%ing ma%es you man$y, but you
may not $i"e $ong enough to be one.
An announcement of the main !oint for the first time
&herefore, a ma'or !art of the de"e$o!ment communication effort shou$d be directed at strengthening the
character of !eo!$e.
A 8uestion $eft in the reader2s mind
&he hands of new Ai$i!ino toi$ for the $o"e of creation. 6o you ha"e these %inds of hands;
+uggested resu$ts or significance
5et us conser"e our forests now if we want to sa"e the future of our country and of our chi$dren.
A forecast of !ro!hecy
In si) and a ha$f centuries from now, if the !o!u$ation e)!$osion won2t be chec%ed, there wou$d be one
!erson standing on e"ery s8uare foot of $and on earth. @y that time, !eo!$e wou$d be de"ouring one another for
there wou$d be no more s!ace for !$ants to grow.
A re!etition of the introduction
As%ed if he had any forma$ training in !hotogra!hy, 6onato Are$$ano fina$$y answered, :Ah, it is now the
re"erse. It is here where I en'oy whi$e I earn, not I earn whi$e I en'oy.<
A re!etition of a sentence or s$ogan, or a reference to the tit$e
An a!!ro!riate 8uotation
Ana c$aims that she is !oor. @ut when as%ed why she ga"e her $ast centa"o to the o$d woman, she
:0ot what we gi"e but what we share
Aor the gift, without the gi"er is bare,
9ho gi"es himse$f with his a$ms feeds three
.imse$f, his hungering neighbor and me.<
0ota @ene &he $ast word or words of a feature artic$e im!ress the reader as strong$y as the o!ening sentences
A %een obser"er
.as "arious interests
.as the abi$ity to find features in e"eryday ha!!enings
.as cu!boards of descri!ti"e words and e"eryday idioms
.as the s%i$$ to wea"e words into interesting sentences and !aragra!hs
.as the abi$ity to write effecti"e$y and interesting$y
7et a co!y of your schoo$2s news!a!er (5a*i+cian +cro$$) and answer the fo$$owing
Is there a sufficient number and "ariety of s!ecia$ features to interest a wide "ariety of readers;
Are features we$$# ba$anced, or is there too much chaff;
Are these features dis!$ayed under suitab$e and attracti"e feature heads or a!!ro!riate and c$ear !ictures, with
s%etches, cartoons or diagrams;
Are they we$$# written, conforming to standards of effecti"e writing;
Are human interest stories de"e$o!ed;
9rite an introduction for a feature artic$e about your schoo$ using the history or bac%ground of the sub'ect
9rite a feature artic$e about the $atest /r. and /s. 5*+cie !ageant and introduce it using a 8uoted remar%
3UI9 6
1#M) 7i"e si) ways to introduce a feature artic$e
E#N) 7i"e two of the different %inds of feature stories
F#10) 7i"e two ways to end a feature artic$e
3UI9 7
1) &his !ub$ishes more feature stories than news
a) 0ews!a!er
b) &ab$oid
c) /agazine
2) If you were to !$ay u! one !erson in the community, whom wou$d you se$ect;
a) &he most handsome guy
b) &he rich !o$itician
c) &he farmer who raised the biggest s8uash
>) 5eads that are most common$y used in feature stories
a) +ummary
b) 0o"e$ty
c) 7rammatica$
?) /aybe about a famous !erson or someone who has done something significant
a) 0arrati"e o!ening
b) Iuoted remar%s
c) *ersona$ity s%etch
=) An essay based on facts
a) 0ews
b) Aeature
c) -ditoria$
M) 5ead !hrased as interrogation
a) Hhetorica$ 8uestion
b) Iuoted remar%s
c) 0arrati"e o!ening
E) Contains fi"e 92s# who, what, when, where and why
a) 0ews summary $ead
b) .istory or bac%ground of the sub'ect
c) +tart$ing statement
N) A feature is
a) &ime$ess
b) &ime$y
F) Idioms and features of s!eech may be used to write features
a) &rue
b) Aa$se
c) +ometimes
10) A feature artic$e contains introduction( $ead, body and OOOOOOO
a) 6enouement
b) Aa$$ing action
c) Conc$usion
According to Cruz, C.J. (2010), s!orts# writing has become one of the most we$$#$i%ed forms of the
'ourna$istic writing. It is writing a re!ort of a news or ath$etic e"ent.
(+ource Cruz, C.J.)
Ad"ance +tory# bui$ds u! zest for coming e"ents
&he 6a"idson Aootba$$ @u$$dogs wi$$ c$ash with the Aighting 9ease$s of +turnbridge .igh +choo$ in a
non#conference game at E?? *./., Ariday, 0o"ember 1>, at @.@. Aoster Aie$d in +turnbridge.
#(.45& /C6437A5, A 6IGI+I40 4A .437.&40 /IAA5I0 .AHC43H&)
Co"erage +tory# on#the#s!ot re!orting of an actua$ com!etition or e"ent
Iuarterbac% *ete Aaust threw the touchdown !asses to $ead the Jefferson .igh +choo$ -ag$es to a 21#E
"ictory o"er cross#town ri"a$ /cJin$ey .igh.
Ad"ance#co"erage +tory# inc$udes the information of a coming e"ent as the first !art of the story and the
information on the !ast e"ent as the $ast !art of the story
(+ource Cruz, C.J.)
.as interest in a$$ s!orts e"ents
/ust %now the ru$es and regu$ations of the e"ent or game he is writing about
.as a wor%ing %now$edge of the $anguage and 'argon of s!orts writing (s!orts $ingo)
+hou$d be ab$e to a"oid c$ichPs
/ust be fair and unbiased
/ust attend the games or meets as a re!orter, not a s!ectator or cheerer
/ust %now coaches and !$ayers as intimate$y as !ossib$e
/ust be ab$e to ta%e notes 8uic%$y without $osing the se8uence of the !$ay
(+ource Cruz, C.J.)
&he s!orts $ead is the attention#getter, the news in a nutshe$$. /ay be
&he %ey !$ay $ead# most e)citing, most significant and crucia$ !art of the game
&he Hegion G s$uggersbombed the 0CH batters with si) runs in the third inning to subdue a
ner"e#frazz$ing 0CH ra$$y 1?#12 as they c$inced the cham!ionshi! game during the *a$aro he$d at the
/ontano +tadium, Ca"ite City.
Aoreign *hi$i!!ine /asters cham!ion 7eorge 4$aybar birdied two of the $ast three ho$es for a
four#under#!ar ME yesterday and a one#stro%e $ead o"er Hobert *acto$erin in the o!ening round of the *h!
200, 000 *hi$i! /orris 5ong 7o$f C$assic.
#(Cruz, C. J.)
&he outstanding !$ayer $ead# .ero of &he 7ame 5ead
Homeo Heyes of Ho)as .igh +choo$, after a$most four hours of batt$e o"er the chessboard,
co!!ed the most co"eted C/CA tro!hy after outwitting /ani$a .i#+choo$ chesser 9i$haim +antos in 2E
mo"es of the +ici$ian defense.
Ace stri%er Hosse$ Ai$amer s$otted home the !rice$ess mar%er that $ifted the mu$ti#tit$ed 0CH team
to trium!h o"er hardfighting Cebu#5hui$ier, 1#0, to ca!ture the fourth 6on Andres +oriano, Jr. footba$$
cu! before a big, enthusiastic crowd at the *erdices +tadium in 6umaguete City.
#(Cruz, C. J.)
Ana$ytica$ a!!roach $ead# ana$yzaes the outcome of the game
Hiding high on sizz$ing s!i%es and tric%y !$acing, the /5I netters b$asted the 5aure$ .i %i$$ers in
the crucia$ third set to win 1=#10, 11#1=, 1=#E in a mini district meet, +e!t. 21 at the &orres .igh +choo$ 4"a$ to
ce$ebrate the first Ai$i!ino &han%sgi"ing 6ay.
*um!ud# u! *urefoods !$ayed so$id defense to frustrate 6iet +arsi 11=#10= $ast night and arranged a
winner#ta%e#a$$ contest on +unday for the *@A A$$#Ai$i!ino Conference crown at the 35&HA.
T#E +O15
&hese wi$$ inc$ude
&eam and(or indi"idua$ standing# If the e"ent is fraction of a succession of games, the story must account how the
teams or !$ayers stand in re$ation to their com!etitors.
6ecisi"e !$ay# &his is the most essentia$ !art of the game that gi"es a certain team the winning margin.
@est scores for the day# &he scores usua$$y a!!ear in the head$ine and in the $ead. .owe"er, the writer shou$d not
o"er$oo% the to! scorer of the day.
*$ay#by#!$ay# 6ue to inade8uate s!ace, the !$ay#by#!$ay account has to be condensed. In to! bo)ing e"ents, a
se!arate round#by#round account is !ro"ided, describibg the !rogress of the fight in detai$.
Iuotation# It is e)!ected for the hero of the day to ha"e his sentiments recorded for !osterity.
&he abo"e format was a suggestion of s!orts writer -duardo 5achica of The Philippines Herald.
(+ource Cruz, C.J.)
&he score( outcome# the winner of course is the centra$ !oint of the story. -"en if the game ends in a tie, with a
riot, or be ca$$ed off on an account of a rain, the outcome is sti$$ im!ortant.
&he significance of the outcome# 9as a cham!ionshi! at sta%e; 6o the standings of the team change; 9ho gets
the cu!; Is the grudge, if there is any, wi!ed out;
.igh$ights of the game# Aind the turning !oint of the game. 6escribe s!ectacu$ar !$ays. &e$$ about the $ast minute
fumb$e or the $ast three second bas%et from midcourt if this was a bas%etba$$ game.
Com!arison of the teams# 9hich was the better team; 9as the defending cham!ion out#'um!ed on the rebound;
9ho did better from the fou$ $ine; In what de!artment were the $osers wea%;
Indi"idua$ stars# 9hi$e !resent#day s!orts stories on teamwor% ha"e great$y discouraged indi"idua$ stars and so#
ca$$ed :grandstand !$ayers,< there are sti$$ instances where some !$ayers stand out from the rest. 9ho are they;
9hat did they do to become the heroes of the game;
9eather conditions# /ud, sunshine, heat, co$d or wind may ha"e a bearing on the game.
Crowd and ce$ebration# 6on2t forget the s!ectators. 9as it a record crowd; .ow did the s!ectators beha"e; 9ere
they !articu$ar$y hosti$e to the referee;
.ere is a $ist of words you can uti$ize in writing s!orts artic$es
(Heference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sports_idioms)
'o(e out $ighting or 'o(e out s,inging
Boxing: &o go right away on the nasty or to strong$y defend onese$f or oneLs be$iefs.
.o,n an. out
Boxing: unconscious or unab$e to resume the fightD abso$ute$y defeated.
.o,n $or the 'ount: out $or the 'ount
Boxing: &o be defeated.
.ro* the %a&&
Baseball: &o ma%e a mista%e, to miss a chance.
$u&&2'ourt *ress
Basketball: An a$$#out effort to !ut forth force.
Boxing: A strategem or tactic
get the %a&& ro&&ing
Some ball games: &o start an endea"our.
g&ass ;a,
Boxing: Gu$nerabi$ity
go the .istan'e
Boxing: Carry through a course of action to com!$etion.
ha<e so(eone in -our 'orner
Boxing: &o ha"e the su!!ort or he$! of someone.
hea<- hitter
Boxing: Hefers to a bo)er who is ab$e to hit hard
Boxing: In bo)ing, it is a weight di"ision of 1E= !ounds (EF.= %g) or higher, or a bo)er fighting in this di"ision.
hit %e&o, the %e&t
Boxing: &o hit an o!!onent be$ow the be$t is an i$$ega$ mo"e in bo)ing.
in2$ighting0 in$ighting
Boxing: C$ose#8uarter fighting.
=a-o0 >?O?
Boxing: &o !ut out of costs.
=ee* one@s e-e on the %a&&
Ball games: &o remain a$ert.
=ee* the %a&& ro&&ing
Some ball games: the ba$$ must be %e!t mo"ing or !$ay sto!s.
=no'=out 0 =no'=2out
Boxing: In bo)ing a Q%noc%outQ is scored when one bo)er Q%noc%s outQ another bo)er, either by stri%ing him
unconscious, or %noc%ing him to the can"as such that he cannot rise within a count of ten (a Qtechnica$
&ea. ,ith one@s 'hin
Boxing: . &his refers to a bo)er $ea"ing his chin, a "u$nerab$e !oint, un!rotected.
Boxing: In bo)ing, it is a weight di"ision of bo)ers weighing no more than 1>= !ounds or M0.E %g, or a bo)er
who fights in that di"ision.
&o, %&o,
Boxing: &his refers to an i$$ega$ b$ow aimed at the area be$ow another bo)erLs waist or be$t..
on the ro*es
Boxing: &his refers to a bo)er who has been %noc%ed against the ro!es that enc$ose the bo)ing ring and %e!t there
by the b$ows of his o!!onent.
one2t,o *un'h"0 the o&. one2t,o
Boxing &his refers to an attac% consisting of two !unches in ra!id succession with a$ternate hands.
*u&& one@s *un'hes
Boxing: In bo)ing, a bo)er who ho$ds bac% from using a$$ his strength is said to !u$$ his !unches. &his is often
used in a negati"e sense, in the !hrase Q!u$$ no !unchesQ.
Boxing: In bo)ing, it refers to 6ementia !ugi$istica, a neuro$ogica$ disorder in bo)ers triggered by re!eated
dazing b$ows or !unches to the head o"er an e)tended !eriod of time.
ringsi.e ;u.ge
Boxing: In bo)ing, the ringside judges who score a bo)ing match sit at the ringside table, and thus ha"e an
e)ce$$ent "iew of the !roceedings.
ringsi.e seat0 ringsi.e ta%&e
Boxing In bo)ing, a ringside seat is immediate$y ad'acent to the ring in which the bo)ers fight, as is the ringside
table, at which the ringside 'udges sit.
ro&& ,ith the *un'hes
Boxing: A bo)er who Qro$$s with the !unchesQ mo"es his body away from the force of a b$ow so as to $essen their
Boxing: A round in bo)ing is one of a set number of sma$$ contests (usua$$y three minutes) that ma%e u! the
entire match.
sa<e. %- the %e&&
Boxing: A$$udes to a bo)er who is %noc%ed to the can"as, and must regain his feet before a count of ten or $ose
the contestD if the be$$ signa$$ing the end of the round is rung before the count is finished, the fighter now has unti$
the start of the ne)t round to reco"er and resume fighting.
si.e&ine: onA$ro( the si.e&ines
Sports: &o remo"e from !artici!ation.
s&a( .un= 0 s&a(2.un=
Basketball:In bas%etba$$, it is a forcefu$ shot in which the !$ayer 'um!s to the bas%et and s$ams the ba$$ in.
s*arring *artner
Boxing: &his refers to a bo)er who is hired to !ractise with another for training !ur!oses.
su'=er *un'h
Boxing: In bo)ing, a suc%er !unch is one de$i"ered une)!ected$y.
Sun.a- *un'h
Boxing: In bo)ing, a +unday !unch is a %noc%out b$ow.
ta=e a .i<e
Boxing: &his refers to bo)ers who wou$d !retend to be %noc%ed out by a $ight or e"en non#e)istent !unch, thus
intentiona$$y $osing the fightD this was one method of $osing a Qfi)edQ fight (one with an un$awfu$$y !rearranged
ta=e it on the 'hin
Boxing: It a$$udes to ta%ing a !hysica$ b$ow on the chin
ta=e o$$ the g&o<es
Boxing: &o attac% earnest$y, without mercy.
ta=e the $u&&" 'ount
Boxing: &his refers to a bo)er being %noc%ed down, the referee counting off ten seconds, the time a$$otted for the
bo)er to regain his feet or $ose the fight. A bo)er who ta%es the fu$$ count acce!ts defeat.
thro, in the to,e&
Boxing: &o surrender, admit defeat.
thro, one@s hat into the ring
Boxing: one signified a cha$$enge by throwing oneLs hat into the bo)ing ring.
Lo'a& 4o&&e-%e&&es S*i&& Torres Tossers in T,o Sets0 6B26C0 6B2D
A coo$, o"ercast s%y, !unctuated by intermittent showers s!awned by &y!hoon I$$iang, witnessed the
con8uest of the &orres .igh "o$$eyba$$ gir$s team, 7o$iath of district I by the 4sme1a tossers, 1=#10, 1=#N.
&he occasion was an e)hibition game he$d at the o!!onent2s home court, Aug. 1M in connection with the
anni"ersary of R2Araw ng 4sme1a.<
&he irony of it was that the daughter schoo$ whi!!ed her mother on the date of the former2s inde!endence
4"erconfident because of their su!erb showmanshi! in $ast year2s *a$arong *ambansa, the &orresians
$a!sed into many errors in fie$ding easy ser"ices and !asses in the first set that $ed to their easy defeat.
At the o!ening game, +!i%er 5ourdes 5ibao sent a wa$$o!, scoring 1#0. .owe"er, Cruz !aid the $oca$s
with three booming s!i%es, >#1.
At this !oint, 5ibao, bac%ed u! by &essie Iuinto, didn2t $et this go unreta$iated. +he struc% bac% with
%arate#!ac%ed %i$$s ma%ing a !oint $ead o ?#> in their fa"our.
Li=e Fighting Co'=s
@oth cam!s then e)changed shar! s!urs $i%e angry fighting coc%s. &he bewi$dered &orresians shifted
!ortions trying to !ut off their errors. &osser Je$sey wa$$o!ed thrice, sca$!ing the $oca$s 10#F.
Pu&&ing A,a-
@ut after a time out was ca$$ed by coach A$ma 7arro"i$$as, the embarrassed 4sme1ans went into a
ram!age that sent the shi"ering s!ectators of around =00 into hi$arious cheers.
&orres2 sty$e of assau$t he$d u! steam. &he raging $oca$s, ban%ing on Iuinto2s de"astating wa$$o!s and
5ibao2s dead$y s!i%es, thrott$ed the &orresians with a "o$$ey of %i$$s and wa$$o!s to end the first canto 1=#10 in
fa"our of the 4sme1ans.
At $ong $ast, the 7o$iath of 6istrict I had met its !eers.
No Ti(e to Reta&iate
&heir !ride wounded, the courageous &orresians changed techni8ues. &hrowing their $ast card, they
e)erted strength to sto! the "engefu$ daughter schoo$ from doing further damage. @ut the $atter on$y tightened
their defense and renewed their b$itz%rieg attac%. Aina$$y, 5ourdes 5ibao, summoning strength, made a big $ea! to
%i$$ the ba$$ that ended the 4sme1a# &orres tuss$e, 1=#N.
9ith a 1=#10, 1=#N score in their fa"or, the 4sme1ans $eft their con8uered territory#both sad and ha!!y.
+ad because they whi!!ed their mother schoo$, and ha!!y because they brought the bacon home.
#(Cruz, C.J.)
ML3 S&uggers Out*&a- Os(ea +atters0 672E
&he Iuezonian s$uggers bombed the 4sme1a batters with four runs in the fifth inning to subdue a ner"e
fazz$ing 4sme1an ra$$y, 12#E, as they c$inched the in"itation game, 0o". 20 at the 5a 5oma *$ayground in
connection with the ce$ebration of 4sme1a 6ay.
&he c$oudy o"ercast s%y set festi"e atmos!here for the hard#hitting and base#stea$ing /5I !$ayers as
they merci$ess$y !ounded 4sme1an !itcher, .i$arion Asi$o with a barrage of hits in the $ast !art of a fi"e#inning
A sha%y start by the 4sme1ans enab$ed the Iuezonians to score ahead by two runs on the $ong hits of
+e$ga and their second baseman, Heyes.
4sme1a2s re$iab$e !itcher Asi$o on the mound had difficu$ty in finding his range as he a$$owed two wa$%s
in succession during the initia$ inning.
&he score bo) for the $oca$s remained > u! to the third inning as the aggressi"e citywide softba$$
cham!ions fired four runs and 2 so$id hits ma%ing the score >#N.
It was on$y in the fourth inning that the 4sme1a batters came to $ife, b$asting ? runs in the studded inning
after $aboring hard on winning /5I !itcher .ernandez, and !ut a resemb$ance of a ra$$y with 2 innings to go E#N,
as Asi$o, 5oto, Cruz and @ugarin, the so#ca$$ed /urderer2s How, swung their booming bats with gusto to a ?#run
4sme1a har"est.
After catcher Abraham smashed a dee! center for a >#bagger, and Asistio, not to be outdone, di"ided a
hog#grounder !ast#third, the coo$ ca$cu$ating Asi$o in a 1 and 1 a$$#hit before the inning ended, ma%ing the $oca$s
earn ? runsD and to catch u! with /5I s$uggers, a zooming hit sent /acatuno for a scoring !osition at the third
@efore hus%y Aranzanse of /5I ser"ed his bat, Heyes ad"anced to second base for bait with 1 stri%e and
2 ba$$s for Aranzanse. +e$ga connected a hot ro$$er off third, sending /acatuno home for their ninth run.
Aourth batter .ernandez struc% the ba$$ hard sending three !$ayers at home base to win the game, 12#E.
#(Cruz, C.J.)
Can&u%ang S,atters Sha.es Mera&'o +atters0 B2F
&he Can$ubang swatters ca!tured the /ani$a @ay @aseba$$ 5eague Cham!ionshi! tit$e by nosing out
/era$co =#? during a thri$$ing encounter $ast night at the Hiza$ /emoria$ ba$$!ar%.
&he margina$ run came in si)th inning when a Homeo 7a$ang win $ed to the $eft fie$d, !ro!e$$ing
A$orencio Hamos home from the second base. Hamos had !re"ious$y scored -di$berto de 7uzman to e"en the
score, ?#a$$.
&he "ictory ended the best#of#fi"e series for the tit$e between Can$ubang and /era$co. Can$ubang
!re"ious$y beat /era$co, M#> and E#=.
-di$berto 7ami$$a, >>, dis!$ayed his contro$ and re!ertoire of fast mo"es, earned his third "ictory o"er
/era$co yie$ding a struc% out and $ight hits. @oth teams dis!$ayed !owerfu$ !itches with Antero Cabahug
storming in the round for the other side.
/era$co bro%e the ice in the first inning with an ear$y 2#0 $ead, a homer by Hena$do /anzanares starting
off !itcher Hoberto Antero and sending *ascua$ Aocade$$a on board to the !$ate.
A wa$% by Abe$ardo /ogo$ and a sing$e by -duardo de 7uzman !ushed Can$ubang ahead at 2 on runs by
/ogo$ who reach third in a sacrifice, and Girgi$io 7asta$one and Hoge$io Hamos who were on board when de
7uzman sing$ed.
/era$co caught fire in the fourth frame scoring three hits off 7ami$$a, who re$ie"ed Centeno in the
second, as Cabahug doub$ed home +im!$icio Casti$$o to turn the tide at ?#>.
7ami$$a, who used to be a fastba$$er, was $aid off for a year after he suffered a stro%e.
After the game, Can$ubang /anager Hodo$fo &ingson described the "ictory as their birthday !resent to
6.7. /ino, American o$d#timer who !o!u$arized baseba$$ at Can$ubang !$antation.
+a$"ador J. *$aton, Jr.
+choo$ Are$$ano .igh +choo$
+choo$ *a!er The Chronicler
Airst *$ace +!ortswriting
5e&&o, #u(%&e +&a'=s0 FE2F6
&he fast#brea%ing @aguio City .igh +choo$ Ce$$ows edged @aguio 4!tica$ Ath$etic C$ub @$ac%s, ?E#?1,
in an e)hibition game he$d at the &eacher2s Cam! bas%etba$$ court this afternoon.
H. +ab$e, brea%ing $oose to score M !oints in the $ast minute after the @$ac% defense bro%e down, carried
his team to "ictory.
It was an e)citing game a$$ the way with both teams trying it u!, 1F#1F, in the first ha$f.
At one !oint in the game, the @$ac%s $ed by as much as ? !oints, 2=#21, on$y to err a $itt$e $ater after the
combined efforts of +ab$e and Ga$dez rendered them he$!$ess. It was then that +ab$e !oured in M !oints and
Ga$dez ? !oints and the Ce$$ow $ed >1#2=.
7. de 5eon, !ouring in 1N !oints, 12 of them in the second ha$f, cou$d not do we$$ to score more after he
was doub$e#teamed by H. Gi$$anue"a and J. Catabagan.
@$ac% guard J. &orres, fou$ed out in the $ast = minutes of !$ay when he cou$d not sto! the barrage of
!oints by +ab$e.
#(Cruz, C. J.)
Ath&eti' Meet
Min.anao Lea.s Nationa& Inters'ho&asti' Meet
/indanao, s!ar%ed by Arsenio Jazmin2s "ictories in the ?00 and N00#meter run, $ed in the first day of the
0ationa$ Interscho$astic /eet at the Hiza$ &rac% and Aie$d +tadium yesterday.
/indanao garnered 2> !oints against second !$ace @ico$2s 1E. /*ICCAA scored 1= notchers for third
!$ace honors and with +outhern &aga$og and -ast Gisayas tying for fourth !$ace with 12 !oints each. 9est
Gisayas sett$ed for si)th !$ace with E !oints. Centra$ 5uzon and 0orthern 5uzon had ? and 2 !oints, res!ecti"e$y.
Gaz(in +rea=s 7 Re'or.s
Jazmin, who is on$y 1N, bro%e the record in the ?00#m run with his ?N.2 !erformance. .e he$d the former
record of ?N.?.
&he N00#m run record#brea%er of 1=0.1 was a$so Jazmin. In second !$ace was his teammate &orneo 4$an
with 1=N.>.
Another record#brea%ing !erformance was done by *erfecto @or'a of -ast Gisayas. .e bro%e Homua$do
/asicam!o2s 1M.2 when he $ea!ed M feet M inches in the high 'um!.
&he 2>,000 fans at the Hane$$o +tadium were at the edges of their seats when Jazmin and 4$an fought for
the N00#m tit$e. 4$an $ed for the first >00 meters, whi$e Jazmin was at third and Sosimo *erfecto of 9est Gisayas
in second. *erfecto seized the $ead, but 4$an fought bac% with Jazmin sti$$ in third. Jazmin increased his s!eed in
the bac%stretch !assing 4$an at the run and o!ening a big $ead for his "ictory.
+iggest Sur*rise
@ico$2s @en'amin de $a Hosa was the meet2s biggest sur!rise when he bro%e the 10.F record in the 100#m
dash. .e was timed at 10.=, brea%ing the *hi$i!!ine record he$d by Antonio +a$cedo and Hoge$io 4nofre.
&he gir$2s di"ision wi$$ be o!ened tomorrow with the fina$s in the boys2 100#m and 200#m dash.
#(Cruz, C.J.)
7et a co!y of your schoo$2s news!a!er (5a*i+cian +cro$$) and answer the fo$$owing
6o the s!orts stories meet the standards of good newswriting;
Are they ade8uate$y de"e$o!ed;
Is the s!ortese co$orfu$ without being bombastic;
9rite a s!orts $ead about the fina$s of the $atest "o$$eyba$$ intramura$ game in your schoo$ (outstanding
!$ayer $ead)
9rite a s!orts news about the fina$s of the $atest chess intramura$ game in your schoo$. 3se the ana$ytica$
a!!roach for the $ead.
3UI9 6
1#>) 7i"e three ty!es of s!orts $ead
?#M) 7i"e three ty!es of s!orts stories
E#10) 7i"e four 8ua$ities of a good s!orts writer
3UI9 7
1) 4ne of the most !o!u$ar form of 'ourna$istic writing
2) @ui$ds u! enthusiasm for coming e"ents
>) 4n#the#s!ot co"erage of an actua$ game or e"ent
?.=) Ad"ance#co"erage story inc$udes OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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