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!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?

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undersLand LhaL Lngllsh ls one of many languages spoken ln AusLralla and LhaL dlfferenL languages may be spoken by famlly, classmaLes and communlLy #'34-$

undersLand how Lo communlcaLe effecLlvely ln palrs and groups uslng agreed lnLerpersonal convenLlons, acLlve llsLenlng, approprlaLe language and Laklng

undersLand LhaL language varles when people Lake on dlfferenL roles ln soclal and classroom lnLeracLlons and how Lhe use of key lnLerpersonal language
resources varles dependlng on conLexL


llsLen for speclflc purposes and lnformaLlon, lncludlng lnsLrucLlons, and exLend sLudenLs' own and oLhers' ldeas ln dlscusslons

undersLand LhaL language ls used ln comblnaLlon wlLh oLher means of communlcaLlon, for example faclal expresslons and gesLures Lo lnLeracL wlLh oLhers


undersLand Lhe ways ln whlch spoken language dlffers from wrlLLen language when adopLlng a range of roles

lnLerpreL ldeas and lnformaLlon ln spoken LexLs and llsLen for key polnLs ln order Lo carry ouL Lasks and use lnformaLlon Lo share and exLend ldeas and


undersLand LhaL soclal lnLeracLlons lnfluence Lhe way people engage wlLh ldeas and respond Lo oLhers for example when explorlng and clarlfylng Lhe ldeas of
oLhers, summarlslng Lhelr own vlews and reporLlng Lhem Lo a larger group


compare and [usLlfy Lhe ways ln whlch spoken language dlffers from wrlLLen language accordlng Lo purpose, audlence and conLexL
undersLand LhaL paLLerns of language lnLeracLlon vary across soclal conLexLs and Lypes of LexLs and LhaL Lhey help Lo slgnal soclal roles and relaLlonshlps
undersLand LhaL sLraLegles for lnLeracLlon become more complex and demandlng as levels of formallLy and soclal dlsLance lncrease
undersLand LhaL dlfferenL soclal and geographlcal dlalecLs or accenLs are used ln AusLralla ln addlLlon Lo SLandard AusLrallan Lngllsh
3)*"45-()* ()* (&&$+ 0)%1$"*2" %6 $()2/(2" 6%475 ()* 6"(-/4"5
begln Lo ldenLlfy some language feaLures of famlllar spoken LexLs ln classroom lnLeracLlons #'34-$
communlcaLe approprlaLely and effecLlvely wlLhln Lhe classroom uslng agreed convenLlons, eg sLaylng on Loplc, asklng for and offerlng asslsLance #'34-$
recognlse how 'and', 'buL', 'Lhen' llnk ldeas ln spoken LexLs #'34-$
aLLempL Lo maLch noun Lo pronoun ln spoken LexL, eg 'My broLher has a peL. Pe feeds hls peL.' #'34-$
repllcaLe Lhe rhyLhms and sound paLLerns ln sLorles, rhymes, songs and poems from a range of culLures #'34-$
undersLand LhaL Lhere are dlfferenL ways of asklng for lnformaLlon, maklng offers and glvlng commands #'34-$
use Lurn-Laklng, quesLlonlng and oLher behavlours relaLed Lo class dlscusslons #'-4-$
ldenLlfy, reproduce and experlmenL wlLh rhyLhmlc, sound and word paLLerns ln poems, chanLs, rhymes and songs #'-4-$
explore dlfferenL ways of expresslng emoLlons, lncludlng verbal, vlsual, body language and faclal expresslons #'-4-$
undersLand LhaL successful cooperaLlon wlLh oLhers depends on shared use of soclal convenLlons, lncludlng Lurn-Laklng paLLerns, and forms of address LhaL
vary accordlng Lo Lhe degree of formallLy ln soclal slLuaLlons
undersLand and adopL Lhe dlfferenL roles ln a debaLe, eg Lhrough experlence of formal debaLes and role-playlng #'04-$
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ B
use and descrlbe language forms and feaLures of spoken LexLs approprlaLe Lo a range of purposes, audlences and conLexLs #'24-$
use approprlaLe meLalanguage Lo ldenLlfy and descrlbe relaLlonshlps beLween and among LexLs #'24-$
develop crlLerla Lo evaluaLe Lhe effecLlveness of spoken LexLs #'24-$
use meLalanguage Lo descrlbe Lhe effecLs of ldeas, LexL sLrucLures and language feaLures on parLlcular audlences #'24-$
8"5&%)* -% ()* ,%7&%5" -".-5
use lnLeracLlon skllls lncludlng llsLenlng whlle oLhers speak, uslng approprlaLe volce levels, arLlculaLlon and body language, gesLures and eye conLacL #'34-$
llsLen Lo and respond orally Lo LexLs and Lo Lhe communlcaLlon of oLhers ln lnformal and sLrucLured classroom slLuaLlons #'34-$
*dellver shorL oral presenLaLlons Lo peers (9),%44",- &%59-9%) 9) :(4*,%&+ ; <=>?@AB #'34-$
communlcaLe wlLh peers and famlllar adulLs abouL personal experlence #'34-$
descrlbe an ob[ecL of lnLeresL Lo Lhe class, eg Loy, peL #'34-$
express a polnL of vlew abouL LexLs read and/or vlewed #'34-$
respond Lo slmple quesLlons elLher verbally or non-verbally #'34-$
conLrlbuLe approprlaLely Lo class dlscusslons #'34-$
use quesLlons and sLaLemenLs approprlaLely ln class dlscusslons #'34-$
use correcL lnLonaLlon when asklng quesLlons and maklng sLaLemenLs #'34-$
carry ouL lnsLrucLlons lnvolvlng one sLep #'34-$
undersLand slmple classroom rouLlnes #'34-$
engage wlLh and respond Lo a range of oral and aural LexLs for en[oymenL and pleasure #'34-$
respond Lo Lhe shared readlng of LexLs for en[oymenL and pleasure #'34-$
reclLe shorL, slmple poems #'34-$
reLell famlllar sLorles, lncludlng ln home language #'34-$
communlcaLe wlLh lncreaslng confldence ln a range of conLexLs #'-4-$
engage ln conversaLlons and dlscusslons, uslng acLlve llsLenlng behavlours, showlng lnLeresL, and conLrlbuLlng ldeas, lnformaLlon and quesLlons #'-4-$
descrlbe ln deLall famlllar places and Lhlngs #'-4-$
use role-play and drama Lo represenL famlllar evenLs and characLers ln LexLs #'-4-$
use lnLonaLlon Lo emphaslse Lhe need Lo seek furLher clarlflcaLlon of a quesLlon #'-4-$
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ ;

formulaLe open and closed quesLlons approprlaLe Lo Lhe conLexL #'-4-$
use a commenL or a quesLlon Lo expand on an ldea ln a dlscusslon #'-4-$
use some persuaslve language Lo express a polnL of vlew #'-4-$
use lnLeracLlon skllls lncludlng lnlLlaLlng Loplcs, maklng poslLlve sLaLemenLs and volclng dlsagreemenL ln an approprlaLe manner, speaklng clearly and varylng
Lone, volume and pace approprlaLely
demonsLraLe aLLenLlve llsLenlng across a range of school conLexLs, eg assemblles, welcome Lo and acknowledgemenL of counLry, and school performances #'-4-$
conLrlbuLe approprlaLely Lo class dlscusslons #'-4-$
carry ouL complex lnsLrucLlons lnvolvlng more Lhan one sLep #'-4-$
lnLeracL effecLlvely ln groups or palrs, adopLlng a range of roles #'04-$
use lnLeracLlon skllls, lncludlng acLlve llsLenlng behavlours and communlcaLe ln a clear, coherenL manner uslng a varleLy of everyday and learned vocabulary
and approprlaLe Lone, pace, plLch and volume
use lnformaLlon Lo supporL and elaboraLe on a polnL of vlew #'04-$
demonsLraLe undersLandlng of ldeas and lssues ln LexLs Lhrough dramaLlc represenLaLlon, role-play and slmulaLlons #'04-$
reLell or perform parL of a sLory from a characLer's polnL of vlew #'04-$
adapL language Lo sulL famlllar slLuaLlons, eg glvlng lnsLrucLlons Lo a younger chlld #'04-$
respond approprlaLely Lo Lhe readlng of LexLs Lo demonsLraLe en[oymenL and pleasure #'04-$
plan, rehearse and dellver presenLaLlons, selecLlng and sequenclng approprlaLe conLenL and mulLlmodal elemenLs for deflned audlences and purposes,
maklng approprlaLe cholces for modallLy and emphasls
use lnLeracLlon skllls, for example paraphraslng, quesLlonlng and lnLerpreLlng non-verbal cues and choose vocabulary and vocal effecLs approprlaLe for
dlfferenL audlences and purposes
use lnLeracLlon skllls, varylng convenLlons of spoken lnLeracLlons such as volce volume, Lone, plLch and pace, accordlng Lo group slze, formallLy of lnLeracLlon
and needs and experLlse of Lhe audlence
parLlclpaLe ln and conLrlbuLe Lo dlscusslons, clarlfylng and lnLerrogaLlng ldeas, developlng and supporLlng argumenLs, sharlng and evaluaLlng lnformaLlon,
experlences and oplnlons
ldenLlfy and summarlse key ldeas and lnformaLlon from guesL speakers, eg noLe-Laklng or uslng dlglLal Lechnologles #'24-$
dlscuss and experlmenL wlLh ways Lo sLrengLhen and reflne spoken LexLs ln order Lo enLerLaln, lnform, persuade or lnsplre Lhe audlence #'24-$
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ C
W8l1lnC Anu 8L8LSLn1lnC 1 (LS1/S1/S2) W8l1lnC Anu 8L8LSLn1lnC (S3) #!- !- !0 !2
!"#"$%& ()* (&&$+ ,%)-".-/($ 0)%1$"*2"
drawlng on Lhelr experlence of language and LexLs, begln Lo undersLand LhaL wrlLlng and represenLlng can be used Lo convey an ldea or message #'30$
share wrlLlng wlLh oLhers for en[oymenL #'30$
develop an awareness of lssues relaLlng Lo Lhe responslble use of dlglLal communlcaLlon #'30$
undersLand how plannlng, composlng and revlewlng conLrlbuLe Lo effecLlve lmaglnaLlve, lnformaLlve and persuaslve LexLs #'-40$
experlmenL ln all aspecLs of composlng Lo enhance learnlng and en[oymenL #'-40$
develop an awareness of lssues relaLlng Lo Lhe responslble use of dlglLal communlcaLlon #'-40$
ldenLlfy key elemenLs of plannlng, composlng, revlewlng and publlshlng ln order Lo meeL Lhe demands of composlng LexLs on a parLlcular Loplc for a range of
purposes and audlences
experlmenL and share aspecLs of composlng LhaL enhance learnlng and en[oymenL #'040$
dlscuss lssues relaLed Lo Lhe responslble use of dlglLal communlcaLlon #'040$
undersLand and appreclaLe Lhe way LexLs are shaped Lhrough explorlng a range of language forms and feaLures and ldeas #'240$
experlmenL and use aspecLs of composlng LhaL enhance learnlng and en[oymenL #'240$
recognlse and dlscuss lssues relaLed Lo Lhe responslble use of dlglLal communlcaLlon #'240$
3)*"45-()* ()* (&&$+ 0)%1$"*2" %6 $()2/(2" 6%475 ()* 6"(-/4"5
know LhaL spoken sounds and words can be wrlLLen down uslng leLLers of Lhe alphabeL and how Lo wrlLe some hlgh-frequency slghL words and known words #'30$
CreaLe shorL lmaglnaLlve, lnformaLlve and persuaslve LexLs uslng growlng knowledge of LexL sLrucLures and language feaLures for famlllar and some less
famlllar audlences, selecLlng prlnL and mulLlmodal elemenLs approprlaLe Lo Lhe audlence and purpose
undersLand Lhe process of plannlng, drafLlng and publlshlng lmaglnaLlve, lnformaLlve and persuaslve LexLs #'-40$
plan, drafL and publlsh lmaglnaLlve, lnformaLlve and persuaslve LexLs conLalnlng key lnformaLlon and supporLlng deLalls for a wldenlng range of audlences,
demonsLraLlng lncreaslng conLrol over LexL sLrucLures and language feaLures
undersLand, lnLerpreL and experlmenL wlLh a range of devlces and dellberaLe word play ln poeLry and oLher llLerary LexLs, for example nonsense words,
spoonerlsms, neologlsms and puns
ldenLlfy and explore underlylng Lhemes and cenLral sLoryllnes ln lmaglnaLlve LexLs #'240$
explore and analyse Lhe effecLlveness of lnformaLlve and persuaslve devlces ln LexLs #'240$
undersLand and use Lhe key elemenLs of plannlng, composlng, revlewlng and publlshlng ln order Lo meeL Lhe lncreaslng demands of Loplc, audlence and
8"5&%)* -% ()* ,%7&%5" -".-5
creaLe shorL LexLs Lo explore, record and reporL ldeas and evenLs uslng famlllar words and beglnnlng wrlLlng knowledge #'30$
ldenLlfy and use words around Lhe classroom and ln books durlng wrlLlng #'30$
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ D
compose LexLs uslng some slghL words and known words #'30$
compose LexLs on famlllar Loplcs uslng plcLures and graphlcs Lo supporL Lhelr cholce of words #'30$
experlmenL wlLh baslc vlsual, mulLlmodal and dlglLal processes Lo represenL some slmple ldeas expressed ln LexLs and Lo convey experlences #'30$
use opporLunlLles Lo wrlLe ln Lhelr home language and dlalecL and make baslc connecLlons wlLh Lngllsh, lncludlng Aborlglnal languages and Aborlglnal Lngllsh #'30$
parLlclpaLe ln shared edlLlng of sLudenLs' own LexLs for meanlng, spelllng, caplLal leLLers and full sLops #'30$
plan, compose and revlew slmple lmaglnaLlve, lnformaLlve and persuaslve LexLs on famlllar Loplcs #'-40$
compose LexLs supporLed by vlsual lnformaLlon (eg dlagrams and maps) on famlllar Loplcs #'-40$
creaLe evenLs and characLers uslng dlfferenL medla LhaL develop key evenLs and characLers from llLerary LexLs #'-40$
compose a range of wrlLLen forms of communlcaLlon, lncludlng emalls, greeLlng cards and leLLers #'-40$
use effecLlve sLraLegles Lo plan ldeas for wrlLlng, eg maklng noLes, drawlng, uslng dlagrams, plannlng a sequence of evenLs or lnformaLlon #'-40$
draw on personal experlence and Loplc knowledge Lo express oplnlons ln wrlLlng #'-40$
experlmenL wlLh publlshlng uslng dlfferenL modes and medla Lo enhance planned presenLaLlons #'-40$
reread and edlL LexL for spelllng, senLence-boundary puncLuaLlon and LexL sLrucLure #'-40$
plan, compose and revlew lmaglnaLlve and persuaslve LexLs #'040$
dlscuss aspecLs of plannlng prlor Lo wrlLlng, eg knowledge of Loplc, speclflc vocabulary and language feaLures #'040$
plan and organlse ldeas uslng headlngs, graphlc organlsers, quesLlons and mlnd maps #'040$
creaLe lmaglnaLlve LexLs based on characLers, seLLlngs and evenLs from sLudenLs' own and oLher culLures uslng vlsual feaLures, for example perspecLlve,
dlsLance and angle
creaLe LexLs LhaL adapL language feaLures and paLLerns encounLered ln llLerary LexLs, for example characLerlsaLlon, rhyme, rhyLhm, mood, muslc, sound
effecLs and dlalogue
experlmenL wlLh vlsual, mulLlmodal and dlglLal processes Lo represenL ldeas encounLered ln LexLs #'040$
ldenLlfy elemenLs of Lhelr wrlLlng LhaL need lmprovemenL and revlew uslng feedback from Leacher and peers #'040$
reread and edlL LexLs for meanlng, approprlaLe sLrucLure, grammaLlcal cholces and puncLuaLlon #'040$
reread and edlL for meanlng by addlng, deleLlng or movlng words or word groups Lo lmprove conLenL and sLrucLure #'040$
compose lmaglnaLlve and lnformaLlve LexLs LhaL show evldence of developed ldeas #'240$
compose LexLs LhaL lnclude susLalned and effecLlve use of persuaslve devlces, eg LexLs deallng wlLh envlronmenLal lssues #'240$
presenL a polnL of vlew abouL parLlcular llLerary LexLs uslng approprlaLe meLalanguage, and reflecLlng on Lhe vlewpolnLs of oLhers #'240$
creaLe llLerary LexLs LhaL experlmenL wlLh sLrucLures, ldeas and sLyllsLlc feaLures of selecLed auLhors #'240$
experlmenL wlLh LexL sLrucLures and language feaLures and Lhelr effecLs ln creaLlng llLerary LexLs, for example, uslng lmagery, senLence varlaLlon, meLaphor
and word cholce
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ E

compose lncreaslngly complex prlnL, vlsual, mulLlmodal and dlglLal LexLs, experlmenLlng wlLh language, deslgn, layouL and graphlcs #'240$
use lncreaslngly complex research daLa from prlnL and dlglLal sources Lo compose shorL and susLalned LexLs #'240$
assess Lhe rellablllLy of resources, lncludlng dlglLal resources, when researchlng Loplcs #'240$
reread and edlL sLudenLs' own and oLhers' work uslng agreed crlLerla and explalnlng edlLlng cholces #'240$
develop a handwrlLlng sLyle LhaL ls leglble, fluenL and auLomaLlc and varles accordlng Lo audlence and purpose #'240$
use a range of sofLware, lncludlng word processlng programs, learnlng new funcLlons as requlred Lo creaLe LexLs #'240$
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ F
5$'*67&,&'( $'* 8!&'( *&(&,$+ ,#95':+:(&#! .#!-/!-/!01 #!- !- !0 !2
!"#"$%& ()* (&&$+ ,%)-".-/($ 0)%1$"*2"
demonsLraLe a growlng undersLandlng LhaL handwrlLlng and presenLaLlon of work needs Lo reflecL audlence and purpose ln order Lo communlcaLe effecLlvely #'342$
undersLand LhaL handwrlLlng and presenLaLlon of work needs Lo reflecL audlence and purpose ln order Lo communlcaLe effecLlvely #'-42$
recognlse LhaL effecLlve handwrlLlng and presenLaLlon of work ls requlred ln order Lo communlcaLe effecLlvely for a range of audlences #'042$
3)*"45-()* ()* (&&$+ 0)%1$"*2" %6 $()2/(2" 6%475 ()* 6"(-/4"5
undersLand foundaLlon movemenLs LhaL underpln nSW loundaLlon SLyle #'342$
begln Lo undersLand Lhe sequence of leLLers Lhrough sLrucLured and gulded acLlvlLles #'342$
develop clear and conslsLenL wrlLlng uslng nSW loundaLlon SLyle as approprlaLe #'-42$
undersLand LhaL Lhe poslLlon and slze of leLLers supporLs conslsLenL handwrlLlng #'-42$
undersLand how Lhe formaLlon of leLLers can be used Lo begln LranslLlon Lo curslve wrlLlng #'-42$
wrlLe uslng nSW loundaLlon SLyle curslve, as approprlaLe, and explore [olns LhaL faclllLaLe fluency and leglblllLy #'042$
recognlse LhaL leglblllLy requlres conslsLenL slze, slope and spaclng #'042$
8"5&%)* -% ()* ,%7&%5" -".-5
use foundaLlon movemenLs as a basls for Lhe lnLroducLlon of formal leLLers when composlng slmple lmaglnaLlve and oLher LexLs for en[oymenL or Lo convey
an ldea or experlence
develop baslc skllls of wrlLlng, lncludlng correcL pencll grlp, good posLure, handwrlLlng movemenLs and accuraLe use of alLernaLlve wrlLlng Lools, Lo form
some lower case and upper case leLLers
wrlLe from lefL Lo rlghL and leave spaces beLween words #'342$
produce some lower case and upper case leLLers uslng learned leLLer formaLlons #'342$
use slmple funcLlons of keyboard and mouse, lncludlng Lyplng leLLers, scrolllng, selecLlng lcons and dropdown menus #'342$
experlmenL uslng dlglLal Lechnologles, eg produce own name, commonly used words and slmple senLences #'342$
consLrucL LexLs uslng sofLware lncludlng word processlng programs #'342$
wrlLe leglbly and wlLh growlng fluency uslng un[olned upper case and lower case leLLers
use approprlaLe sLraLegles when wrlLlng, eg malnLalnlng correcL body poslLlon, holdlng/uslng wrlLlng Lools or uslng asslsLlve dlglLal Lechnologles
consLrucL LexLs feaLurlng prlnL, vlsual and audlo elemenLs uslng sofLware, lncludlng word processlng programs
wrlLe uslng clearly-formed [olned leLLers, and develop lncreased fluency and auLomaLlclLy
use a range of sofLware lncludlng word processlng programs Lo consLrucL, edlL and publlsh wrlLLen LexL, and selecL, edlL and place vlsual, prlnL and audlo
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ G
7#$*&'( $'* ;&#6&'( - .#!-/!-/!01 7#$*&'( $'* ;&#6&'( .!21 #!- !- !0 !2
!"#"$%& ()* (&&$+ ,%)-".-/($ 0)%1$"*2"
ldenLlfy some famlllar wrlLLen symbols ln conLexL, eg logos, compuLer lcons and commands, labesl of packages, slgns #'34<$
ldenLlfy unfamlllar words and aLLempL Lo use experlence and conLexL Lo work ouL word meanlngs #'34<$
ldenLlfy and compare slmllar ldeas, characLers and seLLlng ln LexLs #'34<$
undersLand how readers' self-selecLlon and en[oymenL of LexLs ls lnformed by personal lnLeresLs #'-4<$
dlscuss dlfferenL LexLs on a slmllar Loplc, ldenLlfylng slmllarlLles and dlfferences beLween Lhe LexLs #'-4<$
dlscuss how a reader's self-selecLlon of LexLs for en[oymenL can be lnformed by readlng experlences #'04<$
draw on experlences, knowledge of Lhe Loplc or conLexL Lo work ouL Lhe meanlng of unknown words #'04<$
undersLand how LexLs vary ln purpose, sLrucLure and Loplc as well as Lhe degree of formallLy #'242$
appreclaLe how demandlng LexLs, eg exLended novels and lnformaLlve LexLs, conLaln lncreaslng levels of complexlLy and absLracLlon Lo enhance en[oymenL #'242$
explaln and [usLlfy Lhe responslble use of dlglLal Lechnologles #'242$
3)*"45-()* ()* (&&$+ 0)%1$"*2" %6 $()2/(2" 6%475 ()* 6"(-/4"5
undersLand concepLs abouL prlnL and screen, lncludlng how books, fllm and slmple dlglLal LexLs work, and know some feaLures of prlnL, for example
recognlse baslc book convenLlons, eg open and hold books correcLly, Lurn pages #'34<$
undersLand dlrecLlon of prlnL, reLurn sweeps and spaces beLween words #'34<$
ldenLlfy a senLence ln lmaglnaLlve and lnformaLlve LexLs and undersLand lLs meanlng #'34<$
recognlse Lhe leLLers of Lhe alphabeL and know Lhere are lower and upper case leLLers #'34<$
recognlse grammaLlcal paLLerns when readlng Lo asslsL ln maklng meanlng, eg locaLlng words LhaL Lell who, whaL, when or where ln LexLs #'34<$
recognlse grammaLlcal paLLerns Lo enhance comprehenslon, eg acLlon verbs, words or groups of words LhaL Lell who, whaL, when, where and how #'-4<$
recognlse a clause as a compleLe message or LhoughL expressed ln words, noun-pronoun agreemenL, con[uncLlons #'-4<$
recognlse a clause as a compleLe message or LhoughL expressed ln words, noun-pronoun agreemenL, con[uncLlons #'-4<$
undersLand paLLerns of repeLlLlon and conLrasL ln slmple LexLs #'-4<$
ldenLlfy Lhe parLs of a slmple senLence LhaL represenL 'WhaL's happenlng?', 'Who or whaL ls lnvolved?' and Lhe surroundlng clrcumsLances #'-4<$
undersLand how senLence puncLuaLlon ls used Lo enhance meanlng and fluency #'-4<$
ldenLlfy word famllles and word orlglns Lo undersLand Lhe meanlng of unfamlllar words, eg base words, rhymlng words and synonyms #'-4<$
use meLalanguage Lo descrlbe Lhe effecLs of ldeas, LexL sLrucLures and language feaLures of llLerary LexLs #'04<$
undersLand how LexLs are made coheslve Lhrough Lhe use of llnklng devlces lncludlng pronoun reference and LexL connecLlves #'04<$
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ :9
know LhaL word conLracLlons are a feaLure of lnformal language and LhaL aposLrophes of conLracLlon are used Lo slgnal mlsslng leLLers #'04<$
sklm a LexL for overall message and scan for parLlcular lnformaLlon, eg headlngs, key words #'04<$
ldenLlfy and explaln language feaLures of LexLs from earller Llmes and compare wlLh Lhe vocabulary, lmages, layouL and conLenL of conLemporary LexLs #'04<$
compare LexLs lncludlng medla LexLs LhaL represenL ldeas and evenLs ln dlfferenL ways, explalnlng Lhe effecLs of Lhe dlfferenL approaches

analyse how LexL sLrucLures and language feaLures work LogeLher Lo meeL Lhe purpose of a LexL

recognlse and compare how composers use a range of language feaLures, lncludlng connecLlves, Loplc senLences and acLlve and passlve volce, Lo achleve
Lhelr purposes

undersLand LhaL Lhe sLarLlng polnL of a senLence glves promlnence Lo Lhe message ln Lhe LexL and allows for predlcLlon of how Lhe LexL wlll unfold

ldenLlfy Lhe lmpacL of flrsL-person and Lhlrd-person narraLlon on Lhe reader/vlewer

recognlse how grammaLlcal feaLures help Lo bulld meanlng ln LexLs, lncludlng reference llnks and adverblal and ad[ecLlval phrases

recognlse evaluaLlve language, lncludlng emoLlve language and modallLy

undersLand, lnLerpreL and experlmenL wlLh sound devlces and lmagery, lncludlng slmlle, meLaphor and personlflcaLlon, ln narraLlves, shape poeLry, songs,
anLhems and odes

ldenLlfy and explaln how analyLlcal lmages llke flgures, Lables, dlagrams, maps and graphs conLrlbuLe Lo our undersLandlng of verbal lnformaLlon ln facLual
and persuaslve LexLs

explaln sequences of lmages ln prlnL LexLs and compare Lhese Lo Lhe ways hyperllnked dlglLal LexLs are organlsed, explalnlng Lhelr effecL on vlewers'

recognlse Lhe effecL of mulLlmedla elemenLs, eg fllm Lechnlques, anlmaLlon, volce-overs, sound effecLs, framlng, close-ups

!"#"$%& ()* (&&$+ &:%)"79, 0)%1$"*2"
[oln ln rhymes and chanLs #'34<$
conslsLenLly ldenLlfy words LhaL sLarL wlLh Lhe same lnlLlal sound #'34<$
segmenL words lnLo onseL and rlme #'34<$
ldenLlfy Lhe beglnnlng and end sounds of words #'34<$
orally blend Lwo or Lhree sounds Lo make a word #'34<$
segmenL slmple spoken words lnLo separaLe sounds #'34<$
ldenLlfy Lhe new word when asked Lo deleLe or add a phoneme (sound) Lo an exlsLlng spoken word #'34<$
undersLand LhaL spoken words are made up of sounds #'34<$
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ ::

recognlse rhmes, syllables and sounds (phonemes) ln spoken words #'34<$
!"#"$%& ()* (&&$+ 24(&:%$%29,($C &:%)%$%29,($C 5+)-(,-9, ()* 5"7()-9, 0)%1$"*2"
8ecognlse sound-leLLer maLches lncludlng common vowel and consonanL dlgraphs and consonanL blends #'34<$
underLand Lhe varlablllLy of sound-leLLer maLches #'34<$
recognlse mosL sound-leLLer maLches lncludlng sllenL leLLers, vowel/consonanL dlgraohs and many less common sound-leLLer comblnaLlons #'34<$
auLomlcally recognlse lrregular hlgh-frequency words, eg 'come' and 'are' #'34<$
use phonologlcal, graphologlcal, synLacLlc and semanLlc cues Lo decode and make meanlng from wrlLLen LexLs, eg uslng an lncreaslng reperLolre of hlgh-
frequency and slghL words, segmenLlng words lnLo syllables
manlpulaLe sounds ln spoken words lncludlng phoneme deleLlon and subsLlLuLlon #'34<$
recognlse sound-leLLer maLches lncludlng common vowel and consonanL dlgraphs and consonanL blends #'-4<$
undersLand Lhe varlablllLy of sound-leLLer maLches #'-4<$
recognlse mosL sound-leLLer maLches lncludlng sllenL leLLers, vowel/consonanL dlgraphs and many less common sound-leLLer comblnaLlons #'-4<$
auLomaLlcally recognlse lrregular hlgh-frequency words, eg 'come' and 'are' #'-4<$
use phonologlcal, graphologlcal, synLacLlc and semanLlc cues Lo decode and make meanlng from wrlLLen LexLs, eg uslng an lncreaslng reperLolre of hlgh-
frequency and slghL words, segmenLlng words lnLo syllables
manlpulaLe sounds ln spoken words lncludlng phoneme deleLlon and subsLlLuLlon #'-4<$
use graphologlcal, phonologlcal, synLacLlc and semanLlc sLraLegles Lo respond Lo LexLs, eg knowledge of homophones, conLracLlons, syllables, word famllles
and common preflxes
ldenLlfy syllables ln mulLlsyllablc words ln order Lo supporL decodlng of longer words ln conLexL Lo make meanlng recognlse hlgh frequency slghL words #'04<$
recognlse hlgh frequency slghL words #'04<$
8"5&%)* -%C 4"(* ()* #9"1 -".-5
read predlcLable LexLs, pracLlslng phraslng and fluency, and monlLor meanlng uslng concepLs abouL prlnL and emerglng conLexLual,
semanLlc, grammaLlcal and phonlc knowledge
use comprehenslon sLraLegles Lo undersLand and dlscuss LexLs llsLened Lo, vlewed or read lndependenLly #'34<$
predlcL meanlng uslng elemenLs of LexLs prlor Lo readlng #'34<$
read one or more senLences correcLly and for meanlng ln envlronmenLal/prlnL LexLs #'34<$
ldenLlfy llLeral meanlngs presenLed ln LexLs, eg characLer, seLLlng and evenLs #'34<$
make connecLlons beLween a LexL and own llfe #'34<$
lnLerpreL meanlng by respondlng Lo an lnferenLlal quesLlon #'34<$
reLell a famlllar sLory ln sequence and ldenLlfy maln ldea #'34<$
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ :8
creaLe vlsuals LhaL reflecL characLer, seLLlng and evenLs #'34<$
use conLexL Lo predlcL meanlng ln wrlLLen LexLs Lo supplemenL decodlng aLLempLs #'34<$
make accepLable subsLlLuLlons when readlng slmple LexLs #'34<$
begln Lo use self-correcLlon sLraLegles, eg rereadlng, pauslng, uslng plcLure cues and semanLlc and synLacLlc skllls, Lo make meanlng from prlnL and non-prlnL
use wlLh lncreaslng awareness approprlaLe readlng behavlours, eg plLch, lnLonaLlon and fluency #'34<$
read supporLlve LexLs uslng developlng phraslng, fluency, conLexLual, semanLlc, grammaLlcal and phonlc knowledge and emerglng LexL processlng sLraLegles,
for example predlcLlon, monlLorlng meanlng and rereadlng
self-correcL when meanlng ls lnLerrupLed ln slmple LexLs, eg pauslng, repeaLlng words and phrases, rereadlng and readlng on #'-4<$
read less predlcLable LexLs wlLh phraslng and fluency by comblnlng conLexLual, semanLlc, grammaLlcal and phonlc knowledge uslng LexL processlng sLraLegles,
for example monlLorlng meanlng, predlcLlng, rereadlng and self-correcLlng
read wlLh fluency and expresslon, respondlng Lo puncLuaLlon and aLLendlng Lo volume, pace, lnLonaLlon and plLch

use comprehenslon sLraLegles Lo bulld llLeral and lnferred meanlng and begln Lo analyse LexLs by drawlng on growlng knowledge of conLexL, language and
vlsual feaLures and prlnL and mulLlmodal LexL sLrucLures


use background knowledge of a Loplc Lo make lnferences abouL Lhe ldeas ln a LexL

predlcL auLhor lnLenL, serles of evenLs and posslble endlngs ln an lmaglnaLlve, lnformaLlve and persuaslve LexL

dlscuss Lhe use of LexL connecLlves, eg sequenclng ldeas, lndlcaLlng Llme

ldenLlfy Lhe coheslve llnks beLween pronouns and people and Lhlngs

sequence a summary of evenLs and ldenLlfy key facLs or key argumenLs ln lmaglnaLlve, lnformaLlve and persuaslve LexLs

ldenLlfy vlsual represenLaLlons of characLers' acLlons, reacLlons, speech and LhoughL processes ln narraLlves, and conslder how Lhese lmages add Lo or
conLradlcL or mulLlply Lhe meanlng of accompanylng words


compare oplnlons abouL characLers, evenLs and seLLlngs ln and beLween LexLs

dlsLlngulsh beLween facL and oplnlon ln persuaslve LexLs

read dlfferenL Lypes of LexLs by comblnlng conLexLual, semanLlc, grammaLlcal and phonlc knowledge uslng LexL processlng sLraLegles for example monlLorlng
meanlng, cross checklng and revlewlng

read LexLs, lncludlng poems and scrlpLed drama, uslng approprlaLe expresslon, eg plLch, pause, emphasls and aLLendlng Lo puncLuaLlon

use comprehenslon sLraLegles Lo bulld llLeral and lnferred meanlng Lo expand conLenL knowledge, lnLegraLlng and llnklng ldeas and analyslng and evaluaLlng

use sLraLegles Lo conflrm predlcLlons abouL auLhor lnLenL ln lmaglnaLlve, lnformaLlve and persuaslve LexLs

recognlse how aspecLs of personal perspecLlve lnfluence responses Lo LexLs

recognlse coheslve llnks ln LexLs, eg pronouns LhaL refer back Lo parLlcular people or Lhlngs, and undersLand how Lhey conLrlbuLe Lo meanlng

connecL lnformaLlon by observlng LexL connecLlves

summarlse a paragraph and lndlcaLe Lhe maln ldea, key polnLs or key argumenLs ln lmaglnaLlve, lnformaLlve and persuaslve LexLs
lnLerpreL LexL by dlscusslng Lhe dlfferences beLween llLeral and lnferred meanlngs

[usLlfy lnLerpreLaLlons of a LexL, lncludlng responses Lo characLers, lnformaLlon and ldeas

!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ :B

selecL, navlgaLe and read LexLs for a range of purposes, applylng approprlaLe LexL processlng sLraLegles and lnLerpreLlng sLrucLural feaLures, for example Lable
of conLenLs, glossary, chapLers, headlngs and subheadlngs

navlgaLe and read LexLs for speclflc purposes applylng approprlaLe LexL processlng sLraLegles, for example predlcLlng and conflrmlng, monlLorlng meanlng,
sklmmlng and scannlng

lnLerpreL plcLure books, comlc sLrlps and sequences of dlglLal lmages whlch do noL conLaln wrlLLen LexL
use comprehenslon sLraLegles Lo lnLerpreL and analyse lnformaLlon and ldeas, comparlng conLenL from a varleLy of LexLual sources lncludlng medla and
dlglLal LexLs

recognlse how aspecLs of personal perspecLlve lnfluence responses Lo LexL
summarlse a LexL and evaluaLe Lhe lnLended message or Lheme
analyse and evaluaLe Lhe way LhaL lnference ls used ln a LexL Lo bulld undersLandlng ln lmaglnaLlve, lnformaLlve and persuaslve LexLs dlscuss aspecLs of
llLeraLure LhaL lnfluence personal cholce ln readlng

analyse and evaluaLe Lhe way LhaL lnference ls used ln a LexL Lo bulld undersLandlng ln lmaglnaLlve, lnformaLlve and persuaslve LexLs
dlscuss aspecLs of llLeraLure LhaL lnfluence personal cholce ln readlng
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ :;
!"#++&'( .#!-= !-= !0= !21 #!- !- !0 !2
!"#"$%& ()* (&&$+ ,%)-".-/($ 0)%1$"*2"
undersLand LhaL lnlLlal approxlmaLlons can lead Lo correcL formal spelllng #'34>$
demonsLraLe growlng awareness of how accuraLe spelllng supporLs Lhe reader ln undersLandlng wrlLLen LexLs Lo read fluenLly #'-4>$
undersLand how accuraLe spelllng supporLs Lhe reader Lo read fluenLly and lnLerpreL wrlLLen LexL #'04>$
undersLand how accuraLe spelllng supporLs Lhe reader Lo read fluenLly and lnLerpreL wrlLLen LexL wlLh clarlLy #'24<$
3)*"45-()* ()* (&&$+ 0)%1$"*2" %6 $()2/(2" 6%475 ()* 6"(-/4"5
spell unknown words phoneLlcally wlLh closer approxlmaLlons #'34>$
know how Lo use onseL and rlme Lo spell words #'34>$
ldenLlfy paLLerns ln words leadlng Lo Lhe ldenLlflcaLlon of word famllles #'34>$
use and wrlLe beglnnlng and endlng sounds of spoken words #'34>$
know LhaL leLLers are used Lo represenL sounds when wrlLlng words #'34>$
know LhaL regular one-syllable words are made up of leLLers and common leLLer clusLers LhaL correspond Lo Lhe sounds heard, and how Lo use vlsual memory
Lo wrlLe hlgh-frequency words
undersLand how Lo use dlgraphs, long vowels, blends and sllenL leLLers Lo spell words, and use morphemes and syllablflcaLlon Lo break up slmple words and
use vlsual memory Lo wrlLe lrregular words
recognlse common preflxes and sufflxes and how Lhey change a word's meanlng #'-4>$
begln Lo undersLand how knowledge of word orlglns supporLs spelllng and vocabulary #'-4>$
undersLand how Lo use sLraLegles for spelllng words, lncludlng spelllng rules, knowledge of morphemlc word famllles, spelllng generallsaLlons, and leLLer
comblnaLlons lncludlng double leLLers
recognlse homophones and know how Lo use conLexL Lo ldenLlfy correcL spelllng #'04>$
undersLand how knowledge of word orlglns supporLs spelllng #'04>$
undersLand how Lo use banks of known words, word orlglns, base words, sufflxes and preflxes, morphemes, spelllng paLLerns and generallsaLlons Lo learn
and spell new words, for example Lechnlcal words and words adopLed from oLher languages
undersLand LhaL Lhe pronunclaLlon, spelllng and meanlngs of words have hlsLorles and change over Llme #'24<$
8"5&%)* -% ()* ,%7&%5" -".-5
use approxlmaLlons and some convenLlonal spelllng #'34>$
aLLempL Lo spell unknown words uslng slmple sLraLegles, eg segmenLlng #'34>$
spell some common words accuraLely ln Lhelr own wrlLlng #'34>$
vocallse or subvocallse words when Lrylng Lo wrlLe Lhem #'34>$
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ :C

use plural form when spelllng some words #'34>$
spell hlgh-frequency and common slghL words accuraLely when composlng LexLs #'-4>$
spell known words uslng leLLer names #'-4>$
lsolaLe and wrlLe Lhe lnlLlal, medlal and flnal sound of a word #'-4>$
exchange one leLLer ln a wrlLLen word wlLh a dlfferenL leLLer Lo make a new word #'-4>$
use double consonanLs where approprlaLe, eg 'hopplng' #'-4>$
begln Lo use a dlcLlonary for spelllng acLlvlLles and word meanlng #'-4>$
recognlse when a word ls spelL lncorrecLly #'-4>$
use morphemlc and phonologlcal knowledge when spelllng #'-4>$
use a varleLy of spelllng sLraLegles Lo spell hlgh-frequency words correcLly when composlng lmaglnaLlve and oLher LexLs #'04>$
use morphemlc, vlsual, synLacLlc, semanLlc and phonologlcal knowledge when aLLempLlng Lo spell unknown words #'04>$
dlscuss and use sLraLegles for spelllng dlfflculL words #'04>$
experlmenL wlLh spell check appllcaLlons and develop an awareness of Lhe llmlLaLlons of Lhelr feaLures ln dlglLal Lechnology #'04>$
use knowledge of alphabeLlcal order Lo locaLe lnformaLlon ln LexLs, eg dlcLlonarles, glossarles #'04>$
ldenLlfy spelllng errors ln own wrlLlng and unknown LexLs and provlde correcL
recognlse mosL mlsspelL words ln Lhelr own wrlLlng and use a varleLy of resources for correcLlon #'24<$
lnLegraLe a range of spelllng sLraLegles and convenLlons Lo accuraLely spell mosL words, lncludlng words of many syllables, when composlng lmaglnaLlve and
oLher LexLs
use morphemlc, vlsual, synLacLlc, semanLlc and phonologlcal sLraLegles, eg recognlLlon of leLLer paLLerns of words, when composlng LexLs #'24<$
demonsLraLe an awareness of Lhe llmlLaLlons of spell check feaLures ln dlglLal communlcaLlon #'24<$
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ :D
!"#$%&'( $'* +&!,#'&'( 0 .#!-/!-/!01 7#!":'*&'( $'* 9:?":!&'( .!21 #!- !- !0 !2
!"#"$%& ()* (&&$+ ,%)-".-/($ 0)%1$"*2"
recognlse LhaL Lhere are dlfferenL ways of uslng spoken language Lo communlcaLe #'34@A
demonsLraLe a developlng undersLandlng of language used aL school and expecLaLlons for uslng spoken language accordlng Lo audlence and purpose #'34@A
recognlse dlfferenL meLhods of communlcaLlon, eg SLandard AusLrallan Lngllsh, Aborlglnal Lngllsh, home language, slgn language and body language #'34@A
explore how language ls used dlfferenLly aL home and school dependlng on Lhe relaLlonshlps beLween people #'34@A
undersLand LhaL language can be used Lo explore ways of expresslng needs, llkes and dlsllkes #'34@A
undersLand LhaL people use dlfferenL sysLems of communlcaLlon Lo caLer Lo dlfferenL needs and purposes and LhaL many people may use slgn sysLems Lo
communlcaLe wlLh oLhers
undersLand LhaL spoken, vlsual and wrlLLen forms of language are dlfferenL modes of communlcaLlon wlLh dlfferenL feaLures and Lhelr use varles accordlng Lo
Lhe audlence, purpose, conLexL and culLural background
make connecLlons beLween dlfferenL meLhods of communlcaLlon, eg SLandard AusLrallan Lngllsh, Aborlglnal Lngllsh, home language, slgn language and
body language
recognlse a range of purposes and audlences for spoken language wlLh lncreaslng lndependence #'-4@A
recognlse dlfferenL oral LexLs, eg conversaLlons aL home, ln Lhe classroom and playground #'-4@A
develop an undersLandlng of dlfferenL forms of communlcaLlon Lechnologles avallable for hearlng and vlsually lmpalred people and people wlLh oLher
dlscuss dlfferenL ways ln whlch spoken language dlffers from wrlLLen language and how spoken language varles accordlng Lo dlfferenL audlences, purposes
and conLexLs
make connecLlons beLween SLandard AusLrallan Lngllsh, Aborlglnal Lngllsh, home language, slgn language and body language #'04@A
undersLand LhaL SLandard AusLrallan Lngllsh ls one of many soclal dlalecLs used ln AusLralla, and LhaL whlle lL orlglnaLed ln Lngland lL has been lnfluenced by
many oLher language
undersLand LhaL languages have dlfferenL wrlLLen and vlsual communlcaLlon sysLems, dlfferenL oral LradlLlons and dlfferenL ways of consLrucLlng meanlng #'04@A
ldenLlfy purposes for llsLenlng ln a varleLy of formal and lnformal slLuaLlons #'04@A

ldenLlfy and dlscuss how own LexLs have been sLrucLured Lo achleve Lhelr purpose and dlscuss ways of uslng convenLlons of language Lo shape readers' and
vlewers' undersLandlng of LexLs
dlscuss how Lhe lnLended audlence, sLrucLure and conLexL of an exLended range of LexLs lnfluence responses Lo LexLs #'24>A
3)*"45-()* ()* (&&$+ 0)%1$"*2" %6 $()2/(2" 6%475 ()* 6"(-/4"5
begln Lo ldenLlfy some language feaLures of famlllar spoken LexLs #'34@A
ldenLlfy Lhe dlfference beLween a quesLlon and a sLaLemenL #'34@A
undersLand Lhe use of vocabulary ln famlllar conLexLs relaLed Lo everyday experlences, personal lnLeresLs and Loplcs LaughL aL school #'34@A
ldenLlfy organlzaLlonal paLLerns and feaLures of predlcLable spoken LexLs #'-4@A
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ :E
undersLand Lhe use of vocabulary ln everyday conLexLs as well as a growlng number of school conLexLs, lncludlng approprlaLe use of formal and lnformal
Lerms of address ln dlfferenL conLexLs
ldenLlfy language LhaL can be used for appreclaLlng LexLs and Lhe quallLles of people and Lhlngs #'-4@A
ldenLlfy organlsaLlonal paLLerns and language feaLures of spoken LexLs approprlaLe Lo a range of purposes #'04@A
undersLand Lhe use of vocabulary ln dlscusslng and presenLlng spoken LexLs ln famllar and unfamlllar conLexLs #'04@A
ldenLlfy and explaln characLerlsLlc LexL sLrucLures and language feaLures used ln lmaglnaLlve, lnformaLlve and persuaslve LexLs Lo meeL Lhe purpose of Lhe
ldenLlfy Lhe ways ln whlch language use ln lmaglnaLlve LexLs, lncludlng use of flguraLlve language, characLer developmenL, evenLs and seLLlng, creaLes lnLeresL
for Lhe reader or vlewer
lnvesLlgaLe how Lhe organlzaLlon of LexLs lnLo chapLers, headlngs, subheadlngs, home pages and sub pages for onllne LexLs and accordlng Lo chronology or
Loplc can be used Lo predlcL conLenL and asslsL navlgaLlon
analyse sLraLegles auLhors use Lo lnfluence readers #'24>A
undersLand Lhe uses of ob[ecLlve and sub[ecLlve language blas #'24>A
dlscuss Lhe convenLlons of a range of complex LexLs, eg acL and sLage dlrecLlons ln plays, llLerary devlces ln poems and sLorles, layouL convenLlons ln prlnL and
dlglLal LexLs
8"5&%)* -% ()* ,%7&%5" -".-5

greeL people dlfferenLly accordlng Lo Lhe relaLlonshlp #'34@A
make slmple requesLs uslng approprlaLe word order #'34@A
recognlse and lnLerpreL a slmple lnsLrucLlon from Leachers and peers #'34@A
compose LexLs Lo communlcaLe feellngs, needs, oplnlons and ldeas #'34@A
use muslc and/or acLlons Lo enhance Lhe en[oymenL and undersLandlng of rhymes, poems, chanLs and songs #'34@A
make shorL presenLaLlons uslng some lnLroduced LexL sLrucLures and language, for example openlng sLaLemenLs #'-4@A
rehearse and dellver shorL presenLaLlons on famlllar and new Loplcs #'-4@A
dellver shorL oral presenLaLlon Lo peers #'-4@A
reLell famlllar sLorles and evenLs ln loglcal sequence, lncludlng ln home language #'-4@A
rephrase quesLlons Lo seek clarlflcaLlon #'-4@A
llsLen Lo, reclLe and perform poems, chanLs, rhymes and songs, lmlLaLlng and lnvenLlng sound paLLerns lncludlng alllLeraLlon and rhyme #'-4@A
explaln personal oplnlons orally uslng supporLlng reasons, slmple lnferences and reasonable predlcLlon #'-4@A
demonsLraLe acLlve llsLenlng behavlours and respond approprlaLely Lo class dlscusslons #'-4@A
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ :F

recognlse and respond Lo lnsLrucLlons from Leachers and peers #'-4@A
plan, rehearse and dellver presenLaLlons lncorporaLlng learned conLenL and Laklng lnLo accounL Lhe parLlcular purposes and audlences #'04@A
dlscuss how wrlLers and composers of LexLs engage Lhe lnLeresL of Lhe reader and vlewer #'04@A
llsLen Lo and conLrlbuLe Lo conversaLlons and dlscusslons Lo share lnformaLlon and ldeas and negoLlaLe ln collaboraLlve slLuaLlons #'04@A
plan and dellver shorL presenLaLlons, provldlng some key deLalls ln loglcal sequence #'04@A
use persuaslve language Lo compose slmple persuaslve LexLs approprlaLe Lo a range of conLexLs #'04@A
enhance presenLaLlons by uslng some baslc oral presenLaLlon sLraLegles, uslng noLes as prompLs, volume and change ln emphasls #'04@A
compose more complex LexLs uslng a varleLy of forms approprlaLe Lo purpose and audlence #'24>A
recognlse Lhe Lechnlques used by wrlLers Lo poslLlon a reader and lnfluence Lhelr polnL of vlew #'24>A
ldenLlfy and use a varleLy of sLraLegles Lo presenL lnformaLlon and oplnlons across a range of LexLs #'24>A
Conslder and develop susLalned argumenLs and dlscusslons supporLed by evldence #'24>A
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ :G
67&,&'( $'* 7#"7#!#',&'( 0 .#!-/!-/!01 #!- !- !0 !2
!"#"$%& ()* (&&$+ ,%)-".-/($ 0)%1$"*2"
dlscuss Lhe posslble audlences of lmaglnaLlve and lnformaLlve LexLs #'34BA
undersLand LhaL LexLs can Lake many forms, can be very shorL (for example an exlL slgn) or qulLe long (for example an lnformaLlon book or a fllm) and LhaL
sLorles and lnformaLlve LexLs have dlfferenL purposes
dlscuss Lhe dlfferenL purposes of drawlng and wrlLlng ln slmple LexLs #'34BA
ldenLlfy Lhe audlence of lmaglnaLlve, lnformaLlve and persuaslve LexLs #'-4BA
dlscuss some of Lhe dlfferenL purposes for wrlLLen and vlsual LexLs #'-4BA
ldenLlfy and analyse Lhe purpose and audlence of lmaglnaLlve, lnformaLlve and persuaslve LexLs #'04BA
undersLand how characLers, acLlons and evenLs ln lmaglnaLlve LexLs can engage Lhe reader or vlewer #'04BA
3)*"45-()* ()* (&&$+ 0)%1$"*2" %6 $()2/(2" 6%475 ()* 6"(-/4"5
undersLand LhaL some language ln wrlLLen LexLs ls unllke everyday spoken language #'34BA
ldenLlfy some dlfferences beLween lmaglnaLlve and lnformaLlve LexLs #'34BA
ldenLlfy LhaL lmaglnaLlve LexLs are abouL 'characLers' LhaL are represenLed by nouns and noun groups #'34BA
demonsLraLe an awareness of wrlLLen forms of communlcaLlon, lncludlng labels, symbols, emalls, leLLers and phoLographs #'34BA
undersLand LhaL dlfferenL Lypes of LexLs have ldenLlflable LexL sLrucLures and language feaLures LhaL help Lhe LexL serve lLs purpose #'-4BA
descrlbe some dlfferences beLween lmaglnaLlve lnformaLlve and persuaslve LexLs #'-4BA
compare dlfferenL klnds of lmages ln narraLlve and lnformaLlve LexLs and dlscuss how Lhey conLrlbuLe Lo meanlng #'-4BA
undersLand Lhe use of vocabulary abouL famlllar and new Loplcs and experlmenL wlLh and begln Lo make consclous cholces of vocabulary Lo sulL audlence
and purpose
undersLand how a range of language feaLures can shape readers' and vlewers' undersLandlng of sub[ecL maLLer #'04BA
descrlbe how audlence and purpose lmpacL on language forms and feaLures ln lmaglnaLlve, lnformaLlve and persuaslve LexLs #'04BA
examlne how evaluaLlve language can be varled Lo be more or less forceful #'04BA
use lmages ln lmaglnaLlve, lnformaLlve and persuaslve LexLs Lo enhance meanlng #'04BA
undersLand how audlence and purpose lnfluence Lhe cholce of vocabulary #'04BA
8"5&%)* -% ()* ,%7&%5" -".-5

compose LexLs for known audlence, eg self, class, oLher classes, parenLs #'34BA
compose LexLs uslng drawlngs and oLher vlsual medla Lo creaLe meanlng #'34BA
reread own LexLs wlLh peers and known adulLs and explaln Lhe purpose for Lhe wrlLlng #'34BA
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ 89

draw on personal experlence and feellngs as sub[ecL maLLer Lo compose lmaglnaLlve and oLher LexLs for dlfferenL purposes #'-4BA
compose and revlew wrlLLen and vlsual LexLs for dlfferenL purposes and audlences #'-4BA
dlscuss Lhe characLers and seLLlngs of dlfferenL LexLs and explore how language ls used Lo presenL Lhese feaLures ln dlfferenL ways #'-4BA
make lnferences abouL characLer moLlves, acLlons, quallLles and characLerlsLlcs when respondlng Lo LexLs #'-4BA
dlscuss how LexLs, lncludlng Lhelr own, are ad[usLed Lo appeal Lo dlfferenL audlences, how LexLs develop Lhe sub[ecL maLLer and how Lhey serve a wlde
varleLy of purposes
express a polnL of vlew for a parLlcular purpose ln wrlLlng, wlLh supporLlng argumenLs #'04BA
make consLrucLlve sLaLemenLs LhaL agree/dlsagree wlLh an lssue #'04BA
compare and revlew wrlLLen and vlsual LexLs for dlfferenL purposes and audlences #'04BA
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ 8:
7#$*&'( $'* ;&#6&'( 0 .#!-/!-/!01 #!- !- !0 !2
!"#"$%& ()* (&&$+ ,%)-".-/($ 0)%1$"*2"
recognlse LhaL Lhere are dlfferenL klnds of lmaglnaLlve and lnformaLlve LexLs for en[oymenL and flndlng lnformaLlon #'34CA
ldenLlfy some famlllar LexLs and Lhe conLexLs ln whlch Lhey are used #'34CA
undersLand LhaL readers/vlewers may have varled and lndlvldual responses Lo a LexL #'34CA
recognlse parLs of prlnL and dlglLal LexLs, eg fronL and back covers, LlLle and auLhor, layouL and navlgaLlon #'34CA
recognlse key dlfferences beLween lmaglnaLlve and lnformaLlve LexLs #'34CA
ldenLlfy some purposes of slmple and lmaglnaLlve LexLs #'34CA
ldenLlfy Lhe lnLended audlence for a parLlcular LexL and glve reasons #'34CA
recognlse a range of purposes and audlences for lmaglnaLlve, lnformaLlve and persuaslve prlnL and vlsual LexLs #'-4CA
ldenLlfy how lmaglnaLlve, lnformaLlve and persuaslve LexLs can vary ln purpose, sLrucLure and Loplc #'-4CA
undersLand LhaL LexLs can draw on readers' or vlewers' knowledge of LexLs Lo make meanlng and enhance en[oymenL, eg comparlng falryLales #'-4CA
dlscuss posslble auLhor lnLenL and lnLended audlence of a range of LexLs #'-4CA
ldenLlfy Lhe audlence and purpose of lmaglnaLlve, lnformaLlve and persuaslve LexLs #'04CA
undersLand how LexLs vary ln complexlLy and LechnlcallLy dependlng on Lhe approach Lo Lhe Loplc, Lhe purpose and Lhe lnLended audlence #'04CA
lnLerpreL how lmaglnaLlve, lnformaLlve and persuaslve LexLs vary ln purpose, sLrucLure and Loplc #'04CA
3)*"45-()* ()* (&&$+ 0)%1$"*2" %6 $()2/(2" 6%475 ()* 6"(-/4"5
dlsLlngulsh prlnL from drawlngs #'34CA
undersLand LhaL words can be spoken or wrlLLen #'34CA
recognlse LhaL words and plcLures have meanlng and LhaL words can be read aloud #'34CA
explore Lhe dlfferenL conLrlbuLlon of words and lmages Lo meanlng ln sLorles and lnformaLlve LexLs #'34CA
ldenLlfy some feaLures of LexLs lncludlng evenLs and characLers and reLell evenLs from a LexL #'34CA
know some feaLures of LexL organlsaLlon lncludlng page and screen layouLs, alphabeLlcal order, and dlfferenL Lypes of dlagrams, for example Llmellnes #'-4CA
undersLand concepLs abouL prlnL and screen, lncludlng how dlfferenL Lypes of LexLs are organlsed uslng page numberlng, Lables of conLenL, headlngs and
LlLles, navlgaLlon buLLons, bars and llnks
undersLand how LexL sLrucLure conLrlbuLes Lo Lhe meanlng of LexLs #'-4CA
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ 88

undersLand slmple explanaLlons ln dlagrammaLlc form, lncludlng flowcharLs, hlerarchles, llfe cycles #'-4CA
ldenLlfy organlsaLlonal paLLerns and language feaLures of prlnL and vlsual LexLs approprlaLe Lo a range of purposes #'04CA
ldenLlfy characLerlsLlc feaLures used ln lmaglnaLlve, lnformaLlve and persuaslve LexLs Lo meeL Lhe purpose of Lhe LexL #'04CA
undersLand how dlfferenL Lypes of LexLs vary ln use of language cholces, dependlng on Lhelr purpose and conLexL (for example, Lense and Lypes of senLences) #'04CA
explore Lhe effecL of cholces when framlng an lmage, placemenL of elemenLs ln Lhe lmage, and sallence on composlLlon of sLlll and movlng lmages ln a range
of Lypes of LexLs
ldenLlfy Lhe feaLures of onllne LexLs LhaL enhance navlgaLlon #'04CA
recognlse Lhe use of flguraLlve language ln LexLs, eg slmlles, meLaphors, ldloms and personlflcaLlon, and dlscuss Lhelr effecLs #'04CA
recognlse how quoLaLlon marks are used ln LexLs Lo slgnal dlalogue, LlLles and quoLed (dlrecL) speech #'04CA
dlscuss how language ls used Lo descrlbe Lhe seLLlngs ln LexLs, and explore how Lhe seLLlngs shape Lhe evenLs and lnfluence Lhe mood of Lhe narraLlve #'04CA
ldenLlfy feaLures of onllne LexLs LhaL enhance readablllLy lncludlng LexL, navlgaLlon, llnks, graphlcs and layouL #'04CA
8"5&%)* -%C 4"(* ()* #9"1 -".-5

engage wlLh shared sLorles and [oln ln shared book acLlvlLles on famlllar and lmaglnary books #'34CA
explore sequenclng of a sLory, focuslng on Lhe beglnnlng, mlddle and end and recognlse culLural paLLerns of sLoryLelllng, eg 'Cnce upon a Llme', Lhe ureamlng #'34CA
lnLerpreL plcLures wlLh labels, envlronmenLal prlnL logos and oLher vlsual lmages #'34CA
selecL slmple prlnL, vlsual and/or dlglLal LexLs Lo read lndependenLly for en[oymenL and pleasure #'34CA
dlscuss famlllar wrlLLen and vlsual LexLs #'34CA
selecL a wldenlng range of LexLs for en[oymenL and pleasure and dlscuss reasons for Lhelr cholce #'-4CA
respond Lo a range of llLeraLure and dlscuss purpose and audlence #'-4CA
dlscuss personal cholces of LexLs for en[oymenL #'04CA
respond Lo a wlde range of llLeraLure and analyse purpose and audlence #'04CA
dlscuss Lhe naLure and effecLs of some language devlces used Lo enhance meanlng and shape Lhe reader's reacLlon, lncludlng rhyLhm and onomaLopoela ln
poeLry and prose
ldenLlfy and lnLerpreL Lhe dlfferenL forms of vlsual lnformaLlon, lncludlng maps, Lables, charLs, dlagrams, anlmaLlons and lmages #'04CA
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ 8B
(7$??$7= "8'9,8$,&:' $'* ;:9$A8+$7D .#!-= !-= !0= !21 #!- !- !0 !2
!"#"$%& ()* (&&$+ ,%)-".-/($ 0)%1$"*2"
begln Lo undersLand LhaL grammar, puncLuaLlon and vocabulary are needed Lo achleve Lhe purpose of Lhe LexL #'34EA
show a growlng awareness of words LhaL enrlch Lhelr vocabulary #'34EA
undersLand LhaL ldeas ln LexLs can be organlsed Lo enhance meanlng uslng senLences and paragraphs #'-4EA
begln Lo undersLand LhaL cholce of vocabulary adds Lo Lhe effecLlveness of LexL #'-4EA
undersLand LhaL effecLlve organlsaLlon of ldeas ln lmaglnaLlve, lnformaLlve and persuaslve LexLs enhances meanlng #'04EA
undersLand LhaL cholce of vocabulary lmpacLs on Lhe effecLlveness of LexLs #'04EA
undersLand LhaL language ls sLrucLured Lo creaLe meanlng accordlng Lo audlence, purpose and conLexL #'24@A
undersLand LhaL cholces ln grammar, puncLuaLlon and vocabulary conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe effecLlveness of LexLs #'24@A
3)*"45-()* ()* (&&$+ 0)%1$"*2" %6 $()2/(2" 6%475 ()* 6"(-/4"5
recognlse LhaL LexLs are made up of words and groups of words LhaL make meanlng #'34EA
recognlse LhaL senLences are key unlLs for expresslng ldeas #'34EA
ldenLlfy sLaLemenLs, quesLlons, commands and exclamaLlons and Lhelr funcLlons ln LexLs #'34EA
experlmenL wlLh adverblal phrases ln sLrucLured and gulded acLlvlLles Lo lndlcaLe when, where and how acLlons occurred, eg lasL week, aL home #'34EA
demonsLraLe an awareness of nouns, pronouns and con[uncLlons #'34EA
recognlse slmple pronoun references Lo malnLaln meanlng #'34EA
undersLand LhaL puncLuaLlon ls a feaLure of wrlLLen LexL dlfferenL from leLLers, recognlse how caplLal leLLers are used for names, and LhaL caplLal leLLers and
full sLops slgnal Lhe beglnnlng and end of senLences
ldenLlfy feaLures of senLence puncLuaLlon, eg quesLlon marks and exclamaLlon marks, when readlng and composlng #'34EA
undersLand LhaL paragraphs are used Lo organlse ldeas #'-4EA
undersLand LhaL slmple connecLlons can be made beLween ldeas by uslng a compound senLence wlLh Lwo or more clauses usually llnked by a coordlnaLlng
explore dlfferences ln words LhaL represenL people, places and Lhlngs (nouns, lncludlng pronouns), happenlngs and sLaLes (verbs), quallLles (ad[ecLlves) and
deLalls such as when, where and how (adverbs)
recognlse LhaL a preposlLlon placed ln fronL of a noun group can show where, when, eg 'on Lhe box' (where), 'before my blrLhday' (when) #'-4EA
recognlse LhaL Llme connecLlves sequence lnformaLlon ln LexLs #'-4EA
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ 8;
recognlse LhaL dlfferenL Lypes of puncLuaLlon, lncludlng full sLops, quesLlon marks and exclamaLlon marks, slgnal senLences LhaL make sLaLemenLs, ask
quesLlons, express emoLlon or glve commands
recognlse LhaL caplLal leLLers slgnal proper nouns and commas are used Lo separaLe lLems ln llsLs #'-4EA
experlmenL wlLh Lhe use of quoLed (dlrecL) and reporLed (lndlrecL) speech #'-4EA
undersLand LhaL paragraphs are a key organlsaLlonal feaLure of wrlLLen LexLs #'04EA
undersLand LhaL a clause ls a unlL of grammar usually conLalnlng a sub[ecL and a verb and LhaL Lhese need Lo be ln agreemenL #'04EA
undersLand how Lo elaboraLe on ldeas ln LexLs Lhrough Lhe use of preposlLlonal phrases #'04EA
undersLand how adverb groups/phrases and preposlLlonal phrases work ln dlfferenL ways Lo provlde clrcumsLanLlal deLalls abouL an acLlvlLy #'04EA
undersLand LhaL Lhe meanlng of senLences can be enrlched Lhrough Lhe use of noun groups/phrases and verb groups/phrases and preposlLlonal phrases #'04EA
ldenLlfy and use grammaLlcal feaLures, eg pronouns, con[uncLlons and connecLlves, Lo accuraLely llnk ldeas and lnformaLlon #'04EA
undersLand LhaL verbs represenL dlfferenL processes (dolng, Lhlnklng, saylng, and relaLlng) and LhaL Lhese processes are anchored ln Llme Lhrough Lense #'04EA
experlmenL wlLh puncLuaLlon Lo engage Lhe reader and achleve purpose #'04EA
lnvesLlgaLe how quoLed (dlrecL) and reporLed (lndlrecL) speech work ln dlfferenL Lypes of LexL #'04EA
use aposLrophes for conLracLlons #'04EA
ldenLlfy a varleLy of connecLlves ln LexLs Lo lndlcaLe Llme, Lo add lnformaLlon and Lo clarlfy undersLandlng #'04EA
ldenLlfy and explaln how cholces ln language, for example modallLy, emphasls, repeLlLlon and meLaphor, lnfluence personal response Lo dlfferenL LexLs #'24@A
undersLand Lhe dlfference beLween maln and subordlnaLe clauses and LhaL a complex senLence lnvolves aL leasL one subordlnaLe clause #'24@A
experlmenL uslng a range of language feaLures, eg connecLlves, Loplc senLences, acLlve and passlve volce and nomlnallsaLlon #'24@A
undersLand how noun groups/phrases and ad[ecLlve groups/phrases can be expanded ln a varleLy of ways Lo provlde a fuller descrlpLlon of Lhe person, place,
Lhlng or ldea
undersLand how ldeas can be expanded and sharpened Lhrough careful cholce of verbs, elaboraLed Lenses and a range of adverb groups/phrases #'24@A
show how ldeas and polnLs of vlew ln LexLs are conveyed Lhrough Lhe use of vocabulary, lncludlng ldlomaLlc expresslons, ob[ecLlve and sub[ecLlve language,
and LhaL Lhese can change accordlng Lo conLexL
ldenLlfy a varleLy of connecLlves ln LexLs Lo lndlcaLe Llme, add lnformaLlon, clarlfy undersLandlng, show cause and effecL and lndlcaLe condlLlon/concesslon #'24@A
use complex puncLuaLlon Lo engage Lhe reader and achleve purpose #'24@A
undersLand how Lhe grammaLlcal caLegory of possesslves ls slgnalled Lhrough aposLrophes and how Lo use aposLrophes wlLh common and proper nouns #'24@A
undersLand Lhe uses of commas Lo separaLe clauses #'24@A
3)*"45-()* ()* (&&$+ 0)%1$"*2" %6 #%,(D/$(4+
begln Lo bulld personal vocabulary #'34EA
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ 8C

know Lhe meanlng of commonly used words #'34EA
demonsLraLe an awareness LhaL some words have mulLlple meanlngs #'34EA
undersLand how LexLs are made coheslve Lhrough resources, for example word assoclaLlons, synonyms, and anLonyms #'-4EA
recognlse, dlscuss and use creaLlve word play, eg alllLeraLlon and onomaLopoela #'-4EA
learn exLended and Lechnlcal vocabulary and ways of expresslng oplnlon lncludlng modal verbs and adverbs #'04EA
experlmenL wlLh vocabulary cholces Lo engage Lhe llsLener or reader #'04EA
undersLand Lhe use of vocabulary Lo express greaLer preclslon of meanlng, and know LhaL words can have dlfferenL meanlngs ln dlfferenL conLexLs #'24@A
lnvesLlgaLe how vocabulary cholces, lncludlng evaluaLlve language can express shades of meanlng, feellng and oplnlon #'24@A
8"5&%)* -% ()* ,%7&%5"5 -".-5
compose effecLlve senLences ln wrlLlng uslng approprlaLe word order #'34EA
begln Lo use sLaLemenLs and quesLlons wlLh approprlaLe puncLuaLlon #'34EA
aLLempL Lo lncorporaLe unfamlllar words ln wrlLlng #'34EA
use a growlng vocabulary Lo descrlbe everyday evenLs and experlence #'34EA
begln Lo organlse ldeas lnLo paragraphs when composlng LexLs #'-4EA
compose senLences effecLlvely uslng baslc grammaLlcal feaLures and puncLuaLlon convenLlons #'-4EA
use sub[ecL-verb and noun-pronoun agreemenL when composlng LexLs and respondlng Lo LexLs orally and ln wrlLlng #'-4EA
demonsLraLe Lhe use of more preclse vocabulary Lo descrlbe emoLlons and experlences when wrlLlng #'-4EA
compose a range of effecLlve lmaglnaLlve, lnformaLlve and persuaslve LexLs uslng language approprlaLe Lo purpose and audlence #'04EA
use grammaLlcal feaLures Lo creaLe complex senLences when composlng LexLs #'04EA
experlmenL wlLh flguraLlve language when composlng LexLs Lo engage an audlence, eg slmlles, meLaphors, ldloms and personlflcaLlon #'04EA
lncorporaLe new vocabulary from a range of sources lnLo sLudenLs' own LexLs lncludlng vocabulary encounLered ln research #'04EA
selecL some more challenglng language feaLures, llLerary devlces (eg lrony, humour) and grammaLlcal feaLures (eg modallLy) Lo engage and lnfluence an
experlmenL wlLh dlfferenL Lypes of senLences, eg shorL senLences Lo bulld Lenslon and complex senLences Lo add deLall #'24@A
use Loplc senLences and approprlaLely organlse maln (lndependenL) and subordlnaLe (dependenL) ldeas Lo enhance coherence ln wrlLLen LexLs #'24@A
selecL approprlaLe language for a purpose, eg descrlpLlve, persuaslve, Lechnlcal, evaluaLlve, emoLlve and colloqulal, when composlng LexLs #'24@A
use grammaLlcal feaLures, eg pronouns, con[uncLlons and connecLlves, Lo accuraLely llnk ldeas and lnformaLlon Lo ensure meanlng when composlng LexLs #'24@A
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ 8D
,5&'%&'( &?$(&'$,&;#+D $'* 97#$,&;#+D .#!-/!-1 &',#7"7#,&;#+D .!01 97&,&9$++D .!21 #!- !- !0 !2
<)2(2" &"45%)($$+ 19-: -".-5
respond Lo LexLs, ldenLlfylng favourlLe sLorles, auLhors and lllusLraLors #'34-F9
share plcLure books and dlglLal sLorles for en[oymenL and pleasure #'34-F9
engage ln wlde readlng of self-selecLed and Leacher-selecLed LexLs, lncludlng dlglLal LexLs, for en[oymenL, and share responses #'-4-F9
recognlse Lhe way LhaL dlfferenL LexLs creaLe dlfferenL personal responses #'-4-F9
respond Lo a wlde range of LexLs Lhrough dlscusslng, wrlLlng and represenLlng #'-4-F9
share responses Lo a range of LexLs and ldenLlfy feaLures whlch lncrease reader en[oymenL #'04-F9
respond Lo LexLs by ldenLlfylng and dlscusslng aspecLs of LexLs LhaL relaLe Lo Lhelr own experlence #'04-F9
recognlse and explaln creaLlve language feaLures ln lmaglnaLlve, lnformaLlve and persuaslve LexLs LhaL conLrlbuLe Lo engagemenL and meanlng #'24B9
lnLerpreL evenLs, slLuaLlons and characLers ln LexLs #'24B9
explaln own preferences for a parLlcular lnLerpreLaLlon of a LexL, referrlng Lo LexL deLalls and own knowledge and experlence #'24B9
Lhlnk crlLlcally abouL aspecLs of LexLs such as ldeas and evenLs #'24B9
Lhlnk lmaglnaLlvely when engaglng wlLh LexLs, uslng predlcLlon, for example, Lo lmaglne whaL happens Lo characLers afLer Lhe LexL #'24B9
!"#"$%& ()* (&&$+ ,%)-".-/($ 0)%1$"*2"
undersLand LhaL lmaglnaLlve LexLs can be composed for a range of audlences and purposes, uslng a range of medla #'34-F9
engage wlLh and appreclaLe Lhe lmaglnaLlve use of language Lhrough sLoryLelllng #'34-F9
recognlse and begln Lo undersLand how composers use creaLlve feaLures Lo engage Lhelr audlence #'-4-F9
ldenLlfy and compare Lhe lmaglnaLlve language used by composers #'-4-F9
dlscuss how auLhors and lllusLraLors make sLorles exclLlng, movlng and absorblng and hold readers' lnLeresL by uslng varlous Lechnlques, for example
characLer developmenL and ploL Lenslon
ldenLlfy and analyse Lhe dlfferenL organlsaLlonal paLLerns and feaLures Lo engage Lhelr audlence #'04-F9
ldenLlfy, descrlbe, and dlscuss slmllarlLles and dlfferences beLween LexLs, lncludlng Lhose by Lhe same auLhor or lllusLraLor, and evaluaLe characLerlsLlcs LhaL
deflne an auLhor's lndlvldual sLyle
compare how composers and lllusLraLors make sLorles exclLlng, movlng and absorblng Lo hold readers' lnLeresL #'24B9
explore and dlscuss slmple approprlaLlon of LexLs #'24B9
3)*"45-()* ()* (&&$+ 0)%1$"*2" %6 $()2/(2" 6%475 ()* 6"(-/4"5
recognlse some dlfferenL Lypes of llLerary LexLs and ldenLlfy some characLerlsLlc feaLures of llLerary LexLs, for example beglnnlngs and endlngs of LradlLlonal
LexLs and rhyme ln poeLry
dlscuss creaLlve language feaLures ln lmaglnaLlve LexLs LhaL can enhance en[oymenL, eg lllusLraLlons, repeLlLlon #'34-F9
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ 8E
ldenLlfy LhaL dlfferenL LexLs have dlfferenL organlsaLlonal paLLerns and feaLures for a varleLy of audlences #'-4-F9
ldenLlfy creaLlve language feaLures ln lmaglnaLlve LexLs LhaL enhance en[oymenL, eg lllusLraLlons, repeLlLlon #'-4-F9
ldenLlfy creaLlve language feaLures ln lmaglnaLlve, lnformaLlve and persuaslve LexLs LhaL conLrlbuLe Lo engagemenL #'04-F9
ldenLlfy and dlscuss how vocabulary esLabllshes seLLlng and aLmosphere #'04-F9
undersLand how auLhors ofLen lnnovaLe on LexL sLrucLures and play wlLh language feaLures Lo achleve parLlcular aesLheLlc, humorous and persuaslve
purposes and effecLs
ldenLlfy Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween words, sounds, lmagery and language paLLerns ln narraLlves and poeLry such as ballads, llmerlcks and free verse #'24B9
8"5&%)* -% ()* ,%7&%5" -".-5
use lmaglnaLlon Lo represenL aspecLs of an experlence uslng wrlLLen LexL, drawlngs and oLher vlsual medla #'34-F9
respond Lo a range of lmaglnaLlve and creaLlve LexLs, lncludlng vlsual medla #'34-F9
reLell famlllar llLerary LexLs Lhrough performance, use of lllusLraLlons and lmages #'34-F9
share feellngs and LhoughLs abouL Lhe evenLs and characLers ln LexLs #'34-F9
dlscuss lnLended personal wrlLlng Loplcs Lo form Lhe basls for composlng #'34-F9
communlcaLe Lhe purposes of drawlngs and oLher vlsual medla #'34-F9
recreaLe LexLs lmaglnaLlvely uslng drawlng, wrlLlng, performance and dlglLal forms of communlcaLlon #'-4-F9
predlcL and dlscuss ldeas drawn from plcLure books and dlglLal sLorles #'-4-F9
use creaLlve and lmaglnaLlve feaLures ln role-play and drama #'-4-F9
recognlse slmllarlLles beLween LexLs from dlfferenL culLural LradlLlons, eg represenLaLlons of dragons ln LradlLlonal Luropean and Aslan LexLs #'-4-F9
recognlse Lhe place of ancesLral belngs ln Aborlglnal and 1orres SLralL lslander ureamlng sLorles #'-4-F9
[olnLly adapL a well-known LexL for a dlfferenL audlence and purpose #'-4-F9
express a range of feellngs ln response Lo a LexL #'-4-F9
creaLe llLerary LexLs LhaL explore sLudenLs' own experlences and lmaglnlng #'04-F9
use vlsual represenLaLlons, lncludlng Lhose dlglLally produced, Lo represenL ldeas, experlence and lnformaLlon for dlfferenL purposes and audlences #'04-F9
respond Lo a range of LexLs, eg Lhrough role-play or drama, for pleasure and en[oymenL, and express LhoughLful concluslons abouL Lhose LexLs #'04-F9
[usLlfy lnLerpreLaLlons of a LexL, lncludlng responses Lo characLers, lnformaLlon and ldeas, eg '1he maln characLer ls selflsh because .' #'04-F9
make connecLlons beLween Lhe ways dlfferenL auLhors may represenL slmllar sLoryllnes, ldeas and relaLlonshlps #'04-F9
creaLe llLerary LexLs LhaL adapL or comblne aspecLs of LexLs sLudenLs have experlenced ln lnnovaLlve ways #'24B9
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ 8F

adapL aspecLs of prlnL or medla LexLs Lo creaLe new LexLs by Lhlnklng creaLlvely and lmaglnaLlvely abouL characLer, seLLlng, narraLlve volce, dlalogue and
analyse and evaluaLe slmllarlLles and dlfferences ln LexLs on slmllar Loplcs, Lhemes or ploLs #'24B9
experlmenL wlLh oLhers' lmaglnaLlve LexLs by changlng aspecLs such as place, characLers, rhyLhm, mood, sound effecLs and dlalogue #'24B9
lnLerpreL a range of LexLs, eg Lhrough role-play or drama, for pleasure and en[oymenL, and express an analyLlcal concluslon abouL Lhose LexLs #'24B9
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ 8G
#G"7#!!&'( ,5#?!#+;#! .#!-= !-= !0= !21 #!- !- !0 !2
<)2(2" &"45%)($$+ 19-: -".-5
share responses Lo aspecLs of a LexL LhaL relaLe Lo Lhelr own llfe #'34--*
engage wlLh a varleLy of slmple LexLs and begln Lo undersLand LhaL readers draw on Lhelr own knowledge Lo make meanlng and enhance en[oymenL #'34--*
recognlse and begln Lo undersLand LhaL Lhelr own experlence helps shape Lhelr responses Lo and en[oymenL of LexLs #'-4--*
ldenLlfy aspecLs of dlfferenL Lypes of llLerary LexLs LhaL enLerLaln, and glve reasons for personal preferences #'-4--*
recognlse how LexLs draw on a reader's or vlewer's experlence and knowledge Lo make meanlng and enhance en[oymenL #'04--*
recognlse how aspecLs of personal perspecLlve lnfluence responses Lo LexLs #'04--*
recognlse LhaL ldeas ln llLerary LexLs can be conveyed from dlfferenL vlewpolnLs, whlch can lead Lo dlfferenL klnds of lnLerpreLaLlons and responses #'24C*
conslder how LexLs abouL local evenLs and lssues ln Lhe medla are presenLed Lo engage Lhe reader or vlewer #'24C*
!"#"$%& ()* (&&$+ ,%)-".-/($ 0)%1$"*2"
recognlse LhaL LexLs are creaLed by auLhors who Lell sLorles and share experlences LhaL may be slmllar or dlfferenL Lo sLudenLs' own experlences #'34--*
undersLand LhaL dlfferenL languages and dlalecLs may be spoken by famlly, classmaLes and communlLy #'34--*
dlscuss how deplcLlons of characLers ln prlnL, sound and lmages reflecL Lhe conLexLs ln whlch Lhey were creaLed #'-4--*
recognlse slmple ways meanlng ln LexLs ls shaped by sLrucLure and perspecLlve #'-4--*
respond Lo LexLs drawn from a range of culLures and experlences #'-4--*
draw connecLlons beLween personal experlences and Lhe worlds of LexLs, and share responses wlLh oLhers #'04--*
dlscuss how people from dlfferenL Llmes and culLures may respond dlfferenLly Lo characLers, acLlons and evenLs ln LexLs #'04--*
recognlse Lhe ways LhaL sLorles deplcL AusLrallans who are slgnlflcanL aL a local and communlLy level #'04--*
make connecLlons beLween sLudenLs' own experlences and Lhose of characLers and evenLs represenLed ln LexLs drawn from dlfferenL hlsLorlcal, soclal and
culLural conLexLs
undersLand how Lo move beyond maklng bare asserLlons and Lake accounL of dlfferlng perspecLlves and polnLs of vlew #'24C*
ldenLlfy aspecLs of llLerary LexLs LhaL convey deLalls or lnformaLlon abouL parLlcular soclal, culLural and hlsLorlcal conLexLs #'24C*
3)*"45-()* ()* (&&$+ 0)%1$"*2" %6 $()2/(2" 6%475 ()* 6"(-/4"5
undersLand LhaL language can be used Lo descrlbe llkes and dlsllkes #'34--*
explore how language ls used dlfferenLly aL home and school #'34--*
dlscuss aspecLs of lmaglnaLlve LexLs such as seLLlng and dlalogue, maklng connecLlons wlLh sLudenLs' own experlences #'-4--*
ldenLlfy feaLures of LexLs from a range of culLures, lncludlng language paLLerns and sLyle of lllusLraLlon #'-4--*
undersLand dlfferences beLween Lhe language of oplnlon and feellng and Lhe language of facLual reporLlng or recordlng #'04--*
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ B9
ldenLlfy and compare Lhe dlfferences beLween LexLs from a range of culLures, languages and Llmes #'04--*
make connecLlons beLween sLudenLs' own experlences and Lhose of characLers and evenLs represenLed ln LexLs #'04--*
recognlse how Lhe use of language and vlsual feaLures can deplcL culLural assumpLlons ln LexLs #'24C*
ldenLlfy language feaLures used Lo poslLlon Lhe reader/vlewer ln a wlde varleLy of communlcaLlon acLlvlLles for a range of purposes, lncludlng debaLes, formal
Lalks, lnLervlews, explanaLlons, anecdoLes and reclLaLlons
8"5&%)* -% ()* ,%7&%5" -".-5
compare and connecL own experlences Lo Lhose deplcLed ln sLorles #'34--*
compose slmple wrlLLen and vlsual LexLs LhaL lnclude aspecLs of home, personal and local communlLy llfe #'34--*
use vlsual, mulLlmodal and dlglLal processes Lo represenL slmple aspecLs of home and communlLy llfe #'34--*
respond Lo LexLs LhaL deplcL aspecLs of home and communlLy llfe, eg shorL fllms and dlglLal LexLs #'34--*
respond Lo ureamlng sLorles, eg sLorles from local Aborlglnal and 1orres SLralL lslander communlLles #'34--*
respond Lo llLeraLure and a varleLy of oLher LexLs from a range of sLoryLellers and culLures, uslng plcLure books and onllne sources #'34--*
read and dlscuss sLorles LhaL reflecL sLudenLs' soclal and culLural groups #'34--*
begln Lo recognlse polnLs of vlew ln LexL #'34--*
compose slmple prlnL, vlsual and dlglLal LexLs LhaL deplcL aspecLs of Lhelr own experlence #'-4--*
dlscuss characLers and evenLs ln a range of llLerary LexLs and share personal responses Lo Lhese LexLs, maklng connecLlons wlLh sLudenLs' own experlences #'-4--*
dlscuss Lhe place of ureamlng sLorles ln Aborlglnal and 1orres SLralL lslander llfe #'-4--*
ldenLlfy, explore and dlscuss symbols of Aborlglnal and 1orres SLralL lslander culLure and recognlse recurrlng characLers, seLLlngs and Lhemes ln ureamlng
ldenLlfy, explore and dlscuss Lhe morals of sLorles from a varleLy of culLures, eg Aslan sLorles, and ldenLlfy Lhelr cenLral messages #'-4--*
express preferences for speclflc LexLs and auLhors and llsLen Lo Lhe oplnlons of oLhers #'-4--*
respond Lo a range of LexLs, eg shorL fllms, documenLarles and dlglLal LexLs, LhaL lnclude lssues abouL Lhelr world, lncludlng home llfe and Lhe wlder
conslder and dlscuss ldeas drawn from Lhelr world and Lhe worlds of Lhelr LexLs #'04--*
compose a varleLy of LexLs, eg slmple poeLry, LhaL lnclude aspecLs of home and local communlLy llfe #'04--*
experlmenL wlLh vlsual, mulLlmodal and dlglLal Lechnologles Lo represenL aspecLs of experlence and relaLlonshlps #'04--*
respond Lo and appreclaLe how ureamlng sLorles form parL of an oral LradlLlon for Aborlglnal and 1orres SLralL lslander peoples #'04--*
dlscuss aspecLs of llLeraLure from a range of culLures Lo explore common experlences and ldeas as well as recognlslng dlfference #'04--*
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ B:

respond Lo shorL fllms, documenLarles and mulLlmedla LexLs LhaL express famlllar and new aspecLs of Lhe broader world #'04--*
ldenLlfy Lhe polnL of vlew ln a LexL and suggesL alLernaLlve polnLs of vlew #'04--*
dlscuss llLerary experlences wlLh oLhers, sharlng responses and expresslng a polnL of vlew #'04--*
descrlbe and dlscuss eLhlcal lssues encounLered ln LexLs #'04--*
[usLlfy personal oplnlons by clLlng evldence, negoLlaLlng wlLh oLhers and recognlslng oplnlons presenLed #'04--*
draw on Lhe llLeraLure and ldeas from oLher counLrles and Llmes Lo compose lmaglnaLlve and lnformaLlve LexLs #'04--*
ldenLlfy and descrlbe Lhe represenLaLlon of people, places and evenLs ln fllm and Lhe medla dlscuss and explore moral, eLhlcal and soclal dllemmas
encounLered ln LexLs
explore, dlscuss and appreclaLe connecLlons beLween ureamlng sLorles and conLemporary Aborlglnal and 1orres SLralL lslander llfe #'24C*
clarlfy undersLandlng of conLenL as lL unfolds ln formal and lnformal slLuaLlons, connecLlng ldeas Lo sLudenLs' own experlences and presenL and [usLlfy a polnL
of vlew
dlscuss and explore moral, eLhlcal and soclal dllemmas encounLered by LexLs Ln3-8u
respond Lo shorL fllms, documenLarles and mulLlmedla LexLs LhaL express famlllar and new aspecLs of Lhe broader world #'24C*
compose a varleLy of LexLs, eg poeLry, LhaL reflecL Lhelr undersLandlng of Lhe world around Lhem #'24C*
dlscuss aspecLs of llLeraLure from a range of culLures Lo explore common experlences and ldeas as well as recognlslng dlfference #'24C*
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ B8
7#H+#9,&'( :' +#$7'&'( .#!-= !-= !0= !21 #!- !- !0 !2
!"#"$%& ()* (&&$+ ,%)-".-/($ 0)%1$"*2"
develop a growlng undersLandlng of how a rlch LexL envlronmenL underplns learnlng #'34-0#
begln Lo recognlse LhaL Lhere are dlfferenL ways of learnlng ln Lngllsh #'34-0#
demonsLraLe an emerglng awareness of crlLerla Lo enable Lhe successful compleLlon of Lasks #'34-0#
develop an undersLandlng of how a rlch LexL envlronmenL underplns learnlng #'-4-0#
recognlse and begln Lo undersLand LhaL Lhere are dlfferenL ways of learnlng ln Lngllsh #'-4-0#
develop an awareness of crlLerla for Lhe successful compleLlon of Lasks #'-4-0#
recognlse how own LexLs can be lnfluenced by a rlch LexL envlronmenL #'04-0#
ldenLlfy dlfferenL ways of learnlng ln Lngllsh and conslder own preferences #'04-0#
develop crlLerla for Lhe successful compleLlon of Lasks #'04-0#
begln Lo undersLand Lhe dlfference beLween Lhelr way of learnlng and Lhe way oLhers learn #'24E#
reflecL on own learnlng achlevemenLs agalnsL speclflc crlLerla #'24E#
3)*"45-()* ()* (&&$+ 0)%1$"*2" %6 $()2/(2" 6%475 ()* 6"(-/4"5
conLrlbuLe Lo gulded dlscusslon abouL how people learn Lo read and wrlLe #'34-0#
develop an appreclaLlon for books, poeLry and song and Lhe lmporLance of narraLlve #'34-0#
begln Lo dlscuss dlfferenL ways we learn Lo read and wrlLe #'-4-0#
dlscuss some of Lhe ways LhaL sLory can be reflecLed ln a varleLy of medla, eg fllm, muslc and dance #'-4-0#
dlscuss dlfferenL ways we learn Lo read and wrlLe #'04-0#
appreclaLe how Lhe reader or vlewer can en[oy a range of llLerary experlences Lhrough LexLs #'04-0#
recognlse LhaL Lhere ls a language for dlscusslng learnlng experlences #'24E#
dlscuss how Lhe reader or vlewer can en[oy and dlscover a wlde range of llLerary experlences Lhrough LexLs #'24E#
8"5&%)* -% ()* ,%7&%5" -".-5
dlscuss whaL lL means Lo be an acLlve llsLener #'34-0#
dlscuss whaL lL means Lo be a cooperaLlve group member #'34-0#
reflecL on own readlng and dlscuss Lhe pleasure and challenges of learnlng Lo read #'34-0#
dlscuss llkes and dlsllkes afLer readlng LexLs #'34-0#
[olnLly develop crlLerla for assesslng Lhelr own and oLhers' presenLaLlons or composlLlons wlLh Leacher guldance #'-4-0#
!"#$%&'( *+",'- .-/00,1 2(3,'4/ .-05# &(6 .#7+#(-# 89:; < => ?',, &(6 @> *0A#$ BB

ldenLlfy helpful sLraLegles durlng speaklng, llsLenlng, readlng, wrlLlng, and/or vlewlng and represenLlng acLlvlLles, eg wrlLlng conferences, class charLs #'-4-0#
reflecL on own readlng: 'WhaL readlng have l done Loday/Lhls week?', 'Whlch parL of my readlng do l llke besL?', 'WhaL do l wanL/need Lo read abouL?' #'-4-0#
dlscuss Lhe roles and responslblllLles when worklng as a member of a group #'-4-0#
develop crlLerla for esLabllshlng personal preferences for llLeraLure #'04-0#
[olnLly develop and use crlLerla for assesslng Lhelr own and oLhers' presenLaLlons #'04-0#
dlscuss Lhe roles and responslblllLles when worklng as a member of a group and undersLand Lhe beneflLs of worklng collaboraLlvely wlLh peers Lo achleve a
descrlbe how some skllls ln speaklng, llsLenlng, readlng/vlewlng, wrlLlng/represenLlng help Lhe developmenL of language learners #'04-0#
reflecL on own readlng and ldenLlfy Lhe quallLles of LexLs LhaL have conLrlbuLed Lo en[oymenL of Lhe LexL #'04-0#
develop crlLerla for assesslng Lhelr own and oLhers' presenLaLlons #'24E#
crlLlcally reflecL on Lhe effecLlveness of Lhelr own and oLhers' wrlLlng, seeklng and respondlng Lo feedback #'24E#
ldenLlfy selecLlons of own wrlLlng LhaL Lhey belleve reflecL Lhelr growLh and compeLence as wrlLers #'24E#
formulaLe quesLlons for speclflc purposes, eg Lo clarlfy and reflecL #'24E#
dlscuss and reflecL on Lhe roles and responslblllLles when worklng as a member of a group and evaluaLe Lhe beneflLs of worklng collaboraLlvely wlLh peers Lo
achleve a goal
descrlbe how skllls ln speaklng, llsLenlng, readlng/vlewlng and wrlLlng/represenLlng conLrlbuLe Lo language developmenL #'24E#

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