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E-Commerce Exam II Name : _____________________

1. To the __________, physical location does not matter because the Internet allows anyone to link to any Web site
no matter where in the world that site might be.
a. bricks-and-clicks retailer
b. e-tailer
c. bricks-and-mortar retailer
d. B-to-G business
e. location always matters
2. What is true regarding competitie adantage.
a. companies must hae it to surie
b. a !high tech" approach is necessary to derie it
c. in#ormation systems to key to its deelopment
d. it is difficult to sustain
e. none o# the aboe
$. %erhaps a potential customer&s most common path to a preiously unknown website is through a'n( )))))))))).
a. search engine
b. online adertisement
c. personal contact
d. print adertisement
e. none o# the aboe
*. + competitie adantage deried #rom )))))))))) is generally considered the best approach #or a company.
a. product placement
b. price
c. marketing
d. improved value chain and/or supply chain efficiency
e. none o# the aboe
,. When the supermarket scans your !premier customer" card it links you to your purchases and then uses that
in#ormation to establish a personal shopping pattern #or you. -ubse.uently, the supermarket uses that in#ormation
to target adertising 'like coupons and mailers( directly to you based on your established shopping patterns, a #orm
o# one-to-one, )))))))))) marketing.
a. spam-based
b. mass
c. modi#ied
d. e-commerce
e. relationship
/. %urchasing new computers or technologies generally leads to a competitie adantage #or a company.
a. true b. false
0. Web sites use )))))))))) to compile personal in#ormation on their isitors and then use the in#ormation to create
customer pro#iles.
a. cookies
b. transition pages
c. registration #orms
d. a and c
e. b and c
1. 2igital products, such as so#tware, music, digiti3ed images, and electronic games are a great #it #or consumer
#ocused 'B24( e-commerce because )))))))))).
a. they are always #ree
b. electronic distribution is more efficient than alternative distribution channels for digital products
c. digital products are not a good #it #or B24 e-commerce
d. they cannot be easily monitored
e. none o# the aboe
5-Business 262/$ 7all6*
8. When measuring the e##ectieness on an online adertisement, the )))))))))) is the percentage o# isitors to a
page who click on an adertisement.
a. click ratio
b. click rate
c. nielsen rating
d. hit ratio
e. click-through rate
16. )))))))))) is9are used to pay #or microtransactions.
a. e-cash
b. digital cash
c. bank accounts
d. either or !
e. none o# the aboe
11. )))))))))) are used by consumers to locate the best price #or a desired product
a. shopping bots
b. search engines
c. middleware routines
d. worms
e. spam
12. The deelopment o# )))))))))) has been more eolutionary than reolutionary.
a. consumer #ocused e-commerce
b. B24 e-commerce
c. the dot-coms
d. intra-business e-commerce
e. consumer #ocused start-ups
1$. 5arly business application programs #ocused on )))))))))).
a. indiidual processes
b. automating selected manual tasks
c. neither + nor B
d. both and !
1*. :iewing a system 'such as an organi3ation( as a set o# indiidual processes leads to )))))))))).
a. sub-optimi"ation
b. optimi3ation
c. standardi3ation
d. isolation
e. process ma;imi3ation
1,. Islands o# automation do not allow #or productiity o# indiidual #unctional groups.
a. true b. false
1/. + )))))))))) is an e;isting, o#ten relatiely ine##icient application deeloped #or an old plat#orm.
a. web application
b. #unctional application
c. resistant application
d. mission critical
e. legacy application
10. <n a'n( )))))))))) architecture, the serer does most o# the work.
a. #at client
b. island o# automation
c. =ichard -immons client
d. thin client
e. web application
5-Business 262/$ 7all6*
11. )))))))))) is the act #erreting out preiously unknown patterns and relationships #rom a set o# data.
a. database management
b. data mining
c. enterprise resource planning
d. data searching
e. data sur#ing
18. +'n( )))))))))) is a priate corporate network that uses standard Internet protocols and inter#aces.
a. ethernet
b. e;tranet
c. local area network
d. T4%9I% network
e. intranet
26. + )))))))))) application is one that the company depends upon #or its well-being.
a. dynamic
b. static
c. urgent need
d. web based
e. mission critical
21. 7or a company to obtain competitie adantage it must use a technology9process that is>
a. non-substitutable
b. !high tech"
c. not easily copied
d. a and c
e. b and c
22. Intra-organi3ational e-commerce is )))))))))) #ocused. B2B #ocuses on improing in#ormation e;changes
throughout the )))))))))).
a. supply chain9alue chain
b. customer9supply chain
c. value chain/supply chain
d. customer9alue chain
2$. In an e##ort to increase inter-organi3ational in#ormation #low, many companies e;pand access to corporate
intranets to include selected trading partners and customers by creating a'n( )))))))))).
a. 52I e;change
b. Extranet
c. :%?
d. =+?2
e. :+?
2*. )))))))))) is the process o# planning, implementing, and controlling the #low o# goods and serices #rom point
o# origin to point o# consumption.
a. 4=@
b. surplus management
c. transportation
d. logistics
e. none o# the aboe
2,. )))))))))) includes so#tware and integration e##orts intended to increase customer satis#action and loyalty.
a. supply chain management
b. e-procurement
c. dynamic sericing
d. human serices
e. C#$
5-Business 262/$ 7all6*
2/. The general premise o# )))))))))) is to e##ectiely manage the #low o# product, in#ormation, and #inances
between all trading partners.
a. supply chain management
b. alue chain management
c. logistics management
d. e-procurement
e. e-tailing
20. )))))))))) is the electronic transmission o# business transaction documents directly between the computers o#
trading partners in a standard message #ormat.
a. 5=%
b. encapsulation
c. B2B
d. transaction processing
e. none of the above - E%I
21. Which o# the #ollowing is likely to hae the lowest cost o# entryA
a. an e-retailer
b. a bricks-and-mortar presence
c. a bricks-and-clicks presence
d. a traditional store#ront
e. all are about e.ual
28. Be#ore the dot-com bubble burst, a proposed B24 enture that could legitimately claim )))))))))) had relatiely
little trouble getting startup #unding.
a. competitie prices
b. good marketing strategies
c. conenience
d. first mover status
e. all o# the aboe.
$6. The ultimate obBectie o# a company&s website is to add enough alue to achiee )))))))))), a state in which the
customer has a ested interest to stay with the company because switching to a competitor entails signi#icant
switching costs.
a. loyalty
b. integration
c. interconnection
d. lock-in
e. a dependency relationship
$1. 4onsumer interaction, the essence o# consumer #ocused 'B24( e-commerce, is the #ront end to )))))))))).
a. the alue chain 'intra-business e-commerce(
b. the supply chain 'B2B e-commerce(
c. neither
d. both
$2. )))))))))), the act o# modi#ying a product or serice to #it a gien user&s re.uirements, is a possible e-commerce
source o# sustainable competitie adantage.
a. speciali3ation
b. customi"ation
c. targeting
d. tuning
e. none o# the aboe
$$. Intra-business e-commerce is sometimes called )))))))))) e-commerce.
a. B24
b. B2B
c. 424
d. B2G
5-Business 262/$ 7all6*
e. none of the above & !'E
$*. In a client9serer application, the )))))))))) logic proides the user inter#ace.
a. business
b. in#ormation9data
c. presentation
d. all o# the aboe
e. none o# the aboe
$,. We can directly connect in#ormation systems with increased #irm per#ormance.
a. true b. false
$/. + )))))))))) is operated by a trusted third party that o##ers bandwidth and other alue added serices to #acilitate
interconnectiity among multiple organi3ations.
a. irtual priate network ':%?(
b. value added net(ork )*N+
c. both + and B
d. neither + nor B
$0. What is the primary responsibility o# the 4hie# In#ormation <##icerA
a. manage programmers
b. aoid #ailed systems
c. set and guide the information systems strategy
d. proide technical e;pertise
e. know the technical status organi3ational competitors
$1. +'n( )))))))))) is a pseudo priate data network that uses public bandwidth in combination with a tunneling
protocol and security procedures.
a. alue added network ':+?(
b. intranet
c. virtual private net(ork )*,N+
d. leased line
e. irtual applied network
$8. Which o# the #ollowing #orms o# connectiity is the least scalableA
a. :+?
b. :%?
c. public bandwidth
d. private leased net(ork
e. the Internet
*6. + :%? relies on a special protocol understood only by the :%? so#tware to transmit packets, a techni.ue called
a. encryption
b. packet switching
c. tunneling
d. packet hiding
e. packet mining
Bonus '1 pt(> What is the name o# T4C&s #ootball teamA
a. =ebels
b. Gauchos
c. C4 -anta 4ru3 Banana -lugs
d. Gators
e- .orned /rogs )hint pick this one+
5-Business 262/$ 7all6*

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