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Pia Samantha M.

AB Communication Arts
Peace deal signed in March
The Aquino administration and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF !ill sign b" the end o# March a #inal $eace
agreement% ending #our decades o# con#lict in Mindanao and o$ening the !a" #or de&elo$ment o# the rich but im$o&erished
island in southern Phili$$ines.
Ta'ing a ste$ #urther in hel$ing secure $eace in Mindanao% Mala"sia% !hich bro'ered the success#ul $eace tal's bet!een the
go&ernment and the MILF% has o##ered to assist the Phili$$ines in $lacing !ell(trained leaders in the go&ernment o# the
$ro$osed Bangsamoro autonomous region.
President Benigno Aquino III in&ited Mala"sian Prime Minister )a*ib Ra+a' to !itness the signing o# the Com$rehensi&e
Agreement on the Bangsamoro to ac'no!ledge Mala"sia,s role in ending the Mindanao con#lict $eace#ull".
)a*ib told a *oint ne!s con#erence !ith President Aquino here on Frida" that he had acce$ted the in&itation.
I loo' #or!ard to attending that &er" historic ceremon"% !hich !ill usher in a ne! era #or the $eo$le o# the Phili$$ines. In the
case o# southern Phili$$ines% the securit" and $eace in that area !ill not onl" bene#it the $eo$le o# the Phili$$ines% but also
Mala"sia and the region as a !hole%- )a*ib said.
An e.act date has "et to be set% but )a*ib said he !as in&ited to come to Manila /b" the end o# March- as he reiterated his
go&ernment,s commitment to seeing the $eace agreement through.
As months sur$asses b" the" decide to ha&e $eace deal bet!een the MILF and the go&ernemnt but not onl" that the
Mala"sia !as in&o'ed b" the $eace deal and secure !ith $eace !ith them to the MILF. The President o# the Philii$ines
Benigno Aquino III acce$ted $eace and consideration truth#ull" and )a*id #rom 1uala Lam$ur *oint a ne!s con#erence to dealt
!ith $eace and understanding and so as the President o# the $hili$$ine also acce$ted the in&itation.
Finall" the #iirst da" o# March is a gi#ted date #or the Phili$$ines because there is $eace%understanding and acce$tance to
brought a clean image o# our countr". Bet!een t!o counrties and the grou$ o# MILF or the moros are no! o##iciall" brought
in to $eace. This brings o&er!helming $rocedure o# the #ili$inos. 2nce again a $eace tal' and a $eace deal alread" sur&i&e
#or #orgi&ness and su$remee.celence shall be besto!ed to the Phili$$ines. The President should maintained the Phili$$ines
into good hands not to terrori+e the countr" or tr"ing to im$each !ith.

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