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So, special characters. Big topic, isnt it! "ots o# ol$er pla%ers ta&e great o##ense #ro' the
'erest 'ention o# these, (isi)l% #linching, shi(ering, an$ getting *pset. "ets sla% the pin&
Special characters are na'e$, s*ppose$l% *ni+*e characters, ,ho arent so *ni+*e a#ter
As #ar as these go, %o* either get reall%, reall% *se#*l ones, or horri)l% )a$ ones. Marines
ha(e a lot 'ore o# n*')er t,o.
"i&e the characters the'sel(es, pla%ers co'e in t,o $istinct ca'ps. -o* either $ont care,
an$ consi$er e(er%thing in the co$e. legal an$ o&a% /,hich it is0, or %o* thin& o# special
characters as a $irt%, gi''ic&% ,a% to tra$e %o*r ar'%s so*l #or 'ore po,er.
Me, I' in the #irst ca'p, )*t I *n$erstan$ the secon$.
At one point in ti'e, these ,ere o)(io*sl% o(erpo,ere$ or *n$ercoste$ one1o# things,
that re+*ire$ %o*r opponents consent to p*t on the #iel$.
2hats all ,ell an$ goo$, %es, )*t in the %ear 3454, things are $i##erent, an$ the
ar'%sla%ers o# the past are no 'ore 1 replace$ instea$ )% gi''ic&s an$ )on*ses %o* can
get no,here else.
6irst, the )a$ ones.
Chronus7 tan& co''an$er. Ma&es alrea$% relia)le (ehicles 'ore relia)le, ,hile al'ost
$o*)ling the cost o# the non1rai$er ones. 8o ahea$. P*t hi' insi$e a las)oat pre$ator.
-o* &no, %o* ,ant a 39: point light tan&. Oh, gotta ha(e a h*nter1&iller, too, so 3;:. I#
the (ehicle $ies /it ,ill0, Chron*s pops o*t on <9, an$ hes a tech'arine ,ith a )olt pistol.
Wo*l$ )e *se#*l i# the 'a$e his tan& #ast an$ ,as cheaper, )*t alas, s*ch is not the case.
Marneus Calgar7 papa s'*r# costs as '*ch as a lan$ rai$er, pac&s t,in po,er#ists, an
AP3 stor')olter, an$ not '*ch else. O&a%, so he gets an e.tra ,o*n$. "ets %o* p*t three
*nits o# honor g*ar$ on the #iel$, an$ gi(es all in#antr% the a)ilit% to pass or #ail an%
'orale chec&s. 2his is the ol$ ,a% 8W *se$ to spell #earless, an$ #earless is )a$ on
'arines. Also has eternal ,arrior. Essentiall%, se=or A*g*st*s is a relic o# the past 1 an
e.pensi(e, o(erprice$ &illing 'achine, that can )e a(oi$e$.
Sicarius7 Cato is a no$ to,ar$s tra$itional 'arine (ie,s. 2hats ,h% he sports the ti'e1
teste$ plas'apistol, po,er ,eapon, an$ arti#icier ar'or. I# %o* pla%e$ $*ring 9r$ or ;th
e$ition, this co')o )rings )ac& 'e'ories o# a si'pler ti'e, one ,here captains ,ere
calle$ #orce co''an$ers, an$ ignoring ar'or sa(es at strength ; ,as the gol$ stan$ar$.
>n#ort*natel%, ,ere not pla%ing 9r$ or ;th e$ition, an$ re1rolling sie?e the intiati(e $oes
not 'a&e Sicari*s ,orth 344 points. -es, he has #eel no pain. -es, he gi(es a single
tactical squad a (eteran s&ill /in#iltrate, co*nter1attac&, sco*ts, or tan& h*nters0. No, he
$oesnt 'a&e )i&es troops, ,al& aro*n$ ,ith strength @, or e(en carr% a stor'shiel$.
Tigurius7 he costs as '*ch as 3.9 reg*lar li)rarians. What $oes he )ring to the ta)le!
-o* get to re1roll reser(es, an$ he can *se three ps%chic po,ers a t*rn. So in case %o*
,ant a character ,ith strength @, initiati(e 54, #leet, an$ the chance to instant1&ill
so'ething, Varro is %o*r 'an. Di$ I 'ention hes got t,o ,o*n$s, no in(*lnera)le sa(e,
3 )ase attac&s, an$ ,eapons&ill :! 2he one po,er %o* reall%, reall% nee$ is n*ll?one, an$
t,o reg*lar li)rarians gi(e %o* t,o chances to get it o##, an$ e(en sa(es %o* 94 points.
No, %o* $ont ,ant this g*% in %o*r ar'%, e.cept 'a%)e in a Ahan ar'%, #or 'ore
acc*rate o*t#lan&ing. In general, 2ig*ri*s is as )a$ as Ahri'an.
Cassius7 the 21B44 'o$el 545, a&a chaplain Cassi*s, costs onl% a #raction 'ore than a
reg*lar chaplain, %et is s*perior in e(er% ,a% i'agina)le. Ces 'ore &ill%, 'ore $*ra)le,
an$ has a )a$ass 'o$el. 2he pro)le'! Ces still a chaplain, still on #oot, an$ so'eone
sa, #it to strip hi' o# his ;th e$ition a)ilities.
Kantor7 is a chapter 'aster ,ho #orces %o* to tra$e co')at tactics #or st*))orn. Ba$,
)a$, )a$, )a$. Ma&es %o*r sterng*ar$ s+*a$s scoring, ,hich the internet preten$s is a )ig,
#at $eal, that *psets the nat*ral )alance o# the ga'e. Re'e')er the )asic principles7 hol$
one, contest all others. Its c*te to ha(e scoring sterng*ar$, )*t ,hats the point ,hen
%o*re alrea$% #orce$ to #iel$ t,o act*al scoring *nits! 6or so'e reason, he also gi(es
%o*r shoot% ar'% 'ore attac&s. -o* &no,, &in$a li&e the 6arsight principle, onl% ,itho*t
$estro%ing the ar'% co'pletel%, )*t 'a&ing it so %o*re al,a%s gonna )e st*c& in
co')at. Mister Aantor is one o# the 'ost o(errate$ *nits in the ga'e, an$ onl% has
practical *ses ,hen "%san$er is in his ar'%, an$ then onl% in h*ge )attles.
Lysander7 (enera)le Darnath is li&e Pe$ro a)o(e, onl% less *se#*l. Instea$ o# gi(ing
'ore attac&s, hes a co')at 'onster that 'a&es %o*r ar'% )etter at shooting. Con#*se$
%et! So #or 344 points, %o* get an eternal ,arrior th*n$erha''er ter'inator, that 'a&es
his s+*a$ )etter at shooting. -eah, o&a%. Also #orces %o* to tra$e in co')at tactics #or
st*))orn. "%san$er is the ol$er o# the ,on$er t,ins, an$ ,hen he Doins #orces ,ith 'ister
Aantor, the en$ res*lt is a (er% e.pensi(e, (er% rigi$, an$ (er% pre$icta)le co')ination o#
'*lti1attac& 'arines in $rop po$s.
2hats all the )a$ st*## sorte$. 2i'e #or so'ething goo$.
Shrike7 Shri&e hi'sel# isnt all that, )eing no 'ore $*ra)le or &ill% than a reg*lar captain,
)*t ,hat he $oes #or the ar'% is )ig. -o* see, he tra$es co')at tactics #or #leet. 6leeting
assa*lt ter'inators! In '% ,arha''er ;4,444! Its 'ore li&el% than %o* thin&. Also lets
%o* pla% in#iltrate an$ o*t#lan& ,ith the *nit hes attache$ to. Not all that goo$, or that
s'art. Cas ren$ing, so ,ont a*to'aticall% $ie to ene'% $rea$s.
Khan7 )*$get 'ongol. Ahan is the cheapest o# the )*nch, an$ pro)a)l% the 'ost
straight#or,ar$ an$ han$% on the ta)letop. In e.change #or co')at tactics, %o* can
o*t#lan&. As a special )on*s, all %o*r transports get to o*t#lan&, too, an$ )eca*se Ahan is
a (er% genero*s g*%, he gi(es #*rio*s charge an$ hit an$ r*n to an% *nit he Doins. >nli&e
Sicari*s, Ahan )ro*ght a real ,eapon, an$ ,ill in#lict instant1$eath on an% to1,o*n$ rolls
o# @. 2his 'a&es hi' $angero*s. P*tting hi' on a )i&e *nloc&s )i&es as troops, )*t %o*re
)etter o## ta&ing an a$$itional captain on )i&e #or this. Aorsarro '*ch li&es )eing on
#oot, so his ar'% gets an e.tra co')at *nit, an$ he can o*t#lan& insi$e a ter'inator
s+*a$s lan$ rai$er.
Telion7 Sean Conner%. Ces a (in$icare assassin. 6or those ,ho $ont &no, ,hat this
entails, it 'eans he gets to assign ,o*n$s to an%thing he shoots 1 pic&ing o## hea(%
,eapon troopers, or sergeants, #or instance. Ren$ing, )allistics&ill @, pinning... I# %o*
ta&e sco*ts, 2elion is general *tilit%, an$ not that e.pensi(e. 6or #*n, %o* can #orego
shooting ,ith hi' to 'a&e another sco*t in his *nit )allistics&ill @. 8enerall% not a s'art
thing to $o.
An$ no, #or the )ig cheese.
Vulkan7 grants re1rolls #or all #la'ers, 'eltas, an$ th*n$erha''ers, in e.change #or
co')at tactics. Pac&s a relic)la$e, stor'shiel$, $igi1,eapons, arti#icier ar'or, an$ a
hea(% #la'er. Cestan is a #orce o# nat*re, an$ his po,er is (ast, great, an$ *n$enia)le.
Ca(ing all %o*r #a(ore$ an$ co''on ,eapons )eco'e )etter is a lo(el% thing, %es, )*t
theres a catch 1 one the internet 'isses. 2a&ing V*l&an is onl% tr*l% ,orth it i# %o* reall%
#oc*s on these ,eapons, an$ the% all ha(e a (er% short range. Short range 'eans in the
?one. Being in the ?one e+*als )eing open to assa*lts. Since V*l&an costs %o* co')at
tactics, %o*r shoot% ar'% can no longer escape, an$ this 'eans %o* '*st ta&e a co*ple
assa*lt *nits o# %o*r o,n 1 co''onl% assa*lt ter'inators. V*l&an 'a% not *nloc& an%
c*te *nits, )*t he still 'anages to co'pletel% change the ,a% %o* pla% an$ asse')le %o*r
As ,e can all clearl% see, lots o# ,hine has )een she$ )% #or*'itis1a##licte$ pla%ers #or
(er% little reason.
Marine special characters are reall% all a)o*t gi''ic&s, )*t %o* act*all% ha(e to pa% #or
their ser(ices. 2his is ,h% stoc& characters are *se#*l, an$ *ni+*e characters are 'ostl%
)ro*ght in to the'e 1 #or instance, last stan$1st%le$ cri'son #ists, ,ith three $a'age$
*nits o# sterng*ar$, t,o s'all tactical s+*a$s, an$ a single *nit o# sco*ts.
Dont )e a pla%a hata.
Ne.t *p, stoc& CEs.
Chapter master7 )a$.
Masters start o*t e.pensi(e, an$ the 'ore things %o* gi(e hi', the ,orse the in#lation
Virt*all% i$entical to captains, this is the )oo&s one an$ onl% $*$ *nit. 6or a character
,ith s*ch an epic na'e, %o*$ e.pect hi' to )e the 'ost &ill% *nit %o* co*l$ e(er p*t on
the #iel$, )*t no 1 %o* get a )o'), an$ thats all %o* ha(e o(er captains.
2he )o') is a strength 54, AP5 large )last, that %o*r 'aster '*st re'ain i''o)ile in
the 'o(e'ent phase to *se, an$ scatters a lot. Beca*se o# this, its a serio*s $anger to
%o*r o,n ar'%, an$ since the 'aster is a co')at character, %o* reall% $ont ,ant hi' to
,aste ti'e sitting still.
Rather than $oing so'ething *se#*l, s*ch as allo,ing a single s+*a$ o# ter'inators to
co*nt as troops, he *nloc&s honor g*ar$.
2his is a (er% e.pensi(e, s'all, an$ not that po,er#*l co')at *nit, ,hich still $oesnt get
a lan$ rai$er transport, an$ lac&s the #le.i)ilit% o# the captains co''an$ s+*a$. When
things cost al'ost as '*ch as assa*lt ter'inators, %et 'anage to )e a 'illion ti'es
,orse, %o* &no, so'eone scre,e$ *p so'e,here. 6or o)(io*s reasons, ,e $ont tal&
a)o*t honor g*ar$ in p*)lic.
Options #or the 'aster are i$entical to the captain, an$ ,ill )e $isc*sse$ in his entr%.
O(erall, 'asters are to% *nits, an$ $o little that captains cant $o #or less.
What makes it good7 $*ra)le, e(en ,itho*t e.tra gear. Can )e 'a$e (er% &ill%.
What makes it bad7 o(erprice$. Doesnt ha(e an% goo$ passi(e a)ilities. Strictl% a
$a'age $ealer, ,ith no #*n *nloc&s or po,ers. Is also +*ite clearl% not a captain.
Captain: goo$.
Reasona)l% price$, an$ (er% c*sto'i?a)le, captains are D*st as &ill% an$ $*ra)le as
'asters, %et cost 3: points less, *nloc& the *tilit% co''an$ s+*a$, an$ i# %o* gi(e hi' a
pair o# ,heels, he gracio*sl% ta&es care o# all %o*r troop1relate$ pro)le's.
"i&e 'asters, captains can )e 'a$e prohi)iti(el% e.pensi(e, an$ st*$$e$ ,ith 'ore )ling
an$ gear than %o*ll e(er re'e')er to *se.
2his, o# co*rse, isnt a s'art thing to $o.
2ra$itionall%, captains ,ere calle$ #orce co''an$ers, an$ o*t#itte$ ,ith a po,er
,eapon, plas'apistol, arti#icer ar'or, an$ an iron halo. -o* &no,, li&e Sicari*s.
2his ,as the gol$ stan$ar$ #or al'ost se(en %ears, an$ so'e pla%ers still ta&e it o*t o#
ha)it. 6or )etter or ,orse, the ga'e has 'o(e$ on, an$ : ar'or1ignoring attac&s at
strength ; is no longer consi$ere$ i'pressi(e, or e(en all that *se#*l.
Beca*se ;4& has shi#te$ a,a% #ro' 'arines )eing *lti'ate )a$ass co')at 'onsters,
%o*$ thin& captains ,o*l$ not )e all that *se#*l *p close. 6ort*natel%, %o*re (er% ,rong.
Since Mat War$ lo(es %o*, he ga(e %o* '*ch, '*ch )etter tools than 'arines ha(e
tra$itionall% ha$ access to, an$ tho*gh %o*re still onl% )e 9 attac&s )ase, those 9 attac&s
,ill no, h*rt 'ore than e(er )e#ore, ,hile ret*rn )lo,s are less li&el% to h*rt %o* 1 let
alone o*tright &ill %o*.
Co')at is reall% ,here the captain )elongs, )*t range$ options are cheap, po,er#*l, an$
act*all% *se#*l #or once. Since %o*r pri'ar% co')at i'ple'ents /relic)la$e, po,er#ist,
th*n$erha''er0 $ont gi(e an e.tra attac& ,ith a pistol, %o* reall% ,ant %o*r captain to
l*g aro*n$ so'ething shoot%.
Spea&ing o# i'ple'ents, lets loo&s at his h*rt% options.
2heres the *s*al list o# )a$ st*## /plas'apistol, co')i1plas'a, D*'p pac&, etc.0 an$ then
theres e(er%thing else, ,hich is great to 'o$eratel% *se#*l.
>nless hes carr%ing a stor'shiel$, %o*r captain ,ill lo(e %o* i# %o* gi(e hi' a co')i1
5;4 points gets %o* a captain ,ith a relic)la$e an$ co')i1'elta. 2his e+*als 9 ar'or1
ignoring attac&s at strength @, an$ a single )allistics&ill : 'elta1shot. In a$$ition to this,
hes got a #airl% )ee#% pro#ile, an$ starts o*t ,ith a ;< in(*lnera)le sa(e #ro' his )*ilt1in
iron halo.
2his co')o is calle$ ol$ #aith#*l, an$ has largel% replace$ the ancient #orce co''an$er
6or 5;4 points, theres (er% little to co'plain on.
Its o#ten sai$ that replacing the )la$e ,ith a po,er#ist or a th*n$erha''er ,astes the
captains initiati(e o# :, )*t this is not so.
>pgra$ing /$o,ngra$ing!0 to either lets %o* instant1&ill a lot o# (er% anno%ing things 1
so'ething that sho*l$ not )e *n$eresti'ate$.
While initiati(e 5 is nor'all% a reall% )a$ thing, the captain has '*ch less to ,orr% a)o*t
than other characters ,ho $o this, )eca*se hes got three ,o*n$s, ,eapons&ill @, an$ his
iron halo to rel% on #or protection, an$ 'an% o# the nast% things %o*re gonna p*t hi' *p
against either ha(e initiati(e @<, or are too ar$ to #ear the )la$es strength @.
O# co*rse, %o* can tool hi' *p ,ith t,in th*n$erha''ers, a*.iliar% grena$e la*ncher,
arti#icer ar'or, 'elta)o')s, an$ a D*'p pac& i# %o* ,ant to. We all &no, this, an$ ,hat
a ,aste it is, so $ont.
I# ol$ #aith#*ls not %o*r thing, t,o other (ali$ options are ter'inator captain, an$ the
'*ch lo(e$ )i&er)oss.
>nli&e chaos ter'inator lor$s, ter'inator captains are act*all% ,orth their points, )eing
'ore relia)le, $*ra)le, &illier, an$ *s*all% cheaper. Co,e(er, theres a signi#icant
$ra,)ac& to ter'inator ar'or7 no relic)la$e. It co*l$ )e arg*e$ that this is 'a$e *p #or
)% the chain#ist, an$ in a sense, it &in$a is.
Beca*se %o*r captain is s'arter than Belial an$ all te'plar co''an$ers e(er, he $oesnt
$iscar$ his iron halo ,hen %o* $ress hi' *p as a ter'inator. Re'e')er this.
2he )i&er)oss is ,hat it so*n$s li&e 1 captain on a )i&e.
Cis presence *nloc&s )i&e s+*a$s o# no less than #i(e 'o$els strong as troops, ,hich
nicel% sol(es the tactical $ile''a, an$ opens *p the possi)ilit% #or an all1'o*nte$ )i&er
ar'%. >nli&e ,ea&sa*ce ra(en,ing, ,ho are onl% ,orth it in one speci#ic )*il$, )i&er
'arines are po,er#*l.
Since )i&es are stan$1o## shooting *nits, %o* nee$ to incl*$e a )i&er co''an$ s+*a$
/'ore on this later0 to get the 'ost o*t o# his co')at po,ers.
De#a*lt )i&er)oss is )i&e pl*s relic)la$e 1 5@: points total. Cheap an$ e##ecti(e.
In a$$ition to all his ,eapons an$ $ress co$e, he gets so'e )ling.
3< ar'or sa(e, 9< in(*lnera)le /cons*'es one o# his t,o ,eapon slots0, 'elta)o')s,
hal# range grena$e la*ncher, poisone$ 3< shooting attac&s ,ith co')i1, stan$ar$1, an$
lin&e$ )olters, an$ i# hes not on one a )i&e or in ter'inator ar'or, %o* can gi(e hi' a
D*'p pac&.
F*'p pac& is )a$, stor'shiel$ is potent, )*t sacri#ices shooting, an$ the others are goo$ i#
points allo,, )*t not 'an$ator% pic&s.
GIs this thing o(er %et!G No.
We(e still got the co''an$ s+*a$ to co(er.
Essentiall%, the co''an$ s+*a$ is a 'i.e$ co')atHshooting *nit that $oesnt cons*'e
elite slots.
It can )e geare$ *p #or prett% '*ch an%thing 1 incl*$ing 'ass plas'a, har$core )i&er
assa*lt *nit, character $eli(er% s%ste', 'i$#iel$ hol$er, #ire)ase protector, tan&ing an(il,
or a co')ination thereo#.
Incl*$ing the co''an$ s+*a$ also lets %o* p*t another rhino or ra?or)ac& on the ta)le,
,hich is al,a%s *se#*l, e(en i# %o* ha(e no plans on *sing it to transport the *nit itsel#.
2han&s to #eel no pain, the co''an$ s+*a$ is an e.cellent plat#or' #or plas'ag*ns. 2he
#act that the% can ta&e *p to #o*r helps, too.
Bi&es are an e.pensi(e *pgra$e, )*t necessar% in a )i&er ar'%. Witho*t the )i&er
co''an$, %o*r ar'% ,ill not ha(e an% serio*s co')at *nits 1 '*ch li&e ra(en,ing.
Stor'shiel$s are an interesting option. >nli&e 'ost other *nits that can pic& the', the
co''an$ s+*a$ $oesnt tra$e an% ,eapons #or the shiel$s, so its possi)le to ha(e, #or
instance, stor'shiel$, th*n$erha''er, )i&e, an$ a plas'ag*n.
De#a*lt co')at i'ple'ent #or the co''an$ sho*l$ )e lightning cla, 1 this )eca*se
%o*re li&el% to carr% aro*n$ a g*n, so ,ont get e.tra attac&s, an$ the po,er ,eapon
costs the sa'e points, %et $oes less.
2heir #lag is largel% a ,aste o# points, )*t a co'pan% cha'pion is ,orth it i# %o*re
gearing *p #or co')at.
All in all, an% 'arine ar'% )ene#its #ro' the presence o# a captain an$ his co''an$
s+*a$. 2he 'ain #actor li'iting their pop*larit% is the stan$ar$ points li'it )eing large%
loc&e$ at 5:44 points, an$ the #act that therere )etter options. Car$ to )elie(e, %es! Well
get there.
What makes it good7 $*ra)le, &ill%, an$ not that e.pensi(e #or ,hat %o* get. Co''an$
s+*a$ is p*re *tilit%, $oesnt s*c& a,a% a (al*a)le elite slot, an$ happens to )e the )est
in#antr% plat#or' #or 'asse$ plas'ag*ns in the co$e.. Captains sol(e the tactical
$ile''a, an$ *nloc& the )i&er ar'%. Also happens to )e the 'ost &ill%, *nna'e$ 'o$el
%o* can #iel$.
What makes it bad7 eas% to go o(er)oar$ ,ith )ling an$ gear. While co''an$ s+*a$s
are ,orth their points, it a$$s *p +*ic&l%, an$ li'its %o*r ar'% in s'aller ga'es.
Librarian: great.
Weighing in at 544 points, the li)rarian $oesnt loo& li&e '*ch.
At #irst glance, he see's incre$i)l% ,ea&, ,ith a statline i$entical to chaplains, an$
'*ch, '*ch ,ea&er gear than all the other options.
6irst glances, ho,e(er, rarel% 'anage to ta&e in the #*ll pac&age.
2hose 544 points act*all% )*% %o* Mc8%(er.
"i)rarians are ps%&ers, an$ (er% goo$ ones at that. >nli&e 'ost other ar'ies, %o*r
ps%&ers )ring (er% real, (er% *se#*l, en(ie$ s*pport, $angero*s o##ensi(e spells, an$ a
co*ple o$$ ones.
Avenger, smite, an$ vortex of doom are o##ensi(e spells. 2he #irst is a reall% po,er#*l
#la'er, s'ite is '*lti1shot #inger lightning ,ith AP3, an$ the (orte. is a strength 54, AP5
)last, thats also a hea(% ,eapon. Its ,orth 'entioning that all these ha(e (er% li'ite$
Nullzone an$ force dome 'a&e *p %o*r s*pport, ,ith the #irst one #orcing re1rolls o# all
s*ccess#*l ene'% in(*lnera)le sa(es ,ithin 3; inches /'*st1ha(e0, an$ the secon$ gi(ing
the li)rarian an$ an% *nit hes ,ith a :< in(*lnera)le sa(e.
2he o$$ ones are machine curse, /the0 quickening, might of the ancients, an$ the gate of
infinity. N*')er one is the o$$est, co*nting as a range$ attac&, ,ith a hit in#licting an
a*to'atic glancing hit on an% (ehicle its targete$ at. 2he secon$ an$ thir$ po,ers are
)*##s, gi(ing the li)rarian #leet an$ initiati(e 54, an$ 'a&ing hi' co*nt as a 'onstro*s
creat*re ,ith a strength o# @ respecti(el%. 2he gate allo,s %o* to pic& *p the li)rarian, as
,ell as an% *nit hes attache$ to, an$ re$eplo% the' an%,here ,ithin 3; inches, co*nting
the ,hole thing as a $eep stri&e, ,ith the #*n&% $ra,)ac& that a $o*)le on the scatter
'eans a single g*% in his *nit ,ill $ie.
Its possi)le to go into great $epth an$ $etail #or all these po,ers, )*t thats reser(e$ #or
the tr*l% goo$ ones.
O# i'portance is that ,hile li)rarians ha(e a lot o# options, the% are onl% e(er allo,e$ to
)ring t,o spells into )attle, an$ can onl% *se a single one per pla%er t*rn.
Spells are goo$ to ha(e, %es, )*t ninDa 'agic is )etter, an$ li)rarians get #o*r to pic&
#ro'. 2hese are, in or$er #ro' 'ost potent to least, n*ll?one, a(enger, gate, an$ #orce
2he presence o# n*ll?one scre,s o(er 'ost elite in#antr%. 6orcing re1rolls e+*als less
shots an$ )lo,s necessar% to $o,n a gi(en target. 2his is e.tre'el% potent, an$ 'eans
%o*r s'all, co'pact ar'% can $o,n har$ targets ,ith less g*%s shooting an$ c*tting
the', #reeing *p reso*rces to &ill 'ore st*## in an% gi(en t*rn that n*ll?one goes o##.
Easil% the )est ninDa 'agic a(aila)le to space 'arines 1 i# not the )est ninDa 'agic in the
entire ga'e.
Since all o##ensi(e spells are so short1range$, i# %o* pic& an% o# the', %o* ,ant it to )e
the 'ost *se#*l, po,er#*l, an$ relia)le, so the chance o# lea(ing s*r(i(ors goes $o,n.
2he a(enger is the ninDa 'agic %o* see&.
Being a #la'er te'plate, it ignores co(er sa(es, an$ since its AP9, as ,ell as 'o$erate
strength, it toasts 'ost hea(%1 an$ all light in#antr%. Can$% )on*s7 shooting a(enger #ro'
a rhino hatch gi(es %o* that )it e.tra range.
8ate lets %o* re$eplo%, e##ecti(el% co(ering (ast $istances ,itho*t a transport or letting
the ene'% shoot %o* )e#ore %o*re in their lines. Beca*se its a $eep stri&e teleport,
placing the li)rarian an$ his *nit near locator )eacons 'eans %o* ,ont scatter.
2his is a nice thing to ha(e, an$ can )e *se$ to 'o(e aro*n$ large, shoot% *nits (er%
6orce $o'e 'a&es non1ter'inator *nits in the open an$ assa*lt a lot 'ore $*ra)le, an$
can shi#t so'e co')ats in %o*r #a(or.
2his po,er is a lot 'ore *se#*l than 'ost thin&, )*t its not as goo$ as the other ninDa
'agic at %o*r $isposal. Despite this, it occasionall% )eco'es ga'e1changing, allo,ing
i'portant *nits to stic& aro*n$ #or another t*rn.
"i)rarians arent all spells, tho*gh, an$ pac& #orce ,eapons an$ ps%chic hoo$s. 2he #irst
is a glori#ie$ po,er ,eapon that lets %o* e.ec*te a special instant1&ill spell i# %o* in#lict
$a'age to the target. >n#ort*natel%, this spell co*nts to,ar$s %o*r once a pla%er t*rn
allo,ance, so is rarel% *se$.
Coo$s are one o# the ga'es #e, an$ #ar )et,een ps%chic $e#enses. Aeeping a li)rarian
,ithin 3; inches o# ene'% ps%&ers gi(es %o* a #air chance o# $ispelling their spells an$
ninDa 'agic.
Option1,ise, li)rarians ha(e a lot o# *seless st*## /all g*ns )ar one, D*'p pac&0, so'e
*se#*l st*## /ter'inator ar'or, )i&e, co')i1'elta0, an$ a (er% e.pensi(e one /ter'inator
ar'or ,ith a stor'shiel$0. I# %o* ,ant to *se (orte. o# $oo', or D*st increase %o*r
$*ra)ilit%, in(esting in ter'inator ar'or or a )i&e is essential. 2er'inator ar'or also lets
%o* $eep stri&e, an$ %o*re right at ho'e ,ith other ter'inators, ,itho*t )eing a total
Beca*se space 'arines are special, their ps%&ers can pa% a sill% a'o*nt o# points to )e
allo,e$ *sage o# t,o spells a pla%er t*rn.
2his is a )a$ in(est'ent, than&s to the #act %o* get hal# o# a secon$ li)rarian #or the
points, an$ %o*ll rarel% nee$ to *se t,o po,ers a t*rn, an%,a%. So'e co')at li)rarians
splash points on this, rel%ing on the *nrelia)le $*rr, h*rrI #*nn%1co')o o# )*##s an$
#orce ,eapon to assassinate characters. Its not a s'art thing to $o.
All in all, the 'ost *se#*l CE %o* can #iel$, an$ at a )*$get price.
Ce ,ont )*tcher ar'ies on his o,n, )*t his presence 'eans the rest o# %o*r ar'% ,ill
ha(e an easier ti'e $oing so, an$ the li)rarian hi'sel# o##ers har$1to1#in$ protection
against ene'% ps%&ers, as ,ell as an *nrelia)le insta1&ill 1 ,hich so'eti'es co'es in
Beca*se o# all these things 1 n*ll?one in partic*lar 1 li)rarians are al'ost a '*st1ha(e.
M*ch li&e captains, li)rarians 'a&e an% ar'% %o* co*l$ e(er thin& o# )etter, )*t *nli&e
captains, the% $ont cost '*ch o# an%thing to incl*$e.
Sho*l$ al'ost al,a%s )e %o*r $e#a*lt CE.
What makes it good7 *tilit% *nit. Brings (er% potent ninDa 'agic, as ,ell as $e#ense
against ene'% ps%&ers. I# geare$ #or it, has (er% po,er#*l 1 i# short1range$ 1 o##ensi(e
capa)ilities. Ver% #le.i)le an$ relia)le. Can$s $o,n the )est CE a(aila)le to space
What makes it bad7 #ragile. "i)rarians are the least $*ra)le class o# character %o* can
Chaplain: )a$.
6or 544 points, an$ co'ing o## the li)rarian, %o*$ e.pect a lot 'ore.
Chaplains are generall% )a$ in(est'ents, )eca*se the *nits the%re nor'all% attache$ to
are either still )a$ e(en ,ith the chaplain s*pporting the' /assa*lt 'arines, (ang*ar$0, or
so goo$ in the #irst place, the chaplains po,ers are al'ost 'eaningless /assa*lt
ter'inators, co''an$ s+*a$s0.
Still, hes got so'e goo$ gear. "i&e li)rarians, chaplains start o*t al'ost #*ll% &itte$, ,ith
)oth a po,er ,eapon an$ an iron halo1e+*i(alent. What this all 'eans is, hes slightl%
'ore s*r(i(a)le than a li)rarian, )*t act*all% less &ill% on his o,n, $*e to a $istinct lac&
o# ninDa 'agic.
In a$$ition to his li'ite$ co')at pro,ess, ,ea& stats, an$ goo$ gear, chaplains 'a&e an%
*nit the%re attache$ to #earless 1 ,hich is )a$ 1 an$ on an% t*rn the% charge, e(er% $*$e
in the *nit gets to re1roll 'isse$ hits.
I# %o* #eel li&e )lo,ing 'ore points, %o* can *pgra$e hi' ,ith so'e st*##J ter'inator
ar'or, D*'p pac&, )i&e, a po,er#ist, the *selessl% *seless plas'apistol, an$ g*ns. Not
co*nting the po,er#ist, its all &in$s o# la'e an$ st*pi$, honestl%.
Its #air to tell %o* all that $*ring the $a%s o# 9r$ e$ition, chaplains ,ere the onl% CE
,orth #iel$ing.
No, the%(e )een re$*ce$ to the onl% CE not ,orth #iel$ing.
What makes it good: goo$ starting gear.
What makes it bad7 chaplains ha(e the $*)io*s $o*)le honor o# )eing CE *nits that $o
nothing tr*l% special #or the ar'% as a ,hole, an$ easil% )eing the ,orst possi)le CE a
'arine pla%er can p*t on the #iel$. No, the presence o# a chaplain $oesnt t*rn assa*lt
'arines into act*al co')at *nits. Is +*ite o)(io*sl% not a li)rarian, %et costs the sa'e
a'o*nt o# points, an$ cons*'es the sa'e slot.
Master of the forge7 goo$.
A shoot% )oss, costing 544 points )ase.
One o# the rarest species in the ga'e, an$ hes +*ite a speci'en.
O*tsi$e o# ta*, there are #e, hea(il% ar'e$ shooting characters, an$ this is one o# the'.
Straight o*# o# the )o., he gets arti#icer ar'or, a #la'er, lin&e$ plas'apistol, an$ t,o
po,er#ist attac&s. Nice, #le.i)le, an$ cheap. 2hats the na'e o# the ga'e7 #le.i)le.
On the #iel$, #orgelor$s are generalist CEs, capa)le o# torching in#antr%, tan&ing so'e
$a'age, h*rting ar'or, an$ )eating *p st*## in co')at. In an% gi(en t*rn, hes al'ost
g*arantee$ to )e &illing so'ething, or getting &ille$ to spare 'ore critical pieces o# %o*r
2his isnt the 'ain reason ,h% %o* )ro*ght hi', ho,e(er.
In a$$ition to his ,eapons an$ )ling, the 'aster o# the #orge len$s %o* the po,er to ta&e
$rea$no*ghts 1 o# an% t%pe 1 as hea(% s*pport, as ,ell as elites. Si. $rea$s 'a.! Oh '%.
Ce also )oosts the co(er sa(e con#erre$ )% a single r*in in %o*r $eplo%'ent ?one, an$
can repair (ehicles in %o*r shooting phase. 2he )oost is *se#*l, )*t repairing less so, since
it costs %o* his shooting #or that t*rn.
>nloc&s a *nit ,e $ont tal& a)o*t in p*)lic.
Ces not e.actl% star(e$ #or options, either, ha(ing access to a )*nch o# 'ostl% *seless
g*ns, $igi1,eapons, )i&e, an$ pic&ing a th*n$erha''er or a po,er ,eapon. 2he onl%
g*ns tr*l% ,orth it are, o# co*rse, #la'er an$ 'elta co')is. 6or a$$e$ #le.i)ilit%, the
po,er ,eapon is *s*all% a goo$ )*%, an$ the ha''er is so'eti'es *se#*l.
I# %o* tra$e in all %o*r starting ,eapons, %o* can )*% hi' a reall% )ig an$ sill% g*n. I#
%o* $o this, the )i&e )eco'es al'ost 'an$ator%, at it allo,s hi' to 'o(e an$ #ire.
In the gri' $ar&ness o# the #ar #*t*re, so'e g*ns increase in po,er the #arther a,a% the
target is, an$ the con(ersion )ea'er is s*ch a g*n.
At short ranges, %o*r g*ns pro#ile is al'ost nothing. Me$i*' range, it increases
$ra'aticall%, )*t still isnt all that goo$. Its at long ranges that this thing )eco'es $ea$l%,
plon&ing $o,n a strength 54 )last, ,ith AP5, )*t *nless %o*(e gi(en hi' a )i&e, he
,ont get to #ire at 'a.i'*' e##ecti(eness that o#ten.
2heres still so'e $e)ate o(er ,hether or not he &eeps a ser(o1ar' in this tra$e, )*t ,hat
people #ail to reali?e is ho, *ni'portant an$ *seless the $e)ate is. I# hes got the )ig g*n,
hes not gonna go an%,here near the ene'%, e(er.
In short, he either helps the in#antr% o*t *p close an$ personal, or hangs )ac& to $estro%
ar'or an$ elite in#antr%. Ver% goo$ (al*e #or the points, an$ has 'assi(e presence on the
What makes it good7 *tilit% *nit. 6iel$ing one lets %o* ta&e 'ore $rea$s, #orti#% a r*in,
an$ repair (ehicles. 8enerall% a *se#*l character to ha(e, than&s to his ,i$e an$ (arie$
range o# e+*ip'ent. 2he secon$ 'ost potent class o# co')at character a(aila)le to %o*.
Con(ersion )ea'er is (er% po,er#*l at long ranges.
What makes it bad7 tr*l% a generalist. Not as goo$ at s*pport as a li)rarian, not as &ill%
*p close or in co')at as a captainH'aster, an$ not +*ite as $*ra)le as a chaplain or
captainsH'asters. Cas no in(*lnera)le sa(e, at all. Repairing is rarel% ,orth the ti'e or
Tactical squad7 )a$.
People lo(e stac&ing these, an$ then ,hine the% cant ,in. 2he #irst 'ista&e o# all ne,
'arine pla%ers7 )*il$ing their ar'ies aro*n$ tactical s+*a$s.
As ,e ha(e to*che$ *pon alrea$%, 'arine ar'ies $ont ha(e cores, or s*pporting
ele'ents. -o*r gr*nts are D*st as sel#1containe$ as %o*r elites, an$ arent on the ta)le to
act as the core, s*pport, 'eatshiel$, or an%thing )*t their o,n *nits.
In a$$ition to their cost, tactical s+*a$s ha(e a co*ple pro)le's. I# %o* ,ant the' to $o
an%thing, %o* nee$ ten 'en. I# %o* ha(e ten 'en, %o* cant #it the *nit an$ a character
insi$e a rhino, or e(en *se the #*ll *nit e##ecti(el% ,ith a ra?or)ac&. Once %o* a$$ *p the
cost o# )ling, gear, the #i(e e.tra 'en, an$ %o*r ri$e, %o*ll co'e o*t at least at 34:
points. 2hats a lot #or ,hat 'ost consi$er a glori#ie$ scoring *nit.
In a )alance$ 3444 points ar'%, %o* arent li&el% to e(er nee$ 'ore than t,o #*ll tactical
s+*a$s. In #act, all 'arine ar'ies not )*ilt aro*n$ a )i&er )oss or 'asse$ ra?or)ac&s
NEED t,o #*ll s+*a$s.
Co,e(er, D*st as there is a la, o# conser(ation o# ninD*ts*, there is also a la, o#
conser(ation o# #*ll tacs. Essentiall%, there is onl% so '*ch po,er inherent in #*ll tactical
s+*a$s, )*t ,hat there is en$s *p split e(enl% )et,een all s+*a$s present. 2here#ore, the
less o# the' %o* ta&e, the stronger %o*r in$i(i$*al s+*a$s ,ill )e.
Note that ,hile tactical s+*a$s are )a$, )eing )a$ is (er% #ar a,a% #ro' )eing *seless.
-o*r stats an$ gear let %o* soa& an$ tan& +*ite a )it o# p*nish'ent, an$ the s+*a$ is goo$
at ca*sing hea(% real1estate $a'age to ene'% light in#antr%.
Most o# the tr*l% goo$ st*## is #ree7 '*lti1'elta, #la'er, 'issile la*ncher. P*tting a
'*lti1'elta in )oth %o*r s+*a$s is al'ost 'an$ator%, )eca*se it pro(i$es an in(isi)le
#orce#iel$ a*ra that tells ene'% ar'or to sta% 'ore than 3; inches a,a%, an$ sho*l$ an%
(ehicle tr% an$ tan&shoc& %o*, its li&el% to get slagge$ right then an$ there.
6or a$$e$ 'elta goo$ness, %o* can e+*ip the sergeant ,ith a co')i1'elta. I# %o*re
gi(ing hi' an%thing at all, al,a%s gi(e hi' a co')i1'elta in a$$ition to his other gear. It
'a&es %o*r *nit that '*ch 'ore *se#*l to %o*.
Its so'eti'es ,orth it to *pgra$e %o*r #ree #la'er to a 'eltag*n, too. Re'e')er, this
increases %o*r anti1ar'or capa)ilites ,ith a #actor e+*al to the anti1in#antr% %o* gi(e *p.
Another option, ,hich is a lot less *se#*l, 'ore e.pensi(e, )*t #ar 'ore pop*lar, is
'asse$ plas'a. Co')i1plas'a, plas'ag*n, plas'acannon. Not reall% a ,ise thing to r*n
in :th e$ition.
2he pop*lar consen*s is that tactical s+*a$s s*c& 1 ,hich the% honestl% $ont.
Its a li'ite$ *nit, %es, )*t its po,er#*l eno*gh, relia)le eno*gh, an$ #le.i)le eno*gh to
,or& on its o,n alongsi$e %o*r other 'o*nte$ in#antr% an$ ar'or, an$ in a$$ition to this,
its a scoring *nit. 2his is so'eting that cannot )e ignore$.
2actical s+*a$s ,ill ne(er 'eas*re *p to troops s*ch as gre% h*nters, i'perial g*ar$
(eterans, 'ost t%rani$ troops, or e(en plag*e 'arines, )*t those *nits $ont ha(e the
pleas*re o# )eing sel#1containe$, or e(en hal# as relia)le as ,hat %o* )ring.
2hat sai$, *nless %o* ,ant 'ore plas'a)ac&s or ass)ac&s, %o*ll get a lot 'ore )ang #or
%o*r )*c& #ro' other *nits.
Dont sin& 'ore than the necessar% points into tactical s+*a$s 1 #*ll ones, especiall%.
What makes it good7 its a scoring *nit. Al,a%s )rings ar'or sat*ration. 6ree '*lti1
'elta scares ene'% ar'or into s*)'ission, )olters pl*s #la'er an$Hor co')i1#la'er tear
ch*n&s o*t o# light in#antr%, an$ e.tra 'elta ,eapons allo, %o* to &ill ar'or +*ic&l% an$
What makes it bad7 e.pensi(e #or ,hat %o* get. Beca*se o# the #i.e$ one special, one
hea(%, %o*re li&el% to en$ *p ,ith one 'arine shooting his pistol, an$ the other *sing a
s*pport ,eapon. Cea(% ,eapons in tactical s+*a$s are 'ore #or sniping than acti(e *se.
Scouts7 )a$.
2hese ,ere #or'erl% (er% goo$, )*t are no, a ,hole lot less so.
With a signi#icantl% ,ea&er pro#ile than their )ig )rothers, sco*ts $ont reall% $o an%thing
that ,ell, an$ *nli&e tactical 'arines, the% $ont )ring a )ig )o. o# tools, or a transport.
E(en their starting gear is ,ea&er 1 tra$ing po,er ar'or #or carapace.
2his is all reall% )a$, )*t there are re$ee'ing +*alities.
Instea$ o# a tool)o., sco*ts ha(e a h*ge list o# han$% special a)ilities. "i&e %o*$ e.pect
#ro' the na'e, sco*ts are in$ee$ sco*ts, an$ )ring )oth in#iltrate an$ 'o(e thro*gh
-o* can gear the' *p ,ith shotg*ns, )olters, sniper ri#les, or reall% large &ni(es, an$ it
,ont cost %o* a single thing.
Shotg*ns 'a&e %o*r sco*ts into short1range$ $a&&a *nits. In essence, the &i$s are
preten$ing to )e sterng*ar$. Ani(es let %o* preten$ %o*re an e##ecti(e co')at *nit, an$
)olters are a(aila)le e(er%,here else in the ar'%, too. Its all reall% #l*##% an$ c*$$l%, )*t
not ,orth %o*r ti'e.
Another option rarel% ,orth %o*r ti'e is ca'o cloa&s. 2his gi(es the *nit the stealth
r*le. -o* can also splash points #or inacc*rate 'issiles, or hell#ire shells hea(% )olters.
Both sho*l$ 'ostl% )e a(oi$e$.
2hen theres the ri#le.
Note that sco*ts are the onl% a(aila)le plat#or' in %o*r ar'% #or these.
Sniper ri#les gi(e %o* $isr*ption an$ long range. S*re, the% still ,ont hit '*ch, )*t
in#iltrate the' close to an *ns*pporte$ #lan&, sco*t 'o(e the' into so'e terrain, an$
the%ll sit there #or the entire ga'e, &illing or pinning the occasional s'all *nit, pl*s
pro)a)l% ren$ing a ,o*n$ or t,o #ro' a 'onster.
>nli&e other )oo&s $isr*ption, %o*rs $oesnt a*to'aticall% $ie #ro' reg*lar #la'ers, an$
can #ight the s'all *nits *s*all% sent in to #l*sh $isr*ption o*t.
Also +*ite *nli&e 'ost other $isr*ption, %o*rs are troops, an$ th*s scoring *nits. 2his
p*ts press*re on 'an% pla%ers, an$ e(en allo,s %o* to sec*re ho'e)ase, ,hile )oth
tactical s+*a$s go on the o##ense.
While the%re not &ill%, at all, the%re still capa)le o# )eating ene'% s*pport *nits in
co')at. "ootas, $e(astator e+*i(alents, hea(% ,eapon s+*a$s, an$ etc. all #all to %o*r
sco*ts ri#le )*ttstoc&s, &ni(es, an$ pistols. I# %o* )ring sco*ts, ta&e a$(antage o# this
In other ,or$s, e(en %o*r )a$ *nits )ring so'ething *se#*l to the part%, an$ sho*l$ %o*
e(er #eel that %o*r t,o 'an$ator% tactical s+*a$s arent +*ite eno*gh 1 or %o* $esire
$isr*ption 1 a$$ so'e sco*ts.
What makes it good7 its a scoring *nit. 6airl% price$ $isr*ption, all things consi$ere$.
So'e ar'ies ha(e pro)le's getting '*ltiple s'all sco*t s+*a$s o## o)Decti(es. Ri#les let
%o* ren$ ,o*n$s o## 'onsters, an$ occasionall%, %o*ll e(en pin a s+*a$. Despite D*n&%
stats, still a co')at threat to the s*pport *nits #iel$e$ )% 'an% races.
What makes it bad7 not &ill% at all. >tterl% *seless against an%thing ,ith an ar'or (al*e.
6ears AP;.
hino7 great.
"oo& at that paper ar'or, the pea shooter ,eapon, no option #or )igger g*1 9: points #or
a transportI!
Ill ta&e one #or e(er% s+*a$, than& %o* (er% '*ch.
-es, people, its tr*e. A rhino in$ee$ onl% costs slightl% 'ore than t,o tactical 'arines.
6*n #act7 or& tr*&&s also cost 9: points, an$ are no,here near as $*ra)le an$ *se#*l.
While ar'or 55 'a% not loo& li&e '*ch, it act*all% is. 55 is eno*gh to 'a&e %o* i''*ne
to all )*t one )asic g*n in the ga'e, an$ grants resistance to 'ost anti1in#antr%. Strength
: is li&el% to patter har'lessl% o## %o*r rhinos, )*t strength @ is still a threat 1 D*st not a
'aDor one. Pentrating hits on @s $oesnt 'a&e %o*r ar'or s,eat.
2he #act that %o*re in$ee$ 55 #ront an$ si$e 'eans %o* can $o all sorts o# tric&s ,ith
%o*r transports, since %o*r act*al #acing $oesnt 'atter that '*ch.
A han$#*l o# rhinos can set*p literal ,alls, )loc&ing o## access to parts o# the ta)le, an$
&eeping *nits )ehin$ the' sa#e #ro' ene'% in#antr%. -o* can pl*g holes in $e#ensi(e
peri'eters ,ith the', too, as ,ell as pill)o. in#antr%.
2hat last point is ,hat 'a&es the rhino s*ch a goo$ thing to ha(e.
2actical s+*a$s on #oot are slo,, (*lnera)le, an$ i''o)ile. P*tting the' insi$e rhinos
'a&es the' i''*ne to all those s'all1ar's that ,o*l$ nor'all% plin& o## t,o or three
'arines a t*rn, ,hile also 'a&ing the' t,ice as #ast, an$ '*ch 'ore 'o)ile.
Beca*se the rhino has t,o #irepoints, %o* can act*all% shoot %o*r t,o i'portant g*ns
#ro' ,ithin the sa#et% o# %o*r transport.
A $ri(e1)% #ro' t,in hea(% #la'er sterng*ar$ is a (er% e.citing thing to en$*re, as is
tactical rhinos setting *p '*lti1'elta )*n&ers 'i$#iel$, $aring ar'or to co'e closer.
B*n&ering sterng*ar$ ,ith t,in lascannons is lo(el%, too 1 sa'e ,ith li)rarians an$ their
#i(e 'an assa*lt s+*a$ )*$$ies per#or'ing sterng*ar$1st%le$ $ri(e1)%s on ,ea&ene$
No 'atter ,hat %o* ,ant to acco'plish, a$$ing rhino1'o*nte$ in#antr% /the non1tactical
s+*a$ &in$ thats in a$$ition to %o*r t,o 'elta)*n&ers0 to the e##ort is onl% e(er a goo$
>nli&e other ar'ies, %o* get e.tre'el% cheap transports #or al'ost all s+*a$s. 2he #act
that the% $ont ha(e real ,eapons )olte$ on is o# little concern, since the s+*a$ carrie$
,ill ha(e 'ore than eno*gh that can )e *se$ #ro' the hatch.
2he $isco*nt1coste$ rhino /an$ its i'pro(e$ (ariants0 is one o# 'an% reasons ,h%
'arines are so goo$ in :th e$ition. -o* can si'pl% p*t 'ore ar'or on the #iel$ than
'an% opponents can $eal ,ith.
Mo*nt *p, roll o*t, an$ ne(er loo& )ac&.
What makes it good7 (er% cheap, (er% #le.i)le, an$ (er% *se#*l transport. -o* ,ant all
%o*r in#antr% to )e in these.
What makes it bad7 li'ite$ #irepo,er, an$ no serio*s options #or a$$ing 'ore.
a!orback: great.
I# %o*re ,illing to pa% #i(e 'ore points, tra$e in %o*r stor')olter, re'o(e all #irepoints,
an$ lo,er %o*r rhinos transport capacit% to si., %o*r ,ar' )o. )eco'es an in#antr%
#ighting (ehicle.
Initial e+*ip'ent is a 'ere lin&e$ hea(% )olter /)olter)ac&0. 2hats so'e 'ere
ar'anent #or a )argain price$ transport, isnt it! 2ho*ght so.
De#a*lt g*n is goo$ 1 a#ter all, theres no s*ch thing as too '*ch lin&e$, long range$ AP;
On the other han$, hal# the optional g*ns are not goo$, an$ sho*l$ )e a(oi$e$. "ets loo&
at ,hats a(aila)le.
Cri'inall% o(erprice$ hea(% #la'er, that lac&s the a)ilit% to 'o(e an$ #ire li&e %o*$
e.pect it to. O(erprice$ lascannon. 6airl% coste$ assa*ltcannon. Note that all these g*ns
are lin&e$.
"ascannon is so'eti'es *se#*l, )*t not o#ten. A#ter all, ,h% ta&e a lin&e$ lascannon
ra?or)ac& ,hen its '*ch 'ore e##ecti(e to shoot t,o reg*lar ones o*t o# a rhinos top
2he hea(% #la'er is ,hat it is. 2e'plate. AP;. Cant 'o(e 53 inches an$ #ire. No, than&s,
an$ t,o hea(% #la'ers #ro' a rhino s+*a$ is '*ch 'ore $angero*s.
Assa*ltcannon /assbackI0 is *se#*l, )*t e.pensi(e. Its goo$ on ra?or)ac&s )eca*se
the%re lin&e$, #airl% ,ell1protecte$, $ra,s #ire a,a% #ro' s'all in#antr% s+*a$s, an$
ra?ors happen to )e one o# #e, plat#or's #or the'.
2hats all #*n an$ c*te, )*t not ,h% ,ere here, is it!
So'ething that passes lots o# people )% is the option at the )otto'. Whats that! "in&e$
plas'ag*n an$ a single lascannon! 9: e.tra points!
GBig $eal,G so'e sa%.
Man% are *n$er the i'pression that this loa$1o*t is ,ea&, ,i'p%, not all that *se#*l, or
e(en special.
Na'e another transport ,ith strength K an$ L g*ns, )oth AP3, that costs K: points or less,
an$ is a(aila)le to al'ost all in#antr% in the co$e.. Ill ,ait.
-es, %o* got that right. 2heres no other transport in the ga'e ,ith this '*ch #irepo,er.
-es, the ones that approach ra?ors in #irepo,er cost 'an% ti'es 'ore. -es, space
'arines get the 'ost hea(il% ar'e$ transport in the ga'e 1 perio$.
2his $a&&a is nice on its o,n, )*t theres 'ore to it than 'eets the e%e 1 na'el% that
ra?ors are cheap, co''onl% a(aila)le transports, so can )e *se$ #or 'asse$ lascannon
an$ plas'a #ire, relie(ing %o*r in#antr% o# plas'a1 an$ lascannon $*t%. More 'elta an$
#la'er, in other ,or$s, ,ith sacri#icing nee$e$ AP3.
It also o##ers %o* a pro#o*n$l% potent so*rce o# anti1elite in#antr% #irepo,er. 6e, things
in the ga'e annihilate *)er *nits as +*ic&l% as 'asse$ p"AS'a)ac&s.
2hat sai$, K: points is still not a light s*'. Cheap #or ,hat %o* get, %es, )*t ta&e too
'an%, an$ %o*r ar'% ,ill s*##er.
A 3444 point ar'% isnt li&el% to incl*$e 'ore than three plas'a)ac&s or ass)ac&s, ,ith
a$$itional transportation 'a$e *p o# a health% rhinoH)olter)ac& 'i..
What makes it good7 cheap, e##ecti(e, an$ *)i+*ito*s. De#a*lt g*n is ine.pensi(e, an$
al,a%s a ,elco'e a$$ition. E.cellent plat#or' #or assa*ltcannons, sho*l$ %o* $esire
so'e. Plas'a)ac&s $estro% all t%pes o# in#antr%, an$ can h*rt all t%pes o# ar'or.
E.tre'el% potent ,eapon against elite in#antr%.
What makes it bad7 no #irepoints. "o, capacit% 'a&es it har$ to *se e##ecti(el% ,ith
#*ll tactical s+*a$s.
"rop pod7 )a$.
Pa%ing a 9: point ta. gi(es prett% '*ch an% an$ all in#antr% an$ ,al&ers in %o* ar'% the
a)ilit% to $eep stri&e acc*ratel%, an$ en1'asse.
2he )ene#its o# $oing this incl*$e )eing in the ?one al'ost instantl%, rear ar'or attac&s
,ith 'elta, hea(% #la'er action $*ring the #irst t*rn, an$ contesting ,hate(er o)Decti(e
%o* #eel li&e.
Dra,)ac&s incl*$e %o*r 'arines no, )eing on #oot, %o*r ,al&ers $ropping ,ithin 'elta1
range, an$ since the po$ is a transport that co*nts as ha(ing 'o(e$ a ,hole, %o* cant
assa*lt o*t o# it.
2he%re also one1*se onl% 1 'eaning, %o* cant step )ac& insi$e the $rop po$ to hi$e.
2his serio*sl% shortens %o*r e.pecte$ li#espan.
Sho*l$ %o*r opponent )e s'art /he or she ,ill )e a#ter the #irst ti'e0, %o*ll #in$ that
nothing gets $eplo%e$, )*t %o*re still #orce$ to $eplo% %o*r $rop po$s $*ring the #irst
No, %o* get a t*rn to 'o(e aro*n$ so'e, then the opponents reser(es co'e in an$ 1
'assi(e h*rt.
Its a ti'e1teste$ classic to $eal ,ith $rop po$s, an$ ,h% )lac& te'plars got their $rop
po$ assa*lt *pgra$e$ to ta&e place $*ring the secon$ t*rn. >n#ort*natel%. this ,as
$o,ngra$e$ in all 'ore 'o$ern )oo&s, #or reasons still *n&no,n to this $a%.
As #or the po$ itsel#, its an open toppe$ ar'or 53 (ehicle, ,hich starts o*t i''o)ili?e$,
an$ ,iel$s a single stor')olter.
6or a pre'i*' cost in points, %o* can *pgra$e the tin% g*n into a range 53 roc&et )atter%,
that shoots large )lasts. No, this reall% isnt a s'art thing to p*t on po$s that carr%
GCo, $o I 'a&e a range 53 g*n ,or& on this thing!G Eas%.
Beca*se po$s are transports, an$ transports $ont ha(e to )e $eplo%e$ ,ith their *nit, %o*
can $eplo% e'pt% po$s, an$ &eep the in#antr% in %o*r $eplo%'ent ?one. O# co*rse, this
costs %o* a 'ini'*' o# :: e.tra points per s+*a$, an$ the s+*a$s the'sel(es ,ill no,
)e ta&ing the #iel$ on #oot. Dont $o this, please.
An interesting option is locator )eacons. 2his is a (er% nice piece o# )ling 1 reall% an
*pgra$e$ teleport ho'er 1 that re'o(es the scattter #ro' an% *nit atte'pting to $eep
stri&e ,ithin @.
8ating li)rarians, ter'inators, lan$spee$ers, other $rop po$s, an$ e(en (ang*ar$ an$
assa*lt 'arines )ene#it #ro' this.
B% #ar the )est *se #or po$s is as al'ost g*arantee$ o)Decti(e contesters.
Drop an e'pt% $eath,in$ po$ ,ith a )eacon on an o)Decti(e, an$ ,atch as the opponent
has to $eal ,ith the ar'or 53 )ric&. O# co*rse, this c*ts into %o*r rhino1 an$ ra?or)ac&
allo,ance, so still isnt that goo$, )*t its so'ething.
O(erall, $rop po$s #ail to i'press. A high1tech rapi$ insertion (ehicle, )eaten o*t )% a
'etal )o. ,ith trea$s.
What makes it good7 hal# o# the' a*to'aticall% co'e $o,n in the #irst t*rn. 8ets $rea$s
*p close an$ personal ,ith little hassle on the ,a% there.
What makes it bad7 the #irst r*le is tho* shalt ne(er $ise')ar& #ro' %o*r steel co##in
#or a reason. Dropping $rea$s ,ithin 'elta1range is sel#1$e#eating. Is +*ite o)(io*sl% not
a rhino, or a ra?or)ac&, %et costs as '*ch as the #irst, an$ 'ore than )oth i# its gi(en an%
Sternguard7 great.
No 'atter ,hat %o*r range$ nee$s 'a% )e, the sterng*ar$ $eli(ers. Being essentiall% a
*nit o# sergeants, their statline allo,s the' to #ight )ac& against ,ea&ene$ *nits that get
too close, an$ to ,in o##ensi(e co')at against light in#antr% 1 sho*l$ the nee$ #or a
charge e(er co'e *p.
2he% ha(e the a)ilit% to ta&e t,o o# all s*pport ,eapons a(aila)le to other 'arine
in#antr%, at a (er% a##or$a)le cost. M*lti1'eltas, 'issile la*nchers, hea(% )olters,
plas'ag*ns, 'eltag*ns, #la'ers, lascannons, plas'acannons 1 an$ hea(% #la'ers.
O# co*rse, theres also the special iss*e a''o. 2his han$% piece o# gear is ,hat allo,s
the *nit to $eal ,ith prett% '*ch an% an$ all threats o*t there, an$ its a(aila)le to an%one
in the *nit ,ith a )olter or co')i1)olter. Special iss*e a''o, co')ine$ ,ith co')i1
'eltas, 'ean nothing an$ no one is sa#e #ro' %o*. -o* sho*l$ al,a%s ha(e at least 3 o#
these in the *nit, an$ )ring e.tra co')is as points allo,.
In #act, special iss*e a''o co')ines so ,ell ,ith the co')i1'elta, 'ost o# their s*pport
,eapons en$ *p loo&ing *seless, an$ 1 #or the 'ost part 1 the% are. So'e, ho,e(er, are
(er% ,orth %o*r ti'e, $espite stealing %o*r )olter an$ special a''o.
GWhats so special a)o*t special iss*e a''o!G Si'ple. -o* get #o*r &in$s.
Kraken 'a&es %o*r )olters range 94 an$ AP;. 2his is the ca'ping a''o, an$ it lets %o*
o*trange all e.cept one &in$ o# )asic in#antr% in the ga'e.
Hellfire is reg*lar )olter pro#ile, )*t poisone$ 3<. Its a (er%, (er%, (er% goo$ thing. So
night)ringer has a to*ghness o# B! Ces still ,o*n$e$ on 3<. >ni(ersal a''o.
Dragonfire is also reg*lar )olter pro#ile, )*t instea$ o# ,o*n$ing on 3<, it ignores co(er
Vengeance is shorter1range$ than a reg*lar )olter /$oesnt 'atter, since %o* ,ant to )e
,ithin 53, an%,a%0, )*t is AP9. 2his 'eans %o* $e'olish po,er ar'or. -es, reall%. Also
is gets hotI so $ont go cra?% ,ith it.
Nee$ a position anchore$! 2he% can $o that. 8i(e the' so'e lascannons or 'issile
la*nchers, an$ the% can snipe ar'or at long range.
O##ensi(e shoc& troops! Chec&. I# %o*re planning on *sing the' #or this, t,in hea(%
#la'ers )eco'e a (er%, (er% goo$ option. While special iss*e a''o lets %o* to h*rt
prett% '*ch all in#antr%, its onl% t,o shots per g*%. A #la'er te'plate ,ill hit 'an%,
'an% 'ore, pl*s $estro%s 'ost things not ,earing po,er ar'or 1 an$ 'ost that are, too,
thro*gh sheer n*')er o# ,o*n$s in#licte$. 2hats ,hat %o* call cro,$ control.
Ne(er #orget the 'an$ator% rhino, #or it is '*ch o# the so*rce )ehin$ the sterng*ar$s
po,er. P*tting 'atche$ lascannon sterng*ar$ insi$e one is another #or' o# )*n&er, )*t
this one has ;B inches o# range, an$ li&es sitting )ac& ,ith %o*r pre$ators.
Dri(e1)% hea(% #la'er sterng*ar$ is lots o# #*n to ,atch, )*t not so '*ch #*n to en$*re,
an$ co'pletel% 'isse$ )% 'ost people, $*e to there not e.isting a 'o$el #or it.
2he )ea*t% o# this *nit is, no 'atter ,hat role %o* $eci$e to gi(e the', their special iss*e
a''o lets the' $o 'ore.
6or instance, the hea(% #la'er s+*a$ a)o(e can still ta&e *p position in a r*in
so'e,here, an$ ca'p $istant ene'ies ,ith &ra&en a''o. It can also acti(el% h*nt
ar'or, since it )ro*ght a )*nch o# co')i1'eltas.
"as)*n&ers are still capa)le o# 'o(ing #or,ar$ e(ent*all%, an$ rapi$ #iring people to
$eath ,ith special iss*e a''o.
I# %o*re #eeling sill%, %o* can replace %o*r )olters an$ special iss*e a''o ,ith
stor')olters, th*s 'a&ing the entire *nit pointless an$ 'ore e.pensi(e. Dont $o this,
No, not e(en #or a the'e$ 'ister Aantor )o$%g*ar$.
-es, %o* can ta&e B co')i1plas'as an$ 3 plas'ag*ns, )*t %o* $ont ,ant this, )eca*se
co')i1'eltas instant1&ill har$ targets /no)?, characters, t%rani$ 'e$i*' critters0,
$estro% ar'or, an$ let %o* charge a#ter,ar$s.
-es, %o* can $rop po$ an$ split 54 'en into t,o *nits o# : each, atte'pt to $estro% t,o
rhinos ,ith all %o*r 'eltag*ns, then pro'ptl% $ie. No, this isnt ,orth the 'ini'*' 3B:
points e(er, no 'atter ho, 'an% ti'es ,arseer tells %o* to $o this, an$ is the n*')er one
reason not 'ore pla%ers #iel$ sterng*ar$.
-es, a L3: 'ini'*' points in(est'ent )*%s %o* Aantor, 94 sterng*ar$, an$ lets %o* pla%
aro*n$ ,ith @ scoring *nits. Oh '% go$, %o*re so cool an$ goo$, AantorI Ma&e '%
shooting *nits into scoring *nits, an$ i'pro(e their co')at po,ers. Please, ta&e a,a% '%
a)ilit% to a(oi$ co')at, too, )eca*se I ,ant '% 3:4 point s+*a$s o# 9< sa(e $a&&a
in#antr% st*c& in against i'perial g*ar$ )lo)s #ore(er.
Spea&ing o# co')at s+*a$s, +*ite *nli&e other *nits, )oth hal(es o# co')at s+*a$$e$
sterng*ar$ are e.tre'el% potent, an$ cannot )e ignore$ )% the opponent.
In large ga'es, its so'eti'es nice to ta&e 54 'an s+*a$s, split the' in hal#, an$ $ri(e
the co')i1'eltas #or,ar$ in rhinosHra?ors, ,hile the lascannon part hangs )ac&.
When tactical 'arines enter p*)ert%, this is ,hat the% )eco'e.
Sterng*ar$ are e.tre'el% goo$ (al*e #or the points 1 the )ase s+*a$ costing onl% 9:
points 'ore than : tactical 'arines 1 an$ the 'ost #le.i)le *nit in the co$e.. Not #iel$ing
the' is a cri'inal o##ense, an$ sho*l$ onl% e(er happen )eca*se %o* nee$ e.tra $rea$s,
assa*lt ter'inators, or happen to )e r*nning a the'e$ list.
An essential co'ponent o# :th e$ition 'echani?e$ 'arines, )ringing 'asse$ 'elta,
co(er1)*sting g*ns, ar'or sat*ration, 'ass te'plates, an$ long1range$ ,eapons 1 %o*
si'pl% ,ant these. Easil% the )est *tilit% *nit in the co$e., an$ ha$ 'ister Aantor 'a$e
the' co*nt as troops, he$ ha(e )een a goo$ pic&.
What makes it good7 i# %o* sen$ properl% &itte$ sterng*ar$ into a #ire#ight, %o* ,in.
Case close$. Also )rings '*ltiple hea(% #la'ers regar$less o# s+*a$ si?e, an$ &no,s ho,
to *se the'. M*lti1lascannon, too, an$ 544M 'elta, sho*l$ %o* $esire it. 2heir high
threat rating lets %o* present )aits that the opponent is al'ost g*arantee$ to leap at.
What makes it bad7 al'ost s*ici$al. 2he opponent learns +*ic&l% to #ear these, an$ ,ill
$estro% the' #ast, *nless %o* )ring $ea$l% *nit sat*ration 1 ,hich isnt that har$ to $o
,ith 'arines.
Terminators7 goo$.
In 'an% ,a%s, ter'inators epito'i?e the 'arine nat*re 1 that o# )eing e.pensi(e, relia)le
generalists, ,ith a han$% #oc*s against in#antr%.
2he )ig +*estion, the one thats al,a%s going to )e as&e$ #irst, is7 GAre ter'inators ,orth
their h*ge cost!G
;4 points apiece s*re isnt light. A#ter all, this is as '*ch as a ra?or)ac&, or al'ost a thir$
o# a na&e$ sterng*ar$ s+*a$.
Pop*lar consens*s 1 an$ #or*'itis 1 s*ggests that ter'inators are o(erprice$, an$ no
longer #ill a *se#*l role. Pop*lar consens*s ,o*l$ also ha(e %o* )elie(e that 'ister
Aantor is one o# onl% t,o ,a%s to 'a&e 'arines co'petiti(e, an$ that sterng*ar$ are no
)etter than tacticals, )eca*se the% still $ie as +*ic&l% as the', so ,ere gonna ignore it.
6act o# the 'atter is, those ;4 points )*% %o* a lot 'ore than the% $o #or other ar'ies. A
ter'inator co'es stoc& ,ith 3<H:<<, stor')olter, sergeant statline, an$ a po,er#ist. Not
'an% *nits in the ga'e get that, e(en i# the% splash 'ore points /)linge$ t%rani$
,arriors, no)?0.
All things consi$ere$, ;4 points #or this isnt that )ig a $eal, )*t ,hat is a )ig $eal is
,hether or not %o*r ar'% nee$s the ga'es *lti'ate generalists, an$ can spare elite slots
on the'.
Shoc&ingl% eno*gh, the ans,er is o#ten a )ig %es, in$ee$.
2er'inators are (er% $i##ic*lt to shi#t, re+*iring lots o# anti1tan& g*ns to relia)l% ta&e o##,
or 'asse$ a'o*nts o# s'all1ar's.
Man% ar'ies ha(e pro)le's p*tting eno*gh ,o*n$s on ter'inators to ens*re the% go
a,a% in a shooting phase, an$ e(en a s'all s+*a$ is going to sto'p 'ost targets #lat i# it
reaches its $estination.
>nli&e other in#antr% at %o*r $isposal, ter'inators $ont re+*ire a transport, 'o(e an$ #ire
at #*ll e##ect, an$ )eat *p st*## D*st #ine in co')at. Beca*se o# this, the%ll al,a%s ha(e
so'ething to $o, an$ onl% e(er stop ha(ing an e##ect on )attles once the s+*a$s )een
co'pletel% an$ *tterl% $estro%e$.
Option1,ise, %o* $ont ha(e a lot to pic& )et,een, )*t ,hat %o* $o get is &in$a )ig.
Po,er#ists can )e e.change$ #or chain#ists, an$ one g*% can ta&e an assa*ltcannon,
c%clone la*ncher, or a hea(% #la'er. Sho*l$ %o* in(est in : e.tra ter'inators, %o* can
ta&e another )ig g*n.
Cea(% #la'ers are (er% cheap, )*t since ter'inators onl% 'o(e @ inches a t*rn, the% $ont
'a&e goo$ plat#or's #or these, pl*s nee$ing 54 'en #or t,o is generall% )a$. 2heres
also the #act that %o*re pa%ing a pre'i*' #or a *nit thats s*ppose$ to )e #iring e(er%
t*rn, not t*rn 9 at the earliest.
2he assa*ltcannon t*rns the s+*a$ into a $ecent anti1tan& *nit, is the sa'e range as the
stor')olters, an$ helps sc%the $o,n in#antr% at a (er% #ast rate. E##ecti(e an$ soli$ in
general, )*t &nee1Der& reactions to its ;th e$ition glor% ha(e ren$ere$ it e.pensi(e.
C%clones are ,hat the% are7 t,o shot 'issile la*nchers. 6rag or &ra&, o)(io*sl% eno*gh.
6or one reason or another, this thing has s*c&e$ since 9r$ e$ition, )*t is no, (er% goo$.
So goo$, in #act, it sho*l$ )e %o*r pri'ar% choice. >n#ort*natel%, *nless %o* starte$
'arines in :th e$ition, %o* arent li&el% to o,n the pieces necessar% to create &ra&1 an$
#rag 'issile1spa''ing ter'inators.
In a$$ition to this, one ter'inator s+*a$ gets to #iel$ a lan$ rai$er as its $e$icate$
transport. -es, rai$ers that $ont *se *p pre$ator slots. So'eti'es han$% 1 'ost o# the
ti'e, not so '*ch.
Beca*se o# ,hat the% are /relia)le, ,ell1protecte$, constantl% 'o(ing in#antr%'en, that
happen to )e relentless, an$ carr% anti1ch*'p g*ns in general0, ter'inator s+*a$s are the
ar'%s )est plat#or' #or assa*ltcannons.
2er'inators happen to )e the pri'ar% so*rce o# chain#ists, too 1 a ,eapon that *se$ to )e
(er% *se#*l an$ necessar%, )*t the nee$ #or its greatl% $i'inishe$ in :th e$ition.
De#a*lt ter'inator s+*a$ is 9 reg*lar ter'inators, a po,er s,or$ sergeant /sir spare
,o*n$ #or the assa*ltcannon0, an$ a ter'inator ,ith assa*ltcannon an$ chain#ist. -es,
%o* &no, this to )e tr*e. Its o&a%.
2his cloc&s in at 39: points, an$ it ta&es a sill% a'o*nt o# #irepo,er to re'o(e the ,hole
s+*a$ in one t*rn o# shooting 1 'ore so than 'ost people are ,illing to co''it.
Re'e')er, the 'ore anti1tan& thats thro,n the ter'inators ,a%, the happier %o*r ar'or
"i&e e(er%thing else in %o*r ar'%, %o* ,ant sat*ration. Ne(er ta&e s'all *nits. Ma&e
the' large, then co')at s+*a$ instea$. 2his gi(es %o* 'ore elite slots to pla% ,ith, an$
#e,er sir SW62AC.
Also, consi$er the ter'inators co')at presence.
-o*r po,er#ists 'a&e %o* $angero*s to har$ targets, an$ ,ill instant1&ill 'ost o# the'.
Ar'or is reall% not a pro)le' #or ter'inators, either, an$ %o*r nat*re 'a&es it
challenging to re'o(e the s+*a$ *p close ,ith gr*nts 1 re+*iring specialists or ene'%
elite in#antr% to $eal ,ith.
-es, people ,ill point an$ sa% their elite in#antr% $oesnt s,eat ter'inators, )*t the tr*th
is, the% $o. >nless %o* can torrent the' a,a% sa#el%, so'ething 'ore e.pensi(e than the
ter'inators /e(er% other *nit o# elite in#antr%, e(er0 is going to $ie.
GB*t ,hat a)o*t $eep stri&eIG Its )a$. Dont *se it. 2hats not goo$ eno*gh o# an ans,er!
-o*re a shooting *nit, so co'ing in t*rn t,o at )est isnt goo$ or s'art. Not onl% $oes
this 'ean less shooting #or %o*, )*t less $a&&a thro,n at the ter'inators, so 'ore against
%o*r ar'or. No, &eeping at least 54M o# %o*r ar'%s points o## the ta)le $oesnt catch
an%one )% s*rprise.
In all honest%, an$ all things consi$ere$, the one thing &eeping ter'inators a,a% #ro'
greatness is the co'petition, an$ )eing a)le to s,eep )eaten ene'ies.
What makes it good7 (er% $*ra)le an$ &ill%. Al'ost #la,lessl% relia)le. Is an act*al
co')at *nit. 2er'inators are the 'i$$le gro*n$ )et,een sterng*ar$ an$ assa*lt
ter'inators, capa)le at )oth co')at an$ shooting, )*t #oc*sing on neither.
What makes it bad7 e.pensi(e. Ar)itrar% ten1'an restriction on hea(% ,eapons 'a&e
the s+*a$ '*ch less *se#*l. 2he a$$ition o# co')at s+*a$s 'a&e this a )it easier to $eal
#ssault terminators7 great.
2here are not or$inar% ter'inators, noI 6or these are assa*lt ter'inators 1 the gol$
stan$ar$ all co')at *nits are 'eas*re$ against, an$ the #inest o# the #inest 1 #or the points.
2his #ar into :th e$ition, an$ #or the price, there are no co'ers.
Options #irst, to get the )oring st*## o*t o# the ,a%.
One s+*a$ o# assa*lt ter'inators can r*n a lan$ rai$er as a $e$icate$ transport. 8oo$!
Ba$! Mostl% goo$.
Cla,s7 these gi(e 'ore attac&s, #aile$ ,o*n$ re1rolls, an$ thats all. GCOW CAN -O>
SA- 2CA2S A""I! ARE -O> MADI!G Ne.t *p...
Ca''er an$ shiel$7 congrat*lations. -o*r ter'inator has ascen$e$, an$ is no, a s*per
sai%an ter'inator. Ca''er an$ shiel$ gi(e these po,ersJ strength B, 9<< /the ne,
blackI0, an$ an%thing ,o*n$e$ )% %o*r ha''ers 1 as oppose$ to o*tright &ille$ 1
)eco'es initiati(e 5 #or the ne.t t*rn. 2his is the co')o %o* ,ant. 2his is the gear tha
'atters, thats i'portant, an$ p*ts the #ear in the opponent. Preten$ the cla,s $ont e.ist,
alright! 8oo$.
Oh, an$ all %o*r co')at attac&s, regar$less o# ,eapons, ignore ar'or sa(es.
So, assa*lt ter'inators. Whats there to sa%!
2he% )eat #ace on an%thing 1 in partic*lar, (er% hea(% ar'or, elite in#antr%, an$ all
'onsters e(er, no 'atter ho, large or s'all 1 an$ ta&e ri$ic*lo*s a'o*nts o# p*nish'ent
to $o,n.
GDeep stri&e the'! Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase, 'ister V23, 'a$a'Hsir!G -es.
B*t thats plan B.
GWhats plan A!G
Assa*lt ter'inators, hence#orth &no,n as ha''ernators, ha(e a serio*s iss*e7 spee$.
@ inches a t*rn, e(en ,ith the $@ #ro' r*n, isnt eno*gh to get the' an%,here. Being shot
at isnt nice, either.
Plan A is7 Gst*## : to B ha''ernators a insi$e lan$ rai$er cr*sa$er. 2he Cr*sa$er ,ill
no, $ri(e to,ar$s the ene'%, tossing o*t lots o# #irepo,er ,hile $oing so, an$, )e#ore
long, the cr*sa$er ,ill $eli(er ha''ernator $eath straight into the opponents lines.G
A 'o'ent passes, then the elite1in#antr% *nit %o* charge$ ,ill e.plo$e into little pieces.
2hats plan A.
Deep stri&ing is plan B, an$ it s*c&s. Rel%ing on $eep stri&e is )a$, )a$, )a$ 1 al'ost
Chron*s le(els o# )a$.
Plan B7 Gha''ernators sit in reser(e, an$ there are e'pt% )eacon po$s $roppe$ near the
opponents elite1in#antr%.G 2ig*ri*s ele(ates plan B to 'ight D*st ,or&.
Plan B sho*l$ onl% )e consi$ere$ i# %o* $ont o,n an% cr*sa$ers.
Its no secret that ha''ernators $e'an$ a 3:4 points cr*sa$er ta., or the s+*a$ ,ont
ser(e %o* at pea& e##icienc%.
Regar$less, an%thing ha''ernators engage in co')at ,ill $ie 1 instantl%, or o(er se(eral
)r*tal t*rns o# horri)le sla*ghter.
B% #ar the #inest co')at *nit a(aila)le in the )oo& 1 i# not the ga'e as a ,hole.
A$$ing V*l&an to the ar'% 'a&es this *nit e(en 'ore 'in$)lo,ingl% a,eso'e.
What makes it good: ,ith a cr*sa$er, lots o# ha''erti'e ,ill )e ha$ )% all %o*r
opponents *nits. Destro%s 'ost targets on the charge.
What makes it bad: costl%, e.tre'el% so. Pa% the lan$ rai$er cr*sa$er ta. o# 3:4, or the%
,ont get to $o '*ch sta))%, an$ theres not li&el% to )e an% ha''erti'e.
"readnought: goo$.
54: point '*lti1p*rpose ,eapon plat#or', ,ith $ecent co')at presence as #ar as 'arines
go. Can 'o*nt the sa'e or )igger (ersions o# 'ost ,eapons a(aila)le to tactical1 an$
sterng*ar$ s+*a$s, )*t en$s *p rarel% *sing 'ost o# the', #or reasons that ,ill )e
$isc*sse$ )elo,.
De#a*lt e+*ip'ent is a $in&% stor')olter, '*lti1'elta, an$ a $rea$no*ght )attle
i'ple'ent. -es, this in$ee$ onl% costs 54: points.
-es, its a ,al&er plat#or', ,ith sergeant statline, an$ ar'or 53 in the #acings that 'atter.
2hats a goo$ $eal.
In the $istant past o# pre1344B, this ,as one o# the ga'es ,orst *nits 1 )eing s*scepti)le
to $eath #ro' &ra& grena$es, plas'ag*ns, an$ other s*ch silliness, ,hile the #eare$ an$
respecte$ lascannon ,as al'ost g*arantee$ to $estro% it.
2hese $a%s, things ha(e change$. A*tocannons an$ e+*i(alent onl% penetrate %o*r ar'or
53 on @s, an$ e(en then, still nee$ : or 'ore to &ill %o*. -o*re also gonna get a co(er
sa(e a lot o# the ti'e, so %o*r $*ra)ilit% is *p se(eral or$ers o# 'agnit*$e.
Beca*se $rea$s are ,al&ers, the% can act*all% 'o(e an$ #ire their '*lti1'elta. 2his
'a&es the' o##ensi(e tan& h*nters. 2actical s+*a$s $are ar'or to co'e close, ,hile
$rea$s acti(el% see& it o*t.
Since there is no s*ch thing as too '*ch 'elta 1 'o)ile, long1range$ one, especiall% 1 this
'a&es $rea$s (er% *se#*l, an$ a great asset.
O# co*rse, theres 'ore.
-o* can replace the '*lti1'elta ,ith one o# the #ollo,ing7 lin&e$ hea(% )olter, lin&e$
lascannon, plas'acannon, assa*ltcannon, lin&e$ hea(% #la'er, or lin&e$ a*tocannon.
O)(io*sl%, lots o# this is )a$ /lin&e$ hea(% #la'er, plas'acannon0, e.pensi(e /lin&e$
lascannon0, or $one )etter on other, cheaper plat#or's /assa*ltcannon, lin&e$ hea(%
M*lti1'eltas )een co(ere$ alrea$%, an$ ,hile its p*re goo$ an$ great, the a*tocannon is
act*all% '*ch )etter, an$ #ar 'ore *se#*l to %o*r ar'%. Co, $oes that 'a&e sense!
Well, i# %o* loo& o(er %o*r ar'%list, an$ the co$e. as a ,hole, %o*ll notice a $istinct
lac& o# '*lti1shot, long1range$, high1strength g*ns, that also happen to )e a(aila)le
cheapl% on 'o)ile plat#or's. 2he onl% s*ch g*n on o##er to 'arines is the a*tocannon,
an$ it co'es on a 'ere three plat#or's total7 pre$ators /sho*l$ al,a%s ha(e the t*rret
(ersion0, (enera)le $rea$s /ne.t *p0, an$ the reg*lar $rea$no*ght.
No, *n#ort*natel%, the #a)le$ a*to)ac& $oesnt e.ist %et, an$ sco*ts lost their a)ilit% to
ta&e a*tocannons $*ring ;th e$ition, so those are the three plat#or's %o* ha(e to ,or&
Drea$s )eing ,hat the% are /acc*rate hea(% ar'or ,al&ers, i''*ne to s'all1ar's, an$
i''*ne or resistant to 'ost anti1in#antr%0, 'eans the%re e.cellent plat#or's #or
a*tocannons. -o* can 'o(e into terrain ,itho*t ris&, 'aintain a stea$% a$(ance, an$
*nli&e 'an% si'ilar *nits, %o* ha(e har$ ar'or protecting %o*, so'e co')at po,er, an$
%o*r g*n is t,in1lin&e$.
As has )een esta)lishe$ in earlier articles, light ar'or hates a*tocannons, an$ hea(%
ar'or $oesnt li&e it '*ch, either 1 especiall% not the &in$ thats lin&e$, an$ can easil%
score si$e shots.
It $oesnt en$ ,ith the one lin&e$ a*tocannon, ho,e(er.
Beca*se 8W lo(es %o*, %o* ha(e the option o# s,apping %o*r $rea$ i'ple'ent o*t #or
another a*tocannon.
-es, %o* can ta&e a 'issile la*ncher instea$, or *pgra$e %o*r stor')olter to a hea(%
#la'er, )*t is that reall% ,hat %o* ,ant! Most o# the ti'e, the ans,er is a )ig no. In all
honest%, theres so'e 'erit in the hea(% #la'er, )*t the la*ncher is D*st a Do&e, an$ sho*l$
)e a(oi$e$.
-eah, %o* can $rop po$ %o*r $rea$, an$ ,atch it $ie to 'eltag*ns. No, this still isnt a
goo$ i$ea, )*t i# %o* a)sol*tel% '*st ha(e po$s in %o*r list #or one reason or other, get
the' #ro' $rea$s, an$ $rop the' e'pt%.
While not e.actl% )a$ass &illing'achines in co')at, not 'an% ar'ies are e+*ippe$ to
$eal ,ith ar'or 53 ,al&ers that assa*lt the'. GB>2 ORAS CAVE POWERA"AWSIG
;s to hit, :s to penetrate, :s to $estro%. @ e.plo$es the $rea$, &ills a lot o# )o%?, an$
'a&es the or&s cr%.
2his is :th e$ition. Ar'or is still ar'or.
Despite )eing s*ch a goo$ $eal in general, there are t,o )ig iss*es ,ith $rea$s. 2he #irst,
an$ )iggest, is that $rea$s arent reall% a goo$ pro)le'1sol(er #or co')at, an$ thats
partiall% ,hat %o* nee$ %o*r elites #or. 2he $rea$ is $irectl% co'peting ,ith )oth
ter'inator #la(ors #or a spot, an$ it ten$s to lose a lot o# the ti'e. Secon$, sterng*ar$ are
D*st plain har$core, ,rec&ing e(er%thing in a #ire#ight, p*tting 'ore ar'or on the #iel$,
an$ )etter at co')at.
6ear not, #or all isnt lost.
A$$ing a 'aster o# the #orge lets %o* ta&e $rea$s as hea(% s*pport 1 essentiall%, less
pre$ators, )*t 'ore $rea$s 1 an$ co')at s+*a$s per'it %o* to t*rn a large, elite in#antr%
s+*a$ into t,o s'aller pse*$o1s+*a$s, so %o* can still ha(e %o*r t,o *nits o#
ter'inatorsHsterng*ar$, an$ toss in so'e $rea$s.
De#a*lt $rea$ is 55: points, has a lin&e$ a*tocannon, stor')olter, an$ $rea$ ,eapon. In
case %o* $i$nt &no,, this is great, an$ al'ost e(er% other ar'% o*t there ,o*l$ &ill #or
A$$ to this the #act that %o* can ta&e another a*tocannon #or 54 'ore points, an$ its D*st
the co'petition that &eeps the reg*lar $rea$ #ro' )eing an a*to'atic incl*$e.
Drea$s ,ith 3. lin&e$ a*tocannons are the *lti'ate in light ar'or re'o(al, an$ 'asse$
#ire can ta&e $o,n hea%( ar'or, too.
What makes it good7 cheap an$ e##ecti(e. "in&e$ a*tocannons. Relia)le an$ #airl%
$*ra)le #or the cost. Best *nit at %o*r $isposal #or $ealing ,ith light arnor. Strength 54.
What makes it bad7 co'petition. Not a$e+*ate in co')at, ,hich is ,hat %o* nor'all%
e.pect #ro' %o*r elites slots.
Venerable dread7 )a$.
2he reg*lar $rea$ got sa$ that torrents o# anti1tan& #ire h*rt hi', so he ,ent an$ #etche$
$a$$% $rea$.
Da$$% $rea$ $oes e(er%thing D*nior $oes, )*t '*ch )etter. 2he pro)le' is, he charges @4
'ore points #or his ser(ices, an$ thats not +*ite ,hat <5 )allistics&ill an$ ,eapons&ill is
,orth in the real ,orl$.
E(er%thing sai$ a)o*t reg*lar $rea$s appl% to (enera)les.
2he 'ain $i##erence lies in the (enera)le r*le. 2his thing grants re1rolls #or $a'age
res*lts 1 so'ething that 'a&es it (er% har$ to &ill $a$$%.
Da$$% is also a great shot ,ith his plas'acannon, )*t gi(ing $a$$% lin&e$ g*ns is a
2h*s, (enera)les shoot things ,ith plas'acannons, an$ pac& a hea(% #la'er. E.tra ar'or
is goo$ #or $a$$%, so he &eeps 'o(ing.
In$ee$, $a$$% is the )est plas'acannon plat#or' in the )oo&. Ces so goo$, hell rarel%
2oo )a$ 8W re'o(e$ the ol$ (eteran s&ills.
2he% $i$nt e(en gi(e $a$$% an option #or ignoring co(er sa(es, or an% e.tra a)ilities.
8o$ $a'n.
Onl% e(er ta&e these i# %o* ha(e ol$, 'etal 'o$els, ,ith an assa*ltcannon, or ,ant so'e
plas'a te'plates.
Cea(% #la'er is so'eti'es a nice *pgra$e, )*t hitting 3s ,ith %o*r $e#a*lt stor')olter is
nice, too.
6or #*n, gi(e $a$$% a 'atche$ pair o# a*tocannons, an$ ,atch hi' $o his sons Do) 1 onl%
at a '*ch greatee cost in points.
8*ess his e.perience an$ age 'ean ,e has to )e pai$ in li+*i$ gol$.
What makes it good7 e.tre'el% har$ to &ill. Ver% acc*rate plas'a )lasts. WS : 'eans it
hits prettt% '*ch e(er%thing on 9s. I# %o* ,ant plas'acannons, %o*re gonna ha(e to
#iel$ (enera)le $rea$s
What makes it bad7 Corri)l% o(erprice$, an$ 'issing a lot o# co'ponents that co*l$
ha(e 'a$e i great.
$ronclad dreadnought7 )a$.
A 'ore costl% $rea$no*ght, that onl% ,or&s at pea& e##icienc% ,hen its in 'elta1range.
B% #ar 8Ws #inest creation.
2a&e a,a% the a*tocannons, replace the' ,ith an e.tra attac&, raise the points cost ,ith
94 points, increase ar'or 5. 2here 1 %o* ha(e an ircncla$ $rea$.
Main pro)le' is, o# co*rse, that this is an ar'ore$ (ehicle that ,ants to rape things in
co')at. -es, its got ar'or 59, )*t 'eltag*ns $ont care i# %o*re ar'or 54 or 5; 1 the%
,ill penetrate %o*, an$ AP5 ,ill 'a&e %o* )lee$. Since %o*re r*nning into range o#
the', ,ell 1 no.
Options, options.
-o* start ,ith a $rea$ ,eapon, an$ a special $rea$ ,eapon that a$$s <5 to $a'age rolls
against ar'or. One o# these has a 'eltag*n )*ilt1in, the other has a stor')olter. 6or the
e.pecte$ price, %o* can replace either or )oth g*ns ,ith hea(% #la'ers. Ver% stan$ar$
6or the price o# nothing, %o* e.change the reg*lar $rea$ ar' an$ its stor')olter #or a
h*rricance )olter 1 9 lin&e$ )olters. 8oo$! Ba$! Ain$a accepta)le.
2hen therere the h*nter1&illers. Each ironcla$ can ta&e t,o, an$ i# %o* ,ant the' at all,
%o*ll a$$ t,o,
So'e grena$es, too, an$ thats it. Might )e ,orth it i# %o*re pla%ing on cro,$e$ ta)les.
6or a$$e$ #*n, %o* can replace the <5 $a'age $rea$ ,eapon ,ith a chain#ist. No, %o*
$ont ,ant an initiati(e 5 $rea$, so preten$ this option $oesnt e.ist.
Ignoring e(er%thing sai$ a)o(e, there are so'e re$ee'ing +*alities. -es, there are. Cere.
-o* can gi(e it t,o h*nter1&illers, an$ 9 lin&e$ )olters. As long as %o* 'in$ %o*r
$istance, h*g co(er, an$ $ont $o st*pi$ things, li&e tr%ing to r*sh 'eltas+*a$s, those 9
)olters ,ill ne(er stop #iring, an$ an%thing that gets close li&el% en$s *p slagge$ )% the
ironcla$s 'eltag*n.
Do*)le hea(% #la'er can )e *se$ as $isr*ption. Were calling this GC*nt '% 'o(e1
thro*gh1co(er1$rea$ thro*gh terrainIIG Pra% tne h*nters $ont ha(e 'eltag*ns, then go
cra?% D*'ping #ro' #orest to #orest, )*rning in#antr% to $eath.
De#a*lt ironcla$ has s*per1special1a,eso'e $rea$ ,eapon, 9 lin&e$ )olters, t,o &ra&
'issiles, the ar's )*ilt1in 'eltag*n, an$ pro)a)l% grena$es.
An$ the )ig one
-eah, go right ahea$. 8o onI P*t it in a $eath,in$ po$.
-o* &no, %o* ,ant to.
Do it.
What makes it good7 prett% '*cn in(*lnera)le to e(er%thing thats not a lascannon, or
stronger. People ten$ to not shoot at these, at all. 9 lin&e$ )olters is #air $a&&a, as is %o*r
'eltag*n, an$ a han$#*ll o# 'issiles.
What makes it bad7 its a ,al&er that '*st get close to )eat #ace. Close e+*als 'elta.
Melta 'eans $eath #or the $rea$. 6ail.
Techmarine7 )a$.
An%thing that cons*'es %o*r elite choices has to )e (er% goo$, pre#era)l% at co')at,
,hile stic&ing to the 'arine #*n$a'entals.
2hats reall% the r*le.
GSo ,hat a)o*t the tech'arine!G people as&. I# I ,ere to sa% hes a horri)le ,aste o#
ti'e, points, an$ an elites slot, not 'an% ,o*l$ $isagree.
B*t reall%, is he! -es, he reall% is, )*t #or co'pleteness sa&e, ,ell loo& at ,hat he
)rings, an$ ,h% hes so )a$.
So, :4 points )ase. De#a*lt 'arine &it, onl% arti#icer ar'or instea$ o# po,er ar'or. Ce
gets all the e.pecte$ s&ills an$ a)ilities, an$ li&e the 'aster o# the #orge, he can repair
things. Still a )a$ po,er, )*t its there.
-o* also get )olster $e#ence, so in case %o* tool *p #or a ta)le ,ith a 'illion terrain
pieces in %o*r $eplo%'ent ?one, %o* can )*il$ a )a$ass g*nline ,ith 9< co(er sa(e #or
So'ething is o)(io*sl% ,rong here, ho,e(er. "oo& that pro#ile.
One ,o*n$! 2actical 'arine statline! What happene$, War$! Ol$ tech'arine ,as too
po,er#*l, ,ith his t,o ,o*n$s, an$ e.tra attac&!
:o points #or a tactical 'arine in arti#icer ar'or. An% in(*lnera)le sa(e! Nope. An% )ig
g*ns incl*$e$ as $e#a*lt! No. Co')at i'ple'ents o# $oo'! A single ser(o1ar'.
Alright, so ,itho*t e.tra st*##, tech'arines are o)(io*sl% horri)le. "ets see ,hats
a(aila)le to )ling hi' ,ith. Pic& one o# stor')olter, co')i1)olter, an$ plas'apistol.
Co, nice. One *se#*l g*n /co')i1'elta.0 What else! Pic& a th*n$erha''er or a po,er
,eapon. On a g*% ,ith one attac&, at :4 points )ase! No, than&s.
As %o*$ e.pect, %o* can *pgra$e the single ser(o1ar' into a ser(o1harness. I# %o* $o
this, %o*(e a$$e$ :4M to his cost, an$ not gaine$ a ,hole lot.
I# %o*re #eeling li&e it, %o* can p*t hi' on a )i&e, too. 8oo$! Not reall%. E.pensi(e #or a
one ,o*n$ $*$e ,ith no $a&&a or p*nch! -es.
An$ that, )o%s an$ girls, is all there is to the tech'arine.
Space ,ol(es can p*t theirs on a giant ,ol#, 'a&ing hi' into an act*al co')at *nit, an$
loa$ hi' *p ,ith a s'all s+*a$ o# co')at1e+*ippe$ ,ol(es. Its a reall% #ast, not that
e.pensi(e, highl% 'o)ile assa*lt *nit, ,hich )eats #ace on lots o# ene'ies.
Bloo$ angels ha(e the option o# o*t#itting their tech'arines ,ith D*'p pac&s. Co')ining
this ,ith a co')i1'elta gi(es %o* a cheap, acc*rate 'elta1shot, that $eepstri&es ,here
%o* ,ant it to.
Dar& angels an$ te'plars )oth get i'pro(e$ statline #or their techies, )*t the ner# angels
are allo,e$ to #iel$ one #or each an$ e(er% tan& or ,al&er the% incl*$e.
-o* get none o# that.
-o*r tech'arines are tr*l% atrocio*s, )eing one ,o*n$ in$epen$ent characters highl%
s*specti)le to $eath )% ,o*n$ allocation, hi$$en po,er#ists, hi$$en chains,or$s, an$
e(en gretchin attac&s.
One ,o*n$I! Oh, co'e on.
As i# his e.tre'el% li'ite$ $*ra)ilit% an$ &ill%ness ,erent )a$ eno*gh, tech'arines
*nloc& the se(enth la%er o# hell.
ervitors are his *lti'ate 'o(e. 2hese are carapace ar'or g*ar$s'en, )lesse$ ,ith the
Do%s o# ,arha''er #antas% st*pi$ i# the tech'arines not ,ith the'.
-o* can ta&e a 'a. o# ;, an$ #or so'e ,eir$ reason /chaos 'agic0, the #irst ser(itor costs
54, )*t a$$itional ser(itors cost 5: points each.
Ser(itors ha(e ser(o1ar's, o)(io*sl% eno*gh, an$ their presence 'a&es it easier to repair
(ehicles /*seless0. 6or the lo,, lo, price o# 34 points, %o* can replace t,o ser(itors
ar's ,ith hea(% )olters. So i# %o* $ont ,ant a )olter)ac&, %o* can )*% t,o )allistics&ill
9 hea(% )olters #or %o*r ser(itors. Wo,, ,hat a great $ealI Dont crea' %o*r panties D*st
%et, tho*gh, )eca*se theres 'ore.
-es, i# %o* thin& 34 point hea(% )olters are chil$s pla%, %o* can instea$ ta&e a '*lti1
'elta or a plas'acannon #or 94 pointsI 2r*l%, there is no greater )argain than this. Call
no,, at 51B441MARNE>S, to collect %o*r g*n ser(itor retin*e right this 'o'ent. O##ers
onl% goo$ ,hile stoc& lastsI
In all honest%, this *nits #*nn% to loo& at, since its all sorts o# o(ercoste$, hilario*s, an$
)a$. Cilario*sl% )a$ o(ercosting! O&a% 1 lets r*n ,ith that.
35: points )*% %o* a ser(o1harness techie, ,ith a po,er ,eapon an$ a co')i1'elta, t,o
ar' ser(itors, an$ t,o '*lti1'elta or plas'acannon ser(itors. Coinci$entall%, $i$ %o*
&no, that 35: points )*% %o* BBE sterng*ar$ in a rhino, : ter'inators o# either t%pe, a
li)rarian an$ his assa*lt s+*a$ )*$$ies in a rhino, or t,o an$ a hal# pre$ators!
2ech'arines an$ their ser(itors e.ist onl% to re'in$ %o* o# ho, )a$ an$ o(ercoste$
'arines ,ere at one point.
A nast% si$e1e##ect o# this *nits horren$o*sl% high le(el o# )a$ness is that incl*$ing
'*ltiples *p %o*r co'p scores i''ensel%.
2ech'arines an$ ser(itors increase %o*r total score so '*ch, the% can easil% )e *se$ to
ga'e the s%ste' 1 #itting in ar'or ,here ta&ing it is nor'all% #ro,ne$ *pon, a$$ing large
s+*a$s o# ter'inators, e.tra CEs, an$ so on ,itho*t tan&ing.
What makes it good7 its an e+*ali?er. 2ech'arines an$ ser(itors let %o* incl*$e
nor'all% $isallo,e$ *nits in co'pe$ en(iron'ents. S*ici$al 'elta)i&er is cheaper than
s*ici$al sco*t1stor' 'elta torpe$o, an$ acco'plishes the sa'e thing.
What makes it bad7 e(er%thing else. Not s*ite$ #or ga'es o# real ;4&.
Legion of the damned7 *seless.
2his *nits so )a$, so o(ercoste$, an$ so gi''ic&%, not e(en ,arseer ,ill tell %o* to *se
Not onl% is it o(ercoste$ points1,ise, )*t the 'o$els are so'e o# the 'ost e.pensi(e
6or 5:: points, %o* can p*t : legionnaires on the ta)le. 2he% al,a%s arri(e )% $eep
stri&e, are #earless, an$ s*##er #ro' slo, an$ p*rpose#*l 1 rather than relentless, as it
sho*l$ )e.
GB*t, V23, i# %o* gi(e the' a co')i1'elta, a '*lti1'elta, an$ a 'eltag*n, the%re
a,eso'eIG 2his is 35: points 1 a grotes+*e a'o*nt o# points #or #i(e 'arines on #oot. At
the earliest, this to*ches $o,n in the secon$ t*rn. We(e alrea$% esta)lishe$ that $eep
stri&e is )a$, an$ sho*l$ not )e relie$ *pon, )*t i# %o* a)sol*tel% '*st ha(e so'ething
li&e this, %o* can ta&e : co')i1'elta sterng*ar$ in a $rop po$ #or 5B: points. 2he po$
$rops $o,n a*to'aticall% in the #irst t*rn, the *nit gets : shots, an$ i# the%re assa*lte$
an$ not &ille$, the% can atte'pt to lea(e co')at ,ith co')at tactics.
Since the legion is #earless, its #ore(er gonna )e st*c& in co')at against in#erior #oes. All
that 'elta, loc&e$ in )attle against g*ar$s'en #or the rest o# eternit%.
9< in(*lnera)le sa(e, %o* sa%! Its goo$ on ter'inators, so it sho*l$ )e goo$ here, too!
2hats not +*ite ho, it ,or&s. 2er'inators are 'a$e #or co')at, ,here things ignore
their ar'or. Against prett% '*ch all range$ attac&s, their 3< &eeps the' sa#e. "egion
onl% gets 9< 1 ,hether it )e in(*lnera)le or not $oesnt 'atter. >nli&e the legion,
ter'inators can #ight, an$ arent 'ainl% a plat#or' #or 'elta.
O)(io*sl%, ,ith : g*%s on #oot, $eath )% 'asse$ s'all1ar's )eco'e a serio*s iss*e, so
%o* start thin&ing o# a$$ing 'ore $*$es. 6ine.
94 points apiece.
Aro*n$ here is ,here people right#*ll% $eclare the legion too )a$ #or ,or$s, an$ start
preten$ing it $oesnt e.ist.
"i&e the tech'arine an$ his ser(itors a)o(e, legion is so )a$ an$ horri)le, #iel$ing it
)oosts co'p ratings )% se(eral or$ers o# 'agnit*$e.
While the )asic i$ea /*lti'ate space 'arine heroes, lost to ti'e an$ space0 is great, the
e.ec*tion is terri)le, an$ the *nit is har$l% e(en *sa)le on #*n an$ #l*##% gro*n$s.
What makes it good7 'assi(e co'p )oost. Can sorta 'o(e an$ #ire their o(erprice$
What makes it bad7 ,orst *nit in the co$e.. Does a)sol*tel% nothing that other elites
,ont $o )etter #or less.
#ssault marines7 )a$.
One o# the cheapest assa*lt *nits in the ga'e, )*t this is #or a (er% goo$ reason.
M*ch li&e tactical s+*a$s, assa*lt s+*a$s are )o*n$ an$ chaine$ )% la,s an$ r*les ol$er
than ti'e itsel#, #orcing the' to carr% a )ig na'e, %et ne(er )e a)le to $eli(er, #or the%
ha(e a $ar& an$ terri)le secret.
6or 544 points, %o* get a sergeant an$ #o*r $*$es. In a$$ition to all the stan$ar$
e+*ip'ent, e(er%)o$% has a D*'p pac&. Is this goo$ or )a$! Its act*all% (er% goo$.
Cheap, #ast 'arines are *se#*l 'arines. "ets see ,hat else the% get.
E(er% #i#th g*% in the *nit can )*% a *seless, no, insanel% o(erprice$ plas'apistol, or a
#airl% coste$ #la'er. Not i'presse$, reall%, an1 ,ait.
So'ethings 'issing.
Where are all the lightningcla,s, ha''ers, po,er#ists, ren$ing chains,or$s, or e(en
increase$ strength! Cah, no 1 the% $ont get an% o# that. No, no po,er ,eapons either.
Meltag*ns! No ,a%I 2he )loo$ angels too& all o# the'.
So as D*'pers, ,hat can the% act*all% $o! Well, the% cr*sh $ire a(engers, rangers,
gretchin, s'all *nits o# g*ar$s'en, an$ thats it. -o* &no,, li&e e(er% other *nit %o* can
2he% get there #ast, too, an$ )ring #la'ers. So %o* can pa% 344N points #or 54 assa*lt
'arines, or the sa'e #or : ter'inators o# either &in$! -eah, thats prett% '*ch ho, it
Corri)l% 'isna'e$, the assa*lt s+*a$ is not e+*ippe$ #or act*al assa*lt, )*t #ear not.
A#ter t,o e$itions o# )eing *tterl% *seless, Mat War$ #inall% ga(e the' so'ething to $o.
6or the cost o# nothing, %o* can e.change the s+*a$s D*'p pac&s #or a rhino. Beca*se
sterng*ar$ are a )it s*ici$al, tactical s+*a$s are al,a%s ten 'en or st*c& in plas'a)ac&s,
co''an$ s+*a$s are right in the thic& o# it, an$ $e(astators arent a realistic option, this
is the )est, sa#est, an$ a)sol*tel% s'artest place to p*t an% li)rarians an$ #orgelor$s %o*
6or each o# these t,o characters %o* #iel$, ta&e an assa*lt s+*a$ ,ith a single #la'er.
What this gi(es %o* is a personal ri$e #or %o*r character, ,hich he can #la'e o*t o#, an$
the s+*a$ can $o it, too.
Despite )eing horri)le at co')at, %o*re still a space 'arine, an$ i# the li)rarianH#orgelor$
Doins in, %o* can clean *p ,ea&ene$ in#antr% D*st #ine. -o* &no,, in case %o*r ri$e gets
$estro%e$, an$ %o* ha(e to &ill an ene'% *nit stan$ing )et,een the s+*a$ an$ another
e'pt% transport.
Cleaning cre,, an$ &eeping li)rarians ,ar'. Well, at least the%re )etter an$ cheaper than
e(er )e#ore.
8i(e %o*r ar'%s #i(e assa*lt 'arines cool na'es, too, an$ preten$ the%re )o*ncers #or
the )ig shot the%re protecting.
No, %o* $ont ,ant to ta&e $*al plas'apistols, plas'apistol on the sarge, attach t,o
#orgelor$s ,ith co')i1plas'as, an$ $ise')ar& #ro' a lan$ rai$er.
6or the last ti'e, D*'per assa*lt 'arines ,ith a D*'per chaplain is 944< points o# #ail.
Stop ta&ing this. It cant e(en )eat *p a *nit o# )o%?.
What makes it good7 ,itho*t D*'p pac&s, (er% cheap )o$%g*ar$s #or *tilit% characters.
With D*'p pac&s, #ast $isr*ption. Marine statlines allo, %o* to la% the s'ac&$o,n on
other ar'ies troops 1 occasionall%.
What makes it bad7 not act*all% a co')at *nit, an$ 'ost certainl% not an assa*lt s+*a$.
Cant )eat #ace on an% serio*s co')at *nits in the ga'e. No, not e(en sisters repentia.
Disr*ption is o# li'ite$ *se, since opponents +*ic&l% #ig*re o*t ho, )a$ assa*lt s+*a$s
are at &illing things in general.
Vanguard: )a$.
Rather than #inall% 'a&e assa*lt 'arines goo$ at assa*lt, ,e got this 'ess o# a s+*a$.
S*ppose$l% an *pgra$e o(er the lesser assa*lt 'arines, an$ the last ,or$ in D*'p in#antr%
,ar#are, (ang*ar$ s+*a$s are e.tre'el% )a$ (al*e #or the points, an$ $ont e(en start o*t
as D*'pers.
At 54 e.tra points each, D*'p pac&s see' cheap, )*t the%re not. -o*re pa%ing 53: )ase
points #or the s+*a$, an$ an a$$itional :4 points 'ini'*' to e(en *nloc& their special
2his is a (er%, (er% )a$, $*'), an$ sill% thing 1 cri'inall% so.
With a pac&, in$i(i$*al 'o$els cost 94 points each. 2hats as '*ch as the legion o# #ail,
an$ 54 'ore points get %o* ter'inator ar'or, a ha''er an$ a shiel$, po,er#ist an$
stor')olter, or a pair o# lightningcla,s.
No, %o* $ont ,ant to pa% al'ost the sa'e #or '*ch less. No, no one has e(er act*all%
)o*ght the (ang*ar$ )o., an$ no one e(er sho*l$. C%per)ole, )*t thats ,hat happens
,hen ne, *nits are this )a$.
When the :th e$ition )oo& hit, a lot o# *s ,ere le#t ,ith tons o# )linge$ sergeants, ol$
co''an$ s+*a$1$*$es, characters, an$ si'iliar. 2hats ,h% this *nit e.ists 1 )eca*se
'arinepla%ers are not allo,e$ to ha(e spent 'one% on 'o$els the% cannot *se.
An$ reall%, thats all there is to it.
-o* can go into great $etail an$ $epth, ,eighing the options (ers*s each other, anal%?ing
the #ail, an$ sa%ing )*t these g*%s get to assa*lt a#ter a $eep stri&e, an$ are there#ore
)etter than ha''ernatorsI 8et o*t o# here.
2he%re not.
Vang*ar$ are an o(erprice$, *nnecessar% *nit, thro,n into the co$e. so people ,o*l$
ha(e a *se #or all their ol$ po,er#ist1 an$ cla,1sergeants. No 'ore, no less.
O&a%, so options. -o* ha(e lots o# ,eapons. -o* can ta&e t,o per g*%. 2he%re all
o(erprice$, an$ 'a&e the s+*a$ 'ore costl% than assa*lt ter'inators, %et no,here near as
&ill% or $*ra)le.
In #act, this *nits 'ore costl% than the legion, )*t the%re '*ch, '*ch )etter #or one (er%
i'portant reason.
"i&e the legion, a$$ing (ang*ar$ *ps co'p, )*t *nli&e the legion, ta&ing large s+*a$s o#
(ang*ar$ 'a&e %o* WIN co'p. F*st straight *p ,in.
An$ that, $ear rea$ers, is ,h% (ang*ar$ are 'erel% )a$, an$ not *seless.
What makes it good7 'a&es %o* ,in co'p. Are so'eti'es a(aila)le #ro' reser(e on
the right t*rn, at the right ti'e, an$ score a hit on a (*lnera)le *nit, ,itho*t $%ing #ro'
$eep stri&e 'ishaps.
What makes it bad7 e(er%thing else.
#ttack bikes7 great.
6ast, cheap, easil% screene$ anti1tan& or anti1in#antr%.
;4 points )*% %o* a single hea(% )olter, )olte$ onto a 'arine )i&er ,ith t,o ,o*n$s.
"i&e the ra?or)ac&, this is a goo$ $eal, )*t 'ore so, )eca*se attac& )i&es are s'all
eno*gh to hi$e )ehin$ rhino chassis, arent sha&ea)le, an$ ,ill prett% '*ch al,a%s ha(e a
co(er sa(e i# people can e(en see the'.
I# %o*re thin&ing this is the )est plat#or' #or non1lin&e$ hea(% )olters, %o*re correct.
Attac& )i&es can re$eplo% e.tre'el% +*ic&l%, engage 'ost targets at ,ill, pl*s are cheap
#or ,hat %o* get, so %o* can #it in a ,hole lot o# the'. 2han&s to their 'o)ilit%, range,
an$ spee$, the% easil% get in si$e shots on light ar'or, an$ ,ill harass in#antr% prett%
'*ch #ore(er, *nless hea(% ,eapons get in(ol(e$.
Cea(% )olters asi$e, theres so'ething that 'ost ,ill arg*e 'a&es the' e(en )etter7 the
It costs a 'ere 54 points to s,ap o*t hea(% )olters #or these, an$ ,hile the% re$*ce the
attac& )i&es #le.i)ilit%, the% also 'a&e the' e.tre'el% goo$ at tan&1re'o(al. Basicall%,
tra$e %o*r generalist nat*re o*t #or a 'ore #oc*se$ role.
So :4 points gets %o* a (er% #ast, (er% 'o)ile an$ relentless *nit, thats eas% to hi$e 1 let
alone get co(er sa(es #or 1 an$ ,ith ?ero pro)le's getting '*lti1'elta si$e shots on
ar'or! Wh%, %es, this is in$ee$ so. An$ people still ,hine o(er assa*lt ter'inators.
Beca*se attac& )i&es o*tright &ic& ass, an$ are so straight#or,ar$ to *se, an% )*il$ %o*
can possi)l% thin& o# ,ill increase in po,er i# %o* a$$ so'e.
Cea(% )olters p*t ,o*n$s on in#antr% an$ threaten the si$es o# light ar'or, '*lti1'elta
$estro%s elite in#antr% an$ all &in$s o# ar'or. Choose %o*r $estin%.
Best #iel$e$ in *nits o# t,o or singles, #or s'oother conceal'ent, less o(er&ill, an$
sat*ration. -o*r o,n 'echani?e$ )*il$s lo(e it ,hen %o* &eep attac& )i&es aro*n$, )*t
ene'% ar'or hates it so har$.
-es, to*ghness : an$ t,o ,o*n$s isnt har$core a,eso'e #or $*ra)ilit%, )*t ,hen ran in
lists ,ith lots o# ar'or, people ha(e pro)le's e(en engaging the attac& )i&es. 2hats
reall% ho, %o* &eep the' ali(e an$ #iring.
Still, )i&es are )i&es, an$ ene'% s'all1ar's isnt e.actl% a 'assi(e threat to %o*, e(en i#
so'eone gets the $rop on the s+*a$.
Its not *nco''on #or people to shi#t in serio*s anti1tan& to tr% an$ ne*trali?e %o*r attac&
)i&es once %o* start &illing things. >se this to $ra, #ire, an$ control ,hat %o*r opponent
shoots at.
What makes it good7 prett% '*ch e(er%thing.
What makes it bad7 onl% one )ig g*n per )i&e. 6ast attac& slots li'it %o* to a 'a. o#
three s+*a$s.
Landspeeders7 great.
Being the #astest *nit a(aila)le to %o*, spee$ers are the other ,hite 'eat.
Attac& )i&es are cheaper, )*t onl% ha(e a single ,eapon that 'atters. Spee$ers can ta&e
t,o #or *tilit%, are act*all% #aster, an$ i# %o* ,ant to engage a *nit ,ith spee$ers, theres
(er% little the opponent can $o a)o*t it.
A )ase lan$spee$er is a 'assi(e :4 points. Notice a tren$ %et!
Its an ar'or 54 s&i''er, )lesse$ ,ith the a)ilit% to $eep stri&e, an$ the #ast s*)1t%pe.
2his 'eans its a (er%, (er% goo$ *nit, )*t #ragile 1 tho*gh less so than e(er )e#ore, $*e to
:th e$itions general )*##ing o# (ehicle ar$ness.
Stan$ar$ ar'a'ent is, o# co*rse, a hea(% )olter, ,hich is $ecent eno*gh on spee$ers. 2he
pro)le' is, attac& )i&es an$ ra?or)ac&s $o straight1*p hea(% )olters )etter, so lets chec&
,hat else ,e can ta&e.
6or nothing, %o* can replace the )olter ,ith a hea(% #la'er. GSo I can ha(e $eep stri&ing
te'plate *nits so cheap, it $oesnt reall% 'atter i# the% 'ishap!G 2hats correct.
2he hea(% )olter an$ 54 points tra$e in #or a '*lti1'elta. GDEEP S2RIAIN8 M>"2I1
ME"2AS 6OR A"MOS2 NO2CIN8I!G Also correct.
B*t ,ait, theres 'ore.
6or a (er% genero*s points cost, %o* can p*t )oth the a)o(e g*ns on %o*r spee$ers. -eah,
)oth '*lti1'elta an$ a hea(% #la'er. Where %o* )een!
So in case %o* nee$ to slag a (ehicle hi$$en )ehin$ ene'% lines /'anticore0, )*t also
,ant so'ething to $eal ,ith cl*'ps o# in#antr% in case %o* s*r(i(e, %o* can ha(e )oth on
the sa'e (ehicle.
Nat*rall%, there are lots 'ore options. In a$$ition to %o*r )ase hea(% #la'erH'*lti1
'eltaHhea(% )olter, %o* can a$$ an assa*ltcannon, a t%phoon la*ncher, or as has
pre(io*sl% )een hinte$ at, another o# %o*r )ase g*ns.
No,, $*al hea(% #la'ers an$ the one assa*ltcannon an$ a hea(% )olter are c*te in theor%,
)*t not reall% e##ecti(e. In #act, $*al an%thing isnt e##ecti(e, )eca*se %o* ,ant %o*r
spee$er to 'o(e 53 inches a t*rn, an$ this prohi)its %o* #ro' *sing )oth %o*r g*ns, ,ith
one e.ception.
See, the t%phoon la*ncher is a hea(% 3 'issile la*ncher. 2hat 'eans strength ; )lasts, an$
strength ; an$ less co*nt as $e#ensi(e ,eapons. >n#ort*natel%, its not cheap, an$ i# %o*
$o ta&e it, %o*re $oing so pri'aril% #or the &ra& 'issiles 1 not the #rag )lasts.
What this 'eans is, %o* can &it %o*r #l%ing chairs o*t #or prett% '*ch an%thing %o*r
i'agination allo,s, )*t *nless %o*re ,illing to 'o(e slo, an$ go ,itho*t the spee$ an$
'o)ilit% %o*re pa%ing #or, %o*ll rarel% )e #iring 'ore than one g*n a t*rn ,ith the'.
"ots o# )*il$s a(aila)le, )*t not 'an% o# the' are e##ecti(e, in other ,or$s.
2he classic torna$o pattern is hea(% #la'er an$ '*lti1'elta. Its a #le.i)le *nit, capa)le o#
&illing lots o# in#antr%, an$ h*rting ar'or. -o* can 1 an$ pro)a)l% sho*l$ 1 'a&e a ha)it
o# $eep stri&ing these. 2he%re also cheap, at K4 points.
Classic t%phoon pattern /hea(% )olter, t%phoon la*ncher0 is %o*r ar'%s 'ain so*rce o#
act*al 'issiles, an$ i# %o* nee$ to $eal ,ith light in#antr%, %o* can *se the hea(% )olter
an$ #rag te'plates ,hile 'o(ing 53 1 a #act that )rings peace to the so*l. At L4 points,
this isnt all that e.pensi(e, )*t it li'its their n*')ers so'e.
While %o* can ta&e s+*a$s o# *p to three, this isnt a$(ice$. 2he ,a% :th e$ition ,or&s,
(ehicle s+*a$rons are act*all% 'ore (*lnera)le than lone (ehicles. -eah, i# %o* ,ant
preten$1e.tra ar'or on %o*r spee$ers, %o* nee$ to s+*a$ the', )*t $o %o* reall% nee$ or
,ant to tra$e $*ra)ilit% #or that! Most o# the ti'e, no.
As a r*le o# th*'), onl% s+*a$ spee$ers i# %o*re ta&ing t%phoons, an$ tr% li'iting it to
large ga'es, ,here #ast attac& slots are in $e'an$, an$ %o* reall% nee$ the e.tra 'issiles
this lets %o* p*t on the ta)le.
2orna$oes sho*l$ $eep stri&e in alone, or r*n $isr*ption as solo (ehicles.
Spea&ing o# torna$oes, this is the )*il$ that &ills the ,hole i$ea )ehin$ $rop po$s. Wh%
)lo, al'ost 344 points on a *nit o# in#antr% in a po$, ,hen %o* can ta&e 9 hea(% #la'er
an$ '*lti1'elta spee$ers instea$!
Spee$ers, li&e attac& )i&es, are an in(al*a)le asset to %o*r ar'%. Ma&e *se o# it, an$
,atch the 'agic as people start co'planing a)o*t al'ost *nto*cha)le #ree &illpoint
ar'orsla%ing )i&es, an$ BBEing #ree &illpoint light ar'or 1 )oth o# ,hich s*$$enl% got
their #ree &illpoint stat*s re(o&e$.
What makes it good7 p*re *tilit% an$ $a'age. Choice o# $eep stri&ing te'plates an$
'*lti1'elta, or lots o# 'issiles. Cheap #or a 'arine *nit.
What makes it bad7 cant realisticall% *se )oth its g*ns at the sa'e ti'e. 2orna$o $*t% is
al'ost s*ici$al. 6ast attac& slots li'it their n*')ers. Not $*ra)le, at all.
Landspeeder storm7 )a$.
A spee$er (ariant that so'eho, 'anages to )e less $*ra)le, ,orse geare$, )*t still price$
li&e a real spee$er.
GSo ,hats the $eal here! 2he internet tells 'e this is a #inesse *nit, thats reall%
po,er#*l.G 2he internet is (er% ,rong a)o*t this thing.
>ns*rprisingl%, stor's cost :4 points )ase, an$ ha(e the sco*ts *ni(ersal special r*le.
6or these :4 points, %o* get a )astar$i?e$ (ersion o# a lan$spee$er, ,ith t,o pieces o#
special gear. 2he stor' itsel# is ar'or 54, ,hich $oesnt shoc& an%one. Nor'al spee$ers
$rop +*ic&l% eno*gh to #ire, )*t not as +*ic&l% as, sa%, an or& )*gg%, or& tr*&&s,
sentinels, an$ el$ar (%pers, )eca*se spee$ers are )lesse$ ,ith not )eing open toppe$.
Stor's, ho,e(er, are.
2his is )a$ #or %o*r health, an$ stor's arent 9: points each, li&e )*ggies.
So %eah, $*ra)ilit%. 2he stor' has none.
6or #l*##% reasons, its got an i'pressi(e )allistics&ill o# 9, an$ onl% e(er has one g*n,
starting ,ith a hea(% )olter, that can )e s,appe$ #or a hea(% #la'er, '*lti1'elta, or
"i&e the ,eapon options, an$ the stor' itsel#, its special gear isnt (er% i'pressi(e. One
piece 'a&es $eep stri&ing ,ithin @ inches o# the stor' a lot less relia)le, an$ the secon$
piece lo,ers peoples lea$ership i# the carrie$ sco*ts ,in a co')at.
-es, the stor' is a transport, an$ transports are goo$. 2ransports that cons*'e #ast attac&,
th*s $irectl% co'peting ,ith real, act*al spee$ers, attac& )i&es, an$ rhino assa*lt s+*a$s,
are not goo$. Not one )it. 2he real &ic&er is the capact% 1 : passengers, an$ it can onl%
e(er carr% sco*ts.
Ma%)e i# it ha$ )een a $e$icate$ transport.
I# onl% it ha$ co'e ,ith a locator )eacon.
I# sco*ts ,ere less )a$ at &illing people.
Ma%)e, D*st 'a%)e i# the Da''ing )eacon ha$ )een range 53.
I#s an$ 'a%)es are c*te, )*t $ont 'a&e )a$ *nits goo$. Stor's are horri)le, %et people
s*##ering #ro' #or*'itis $eclares it to )e goo$. Wh%!
6or the lo,, lo, price o# 175 points, %o* get a sco*ting stor' ,ith a '*lti1'elta,
carr%ing a s+*a$ ,ith a co')i1'elta an$ a po,er#ist. E.ec*tion is si'ple eno*gh.
Deplo% #or,ar$, sco*t 'o(e ,ithin 53, an$ slag a (ehicle $*ring the #irst t*rn, or get a
#irst t*rn charge on so'ething. So #or the cost o# a plas'a)ac& s+*a$, an$ a #ast attac&
slot, %o* can 'a%)e &ill a (ehicle, or per#or' a #*tile assa*lt on in#antr% ,ith %o*r :
2his is &no,n as the 'elta torpe$o, an$ its #eare$ )% scr*)s an$ n44)s e(er%,here. Its
s*ch a re(ile$ 'o(e, its &no,n to )e chees%.
O# co*rse, the 'o(e #ails horri)l%, )eca*se people can *se their o,n in#iltrators or sco*ts
to 'a&e it i'possi)le #or the stor' to get close eno*gh, $eplo% their ar'or #*rther )ac&,
*se tin% s+*a$s an$ cheap st*## to $ra, the stor' o*t, an$ etc.
Not har$ to )eat, at all. So eas%, in #act, the pre(io*sl% 'entione$ scr*)s #ig*re it o*t
a#ter the #irst ti'e. Strictl% one1*se onl%.
GB*t 13 lea$ership i# I ,in against %o*r in#antr%IG S+*a$s that #ear sco*ts arent gonna )e
in range, no 'atter ,hat %o* $o, an$ i# the% #ear %o*, thats )eca*se the% poo# i# %o*
reach the'. 2his 'eans the cer)er*s la*ncher ne(er co'es into e##ect, an$ is a *seless
piece o# &it.
What makes it good7 it can sco*t.
What makes it bad7 #ast attac& thats not a real spee$er, an attac& )i&e, or a rhino assa*lt
s+*a$. O(erprice$ an$ i'potent. Not s*ite$ #or co'petiti(e pla%, an$ onl% slightl% )etter
in #*n ga'es.
Scout bike squad7 goo$.
An in#iltrating *nit o# )i&es. -eah, 'arines are cra?% li&e that.
Also co'es ,ith the sco*ts r*le, an$ happen to )e ri$$en )% sco*ts.
Sco*ts, in#iltrate, an$ )i&e co')ine to gi(e %o* a *nit thats al,a%s going to )e right on
top o# the ene'%. 2his 'a&es sco*t )i&es *se#*l, an$ one o# %o*r )oo&s *ni+*e *nits.
6or the price o# al'ost nothing, *p to three sco*ts can replace their )i&es lin&e$ )olters
,ith rapi$ #ire grena$e la*nchers. With these, sco*t )i&ers )eco'e highl% e##ecti(e anti1
in#antr% *nits, capa)le o# shattering prett% '*ch an% s+*a$ o# light in#antr%, an$ rapi$ #ire
&ra& grena$es are e##ecti(e against )oth hea(% in#antr% an$ light ar'or.
Sco*t )i&es are the onl% thing relate$ to 'arine sco*ts thats tr*l% *se#*l.
We(e alrea$% esta)lishe$ that %o*re ne(er, e(er going to ta&e reg*lar )i&ers as #ast
attac&, ,hich lessens the co'petition, )*t $o the sco*t )i&es ha(e ,hat it ta&es to
co'pete ,ith spee$ers an$ attac& )i&es! In a s*rprise t,ist o# #aith, the% act*all% $o 1 )*t
this is )eca*se the% $o so'ething no other *nit at %o*r $isposals capa)le o#.
Are %o* e(er in act*al nee$ o# their ser(ices! Depen$s on %o*r )*il$, reall%.
S+*a$s o# sco*t )i&ers che, *p light in#antr% at a (er% +*ic& pace, '*ch li&e pre$ators. I#
%o* $ont ha(e pre$ators #or so'e reason or other, this is a (er% han$% *nit to ha(e.
Beca*se the%re act*all% cheap an$ to*ghness :, %o* can *se the' as 'a&e1shi#t co')at
*nits. Still not a goo$ one )% an% stretch o# the i'agination, )*t the%re e##ecti(e eno*gh
at cleaning *p ,ea&ene$ in#antr%, an$ get to charge a#ter shooting, too.
In a$$ition to %o*r 9 'an$ator% grena$e la*nchers, %o* can )ling the sergeant ,ith
e(er%thing %o*$ e.pect /still onl% gets to pic& one ,eapon0, an$ he can e(en ta&e a
locator )eacon. 2hats a #airl% )ig pl*s, an$ 'a&es 'an% less than stellar )*il$s possi)le.
S+*a$s can )e *p to 54 'en strong, )*t start a 9, #or an initial K4 points. Nice an$ lo,,
an$ co')at s+*a$s let %o* split h*ge s+*a$s into t,o s'all ones 1 conser(ing #ast attac&
slots, ,hile still p*tting 'an% o# the' on the ta)le.
O# co*rse, it D*st ,o*l$nt )e sco*ts i# %o* co*l$nt ta&e a #*n option. Enter7 cl*ster
'ines. 2hese are cheap, an$ 'a&e a single piece o# terrain in#lict a lot o# hits on the #irst
*nit that enters it. 8oo$, )a$! Ine##ecti(e! Po,er#*l! Mostl% (er% ine##ecti(e. Still, the
'ines cost al'ost nothing, an$ are so'eti'es han$%.
When not *se$ to $estro% large 'o)s o# light in#antr%, sco*t )i&ers r*n $isr*ption, an$
so'eti'es per#or' the classic stan$1o## )i&er role.
All things consi$ere$, e##ecti(e at ,hat the% $o, an$ cheap.
2heir one tr*e ,ea&ness is ;< ar'or sa(e. Entire s+*a$s can an$ ,ill poo# to 'asse$
ene'% hea(% #la'ers an$ e+*i(alents, an$ co')at against *nits that get to stri&e )e#ore
%o* isnt s'art. O*t in the open, %o*re ris&ing a +*ic& $eath )% a*tocannons an$ hea(%
)olters, too.
An i'portant thing to note is the shotg*n. So'e /'ost0 ga'ing gro*ps ho*se r*le )i&es
o# all t%pes to )e capa)le o# shooting t,o g*ns. Nor'all%, %o* get to shoot one g*n #or
e(er% ri$er, )*t i# %o*re in a ho*se r*le$ ga'ing gro*p, the s+*a$s shotg*ns gi(e sco*t
)i&ers a lot 'ore $a&&a.
Spee$, instant D*'p on an% ene'%, $isr*ption, (er% hea(% anti1in#antr% capa)ilities, an$
all at an a##or$a)le cost. Ra(en,ing ,ish the% ,ere sco*t )i&es, )*t as the co$e. $eclares
%o*ll ne(er )e as goo$ as (anilla.
What makes it good7 s*pernat*rall% #ast. Destro%s light in#antr%. Mo)ile, #ast, an$
anno%ing #or the opponent to $eal ,ith, li&e all )i&es. Co')at s+*a$s let %o* #iel$ *p to
si. *nits. Masse$ )last te'plates #or cheap.
What makes it bad7 carapace ar'or is a ,ea&ness. Not +*ite a co')at *nit. Onl% e(er
gets 'a. o# one 'eltag*n. Not e##ecti(e at all against hea(% ar'or or elite in#antr%.
"e%astators7 )a$.
So 'an% ,or$s to get o*t, an$ so little space.
D!cei(ingl% hea(il% ar'e$ s+*a$s, 'a$e *p o# Vang*ar$1e.pensi(e $*$es on #oot.
Attac& )i&es 'a&e #ar cheaper plat#or's #or '*lti1'eltas an$ hea(% )olters.
"erng*ar$ $o lascannons an$ reg*lar 'issiles )etter, #or less.
A*tocannons arent an option, *n#ort*natel%.
"actical 'arines at least o,n 'i$#iel$, an$ (enera)le $rea$s are the 'arine 'asters o#
the plas'acannon. -o* co*l$ ta&e s+*a$s o# these, #$ %o* &ip this entr%, an$ *se %o*r
hea(% s*pport slots to p*t 'ore ar'or on the #iel$.
Me$iocre an$ o(erprice$ at )est /; 'issiles or hea(% )olters0, too )a$ #or ,or$s at ,orst
/; plas'acannons or lascannons0, $e(astators are pain#*ll% )a$, an$ ne(er ,orth it.
-o*ll hear certain people on ,arseer an$ si'ilar arg*e that this is a goo$ *nit, )eca*se it
lets %o* 'ass hea(% ,eapons.
Well, ,hen the s+*a$ starts at L4, an$ #o*r o# the cheapest g*n is @4 total, thats a
pro)le'. 6i(e g*%s on #oot. 5:4 points at the (er% least. A$$ #i(e 'ore $*$es #or <B4
points, to )e a real pro, an$ p*t a po,er#ist an$ plas'apistol on the sarge. No, %o*re
one ,ith the #orcel.
S*ch goo$ (al*e, an$ s*ch a #airl% price$ *nit, too.
6or*'itis ac&no,le$ges the #ailings o# this *nit, )*t s*ggests that i# %o* $rop po$ the'
in, the%ll )e 544M a,eso'e in t*rn t,o, ,hile a(oi$ing $a'age in t*rn one. 2his is so
)a$, an$ so ,rong, I $ont e(en nee$ to co''ent.
2here reall% isnt '*ch 'ore to sa% a)o*t $e(astators.
-es, %o* get one g*n ,ith )allistics&ill :. -es, %o* ha(e #o*r g*ns that cost three to #o*r
ti'es as '*ch as else,here. -es, %o* can co')at s+*a$ ten 'en ,ith #o*r lascannons to
engage t,o targets, )*t thats 310 points, )are 'ini'*'. Are %o* reall% gonna ta&e that
instea$ o# 9 pre$ators!
What makes it good7 'arine in#antr% ,ith lots o# )ig g*ns.
What makes it bad7 hilario*sl% o(erprice$. I''o)ile. Al,a%s a target, )*t *nli&e ar'or,
$e(astators 'elt i# the%re shot at.
Thunderfire cannon7 )a$.
2his things got a nic&na'e, an$ its a goo$ one. 2he )l*n$er#ail cannot.
2he one an$ onl% ti'e %o* get to shoot this, the opponent has to re'o(e a s+*a$.
Is there an%thing this cannon can $o that a pre$ator, sco*t )i&ers, or sterng*ar$ cannot $o
#or less! No.
Wh% sho*l$ %o* )*% this thing ,hen it costs 'ore than the legion, 'one%1,ise! -o*
sho*l$nt is the ans,er.
So'e pla%ers got the 'arine spearhea$, an$ ,ere gi#te$ ,ith one #ro' it. In case %o*
$i$nt &no,, the spearhea$ is the 'ain so*rce o# th*n$er#ires, )eca*se its sol$ (er%
I# %o* ha(e one, this articles #or %o*.
544 points, an$ the cannon is %o*rs. Its cre,e$ )% a single teech'arine, so reall% a
tactical 'arine in arti#icer ar'or is ha(ing a #iel$ $a% ,al&ing the chapters retar$e$ g*n
on caterpillar trac&s. 2his ,o*l$ )e a goo$ $eal, i# it ,erent #or one (er% i'portant $etail
that spells instant1$oo' #or an%thing its applie$ to. 2he cannon an$ the techie is an
artiller% *nit.
What this 'eans is, hits are ran$o'i?e$ )et,een the g*% an$ his rolling g*n. An% an$ all
hits against the cannon treat it as ar'or 54, an$ its $estro%e$ i# its e(er glance$ or
2ech'arine is ,hat he is, ,ith his one ,o*n$.
No, %o* cant attach ser(itors to this thing. 2hat ,o*l$ 'a&e it )etter, an$ the% ,erent
going #or that.
2he one thing that cant )e $enie$ is its #irepo,er. Virt*all% an% in#antr% %o* shoot at ,ill
go poo# straight a,a%.
De#a*lt 'o$e is strength @, AP:. Mo$e t,o is strength :, AP@, )*t ignores co(er. Mo$e
three is strength ;, ,ith no AP, )*t 'a&es the target co*nt as 'o(ing thro*gh $i##ic*lt
terrain ne.t t*rn. Vehicles test #or $angero*s terrain instea$. 2ranslate$, this )eco'es
)i&es cant t*r)o)oost $*ring their ne.t t*rn. Regar$less o# 'o$e, %o* p*t o*t ; s'all
De#a*lt a''o e(en ,or&s against light ar'or an$ hea(% in#antr%.
Co,e(er, this lethalit% 'a&es it a )ig, #at target, an$ the *nit cant ta&e an% $a'age
,hatsoe(er. -o*r e.tre'e range helps, )*t ta)les are rarel% 'ore than ;B inches across.
Basicall%, i# so'eones in range o# %o*, the%ll shoot %o*, an$ 'ost li&el% $estro% one or
)oth 'o$els in the *nit.
6or #*n, %o* can )*t %o*r cannon a $rop po$. 6or e(en 'ore #*n, %o* can $eep stri&e it in
,ith the 954 point +*a$ las $e(astators. 2he ene'% ne(er sa, it co'ing.
Sa$l%, the nic&na'es right, an$ #its the cannon li&e a glo(e.
What makes it good7 *tterl% $estro%s light in#antr%. It $oesnt 'atter ho, 'an% o# the'
there are, or ho, #ar a,a% the% happen to )e. When %o* #ire, large parts o# #*ll or& 'o)s
(apori?e, an$ so'eti'es, the ,hole 94 strong *nit t*rns to )loo$% ch*n&s. De#a*lt a''o
p*ts a lot o# ,o*n$s on hea(%1 an$ elite in#antr%, an$ e(en ,or&s against light ar'or.
What makes it bad7 e.tre'el% #ragile. 2his point si'pl% cant )e stresse$ eno*gh, an$ is
a )ig stri&e against it. >nli&e other artiller% *nits, the th*n$er#ire onl% has a single
cre,'e')er, an$ D*st one g*n. I# so'eone shoots at %o*, %o*re li&el% to lose either the
g*n or the tech'arine right then an$ there.
&redator7 great.
At e$ition shi#ts, co'pan% tra$ition $ictates that 'arine *nits that ,ere #or'erl% *seless
an$ a sill% ,aste o# 'one% '*st )e i'pro(e$ 1 so'eti'es, $ra'aticall% so.
Pre$ators once ca'e in t,o #la(ors, )*t )oth o# the' ,ere *seless to a ri$ic*lo*s $egree.
In #act, pre$ators ,ere so *seless, the large 'aDorit% o# the ga'es pla%ers ha$nt e(en
seen a pre$ator in person *ntil :th e$ition hit. A tr*e legen$ in its o,n right.
No,a$a%s, this is the ga'es cheapest tan&, an$ ,hat a tan& it is.
2he tr*e ter' is light ar'or, an$ the h*')le 'arine pre$ator is the &ing o# this class.
With a #ront ar'or o# 59, '*ltiple g*ns, genero*s pro#ile, acc*rac%, an$ an initial price1
tag o# @4 points, the pre$ators got ?ero co'petiton #or the spot.
-es, an act*al tan& costs %o* @4 points )ase. In case %o* $i$nt &no,, this is as '*ch as
54 or& )o%?. Or&s s*$$enl% $ont see' either e##icient, or li&e a goo$ in(est'ent.
So, %es, @4 points. Ar'or 59 #ront, 55 si$e. -o* get all the stan$ar$ (ehicle gear, an$ not
a single #*n piece o# )ling, )eca*se Mat War$ ,as operating *n$er strict or$ers to 'a&e
this *nit sell.
De#a*lt g*n is an a*tocannon t*rret, an$ 1 %eah. 54 )o%? see' li&e s*ch a horri)le,
horri)le in(est'ent right no,.
A*tocannons are e.tre'el% *se#*l, )*t %o*r pre$ator can also a$$ a pair o# ,orl$ ,ar
one1st%le$ sponsons, ar'e$ ,ith hea(% )olters. 2hin& o# the' as a*to'atic +*arter
2he ,hole she)ang *ps %o*r pre$ators cost to an astrono'ical 85 points. M% go$, the
h*'anit%I B: points #or ar'or 59 ,ith t,o hea(% )olters an$ an a*tocannonI! Its tr*e.
Pre$ators are cra?% cheap, an$ cra?% e##ecti(e 1 at least in the $estr*ctor pattern o# ol$
/hea(% )olter sponsons, a*tocannon0.
6or a reall% insane cost, %o* can instea$ ta&e a pair o# sponson lascannons, an$ a slightl%
less insane s*' *pgra$es %o*r a*tocannon to a lin&e$ lascannon.
Pre$ators ,ith #*ll las1loa$o*t ,ere tra$itionall% calle$ annihilators, )*t the internets
largel% #orgotten this, an$ go ,ith tri1las, or las)oat instea$.
In case %o* co*l$nt tell #ro' the 5@: points cost, las)oat is a terri)le i$ea.
6or*'itis largel% agrees ,ith this assess'ent, an$ ,arseers e(er%,here ,ill tell %o* not
to p*t 'asse$ las on %o*r pre$s, %o. An$ then the a*tolas is )ro*ght *p.
A*tolas re#ers to the sill% nee$ so'e people ha(e o# a$$ing sponson lascannons to the
$e#a*lt pre$ator. Its not e##ecti(e, at all. -o*re pa%ing 534 points #or ,hat the internet
calls a transport h*nter, )*t transports are light ar'or, an$ light ar'or 'elts once %o*
*nleash t,o hea(% )olters an$ an a*tocannon on the'. I# the transport is a lan$ rai$er,
%o* 'ost certainl% $ont ,ant to shoot %o*r lascannons at it, since thats on par ,ith eggs
against stone,all in e##ecti(eness, an$ it 'eans %o*r a*tocannon ,ont e(en get to #ire.
Ba$ i$ea.
Re'e')er, the onl% ,a% to ,aste #irepo,er is to not *se it.
Other options incl*$e all the e.pecte$ things, )*t onl% t,o o# the' are reall% ,orth %o*r
ti'e 1 these )eing the stor')olter an$ h*nter1&iller 'issile.
Beca*se pre$ators are (er% )asic, %o* $ont get an% special r*les at all. No l*')ering, no
s&i''er, no #ast, an$ no #*n r*les that ha(e the e.act sa'e #*nction as the three
pre(io*sl% 'entione$, %et $oesnt )ear their na'es.
2his 'eans %o* roll or $eplo% %o*r pre$ators in position, an$ %o* shoot, shoot, shoot,
then shoot so'e 'ore. -es, pre$ators are stan$1o## *nits, not 'eant #or $irect o##ensi(es.
Once %o*(e cleare$ o*t all targets, %o* snea& *p slo,l%, ,hile ta&ing shots at har$
targets ,ith %o*r a*tocannon, or %o* 'o(e as #ast as possi)le to re$eplo%.
2hat sai$, nothings pre(enting %o* #ro' rolling *p )ehin$ %o*r o,n ra?or)ac&s an$
rhinos, popping a*tocannon shots into the si$es o# light ar'or as %o* go, an$ ta&e *p
position ,here the #irelanes are )etter. 2hat lea$s *s to the ne.t point.
Initial #irelanes, line o# sight, an$ ,here %o* ,ant %o*r other ar'or to go are all (er%
i'portant #or %o*r pre$ators. I# %o* $ont ha(e a clear plan in 'in$, %o*ll en$ *p
)loc&ing line o# sight to D*ic% targets, #ail to her$ ene'% in#antr% an$ light ar'or into
#irelanes, an$ create en$less roa$)loc&s o# rhino chassis all o(er.
Repeat a#ter 'e7 GAr'or 59 #ront. 2,o hea(% )olters, one a*tocannon. B: points.G
Pre$ators are the pre'ier 'arine hea(% s*pport, an$ not D*st )eca*se o# cost. Ar'or 59
#ront 'a&es %o* $i##ic*lt to re'o(e at range, an$ %o*r #irepo,er is (er% $angero*s to
in#antr% an$ light ar'or. Being a rhino chassis 'eans %o* can stac& ter'inators in #ront
#or a co(er sa(e, ,hile other rhino chassis ,ont )loc& %o*r t*rret #ro' shooting ,hen
%o*re rolling *p )ehin$ the'.
A$$ing pre$s e+*als a$$ing 'ore ar'or, an$ 'ore ar'or is sat*ration.
A lot o# people cling to their a*tolas/es!0, clai'ing that %o* nee$ so'ething to $eal ,ith
transports. 6air eno*gh, since %o* $o.
Dealing ,ith transports is ,h% %o* )ring all %o*r ar'%s h*nter1&ilers, a*tocannons,
hea(% )olters, an$ p"AS'a)ac&s. 2he )ig thing to note is these $eal ,ith in#antr%, too,
an$ still che, *p light ar'or nicel%.
I# (anilla pre$ators ,ere #ast, li&e )loo$ angel pre$ators, a*tolas ,o*l$ )e a slightl% 'ore
realistic proposition, )*t %o*r ar'% as a ,hole $ont nee$ 'ore anti1tan& g*ns. It nee$s
'ore *nits total that can $eal ,ith light ar'or an$ in#antr% ali&e, che,ing *p )oth
e##ortlessl%, at a (er% lo, price, an$ ,ith goo$ $*ra)ilit%.
"ascannons co'e #ro' sterng*ar$ an$ p"AS'a)ac&s. 2hats ho, its gonna sta% *ntil
the% get a points $rop on other plat#or's, an$ in :th e$ition, 'asse$ las isnt an%,here
near as *se#*l as it once ,as.
2hree $estr*ctors /a&a, $a&&a pre$s0 ,eigh in at 3:: points, an$ )ring a total o# 9
a*tocannons an$ @ hea(% )olters. >nless %o*re r*nning hea(% s*pport $rea$s, ,ant e.tra
cr*sa$ers, or happen to )e tr%ing o*t cra?% things, these sho*l$ al,a%s )e present in %o*r
What makes it good7 cri'inall% cheap &ing o# light ar'or. Che,s thro*gh in#antr% an$
light ar'or ,ith great ease. Ar'or 59 #ront 'a&es it the 'ost hea(il% ar'ore$ (ehicle in
its class. Ar'or sat*ration. One o# the )est *nits a(aila)le to %o*.
What makes it bad7 no ni#t% special a)ilities that let it 'o(e an$ #ire at #*ll e##ect.
"ascannons are prohi)iti(el% e.pensi(e, an$ sho*l$ )e a(oi$e$. All things consi$ere$,
its still light ar'or. Dont preten$ its so'ething else.
Whirl'ind7 )a$.
2he other rhino (ariant that no one e(er )o*ght, ,hirl,in$s ,ere ne(er that goo$ to
)egin ,ith, an$ :h e$ition hasnt 'a$e the' an% 'ore *se#*l.
In #act, the )*##ing o# co(er, an$ ,ea&ening o# or$nance, has 'a$e it ,orse.
Whirl,in$s are reall% rhinos ,ith s*r#ace1to1s*r#ace 'issiles on top.
Its o)(io*s that the ,hirl,in$s not a pop*lar *nit, an$ the reasons #or this are 'an% an$
(arie$ 1 the 'ain one )eing it $oesnt &ill things relia)l%, e(er.
When #iring, $eclare %o*r chosen t%pe o# a''o. -o* can pic& )et,een strength :, AP;
that $oesnt ignore co(er, an$ strength ;, AP: that $oes. Both are large )lasts, an$ )oth
#ail to i'press. -eah, %o* can shoot the' in$irect, so %o*r B: point, ar'or 55 ass can
hi$e )ehin$ ,alls, )*t that $oesnt change an%thing, an$ 'a&es %o* scatter ,i$e, too.
Still, its a large )last, an$ those are rare. O)(io*sl%, this 'eans the ,hirl,in$ isnt
entirel% *seless, an$ )eing a)le to ignore co(er co'pletel% is nice against to*ghness 9
$*$es ,ith no ar'or sa(e to spea& o#.
Ba$ in ;th, an$ D*st as )a$ in :th. Co, #ort*nate that there arent an% other large )lasts
that $o 'ore $a'age, )olte$ onto 'ore $*ra)le #ra'es.
I# there ,ere, no one ,o*l$ )*% this thing in :th e$ition, either, an$ 8W ,o*l$ )e so
'*ch #arther o# e(er 'a&ing the cost o# the 'o*l$ )ac&.
Oh, ,ait.
What makes it good7 large te'plates *s*all% clean o*t in#antr% nice an$ s'oothl%. 2his
one can )e *se$ ,itho*t line o# sight.
What makes it bad7 the large )last is ,ea&, an$ $oesnt &ill things relia)l%. O(erprice$
co'pare$ to the co'petition, an$ ,orthless ,hen co'pare$ to ,hat other )oo&s get. Not
a pre$ator. Whirl,in$s s*##er #ro' one g*n1s%n$ro'e.
Vindicator7 )a$.
2he #a)le$ (in$icator.
2his thing pac&s possi)l% the 'ost $estr*cti(e g*n in the ga'e 1 a $e'olisher cannon o#
tr*e terror an$ o,nage.
When it #ires, things $ie.
>n#ort*natel%, it ne(er gets to #ire, )eca*se its either o*t o# range /3; inches0, $e1
g*nne$, sha&en, ,rec&e$, or has )een trans#or'e$ into a crater.
2he sol*tion to this is o)(io*s7 ta&e 'ore than one. In #act, this is the onl% ,a% to get
an%thing o*t o# (in$icators.
Ones gonna )e $ea$, the other ,ill )e 'issing its g*n, o*t o# range, or i''o)ili?e$, an$
the thir$ 'ight )e in range, an$ ,ill li&el% not )e st*nne$.
E(er%ti'e so'eone lan$s a hit on s+*a$s ,ith no co(er, the '%th o# (in$icators )eing
har$core goo$ is rene,e$ #or three 'onths.
GWh% isnt s*ch a )a$ *nit ran&e$ as *seless!G Beca*se it has a co*ple *ses, )elie(e it or
6irst *se is the #ear. E(en co'petent pla%ers are ,ear% o# (in$icators, an$ ,ill $eplo% so
%o* cant shoot an%thing in the #irst t*rn. 2his gi(es %o* so'e control o(er %o*r ene'%s
Secon$ *se is #ire 'agnet. Once the ga'e starts, e(er%thing that can ,ill shoot the
(in$icator *ntil its )een glance$ or penetrate$ once, then lea(e it alone #or the rest o# the
t*rn. Wh%! No 'atter ,hat the% roll, (in$icators are ren$ere$ *seless #or at least the ne.t
2hir$ is the )ig g*n. I# %o* get to shoot, e.pensi(e *nits (apori?e.
6o*rth is the h*ge shiel$, ,hich s*re $oesnt loo& li&e a plo,, at all. 2his thing lets %o*
'o(e aro*n$ in terrain ,itho*t ris&, )*t costs e.tra points.
2hen there are the plo, Do&es that can )e 'a$e o(er the 'o$el itsel#, an$ thats reall% all
theres to this thing.
"ight ar'or thats not a pre$ator, an$ costs al'ost t,ice as '*ch as an *n)linge$ one, %et
'anages to $o so '*ch less.
What makes it good7 'assi(e #ear #actor. De'olisher &ills things o*t in the open. No
+*estions as&e$.
What makes it bad7 (in$icators, '*ch li&e 'onoliths, are n44)ha''ers. One g*n1
s%n$ro'e. E.pensi(e. 2a&ing three 'eans one 'ight get to #ire once. 2hose are so'e
goo$ 9;: points.
"i&e the (ario*s rhino chassis, lan$ rai$ers o# all t%pes share certain characteristics an$
attri)*tes, )*t ha(e '*ch less separating the' #ro' each other.
Beca*se o# this, all co''on rai$er traits are s*''ari?e$ here, rather than in each
in$i(i$*al entr%.
N*')er ones the t,o )ig things7 ar'or 5; in all #acings, an$ )eing assa*lt (ehicles.
2he ar'or 'a&es it (er% har$ to grin$ lan$ rai$ers $o,n, especiall% at range. "ascannons
an$ e+*i(alent nee$ @s #or penetrating hits, ,hile railg*ns 'erel% re+*ire :< to
O# co*rse, 'eltag*ns $ont care a)o*t %o*r ar'or all that '*ch, )*t not e(en 'elta can
g*arantee a penetrating hit on %o*. Being ar'or 5; also 'a&es ra''ing that '*ch 'ore
lethal. Aeep this in 'in$, )eca*se its so'eti'es ga'e1changing.
Note that so'e ar'ies /necrons, $e'ons, or&s0 ha(e no realistic ans,er to single lan$
rai$ers 1 let alone t,o or three.
Assa*lt (ehicle lets cargo assa*lt a#ter $is'o*nting #ro' rai$ers. 2his is a (er% rare an$
po,er#*l thing, an$ *s*all% onl% a(aila)le to open toppe$, paper1ar'ore$ transports.
Another i'portant thing is ar'a'ent an$ the 'achine1sprit. Rai$ers are st*$$e$ ,ith
g*ns, an$ can )*% 'ore 1 the one 'an$ator% )eing the 54 point '*lti1'elta, ,hich %o*
sho*l$ al,a%s pa% #or.
Most o# ,hat %o*(e got is goo$ /all things consi$ere$0, or at least passa)le, )*t the 'i.
)olte$ onto each lan$ rai$er is o#ten too ran$o' to )e o# '*ch *se.
-o*r 'achine1spirit allo,s %o* to shoot one 'ore g*n than nor'all% allo,e$, an$ this
e.tra ,eapon can )e #ire$ at another *nit i# %o* so $esire /lascannons (ers*s 'anticore,
'*lti1'elta against a near)% le'an r*ss0.
2hir$ is %o*r si?e. "an$ rai$ers are h*ge, an$ )loc& o## sight to e(er%thing thats not
another rai$er. 2he%re so h*ge, in #act, %o* can *se the center point t*rning to s+*ee?e
o*t another inch or t,o o# 'o(e'ent i# %o* $eplo% si$e,a%s.
With great si?e co'es great capacit%. Regar$less o# t%pe, lan$ rai$ers ta&e a #*ll in#antr%
s+*a$, pl*s attache$ characters, or at least hal# a ter'inator s+*a$, an$ the e(er1present
All lan$ rai$ers are o##iciall% hea(% s*pport, )*t %o*r 'ain so*rce o# the' 1 an$ onl%
realistic reason to #iel$ the' in the #irst place 1 is as ter'inator $e$icate$ transports.
2hats right 1 ter'inators are so genero*s, the% let %o* #iel$ rai$ers ,itho*t *sing *p
hea(% s*pport choices.
Co,e(er, triple ter'inator roc&s re+*ire %o* to in(est at least one hea(% s*pport slot,
)eca*se %o*re li'ite$ to a 'a. o# t,o $e$icate$ transport rai$ers /one #or each t%pe o#
ter'inators0, an$ sho*l$ %o* ,ant '*ltiple assa*lt ter'inator roc&s, %o*(e gotta splash
on t,o or 'ore hea(% s*pport lan$ rai$ers.
Mo(e'ent is another thing. Most o# the ti'e, %o* ,ant to 'o(e 53, )*t %o*re pa%ing a
lot #or the $a&&a.
Since %o*re a lan$ rai$er, an$ nothing o*tsi$e o# 'elta is a realistic threat to %o*, its
so'eti'es a goo$ i$ea to slo, $o,n to @, an$ #ire o## so'e shots. 2his $oesnt reall%
appl% to re$ee'ers, than&s to it ha(ing #la'ers as 'ain g*ns, an$ an% re$ee'ers %o* ta&e
sho*l$ prett% '*ch al,a%s 'o(e at #*ll spee$ against people.
2he (er% last thing to re'e')er is the r*le o# 'an%. Ne(er ta&e one lan$ rai$er. 2a&e
t,o or three, or ta&e none.
Ones gonna $ra, all the 'elta the opponent has, an$ ,ill get slagge$ earl%, ,hile
'*ltiples al'ost g*arantee that one o# the' ,ill $eli(er its cargo. More is a serio*s threat
to e(er%thing in the ga'e, an$ 'esses ,ith %o*r opponents plans 1 especiall% i# the%re
all carr%ing ter'inators.
With that o*t o# the ,a%, on ,ith the sho,.
Land raider7 )a$.
Also &no,n as the reg*lar rai$er, go$ha''er, an$ lan$ rai$er pho)os, the lan$ rai$er
is a 3:4 point )ric&, sporting t,o lin&e$ lascannons, an$ one lin&e$ hea(% )olter.
S*ppose$l%, %o* open transports ,ith the #eare$ an$ re(ile$ go$ha''er lascannons, an$
shoot $o,n an%thing that pops o*t ,ith the hea(% )olter. An%one ,hos *se$ this (ehicle
&no,s this ,asnt li&el% to happen $*ring past e$itions, an$ is e(en less li&el% no, that
(ehicles are to*gher. Still, lascannons are lascannons.
>se$ to )e har$core )a$, )*t got 'assi(el% i'pro(e$ in )oth ;th an$ :th e$tion. 2he
#or'er #ail rai$er, ,hile still not opti'all% e+*ippe$ #or an%thing, reall%, can at least
shoot t,o targets a t*rn 1 *nless its the chaos (ersion, ,hich happens to )e the onl% ,a%
to p*t act*al #ail rai$ers on the ta)le in :th e$ition.
So, lets loo& 'orel% closel% at ,hat ,ere getting.
3:4 points, %es! 2,o lin&e$ lascannons, one lin&e$ hea(% )olter, the rai$er h*ll itsel#,
an$ 53 people capacit%.
2he lascannons tell %o* its a range$ #ire)ase, o# sorts, ,ith large transport capacit%. P*t
tacticals or sco*ts insi$e, ca'p ho'e)ase as an act*al )*n&er! Ma%)e. Or %o* h*nt
ene'% ar'or ,ith it at (er% long range! Well, s*re, )*t pro)a)l% not ,orth the 3:4
2hat one lin&e$ hea(% )olter is there #or la*ghs an$ tra$ition. As& an% ran$o' 'arine
pla%er ,hen the% last *se$ their go$ha''ers hea(% )olter in :th e$ition. 8o on, its #*n.
-eah, %o* can 'o(e @ inches an$ shot lascannons at t,o $i##erent targets, )*t this ni#t%
tric& costs %o* 3:4 points.
53 people capacit%! S*re, %es 1 it has that. Cant $en% the goo$ o# that, )*t the other lan$
rai$er patterns get 53 an$ 5@ respecti(el%, an$ co'e ,ith a little ite' that co*nts an%one
charging a#ter $is'o*nting as ha(ing #rags. -es, e(en ter'inators.
2he other t,o ,iel$ $angero*s g*ns, too, ,hich is ,orth highlighting.
In short, its an assa*lt (ehicle ar'e$ ,ith long1range$, anti1tan& g*ns. I# %o* ,ant to *se
it to #err% s+*a$s aro*n$, %o*ll )e 'issing o*t on opti'al *se o# the lascannons. I# %o*
$ont *se the transport capacit%, %o*re pa%ing 3:4 points #or t,o lin&e$ lascannons.
In all honest%, the )est *se #or pho)os rai$ers are as the a#ore'entione$ scoring )*n&ers.
What makes it good7 #or the 'ini'*' cost o# 93: points, )eco'es a scoring, ar'or 5;
)*n&er, ,ith t,o lin&e$ lascannons.
What makes it bad7 in#le.i)le loa$1o*t. Cea(% )olter is rarel% *se$ #or an%thing. Not
reall% goo$ at $ealing ,ith either ar'or or in#antr% at the cost. Ver% e.pensi(e #or ,hat
%o*re getting.
Land raider redeemer7 )a$.
A giant piece o# a,#*l, o*t#itte$ ,ith $*al 'ega1#la'ers an$ a lin&e$ assa*ltcannon.
Man% thin& this is a goo$ in(est'ent, )*t realit% $oesnt agree.
While the go$ha''er is #ail #or )eing too long1range$, re$ee'ers are #ail #or )eing too
So short1range$, opti'al *sage re+*ires %o* to $ri(e ,ell ,ithin 'elta1range.
"an$ rai$ers are ,i$e, s+*a$s are s'all, an$ 'ost people p*t the #la'ers in the )ac& set
o# sponson slots. 2he en$ res*lt! A#ter a lot o# #i$geting, %o* 'anage to #r% a *nit ,ith
one sponson, get slagge$ )% a 'eltag*n, an$ ,hine #or a )it.
An$ #r% in#antr% %o* ,ill 1 i# %o* get to shoot. 2he 'ega1#la'ers are strength @ an$ AP9.
6e, *nits in the ga'e s*r(i(e hits #ro' the'.
2he 'agic 'o'ent is 'anaging to reach %o*r $estination ,ith @ inches or less o#
'o(e'ent, ,ith e.pensi(e in#antr% on )oth si$es.
A#ter a si'*ltaneo*s #la'estor' )roa$si$e on )oth s+*a$s, the re'aining $*$es )rea&,
an$ the ter'inators insi$e the re$ee'er charge the ene'%s CE stan$ing in #ront o# the
rai$er. Magic in$ee$.
Re$ee'ers are s*ppose$ to )e the *lti'ate in assa*lt (ehicle technolog%, )*t #all (er%
short o# s*ch lo#t% goals an$ aspirations, than&s largel% to the re+*ire$ 'elta1range
insanit%, an$ onl% one g*n that can )e *se$ #or the #irst t,o or three t*rns o# the ga'e.
So'e s'all co'#orts a(aila)le. >nli&e the other t,o, re$ee'ers onl% cost 3;4 points. In
general, its )est to s&ip on this one.
A reg*lar rai$er s*re isnt all that goo$, )*t it $oesnt r*n the ris& o# instant1slagging t*rn
three, either, an$ 'ight ta&e o*t a (ehicle or t,o.
What makes it good: cheaper than the other t,o. Magic 'o'ents are hilario*s, an$
al'ost ,orth the 3;4 points price1tag.
What makes it bad: lo,er capacit% than the cr*sa$er. 2oo short1range$. Magic 'o'ents
are rare. Re+*ires )eing ,ithin spitting $istance o# 'eltag*ns to #*nction.
Land raider crusader7 goo$.
2ransports 5@ $*$es. Oh %eah.
Also has 3 h*rricane )olters /@ lin&e$ )olters in total0, an$ a lin&e$ assa*ltcannon.
2han&s to the )olters all )eing $e#ensi(e ,eapons, %o* can roll @ inches an$ #ire at #*ll
e##ect. 2his is (er%, (er% goo$, in case %o* $i$nt &no,, an$ an e.tra stor')olter e.pan$s
this $a&&a.
8o$ha''er is too long1range$, an$ has no #oc*s. Its role as a transport is al,a%s )eing
+*estione$, too.
Re$ee'er is s*ici$al, has a lo,er capacit%, an$ cant $o '*ch at range.
Cr*sa$ers are #oc*se$ anti1in#antr% plat#or's, carr%ing *p to B ter'inators, an$
*nleashing hell at 'e$i*' range. No one li&es 5315; )olt shots ai'e$ at their in#antr%,
an$ ; assa*ltcannon shots thro,n in #or la*ghs.
With the al'ost 'an$ator% '*lti1'elta on top, %o* s*$$enl% gain a serio*s *se #or the
cr*sa$ers 'achine1spirit 1 slagging ar'or ,ith the '*lti1'elta, an$ pe,1pe,ing in#antr%
to pieces ,ith the rest o# %o*r loa$1o*t.
In the ancient $a%s, %o* co*l$ 'o(e 53 an$ $a&&a ,ith e(er%thing, an$ the rai$er itsel#
co*l$ )e *pgra$e$ to gain a sort o# i''*nit% to 'elta.
Alas, s*ch insanit% is no longer allo,e$, an$ onl% the ancient, o*t$ate$ 9r$ e$ition
$e'onh*nters co$e. allo,s 'a.i'*' $a&&a at that spee$, ,hile onl% )lac& te'plars are
per'itte$ to 'a&e their cr*sa$ers resistant 1 to lances o# all things.
Still, all that $a&&a, 5@ $*$e /B ter'inators0 capacit%, an$ #rag la*nchers #or 3:4 points!
-es, please.
Oh, I can ha(e a '*lti1'elta that #ires in$epen$entl% o# '% other g*ns, than&s to the
'achine1spirit! Ver% genero*s, 'ister cr*sa$er.
When alls sai$ an$ $one, cr*sa$ers en$ *p costing 3B: points 1 not 3:4. 2hese points )*%
%o* the cr*sa$er itsel#, a pintle stor')olter, e.tra ar'or, an$ the '*lti1'elta. Whate(er
%o* $o, $ont s&i'p on e.tra ar'or. -o* nee$ the cr*sa$er to &eep 'o(ing.
O*tsi$e o# #orge,orl$, easil% the 'ost *se#*l lan$ rai$er pattern, an$ one o# the 'ost
potent *nits at %o*r $isposal.
2he high cost is reall% the onl% thing &eeping it #ro' a higher rating.
What makes it good7 i''ense anti1in#antr% #irepo,er. C*ge capacit%. Can 'o(e at
co')at spee$ an$ shoot all its $a&&a. 2en$s to ha(e $ra'atic i'pacts on ga'es,
especiall% i# theres t,o or 'ore.
What makes it bad7 it costs 3:4 points )ase. Still nee$ t,o or 'ore to 'a&e its presence
#elt, ,hich is a h*ge ch*n& o# %o*r total points.
V*l&an. CeOs that g*% e(er%one co'plains a)o*t )eing in e(er% single SM list as a no1
)rainer choice. Ne,s #lashJ heOs not. 2his ,as spar&e$ )% a co''ent )% "ACero sa%ing
that the Space Marine co$e. is li'ite$ in )*il$s, not internall% )alance$ an$ a V*l&an is a
no1)rainer choice. Whilst I )elie(e the SM co$e. is the ,ea&est in ter's o# internal
)alance o# the :th e$ition )oo&s, onl% Cea(% S*pport is reall% li'ite$. E(er% other 6oC
has at least three goo$ options /Bi&es cheat an$ #it into )oth 2roops an$ 6A0 ,hich lea$s
to a ,hole )*nch o# $i##erent lists. Co,e(er, the #oc*s o# this post is V*l&an, so letOs ta&e
a gan$er at hi'.
V*l&an is a great character an$ a$$s +*ite e.tensi(el% to 'an% Marine lists. 6or an e.tra
L4 points o(er a reg*lar captain he has a goo$ co')at presence an$ statline ,ith a S@
po,er ,eapon, 9<< an$ hea(% #la'er to )oot )*t i'portantl% 'a&es all #la'ersH'eltas in
the SM ar'% t,in1lin&e$ an$ th*n$er ha''ers 'aster cra#te$ at the cost o# co')at
tactics. 6or an ar'% ,ith a lot o# #la'ers an$ 'eltas in e(er% slot, this can )e a'a?ing. In
case %o* 'isse$ it, that ,as a con$itional. An ar'% ,ith lots o# #la'ers an$ 'eltas in
e(er% slot /e.cept Cea(% S*pport. Do NO2 )*% MM De(s lol0. Not e(er% SM list has
this an$ th*s not e(er% SM list nee$s V*l&an. "etOs e.plore ,h%.
At an%thing a)o(e 5K:4 V*l&an is going to )e e.tre'el% cost e##icient in 'ost Marine
lists. A nor'al Captain ,ith Relic Bla$e, $igital ,eapons an$ SS cloc&s in at 5:4 points
so #or ;4 e.tra points %o* get t,in1lin&e$ on all o# %o*r 'eltas an$ #la'ers o(er co')at
tactics, 'aster1cra#te$ on the Relic Bla$e an$ a hea(% #la'er. So i# %o* ,ere going to
ta&e a Captain ,HRelic Bla$e P SS an$ not on a )i&e, %es V*l&an is prett% '*ch a no1
)rainer at appropriate point le(els. Co,e(er, 'ost SM lists $onOt r*n Captains li&e that
#or goo$ reason. 2he% $onOt a$$ an%thing to the ar'% other than so'e S@ po,er ,eapon
attac&s. So the real co'parison nee$s to )e 'a$e against a "i)rarian ,hich 'eans ,e are
co*ghing *p an$ e.tra L4 points #or V*l&an. 2hatOs a ,hole "an$ Spee$er an$ e.tra pl*s
the loss o# ps%chic $e#ense an$ po,ers s*ch as N*ll Qone to gain t,in1lin&e$ on o*r
#la'ers an$ 'eltas. Altho*gh this is a steeper price $i##erence )et,een the Rstan$ar$O CE
an$ V*l&an, it still $oesnOt r*le o*t his e##icienc%.
"oo&ing at an SM list ,ith so'ething li&e 54 MM, @ #la'ers /9 co')i0 an$ @ hea(%
#la'ers %o*Oll +*ic&l% see ,h% he is (er% e##icient /hell )*%ing L MMHC6 Spee$ers
essentiall% Rpa%sO #or V*l&anOs e##icienc%0 an$ thats ,itho*t 2er'iantors. Co,e(er, is
that e.tra L4 points al,a%s ,orth it! In point e##icienc% ter's, 'ore o#ten than not %es.
B*t in relati(e ter's, not al,a%s. "etOs ta&e a gan$er at '% potential Cent*rion list
"i))% ,HN*ll Qone, A(enger
9. Ri#le'en Drea$s
3.54.2acs ,H#la'er, MM, Rhino
3.:.2acs ,H"asPlas R)ac&
3.3."an$ Spee$ers ,HMMHC6
9.Pre$ators ,HCB
V*l&an onl% i'pacts on ; *nits /large 2acs an$ "an$ Spee$ers0 an$ I nee$ to 'a&e roo'
#or hi'. S*re $ropping the Drea$s $o,n to MM Drea$s a$$s to the n*')er o# *nits he
e##ecti(el% helps ,hilst sa(ing points )*t also 'a&es this list s*##er #ro' lac& o# range$
anti1tan&. Whilst a$$ing in V*l&an $oesnOt 'a&e it a )a$ list /,ith so'e ,or&ing0, itOs a
$i##erent st%le o# list. 2he list is a lot 'ore #oc*se$ on close1range$ #ire#ights /,hich it
,ill *s*all% ,in0 an$ ,hen %o* a$$ in 2er'inators ala 2h*n$er)*))le, this a$(antage is
heightene$. Co,e(er, a V*l&an Mech or V*l&an 2h*n$er)*))le list is #*n$a'entall%
$i##erent as %o* nee$ to ens*re %o* are ta&ing as '*ch a$(antage o# V*l&anOs a)ilities as
possi)le ,hich en$s *p #orcing %o*r list to #oc*s on close1range$ #ire#ights.
Is one )etter or ,orse than the other! Not reall%, the% ha(e $i##erent a$(antages an$
$isa$(antages )*t )lin$l% p*tting V*l&an into a list isnOt al,a%s going to get %o* a
'a.i'*' ret*rn on points in(este$ an$ nee$s to #it the st%le o# list. A$$ing V*l&an into
the a)o(e list is the sa'e pro)le' as a nor'al CaptainJ ,hat nee$ $o I ha(e #or that S@
co')at #irepo,er ,hen IO$ rather not )e in co')at! ItOs a nice )ac&1*p )*t since IO' not
gaining the 'ost o*t o# his Chapter 2actics, he $oesnOt #it that list. 2his o)(io*sl% 'eans
V*l&an isnOt a no1)rainer choice. -es he is pro)a)l% al,a%s going to )e point e##icient
)*t that $oesnOt 'ean the *nit #its into an ar'%. B% a$$ing V*l&an %o* change the
$%na'ic o# the ar'% list an$ either nee$ to )*il$ aro*n$ this or change %o*r list to
acco*nt #or this. 2his is a great thing o# :th e$ition ar'% )oo&s. A single character ta&es
a Rstan$ar$O co$e. )*il$ /)*il$s e(en0 an$ 'o$i#ies the' to 'a&e a $istinctl% $i##erent
list. V*l&an is goo$ )*t hes speci#ic to a certain ar'% st%le an$ e(en tho*gh hes point
e##icient, )lithel% p*tting hi' in an% list $oesnt 'a&e the list necessaril% )etter.
2he Master o# the 6orge /6orgelor$0 is perhaps one o# the 'ost *n$erappreciate$ *nits in
the Space Marine co$e.J speci#icall% in ter's o# CEs. V23Os re(ie, i$enti#ies the
6orgelor$ as an e.cellent *tilit% CE ,ith so'e prett% $ecent co')at pro,ess an$ so'e
e.cellent shooting options. A$$ in the a)ilit% to #i. 'ech, i'pro(e a section o# co(er an$
i'portantl%, gi(e the SM general the option to ta&e si. Drea$s an$ %o*O(e got a goo$
option on %o*r han$s. In #act, it see's great so ,h% $onOt ,e see hi' 'ore o#ten an$ is
he a (ia)le CE!
In co'parison to a Bi&er Captain, V*l&an an$ "i))% the Mot6 is a prett% goo$ CE. CeOs
certainl% )etter than a generic captain or chaplain an$ a lot )etter than 'ost o# the special
characters /,h% ,asnOt there a special 6orgelor$I! We co*l$ o# calle$ hi' "or$ 6orge%
or Alch%0. 2he 6orgelor$ )rings )oth o##ense an$ *tilit% to the ta)le )*t *n#ort*natel%,
heOs ,orse in per#or'ance /e.cept #or shooting0 than the a#ore'entione$ CEs. A Bi&er
Captain opens *p a ,hole ne, 2roops selection an$ '*ltiple ar'ies ,hilst still )eing
goo$ in co')at, V*l&an 'a&es a short1range$ ar'% D*st plain $ea$l% ,hilst also
,hac&ing a,a% in co')at ,hilst a "i))% is so'e o# the )est *tilit% in the ga'e ,ith N*ll
Qone < other po,ers an$ ps% $e#ense. Whilst the 6orgelor$Os a)ilities are goo$, the
a#ore'entione$ CEs are D*st as goo$ i# not )etter. 6*rther'ore, the 6orgelor$ can )e
partic*larl% har$ to place in an ar'% /one o# the iss*es V*l&an also has i# there are no
2er'inators0. 2o tr*l% ta&e a$(antage o# his *ni+*e o##erings /shooting an$ si. Drea$s0
one generall% has to p*t hi' on a )i&e or in a speci#icall% $esigne$ s+*a$ /i.e. Sco*ts0,
)oth o# ,hich che, into %o*r points total an$ there#ore )eco'es pro)le'atic.
In the en$ %o* ha(e to ,eigh *p i# a )are )ones Mot6 ,itho*t Con(ersion Bea'er or
Bi&e is ,orth the 544pt price tag to get si. Drea$s! 2he ans,er is a reso*n$ing %es. Ce
certainl% $oesnOt ha(e the co')at po,er o# V*l&an or e(en a Captain on a Bi&e /,ith
relic )la$e0 )*t heOs no slo*ch either. An$ ,hilst his other *tilit% o# i'pro(e$ co(er an$
#i.ing (ehicles isnOt #antastic, e(er% little )it co*nts. 6ro' there i# %o* ,ant to a$$ a
Bea'erBi&e or ,hate(er, %o* can )*t on the )asis o# his original statline an$ options the
6orgelor$ is a goo$ CE option. Wh% then isnOt he *se$! One 'aDor reason7 ps%chic
$e#ense, ,hich is onl% pro(i$e$ )% a "i))%. Whilst )oth can certainl% )e ta&en, ,hen
)*%ing si. Drea$s points are at a pre'i*' /each Drea$ is a 'ini'*' 34 points 'ore
than a Pre$0 an$ +*ite o#ten the opport*nit% cost co'es $o,n to *sing a Mot6 or ha(ing
ps%chic $e#ense /no, thatOs another article...0. Co,e(er, +*ite o#ten lists r*n ,itho*t
"i))%s an$ r*n other CEs s*ch as V*l&an or $o*)le Captain on Bi&es an$ altho*gh
losing ps%chic $e#ense /an$ N*ll Qone...0 is a )*''er, itOs still a soli$ possi)ilit%.
In the en$, %es a Mot6 is a goo$ )*% )*t onl% in speci#ic lists /rea$J ;< Drea$s0. Whilst
he $oesnOt ha(e as ,i$e an applica)ilit% as the other goo$ CEs #or SM an$ he $oes ha(e
associate$ opport*nit% costs, heOs still a $a'n goo$ CE. So o(er the co*rse o# the ne.t
#e, $a%s IO' going to $rop so'e lists *sing the 6orgelor$ relating along the lines o#
Mech, Drop Drea$, 6astONOSlo, an$ 2h*n$er)*))le tho*gh i# an%one has an% other
re+*ests, please let 'e &no,. Whilst these lists 'a% or 'a% not )e )etter than their
co*nterparts, the% o##er an alternati(e an$ co'petiti(e list *sing the Mot6 ,hich I thin&
people nee$ to see. An$ )e#ore I tr*n$le o##, letOs ta&e a pee& at the RoriginalO co'petiti(e
SM list )% Stele& ,hich has inspire$ so '*ch.
Oh an$ as a )on*s, the 6orgelor$ is a,eso'e #or #l*## p*rposes #or chapters li&e Iron
Can$s. <5

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