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We all know what an apology is; it's an expression of remorse or guilt over having

said or done something that is acknowledged to be hurtful or damaging, and a

request for forgiveness. But we also know it can be really hard to swallow our
pride and say "I'm sorry." If you have a difficult time making amends for mistakes
or repairing the effects of angry words, here's how to keep your dignity while
being humble, and invite forgiveness with grace.

1. Determine what went wrong. Did you say something insensitive, no matter how
true it is? Did you fail to come through on a promise? Was the offense recent or
long ago? You can't apologize effectively if you don't know what you are
apologizing for. If you don't think you did anything wrong, then express regret or
sadness for the feeling that someone is experiencing as a result of what you did.
Presuming the effect was unintended, the basis of the apology often lies in not
having foreseen how your actions would affect this person, realizing that the
benefits of the action did not outweigh the unforeseen circumstances, and wanting
to compensate for your oversight.
2. Take full responsibility for the offense, without sharing the blame with
anyone else and without presenting mitigating circumstances--an incomplete apology
often feels more like an insult. An apology with an excuse is simply not an
apology. It may very well be that other people or circumstances contributed to the
situation, but you cannot apologize for them; you can only apologize for yourself,
so leave them out of it.
3. Realize that there are no excuses. Do not try to think of or offer one. An
apology with an excuse is not an apology. Take full responsibility for what you
did. And if the person you apologize to doesn't accept it, then they do not
deserve it, but do not take it back and still say " i'm sorry.
4. Decide when to apologize. Sometimes immediately after your mistake is best,
sometimes not. The sting of a harsh word can be cooled right away with a quick
apology, but other offenses might need the other person to cool down before they
are willing to even listen to your next sentence. However, the sooner you
apologize for your mistake, the more likely it will be viewed as an error in
judgment and not a character flaw.
"I'm sorry...I shouldn't have said that."
"I'm sorry...I shouldn't have said that."
Write your apology down. Construct a letter to the person you're apologizing
to, rehearsing what you will say in person. If you don't feel comfortable with
writing, then use a voice recorder. Not only will this help you remember what to
say when you're face to face with them, but you can also bring the copy with you
and hand it to them if you find the apology quite difficult to express. But never
forget that a direct and honest apology is best. Do it face to face, if possible.
A phoned, emailed or recorded apology may show a lack of sincerity and effort.
6. Begin the apology by naming the offense and the feelings it may have caused.
Be specific about the incident so that they know exactly what you're apologizing
for. Make it a point to avoid using the word "but". ("I am sorry, but..." means "I
am not sorry.") Also, do not say "I'm sorry you feel that way" or "I'm sorry if
you were offended." Be sorry for what you did! "I'm sorry you feel that way" makes
it seem like you are blaming the other person, and is not a real apology. Validate
their feelings or discomfort by acknowledging your transgression's (potential)
effects, while taking responsiblity:

* "Boss, I'm sorry I'm late again, I know my shift started 10 minutes
ago. I hope this doesn't complicate your day."
* "Dear, I'm sorry I forgot your birthday - there's no excuse. I hope
you don't feel neglected, please let me set this right."
"This is an explanation, not an excuse. There is no excuse."
"This is an explanation, not an excuse. There is no excuse."
Make amends. Think about what caused you to make the offense. Is it because
you're a little too laid back about being on time, or remembering important dates?
Is it because you tend to react instantly to certain comments, without pausing to
consider an alternative point of view? Is it because you are unhappy with your
life, and you unknowingly take it out on others? Find the underlying problem,
describe it to the person (as an explanation, not an excuse), and tell them what
you intend to do to rectify that problem so that you can avoid this mistake in the

* "I snapped at you because I've been so stressed out with work lately,
and it's selfish of me to take it out on you. Starting tomorrow, I'm going to cut
down my hours to X per week. I really think it'll help me unwind, and help us
spend more quality time together."
* "I've been distant and cold because I get paranoid that you're going
to walk out on me because I don't have a job. But that's a terrible thing to do.
Look, here's a list of things I'm going to do to find a job ASAP..."
8. Express your appreciation for the role that they play in your life,
emphasizing that you do not want to jeopardize or damage the relationship. This is
the time to briefly recount what has created and sustained the bond over time and
tell loved ones that they are indeed loved. Describe what your life would be
missing without their trust and their company.
9. Ask if they will give you another chance to make up for what you did wrong.
Tell them you'd love to show them that you've learned from your mistake, and that
you will take action to change and grow as a result, if they will let you. Make a
clear request for forgiveness and wait for their answer. This gives the injured
party the well deserved "power" in determining the outcome of the situation.
10. Be patient. If an apology is not accepted, thank them for hearing you out
and leave the door open for if they wish to reconcile later. (E.g. "I understand
you're still upset about it, but thanks for giving me the chance to apologize. If
you ever change your mind, please give me a call.") Sometimes people want to
forgive you, but they still need a little time to cool off. If you are lucky
enough for your apology to be accepted:

* Avoid the temptation to throw in a few excuses at the end. Instead,

have a transition planned out beforehand for what you can do to solidify the clean
slate (e.g. "Let's go get some coffee and catch up. It'll be my treat. I miss
knowing what you're up to.").
* Remember, just because someone accepts your apology doesn't mean
they've fully forgiven you. It can take time, maybe a long time, before the
injured party can completely let go and fully trust you again. There is little you
can do to speed this process up, but there are endless ways to bog it down. If the
person is truly important to you, it's worth it to give them the time and space
they need to heal. Don't expect them to go right back to acting normally

o At the same time, don't let someone hang this over your head for
the rest of your life. The same way you need to learn how to apologize, they need
to learn How to Forgive.
11. Stick to your word. This is every bit as important as every other step. A
true apology entails a resolution, and you have to carry out your promise in order
for the apology to be sincere and complete. Otherwise, your apologies will lose
their meaning, and trust may disappear beyond the point of no return


One on one.
One on one.
If you can, pull the person aside so that you can apologize while you're
alone. Not only will this reduce the likelihood of other people influencing the
person's decision, but it will also make you a little less nervous. However, if
you insulted the person publicly and made him/her lose face, your apology might be
much more effective if done publicly.
* Use relaxed and humble body language. Keeping your arms crossed or pointing
fingers will put the other person on the defensive.
* If the person is willing to talk to you about making amends, see this as an
opportunity. If you've forgotten your wife's birthday, for instance, you might
decide to celebrate another night and make it extra wonderful and romantic. This
won't relieve you of responsibility for remembering the next important occasion,
of course, but it will show that you're willing to take special time and effort.
* One apology will often cause another, either from you for something else you
realized you are sorry for, or from the other person because they realize the
conflict was mutual. Be prepared to forgive.
* A proper apology is always about the injured party. Keep your apology
focused on the actual wrong done, and the recipient.
* Don't keep asking if he or she is mad at you. This puts the focus back on
you, and makes you sound impatient and selfish. Just as it takes time to heal, it
can take time to forgive.
* After you have apologised, take some time to yourself and try to think of a
better way that you could have handled the situation. That way, the next time a
similar situation arises, you will be ready to handle it in a way that does not
hurt anybody's feelings or cause trouble when there doesn't to be any.


* Sometimes attempted apologies turn into a rehash of the same argument you
wanted to amend. Be very careful not to re-argue any topics or open any old
* Don't be too surprised (or suspicious) if you are forgiven. Take people at
their word, just like they took your apology.
* Don't apologize unless you really mean it. You can spot false apologies from
a mile away, and so can others. If you're not ready to apologize, work on yourself
until you are, then give it a shot.
* Even if you feel that the conflict was partly because of the other person's
miscommunication, do not say so in the middle of your apology. At most, mention
briefly that the other person can help you avoid misunderstandings by reminding
you when you step out of line, and apologize again for the hurt you caused.
* Do not talk about how bad you feel. The apology is not about your guilt,
your shame, your fear of rejection, your anxiety or your loneliness while waiting
to be forgiven. It is about the other person - remember that, even if it seems to
be taking them a long time to forgive you.
* Never assume that the injured party is "punishing" you by taking time to
forgive you, but watch for warning signs that they will hold a grudge forever. If
you hear the words "I'm not going to let you forget this," or "I'll be your friend
again, but this will change our friendship forever," listen to your heart, and
consider letting the relationship go.

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