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6/13/13 Is there a cure for Schamberg' s disease? - CNN.

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Conditions Expert
Dr. Otis Brawley
Chief Medical
Of f icer,
American Cancer
Expert answer
Dear Gary, Schamberg's disease is also known as Schamberg's purpura
and as progressive pigmented purpuric dermatitis. It is a condition
associated with smooth, flat orangish-brown or rust-colored patches staining
the skin. It especially affects the legs and ankles but can occur anywhere. No
one knows why, but this disease is more common in males than females. It
can occur at any age from childhood onward. There are a few other diseases
with which this can be confused. A dermatologist often must make the
diagnosis through a punch biopsy of the skin and examination of that biopsy
under a microscope.
It is caused by leaky blood vessels (especially the small capillaries) leaving
blood products under the skin and the subsequent breakdown of those blood
cells. The iron from broken-down red cells accounts for the orangish brown
tint of the skin rash.
This ailment is not life-threatening. It is more a cosmetic problem, although
there can be itching. An eruption can last for years. Eruptions can change
with slow extension, and there can even be some clearing of the original
While there is no specific treatment to cure Schamberg's disease
permanently, there are things that sometimes help. The itching can usually
be controlled with topical steroid creams such as cortisone. The red cell
leakage is often a reaction to a medication, and it will go away by stopping
that medicine. It can also be an allergic reaction to food, food additives,
clothes or other artificial coloring agents.
I once saw this in a patient, and we believe it was due to a change in the
formulation of a popular laundry detergent. The patient had used this
detergent without problem for years and initially did not know that the formula
had changed, but only that the rash had appeared. After a lot of medical
detective work, changing to a new detergent was the solution.
There are anecdotal reports of response to treatment with large doses of
vitamin C. I cannot find an organized study using vitamin C. I strongly suggest
you see a dermatologist and review all possibilities.
December 9, 2009 -- Updated 1433 GMT (2233 HKT)
Is there a cure for Schamberg's
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6/13/13 Is there a cure for Schamberg' s disease? - CNN.com
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