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Punishment should be fixed or not?!

People have different view about whether or not the punishments for each crime
should be fixed !owever" there are advanta#es of fixed punishment I would
ar#ue that it is better to $ud#e each crime individuall%
There are some #ood ar#uments for havin# one punishment for each crime This
s%stem ensures that each member of the societ% &nows and understands the
conse'uences of committin# an% crime It is a fair s%stem and it leaves people
with no doubt that brea&in# the law is not tolerated (t the same time" it is
much easier for $ud#es and law%er when there is a clear rule dictatin# how each
offender should be sentenced )or example" if a person was found #uilt% of
stealin#" the $ud#e will simpl% follow the rules and appl% the appropriate
*espite the above ar#uments" I believe that the context of an% criminal act
should be ta&en into account when sentencin# an offender This means the $ud#e
should consider the details of each particular case before decidin# on the
appropriate punishment )or example" a person who steals somethin# from a
shop should not be treated as a repeat offender who has been cau#ht shopliftin#
man% times before It would be sensible to #ive the first time offender a small
punishment" such as a fine" while the repeat offender ma% be sent to prison
In conclusion" it seems to me that a mature and humane le#al s%stem will be
flexible rather than fixed in term of how decisions about punishments are made
*escribe a #raph
The table shows the trend which too& place in student income in the ,nited
-in#dom durin# the ten.%ear period from 1/00 to 1///
1ven thou#h the data of student loan is not presented in 1/0020/" there was a
dramatic increase from 03 in 1//+2/4 to +53 in 1//02// The percenta#e of
earnin#s also rose sharpl% from 63 in 1/0020/" and reached the pea& at 153 in
1//72/6" then fell sli#htl% b% +3 to 1+3 in 1//02//
8n the other hand" there was a steep fall in parental contribution from 4+3 in
1/0020/ to 163 in 1//02// (t the same time" #rant went down b% +53 from
403 in 1/0020/ to 153 in 1//02//
8verall" the annual income per student rose #raduall% from 5"4/7 pounds in
1/0020/ to 7"797 pounds in 1//02//" and there was a shift from dependent to
independent of students at that period
WRITING 4: *1;<RI=1 >(P
The table shows two proposed locations for a new supermar&et for the town of
The first potential location" ;1" is outside the town itself" is sited $ust off the
main road to the town of !indon" l%in# 1+&ms to the north.west This site is in
the countr%side and so would be able to accommodate a lot of car par&in# This
would ma&e it accessible to shoppers from both !indon and Garlsdon who could
travel b% car (s it is also close to the railwa% line lin&in# to the two towns to
<ransdon ?+7&ms to the south.east@" a potentiall% a lar#e number of shoppers
would also be able to travel b% train
In contrast" the su##ested location" ;+" is ri#ht in the town centre" which would
be #ood for local residents Theoreticall% the store could be accessed b% road or
rail from the surroundin# towns" includin# =ransdon" but as the central area is
non.traffic Aone" cars would be unable to par& and access would be difficult
8verall" neither site is appropriate for all the towns" but for customers in
<ransdon" !indon and Garlsdon" the out.of.town site" ;1" would probabl% offer
more advanta#es
!avin# a car has become an essential part of man% peopleCs lives It offers
flexibilit% to their life and wor&" and also provides read% access to a variet% of
services and leisure options !owever" a ran#e of problems have been identified
and need to be addressed
The problems associated with fre'uent car use are becomin# increasin#l%
familiar to the #eneral public The widespread use of car has real environmental
costs Dehicles are the ma$or sources of air pollution and #reenhouse #as
emissions It is reported that road traffic is the source of on third of all harmful
air pollution in the world <ar exhaust contributes to acid rain" carbon dioxide
and lead" which cause #lobal warmin# and dama#e to human health Traffic $am
is another problem (s more and more people drive to wor& rather than wal&"
c%cle or ta&e public transport" there are a heav% traffic $ams almost ever% da% at
rush hours The most serious problem" however" is safet% <ar accidents cause a
hu#e numbers of casualties ever% %ear
To solve these problems" some people su##est that the #overnment should
impose a strict restriction on the use of cars" but I donCt thin& this is the best
option" because this would lead to reduced mobilit% for people and a decline in
car industr% I thin& a better solution would be for car manufacturers to desi#n
more environmentall% friendl% cars" which run solar power or h%dro#en (lso"
traffic would be alleviated b% buildin# more under#round tunnels and par&in#
#ara#es and safet% can be avoided b% educatin# drivers as well as pedestrians to
use #reater caution on the road
;o" in conclusion" I thin& that while discoura#in# the car use mi#ht seem a 'uic&
solution to man% problems facin# the societ%" it is the most unli&el% to be a
permanent cure
!uman have been dama#in# the environment ever since we realiAed our powers
to harness nature Global warmin# and air pollution are now fre'uent headlines
on TD and in the newspapers all over the world" which &eep remindin# us of our
obli#ation to protect the environment !owever" few actions are actuall% bein#
ta&en at the individual level" and I thin& there are two ma$or reasons wh% people
are bein# so indifferent
The first reason is that man% people consider the environment problems as a
future concern 1nvironmental reports often warn us of the dreadful
conse'uences of climate chan#e or ener#% crisis 1EE or +EE %ears later (s a
result" man% people feel that mone% and time are better spent on solvin# more
immediate problems such as housin# shorta#e and traffic con#estion than on
preventin# a disaster that is predicted to happen in the future (lso" people feel
that the environmental problems are to complex for individual people to cope
with Indeed" a combination of factors causes environmental problems" man% of
which are impossible to be controlled throu#h individual actions
The above attitudes are understandable but are obviousl% mista&en" so the
#overnment needs to ta&e proactive measures to ma&e people more
environmentall% responsible The% can ma&e more public service advertisements
to encoura#e people to consume more #reen products instead of disposable
#oods that are harmful to the environment The% can also offer more incentives
to people who have been active in cleanin# up the nei#hborhood or severel%
punish those who have unfriendl% to the environment
There is alwa%s a dilemma between environment and development" but as an
individual" we can do somethin# to reduce the ne#ative impact of human
activities on the environment <ertainl%" we donCt want to see the 1arth turn into
an uninhabitable planet
I thin& that the use of alternatives sources of ener#% ?also &nown in some cases
as G#reenC ener#%@ is positive trend of development" and indeed their use should
be encoura#ed further (s the demand for ener#% worldwide is increasin#"
especiall% in developin# countries" the strains on the existin# and alread% limited
resources also increase To solve this problem" we must consider two issues:
how to better use the existin#" limited fossil fuel resources and how we can
encoura#e the use of alternative ener#% sources
It is universall% ac&nowled#ed that there is a limitation on the use of fossil fuels"
especiall% coal and oil ;ome countries are rich in oil deposits li&e 8P1<"
whereas <hina is rich in coal deposits and Russia in natural #as 8thers" such as
Hapan and German%" are completel% dependent on the import of resources )or
all countries. resource rich versus resource poor" alternative ener#% should be
encoura#ed and utiliAed to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels as well as to
&eep the #lobal environment in balance and Ghealth%C
The onl% wa% is to turn to other sources to #et ener#% suppl% Wind power and
solar power are at present feasible alternatives )rance is one countr% which has
the advanced technolo#% needed to produce extremel% efficient solar panels to
store ener#% from the ;un =oth &inds of power can reduce a countr%Cs
dependence on fossil fuels )urthermore" the% donCt pollute the environment and
in turn help &eep the ecos%stem stable
While fossil fuel resources are diminishin#" the demand for ener#% continues to
increase %ear on %ear It is a positive trend to develop other alternatives to
replace these traditional ener#% resources 1xperiences should be shared and
promoted" technolo#% shared and exchan#ed to limit or even reduce the
#reenhouse effect If this switch to alternative ener#% is encoura#ed earl%
enou#h" then we ma% %et avoid the pendin# ener#% crisis

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