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BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title Unit 3: Organisations and Behaviour
Start Date 18/05/2014
Assignment Due Date 03/06/2014
Assessor Name Kamran Ahmed
Assignment No 3
Assignment Title Motivational Theories
Assignment Brief Below is a list of questions based on ways of using
motivational theories in organisations. The student is
expected to carefully read each question and answer in light
of knowledge gained in the classroom on the related topics
studied in chapter 7, 9 and 10.

Assignment Task/ Description

1. Discuss in detail how constructive conflict view, transformational leadership and
effective communication can all help achieve desired staff motivation in organisation
going through periods of change. (LO3, Assessment criteria 3.1)
2. Explain Maslows hierarchy of needs theory in contrast with Herzbergs two factor
theory and how they differ in terms of their application in order to determine the needs
of individuals at work. (LO3, Assessment criteria 3.2)
3. Discuss the effectiveness of Maccobys theory of social character and also examine how
it satisfies the recent historical changes that require a rethinking of what motivates
people at work. (LO3, Assessment criteria 3.3)

Learning Outcomes achieved in the Assignment:
By completing this assignment successfully, the student would have achieved the following
learning outcome:

LO3 Understand ways of using
motivational theories in organisations.
3.1 Discuss the impact that different leadership styles
may have on motivation in organisations in periods of
3.2 Compare the application of different motivational
theories within a work place.
3.3 Evaluate the usefulness of a motivation theory for


Grading Criteria:
Outcome(s)/criteria: Possible evidence

A pass grade is achieved by meeting all
the requirements defined in the
assessment criteria for pass for each

Understands the term
motivation and various
motivational theories.
Understands the impact that
different leadership styles
may have on motivation in
organisations during periods
of change.
Understands the usefulness
of a motivation theory for
Understands the
significance of appropriate
leadership, motivational
efforts and effective
communication for
organisation going through
crises or change.
Is able to evaluate the
current trends in
management thought and
new ways to motivate
Understands the
effectiveness of appropriate
motivational efforts and its
impact on individual


The student will be awarded a MERIT
grade if he/she:

M3 Uses an analytical approach to
evaluate the subject matter and
creative ways to present and
communicate appropriate findings.
(LO 3)

The appropriate structure
and approach has been used.
Coherent, logical
development of
principles/concepts for the
intended audience.
A range of methods of
presentation have been used
and technical language has
been accurately used.
Communication has taken
place in familiar and
unfamiliar contexts.

The communication is
appropriate for familiar and
unfamiliar audiences and
appropriate media have
been used.


The student will be awarded a
Distinction grade if he/she:

D3 Demonstrates convergent, lateral
and creative thinking in critically
evaluating given information,
applying techniques to generate
effective inferences and suggesting
suitable alternatives.
(LO 3)

Ideas have been generated
and decisions taken.
Self-evaluation has taken
Convergent and lateral
thinking have been applied.
Problems have been solved.
Innovation and creative
thought have been applied.
Receptiveness to new ideas
is evident.
Effective thinking has taken
place in unfamiliar contexts.

Additional notes:
This assignment is to be done on an INDIVIDUAL basis. (They are not GROUP assignments.)
The work submitted must be your own. You must acknowledge the sources of your information.
1. The assignment must be typed, and well presented, it must be written in business
REPORT format/style. You may, however, use subheadings and bullet-points where
appropriate within the report. You may also incorporate graphs, tables, diagrams, and
figures into the body of the report if you wish. (If lengthy, material of this kind may be
attached as appendices.)
2. In Assignment, you MUST include a bibliography. This should be on a separate page.
FULL details are required - name and initials of all authors, full title, publisher, place,
and date of publication. At this level of study, you must get these details right!

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