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Coca Cola and Carbonated Beverages

Carbonated beverages are drinks that have no alcohol content. Across the hemisphere, carbonated
drinks has several popular names are different, for example, in the United States, known as soda, soda
pop, pop or tonic, in England known as fizzy drinks, in Canada known as Soda or Pop alone . While in the
area of Ireland, they call Minerals.
In 1770an, a scientist has created a process to produce carbonated mineral water. Was an Englishman
named Joseph Priestley were successfully processed water distillation and mixing it with CO2. Another
British scientist John Mervin Nooth, which has improved the invention commercially Priestley and sell
tools for producing soda water the first to be used in the pharmaceutical field.
Carbonation occurs when CO2 gas dissolved in water completely. This process will produce the
sensation of carbonation "Fizz" to carbonated water and sparkling mineral water. It was followed
gengan raeksi froth discharge (foaming) on soda which is nothing but the process of release of dissolved
CO2 content in the water.
Coca-Cola or Coke is a cola soft drinks were sold at a variety of restaurants, shops, and machinery
retailers in more than 200 countries. This drink produced by The Coca-Cola Company. Coke is one of the
best known brands and most widely sales. Its main rival is Pepsi.
Spending Coca Cola Products
Coca-Cola was first introduced on May 8, 1886 by John Styth Pemberton, a pharmacist from Atlanta,
Georgia, United States. He was the first to mix the caramel syrup that became known as Coca-Cola.
Frank M. Robinson, friend and accountant John, suggested the name Coca-Cola because it suggests that
two letter C will stand for advertising. Then, he created a name with letters slanting flow, Spencer, and
so was born the most famous logos in the world.
Chandler versed in creating the consumers' attention by making a variety of souvenir items bearing the
logo of Coca-Cola. The objects are then divided up in locations sustained significant sales. The innovative
style of advertising, such as the colorful designs on bus, glass chandeliers, and a range of souvenirs such
as fans, calendar and clock used to memasyarakatan name Coca-Cola and encourage sales.
Efforts to advertise the brand Coca-Cola was originally not encourage the use of the word Coke, even
consumers are encouraged to buy a Coca-Cola with the following words: "Ask Coca-Cola as the name in
full; proper name of the replacement product will only encourage other words" . But consumers still
want a Coke, and finally in 1941, the company follows the popular tastes of the market. That same year,
the trade name recognized advertising Coke with Coca-Cola, and in 1945, Coke officially became a
registered trademark.
The types of Coca-Cola
Coca-Cola in bottles
New Coke (New)
Diet Coke (without sugar)
Coca-Cola C2
Coca-Cola Zero (Full of flavor, no sugar)
Cherry Coke (cherry flavor)
Vanilla Coke (Vanilla flavor)
Coca-Cola with Lime (Lime)
Raspberry Coke (Sense frambus)
The Coca-Cola Company has also introduced some other cola drinks under the Coke brand. The most
famous is Diet Coke, which has become a major diet cola. In addition, there is also caffeine free Coke,
Cherry Coke, Coke ZERO, Vanilla Coke and special editions with lemon, lime, and even coffee.

Impact to Your Health
Research shows that soda and sweetened drinks are the main source of high calories. Many nutritionists
say that Coca-Cola and other soft drinks can be harmful if consumed excessively, particularly to young
children who often drink soft drinks. Studies have shown that regular soft drink users have a lower
intake of calcium, magnesium, ascorbic acid, riboflavin, and vitamin A. This drink also has generated
criticism for the use of caffeine, which can cause physical dependence. A website shows that eating a
regular in the long run lead to osteoporosis in older women (but not men). This is expected because of
the phosphoric acid.
A common criticism of Coke based on allegedly toxic acidity levels has been found to be baseless by
researchers; lawsuits based on this idea has been dismissed by several American courts for this reason.
Although many court cases have been filed against The Coca-Cola Company since the 1920's, stated that
an acidic drink is dangerous, no evidence has been found to corroborate this claim. Under normal
conditions, scientific evidence indicates Coca-Cola's acidity causes no immediate on the body.
Since 1980 in the U.S., Coca Cola has been made with high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) as materials.
Some nutritionists suggest caution against consumption of HFCS because it may aggravate obesity and
diabetes more than cane sugar. In addition, a study in 2009 found that nearly half of tested samples of
commercial HFCS contained mercury which is harmful substances.
In India, there is a major controversy whether there are pesticides and other harmful chemicals
contained in packaging products, including Coca-Cola. In 2003 the Center for Science and Environment
(CSE), a non-governmental organization in New Delhi, said aerated waters produced by soft drinks
manufacturers in India, including multinational giants PepsiCo and Coca-Cola, contained toxins including
lindane, DDT, which can contribute to cancer and immune system disorders. CSE found that the Indian
produced Pepsi's soft drink products had 36 times the level of pesticide residues permitted in
accordance with EU regulations; Coca-Cola's soft drink was found to have 30 times the permitted
amount. CSE said it had tested the same products sold in the United States and found no such residues
of pesticides after allegations made in 2003., Coca-Cola sales in India declined by 15 percent. In 2004 an
Indian parliamentary committee backed up CSE findings and a government-appointed committee tasked
with developing the world's first pesticide standards for soft drinks. The Coca-Cola Company has
responded that the plants filter water to remove potential contaminants and that its products are tested
for pesticides and must meet minimum health standards before the Coca-Cola distributed. In the Indian
state of Kerala sale and production of Coca-Cola, along with other soft drinks, was initially banned after
the allegations, until the High Court in Kerala overturned ruled that only the federal government can ban
food products. Coca-Cola has also been accused of excessive water usage in India.
Given Plus Minus Carbonated Drinks
Carbonated drinks are known as soft drinks are widely recognized as a beverage with a fresh taste and
has a different aroma and taste.
But behind the freshness and taste, various studies mention soda contains more health hazards like high
calorie with no nutritional value, excess sugar, causes osteoporosis to, containing various additives and
Dr Maxime E Buyckx, Director of Health and Wellness Programs Global Scientific and Regulatory Affairs
Coca Cola stated, many things not known to the public associated with carbonated beverages.
Salahsatunya induced osteoporosis issues phosphates in soft drinks. He said two things influenced
osteoporosis. That can not be changed as a woman more susceptible to bone loss, as well as old age
prone to osteoporosis. There is also a factor that can be changed such as lifestyle and nutrition.
"That must be considered is the ratio of phosphorus and calcium in the body 2:1, when drinking
carbonated beverages in excessive amounts feared melonjakkan phosphate levels in excess of this ratio.
So the calcium is taken from bones causing osteoporosis, "he said in Jakarta, Wednesday, November 30,
For the sugar content of soft drinks from the artificial sweetener called Buyckx lower than the levels of
sugar in some types of fruits such as apples, bananas, grapes and pineapples. "So when consumed in
moderation will not hurt."
However, Dr Maxime admitted in addition to preventing dehydration, carbonated drinks do not have
any nutrients in it. "The benefits of soft drinks such as water-based benefits is to add fluid in the body."
How many carbonated beverages can diasup every day? Dr Made Astawan said food intake depending
on the needs of each person. For example, men have needs more calories than women. "What is not
good is mengasup excessive food and water," he said.
Dr Made also added, children under age should not consume carbonated drinks or a limited amount.
According to him, when he was hungry and fasting, should avoid carbonated drinks. Therefore, the sugar
in them can not return energy like natural sugar.

Origin may not Excessive
Carbonated soft drinks or certainly not a term foreign to our ears. The hallmark of this drink is the
bubbles that give a fresh impression. And when drunk, or the release of gas bubbles that seemed to bite
on the tongue.
But what exactly is soft drinks?
Actually, it's like a drink beverages in general, which has a high water composition. The composition of
soft drinks (soft drinks) is very simple.
Usually the drink consists of 90 percent water and the rest is a combination of various materials. For
example, artificial sweeteners, CO2, pencita flavors, colorings, phosphoric acid, caffeine, and some
minerals, especially aluminum.
The function of soft drinks were not much different from other beverages. That is the drink to release
thirst. In terms of price, it turns out this drink is relatively more expensive than other drinks (non-
It certainly due to the technology used and the packaging process is typical, ie in cans or bottles. From
there comes the notion of soft drinks consumption may give a certain prestige.
THEN if we should not consume soft drinks? Kasub County Health Department, Burhanuddin Agung,
explaining consumption of processed beverages manufacturing don'ts.
A variety of soft drinks and a lot easier to get around us. Who is not familiar with Pepsi, Coca Cola or
Fanta? And kosumennya also vary, from kids, teens, to parents.
According to Mr. Bur, beverage types and drink soda freshness others are relatively safe for
consumption. "But taking it within normal limits," he said. The existence of the mineral content in it was
considered safe for public consumption.
Further disclosure, any manufacturer that produces the drink must have a certificate COA (Certificate of
Analysis) and HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point). Also in the processing industry was also
conducted multilevel supervision.
There are three layered surveillance, "said Mr. Bur. First oversight of the manufacturer that is internal.
The second is the control of the society. For example, if the doubt, should not have taken as long run
producers will stop producing.
Supervision of the latter is from the government. For example, of the POM, health departments, and
other agencies involved. Therefore, ideally if the product has been dropped into the market, it's safe to
be consumed.
Especially for soft drink products, its only a refreshing drink. The existence of additional ingredients
(additives) in it also should pay attention to the recommended limits.
But Mr. Bur, greeting akrbanya also warned to be careful for people who have a particular case. For
example, have stomach upset or other diseases, of course there are rules that must be followed.
The explanation he gave was more applied to people under normal (healthy). But even then keep
coming back to these maisng body condition. "Everyone has a durability that is different," he said. For
example, the consumption of soft drinks once a day may not be a problem for one person. But for
others can cause problems.
Talk about the negative impact that is often debated and questioned in society, Mr. Bur give his opinion.
Basically the product is safe for consumption. From the health side was also really do not bother. But to
what extent controls in taking it back to the one course each.
"Instead of soft drinks, drinking water alone could have an impact if the excess is not good," he
The note is food for the children. Body condition is quite vulnerable children with reduced immunity.
Should the consumption of soft drinks for the kids should not get used too often.
Carbonated Drinks (Sparkling Beverages), literally means a drink containing carbonated. Carbonated
drinks has several popular names are different, for example, in the United States, known as soda, soda
pop, pop or tonic, in England known as fizzy drinks, in Canada known as Soda or Pop alone. In the area
of Ireland, they call Minerals. While in Indonesia, more people know him as the soft drinks.
But you know what the soda? Water has the chemical formula H2CO3 soda. To make soda water, the
most important component is water and carbon dioxide gas. Soda water made by dissolving carbon
dioxide gas (CO2) into the water. When injected into the water with high pressure carbon dioxide to
form carbonic acid. That is why this drink is called carbonated beverages (carbonated beverages).
Tersebutlah carbonic acid that causes the distinctive touch of soda in the mouth (mouthfeel) and feeling
the bite (bite) when drunk.
Carbonation occurs when CO2 gas dissolved in water completely. This process will produce the
sensation of carbonation "Fizz" to carbonated water and sparkling mineral water. This was followed by
the release raeksi froth (foaming) on soda which is nothing but the process of release of dissolved CO2
content in the water. Given the raw materials and the manufacturing process has no carbonated drinks
alcohol content.
Judging from the nutritional value, carbonated drinks are not included beverages nutritionally dense.
However, Prof meturut records. Dr. Ir. Made Astawan, MS, Lecturer in the Department of Food Science
and Technology - IPB, the use of sugar, making this drink as a contributor to the energy needed by the
Besides the addition of certain materials has also contributed significantly to the body of minerals.
Interestingly, those who are low-calorie diet can choose low-energy carbonated beverages. This drink
uses synthetic sweetener instead of sugar. Meanwhile, energy consumption in one day averaged 2300-
3800 kcal, depending on the age and number of activities. Can of soft drink 240 ml size contains about
100 kcal of energy. The energy content of soft drinks is what causes the refreshing effect after physical
work or after exercise.
Talking about carbonated drinks can not be separated from the name of a British scientist Joseph
Priestley.Pada 1770an years, he has created a process to produce carbonated mineral water is by mixing
distilled water with carbon dioxide gas (CO2). Nooth is John Mervin, a British scientist more Successful
repair of the invention and selling it commercially Priestley tool to produce the first sparkling water for
use in the pharmaceutical field.

A soda craze many people that it tastes good and refreshing. Soda also makes people addicted. But
there is good reason why should stop drinking soda.

Drinking soda occasionally is not a problem, but what happens the effects of addiction to make people
addicted to drink soda until the adverse effects obtained. People who are addicted to drinking soda
almost every day even be several times a day.

Reporting from the International Journal of Clinical Practice buzzle quoted on Sunday (31/10/2010)
there are some effects that are harmful to the body if it had been addicted to drink soda. Here are the
reasons why stop drinking soda:

1. Soda has no nutritional value other than calories and sugar content is high.
So do not be surprised if most soda enthusiasts will experience weight gain and tended to obesity. Most
soda contains 250 calories per 600 ml. There is no nutrient or mineral in it, but just sugar and caffeine.

2. Soda is a diuretic that increases urine production
This diuretic properties of water in the body makes more of that out through urine, if not offset by
drinking water can cause the body to lose fluids or dehydration.

3. The content of phosphoric acid in soda that causes the sensation of freshness or air bubbles turns to
biting bone.

If soft drinks are consumed continuously, then the longer bones will be more fragile and shaped like a
perforated pores-perforated. Reduced bone density will lead to the risk of arthritis and osteoporosis.

4. Acid content of soda can damage teeth
Soft drinks can damage teeth because they contain high sugar levels. Soda acid component has a
detrimental effect on tooth enamel and make teeth more susceptible to decay.

5. Drinking soda for a long time can cause erosion of the lining of the stomach resulting in stomach
frequent heartburn, gaseous and other digestive problems.

6. The content of sodium in the soda is not good for heart health. Evidence from research studies
suggest that drinking too much soda can cause kidney and liver damage as well.

7. Soda is consumed continuously can also cause other health risks such as type 2 diabetes due to its
high sugar content, giving the effect of caffeine contained such as insomnia, high blood pressure and an
irregular heartbeat.

How to Stop Drinking Soda

Stop drinking soda is not easy because of the high caffeine addictive. But there are several ways you can

1. Gradually reduce
Begin to gradually reduce, if drink soda every day of the week began to drink soda only 5 days, 4 days
next week. Do it for 6 weeks up to a week you do not need to drink soda.

2. Mixing with water
When I decided to stop drinking soda, it will usually happen the urge to drink soda is higher. Try to mix a
lot of ice in the soda until soda composition is smaller because the ice will be melted. With so
consumption of drinking water more than soda.

3. Replace with other healthy drinks
Each time the desire to drink soda drink cold water immediately fresh or healthy drinks such as soy milk,
low-fat milk, fruit juices and more.

4. Drinking green tea
When you begin to stop drinking soda will occur from the effects of caffeine withdrawal symptoms such
as headaches quite often. Drinking a cup of green tea in the morning can reduce symptoms of dizziness

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