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By Haleh Popal
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91
!e mucky and damp was"land of #e
swamp is a di$cult environment % survive
in. !e place is "eming wi# &ees wi# dark
green leaves and long brown &unks. !e &ees
look very 'agile wi# #eir droopy leaves and
silvery green moss fes%ons hang 'om #e
#in branches. !e rancid sme( of mud and
leaves )(s #e air. On #e %p of #e nas*,
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91
green colored wa"r #ere are speckled layer of
di+erent *pes of mosqui%s, wa"r beetles and
wa"r s&iders making ripples #at spread out.
On #e surface laid a #in overlay of moss, as
green as wi(ow. !e &ees burst 'om #e wa"r
as if #ey were coming 'om its dark ominous
shadow. A hint of happy sky is swa(owed up
in an endless abyss. !e re,ec-on echoes
#rough my mind and I feel #e darkness.
It is in #is unfavorable geographic environ.
ment #at #e civiliza-on of Hetalia wi( be
founded. It is a civiliza-on whose design
takes its inspira-on 'om #e study of past
civiliza-ons such as #e Arabs, #e Az"cs, #e
Greeks, #e Mayans, #e Mesopotamians and
#e Romans, among o#ers. !is book wi(
document #e necessary s"ps % take in order
% crea" a success/l civiliza-on
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91
People are children of #eir environment
-Shinichi Suzuki
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91
Part 1 Analysis of #e problem
We cannot farm and grow food and crops for
#e people of our civiliza-on. !e wa"r is
not clean so we have % )gure out a way %
clean it or we wi( get very dehydra"d and
sick and #e civiliza-on wont survive. A
swamp is a di$cult place for farming be.
Figure 1.1
Human changes to the land
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91
cause of its lack of land and fer-le soil. Wi#
barely any land for farming our civiliza-on
could, starve % dea#. We could catch animals
but most of #em are %o big and dangerous %
catch. We would have % craft weapons and
hunt #e animals. We should limit our hunt.
ing or else #ey could die out and #en we
would have no food.
Part 2 Proposed solu-ons
We could &y % )nd mud and make platforms
% plant crops, but #at might not work we(
considering #ere is any good soil only mud
and moss. As sta"d by Frey 12 for growing
food #e Az"cs wi( make "rraces made out of
mud and plant food on #em 278. !is is simi.
lar % #e Az"c solu-on for growing vegeta.
an aqueduct
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91
-on for a food source.
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91
the peoples good is the highest law
Law & Government
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91
!e important lesson % be learned about po.
li-cal power is #at poli-cal leaders should
share it wi# people in #e lower class. Be.
cause if you dont #en everyone wont be
happy and you have % keep everyone happy
or else #ey wi( rebel and you wi( be left wi#
Figure 2.1
Maintaining Civil Order
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91
no#ing. In #e Roman Empire #e plebeians
werent ge0ing #eir needs met because #e pa.
&icians, #e upper class werent &ea-ng #em
fairly #ey sent #e plebeians % war when
#ey didnt want % go and #ey never %ld
#em about #e laws #ey made. !e pa&i.
cians didnt share power wi# #em or any.
#ing and #ey had % live poorly.
So #ey s%rmed out of #e ci* and left #e pa.
&icians helpless inside #e ci* wa(s, so #e pa.
&icians made some adjustments and let #e
plebeians have #eir own council ca(ed #e
council of plebs and #ey wro" down rules
and put #em on #e tablets and ca(ed #em
#e twelve tables. !e Hetalians should give
everyone a chance in #e civiliza-on and have
everyone have a chance % be a ci-zen.
To avoid #e problems #at Augustus and Ju.
lius encoun"red, hetalia sha( &y % make a(
#e people happy . i #ink we should provide
jobs for people % occupy #emselves wi# and
#e civiliza-on of hetalia wi( make sure #e
leader doesnt overpower or #rea"n #e ci-.
zens because if he does #en #ey might not
want % live in #e civiliza-on or over#row
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91
#e leader. also #e civiliza-on % increase #e
knowledge of #e ci-zens we wi( put a library
near #e par#enon He built romes )rst li.
brary and he also encouraged many of his
weal#y 'iends % provide )nancial support
for ar-sts and wri"rs. I want my civiliza.
-on % be #e best civiliza-on ever.
Code of Law
In #e civiliza-on of hetalia #e major #reats
are resources and proper*, because hetalia is
loca"d in a swamp and #ere is not a lot of
ground and dirt for crops % grow. !ere is a
lot of wa"r in a swamp but we would have %
it because most of it is very dir* and we need
% clean it so #ere should be a limit % how
much wa"r you should % take 'om #e puri.
)ed wa"r area. Proper* is a major #reat be.
cause #ere isnt much land and people might
go on% peoples proper*.
#e civiliza-on wi( be a be0er place when we
)x #ese problems
More laws % consider are about #eft, prop.
er* and privacy. People have #e right %
have privacy because #ey need more -me
away 'om people and % have people peeking
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91
on % #eir priva" living areas is unaccept.
able. In #is civiliza-on #eft is rea(y bad #e
consequences could be dea# because it is bad
% take 'om o#er people. If a person owns
proper* #ey have every right % kick anyone
out of it.
To solve #e problem we should make a law
about food limita-on because if people har.
vest %o much food #en #ere would not be
enough food for #e rest of #e people and #ey
if you commit homicide you wi( be exe.
If you lie in court you wi( be sent % jail for
2 weeks
If you go in% someone elses proper* wi#.
out #eir permission you wi( pay 20 Onies
You have % take only two ga(ons of wa"r
'om #e source
You have % &ade someone some#ing as
good as #eirs
If a parent is abusing a child #e child gets
% leave #e family
Decline of #e wes"rn roman empire
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91
!e two most important #ings for #e fa( of
Rome were #e decline of morals and values
and unemployment. In Rome #ere was a lot
of violence, which was bad and leading Rome
% a bad pa# and made it unsafe for #e
larger parts. !e emperors didnt have a care
for #e lower people most of #e -me. Accord.
ing % Decline of #e Wes"rn Roman Em.
pireEmperors like Nero and Caligula be.
came infamous for was-ng money on lavish
par-es where guests a" and drank un-l #ey
became i(. And #e lower class wasnt part of
it so #ey would be in #e lower parts of Rome
starving. As I said #e larger ci-es and possi.
bly #e lower class area had a lot of crime be.
cause #ey needed resources and #e only way
% get #em was % s"al 'om #e o#er people
because #ey couldnt a+ord #e luxuries of
silk and o#er precious i"ms. !e Romans
also hos"d gladia%r combats for #e ci-zens
and #ey would shout at #e par-cipants and
curse and I #ink #at in,uenced younger
people in a nega-ve way because #ey would
witness #e gladia%rs )gh-ng and learn 'om
#at and ki( o#er people. In Rome morals
and values were abused leading % one part of
its fa(
Ano#er subject #at lead % #e fa( of Rome
was unemployment. Since #ere were a lot of
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91
slaves doing #e work people didnt have jobs
% support #eir families. !e lower class were
depending on jobs for money but #ey didnt
have enough because #e slaves were already
doing #em, but #e upper class were )ne be.
cause #ey had lots of money % support #em
and #eir families.
!e civiliza-on of Hetalia wi( &y % lower
crime and violence ra"s by having hidden
guards around #e civiliza-on, so #ey could
spot crime and arrest #e person and people
would be aware of guards so #ey would
behave. Also ano#er solu-on for our morals
% be high is % take care of our civiliza-on.
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91
as a person believes, so wi( #e person act.
- Sam Harris
Belief Systems
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91
Belief Sys"ms Essay pt.1 A belief sys"m is
basica(y a guiding light, in o#er words. It
guides #e person % happiness and hope. A be.
lief sys"m is a big part of a growing civiliza.
-on; it opens up #e persons mind and gives
#em #e power % make be0er decisions. A be.
lief sys"m brings people %ge#er and makes
peace #roughout socie*.
Figure 3.1
Id malesuada lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam felis nisl, cursus bibendum tempus nec. Aliquam at turpis tellus. Id malesuada lectus. Suspendisse est
lorem ipsum potenti.
Role of Belief Systems
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91
!ere are many belief sys"ms in #e world,
such as Con/cianism, which is a religion
#at was star"d in China by a philosopher
ca(ed Con/cius. !is religion gave people #e
power % be good people. Con/cianism is
based on #e principles of peace/lness and
proper behavior. Con/cius believed #at re.
spec-ng your elders is very important, such
as #e rela-onship between fa#er and son.
!e son has % respect #e fa#er, no ma0er
If Roger was a person studying Con/cian.
ism, #en he would have saved #e boy 'om
drowning, because according % Frey !e
goal of Con/cianism was a just and peace/l
socie*.(208). Also Con/cius believed #e
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91
quo", Do not do % o#ers what you would
not want done % you. So, if Roger was #e
drowning boy, #en he would have wan"d
someone % save him. If he saw someone who
was ignoring his cries for help, #at would be
pre0y disappoin-ng. Also Roger is capable of
saving #e boy so he would go rescue him.
A( #ese belief sys"ms go %ge#er. !ey a(
have a purpose in #is world. Con/cianism,
Hinduism and Buddhism a( )t %ge#er,
#ey give people #e guidance and hope #ey
need % make good decisions. And % live peace.
Role of #e Ca#olic Church and its Belief Sys.
"m in Medieval Europe
belief sys"m of Hetalia
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91
!e Roman Ca#olic Church in medieval
Europe grew in bo# economic and poli-cal
power af"r #e co(apse of #e Wes"rn Ro.
man Empire in 476 C.E.
!e church held a big role in European his.
%ry because it was #e light of hope. Basi.
ca(y #e people lived under fear of being at.
tacked by #e barbarians, so #e church
guided #em % hope. Sta"d by Frey, During
#e Middle Ages, #e church acquired great
economic power. !e world is a cruel place, so
#e church made #em believe #at #ere was a
paradise for #e people who where fo(owers of
#e church.% /nd #e church #e people had
% pay a tax ca(ed a -#e. In #is -me #e
church was #e biggest holder of power in
!e church in,uenced #e peoples #oughts
and deeds #rough #e concept of salva-on.
Salva-on was basica(y saving ones soul 'om
darkness. !e way % achieve salva-on is % be
a good fo(ower of #e church. !e fo(owers
had % fo(ow #e sacraments. For #e educa.
-on of #e people #e church set up universi.
-es for #em % study at. Sta"d by Frey,
Star-ng in 1200 ca#edral schools gave rise %
universi-es. !e students studied rhe%ric as.
&onomy and many o#er courses. !e people
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91
were %ld #at if #ey con&ibu"d % #e
church #ey would achieve salva-on. In con.
clusion schools and churches make up a big
role in ancient socie*
Belief Sys"m of Hetalia
In an e+ort % crea" a success/l civiliza-on
#e people of Hetalia have established #eir
own belied sys"m. It shares similar religious
beliefs and "achings wi# o#er world relig.
ions and helps #e people of Hetalia have hap.
piness and hope. Here are some examples.
!e )rst "net in Hetalia is Pret. !is "net
means for people % let go of #eir problems
and get %ge#er and having a good -me.Pret
in Dutch also means /n, so #is "net is
mostly about being happy and having hope
and doing #e #ings #at make you happy.
To prac-ce Pret, everyone would have %
make a &ip % #e Hetalia sta" house and en.
joy #emselves by having a feast and playing
games. Pret is similar % #e Eightfold Pa#
of Buddhism #at "aches Right E+ort which
according % Frey means %, promo" good ac.
-ons and prevent evil ac-ons.(159).For exam.
ple, if a ci-zen puts energy in% fencing, #en
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91
he wont have -me % commit robbery. Pret
helps #e people of Hetalia focus on #e posi.
-ve aspects of life and forget about #e evil.
!e second "net in Hetalia is Varga. !is
"net means for people % show #eir loyal* %
Otakuisms poly#eis-c communi*. Al#ough
#e word Varga doesnt rea(y have a mean.
ing, people s-( know it stands for #e sacri.
)ces made % #e head god. To prac-ce Varga
you have % be loyal % #e gods and know
#eir names or you would o+end #e head god
by not knowing #e names of his children.
!ey pray )ve -mes, every Sunday. !e peo.
ple of Hetalia have % go % #e head gods "m.
ple and sacri)ce i"ms and pray for a good
life. Every o#er mon#, you pray % a( #e
gods and sacri)ce food for #em. !is "net is
based a li0le o+ Greek my#ology but it also
rela"s % #e second pi(ar of Islam, Salat. Ac.
cording % Frey, !roughout Muslim com.
muni-es, people are ca(ed % prayer )ve -mes
a day: at dawn, noon, midday, sunset and af.
"r nightfa( (97). !is prayer makes people
take -me out of #eir personal lives and give
% #e higher beings. If everyone con&ibu"s,
#en #e civiliza-on wi( prosper. !is "net
helps people realize how important it is % wor.
ship #eir gods.
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91
!e #ird "net made in Hetalia is Chane.
!is "net means for people % have in"(i.
gence and be educa"d. Chane is #e goddess of
wisdom in #e religion Otakuism. To prac-ce
Chane you have % be a loyal fo(ower of #e
goddess and have a passion for educa-on. Ci-.
zens must take a class about #e gods and god.
desses of Otakuism at #e age of six. !is is
similar % #e prac-ces of Chris-ani*, be.
cause you learn about #e religion. According
% Frey, One of Jesus favori" ways of "ach.
ing was #rough parables, simple s%ries wi#
moral or religious meaning (353). Basica(y,
#is prac-ce helps people focus on academics
and learning. !is wi( help #e people be
more success/l and knowledgeable.For a soci.
e* % be success/l, people have % be educa"d,
so #is "net, Chane, "aches people % be edu.
ca"d about #eir religion and in general.
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91
A person may die, na-ons may rise and fa(, but a idea lives on.
-John F Kennedy
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91
A humanist mindset is a way of #inking
#at promo"s new ideas. Two of #e most im.
portant ideas #at #e humanists con&ibu"d
in #e Renaissance are ma#ema-cs and art.
One important humanist in #e Renaissance
is, Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo was a fa.
mous pain"r in #e Renaissance. He studied
wi# art mas"rs in Florence and became one
Figure 4.1
Power of Ideas
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91
of #e worlds best ar-sts. He also was sort of
a ma#ema-cian, who had an in"rest in ge.
ome&y. Art and ma# also go %ge#er, be.
cause people use geome&y in #eir art. An.
o#er humanist in #e renaissance was, Giro.
lamo Cardano, As sta"d by Frey,Girolamo
Cardano solved complex equa-ons in algebra
(329) . In #e Renaissance, art advanced.
Weal#y people made Florence #eir cen"r of
art, some of #ose people were #e Medicis.
!ey spent large amounts of money on art
and even housed some ar-sts so #ey could
con-nue #eir career wi#out worrying about
paying for food and shel"r. As sta"d by
Frey, Renaissance pain"rs were in,uenced
by #e renewed in"rest in classical culture
and #e spread of humanism (326). !e paint.
ers in #e Renaissance
also gave a more realis-c
feel % #eir pain-ngs, un.
like #e medieval pain"rs
#ey added propor-on
and be0er shading, wi#
#e help of di+erent ma".
rials. !e pain"rs crea"d
new ma"rials such as oil
paint, which helped #em show "xture and de.
tail in new ways. Overa(, humanists in #e
Renaissance made many new con&ibu-ons %
#e ma# and art )elds.
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91
Power of Ideas
!e Ca#olic Church held great power, but
many humanists ques-oned #at power, mak.
ing #e o#er people % #ink it was corrupt.
Over #e years, #e church gained lots of
power. One of #e reasons for its power is be.
cause #ey sold church posi-ons and indul.
gences % people. !is prac-ce was ca(ed sim.
ony. For most people #e church had become
%o worldly and power/l. By #e 1300s, most
Ca#olics #ought #e church had %o much
power. !e church used its power % &ick peo.
ple in% giving #em money, but #e church
was corrupt and #e church o$cials broke
vows and didnt come % work. !e church o$.
cials were supposed % stay humble but in.
s"ad #ey lived in elegant palaces and wore.
fancy robes. As sta"d
by Frey, Popes, cardi.
nals and bishops lived
in elegant palaces and
wore jeweled robes (353).
!e o$cials were sup.
posed % be humble ser.
vants of god, and #ey
disobeyed #at ac-ng
like kings . Free #ought and opportuni-es for
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91
educa-on and pro"c-on of human rights of
#e ci-zens would prevent #e situa-on #at
happened % Jan Hus. For believing #e
church was corrupt, Hus was burned at #e
stake. Also, no longer would anyone be de.
clared a here-c and be forbidden % print his
#eore-cal wri-ngs. La"r on, ano#er human.
ist named Galileo brought new ideas. He also
was forbidden % wri" about his #eory. !e
Church used unfair ways % deal wi# new
ideas. In conclusion, #ere were corrupt prac.
-ces in #e Ca#olic Church #at caused hu.
manists % ques-on its au#ori*.
Humanists might ques.
-on #e poly#eis-c beliefs
of Hetalia. !ey might
wonder why #ere are mul.
-ple gods, ins"ad on one
god or no gods.!is would
be dangerous because it
could make o#er people wonder if #ese new
ideas could be &ue and #en #eyd start %
ques-on it %o.!is could cause big problems
similar % when Mar-n Lu#er cha(enged #e
corrup-on of #e Ca#olic Church. Lu#ers
#eses cause considerable con&oversy. Many
people were exci"d by his ideas (Frey 352).
Mar-n con-nued % develop his ideas an
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91
opened his own Chris-an denomina-on ca(ed
Lu#eranism. If an individuals ideas #reat.
ened #e religious belief sys"ms in Hetalia,
#at individual would be exiled 'om Hetalia
% prevent #em 'om &ying % start a new re.
ligion. Hetalia might consider some ideas
about #e religion % &y % make it be0er, but
if #ey &ied % change every#ing about it,
#en #ey wouldnt be considered. !is s&a"gy
would make for a more success/l civiliza-on,
because it would prevent people 'om crea-ng
mul-ple religions, so #e civiliza-on would fo.
cus on #e same beliefs % reduce con,ict or
Hetalia would want Wi(iam Shakespeare %
help advance its culture and make it more suc.
cess/l. Shakespeare
was a play wri"r, ac.
%r and poet 'om #e
1500s. He wasnt just
famous for his plays,
he also wro" poems
and s%ries. His
achievements ad.
vanced #e arts of London because he crea"d
many #ea&ical plays and in,uenced Europe
wi# his great works. He wro" bo# comedies
and &agedies #at covered a broad range of
subjects. He wro" about his%ry, romance, poli.
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91
-cs, prejudice, mur.
der, suicide and war
(Frey 342). Since his
%pics cover lots of in.
"(ectual in"rests,
most ci-zens would be
able % )nd some#ing
#at #ey preferred.
Having a form of en"rtainment would keep
#e ci-zens happy and make #em want %
stay in Hetalia. !e ci-zens may be less
likely % )ght, if #ey had ac-vi-es #at were
en"rtaining.Shakespeares achievements
would bene)t Hetalias culture and make it
more success/l by bringing people %ge#er %
enjoy #e arts and inspire /ture wri"rs %
produce great works.
Popal, Haleh Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:44:08 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ec:91

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