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Hawk Spirit Meaning, Symbols, and Totem
Written by Author (http://alltotems.com/author/admin/) : Posted on August 16, 2011 (http://alltotems.com/2011/08/) : 145
Comments (http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comments)
1.jpg)Hawk Spirit Symbol:
Awareness, Perspective, Insight, Truth, Visionary Power, Guardianship,
Strength, Initiative, Decisiveness, Creativity, Messenger, Caution,
Maneuvering, Leadership, Spirit, Totem Animal
Hawk Totem Meaning and Medicine:
The spirit of hawk totem brings with it many different meanings. If the hawk totem animal has entered your life recently
take a moment to stop and reflect on some of the following messages:
Awareness, Perspective: Do you feel like youre moving forward in life blindly, or simply going through the
grind? If the hawk totem has recently entered your life you may need to stop and take account of your situation.
Observe the minute and fine details of your surroundings because it is likely a juicy morsel of information is hidden
in the high grass. The spirit of hawk totem represents the ability to see meaning in ordinary experiences and will
help you to become more observant. Many of the messages Hawk totem brings are about freeing yourself of
thoughts and beliefs that are limiting your spirit ability to soar above your life and gain a greater perspective. It is
this ability to soar high above to catch a glimpse of the bigger picture that allows Hawk spirit people to survive and
Insight, Vision: Are you lacking confidence in yourself, are your bottling up
your creative ideas and going unheard? Hawk spirit is both insightful and
visionary. Stop doubting your ideas and assert yourself. Trust in your instincts and
feelings and have confidence in any bright ideas that have recently come into mind.
Initiative, Decisiveness: Are you hesitating or procrastinating about
something important in your life? Are you avoiding someone or something out
of fear? Hawk spirit totem waits patiently to strike at their prey, but when the time
comes they strike with both speed and precision. If you stand by too long, any
opportunities that have presented themselves will slip through your grasp. Take some initiative and seize the
Caution, Maneuvering: Have you become reckless and impulsive? Do you often find yourself being outthought
or outmaneuvered in life? Hawk spirit can alert us to those times when we should NOT take action because we do
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not yet have all the information we need. For example, a hawk totem person is thinking about becoming involved in
a relationship, personal or business, yet they get the feeling that something is not quite right. This needs to be
heeded and Hawk spirit sent forth to gather the appropriate information to help the person make the best choice.
Trust in your spirit intuition, Hawks totem may be telling you to steer clear for very good reasons! Be patient and
fully examine the breadth of your decision making, once you have enough information Hawk totem will guide you to
implement this knowledge to your advantage and steer you towards a more favorable path.

People with Hawk Totem Spirit are
(http://alltotems.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Hawk-Perch-Totem.jpeg)Hawk totem
people aim to initiate and lead, and may be impulsive from time to time.
One of the greatest gifts a Hawk totem person can give the world is their visions of a
better and brighter future. Visionaries are always ahead of their time and its not easy
seeing what other totem animal people are not ready to see.
If you are a Hawk spirit animal yourself, understand that this Spirit animal can give you a
special task to hold the energy of what could be, of potentials that are waiting to be
envisioned. Seek out other people who can support you in your life and never allow
others to cause you to lose sight of what is really important to you.
Hawk totem people have their own unique challenges in life. As messengers, Hawk
spirit animal must share their insight with others. Sometimes the messages may not be what the other person really
wants to hear and yet the Hawk totem feels duty bound to relay the message, no matter the consequences.
It is important however that Hawk totem people do be aware of how they are presenting the messages they receive.
They need more than many others to try and deliver the messages as gently as they can, only becoming more forceful
if their inner spirit guidance absolutely says it is needed. Sometimes simply thinking through for a time what needs to
be said can help Hawk animal people find just the right words to use that will make all the difference and in this they
should be encouraged to take their time and soar above for a while before speaking their truth.
Hawk totem people, like many who carry strong predator animal totems, may be shunned by others who sense and
fear their inner power. Others may sense that this is a person who can see straight through them and as many people
think in terms of judging things as being good or bad, they are afraid that the Hawk spirit will see who they really are
and so they strike first in an attempt to keep the Hawk animal at bay. Hawk totem needs to learn how to veil their
energy spirit somewhat, not as an attempt to deceive others but to allow people to get to know them and understand
that Hawk Spirit has no interest in judging others. Often these people have seen so much of the best and worst in life
that they find they have no need to judge.
Some Hawk spirit animal people may have a tendency, because of their vast ability to see clear through to the heart
of things, to become an arrogant totem animal symbol. This should be avoided because it keeps them earthbound
and causes interpersonal conflicts! This can start as confusion on the part of the Hawk totem person who cannot
understand why others seem less aware of the larger picture and their own issues. It is important that people with the
Hawk totem understand that others are not as well developed yet in these areas and avoid blurting out what they see
and know without thinking of how it may impact another person. (http://alltotems.com/wp-
Hawk Spirit Message:
The hawk totem is a messenger of insight, adaptability and openness, it is
also about visionary power and guardianship. Hawks spirit teaches us to
be observant and to pay attention to what we may overlook. This could
mean a talent we dont use, a blessing for which we havent expressed
gratitude, or a message from the universe. The hawk has keen eyesight, it
is about opening our eyes and seeing that which is there to guide us. Hawk
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spirit awakens vision and inspires us to a creative life purpose. Look to the world around you for there are totem
symbols buried in everything.
Hawk totem in Dreams:
To see a hawk in your dream, denotes that suspicions are lurking around you and your activities. You need to proceed with caution.
Alternatively, a hawk symbolizes insight. Consider the phrase hawks eye to mean that you need to keep a close watch on someone or
some situation. The key is to sense the subtle meaning carried by the winds and spirit of change.

Symbolism.jpeg)Cultural Symbolism of the
hawk totem:
Native American: Among Native American traditions, Hawk totem served the
role of messenger guide, bringer of spirit messages and portents of change.
Hawk spirit reminded the people they needed to be awake and aware. Many Native American tribes admire the
hawk for its speed, endurance, perseverance, and sharp eyesight.
Celtic: In the Celtic tradition Hawk totem animal empowers a person to seek out their ancestral roots and to
examine in depth that which is positive (so that it may be integrated into a persons life) and that which is limiting
(so it can be released). Tradition is only worth honoring when it supports joy and fulfillment in ones life! In this
tradition Hawk totem also supports the solar side as stated above, helping a person to move forward in life and to
seek out great quests to embark upon.
Greek: In Greco-Roman mythology, the hawk totem is the swift spirit messenger of Apollo/Mercury, and is
associated with the sorceress, Circe.
Chinese: The Chinese associated this spirit bird with war.
Christian: In early Christian animal symbolism, the wild hawk represented evil; the tamed hawk signified the
convert; and the hooded hawk symbolized the Christian hoping in the Light of Christ even though surrounded by the
darkness of earth. Because of the hawks swiftness in darting down and grasping its prey, this animal is a symbol
of death, injustice, violence, and those people who prey upon the weak.
Egyptian: In ancient Egypt, the hawk was considered a royal bird and a symbol of the soul (ba). Isis is said to have
shape shifted into a Hawk to save Osiris. Horus also carried Hawk medicine which allowed him to see the
Indian: Gayatri is the Hindu hawk spirit who brought an intoxicating drink of immortality known as soma from
heaven. He is also a spirit vehicle of Indra.

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Jill (http://Website)
on September 21, 2012 at 7:03 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-959) said:
A hawk flew very close to me this morning in hot pursuit of its prey, and lost 2 feathers. I
picked up these feathers and meditated on them and got such a huge spiritual rush
throughout my being. Thanks for the information above, it has been very helpful.
I also saw a Bald Eagle 5 days ago. It flew over my head 3 times before it went to the
forest beyond. I live in an area where there are no eagles of any sort (Southern Ontario).
This is a highly unlikely experience, and yet I was strongly guided to go to that place
where and when the eagle flew. I guess this is a strong messageboth the eagle and the
hawk in such a short time. Would one or both would be my totem??
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=959#respond)
on October 1, 2012 at 11:44 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-1004) said:
If neither of these spirit animals have maintained a consistent presence in your
life you may want to just meditate on how their appearance can be interpreted
in the here and now. Both of these totem animals are important messengers
and you should do your best to increase your awareness of both your internal
and external environments.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1004#respond)
on November 30, 2012 at 10:33 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-
and-totem/#comment-1521) said:
I just looked up what Hawks symbolize because constantly
everywhere I go I see one. We took a 6 hour trip the other day and
seen one like every 2 miles if not less. I see another when I take a
trip and always on the same stretch. Then yesterday when I went for
my walk/run one appeared and soared above my head, I was so in
awe of it and that they seem to be everywhere I go. What could this
mean? I have an absolutely wonderful relationship with God, could
this mean anything?
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1521#respond)
on March 18, 2013 at 12:36 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-
meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-3131) said:
I have always been fascinated with hawks, and it seems
theyre always around especially during pivotal moments
in life. The other day, I saw a hawk on the ground in my
backyard with a woodpecker in its talons. It seemed to
look up briefly at me and then flew off with the prey. Any
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3131#respond)
Babette (http://Website)
on September 26, 2012 at 6:59 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-985) said:
I love my Hawk. I found my second hawk feather a couple of weeks ago after having a
couple of dreams about finding Hawk feathers. The first feather found was in 2010 when
Hawk kept on appearing almost every day, everywhere I happened to go and seemingly
looked directly at me. These encounters actually started 2008.
Prior to going to bed one night, I prayed to find out if Hawk is my Animal Spirit Guide.
Sure enough that evening, Hawk appeared in my dream and that following morning I
found my first feather. The third photo of this website looks exactly like my Hawk now I
know that Hawk is a red-tail Hawk I think, not 100% positive, that mine are tail
feathers. Thank You
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=985#respond)
stephanie (http://Website)
on September 28, 2012 at 10:28 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-989) said:
Beautifully worded. Thank you for the insight your hawk medicine has given me. love and
light, Stephanie
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=989#respond)
Danielle (http://alltotem.com)
on October 3, 2012 at 6:27 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1010) said:
Yesterday morning, 10/02/12, I saw a hawk land on the back of a gray squirrel on the
neighbors front lawn. it did not kill or injure the squirrel, just almost wanted a soft place to
land. The squirrel scurried off into the bushes, but the hawk stood on the lawn across the
street & stared at me for about 5 minutes. It eventually flew away. Moments later, I saw a
hawk shadow on the garage door, across the street, & went to investigate it. I also looked
for a feather it might have left me on the lawn, but no feather was left. As iI looked for the
hawk in the trees, I noticed it was very close on a telephone wire above my head. My
roommate observed all this hawk activity with me and caught a video of the hawk. This
morning I went to Alltotem.com to study the meaning of hawk. Much to my surprise, I went
outside immediately after reading the info on the website & my hawk was on the
telephone wires directly in front of our house. He then flew into a tree across the street in
another neighbors yard. This time I wanted to see if hawk would let me slowly approach
his perch in the tree. He did & I was able to get some pictures of it again today! Very
exciting & I would be interested in some feedback. Thanks, Danielle
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1010#respond)
on October 17, 2012 at 6:24 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-1090) said:
Danielle, very interesting story. I would take particular note of the incident with
the squirrel. Squirrels represent preparedness for the future, alertness, and
often appear to alert you of some kind of danger. The fact that this squirrel was
easily attacked most likely represents a lack of spiritual awareness on your
part, and hawk bringing a major WAKE UP call. If youre being bothered or
harassed in your life another message may be to move to a higher level of
consciousness or above any difficulties in your life for a clear perspective.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1090#respond)
Chris (http://Website)
on October 3, 2012 at 10:26 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1013) said:
My 20 year old son passed in August 2012. The car he was riding in was rear ended by a
speeding drunk driver. Yesterday I was sitting on a hill where we spread some of his
ashes talking to my son. Two crows landed in the tree next to me and began squawking.
When I looked up there was this beautiful hawk sitting in the tree. The crows gave up and
flew off and the hawk didnt move. I have been asking my son to send a sign, maybe a
hawk, each time I sit on this hill. I was thrilled to have one sitting above me. I sat for a 1/2
hour waiting for the hawk to fly off but it never did.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1013#respond)
on October 17, 2012 at 6:35 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-1091) said:
Chris, my deepest sympathies for your loss. The appearance of both of these
totem spirits when you asked for signs is inspiring.
A great book that is an inspiration to this site Animal Magick mentions how
crows may bring the medicine of learning from the past but not holding on to it,
and letting go of past hurts. The hawk is an important spiritual messenger to
several Native tribes, and in Celtic cultures this totem helps a person move
forward in life.
I know its been a very short time since your loss, so Id hardly advocate simply
moving forward with your life, or letting go of your son. Instead, Id reflect on the
appearance of these spirits, and be thankful that they heard your call.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1091#respond)
Chris (http://Website)
on October 24, 2012 at 7:24 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-
and-totem/#comment-1145) said:
I just got around to reading your reply and it is just what I needed
today. Thank you. We have Celtic roots and live within view of Effigy
Mounds in Madison WI where we spread some of our sons ashes.
We often sit at the Mounds to talk with Conor too. The other day I
walked out of our house and kept hearing this peeping noise
above. I looked up and sitting in the top of our black walnut tree was
a young hawk almost seemed to be calling to me. I look for
messages daily from Conor he was this larger than life spirit is
greatly missed. I will pick up the Animal Magick book you
recommended. Thank you again.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1145#respond)
on December 6, 2012 at 4:10 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-
meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1583) said:
Been rough with the holidays and feeling Ive not had any
visits/messages in the form of a hawk etc. Though I did
see an eagle briefly last weekend at a B&B north home
which I cherished. Today as I was driving listening to a
Christmas song All I want for Christmas is You and
thinking about my son, Conor, a beautiful hawk flew low
and slow right in front of my car. Amazing! Unfortunately I
was on a semi-busy street and couldnt stop but it really
made my day. Im going to take it as my son saying
Hey, Mom, Im OK, try to stop crying. Thanks for this
site I enjoy writing in and reading other individuals
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1583#respond)
Kim McMechan (http://TreesWaterSky.com)
on December 20, 2012 at 3:20 pm
totem/#comment-1698) said:
ChrisI was searching the spiritual
significance of the hawk, and I came across
this comment somehow. Tears in my eyes.
Im SO sorry for the loss of your son. I cant
imagine. The way you write is beautiful. I
hope youll find a way to write more about
your son and this time. It may help you to
grieve, and it may help others too. I think you
have a way with words. May you be well.
Ava Suren (http://www.avasuren.com)
on January 1, 2013 at 11:01 am
totem/#comment-1776) said:
I came to this site today to look at what my
sighting of a red-tailed hawk next to a crow
meant yesterday, on the eve of this new year.
As I scrolled down to find your story, it moved
me to tears. I sit here, having just split from
my husband and moving from Chicago to Los
Angeles, looking for a hopeful sign for the
future. I found that hope in your loving positive
reflection of Conor comng to you in Hawk. If
you can bear the pain of losing a son, yet
have the strength to move forward and look
for positive signs, then so can I. I wish you
beautiful peace in 2013 and beyond.
on January 28, 2013 at 4:10 pm
totem/#comment-2082) said:
I just read your past posts. I am so sorry for
the loss of your son. Believe in these signs.
Believe in the Mother/ Child bond. I have no
doubt that Conor has shown his spirit to you.
Chris (http://Website)
on February 4, 2013 at 9:31 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-
meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-2164) said:
Thank you to Kim, Ava & Mo for your caring, kind words
with regards to my son, Conors, passing. Conor was
extremely affectionate, intelligent, very much a Tigger
with these Paul Newman blue eyes and a smile like a
Cheshire cat. He loved the outdoors, was also very
artistic, and quite the poet too. Since everyone said how
much he looked like his dad, I love the fact that he was
left-handed like me. Conor was an organ donor so his
great spirit lives on in others. I look for signs every day
and when I see a hawk, I know hes saying Hi its so
like him. Yesterday his dad came home from a walk on
the lake by us and said this hawk kept flying above him
we hold on dearly with each sighting. Thanks again for
the wonderful support.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=2164#respond)
on February 5, 2013 at 3:06 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-2178) said:
5 yrs ago, my son, Colin, age 23, was killed in a car accident. He was a
passenger. This pain never goes away. Regarding hawks: about 2 weeks
after, I was sitting in the same chair where I last saw my son; it faced a large
window..all of a sudden this huge hawk crashed into it right in front of me.
The wings spanned across the entire window, made a loud noise. I opened
the front door and the hawk just stood there about 3 ft away, staring at me. It
wouldnt leave until I almost touched it. Nothing like that ever happened before
in my life. Also, about 3 days after the accident, I was standing in my garage,
and a butterfly flew in. It stayed right near me, wouldnt leave, againuntil
finally I almost touched it. Never seen a butterfly near my home before or after
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=2178#respond)
Chris (http://Website)
on February 18, 2013 at 10:27 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-
and-totem/#comment-2314) said:
Alyce Im so sorry to read about your son, Colin, and I believe you
when you say the pain never goes away. It will be 6 months this
week since Conor died in that car accident the great sadness is
always there. Thank you for sharing your hawk and butterfly
encounters. Very moving/inspiring. On another note, Ive been
reading a book by George Anderson Lessons from the Light that I
have found helpful in dealing with my grief. Saw two beautiful red
tail hawks on Saturday near our house. They looked to be playing
as they swooped by. Warm regards.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=2314#respond)
on March 15, 2013 at 12:23 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-
meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-2986) said:
My heart goes out to you, it is every parents nightmare
to lose a child and you are living that nightmare. I am so
happy that you know that these signs, whether it be
Hawk or Butterfly or a certain song or smell is a sign
from your son(s) that they are right here with you,
ALWAYS. You just cant see them, but they are right next
to you. Chris I am so happy to hear you are reading a
George Anderson book. Get your hands on every one
you can. Lessons from the Light was the first one I read,
and I have read every single other book by this wonderful
compassionate man who is blessed with such a gift. Try
and pick up a copy of his book Our Children Forever a
beautiful uplifting book filled with messages from
children on the other side. Georges books are by far the
best on life after death. I am blessed to be able to tell
you that I have not suffered the loss of a child. I pray I
never will. Remember its ok to smile through your tears,
its ok to laugh again. Your children will be standing next
to you holding your hand laughing with you. By the way,
HAWK is my spiritual strength that has brought me
through some of the lowest points in my life. I call upon
him whenever I am feeling lost, on my knees, feeling
hopeless. Without fail he appears and I feel myself gain
renewed strength and I see another glimmer of hope to
hang on to. I apologize for the length of this writing,
hopefully when I click on post I wont get a msg that says
too many characters. I wish you peace, love and
many blessings. Sandy
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=2986#respond)
on March 19, 2013 at 7:34 pm
totem/#comment-3173) said:
Sandra, Thank you for your moving post to
me, it meant a great deal. Its good to meet
another George Anderson fan too. His book
Our Children Forever is on my list to get. Im
hoping that I can find someone like George in
the Madison area. Everyday Im on the
lookout for signs/messages from Conor. He
has also talked to me many times through
songs. I have each song message added to
the journal Im keeping. Last week I had
another hawk visit Id like to share. As I was
driving home from work, I began to talk to
Conor and tearfully asked him for another
sign. It seemed like it had been awhile since I
had a message from him. I asked that maybe
he could please send another hawk. I was
slowly driving down a side street close to
home when this hawk flew in front of my car
and landed on a neighbors fence. I instantly
stopped and there was this beautiful hawk
perched on a fence 10 feet away. We just
looked at each other. The hawk then raised
its foot, almost like a wave, and then put it
back down. A minute or so later it turned its
head north and flew off. The tears really
flowed then as I thanked Conor, over and
over. It was so incredibly moving. Your
supportive words and the others Ive receive
on this site have been very touching and
greatly appreciated. Peace and blessings in
return. Chris
Melody Owen (http://spiritofthehawk)
on October 3, 2012 at 2:04 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1016) said:
a hawk flew by me today and sqealed at me and he flew around the area for a few
minutes and then flew a little farther away but I still seen him why do you think this
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1016#respond)
Claudette Edwards (http://Website)
on October 4, 2012 at 8:30 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1020) said:
Two hawks circled the skies above us as my husband and I wed. The last few days we
have had lone hawks circling above us and today there was one flying above us for a time
as we drove. I am not sure what this means.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1020#respond)
on October 17, 2012 at 6:39 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-1092) said:
Hawks are symbols of guardianship and messengers to the spirit world. In
Celtic the hawk animal guide helps people examine and honor tradition when
it supports joy and fulfillment in your life. Id view their appearance at your
wedding and afterwards as a blessing!
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1092#respond)
Sally (http://Website)
on October 7, 2012 at 7:57 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1031) said:
I have noticed fewer hawks in my neighborhood this year than in the last 7 years Ive been
here. Yet, very recently Ive had two encounters that seem relevant to my life. The first was
about three weeks ago. A red-tailed hawk landed on the screened enclosure directly in
my line of vision. He/she remained there a full two minutes, at least. Then, yesterday,
while seated in the same screened enclosure and facing a different direction, I noticed
one flying from behind a neighbors garage about 10 to 12 feet above the ground and
straight for my other neighbors yard. Its appearance as such didnt seem particularized
to me and, yet, withiin a few seconds it re-entered my line of vision from the right, flew
quickly underneath a magnolia trees branches and crashed into the screen right in front
of me. It dropped into the hedge along the screen, taking a few seconds to get its footing.
Then it half hopped and flew onto a low branch on the magnolia and sat with its back
facing me for a minute. I started to walk around the swimming pool to get a look at
whether it might need help stopped and waited. Several more seconds passed, then
he hopped-flew to a couple other nearby brances and flew off in the direction from which
he came.
Id like some feedback on what the crashing part might mean if anything. Im assuming
its a message to be more awake and aware. Could the crash be construed as someting
negative or ominous?
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1031#respond)
on October 17, 2012 at 6:46 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-1093) said:
The hawks appearing twice in such a short period of time can definitely be
interpreted as an important reminder. Hawks are rarely reckless creatures, in
fact, they are extremely alert and perceptive. The fact that this hawk crashed
into a screen in front of you in a display of rare clumsiness might be a warning
to both stay alert and be very cautious! Read over the Caution, Maneuvering
section above for more details.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1093#respond)
Heather (http://Website)
on October 10, 2012 at 1:42 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1043) said:
I see hawks every time I go out. Last week I went for a walk through the woods a hawk
flew pretty low over my head and down the path I was walking before disappearing. I was
so upset I didnt get a shot of it that it took a few days for me to realize there was a
meaning behind the low fly over so I looked it up and here I am. I will try to be more
observant and work on my talents. I believe they are being sent by my daughter to help
guide my way.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1043#respond)
Paige (http://Website)
on October 14, 2012 at 11:09 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1066) said:
Everyday I see a hawk no matter where Im driving to, in my town or going out of town. It
flies low across my path.
Its was important for me to receive more information about hawks.
Lately I have seen 2 dead hawks on the road which I didnt understand how a hawk could
die, didnt make sense to me.
It also grieved me to see them.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1066#respond)
on January 4, 2013 at 6:28 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-1800) said:
There was a dead hawk in my backyard todayI think it was a sharp-shinned. It
was a small one. My mom found it and told me about it. When I went to check it
out, it also made me sad to see it, especially since I consider hawk to be a
spiritual guide for me. Also because it was so small. Its wing was wounded
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1800#respond)
Daureen (http://Website)
on October 15, 2012 at 7:57 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1074) said:
I havent been walking in a while started walking again last night and then this morning.
This morning a hawk flew low right in front of me (maybe 6-7 ft), then flew across the
street it landed on the neighbors deck then flew back toward me back to the
ground and landed on a rock about 15-20 feet away from me looking right at me then
a car came in between us.. but it flew toward me (crossing the street in front of the
vehichle) coming closer to me before it flew away.. WILD! I felt, for sure, there was some
message for me, so I looked this up here nice find.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1074#respond)
Brandon (http://Website)
on October 17, 2012 at 8:54 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1094) said:
I have been experiencing more conflict at my job (not directed to me, but my coworkers),
and after 10 years, I have started looking for other potential jobs. I really havent found
anything that really fits me, but there is one position abailable that would require a lot of
change on my part. Confused about my direction in life, and thinking about how confusing
everything was, I walked out of my office building and I saw a hawk in a tree. I have never
seen such a large bird, and it immediately caught my eyes. I walked over to the tree and
the hawk stared right at me, then it flew away in the opposite direction. I dont normally
read much into these things, but my therapist told me the next time I see an animal that
stands out, then I should look up its meaning. This is my first animal that not only stood out
to me but it stared at me. I appreciate your article, and it has definitley raised my
curiosity. I wonder, given the context I supplied, how you would interpret my hawk
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1094#respond)
on November 30, 2012 at 3:57 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-1524) said:
Brandon, Id hardly presume to offer career advice based off your experiences
with nature, but it is important to be perceptive and considerate of the
messages that come to us in our daily lives. Its very interesting that as you
thought about switching jobs that the messenger totem hawk visited you. I
would interpret it quite literally. In a time where you are looking for signs and
meaning, hawk appeared, and flew in the opposite direction of your place of
work. Maybe its time to take a different direction?
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1524#respond)
Yvette (http://alltotems.com)
on October 20, 2012 at 9:53 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1116) said:
Dear Author,
I came across your site in search of hawk symbolism/meaning. About 4 months ago as I
was doing my daily lunch time walk (in a downtown area) I saw something red in the sky
that caught my eye. I thought it was a kite but it was a red hawk circling directly above me.
When I broke my fixation then a dragonfly flew by. I didnt give it much thought until now.
Since that day black hawks have been circling above me whether Im driving or walking in
random locations (almost on a daily basis). In addition the dragonflies have been flying by
me on a consistent basis. I began to think that it was hawk and dragonfly season but they
have been appearing in areas where they shouldnt be, for example industrial areas
(concrete jungles). Theyre even flyer closer so I can see the details of them. Im starting
to get scared because I dont know what this means am I going crazy?
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1116#respond)
on November 30, 2012 at 4:04 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-1525) said:
Yvette, I wouldnt be concerned about being crazy. If youre having continual
experiences with dragonfly and hawk spirits Id really take some time to sit
down and meditate on the circumstances. Try to evaluate what you are
doing/feeling/thinking while having these encounters. Both of these totems
carry meaning related to perception or vision. Dragonflies often symbolize
illusion, and seeing through it. Hawk brings messages of perception. So my
first impression would be for you to examine your surroundings and your life for
any possible illusions that you maintain about the world you live in and try to
pierce them!
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1525#respond)
Christine (http://Website)
on October 21, 2012 at 1:26 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1118) said:
Yesterday I had a very scary experience. I was driving my car packed full of boxes to
bring to the new place that I will be moving into. I suddenly saw wings in front of me and
then POW! A hawk flew right into my windshield. The vehicle is brand new only two
weeks old. The glass instantly spidered and chards of glass were all over me and the
dashboard. I was stunned and did all I could to pull over and call my husband who was
driving ahead of me. The guys at the dealership said that the hawk had to be going at a
very high speed to shatter the glass as it did and they dont know how I maintained control
of the vehicle. There was one small feather on the windshield from where the hawk
impacted that I kept. I dont know of anyone who has every hit a bird of prey like this. It
was so instant and in my face. I am still in shock. Now I am worried about what this means
or if it is an omen? The place I am moving to seems wonderful. It is off the grid on 160
acres and the people I am renting from seem like really wonderful, trustworthy people. My
husband and I have not been getting along lately and our relationship has been pretty
rocky. I was thinking about him on the drive. I am afraid this is an omen or means death
but I really want this to be positive and think of this as the hawk spirit going through me. I
am not one for totem animals but I cannot help ignore the fact that without a doubt this is
some sort of sign. Do you have any insight? I am not sleeping much tonight and cannot
get the image out of my mind.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1118#respond)
Christine (http://Website)
on October 21, 2012 at 1:31 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-1119) said:
I almost forgot to mention in my post that two days prior to hitting the hawk with
my car I was on my lunch break at work sitting on a rock in the woods
overlooking a field. (I live in VT) and thinking about my marriage and what I
should do with my life, almost in tears and a hawk came soaring down out of a
tree close to me.It startled me and appeared to be watching me the whole
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1119#respond)
on November 29, 2012 at 4:17 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-
and-totem/#comment-1512) said:
Hi Christine,
I am getting a very strong feeling that you should not go into a
remote area with your husband. I work at an organization that
addresses domestic violence.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1512#respond)
on January 8, 2013 at 12:08 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-
meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1819) said:
I got that feeling too.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1819#respond)
on November 30, 2012 at 4:18 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-
and-totem/#comment-1526) said:
Christine, Im very sorry to hear of your relationship issues and your
accident. The hawk totem is renowned for wake up calls. BAM! Pay
attention! Be perceptive or you may maneuver yourself into a bad
situation. Hawk may come to warn you, but also to show you a
favorable route, the key is to be receptive and to pay keen attention
to your surroundings!
Youd be surprised how many near misses people have with hawks
while driving, and it is not incredibly uncommon to have a collision
with one. I would encourage you to really examine your relationship.
If you put enough of your energy into evaluating the situation, a good
opportunity should present itself.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1526#respond)
George (http://Website)
on October 21, 2012 at 8:10 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1125) said:
The other day I went to the supermarket with my family and an adult hawk was sitting on
our patio swing. We were going back and forth to the car emptying groceries and we did
not see the hawk because he camouflaged with the swing set. My sister noticed he was
sitting there and alerted us. We tried to get him off the swing, but he refused to leave.
Soon, our dog realized he was on the swing set and tried to attack the hawk. The hawk
quickly jumped on the nearest chair next to him, opened up his wings, and let out a cry. It
was very scary. Eventually the hawk left our patio, but put up a good fight. He really did not
want to leave. Another strange thing is that we live in an area where there are usually no
hawks.We live in an industrial area. What do you think this means?
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1125#respond)
on November 30, 2012 at 4:22 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-1527) said:
Id recommend you read over the Awareness, Perception section at the
beginning of the article. The fact that you all missed the presence of the hawk
for some time seems to suggest that the spirit guide, and his stubbornness,
was a hint to pay more attention to your surroundings. There may be
something important right in front of your faces that youre missing.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1527#respond)
Rowland (http://Website)
on October 23, 2012 at 1:04 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1139) said:
A hawk flys in my patio. I was staring outside the Windows when this brown hawk flys in
and chills for two minutes . I stared at him and I wasnt scared at all . Then my mother said
it was bad luck or somthing so I just open the door and scared him off..I dont if thats true
or if it has a meaning.. I live in around the los Angeles area theres plenty of trees and a
tree connecting to my padio . If you can help with any info thank you.A hawk flys in my
patio. I was staring outside the Windows when this brown hawk flys in and chills for two
minutes . I stared at him and I wasnt scared at all . Then my mother said it was bad luck
or somthing so I just open the door and scared him off..I dont if thats true or if it has a
meaning.. I live in around the los Angeles area theres plenty of trees and a tree
connecting to my padio . If you can help with any info thank you.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1139#respond)
Myraneisha (http://Website)
on October 26, 2012 at 4:23 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1162) said:
I think I have a hawk spirit guide. Every time something significant happens in my life, he
hovers around. The first time I saw him was when I turned my life over to Christ. The
second time I saw him was when I moved to Los Angeles. I dont remember why in
particular i saw him. The third time I saw him was right after my daughters funeral on
10/8/12. He hovered over my car all the way to her grave site. And the last time I saw him
was on 10/23/12. He was hovering over my house when i returned home. That day i
received a phone call pertaining some valuable information.
Im just wondering, could this red-tailed hawk really be my spirit guide? Or am I just overly
excited? He has never gotten close to me. It always hovers above.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1162#respond)
Patty (http://www.RainbowWomanReiki.com)
on October 27, 2012 at 5:10 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1197) said:
Hawk is my main totem animal. Since I became Reiki I see them all the time. When we
moving from the Chicago area to Wisconsin 8 years ago, a giant red tail hawk (female)
sat the tree in the park down the street from our house where we walked our dog
everyday facing north (towards Wisconsin). it was eerie. I see them all the time especially
when I am doing something significant as kind of a way to let me know they are giving me
a thumbs up. I am absolutely shocked about the poor lady who hit one. I would definitely
say it is a sign for a hawk to sacrifice itself to give you a message is unbelievable. You
are saying your relationship is rocky
I had one fly in front of my car and stare straight at me once on a hiway and I was going
70 MPH it was like time slowed down and it was just in front of my wilnshield staring at
I wish I had answers for all of you who have questions about your hawk sightings. I believe
that Spirit sends us messages using all birds. Recently a friend of mines son passed
away and a blue jay suddenly starting coming to yard and squawking sounding like
me,me,me,me all the time. I was getting messages from her son alot but I feel that this
bird is connected with her son without a doubt.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1197#respond)
Patty (http://www.RainbowWomanReiki.com)
on October 28, 2012 at 4:31 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-1209) said:
boy I made a lot of typos in the last comment LOL
the hawk in Illinois was in that tree every single day for weeks until we moved! I
really feel that the hawk the lady hit that shattered her window was a warning,
the fact that you were thinking about your relationship when it happened is
significant to me.
The blue jay has stayed around since my friends sons passing, I forgot to
mention that. Doreen Virtue runs a column in Womans World Magazine about
angels. Almost every other week there is a story about one bird or the other
(especially cardinals and doves) or dragonflys and butterflys that appear to
people after someone has crossed over that are signs from their loved ones
letting them know that they are safe and happy.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1209#respond)
Michelle (http://Website)
on November 2, 2012 at 6:30 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1269) said:
I live close to some woods and have for many years. Ive never seen a hawk around my
area before then about 2 months ago I noticed a hawk flying around my yard. I watched it
for quite a while. Then about 3 weeks ago I walked outside and it was sitting on my
and today I was driving on my way to work 5 miles away and a hawk flew in front of my car
carrying what looked to be a crow. How would this be interpreted? Thank you!
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1269#respond)
Karen (http://Website)
on November 4, 2012 at 5:31 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1298) said:
The hawk first appeared on a fence when riding my horse.we walked right up to him
he didnt movethought it strange but left not to disturb him.the I moved and then the
hawk appeared at the barn barnhe sat there on the fence watching be in the stall with
my horse.he left a feather and my friend picked it up and then I moved the horses and
there he was again sitting high on a wooden pole.I got my phone out to take his photo
and he flew straight at methen I went to the park with the dogs and there he was again
at the top of a pine tree in the middle of the park looking down at me.why is he
following me like this.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1298#respond)
Dana (http://Website)
on November 5, 2012 at 8:28 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1306) said:
I came home from an errand and a hawk was perched on the trunk of the car. I stopped
my car about 25 feet away and he just sat staring the glided away. It was simply amazing
and made my day.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1306#respond)
Ashley Rae (http://Website)
on November 6, 2012 at 9:42 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1312) said:
I started seeing hawks a little over 10 years ago when I went away to college. There was
one lone hawk that would perch outside my dorm room and seemed to follow me
wherever I went around campus. I remember distinctly I was heading from my dorm to the
student center. Ahead of me, I saw my hawk perched on a tree limb. It seemed like we
made eye contact as I passed under him. My friend looked back and said the hawk had
turned around towards me and was watching me walk away. Seeing the hawk had
become a daily occurrence. My second year of college, my grandmother passed away. I
went home for the funeral and didnt return to school for a few days. Upon my return, when
I looked out my dorm window, there were two hawks. And the two, again, no matter where
I went on campus, off campus, even when I traveled out west to Arizona, I would see my
two hawks. They were there when I graduated from college. Always around me. Two
years ago, we lost my granddad (who was more like a dad to me). A few days after I
remember being alone in my room and I heard the screech. I look out the window and this
time THREE hawks were circling above, each one soaring at a different height. For a
while I had all three follow me around. Now, theres always at least one flying overhead or
perched on a limb or somewhere in my eyesight. And they always seem to let me know
when theyre around by either swooping low enough to catch my attention, or calling out
when theyre soaring above. It may not be every day that I see them, but I know theyre
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1312#respond)
Laura (http://Website)
on November 8, 2012 at 5:10 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1329) said:
Today I sadly saw a dead hawk in the road. I stopped and moved its body to the side so it
wouldnt be run over (it appeared to have flown into a car, its neck was broken.) I called
our state Fish and Wildlife line, and they said to just dispose of the body, so I took it home
and buried it under a tall oak tree in our east horse pasture (we live on a farm.) I did not
keep any feathers, as that is illegal.
I am hoping that Hawk Medicine will keep my family and farm a little safer now. I said a
small prayer to hawk as I buried him, saying I was sorry that he had died, and that I hope
he now flew free with Spirit. It made me sad to see such beauty stilled.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1329#respond)
on November 16, 2012 at 8:49 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-1415) said:
Laura good show! I would have done the same thing. I hit a hawk the other
day with my car but couldnt find him when I went back around long road, lots
of wooded banks and they do blend well. Going 60 mph, he took out my left
blinker. I prayed all the way to work that day poor thing. Its sad when such a
magnificent creature of creation dies. My bad dog killed a mink right near the
house a few years ago. He took his last breath in my hands. Wow, powerful
totem there. I never even knew they were in our area. We had been on
vacation and I had cat food on the back porch closest to the stream and
woods. I buried him and still mean to put up a small memorial. But I do feel that
he protects me and provides me with smoother changes in life since then. Its
like he gave his life for me. Something changed that day and I will forever be
grateful. Vicki
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1415#respond)
Julia (http://Website)
on November 11, 2012 at 5:50 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1340) said:
I believe the hawk is my spirit guide. I see red tailed hawks everyday. Sometimes they
are soaring, other times they are perched on top of street light, and some of those seem
to be watching me.
Today, there was a hawk in my front yard, at my bird bath. He looked right in the window
at me before he flew away. I feel like he had a message for me, but I dont know what it is.
Could it be about my new relationship? From reading your post, I wonder if this hawk was
telling me to be aggressive or cautious.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1340#respond)
on November 12, 2012 at 1:45 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1353) said:
I was returning to work after visiting the pharmacy. I had called my doctor to inquire how to
take one of the medications prescribed, when I was told I had an irregular mammogram
reading of my right breast and I needed to schedule a diagnostic exam. The entire time I
was on the phone, there was a hawk perched on a lamp post looking at me through a
window 4 stories high. I was in the parking structure. It was an awesome sight, but then I
wondered if this may be a message regarding my health. Can you share any insight? Any
guidance is welcome and well received.
Lisa A.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1353#respond)
on November 16, 2012 at 1:03 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1412) said:
I was out in my back yard and I was shooting at targets and a young hawk just as I was
about to take a shot flew in front of my sights and landed on the roof about 10 feet away it
looked to the side and I said hello it looked as if it nodded at me then flew away. I was
wondering if there was any significance to this?
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1412#respond)
on November 16, 2012 at 8:44 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1414) said:
Ive been hearing and seeing hawks now for months close to all summer I believe. I hit
one the other day with the car but couldnt find him when I swung back around poor thing
I really felt bad. I would have taken him to the wildlife shelter. ll the banks look the same
on a long, long road. Reading this piece, I was comforted that I am on the right track in my
life. I see many areas surrounding what is happening with me lately thank you!
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1414#respond)
on November 16, 2012 at 10:37 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1416) said:
I live in a second floor condo in the middle of town. Over the weekend while cleaning I
heard a loud noise like something large had fallen. I investigated to find nothing and went
about my work. A little while later out of the corner of my eye I see a hawk on my balcony
deserately trying to get up and over the railing, but because the balcony is framed in
glass the hawk keeps trying to fly through it rather up and over. The hawk seems a bit
exhaused and actually seems to be looking at me for help. (im now wondering if the loud
bang I heard earlier was the hawk hitting the window) I took a shovel that was near by and
put it out before him. He hopped on the end.and I lifted him up and over the railing and he
was able to fly off. He circled a half circle looked right at me let out a big glorious cry
before flying away. This is the first time I have ever had a bird of any kind on my balcony
never mind a hawk. I wonder what this could mean. I would welcome any insight.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1416#respond)
on November 17, 2012 at 1:12 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1436) said:
I just had a hawk run into my car and was killed! Please help me make sense of this .
Thank you.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1436#respond)
on November 18, 2012 at 7:45 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1446) said:
I was hit by a young buck the other night. 1 minute or so prior, I had thought to myself that I
had better slow down because it was so dark that a deer could jump out without me
seeing it. I was already breaking and was doing 40 when all of sudden he was there and
even he realized there was going to be impact. A split second before, we made eye
contact and he lowered his head for impact. We were both fine as he ran away
afterwards and there was no blood anywhere thankfully. My car wasnt fine, but that was
ok. The next day I had pulled into a parking lot and when I got out, the car next to me had
a falcon sitting on the luggage rack, I didnt think it was real but after we stared at each
other for a couple of minutes he flew away. I dont know what to think of this activity! It was
very strange, especially the falcon incident. Any thoughts?
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1446#respond)
on November 25, 2012 at 5:28 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1489) said:
For the last week i have been seeing all sorts of hawks while driving to work. Mostly red-
tailed hawks, but today i saw a Bald Eagle just sitting in a tree. What are they trying to tell
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1489#respond)
on November 29, 2012 at 8:18 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1510) said:
Im a long distance runner and during my daily jog, a Hawk flew up from behind a
concrete wall in my city neighborhood where there was a small field and construction
going on, perched itself on top and just looked around. The Hawk was very close to me
and unafraid of my presence. I came to a halt, and just stood in awe of what Im seeing
and how close this Bird of Prey was to me! The Hawk spread its wings and moved over
a bit on the wall and just looked around (3minutes total) and flew down the back side of
the wall to finish hunting, so I began to finish my run. Hawks are common here in Texas
and I see them all the time but NEVER this close.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1510#respond)
on November 29, 2012 at 4:33 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1513) said:
Author, will you or anyone else please tell me what you thinnk of this? I dreamed there
was a hawk in a tree with a large baby hawk on its back. There was a biologist there who
wanted to relocate the chicks. I advocated for waiting a couple of more weeks so that
chick could mature. In the dream, I walked right up to the hawks and was surprised they
let me. My 17 year old son is about to go to college and also just starting to drive, so I
think this is related to that. I pay close attention to birds in my awake life, but have never
felt connected to hawks. Is it a warning, or a change is good message? Thank you!
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1513#respond)
on November 30, 2012 at 5:58 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1528) said:
I love the definition of the hawk and also of the wolf. Your site is the first Ive come across
that actually makes more sense. So thank you for that. My main animal totem is the Hawk.
The first time Ive really took notice was a about 4yrs ago, I was having some issues and I
was heartbroken and I didnt know how to deal with it. I had taken my daughter to school
one morning and I was driving home and I started crying and couldnt stop. I was driving
on a rural road so hardly anyone was on the road. I guess I was going like 15miles on a
40miles zone. All of the sudden I look up in front of me is a hawk, slowing flying on top of
me. I stopped crying and just smiled, I was filled with calm and peace. She was guiding
me home. From then on anytime Im feeling sad or something isnt going right, she shows
up to let me know that everything is going to be ok. Im right here to guide you home
always Ill alwys be by your side. I used to live in Colorado and Im from Arizona. So
anytime I drove back to AZ there would be at least 5 black hawks that would fly home with
me. It is awesome. My main hawk is the red-tail hawk, she just showed up again (she
knew I needed her medicine) here in the city just recently and I love them dearly. They
even helped me find a new place to live. Im so grateful for thier guidance. Thank you for
letting me share.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1528#respond)
on December 3, 2012 at 11:54 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1560) said:
My fianc and I got into a huge argument the other day and ended our relationship. Last
night him and I were talking and declared our love for each other still but we are both
nervous well never be the same. Today while I was listening to music and thinking about
the what ifs when a heard a loud thud against my window. I went out to investigate and
saw a hawk sitting on my fence and I live in town it stayed and we watched each other for
awhile. It was an amazing and heart opening experience!
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1560#respond)
heather robinson
on December 5, 2012 at 7:55 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1580) said:
im part native american, my grandma is full. i live in the city, just two blocks from the main
street. a hawk flew into my living room window. when i went to see what hit my window
and seen it was a hawk since it was on the roof a few feet from the window, it turned its
head and just stared at me. what are the odds, i feel it looked right into me, my soul. and
i cant seem to shake it was for a reason. what could this be??
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1580#respond)
on December 17, 2012 at 12:24 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1655) said:
Hello first thank u for taking the time to help us all understand what the hawk represents in
out life. Ive lived in California for 3 1/2 yrs now. About 1 1/2 ago I was sitting at the park by
my house in deep thought and confusion and this hawk landed above my head on a street
light and stared at me for a long period of time I knew that it was a powerful sign but didnt
know what.. I would go running in the morning sometime and I would see it glide above
me. One afternoon I went to a open field to just clear my thoughts and I saw a hawk
allowing the wind to guide it. The hawk just glided in the air for about 20 -30 mins in the
same area. It was amazing. last month I saw a hawk glide across the highway when I was
getting off an exit the hawk glided really close to my car. Every so often when I walk out to
my car I see the hawk in front of me on the street light across the street.. Today when I
was leaving to work my neighbor was outside and said to me that hawk has been sitting
on the street sign and facing us directly. I laughed and told her it was my guardian angel A
while back ago I was meditating and I saw a vision of human like guardian warriors
morphing into hawks and eagles.. I was in need of clarity and went on a jog and a little
bird flew across about 10 inches above me. I have a co-worker that said that when a bird
is not afraid to fly near you its because you have a good or pure spirit. Am I going
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1655#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 10:09 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-3323) said:
You are going sane, keep paying attention to the raptors. And what else would
you do with someone who keeps trying to be your friend, except say Hi to them
if you appreciate and enjoy their company?
Remember, Hawk can see. You can make subtle finger motions to gently say
hi without sending too much power out of the center of your palm, and startle it
The outward expressions of our thoughts and feelings are only the means of
communications, the actual words are inside. This is how man speaks with
flora and fauna. Focus on whatever you wish to communicate with your hawk,
then make a subtle finger, hand, face, ot head motion.
Hawk sees, he will understand your intent.
From there, learn his silent language of wings. Remember, he is a prince and
a king in the sky.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3323#respond)
CJ (http://Google-allotems.com)
on December 17, 2012 at 1:42 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1660) said:
Over the past few years Ive had multiple strange encounters with hawks. It all started with
a pair of hawks that lived in my yard (bordering on woods). They hung out on the elctrical
wires and on one occasion one of them flew to three different windows in my house,
following me from room to room. He hovered at each window for a while and then flew off.
It was really exciting for me, as I had really come to enjoy watching them around my yard.
After some months they disappeared and I miss seeing them outside.
Since then, while running Ive been attacked by a hawk on three occasionsliterally
buzzing (hitting) my head, swooping and coming back to buzz me multiple times so that I
ran for cover, and on one occasion someone ran to assist me.
What do I make of this?
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1660#respond)
CJ (http://Google-allotems.com)
on December 17, 2012 at 1:44 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-1661) said:
Also, what do I make of finding a dead white owl in my yard?
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1661#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 10:25 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-
and-totem/#comment-3325) said:
The white owl and red hawk are brothers. You may not have caused
the death of owl but you are responsible for restoring the balancing.
White Owl asks this of you Red Hawk demands this of you.
This will remain with you the rest of your days until you make peace
with your totem and build a home for White Olw to return to then
Red Hawk will mind your personal space again.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3325#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 10:19 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-3324) said:
Build an owl box high in your neighborhood. A barn owl will move in and
balance your hawks.
These hawks are asking for your help to heal their local land. You are not
paying attention and you frustrate your hawk tutors.
Remember, you talked to them first, you asked them a question. This is their
answer. Would you try to change such an ancient spirit?
Let your birds fly, share your sky. Oh, and people like to be treated better like
this too.
Those windows work both ways and are natures opportunity to safely look at
you. Remember the birds and the bees. If you see more than two, there must
be a nest nearby. They want to make sure that you will not disturb their young.
I would pay attention and assure them that you are at peace and will cause
them no harm inside your spirit.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3324#respond)
on December 18, 2012 at 5:26 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1672) said:
I was driving on I95 South Maryland with my Children when suddendly I saw a hawk flying
towards my vehicle. I thought okay birds of the air, it will fly away. Instead, the hawk hit the
side mirror of my vehicle. My side mirror closed and bread and the outer cover of the side
mirror fell off. The hawk was dead by the road side. I do not undersatand the meaning of
Thank you.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1672#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 10:33 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-3326) said:
Any time a raptor throws itself to abandon in front of a person, the spirit of the
bird fathers are asking you to slow down in life and remember that all death is
avoidable in the spiritual sky.
You were chosen to help that one hawk transition, do this in your night dreams.
Beyond that this is your wake up call to talk with your children about death,
spirit, immortality, and loving charity.
All is balanced, build an owl box high in a tree. White Owl will move in during
the night and call his brother Red Hawk to live again during the day.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3326#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 10:52 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-
and-totem/#comment-3328) said:
Never assume anything about the sky. You have a duty to life to
watch out for the weaker spirits like the hawk. You must give the
bird a clear sky to fly in or it will only end up colliding with this hard
temporal world.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3328#respond)
on December 18, 2012 at 10:35 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1676) said:
I forgot to mention that I lost my baby brother to death on the 13th of August 2012, and on
the 10th of September 2012 my 2 years old son was drowned in the swimming pool. On
Sunday the 16th of December 2012, my friends daughter dreamt that she saw me
weeping at the hospital over the death of a man she calaim was close to me. Though she
could not see the face of the dead man. Remember my encounter with the hawk was on
the 15th of December, 2012.Please help me. ThanksMartina
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1676#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 10:47 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-3327) said:
Understand the immortality of Spirit. Your totem is reminding you of what you
posses, fantastic perception -hawk eye, if only you would liven up yourself and
look around. Take your time in the real world or all you will see is death.
Remember, if you were driving cautious and looking out for others, would you
have breaked for the hawk?
How did your child get to the pool? Where were your strong eyes? You have
strong hawk eyes, strong hawk Heart. Use them to see more, know more,
preserve more. Its ok, you are ok sister.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3327#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 11:00 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-
and-totem/#comment-3329) said:
I know that you see how that hawk is still with you in spiritual form,
the Great Sky Father has allowed this one hawk to sacrifice itself
on your path to show you how all of your loved ones still live on
spiritualy after experiencing temporal death.
See the hawk spirit in your minds eye, see your beloved dead. See
how neither the hawk or your beloved dead hold any bitterness
towards you because of their present state of being. See their
peace, forgiveness, love, and charity.
See that They chose this destination, to help you on your eternal
spiritual path. You did not choose their fate and not have prevented
any of their deaths. They chose to die in your sight, so that you may
see life from here on, and choose life eternally.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3329#respond)
on December 21, 2012 at 3:13 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1706) said:
Today at dawn I was in bed playing lazy and pretending to stay in bed for a while while a
loud screech in my window called me. It was very automatic so I didnt realise it was an
animal but someone calling me. So I go to the 27th floor window and open it and the
hawk stopped crying and flew towards the sun. I started my prayers afterwards. It is funny
because a lot of changes and challenges are ahead changing country and job.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1706#respond)
on December 21, 2012 at 4:14 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1707) said:
I saw the saddest thing today. I was riding with my friend and we were chatting and
laughing. I hadnt seen her for awhile and bumped into her at the store. It was an amazing
coincidence because toI needed a ride home and poof there she was. She made a
wrong turn and I mentioned it and we laughed.
We drove a little ways to find a turn around spot and I saw a hawk flying down toward the
road then back up to the sky. It did this several times. All conversation stopped as I was
distracted wondering what was that about. We came over a rise in the road and another
hawk was dead in the road. I got goosebumps and asked my friend to be careful not to hit
it. The silence brought about by that sight was powerful and I felt so sad for that hawk in
the road. The feeling that Id been delivered a message or saw an omen was also
As I thought about what could that mean I realized that I had been seing a lot of hawks
lately. Earlier in the week I went out on to the porch to have my morning tea and smoke
one flew by and landed in the trees about 50 feet away. Ive seen him sitting in the trees
several times since then. I have 2 big dogs who run free and another guest dog who is
also large and that hawk just sat there in the tree while the dogs ran all around on more
than one occasion. Also earlier in the week I saw another dead hawk in the road.
I read through your site and found some insite- I wonder if you could offer some additional
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1707#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 11:08 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-3330) said:
More than one dead means your neighborhood needs to be strengthened.
Build an owl box so Red Hawks brother White Owl may come and restore
order to the night. Then the land will be strong for the Red Hawk in the day.
We are stewards, husbands, and helpers of the land. These two deaths are
your first assignment from the sky.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3330#respond)
on December 23, 2012 at 6:49 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1719) said:
Hi. I would like some insight on the Hawk and Eagle. Nearly everywhere I go or lived, I
see these birds. I have lived in about 8 different US States and there was the bird(s). I
pray often and I feel as though I have a strong connection with the Lord, and God. I do mt
best to try to practice my christianity. Does this mean anything. Other people I know have
made comments on this because it has become increasingly obvious to even them. Can
anyone offer me some insight/ meaning to this significance. I appreciate your response.
ALso the other day I watched a hawk in my backyard land on a bird fly away with it and a
few hours later I say a dead bird half eaten in a different spot where the Hawk caught it.
Can anyone tell me what this means? Thank You
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1719#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 11:17 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-3332) said:
Pingback: Hawk meanings | Bestdealsevero
A true priest is also a falconer, watching the raptors not just all birds. Read
everything in your Bible about birds. You will understand the answer you seek.
Some birds are clean, some are unclean by nature. Why? Yes, your hawks
and eagles you see are the same raptors God spoke of when he said,
Wherever there is a carcass, there the raptors will be gathered. And also,
Why look you for the living amongst the dead?
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3332#respond)
Ky Jo
on December 29, 2012 at 1:56 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1758) said:
I am pregnant and due ANY minute now. I was driving north and came to a RR tracks
where I was stopped at a red light. I looked to my right and saw a Hawk flying but was
paused in mid air by flapping its wings ( I hope you can understand what Im describing).
All of a sudden it dove down into the grass field and then dipped back and looked
straight at me. When it dipped back up it perched itself on the tree, looked at me then
looked south. I was hoping you would be able to help interpret this for me.
Thank you kindy
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1758#respond)
on December 29, 2012 at 11:35 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1761) said:
When I was 16 my husband (yes married at 16) found a Hawk with a broken leg, now this
is 29 years ago..anyway he brought it home. He got a big cage and we were nursing
her/him to health. I never liked the idea of keeping the Hawk. Anyway the Hawk would sit
on our hand, shoulder..etc. I have dreams that actually come true, a lot. This was more of
a knowing as I awoke..I told my husband that the Hawk was dead..he said I was crazy..I
said it is dead lets go see..sure enough the Hawk was dead. Prior to this I had seen
Hawks everywhere as a child and I mean everywhereanyway..I do believe that night the
Hawk had spoken to me in my dream. I have always felt a connection since then, and
never knew a thing about spirit animals.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1761#respond)
on December 30, 2012 at 5:02 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1764) said:
I had a very sad experience today. The hawk has come to me many times in my life. I
have always felt that it was providing me a message. Where I live I have hawks visit me.
They however seem to come when it appears to be a message or a feeling of protection.
Today when I returned home I puled into my garage and put the door down. I was
unloading groceries and I heard a large crash off what sounded to be the garage door. I
was at first startled and worried it might be something or someone. I then went outside to
see what it was and found a beautiful hawk laying in my driveway and there was blood. I
was not sure at first if he was dead or not so I wrapped him in a towel and brought him
into the garage. I then realized he was gone. I am so sad. I have a great love for animals
and especially birds and most of all Hawks. I rescue exotic birds and I have always been
drawn to Hawks and Crows. I treasure them and believe they are messengers. Please
help me understand why this has happened. I have thanked him and blessed him, but I
am so torn on the meaning of his death. It seems so weird and out of this world that he
would have even flown into the garage. What message was he telling me?
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1764#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 11:31 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-3336) said:
He is telling you to see beyond the veil of death and into the spiritual. He has
asked to to help him transition from this life, he will in return help you see the
spiritual by showing himself to you in his spiritual form while you rest, meditate,
or dream.
He is reminding you that death is never the end
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3336#respond)
Pedro Martinez (http://facebook.com/TheP.M.ovement)
on January 1, 2013 at 9:11 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1785) said:
I rescued a huge hawk from the middle of a busy intersection, her wing was seriously
injured. I had to put my hazard lights on, jump out there & rescue her. I couldnt just watch
her get hit by another car. After about 10 min of the hawk defending itself, i was finally
able to put her in my car. I drove with the hawk about 5 miles to an emergency animal
hospital. She just sat there and looked at me the whole time. I made it just in time to save
her. She was very vicious at first, but somebody had to step up & save the beautiful hawk,
or just ignore the issue at hand & wait for the worse to happen. What does this mean?.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1785#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 11:36 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-3337) said:
The hawk is your Earth, it is ancient spirit of the sky. You said it yourself,
somebody had to
You are that somebody, applaud yoirself and stay the path of nurture and care.
You did the right thing, but be careful, both the civilized streets and the wild sky
are dangerous. Remain in touch with that peace and strength that saved the
hawk, and you will help lead this world to a better tomorrow.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3337#respond)
on January 2, 2013 at 7:59 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1793) said:
While driving my car, a hawk, carrying a fox squirrel, flew across the road in front of me. It
was only few feet in front of the car, at eye level, and seemed to flying in slow motion, lol.
Wondering what the spiritual meaning of this could be? Thanks for your insight.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1793#respond)
Trever (http://fasebook)
on February 1, 2013 at 6:12 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-2127) said:
Can peaple white hawk spiriht use hawk oil
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=2127#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 11:39 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-3338) said:
The early bird gets the squirrel. No joke, this hawk was boasting to you about
its catch. Learn to acknowledge the personality of every individual bird and
you will hear what each is saying more. Theyre people too and talk for
themselves. He was wishing you happy hunting.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3338#respond)
amanda b
on January 7, 2013 at 7:11 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1814) said:
Okay this is such a strange thing.. today 1/7/13 I took my kids and dog out sledding. All of
a sudden the dog takes off.. I finally see why and its a large bird flying low.. I hit the shock
collar buttons calling her back and she stops. The kids go to check and make sure she
doesnt get the bird. The kids come back holding the bird. I am certain it was a Hawk but
dont want to say anything to the kids. The bird walks up to my hand and we look eye to
eye for a long period I see ruffled feathers on its wing, I softly talk to the bird as I touch its
wing and immediately the bird talks back I tell it, it will be fine and I just need to know is
this where it is hurt. Thinking I need to call my vet. We load the dog take some pictures
with it and the bird is silent. Still not telling the kids its a Hawk. I touch its wing again and it
talks again. I try to give the bird to the kids and it walks up my arm. very kind and gentle
very soft eyes. I then ask it for its wing so I can if the span is there or if there is pain the
bird allows be to open both wings and it puts them back. We take more photos. the Dog
is sticking its head over my seat in the truck and the bird just looks at it. The kids want to
bring it home and I know in my heart its a Hawk but not sure I still say no we better let it go
and if it dont fly then we will take it to the vet so my son takes it (we take another photo)
he does a swoosh with his arm and off flies the bird in perfect flight up to a tree. I post
photos on fb and instantly I am told by several people its a Hawk. I call fish and game they
say since it flew off it will be okay and we did nothing wrong. But my ex was told his
symbol was the Hawk and since we broke up 5 years ago every now and then I see a
Hawk it use to freak me out now I just think of the ex.. But this was way crazy cool.. 10 to
15 minutes with this Female Hawk (I know by the color) walking around on my arm and
my kids too.. anyone wanna give me some insight.. I am part Indian though my great
grandmother was adopted we dont know the tribe we assume French Indian or French
Cherokee if there is such a thing.. I dont know anything about their beliefs but this is
enough to make me thank you
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1814#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 11:47 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-3340) said:
White Owl and Red Hawk are balance in nature, night and day sight and
hearing. All hawks know their mother, you have been their mother since
forever. Your ex was drawn to you for whatever it was you needed from each
other, nothing more. Yes he may have had the spirit of the hawks, but like I
said, the hawks were with you before he was, so ignore him however you wish.
But respect your raptor children. You know Im not talking in fairy tails. You
know your ancestors, the tribe or band is not as important as the Great Spirit.
Read up on all native knowledge of raptors. You already have your answer
within you.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3340#respond)
on January 8, 2013 at 10:07 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1834) said:
I stumbled upon this site while looking up the totem symbol. As I read through some of the
responses, I read an entry by, Chris. It touched me because I too had a similar
experience in Sept. 2010. I was called away from my class to take a call in the principals
office only to learn that my husband was involved in an accident and I need to get to the
hospital as soon as possible. After what seemed an extremely long wait the attending
came and told me my husband has passed. He believed it was a heart attack. It took
several days for me to wrap my head around this devastating news and wanted to visit
the site and the man that tried to help while waiting for the EMT. I took several of my
family and friends to the spot where my husband collapsed and was able to talk to the
gentlemen. During our conversation, the gentlemen stopped and remarked that a hawk
was sitting on the back of my Tahoe. The vehicle was parked next to the area where my
husband was found. I whipped around to see this beautiful and majestic creature looking
at us. I was waiting for a sign that my husband was at peace and the minute I saw this red
tail hawk I knew this was my sign. My husband loved large birds of prey and the hawk was
his favorite. Whenever he saw a hawk hovering he would point out the bird. After this
sighting, I was visited for several days by a hawk, once perched in the tree out in front of
my home and once again on a neighbors home the day of my husbands funeral. I have
found great peace in this beautiful and graceful bird. I have hawks all around my
classroom that my students made in honor of my husband. Thank you for site.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1834#respond)
on January 9, 2013 at 2:55 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1841) said:
Yesterday a saw a bird fall from the sky and land on a lawn chair outside. I went outside
because he did not get up and fly away immediately. He was obviously injured as he let
me come close. I grabbed a towel and picked him up to inspect his wings for injury. After
not noticing anything wrong, and him not appearing to recover back to full activity I
grabbed a box and brought him inside to call an animal rescue place. I noticed as I was
on hold that he was sort of aloof and not really aware like before. His eyes stared right
through me and it was unaware of my presense. It was weird but I had a feeling he was
going to die. Sure enough, a few minutes later he had some convulsions, went limp, and
passed away. I felt some really weird connection with this bird and wonder of the meaning
of my path crossing with the hawk and me being present for when its spirit left its body.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1841#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 11:52 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-3341) said:
The meaning of you being present at its death, is that you were present! You
were fully in the now in the moment when nature made its natural transition.
You still see the hawk spiritually, whenever they choose to die in the presence
of a person, they are showing the immortality of spirit.
Always remember what you felt and experienced and you will understand it
more every day.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3341#respond)
Angela (http://butterflyeffect-meditation.com)
on January 10, 2013 at 3:22 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1846) said:
In the last few weeks there has been a hawk sitting on the building right behind my house
in the morning time and through out the day time. I read what it represents and can
completely connect with how it connects with me. Is it normal to have a hawk show up
everyday? Does the fact that it is there every day, just facing me when I come outside
have another meaning?
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1846#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 11:53 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-3342) said:
Ask the hawk, it will answer better than anyone here
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3342#respond)
on January 10, 2013 at 3:27 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1852) said:
Im not really into all these, but my recent encounters with several hawks got me thinking. I
walk around a lot. And last night on my way home, a hawk flew about 10 feet from me.
And anither a few days ago. Right above my head. Is there any meanung to it?
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1852#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 11:56 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-3343) said:
The meaning is that you already chose to be into this reality, birds and all.
Honor their individuality and spirit and they will respect your personal path.
Since you do not acknowledge them as they know themselves to truly be, they
want to take a closer look at you to see if you are a threat to their peace or not.
Make them a friend and ally, you will never regret it.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3343#respond)
on January 12, 2013 at 10:38 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1875) said:
Hello, yesterday I stepped outdoors and instantly spotted the old red cardinal that has
been around the house for many years, sitting on a backyard fence behind which is
field/woods. At that almost split second what looked to be a juvenile hawk or peregrine
falcon swooped in and caught the cardinal, dragging it to the ground pitiful cries
insued, the hawk left with himwas upsetting to see. The friend who owns the house was
very upset because she thinks the bird was her past partner in life. There are a mated
pair of hawks that have been here a long time, but this one looked smaller. This morning
at the birdfeeder there was a juvenile red cardinal.
Can you give me some possible analysis of what all of this could mean?
We believe strongly in animal guides. Also, the house is on land previously inhabited by
Native Americans(Tennessee); I found part of a spearhead 2 days ago on a hillside by
the house-I took it to show my friend and put it back after the bird incident. Thank you for
any insight you can give me.
Ive enjoyed reading this blog, fascinating!
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1875#respond)
on January 12, 2013 at 11:01 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-1876) said:
I forgot to mention that last night a bat was inside the garage flying around,
and everytime I opened the door it made a beeline to get in,,, there are bats
that have lived around the house for years.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1876#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 11:59 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-3344) said:
Circle of life is unavoidable and the more we accept it the more we can see
past it and into the eternity of spiritual life.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3344#respond)
on January 14, 2013 at 10:14 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1889) said:
I saw a hawk this morning while I was having breakfast sitting on a tree outside. I pointed
him out to my husband (we are currently separating). We looked at him for a while and
then he flew away. Isnt rare for them to come so close to people? The tree was very short
and directly outside my dining room window. Is it significant that it was so close?
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1889#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 12:01 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-3345) said:
It is asking and wondering why you two are separating because that is unusual
behavior for mates of his nature.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3345#respond)
on January 15, 2013 at 8:26 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1903) said:
Hi, I just saw what I think is a hawk and took a picture of it. I was coming off an off ramp
which comes to a stop light. As I stopped, it flew down and landed right on the wrong
way sign (ironically), very close to my car. I had time to take the pic and edited it, it looks
awesome. I am still unsure if its a hawk. I *think* it is. I have been going thru a lot mentally,
with grief in particular, wanting to find time to start meditating. I am not so much trying to
make an important decision in my life though right now. Im all about positive change, and
becoming more spiritual, an all around better person. It kinda freaks me out that the hawk
was on the wrong way sign, however, the sign WAS facing the opposite way of me, so
maybe that experience was actually positive (trying to be optimistic here). Any thoughts
appreciated. Would love to share the photo.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1903#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 12:04 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-3346) said:
Of couse it was positive! Remeber, Hawk sees. So it was showing you that
you are already on the Right way if you keep going forward. The wrong way is
behind you. Take self assurance in your goals. As one draws nearer to God,
God draws nearer to you.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3346#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 12:13 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-
and-totem/#comment-3348) said:
You seem very enthusiastic and motivated to reply to readers
inquiries but youve left no email address so you can in turn be
notified of responses.
Also, in your email to me you did not use a valid address.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3348#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 12:17 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-
meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-3349) said:
I wish to remain anonymous so readers are not
distracted from the falcons. I am just a messenger who
has made brothers with White Owl and Red Hawk.
I can say nothing that they cant say better themselves
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3349#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 12:21 pm
totem/#comment-3351) said:
No problem. If youd like to correspond, or
moderate for comments in the future, feel free
to email me using the contact form.
Thank you for the energy youve expended on
behalf of the readers!
Dawn (http://allotems.com/hawk-spiritmeaningsymbolsandtotem)
on January 20, 2013 at 1:17 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-1974) said:
I have seen hawks everyday where ever i go and also hawk always sit on the tree in my
back yard..
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=1974#respond)
on January 25, 2013 at 10:10 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-2055) said:
This info has helped me out on a lot of insight of my life right now. Since June of last year I
have seen dragon flies everywhere I was going. Then it gradually extended to rabbits,
then spiders, and then it got really interesting when I had two visits of an owl, both at my
house. Once the owl landed on my mail box during the day around 5:00pm. Then again
another time in the evening when I pulled in the drive way, I noticed it on my roof top!
Afterward a little time passed and I started seeing hawks everywhere I went. What could
all this be meaning?
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=2055#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 12:08 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-3347) said:
As you acknowledge nature, nature reveals itself in its balanced calm state.
This means wherever you are doing, keep doing it! It is your peace that is
drawning in the flora and fauna to your spirit. Keep your peace and the wild will
eat out of your hand and let you pet it.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3347#respond)
on January 25, 2013 at 8:37 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-2059) said:
My hawk experiences began two years ago when a hawk started appearing in our
backyard eating birds who came to our feeders. The first time it happened, I came home
mid-meal. Last month I was on the way to a friends funeral. I was to give the eulogy and I
was very nervous and very sad. Almost to the church and sitting at a stop light, out of no
where, a hawk swooped into the median, caught a mouse and then flew into the tree next
to my car to begin eating it. I dont live in a rural aware; Im in the suburbs of Boston, but
nearly every day I see at least one hawk. Its been escalating, however. Yesterday I saw
four within a 45 minute drive and today I saw 6 within a 30 minute drive! Im begining to
think I need to get the message soon or my life is going to resemble a Hitchcock film!!
Your website has very much helped me begin to process the potential messages thank
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=2059#respond)
Resa (http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/)
on January 29, 2013 at 8:18 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-2097) said:
I have been seeing a hawk lately, almost every I am driving. Generally it is sitting in a tree
near the road or at the top of telephone pole. It usually lands near the road where I am
driving and that can be either a side road or a busy interstate. This has been going on for
months now. I decided to look it the meaning of the hawk and found your website. I kept
having the feeling that the hawk was protecting me, but now Im thinking it is sending me
a message, but I am tooI dont know, I guess Im not getting the message.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=2097#respond)
Pingback: Hawk Spirit Meaning, Symbols, and Totem | wanders re-awakening
on February 1, 2013 at 2:57 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-2131) said:
I have had many encounters with hawks throughout my life. I never thought much of it until
recently. As a child, we had a nest of Kestrel hawks in the Joshua tree in our back yard.
So, they were always around. One day, I heard a commotion and i went outside to see
what it was. One of our dogs had a hawk cornered and was fighting it. I didnt even think
twice, I walked over and got in between the two animals and grabbed the hawk. Its talons
sunk into my hand and wrist immediately, but I didnt let it go. I took it into the house and
set it loose in the bathroom until the dog could calm down. I later got a pair of leather
gloves and set it loose back into the yard. On a vacation in Cabo San Lucas, a kestrel
hawk flew onto our balcony and just looked at us for a while before it flew away. I moved
to the east coast and currently live in Washington DC where i hear and see hawks flying
overhead daily. An adult Coopers hawk perched in a tree outside my dining room
window last thanksgiving and stayed there throughout dinner. Yesterday as I was waiting
for a bus in Dupont Circle, I heard a hawks cry and I looked up. What looked to me to be
a juvenile Coopers Hawk was flying straight towards me. We looked each other in the
eye, and before he collided with me he flew over my head and went into the tree behind
me, then flew away. A friend of mine suggested this might be an omen, which is how i
stumbled upon this site. I was wondering what the community and the author might think
of these experiences, and if it is the spirit world trying to tell me something maybe offer
some guidance in the right direction to focus my attention.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=2131#respond)
on February 2, 2013 at 7:31 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-2137) said:
I was hoping to find some answers about what I have experienced for almost 20 years
now. I have had so many encounters with hawks, that I always sense when they are
around. The first encounter I was actually attacked by a hawk, and now I am so afraid of
them. They are beautiful though!!! after that first encounter, hawks seem to always fly
close too me, or land right near me, and stare at me. I just dont understand it.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=2137#respond)
on February 3, 2013 at 1:35 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-2150) said:
Could someone please help me? There has been a beautiful black hawk spending time
on a line in my yard everyday for the last few months. At first I was the only one that was
able to see it when ever someone else came in or stood by the window it would leave.
Now it stays there, its not leaving like it use to. I cant help that this means something on a
deeper level but I have no clue.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=2150#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 9:49 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-3321) said:
Read the above totem. What does your hawk remind you of? Remember their
power is ancient.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3321#respond)
Pingback: Tradition, Ritual and Finding Meaning Laura Bruno's Blog
on February 6, 2013 at 10:30 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-2183) said:
The last couple of months have been extremely stressfull with family issues. Yesterday as
I was driving to work I looked up to the sky to see a gorgeous red tail hawk, being
harrassed by about 8 crows. The crows were swooping and diving towards the hawk.
During this assault the hawk was evading and dodging there attacks with such grace and
ability. I stopped to see who else notice this spectacle but everyone seemed to not notice
going on as nothing was happening. Later that night the same red tail visited me while out
back at work it was preying on a dove but missed its meal for it noticed me and became
side tracked. As I stood in awe as it sat perched on the 10 foot fence it turned to me. It
looked straight at me did the bow which birds do. Then in a blink of an eye the hawk
swooped down passing within inches of me about 4 feet off the ground whisped past me.
We shared a look it was like I could of reached out and touched him. Then I excitedly
turned in amazement just in time to see him miss another prey. Then perch in a tree
giving me another nod then swooping down behind a building to catch dinner.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=2183#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 9:10 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-3317) said:
You did not realize how you helped him with the crows. He was thanking you.
When human attention is focused on wild birds, their behavior changes no
matter how high in the sky. Your attention distracted the crows and made them
afraid that you were the hawks friend.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3317#respond)
on February 6, 2013 at 5:18 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-2186) said:
I am a locomotive engineer and today while operating my train a retail hawk flew right into
me train. It was a horrible feeling because I love wildlife and to see it end in such a
sudden matter is not a good feeling. I hope nothing bad comes of this because it was not
my intention to harm this beautiful bird.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=2186#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 9:05 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-3316) said:
No harm came to the hawk, it was sent to show you how life will transform itself
on its own will and to explain how death is not evil
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3316#respond)
on February 7, 2013 at 4:07 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-2191) said:
Thank you for this information, it was the best page I found yet! My hawk story: I leave my
back door open for my dogs to go in and out during the day. On wednesday, a red tail
hawk flew into my house, and landed on top of my tv cabinet! I knew it was something
special a BIG sign I wasnt really thinking at the time, but of course, I took pictures of
it sitting there first; then, I bumped its chest with my finger as I was taught to do with birds,
and it let me. It climbed onto my finger then flew off. It was not someones pet, just a young
hawk. I escorted him out of the house and then meditated on it. The next day, I was really
expecting to see it come in again (for whatever reason), but I left on a three hour bike ride
with a friend. We stopped at a heavily treed area (Los Patios, here in San Antonio, TX) to
have some lunch, and whaddya know another hawk landed RIGHT on the branch in front
of me, and sat watching us eat! TWO hawk messages, one right after the other? Wow! A
shaman friend of mine set up a session for me that coming sunday, to better learn what
the message was. Earlier in the day on that Sunday, I was riding my bike along one of my
favorite roads, looked up in the sky and saw 2 red tail hawks! I mean, WTF! They circled
me twice, then took off north. I am amazed, grateful, and honored to have had this
experience. The first hit I got wass that the hawks were sent by my mom and dad (both
recently passed). I tell you what I am paying attention! Any insight youd like to give, I am
open to receiving. Thanks for letting me share, and thanks again for the great info.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=2191#respond)
on February 7, 2013 at 4:09 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-2192) said:
Apologies for the many spelling errors I was typing excitedly.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=2192#respond)
Barbara (http://bmumma@me.com)
on February 8, 2013 at 3:21 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-2195) said:
I I have owned land for 43 years that I have considered myself a steward of rather than an
owner. Yesterday I was walking the fields which I have in conservation to see where a
surveyor had marked the propertiy lines as I have decided to pass the batton to the next
steward of this land (the majority is in conservation). A calm came over me and I looked
to the sky to see something I have never seen before over 70 hawks riding the thermals. It
was magnificent.I watched them for 10 minutesminutes. Unbelievably correographed and
fluid. I came home and googled hawk. Thank you for this information.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=2195#respond)
on February 13, 2013 at 10:33 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-2274) said:
Whenever I am walking around outside, or leaving a building, there always seems to be a
hawk that flies over my head and lands on a tree. It happens every time that I am out and
around. Does that mean anything in particular? I once had 2 hawks follow me home
above my head. Can you expound on that? What would that mean?
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=2274#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 9:55 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-3322) said:
You are asking too many questions, you already know what the hawks mean.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3322#respond)
on February 14, 2013 at 12:08 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-2280) said:
We moved to a new house this past Friday evening, and we werent able to do much on
Friday night after the movers left other then make the bed and go to sleep. On Saturday
am, we had to run out to pick up our cat who was being boarded for 2 days while we
completed the move and closing. When we returned with our cat after being out for about
an hour, we came home to a pair of hawks circling above our house.
We have lots of hawks in our area (there are woods and fields all over this region of PA).
The house we bought was empty for about 9 months before we moved in. It was amazing
to see them check us out.
Pingback: The Hawk | trinutritionista
As soon as we got in the door, we brought the cat up to our bedroom, shut the door and
hungout with him for a while so he could adjust to the new place. My husband and I, were
laying in our bed and talking, when we noticed the hawks were perched in the tree closest
to the house, directly across from the window, just sitting there, really watching us.
The hawks stayed for about an hour, just observing us. It felt as if it was their way of
getting to know us and welcoming us to the neighborhood. I am thrilled we got the hawk
eyes on us, it was very peaceful and spirtual. (we even followed up the hawk watch with
smuding the house, feeling very cleansed right now)
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=2280#respond)
Nancy Brown
on February 17, 2013 at 2:44 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-2300) said:
I have had several incidents lately involving hawks. I live in a suburbon housing
development. I have seen the hawk(s) on my fence and in my yard. One day it was just
standing in the middle of the front yard just looking at the house. When I saw it, it didnt fly
away instantly, our eyes met for a second, then it flew. I seem to notice hawks in trees or
flying a lot. I was up at 3:00am this morning when I heard a squealing noise in the front
yard. When I moved the blind to look, I saw something fly away and the noise stopped. I
went outside with a flashlight, but found nothing in the area of the noise. Is the hawk trying
to get my attention? I have read the hawk symbolizes a need for higher perspective. Do
hawks hunt at night? I appreciate your help. Thank you. Peace.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=2300#respond)
on February 17, 2013 at 6:47 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-2301) said:
Alright Ive on two occasions seen a pair of hawks mating. Whats the spiritual
significance of that? Ive asked a few other people and they dont really know but they
believe its of great importance.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=2301#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 12:19 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-3350) said:
As long as falcons fly free in the sky, there is no need to worry at home.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3350#respond)
on February 25, 2013 at 2:34 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-2475) said:
Feb 25, 2013
I have been seeing Hawks everywhere latelywhen Im driving , when Im walking, they
seem to come very close to me so that I can see them very clearly..this has been
happening for several months but seems to have increased in the last few months. Do
you have any insight on this.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=2475#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 9:41 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-
totem/#comment-3320) said:
Come close to them, inside.
According to the locals, the red tail hawk and the barn owl are natures
expression of balance and harmony between the spirit rhelms. Both birds can
be found out and active any time of day or night but the hawk rules the day and
the owl the night.
They are the only two species of raptors that share hunting and breedng
territory. Hawk has great vision to see beyond the glare of midday sun and owl
has great hearing to listen beyond the dark veil of night. Hawk eats daytime
vermin like serpents, owl eats nighttime vermin like rats.
If you see redtail, think of his cousin the ghost owl, when you see ghost owl
think of his brother redtail.
Without redtail and ghost owl, vermin serpents and pestilence flourish. Wave
at red tail flying high, he will wave back. Whistle to ghost owl veiled in the night,
she will sing back.
The locals say, As long as the raptor flies free in the skies, there is no need to
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3320#respond)
on March 3, 2013 at 10:32 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-2552) said:
I had a dream astral theyve happened .
It was a long one
In brief I was in a place a bird had built a nest near people there were chicks in the
nest . A woman tried to take the nest birds flew. I tried to hell bird he was big. I
showed him the door out, but seizing there was no ceiling stopped . Walked into old
street. The bird now clearer as a hawk comes to sit on my right hand I feel its gallons
then another does the same on my left hand. I see the talons but not afraid.
I sense my wife is near sat you take this picture.
From my left a man walks along side me. He tells me of of many things past
encounters, my true name and a bit more.
I must say I was a white eagle a long time ago now more a hermit. Im 45 English, live
in holland . I have an understanding with birds, mostly blackbirds and a robin
Sounds insane I know,
Ideas welcome
Now Ive got to bookmark this site in case anyone replies. Mmmmm
Email, if u have some ideas Im not dangerous ! Just English lol
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=2552#respond)
on March 7, 2013 at 11:37 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-2714) said:
No replies then, but thanks to admin for removing my email address any gurus out
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=2714#respond)
on March 13, 2013 at 7:00 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-2868) said:
I was walking in and I came across a dead Hawk on the pavement its wings completely
fanned out like it was flying there was also a dead mouse next to it. Above the dead hawk
there was another hawk pearched on the telephone pole screaming it went on for over an
hour. It was like the Hawk was screaming for the loss of the other hawk. I had seen these
two hawks all the time while I was out walking in the months before. After that day I found
the dead hawk I would walk by it and the other hawk was still perched above on the pole
would let out screach every once in a while. The other hawk was there for several days
and then it was done as the body of the dead hawk decayed away.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=2868#respond)
on March 19, 2013 at 3:39 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-3171) said:
One of my first experiences with a hawk was shortly before my dad died January 2012. I
came outside and heard a hawk cry and went straight into a vision. Next thing I know I
was with a woman in full Native Ceremonial Garb in a huge field in Oklahoma. Which is
interesting because I have never been to Oklahoma. I warned my dad because I have
never had an experience like that before and I knew that it was beautiful, but I knew my
dad was sick. After that I had tons of dreams with Native Americans in it, every time with
a hidden message. I have not had any visions or dreams since my dad past, but the red
tails remain. Every time Im sad, fighting with my boyfriend, ask for guidance..I see
them everyday. I pay attention but no other signs have been given. Not sure what to make
of it, any thoughts?
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3171#respond)
on March 25, 2013 at 9:39 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-3319) said:
According to the locals, the red tail hawk and the barn owl are natures expression of
balance and harmony between the spirit rhelms. Both birds can be found out and active
any time of day or night but the hawk rules the day and the owl the night.
They are the only two species of raptors that share hunting and breedng territory. Hawk
has great vision to see beyond the glare of midday sun and owl has great hearing to
listen beyond the dark veil of night. Hawk eats daytime vermin like serpents, owl eats
nighttime vermin like rats.
If you see redtail, think of his cousin the ghost owl, when you see ghost owl think of his
brother redtail.
Without redtail and ghost owl, vermin serpents and pestilence flourish. Wave at red tail
flying high, he will wave back. Whistle to ghost owl veiled in the night, she will sing back.
The locals say, As long as the raptor flies free in the skies, there is no need to worry.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=3319#respond)
on April 26, 2013 at 10:08 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-4173) said:
I often walk in this section of Houston that is very old and very beautiful like an oasis in
the desert.It is in the center of the city, where giant mansions are built on either side of
these huge bloulevards. The most beautiful giant pin oak trees not only line the
boulevards but there are also giant medians on both sides of which are also these giant
pin oaks. In the center of the medians a brick pathway has been built for all to walk down.
The occasional magnolia tree lines the way as well. Over the last ten years, the yellow
crested and black crested herons have slowly come to roost, and have finally succeeded
into making it their summer home, their summer rookery. I often see them and collect their
feathers. Almost every day for the last year, I walk through this neighborhood and breathe
and pray. About one month ago, I thought I saw my first falcon fly overhead.
Today for the first time, I couldnt believe my eyes, I saw a red tailed hawk cooling its feet
in a pool of water that had collected along one side of the street. The weather here has
been beautiful- bright, sunny, clear, warm, with perfect breezes- though it was a little a hot
for an April day! I almost didnt recognize the hawk as she (at least I think it was a female)
was not quite mature, but there was no mistaking the markings, the coloring, the beak,
the shape and wingspan (after she flew off) and the tail feathers. She flew off when I tried
to get close so perhaps that is my message? To stop trying so much, stop pushing and
it will come- i.e., just be who I am? Hawk has appeared at different times in my life- in
Egypt with a feather near the place where Moses was drawn out of the water- a feather at
my school when I was having such a hard time (and then things got better). Many times I
see a mated pair flying overhead in my neighborhood. I dont know if hawk is my totem,
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for I also find owl feathers, and have seen the occasional eagle and recently falcons (they
have shorter wingspans and different markings). I am drawn to so many animals like a
mother, how can one say one child is more dear to her than the other?
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=4173#respond)
on May 20, 2013 at 7:37 pm(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-4789) said:
I live in a high rise on the water in Florida and have a small 11pound dog-Zeus.
In the past few months I have been very aware of a hawk who has followed us while we
are walking, perched on the building next to us, and once or twice soared toward us while
I was walking my dog. I have been consciously aware of the hawk and watching him from
afar and and a bit afraid that my dog may be in danger on the balcony. Today, the hawk,
who I have noticed a lot in the distance in the last few weeks, was hanging out on the
railing of my balcony. My dog was not home so there was no comotion. I stared at the
hawk thru the glass for a few minutes and he
stared back, strong and deliberate (no fear).He let me take numerous pictures. I must
admit I was a bit scared esp. thinking he would choose to come back and hang on my
balcony and hurt my dog. I pounded on the window and the hawk stared straight at me.
Right before I saw the hawk this morning I was locked in complete indescion about my
entire life and direction. I cant remember a time in my 55 years that I was this confused
and indecisive about what path, spiritual pursuit or retreat to take. When my housekeeper
opened the door and yelled, the hawk flew away.
I admit I was scared. In the past year, when my dad died I had another encounter in
Tuscon where a hawk was soaring above me getting closer and closer and I was alone
on a mountain and had fear. After mom died and I was in the same desert, an Eagle
sored above me for awhile and it felt consoling and beautiful.
Tonight I found your site. Thank you.
What is the hawk trying to communicate to me, and why am I experiencing fear. In many
of the posts, I do not see a lot of fear.
Thank you for any thougths.
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=4789#respond)
on May 24, 2013 at 11:11 am(http://alltotems.com/hawk-spirit-meaning-symbols-and-totem/#comment-4851) said:
What wonderful info on your site. Thank you. I found it while searching for info on a
spectacular dream I had last night. I dreamt that I was walking alone with a hood on in the
opposite direction of a Native American (I have a small amount and have always felt a
connection) and white people procession. Next thing I was jumping into the sky from
above and thought have faith and ended up in a hawk body and powerfully rode the
winds of the sky.
I feel very connected to birds and always try to hear what they are telling me and feel a
strong connection to crows, hawks and blue jays. I live in a concrete jungle now and miss
seeing them on a daily basis.
Do you feel there was anything than the obvious my dream was trying to tell me?
Repl y (/hawk-spi ri t-meani ng-symbol s-and-totem/?repl ytocom=4851#respond)
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Animal Totems
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