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transl study sheet

? Michael Cronin : Translation and Identity, Routledge, 2005

? J. Derrida: On Cosmopolitansim and Forgiveness, On Cosmopolitanism
? St. Vertovec. Transnationalism, Introduction
modes of tr:
Sociocultural: perceptual transformation affecting what can be described as migr
ants orientational bifocality
Political: conceptual transformation of meanings within a notional triad of ident
Economical: institutional transformation affecting forms of financialtransfer, p
ublic-private relationships and local development
? Susan Stanford Friedman. Towards a Transnational turn in Narrative Theor
moving outside the comfort zone, expanding our archives, do not just read non-We
stern narratives
? David Damrosch. World Literature as alternative discourse //OR How to
read World Literature
? Rebecca Walkovitz, Cosmopolitan Style. Modernism beyond the Nation. Intr
oduction and the chapter on Ishiguro
? AZADE SEYHAN- WRITNG OUTSIDE THE NATION- Introduction and the last chapt
considers that, when a fictional text is removed from the specificity of its his
torical and political context, it loses its cultural nuance.
existence of diaspora is connected to cultural memory
translation should not be a full reconstruction or an appropriation, but it shou
ld serve as a medium in which both the original and the language can be seen as
part of a larger language.
? Maria Tymoczko, Postcolonial Writing and Literary Translation in Trivedi a
nd Bassnett,
? The importance of patronage is an important aspect of translations pract
ice: patrons determine the parameters of what is translated and what is publishe
? Another significant element in translations norms is the nature of the a
udience: writing strategies will differ noticeably depending on the audience.
? There is a trend at present to write for an international audience, espe
cially for the American one: writers are influenced by and influence other writer
s from distinct linguistic tradition (for example Faulkner had influenced Marquez
who in turn influences the English writers).
? Talal Asad The Concept of Cultural Translation in Weissbort
? Abraham Rossman and Paula Ruben . Introduction :Translation and Anthropol
ogy in rossman and rubel ,Translating cultures : Perspectives on TraNSLATION AND
Anthropology, Berg, 2003
? Gideon Toury : The Nature and role of Norms in Translation: in L. Venuti
(ed.) The Translators Studies Reader, Routledge , 2002
norms govern translation and they vary across cultures, and at certain times. As
norms change over time, there may be several retranslations of the same text
the translator plays a social role and the translation he creates has a function
in the target culture
initial norm is the general choice made by translators. Initial norms determine
whether the translator will produce his/her translation by considering the norms
of the source culture or the norms of the target culture. To be more specific,
if the norms of the source culture are considered in translation, then the final
product becomes an adequate translation
each translator establishes a different type of equivalence between the target t
ext and the source text
? Andre Lefevere, The Trouble with Interpretation and the role of Rewriting
in an alternative Paradigm in Weissbort
rewritings are often designed precisely to push a given literature in a certain
the literary system and the system of society are open to each other, they influ
ence each other
this control function is shared by two elements, one of which belongs squarely i
n the literary system, whereas the other is to be found outside of that system.
The Wrst element tries to control the literary system from the inside, within th
e parameters set by the second element. The Wrst element is represented by inter
preters, critics, reviewers, teachers of literature, translators.
second control factor, the one which operates mostly outside the literary system
proper, will be called patronage here, and it will be understood to mean somethin
g like the powers (persons, institutions) which help or hinder the writing, readi
ng and rewriting of literature. patronage: economical element, ideological
? Lawrence Venuti, Translation as Cultural Politics: Reimes of Domesticati
on in English in Weissbort.
? Lawrence Venuti, Local Contingencies: Translation and National Identities
in Sandra Berman
? LAwrence Venuti : Translation, Community, Utopia in Venuti , Translation
Cicero-Augustin, p.20-25
Luther ,57-67
French Renaissance, 73-79
English Renaissance , 84-99, 115-123
Goethe and German Romanticism (Schleirmacher), 198-210
Walter Benjamin, 297-310

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