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I. Introduction: The U.S is the Ninth fattest country in the world.

By Ahmed Awad
1. Obesity can ruin your life .
2. Once you become obese it is so hard to lose the weight
3. Obesity is not from just inactivity (list all things that cause obesity)
What is even sadder is that obesity kill more people then starvation does. Obesity is a
global problem and we have to stop it. America needs to learn to eat in moderation.

II. Causes: There are a lot of causes to obesity, according to Dr. Deborah Kotz , a pediatrician
that study obesity, some physical causes of obesity are; (explain each cause in a little bit of
a. Inactivity
b. Unhealthy eating
c. pregnancy
d. Lack of sleep (if you dont sleep enough your appetite will increase)
e. Medical situations
When most people think of the causes they usually just think of physical causes but emotional
causes play a big role to starting obesity. Some emotional causes are;
a. Low self esteem
b. Rejection
c. End in relationship
d. bullying
Another big contributor to obesity that people dont realize is genetics. A lot of obese parents
can pass obesity through their genes
1. 26% of obesity is caused from genetics
2. An obese person is 3 times likelier to have an obese child.
Another cause of obesity is technology; while the world is getting moderate same are people.
1. Cellular devices, computers and television- these devices are keeping us inside and away
from healthy activity which is making us gain more weight.
2. Average person spends about 8 hours on a screen.
The last cause is advertisement these days there are a lot of unhealthy restaurants and fast food
places which can lead to us becoming obese.
a. 80% of fast food places are statically unhealthy to the average person.
b. Commercials and posters can persuade someone to eat unhealthy.
c. In every mile there are 7 fast food places
d. The whooper from burger king has 1,340 calories and thats more calories than the
average person should eat a day
(All facts stated are from Dr. Deborah Kotz a pediatrician that studys obesity
III. Effects: Obesity can cause a lot of effects, and all are dangerous. Some physical effects
According to Charlene Akers a doctor that studies the effects of obesity are; (explain each
effect in a little bit of detail
a. Diabetes f. Cancer
b. Stroke g. Becoming Disabled
c. Heart problems h. Short life expectancy
d. Asthma
e. Hypertension
There are also some emotional effects that come from obesity. Obesity can ruin your life socially and
emotionally. According to Adriel Bettelheim some emotional effects and statistics of obesity are;
(explain each cause with a little bit of detail)
1. 24% of boys and 30% of girls get teased every day because they are over weight
2. In high school 58% of boys and 63% of girls get teased because they are over weight
3. 18% of children in the U.S are obese
4. Children that are obese are 3 times likelier to become obese adults

a. Suicide
b. Getting bullied
c. Low confidence
When it comes to obesity there are also moody and school effects according to Isabelle Tierney
who is a freelance writer for obesity effects, these are some effects. (Explain each effect in a little bit of
a. When you eat something unhealthy too much and you stop eating it for a while you
will feel angry and you would be in a bad mood. (moody effect)
b. When you are already obese and you try to lose the weight it will be much harder
and you will feel like you cant do it and your confidence will be low. (moody effect)
c. When you are obese. Most likely you will not play a sport because you dont have too
much energy.(school effect)
d. Another effect is you may get bullied in school because you are overweight (school
The Last effects obesity can have on you are, economic effects, and death effects of obesity.
According to David Freedom a Doctor that studies obesity, some economic and death effects are;
(explain each effect in a little bit of detail)
a. Medical bills for going to the doctor to discuss your obesity.
b. Homelessness
c. Bankrupt
d. Obesity takes 160,000 lives a year
e. Average obese person cost 30,000 dollars every 2 years to take care of.

IV. Solution : when it comes to obesity there is only one solution, and that is losing
weight, according to Nanci Heimlich a freelance writer that researches obesity,
here are some ways to lose weight;

1. Eat foods with low calories
2. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day
3. Check your weight 2 days a week
4. Exercise with friends or family for encouragement
5. Take the stairs instead of the elevator
6. Jog to close places instead of driving
7. Weight loss camps
8. Count your calories when eating
More ways to lose weight.
1. Get a personal trainer
2. Exercise videos
Medical ways to lose weight
1. Liposuction
2. Gastric bypass
3. Anti-fat Capsules (But have dangerous side effects)
4. Anti-fat pills
Unhealthy diets, what effects that can happen to you if you use these diets
1. Diarrhea
2. Constipation
3. Fatigue
4. Depression
5. Head aches
6. Anorexia
7. Death
What schools can do?
a. Replace snack machines with salad bars
b. Students cant get a lunch unless they have one vegetable and one fruit
(which we do in West high)
c. Remove soda from the school

V. Prevention: There are a lot of ways to prevent obesity, it is not that hard to do these things to
Help you prevent obesity. According to Charlene Akers a doctor that studies obesity and wrote a
book on it, these are some ways to prevent obesity.

1. Jog for 30 minutes day
2. Eat healthy
3. Play a sport
4. Monitor your weight
Programs your kids realize how important it Is to eat healthy and exercise every day and have
lifelong good eating habits
1. Lets move child core
2. achieving state healthy weight program
What parents can do?
a. Try to cook fresh home meals
b. Let your kids eat out every 2 weeks.
c. Parents should also eat healthy with their kids to set a good example for their kids.
d. When you are at the grocery store only let your kids get a healthy snack instead of
candy and only let them get candy once a week.
Websites that can give you tips on eating healthy.
1. cdc healthier.gov
2. worksiteworkability.gov
3. cdcleanworks.gov

VI. Conclusion: The truth is obesity is a global problem that we have to fix, and if we dont it
can change our life in a way we will never imagine. I have told you what the causes of, the
effects , the solution, the prevention of obesity, the little things you do every day can stop
obesity or make it happen for example taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Together
we can stop obesity.

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