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Industry Automation & Drive Technology


SIEMENS say that the secret is never being satisfied with
what you achieved thats what lin!s SIEMENS with high
"erformance culture#$

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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
To remain market leader and technology pace setter in the engineering and
electronic industry by utilizing the high tech engineering expertise of the siemens
group world wide.
A world of proven talent.
Delivering break through innovations.
Giving their customers a unique competitive edge.
nabling societies to master their most vital challenges.
!reating sustainable values.
"roviding quality to their customers at competitive prices for their complete
Generating sufficient earnings to ensure a secure future for the company and to
protect and increase their shareholders# stakeholders investment.
To enhance creativity and $ob satisfaction of their employees by providing
opportunities for personal development% limited only by their own ability and drive.

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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
Doing an internship that leads to the degree of &&A '()*+, is much like a $ourney of exploration
and discovery. Although you may have some idea of where it is you wish to end up% the many rich
experiences and pitfalls along the way are largely unforeseen. -t is certainly an experience that -
would recommend to anyone who believes he#she is capable.
.y own $ourney has been one of learning and self/discovery. During my internship% - have
en$oyed incredibly the process of scaling new heights of professional knowledge% of cutting a trail
where others may have never been% of using and pushing my mind to attack and answer the big
questions. During this $ourney my mind has been refined to a sharpness and focus hitherto
unforeseen to me% and - feel - am now able to wield my mind as a tool% in all situations. This has
allowed me to look within% and understand exactly whom - am. -n addition% my character has
grown and expanded with a wealth of new experiences that have served to polish it.
0irst of all% -n the name of almighty A11A( the most beneficent and merciful% who awarded me
wisdom and strength to accomplish this task.
.y respected boss% .r. 2ia 3r 4eham% .anager &A provided a suitable environment and support
in which - completed this task. (is able leadership allowed me to have a considerable amount of
knowledge and experience regarding -ndustrial Automation 5 Drives Technology '-A5DT,%
+-.*+ "akistan ngineering !ompany 1imited.
- wish to especially thank to the following "ersonalities6
.r.Adeel -qbal% .r. *aveed Alam% .r. 7huram Dildar% .r. 8aleel (aider.
.ost importantly - would like to thank my family for their continued support throughout my
internship. They have always stood by me whenever - felt disappointment% distress and frustration.
9ithout their help% - would have been unable to complete my work. - hope my completion goes
some way to repaying their trust and support.
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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
)ne cannot work on anything exclusively for so long and so hard% without the need for respite. -
have many friends to whom - owe thanks% who have allowed me to relax or lose myself% away
from grindstone.
0inally% there are surely other people who have contributed to this task% either directly or indirectly%
whose names have been inadvertently omitted. To those people% - offer my tacit appreciation and
apologize for having omitted explicit recognition here.
xecutive summary:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...;
!ompany information ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..<
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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
(istory of +iemens.................................................................................................................:...=
-ntroduction of the !ompany:::::::::::::::::::::::::...>>
)rganizational +tructure:::::::::::::::::::::::::::..>?
+iemens software::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::>A
!ompetitors of +iemens:::::::::::::::::::::::::::..>A
)rganizational (ierarchy:::::::::::::::::::::::::::>B
!ulture of +iemens:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.>C
Departments :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::?>
+tandard products '+T", ............................................................................................... ??
.otors and alternators '.5A, ..................................................................................... ?A
Generating sets 'G+, ..................................................................................................... ?B
"ersonal experience and learning:::::::::::::::::::::::..?C
)ffer ........................................................................................................................................?C
-nquiry ....................................................................................................................... ?C
!overing 1etter .......................................................................................................... ?C
!alculation +heet ....................................................................................................... ?;
)ffer +heet # "rice +heet ........................................................................................... ?;
Terms 5 !onditions .................................................................................................. ?;
xport !ontrol 0orm ................................................................................................. ?;
4eview 0orm ............................................................................................................. ?;
)rder .......................................................................................................................................?<
-nquiry ....................................................................................................................... ?<
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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
)ffer .......................................................................................................................... ?<
"urchase )rder '".)., ................................................................................................ ?<
Acknowledgement ..................................................................................................... ?<
-ndent ........................................................................................................................ ?=
!onfirmation .............................................................................................................. ?=
Dispatch -ntimation 'D.-., ........................................................................................ ?=
9orking on +A" :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..?=
&ank guarantees ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::@D
Tasks performed ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::@D
+wot analysis :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.@?
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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
During my internship% - came across a new stream of related knowledge as well as a rich working
experience. - was assigned numerous tasks#pro$ects% which were completed in the best possible
way. - have tried my level best to put this knowledge and experience in the most appropriate form
in this report. 0irstly% an introduction about the organization has been presented. Then an overview
of different departments of the -ndustrial Automation 5 Drives Technology '-A5DT, comes next.
The core element of the reportE personal internship experience is then discussed in detail. -n the
end - have made recommendations to the office in particular and the company in general which -
think are the most suitable ones and easier to implement. The conclusion is very simple but logical.
C$ie% E&ec'ti(e O%%icer
+ohail 9a$ahat (. +iddiqui
C$ie% inance O%%icer
Gerhard 9ilcke
Board o% Director)
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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
3do *iehage
+tephan +chneider
Ta$ammal (ussain &okharee
Gerhard 9ilcke
2ahid (ussain
7laus +tegemann
+yed &abar Ali
+ohail 9a$ahat (. +iddiqui

+tandard !harter &ank "akistan limited
&ank Alfalah 1imited
&arcalays &ank "1!
&*" "aribas 'Dubai,
Deutsche &ank AG
(abib &ank 1imited
(+&! &ank
.!& &ank 1imited
,oyal -an! of Scotlan
0ounded to manufacture and install telegraphic systems% Germany/based +iemens AG has
prospered and grown over >BB years to become a multifaceted electronics and electrical
engineering enterprise% and one of the most international corporations in the world. 9ith a
presence in more than >=D countries% +iemensF primary business operations include
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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
in%or,ation and co,,'nication) net-or*). ind')trial
a'to,ation and control. /o-er generation and
tran),i))ion. ,edical )ol'tion). and lig$ting. +iemens was once
viewed by analysts as a corporate dinosaur and urged to disband its conglomerate structure in favor
of a more nimble and tightly focused enterprise. +iemens has entered the ?>st century with a new
listing on the *ew Gork +tock xchange% and a competitive foothold in the burgeoning
information technologies and communications sector.
Co,/an0 Origin) in Telegra/$ S0)te,)1
+iemens 5 (alske was founded in &erlin in ><A; by 9erner +iemens and 8.G. (alske to
manufacture and install telegraphic systems. +iemens% a former artillery officer in the "russian
army and an engineer who already owned a profitable patent for electroplating% was the driving
force behind the company and remained so for the rest of his life. The company received its first
ma$or commission in ><A<% when it contracted to build a telegraph link between &erlin and
-n ><B; +iemens 5 (alske helped develop the first successful deep sea telegraphic cable. This led
to the transformation of the 1ondon office into an independent company.
E&/an)ion and Di(er)i%ication1
+iemens 5 (alske remained busy as the >=th century gave way to the ?Dth. -n >=D@ it established
+iemens Gmb(% a subsidiary devoted to electric power engineering. -n >=D= +iemens 5 (alske
developed an automatic telephone exchange serving ?%BDD customers in .unich. &ut when 9orld
9ar - broke out% orders for civilian electrical equipment slowed considerably and the company
began production of communications devices for the military. +iemens 5 (alske also produced
explosives% gun locks for rifles% and% later in the war% aircraft engines.
-n >=?B +iemens began construction of a power station on the +hannon 4iver in -reland% and in
>=?; the company began work on another hydroelectric power station for the +oviet government%
near 2aporozhe.
Re2'ilding and Reorgani3ation T$ro'g$ t$e 4567) and 4587) 6
&y the early >=BDs% +iemens 5 (alske was once again producing railroad% medical% telephone% and
power generating equipment% as well as consumer electronics products. -n >=BA it established an
American subsidiary in *ew Gork% +iemens -nc. -ts first product sold to the American market was
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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
an electron microscope. -n the mid/>=BDs +iemens 5 (alske entered the burgeoning fields of data
processing and nuclear power. -t introduced its first mainframe computer in >=BB% and its first
nuclear reactor went into service in >=B= at .unich Garching.
Pro)/ering in t$e 4597)1
The >=;Ds were prosperous years for +iemens. 9hen the summer )lympic Games came to
.unich in >=;?% +iemens was its first official supplier of telecommunications and data processing
equipment. -n >=;; the company entered into a $oint venture with the American engineering firm
Allis !halmers% called +iemens Allis -nc.% to market turbine generators in the 3nited +tates. -n
fact% +iemensF status as an electrical manufacturer rose to the point that Fortune wrote in >=;< that
it had Hreplaced 9estinghouse in General lectricFs demonology.H +iemens had replaced
9estinghouse as the worldFs number two electrical manufacturing concern%
Kee/ing Pace -it$ Glo2ali3ation and Tec$nolog01
As the company entered the new decade% globalization became a vital part of its policy//and that
meant a read$ustment of the companyFs homogeneous culture. +iemens embarked on an expensive
and ambitious program of acquisitions and research and development to try to make itself into a
world leader in high technology. . :Sie,en) -ill 2e an intere)ting
)tor0 in t$e 4557).:
-n another move toward globalization% an international partnership brought +iemens together with
the worldFs largest computer maker and 8apanFs second largest chip maker. -n >==?% +iemens $oined
forces with -&. and Toshiba !orporation to develop ?BC./bit chips to create microprocessors
with the power of supercomputer. -nnovation was always a part of +iemensF tradition. s. To deal
with this new business market% +iemens used its tradition of intelligence% resources% and systematic
application to remain a strong international force.
Radical Re)tr'ct'ring %or t$e ;4)t Cent'r0 6
The mid/>==Ds proved to be difficult years for +iemens. .The revamped +iemens consisted of four
main divisions6 power generation% industry% rail systems% and information and communications.
-nformation and communications was +iemensF biggest division. (ere% the company hoped to forge
partnerships in its mobile phones and personal computers businesses% both areas in which it lacked
sufficient market share to compete effectively on its own. +till% in the ongoing quest to establish its
standing as a world/class company% +iemens continued to conduct surgery on itself in the early
years of the ?>st century% excising fat from all divisions and honing its focus on -T 5
!ommunications and -ndustry.
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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
(aving used similar strategies to achieve ma$or turnarounds in the formerly loss/plagued medical
equipment and trains divisions% it seemed likely that Sie,en) -o'ld ,eet it)
+iemens is at the top of the industrial development since its establishment in ><A;% and its
inventions determined the pace of the time. There are few companies having such a ma$or impact
on the shaping of this world as +iemens. .a$or events of more than >BD years history of +iemens6
ro, a -or*)$o/ to a glo2al %ir, <4=>9?454=@
A /eriod o% c$ange) <4545?45>6@
T$e age o% glo2ali3ation <45>6?;775@
+iemens stands for innovation% customer focus and global competitiveness all around the world.
Generating synergies for a unique array of products% services and solutions% their broad portfolio
gives them a competitive edge% particularly in tough times. 9orldwide +iemens and its subsidiaries
employ approximately A?D%<DD people in nearly >=D countries.
+iemens "akistan% through its portfolio of technology solutions% is able to optimally tap not only
the local markets but is able to achieve success into the regional market opportunities.
+iemens is manufacturing6 distribution and power transformers% low and medium voltage
switchgear% sets% vacuum circuit breakers and motor starters. .anufactured to international
standards these products are also exported to other countries in the region. .ore than BDDD
"akistani employees are directly and indirectly working with manufacturing units in "akistan with
+iemens technology.
+iemens "akistan ngineering !o. 1td. has its headquarters in 7arachi% with regional branches in
1ahore% -slamabad and Iuetta. -t has two $oint ventures with Government of "akistan//Telephone
-ndustries of "akistan 1td. 'T-",% (aripur and !arrier Telephone -ndustries 1td. '!T-,% -slamabad.
-t is the only company worldwide providing products and solutions that cover the whole product
lifecycle6 from virtual product design and development right through to manufacturing. This saves
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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
valuable time and makes products more affordable. .ost of their businesses are already in leading
positions in stable high growth fields. +ince 8an >%?DD< the company is divided into @ sectors and
>B divisions.
4. Ind')tr0
The -ndustry +ector offers a wide spectrum of products% services and solutions for industry and
infrastructure customers. Their integrated technologies or holistic solutions improve productivity%
enhance flexibility and increase efficiency for customers in the areas of process and manufacturing
industries% transport% buildings and utilities. The portfolio ranges from industry automation to drive
systems% from building automation to lighting solutions% and from mobility solutions to system
integration and solutions for plant businesses.
-ts transportation system is active in the fields of rail automation 'signaling,% traction power
supply% locomotives% trains% and mass transit systems. "akistan railways is the ma$or client of the
business unit.
-n -ndustry +ector
o Drive Technology
o -ndustry Automation
o &uilding Technologies
0ire +afety 5 +ecurity "roducts
+ecurity +olutions
(eating 5 Jentilation "roducts
&uilding Automation
o -ndustry +olutions
o 9ater Technologies
o .etal Technology Division
o .obility
o .arket +pecific +olutions
o 0inancial +olutions
o -T +olutions and +ervices
o !ommunication *etworks
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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
+iemens is a leading supplier of products% systems% comprehensive solutions% and services for
industrial automation% building technologies and road transport control. +iemens opens
opportunities for optimization in four principal areas6 production automation% process automation%
building automation% and transport and logistics automation.
;. Energ0
The nergy +ector offers a wide spectrum of efficient products% services and solutions along the
entire chain of energy conversion K from the extraction of oil and gas via power generation to the
transmission and distribution of electrical energy. The +ector primarily addresses the needs of
energy providers% but also serves industrial companies% particularly in the oil and gas industry.
+iemens power generation is a distinguished name in "akistanLs energy market. 9ith its
innovative solutions% it has played a significant role in the development of countryLs power
generation capacity both in thermal and hydro sector.
-n nergy +ector
o 0ossil "ower Generation
o 4enewable nergy
o )il 5 Gas
o +ervice 4otating quipment
o "ower Transmission
o "ower Distribution
o 0inancial +olutions
o -T +olutions and +ervices
B. +ealt$care
The (ealthcare +ector develops% manufactures and markets diagnostic and therapeutic systems%
devices and consumables% as well as information technology systems for clinical and
administrative purposes. The +ector provides technical maintenance% professional and consulting
services% as well as financing services.
0ollowing their recent acquisitions in the field of in/vitro diagnostics% +iemens formed an
integrated healthcare company% offering its customers a unique and comprehensive portfolio of
medical solutions across the value/added chain ranging from medical imaging% in/vitro
diagnostics% interventional systems to clinical -T all from a single source. Their innovations
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combine state/of/the/art laboratory diagnosis% imaging technologies and -T for an earlier
prevention and more specific diagnosis thus enhancing patient care.
"akistanLs atomic energy medical centers choose the +iemens oncology solution. Atomic energy
medical centers are ranked among "akistanLs leading cancer treatment and nuclear medicine
centers% where patients are diagnosed and treated at minimal cost.
-n (ealthcare +ector
o Diagnostic -maging and Therapy
o 1aboratory Diagnostics
o -nfrastructure +olutions
o (earing -nstruments
o 0inancial +olutions
o -T +olutions and +ervices
+iemens offers the general public modern and highly dependable home appliances6 washing
machines% dishwashers% cookers% and other equipment and technology for the home. +iemens home
appliances combine attractive design with the latest developments in the world of electronics.
-t offers customers an integrated range of products% solutions% and services for fixed and mobile
telecommunication networks and terminal telecommunication equipment. +iemens is also a system
integrator and supplier of business solutions.
+iemens lighting products% marketed as the )+4A. brand% are the top of the range in lighting
technology. +iemens supplies ordinary lights% special lights for vehicles% photo/optics%
optoelectronics and electronics for lighting products.
+iemens has implemented SAP in Atlas (onda which is one of the market leaders in Auto
Jehicles industry in "akistan. SAP implementation is now considered a benchmark for future SAP
pro$ects especially in home appliances industry. 0urther% during the years +iemens demonstrated
the growth in terms of delivering multiple SAP. ERP implementation pro$ects in wide range of
industrial sectors in almost all the ma$or cities of "akistan. +iemens 7arachi and now also
-slamabad center are offering +A" certifications in "akistan.
General lectric
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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
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Chief Financial Officer
Gerhard Wilcke

Generation &
Oil & Gas
T& Pro!ects
Irfan Umar
Nadir Riaz
A"to%ation &
Tauqir Hassan
Imran Raza
Omar Lodhi
Technology &
ata Privacy
Protection &
Asad ahmed
S"((ly Chain
F"nctions &
'ead of
Rahim Dawood
+AE Branch
S,E &
Ma#or $u%eri
Estate &
Industry Automation & Drive Technology
)ne of the most important building blocks for +iemens is their personalityEHorganizational
culture.H +iemens has very strong culture. The reason for success of +iemens is its unique and
adoptable culture. Although its culture is corporate but its roots are embedded in local culture of
the country in which it operates. That is why +iemens is successfully doing business in >=D
-n +iemens values are not only followed but respected ensuring highest performance. !ore values
-t includes obeying the law% respecting the dignity of all people% fostering health and safety%
conducting business in a truthful and transparent manner% honoring commitments% respecting
property% striving for the protection of environment% full engagement and empowerment to achieve
the best results% conduction of business in a truthful and transparent manner and fairness in
relationship with competitors and stakeholders.
-t includes passion% willingness to go to the extra mile% setting best goals and achieving them%
acting fast and decisively% striving for improvements and perfect quality% deeply understanding our
customersL needs and challenges% systematically developing personal skills% leveraging full
potential% interacting in an efficient and pragmatic way and embracing change to ensure
competitiveness in the future.
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-t includes creating innovations that give customers a competitive edge% acting as entrepreneurs%
creativeness and openness to new ideas% ingenious and visionary% and trendsetting.
+iemens has defined business guidelines and ethics and it ensures that every employee not only
know but also follow them as they are asked by their managers to read these guidelines now and
then. verything is rule and regulation based. They have M+tandard )perating &ehaviorsN defining
employee behavior rules which includes hardworking% competence% quick response etc.
They claim that M-ntegrity guides our conduct towards our business partners% colleagues%
shareholders and general public.N Their code of conduct and ethics is based on6
Be$a(ior -$ic$ a2ide) 20 t$e la-
+iemens fundamental principle is observance of law and the legal system. Jiolation of law must be
avoided under all circumstances. 4egardless of sanction foreseen by the law% disciplinary action is
taken against any employee or director who has violated his#her duties.
Re)/on)i2ilit0 %or t$e i,age o% Sie,en)
very employee should be concerned with good reputation of +iemens which is determined by
their actions and conducts. -nappropriate behavior on the part of even a single employee can cause
a company a considerable damage so employees must focus on maintaining good image and
respect for the company.
M't'al re)/ect. $one)t0. and integrit0
+iemens respects the personal dignity% privacy and personal right of every employee. -t has a
diverse workforceE men and women of various nationalities% cultures% religions and races. There is
no discrimination% harassment or offence% be it sexual or otherwise persona
+iemens has centralized decision making. Decisions are made by the top management. .iddle and
lower level implement and execute the decisions and take initiative to develop and suggestions for
improvement and enhancement. +uggestions relating to improving profitability and growth%
innovation and new markets% process optimization% cost reduction% health and safety are of
particular importance. mployees discuss such ideas with their managers and show them their
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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
economic benefits. The managers scrutinize them and all workable ideas are implemented. "ower
distance is high as it is not evenly distributed.
+iemens is building on a history of >CD years of innovation. Their operational excellence and best
performance is through pursuing Minnovation leadership strategyN. As a result of culture of
innovation employees think out of the box and are often skeptical of traditional methods. &ecause
of dynamic environment it focuses on trendsetter innovation strategy to ensure competitive
Almost all the employeesL personal goals are in line with the organizational goals that is why they
are motivated. verybody whether a company or a person wants to progress and develop. The
success of +iemens lies in the sum of successes of its employees. -t does not interfere in personal
life of employees but professional life is monitored and analyzed in order to check how much
targets an employee has achieved.
+iemens is risk taker up to acceptable level but ensure that business risks are properly identifiedE
mitigated and appropriate strategies are made to manage them. They have nterprise 4isk
.anagement '4., !ommittee which plan% organize% lead and control the activities in order to
minimize risk on the capital and earnings of the company. They do risk analysis and apply risk
hedging techniques that is why their ==O risky decisions are successful.
+iemens has a collectivist culture thus teamwork is no longer regarded as an option. -t has
inculcated team work into its core values and basic working philosophy as it is a mandatory aspect
of modern professional lifestyle. There is cohesion among various business units and teamwork is
favored. Through team work innovation and problem solving skills are increased thus increasing
competence and raising profitability.
+iemens provides its employees the best environment to work and then expects best results from
them. All the employees are given whatever equipment and technology he#she requires to carry out
his#her duty in a better and efficient way. All the rooms are properly lighted% ventilated% have
proper heating and cooling systems and decently furnished.
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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
There are equal employment opportunities and no gender discrimination in +iemens. There is
formal and friendly environment. The noise level is moderate.
+iemens focuses on quality a lot and make it benchmark of their success. Iuality standards are
maintained through efficient processes and by trained and motivated employees which help to
achieve high customer satisfaction and profits. "roduct safety is an essential quality feature and it
is closely monitored through Iuality audits.
+iemens ensure the health and safety of their workers and employees. -t never compromises on
safety and security of its people. -t takes safety undertaking from contractors for ensuring safety of
workers on the field 'pro$ect sites,.
+iemens also give importance to customer safety. "roducts are manufactured in such a manner that
they are safe and comply with all safety norms and provisions.
>, Ti,ing)F in +iemens there are five working days from .onday to Thursday% +aturday and
+unday are holiday. )ffice timings are from ;6@D am to C6AB pm generally but &ranch
manager can change it a little bit. very employee has to complete A< hours of work in a
?, Dre)) codeE all the employees wear neat% clean and descent dress. 0our day a week
employees wear cross collar shirt and pent and on the fifth day that is 0riday they can wear
kameez +halwar.
8eans% $oggers and tea shirts are not allowed in the office. Technicians% subcontractor staff%
senatorial staff and office boys can wear kameez +halwar whole week.
+iemens consider that the secret of success is never being satisfied with what you have achieved
and it links +iemens to high performance culture. -t has people who want to measure themselves
against the best% who assume personal responsibility for their actions% which have excellent skills
and last but not the least% carry out their task with commitment and enthusiasm. 0or sustaining and
improving high performance culture +iemens has
>, Global talent pool
?, 1eadership excellence programs
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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
@, "erformance .anagement processes
A, xpert carriers
"erformance is checked on weekly% monthly% quarterly% and annual basis. Targets are signed by
managers and subordinates and is documented% matched with results afterwards. -f employee falls
short of achieving the target he is warned to improve his performance. mployees get timely
feedback and modify their performance in order to achieve the targets.
There are no delays in communication as +iemens has its own intra net system. Top management
is in contact with whole +iemensL worldE they can get information from any person they want.
"olicy letters are generated and send by name. !onfidential and specific messages are not passed
to all employees. The information which an employee needs to know is shared whenever required.
!ompliance messages and reports are shared with all employees.
9ith motivated employees +iemens can meet and even exceed the expectation of its customers
and investors. (ere employees are motivated by both Mverbal appreciationN and Mmonetary
rewardsN. -t has generous system of bonus distribution. These benefits are performance and output
based. &onus is given twice of as much targets have been achieved% if >DDO target is achieved then
?DDO bonus is given.
9orking at +iemens often means facing a task that seems difficult to cope with at first sight. To be
able to meet such challenges it focuses on exceptional leaders and the winning teams that are able
to push back the limits. "eople at management and leadership level are competent% ambitious%
highly skilled% experienced% have strong character% social and charismatic. .anagement is friendly
and cooperative thus guides% facilitates and motivates the employees.
-n +iemens employees are usually internally promoted if they have enough skills and expertise to
perform the new duties and tasks. They do contingency planning and may even call employee from
other department or branch to fill the vacant managerial position.
Iualification% skill% experience and performance are analyzed during promotions. "erformance is
evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively for promoting an employee.
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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
Along with internal recruitment people are hired from outside also when desired. 0irstly the test is
conducted and qualified candidates are called for interview. +elected candidates are trained for one
year so that they can understand the systems and processes% their role and tasks.
+iemens offers its employees a line of additional benefits. 0irst% +iemens adds a fifth week of
holidays to the four weeks compulsory by law. 1unch meals in the company canteen are
subsidized to give employees the possibility to en$oy healthy% tasty and affordable nutrition on
their working days. During the day coffee% tea and water are available free of charge.
!ompany offers gifts and rewards for anniversaries and birthdays and maintains its own pension
scheme for employees. !ultural% social and sporting events are organized on a regular basis.
The -ndustrial Automation 5 Drives Technology '-A5DT, of -slamabad has three departments6
>. +tandard "roducts '+T",
?. .otors 5 Alternators '.5A,
@. Generating +ets 'G+,
IA- DT Islamabad
3aleel 4aider
Adeel I5bal
6hurrum Dildar
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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
+tandard "roducts department has further five subdivisions 'or "rofit !enters,6
>. Automation +ystems 'A+,
?. !ontrols 5 Distribution '!D,
@. 3ninterruptable "ower +upply '3"+,
A. 1arge Drives '1D,
B. +ensors 5 !ommunication '+!,
4. A'to,ation S0)te,) <AS@
+ensors 5 !ommunication '+!, subdivision deals with the following main products6
+-.AT-! -ndustrial Automation +ystems
.otion !ontrol +ystem +-.)T-)*
+-*3.4-7 !*! automation systems
.anufacturing xecution +ystems '.+,
+-.AT-! (.- )perator !ontrol and .onitoring +ystems
"!/based Automation
-ndustrial "! +-.AT-! "!
+-!)." -ndustrial .icrocomputers
.icro Automation +ets
+ystem !abling # !ontrol !abinets
.onitors% "rinters and -nput Devices for -ndustry
+-.AT-! Technology
+-.AT-! !ontrollers
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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
;. Control) E Di)tri2'tion <CD@
+ensors 5 !ommunication '+!, subdivision deals with the following products6
-ndustrial !ontrol +ystems
+witching Devices
"rotection Devices
.onitoring 5 !ontrolling Devices
Detecting Devices
!ommanding 5 +ignaling Devices
+upplying Devices
Distributing Devices
B. "ninterr'/ta2le Po-er S'//l0 <"PS@
As the name implies% 3ninterruptable "ower +upply '3"+, subdivision deals mainly with all types
of uninterruptable power supply '3"+,.
>. Large Dri(e) <LD@
1arge Drives '1D, subdivision deals mainly with the following products for motors6
+witching Devices
+oft +tarters
S"eed 7ariation Devices
6. Sen)or) E Co,,'nication <SC@
+ensors 5 !ommunication '+!, subdivision deals with the following products6
.easurement -nstruments # "rocess -nstruments 'temperature% pressure% level% proximity
and flow rate sensors% etc.,
9eighing +ystems
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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
Gas Analyzers 5 !hromatograph
1iquid Analyzers
9ater Treatment +ystems
"rotection Devices
Acoustic +ensors
.otors 5 Alternators department deals with motors% their accessories and sales. +ervices of motors
and their accessories are provided by the Generating +ets 'G+, department. The main products of
.5A are6
1ow/Joltage .otors
xplosion/proof .otors
.arine .otors
+moke xtraction .otors
(ollow "ump .otors
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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
(igh/Joltage .otors
Asynchronous +quirrel/!age .otors
Asynchronous +lipring .otors
+ynchronous .achines
+tandard 5 *on/+tandard .otors
Torque .otors
.-!4).A+T4 -nverters
Generating +ets department deals with generators% their accessories and sales and after/sales
services. Generating sets are available in the range of >BkJA to >>DDkJA. The main products of
G+ are6
Diesel Generating +ets
A.0 "anels
Allied 5 )ptional quipment
!ontrol "anel
"rime .overs
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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
- personally read and understood many brochures% catalogs and manuals of different products in
every department of -ndustrial Automation 5 Drives Technology '-A5DT, during my internship. -
am mentioning here only my practical experience 5 learning.
An offer is made against the enquiry sent by the client. An offer is made keeping in view the
requirements of the customer in consultation with the (ead office and the factory capacity. An
offer register includes following main documents6
>. nquiry
?. !overing 1etter
@. !alculation +heet
A. )ffer +heet # "rice +heet
B. Terms 5 !onditions
C. xport !ontrol 0orm
+# ,eview 8orm
4. EnG'ir0
An nquiry is the first step in the business of -ndustrial Automation 5 Drives Technology
'-A5DT,. -t is sent by the client via letter% fax% phone or in any other form. -t shows the detail
about the requirements of the customer.
;. Co(ering Letter
A !overing 1etter is written to customers regarding their enquiry informing them that +-.*+
"akistan ngineering !ompany 1imited has quoted their best possible prices in order to reach the
customerLs requirements in the best possible way.
B. Calc'lation S$eet
A !alculation +heet is made to calculate the price of the required items. 0irstly% the price from the
(ead )ffice 'Germany or 7arachi, is taken% and then +-.*+ "akistan ngineering !ompany
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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
1imited includes some profit 'J+", in the factory price and after adding some boarding charges%
sales tax etc% the unit price is multiplied by the quantity of the respective item.
>. O%%er S$eet H Price S$eet
)ffer +heet # "rice +heet is the central part of an offer which is sent to the customer. -t includes the
technical specification of the required products% their rounded/off unit price 'taken from
calculation sheet, and their total price 'by multiplying the unit price by quantity,.
6. Ter,) E Condition)
Terms 5 !onditions are sent to the customers informing them about the terms and conditions of
+-.*+ "akistan ngineering !ompany 1imited. They usually include the offer time and the
rule of BDO advance payment by the customer.
8. E&/ort Control or,
xport !ontrol 0orm contains sanctioned parties list taken from the Germany website. +-.*+
has put sanctions on some organizations so that they cannot purchase +-.*+ products.
+-.*+ "akistan ngineering !ompany 1imited has to ensure whether the customer is
sanctioned or not
9. Re(ie- or,
4eview 0orm is a printed form which the employee has to fill by hand in which the customerLs
enquiry and the respective offer made is reviewed by putting some remarks on the form.
An order is placed by the customer to purchase the product. 0ollowing are the main documents in
an )rder 0ile6
>. -nquiry
?. )ffer
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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
@. "urchase )rder '".).,
A. Acknowledgement
B. -ndent
C. !onfirmation
;. Dispatch -ntimation 'D.-.,
4. InG'ir0
An nquiry is the first step in the business of -ndustrial Automation 5 Drives Technology
'-A5DT,. -t is sent by the client via letter% fax% phone or in any other form. -t shows the detail
about the requirements of the customer.
;. O%%er
An )ffer is made against the enquiry. -t is made keeping in view the requirements of the customer
in consultation with the (ead office and the factory capacity. )ffer +heet # "rice +heet is the
central part of an offer which is sent to the customer. -t includes the technical specification of he
required products% their unit price and their total price. "rice negotiations with customers are held.
Therefore% the calculation sheet of the offer is revised many times 'with the companyLs profit
B. P'rc$a)e Order <P.O.@
A document about the acceptance of the offer from the customer after price negotiations is called
the "urchase )rder '".).,. "urchase order is the central part of an order.
>. Ac*no-ledge,ent
Acknowledgement means that +-.*+ "akistan ngineering !ompany 1imited is ready to
accept the customerLs terms and conditions. -n acknowledgement letter% +-.*+ "akistan
ngineering !ompany 1imited assures the customer that they will deliver them the required
6. Indent
-ndent '(ead )ffice, is an internal letter sent to the (ead )ffice so as to confirm the time of
delivery% period of completion and other conditions related to the manufacturing process. -ndent
'+ervices, is an internal letter sent to the +ervices department to confirm that they will provide
required services for the products.
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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
8. Con%ir,ation
After confirming everything by sending indent% +-.*+ "akistan ngineering !ompany
1imited sends a confirmation letter to client confirming that they will deliver the required products
in a specific time period.
9. Di)/atc$ Inti,ation <D.I.@
9hen the product is dispatched from the (ead )ffice% a letter% namely Dispatch -ntimation 'D.-.,%
is sent to the client informing that the required product has been dispatched and +-.*+
"akistan ngineering !ompany 1imited is ready to install it as per requirement.
+A" stands for +ystem Application "roduct. -t is comprehensive database software used in
+iemens in order to make $ob handling an easy $ob. +piridon is its new version. - -A#DT 5 .) is
authorized in .aterial .anagement and +ales 5 Distribution .odule in +piridon.
Arrange the xport !ontrol approval from !!/"G1 officer.
&ooking of *ew )rders% -nvoicing in +A".
0ollow/up of advance payments% 4eceivables% T+Ds and xpired &ank Guarantees.
.onitoring of )rder !ost !ontrol ')!!, 5 !)/"A 4eport
!hecking 5 comparison of incurred costs with pre calculations and listing out the reasons
of deviation for taking corrective measures.
There are three forms of bank guarantees
>, Advance payment
?, "erformance bond
@, &id bond
4@ Ad(ance Pa0,ent
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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
!lient gives a check and demands guarantee for the release of payment in advance along with the
purchase order. -t remains valid till commissioning.
;@ Per%or,ance Bond
-t remains valid till the warranty period. -t is issued to cover the issues till the warranty period. -f
there is a breach of contract on the part of the company% customer can cash this bond from the
B@ Bid Bond)
-t is the same as the earnest money and can be cashed by the customer in case of breach of
contract. -t may remain valid till the delivery#commissioning or completion of the warranty period.
-t is less risky.
- have performed the following tasks6
- have done forecasting of
T+D 'temporary security deposit,
The purpose of financial analysis is to measure the performance of the company. - have done
financial analysis in order to measure the companyLs performance and to compare its performance
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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
in different years. 9hich shows that ?DD< was the most profitable year of the company and in
?DD= because of economic crisis in the country% +-.*+ doesnLt show good performance.
.//0 .//1 .//2 ./3/
4ew Orders '()*++),-. /*')0*-)'0- /.+),(.)1/1 '.)1,-)1+.
4et Sales /*0)*-1)0/, /0+)*11)'1, -,)1'*)'.- +-)++0)-'-
)argin //).-*)+,/ /,).11)'-1 *,)-.()1.* /+)(+*)(-,
>. +trength is the high motivation of employees to their work because they know that what so ever
they do. -t will be in their own benefit. They know that the profit% which they will earn% will be
distributed among the employees. +o they work with high motivation and concentration.
?. The +-.*+ has very strict rules and regulations about the customerFs complaints.
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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
@. This branch is provided with latest computers which increases the speed of computer work.
A. The branch is situated in industrial area where business activities perform greater as
compare to residential area. Thus it increases the number of customers.
>. )ffices are well equipped with modern technology but they are not being fully utilized.
?. .arketing of +-.*+ of its various products is being done through limited resources.
@. xpenses are increasing at very high rate.
A. +alaries of the officers are less as compared to other multinational companies.
B. Their main weakness is that there is lack of awareness among the masses about the
existence of company.
>. )pportunities exist in mobile devices since the people are using most of the mobile
?. .obile industry is the growing industry in "akistan.
@. nergy industry in "akistan is also in crises so +iemens has opportunity to expand their
services all over the "akistan.
>. -ncrease in number of "rivate companies in the country resulting into increased
?. "romotional activities of +-.*+ are not sufficient% due to this it may lose market share.
@. !hanging conomical condition of the market and country.
A. 0irst threat is that of political influence
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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
+-.*+ "akistan ngineering !ompany 1imited is an excellent engineering multinational
company with some loop holes. -t was a great pleasure and an excellent experience working in the
company. This internship gave me an insight into the sales and purchase in the business world. -t
also provided a good knowledge of different automation systems and drives#
)ffice communication systems should be more fast% efficient and superb.
Although ample fresh blood is circulating in the company% still it is needed to in$ect new%
creative and fresh ideas in order to increase the market share.
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Industry Automation & Drive Technology
The overall organizational structure of +-.*+ is quite impressive but if more
importance is given towards improving it% it would help +-.*+ in achieving better
results in the long run
A control/oriented environment sometimes hinders creativity and innovations especially in
the desk $obs. +ometimes it also creates bureaucratic system in which although
responsibility is delegated to the lowest level but authority is not delegated. This also
creates the communication gap between the top management and the lower levels.
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