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Claire Champommier
The Lonely Island
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
Blue, and then out of nowhere, a lonely tropical is-
land, its only friend is a coral reef painted with all the
colors of the rainbow. A lone seagull getting ready for
take off uffs his white and grey jacket. Light dances
on the surface of the baby waves as they rush to the
shore bearing shells with them. Small yellow sh y in
the water, inching at every disturbance. Sand shim-
mering like twinkling stars is mischievous, white like
snow but actually hot as coals. The hot sun plays hide
and seek between the shadows of the tall palms. The
warm gentle breeze carries the sound of birds from the
endless green forest of palms. Leaves rustle and the
wild boars talk to each other. Not even forgiving shade
can hide you from humidity. Glances of the sky above
peek at you from between the leaves. Cool compact
dirt nds its way between sore tired toes. Large green
heart shaped leaves are smooth and paper thin like deli-
cate feathers. Heat tastes empty yet thick at the same
time. The horizon swallows the sun and the clouds
blush. The sky reveals hidden stars. They come out one
by one like shy reies. Escape from the smiling yel-
low moon is impossible, lighting the way for man and
beast through the endless nights. Sleep always wins
and the swishing waves sing a lullaby.
Upon this land will be born the civilization of
Champpommierica. The civilization of Champpom-
mierica was founded in this favorable geographic envi-
ronment. The people of Champpommierica used some
of the techniques the Aztecs, Mayans, and Arabs used
to modify the environment. This book will document
the necessary steps to take in order to create a success-
ful civilization.
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
The environment is everything that isn't me.
-Albert Einstien
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
Part I - Analysis of the Problem
Most people wouldnt mind living on a tropical is-
land, but there are a lot of challenges hidden in plain
sight. Due to the geography and lack of technology (in
this period of early civilizations), the people of Champ-
pommierica have to face many obstacles in order to sur-
vive such as:
Because of the geography and lack of land on the
small island, there might not have enough room for
farming land. Therefore the people of Champpom-
mierica might have to hunt wild animals instead. But if
too many animals are killed without supervision, the
whole population might die off, disrupting the food
chain. Then the people of Champpommierica might
have to leave the island to start anew, or turn to cannibal-
ism and eat each other. So instead of hunting animals,
clearing land for room to grow crops such as bananas
and pineapples might be a better option. But if too many
plants are cut down for room many animals homes will
be damaged.
Without water farming wont even be possible.
Most people might think that it would be easy to nd
water on an island surrounded by it. Well, the seawater
is very dirty, salty, and overall not drinkable. The Chi-
nese boiled water to kill all the germs so water was
drinkable, so maybe the people of Champpommierica
could do the same thing, but there would still be salt in
it. However, if the re
gets out of hand it could
spread to the forest and
set the island on re if not
contained. The re would
have to be tended to at all
times, because depending
on the way of the wind a
spark could get lost and
wander off into the forest.
If the island caught re, everyone would have to evacu-
Human Changes to the Land
The ocean is full of water, but is it
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
ate, and many people might die. Another option is to
store rainwater that would also need to be boiled be-
cause you dont know where its been.
There are many challenges that the people of
Champpommierica have to face everyday, but when
theres a will theres a way. The mountainous land
didnt stop the Greeks; the Egyptians didnt let the hot
weather put them down. We must make do with what
we have in life and make the best of it.
Part II - Proposed Solutions
Even though there are many problems on a tropical
island the citizens of Champpommierica are very intelli-
gent, and optimistic and must nd a way to obtain food
and water. The people of Champpommierica have
made modications to the land to make their lives eas-
ier. A modication is when people or animals change
the environment to make it suitable to live in. For exam-
ple, Frey it states that the Aztecs settled on a sunken is-
land, so naturally there were many problems (274-75).
There was not enough land for farming, the island be-
came too small and it was overpopulated because of
lack of elbowroom, and disease broke out from so many
people. So they modied their environment and
merged other islands with their own to have more farm-
ing land. They also made aqueducts to get water to the
crops. Because of
merging other is-
lands with their
own, they had
more room for
more people.
There was less
disease now and
the Aztecs were
fairly happy.
The citizens
of Champpom-
mierica live on an island just like the Aztecs did, and
have stolen some of the Aztecs modication tech-
niques. Because they had little farming land the people
of Champpommierica merged other neighboring is-
lands with the main island for more room like the Az-
tecs (Frey 274-75). The Aztecs also made chinampas,
Chinampas made by the Aztecs
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
oating gardens on the water for more farming room.
Frey also states that the Mayans had household gar-
dens, and so the people of Champpommierica were in-
spired and began to grow their own food (268). The peo-
ple of Champpommierica would have to dig up soil
from the forest and bring it too the gardens to plant
crops. Now crops such as corn, papayas, ocean grapes,
sweet potatoes, bananas, and limes are grown in every
house garden. This way the whole population has
enough food, and people would grow enough food de-
pending on how many people there are in the family.
There are many restaurants today that grow their own
food in a rooftop garden, and maybe someday every-
one will grow their own food.
Even though the people of Champpommierica
were pretty slick about stealing from the Mayans and
Aztecs, water is still a problem. Frey insists that the Ar-
abs stored rainwater and dug wells for drinking water.
Also, it states that they used the ocean to their advan-
tage by using it as a way of trading (77-80). They would
trade animal products for things they needed. The civili-
zation Champpommierica traded tropical fruits and ani-
mals for metal tools such as shovels and buckets. The
metal tools made digging the wells much faster. The
buckets were used to catch rainwater. In Liberia chil-
dren would have to walk miles to get water that most
of the time wasnt clean. A village in Liberia decided to
dig a well in the center of town to get clean water, that
way the children could go to school instead of walking
to get water. These modications are so vital to the civi-
lization of Champpommierica because these modica-
tions help obtain food and water, the two most impor-
tant aspects of a civilization.

A rooftop garden.
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
Frey insists that the Arabs used the ocean for trading (77-80).
Children in Liberia using a well.
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not
perish from the Earth.
-Abraham Lincoln
Law & Government
US Supreme Court
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
Lessons to Learn
There are many important things to learn from the type of
government in Athens. Athens was a direct democracy and the
people of Athens were very proud of their government. They no
longer had a monarchy, oligarchy, or tyranny, but what seemed a
stable government. In Athens all male citizens had a voice and
could debate, and an important lesson to learn is that every citizen
should have equal opportunities (but not women, slaves, and chil-
dren in Athens). To vote you had to be a male Athenian citizen
and 18 years old or over. This is a bit like how today in America
how you have to be over 18 years old to vote. In Athens if you
didnt go to the Assembly, then slaves would go around with
ropes dipped in red paint. They would drag around the rope and
Figure 2.1 Sketch of the Senate in Ancient Athens.
Maintaning Civil Order
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
literally rope people in to the Assembly. As stated by Frey, If not
enough people showed up, slaves would round up more citizens
with ropes dipped in red paint. Men were embarrassed to appear
at the meeting with their clothes stained with red marks (p. 261).
At the Assembly 6,000 citizens would approve or disapprove pro-
posed laws by the Council of 500. The Assembly would meet eve-
ryday for 10 days on a hill. To take part in this you had to be 30
years old, or older and a man. This can be related to jury duty to-
day, but obviously not the red paint part. We have taken many
things from the Athenian government and incorporated those as-
pects into our own nation (except for now today women have
equal rights and slavery was abolished).
Over the mountains in Sparta, they had a very different way
of government. You cant have silly 18 year-old hooligans help in
the government; wise, educated people should be in charge. In
Sparta there was Council of Elders made of 28 men and 2 kings.
As stated by Frey, To be elected to the Council of Elders, men had
to be at least 60 years old and from a noble family (p. 265). The
kings had to have been born into royalty. Kings in Sparta were re-
ligious gures and lead the army, but over time they became more
and more just gureheads. The Council of Elders proposed laws to
the Assembly, who voted on if they wanted the law or not. The As-
sembly could only vote yes or no on the proposed law. To be in the
Assembly you had to be a male and 30 years old or older. How-
ever, the Council of Elders could veto the votes. The Council of Eld-
ers was faking the so-called everybodys voice counted, and very
soon people caught on to suspect that they were tricked with a
fake faade of power. So some things to learn from Sparta are that
everybody should have a voice and deceptive government will fail.
At rst Spartan kings were religious important people, but over
time they just became gureheads. This has happened to many
monarchies today, either they are no longer a monarchy, or the
king or queen is just a gurehead with someone else in charge.
Sparta was an oligarchy; most of the power was in the hands of a
few people. One thing good thing about Sparta though is that hav-
ing an oligarchy was better than having a monarchy. More people
were involved in the government than they were before. So all in
all there wasnt that much ghting, and things were eventually
sorted out. However, in contrast, government in Rome didnt ex-
actly go very smoothly.
Romes population was 5% patrician and 95% plebeian. The
patricians were the wealthy citizens who had all the important
high-up jobs such as priests and government ofcials. The plebe-
ians were not allowed to take part into the government, or at least
it was extremely rare. Even though the plebeians werent given
this privilege they were still forced to join in the army, and follow
the Patricians rule without representation. This obviously wasnt
fair at all and there was a rebellion called the Conict of the Or-
ders. During the Conict of the Orders almost all of the plebeians
decided that they would leave Rome until equal rights were made
for them. This is just like the Bart strike in San Francisco when the
Bart drivers didnt go to work until they were paid more money.
The patricians were worried that a neighboring civilization would
attack and conquer Rome, having roughly 95% of their population
away camping on a hill. So according to Frey, The patricians
agreed to let the plebeians elect ofcials called Tribunes of the
Plebs (p. 320). The plebeians elected Tribunes to represent the ple-
beians and this made Rome a Representative form of Democracy
for Roman citizens. The Tribunes could veto proposed laws, mean-
ing they could over turn the votes. The 12 Tables were created to
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
..literally set in stone the laws that were accepted by the Trib-
unes, and the tables established the basic rights a Roman citizen
had. Something to learn from Rome is that if the common folk
arent happy, then they will most likely rebel, and there should be
equal rights between the wealthy and poor. So in Champpom-
mierica taxes will be determined by how poor or rich the person in
question is.
There are many differences and similarities between these
civilizations and today. In America one has to be 18 years old or
older to vote, and this is what happened in Athens. Athens had
something close to Jury Duty and roped people into coming to the
Assembly. In Britain today Queen Elizabeth II is just a gurehead,
she has an important title but no real power over the nation. After
a while, most Spartan kings became gureheads too. When the
Bart workers went on strike, it was very much like the plebeians
when they rebelled until they had equal rights. A difference be-
tween today and ancient times is that now women have equal
rights as men. In fact, in South Korea a lady named Park Geun-hye
was elected president, and in addition today there is no more legal
slavery in the U.S.
The Laws of Possibly the Hardest to Pronounce Civilization in His-

Every civilization at one point sets the bar at how the citizens
can act. Actions such as violence, robbery, littering, and slander do
not usually have a great impact to the society in an early develop-
ing civilization. If there were no restriction against violence, then
everybody would be scared to go outside! If a robber were to steal
something and get away with it then everybody would be stealing
and the vendors would make no prot. Littering could result in
sickness and disease. These are all threats that could happen. Laws
are used to keep people in order and to let people know what is ok
to do and what the consequences are for disobeying. Here are
some of the many laws and consequences that follow that were
made by the civilization of Champpommierica.
Bart strike in San Francisco
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
We, the people of Champpommierica, no matter your race or gen-
der, seek to promote the common good in all beings, humbly ac-
knowledging the differences between yourself and the world
around us, and showing charity with whatever dignity left. To as-
sure the individual soul of freedom. No matter how battered the
sail, we sail on.
1. Some laws in most civilizations are no stealing, violence, or slan-
der. In the civilization of Champpommierica there is a law that
states that theft is not allowed, and is punishable by 5 months of
working where you stole, or working for 5 months for whoever
you stole from. The robber would have to return the item that was
stolen and, if it is not in the same condition it was when stolen,
then the robber will have to work for another 5 months. If there is
unnecessary violence such as murder, rape, or any kind of unneces-
sary abuse, then there is a choice of either being tortured for a year
using the method in which you used to abuse the person/animal,
death by detaching the head from the neck with a blunt axe, being
shunned by society for 5 years or until you go mentally unstable,
or having your forehead branded with a hot metal iron with either
the letter M for murder, A for abuser, etc., and this is what
really happened to thieves in Saxon times to a robber. If a robber
were to kidnap a citizen and hurt them in any way, when the kid-
napper is found he/she will work for the person he/she kid-
napped for 5 months, and after the 5 months have passed then
they will be executed. However, if the kidnapped person in ques-
tion decides to let the kidnapper live then so be it. In the civiliza-
tion of Champpommierica if a citizen were to say three things so
horrible to someone lower, above, or equal to them that actually
wasnt correct, and was serious about it, they would have their
tongue slit. If the person in question were to do it 10 more times,
then depending on what the judge thought of the impact of the
statements, he/she would have their voice box removed. This is a
bit like one of the laws inscribed on the 12 Tables in Rome. The Ro-
man law VII 1. States, If any person has sung of composed against
another person a carmen such as was causing slander or insult.
he shall be clubbed to death
(http://www.csun.edu/~hcl004/12tables.html). This law is strict
but will encourage the citizens of Champpommierica not to steal,
slander, or be violent (anyways it is common sense to not do those
three things).

2. Today in Singapore littering is illegal, and it is also illegal in
Champpommierica. If trash is on the ground and in the water then
there will be many sanitary and health issues. Many citizens would
become sick and if the waters get polluted then there wont be any-
thing clean to drink! In London during the Victorian Era the river
Thames became so polluted with trash, sewage, and waste that it
was a murky brown (and still is a bit today, but its a lot better)!
The only thing parliament did was spray the curtains with lime
juice to make the inside of the building smell nicer only for them
(Tour Guide at Parliament). So the civilization of Champpom-
mierica banned all littering, and once a month 50 names would be
drawn at random to help clean up any debris in the water or on
land. This is a bit like jury duty today in America. If you are caught
littering in Champpommierica then youll be picking up litter for a
month under supervision! It is only fair that if someone litters on
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
purpose they should clean up. People should know that throwing
trash on the ground it is not at all good for the environment.

3. All men and women are created equal in Champpommierica. In
India there is a group of women who are still protesting for
womens rights because in some places women are sadly not al-
lowed. However in Champpommierica it is the law to respect all
women because women are how you came to be. Without your
mother, you wouldnt be here today. People should also respect
workers because if the garbage man didnt pick up your trash it
would smell pretty bad. It is only civilized to respect your fellow
citizens, even if they are poorer than you, because everyone holds
an important role to play in a civilization. In Champpommierica
women and workers have equal rights, and any discrimination
against them can result in either an expensive ne of 1000 sparrow
heads, or having to work for their family for a month. In Champ-
pommierica all people should be respected no matter what your
4. The citizens of Champpommierica have passed a law that allows
people to practice any religion they like, as long as there arent any
sacrices (only small animals please such as pesky rodents and in-
sects). If you were to discriminate someone for practicing a differ-
ent kind of religion, then you must practice the ways of that relig-
ion for 33 days. If you refuse then you will be sent to jail. The free-
dom of religion is stated in the preamble of Champpommierica,
and it isnt right to judge people by their religious practices no mat-
ter how strange, because it is rude to criticize someones religious

5. Once in a while people can make accidents. Its only really hu-
man for someone to make a mistake, but what if that accident has
harmed or potentially killed another? In Champpommierica to be-
come a doctor/construction builder/etc. you must have a certied
permission slip given to you by the government. You must know
that any accidents that happen during your work or that were
caused by your work will result in an expensive ne as well as
your permission slip taken away. You will have to take a test and
survey telling what you did wrong and what you will do the next
time, and only then will you get your slip back. If one of the out-
comes of the accident is the death of a fellow citizen/animal then
you will have to pay for the funeral. This is not at all like the pun-
ishments for the laws in the Code of Hammurabi. The Code of
Hammurabi uses an eye for an eye type of punishment. If a doctor
were to harm a patient then the doctor would be harmed in the
same way. But suppose it wasnt a disaster caused by a human be-
ing or animal but Mother Nature? You obviously cant ne a tsu-
nami, so if there were to be some sort of natural disaster then the
citizens of Champpommierica would have to do their best and
help each other. If a farmers eld is ooded and the farmer cannot
sell more crops than usual then the tax collector will reduce the
amount until the farmer can pay it off. If the tax collector doesnt
reduce the tax, then the tax collector will pay half of the tax for the
farmer himself. This way Champpommierica will try to be a fair
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91

6. War is never a happy subject to discuss, but when your civiliza-
tion is threatened you have to take arms. Wars are started in pecu-
liar ways; the way World War I started was rather silly actually. A
man from Serbia killed an Austrian man, so Austria and Hungary
made a treaty with Germany before they decided to attack Serbia.
This gave Serbia time to make a treaty with Russia. Turns out Rus-
sia had a treaty with France and Britain, so by the time Austria was
ready to attack Serbia the whole of Europe seemed to be already
entangled in all of it, even though nothing had really happened.
Here it is in the kid version. If a bully at school were to punch your
best friend, well then wouldnt you go and punch the bully for
punching your best friend? However this bully is pretty tough so
some backup will be needed, so good old Geremey (Jeremy with a
G) is here to help just in case anything goes terribly wrong. Uh-oh,
now the bully is asking his macho friend Reza to team up on you.
Reza is a pretty popular guy with a grand total of two friends
named Paris and George. So now if you mess with the bully, you
are messing with Reza, Paris, and George as well. World War II
was also very silly but very sad. Germany drafted little girls and
boys. People looked in the crashed ghter airplanes of the German
Air Force and found the corpses of girls ranging from ages 10-14.
The civilization of Champpommierica have decided that if there
were not to be enough people for war, no matter how silly the war
started, they would have to draft. Only men over the age of 25 can
be drafted, and it is a choice for women to join. However, if not
enough soldiers are drafted, then women over the age of 25 will be
drafted as well, but if they are a mother then they have to nd a
safe place for their children to stay and will be allowed to stay
home from work the last 88 days before they go to war. This goes
the same for men if they are a husband and/or father. Any men or
women who dont want to go to war can pay a ne of 888 sparrow
heads and not go to war. The civilization of Champpommierica is
really a peaceful civilization, but when it comes to war sometimes
things dont go the way it was planned.

These are just a few laws that were created by the people of
Champpommierica. Its a bit sad how people have to make laws
for these sort of horrible things. Why cant everybody just be con-
tent? But unfortunately people arent always content and take it
out on other people/animals. It is very saddening that regular, nor-
mal unsuspecting people can cause such horrible things. It is really
puzzling why people do such bad things to others, and in the end
the cause is usually something bad happening to them. It is in hu-
man nature to be a bit nasty sometimes, unfortunately, but some-
times disasters can make way to new ideas and improvements to
make the future a safer place for the generations to come, lighting
the way for new inventions, and clearing room for innovation. So if
anything does go horribly wrong in Champpommierica, hopefully
there will be something to learn from the folly.
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
Political Leadership of Julius Caesar
The civilization of Champpommierica can learn many tactics
from Julius Caesar, an Ancient Roman ruler who made difcult de-
cisions with both good and bad outcomes; Caesar taught us to
keep the poor and wealthy happy and not to become too full of
yourself. Julius Caesar was named Dictator by the senate for 10
years starting in 45 B.C.E. During his time of Dictator Julius Caesar
provided many things for the poor to gain favor and help Rome at
the same time. As one historian points out, To keep the poor
happy, he staged gladiator contests they could watch for free (Ju-
lius Caesars Rule as Dictator). He also stopped the extensive use
of slavery in the army and estates and provided the slaves other
jobs such as road and building construction. This way he was pro-
viding a new start for slaves earning their favor and helping Rome
with the construction of new roads and buildings at the same time.
According to Julius Caesars Rule as Dictator, He gave work to
thousands of Romans by starting projects to make new roads and
public buildings. When Romes territory expanded due to the con-
quering of other civilizations such as Gaul, Julius Caesar didnt tax
the Romans as much because he was taxing more people than be-
fore. This made the Romans like Caesar even more because any rea-
sonable person would like to have the tax amount lowered.
Julius Caesar was very fair to the poor, but the wealthy didnt
like it. Since so many slaves were given new jobs, the wealthy
didnt have as many slaves. Also many people liked Caesar, and
Julius Caesar was beginning to become both more popular and
powerful. He started to idolize himself by putting his face on coins,
which was reserved for dead kings and gods; and by wearing the
color purple, which was an extremely rare color for the gods only.
Code of Hammurabi
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
Many people approved and disapproved of this, but in the end Ju-
lius Caesar was very much loved by the public. He tried to crown
himself king by having Mark Antony place the crown on his head,
but when the crowd became angry he pushed it away. This had
him gain even more favor because to the crowd it was as if he was
saying that he wasnt their king. So Julius Caesar was in many
ways king except for in title. Rome was a Representative Democ-
racy and the Senators wanted to have it stay that way. The aristo-
crats of Rome and many Senators feared that if Caesar's power con-
tinued, the republican government would never be restored and
Caesar would hand down his leadership to an heir (Julius Cae-
sars Rule as Dictator). So on March 15, 44 B.C.E., 60 Senators
stabbed Julius Caesar to death at his so-called coronation. Obvi-
ously this angered some followers of Caesar, so the 60 Senators
were all killed as well as Caesars friend Brutus.
Something to learn from Julius Caesar is to keep both the
poor AND the wealthy happy, and because Julius Caesar didnt
keep one of these groups happy, he was killed. So in the civiliza-
tion of Champpommierica there wont be any slaves to start off
with, the taxes will be reduced, and half of the taxes will be given
to charity. If the government has any spare money then some will
be given to the poor and the rich. It will also be used to host free
shows for every citizen of Champpommierica. If there are any com-
plaints, then a suggestion box will be in the center of every town,
and there will be drawing every month. Then there will be a vote
on the suggestion, and if the vote is yes then the whole civilization
will vote, and there is a chance that it might become a law. This
way if there are any complaints it can be sorted out in a civilized
manner instead of stabbing people, and both the poor and the
wealthy will be content.

Political Leadership of Caesar Augustus
Caesar Augustus, the grandnephew and adopted son of Ju-
lius Caesar, was Romes rst emperor, and the political leaders of
Champpommierica learned from his actions to keep the people sat-
ised, even though sometimes his decisions didnt please the pub-
lic. Caesar Augustus named himself First Citizen because he
knew that the Romans feared the power of a king. Augustus made
sure he didnt end up like Julius Caesar by gaining allegiance from
the senators and having every soldier swear allegiance to him. Ac-
cording to Political Leadership of Caesar Augustus, Estab-
lished the Praetorian (pronounced pray-TOR-ee-an) Guard. These
nine special units, made up of 500 to 1,000 soldiers each, were
solely responsible for protecting him. Augustus knew that he
should be protected because many people disliked him so much
that there were going to be some attempts to assassinate Augustus.
To show that he was a respectable ruler who cared about the well
being of Rome, Augustus restored 82 temples, built new theatres,
roads, two aqueducts, Romes rst library, and the Pantheon. Just
like today, a re department and police force were established to
improve the safety of the citizens. This can be related to when Ju-
Ides of March coin marking
the date of Julius Caesars
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
lius Caesar bribed the people to like him by hosting free gladiator
Even though Caesar Augustus was honored a god as he lay
dying, there were some strict laws he established that Champpom-
mierica will try to steer clear of. For example, Unmarried
adults and childless married couples lost the right to inherit money
and property (Political Leadership of Caesar Augustus). In this
way, Augustus was encouraging to increase the population with
the promise of fewer taxes. However some women are not able to
have children, and this law was very unfair to citizens that simply
did not want to marry. Augustus censored immoral public displays
that might offend family values, including banning theater audi-
ences from rowdy behavior. Many Romans liked and disliked this
action, but it really was an opinion depending on how noble the
mind was. Today movies are rated on a scale, but it isnt manda-
tory to be 13 years old to see a movie rated PG-13.
The political leaders of Champpommierica take what they learned
from Caesar Augustus and try not to repeat the bad parts of his-
tory. There will be some censorship on displays depending on how
sick it is, and there will be ratings such as G, PG-13, etc. However
there will not be a law in Champpommierica against unmarried
adults and childless married couples because sometimes a woman
is not capable of bearing a child, or perhaps a Catholic priest ,for
example, and can not marry. It will be mandatory to repair build-
ings and roads for the safety of the citizens. Though there were
some bad laws Augustus made, in his dying moments he was hon-
ored as a god. The civilization of Champpommierica acknowl-
edges the work of Caesar Augustus, but does not honor him
greatly, for no person is worthy of being anywhere close to the de-
scription of perfect because every being will have its aws.
A statue of Augustus Caesar, a little boy next to
him to symbolize him as a father of Rome.
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
Decline of the Western Roman Empire
Many factors helped chip-in to help the decline of the West-
ern Roman Empire such as political corruption, economic prob-
lems, social problems, and invaders. Whenever an emperor died,
rivals with personal armies would ght for the crown, and often
the Praetorian Guard chose the next ruler. However, the Praetorian
Guard usually chose leaders who would bribe them instead of
choosing a wise emperor. Many assassinations happened to the em-
perors, for example in one year there were 5 emperors. In addition
to political instability, Rome had many economic and social prob-
lems as well. Citizens had to pay higher taxes to fund Romes huge
army, hurting the economy and forcing people into poverty. Unem-
ployment rates went up, and the wealthy families used slaves and
cheap labor to work their large estates. As stated by Frey, Small
farmers could not compete with the large landowners. They ed to
cities looking for work, but there were no jobs for everyone (p. 8).
Horrible emperors Nero and Caligula wasted large amounts of
money on parties. Caligula was a ne emperor until he got sick,
and after he recovered he went a bit insane. He decided to invade
Britain but forgot to tell the army, and then brought home seashells
as spoils of the sea after waging war on the sea god Neptune. In
addition to all this, so many people were living in Rome and on the
streets that 1 out of 10 people were catching the plague! On top of
all this chaos, Germanic tribes were trying to invade Rome now
that it is so big and hard to defend. Many soldiers were paid to join
the army so Rome didnt have a very loyal military, and there were
not even that many people in the army to start off with! So with
their military weak, the Germanic tribes invaded and vandalized
Rome, looting all of the art and riches. However, this was only the
Western side of Rome. The Eastern Roman Empire thrived for
many years. The capital Byzantium is now present day Istanbul,
The Civilization of Champpommierica is grateful for all the mis-
takes Rome made that led to its decline because Champpom-
mierica doesnt have to compete with Rome, and many lessons can
be learned from those follies. All citizens of Champpommierica
will vote for their next leader in a nice, civilized manner. Every-
body should have an opinion in who should be in charge. Only
about 10% of the taxes should go to the military, the rest to needy
causes. If a leader is not as great as the public thought he/she was
then a vote will be held to see if the leader really is not nice. If the
votes are not in favor of the leader, then that person in question
will be put out of ofce and cannot run for campaign again. There
will be a population limit if needed to prevent sickness and inva-
sions from other civilizations. Nothing gold can stay, including
Germanic tribes kill-
ing off the Romans.
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
A belief system is no more than a thought youve thought
over and over again. - Wayne Dyer
Belief Systems
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
In an effort to create a successful civilization, the
people of Champpommierica have established their
own belief system. This belief system shares similar
moral values and teachings with other world religions
and helps the people of Champpommierica to create a
more educated, forgiving, happy, loyal, and respectful
society. Here are some examples.
Belief Systems Are Even More Tangled Than My
Figure 3.1 School Of Athens
Impact of Belief Systems
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91

A civilization is made up of people, so therefore the
people determine the success of the civilization. If no-
body had a sense of good from evil then the world
would be in chaos. A belief is an acceptance of a state-
ment that something exists or is true. Morality is a per-
sons decision of whether to share the cake or to eat it
all. It is the persons distinction between right and
wrong behavior. Belief systems are something that
moral values piggyback on. In America, killing people
is not something a person gets praise for, so people be-
lieve that murdering is bad. Belief systems can be based
on of or come from religions. In the Christian and Jew-
ish faith the Ten Commandments tell the people what
to do in the rst ve commandments, and then tell
what not to do in the remaining ve. In Buddhism, one
of the ways of the Eightfold Path, Right action: Do not
kill, steal, or lie. Be honest (p. 159) is an important part
of Buddhism. These aspects of these religions help
build the belief systems of civilizations. The goal of Con-
fucianism was to create a peaceful society, and in Hin-
duism your actions affect your karma. When you do
something bad your karma goes down, and visa-versa
when you do something good. Depending on your
karma you will be reborn into either a lower caste or
higher caste when you die, or even as an animal. This
inuenced people to do the right thing and bring up
their karma. Laws are also based on those moral values
and beliefs, so because everybody believes that murder-
ing is bad, the government establishes a law that states
no murdering. Then the civilization develops more and
more laws that provide guidelines for the citizens to fol-
low. So when belief systems go down so does morality,
and then crime and violence go up. Without belief sys-
tems people would not know what was good or bad.
Then people can make bad decisions and disobey the
law. In the Western Roman Empire, when the govern-
ment started to decline the belief systems went down
with it, and then people started fooling around. Of
course there were many things that caused the decline
of the Western Roman Empire, but it didnt help when
Emperor Nero wasted large amounts of money on par-
ties instead of helping out his civilization, which is in
my mind what he should have done with all that
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
In order to better understand the importance of be-
lief systems within a civilization and how they can inu-
ence the actions and decisions of a people, please con-
sider the following moral dilemma:
Life Saving Medicine
In Europe, a woman was near death from a special
kind of cancer. There was one drug that the doctors
thought might save her. It was a form of radium that a
druggist in the same town had recently discovered. The
drug was expensive to make, but the druggist was
charging ten times what the drug originally cost him to
produce. He paid $400 for the radium and charged
$4,000 for a small dose of the drug. The sick woman's
husband, Heinz,
went to everyone
he knew to borrow
the money and
tried every legal
means, but he
could only get to-
gether about
$2,000, which is
half of what it cost.
He told the druggist that his wife was dying, and asked
him to sell it cheaper or let him pay later. But the drug-
gist said, "No, I discovered the drug and I'm going to
make money from it." So, having tried every legal
means, Heinz gets desperate and considers breaking
into the man's store to steal the drug for his wife.
What is the correct moral decision for Heinz to
make? Explain why.
How do you know?
A Buddhist
follows the Eightfold
Path, which is the
road to enlighten-
ment. When a Bud-
dhist reaches enlight-
enment they have
mastered the four no-
ble truths to end all
suffering. The Eight-
fold Path teaches the
A painting of the Chinese philosopher
The sacred cow in Hinduism resembles Krishna.
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
right action, understanding, purpose, speech, action,
way to earn a living, effort, mindfulness, and concentra-
tion. Buddhists belief states, Do not kill, steal, or lie. Be
honest (159), is the right action. It would be an evil ac-
tion to steal the medicine, but it would in a way pro-
mote good actions because you tried to help your wife.
But then you would be disobeying the four noble truths
because you would be craving the medicine for your
wife. It is selsh on the doctors part because all he
cares about is money. So a Buddhist would try to pay
the doctor in some other favor to try to pay for the medi-
cine instead of stealing and not caring for his wife.

Hindus value marriage, so in the Hindu belief, the
husband should be loyal to his wife and take the medi-
cine. If the wife dies then it all depends on her karma to
see what she will be in her new life. It would be bad on
the doctors part because he just killed a woman (de-
pending on if the woman got the medicine and lived)
and his karma would be bad. The couple might be from
a lower class than the doctor. Perhaps they are untouch-
ables, and then people would be in favor of the doctor.
This is because in the caste system the untouchables are
lower than the worms. They do all the jobs people dont
want to do like take out the garbage or work in a
morge. However this is obviously wrong, and as Frey
states, They taught that all people, including the un-
touchables, should be treated equally (149). But if the
wife dies it could mean that she had bad karma and de-
served to die. When you do something bad your karma
goes down, and visa-versa when you do something
good. Depending on your karma you will be reborn
into either a lower caste or higher caste when you die,
or even as an animal.

In Confucianism, There are ve basic relation-
ships: ruler and subject, husband and wife, father and
son, older sibling and younger sibling, and friend and
friend (208). Confucius taught this because he noticed
that society worked well when people acted properly
based upon their relationships. As in this situation with
the husband and wife, the man should help his wife be-
cause of their relationship. Also, the husband is sup-
posed to take care of his wife because he is the gentle-
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
man. It is selsh for the doctor because if he doesnt
give the woman the medicine, it will be his fault she
died. He may have saved her, even though it was a 50%
The Civilization of Champpommierica wants to be
known not for their amazing military or scenic views of
the ocean, but for the benevolent people that live there.
Loyalty, respect, and wisdom will be valued in Champ-
pommierica. These actions can be associated with the
loyalty between friends, respect for your elders, and the
wisdom that comes with age as in the teachings in Con-
fucianism. When people have a good sense of impor-
tant moral values, then people tend to be nicer. Then
crime and violence will not happen very much in
Champpommierica. Unfortunately though there are
some people that do not know what is right or wrong,
so sometimes bad can things happen. This is why peo-
ple need to be educated, so they can understand the
world and other people. A belief system would help in
this process.
TRAAWTL, SCHOOL, Dlseacht, and Patoe
In an effort to create a successful civilization, the
people of Champpommierica have established their
own belief system. This belief system shares similar
moral values and teachings with other world religions
and helps the people of Champpommierica to create a
more educated, forgiving, happy, loyal, and respectful
society. Here are some examples.
The most important pillar in the belief system of
Champpommierica is The Right Action And Way To
Live, or TRAAWTL for short. TRAAWTL is mostly set
on treating others how you want to be treated and liv-
ing life to its fullest. This includes donating money to
worthy causes, giving money to the poor, and helping
and respecting others. Citizens practice TRAAWTL eve-
ryday maybe not even knowing it. It could be giving up
your chair for that old lady to sit down at the restaurant
or helping your friend when all his books fall down the
stairs. This is almost exactly the same as the RIGHT AC-
TION; as stated in Frey, Right Action - Do good deeds
and avoid bad ones like stealing, killing, adultery, drink-
ing alcohol, taking drugs, which is a part of the eight-
fold path in Buddhism. The part where citizens live
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
their lives to their fullest is determined later on in life
when they are on their deathbed. Right before they die,
Champpommiericans close their eyes and evaluate
themselves. They are caught in a sort of trance and
meditate before they are ready to pass on. TRAAWTL
helps Champpommierica to be a better civilization be-
cause even a little act of kindness can go a long way.
After TRAAWTL comes education, or as the citi-
zens of Champpommierica call it, SCHOOL. SCHOOL
Children in Champpommierica start going to school as
early as the age of ve. Education is free in Champpom-
mierica so that way even the poor can be educated. It is
important for all citizens to be given the chance to be
educated. This is very similar to the philosophy of Con-
fucianism, and as stated in Frey, They had to know
the proper behavior for people in various roles, from la-
borers to government ofcials. To prove they had this
knowledge, they had to take exams that the emperor
himself might grade (209). All citizens are required to
go to SCHOOL ve days a week (Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday, and Friday) and are no longer required to at-
tend SCHOOL once they reach the age of 22. Citizens
will not have to go to SCHOOL on special holidays so
that they may celebrate with their families. SCHOOL
will help the citizens of Champpommierica become
more educated and critical thinkers. This will help them
and the civilization in everyday life because all jobs are
required to look at your SCHOOL reports before you
are hired.
The people of Champpommierica have learned the
importance of loyalty from Confucianism. Dlseacht is
the third most important pillar in Champpommierica.
Dlseacht is loyalty and friendship. To show that you
have Dlseacht in Champpommierica you must always
stand up for your friends and family. This practice is
similar to Confucianism, as stated in Frey, According
to Confucianism, there are ve basic relationships: fa-
ther and son (208). This relates to Dliseacht because
citizens of Champpommierica should always be de-
voted to their family, especially their parents. Citizens
practice Dlseacht once a month to Champpommierica
by doing some sort of community service such as help-
ing to build a homeless shelter. Dlseacht will promote
loyalty in Champpommierica and help society become
more friendly and trustworthy.
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
Even though Patoe is the last pillar, it is still very
important. Patoe represents happiness and tranquility.
To help promote happiness all of the citizens of Champ-
pommierica are allowed either every Saturday or Sun-
day off. Patoe can be related to the Buddhist concept of
enlightenment. It is the goal of every Champpommieri-
can to reach Patoe. When you have reached Patoe, you
are almost a blank slate. It is total bliss and happiness.
This is similar to the Right mindfulness, as stated in
Frey, Right Mindfulness Be aware but not attached to
your emotions, thoughts, and feelings (159). Having a
day off gives people time to themselves so they can cool
off and rest. This could increase productivity in Champ-
pommierica because citizens would be more refreshed
and less stressed. Citizens will become more relaxed
and help Champpommierica be a more peaceful civiliza-
tion, most likely reducing crime rate.
The Tree of Happiness
The people of Champpommierica planted the Tree
of Happiness because they were inspired by the Bodhi
Tree that Buddha sat under when he reached enlighten-
ment. As stated in Buddhist Studies, The name
given to the Tree at Bodh Gaya under which the Bud-
dha sat on the night he attained enlightenment
fdd23.htm), and so this inspired the citizens of Champ-
pommierica to plant a tree in the corner of one of their
main crop elds. Under the tree the citizens are free to
study or relax with friends and family. The Tree of Hap-
piness promotes forgiveness, tranquility, and happiness
of course. It represents forgiveness because it is placed
in a eld so farmers can seek shade under its canopy. It
promotes tranquility because people can relax and calm
down in the shade, and happiness because it is a great
place to hang out with friends and family. It can be re-
lated to the Giving Tree, as it is always sharing its fruit
with others. The Tree of Happiness is one of the most sa-
cred objects in the civilization of Champpommierica
and is treated with respect because according to the
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
Champpommiericans, as long as the tree is alive,
Champpommierica will thrive.
The Coat of Arms of Champpommierica Blazon
Red Rose: The red rose in the top left of the shield rep-
resents the grace and beauty of the land of Champpom-
mierica. Red roses can be found outside of historic sites
The largest statue of the Buddha in Japan.
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
in Champpommierica such as the SCHOOL of Champ-
pommierica and alongside roads to help guide weary
travelers. The white behind the rose symbolizes peace
and sincerity.
Lamb With Arrow: The Lamb shows that Champpom-
mierica is a peaceful civilization. It is holding an arrow
because the lamb symbolizes that the people of Champ-
pommierica are gentle but will be erce when pro-
voked. The crescent moon is a symbol of hope in
Champpommierica; legend says that the lamb only
needed a sliver of the moons light to guide her way to
the shore where she defends Champpommierica. A
green background stands for hope, joy, and loyalty in
3 Fleur-de-lis: The eur-de-lis stands for purity and
light, and the green band in the bottom left of this quar-
ter symbolizes the island of Champpommierica. Again,
like the background of the red rose above, the white
stands for peace and sincerity.
Unicorn With Heart: The unicorn is the strength and
creativeness of Champpommierica. It wears a woven
heart necklace that represents how when the citizens of
Champpommierica work together, they become the in-
tertwining heart of the unicorn (Champpommierica).
The blue sky behind the unicorn is truth and loyalty.
Center Piece & Dividers: A pencil drawn in the mid-
dle of the world shows the Champpommiericans love
of scholarship and the arts. The ropes on the sides ex-
tending outwards North, South, East, and West resem-
ble the Christian cross.
The Almighty Catholic Church
The Church was the most powerful source of West-
ern Europe during the High Middle Ages. It inu-
enced how people thought and acted, controlled most
of what people knew, and was the key to salvation. The
Catholic Church had proved itself powerful when Pope
Gregory VII excommunicated King Henry IV from the
Catholic Church. When a king is crowned by a religious
gure like the pope, it means that God is giving him the
right to rule. Because King Henry wasnt part of the
church, it meant that he was now unworthy to both rule
and reach salvation. So in the end King Henry ended
up begging at Pope Gregorys door to let him back into
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
the church. Henry was thrown at the mercy of Gregory,
as stated by Frey, Legend has it that the pope let
Henry stand barefoot in the snow for three days before
he forgave him (33). This shows that the church had
power over even the king. Life was very difcult in the
Middle Ages because of the chaos caused during the
fall of the Western Roman Empire in Europe, and the
church became a place of safety, and since people didnt
like their lives so much they all hoped for a better life in
heaven. This was especially important for the peasants
and serfs who had it the worst. This craving for salva-
tion was one of the main reasons why hundreds of peo-
ple decided to join in the Crusades. The Crusades were
a series of trips to the Holy Land to recover Jerusalem
and other cities from the Muslims. Pope Urban II gave a
speech at Clermont, France, granting anyone who
joined a free ticket to heaven with all sins removed.
However, not all people joined to reclaim the Holy
Land and ght for their religion, as stated in Frey,
Some people went on crusades to seek wealth, and
some to seek adventure (35). A lot of knights and peas-
ants saw this as a chance to claim some land of their
own because chances were slim at home. Many new in-
ventions and ideas were brought back from the Middle
East like faster healing medicine and spices. Crusaders
brought back greater knowledge of the world, and
when they arrived back in Europe, that knowledge was
spread. The only people who were literate were monks,
priests, bishops, and so on. Most schooling took place
in monasteries, convents, and cathedrals, and over time
these sites established universities. Eventually, nearly
anybody could learn to read and write, which made the
church a bit nervous. People asked the church for expla-
nations about everyday things that at the time seemed
to have no logical explanation. Because at the time sci-
ence was not as developed, the church made up most of
the answers. However, now people were starting to be-
come more curious and started to ask more questions
since they were more educated. The Catholic Church
was in charge of everybodys salvation, knowledge,
and was a powerful gure during the Middle Ages.
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
A page from the Book of Kells.
Rose Window Stained Glass Notre Dame, Paris, France.
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Mans mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its
original dimensions. - Oliver Wendel Holmes
Power of Ideas
The Thinker
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
How New Ideas Advance and
Threten Society
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
Humanism Inuenced the European Society
Humanism inuenced the new era of the Renais-
sance even though many humanist ways of thinking
were very different and challenged the Catholic
Church. Humanism at rst was just a few ideas that led
to a burst of creativity known as the Renaissance. The
Renaissance was the rebirth of the classical arts when
humanism started in Italy. As quoted from Frey, Hu-
manism was the philosophy started by Francesco
Petrarch (321). The new concept challenged the mind-
set of Medieval Europe with questioning of authority,
curiosity for the natural world, and arts and education.
Before the decline of feudalism if you were born into a
class then the person would probably be in that rank for
life. But in the renaissance everyone was worthy of re-
spect and was no better than any other. This also meant
that a king was no better than a shopkeeper. Because of
this, ones status in society became less important, but
important still. Many new scientists emerged from the
renaissance, one of them being Leonardo Da Vinci. He
opened up bodies to see what was inside and sketched
organs and veins. One of his sketches includes a baby in
the womb! However, the church was still heavily in
King Henry VIII
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
power over Europe and forbid this research. So Leon-
ardo wrote anything he didnt want the church to nd
in code. Leonardo was also an artist, astronomer, and in-
ventor. He had the rst idea of the tank, machine gun,
parachute, and helicopter. It would be very strange if a
man were to do things like Leonardo did. The church
would give a simple answer to why people couldnt y
and how the body worked, and so people listened and
believed in the church. After all, the church was the key
to salvation so everyone just smiled and nodded. But
when high authority like the church isnt as important
anymore, but important still, people like Leonardo got
curious and put the church on edge a bit. Many people
are still very religious, and humanism was trying to
nd a balance between religion and science. So we see
today religious paintings from the renaissance. How-
ever they are a bit different from the medieval paint-
ings, which seemed always to be about the church. Dur-
ing the Renaissance they were about nature and even
had a Greek or Roman god thrown in there. There is a
sense of perspective and depth as well as shadows,
movement, and expressions. Also many people are
nude. Greek and roman architecture and sculpture is
brought back during the Renaissance as well as valued
education. In the long run, humanism changed the
mindset of Europe dramatically and created the perfect
transition for the Renaissance.
How Might Humanist Ideas Inuence Champpom-
Humanists would help promote and change many
things in Champpommierica in order to help make the
civilization more successful. Many laws and punish-
ments in Champpommierica would cause some protest
from Humanists. According to the laws of Champpom-
mierica, If there is unnecessary violence such as mur-
der, rape, or any kind of unnecessary abuse, then there
is a choice of either being tortured for a year using the
method which you used to abuse the person/animal,
death by detaching the head from the neck with a blunt
axe, being shunned by society for 5 years or until you
go mentally unstable, or having your forehead branded
with a hot metal iron with either the letter M for mur-
der, A for abuser, etc.. (Champpommierica 11).
Many Humanists would not approve of these punish-
ments because of how violent and barbaric these penal-
ties are. Instead, criminals could be sent to rehab and
other programs because even though they are being bit
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
on the butt, it really is just ghting re with re. If you
steal something and then you get robbed then you are
being bit on the butt. When these criminals are being
punished instead of being helped then Champpom-
mierica is just ghting re with re. However, a Human-
ist would agree with the third law of Champpom-
mierica stating that, All men and women are created
equal in Champpommierica (Champpommierica 12).
This is because humanists believe that every person is
worthy of respect and equality. Every life matters in a
Humanistic society and the same in Champpom-
mierica. This law would do well in our world today be-
cause women are still sometimes discriminated against
(but then again people will be judged no matter what).
A respected value of the Champpommiericans is educa-
tion and the love of art. A library/art gallery has been
established on the island free of charge of visit to all.
Education and the classical arts are very important in
humanism. Because of this, the Renaissance mostly is
known for new styles of art and advances in technol-
ogy. If humanistic ideas were brought into the society of
Champpommierica then more thought would be put
into laws, there would be even more equality and re-
spect for others, and education could possibly be im-
Threatening Curiosity
When Humanistic ideas started to question the
Church, many new religious beliefs start to spout all
over Europe, ending the unity of the Catholic Church.
New ideas and questions allowed people to question
their faith and the practices of the Catholic Church.
Many of these questions were helpful to advance ideas
in a successful civilization, but the questions also very
much threatened to the traditional Catholic Church.
Many new Protestant faiths were established and
started during this period of time known as the Refor-
mation. During the time of the Late Middle Ages, there
was political conict between the Pope and royalty as
well as the oncoming storm of new ideas questioning
the church. Many devout Catholics became antsy about
the Church because it was becoming involved in poli-
tics and economics instead of only focusing on religious
aspects. Also, many people disliked the Churchs ways
of collecting money. One practice was the selling of in-
dulgences (Frey 348), which were sold by preachers.
When an indulgence was bought, all of a persons sins
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
were forgiven. Obviously many people were outraged
by this because to many people forgiveness and salva-
tion were not things a person could simply buy. Accord-
ing to belief, salvation and forgiveness could only be
gained though good deeds or faith. Another way that
the Church made money was through simony. Simony
is the selling of religious ofces to people with enough
money and power. This caused for rich people unedu-
cated about religion to be in power. People did not like
this because Church members relied on these people to
preach to them, but the clergy were not very devout. Be-
cause of this, the Catholic Church lost even more fol-
lowers than before. These two factors of indulgences
and simony led to the questioning of the clergy, who
swore to live a life of poverty, yet now were swimming
in money from all the tithes. Reformers believed that
the Bible was the ultimate source of religious power in-
stead of the Pope, who in Catholicism is the direct mes-
senger from God. At one point there were three Popes,
and reformers decided that the Bible was the hardcore
written unchanging text of God. Due to this, many re-
formers translated the Bible from original Latin into
common languages so everyone could have a personal
experience with the Holy Spirit.
When the Catholic Churchs practices became
somewhat questionable many people joined the new
forms of the Catholic Faith. Reformers even had their
own printing press to help spread new ideas through-
out Europe. Teachings about the Bible in common lan-
guages became popular and the authority of the Catho-
lic Church slowly started to become less powerful as
Protestant religions started to sweep over Europe. But
as the reformers became more and more powerful, the
Catholic Church decided to nally do something about
the new faith. Many reformers and followers were ei-
ther burned at the stake or excommunicated and ac-
cused of heresy. Any material used for writing or teach-
ing was burned and banned. As stated by Frey, John
Wycliffe was a scholar in England. Wycliffe challenged
the churchs right to money that it demanded from Eng-
land (350). John Wycliffe, a theologian and preacher,
was accused of heresy by the Pope and burned at the
stake. His writings were also burned, but his inuence
carried on after his death.
The Master Plan
Champpommierica can look back at the Reforma-
tion and try to avoid the extreme actions taken by the
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
Catholic Church in a hasty attempt to smite out Protes-
tantism. Instead of burning at the stake and excommuni-
cation, every persons idea will be taken into considera-
tion and the top ideas will vote on by the whole civiliza-
tion once every other month. This way everybody will
be able to propose his or her idea depending on already
how frequently it is brought up. Results however have
to be at least over 65% in order to actually be reinforced
and legalized in Champpommierica. This tactic allows
for Champpommiericans to bring in new ideas into soci-
ety with a reduced threat to the whole civilization.
Dont Kill Bill We Need Him
If one famous person from the Renaissance could
come and live in Champpommierica, the citizens would
pick William Shakespeare. With Bill, theatre and the
arts would ourish, and most likely a performance hall
would be built for shows and such. Shakespeare wrote
a grand total of 154 sonnets and 40 plays during his life-
time. As stated by Frey, He had an enormous talent for
expressing thoughts and feelings in memorable ways
(342). People can still relate to Shakespeares characters
and conicts today. The plots in his plays are very crea-
tive, and the tragedies will leave you with puddles at
your feet. Without William Shakespeare, children
wouldnt be telling knock-knock jokes and the term A
wild goose chase would not exist. William made up
words that we use today like swagger, even though the
denition might differ from its original meaning. Bills
achievements would benet to Champpommiericas cul-
ture because maybe some hundred years from now
when people talk about Champpommierica, they will
think about their love of the arts. This is important for
the reputation of Champpommierica because this is
how the civilization will be looked at through the eyes
of other advancing civilizations in the future.
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91
Frey, Wendy. History Alive!: The Ancient World. Palo Alto, CA: Teachers'
Curriculum Institute, 2011. Print.
Frey, Wendy. History Alive!: The Medieval World and Beyond. Palo Alto, CA:
Teachers' Curriculum Institute, 2011. Print.
Champommier, Claire Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:05:25 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:fb:91

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