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Submitted i !"#ti"$ %u$%i$$met %&# t'e
A("#d &% de)#ee &%
B"*'e$&# &% Bu+ie++ Admii+t#"ti&
Submitted T& , Submitted B-,
Dr. Satish Sharma Nitin Modi
Faculty Guide Prahlad Khatik
Punit ain
Poo!a Sharma
"ahul De# Soni
$achelor o% $usiness &dministration '$.$.&.() one o% the most re*uted *ro%essional
courses includes +oth theory , *ractical as a *art o% t-o years curriculum.
In this course each student it re*ute to under .o *ractical *ro!ect in an or.ani/ation o%
re*ute. Pro!ect is an e0ercise +y 12means o% -hich student learn many thin.s -hich
cannot +e tau.ht in the classroom. Durin. *ro!ect students understand the real modus
o*erandi o% the concerned areas o% interest in the real li%e situation.
The *ro!ect *rocess is an endea#or to con#erts all that3s #irtual into a real ima.e i.e. it
hel*s in a**lyin. all the theoretical conce*ts in to the real cor*orate -orld. It hel*s in
de#elo*in. the mana.erial skills usin. -hich -e can con#ert into lan.ua.e , con#ey the
tau.ht , ideas %rom our mind to others.
4e e0*ress my sincere thanks to my *ro!ect .uide ) D#/ S"ti+' S'"#m" %or .uidin. me
ri.ht %orm the ince*tion till the success%ul com*letion o% the *ro!ect. I sincerely
ackno-led.e him them %or e0tendin. their #alua+le .uidance ) su**ort %or literature) critical
re#ie-s o% *ro!ect and the re*ort and a+o#e all the moral su**ort he had *ro#ided to me
-ith all sta.es o% this *ro!ect .
4e here +y declare that the *ro!ect -ork entitled 0FEASIBILITY STUDY OF
ACCOUNT OPENINGsu+mitted to the &MIS ai*ur ) is a record o% an ori.inal -ork done
+y me under the
Guidance o% D#/ S"ti+' S'"#m" %aculty 5% P5DD&" I NTE"N&T I 5N&L
65L L EGE) a i * u r ) 4o r k i s s u + mi t t e d i n t h e * a r t i a l % u l % i l l me n t n t o %
t h e re7uirements %or the a-ard o% the de.ree o% Master o% $usiness &dministration. The
results em+odied in this thesis ha#e not +een su+mitted to any other 8ni#ersity or Institute
%or the a-ard o% any de.ree or di*loma.
The +ankin. sector in India has +ecome #ery much com*etiti#e in last %e- years -ith the
increasin. .ro-th o% *ri#ate and *u+lic sector +anks. Day +y day the com*etition is most
strin.ent and crucial.
I under took *ro!ect in &9IS +ank limited ai*ur %or *ro%ilin. to understandin. the +ankin.
o*eration and marketin. its *roduct.
&9IS +ank -as esta+lished in and is -orkin. -ith lar.er assets side in *ri#ate sector
+anks. The 7uality o% ser#ice is +est amon. com*etitor.
I concluded the sur#ey to .et the in%ormation re.ardin. the ne- *otential salary accounts
and sa#in. accounts relations and satis%actions le#el o% e0istin. salary accounts and
sa#in. accounts %or cross sale o% other *roducts.

The satis%action amount the e0istin. salary accounts holders and the sa#in. account
holders o% &9IS +ank -ere re#ealed most o% the as*ects -ere at the satis%actory le#el. &
ma!ority -as satis%ied -ith the %acility *ro#ided) ser#ices) *roducts) -orkin. hours)
communication *rocess and technolo.y. "e.ardin. some %actor) customer -ants some
modi%ication in the *ro#ided %acilities so they can .i#e su..estions to make them accordin.
to their e0*ectations.
I -ould hel* the +ank to identi%y the satis%action le#el o% e0istin. relations and try to cross
sale the other *roducts and ser#ices.
S/ N&/ P"#ti*u$"#+ P")e+
1/ Introduction to the industry :2;<
=. Introduction to the or.ani/ation ;=2:>
;. "esearch methodolo.y :?
Title o% the *ro!ect :?
Duration o% the *ro!ect :?
;.; 5+!ecti#e o% study :?2:@
;.A Ty*e o% research ::2:B
;.> Sam*le si/e and method o% selection sam*le :B2BC
Sco*e o% study B<
Limitation o% study B=
A. Facts and %indin.s B;2B>
>. &nalysis and inter*retation B?2<C:
?. S45T <CB2<<=
@. 6onclusion <<;2<<A
:. "ecommendation and su..estions <<>2<<?
B. &**endi0 <<@2<<:
<C. $i+lio.ra*hy <<B

It#&du*ti& t& t'e B"2i) +e*t&# 3 Fi"*i"$ E4i#&met
The reser#e +ank o% India) as the central +ank o% the country) closely monitors
de#elo*ments in the -hole %inancial sector. The +ankin. sector is dominated +y scheduled
commercial +ank 'S6$s() &s at end march =CC: there -ere =B? commercial +anks
o*eratin. in India this included =@ to*ic sector +anks 'P$S() ;< *ri#ate sector) A= %orei.n
+anks and <B? re.ional rural +ank. &lso there are ?@ schedule coo*erati#e +anks
consistin. o% >< scheduled ur+an coo*erati#e +anks and <? schedule state coo*erati#e
+anks. Schedule commercial +anks touched on the .ro-th -as <A.> D a.ainst <@.; D o%
the earlier year.
State +ank o% India is still the lar.est +ank in India -ith the market share o% =C D. &9IS
+ank ha#in. .ood *osition -ith the net *ro%it <B=.<: crore in the +ankin. sector o% the
country. Ei.her *ro#isionin. norms) ti.hter assets classi%ication norms dis*ensin. -ith the
conce*t o% the F*ast due3 %or reco.nition o% NP&s lo-erin. o% ceilin. on e0*osure to a
sin.le +orro-er and .rou* e0*osure etc) are amon. im*ortant measure in order to
im*ro#e the +ankin. sector. & minimum sti*ulated ca*ital ade7uacy ratio '6&"( -as
introduce to stren.then the a+ility o% +anks to a+sor+ la-s and the ratio as su+se7uently
+een raised %rom :D2BD. It is *ro*osed to like 6&" to <= D +y =CCA +ased on the +asic
committee recommendation.
Mechanism %or sharin. o% in%ormation on +orro-ersG*otential +orro-ers +y the +ank and
%inancial institutions the credit in%ormation +ureau India ltd. 'ci+il( -as set u* in au.ust
=CCC. The +ureau *ro#ide the %rame-ork %or collectin.) *rocessin. and sharin. credit
in%ormation on +orro-ers o% credit institutions. S$I and EDF6 is the *romoter o% the 6I$IL.
The "$I is no- *lannin. to trans%er o% its strikes in the S$I) N$E and national +ank %or
a.riculture and rural de#elo*ment to the *ri#ate *layers. &lso) the .o#ernment has thou.ht
to lo-er its holdin. in PS$s to a minimum o% ;;D o% total ca*ital +y %ollo-in. them to raise
ca*ital %rom market. $ank are %ree to ac7uire shares) con#erti+le de+entures o% cor*orate
and unite o% e7uity oriented mutual %inds) su+!ect to a ceilin. o% >D o% the total outstandin.
ad#ance 'includin. commercial *a*ers( as on march ;<
o% the *re#ious year. The %inance
ministry s*lit out structure o% the .o#ernment s*onsored &"6 called the assets
reconstruction com*any 'India( LTD '&"6IL() this *ilot *ro!ect o% the ministry -ould ha#e
-ay %or smoother %unctionin. o% the credit market in the country. The .o#ernment -ill hold
ABD stake and *layer -ill hold the rest ><D. The &9IS +ank holds around <CD
&ll thou.h the estimated .ro-th in .ross domestic *roduce 'GDP( in the year B:2BB is not
as *er the e0*ectation3s) +ut it -as hi.her then the .ro-th rate o% >D %or B@2B: and it is at
>.:D the .ro-th rate im*ro#es lar.ely due to the .ood *er%ormance o% the a.ricultural and
ser#ices sectors e#en as the industrial *roduction %ailed to *ick u*. E0*orts also %ell
mar.inally in dollar terms durin. the year. Till the end o% the year the in%lation -as under
control at >D +ut since then it has continuously +een declinin.. Interest rates remained
%airly sta+le) des*ite lar.e scale .ross +orro-in. +y the .o#ernment. In addition to ad#erse
international de#elo*ments like the east &sian crises) turmoil in "ussia and $ra/il as also
uncertain economic outlook in a*an and Euro*e) the year also -itnessed ma!or *ro+lems
in the e0ternal en#ironments the country has %aced a host o% *ro+lems in the %orm o%
economic sanctions im*osed +y se#eral industrial countries such as sus*ension o% loans
+y international %inancial a.encies) reduction in the %lo- o% %orei.n direct in#estment 'FDI(
as -ell as in#estments +y %orei.n institutional in#estors and the do-n .radin. +y the
international ratin. a.encies. Eo-e#er) the economy remains .enerally resilient and
succeeded in lar.ely a+sor+in. these talks. In %act) the %orei.n e0chan.e reser#es -ent u*
si.ni%icantly and the e0chan.e rate o% the Indian ru*ee remained 7uite sta+le durin. the
The ca*ital market remained de*ressed durin. the measure *art o% the year and resultant
resource crunch as a tellin. e%%ect on the much2needed in#estment in the in%rastructure
sector. The o#er all slo- do-n in the industrial sector has ad#ersely e%%ected cor*orate
*er%ormance in the .eneral and mar.ins remain under *ressure. 6ertain industries like
steel) automo+ile) te0tile) en.ineerin.) machine tools and *etrochemical continue to %ace
se#ere demand recession. &ll this made it 7uite tou.h %or the +ankin. system in .eneral to
mana.e the credit risks durin. the year. &ll thou.h the national +ud.et and some o% the
*olicy initiati#e taken +y the .o#ernment to encoura.e the e0*orts and in%lo- o% %orei.n
in#estments ha#e raised ho*e %or a study turn around o% the economy) the *olitical
uncertainty continues to +e a ma!or -orry. 4hile the %inancial market remained %airly sta+le
so %ar and the re%orms *rocess is +ein. carried %or-ard des*ite the *olitical turmoil) the
*er%ormances o% the industrial sector in the comin. months -ill no dou+t ha#e an im*act
on the health o% the +ankin. system.
The .ro-th in the Indian $ankin. Industry has +een more 7ualitati#e than 7uantitati#e and
it is e0*ected to remain the same in the comin. years. $ased on the *ro!ections made in
the HIndia Iision =C=CH *re*ared +y the Plannin. 6ommission and the Dra%t <Cth Plan) the
re*ort %orecasts that the *ace o% e0*ansion in the +alance2sheets o% +anks is likely to
decelerate. The total assets o% all scheduled commercial +anks +y end2March =C<C is
estimated at "s AC)BC)CCC crores. That -ill com*rise a+out ?> *er cent o% GDP at current
market *rices as com*ared to ?@ *er cent in =CC=2C;. $ank assets are e0*ected to .ro-
at an annual com*osite rate o% <;.A *er cent durin. the rest o% the decade as a.ainst the
.ro-th rate o% <?.@ *er cent that e0isted +et-een <BBA2B> and =CC=2C;. It is e0*ected that
there -ill +e lar.e additions to the ca*ital +ase and reser#es on the lia+ility side.
The Indian $ankin. Industry can +e cate.ori/ed into non2scheduled +anks and scheduled
+anks. Scheduled +anks constitute o% commercial +anks and co2o*erati#e +anks. There
are a+out ?@)CCC +ranches o% Scheduled +anks s*read across India. &s %ar as the *resent
scenario is concerned the $ankin. Industry in India is .oin. throu.h a transitional *hase.
$y the <B?Cs) the Indian +ankin. industry has +ecome an im*ortant tool to %acilitate the
de#elo*ment o% the Indian economy. &t the same time) it has emer.ed as a lar.e
em*loyer) and a de+ate has ensued a+out the *ossi+ility to nationali/e the +ankin.
industry. Indira Gandhi) the2then Prime Minister o% India e0*ressed the intention o% the G5I
in the annual con%erence o% the &ll India 6on.ress Meetin. in a *a*er entitled HStray
thou.hts on $ank Nationali/ation.H The *a*er -as recei#ed -ith *ositi#e enthusiasm.
Therea%ter) her mo#e -as s-i%t and sudden) and the G5I issued an ordinance and
nationali/ed the <A lar.est commercial +anks -ith e%%ect %rom the midni.ht o% uly <B)
<B?B. aya*rakash Narayan) a national leader o% India) descri+ed the ste* as a
Hmasterstroke o% *olitical sa.acity.H 4ithin t-o -eeks o% the issue o% the ordinance) the
Parliament *assed the $ankin. 6om*anies '&ctuation and Trans%er o% 8ndertakin.( $ill)
and it recei#ed the *residential a**ro#al on Bth &u.ust) <B?B.
& second dose o% nationali/ation o% ? more commercial +anks %ollo-ed in <B:C. The stated
reason %or the nationali/ation -as to .i#e the .o#ernment more control o% credit deli#ery.
4ith the second dose o% nationali/ation) the G5I controlled around B<D o% the +ankin.
+usiness o% India.
&%ter this) until the <BBCs) the nationali/ed +anks .re- at a *ace o% around AD) closer to
the a#era.e .ro-th rate o% the Indian economy.
In the early <BBCs the then Narasimha "ao .o#ernment em+arked on a *olicy o%
li+erali/ation and .a#e licenses to a small num+er o% *ri#ate +anks) -hich came to +e
kno-n as Ne- Generation tech2sa##y +anks) -hich included +anks such as 8TI
$ank'no- re2named as &0is $ank( 'the %irst o% such ne- .eneration +anks to +e set u*()
I6I6I $ank and EDF6 $ank. This mo#e) alon. -ith the ra*id .ro-th in the economy o%
India) kick started the +ankin. sector in India) -hich has seen ra*id .ro-th -ith stron.
contri+ution %rom all the three sectors o% +anks) namely) .o#ernment +anks) *ri#ate +anks
and %orei.n +anks.
The ne0t sta.e %or the Indian +ankin. has +een setu* -ith the *ro*osed rela0ation in the
norms %or Forei.n Direct In#estment) -here all Forei.n In#estors in +anks may +e .i#en
#otin. ri.hts -hich could e0ceed the *resent ca* o% <CD)at *resent it has .one u* to ABD
-ith some restrictions.
The ne- *olicy shook the $ankin. sector in India com*letely. $ankers) till this time) -ere
used to the A2?2A method '$orro- at ADJ Lend at ?DJ Go home at A( o% %unctionin.. The
ne- -a#e ushered in a modern outlook and tech2sa##y methods o% -orkin. %or traditional
+anks. &ll this led to the retail +oom in India. Peo*le not !ust demanded more %rom their
+anks +ut also recei#ed more.
Cu##et Situ"ti&
6urrently '=CC@() +ankin. in India is .enerally %airly mature in terms o% su**ly) *roduct
ran.e and reach2e#en thou.h reach in rural India still remains a challen.e %or the *ri#ate
sector and %orei.n +anks. In terms o% 7uality o% assets and ca*ital ade7uacy) Indian +anks
are considered to ha#e clean) stron. and trans*arent +alance sheets relati#e to other
+anks in com*ara+le economies in its re.ion. The "eser#e $ank o% India is an
autonomous +ody) -ith minimal *ressure %rom the .o#ernment. The stated *olicy o% the
$ank on the Indian "u*ee is to mana.e #olatility +ut -ithout any %i0ed e0chan.e rate2and
this has mostly +een true.
4ith the .ro-th in the Indian economy e0*ected to +e stron. %or 7uite some time2
es*ecially in its ser#ices sector2the demand %or +ankin. ser#ices) es*ecially retail +ankin.)
mort.a.es and in#estment ser#ices are e0*ected to +e stron.. 5ne may also e0*ect
M,&s) takeo#ers) and asset sales.
In March =CC?) the "eser#e $ank o% India allo-ed 4ar+ur. Pincus to increase its stake in
Kotak Mahindra $ank 'a *ri#ate sector +ank( to <CD. This is the %irst time an in#estor has
+een allo-ed to hold more than >D in a *ri#ate sector +ank since the "$I announced
norms in =CC> that any stake e0ceedin. >D in the *ri#ate sector +anks -ould need to +e
#etted +y them.
6urrently) India has :: scheduled commercial +anks 'S6$s( 2 =: *u+lic sector +anks 'that
is -ith the Go#ernment o% India holdin. a stake() =B *ri#ate +anks 'these do not ha#e
.o#ernment stakeJ they may +e *u+licly listed and traded on stock e0chan.es( and ;<
%orei.n +anks. They ha#e a com+ined net-ork o% o#er >;)CCC +ranches and <@)CCC &TMs.
&ccordin. to a re*ort +y I6"& Limited) a ratin. a.ency) the *u+lic sector +anks hold o#er
@> *ercent o% total assets o% the +ankin. industry) -ith the *ri#ate and %orei.n +anks
holdin. <:.=D and ?.>D res*ecti#ely.
The Pub$i* Se*t&# B"2+ 'PS$s() -hich are the +ase o% the $ankin. sector in India
account %or more than @: *er cent o% the total +ankin. industry assets. 8n%ortunately they
are +urdened -ith e0cessi#e Non Per%ormin. assets 'NP&s() massi#e man*o-er and lack
o% modern technolo.y. 5n the other hand the Pri#ate Sector $anks are makin.
tremendous *ro.ress. They are leaders in Internet +ankin.) mo+ile +ankin.) *hone
+ankin.) &TMs. &s %ar as %orei.n +anks are concerned they are likely to succeed in the
Indian $ankin. Industry.
In the Indian $ankin. Industry some o% the P#i4"te Se*t&# B"2+ o*eratin. are ID$I
$ank) ING Iyasa $ank) S$I 6ommercial and International $ank Ltd) $ank o% "a!asthan
Ltd. and +anks %rom the Pu+lic Sector include Pun!a+ National +ank) Ii!aya $ank) 865
$ank) 5riental $ank) &llaha+ad $ank amon. others. &NK Grindlays $ank) &$N2&M"5
$ank) &merican E0*ress $ank Ltd) 6iti+ank are some o% the %orei.n +anks o*eratin. in the
Indian $ankin. Industry.
B"2+ i Idi" can +e cate.ori/ed into non2scheduled +anks and scheduled +anks.
Scheduled +anks constitute o% commercial +anks and co2o*erati#e +anks. There are a+out
?@)CCC +ranches o% Scheduled +anks s*read across India. Durin. the %irst *hase o%
%inancial re%orms) there -as a nationali/ation o% <A ma!or +anks in <B?B. This crucial ste*
led to a shi%t %rom 6lass +ankin. to Mass +ankin.. Since then the .ro-th o% the b"2i)
idu+t#- i Idi" has +een a continuous *rocess.
&s %ar as the *resent scenario is concerned the b"2i) idu+t#- is in a transition *hase.
The Pu+lic Sector $anks 'PS$s() -hich are the %oundation o% the Indian $ankin. system
account %or more than @: *er cent o% total +ankin. industry assets. 8n%ortunately they are
+urdened -ith e0cessi#e Non Per%ormin. assets 'NP&s() massi#e man*o-er and lack o%
modern technolo.y.
5n the other hand the Pri#ate Sector B"2+ i Idi" are -itnessin. immense *ro.ress.
They are leaders in Internet +ankin.) mo+ile +ankin.) *hone +ankin.) &TMs. 5n the other
hand the Pu+lic Sector $anks are still %acin. the *ro+lem o% unha**y em*loyees. There
has +een a decrease o% =C *ercent in the em*loyee stren.th o% the *ri#ate sector in the
-ake o% the Ioluntary "etirement Schemes 'I"S(. &s %ar as %orei.n +anks are concerned
they are likely to succeed in India.
Indusland $ank -as the %irst *ri#ate +ank to +e set u* in India. ID$I) ING Iyasa $ank) S$I
6ommercial and International $ank Ltd) Dhanalakshmi $ank Ltd) Karur Iysya $ank Ltd)
$ank o% "a!asthan Ltd etc are some Pri#ate Sector $anks. $anks %rom the Pu+lic Sector
include Pun!a+ National +ank) Ii!aya $ank) 865 $ank) 5riental $ank) &llaha+ad $ank.
&NK Grind lays $ank) &$N2&M"5 $ank) &merican E0*ress $ank Ltd) 6iti+ank etc are
some %orei.n +anks o*eratin. in India.
Modern +ankin. in India could +e traced +ack to the esta+lishment o% $ank o% $en.al 'an
=) <:CB() the %irst !oint2stock +ank s*onsored +y Go#ernment o% $en.al and .o#erned +y
the royal charter o% the $ritish India Go#ernment. It -as %ollo-ed +y esta+lishment o% $ank
o% $om+ay '&*r <>) <:AC( and $ank o% Madras 'ul <) <:A;(. These three +anks) kno-n
as the *residency +anks) marked the +e.innin. o% the limited lia+ility and !oint stock
+ankin. in India and -ere also #ested -ith the ri.ht o% note issue.
In <B=<) the three *residency +anks -ere mer.ed to %orm the Im*erial $ank o% India)
-hich had multi*le roles and res*onsi+ilities and that %unctioned as a commercial +ank) a
+anker to the .o#ernment and a +anker3s +ank. Follo-in. the esta+lishment o% the
"eser#e $ank o% India '"$I( in <B;>) the central +ankin. res*onsi+ilities that the Im*erial
$ank o% India -as carryin. out came to an end) leadin. it to +ecome more o% a commercial
+ank. &t the time o% inde*endence o% India) the ca*ital and reser#es o% the Im*erial $ank
stood at "s <<: mn) de*osits at "s =@>< mn and ad#ances at "s @=; mn and a net-ork
o% <@= +ranches and =CC su+ o%%ices s*read all o#er the country.
In <B><) in the +ackdro* o% central *lannin. and the need to e0tend +ank credit to the rural
areas) the Go#ernment constituted &ll India "ural 6redit Sur#ey 6ommittee) -hich
recommended the creation o% a state s*onsored institution that -ill e0tend +ankin.
ser#ices to the rural areas. Follo-in. this) +y an act o% *arliament *assed in May <B>>)
State $ank o% India -as esta+lished in ul) <B>>. In <B>B) State $ank o% India took o#er
the ei.ht %ormer state2associated +anks as its su+sidiaries. To %urther accelerate the credit
to %l o- to the rural areas and the #ital sections o% the economy such as a.riculture) small
scale industry etc.) that are o% national im*ortance) Social 6ontrol o#er +anks -as
announced in <B?@ and a National 6redit 6ouncil -as set u* in <B?: to assess the
demand %or credit +y these sectors and determine resource allocations. The decade o%
<B?Cs also -itnessed si.ni%icant consolidation in the Indian +ankin. industry -ith more
than >CC +anks %unctionin. in the <B>Cs reduced to :B +y <B?B.
For the Indian +ankin. industry) ul <B) <B?B) -as a landmark day) on -hich
nationali/ation o% <A ma!or +anks -as announced that each had a minimum o% "s >CC mn
and a+o#e o% a..re.ate de*osits. In <B:C) ei.ht more +anks -ere nationali/ed. In <B@?)
the "e.ional "ural $anks &ct came into +ein.) that allo-ed the o*enin. o% s*eciali/ed
re.ional rural +anks to e0clusi#ely cater to the credit re7uirements in the rural areas.
These +anks -ere set u* !ointly +y the central .o#ernment) commercial +anks and the
res*ecti#e local .o#ernments o% the states in -hich these are located.
The *eriod %ollo-in. nationali/ation -as characteri/ed +y ra*id rise in +anks +usiness and
hel*ed in increasin. national sa#in.s. Sa#in.s rate in the country lea*%ro..ed %rom <C2
<=D in the t-o decades o% <B>C2@C to a+out => D *ost nationali/ation *eriod. &..re.ate
de*osits -hich re.istered annual .ro-th in the ran.e o% <CD to <=D in the <B?Cs rose to
o#er =CD in the <B:Cs. Gro-th o% +ank credit increased %rom an a#era.e annual .ro-th o%
<;D in the <B?Cs to a+out <BD in the <B@Cs and <B:Cs. $ranch net-ork e0*anded
si.ni%icantly leadin. to increase in the +ankin. co#era.e.
Indian +ankin.) -hich e0*erienced ra*id .ro-th %ollo-in. the nationali/ation) +e.an to
%ace *ressures on asset 7uality +y the <B:Cs. Simultaneously) the +ankin. -orld
e#ery-here -as .earin. u* to-ards ne- *rudential norms and o*erational standards
*ertainin. to ca*ital ade7uacy) accountin. and risk mana.ement) trans*arency and
disclosure etc. In the early <BBCs) India em+arked on an am+itious economic re%orm
*ro.rammed in -hich the +ankin. sector re%orms %ormed a ma!or *art. The 6ommittee on
Financial System '<BB<( more *o*ularly kno-n as the Narasimham 6ommittee *re*ared
the +lue *rint o% the re%orms.
& %e- o% the ma!or as*ects o% re%orm included 'a( mo#in. to-ards international norms in
income reco.nition and *ro#isionin. and other related as*ects o% accountin. '+(
li+erali/ation o% entry and e0it norms leadin. to the esta+lishment o% se#eral Ne- Pri#ate
Sector $anks and entry o% a num+er o% ne- Forei.n $anks 'c( %reein. o% de*osit and
lendin. rates 'e0ce*t the sa#in. de*osit rate() 'd( allo-in. Pu+lic Sector $anks access to
*u+lic e7uity markets %or raisin. ca*ital and dilutin. the .o#ernment stake)'e( .reater
trans*arency and disclosure standards in %inancial re*ortin. '%( suita+le ado*tion o% $asel
&ccord on ca*ital ade7uacy '.( introduction o% technolo.y in +ankin. o*erations etc.
The re%orms led to ma!or chan.es in the a**roach o% the +anks to-ards as*ects such as
com*etition) *ro%ita+ility and *roducti#ity and the need and sco*e %or harmoni/ation o%
.lo+al o*erational standards and ado*tion o% +est *ractices. Greater %ocus -as .i#en to
deri#in. e%%iciencies +y im*ro#ement in *er%ormance and rationali/ation o% resources and
.reater reliance on technolo.y includin. *romotin. in a +i. -ay com*uteri/ation o%
+ankin. o*erations and introduction o% electronic +ankin..
The re%orms led to si.ni%icant chan.es in the stren.th and sustaina+ility o% Indian +ankin..
In addition to si.ni%icant .ro-th in +usiness) Indian +anks e0*erienced shar* .ro-th in
*ro%ita+ility) .reater em*hasis on *rudential norms -ith hi.her *ro#isionin. le#els)
reduction in the non *er%ormin. assets and sur.e in ca*ital ade7uacy. &ll +ank .rou*s
-itnessed shar* .ro-th in *er%ormance and *ro%ita+ility. Indian +ankin. industry is
*re*arin. %or smooth transition to-ards more intense com*etition arisin. %rom %urther
li+erali/ation o% +ankin. sector that -as en#isa.ed in the year =CCB as a *art o% the
adherence to li+erali/ation o% the %inancial ser#ices industry.
&ccordin. to the "$I de%inition) commercial +anks -hich conduct the +usiness o% +ankin.
in India and -hich 'a( ha#e *aid u* ca*ital and reser#es o% an a..re.ate real and
e0chan.ea+le #alue o% not less than "s C.> mn and '+( satis%y the "$I that their a%%airs are
not +ein. conducted in a manner detrimental to the interest o% their de*ositors) are eli.i+le
%or inclusion in the Second Schedule to the "eser#e $ank o% India &ct) <B;A) and -hen
included are kno-n as FScheduled 6ommercial $anks3.
Scheduled 6ommercial $anks in India are cate.ori/ed in %i#e di%%erent .rou*s accordin.
to their o-nershi* andGor nature o% o*eration. These +ank .rou*s are
'i( State $ank o% India and its associates)
'ii( Nationali/ed $anks)
'iii( "e.ional "ural $anks)
'i#( Forei.n $anks and
'#( 5ther Indian Scheduled 6ommercial $anks 'in the *ri#ate sector(. &ll Scheduled
$anks com*rise Schedule 6ommercial and Scheduled 6o2o*erati#e $anks.
Scheduled 6oo*erati#e +anks consist o% Scheduled State 6o2o*erati#e $anks
and Scheduled 8r+an 6oo*erati#e $anks
B"2i) Idu+t#- "t " G$"*e
In the re%erence *eriod o% this *u+lication 'FLC?() the num+er o% scheduled commercial
+anks %unctionin. in India -as ===) o% -hich <;; -ere re.ional rural +anks. There are
@<)<@@ +ank 9II o%%ices s*read across the country) o% -hich A; D are located in rural
areas) ==D in semi2ur+an areas) <:D in ur+an areas and the rest '<@ D( in the
metro*olitan areas. The ma!or +ank .rou*s 'as de%ined +y "$I( %unctionin. durin. the
re%erence *eriod o% the re*ort are State $ank o% India and its se#en associate +anks) <B
nationali/ed +anks and the ID$I Ltd) <B 5ld Pri#ate Sector $anks) : Ne- Pri#ate Sector
$anks and =B Forei.n $anks.
T"b$e 1, Idi" B"2i) "t " G$"*e
SourceM "eser#e $ank o% India
T"b$e 7, Numbe# &% B"2+8 G#&u! .i+e
SourceM Indian $anks3 &ssociationG "eser#e $ank o% India.
N Includes Industrial De#elo*ment $ank o% India Ltd.
T"b$e 9, G#&u! .i+e, C&m!"#"ti4e A4e#")e
T"b$e :, B"2 G#&u!+, Ke- Idi*"t&#+
Me#)e#+ 3 A*;ui+iti&+
Durin. FLC?) t-o domestic +anks -ere amal.amated 2 Ganesh $ank o% Kurund-ad -ith
Federal $ank Ltd and $ank o% Pun!a+ Ltd -ith 6enturion $ank Ltd to +ecome 6enturion
$ank o% Pun!a+ Ltd) -hile one Forei.n +ank 8F $ank Ltd mer.ed -ith $ank o% Tokyo2
Mitsu+ishi Ltd. ING $ank NI closed its +usiness in India. In Se*t) =CC?)
The 8nited 4estern $ank Ltd -as *laced under moratorium leadin. to its amal.amation
-ith Industrial De#elo*ment $ank o% India Ltd. in 5ct) =CC?. 5n &*r <) =CC@) $harat
5#erseas $ank an old *ri#ate sector +ank -as taken o#er +y Indian 5#erseas $ank and
on &*r <B) =CC@) San.li $ank) another old *ri#ate sector +ank -as mer.ed -ith I6I6I
$ank) a ne- *ri#ate sector +ank.
S'"#e'&$di) P"tte#
&s o% Mar =CC?) only %our Nationali/ed $ank had <CCD o-nershi* o% the Go#ernment.
These are 6entral $ank o% India) Indian $ank) Pun!a+ and Sind $ank and 8nited $ank o%
India. &s o% Mar =CC?) the .o#ernment shareholdin. in the State $ank o% India stood at
>B.@D and in +et-een ><2@@D in other nationali/ed +anks. In Fe+ =CC@) Indian $ank
came out -ith a *u+lic issue thus lea#in. only three nationali/ed +anks ha#in. <CCD
.o#ernment o-nershi*. Forei.n institutional holdin. u* to =CD o% the *aid u* is allo-ed in
res*ect o% Pu+lic Sector $anks includin. State $ank o% India and many o% the +anks ha#e
reached the threshold le#el %or FII in#estment. In res*ect o% Pri#ate Sector $anks -here
hi.her FII holdin. is allo-ed) threshold limit has +een reached in the leadin. +anks.
T#ed+ i Idi" B"2i) Se*t&#
The +ankin. sector is the most dominant sector o% the %inancial system in India) and -ith
.ood #aluations and increasin. *ro%its) the sector has +een amon. the to* *er%ormers in
the markets. &ccordin. to a FI66I sur#ey) the chie% stron. *oint o% the Indian +ankin.
industry is the re.ulatory system) -hich has ena+led India to car#e a *lace %or itsel% in the
.lo+al +ankin. scene. The re.ulatory systems o% Indian +anks are rated a+o#e 6hina and
"ussiaJ and at *ar -ith a*an and Sin.a*ore.
The *u+lic sector +anks 'PS$s( maintained its dominance in the +ankin. system. &s on
March ;<) =CC:) PS$s accounted %or ?B.B *er cent o% the a..re.ate assets and @=.@ *er
cent o% the a..re.ate ad#ances o% the Scheduled 6ommercial $ankin. 'S6$( system. &n
e0ce*tional %eature o% the re%orm o% the *u+lic sector +anks -as the course o% their
%inancial restructurin..
Furthermore) a re*ort H5**ortunities in Indian $ankin. SectorH) +y market research
com*any) "N65S) %orecasts that the Indian +ankin. sector -ill .ro- at a healthy
com*ound annual .ro-th rate '6&G"( o% around =;.; *er cent till =C<<.
$ankin.) %inancial ser#ices and insurance '$FSI() to.ether account %or ;: *er cent o%
IndiaOs outsourcin. industry '-orth 8SP A@.: +illion in =CC@(. &ccordin. to a re*ort +y
McKinsey and N&SS65M) India has the *otential to *rocess ;C *er cent o% the +ankin.
transactions in the 8S +y the year =C<C. 5utsourcin. +y the $FSI to India is e0*ected to
.ro- at an annual rate o% ;CQ;> *er cent.
&ccordin. to a study +y Dun , $radstreet 'an international research +ody(RHIndiaOs To*
$anks =CC:HRthere has +een a si.ni%icant .ro-th in the +ankin. in%rastructure. Takin.
into account all +anks in India) there are o#erall >?)?AC +ranches or o%%ices) :B;);>?
em*loyees and =@)C:: &TMs. Pu+lic sector +anks made u* a lar.e chunk o% the
in%rastructure) -ith :@.@ *er cent o% all o%%ices) := *er cent o% sta%% and ?C.; *er cent o% all
O t'e )#&(t' *u#4e
&ccordin. to the "eser#e $ank o% IndiaOs '"$I() &u.ust +ulletin) the Indian +ankin.
sectorOs "eser#e Money stood at 8SP =<A.>; +illion and credit -as estimated at 8SP
>A;.:@ +illion) till uly A) =CC:.
&..re.ate +ank de*osits as on No#em+er >) =CC: stand at 8SP @<?.@? +illion. 5n a
%inancial year +asis) a..re.ate de*osits -ent u* +y 8SP =;.?@ +illion ';.> *er cent( durin.
=CC:2CB) till uly A) =CC:. The incremental non2%ood credit2de*osit ratio increased to :=.A
*er cent till uly =CC:) %rom ?:.: *er cent a year a.o. Earlier) a..re.ate demand de*osits
had increased to 8SP <<=.<C +illion %rom 8SP B@.@> +illion till uly A) =CC@.
6ommercial +anksO in#estment in statutory li7uidity ratio 'SL"( eli.i+le securities increased
+y 8SP B.;< +illion u* to uly A) =CC: as a.ainst an increase o% 8SP <=.=? +illion in the
corres*ondin. *eriod o% =CC@QC:. &..re.ate de*osits o% the scheduled commercial +anks
'S6$s( reached 8SP <;=.@A +illion till uly =CC:) as a.ainst 8SP <=C.@: +illion in uly
=CC@) and the year2on2year increase in a..re.ate de*osits o% S6$s stood at 8SP <;=.@<
+illion. Simultaneously) loans and ad#ances o% S6$s touched 8SP <.=; +illion.
$anks had dis+ursed 8SP ;.;? +illion o% ad#ances +et-een &*ril < and May =; =CC:)
com*ared to a decline o% 8SP <C.C; +illion in the corres*ondin. *eriod last year. The
credit e0tended +y Indian +ankin. sector rose =>.; *er cent at end o% May =CC:) -ith the
outstandin. credit estimated at 8SP ABB.?< +illion. &s on March =CC:) -hile the interest
income o% the <: *u+lic sector +anks and se#en *ri#ate +anks rose +y =:.A *er cent) the
net *ro%it rose at much hi.her rate o% ;;.?< *er cent.
In %act) Indian +anks +ettered their %orei.n com*etitors durin. the %irst %i#e months o% =CC:.
&ccordin. to the lea.ue ta+les %or Indian markets com*iled +y Thomson "euters) in une
=CC:) three domestic +anksRStates $ank o% India 'S$I() I6I6I $ank Ltd and Kotak
Mahindra $ank LtdR-ere the to* three +anks in =CC:. 4hile the %orei.n +anksO %ee
decreased +y ?< *er cent) the three domestic +anks sa- a <<C *er cent .ro-th in a#era.e
%ee income %rom in#estment +ankin. o*erations. S$IOs total in#estment +ankin. %ee
income increased +y =?A.= *er cent to 8SP =:.= million durin. the %irst %i#e months o%
=CC:) a.ainst 8SP @.@ million durin. the corres*ondin. *eriod in =CC@. I6I6I $ank)
-itnessed a rise o% >A.> *er cent at 8SP <A.= million) -hile Kotak Mahindra $ank) recei#ed
8SP << million %rom in#estment +ankin..
Education loan *ort%olio o% +anks is e0*ected to .ro- +y AC *er cent in =CC:QCB) a.ainst
;CQAC *er cent in =CC@QC:. 5nline cash transactions are increasin. ra*idly in num+ers)
-ith *eo*le *re%errin. to send and recei#e money electronically. 4ith more +ank +ranches
.ettin. interconnected throu.h core +ankin. systems) settlements throu.h the electronic
systems ha#e nearly .ro-n three times since &*ril =CC@.
&ccordin. to latest "$I data) the num+er o% transactions done throu.h electronic %unds
trans%er systems 'EFT( and national electronics %unds trans%er system 'NEFT( -ent u* to
<.B= million a month in une =CC: %rom ?@>)CCC in &*ril =CC@. The total amount settled
electronically -as 8SP =.>A +illion in &*ril =CC@ and it -ent u* to 8SP A.=C +illion +y May
G$&b"$ !$"-e#+
The "eser#e $ank o% India '"$I() has allo-ed %orei.n *layers to set u* +ranches in rural
India and take o#er -eak +anks -ith an in#estment o% u* to @A *er cent) and %urther
rela0ations are on the an#il +y =C<C) -ith the second *hase o% o*enin. e0*ected to
commence in &*ril =CCB.
Some o% the +i..est names in .lo+al %inancial ser#ices and +anks like 6redit Suisse) "a+o
Grou* and &NK are seekin. a +ankin. license in India. The "$I has) in recent months)
.i#en %resh +ankin. licenses to 8$S 2 S-it/erlandOs lar.est +ank) Dresdner $ank and
8nited 5#erseas $ank.
&NK and "a+o+ank Grou*) the Dutch Grou*) is no- in the *rocess ac7uirin. a +ankin.
license. The "a+o+ank Grou* already holds <:.= *er cent stake in another local *ri#ate
+ank LES $ank. Some o% the e0istin. *layers such as Stan 6hart) 6ity and ES$6) hold
India as one o% their to* markets.
O4e#+e"+ e<!"+i&+
Some o% India ma!or +anks are *lannin. to increase their %orei.n o*erations) -ith an eye
on the ra*idly e0*andin. N"I and cor*orate %inancin. +usiness in %orei.n markets. The
State $ank o% India 'S$I( is in the concludin. sta.es o% introducin. its o#erseas o%%ices and
is tar.etin. a three2%old increase in its international +usiness) +y the ne0t %i#e years. S$I
had +een .i#en the consent +y the Sin.a*ore monetary authority to +e.in => +ranches in
the country.
IndiaOs +i..est *ri#ate sector lender I6I6I $ank -ill start %our ne- o%%ices in 8S 2 in Ne-
ersey) Te0as) 6ali%ornia and Illinois. EDF6 $ank also *lans to increase its %orei.n
o*erations. Presently) it has re*resentati#e o%%ices in Du+ai and Toronto.
I6I6I Ienture2controlled "an+a0y Fine 6hemicals '"F6L( has ac7uired the 8S2+ased
s*ecialty chemicals ma!or Mallinckrodt $aker. The deal -as estimated at 8SP ;AC million.
P#i4"te Se*t&#
E#er since the +ankin. o*erations had +een o*ened to the *ri#ate sector in <BBCs) the
ne- *ri#ate +anks ha#e +een increasin. its role in the Indian +ankin. industry.
Pri#ate +anks such as EDF6 $ank and I6I6I $ank are *ostin. a ra*id increase in their
asset +ase e#ery year as com*ared to *u+lic sector +anks. & com*arison +et-een all
*ro%it2makin. =< *u+lic sector +anks and <: *ri#ate +anks o*eratin. in the country
re#ealed that *ri#ate +anksO *rice earnin. 'PGE( ratio -as more than *u+lic sector +anks on
une <=) =CC: and in une <=) =CC@. The a..re.ate market ca*ital o% =< *u+lic sector
+anks had increased +y C.?? *er cent %rom 8SP ;:.>@ +illion on une <=) =CC@ to 8SP
;:.@> +illion on une <=) =CC:.
The Dun , $radstreet study re#ealed that ne- *ri#ate sector +anks dominated the
+ankin. industry in terms o% .ro-th -ith an a#era.e year2on2year .ro-th in assets) -ith
;:.@ *er cent %or de*osits) ad#ances at ;B.B *er cent and o*eratin. *ro%it at A?.@ *er cent.
5ld *ri#ate sector +anks re.istered an annual .ro-th rate o% @.< *er cent in assets) ? *er
cent in de*osits and <= *er cent in ad#ances %or FL C@. They %ared +etter in net *ro%it)
-hich increased +y ;C *er cent. &ll +ank .rou*s recorded a ca*ital ade7uacy ratio o% more
than <= *er cent.
Ru#"$ b"2i)
"ural IndiaOs current credit re7uirement %or =CC:2CB is estimated to +e 8SP :=?.@; million)
and reco.nisin. the hu.e *otential it holds) cor*orate sectors and +anks are no-
increasin.ly mo#in. to-ards rural India.
Mo+ile +ankin. has already taken o%% in rural areas and thousands o% *eo*le %rom rural
areas across <= Indian states are likely to .et their social security *ension and -a.es
throu.h mo+ile +ankin.. &s *er the su..estions o% a -orkin. .rou* set u* +y the "$I) all
the re.ional rural +anks '""$s( should mo#e to the core +ankin. *lat%orm '6$S( +y
Se*tem+er =C<<. This can ena+le them to undertake BC *er cent o% their +usiness on the
*lat%orm. The e0*ected e0*enditure o% this mo#e is estimated at 8SP <>; million. &ll ""$s
are likely to .et %inancial hel* +ut s*onsor +anks may ha#e to *ro#ide => *er cent o% the
cost. $y the middle o% =CCB) the ""$s -ould +e *er%ormin. => *er cent o% their
+usinesses throu.h 6$S) and +y Se*tem+er =C<C) this -ould +e >C *er cent. &ll ne-
+ranches o*ened a%ter Se*tem+er =CCB need to +e 6$S2com*liant.
Ret"i$ b"2i)
"etail +ankin. is the ne- mantra in the +ankin. sectors the home loan alone account %or
nearly t-o2third o% the total retail *ort%olio o% the +ank. &ccordin. to the < estimate the retail
se.ment is e0*ected to .ro- at ;C D to AC D in comin. year. Net +ankin.) *hone
+ankin.) mo+ile +ankin.) &TMs and +ill *ayments are the ne- +u// -ords that +anks are
usin. to lure customers. 4ith a #ie- to *ro#ide an institutional
Indian retail +ankin. is likely to .ro- at a 6&G" o% =: *er cent till =C<C and touch 8SP
=C;.@ +illion. It has *ro#ided need o% the hour ser#ices like around2the2clock accessi+ility
throu.h automated teller machines '&TMs() mo+ile and internet +ankin.. It has also
o%%ered ser#ices like D2M&T) *lastic money 'credit and de+it cards() and online trans%ers.
$anks ha#e increased their &TM net-ork o#er the *ast three years. &ccordin. to the "$I)
+y une =CC:) the num+er o% &TMs in the country had .one u* to ;?);<A a.ainst =@)C::
and =C)=?@ at end2March =CC@ and =CC?) res*ecti#ely.
Loan dis+ursement
"etail loan dis+ursements ha#e +ecome sim*ler and %aster. The sector has +een .ro-in.
at around ;C *er cent *er year o#er the *ast AQ> years. &ccordin. to the "$I data) the
.ro-th o% retail *ort%olio o% +anks '=B.B *er cent( -as hi.her than the o#erall credit *ort%olio
o% the +ankin. sector '=:.> *er cent() durin. =CC?QC@.
Plastic Money
4ith the use o% credit cards increasin. si.ni%icantly o#er the last %e- years) it has *layed
an im*ortant role in *romotin. retail +ankin.. The num+er o% credit cards 'outstandin.( in
une =CC: stood at =@.C= million) a.ainst =A.;B million in une =CC@) *ostin. a <C.@; *er
cent .ro-th.
6ore $ankin. Solutions '6$S(
The conce*t o% 6$S ena+les a customer to %ul%il numerous +ankin. o*erations online) has
.ro-n since the *ast %our years. The num+er o% +ank +ranches *ro#idin. 6$S increased
to AA *er cent in March =CC@) a.ainst =:.B *er cent in March =CC?. Electronic %und trans%er
%acilities and mo+ile +ankin. is e0*ected to %urther stren.then the retail +ankin. se.ment
in the %uture.
T-!e+ &% Ret"i$ B"2+
C&mme#*i"$ B"2
The term used %or a normal +ank to distin.uish it %rom an in#estment +ank. &%ter the
Great De*ression) the 8.S. 6on.ress re7uired that +anks only en.a.e in +ankin.
acti#ities) -hereas in#estment +anks -ere limited to ca*ital market acti#ities. Since the
t-o no lon.er ha#e to +e under se*arate o-nershi*) some use the term Hcommercial
+ankH to re%er to a +ank or a di#ision o% a +ank that mostly deals -ith de*osits and
loans %rom cor*orations or lar.e +usinesses.
C&mmuit- B"2+
Locally o*erated %inancial institutions that em*o-er em*loyees to make local decisions
to ser#e their customers and the *artners
C&mmuit- De4e$&!met B"2+
"e.ulated +anks that *ro#ide %inancial ser#ices and credit to underser#ed markets or
P&+t"$ S"4i)+ B"2+
Sa#in.s +anks associated -ith national *ostal systems.
P#i4"te B"2+
Mana.e the assets o% hi.h net -orth indi#iduals.
O%%+'&#e B"2+
$anks located in !urisdictions -ith lo- ta0ation and re.ulation. Many o%%shore +anks
are essentially *ri#ate +anks.
S"4i)+ B"2
In Euro*e) sa#in.s +anks take their roots in the <Bth or sometimes e#en <:th century.
Their ori.inal o+!ecti#e -as to *ro#ide easily accessi+le sa#in.s *roducts to all strata o%
the *o*ulation. In some countries) sa#in.s +anks -ere created on *u+lic initiati#e)
-hile in others socially committed indi#iduals created %oundations to *ut in *lace the
necessary in%rastructure. No-adays) Euro*ean sa#in.s +anks ha#e ke*t their %ocus on
retail +ankin.M *ayments) sa#in.s *roducts) credits and insurances %or indi#iduals or
small and medium2si/ed enter*rises. &*art %rom this retail %ocus) they also di%%er %rom
commercial +anks +y their +roadly decentrali/ed distri+ution net-ork) *ro#idin. local
and re.ional outreach and +y their socially res*onsi+le a**roach to +usiness and
Bui$di) S&*ietie+ "d L"de+b"2+
6onduct retail +ankin..
Et'i*"$ B"2+
$anks that *rioriti/e the trans*arency o% all o*erations and make only -hat they
consider to +e socially2res*onsi+le in#estments.
I4e+tmet B"2i)
4ith numerous mer.ers and ac7uisition deals +y Indian cor*orate) in#estment +ankin.
re#enues ha#e .one u* to a record hi.h. &ccordin. to Dialo.ic) an international %irm that
tracks .lo+al M ,& transactions) in#estment +ankin. re#enues %rom India crossed the 8SP
< +illion2mark %or the %irst time in =CC@ to 8SP <.C? +illion. This is si.ni%icantly hi.her than
the 8SP ACC million2in#estment +ankin. re#enues recorded in =CC?. &lso) this sur.e in
re#enues has *ro*elled India to +ecome the third lar.est market %or in#estment +ankin. in
&sia2Paci%ic in =CC@.
T-!e+ &% I4e+tmet B"2+
In#estment +anks Hunder-riteH '.uarantee the sale o%( stock and +ond issues) trade %or
their o-n accounts) make markets) and ad#ise cor*orations on ca*ital markets acti#ities
such as mer.ers and ac7uisitions.
Merchant +anks -ere traditionally +anks -hich en.a.ed in trade %inancin.. The modern
de%inition) ho-e#er) re%ers to +anks -hich *ro#ide ca*ital to %irms in the %orm o% shares
rather than loans. 8nlike Ienture ca*ital %irms) they tend not to in#est in ne- com*anies.
I6I6I $ank) Kotak Mahindra $ank are already into this s*ace and no-) EDF6 and the
8nion $ank o% India are no- also *lannin. to e0*and into in#estment +ankin. at a time
-hen a..ressi#e Indian com*anies are +uyin. %orei.n ri#als.
Se#4i*e+ t-!i*"$$- &%%e#ed b- B"2+
A$t'&u)' t'e b"+i* t-!e &% +e#4i*e+ &%%e#ed b- " b"2 de!ed+ u!& t'e t-!e &%
b"2 "d t'e *&ut#-8 +e#4i*e+ !#&4ided u+u"$$- i*$ude,
Takin. de*osits %rom their customers and issuin. current '8K( or checkin. '8S(
accounts and sa#in.s accounts to indi#iduals and +usinesses
E0tendin. loans to indi#iduals and +usinesses
6ashin. che7ues
Facilitatin. money transactions such as -ire trans%ers and cashierOs checks
Issuin. credit cards) &TM cards) and de+it cards
Storin. #alua+les) *articularly in a sa%e de*osit +o0
6ashin. and distri+utin. +ank rolls
6onsumer , commercial %inancial ad#isory ser#ices
Pension , retirement *lannin.
Fi"*i"$ t#"+"*ti&+ *" be !e#%&#med t'#&u)' m"- di%%e#et *'"e$+,
& +ranch) +ankin. centre or %inancial centre is a retail location -here a +ank or
%inancial institution o%%ers a -ide array o% %ace to %ace ser#ice to its customers
&TM is a com*uteri/ed telecommunications de#ice that *ro#ides a %inancial
institutionOs customers a method o% %inancial transactions in a *u+lic s*ace -ithout
the need %or a human clerk or +ank teller
Mail is *art o% the *ostal system -hich itsel% is a system -herein -ritten documents
ty*ically enclosed in en#elo*es) and also small *acka.es containin. other matter)
are deli#ered to destinations around the -orld
Tele*hone +ankin. is a ser#ice *ro#ided +y a %inancial institution -hich allo-s its
customers to *er%orm transactions o#er the tele*hone
5nline +ankin. is a term used %or *er%ormin. transactions) *ayments etc. o#er the
Internet throu.h a +ank) credit union or +uildin. societyOs secure -e+site
& +ank is a commercial or state institution that *ro#ides %inancial ser#ices ) includin.
issuin. money in #arious %orms) recei#in. de*osits o% money) lendin. money and
*rocessin. transactions and the creatin. o% credit. & commercial +ank acce*ts de*osits
%rom customers and in turn makes loans) e#en in e0cess o% the de*ositsJ a *rocess kno-n
as %ractional2reser#e +ankin.. Some +anks 'called $anks o% issue( issue +anknotes as
le.al tender. Many +anks o%%er ancillary %inancial ser#ices to make additional *ro%itJ %or
e0am*le) most +anks also rent sa%e de*osit +o0es in their +ranches.
6urrently in most !urisdictions commercial +anks are re.ulated and re7uire *ermission to
o*erate. 5*erational authority is .ranted +y +ank re.ulatory authorities -hich *ro#ides
ri.hts to conduct the most %undamental +ankin. ser#ices such as acce*tin. de*osits and
makin. loans. & commercial +ank is usually de%ined as an institution that +oth acce*ts
de*osits and makes loansJ there are also %inancial institutions that *ro#ide selected
+ankin. ser#ices -ithout meetin. the le.al de%inition o% a +ank.
$anks ha#e in%luenced economies and *olitics %or centuries. Eistorically) the *rimary
*ur*ose o% a +ank -as to *ro#ide loans to tradin. com*anies. $anks *ro#ided %unds to
allo- +usinesses to *urchase in#entory) and collected those %unds +ack -ith interest -hen
the .oods -ere sold. For centuries) the +ankin. industry only dealt -ith +usinesses) not
consumers. 6ommercial lendin. today is a #ery intense acti#ity) -ith +anks care%ully
analy/in. the %inancial condition o% their +usiness clients to determine the le#el o% risk in
each loan transaction. $ankin. ser#ices ha#e e0*anded to include ser#ices directed at
indi#iduals) and risks in these much smaller transactions are *ooled.
& +ank .enerates a *ro%it %rom the di%%erential +et-een the le#el o% interest it *ays %or
de*osits and other sources o% %unds) and the le#el o% interest it char.es in its lendin.
acti#ities. This di%%erence is re%erred to as the s*read +et-een the cost o% %unds and the
loan interest rate. Eistorically) *ro%ita+ility %rom lendin. acti#ities has +een cyclic and
de*endent on the needs and stren.ths o% loan customers. In recent history) in#estors ha#e
demanded a more sta+le re#enue stream and +anks ha#e there%ore *laced more
em*hasis on transaction %ees) *rimarily loan %ees +ut also includin. ser#ice char.es on
array o% de*osit acti#ities and ancillary ser#ices 'international +ankin.) %orei.n e0chan.e)
insurance) in#estments) -ire trans%ers) etc.(. Eo-e#er) lendin. acti#ities still *ro#ide the
+ulk o% a commercial +ankOs income.
The name +ank deri#es %rom the Italian -ord +an co HdeskG+enchH) used durin. the
"enaissance +y Florentines +ankers) -ho used to make their transactions a+o#e a desk
co#ered +y a .reen ta+lecloth.Scitation neededT Eo-e#er) there are traces o% +ankin.
acti#ity e#en in the $a+ylonian times) and indeed a +ook a+out the history o% +ankin. is
named M $ankin.) %rom $a+ylon to 4all Street.
P#i*i!"$ "*ti4itie+ i bu+ie++ #e4ie(
6om*are to "S <?.C= crore %or B@2B:) the *ro%it a#aila+le %or a**ro*riation %or the year in
B:2B:) a%ter makin. all the ad!ustments) stood at ru*ees ;<.C: crore. The net *ro%it could
ha#e +een much +ut %or %ull *ro#isions ha#e +een made) as a measure o% a+undant
caution3s) %or certain -eeks loan assets and in#estments. 4hat ho-e#er) stand out is the
remarka+le .ro-th o% =>.CBD achie#ed in the *ro%it +e%ore *ro#isions and BA.C<D
achie#ed in the net *ro%it des*ite a hi.her le#el o% de*reciation char.es durin. the year.
4hile the o*eration3s e0*enses ha#e +een ke*t under ti.ht control) the mar.ins ha#e
im*ro#ed su+stantially across the +oard in s*ite o% di%%icult market conditions. Eo-e#er)
the +ank committed as in the *ast) to im*ro#e *ro%ita+ility o% its o*eration3s amon. others)
+y increasin. sta%% *roducti#ity) au.mentin. %ee +ased income and e0*endin. the
%ore0Gtreasury o*eration3s) +esides launchin. ne- %inancial *roducts and there +y achie#e
a much hi.her le#el o% *ro%it in current year.
&9IS $ank -as the %irst o% the ne- *ri#ate +anks to ha#e +e.un o*erations in <BBA) a%ter
the Go#ernment o% India allo-ed ne- *ri#ate +anks to +e esta+lished. &9IS) the lar.est
mutual %und in India) Li%e Insurance 6or*oration o% India 'LI6( and General Insurance
6or*oration Ltd. and its %our su+sidiaries #i/. *romoted the $ank !ointly National Insurance
6om*any Ltd.) The Ne- India &ssurance 6om*any) The 5riental Insurance 6or*oration
and 8nited Insurance 6om*any Ltd.
The $ank today is ca*itali/ed to the e0tent o% "s. =;C.:: 6rore -ith the *u+lic holdin.
'other than *romoters( at A>.?;D.
The $ankOs "e.istered 5%%ice is at &hamda+ad and its 6entral 5%%ice is located at Mum+ai.
Presently the $ank has a #ery -ide net-ork o% more than =CC +ranch o%%ices and
E0tension 6ounters. The $ank has a net-ork o% o#er =C<C &TMs *ro#idin. =Ahrs a day
+ankin. con#enience to its customers. This is one o% the lar.est &TM net-orks in the
The $ank has stren.ths in +oth retail and cor*orate +ankin. and is committed to ado*tin.
the +est industry *ractices internationally in order to achie#e e0cellence.
The li+erali/ation and .ro-th o% the Indian economy *ro#ides &9IS +ank -ith si.ni%icance
o**ortunities to *roceed su*erior %inancial *roducts and ser#ice to the cor*orate and the
retail sector &9IS +anks o+!ecti#e is to enhance its *osition an India3s *remier %inancial
ser#ices *ro#ider. The key element o% &9IS +ank +usiness strate.y isM 2
<. %ocus on 7uality .ro-th o**ortunities +y
a( $uildin. a stron. retail %ranchisee.
+( Maintainin. and enhancin. stren.th in cor*orate +ankin..
=. 6om*rise conser#ati#e risk mana.ement *ractices and enhanced assets 7ualities.
;. 8sed technolo.y %or com*arati#e ad#anta.e.
A. &ttract and retain talented *ro%essionals.
&0is $ank Ltd. has +een *romoted +y the lar.est and the +est Financial Institution o% the
country) 8TI. The $ank -as set u* -ith a ca*ital o% "s. <<> crore) -ith 8TI contri+utin.
"s. <CC crore) LI6 2 "s. @.> crore and GI6 and its %our su+sidiaries contri+utin. "s. <.>
crore each
N"me &% t'e P#&m&te#+ Cu##et S'"#e'&$di)
&dministrator o% the S*eci%ied 8ndertakin. o% the 8nit Trust
o% India '8TI2<(2 S88TI
Li%e Insurance 6or*oration o% India
General Insurance 6or*oration o% India and Four PS8
Insurance com*anies
S'"#e'&$di) P"tte#+
Erst-hile 8nit Trust o% India -as set u* as a +ody cor*orate under the 8TI &ct) <B?;) -ith
a #ie- to encoura.e sa#in.s and in#estment. In Decem+er =CC=) the 8TI &ct) <B?; -as
re*ealed -ith the *assa.e o% 8nit Trust o% India 'Trans%er o% 8ndertakin. and "e*eal( &ct)
=CC= +y the Parliament) *a#in. the -ay %or the +i%urcation o% 8TI into = entities) 8TI2I and
8TI2II -ith e%%ect %rom <st Fe+ruary =CC;. In accordance -ith the &ct) the 8ndertakin.
s*eci%ied as 8TI I has +een trans%erred and #ested in the &dministrator o% the S*eci%ied
8ndertakin. o% the 8nit Trust o% India 'S88TI() -ho mana.es assured return schemes
alon. -ith ?.@>D 8S2?A $onds) ?.?CD &"S $onds -ith a 8nit 6a*ital o% o#er "s.
<A<?@.>B crores.
Shareholdin. Pattern as on <C 5cto+er =C<=
S'"#e'&$di) P"tte#
Name o% the Shareholders No. o% Shares
D Stake
to Total
A/ P#&m&te# S'"#e'&$di)
<. &dministrator o% the S*eci%ied 8ndertakin. o%
the 8nit Trust o% India 28TI 2 I 'S88TI(
B)@=)=A);@; =@.CB
=. Li%e Insurance 6or*oration o% India ;)@<)B>):;< <C.;?
;. General Insurance 6or*oration o% India :<)=;);;< =.=?
A. The Ne- India &ssurance 6om*any Limited ;:)C?)AA; <.C?
>. National Insurance 6om*any Limited. =@)<:)@AC C.@?
?. 8nited India Insurance 6om*any Limited <>)@?)A<> C.AA
@. The 5riental Insurance 6om*any Limited <>);B)<<: C.A;
Total Promoter Shareholdin. 2 & <>)=<):A)=> A=.AC
B/ N&=P#&m&te# H&$di)
:. Indian Financial Institutions 'IFIs( AC)=<)><B <.<=
B. Mutual Funds ;);>)<:)?@C B.;A
<C. 5thers'Indi#idualsG6or*orate
A);@):=)=:< <=.=C
Total Non2Promoter Indian Shareholdin. 2 $ :)<;)==)A@C ==.??
C/ F&#ei) S'"#e'&$di)
<<. FDI "oute 2 GD"s Issue '=CC> , =CC@( =)@>):>):?: @.?B
<=. Forei.n Financial Institutions 'FIIs( B)=>)A:)<@@ =>.@B
<;. N"IsG56$sGF$D >=)>;)<BA <.A?
Total Non2Promoter Forei.n Shareholdin. 2 6 <=)>;):@)=;B ;A.BA
T&t"$ A > B > C

Pro%it a%ter ta0 u* ?=.>=D to "s <C@<.C; crore
Net interest income u* @?.C@D to "s =>:>.;> crore.
Fee income u* ?>.B<D to "s <;?@.@> crore
"eturn on a#era.e assets u* %rom <.<;D to <.<@ D
De*osits u* AB.C?D to "s :@?=?.== crores
Demand de*osits u* @C.:AD to "s ACC=?.BB crores
Share o% demand de*osits u* %rom <?.>C D to =;.CAD
&d#ance u* ?<.@BD to "s >B??<.<A crore
"etail assets u* >=.=AD to "s <;>B<.?: crore
Net-ork o% +ranches and e0tension counters increase %rom >?< to @=B
Total No. o% &TMs -ent u* %rom =;A< to ;C@A
No. o% account u* A: D to <?)A:)==;
Net NP& ratio as *ercenta.e o% customer assets do-n to C.;?D %rom C.?<D
Earnin. *er share'diluted( increased %rom "s =;.>C to "s ;=.<>
Di#idend u* %rom A>Dto ?C D
6a*ital ade7uacy ratio increased %rom <;.?;D to B.CC D
Ye"# 7CCA=1C 7C1C=11 7C11=17
Pro%it =?; <:> A=@
=CC>2C? =CC?2C@ =CC@2C:
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Ye"# 7CCA=1C 7C1C=11 7C11=17
Net Pro%it A=? ?>B <C@<
Net Pro%it
=CC>2C? =CC?2C@ =CC@2C:
Net Pro%it
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Ye"# 7CCA=1C 7C1C=11 7C11=17
?:A :=A <;?@
Fee Incomes'6r.(
=CC>2C? =CC?2C@ =CC@2C:
Fee Incomes'6r.(
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
Ye"#+ P#&%it
Be$&( 9C -e"#+ 7@D
9C=:C Ye"#+ 11D
:C=?C Ye"#+ 7D
Ab&4e ?C Ye"#+ ?AD
Ite$$e*tu"$ C"!it"$
$elo- ;C years
;C2AC Lears
AC2>C Lears
&+o#e >C Lears
Eu"$i%i*"ti& Pe#*et")e
Ite$$e*tu"$ P#&%i$e
Se#i"$ &/ N"me &% +'"#e'&$de#+ D &% !"id u! *"!it"$
<. &dministrator o% the s*eci%ied undertakin. o% the
8nited trust o% India '&9IS Q <( =@.<:D
=. Li%e insurance 6or*oration o% India <C.ACD
;. General insurance cor*oration and its su+sidiaries A.B; D
A. 5#erseas in#estorsG56$sGN"Is ;>.A?D
>. Forei.n Direct In#estment 'GD" issue( ;.?A D
>. 5ther Indian %inancial institutionsGmutual :.;;D
?. 5thers <C.C?D
T&t"$ 1CCD
C&m!"ie+ Pe#*et")e
&9IS2I ;;.>?
LI6 <;.>A
6D& =C.<=
6iticor* ;.:;
6hrys 6a*ital ;.:;
5thers =>.<=

6hrys 6a*ital
S'"#e *"!it"$ &% A<i+ B"2
&uthori/ed Share 6a*ital M"s. >CC crores
Paid 8* Share 6a*ital M "s. ;>B.CC crores
R"te+ &% Di4ided de*$"#ed b- A<i+ B"2 i t'e !"+t
The rates o% di#idend declared +y &0is $ank -ere as %ollo-sM
Lear <BB:2BB 2 <CD 'Pro2rata( 2 '"s. < *er share(
Lear <BBB2CC 2 <=D 2 '"s. <.=C *er share(
Lear =CCC2C< 2 <>D 2 '"s. <.>C *er share(
Lear =CC<2C= 2 =CD 2 '"s. =.CC *er share(
Lear =CC=2C; 2 ==D 2 '"s. =.=C *er share(
Lear =CC;2CA 2 =>D 2 '"s. =.>C *er share(
Lear =CCA2C> 2 =:D 2 '"s. =.:C *er share(
Lear =CC>2C? 2 ;>D 2 '"s. ;.>C *er share(
Lear =CC?2C@ 2 A>D 2 '"s. A.>C *er share(
Lear =CC@2C: 2 ?CD 2 '"s. ?.CC *er share(
Lear =CC:2CB 2 <CCD 2 '"s. <C.CC *er share( 2 Pro*osed
C#edit R"ti)+
Fit*' Idi" (e% 1:t' De*embe# 7CCH
Su+ordinated De+t
&&&1'Ind( Sta+le
Per*etual Tier
&&1'Ind( Sta+le
8nsecured Su+ordinated 8**er Tier II
&&1'Ind( Sta+le
Su**ort "atin.
Indi#idual "atin.
6erti%icate o% De*osits
Su+ordinated De+it
8**er Tier II $onds
L&& 'Positi#e(
Ey+rid Tier I L&& 'Positi#e(
6erti%icate o% De*osits
CARE R"ti)+ (e% 11t' N&4embe# 7CC@
Su+ordinated Tier II $onds
A<i+ B"2 Cu+t&me# C"#e
&0is $ank customer care ser#ice has ena+led the +ank to reach out to their customers and
hel* them -ith any in%ormation they mi.ht need.
The &0is $ank customer su**ort centers s*read across the country o*erate =A 0 @
customer care ser#ices that are dedicated to *ro#ide most accurate and *rom*t
in%ormation re.ardin. the +ankin. *roducts) ser#ices and the res*ecti#e *olicies.
&s the +ankin. %ield is .ettin. more and more commerciali/e) thereOs a +om+ardment o%
hi.hly inno#ati#e +ankin. *roducts to lure as many customers as *ossi+le. This creates
con%usion amon. the customers a+out the terms and conditions that the ne- +ankin.
schemes are su+!ect to.
&0is $ank customer care centers aim to carry %or-ard the trans*arency &0is $ank has
maintained -ith its customers re.ardin. the terms and conditions on any ne- +ankin.
*roduct and scheme.
The customer care num+ers in cities like $an.alore) Eydera+ad) Delhi) Mum+ai) Pune)
Noida and other ma!or +usiness centers o% India re.ister ma0imum en7uiry calls. S*ecial
hel* line num+ers ha#e +een *ro#ided +y &0is $ank %or these cities.
&0is $ank customer su**ort centre not only *ro#ides ans-ers to all customer 7ueries +ut
also undertakes the *hone +ankin. %acility o% &0is $ank. In case o% a lost credit or de+it
card) you are su**osed to in%orm the customer ser#ice centers on the num+er *ro#ided to
re*ort missin. card in order to -ai#er o%% any lost card lia+ility.
C&#!&#"te P'i$&+&!'-
&9IS +ank as an or.ani/ation has +een +uilt on the *rinci*les o% *ro%essionalism) ethics
and %inancial e0*ertise. It is &9IS +ank3s %irm +elie% that its e0istence and de#elo*ment are
closely interlinked -ith its a+ility to ser#e +oth retail and cor*orate clients -ell. 5#er the
years) this +elie% has e#ol#ed into its cor*orate *hiloso*hy o% .ro-th) inno#ation and
Pro%ita+le .ro-th is a key as*ect o% &9IS +ank3s *hiloso*hy. &9IS +ank has di#ersi%ied
into a -ide ran.e o% %inancial ser#ices and a%%iliated) aims to *ro#ide the +ene%its o%
uni#ersal +ankin. to its cor*orate and retail clients and its in#estors.
&9IS +anks constantly endea#or to create *roducts that +est most the s*eci%ic needs o% its
clients and in#estors. In addition) &9IS +ank also seeks to deli#er these *roducts
e%%ecti#ely and e%%iciently. It is there%ore) sets %or itsel% hi.h standards o% ser#ices and
constantly stri#es to im*ro#e u*on them. The .oal is to insure that dealin. -ith &9IS +ank
is sa%e) sim*le and e%%icient.
&9IS +ank #alues the trust that has +een re*osed in its %inancial e0*ertise) +oth +y its
clients and its in#estors. In &9IS +ank3s entire in#estment o%%erin.) sa%ety o% in#estment is
o% *aramount im*ortance. There%ore) &9IS +ank attem*ts to *ursue .ro-th and
inno#ations -ithout com*romisin. on its sta+ility.
Ret"i$ b"2i)
7/B/1 Ret"i$ $i"bi$itie+, =
&9IS +ank3s retail strate.y is %ocused on ad#ertisin. o% all %inancial needs o% its
customers like transactions) loans) FDs etc.
&9IS +ank has decided to de#elo* its com*etency to meet each o% this need either
+y itsel% or throu.h strate.ic alliances -ith other %inancial ser#ice *ro#iders.
Non2residential Indians are another im*ortant tar.et market se.ment %or &9IS +ank
.i#en there relati#e in%luence and stron. link to %amily mem+ers in India.
Ret"i$ $i"bi$it- !#&du*t+, =
A/ Ret"i$ de!&+it
&9IS +ank retail de*osit *roducts include the %ollo-in.
U Sa#in. account
U 6urrent account
S"$"#- A**&ut

4ith this mind it is our continuous end#eour to %acilitate our cor*orate client in doin.
+usiness e%%ecti#ely +y hel*in. them kee* there em*loys ha**y traditionally
or.ani/ations distri+ute salaries in any o% the %ollo-in. -aysM 2
<. che7ue
=. demand dra%t
;. cash
A. creditin. in the +ank account o% em*loys
4e %ell these methods o% distri+ution can lead to
<. administrati#e lassies Slike *rintin. to che7ueGDDVs) handlin. che7ue etc
=. e0tra cost u in use on such acti#ities
; .risk o% the late *ayment leadin. to unha**iness -ith em*loyees
A .in case o% outstation em*loys) risk o% che7ue .ettin. lost in transit.
Salary accountW o%%erin. %rom &9IS +ank addresses the critical issue o% distri+utin.
salary to em*loys on the time. 4e %eel a salary account o%%erin. like
ours can hel* o#ercome this *ro+lem and can dis+urse salary a smoother and
e%%icient manner %rom a centrali/ed location.
B"+i*+ "b&ut t'e !#&du*t+
&n or.ani/ation can o*erate %or the salary account *roduct o%%ered +y &9IS +ank an
ad#ise in %orm o% che7ue %or the total salary amount alon. -ith the salary details o%
the desi.nated em*loys in a solo co*y %ormat) &9IS +ank -ill credit the res*ecti#e
em*loys accounts -ith the amount as .i#en.
Since the +ank handles the salary distri+ution *rocess the cor*orate en!oys
numerous +ene%its likeM 2
<. salary distri+ution %or all yours em*loys thou.h a sin.le che7ue
=. to account -ould remain o*en e#en i% the +ank +alance +ecome /ero
;. multi location salary dis+ursal *ossi+le -ith &9IS +ank net-ork
4e ho*e that these salary accounts -ould hel* u to dis+ursal salary in a cost
e%%ecti#e and e%%icient manner and -ould kee* 8r em*loys ha**y and satis%ied.
"/ Bee%it t& t'e *&m!"-
<. salary dis+ursement %or all yours em*loys thou.h a sin.le che7ue
=. mutilocation commission dis+ursal *ossi+le -ith in &9IS +ank net-ork
b/ Bee%it %&# t'e +t"%%
'Free +ene%its(
<. De+it cum &TM card 2de+it card %ree o% cost to the account holder and
o*timal all international de+it cards %ree +ene%its
=. Insurance Q account holder .et accidental insurance o% = lac '-ith
*remium %ree o% cost(.
;. Free any-here +ankin. Q national -ide e0ist to accountS-ith in our
A. Free che7ue +ook Q *ersonali/ed che7ue +ook to your re7uirement
>. & net %acility Qaccount holder o*erate +ank account throu.h the Internet %ree o%
?. Free *hone +ankin. Q in%ormation a+out *roducts o% +ank) +alance in7uiry)
che7ue status) detail o% .rou* com*any *roducts a#aila+le on *hone
22 Multi location commission dis+ursal *ossi+le -it in &9IS +ank net-orkIO!ti&"$
<. demat %acility2 uni7ue inte.ration o% +ank account -ith the demat and +rokin.
=. attracti#e reco#erin. de*osit Qattracti#e interest rate) re.ular sa#in. and FD
;. 7uantum o*tima2 *remium Vt-in +ene%it) account li7uidity and hi.h return S+alance
o#er "s<CCCC shall +e mo#e to FD automatically multi*les o% "s >CCC
IOt'e# %e"tu#eJ
<. +alance re7uirement Q 7uarterly a#.. +alance s*ecially reduced to /ero.
Detail o% *roduct o%%ers salary account
A/ bee%it t& t'e *&m!"-
22 Salary dis+ursement %or all 8r em*loys throu.h a sin.le che7ue.
B/ bee%it %&# t'e em!$&-+
6om+inin. the acce*tation o% a credit card
&cce*ted o#er =>CC &TM all o#er India
Direct online de+it to 8r sa#in. aGc.
Kero lost card lia+ility a%ter res*ondin. G re*ortin.
International de+it card annually
=A hrs %or time inde*endent +ankin.
Good s*read o% &TMs net-ork o#er the country
No transaction cost) no restriction on no. o% transaction
&ccidental insurance o% = Lac -ithout any cost
5nline +ankin. %acility %ree o% cost
F&$$&(i) t#"+"*ti& i+ !&++ib$e & ATM+
Mini statements
$alance in7uiry
6he7ue +ooks re7uest
Ei.hest daily -ithdra-al o% "s AC)CCC
6he7ue dro* +o0 at &TM centers
6ash de*osit at each &TM centers
<. Free in%inity Q Internet +ankin.
=A hrs access %or salary aGc.
Summary o% all your aGc.
Funds trans%er %rom one aGc to another aGc -ithin &9IS +ank.
Trans%er o% %unds to %i0ed de*osit.
Electronic re7uest %or che7ue +ook and sto* *ayment.
Statement o% &Gc.
7. Free any-here +ankin. Q national -ide access %or salary &Gc
9. Free check+ook Q as *er your re7uirement
A. Free *hone +ankin. Q detailed o% 8r &Gc) *roduct in%ormation) and re7uest %or a
ne- check+ook) an &Gc Statement) re*ort loss o% care and many more ser#ices.
?. 6redit card Q added insurance o% = lac
O!ti&"$ Fe"tu#e+
Demat %acility Q uni7ue inte.ration o% +ank &Gc -it h demat and +rokin. &Gc.
&ttracti#e recurrin. de*osits Q attracti#e interest rate) no ta0 deduction at source.
Xuantum o*tima Q earn %i0ed de*osits returns on 8r sa#in. &Gc) li7uidity o% sa#in.
&Gc and hi.h return o% %i0ed de*osit.
&uto s-ee* Q automatic daily trans%er o% sur*lus +alance a+o#e "s <C)CCC %rom
your sa#in. account to %i0ed de*osit in multi*le o% "s>CCC -hich earn FD interest
C#ite#i" %&# e( !&teti"$ +"$"#- "**&ut
&ll the or.ani/ations that +elie%s in lon. term relationshi* -ith the customer are
*ro#idin. class and 7uality o% ser#ice to the customer %or that they ha#in. some criteria
%or ne- relation. &9IS +ank also +elie%s on this *olicy and ha#in. criteria %or ne- salary
accounts relationshi*
<. a#era.e no o% em*loyees in the or.ani/ation should +e more than <C
=. i% em*loyees are less then <C then total monthly salary distri+ution to the
em*loyees should +e more then < lac
S"4i) "**&ut
4ith this in mind it is our continuous endea#or to %acilitated our cor*orate clients in doin.
+usinesses e%%ecti#ely +y hel*in. them kee* them their em*loyees ha**y. Sa#in.
accounts o%%er +y &9IS +ank address the criteria to com%ort the client +y *ro#idin. e%%icient
and e%%ecti#e ser#ice.
B"+i* "b&ut t'e !#&du*t
&n or.ani/ation can o*erate %or the sa#in. account *roduct o%%ered +y &9IS +ank %or the
con#enience o% the customer and can en!oy numerous other +e%its) the customer ha#e to
%ill a %orm to +ecome client
<. the client could en!oy the /ero +alance %acility
=. the client can en!oy the %acility o% accidental insurance -ithout any cost
;. the client can en!oy the %acility o% FD in multi*le o% "s >CCC
-e ho*e that the +ene%it o% sa#in. account -ould kee* our client ha**y and satis%ied.
Det"i$ed &% t'e !#&du*t +"4i) "**&ut+
<. a#era.e 7uarterly +alanceM 2 client ha#e to maintain a#era.e 7uarterly +alance o% "s
=. /ero +alance %acilityM 2 e#en i% the +alance /ero the account -ould not close
;. de+it cards and &TM cardsM 2 client -ould .et the de+it card %or the -ithdra-al money
throu.h &TMs
A. insurance %acilityM 2 on the de+it card client -ould .et the %acility o% accidental insurance
o% "s = lac and *remium -ould me %illed +y +ank itsel%
>. online %acilityM 2 client could o*erate his account throu.h the internet %ree o% cost
?. demat %acilityM2 client could also handle the share tradin.
@. any-here +ankin.M 2 client could do +ankin. any-here in the country -ithout e0tra
:. check +ookM 2 client can use the check +ook accordin. to its con#enience
B. &TM %acilityM 2 client could -ithdra-al the money e#en he could de*osit the money
%rom &TM
<C. Tele*hone +illsM 2 client could de*osit the $SNL land line *hone +ill throu.h the &TM
<<. Free *hone +ankin.M 2 in%ormation a+out the *roduct) +alance in7uiry) check status)
detail are a#aila+le on *hone
<=. &lternati#e recurrin. de*osits attracti#e interest rates and re.ular sa#in.s
<;. Xuantum %acilityM2 *remium t-in +ene%it amount li7uidity and hi.h return'+alance o#er
"s <CCCC -ould mo#e to FD automatically in multi*le o% "s >CCC( in addition to the
con#entional de*osit *roducts) &9IS +ank o%%ers a #ariety o% s*ecial #alue2added
*roducts and ser#ices) -hich ena+le the customer to ma0imi/e returns as -ell as
Salary account
Pri#ate +ankin.
6"#i&u+ S"4i) A**&ut P#&du*t+
1/ Ke#& B"$"*e S"4i)+ A**&ut
Presentin.) &0is $ankOs Kero $alance Sa#in.s &ccount. &t &0is $ank it has +een
our constant endea#or to create *roducts s*eci%ically caterin. to your needs. The
account -hile o%%erin. you a -hole ran.e o% ser#ices also addresses your latent
need o% ha#in. an account (it'&ut t'e '"++$e &% m"it"ii) " "4e#")e
;u"#te#$- b"$"*e/
No &#era.e Xuarterly $alance re7uirement
Free International De+it 6ard -ith an &ccidental Insurance co#er u* to "s =
lakhsN 'char.es %or the *rimary holder are -ai#ed(
Free mo+ile +ankin. %acility
&ccess throu.h more than :=> +ranches and more than ;>B> &TMs
&t2Par che7ue %acility -ith the clearin. limit o% "s >C)CCC
=A0@ Tele+ankin. , Internet +ankin.
Free 7uarterly statements
N 6onditions &**ly
<. Initial %undin. o% "s. >)>CC.
=. &ccount maintenance %ee o% "s. >CC *er annum
7/ K#i+'i S"4i)+ A**&ut
Kheti Eo Khushhali Ki
&0is $ank o%%ers a uni7ue sa#in.s account -hich is easy to o*erate and allo-s you
to transact immediately. This *roduct has +een s*ecially desi.ned kee*in. in mind
the uni7ue re7uirements o% a %armer and true to its nature has +een called the Krishi
Sa#in.s &ccount.
Some o% the %eatures o% our ne- *roduct areM
&#era.e $alance "e7uirement
This account is o%%ered -ith the re7uirement o% maintainin. the hal%2yearly a#era.e
+alance o% "s <CCC only.
International Master De+it 6ard
The Krishi Sa#in.s &ccount entitles you to an International Master De+it 6ard -ith
-hich you can access your account anytime throu.h the &0is $ank &TM net-ork
%ree o% cost.
This card comes -ithM
& cash -ithdra-al limit o% "s =>)CCC *er day
Free &ccident Insurance co#er o% "s = lacs
&ny-here $ankin.
$ein. a Krishi account holder) you are entitled to access our -ide net-ork o% more
than :=> +ranches and ;>B> &TMs across AAC cities. Lou can no- easily carry out
your transactions throu.h any o% the +ranches or &TMs.
&t Par 6he7ue $ook
Lour Krishi Sa#in.s &ccount comes -ith the &t2Par 6he7ue %acility. This %acility
ena+les you to encash the che7ues as local instruments at any o% the AAC centres
-here the $ank has its *resence) at no e0tra cost. Moreo#er) you can also issue
che7ues at other centers u*to the limit o% "s >C)CCC.
9/ E"+- A**e++ S"4i)+ A**&ut
$ankin. made easy
Presentin.) &0is $ankOs Easy &ccess Sa#in.s &ccount. The account is an endea#or
+y the $ank to understand the consumersO needs and rede%ine +ankin. to suit your
re7uirements %or a truly com%orta+le +ankin. e0*erience. Easy &ccess Sa#in.s
&ccount .i#es you instant access to your money any-here) anytime. Possessin. a
ran.e o% unmatched %eatures) it has +een de#ised to +etter suit the con#enience o%
our eclectic client +ase.
Lou can a#ail o% all these ser#ices -ith a minimum 7uarterly a#era.e +alance o%
"s. >)CCC in metro or ur+an centers) "s. =)>CC in semi ur+an centers and "s. <)CCC
in rural centers.
&t2*ar che7ue
&TM Net-ork
&ny-here $ankin.
Mo+ile $ankin.
Xuarterly account statement
Xuarterly interest Y ;.> D *er annum
Lou can a#ail o% all these ser#ices -ith a minimum 7uarterly a#era.e +alance o%
"s. >)CCC in metro or ur+an centers) "s. =)>CC in semi ur+an centers and "s. <)CCC
in rural centers.
:/ P#ime S"4i)+ A**&ut
&t &0is $ank) -e ha#e al-ays stri#ed to *ace our *roducts -ith the .ro-in. needs
o% our customers. The Prime Sa#in.s account has there%ore +een created -ith your
s*eci%ic %inancial re7uirements in mind.
4ider accessi+ility
&s a Prime Sa#in.s account holder) you en!oy access to a -ide net-ork o% o#er
:=> +ranches and one o% the lar.est &TM net-orks ';>B> &TMs( in India .i#in. you
easy access to your account %rom almost any corner o% the country.
Greater con#enience
To sim*li%y daily +ankin.) your Prime Sa#in.s account comes -ith an international
*hoto2si.nature De+it 6ard. This uni7ue card comes -ith -ithdra-al limit o% "s.
AC)CCC *er day) %acilitatin. trans%er o% %unds) de*osits o% cashGche7ues and *ayment
o% insurance *remium 'LI6(.
Lour De+it 6ard also comes -ith a com*rehensi#e insurance co#er inclusi#e o%
/ero lost card lia+ility) *urchase *rotection and *ersonal accident insurance u* to
"s. = lakhs.
STo kee* your *ersonal accident insurance co#er acti#ated) you should ha#e made
a *urchase transaction in ;?> days *rior to the day o% the incident , should ha#e
maintained an a#era.e 7uarterly +alance o% "s >)CCC 'ur+an , metro*olitan
+ranches( or "s =)>CC 'rural , semi2ur+an +ranches( as the case may +e in the t-o
7uarters +e%ore the date o% the incident.TN
More com%ort
Throu.h our =A hr Internet $ankin. and Tele $ankin. ser#ices) you can en!oy the
ease o% +ankin. %rom home or o%%ice. Throu.h these com*rehensi#e ser#ices) you
can access a ran.e o% %acilities includin. online %unds trans%er) re7uests %or a ne-
che7ue+ook) Financial &d#isory Ser#ices 'F&S() online sho**in. and in%ormation
on mutual %unds.
Enhanced *ri#ile.es
The Prime Sa#in.s &ccount eases your +ankin. e0*erience +y *ro#idin. you a
*ass+ook and monthly statement o% account to kee* you u*dated on all your
transactions and assist you +etter in mana.in. your %inances.
&dded s*eed
Throu.h the O&t ParO che7ue %acility) you ha#e the uni7ue ad#anta.e to encase your
che7ues as a local che7ue at more than ;;C centers -here the +ank has a
*resence at no e0tra cost. In addition the account ena+les you to issue che7ues u*
to "s. < lake) -hich -ill +e treated as O&t ParO across these locations.
Lou can a#ail o% all these ser#ices -ith a minimum a#era.e +alance o% "s =>)CCC in
metroGur+anGsemi2ur+an centers and "s <C)CCC in rural centers.
?/ C&#!&#"te S"$"#- A**&ut
5ur 6or*orate Salary Po-er 5%%erin. is desi.ned to o%%er *ayroll solutions throu.h
in a =A 9 @ en#ironment.
4e le#era.e on our e0tensi#e net-ork o% distri+ution channels s*read across A>C
centers throu.h a net-ork o% more than :=@ +ranches and ;>B> &TMs +esides our
su*erior ser#ice deli#ery model and *roduct %eatures) as a stron. di%%erentiator) to
*ro#ide #alue to the end user.
$ene%it to Em*loyers
E%%icient salary dis+ursal.
4e+ 8*load 2 Trans%er salariesGreim+ursements directly %rom your current
account -ith &0is $ank to your em*loyeeOs accounts usin. I 6onnect %rom
your o%%ice.
Sin.le2instruction salary credit 2 Same day salary credits %or all com*anies
ha#in. 6or*orate &ccount -ith &0is $ank.
Dedicated "elationshi* Mana.er at metro locations to understand the
%inancial re7uirements o% your em*loyees.
$ene%it to Em*loyees
No minimum +alance criteria.
8n*aralleled &ccess 2 &ny-here +ankin. %acility throu.h our net-ork o%
$ranches) &tm and Internet +ankin. %acility.
&T Par che7ue+ooks *aya+le locally at all &0is $ank locations.
International De+it cum &TM cards -ith enhanced 6ash -ithdra-al %acility
and other #alue add ons.
5nline $ankin. -ith %unds trans%er) online sho**in. and +ill *ayment
De*ository ser#ices -ith %ree online tradin. accounts.
Meal 6ards on a master card *lat%orm.
Em*loyee "eim+ursement accounts as a sa#in.s account #ariant.
Pre%erential *ricin. on loan *roducts and credit cards and other +ankin.

B/ Sm"#t P#i4i$e)e A**&ut

For the -oman o% today
In todayOs +usy -orld itOs tou.h +ein. a -orkin. -oman. "i.ht %rom shuttlin.
+et-een a !o+ and %amily to takin. care o% her %inances she has to +e on her toes all
the time. Kee*in. this in mind) -e at &0is $ank ha#e desi.ned a sa#in.s account
+est suited %or the -oman o% today. 4ith the Smart Pri#ile.e &ccount) you can
mana.e your money and your li%e and as -ell as en!oy a host o% li%estyle *ri#ile.es.
Furthermore &0is $ankOs Smart Pri#ile.e &ccount ensures that you ha#e enou.h
time %or all the im*ortant thin.s in li%e.
e-eler Insurance on De+it 6ard ' Dedicated "elationshi* Mana.erM(
& Dedicated "elationshi* Mana.er -ill +e your one *oint contact at the +ranch %or
all your +ankin. transactions thus ensurin. that you -ould neither ha#e to mo#e
%rom one counter to the other nor stand in 7ueues to a-ait your turn.
Kero $alance Minor &ccount '"ound2the26lock access throu.h &TMsM(
There could +e an instance -hen at ; am you could re7uire cash. 4ith our round2
the2clock access you can -ithdra- cash u* to "s. AC)CCC *er day) de*osit
cashGche7ues) trans%er %unds) *rint a mini statement and *ay insurance *remiums
'LI6() all throu.h our &TM channel -hich is one o% the lar.est &TM net-orks in the
&ny-here $ankin.M
Ima.ine +ein. in an unkno-n city and still ha#in. com*lete access to all your
transaction needs. &s a customer o% the +ank) you are in control and not restricted
to the +ranch. So e#en i% you are tra#elin.) you can access your account easily %rom
any o% the @CC *lus &0is $ank o%%ices s*read o#er ACC cities across the country.
&t2*ar che7ue %acilityM
Lour che7ue -ill +e treated as a local che7ue -ithin the #ast &0is $ank net-ork o%
o#er @CC o%%ices across ACC cities in India. No- no more runnin. around to .et a
Demand Dra%t issued.
Monthly &ccount Statement
&dditional discounts on loans

The 6om*lete online +ankin. e0*erienceM Its the a.e o% 4i2Fi. &ll your +ankin.
needs should +e on your %in.erti*s) -ith our i2connect you can check your account
status) trans%er %unds) *lace online re7uest %or a ne- che7ue +ook and many more
%eatures -ithout e#en ha#in. to #isit an &0is $ank +ranch.
Financial &d#isory Ser#icesM
5ur Financial &d#isor -ill assist you -ith your %inancial *lannin. and hel* you to
earn ma0imum returns on your sa#in.s.
Discount on "etail PurchasesM
ust li#e the %eelin. o% -alkin. into a store and .ettin. ama/in. discounts not
a#aila+le to others. &s you are a #alued customer %or us) -e shall endea#our to
*ro#ide you -ith discounts at #arious outlets) *eriodically. &ll you ha#e to do is use
your ne- Smart Pri#ile.e De+it 6ard and a#ail o% discounts at these outlets. Details
o% such tie2u*s -ill +e sent to you on a re.ular +asis.
H/ Sei&# P#i4i$e)e
$ecause li%e +e.ins at si0ty
&0is $ankOs Senior 6iti/en Sa#in.s &ccount has +een desi.ned kee*in. in mind the
%act that a senior citi/enOs +ankin. re7uirements are -holly di%%erent and re7uire
s*ecial consideration.
S*ecial Pri#ile.e
4e ha#e introduced Senior 6iti/en ID card %or our Senior Pri#ile.e *atrons. Let us
+rie%ly introduce the -ide ran.e o% ad#anta.es it hold %or you.
&#ail o% Great +ene%its -ith Senior 6iti/en ID card
ID card acts as an a.e *roo%. Ena+lin. you to redeem e#ery ad#anta.e that you are
eli.i+le %or. This card -ill soon hel* you a#ail o% certain ne#er2+e%ore Senior2citi/en
+ene%its at #arious stores) ser#ice *ro#iders and installation across the nation.
Feel sa%e E#ery-here
&*art %rom *ro#ide you -ith the *o-er to claim .reat +ene%its) card also act as
emer.ency in%ormation medium. In case o% emer.encies) it *ro#ides the doctors
and authorities -ith #ital data like your +lood .rou*) aller.ies) illnesses) address
and emer.ency contact details. This ensures that you are -ell looked a%ter in any
situation) no matter -here you are.
&l-ays a Pri#ile.e
It -ill hel* in stren.then the +ond -ith us and to +e o% assistance to you at all the
times) no matter -hat your need +e. 4hether its loan) a sa#in.s account or any
%inancial ser#ices that you -ish to a#ail o%) -e -ill make sure that -eOre al-ays +e
there +y your side.
$ankin. Pri#ile.es
Dedicated "elationshi* Mana.ers
Free &t2Par 6he7ue +ook
Free International IIS& De+it 6ards %or *rimary and !oint account holders
Free Monthly Statement o% &ccounts and Free Pass+ook
Free Issuance o% Pay 5rders or Demand Dra%ts dra-n on &0is $ank
Free In-ard "emittances
Free 5ut-ard "emittances once a year
Faster credits to %orei.n che7ues *ro#idin. you *rom*t a#aila+ility o% %unds
remitted +y your near and dear ones a+road
6he7ue *icku* and 6ash deli#ery ser#ices
&ny-here $ankin.
Free Mo+ile $ankin.
6ustomised Loan 5%%erin.s
6om*limentary Financial Plannin.
Sil#er Eealth 2 Medical Insurance %or Senior 6iti/ens
@/ P&(e# S"$ute
Salute to the de%ense %orces
De%ense Salary &ccount %rom &0is $ank is a *roduct desi.ned kee*in. in mind ho-
tou.h a li%e in the De%ense Forces is. Not only does it come to you a+solutely %ree)
no minimum +alance is re7uired either. Lou can also access the entire &0is $ank
net-ork) includin. more than =;CC &TMs and >>C +ranch o%%ices 'and .ro-in.( no
matter -here you are *osted.
4ith the com*lete .amut o% +ankin. ser#ices 'includin. o#erdra%ts) loans and /ero2
+alance re7uirements( you can no- rest assured a+out your %amily and all their
%inancial needs. ItOs our -ay o% sho-in. our a**reciation to your -ork.
&t2*ar 6he7ue Facility
Lour !o+ in#ol#es constant trans%ers across the country. 4ith the at2*ar che7ue
%acility it -ill no lon.er +e necessary to set u* ne- +ank accounts -ith each
&dditional De+it 6ard
&lon. -ith a %ree International De+it 6ard) you also .et a %ree card %or the !oint
account holder. This means that your child or s*ouse also en!oy the same +ene%its
o% +ankin. -ith &0is $ank.
Financial &d#isory Ser#ices
5ur solutions ans-er to the t-in .oals o% meetin. your re7uirements and to
di#ersi%y and s*read the risk o% your in#estment *ort%olio) so you can look %or-ard to
a com%orta+le and -orry2%ree li%e. 4e %irst understand your e0act in#estment needs
and then desi.n the *er%ect in#estment *lan %or you.
Lour in#estment *lan could include in#estments inM
Mutual Funds 2 De+t and E7uity
&0is $ank Fi0ed De*osits
A/ Pe+i& S"4i)+ A**&ut
Pension Sa#in.s $ank &ccount) %rom &0is $ank is s*eci%ically) desi.ned %or PensionerOs
'E0istin. , Pros*ecti#e( o% 6entral Go#t. 6i#il MinistriesG De*artments , De%ense Ministry
kee*in. in mind the %act that a PensionerOs +ankin. re7uirements are -holly di%%erent and
re7uire s*ecial consideration.
Timely communication to the customer on recei*t o% the PP5
No delays in commencement o% *ension dis+ursals 2 The $ank is handlin.
the dis+ursement o% Pension under a 6entrali/ed Pension Dis+ursement
Module -herein the Pensioner records are credited centrally throu.h its
6entrali/ed Pension Payment Eu+ '66PE( at Mum+ai.
Timely issue o% Form2 <?& %or ta0 deducted at source in the immediately
*re#ious %inancial year
Timely re#isions +ased on chan.es in rates o% Pension or Dearness
&llo-ance) done centrally %rom the 66PE
6"#i&u+ De!&+it A**&ut P#&du*t+
1/ Fi<ed De!&+it+
Safety, Security and Growth
&0is $ank o%%ers you sim*le rein#estment Fi0ed De*osits 'at #ery com*etiti#e
interest rates() -hich can +e o*ened -ith a minimum in#estment o% "s <C)CCC. Lou
can make additions to your de*osit in multi*les o% "s <)CCC each. The tenure o%
your de*osit must +e a minimum o% ? months.
De!&+it S*'eme+
Rei4e+tmet De!&+it+,
In a rein#estment de*osit) the interest accrued to your de*osit at the end o% each
7uarter is in#ested alon. -ith the *rinci*al. The tenure o% your de*osit must +e a
minimum o% ? months. &t the end o% the 7uarter) the interest and the *rinci*al are
+oth rolled o#er) and the interest is calculated on the total sum. Income ta0 is
deducted at source.
Aut&m"ti* R&$$&4e#,
&s a Fi0ed De*osit holder) you can a#ail o% the %acility %or automatic rollo#ers on
maturity '%or +oth the *rinci*al and interest(. Lou can select this o*tion in the
&ccount 5*enin. Document '&5D(. The o*tions a#aila+le areM
R&$$&4e# &$- P#i*i!"$,
5nly the *rinci*al amount -ill +e rolled o#er. The interest -ill +e either credited to
your desi.nated account or *aid out.
R&$$&4e# P#i*i!"$ "d Ite#e+t "**#ued i Rei4e+tmet De!&+it,
This -ill rollo#er +oth the de*osit and the interest accrued %or the same tenure at
the interest rate a**lica+le on the maturity date.
5n or +e%ore the maturity date) you can make the %ollo-in. chan.es in the rollo#er
instructions o% the de*ositM
6han.e in tenure
6han.e in maturity instructions
6han.e in *ayment instructions
6han.e in *rinci*al 'only reduced amount(
6han.e rollo#er o% Princi*al to rollo#er o% Princi*al 1 Interest) or #ice #ersa.
&ll encashment or -ithdra-als o% Fi0ed De*osits can only +e made at the +ranch
-here the de*osit -as +ooked.
7/ Re*u##i) De!&+it+
Power of compounding
&0is $ankOs "ecurrin. De*osit scheme -ill allo- you -ith an o**ortunity to +uild u*
your sa#in.s throu.h re.ular monthly de*osits o% %i0ed sum o#er a %i0ed *eriod o%
"ecurrin. de*osits are acce*ted in e7ual monthly installments o% minimum
"s <)CCC and a+o#e in multi*les o% "s >CC therea%ter.
The %i0ed num+er o% installments %or -hich a de*ositor can o*t are <=) =A)
;?) ;B) A:) ?C) ?;) @=) :A) B?) <C: and <=C months.
Trans%er o% &ccounts 2 a recurrin. de*osit account can +e trans%erred %rom
one o%%ice o% the $ank to another +ranch.
The amount o% installment once %i0ed) cannot +e chan.ed.
Installment %or any calendar month is to +e *aid on or +e%ore the last
-orkin. day o% the month. 4here there is delay in *ayment o% installment)
one can re.ulari/e the account +y *ayin. the de%aulted installment to.ether
-ith a *enalty 'at *resent it is Y PL" *lus A D %or the *eriod o%
delay(.Fraction o% a month -ill +e treated as %ull month %or the *ur*ose o%
calculatin. the *enalty.
The total amount re*aya+le to a de*ositor) inclusi#e o% interest) de*ends on
the amount o% monthly installments and the *eriod o% de*osit.
Encase =A
The Encase =A 'Fle0i De*osit( .i#es you the li7uidity o% a Sa#in.s &ccount cou*led
-ith hi.h earnin.s o% a Fi0ed De*osit. This is achie#ed +y creatin. a Fi0ed De*osit
linked to your Sa#in.s &ccount *ro#idin. you the %ollo-in. uni7ue %acilitiesM
M"<imum Retu#+M
Lour money is no lon.er idle. &s soon as the +alance in your Sa#in.s
&ccount crosses o#er "s =>)CCC) the e0cess) in multi*les o% "s <C)CCC -ill
+e trans%erred automatically to a hi.her interest earnin. Fi0ed De*osit
&ccount. The maturity o% %i0ed or term de*osits %ormed as a result o% trans%er
o% money %rom the Sa#in.s $ank account -ill +e %or a ma0imum *eriod o%
<:< days and the interest -ill +e calculated on sim*le interest rate +asis.
M"<imum Li;uidit-M
The money *arked in Fi0ed De*osits as a result o% the a+o#e mentioned
s-ee* out %rom your Sa#in.s account can +e easily accessed +y issuin. a
che7ue) -ithdra-in. throu.h &TM etc. This amount is automatically re#erse
s-e*t %rom the most recently %ormed Fi0ed De*osit in units o% "s >)CCC to the
Sa#in.s account -hene#er the +alance in your Sa#in.s account %alls +elo-
"s =>)CCC. The amount +roken %orm your Fi0ed De*osit -ill earn interest
rates at the a**lica+le rate %or the *eriod that the de*osit -as held -ith the
$ank. The remainin. amount o% Fi0ed De*osit -ill continue to earn the
contracted rate o% interest.
Aut& Ree("$M
5n maturity o% your linked Fi0ed De*osit) the $ank -ill automatically rene- it
%or a ma0imum *eriod o% <:< days.
&ll you ha#e to do is to o*en a Sa#in.s &ccount and si.n u* an EN6&SE =A
declaration %orm. & minimum a#era.e 7uarterly +alance o% "s <C)CCC must +e
maintained in your Sa#in.s &ccount to a#ail the Encase =A %acility.
Priority +ankin. customers -ishin. to a#ail o% Encase =A Facilities) need to maintain
a minimum total relationshi* o% "s > lacs only) in their Encase =A &ccount. &s soon
as the +alance in the Priority $ankin. Sa#in.s &ccount crosses o#er "s <)CC)CCC
the e0cess +alance) in multi*les o% "s >C)CCC -ill +e trans%erred automatically to
the Fi0ed De*osit &ccount.
9/ T"< S"4e# Fi<ed De!&+it
In the Finance $ill o% =CC?) the .o#ernment had announced Ta0 +ene%its to $ank
Term De*osits -hich are o% o#er > year tenure uGs :C6 o% IT &ct) <B?< #ide
Noti%ication Num+er =C;G=CC? and S5<==C 'E( dated =:GC@G=CC?.
The salient *oints o% the scheme noti%ication areJ 'a( Fi0ed tenure -ithout *remature
-ithdra-al. '+( Lear is de%ined as a %inancial year. 'c( &mount limited to "s. <CC
minimum and "s. <CC)CCC ma0imum. 'd( $ank -ill issue a Fi0ed De*osit "ecei*t
that shall +e the +asis o% claimin. ta0 +ene%it. 'e( Term de*osit under this scheme
cannot +e *led.ed to secure a loan.
$ene%its o% ta0 +reak uGs :C6 o% IT &ct $ene%it Illustrator E0am*le
&ssume that a customer in#ests "s <CC)CCC in this scheme Y :D *.a. in %i0ed
de*osit %or %i#e years. Ee -ill .et a +ene%it o% "s ;C)?CC at ;C.? D on the eli.i+le
in#estment o% IN" <CC)CCC assumin. that he is in "s =)>CCCC lac to "s <C)CCCC lac
ta0 +racket) thus his e%%ecti#e in#estment -ould +e "s ?B)ACC. Ee -ould earn "s
:CCC 'C: *ercent on < lac( as interest *er annum) -hich -ould translate to a return
o% <<.> *ercent on the e%%ecti#e in#estment o% "s ?B)ACC.
6"#i&u+ L&" A**&ut P#&du*t+
1/ H&me L&"
Quick and easy home loans
&0is $ankOs Po-er Eome *uts an end to your "eal Estate trou+les. &u.ment your
reach and +uy the house that youO#e set your heart on.
Features M
&ttracti#e interest rates
$alance Trans%er %acility
Doorste* ser#ice
5*tion to choose %rom %loatin. rate or %i0ed rate
7/ Pe#+&"$ L&"
Quick and easy personal loans
Presentin. &0is $ankOs *ersonal Loans. Go on your dream holiday) +uy the latest
li%estyle .i/mo) .i%t your -i%e a lo#ely diamond rin.) reno#ate your house or !ust
s7uash a tem*orary cash crunch. Let us .i#e you a hel*in. hand. 5ur *ersonal
loans -ill meet all your *ersonal re7uirements.
Loans %or salaried and sel% em*loyed indi#iduals
S*ecial loans %or doctors) chartered accountants) en.ineers) architects) 6S
and I64&
Loans are a#aila+le %rom "s < lac to "s =C lacs
"e*ayment tenures %rom <= to ?C months
&ttracti#e interest rates
& +alance trans%er %acility a#aila+le %or those -ho -ant to retire any hi.her
cost de+t
Loans a#aila+le a.ainst re*ayment track record o% any e0istin. auto)
*ersonal or home loan
Kero +alance S$ account %acility %or *ersonal loan customers
Sim*le *rocedure) minimal documentation and 7uick a**ro#al
9/ A++et P&(e# IL&" ")"i+t P#&!e#t-J
Your property now equals ready cash
&**ly %or &0is $ankOs &sset Po-er. 4e -ill .i#e you a loan a.ainst your *ro*erty.
$e it commercial or residential. Lou can also a**ly %or this loan i% you need %unds to
ac7uire ne- *ro*erty. & take2o#er o% your e0istin. loan -ith re%inancin. is also
*ossi+le -ith &sset Po-er.
&ttracti#e interest rates
$alance Trans%er %acility a#aila+le -ith additional %inance
Doorste* ser#ice
Lou can a#ail the %ollo-in. %our *roducts under &sset Po-er
Loan a.ainst *ro*erty 2 "esidential
Loan a.ainst *ro*erty 2 6ommercial
Loan %or *urchase o% commercial *ro*erty
Take2o#er o% e0istin. loan -ith additional re%inance '$alance Trans%er(
Lease "ental Discountin. 'L"D(
:/ L&" ")"i+t Se*u#it-
Unlock your financial assets
5#erdra%t a.ainst shares
5nly indi#iduals are *ermitted to a**ly
E8Fs) limited com*anies) *artnershi*s and sole *ro*rietors are not eli.i+le
Facility a#aila+le a.ainst more than >CC a**ro#ed scri*3s
Shares can +e *led.ed %rom any De*ository Partici*ant across the country
5#erdra%t a.ainst mutual %unds
5nly indi#iduals are *ermitted to a**ly
Ma0imum limit u* to >CD o% #aluation
5#erdra%t *ossi+le a.ainst more than =>C schemes

Loan or o#erdra%t a.ainst NS6 or KIP or LI6 *olicy
5*tion to either +orro- lum* sum or -ithdra- as and -hen re7uired
Loan or o#erdra%t a.ainst "$I $onds or 8S ?A $onds
5*tion to either +orro- lum* sum or -ithdra- as and -hen re7uired
?/ C"# L&"
Quick and easy car loans
&0is $ankOs Po-er Dri#e -ill hel* reali/e your dream. 4ith some o% the -orldOs
%inest cars no- a#aila+le in India donOt let the *rice ta.s discoura.e you. Po-er
Dri#e -ill +rid.e that distance +y %inancin. a ma!or *art o% the cost o% your ne- car.
So) you donOt ha#e to *ut the +rakes on your am+ition.
Loan #alue calculated as *er the on2road2*rice o% the #ehicle
&ttracti#e interest rates
LTI o% u* to :>D o% the on2road2*rice on selected models
Loans a#aila+le %or salaried and sel% em*loyed indi#iduals) *ro*rietorshi*s
and *artnershi* %irms
S*ecial schemes %or &0is $ank Salary and Priority accountholders
No income *roo% schemes a#aila+le
Loans o%%ered %rom "s. < lac on-ards
Loans tenure %rom < year to @ years.
B/ Stud- L&"
Higher education within your reach
&0is $ankOs Study Po-er aims to *ro#ide %inancial su**ort to deser#in. students %or
*ursuin. hi.her *ro%essional or technical education in India and a+road. The loan
-ould +e *ro#ided to students -ho ha#e o+tained admission to career2oriented
courses e...) medicine) en.ineerin.) mana.ement etc.) either at the .raduate or
*ost2.raduate le#el.
Xuantum o% Loan
The 7uantum o% %inance under the scheme is ca**ed at "s <C.CC lacs %or studies in
India and "s =C.CC lacs %or studies a+road) -hich -ould co#er tuition %ees) hostel
char.es 'i% any() cost o% +ooks) etc. The minimum amount o% loan -ould +e
"s >C)CCC.
No mar.in %or loans u*to "s A lacs. For loans a+o#e "s A lacs) >D mar.in %or
studies -ithin India and <>D %or hi.her studies o#erseas.
R"te &% ite#e+t,
Interest rates linked to PL".
R&$e &% t'e Gu"#di",
The *arent's( or .uardian o% the student -ould +e treated as a co2a**licant o% the
loan. Eis or her role -ould +e) necessarily) like the *rimary de+tor.
Third *arty .uarantee andGor collateral security may +e asked %or in a**ro*riate
Additi&"$ Se*u#it-,
&ssi.nment o% LI6 *olicy in %a#or o% the $ank %or the sum assured +ein. at least
<CCD o% the loan amount. The *olicy is ke*t ali#e durin. the currency o% the loan.
To ensure this) the annual *remium may +e included in the com*utation o% the loan
re7uirement) alon. -ith the tuition %ees and other recurrin. char.es. Further) the
%uture income o% the student needs to +e assi.ned in %a#or o% the $ank %or meetin.
the installment o+li.ations.
The loan -ill +e dis+ursed in %ull or in suita+le installments takin. into account the
re7uirement o% %unds andGor %ee schedule as assessed +y the $ank directly to the
educational institution or #endor o% +ooks or e7ui*ment or instruments.
Pe"$t- %&# e"#$- *$&+u#e,
H/ C&+ume# P&(e#
Easy and affordale consumer loans
&0is $ankOs 6onsumer Po-er scheme -ill hel* you ac7uire the consumer dura+les
you need. $ecause -e kno- it takes a lot more than %our -alls to make a home. &
ne- TI) a -ashin. machine) a re%ri.erator or an &6... the *ossi+ilities are endless.
Lou can a**ly %or as little as "s =>)CCC) or as much as "s = lacs. The ma0imum
loan amount cannot e0ceed :>D o% the cost o% the dura+le) or <= times your net
monthly salary 'or e7ui#alent o% net annual income %or sel%2em*loyed *ersons()
-hiche#er is lo-er. Lou are char.ed a com*etiti#e interest rate) and you can
choose to re*ay your loan in <=) =A or ;? E7uated Monthly Installments. I% you are
a salaried em*loyee) your E7uated Monthly Installments -ill +e collected directly
%rom your em*loyer under the check2o%% %acility. For others) *ost2dated che7ues -ill
+e collected.
@/ L&*2e#
Unmatched protection for your !aluales
& Sa%e De*osit Locker -ith &0is $ank is the solution to your concern. Located at
select +ranches in cities all o#er the country) our lockers ensure the sa%e kee*in. o%
your #alua+les.
4ide &#aila+ilityM &s on March ;<) =CC: lockers are a#aila+le at >?= +ranches
and e0tension counters.
Lockers a#aila+le in #arious si/es.
Direct de+its %or locker rentals %rom your account rid you o% the hassles in
-ritin. out che7ues.
E0tended +ankin. hours to o*erate lockers.
6om*etiti#e rentals.
Ite#et b"2i) +e#4i*e
5nline +ill *ayment
&n online in%ormation ser#ice
Share tradin. on the internet

B/ Ot'e# #et"i$ !#&du*t+
De+it cards
Sa#in. *roducts
C/ Ret"i$ "++et !#&du*t+
Personal loans
Eome loans
6redit cards
&utomo+ile loans
Di+t#ibuti& *'"e$+
&9IS +ank deli#er retail *roducts and ser#ices throu.h a #ariety o% distri+ution outlets)
ran.in.) %rom traditional +ank +ranches to &TMs and the internet) the key com*onents o%
&9IS +ank3s distri+ution net-ork are descri+ed +elo-.
B#"*'e+, =
The %irst +ranch o% &0is $ank -as set u* in &hmeda+ad since then there has +een a
country-ide e0*anse o% >B? $ranches and e0tension counters.
A/ P'&e b"2i), =
The *hone +ankin. centers %unctions =A hours a day and o%%er sel% ser#ice to customers
%or automated *hone +ankin.. The =A2hour *hone +ankin. centers currently hand o#er <
lac contact a day) and this no is constantly on the u*s-in..
B/ Aut&m"te te$$e# m"*'ie+IATM+J, =
&9IS +ank has a .ood net-ork o% &TMs in the country o% the o#er =>CC &TMOs makin. it
the third lar.est &TM net-ork in India.
Net(&#2 &% ATM+ "$$ &4e# Idi"
Follo-in. transaction is *ossi+le on &TMs
mini statement
+alance in7uiry
check +ook re7uest
hi.hest daily -ithdra-al o% "s ACCCC
check dro* +o0 at each &TM center
the cash deposited at each ATM center
Free infinity
internet +ankin.
=A hours access %or sa#in. account
similarly o% all our accounts
%und trans%er %rom < account to another account
trans%er o% %und to %i0ed de*osit
electronic re7uest %or check +ook and sto* *ayment
statement o% accounts
6i+i& &% t'e *&m!"-
To +e the *re%erred +rand %or total %inancial +ankin. solutions %or +oth cor*orate and
To identi%y and su**ort initiati#e) -hich are desi.ned to im*ro#e the ca*acity o% the
*oorest o% the *oor to *artici*ate in the lar.er economy.
These initiati#es much +e east e%%ecti#e) ca*ital o% lar.e scale re*lications and should
ha#e the *otential %or +oth near and lon. term im*act.
To le#era.e technolo.y in orders to o#ercome constraints and enhanced the
e%%ecti#eness o% #arious social initiati#es.
6ustomer Ser#ice and Product Inno#ation tuned to di#erse needs o% indi#idual and
cor*orate clientele.
6ontinuous technolo.y u* .radation -hile maintainin. human #alues.
Pro.ressi#e .lo+ali/ation and achie#in. international standards.
E%%iciency and e%%ecti#eness +uilt on ethical *ractices.

M&#e 6"$ue,
6ustomer Satis%action throu.h
Q Pro#idin. 7uality ser#ice e%%ecti#ely and e%%iciently
Q Smile) it enhances your %ace #alueH is a ser#ice 7uality stressed on
Q Periodic 6ustomer Ser#ice &udits
Ma0imi/ation o% Stakeholder #alue
Success throu.h Team-ork) Inte.rity and Peo*le
C"#ee#+ .it' A<i+ B"2
&0is $ank *rides itsel% as a youn. and #i+rant or.anisation and reco.nises its em*loyees
as its .reatest assets. 6onse7uently) the em*loyee satis%action le#el in the $ank is)
*ossi+ly) amon.st the hi.hest in the industry) and does not stem %rom the com*ensation
*acka.e alone.
6om*risin. o% *eo*le dra-n %rom di%%erent s*ecialisation and di#er.ent +ack.rounds) the
em*loyees mer.e into a hi.hly homo.eneous -orkin. .rou*) catalysed +y the in%ormal
and trans*arent E"D *olicies *ursued +y the $ank. In addition to an attracti#e
com*ensation structure) -e also o%%er leased housin. %acilities) medical and health
insurance and loan o*tions.
The ideal address %or achie#ers as -ell as those -ho lo#e challen.es) -e o%%er
o**ortunities in the %ollo-in. %ieldsM
General and $ranch $ankin.
S*ecialised Financial Ser#ices 'Treasury) 6redit) Merchant $ankin.) etc.(
"etail and Institutional Marketin.
In%ormation Technolo.y
C&de &% C&du*t %&# Em!$&-ee+
E#ery o%%icer shall undertake and *er%orm his duties in such ca*acity and at such
*laces as he may +e directed +y the $ank.
E#ery o%%icer shall maintain .ood conduct) disci*line) *unctuality and sho- courtesy
and attention to all *ersons in their transactions or dealin.s -ith the $ank.
E#ery o%%icer shall dischar.e his duties -ith utmost inte.rity) honesty) de#otion and
dili.ence and do nothin. -hich is un+ecomin. o% him or -hich is likely to tarnish the
ima.e o% the $ank. 6ases o% %raud and dishonesty -ill attract *enalty o% dismissal.
&n o%%icer shall maintain secrecy a+out the a%%airs o% the $ank and its customers and
-ill si.n a declaration o% %idelity and secrecy in the *rescri+ed %orm.
No o%%icer shall en.a.e in any trade or +usiness or acce*t em*loyment or %ee %or any
-ork done +y him outside the $ank.
No o%%icer shall take an acti#e *art in *olitics and stand %or election any-here outside
the $ank.
No o%%icer shall indul.e in .am+lin. or s*eculati#e acti#ities in any shares) stocks)
securities) commodities or #alua+les. Ee can) ho-e#er) make +ona%ide in#estment o%
his o-n %unds in such securities as he may -ish to +uy.
&s Per SE$I 'In#estment &d#ice +y Intermediaries( '&mendment( "e.ulations) =CC<) it
-ill +e necessary that -hene#er any o% our em*loyees in the course o% *ro#idin.
in#estment ad#ices) s*eaks a+out any ty*e o% security '+e it the $ankOs shares or any
other shares or de+entures( to any analyst G media or in a *u+lic %orum or -rites in any
ne-s*a*er or other *u+lications) he -ill ha#e to make a declaration a+out his o-n
interest includin. lon. and short *osition in the said security. Further) it -ill also +e
incum+ent u*on him to disclose the interest o% his de*endent %amily mem+ers and o%
the em*loyer '$ank( includin. their lon. and short *ositions in the said security.
Similarly) should an em*loyee recommend a scri* %or in#estment -here the $ank has
an in#estment) the *erson renderin. such ad#ice -ill ha#e to disclose his o-n
interests) his de*endentsO interest as also the $ankOs interest.
&n o%%icer shall not enter into any *ersonal dealin.s -ith customers or ser#ice
*ro#iders 'includin. contractors) consultants and #endors( o% the $ank -hich may
result in undue *ecuniary ad#anta.es to the o%%icer.
No o%%icer shall .uarantee in his *ri#ate ca*acity the *ecuniary o+li.ations o% another
*erson or a.ree to indemni%y in such ca*acity another *erson %rom loss e0ce*t -ith the
*rior a**ro#al o% the $ank.
&n o%%icer shall so mana.e his *ri#ate a%%airs as to a#oid insol#ency or ha+itual or
e0cessi#e inde+tedness. Issue o% che7ues +y o%%icers on their *ersonal accounts
-ithout kee*in. su%%icient +alance therein is an act o% serious misconduct and -ill
attract strin.ent disci*linary action.
No o%%icer shall indul.e in se0ual harassment -hich includes such un-elcome se0ually
determined +eha#iour '-hether directly or +y im*lication( as M
*hysical contact and ad#ancesJ
a demand or re7uest %or se0ual %a#oursJ
se0ually coloured remarksJ
sho-in. *orno.ra*hy) and
any other un-elcome *hysical) #er+al or non2#er+al conduct o% se0ual nature.
4hether or not such conduct constitutes an o%%ense o% se0ual harassment -ill +e
determined +y a 6om*laints 6ommittee %ormed %or this *ur*ose) -ho -ould recei#e
and deal -ith the com*laints lod.ed +y the a..rie#ed sta%%.
&ny #iolation o% the code o% conduct -ould constitute an act o% misconduct %or -hich
disci*linary action may +e taken +y the $ank and -ould +e *unisha+le under the
*ro#isions %or *enalties.
E#ery o%%icer on %irst a**ointment and as on ;<st March each year '+e.innin. -ith ;<st
March) =CC;() shall su+mit a return o% assets and lia+ilities .i#in. %ull details o%M
the immo#a+le *ro*erty o-ned or ac7uired or held +y the o%%icer in hisGher name
or in the name o% any mem+er o% his G her %amilyN or in the name o% any other
all %inancial securities and +ank de*osits includin. cash +alances o-ned or
ac7uired or held +y the o%%icerJ
de+ts and other lia+ilities incurred +y the o%%icer directly or indirectly) includin.
loans %rom the $ank.
For the *ur*ose o% this "ule HFamilyH means
S*ouse) -hether residin. -ith the o%%icer or not) +ut does not include a le.ally
se*arated s*ouse
6hildren or ste* children or ado*ted children o% the o%%icer -hether residin. -ith
the o%%icer or not and de*endent -holly on such o%%icer +ut does not include
children or ste* children o% -hose custody the o%%icer has +een de*ri#ed o% +y or
under any la-J and
&ny other *erson related to) +y +lood or marria.e to the o%%icer or to the o%%icerOs
s*ouse and -holly de*endent u*on such o%%icer.
The $ank may also) at any time) +y .eneral or s*ecial order) re7uire an o%%icer to
%urnish -ithin a *eriod to +e s*eci%ied in the order) a statement o% mo#ea+le or
immo#ea+le *ro*erty o-ned) held or ac7uired +y the o%%icer or on the o%%icerOs
+ehal% or +y any mem+er o% the o%%icerOs %amily as may +e s*eci%ied in the order.
Such a statement shall) i% so re7uired +y the $ank include the details o% the means
+y -hich or the sources %rom -hich such *ro*erty -as ac7uired.
The a+o#e statement o% &sset and Lia+ilities should +e %urnished in the enclosed
%ormat on or +e%ore ;Cth une e#ery year.
Non2su+mission o% the a+o#e annual statements +y o%%icers -ould constitute an act
o% misconduct under the $ankOs Sta%% "ules %or -hich disci*linary action may +e
taken +y the $ank.
5%%icers *osted in +ranches and /onal o%%ices should su+mit the %orm to their
res*ecti#e Konal Eeads. Konal Eeads and o%%icers in 6entral 5%%ice should su+mit
their %orms to the Senior Iice President) E" De*artment at 6entral 5%%ice.
&n o%%icer) as a .eneral rule) shall not acce*t .i%ts or other +ene%its other than o%
nominal #alue %rom any indi#idual or concern ha#in. o%%icial dealin.s -ith the $ank or
%rom any o%%icer !unior to himGher so as to a#oid any *ossi+ility o% such .i%ts or +ene%its
e#en a**earin. to com*romise +usiness or o%%icial relationshi*s. 5%%icers must use
their discretion in +ein. satis%ied that the .i%ts are indeed o% nominal #alue.
No o%%icer shall take or .i#e or attem*t to take or .i#e any undue assistance or use or
attem*t to use any un%air methods or means in res*ect o% any e0amination or test
conducted or held +y the $ank or any other authority or institution.
&n o%%icer shall com*ly -ith all the terms and conditions in res*ect o% any loan)
ad#ance or other %acility .ranted +y the $ank.
No o%%icer shall use his *osition or in%luence directly or indirectly) to secure em*loyment
%or his son) dau.hter or any other mem+er o% his %amily in any *ri#ate undertakin.
ha#in. o%%icial dealin.s -ith the $ank 'this -ill include the $ankOs +orro-ers)
contractors) consultants and #endors(.
No o%%icer shall .rant on +ehal% o% the $ank any loan or ad#ance to himsel% or his
s*ouse) a oint Eindu Family o% -hich he or his s*ouse is a mem+er or a *artnershi*
-ith -hich he or his s*ouse is connected in any manner or a trust in -hich he or his
s*ouse is a trustee) or a *ri#ate or *u+lic limited com*any) in -hich he or his s*ouse
hold su+stantial interest. 'HSu+stantial interestH as de%ined in clause 'ne( o% Section > o%
the $ankin. "e.ulation &ct <BAB(.
No o%%icer shall .rant on +ehal% o% the $ank any loan or ad#ance to 'a( a %amily
mem+erJ '+( an indi#idual -ho is the .uarantor o% a %amily mem+er or an indi#idual -ho
is a *artner in +usiness o% a %amily mem+erJ 'c( a oint Eindu Family in -hich a %amily
mem+er is a mem+erJ 'd( a %irm in -hich a %amily mem+er is a *artner) mana.er or
.uarantorJ and 'e( a com*any in -hich a %amily mem+er holds su+stantial interest or is
interested as director mana.er or .uarantor) -ithout *rior *ermission o% the $ank.
5%%icers may not contri+ute the $ankOs %unds or assets to any *olitical candidate) *arty)
charity) or similar or.ani/ation) unless such contri+ution is e0*ressly *ermitted +y la-G
re.ulation G directi#e and has +een *rea**ro#ed +y the a**ro*riate authori/ed
re*resentati#e o% the $ank.
&n o%%icer shall com*ly -ith all la-%ul and reasona+le directions -hich may %rom time to
time +e .i#en to him +y an o%%icer under -hose control he may +e *laced.
5%%icers -ho sus*ect #iolations o% the letter or s*irit o% the $ankOs laid do-n systems)
*rocedures or sta%% rules ha#e an o+li.ation to re*ort their concerns to the $ankOs
desi.nated Ii.ilance 5%%icer.
Futu#e &ut$&&2
&ll thou.h the economy has +een *assin. throu.h a di%%icult *hase %or sometime *ast and
*olitical uncertainties continue) the %inancial market ha#e remain 7uite sta+le so %ar. "$I
has *ro!ected the GDP .ro-th in the current year in the ran.e o% @2: D. The in%lation is
also e0*ected to +e content around the *resent le#el o% a+out >D *er annum. In "$I
reckonin.) the .ro-th o% de*osits durin. the current year is *ro!ected at a reasona+ly
healthy le#el <?.>D and <: D res*ecti#ely and the +anks are ad#ised that su%%icient
li7uidity -ould +e a#aila+le to %inance additional *roduction as *er usual +ankin. norms.
The .ro-th tar.ets %or the +anks +usiness durin. the current year are +ein. set in the li.ht
o% this scenario. The +ank continues to e0*lore all *ossi+ilities to ma0imi/e the syner.y o%
its acti#ities -ith the +usiness o*eration o% the *romotin. institutions es*ecially &9IS.
In%act) a*art %rom mana.in. &9IS collection centers and colla+oratin. in the acti#ities
relatin. to the money market mutual %und) the +ank is associated -ith almost all the ma!or
schemes o% &9IS and the %easi+ility o% e0tendin. the sco*e and contents o% the syner.istic
a**roach to all other +usiness area o% &9IS is +ein. acti#ely *ursued all the time. &ll these
ne- acti#ities) cou*led -ith the traditional credit) merchant +ankin.) tradin. and dealin.
room o*erations as also e0*endin. +usiness #olumes are) e0*ected to +oost the +ank
+ottom line si.ni%icantly.
<. I6I6I $&NK
=. EDF6 $&NK
A. S$I $&NK
>. 6&N&"& $&NK
@. P8N&$ N&TI5N&L $&NK
:. $&NK 5F $&"5D&
B. 6ITL $&NK
<C. ID$I $&NK
<<. ILSL& $&NK
<=. ST&ND&"D 6E&"TE"ED $&NK
<;. &$N &M"5 $&NK
<A. &ME"I6&N E9P"ESS
<?. S$$ $&NK
Mar2C: &0is $ank launches Platinum 6redit 6ard) IndiaOs %irst EMI chi* +ased card
Dec2C@ &0is $ank .ets &&& National Lon.2Term "atin. %rom Fitch "atin.s
Se*t2C@ &0is $ank ties u* -ith $an7ue Pri#Ze Edmond de "othschild Euro*e %or
4ealth Mana.ement
uly2C@ &9IS $ank re2+rands itsel% as &0is $ank
uly2C@ &9IS $ank success%ully raises 8SD <C>C million
uly2C@ &9IS $ank ties u* -ith Tata Motors Ltd. %or 6ar Loans
une2C@ &9IS $ankOs e0*ansion into &sia su**orted +y F"S
May2C@ &9IS $ank launches OS*ice "e-ardsO on the +ankcards 2 IndiaOs % irst2e#er
merchant2su**orted re-ards *ro.ram
&*ril2C@ &9IS $ank o*ens a Financial Ser#ices 6ate.ory I $ranch in the DIF6 in
Mar2C@ &9IS $ank ties u* -ith Eyundai Motor India Ltd. %or 6ar Loans
Mar2C@ &9IS $ank ties u* -ith IIF6L to *ro#ide %inance %or in%rastructural *ro!ects in
the country
Mar2C@ &9IS $ank launches 6ar Loans in association -ith Maruti 8dyo. Ltd
Mar2C@ &9IS $ank o*ens a Full Licence $ank $ranch in Eon. Kon.
Fe+2C@ Finance Minister Shri P. 6hidam+aram Launches Shriram 2 &9IS $ank 6o 2
$randed 6redit 6ard E0clusi#ely For Small "oad Trans*ort 5*erators
Fe+2C@ &9IS $ank announces the launch o% its Meal 6ard
Fe+2C@ &9IS $ank announces the launch o% its Gi%t 6ard
Fe+2C@ LI6 Premium *ayment no- throu.h 8TI $ank $ranches
an2C@ &9IS +ank o*ens Priority $ankin. +ranch in Mum+ai and Kolkata
No#2C? &9IS $ank o*ens Priority $ankin. Loun.e in Pune
Se*2C? &9IS $ank launches o*erations o% 8$L Sales) its Sales Su+sidiary 2
Inau.urates its %irst o%%ice in $an.alore
&u.2C? &9IS $ank announces the launch o% its 6redit 6ard $usiness
&u.2C? &9IS $ank +ecomes the %irst Indian $ank to success%ully issue Forei.n
6urrency Ey+rid 6a*ital in the International Market
&u.2C? &9IS $ank $usiness Gold De+it 6ard Master6ard Launched 2 Desi.ned %or
+usiness related s*endin. +y SMEs and sel% em*loyed *ro%essionals
&u.2C? &9IS $ank announces the scheme o% issuance o% HSenior 6iti/en ID 6ardH in
association -ith Di.nity Foundation
&u.2C? &9IS $ank rolls out its =CCCth &TM
ul2C? &9IS $ank o*ens "e*resentati#e 5%%ice in Shan.hai
May2C? &9IS $ank and LI6 !oin hands to launch an &nnuity 6ard %or .rou*
*ensioners o% LI6
May2C? &9IS $ank ties u* -ith Geo!it Financial Ser#ices to o%%er 5nline Tradin.
ser#ice to its customers
&*r2C? &9IS $ank o*ens its %irst international +ranch in Sin.a*ore
an2C? &9IS $ank and &9IS Mutual Fund to launch a ne- ser#ice %or sale and
redem*tion o% mutual %und schemes throu.h the $ankOs &TMs across the
Dec2C> &9IS $ank -ins International Financin. "e#ie- 'IF"( &sia OIndia $ond
EouseO a-ard %or the year =CC>
5ct2C> &9IS $ank e0tends +ankin. ser#ices to the rural milk *roducers in &nand
and Kheda districts in Gu!arat
ul2C> &9IS $ank and Iisa International launch Mo+ile "e%ill %acility 2 &nytime)
&ny-here Pre2Paid Mo+ile "e%ill %or all Iisa 6ardholders in India
May2C> &9IS $ank and $a!a! &llian/ !oin hands to distri+ute .eneral insurance
&*r2C> &9IS $ank launches Smart Pri#ile.e 2 a s*ecial +ank account desi.ned %or
Mar2C> MTNL ties u* -ith &9IS $ank %or *ayment o% tele*hone +ills throu.h the
$ankOs &TM net-ork
Mar2C> &9IS $ank .ets listed on the London Stock E0chan.e) raises 8SP =;B.;C
million throu.h Glo+al
Mar2C> De*ositary "ecei*ts 'GD"s(
Fe+2C> &9IS $ank a**ointed +y Go#ernment o% Karnataka as the sole +anker %or
the $an.alore 5ne '$<( *ro!ect
Fe+2C> &9IS $ank launches a *o-er%ul #ersion o% Kisan 6redit 6ard
an2C> &9IS $ank ties u* -ith "emit=India to launch the "emittance 6ard
Mar2CA &9IS $ank ena+les *remium *ayment o% LI6 *olicies throu.h its &TMs.
Fe+2CA $ilateral arran.ement +et-een State $ank o% India 'and its @ associate
mem+er +anks( and &9IS $ank. comes into %orce -ith the commencement
o% o*erations 'as on ;rd Fe+ruary OCA( o% the com+ined net-ork o% o#er ACCC
Fe+2CA &9IS $ank '+y *ursuin. a *roacti#e strate.y o% %or.in. +ilateral a.reements
and +ein. a *ro.ressi#e *layer in the multi2lateral consortiums %or shared
&TM net-ork( o%%ers its customers access to o#er @CCC &TMs across the
country 2 the lar.est to +e o%%ered +y any +ank in India so %ar.
Dec2C; $ank inau.urated its &TM at The.u near the Nathula Pass in Sikkim. This
&TM is at the hi.hest altitude in India.
Se*2C; The $ankOs &TMs across the country crosses the thousand mark
Se*2C; $ank launches the Tra#el 6urrency 6ard.
&u.2C; The $ankOs De+it 6ard crosses the one million mark.
&u.2C; Total &d#ances cross "s @)CCC 6rore.
May2C; $ank declares a net *ro%it o% "s <B=.<: crores %or FLC;) a .ro-th o% A;D
o#er the *re#ious year
Mar2C; $ank si.ns &.reement -ith Em*loyees Pro#ident Fund 5r.ani/ation 'EPF5(
%or dis+ursement o% Pension
Mar2C; $ank crosses the :CC &TM mark
Mar2C; The $ank issues ;):;)?=):;A %ully *aid u* e7uity shares totalin. to "s.
<?A.CC crores) throu.h a
Mar2C; Pre%erential o%%er to Li%e Insurance 6or*oration o% India 'no- constitutin.
<;.>AD o%
Mar2C; the $ankOs e0*anded e7uity() 6iticor* $ankin. 6or*oration) $ahrain 'holdin.
;.:AD() 6hrys6a*ital I)
Mar2C; LL6) Mauritius 'holdin. ;.:AD( and Karur Iysya $ank Ltd.'constitutin.
<.CCD( The $ank also
Mar2C; Increases the authorised share ca*ital o% the $ank %rom "s. =;C crores to
"s. ;CC crores.
Fe+2C; $ank) in a *ioneerin. mo#e) launches the &T P&" 6he7ue %acility) %ree o%
cost) %or all its Sa#in.s $ank customers.
Fe+2C; $ank -ins mandate to set u* <A &TMs at the 4estern "ail-ay stations
alon. the Mum+ai di#ision.
5ct2C= $ank launches 6or*orate 6onnect[ 2 the Internet $ankin. %acility %or
&u.2C= $ank si.ns Mo8 -ith $SNL re.ardin. +ill collection ser#ices across the
country throu.h +oth online and o%%line channels.
&*r2C= $ank o*ens its >CCth &TM
Mar2C= De*osits 6ross "s.<=) CCC 6rore
an2C= The $ankOs <CCth +ranch o*ens at Tuticorin)Tamilnadu
an2C= The $ank o*ens an &TM at the Gol Dak2Khana) i.e. the Ne- Delhi GP5)
makin. it the %irst instance o% a commercial +ank settin. u* an &TM at any
*ost2o%%ice in the country.
Dec2C< Total &d#ances cross "s >)CCC 6rore
No#2C< The de*osit +ase %or the $ank crosses "s. <C)CCC 6rore
Se*2C< Pri#ate *lacement o% =?D stake in the $ank to 6D6 6a*ital Partners. &9IS
holdin. reduces to AA.::D
&u.2C< $ank si.ns Mo8 -ith India Post %or introducin. #alue added %inancial
*roducts and ser#ices to customers o% +oth or.ani/ations) includin. settin.
u* o% &9IS $ank &TMs in *ost o%%ices.
ul2C< $ank ties u* -ith Go#t o% &ndhra Pradesh %or collection o% commercial ta0
Dec2CC $ank o*ens its =CCth &TM. It +ecomes the =nd lar.est &TM net-ork in the
country) a *osition held e#en today.
5ct2CC $ank +ecomes %ully net-orked
ul2CC E2commerce initiati#es announced
ul2CC Financial &d#isory Ser#ices o%%ered +e.innin. -ith marketin. o% 8S ?A
&*r2CC &9IS $ank calls o%% its *ro*osed mer.er -ith Glo+al Trust $ank and sur.es
ahead on its o-n.
&*r2CC $ank launches its Internet +ankin. module) i6onnect "etail loans introduced
%or the %irst time +y the $ank
Mar2CC Pro%its cross "s >C crore mark %or the %irst time.
Fe+2CC $ank ado*ts Finacle so%t-are %rom In%osys %or core +ankin.
an2CC Dr.P. Nayak takes o#er as 6hairman and Mana.in. Director %rom Shri
Su*riya Gu*ta.
Se*2BB 6ash mana.ement ser#ices '6MS( launched) 6o +randed credit card
Mar2BB De*osits cross "s.;CCC crores
Se*2B: &9IS $ank .oes *u+lic -ith a "s. @< crore *u+lic issueJ Issue o#er2
su+scri+ed <.= times) o#er < lakh retail in#estors. &9IS holdin. reduces to
un2B? 6rosses "s.<CCC crore de*osit mark
Mar2B> 6om*letes %irst *ro%ita+le year in o*eration
&*r2BA First +ranch o% &9IS $ank inau.urated at &hmeda+ad +y Dr. Manmohan
Sin.h) EonO+le Finance Minister) Go#ernment o% India.
Dec2B; &9IS $ank comes into +ein.
Dec2B; "e.istered o%%ice at &hmeda+adJ Eead o%%ice at Mum+ai
9/1 Tit$e &% t'e Re+e"#*'
Main title o% Pro!ect assi.ned to the Feasi+ility Study o% &ccount 5*enin.W -ith &0is +ank
and it com*arison to other +anks accounts.
9/7 Du#"ti& &% t'e !#&Le*t
I ha#e done *ro!ect durin. the time *eriod o% =C days/ Durin. the *ro!ect *eriod I -orked
on study o% +eha#ior o% the consumer. To kno- their *erce*tion a.ainst
&9IS +ank I made *hone calls and *ersonal meetin. -ith consumer and
recei#e their res*onses.
9/9 ObLe*ti4e &% #e+e"#*'
& study on -orkin. and *ractice o% +ankin. -ith the #ie- to understand the #arious
e0*ects o% +ankin. I under.o as a mana.ement trainee in &9IS +ank Sho**in. 6enter)
Kota .
The main aim -as to learn in detail the #arious as*ect o% o*eration mana.ement and
marketin. o% +ank *roducts and ser#ices
The main o+!ect o% research -ork as %ollo-
to .et kno-led.e o% day to day -ork done in &9IS +ank
search o% ne- *otential salary and sa#in. account %or the +ank
to study the satis%action le#el o% e0istin. customer and %ind the o**ortunity o% cross
sailin. o% other *roduct
to *ro#ide su..estion a%ter e#aluation sur#ey results
9/: Si)i%i*"*e &% #e+e"#*'
The research is si.ni%icant %or me and the +ank thus si.ni%icant as %ollo- to the trainee as
%ollo- M 2
"/ t& t'e t#"iee
The research has *ro#ided the trainee *ractical kno-led.e re.ardin. the or.ani/ation
-orkin.) sur#ey and other as*ect o% marketin..
This research is also essential %or me in %ul%illment o% M$& curriculum
b/ t& t'e b"2
"esearch -ould hel* the +ank to .et the lead o% *otential customer and current
satis%action le#el amon. e0istin. relationshi* com*anies
To study the o**ortunity o% cross sailin. o% other *roduct and ser#ices
The su..estion *ro#ide the researcher -ill +e hel*%ul to im*ro#ement o% class and
7uality o% ser#ice to ne- and current customers and also hel* to enhance the
*/ t& t'e *u+t&me#
The research -ill +ecome a medium to con#ey the dissatis%action %actor to the
a**ro*riate *erson in the mana.ement
The researcher -ould hel* the mana.er and other e0ecuti#es o% +ank to the #alua+le
in%ormation o% *otential customer.
9/? T-!e &% Re+e"#*'
The tar.et se.ment %or the .eneral data -ere mainly ad#ice %rom the e0ternal source.
Grou*s ta**ed %or the data collection sheet and *ersonal inter#ie- -ork %rom industrial
directories) *ersonal re%erence and the data %rom Internet. Tar.et se.ment %or the *hone
callin. -ere deri#ed %rom the con%irmed assorted .ets %rom *hone directories) industrial
directories etc. call -as made to the selected or.ani/ation or customer in the directly and
ask %or the *ersonal meet and also other in%ormation -hich is hel*%ul to create data +ase
-as collected.
a. Methodolo.y %or o*eration is day to day -orkin. and o*eration. there are section in
Lanka Gate +ranch
marketin. section
retail section
+. Methodolo.y %or study o% com*arison o% di%%erent +ank accounts relation and
satis%action o% e0istin. %or .ra+ the other o**ortunities either cross studyin. o% the
*hase <
M2 a%ter understandin. the *rocess and *rocedure I started the -ork on the
*ro!ect and ma**in. the tar.et area and %ind out the com*arison o% *roducts in the
di%%erent +anks +y doin. the sur#ey
*hase =
M2 %or the *ro!ect sur#ey I *re*ared the data collection sheet
*hase ;
M2 *ersonal interaction -ith ne- and e0istin. account customer
Q makin. *hone calls to the tar.et or.ani/ation and the customer and .ettin. some
+asic in%ormation and seekin. an a**ointment to the res*onsi+le *erson
Q a%ter .ettin. the a**ointment I *ersonally interact -ith that *erson) o%ten the *ro*osal
and the %eature o% the *roducts and %illin. the data collection sheet and try to make
the conclusion %or the com*arison study and also try to con#ince %or sta+ili/in. the
Q a%ter the analy/in. the *erson and his res*onse i% it seem to +e a *otential the I called
+ack to him and o%%ered the %inal *ro*osal and .ettin. the a**ointment to o%%erin. and
si.nin. the *ro*osal
Q i% the *ro*osal not %inal at the taken time and *erson -ant to interact -ith the sales
e0ecuti#e or the +ranch mana.er then I *assed that %ello- to them
Q i% *erson seems to +e iterated in the other *roducts then I o%%ered and e0*lained the
%eature o% that *roduct and *ass the lead to the corres*ondin. o%%icer
Data collection %rom the sheet) *ersonal inter#ie-) and other channel -ork or.ani/ed as
D"t" +'eet %&# +"4i) "**&ut+
Particular 6all made 6all con#erted Lead .ranted
Doctors <> <C :
6.&.S =C <C >
e-elers <C : A
Sho*kee*ers ;C => <C
9/B S"m!$e +i5e "d met'&d &% +e$e*ti& +"m!$e
&s .eneral rule) one can say that the sam*le must +e o% an o*timum si/e i.e.) it should
neither +e e0cessi#ely lar.e not too small. Technically the sam*le si/e should +e lar.e
enou.h to .i+e a con%idence inter#al o% desired -idth and as such the si/e o% the sam*le
must +e chose +y some lo.ical *rocess +e%ore sam*le is taken %orm the uni#erse. Si/e o%
the sam*le should +e determined +y a researcher kee*in. in #ie- the %ollo-in. *ointsM
Nature o% uni#erse M 8ni#erse may +e either homo.enous or hetero.eneous in nature.
I% the items o% the uni#erse are homo.enous) a small sam*le can ser#e the *ro*ose.
$ut i% the items are hetero.eneous) a lar.e sam*le -ould +e re7uired). Technically) this
can +e termed as dis*ersion %actor.
Num+er o% classes *ro*osed M I% many class .rou*s are to +e %ormed) a lar.e sam*le
-ould +e re7uired +ecause a small sam*le mi.ht not +e a+le to .i#e a reasona+le
num+er o% items in each class .rou*.
Nature o% study M I% items are to +e intensi#ely and continuously studied) the sam*le
should +e small. For a .eneral sur#ey the si/e o% the sam*le should +e lar.e) +ut a
small sam*le in considered a**ro*riate in technical sur#eys.
Ty*e o% sam*lin. M Sam*lin. techni7ue *lays an im*ortant *art in determinin. the si/e
o% the sam*le. & small random sam*le is a*t to +e much su*erior to a lar.er +ut +adly
selected sam*le.
Standard o% accuracy and acce*ta+le con%idence le#el M i% the standard o% accuracy or
the le#el o% *recision is to +e ke*t hi.h) -e shall re7uired relati#ely lar.er sam*le. For
dou+lin. the accuracy %or a %i0ed si.ni%icance le#el) the sam*le si/e has to +e
increased %our%old.
&#aila+ility o% %inanceM In *ractice) si/e o% the sam*le de*ends u*on the amount o%
money a#aila+le %or the study *ur*ose. This %actor should +e ke*t in #ie- -hile
determinin. the si/e o% sam*le %or lar.e sam*les result in increasin. the cost o%
sam*lin. estimates.
5ther consideration M Nature o% units) si/e o% the *o*ulation) si/e o% 7uestionnaire)
a#aila+ility o% trained in#esti.ators) the conditions under -hich the sam*le is +ein.
conducted) the time a#aila+le %or com*letion o% the study are a %e- other consideration
to -hich a researcher must *ay attention -hile selectin. the si/e o% the sam*le.
9/H S*&!e &% #e+e"#*'
The research -as conducted %or &9IS +ank limited in Kota 6ity <C
uly =CC:. The
research -as conducted in o*erational and marketin. as*ect o% the +ank *roducts and
The research collected to detail in%ormation +y *ersonal inter#ie- and data collection
&ccordin. to the analysis it has +een assessed that the em*loyees ha#e more %aith in their
or.ani/ation. This study is conducted -ith a #ie- to %ind out the em*loyees *erce*tion)
Dairy is interested to kno-) -hat em*loyee really thin. a+out the Mana.ement.
This *ro!ect has immense im*ortance %or me. Such ty*e o% *ro!ect hel*s a student to
#isuali/e and reali/e a+out the con.ruencies +et-een the theoretical learnin. in the
*remises o% colle.e and the actual %ollo-ed +y the or.ani/ations. It .i#es the kno-led.e o%
a**lication as*ect o% the theories learn in the classroom.
9/@ Limit"ti& &% #e+e"#*'

E#ery research has its o-n constraints -hich kee* limitation to -ork similarly this research
has also limitation due to -hich the researcher could not .et detailed in%ormation re.ardin.
*ro!ect. These areM

Thou.h %ull e%%orts ha#e +een made +ut due to the lack o% *ast e0*erience in the
marketin. %ield I %ailed some areas ha#e +een le%t %rom includin. in the study
Due to the limitation o% time I -as una+le to co#er more sam*le 'data collection sheet(
and to %rid.e the lead .ranted.

Salary account and sa#in. account in Kota 6ity hel*s us to understand the +eha#ior o% the
consumer. Seemed !o+ -as to %orm a link -ith them. These leads -ere conducted throu.h
*hone call and *ersonal meetin.. $y the conductin.) it -as %ound that or.ani/ation and
lead and *eo*le -ere -are o% the *roducts and ser#ice e%%ort +y &9IS +ank. Fe- o% them
ha#in. account -ith the +ank and rest -ho are not a-are o% and don3t ha#e account are
interested in the same.
&naly/in. done on the a+o#e %indin. is that out o% the calls made and meetin. ACD data
-as collected %rom the Garment e0*ort +usiness -ho +asically %rom Mar-ari community
and ha#e ma0imum o% the %orei.n relation. This -as due to their *roduct demand and
relation a+road. =CD o% leads -ere collected throu.h educational institution that o% the
ACD. Leads -ere collected %rom other sources) -hich do not %or a s*eci%ic lead. &round
B>D calls -ere made and only =>D o% calls -ere %ound to +e *roducti#e.
They are also interested to kno- more a+out the &9IS +ank account ser#ices and other
*roduct o%%ered +y the +ank like demat ser#ices) credit cards) home loan etc.
The study o% com*etitor3s +ank -as a hard meet to reach as other +ank did not re#eal the
%acts and %i.ure so easily. the main com*etitor o% &9IS +ank in Kota and as -hole in
"a!asthan are
S$I $&NK
S$$ $&NK
"&&STE&N $&NK
ES$6 $&NK
I6I6I $&NK
P8N&$ N&TI5N&L $&NK
Bu+ie++ Pe#%&#m"*e
Earnin. *er share'diluted( increased %rom "s =;.>C to "s ;=.<>
No. o% account u* A: D to <?)A:)==;
Total No. o% &TMs -ent u* %rom =;A< to ;C@A
Net-ork o% +ranches and e0tension counters increase %rom >?< to @=B
"etail assets u* >=.=AD to "s <;>B<.?: crore
"eturn on a#era.e assets u* %rom <.<;D to <.<@ D
Fee income u* ?>.B<D to "s <;?@.@> crore
Pro%it a%ter ta0 u* ?=.>=D to "s <C@<.C; crore
&ccordin. to the sur#ey %or the data collection and the call made throu.h the *hone -e
%ound that other +ank also ha#in. .ood hold on the market. The customers -ho are the
mem+ers o% other +anks are satis%ied +y their +ank %acilities. The *roducts o% the other
+anks are %ull %illin. the re7uirement o% the customer.
For the analyses o% the sur#ey com*arison o% the other +anks had to +e done. For this the
detailed o% the *roducts o% I6I6I +ank EDF6 +ank are .i#en +elo-
&naly/in. done on the a+o#e %indin. is that out o% the calls made and meetin. ACD data
-as collected %rom the Garment e0*ort +usiness -ho +asically %rom mar-ari community
and ha#e ma0imum o% the %orei.n relation. This -as due to their *roduct demand and
relation a+road. =CD o% leads -ere collected throu.h educational institution that o% the
ACD. Leads -ere collected %rom other sources) -hich do not %or a s*eci%ic lead. &round
B>D calls -ere made and only =>D o% calls -ere %ound to +e *roducti#e.
These -ere +anks -ere studied as di%%erent reads like no o% +ank) no o% &TM centers in
Kota city as -ell as "a!asthan
Re+!&+e &% te$em"#2eti)
This res*onse o% *hone call made our recorded as under
ACD not interested
<CD interested +ut not eli.i+le
;>D already account o*ened
<>D -ill o*en an account
<( T'e ""$-+i+ &% "$#e"d- e<i+ti) +"$"#- "**&ut &% AXIS "d "&t'e# b"2 "#e
EDF6 +ank =;D
&9IS +ank <;D
I6I6I +ank =:D
&nd other +ank3s ;=D
EDF6 =;D
I6I6I =:D
&9IS <;D
5TEE"S ;=D
=:D &9IS
7J T'e ""$-+i+ &% "$#e"d- e<i+ti) +"4i) "**&ut &% AXIS b"2 "d &t'e# b"2+
EDF6 +ank
&9IS +ank
I6I6I +ank
5ther +anks
9J I ('i*' b"2 -&u "#e &!e#"ti) t'e +"$"#- "**&utM
Most o% *eo*le had aGc in S$I +ank.
&9IS EDF6 S$I I6I6I ES$6 S$$ 5TEE"
=> :> <AC >C =C <CC :C
:J .'"t t-!e &% %"*i$itie+ t'e b"2 i+ "4"i$i) t& t'e *u+t&me#+M



&ll *eo*le a#ailed che7ue +ook) &TM and cash de*osits.
+ankin. &TM INS8"&N6E FD
$ook 6ash De*osite
=>C >CC =;C >C >CC >CC
?J .&u$d -&u $i2e t& "4"i$ &% "- &% &u# !#&du*t+ "d +e#4i*e+ %#&m
Most o% *eo*le -ere interested in &9IS +ank Ser#ices.
Les No
BJ F"*i$itie+ eL&-ed b- t'e &#)"i5"ti&Gidi4idu"$+,
+ankin. none
1CC 7CC 1AC 1BC 71C





Email +ankin. -as most *re%erred +y *eo*le.
HJ I ('i*' &t'e# b"2+ &#)"i5"ti&+Gidi4idu"$ d& m"it"i +"4i)+
city S$I $5$ EDF6 5ther
>C =CC <CC <CC <CC
Most o% *eo*le had their sa#in.s aGc in S$I.
city S$I $5$ EDF6 5ther
@J H&( d& -&u #"te +e#4i*e+ &% AXIS b"2M
*oor *oor a#era.e .ood e0cillent
>C AC <<C =CC <CC
8TI -as ranked .ood +y a+out ACD *eo*le on ratin. scale
#ery *oor
AJ H&( d& -&u #"2 t'e %&$$&(i) b"2+ i #e+!e*t &% t'ei# +e#4i*e+M
+ank EDF6 &9IS ID$I 6ITL
=CC <CC <>C @C :C
I6I6I +ank -as ranked no. < in term o% ser#ices.
I6I6I +ank
Cu+t&me# +"ti+%"*ti&
Phone calls made and *ersonal inter#ie-s o% e0istin. account holders and the
satis%actions le#el are recorded are
satis%ied ;CD
unsatis%ied <=D
Pro+lem o% unsatis%ied customers is
<. statement delay
=. -ron. de+it
;. not as *er commitment
A. incon#enience o% &TMs
&s o#er all res*onse o% *hone calls an *ersonal inter#ie-s 7uestion asked -ould u like to
+e a mem+er o% &9IS +ank %amilyW
discuss later
not interested
assume to +e
A"$-+e+ &% &=ite#e+ted *u+t&me#8 t'e #e"+& )i4e b- t'em "#e

salary ser#ice in cash
incon#enience o% &TM
lack o% +ranches
Ite#!#et" ti&
Phone calls and *ersonal inter#ie- .i#es a *lat%orm throu.h -hich I .et the +asic
idea a+out *otential customer.
Phone call are <
inter%aces +et-een the customers and me) the *ercenta.e to
success throu.h *hone call is almost =CD durin. my *ro!ect *eriods
&**ro0imately only <:D o% the cor*orate inter#ie-ed -ere seem to +e interested
in o*enin. there account in the +ank
The main reason %or this lo-er %i.ure is that the em*loyees o% these or.ani/ation
and *eo*le %or sa#in. account reside in di%%erent area so they may not ha#e
accessi+ility and incon#enience di%%iculties
Some or.ani/ation and there o-ner are ha#in. .ood relationshi* -ith their old
+ank -hom they ha#e taken 66 limit) loan etc.
Some +anks esta+lish their e0tension -ith in these or.ani/ations so they en!oy the
%acility and not interested to other o%%er
E%%e*ti4e !e#+&"$ +e#4i*e
It -as o+ser#ed that the entire sta%% at &9IS $ank renders a #ery *ersonali/e and a
cordial ser#ice to all its customers. The relationshi* is on a one to one +asis and is not
mechanical like some other $anks. Needless to say &9IS $ank has .ot a team o% #ery
skilled *ro%essionals -ho are al-ays deli#erin. the +est o% their ca*a+ilities.
6"#iet- &% P#&du*t R")e
The ran.e o% retail *roducts o%%ered +y &9IS $ank com*etes -ith the +est in the
industry. The *roduct ran.e really .i#es the customer a %eelin.) o% one sto* %inancial
center) -here they can %ul%ill all ty*es o% %inancial re7uirements. The *roduct ran.e o%
the other ne- .eneration *ri#ate +anks is almost *arallel.
E%%i*iet Le"d T#"*2i) S-+tem
&9IS $ank has a #ery e%%ecti#e tool to kee* a track o% each and e#ery lead that is
recei#ed. The $ank has an a**recia+le amount o% data+ase) -hich can *ro#e to +e
use%ul %or the $ank e#en in the %uture.
Le++ b#"*'e+ 4i5 " 4i5 &t'e# b"2+
&9IS $ank +ein. on the .ro-th sta.es o% "etail $ankin. has not really de#elo*ed a
stron. net-ork o% +ranches and &TMs. It has *resently @=B $ranches , E0tension
center) ;C@A &TMs) across the country. 4hen com*ared to other Pri#ate $anks o% the
ne- .eneration these num+ers are lo-.
Im")e &% AXIS B"2
5%ten *eo*le on hearin. a+out &9IS $ank relate it to its *arent &9IS. &lso the ima.e o%
&9IS $ank is o% +ein. a ma!or thrust in 6or*orate $ankin. sector and in the area o%
In#estment $ankin. %or lar.e commercial *ro!ects.
L&( A("#ee++ Due T& L&( Ke- P#&m&ti&+
&9IS $ank needs to mo#e on -ith more a..ressi#e *romotions.
I*#e"+i) Ite#e+t O% Pe&!$e I P#i4"te Se*t&# B"2+
Due to the undesira+le e0*eriences -ith the Pu+lic Sector $anks) more and more
*eo*le to-ards Pri#ate Sector $anks. Peo*le no- -ant total hassles %ree $ankin.)
-hich can +e easily *ro#ided +y the ne- .eneration Pri#ate Sector $anks.
Hu)e Dem"d "d Su!!$- G"!
Indian economy is e0*ected to .ro- at :2BD in the comin. years. This .ro-th -ill
continue to .enerate demands in the retail market and the +anks are a**ro*riately
suited to meet this need.
Et#- &% Ne( P$"-e#+
The Go#ernment re.ulations +ein. %le0i+le than +e%ore) and seein. the encoura.in.
demand in the "etail $ankin. Sector) entry o% ne- *layers mi.ht !ust *ro#e to +e threat)
kee*in. in mind the %act that &9IS $ank itsel% is at a .ro-th sta.e o% "etail $ankin..
S"tu#"te i t'e Se)met
The "etail +ankin. se.ment -as identi%ied +y other Pri#ate Sector $anks like I6I6I and
EDF6) *retty early) there%ore all the ma!or cities and ur+an areas are a+out to .et
saturated -ith the retail *roducts o% these Pri#ate Sector $anks.
St"%% Tu#&4e#
Due to close in#ol#ement in the *roducts o%%ered in the "etail $ankin. Se.ment) sta%%
turno#er can +e #ery detrimental to the interests o% the $ank.
4ith the emer.e trend o% .lo+ali/ation and *ri#ati/ation the look o% Indian economy has
taken ne- dimensions. There are more *ossi+ilities o% in-ard and out-ard sourin. at
ca*ital) la+or and technolo.y. Indian e0*ort and !o+ o**ortunity has tremendously
There is .reat o**ortunity to esta+lished lon.2term relationshi* +ulk o% *eo*le. &9IS +ank
is one o% these %inical institutes) -hich has .i#en ne- #ision to these o%%ers. 4hile .oin.
throu.h the *ro!ect I ha#e come across -ith this o%%er and made a study on the account
ser#ices o%%ered in Kota 6ity +y &9IS +ank.
To under.o this study my *rior !o+ is to collects the data) -hich -ill *ro#ide me a +ase to
interact -ith the or.ani/ation 'task) *u+lic) *ri#ate com*anies) education institution etc( in
Kota city. It -as %ound that the most o% customer a**reciate the ser#ice *ro#ided +y the
+ank and more keen to kno- a+out other o%%erin. o% the +ank.
&t last I concluded the study on the +asis o% %indin. and analysis o% the sur#ey. Most o% the
e0istin. customers o% account holder -ere satis%ied -ith the %acilities *ro#ided +y +ank.
Marketin. e0ecuti#es sales *ersons) the *ro*er *resentation is not .oin. to the *otential
customer) so the other +anks) -ho ha#in. 7uali%ied marketin. e0ecuti#e .ra+ the
o**ortunity o% market so some more e%%ort should +e done to .ra+ the o**ortunity.
Thai the sur#ey se#eral that the or.ani/ation has *ro#ide a -ide ran.e o% *roduct ser#ice
and in#estment *lans. $ankin. that is %le0i+le) inno#ati#e and *rom*t in meetin. the
customer re7uirement. 5#er all it -as o+ser#ed that the customer -ere satis%ied +ein. as
a mem+er o% &9IS +ank *ari-arW. They think one *ro#ide +etter ser#ices *roduct and
%acility at one *lace in com*arison o% other com*etitor +anks customer.
5n the +asis o% %indin. and analy/in. the research recommended %ollo-in. su..estionM 2
Ne- and di%%erent *roduct should +e launched to attract more customer
8nta**ed customer should +e contacted in order to increase data+ase thou.h more
"es*onse .i#en +y some customers should +e taken care o% and ste*s should +e
taken on the same.
6alls -ere made to head o%%ice o% +i. or.ani/ation -hich ha#in. +ranch o%%ice in
Kota city and contacted at to* le#el to esta+lishin. ne- relationshi*.
More interacti#e meetin. at to* le#el or e#ents should +e arran.ed so more
customers could come in contact.
More +ranch in state should +e o*ened so that more *eo*le can ha#e the ser#ice
6ustomer ser#ice should +e im*ro#ed.
There is need to recruit the more 7uali%ied *ersons on the *ost o% %ield o%%icer -ho
are made more lia+le and res*onsi+le commitment and clearly de%ined the *roduct
o%%er. 5n this *ost com*etitor +anks recruit the mana.ement trainee and *ay a
.ood scale and incenti#e) so %or the 7ualitati#e ser#ices &9IS +ank also %ollo- the
To eliminate the dissatis%action o% customer community and *roduct demand are
send to the customer in *ro*er time *eriod.
To eliminate the dissatis%action *ro*er -orksho* and a-areness *ro.rams like
cam*ai.nin. are hel*%ul and held on the client ori.ination.
&s early as *ossi+le +ank should start o#erdra%t and 66 limits to e0*end the
The lar.er the &TM net-ork o% &9IS +ank in Kota city +ut still &9IS +ank ha#e no
&TM center in the ma!or industrial area o% Kota city like "II65) etc.
To achie#e the o+!ecti#es) the 7uestionnaire used -as 7uite hel*%ul. The 7uestionnaire
used -as in the %ollo-in. %ormM
<. Name \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
=. &dd. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
;. 6ontact no.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
A. In -hich +ank you are o*eratin. the accountM
&9IS \\\\\ EDF6\\\\\ S$I\\\\\ &NL 5TEE"\\\\\\

I6I6I \\\\\ ES$6\\\\\ S$$\\\\\
>. 4hat ty*e o% %acilities the +ank is a#ailin. to the customers M
Phone +ankin. &TM *an card
Insurance FD che7ue +ook
6ustomer care statement cash de*osit
?. I% No ) -hat is the reason %or not ha#in. the account in &9IS +ank M
@. 4ould you like to a#ail o% any o% our *roducts and ser#ices %rom &9IS +ankM

Les No
:. 4hat e0tra %acilities do you -ant %rom &9IS +ankM
B. &ny Su..estions %or &9IS +ankM
<. Marketin. "esearch = T'&m"+ Kie"#
'&n a**lied a**roach( 3 J"me+ R T"-$&#
=. "esearch Methodolo.y = C/R/K&t'"#i
;. Marketin. Mana.ement = P'i$i! K&t$"#
A. Marketin. "esearch = H"#!e# ./ B&-d8 J#/
R"$!' .e+t F"$$
St"$e- F/ St"+*'
>. Ser#ice Marketin. = R"m!"$
?. Marketin. o% Ser#ices = L&4e$&&2
@. Internet links = (((/AXISb"2/*&m

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