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Time: 2 hours.
Answer Four questions in all.
Answer four questions in all, on four books, choosing two books from Section A and two
books from Section B.
In Section A you must answer one question from Sub-section (i) and one question from
Sub-section (ii). ou must co!er one play and one novel.
"hoose one of the #assages $ and %, read it carefully and then answer the questions
following it as concisely as #ossible.
Either 1. William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet
Mercutio I am hurt,
A plague aoth houses! I am sped
Is he gone and hath nothing"
#en$olio What, art thou hurt"
Mercutio A%, a%, a scratch, a scratch, marr%, &tis enough
Where is m% page" 'o, $illain, (etch a surgeon
Romeo courage, man, the hurt cannot e much.
Mercutio )o, &tis not so deep as a *ell, nor so *ide as a church+door, ut &tis
enough, t*ill ser$e. Ask (or me tomorro*, and %ou shall (ind me a gra$e
man. I am peppered, I *arrant, (or this *orld. A plague aoth %our
houses! &,ounds, a dog, a rat, a mouse, a cat, to scratch a man to death! A
raggart, a rogue, a $illain, that (ights % the ook o( arithmetic. Wh% the
de$l came %ou et*een us! I *as hurt under %our arm.
Romeo I thought all (or the est.
Mercutio -elp me into some house #en$olio,
.r I shall (aint. A plague aoth %our houses!
The% ha$e made *orms meat o( me. I ha$e it,
And soundl% too. /our houses!
Romeo This gentleman, the princes near all%,
M% $er% (riend, hath got his mortal hurt
In m% ehal(0 m% reputation staind
With T%alts slander 1 T%alt, that an hour
-ath een m% cousin. . s*eet Juliet,
Th% eaut% hath made me e((eminate,
And in m% temper so(tend $alours steel!
&nter #en$olio
3a4 Where and *hen in the te5t do the e$ents in the ao$e e5tract take place"
34 Who has hurt *ho and (or *hat reason3s4"
3c4 &A plague aoth %our houses!
#rie(l% e5plain *hat Mercutio means % this.
3d4 #rie(l% e5plain the character traits o( Romeo re$ealed in this e5tract.
3e4 Identi(% the theme rought out (rom the ao$e e5tract.
3(4 -o* important in this e5tract to the rest o( the pla%" #rie(l% e5plain *ith
re(erence to the pla%.
Or 2. 6eter Arahams : &Mine #o%
Suddenl% 7li8a 9umped up. She tremled. -er hands clenched and unclenched.
-er e%es la8ed and her teeth chattered *ith anger.
&'et out! she shouted and rushed at the (oremost policeman.
The policeman caught her arms and held her a*a% (rom him.
&Take her, :eah said to ;uma.
;uma pulled her a*a% (rom the policeman.
&She has done nothing! 7li8a shouted. &:ea$e her alone!
;uma tried to <uieten her do*n.
&Shes *ild, that one, heh, ;uma" the policeman said.
&What is it to %ou" ;uma said *ith (lashing e%es.
The policeman smiled.
&The% are %oung, :eah told the policeman. &:et them e.
-e stepped aside and :eah *ent out. -e *atched her *ith admiring e%es.
:eahs lips *ere (irml% compressed and there *as a hardness in her e%es. -er head *as
held high and her shoulders pushed ack as she got into the car.
The cro*d that had gathered round the car *atched in silence. The (oremost
policeman 1 he *as nicknamed The =o5 % the people o( Mala% >amp and ?rededorp 1
got in eside her. The others *ent in (ront.
The =o5 *as liked % the people (or he did not eha$e as a *hite man. -e did
not mind sitting eside lack people, or e$en drinking their eer *hen he *as not tr%ing
to catch them. And he *as (eared more than an% other policeman (or The =o5 trapped
more people than an% other policeman.
7li8a roke a*a% (rom ;uma and ran out. The car mo$ed o((.
&:eah! 7li8a cried piteousl%, &:eah! >ome ack!
#ut the car gathered speed.
3a4 What is happening in this passage and *hat reasons e5plain the e$ents in this
34 -o* is this matter in the passage e$entuall% resol$ed"
3c4 @The =o5 is liked % the people (or he did not eha$e as a *hite manA
-o* did *hite men eha$e in order to attract hatred (rom the lacks"
3d4 What does this episode re$eal aout 7li8as (eeling in relation to *hat has
Su ! se"tion #ii$
Answer one question on one book.
).#. I( %our ans*er in Su+section 3i4 *as on a pla%, no* select a no$el0 ut i( %our
ans*er in su+section 3i4 *as on a no$el, %ou must no* select a pla%.
William Shakespeare : Romeo and Juliet
Either 3 Bescrie the incident in *hich T%alt *as killed. What *ere the
conse<uences o( that death"
Or 4 -o* (ar do %ou agree that the tragic e$ents in the pla% are entirel% the
result o( enmit% et*een >apulets and the Montagues"
6eter Arahams : Mine #o%
Either 5 Biscuss the circumstances that in(luence the relationship et*een 7li8a
and ;uma in the no$el Mine #o% . Wh% do the% (ail to maintain a lasting
Or 6 Identi(% and discuss an% t%&ee e$ents in the no$el Mine #o% that sho* it
is a stor% aout po$ert% and su((ering.
In this section you must answer two questions co!ering two books.
)gugi *a Thiongo : Weep )ot, >hild
Either 7 Re(erring closel% to the no$el, Weep )ot, >hild, discuss the reasons *h%
)9oroge desires to get education.
Or 8 Sho* ho* the theme o( e5ploitation is portra%ed in the no$el, Weep )ot,
John Ruganda : #lack Mama
Either -o* is the theme o( se5ual immoralit% portra%ed in the pla%,
)#lack Mama"
Or 1! What is the rele$ance et*een the title o( the pla%, &#lack Mama and
*hat happens in the pla%"

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