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To Change an Element of the World if Afforded with the Means

-Proposition for the Foundation of Non-Aligned Council for the Globally
Literate Republic-
Omar Alansari-Kreger

Well, the real question is where would I start? It is my aspiration to establish an
organization that has multinational outreach in every corner of the world; as is the aspiration of
any petty idealist. This organization would have one fundamental purpose and that would be to
export basic literacy to the underdeveloped world. I firmly believe that perpetual violence, ethnic
hatred, and backward cultural practices are reinforced through common ignorance. It seems that
not knowing is one of the worst things that can descend on an entire population. They can be
used and exploited by some sort of big brother figure and that depraved population will go on to
view such an authority as if they are larger than life. When a population is illiterate they can be
compelled to believe anything and will never have the fundamental resources they to challenge
the authority of big brother.
The creation of a world community exists when there is a universal standard of living for
every man, woman, and child on the Earth. When people have the basic resources they need in
order to develop an education for themselves then they can have the ability to take things in their
own hands. They will no longer need elite mediators to read books and newspapers to them and
the achievement of such a thing stands as a powerful celebration. Nonetheless, there is a greater
question that stands: How do we achieve such a thing when the aspiration itself is so unilaterally
grandiose? In an effort to answer my own question, I contest that such a thing is made possible
by implementing incremental strides that work toward big picture objectives. After all, that is
how we are able to establish, situate, and season our civilizations because history clearly
demonstrates that they do not emerge over night. In the preliminary stages, it would be best to
focus on one geographic-political arena in the world and I feel that Sub-Saharan Africa stands as
a pristine proving ground for such an objective.
I envision the construction of literacy centers that would have two fundamental purposes;
the first would be to teach members of the immediate population to read and write using the
national language of their respective countries. For example, if a literacy center was established
in say Chad then the language that would be taught would be French. Literacy in English will
also be taught considering that it is the most widely spoken language all over the world.
Secondly, once literacy has been achieved a general education will be provided to the same
population in a fashion where local educators will be brought in a way where the depraved
population can be initiated to subject matters where they develop and harness their intellectual
motor skills.
Ideally, medical services could be provided alongside the primary function of the actual
literacy center and this is where a partnership say with Doctors without Borders can be
established. The final addition that would be added to the literacy center would be an electronic

library where any type of subject matter can be researched and observed as a means of allowing
the newly literate population a way to test and use their literacy.
The ultimate theme behind such an organization would focus on achieving and bringing
forward a universal standard of living for humankind sustained and reinforced by a literate and
educated humanity. The impetus of this organization would seek to bring humanity together
beneath a flagship of ecumenical brotherhood and sisterhood insisting on the maximization of
human potential. Of course, my main fear would be over coming corrupt governments and their
cronies, but there are always ways around that. Initially, each literacy center can fall under the
jurisdiction of its own sovereignty so that these obstacles can be overcome and there is also
potential where the actual prevalence of the literacy center can host and facilitate the needs of
refugees. At any rate, if I were wealthy, that is where I would start and I would call this
multinational organization the Non-Aligned Council for the Globally Literate Republic; of
course maybe that might be shorted for the purpose of public relations appeal.
This is a general concept that can be applied to the entire world all under the alias of non-aligned
humanitarian empowerment.
Now, who wants to start writing checks?

-Additional Response Commentary-
Well, it is the balance of power that must be reformed and that begins with a literate and
educated population. The people should have the ability to audit the monies that are issued into
circulation. This ensures that the banks do not get too powerful. Unfortunately, there are not
enough precious metals in the world to bring back something that would compare to the Gold
Standard; that is why a federal reserve system has been put into place. It all comes down to
auditing the dispensation of monies, how it is done, and exploring ways that minimize inflation
by using productions of discovered and undiscovered technologies. In the end, any type of
Federal Reserve System should be governed by a congressional body that democratically
incorporates legislation into the management of banks. Of course, this system is not fool proof
considering that constituents would need to elect representatives and a Federal Reserve shutdown
would be much more catastrophic than that of the government.
In regards to your main point I would have to agree with you; private banks should not
have the ability to produce and distribute money out of thin air. There should be something that
can reinforce the value of the issued currency in question. In my first response, I proposed using
relevant contingencies of intellectual capital in addition to technological resources to reinforce
the fiscal value of the issued currency; at the end of the day, there always needs to be some sort
of collateral behind any form of wealth. There isn't wealth without collateral, it is just that
simple. When our primordial ancestors used the barter system as primitive hunter gatherers they
traded based on the collateral value of material objects/resources around them; of course, these

transactions were much more practical toward the human survivability complex considering that
in most primitive societies very little deviation is made from its subsistence culture.
In regards to the exchange and use of labor markets reinforced by individually focused
concentrations of it to redeem issued currencies, there is one realization that comes to mind; the
economy must always be in tip top shape in a way that ensures that the labor denominator invests
constant value into issued currencies. The fact of the matter is that even the most robust
economies experience shortfalls and periods of crisis; sometimes, there is just nothing we can do
about it and recessions are often times offset from abroad. That is why the collateral of economic
capital redeems the value and worth of an economy so that it can pick up on wherever there is a
shortfall; kind of like what is going on in the European Union, but not to the point where the
responsibility of preserving it rests on the shoulders of a few countries.
Nonetheless, events in politics create the news in the economy which then influences the
stability of our labor and currency markets. Sometimes, countries with a smaller piece of the pie
can't really do anything because of the multinational relationships in which they are part which
explains shortfalls on their part. Initially, any economic system must find a way where constant
collateral capital can keep inflation to a minimum which ensures that money can't be created out
of nothing. It is a complicated process, but in a nutshell, that is where the suggestive solution
should start. This should also imply that interest can be eliminated when there is also a
determined source of collateral capital which counters growing potentialities for inflation.

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