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Reliance Industries Ltd.

Fire, Safety & Environment

Procedure Manual
Page No. 1 of
!."! PR#$E%&RE F#R S'($) EMISSI#N
Introduction +
The purpose of this procedure is to confirm whether, the stack emissions are
within the limits laid down in consent orders by Gujarat Pollution Control
Board, Gandhinagar.
Procedure +
At !"# stack emission monitoring of each plant is carried out by
GPCB registered contractor.
$C% !ncinerator & P$C 'ryer "ine ! & !! are monitored twice in a
month. All other stacks are monitored once in a month.
!n P()! plant, %(G)!, !!, !!! plant, Cracker Plant, PTA *!, !! plant and
P+, plant, the contractor is using flame proof -acuum pump. !n case
flame proof -acuum pump is not a-ailable, then hot work permit is
obtained by en-ironmental engineer.
.ample of flue gas emission for particulate matter is collected under
iso kinetic sampling condition.
.ingle phase /01$. electrical supply for -acuum pump is supplied by
respecti-e electrical sub stations.
!n P( plant 'owtherm heater furnace stack)flue gases are monitored
for .P%, .+
, 2+3 as specified in air consent order issued by GPCB.
!n CPP4 plant #.G ) ! to #.G )$!, GT)$!! and Au3iliary Boiler
stack 5if it is in operation6 flue gases are monitored for .P%, .+
2+3, as specified in air consent order issued by GPCB.
!n P$C Plant ) 'ryer line ) ! & !! e3haust gas stack .P% is monitored
and in ('C cracking furnace * A, B and C flue gas is monitored for
.P%, #C, #Cl & Cl
, !ncinerator flue gases are monitored for .P%,
#Cl & Cl
and stack attached to Chlorine destruction unit is monitored
for Cl/ as specified in consent order.
!n %(G)!, !! and !!! plant ) C+
stripper -ent gases and C.
-essel 7
Absorber -ent gases are monitored for C+, .P%, and #C as specified
in air consent order.
Section No. + !."! Rev. + "! %ate + "1.1!.!"",
Reliance Industries Ltd. Fire, Safety & Environment
Procedure Manual
Page No. ! of
!n P+, plant 'TA -aporiser furnace stack ) A, B, C, ' and ( flue
gases are monitored for .P%, .+/ & 2+3 as specified in the consent
!n Cracker plant, Cracking furnace * 881, 8/1 , 891, 801, 8:1, 8;1,
8<1, 8=1, 8>1, 8>/, 8>0, 8>;, ecycle ?eed furnace ) 888 8/8, 898,
#eater ?urnace #)<81, <01 and in Aromatics plant #eater furnace #)
918 flue gases are monitored for .P%, .+/ and 2+3 as specified in
the consent order.
!n PTA )! and PTA )!! plant, $ent Absorber .tack, Atmospheric
Absorber .tack, !ncinerator .tack, 'G .et .tack 5if in operation6 and
Turbine Gas (3pander .tack flue 7 -ent gases are monitored for the
.P%, .+/ & 2+3.
+n re@uest, respecti-e process plant shift superintendent 7 shift
engineer issues permit to work 5PTA6 to en-ironmental engineer for
carrying out stack emission monitoring.
Before starting any acti-ity pertaining to PTA issued, area operator is
contacted. 'isplay copy of PTA is displayed at work place.
?lue gas temperature and flue gas -elocity measurement is carried out.
.P% sample is collected in thimble, #C and C+ sample is collected in
bladder where as other gaseous pollutants are absorbed in absorbing
reagents as mentioned belowB

Pollutants (-sor-ing Solution
.+/ 1.8 % .TC% 5sodium tetra chloro mercurate6
2+C 1.8 2 2a+# 5sodium hydro3ide6
#Cl '% Aater
Cl/ 1.82 2a+# 7 1.11:D %ethyl +range.
All collected samples are analyEed at contractorFs laboratory and !.)
:8=/ guidelines are followed for analysis.
eports are submitted within 8: days by contractor to (n-ironment
Section No. + !."! Rev. + "! %ate + "1.1!.!"",
Reliance Industries Ltd. Fire, Safety & Environment
Procedure Manual
Page No. of
(mission egulation Part !!!
Current Air Consent +rder issued by Gujarat Pollution Control Board
An (n-ironmental (ngineer is responsible for e3ecuting the stack emission
monitoring through contractor. #e will co)ordinate all acti-ities.
A copy of report is sent to plant #+'s of respecti-e plants.
Abnormalities are highlighted & concerned Plant #+'s are informed
for correcti-e action at their end.
All reports are preser-ed for one year by (n-ironment Cell
Reason for Revision + $/ange in (ir $onsent #rder
Pre.ared 0y + Ne/al S/a/ $/ec1ed -y + (tul )a2i (..roved -y + S.S.%ate
Section No. + !."! Rev. + "! %ate + "1.1!.!"",

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