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... through Bertha Dudde

The souls union with its spirit ....
I reeal !"sel# to "ou hu$ans in the $ost si$ple and
understanda%le wa"& #or !" Words are not solel" intended #or the
intelle'tual person %ut #or all who desire the truth& een i# the"
do not possess a (een intelle't.
)oweer& I spea( to the$ in a wa" that the" 'an understand and
there#ore I aail !"sel# o# a plainl" spo(en person& who 'an also
%e understood %" eer"one when he spea(s to the$ #ro$ person
to person& %e'ause then I will wor( through !" spirit i# he ta(es
part in spiritual 'onersations .... When !" Word is there#ore
'one"ed to *arth it also happens in a wa" that the 'ontents o#
!" reelations are 'lear and understanda%le.
+nd thus eer" person will %e a%le to understand that the
pro'ess o# the spirits apostas" 'onsisted o# the #a't that the"
re,e'ted !" illu$ination o# loe& !" -spirit o# loe .... and that
the return to !e also 'onsists o# the #a't that the" will oluntaril"
a''ept !" illu$ination o# loe again .... that the" thus $ust unite
the$seles with !" spirit on'e $ore.
The union with !" spirit ta(es pla'e when the diine spar( o#
loe& whi'h is pla'ed into eer" person as !" share& gets (indled
into a %right #la$e whi'h in'essantl" stries towards !e& the
.ri$al Fire .... Then the #allen original spirit will hae %e'o$e its
#unda$ental ele$ent again& and this consciously .... For een
a#ter its apostas" #ro$ !e it re$ained !" strength %e'ause !"
e$anated strength o# loe 'annot 'ease to e/ist ....
)en'e the return to !e 'an onl" %e a'hieed 'ons'iousl" and this
re0uires #ree will& whi'h is returned again to the preiousl"
'onstrained %eing as a hu$an who $ust su%se0uentl" use it
'orre'tl" ....
The original %eing 'ertainl" ta(es the path o# return in an
un'ons'ious state .... dissoled in 'ountless tin" parti'les ....
while it is %ound within the 'reations o# earth. This return is an
a't o# gra'e on !" part& %e'ause I want to help the e/tre$el"
deepl" #allen %eing to rea'h the point again when it 'an re'eie
its #ree will %a'(. But then the unit" o# the spiritual spar( with
the eternal Father12pirit $ust ta(e pla'e i# the #inal return is to
%e a''o$plished.
The original spirit& whi'h traels the earthl" path as a hu$an
soul& will re$ain distant #ro$ !e #or as long as the hu$an %eing
is without loe& #or I hae also gien hi$ a spar( o# loe whi'h he
$ust #irst ignite %e#ore a union with the Father12pirit 'an %e
a''o$plished& #or onl" loe 'an a'hiee this union& and loe $ust
oluntaril" %e pra'tised %" a person& whi'h also $a(es the
illu$ination o# !" strength o# loe possi%le and the %eing
%e'o$es again what it was in the %eginning ....
The soul is a #allen original spirit .... 3onse0uentl"& when it is
said that the soul unites with its spirit& then the latter should
alwa"s %e understood as the spirit o# loe #ro$ !e& whi'h the
original spirit on'e re,e'ted and there%" 'losed itsel# to all
illu$ination o# loe ....
+s a hu$an %eing the soul .... the on'e #allen original spirit ....
'arries a tin" spar( o# diine spirit within itsel#& %ut it $ust
oluntaril" a'(nowledge it& whi'h it 'ons'iousl" does when it
opens itsel# to !" illu$ination o# loe and there%" %e'o$es
loingl" a'tie itsel# .... Thus it has the spirit within itsel# and it is
its earthl" tas( to let itsel# %e in#luen'ed %" this spirit& whi'h will
alwa"s result in the #a't that the person will pra'tise loe and
through loe unite with !e& sin'e I Am the *ternal loe Itsel#.
)en'e the soul unites itsel# again with its spirit .... The original
spirit no longer rea'ts negatiel" towards !e and !" illu$ination
o# loe& instead& it 'ons'iousl" stries towards !e& it wants to %e
illu$inated %" !e and eer" distan'e %etween us is a%olished ....
It is the sa$e diine original %eing again whi'h originated #ro$
!e and a#ter its oluntar" apostas" also oluntaril" returned to
!e again& e/'ept that it has %e'o$e !" -'hild& whi'h I was
unable to create %e'ause it re0uired the 'reated %eings free
will to %e'o$e supre$el" per#e't.
Thus it dei#ied itsel# oluntaril" and 'an now 'reate and wor(
with !e in supre$e %eatitude and #ree will whi'h& howeer& is the
sa$e as !ine& %e'ause a per#e't %eing 'annot want and thin(
di##erentl" than I& as I +$ the $ost per#e't spirit in in#init" ....
.u%lished %" #riends o# new reelations o# God 4In#or$ation&
download o# all translated reelations& the$e1%oo(lets at5


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