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rriflex 16SR

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An Arriflex 16SR camera 16 mm camera.
Arriflex 16SR is a movie camera product line created by Arri, introduced in 1!". #his 16SR camera
series is desi$ned for 16 mm filmmakin$ in Standard 16 format. %SR% Stands for Silent Reflex.
&ater on in 1'(, Arri released 16SR(, for improved the function of the previous version.
)n 1(, Arri released 16SR*, the latest and, the only series that can support Super 16 format in 16SR
series. )t appeared in t+o versions, -Advanced- . -/S- 0/i$h Speed1, for the hi$h speed shootin$
)ntroduced in 1!".
Arri bayonet lens mount.
#he Arriflex 35 01*!1 +as the first reflex *"mm motion picture camera. 2uilt around the spinnin$
mirror reflex shutter desi$ned by 3rich 45stner, 6hief 3n$ineer for Arnold . Richter 6ine #echnik
0ARR)1, Arri 7roup. )t allo+s the operator to have a vie+finder ima$e e8ual to the recorded picture.
9sed extensively in motion pictures, a staple of production, i$nited and unleashed film makers from
lar$e studio cameras allo+in$ for location filmin$ and uni8ue camera movement. Widely used in (:: ft
loadin$ as a %battlefield camera% in WW)) for collectin$ battle;front intelli$ence, 0e.$. for analysin$
+eapons effectiveness1, for trainin$ films and for potential use in propa$anda cinema films.
#he camera utili<es a three turret bayonet lens mount, and is capable of frame rates up to : frames per
second. Film ma$a<ines for (:: or =:: foot loads. #he >6 motor mounts do+n and used as a hand
$rip. &ater +ere developed flat base mount A6 motors allo+in$ the camera to have a lo+er profile,
center of $ravity +here the motor mounted on the side of the camera body vertical or hori<ontal on the
various bases, $ivin$ the camera better operatin$ balance +hile used on tripod pan heads and a more
compact profile for %blimpin$%.
?e+ models appeared over the years, the *" )) in 1=6, the ))A in 1"*, the ))2 in 16: and finally, the
))6 in 16=. )n 1!, the ));series +as superseded by the Arriflex *";* model, a different desi$n +ith a
less rounded appearance.
)n 1(=, Arnold and Richter developed their first film camera,@=A the small and portable 4inarri *". )n
1*!, Arri introduced the +orld%s first reflex mirror shutter in the Arriflex *" camera, an invention of
lon$time en$ineer 3rich 45stner. #his technolo$y employs a rotatin$ mirror that allo+s a continuous
motor to operate the camera +hile providin$ parallax;free reflex vie+in$ to the operator,@"A and the
ability to focus the ima$e by eye throu$h the vie+finder, much like an S&R camera for still
photo$raphy. #his technolo$y is still employed today in almost every motion picture camera.@6A #he
first /olly+ood film to employ an Arriflex +as the 1=! /umphrey 2o$art ; &auren 2acall vehicle
Dark Passage in 1=!.@!A Bver the years, more than 1!,::: Arriflex *"s +ere built.
)ndian cinemato$rapher Ramachandra 2abu +ith Arriflex "*"2 camera
At the same time, the company manufactured li$ht+ei$ht and portable cameras for both ne+s and +ar
photo$raphy, as +ell as feature film production in the 16:s +hich sa+ an increase in shootin$ on
location rather than in a studio. #he introduction of the Arriflex;16S# camera revolutioni<ed the 16 mm
format as a cheaper ne+s;$atherin$ and television medium, and the Arriflex;*"2& provided a
li$ht+ei$ht, 8uiet alternative to the rather heavy and cumbersome blimped cameras of the time. #he
head8uarters in Cunich also expanded to include sound sta$es, audio dubbin$ studios, production
offices and a lab. >evelopments in li$htin$ also continued. )n 1!(, Arri pioneered the development of
dayli$ht luminaires +ith the Arrisonne (::: W.
#he Arriflex 435 is a movie camera product line created by Arri in 1" to replace the Arriflex *")))
line. #he number reflects its position as a successor camera to the Arri ))) and the fact that it is desi$ned
for *" mm film. #he =*" cameras are specifically desi$ned as CBS cameras, +hich means that they are
conventionally considered to be too loud to record usable location sound. /o+ever, this also frees the
camera up to be optimi<ed for non;sync sound uses, particularly any filmin$ +hich either doesn%t
re8uire sound or shootin$ at non;sync speed, shootin$ in reverse, or rampin$ bet+een different speeds.
As such, its potential applications are +idespread, and thus it is re$ularly used on music videos,
commercials, second unit +ork on features, special effects +ork, and motion control, amon$ other
usa$e. )t is currently considered to be the most popular *" mm movie camera in usa$e@citation neededA,
due to its +ide ran$e of production adoption, intuitive desi$n, hi$h reliability, and retail availability.
Rival Danavision even o+ns more =*"s for rental than Arri%s o+n hire housesE Danavision%s, ho+ever,
can be converted to Dan;Arri =*"s +here they are modified to accept Danavision lenses and accessories.
)n reco$nition of the achievements of the =*" system, ACDAS a+arded Arri a Scientific and
3n$ineerin$ Academy A+ard in 1.
435 Advanced
#he =*" Advanced +as unveiled in (::1 and +as the result of several years of feedback from users of
the =*" system. While not only makin$ standard some of the improved accessories made available in
the interim, the =*" Advanced added more features to increase the versatility of the camera. #hese
included a lo+er minimum frame rate of :.1 frames per second, motion control inte$ration +ith
Arrimotion, and &>S 0&ens >ata System1 lens reco$nition capability throu$h electronic sensors.
435 Xtreme
A ne+ F3C 0Functional 3xpansion Codule1 +as added in (::* to increase the camera%s electronic
feature set. Arri inte$rated this into the ne+ =*" Ftreme, +hich +as released in (::=. #he ne+
functions included faster rampin$ speed capability, a +ider rampin$ ran$e +hich could $o do+n to :.1
frames per second, further motion control interface abilities, inte$rated lens electronics, and inte$rated
+ireless radio si$nallin$.
#hree more accessories +ere released in (::", exclusively for the =*" Advanced and =*" Ftreme, a
hand;crank extension, a timin$ shift box to offset the phasin$, and a remote &6> control panel
desi$ned for use on the -dumb side- of the camera.

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