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Essay Question: This essay invites you to discuss the brain drain. The specific questions you want to address
within your discussion are: What is the brain drain and what impact does it have on New Zealand businesses?
What can New Zealand businesses do to respond to the brain drain more effectively?
My proposed title for my essay is: Counter balancing the effect of New Zealands Brain Drain

Brief intro to Brain Drain (arguments on actual occurrence + effects in
(The objective of this essay is to) discuss the merits & limitations of
possible responses that businesses can undertake to minimize the effect
of the brain drain, and to convey to the reader the importance of
combining multiple approaches in order to achieve a successful result.
Overview of approaches to be discussed in essay body

BODY Citations
Definition, occurrence & effects of The Brain Drain

Response (Improve working conditions & Remuneration to aid
employee retention & encourage return) and limitations

Response (Utilise currently under-employed human resources in the
form of highly skilled immigrants / Brain Gain) and limitations

Use of a combination of methods to achieve effective results

(Davenport, 2004),
(Statistics New Zealand,
(Choy & Glass, 2002)

(Inkson & Thorn, 2011)
(Martin & Anthony,

(Inkson et al., 2004)
(further research into
Brain Gain required)

(Inkson et al., 2004)

CONCLUSION Citations (if needed)
(Within this essay I have) provided information on the Brain Drain as it
applies to NZ and examined possible approaches to reduce the negative
effects it has on NZ Businesses (and therefore the economy as a whole)
Key points from each response + major drawbacks
As a result of researching for this essay I have found that it is important
to remember that multiple approaches will be necessary to achieve the
best results, & NZ Businesses need to embrace the diversity of the
various sources of human talent, rather than just lamenting the loss of
skilled Kiwis.

Choy, W. K., & Glass, H. (2002). Brain Drain in New Zealand: Issues, Evidence and Implications.
Agenda, 9(1).
Davenport, S. (2004). Panic and panacea: brain drain and science and technology human capital
policy. Research Policy, 33(4), 617-630. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2004.01.006
Inkson, K., Carr, S., Edwards, M., Hooks, J., Jackson, D., Thorn, K., & Allfree, N. (2004). From Brain
Drain to Talent Flow: Views of Kiwi Expatriates. The University of Auckland Business
Review(Spring 2004).
Inkson, K., & Thorn, K. (2011). Flight of the Kiwi. The University of Auckland Business Review,
Martin, D. C., & Anthony, J. J. (2006). The Repatriation and Retention of Employees: Factors leading
to Successful Programs. International Journal of Management, 23(3).
Statistics New Zealand. (2012). International Travel and Migration: February 2012. Statistics New


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