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Alumno: Luis Arturo Medina Barroso
Fecha: 8 de junio 2014

Descripcin: en esta prctica se presentaran las funciones bsicas del
ambiente de trabajo anlisis
y simulacin y el mdulo generative part estructural anlisis (GPS) en el cual
se podrn hacer anlisis de esfuerzos y desplazamientos de un componente
por medio del mtodo de elemento finito (F.E.M)
Objetivo: En esta prctica, se realizara el anlisis esttico de un buln mesa y
otro, y se obtendrn los esfuerzos, partir de las cargas y restricciones a la que
estarn sometido cada elemento.

Entity Size
Nodes 3339
Elements 15048

Connectivity Statistics
TE4 15048 ( 100.00% )

Criterion Good Poor Bad Worst Average
Stretch 15033 ( 99.90% ) 15 ( 0.10% ) 0 ( 0.00% ) 0.257 0.627
Aspect Ratio 15035 ( 99.91% ) 13 ( 0.09% ) 0 ( 0.00% ) 6.145 1.906

Material ACREO 3135
Young's modulus 2e+011N_m2
Poisson's ratio 0.266
Density 7860kg_m3
Coefficient of thermal expansion 1.17e-005_Kdeg
Yield strength 2.5e+008N_m2
Static Case
Boundary Conditions

Figure 1
STRUCTURE Computation

Number of nodes : 3339
Number of elements : 15048
Number of D.O.F. : 10017
Number of Contact relations : 0
Number of Kinematic relations : 0

Linear tetrahedron : 15048

RESTRAINT Computation
Name: Restraints.1
Number of S.P.C : 1577
LOAD Computation

Name: Loads.1
Applied load resultant :
Fx = 2 . 234e-008 N
Fy = 1 . 300e+001 N
Fz = -9 . 095e-012 N
Mx = -6 . 881e-013 Nxm
My = -7 . 990e-012 Nxm
Mz = -7 . 645e-001 Nxm
STIFFNESS Computation
Number of lines : 10017
Number of coefficients : 199008
Number of blocks : 1
Maximum number of coefficients per bloc : 199008
Total matrix size : 2 . 32 Mb

Restraint: Restraints.1
Number of local singularities : 0
Number of singularities in translation : 0
Number of singularities in rotation : 0
Generated constraint type : MPC
CONSTRAINT Computation
Restraint: Restraints.1
Number of constraints : 1577
Number of coefficients : 0
Number of factorized constraints : 1565
Number of coefficients : 258
Number of deferred constraints : 0
FACTORIZED Computation
Method : SPARSE
Number of factorized degrees : 8452
Number of supernodes : 974
Number of overhead indices : 63433
Number of coefficients : 1675253
Maximum front width : 957
Maximum front size : 458403
Size of the factorized matrix (Mb) : 12 . 7812
Number of blocks : 2
Number of Mflops for factorization : 7 . 817e+002
Number of Mflops for solve : 6 . 743e+000
Minimum relative pivot : 5 . 993e-002
Minimum and maximum pivot
Value Dof Node x (mm) y (mm) z (mm)

1.0169e+008 Tx 2072 -5.0371e+001 6.6075e+000 -2.4519e+000
4.2788e+009 Tx 2366 -4.8747e+001 -7.5319e+000 -5.4770e+000

Minimum pivot
Value Dof Node x (mm) y (mm) z (mm)
1.3120e+008 Tx 4 -4.3500e+001 1.3928e+001 -1.6780e+000
1.3574e+008 Ty 4 -4.3500e+001 1.3928e+001 -1.6780e+000
1.3757e+008 Ty 2907 -5.2175e+001 -4.3562e+000 -3.2672e+000
1.4856e+008 Ty 2072 -5.0371e+001 6.6075e+000 -2.4519e+000
1.5287e+008 Tz 378 -4.3500e+001 -3.4741e+000 1.7425e+001
1.5625e+008 Tz 2071 -4.2356e+001 -1.0374e+001 2.0528e+001
1.6477e+008 Tx 232 -4.9500e+001 6.7777e+000 4.2501e+000
1.6525e+008 Tx 2547 -4.8965e+001 2.3045e+000 -6.7157e+000
1.8611e+008 Ty 2547 -4.8965e+001 2.3045e+000 -6.7157e+000

Translational pivot distribution
Value Percentage
10.E8 --> 10.E9 5.5182e+001
10.E9 --> 10.E10 4.4818e+001
Name: Static Case Solution.1
Restraint: Restraints.1

Load: Loads.1

Strain Energy : 7.162e-009 J
Reactions Residual
Magnitude Error
Fx (N) 2.2338e-008 -2.2338e-008 5.2074e-015 1.1367e-014
Fy (N) 1.3000e+001 -1.3000e+001 7.1054e-015 1.5510e-014
Fz (N) -9.0949e-012 9.0935e-012 -1.4250e-015 3.1106e-015
Mx (Nxm) -6.8812e-013 6.8812e-013 2.3415e-018 7.3543e-017
My (Nxm) -7.9904e-012 7.9903e-012 -6.4635e-017 2.0301e-015
Mz (Nxm) -7.6453e-001 7.6453e-001 -1.1102e-016 3.4870e-015
Static Case Solution.1 - Deformed mesh.2

Figure 2

On deformed mesh ---- On boundary ---- Over all the model
Static Case Solution.1 - Von Mises stress (nodal

Figure 3
3D elements: : Components: : All
On deformed mesh ---- On boundary ---- Over all the model
Static Case Solution.1 - Deformed mesh.1

Figure 4
On deformed mesh ---- On boundary ---- Over all the model
Static Case Solution.1 - Von Mises stress (nodal

Figure 5
3D elements: : Components: : All
On deformed mesh ---- On boundary ---- Over all the model
Static Case Solution.1 - Translational displacement

Figure 6
3D elements: : Components: : All
On deformed mesh ---- On boundary ---- Over all the model
Global Sensors

Sensor Name Sensor Value
Energy 7.162e-009J

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