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Kara Villalobos

Math Concept: Solve real-life and mathematical problems involving angle measure,
area, surface area, and volume.
Grade: 7
CCSS.Math.Content.7.G.4 Know the formulas for the area and circumference of a
circle and use them to solve problems; give an informal derivation of the relationship
between the circumference and area of a circle.

Big Ideas: Derive the relationship between diameter and radius to circumference.

Open Question: What relationship do you see between diameter radius and

Expected Student Responses
Diameter is inside the circle.
The radius is the same as diameter.
The radius is half the diameter.
A circle is a pizza.

Students will listen to the story and write down any words that pop out to them.
We will then have a discussion about these words and what do the mean.
Then they have to complete the worksheets

Academic Language Check:
Diameter= The distance across a circle through the center
Circumference= The distance around a circle
Radius= the distance from the center of a circle to any point on the circle.

Lesson Goal #1: To know and understand the terms related to circles. Diameter Radius
In the story what are all of the parts of the circles and why did the king give them
their names.

Summarize what we have learned:

Formative Assessment (Exit Ticket, Ticket Out the Door, Show What You Know):
Draw me a circle on the notes page land label all of the parts.

Lesson Goal #2: To know and understand the terms related to circles. Diameter Radius
Circumference. Investigate the relationship between diameter/radius and circumference.
Open Question:
Can you find a relationship between the diameter of a circle and the
Given a paper with 3 circle students will measure the circumference and diamter
of the circles.
Then using the sting measure and mark cut the length of the circumference of
each circle. then take the string and see how many time it will go through the
diameter of the circle.
Then give them calculators to see if the can discover and relationship.

Academic Language Check:
Diameter= The distance across a circle through the center
Circumference= The distance around a circle
Radius= the distance from the center of a circle to any point on the circle.
Pi= the ratio between the circumference of a circle and the diameter.


Summarize what we have learned:
What relationship have you discovered between the length of the circumference
and the diameter.
This relationship is Pi.
Formative Assessment:
Have them test other circles to see if the get the same results.

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