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North East University Bangladesh

Department of Business Administration

Regular MBA Program 201
!ourse "itle# $uman Resour%e Management
!ourse !ode# $RM &'
(emester# MBA '
Enamul Habib
Visiting Faculty
Department of Business Adminsitration, NEUB
Phone !"#$%& '%"$$%( )obile "%'%%$*+#$"
1) *ntrodu%tion
,n this course, students -ill be ac.uainted -ith a -ide range of concepts and terminologies of Human
/esource )anagement( 0he difference bet-een Human /esource )anagement and 1trategic Human
/esource )anagement !1H/)& is 2isible -ith the process of globali3ation and -orld-ide competition
among organi3ations and firms( 0he sustainability of a firm depends on the proper recruitment, selection
and training process of its employees -hich 1H/) tries to address in lieu -ith the strategic goals of the
firm( 0he H/ )anager4s role in implementing a fair and neutral appraisal system for the employees is an
important issue( 0he H/) course -ill help the students to understand 2arious basic concepts related to
the field of Human /esource )anagement and its allied areas( A thorough understanding of Human
/esource )anagement -ill de2elop 5een interest among the students to learn more(
2. Course Content
%( Defining Human /esource )anagement, Nature and 1cope of Human /esource
)anagement, H/) )odels, 1trategic Human /esource )anagement !1H/)&,
6rgani3ation4s H/ Acti2ities, /ole and Acti2ities of H/ )anagers(
$( 6rgani3ational Philosophy and Human /esource )anagement7 /ational system )odel 8
,mplications for Human /esource )anagement(
*( /ecruitment 9 1election, 0ypes of /ecruitment Process, Pros 9 :ons of different
/ecruitment Process( 1election )ethods 9 its 2arious uses in /ecruitment( :lassic trio in
1election process(
;( 1hortcomings of different 1election )ethods, -ith special emphasis on ,nter2ie-ing
)ethod( 0ypes of discrimination in 1election, <egal Basis for 1election(
=( Human /esource Planning >ob Design 9 >ob Analysis7 1election 9 /ecruitment7
0raining 9 De2elopment7 Performance Appraisal and /e-ard 1ystem(
?( Performance Appraisal 1ystem, its implication in Human /esource )anagement(
'( Human De2elopment ,nde@ !H(D(,&(
) +earning Materials
!ore te,t#
%( Human Resource Management By Aary Dessler 9 ViBu Var55ey
!,nternational Edition, 0enthC0-elfth Edition&, Prentice Hall Publications, U1A, $"%%
(upplementary Readings and -ournals !as re.uired&
') .ee/ly !lass (%hedule#
Friday ?(*" 7 +(*" P) /66) N6( ;"%
&) Performan%e Evaluation (ystem
Attendance %"D
0utorialCAssignment %"D
Presentation "=D
Vi2a "=D
)id 0erm E@amination *"D
Final E@amination ;"D
"otal 1000

1) 2rading (ystem#

2rade 2PA !omments
AE F #"7%"" ;("" 6utstanding
A F '=7 '+ *('= E@cellent
A7 F '"7'; *(=" Very Aood
BE F ?=7?+ *($= Aood
B F ?"7?; *("" Abo2e A2erage
B7 F ==7=+ $('= A2erage
:E F ="7=; $(=" Belo- A2erage
: F ;=7;+ $($= Poor
D F ;"7;; $("" Pass
F F ""7*+ "("" fail
, F ,ncomplete
G F Githdra-al

3) !lass Parti%ipation#
0he mar5s for class participation -ill be as follo-s
+evel of Attendan%e Mar/s +evel of Attendan%e Mar/s
+?D 7 %""D %" '%D 7'=D "=
+%D 7+=D "+ ??D 7'"D ";
'?D 7+"D "# ?%D 7?=D "*
#%D 7#=D "' ?"D "$
'?D 7#"D ? 7 7
4) +e%ture Programme#
(ession "opi% Readings
% ,ntroduction on Human /esource )anagement
$ 1trategic Human /esource )anagement, ,deas Behind
1trategic Human /esource )anagement, Heard and 1oft
Version of 1H/) :hapter 8 %7*
* An 6rgani3ation H/ Acti2ities, /ole of H/ )anager in 1H/)
; >ob Analysis, 0ools related to 1H/) >ob Description and >ob
:hapter 7 ;
= !lass "utorial
? /ecruitment and 1election( 0ypes of /ecruitment, Ad2antages
and Disad2antages of ,nternal and E@ternal /ecruitment
:hapter 8 =

' :oncept of 1election and 1election Process, Different types of
1election 0ests, Bac5ground ,nformation :hec5ing and
1hortcomings of 1election Process
:hapter 8 ?

# ,nter2ie-ing, 0ypes of ,nter2ie-, Different 6bBecti2es of
:hapter 7 '
+ Mid "erm E,amination
%" 6rientation and 0raining, 6rientation 6bBecti2es and Process
of 6rientation
:hapter 8 '7#

%% 0raining and 0raining 6bBecti2es, 0ypes of 0raining, 6ff the
>ob and 6n the >ob 0raining Process
%$ 1pecial Purposes 0raining and its 6bBecti2es, )anagement
De2elopment 0raining, 0raining for Alobal )anagers, Ghy
6rgani3ations need )anagement De2elopment 0raining
%* :onsidering Factors -hile selecting Alobal )anagers, Four
1teps in 0raining Process, 1trategy and 0raining, 0raining and
<earning Process, /einforcing 0raining and ,mpro2ing the
%; Presentation
%= Performance )anagement and Appraisal, Ghy Appraise
Performance, 1teps in Appraisal Performance, )ethods for
Performance Appraisal, Pay and Performance )anagement
:hapter 8 +7%"
%? /e2ision
%' E,amination
5) +e%tures#
+e%ture Date "opi%
<ecture "% Friday
:ourse 6bBecti2es and discussion about the :ourse,
Human /esource )anagement and De2elopment of
Human /esources )anagement
)eaning of H/) and 1trategic Human /esource
)anagement !1H/)&, Functions of 1H/)
<ecture "$ Friday
,mportance of 1H/), Difference bet-een H/) and
1H/), Approaches to managing Human /esources
<ecture "* Friday
)eaning of >ob Analysis, Nature of >ob Analysis
0echni.ues of >ob Analysis and >ob Description
<ecture "; Friday
Personnel Planning 9 /ecruiting, )eaning of
/ecruitment, 1ources of /ecruitment
<ecture "= Friday
Pros 9 :ons of /ecruitment from -ithin the
6rgani3ation 9 6utside, :onstraints of /ecruitment
Efforts, 1teps in /ecruitment 9 1election Process
<ecture "? Friday
/ecruiting more Di2erse Gor5 Force
<ecture "' Friday
Employee testing and 1election, Basic testing concept,
0ypes of 0est
<ecture "# Friday
,nter2ie-ing :andidates
<ecture "+ Friday
6rientation and 0raining, )eaning of 0raining 9
De2elopment, 0raining Process
<ecture %" Friday
0raining )ethods, Ne- Gor5place 0raining )ethods
<ecture %% Friday
)anagement De2elopment 0raining, 0raining for Alobal
<ecture %$ Friday
Ne- Gor5place 0raining )ethods, 0raining for a
Di2erse Gor5force
<ecture %* Friday
/easons for Appraising Performance, /ealistic
Appraisals, 1teps in Appraising Performance, )ethods of
Appraising Performance,
<ecture %; Friday
Pay for Performance 9 Financial ,ncenti2es, )oney 9
)oti2ation, Performance 9 Pay
10) !ourse Poli%ies 6 *nstru%tions#
%( "e,t Boo/# 1tudents are re.uested to follo- the te@t boo5( 0he course teacher -ill pro2ide
necessary information from other boo5s, Bournals and other sources( Any supplementary readings
-ill be offered if necessary(
$( 0he teacher has the right to change the course content -hen necessary( ,t -ill depend on the
progress of the classes(
*( Attendan%e# 0he students must attend all lecture sessions and acti2ely engage in the classroom
discussion( ,nattenti2eness or side tal5ing or any disturbances in the classes -ill be ta5en
;( 0here may be fe- surprise tests during the course(
=( ,n case of una2oidable circumstances, there -ill be ma5e up classes( 0he ma5eup classes -ill be
held as suggested by the course teacher(
?( E,am Ma/eup# 0here -ill be no E@am ma5eup unless the authority desires(
'( A%ademi% Dishonesty# Any academic dishonesty -ill be dealt according to the student code of
conduct of the uni2ersity(
#( !onsultation# 1tudents are strongly encouraged to consult by email( 0hat -ill be the best option
for communication( 1tudents -ill get the class lectures and course materials by email regularly(
,n case of emergency, student can contact o2er telephone or mobile(


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