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How to Read A Book A Week (AND Compress Decades into Days!

Do you want to learn more in less time?
Are you looking for the competitive edge in business and life?
Would you like to know the secret to gaining two decades of knowledge in seven days (a
millennium of knowledge in one year)?
If you answered Yes, heres the answer
Read ne Ho!r a Day (or "wik Readers read #$ to %& min!tes a day)
The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cant read
them!" Mark Twain
How could reading just an hour (or less) a day equal A TH!"A#$ %&A'" of knowledge in
just one year(
'et(s do t)e mat)* "u))ose an author has *+ years of e,)ertise in his-her field. In that
ti/e0 he-she has done intense research0 /ade /istakes0 figured out what works (and what
doesnt) and then )uts all those e,)eriences0 the 1est ideas0 lessons0 )ractices and
strategies all into one 1ook.
If you were interested in that field0 would you rather start fro/ scratch0
s)end precio!s time0money and +oc!s on trial and error ' in,est a +ew
)o!rs and do--ars and read the authors 1ook(
In life0 we /ight not all ha2e the sa/e a/ount of /oney0 connections0 education or
resources0 1utwe a-- )a,e t)e same ./ )o!rs (344+ /inutes-564++ seconds) in a day. Its
how we -e,era0eour ti/e that /akes the difference. 'eading allows you to learn fro/
others and compress decades into days*
A fool can learn from his own e#perience$ the wise learn from the e#perience of others!"
#ow lets say that you read one 1ook a week and download a1out *+ years of knowledge.
How /any years of knowledge is that in a year( Twenty years ti/es fifty7two weeks in a
year0 equals o2er #,&&& years o+ know-ed0e* Thats -e,era0e and a real ad,anta0e.
All leaders must be readers!" Harry Tru/an
How to Read a Book a Week
% dont think much of a man who is not wiser than he was yesterday!" A1raha/ 8incoln
Do you have unread books on your shelf?
!nfortunately the a2erage )erson only reads a 1ook or two each year. The /anager at a
large 1ook chain told /e o2er 9+: of )eo)le dont read )ast the first cha)ter of a 1ook.
Here are ei0)t (1) steps you can take to 1egin reading a 1ook a week (or a 1ook a /onth if
you )refer).
#* Create and "eep a Readin0 Book 'ist*
;hoose 1ooks that )ro2ide )i0) 2!a-ity instruction and insight in the areas of )rofessional
or )ersonal de2elo)/ent that /atter to you /ost (sales0 /arketing0 finance0 health0
relationshi)s0 etc.). !)date your 1ook list regularly. 'ead 1ook re,iews or ask other
successful )eo)le what they are reading. ;heck this 1log often0 we will 1e re2iewing so/e
of our +a,orite 3ooks and sharing our take aways.
%f we encountered a man of rare intellect& we should ask him what books he read!" 'al)h
<aldo &/erson
.* Do t)e 4at)*
$eter/ine how long you need to read each day to +inis) an a2erage 1ook in one
week. 56amp-e78ets say that the a2erage reader (a1out *4+ words )er /inute) can finish a
1ook in a1out 67= hours. That is a1out 3 hour a day for a week. (If you read 3+++ w)/0 that
would 1e a1out 3> /inutes a day.)
'rom candlelight to early bedtime& % read!" Tho/as ?efferson
%* Read at Yo!r 8eak*
;hoose a ti/e when you are a-ert and +oc!sed. 'eading when you are tired is like working
out when you are e,hausted. <hat you )ut in0 is what you get out.
The energy of the mind is the essence of life!" Aristotle
/* 9c)ed!-e it*
If you just talk a1out it0 its a dream. @ut when you schedule it0 it is rea-. This is your ti/e0
co//it to it. &li/inate distractions. Treat it as i/)ortant as a /eeting with your 1oss or a
key client.
The key is not to prioriti(e whats on your schedule& but to schedule your priorities!"
"te)hen ;o2ey
$* :oin a Book C-!3*
'ead your chosen 1ook with a friend or grou) of friends. 4oti,ate and 1e acco!nta3-e to
one another0 then share you ideas0 lessons learned and action )lans. If you dont ha2e a
local 1ook clu10 we are 1eginning a "wik Book C-!3 for students of our on-ine trainin0*
)y *est 'riend is a person who will give me a book % have not read!" A1raha/ 8incoln
;* 5n<oy t)e 8rocess*
'eading is ti/e for you to 0row and in2est in yourself. Ha2e +!n0 enjoy it and do it until it
1eco/es a )a3it. 'e/e/1er that first we create our ha1its0 and then our ha1its create us.
We are what we repeatedly do! +#cellence then& is not an act& but a habit!" Aristotle
=* 9tart >oday*
Aower is the a1ility to take action. There is no 1etter ti/e then now.
The road to someday& leads to the town of nowhere! ,rocrastination is the silent killer!" 7
Anthony 'o11ins
1* Become a Better Reader*
'eading is a skill0 and like any skill0 can i/)ro2e with )ro)er trainin0. Arogra/s like "wik
Readin0 hel) 1usy )eo)le read with greater s)eed0 focus0 co/)rehension0 retention and
enjoy/ent. It is 2ery realistic to do!3-e your current results and sa2e hours of 2alua1le ti/e
in the )rocess.
C-ick )ere for infor/ation on Bwik 8earnings 1reakthrough on-ine memory and speed?
readin0 pro0ram*
+#cellent firms dont believe in e#cellence& only in constant improvement and constant
change!" To/ Aeters
A dra/atic increase in s!ccess does not always require a dra/atic increase in effort. A first
)lace horse can earn twice as /uch as a horse it 1eat 1y just a nose. A .CCC 1atter can earn
a /illion dollars /ore than a .*>+ hitter for just ha2ing one /ore hit e2ery twel2e at 1at.
<ho has /ore ,a-!e in the /arket)lace0 the a2erage adult who struggles with reading one
1ook a year or the pro+essiona- who reads ten to fifty(
Commit to these eight ste)s and see that the /ore you can -earn the /ore you
can earn.
I ho)e you enjoyed these Bwik Ti)s. Thanks for reading D ?i/ Bwik
There is more treasure in books than in all the pirates loot on Treasure %sland!" <alt
+very man who knows how to read has it in his power to magnify himself& to multiply the
ways in which he e#ists& to make his life full& significant& and interesting!" Aldous Hu,ley

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