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#1 - Chocolate Cake

(by Aunt Florence Brosius)

2 cups sugar (1 white, 1 dark brown--Domino Brand)
1/2 cup Parkay Margarine (1 stick)
2 eggs
1/2 cup ershey !ocoa
1 "B#P $ani%%a (imitation) or 1tsp rea% $ani%%a
Pinch o& sa%t
1 "B#P baking soda ('rm ( ammer brand)
1 cup buttermi%k (or powdered buttermi%k--&o%%ow directions on %abe% to e)ua% 1 cup
2 cups si&ted &%our (measure &%our be&ore you si&t it*)
1/2 cup boi%ing water
Beat the Parkay margarine and sugar unti% creamy+ 'dd eggs, $ani%%a, sa%t, and
cocoa+ Mi, baking soda in buttermi%k unti% it starts to &i--+ Pour buttermi%k into batter+
#top mi,er and add &%our+ Mi, unti% smooth, about . minutes+ 'dd boi%ing water and
mi,+ Pour batter into %ong cake pan 1. by / by 2+ Bake at .01 degrees &or .1 minutes+
"est i& it2s done using a toothpick+ 3& toothpick comes out c%ean, it2s done+ 3& it doesn2t
come out c%ean, %ea$e in a &ew more minutes and retest+ Chocolate Icing : 1/2 bo,
Domino2s Powdered #ugar (1 %b+ si-e)4 1 stick Parkay margarine4 2 %e$e% "B#P
ershey2s !ocoa4 2 tsp imitation $ani%%a4 1+1 "B#P mi%k+ 5eed in mi,er+ "he %onger
you beat it the creamier it gets+ !oo% cake &irst be&ore &rosting+ 5or $ani%%a icing, use
same recipe but omit cocoa+
#2 - Icing/Frosting for Cakes and Cookies
1/2 bo, Domino2s Powdered #ugar (1 %b+ si-e)
1 stick Parkay margarine
2 tsp imitation $ani%%a
1+1 "B#P mi%k
5eed in mi,er+ "he %onger you beat it the creamier it gets+ 7se &ood co%oring to make
the co%or you desire+
5or choco%ate &rosting, add 2 %e$e% "B#P ershey2s !ocoa+
#3 - Shoo Fly Cake
(by Aunt Hazel Herman)
8 cups o& si&ted &%our (measure be&ore si&ting)
2 cups o& Domino #ugar (one white and one dark brown)
1 tsp sa%t
1 cup !risco shortening
Mi, these ingredients by hand unti% they get crumby+ "ake out 1 cup o& this mi,ture
and sa$e to top cake %ater+
5or the %i)uid part o& the cake9
1 cup Brer :abbit ;reen <abe% baking mo%asses
2 cups warm water
1 "B#P 'rm and ammer baking soda
#tir these ingredients by hand with a spoon+ #tir crumbs into the %i)uid+ ;rease and
&%our %ong cake pan 1. by / by 2+ Pour mi,ture into the baking pan+ #prink%e the one
cup o& sa$ed crumbs o$er top o& the cake be&ore baking+
Bake at .21 degrees &or 1 hour+ "est i& it2s done using a toothpick+ Poke cake with
toothpick a&ter 1 hour+ 3& toothpick comes out c%ean, it2s done+ 3& it doesn2t come out
c%ean, %ea$e in a &ew more minutes and retest+
#4 - Peanut utter Fudge/Chocolate Peanut utter Fudge
(by Aunt Grace [Herman] Knouse)
7se a . )t+ sauce pan (stain%ess stee% pot works best) and mi, in the &o%%owing9
1 %b+ Domino powdered sugar
1/2 cup mi%k
!ook and stir o$er a %ow to medium heat+ '&ter it comes to a ro%%ing boi%, boi% and stir
&or 1 minutes+
(3& you ha$e a candy thermometer, when temp+ is 2.8 degrees it2s done)+
:emo$e &rom sto$e and add9
= o-+ >ar o& 5%u&& marshma%%ow
= o-+ ?i& peanut butter (i& using measuring cup, it2s 1 cup o& peanut butter)
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
1 "B#P Parkay margarine
'dd these a%% at one time and stir unti% smooth+
Pour into a greased pan or %ined pan with a%uminum &oi%+ @hen coo%, i& you used
greased pan cut &udge into s)uares+ 3& you used &oi%, dump upside down, pee% o&& &oi%,
and then cut into s)uares+
5or choco%ate peanut butter &udge, add 8 "B#P ershey cocoa to the powdered
sugar/mi%k be&ore cooking+
#! - "gly #uckling Cake
(by Aunt Dot [McNevich] orhach)
1 package o& ye%%ow cake mi, (Duncan ines)
1 8 o-+ package o& ?e%%-A %emon instant pudding
1 1B o-+ can o& De% Monte &ruit cocktai% (inc%uding the >uice)
1 cup o& Baker2s 'nge% 5%ake coconut
8 eggs
1/8 cup o& !risco cano%a oi%
1/2 cup o& packed dark brown Domino #ugar (push down into measuring cup with a
1/2 cup chopped nuts (optiona%)
Put eggs and cano%a oi% into mi,ing bow% and beat s%ight%y with mi,er+ 'dd &ruit
cocktai% with its >uice and the brown sugar+ Mi, s%ight%y+ 'dd cake mi,, pudding, and
coconut (nuts i& you want)+ Mi, unti% smooth--about .-8 minutes medium speed+
Pour into %ong cake pan (greased and &%oured) 1.,/,2+ Bake at .21 degrees &or 81
minutes+ "est with toothpick+ 3& toothpick comes out c%ean, it2s done+ 3& not, bake a &ew
more minutes and retest+
3cing &or this cake9
1/2 cup Parkay margarine
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup !arnation e$aporated mi%k
Put the ingredients in a one )uart saucepan+ Bring to a boi%, and then boi% unti% it
thickens+ 'dd one cup o& Baker2s 'nge% 5%ake coconut and 1/2 cups o& chopped nuts
(optiona%--pecans work the best in this cake)+
@hen cake is coo%, pour icing mi,ture o$er the top and spread with a spatu%a or a
#$ - %aisin Casserole read
(by Aunt !sabel "#noo$y" [McNevich] orhach)
8 cups si&ted a%% purpose &%our (measure be&ore si&ting)
1 1/8 tsp+ sa%t
1 1/2 tsp+ 'rm ( ammer baking soda
./8 cup Domino dark brown sugar
1 1/8 cups #unmaid raisins (put them in a 1 )t+ saucepan4 co$er with water4 boi% &or
&i$e minutes and then drain)
2 "B#P me%ted Parkay margarine
2 eggs s%ight%y beaten
1 1/2 cups buttermi%k
!ombine &%our, sa%t, baking soda, sugar, and raisins by hand+ 'dd margarine, eggs,
and buttermi%k and mi, by hand on%y unti% ingredients are moistened+ #poon batter
into two greased bread %oa& pans+ Bake at .1C degrees &or 81 minutes+ "est with
toothpick+ 3& toothpick comes out c%ean it2s done+ 3& not, bake a &ew more minutes and
retest+ !oo% in pans on rack+
#& - %ice Pudding
(by #hirley McNevich)
./8 cup !aro%ina :i$er rice
Put in . )t+ saucepan+ 'dd one tsp+ sa%t+ 'dd one )t+ water+ Boi% unti% a%% o& the water is
soaked up into the rice (you must continua%%y stir whi%e cooking)+ "akes about 2C
Pour rice into a 8 )t+ baking dish (granite pan works the best) sprayed with Pam
cooking spray+ 'dd9
./8 cup o& white sugar
1 "B#P imitation $ani%%a
1 tsp Mc!ormick cinnamon
1 cups o& 2D mi%k
#tir by hand unti% mi,ed+ Bake in o$en at .01 degrees &or e,act%y 1 hour+ :emo$e
&rom o$en+ 7se a spoon and take the scum o&& the top using a spoon (throw scum
away)+ #tir pudding and then %et coo%+ '&ter coo%, re&rigerate+
#' - Potato Salad
(by #hirley McNevich)
Pee% eight %arge red potatoes+ Put in a pot and co$er with water+ 'dd 2 tsp+ sa%t+ '&ter
water comes to a boi%, cook &or 2C minutes+ "est &or doneness with a &ork+ 3& they &ee%
so&t when you stick &ork in, they2re ready+ 3& not, boi% a &ew more minutes+
@hi%e cooking potatoes, hard boi% 8 eggs+
Drain o&& water and discard+ @hen potatoes are coo%, dice them+ 'dd9
1 1/2 pints o& e%man2s %ow &at mayo
1 tsp+ 5rench2s mustard
1 heaping "B#P white sugar
1 tsp+ Mc!ormick ce%ery seed
!ut up hard boi%ed eggs and add to mi,
Eou wi%% need one sta%k o& ce%ery+ 7se the heart with the %ea$es sti%% on, and cut up as
sma%% as you can+ 'dd 1 cup o& that ce%ery to the mi,+
7sing the rest o& the %e&to$er ce%ery sta%k cut up and add 1 cup o& this ce%ery to the mi,
(you wi%% be using 1 cup o& the diced heart ce%ery and 1 cup o& the other diced ce%ery
&or two cups tota%)+
'&ter e$erything is on top o& potatoes, then stir comp%ete%y with a spoon+ :e&rigerate
be&ore ser$ing+
#( - )acaroni Salad
(by #hirley McNevich)
#tart with 8 cups o& macaroni+ 'dd to &our )uarts o& water and 2 tsp+ sa%t+ Bring to a
boi%+ Feep stirring and cook &or 2C minutes+ Drain water and discard (use co%ander)+
ard boi% . eggs whi%e your macaroni is cooking+ :inse cooked macaroni with co%d
3n a bow%, add9
!ooked macaroni
hard boi%ed eggs (cut up)
1 cup o& chopped regu%ar ce%ery
1 cup chopped ce%ery heart (%ea$es and a%%)
./8 )t+ %ow &at e%man2s mayo
1 tsp+ 5rench2s mustard
1 "B#P white sugar
1 tsp+ Mc!ormick ce%ery seed
Put e$erything on top o& macaroni and stir with a spoon+ :e&rigerate be&ore ser$ing+
#1* - )icro+a,e Fudge
(by #hirley McNevich)
1B o-+ mi%k choco%ate candy me%ts (@a%-Mart cra&t dept+)
1B o-+ white choco%ate candy me%ts
1 cup ?i& peanut butter
Put in microwa$e bow%+ !ook on high in microwa$e &or . minutes+ :emo$e and stir
unti% comp%ete%y me%ted+ Pour into a buttered pan (pan si-e 1. ,/ , 2 cake pan or 11
1/2 , 0 1/2 , 1 1/2 brownie pan) and %et it coo%+ !ut into s)uares+
3& you %ine pan with &oi%, don2t butter pan+ @hen &udge is coo% dump out upside down,
remo$e &oi% and cut into s)uares+
#11 - anana Cake
(by Aunt A%a [Herman] Miller)
1 1/8 cups white sugar
1 stick Parkay margarine
2 eggs
8 "B#P 2D mi%k
1 cup o& mashed bananas (bananas shou%d be GH:E ripe)
2 tsp+ !a%umet baking powder
1 tsp+ 'rm ( ammer baking soda
1 tsp+ imitation $ani%%a
2 cups o& si&ted a%%-purpose &%our (measure be&ore si&ting)
3n mi,er, use %arge mi,ing bow%+ Beat margarine, sugar, and eggs+ 'dd mi%k, baking
powder, baking soda, $ani%%a+ 'dd mashed bananas and &%our+ Beat unti% smooth
(about . minutes)+
Pour batter in a greased and &%oured %ong cake pan (1. , / , 2)+ Bake at .01 degrees
&or .C-.1 minutes+ "est with toothpick &or doneness+ 3& toothpick comes out c%ean, it2s
done+ 3& not, bake a &ew more minutes and retest+
'&ter coo%ing, add icing+ :ecipe &or icing9
1/2 bo, Domino2s Powdered #ugar (1 %b+ si-e)
1 stick Parkay margarine
2 tsp imitation $ani%%a
1+1 "B#P mi%k
5eed in mi,er+ "he %onger you beat it the creamier it gets+
#12 - anana -ea read
(by Aunt Grace [Herman] Knouse)
Put these 8 ingredients together in a sma%% bow%9
1 1/8 cups a%%-purpose &%our
./8 tsp+ 'rm ( ammer baking soda
1 1/8 tsp+ Mc!ormick cream o& tartar
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
Put these ingredients in a sma%% bow%+ Eou2%% need another sma%% bow% ne,t to the &irst
one+ "ake a spoon&u% o& ingredients at a time and si&t into empty bow%+ @hen &inished,
si&t again back into the &irst bow%+ @hen &inished, si&t a third time back into the other
Put these ingredients into a separate bow%9
1/. cup Parkay margarine (1/. o& one stick)
2/. cup white sugar
2 eggs beaten s%ight%y
1 cup o& mashed GH:E ripe bananas
:ub margarine with the back o& spoon against the bow% unti% it2s a creamy
consistency+ #tir in sugar by hand and beat by hand with a tab%espoon unti% %ight and
&%u&&y+ 'dd eggs and beat we%% by hand with tab%espoon+ 'dd bananas and stir+ 'dd
the si&ted &%our mi,ture and beat batter by hand unti% smooth+
Pour batter into greased and &%oured %oa& pan+ Bake at .1C degrees &or one hour+ "est
with a toothpick &or doneness+ 3& toothpick comes out c%ean, it2s done+ 3& not, bake a
&ew more minutes and retest+
int9 when you get o$er ripe bananas and you don2t ha$e time to use them, stick
them in a Iip%oc p%astic bag and keep them in the &ree-er+ @hen you2re ready to bake,
take them out and put them one banana at a time in the microwa$e on high &or one
minute+ Do this &or each banana that you need &or your recipe+ :emo$e skin and
mash as norma%+
#13 - Pecan .ut Cu/s
(by Aunt Betty [Herman] Arnol%)
12 o-+ Phi%%y !ream !heese (put in microwa$e 2C seconds i& using direct%y &rom
1 %b+ butter (room temp+ -- i& using &rom re&rigerator, microwa$e each stick &or /
8 cups si&ted a%%-purpose &%our (measure be&ore si&ting)
Mi, together by hand in a %arge bow%+ Press mi,ture into bottom and sides o& each o&
the 28 cups in the miniature nut cup/mu&&in pan ho%es+ ("his is a specia% pan, norma%%y
ca%%ed mini-mu&&in or nut cup pan and has 28 open cup spaces)+
5or the &i%%ing9
1 Ane %b+ bo, o& Domino dark brown sugar
1 eggs s%ight%y beaten
1 tsp+ imitation $ani%%a
8 tsp+ me%ted butter
Mi, a%together with a spoon unti% it2s runny %ike syrup+
!hop 1 1/2 cups o& pecans+
!o$er the bottom o& each nut cup with chopped pecans+ Put syrup in each cup on top
o& the nuts unti% each cup on the pan is ha%& &u%%+ #prink%e remaining pecans o$er the
Bake at .1C degrees unti% brown+ "his $aries by o$en, so keep watching unti% tops
%ook brown and crispy+
#14 - Sugar Cookies 0dro/ cookies or cutouts1
(by Aunt Hazel [Hau&t] Herman)
2 cups white sugar
1 cup Parkay margarine (2 sticks)
2 eggs
1 cup o& buttermi%k
1/8 tsp+ sa%t
1 tsp+ 'rm ( ammer baking soda
1 tsp+ !a%umet baking powder
1 "B#P imitation $ani%%a
3& you2re making drop cookies, you2%% need 1 1/2 cup si&ted a%%-purpose &%our (measure
be&ore si&ting)+ 3& you2re making cutout cookies, use B cups o& si&ted a%%-purpose &%our
(measure be&ore si&ting)+
3n a %arge mi,er mi,ing bow%, add margarine, sugar and eggs+ Beat unti% smooth+ 'dd
sa%t, baking soda, baking powder, $ani%%a, buttermi%k+ Beat unti% smooth+ 'dd &%our one
cup at a time and mi, into batter+ Ance you2$e put in two or three cups, you wi%% need
to mi, in remaining &%our by hand un%ess you2re using a hea$y duty Fitchen 'id mi,er+
#tir unti% smooth+
Drop cookies9
"ake a greased cookie sheet and put one heaping teaspoon o& batter on pan &or each
cookie+ #prink%e a %itt%e white sugar o$er the top o& each cookie+ Bake at .1C degrees
unti% go%den brown (takes about 12 minutes)+
!utout cookies9
:e&rigerate dough o$ernight+ "ake out a hand&u% o& batter and put on a &%oured
countertop+ :o%% with a ro%%ing pin to about 1/8 inch thick+ 7se cookie cutters to cut
desired shapes+ !are&u%%y p%ace each cutout on a greased cookie sheet+ Bake at .1C
degrees unti% go%den brown+ :epeat unti% dough is dep%eted+
Ance cookies are coo%, use the &o%%owing icing recipe &or the tops o& the cutouts (add
&ood co%oring &or desired ho%iday co%or)9
1/2 bo, Domino2s Powdered #ugar (1 %b+ si-e)4 1 stick Parkay margarine
2 tsp imitation $ani%%a4 1+1 "B#P mi%k
5eed in mi,er+ "he %onger you beat it the creamier it gets+ 7se &ood co%oring to make
the co%or you desire+
#1! - 2ayered Salad
(by Donna 'anc$ ( )rien%)
7se either a g%ass or "upperware pan 1. , / , 2+
<ayer in order as &o%%ows9
1 sma%% head o& %ettuce torn in bite si-ed pieces
1 cup o& grated carrots
1 cup chopped ce%ery
1 pint bo, o& &ro-en peas (thawed with water drained o&&, do JA" cook)
#pread 2 cups o& e%man2s reduced &at mayo o$er who%e thing (spread with spoon
unti% comp%ete%y co$ered)
1 8+1 o-+ >ar o& Bacos (or rea% bacon bits i& you pre&er)
"op with an = o-+ bag o& shredded cheese (we use cheddar but you can use any
<et stand in re&rigerator &or at %east 12 hours+ Feep re&rigerated and keep co$ered+
"o ser$e, cut and ser$e pieces using a spatu%a+
#1$ - Pinea//le Cheesecake
(by *in%a Bauman ( )rien%)
2 - = o-+ packages Phi%%y !ream !heese
1/2 cup white sugar
. eggs
Beat with a mi,er unti% it2s smooth+ Put in a buttered /K pie p%ate (g%ass or Pyre,, but
not meta%)+ Bake .C minutes at .21 degrees+
@hi%e cheesecake is baking, mi, the &o%%owing by hand9
1/2 pint o& sour cream (Breakstone2s reduced &at)
1/2 cup white sugar
1 - = o-+ can Do%e crushed pineapp%e (drained)
@hen cheesecake is remo$ed &rom o$en a&ter .C minutes, pour topping mi,ture o$er
the top+ :eturn to o$en and bake 11 minutes %onger at the same temperature+ !oo%
and re&rigerate be&ore ser$ing+
#1& - 3//le Pudding
(by Harriet eaver ( )rien%)
1 cup o& si&ted a%%-purpose &%our (measure be&ore si&ting)
1 cup white sugar
1 tsp+ !a%umet baking powder
1 egg
.-8 Macintosh app%es (or any baking app%es)
1 tsp+ cinnamon (Mc!ormick)
2 "B#P o& white sugar &or app%e topping
Put &%our, sugar, and baking powder in a bow%+
Beat one egg by hand and add to the &%our mi,ture+ Beat we%% by hand+
;rease an = , = baking dish with butter or margarine+ #kin, core, and s%ice app%es
thin%y and p%ace in bottom o& dish unti% bottom is co$ered+ #prink%e with 1 tsp+
cinnamon and 2 "B#P white sugar+ Pour &%our mi,ture o$er the top+ !ut %itt%e pieces o&
butter and KdotK the top o& the mi,ture with butter+ #prink%e 2 "B#P o& water o$er the
top o& the mi,ture+
Bake at .1C degrees unti% top is crisp and app%es are done (about 8C-81 minutes)+ "o
test app%es &or doneness, put a toothpick down through the mi,ture+ 3& the toothpick
comes out c%ean and the app%es &ee% so&t, it2s done+ 3& not, bake a &ew more minutes
and retest+
#1' - Stra+4erry Salad
(by Nancy Horton ( )rien%)
1 si, o-+ package o& strawberry ?e%%-A
. cups o& boi%ing water
2 cups o& &ro-en strawberries
Pour hot water into bow% and mi, with ?e%%-A unti% disso%$ed+ #tir in &ro-en
strawberries+ @hen coo%, re&rigerate+
'&ter it starts to thicken, beat with mi,er+ 'dd 1 = o-+ container o& !oo% @hip and beat
with mi,er+ Pour into p%astic or g%ass storage bow% and re&rigerate o$ernight+
#1( - 5ea,en
(by Mary Nei%i+ ( )rien%)
1 si, o-+ package o& raspberry ?e%%-o
1 en$e%ope o& Dream @hip
1 eight o-+ package Phi%%y !ream !heese
1 drained can 2C o-+ Do%e crushed pineapp%e
Make ?e%%-o according to instructions on the bo,+ :e&rigerate when coo% and %ea$e in
re&rigerator unti% it starts to ge%+
3n sma%% mi,er bow%, mi, one en$e%ope o& Dream @hip according to directions on
package+ B%end in the cream cheese+ Beat unti% smooth+ #et aside+
3n separate mi,ing bow%, whip chi%%ed ?e%%-o unti% it starts to get &oamy+ 'dd the Dream
@hip/cream cheese mi,ture to the ?e%%-o and mi, unti% smooth+ 5o%d in drained
pineapp%e+ Pour into p%astic or g%ass dish the si-e o& a cake pan+ :e&rigerate
o$ernight+ 7se spatu%a to ser$e+
#2* - Party Punch 0+ith a kick1
(by ,ousin -ane MacKne.)
1 8B o-+ can/bott%e @e%ch2s ;rape ?uice
1 8B o-+ can/bott%e awaiian punch
1 8B o-+ can/bott%e i! orange drink
1 1C o-+ >ar o& maraschino cherries (do not drain)
1 2 %iter bott%e o& 07p
1 orange
1 )t+ grape Manischewit- wine
3& possib%e, chi%% a%% ingredients+ Pour a%% ingredients in recipe order in a punch bow%
HL!HP" 07p+ 07p shou%d not be poured in unti% you are ready to ser$e the punch+
"hin%y s%ice the orange and &%oat pieces in punch+
5or %arger parties, recipe can easi%y be doub%ed, trip%ed, etc+
#21 - Philly Cheese alls
(by #hirley McNevich)
2+1 cups Domino2s con&ectioner2s sugar (si&ted)
1 . o-+ package Phi%%y !ream !heese
1/8 tsp+ $ani%%a
1/= tsp+ sa%t
0 o-+ Baker2s shredded coconut
3n mi,er, gradua%%y add sugar to so&tened cream cheese, mi,ing unti% we%% b%ended+
Mi, in $ani%%a and sa%t+ #hape batter into bite-si-ed ba%%s and ro%% in shredded coconut+
P%ace on a tray or in a p%astic or g%ass container so that they are not touching each
other+ :e&rigerate o$ernight be&ore ser$ing+
#22 - 6atergate Cake
(by Beverly 'oss ( )rien%)
1 bo, white Duncan ines cake mi,
2 - .+1 o-+ bo,es ?e%%-A instant pistachio pudding
. - eggs
1 - cup cano%a oi%
1- cup 07p soda
1/2 - cup chopped nuts (optiona%)
2 packages Dream @hip
1+1 - cups mi%k
0 - o-+ Baker2s !oconut
7sing mi,er and %arge mi,ing bow%, put in cake mi,, 1 bo, o& instant pudding, eggs,
oi%, 07p, and nuts (i& desired)+ Beat we%% unti% smooth (.-8 minutes at medium speed)+
Pour batter in greased and &%oured %ong cake pan 1.,/,2+ Bake at .1C degrees &or 81
minutes+ !oo% cake and then &rost with the &o%%owing &rosting9
3n a mi,ing bow%, add 2 packages o& Dream @hip and 1+1 cups o& mi%k+ @hip unti% it
&orms peaks+ 'dd other bo, o& pistachio pudding and mi, unti% smooth+
#pread &rosting on cake+ #prink%e coconut o$er the entire top+ :e&rigerate o$ernight
be&ore ser$ing+
#23 - Pierogies 0%732 ones81
(by #hirley McNevich)
B medium red potatoes
2 medium onions
1/2 cup &resh pars%ey
1 sta%k ce%ery
1 pound o& the sharpest cheese you can &ind
8 cups &%our
2 eggs
2 tsp+ so&t Parkay margarine
cano%a oi% (&or &rying)
Pee% potatoes, cut each in ha%&, and put in . )t+ saucepan with warm tap water
(enough to co$er potatoes)+ 'dd 1 tsp+ sa%t, 1 chopped medium onion, 1/2 cup o&
&resh chopped pars%ey, 1/2 cup o& &ine%y chopped ce%ery heart (the part at the center
o& the ce%ery sta%k - use %ea$es and a%%)+
Bring the water to a boi% and co$er with %id+ !ook &or 2C minutes with %id ti%ted to
pre$ent boi%ing o$er+ "est with &ork &or doneness (they shou%d be so&t)+ 3& potatoes are
not so&t, cook %onger+
:emo$e potatoes &rom heat+ Drain water o&& using a sie$e+ 'ny onions, ce%ery or
pars%ey that accidenta%%y gets drained shou%d be put back in with potatoes+ 'dd one
pound o& sharp cheese cut in sma%% pieces (or shred it) to potatoes+
7se a potato masher to mash potato mi,ture and cheese+ 'dd 1/2 tsp+ pepper and
then mash %ike mashed potatoes+ 3& the potato/cheese &i%%ing is too sti&&, add a dash or
two o& mi%k and remash+ #et aside to coo%+
3n a mi,ing bow%, add 8 cups &%our, 2 eggs (s%ight%y beaten with a &ork), 1 tsp+ sa%t, 2
tsp+ Parkay margarine (room temp+)+ Mi, with your hands unti% eggs and margarine
are crumb%y+ 'dd ./8 cup water a %itt%e at a time+ Eou shou%d be ab%e to make a %arge
ba%% with the dough+ 3& it2s too dry, add up to 1/8 cup o& more water+
Di$ide the dough into &our sma%%er ba%%s+ 5%our your counter so dough doesn2t stick+
"ake out one o& the dough ba%%s+ #prink%e &%our on top o& dough ba%% and ro%% with
ro%%ing pin unti% about 1/8K thick+
!ut circ%es in the dough using a g%ass >ar upside down (the opening in the >ar shou%d
be about .-8K)+ An each circ%e p%ace one tsp+ o& the potato &i%%ing+ Dip your &inger in a
g%ass o& water and wet entire edge o& pierogie using your &inger+ 5o%d pierogie and
pinch edge shut a%% the way around+
7sing an =-1C )t+ pot, &i%% with hot tap water about ./8 &u%%+ 'dd 2 tsp+ sa%t and bring to
a ro%%ing boi%+ 'dd pierogies one at a time to the boi%ing water+ Boi% &or about 1
minutes+ Eou can cook about 1 pierogies at a time+ @hen pierogies are done they wi%%
&%oat to the top+ :emo$e with a s%otted spoon and put on a cookie sheet (they cannot
touch each other or they wi%% stick together)+ :epeat with remaining pierogies+ 't this
point, they are JA" ready to eat+
'&ter they coo%, you can wrap each pierogie with saran wrap and &ree-e &or %ater+ Put
saran wrapped pierogies in Iip%oc bag be&ore &ree-ing+ "hey wi%% keep B-/ months+
@hen you are ready to eat pierogies, they must be deep &ried+ 7sing a %arge iron
ski%%et, add cano%a oi% unti% it reaches 1/8 the way up the side o& the pan+ "hick%y s%ice
an onion and p%ace in the pan+ eat oi%+ 'dd pierogies and brown on each side+ @hen
the onions get rea%%y brown, remo$e them+ !ontinue &rying pierogies (you don2t need
to add more onion--the oi% is a%ready &%a$ored)+ Eou may ha$e to add more oi% i& &rying
a%ot o& pierogies at a time+
5ro-en pierogies can go straight &rom &ree-er into oi% but be care&u% o& oi% spatter+
BH !':H57< @HJ EA7 "7:J P3H:A;3H#+ 35 EA7 PAFH "HM "H 53<<3J;
@3<< AAIH A7"+ 7se spatu%a or a s%otted spoon to turn+
#24 - Chicken Salad
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 who%e chicken breast (or 2 pre- skinned and pre- boned chicken breasts)
1/2 medium onion
1 sta%k ce%ery
. hard boi%ed eggs
1 >ar e%man2s %ight mayo
!ook one who%e chicken breast in . )t+ saucepan, adding enough water to co$er (i&
you use precut chicken breasts, you wi%% need 2 instead o& 1)+ 'dd 1 tsp+ sa%t+ !ut up
1/2 onion and p%ace in with chicken (do not chop or s%ice)+ !ut . sticks o& ce%ery in ha%&
and add to chicken+ !ook unti% tender (takes about an hour)+ 7se &ork to test &or
<et chicken coo%+ "ake o&& skin and remo$e bones (un%ess your chicken comes
a%ready skinned and boned)+ Eou can throw away ce%ery and onion, strain broth
through sie$e and sa$e it &or broth or gra$y i& you wish+ 3t can be &ro-en in a p%astic
container with a %id+
An a cutting board, cut up chicken in bite si-ed pieces+ 'dd . chopped sticks o&
ce%ery, . chopped hard boi%ed eggs, . "B#P e%man2s %ight mayo+ #tir by hand+ 3& it
seems too dry add a %itt%e more mayo+ :e&rigerate be&ore ser$ing+
#2! - Chocolate Crea9 Cheese Cu/cakes
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 egg
1 1/. cup white sugar
= o-+ Phi%%y !ream !heese
B o-+ Jest%MNs choco%ate bits
1/8 cup ershey2s cocoa
'rm ( ammer baking soda
1/2 cup !risco cano%a oi%
cider $inegar
co%d water
!ombine 1 egg, 1/. cup o& sugar, = o-+ cream cheese+ Beat with mi,er unti% smooth+
By hand, stir in B o-+ choco%ate bits+ #et aside+
!upcake batter9
@ith mi,er, combine 1/2 cup cano%a oi%, 1 cup white sugar, 1 "B#P $inegar, 2 tsp+
$ani%%a, 1/8 cup cocoa, 1 tsp+ baking soda, 1/2 tsp+ sa%t, 1 cup o& co%d water and 1 1/2
cups &%our+ Beat a%% ingredients with a mi,er unti% smooth+
P%ace batter in paper cups in cupcake pans (makes 1=-28 cupcakes)+ 5i%% each cup
1/. &u%% with choco%ate batter+ P%ace one heaping tsp+ o& &i%%ing into midd%e o& each cup+
Bake at .1C degrees &or 21 minutes+ !oo% and ser$e+
#2$ - Funnel Cakes
(by *ois Minnich)
2 cups mi%k
. eggs
. cups &%our
1/. cup sugar
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
2 tsp+ !a%umet baking powder
2 tsp+ $ani%%a
cano%a oi%
3n a mi,er, beat eggs, sugar+ 'dd sa%t, $ani%%a and baking powder+ 'dd mi%k+ #%ow%y
mi, in &%our+ Mi, unti% smooth+
5i%% iron ski%%et 1/8 &u%% with cano%a oi%+ eat $ery high unti% oi% is $ery hot+ 7sing a
&unne%, co$er one end o& &unne% with your &inger+ 5i%% &unne% with batter+ @ith &unne%
o$er pan, remo$e &inger and start %etting batter hit oi%+ ;o in a%% directions so &unne%
cake wi%% stay together+
7sing a %arge &ork, %i&t up s%ight%y to %ook at bottom o& &unne% cake+ @hen bottom is
go%den brown, &%ip and cook other side+ @hen &u%%y cooked, put on p%ate and top with
powdered sugar, &ruit &i%%ing, etc+
#2& - -andy:akes
(by #arah illiams)
8 eggs
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
1/= tsp+ sa%t
2 cups white sugar
2 cups cake &%our (i& you don2t ha$e cake &%our, &or e$ery cup o& cake &%our ca%%ed &or in
your recipe you can substitute one cup o& a%% purpose &%our but you ha$e to take out 2
"B#P o& the a%% purpose &%our--means you wi%% be using s%ight%y %ess than 1 cup)
1 cup mi%k
2 "B#P butter or margarine
2 tsp+ !a%umet baking powder
1 cup peanut butter
1 =o-+ ersheyNs !hoco%ate candy bar
7sing a mi,er, beat eggs, $ani%%a, sa%t, sugar, butter, baking powder, mi%k+ ;radua%%y
add cake &%our and beat unti% smooth+ Pour on a greased >e%%y ro%% pan (&%at pan 11
1/2K, 1C 1/2K , 1 1/=K)+ <ooks %ike a cookie sheet but with sides+ Bake at .1C degrees
&or 11-2C minutes+ #pread peanut butter on cake whi%e sti%% warm+
!oo% the cake+ Me%t the choco%ate bar and spread o$er the top with a kni&e+ !ut and
#2' - #e,iled 7ggs
(by #hirley McNevich)
B hard boi%ed eggs
2 "B#P e%man2s mayo
1 tsp+ 5rench2s mustard
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
1/8 tsp+ pepper
1 tsp+ white sugar
ard boi% B eggs+ !oo% and pee% eggs+
#%ice each egg in ha%& %engthwise+ 7se a &ork and remo$e yo%ks and p%ace in a sma%%
Mash yo%ks with a &ork and add 2 "B#P e%man2s mayo, 1 %e$e% tsp+ 5rench2s
mustard, 1/2 tsp+ sa%t, 1/8 tsp+ pepper, 1 tsp+ white sugar+ #tir yo%k mi,ture by hand+
7se one heaping tsp+ o& yo%k mi,ture to &i%% each egg white+ #prink%e paprika o$er the
top+ :e&rigerate on an egg p%ate or dinner p%ate+
#2( - 7gg Salad
(by #hirley McNevich)
= hard boi%ed eggs
2 "B#P e%man2s mayo
1 tsp+ 5rench2s mustard
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
1/8 tsp+ pepper
1 tsp+ white sugar
1/2 cup o& &ine%y chopped ce%ery
ard boi% = eggs+ !oo% and pee% eggs+ 5ine%y chop a%% eggs and p%ace in %arge bow%+
'dd mayo, mustard, sa%t, pepper, white sugar, and ce%ery+ Mi, by hand+ :e&rigerate+
#3* - )ilky 6ay 6onder Cake
(by #hirley McNevich)
1. &un si-e Mi%ky @ay bars
2 sticks Parkay margarine
2 cups white sugar
8 eggs
1/2 tsp+ 'rm ( ammer baking soda
2 tsp+ $ani%%a
1 1/8 cups buttermi%k
2 1/2 cups &%our
3n a medium saucepan o$er %ow heat, me%t Mi%ky @ays and 1 stick o& Parkay
margarine+ #tir unti% smooth+ :emo$e &rom heat and set aside whi%e making batter+
5or batter, use %arger mi,ing bow%+ !ream 1 stick Parkay margarine and 2 cups white
sugar unti% %ight and &%u&&y+ 'dd 8 eggs and beat+ 'dd 1 1/8 cups buttermi%k, 2 tsp+
$ani%%a, 1/2 tsp+ baking soda+ 'dd 2 1/2 cups &%our gradua%%y+ 'dd the me%ted candy
mi, and beat unti% smooth+
Pour into 1CK ange% &ood cake pan+ Bake at .1C degrees &or 1 hour and 2C minutes+
"est with a toothpick &or doneness+ !oo% s%ight%y and remo$e &rom pan+
1 cup !arnation e$aporated mi%k
1 cup white sugar
. egg yo%ks
1 stick Parkay margarine
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
0 o-+ Baker2s coconut
1 cup o& chopped pecans
!ombine !arnation mi%k, sugar, egg yo%ks, margarine, $ani%%a in a medium saucepan
o$er medium heat+ !ook &or about 12 minutes+ #tir constant%y+ 3t shou%d be cooked
unti% it2s thick+ :emo$e &rom sto$e and add coconut and chopped pecans+ #tir unti%
thick enough to spread with a kni&e+ 5rost the cake+
#31 - 5o9e9ade Polish Pigeons
(by Millie Barilla)
Makes appro,+ 2. pigeons+
1 pound ground bee&
1 pound ground pork
1 pound ground $ea%
1 medium onion
1/2 cup chopped &resh pars%ey
1 cup Minute white rice (:'@--do not cook)
1 %arge head cabbage
1 tsp+ sa%t
1 tsp+ pepper
1 )uart tomatoes (either stewed or home canned)
2 cans !ampbe%%2s tomato soup
2 eggs
. "B#P @orcestershire sauce
Mi, by hand - bee&, pork, $ea%, sa%t, and pepper+ 'dd two eggs s%ight%y beaten and mi,
by hand+ 'dd pars%ey, chopped onion, @orcestershire sauce, and rice (uncooked)+
7se hands and mi, e$erything thorough%y+ #et aside+
:emo$e as much o& cabbage core as you can and remo$e &irst two %ayers o& cabbage
head (do not throw away)+ 3n a %arge pot, p%ace cabbage head in and co$er with
water+ 'dd 1 tsp+ sa%t+ Boi% the cabbage unti% you can get the %ea$es o&& and they are
p%iab%e (not too soggy)+ "rim the stem part o& the %ea$es o&& (keep a&ter remo$ing) so
cabbage bends easier+
3n a %arge second pot, p%ace trimmed cabbage stems in the bottom o& the pot as we%%
as the &irst two %ayers o& cabbage that you remo$ed ear%ier+ Put 2-. "B#P o& meat
&i%%ing mi,ture onto each cooked cabbage %ea& and tuck in the corners+ #ecure it %ike a
napkin by ro%%ing it+ P%ace them in the pot with the e,tra cabbage+
3n a bow%, stir the tomatoes and tomato soup unti% thorough%y mi,ed+ Pour this mi,ture
into the pot with the ro%%ed pigeons and cabbage+ Put a %id on the pot and put in o$en+
Bake &or 2 hours at .01 degrees unti% cabbage is done (test with a &ork)+
H,tra pigeons can be &ro-en+
#32 - Chili
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 1/2 pounds ground chuck
1 medium onion
1 tsp+ sa%t
1/2 tsp+ pepper
1 pint home canned tomatoes or stewed tomatoes &rom the store
1/2 bott%e o& a 28 o-+ si-e ein- ketchup
2 tsp+ chi%i powder
2 cans o& kidney beans (8C+1 o-+ si-e) - ano$er brand i& you can &ind them
3n a Dutch o$en, put in ground chuck, chopped onion, sa%t, and pepper+ (3& you %ike it
spicier, you can a%so add chopped red pepper, chopped green pepper, or both) 'dd
one cup o& water and cook unti% meat starts to brown+ 'dd tomatoes, ketchup, chi%i
powder, kidney beans, and cook on medium heat &or about 2C minutes+ #er$e
#33 - 5o9e9ade Country Pie Crust
(by Harriet eaver)
1 cups &%our
2 cups !risco (generous, heaping)
1/2 stick o& margarine or butter
2 tsp+ sa%t
1/8 tsp+ 'rm ( ammer baking soda
1 egg
1 "B#P cider $inegar
7sing your hands or a pastry b%ender, mi, &%our, !risco, margarine, sa%t, and baking
soda unti% it2s crumb%y+ #et aside+ 3n a measuring cup, add egg and $inegar and beat
with a &ork+ 'dd water unti% the egg mi,ture and the water meet the 1 cup %ine on your
measuring cup+ Beat with a &ork+ 'dd the egg mi,ture to the dry ingredients+ Mi,
e$erything with hands unti% you can &orm a ba%%+ :o%% out the dough+
"his makes 1 - 1CK crusts or B - /K crusts+ Eou can ro%% and re-ro%% and the crust won2t
get tough+ Eou can re&rigerate &or a week, or you can &ree-e it &or .-8 months+
"o &ree-e dough, make &%at pieces (about an inch thick) and wrap each crust in saran
wrap+ Put in a Iip%oc bag+ Eou can take out one at a time when you need them+ "o
thaw in microwa$e, p%ace one crust in microwa$e (%ea$e saran wrap on)+ #et on
de&rost &or 9.C on each side+ 3& not thawed, put in %onger (microwa$es $ary)+
@hen you want to bake a sing%e crust, spray the inside o& the pie p%ate with Pam
cooking spray and &orm the crust on the inside o& a pie p%ate+ !rimp the edges o& the
crust using your &ingers or a &ork+ Jow spray the inside o& the pie crust with Pam
cooking spray+ P%ace another pie p%ate in the &irst pie p%ate (with crust in between)+
Put both pie p%ates (with crust in between) in o$en and bake at .01 degrees &or 2C
minutes or unti% brown+ "he second pie p%ate keeps the crust &rom shrinking+
Jow you can &i%% with %emon meringue, choco%ate meringue, coconut crOme, banana
cream, etc+
#34 - 3//le Pie
(crust by Harriet eaver/ a&&le &ie by #hirley McNevich)
Pie crust9
1 cups &%our
2 cups !risco (generous, heaping)
1/2 stick o& margarine or butter
2 tsp+ sa%t
1/8 tsp+ 'rm ( ammer baking soda
1 egg
1 "B#P cider $inegar
7sing your hands or a pastry b%ender, mi, &%our, !risco, margarine, sa%t, and baking
soda unti% it2s crumb%y+ #et aside+ 3n a measuring cup, add egg and $inegar and beat
with a &ork+ 'dd water unti% the egg mi,ture and the water meet the 1 cup %ine on your
measuring cup+ Beat with a &ork+ 'dd the egg mi,ture to the dry ingredients+ Mi,
e$erything with hands unti% you can &orm a ba%%+ :o%% out the dough+
#pray a 1CK pie p%ate with Pam cooking spray+ :o%% out one crust and p%ace in pie
p%ate+ #pray the dough (inside and edges) with Pam cooking spray+
5or pie &i%%ing9
= Macintosh app%es (or any baking app%es)
1 cup white sugar
. heaping tab%espoons a%%-purpose &%our
2 "B#P margarine
1/2 tsp+ Mc!ormick ground cinnamon
Pee%, core, and pare app%es into thin s%ices+ Put in a . )t+ microwa$ab%e bow%+ 'dd
sugar, &%our, cinnamon and margarine (do not mi, yet-->ust add ingredients)+ !o$er
with #aran wrap and put in microwa$e &or 1 minutes on high+ :emo$e &rom
microwa$e and stir comp%ete%y+ Put #aran wrap back on, put back in microwa$e &or 1
minutes on high+ #tir+ Pour the app%e &i%%ing into the pie crust+
Make a second crust s%ight%y bigger than the &irst crust+ P%ace on top o& pie so that
second crust hangs 1/2K o$er the edge+ Pinch two crusts together and tuck second
crust o$er%ap under the &irst crust+ Make edges &ancy using a &ork your &ingers+
P%ace pie on top o& a cookie sheet to catch any &i%%ing that cooks out+ #prink%e some
white sugar and cinnamon o$er the top o& the pie+ "ake a paring kni&e and poke ho%es
a%% the way through the pie and a%% around the top o& the pie+ :ight in the center o& the
pie, %i&t crust s%ight%y and cut a sma%% ho%e &or air+ !o$er the edge o& the pie crust with
&oi% (or use a pie shie%d) so edge doesn2t get too done+ P%ace in o$en and bake at .01
degrees &or 81 minutes+ '&ter 81 minutes, remo$e &oi%/pie shie%d and bake &or 11 more
minutes or unti% crust is nice and brown+
Eou wi%% ha$e %e&to$er pie dough i& you are on%y making one pie+ 7se the suggestions9
"his makes 1 - 1CK crusts or B - /K crusts+ Eou can ro%% and re-ro%% and the crust won2t
get tough+ Eou can re&rigerate &or a week, or you can &ree-e it &or .-8 months+
"o &ree-e dough, make &%at pieces (about an inch thick) and wrap each crust in saran
wrap+ Put in a Iip%oc bag+ Eou can take out one at a time when you need them+ "o
thaw in microwa$e, p%ace one crust (%ea$e saran wrap on)+ #et on de&rost &or 9.C on
each side+ 3& not thawed, put in %onger (microwa$es $ary)+
#3! - aked Pret;el Snacks
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 - 2C o-+ bag o& broken beer pret-e%s (or regu%ar pret-e%s and break them yourse%&)
2 sticks margarine
1 package <ipton onion soup
Me%t margarine and stir in onion soup mi,+ #pread pret-e%s o$er two cake pans (/ ,
1. , 2)+ Pour soup/margarine mi, e$en%y o$er a%% pret-e%s+ Bake at 21C degrees &or
one hour+ #tir e$ery twenty minutes whi%e baking+
#3$ - Snack Crackers
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 - 12 o-+ package oyster crackers
1 package o& origina% ranch dressing mi, (idden Ga%%ey brand)
./8 cup !risco oi%
1 "B#P Mc!ormick di%% weed
1/2 tsp+ Mc!ormick gar%ic powder
Pour a%% ingredients e,cept crackers into a %arge Iip%oc bag+ !%ose bag, shake and
mi, thorough%y+ Apen bag and add crackers+ !%ose bag and shake to mi, unti% a%%
crackers are coated+ (3& you don2t ha$e a Iip%oc bag, you can mi, in a bow%)+
Pour e$erything into a / , 1. , 2 cake can and spread e$en%y o$er bottom o& pan+
Bake at .1C degrees &or .C minutes+ #tir e$ery 11 minutes whi%e baking+
#3& - :no< =ell-o locks
(by #hirley McNevich)
8 en$e%opes Fno, un&%a$ored ge%atin (&ound in same grocery store ais%e as ?e%%-A)
. - . o-+ packages o& any &%a$or ?e%%-A
. cups o& boi%ing water
3n a %arge mi,ing bow%, combine Fno, ge%atin and &%a$ored ?e%%-A+ 'dd boi%ing water
and stir unti% e$erything is comp%ete%y disso%$ed (about 1 minutes)+ Pour into %arge
sha%%ow baking dish (1. , /)+ @hen coo%, re&rigerate unti% $ery &irm (at %east a &ew
hours)+ !ut into s)uares to ser$e+ Hat with your &ingers+
#3' - %ed 2o4ster Cheese/>arlic iscuits
(by #hirley McNevich)
2 cups o& Bis)uick
2/. cup mi%k
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/8 cup me%ted butter or margarine
1/2 tsp+ gar%ic powder
Preheat o$en to 81C degrees+ !ombine Bis)uick, mi%k, and cheese with a wooden
spoon unti% dough &orms+ Beat $igorous%y with wooden spoon &or .C seconds+ Drop
dough by heaping tab%espoons onto an ungreased cookie sheet+ Bake =-1C minutes
unti% go%den brown+
!ombine me%ted butter/margarine and gar%ic powder+ Brush o$er warm biscuits be&ore
remo$ing warm biscuits &rom cookie sheet+ #er$e warm+ Makes 1C-12 biscuits+
#3( - :ris/y aked Chicken
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 cup a%% purpose &%our
1 tsp+ sa%t
1 tsp+ paprika
1 tsp+ pepper
1 cup mi%k
B chicken %egs A: B chicken thighs A: 8 chicken breasts
3n a %arge Iip%oc bag, combine &%our, sa%t, pepper and paprika+ #hake bag to mi,+ Put
the mi%k in a sma%% bow%+ Ane at a time, dip each piece o& chicken in mi%k and then put
right into &%our mi,ture bag+ !%ose bag and shake gent%y unti% co$ered+ :emo$e and
p%ace in we%%-greased baking dish+ #prink%e more paprika and a %itt%e more sa%t o$er
the top be&ore p%acing in o$en+ Bake 1 hour at .01 degrees, turning each piece a&ter
.C minutes+ "est &or doneness with a &ork+
#4* - Crea9 Cheese Cookies
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 cup butter or margarine
1 = o-+ package Phi%%y cream cheese
1 cup white sugar
1 egg
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
2 1/2 cups &%our
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
1/8 tsp+ !a%umet baking powder
3n a mi,er, cream together butter/margarine and cream cheese+ 'dd sugar and beat
unti% %ight and &%u&&y+ Beat in one egg and $ani%%a+ 'dd sa%t and baking powder and
&%our+ Mi, unti% smooth+
!hi%% dough in re&rigerator o$ernight+ Preheat o$en to .1C degrees+ 7sing a cookie
press or cookie gun, &orm cookies on greased cookie sheet+ 5or ho%idays, sprink%e
co%ored sugar o$er the top o& cookies be&ore baking+ Bake 12-11 minutes unti% s%ight%y
#41 - Soft )olasses Cookies
(by Aunt Grace [Herman] Knouse)
1 cup margarine
1 cup Domino2s dark brown sugar (packed with a spoon)
2 cups Brer :abbit green %abe% baking mo%asses
1 cup buttermi%k
2 e$en "B#P 'rm ( ammer baking soda
1/2 tsp+ Mc!ormick ground ginger
1 egg
0 cups &%our
3n a mi,er, cream margarine and brown sugar+ 'dd baking mo%asses, baking soda,
buttermi%k and ginger+ Mi, unti% smooth+ 'dd 0 cups o& &%our one at a time+ @hen it
gets too sti&& &or mi,er, use a wooden spoon and mi, the rest by hand+ Drop heaping
teaspoons&u% onto greased cookie sheet+
Beat the egg in a cup with a &ork+ 7sing a teaspoon, put a %itt%e bit o& egg on the top o&
each cookie and smooth it down with the back o& the spoon so cookie is s%ight%y &%at+
Bake at .01 degrees &or about 11 minutes+
#42 - )icro+a,e aked Corn
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 tsp+ white sugar
1 1/2 "B#P cornstarch
1 cup mi%k
. eggs, beaten with a &ork
1 can 11-1B o-+ creamed corn
2 "B#P margarine
1 tsp+ sa%t
Butter a 1 )t+ microwa$eab%e dish and set aside+
7se a cup and put cornstarch in the cup+ 'dd ha%& o& the mi%k - 1/2 cup) to the
cornstarch and mi, with a spoon (this pre$ents %umps)+ 3n a %arge bow% add the
cornstarch/mi%k mi,ture, other 1/2 cup mi%k, sugar, eggs, corn, and sa%t+ Mi, by hand
with a spoon+
Pour mi,ture into microwa$eab%e dish+ 'dd margarine to the top+ Do not co$er+
Microwa$e on high &or = minutes+ :emo$e and stir comp%ete%y+ Microwa$e on high &or
/ more minutes+ :emo$e and it is ready to ser$e+ Jote9 3& your microwa$e is higher
than 0CC watts, / minutes wi%% be too %ong--try B minutes and taste to test+
#43 - eansou/
(by Gran%mother 0lizabeth McNevich)
.-1 pound ham (butt end)
1 medium onion
B-0 pee%ed and cubed red potatoes
2 - 8C o-+ cans pork and beans (@eis brand Big "op i& a$ai%ab%e)
1 tsp pepper
!ook ham in a %arge pot+ 5i%% pot ha%&way with water+ !ook on medium heat unti%
done--takes about . hours+ "est &or doneness with a &ork+
<et ham coo% and keep the >uice that ham cooked in+ <et >uice coo% o$ernight and then
remo$e a%% o& the &at that &%oated to the top o& the >uice+ !ut the &at o&& o& the ham and
remo$e the bones, cut the ham into bite si-ed pieces+
7se a &i$e )uart Dutch o$en+ 'dd 1/2 cup o& the ham broth+ 'dd one medium onion
(chopped)+ !ook unti% onion browns and >uice has been cooked up by the onion+ 'dd
the rest o& the ham broth+ Pee% and cube the potatoes and add+ 3& the ham broth does
not co$er potatoes add water unti% potatoes are co$ered+ 'dd one tsp+ pepper+ !ook
unti% the potatoes are a%most done (about 2C minutes)+
Apen the cans o& pork and beans and remo$e the >uice that is on top+ 'dd the pork
and beans into the soup+ !ook unti% the beans are hot (1C minutes) and then add the
cubed ham pieces+ #tir and cook unti% hot+
#44 - %ice :ris/y -reats
(by #hirley McNevich)
1/2 stick margarine
1 - = o-+ >ar 5%u&& marshma%%ow
1 cups :ice Frispies cerea%
3n a . )t+ saucepan, me%t margarine on %ow heat and add marshma%%ow+ #tir unti% a%%
me%ted and smooth+ :emo$e &rom sto$e and add :ice Frispies+ #tir unti% a%% coated+
Pour in a / , 1. , 2 cake pan or 0 1/2 , 11 1/2 by 1 1/2 brownie pan--whiche$er pan
you use, it must be buttered &irst+ "ake out a "B#P o& mi,ture at a time and smooth it
into the bottom o& the pan using the back o& the spoon+ :epeat unti% a%% mi,ture is in
pan+ <et coo% and cut into s)uares+
#4! - Chocolate Fudge
(by Aunt Faye [Herman] Minier)
. - B o-+ packages Jest%MNs choco%ate bits
1 - = o-+ >ar 5%u&& marshma%%ow
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
2 sticks Parkay margarine
2 cups o& chopped nuts (optiona%)
1/8 tsp+ sa%t
1 - 1. o-+ can !arnation e$aporated mi%k
8 1/2 cups white sugar
"his &its on a >e%%y ro%% pan (buttered)+ ' >e%%y ro%% pan has an inch %ip and measures 11
1/2 , 1C 1/2 , 1+ "his recipe makes 1 pounds o& &udge+
3n a %arge saucepan, mi, together choco%ate bits, marshma%%ow, $ani%%a, margarine,
and nuts (optiona%)+ #et aside+
3n a second saucepan, boi% e$aporated mi%k, sa%t and sugar+ Boi% o$er medium heat+
Ance it starts to boi%, keep boi%ing and stirring &or 11 minutes+ #tirring must be
constant+ 3& you ha$e a candy thermometer when it comes to 2.8 degrees it2s ready+
:emo$e &rom heat and pour into the mi,ture in other saucepan+ #tir unti% e$erything is
me%ted and smooth+ Pour into the >e%%y ro%% pan+ <et coo% and cut into s)uares+
#4$ - Chicken .oodle Sou/
(by #hirley McNevich)
8-B chicken thighs
2 who%e chicken breasts
2 medium onions
B sta%ks (pieces) o& ce%ery
1/2 cup &resh chopped pars%ey
1 pound medium width egg nood%es
2 pounds &ro-en cut string beans
Put chicken in %arge pot and co$er with water+ 'dd . tsp+ sa%t, 1 medium onion cut in
ha%&, and . ribs o& ce%ery cut in ha%&+ !ook unti% chicken is tender (about 2 hours on
medium heat)+ "est &or doneness with a &ork+ :emo$e chicken &rom broth and coo%+
Pour broth through a sie$e and strain it, remo$ing onion and ce%ery+ @hen chicken is
coo%, remo$e skin and de-bone+ :e&rigerate both chicken and broth o$ernight+
#poon o&& the &at &rom the chicken broth and throw away the &at+ 3n a %arge pot add
broth, 1 chopped onion, 1/2 cup &resh chopped pars%ey, and the heart and %ea$es o& a
sta%k o& ce%ery (chopped &ine%y)+ 'dd 2 tsp+ sa%t, 1 tsp+ pepper and the bag o& egg
nood%es+ 'dd the string beans+ !ook and stir a%% ingredients &or about 2C minutes on
medium heat+
!ut the chicken in bite si-ed pieces and add to soup+ "aste broth to make sure it has
enough sa%t+ 3& soup seems too thick, add water+
#4& - Snickerdoodles
(by #hirley McNevich)
2 sticks Parkay margarine
1 1/2 cups white sugar
2 eggs
. cups &%our
2 tsp+ cream o& tartar
1 tsp+ baking soda
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
2 tsp+ ground cinnamon
2 "B#P white sugar
3n a mi,er, add margarine, white sugar, eggs, and beat unti% %ight and &%u&&y+ #%ow%y
add &%our, cream o& tartar, baking soda, and sa%t+ Mi, we%% and chi%% in re&rigerator
o$ernight+ :o%% in ba%%s the si-e o& a wa%nut+ 3n another container put 2 "B#P o& white
sugar and 2 tsp+ cinnamon+ Mi, with a spoon+ :o%% each ba%% in the sugar/cinnamon
mi,+ P%ace ba%%s on greased cookie sheet and bake at .01 degrees about 12 minutes
(unti% s%ight%y brown)+
#4' - 7asy Sugar Cookies 0soft1
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 cup !risco
2 cups white sugar
8 eggs
8 cups &%our p%us .-8 "B#P e,tra
2 tsp+ baking powder
1 tsp+ baking soda
1 cup mi%k
1 "B#P $ani%%a
1 tsp+ sa%t
3n a mi,er, cream, !risco, white sugar and eggs unti% %ight and &%u&&y+ 'dd baking
powder, baking soda, $ani%%a and sa%t+ #%ow%y add the mi%k+ 'dd &%our one cup at a
time+ Mi, unti% smooth+
Drop heaping teaspoon&u%s onto greased cookie sheet+ #prink%e a %itt%e white sugar on
each cookie be&ore baking+ Bake at .01 degrees 1C-12 minutes or unti% go%den brown+
#4( - Pasta Salad
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 pound @acky Mac $eggie spira% pasta (cooked to desired doneness)
= o-+ 3ta%ian dressing
8 "B#P #a%ad #upreme seasoning
= o-+ &ro-en or &resh brocco%i
= o-+ &ro-en or &resh cau%i&%ower
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
2 tsp+ sugar
. hard boi%ed eggs
!ook pasta and drain+ 'dd 3ta%ian dressing, #upreme seasoning, brocco%i and
cau%i&%ower (steam &irst i& &ro-en), cheese, and sugar+ !hop up hard boi%ed eggs and
add+ Mi, e$erything thorough%y and re&rigerate at %east 8 hours+
#!* - 7asy ? 0Slo//y =oes1
(by #hirley McNevich)
2 pounds ground chuck
1 tsp+ sa%t
1/2 tsp+ pepper
1 medium onion (chopped)
1B o-+ ein- ketchup
1/2 cup ein- BBP sauce
2 tsp+ sugar
Brown the ground chuck with chopped onion+ 'dd sa%t and pepper+ 'dd ketchup,
BBP sauce and sugar and stir+ #immer about 11 minutes be&ore ser$ing+
#!1 - #ro/ Cookies
(by 1auline [2har&] Herman ( Gran%mother)
1 cup !risco A: 1 cup Parkay margarine
1 cup white sugar
1 cup dark brown sugar
2 eggs
1 cup buttermi%k (or 1 cup o& mi%k with 1 "B#P cider $inegar added)
1 tsp+ baking soda
1 tsp+ cinnamon
1 tsp+ nutmeg
1 "B#P $ani%%a
1/8 tsp+ sa%t
1 cups &%our
3n a mi,er, add !risco, white sugar, brown sugar and beat+ 'dd eggs and beat a &ew
more minutes+ 'dd baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, $ani%%a and sa%t+ Beat &or a &ew
minutes+ 'dd buttermi%k and s%ow%y add &%our (once you2$e added . cups, it wi%% be too
sti&& &or the mi,er so add remaining 2 cups o& &%our and stir by hand+ An a greased
cookie sheet p%ace one heaping teaspoon&u% &or each cookie+ #prink%e a %itt%e
cinnamon o$er each cookie be&ore baking+ Bake at .01 degrees &or ten to twe%$e
minutes or unti% go%den brown+
#!2 - 7asy Sticky uns
(by Aunt 0ileen [Knouse] ,arter)
2 %oa$es &ro-en bread dough
1 stick Parkay margarine
1 cup dark brown sugar
1 B o-+ package o& $ani%%a pudding (JA" instant)
8 ./8 tsp+ cinnamon
1/8 cup mi%k
1 cup chopped wa%nuts (optiona%)
"haw the bread dough o$ernight+ ;rease a 1. , / , 2 cake pan+ Break one o& the
%oa$es into pieces and %ine bottom o& pan unti% co$ered+
3n a sma%% saucepan, me%t the margarine and add brown sugar+ :emo$e &rom heat
and add pudding mi,, cinnamon, and mi%k and stir+ Pour 1/2 o& that mi,ture on top o&
the bread dough that you put in the pan a%ready+
Break the second %oa& o& bread in pieces and co$er the mi,ture in the pan (>ust %ike
you did be&ore)+ Pour the rest o& the margarine mi,ture o$er the top+ !o$er it with
saran wrap and %et stand on the counter &or . hours unti% dough is raised (shou%d be
doub%e in si-e)+ #prink%e nuts o$er the top i& you wish+ Bake at .1C degrees &or .C
minutes or unti% brown+ "ake a cookie sheet and %ine it with &oi%+ Dump the sticky buns
out on the &oi% whi%e sti%% hot+ Hn>oy+
#!3 - %as/4erry Pudding
(Aunt Hazel [Hau&t] Herman)
1 egg
2 "B#P butter or margarine
2 cups white sugar
1 cup mi%k
2 cups &%our
2 tsp+ baking powder
2 cups &resh or &ro-en raspberries (thawed)--you can substitute any type o& berries
you choose
1 cup hot water
3n a mi,er, beat egg, butter, 1 o& the cups o& sugar, baking powder, mi%k, and s%ow%y
add &%our+ Mi, unti% smooth+ Pour in / , 1. , 2 %ong cake pan (greased)+
Put berries in another bow% and mi, by hand, adding second cup o& sugar+ Pour berry
mi,ture e$en%y o$er the top o& the batter+ Pour one cup o& hot tap water o$er the
who%e top o& the batter+ Bake at .1C degrees &or one hour+
#!4 - .e+ @ork Style Cheesecake
(by ,arla [Arnol%] *ose ( )rien%)
1 1/2 cups &%our
1 tsp+ baking powder
8 eggs
1 1/8 cup white sugar (. "B#P &or %ater)
1 stick me%ted butter or margarine
. - = o-+ packages Phi%%y !ream !heese
1 tsp+ $ani%%a (1 1/2 sp+ $ani%%a &or %ater)
1 pint sour cream
1 can cherry pie (or berry) pie &i%%ing
!rust9 in a bow% mi, by hand with a spoon9 1 1/2 cups &%our, 1 tsp+ baking powder, 1
egg, 1/8 cup white sugar, 1 stick me%ted butter or margarine+ Pour the mi,ture into a
1CK spring&orm pan+ 7se the back o& a spoon to spread o$er entire pan inc%uding
sides (%ea$e one inch at the top empty)+
Batter9 in a mi,er, combine . - = o-+ pks+ cream cheese, 1 cup white sugar, . eggs, 1
tsp+ $ani%%a+ Beat unti% creamy+ Pour batter into crust in spring&orm pan+ Bake at .01
degrees &or .1-8C minutes+ :emo$e &rom o$en and %et sit &or .C minutes+ #et o$en at
1CC degrees and whi%e o$en is heating, mi, the &o%%owing by hand with a spoon9 1 pint
sour cream, . "B#P sugar, 1 1/2 tsp+ $ani%%a+ Pour this mi,ture o$er top o&
cheesecake+ Bake cheesecake again, this time at 1CC degrees &or 1 minutes+
:emo$e, coo% and top with desired &i%%ing (cherry, strawberry, b%ueberry, etc+)+ <et
cheesecake coo% in re&rigerator &or 28 hours be&ore s%icing or ser$ing+
#!! - 6et Chocolate Cake 0no eggs1
(by #hirley McNevich)
. cups &%our
2 cups white sugar
B "B#P ershey2s cocoa
2 tsp+ baking soda
1 tsp+ sa%t
2 "B#P cider $inegar
2 tsp+ $ani%%a
2/. cup cano%a oi%
2 cups co%d water
3n a mi,er, combine cano%a oi%, sugar, $inegar, $ani%%a, baking soda, sa%t, cocoa+ Mi,
unti% smooth+ 'dd co%d water s%ow%y+ 'dd &%our a %itt%e at a time+ Mi, unti% smooth+ Pour
in a greased and &%oured cake pan / , 1. , 2+ Bake at .1C degrees &or .1 minutes+
"est with a toothpick &or doneness+
1/2 bo, Domino2s Powdered #ugar (1 %b+ si-e)
1 stick Parkay margarine
2 tsp imitation $ani%%a
1+1 "B#P mi%k
5eed in mi,er+ "he %onger you beat it the creamier it gets+ 7se &ood co%oring to make
the co%or you desire+
5or choco%ate &rosting, add 2 %e$e% "B#P ershey2s !ocoa+
#!$ - French -oast
(by #hirley McNevich)
#%ices o& "e,as toast bread (thick) or regu%ar bread (thinner)
1 egg per s%ice o& bread you are using
1/= cup mi%k per s%ice you are making
Dash o& sa%t and pepper &or each s%ice
1/8 tsp+ $ani%%a per s%ice you are making
Dash o& cinnamon (optiona%)
Beat (with a &ork) egg, mi%k, $ani%%a, sa%t and pepper in a sma%% bow% (big enough to &it
a s%ice o& bread)+ Dip each s%ice o& bread in that mi,ture--make sure to dip both sides
o& each s%ice o& bread+ P%ace s%ices in &rying pan sprayed with Pam (or you can me%t
butter)+ Brown bottom side, then &%ip to brown other side+ "op with syrup, powdered
sugar, &resh &ruit --whate$er you %ike+
#!& - Aat9eal Cake
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 cup )uick oatmea% (Mother2s Aats)
1 1/8 cups boi%ing water
1 stick Parkay margarine
1 cup dark brown sugar (packed)
1 cup white sugar
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups &%our
1 tsp+ baking soda
2 tsp+ $ani%%a
1 tsp+ cinnamon
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
P%ace oatmea% in bow% with boi%ing water+ <et stand &or 1C minutes+ 3n a mi,er, mi,
margarine, brown sugar, white sugar, and eggs+ Beat unti% smooth+ 'dd the oatmea%
s%ow%y+ 'dd &%our, baking soda, $ani%%a, cinnamon and sa%t+ Beat unti% smooth+ 7se a /
, 1. , 2 %ong cake pan, greased and &%oured+ Bake at .1C degrees &or .C-.1 minutes+
"est &or doneness with a toothpick+
@hi%e cake is baking make &rosting--&rosting must be spread on cake as soon as you
take cake out o& the o$en9
1 cup brown sugar (packed)
1 cup Baker2s coconut
1/2 cup mi%k
1/2 cup chopped pecans
Put brown sugar and mi%k in a saucepan+ Bring to a boi%+ 'dd coconut and nuts+ #tir+
Pour o$er warm cake and p%ace cake based on type o& o$en9 &or gas sto$es with a
broi%er on the bottom, set o$en to Kbroi%K which is between 1CC-11C degrees+ 5or
e%ectric o$en, p%ace cake on top rack and set to broi% which is about 1CC degrees (on
most e%ectric o$ens, you ha$e to %et the door s%ight%y a>ar)+ 5or either type o& sto$e, %et
cake bake another &i$e minutes+ <et coo% be&ore ser$ing+
#!' - Crea9 Cheese )ints
(by Aunt A%a [Herman] Miller)
1 one pound bo, Domino2s powdered sugar
1B o-+ so&tened cream cheese
1/2 stick Parkay margarine
1 drop o& &%a$oring (essence o& teaberry, peppermint, spearmint--whate$er you pre&er)
2 drops o& &ood co%oring (your choice o& co%or) A: you can >ust %ea$e them white
3n a mi,er, combine powdered sugar, cream cheese, margarine+ Mi, unti% smooth+
'dd &%a$oring and &ood co%oring and mi, unti% smooth+ P%ace into shaped candy mo%ds
or use a cookie press/gun to make your mints in the shape you desire+ Make sure you
press them onto wa, paper and p%ace in re&rigerator o$ernight+ Feep re&rigerated
be&ore ser$ing+
#!( - Chocolate Chi/ Cookies
(by #hirley McNevich)
2 ./8 cups si&ted &%our
1 tsp+ baking soda
1 tsp+ sa%t
1 cup so&tened Parkay margarine
./8 cup white sugar
./8 cup &irm%y packed brown sugar
2 tsp+ $ani%%a
1/2 tsp+ water
2 eggs
. cups o& Jest%MNs semi-sweet choco%ate morse%s
Aptiona% - 1 cup o& coarse%y chopped nuts
3n a mi,er, combine margarine, white sugar, brown sugar, eggs, and beat unti%
smooth+ 'dd $ani%%a, water, baking soda, sa%t, and s%ow%y add &%our+ Mi, unti% smooth+
:emo$e &rom mi,er and add choco%ate morse%s - stir by hand+ 'dd nuts i& desired+
Drop by teaspoons&u% on a greased cookie sheet+ Bake at .01 degrees 1C-12
#$* - Fruit Cocktail Cake
(by Aunt Betty [Herman] Arnol%)
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups white sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar (packed)
2 cups &%our
2 tsp+ baking soda
1 11o- can De%Monte &ruit cocktai% (do not drain >uice)
3n a mi,er, combine eggs, sugars, &ruit cocktai%, baking soda+ #%ow%y add &%our+ Pour in
/ , 1. , 2 %ong cake pan (greased)+ Bake at .1C degrees &or 8C-81 minutes+
"opping9 1 stick Parkay margarine, ./8 cup carnation mi%k, 1 cup powdered sugar, 0
o-+ Baker2s coconut, 1/2 cup chopped pecans+ Me%t margarine in a saucepan and add
carnation mi%k+ #tir in powdered sugar and cook &or one minute+ :emo$e &rom sto$e
and add coconut and pecans--stir we%%+ Pour o$er top o& cake to ice (cake can be
warm but not hot when icing)+
#$1 - .o .a9e Cake
(by Aunt Betty [Herman] Arnol%)
Bake 1 ye%%ow cake mi, (Duncan ines) according to directions on the bo,+ 7se a / ,
1. , 2 greased %ong cake pan+ @hen coo%, make the topping be%ow and spread on
1 - 2C o-+ can De%Monte crushed pineapp%e (do not drain)
1 - . o-+ package ?e%%-A instant $ani%%a pudding
1 - = o-+ container o& !oo% @hip
3n a %arge bow%, mi, (by hand) the pineapp%e and the instant pudding+ <et it stand &or 1
minutes+ 5o%d in !oo% @hip+ #pread o$er the who%e cake and re&rigerate be&ore
#$2 - Pinea//le Cookies
(by Aunt Betty [Herman] Arnol%)
1 cup Parkay margarine
1 cup dark brown sugar (packed)
1 cup white sugar
8 cups &%our
1 cup De%Monte crushed pineapp%e (drained)
2 eggs
2 tsp+ baking powder
1/2 tsp+ baking soda
1/8 tsp+ sa%t
3n a mi,er, combine margarine, white sugar, brown sugar+ 'dd eggs one at a time
and beat unti% smooth+ 'dd pineapp%e, baking powder, baking soda, and sa%t+ #%ow%y
add the &%our+ Drop heaping teaspoons&u% o& batter on to greased cookie sheet+ Bake
12-11 minutes at .01 degrees+
#$3 - lue4erry read
(by #hirley McNevich)
. cups a%%-purpose &%our
1 tsp+ baking soda
1 tsp+ sa%t
1 1/8 cups white sugar
. tsp+ $ani%%a
1 1/2 cups cano%a oi%
8 eggs, beaten
1/8 cup water
2 cups b%ueberry (&resh or &ro-en)
;rease two %oa& pans and set aside+ 3n %arge bow%, stir with a spoon to combine &%our,
soda, sa%t, sugar+ 'dd $ani%%a, cano%a oi%, eggs, and water+ #tir unti% mi,ture is moist+
'dd b%ueberries and stir+ Pour ha%& o& the batter into each %oa& pan+ Bake in pre-heated
.1C degree o$en &or 81-1C minutes (test with a toothpick &or doneness)+ !oo% in the
pans be&ore remo$ing+
#$4 - %aisin Cake
(by Mary [Heimbach] Nei%i+ ( )rien%)
2 cups dark brown sugar (packed)
. eggs
1 cup Parkay margarine
1 cup buttermi%k
1 1/2 tsp+ baking soda
1 1/2 tsp+ ground c%o$es
1 1/2 tsp+ cinnamon
2 1/2 cups &%our
1 cup raisins (boi%ed &or 1 minutes and drained)
3n a mi,er, combine margarine, brown sugar and eggs+ Beat unti% smooth+ 'dd baking
soda, c%o$es and cinnamon+ 'dd buttermi%k, and then s%ow%y add &%our+ Beat unti%
smooth+ 'dd raisins and stir by hand into batter+ Pour in / , 1. , 2 greased %ong cake
pan+ Bake at .1C degrees &or .C-.1 minutes+ "est with a toothpick &or doneness+ !oo%
cake be&ore using icing be%ow9
1/2 bo, Domino2s Powdered #ugar (1 %b+ si-e)
1 stick Parkay margarine
2 tsp imitation $ani%%a
1+1 "B#P mi%k
5eed in mi,er+ "he %onger you beat it the creamier it gets+ 7se &ood co%oring to make
the co%or you desire+
#$! - Pinea//le "/side-do+n Cake
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 cup dark brown sugar
1/. cup Parkay margarine
1 eggs
1 cup white sugar
1 can s%iced Do%e pineapp%e (2C o-+)
= tsp+ pineapp%e >uice (taken &rom the can o& s%iced pineapp%e)
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
1 1/8 cups &%our
1 heaping tsp+ baking powder
1 >ar maraschino cherries
Drain >uice &rom pineapp%e s%ices and sa$e >uice+ Me%t margarine+ 3n a %arge bow%, mi,
me%ted margarine and brown sugar+ 3n a / , 1. , 2 cake pan, spread the brown
sugar/margarine e$en%y on the bottom o& the cake pan+ <ay the s%ices o& pineapp%e
across the bottom o& the pan+ Put a cherry in the ho%e o& each pineapp%e s%ice+ 3n a
mi,er, combine eggs, white sugar, pineapp%e >uice, $ani%%a, baking powder, and s%ow%y
add &%our+ Beat unti% smooth+ Pour into cakepan, co$ering the pineapp%e+ Bake at .01
degrees &or .1 minutes+ "est with a toothpick &or doneness+ :emo$e &rom o$en and
whi%e hot, co$er top o& cake pan with &oi% and turn upside down on something that is
heat resistant (%ike a cutting board)+ @hen coo%, %i&t by the &oi% and p%ace back in pan+
#$$ - #u9/ Cake
(by Aunt Mil%re% [Knouse] Gulic$)
1 can cherry pie &i%%ing
1 can Do%e crushed pineapp%e (do not drain)
1 bo, Duncan ines white or ye%%ow cake mi,
1 1/2 sticks Parkay margarine
1/2 cup o& chopped pecans
;rease a / , 1. , 2 cake pan+ Pour the cherry pie &i%%ing to co$er the bottom o& the
pan+ 7se a spoon and co$er cherry pie &i%%ing with crushed pineapp%e (e$en%y)+ Pour
the powdered cake mi, onto the cake and co$er the pineapp%e e$en%y+ !ut the
margarine in sma%% pieces and p%ace pieces o$er the who%e cake+ #prink%e the
chopped nuts o$er the top+ Bake at .1C degrees &or 1C minutes+ "est with a toothpick
&or doneness+
#$& - 6hoo//ee Pies
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 cup !risco
2 cups white sugar
8 eggs
1 cup hot tap water
2 tsp+ baking soda
1 tsp+ baking powder
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
1 cup ershey2s cocoa
8 cups &%our
3n a mi,er, combine !risco, sugar+ 'dd 2 who%e eggs and then add another 2 egg
yo%ks (sa$e whites o& the two eggs &or the icing)+ 'dd hot water, cocoa, baking soda,
baking powder, sa%t and gradua%%y add &%our+ Beat unti% smooth+ Drop teaspoons&u% on
a greased cookie sheet about an inch apart+ Bake at 8CC degrees &or 1C minutes+ <et
them coo% be&ore icing+ 3cing9 beat the two %e&to$er egg whites unti% sti&&+ #et the egg
whites aside+ 3n a mi,ing bow%, combine 1 1/2 cups !risco, 2 tsp+ $ani%%a, then add the
2 egg whites+ 'dd 1 pound bo, o& Domino2s powdered sugar a %itt%e at a time+ Beat
unti% creamy+ @hen cookies are coo%, spread icing on one cookie (bottom side) and
then top with another cookie (bottom side &acing icing)+ Eou can &ree-e them by
wrapping each pie in saran wrap and p%acing in a container+
#$' - Corn Fritters
(by #hirley McNevich)
B ears &resh corn on the cob A: one 1 %b+ can o& who%e kerne% corn (drained but keep
1 1/2 cups si&ted a%% purpose &%our
2 tsp+ baking powder
1 egg
./8 tsp+ sa%t
cano%a oi% &or &rying
!ut o&& the kerne% tips &rom the &resh corn on the cob into a bow% and scrape cobs with
your kni&e to obtain the >uice (or use can o& who%e kerne% corn)+ Jo matter which kind
o& corn you are using, drain the >uice &rom the corn into a measuring cup+ 'dd enough
mi%k to the corn >uice unti% you &i%% the measuring cup to the 1 cup %ine+ 3nto another
bow%, si&t &%our, baking powder and sa%t+ 3n a separate bow%, beat one egg and add the
mi%k/corn >uice mi,ture and the corn kerne%s+ 7sing a spoon, add the &%our/baking
powder/sa%t mi,ture to the egg/mi%k/corn >uice/corn mi,ture+ #%ow%y mi, with a spoon
unti% &%our is moistened+ Drop one tab%espoon at a time o& the batter into &rying pan
with cano%a oi%+ 5ry unti% bottom side is go%den brown then &%ip and &ry other side+
:emo$e &rom pan and put onto paper towe%s to drain+ Hat with your &ingers+
#$( - 5a9 2oaf
(by *ois [1enny&ac$er] Minnich ( )rien%)
2 pounds ground ham
1 pound ground &resh pork
2 eggs4 1 cup cracker crumbs
1/2 cup mi%k4 1 tsp+ sa%t
1/2 tsp+ pepper4 1/2 cup &resh pars%ey or pars%ey &%akes
3n a %arge bow%, beat the two eggs+ 'dd ham, pork, mi%k, sa%t, pepper, pars%ey, and
cracker crumbs+ Mi, e$erything thorough%y by hand+ #p%it mi,ture in ha%& and &orm two
%oa$es+ Put %oa$es in baking pan or dish (sprayed with Pam)+ Eou wi%% be basting the
ham %oa&s with the &o%%owing mi,ture9 1 cup packed brown sugar, 1/2 cup $inegar, 1/2
cup water, 1/2 tsp+ 5rench2s mustard--mi, ingredients and pour ha%& o& mi,ture on
each %oa& a&ter %oa$es are in baking pan/dish+ Baste e$ery ha%& hour whi%e baking
%oa$es at .1C degrees &or /C minutes+
#&* - Su/re9e eef 2asagna
(by *in%a ['ei+le] Bauman ( )rien%3 an% #hirley McNevich)
1 pound ground chuck
2 >ars 1 %b+ 1C o-+ si-e spaghetti sauce (your choice o& sty%e)
1 onion
2 tsp+ white sugar
1 one pound package egg nood%es (medium wide)
2 cups sour cream
1 =o-+ package Phi%%y cream cheese
1 cup o& grated mo--are%%a cheese
1 cup parmesan cheese
Put ground chuck in a ski%%et+ 'dd a tsp+ sa%t, 1/2 tsp+ pepper, 1 diced onion, sugar
and cook unti% browned+ 3n another pot, cook nood%es according to directions on
package and to your desired doneness+ Drain nood%es and put them back in the same
pot you cooked them in+ 'dd the sour cream and cream cheese to the nood%es and
stir by hand unti% we%% mi,ed+ 'dd the spaghetti sauce to the ground chuck and stir to
mi,+ 3n at %east a .-8 )t+ si-e cassero%e dish (bigger i& you ha$e it, spray the cassero%e
dish with Pam+ !o$er the bottom o& the dish with the spaghetti sauce/ground chuck
mi,+ 'dd a %ayer o& the nood%e mi, and top the nood%e %ayer with some mo--are%%a and
parmesan+ Feep %ayering the ingredients back and &orth so that the %ast ingredient on
the top is spaghetti sauce/ground chuck+ Make sure that each nood%e %ayer gets
topped with mo--are%%a and parmesan cheese+ Bake at .1C degrees &or .1-8C
minutes or unti% bubb%ing hot+ 3t2s a%ways better the ne,t day as %e&to$ers+
#&1 - :iddie Cookies
(by Hannah Garman ( )rien%)
1 cup me%ted butter or margarine
1 cup dark brown sugar (packed)
1 cup white sugar
2 eggs
2 tsp+ $ani%%a
1 tsp+ baking soda
1/2 tsp+ baking powder
. cups &%our
1 1/2 cups Puick Mother2s Aats oatmea%
1 1/2 cups Fe%%ogg2s !orn 5%akes
1 - 0o-+ bag Baker2s coconut
1/2 cup chopped nuts (optiona%)
3n a mi,er, combine me%ted butter/margarine, brown sugar, white sugar, and eggs+
Beat unti% creamy+ 'dd $ani%%a, baking soda, baking powder, oatmea% and beat+ 'dd
corn &%akes, coconut and s%ow%y add &%our+ Beat with mi,er+ 'dd nuts i& you wish, then
beat+ An a greased cookie sheet, drop one heaping teaspoon&u% o& batter per cookie+
Bake at .1C degrees &or 1C-12 minutes unti% %ight%y brown+ Don2t eat too many at one
#&2 - Aat9eal Cris/s 0Ice4o< Cookies1
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 cup Parkay margarine
1 cup dark brown sugar (packed)
1 cup white sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
1 tsp+ sa%t
1 tsp+ baking soda
. cups Puaker Aats oatmea%
1 tsp+ cinnamon
1 tsp+ ground c%o$es
2 cups &%our
3n a mi,er, combine margarine, brown sugar, white sugar and eggs and beat unti%
creamy+ 'dd &%our, sa%t, baking soda, $ani%%a, cinnamon, and c%o$es+ Beat unti%
smooth+ #tir in the Puaker oats s%ow%y with the mi,er+ #p%it the dough into &our
sections+ 5%our your counter and put one hunk o& dough on the &%our+ #prink%e a %itt%e
&%our o$er the top o& the dough+ 7sing hands, ro%% it into a %og about 2K wide+ :epeat
with the other three hunks o& dough+ @rap each o& the &our dough ro%%s in saran wrap
and p%ace in a %ong cake pan with a %id and re&rigerate o$ernight+ "he ne,t day,
unwrap each ro%%+ 7sing a sharp kni&e, cut cookies 1/8K thick+ P%ace cookies on a
greased cookie sheet and bake at .1C degrees &or 1C-12 minutes+
#&3 - Stra+4erry Pie
(by 1hyllis [Ne))] Moyer ( )rien%)
!rust9 1 1/2 cups si&ted &%our4 1/2 cup cano%a oi%4 1/2 tsp+ sa%t4 2 "B#P white sugar4 2
"B#P mi%k+ Mi, e$erything together by hand unti% oi%y+ Press crust into a pie p%ate and
prick a%% o$er (especia%%y the bottom) with the tongs o& a &ork+ #pray the inside o& the
crust with Pam, then set another pie p%ate in the crust (this wi%% keep the crust &rom
shrinking)+ Bake at 8CC degrees &or 1C-11 minutes unti% brown+ :emo$e &rom o$en
and coo%+
5i%%ing9 1 cup white sugar4 1 cup water4 . "B#P white corn syrup4 . "B#P cornstarch+
Put the cornstarch in a sma%% bow% and mi, in a %itt%e bit o& the water so the cornstarch
won2t get %umpy+ Pour a%% the ingredients in a saucepan (inc%uding the
cornstarch/water mi,) and set heat on medium+ #tir whi%e cooking constant%y unti% it
starts to thicken+ #%ow%y add . "B#P o& strawberry ?e%%-A and continue stirring+ '&ter
?e%%-A is mi,ed in, remo$e &rom sto$e+ #tir in 1 )uart o& who%e strawberries (do not cut
them up)+ Pour e$erything into coo%ed pie crust+ :e&rigerate+ 'dding coo% whip and
s%iced strawberries on the coo% whip is optiona%+
#&4 - Sno+4all Cake
(by Aunt Betty [Herman] Arnol%)
1 - Bo-+ package strawberry ?e%%-A
1 cup boi%ing water4 1 cup white sugar
2 - 1C o-+ packages &ro-en strawberries4 1 - =o-+ !oo% @hip
1 - 8o-+ !oo% @hip
1 bo, mi, o& Duncan ines ange%&ood cake baked to directions on the bo,
1 - 0o-+ package Baker2s !oconut
Bake ange%&ood cake according to bo, directions and %et coo%+ Pour bo, o& ?e%%-A into
a / , 1. , 2 cake pan+ 'dd boi%ing water and sugar+ #tir unti% disso%$ed+ 'dd
strawberries (partia%%y thawed) and stir+ <et it coo% and then re&rigerate unti% it starts to
ge% (about an hour)+ :emo$e &rom re&rigerator+ "ake the ange%&ood cake that you
baked &rom the bo, mi, and break it into wa%nut-si-ed pieces+ !ombine the cake
pieces and the =o-+ container o& !oo% @hip, stirring by hand with a spoon+ Pour the
cake/!oo% @hip mi,ture e$en%y o$er the ?e%%-A/strawberries+ #pread the remaining 8
o-+ container o& !oo% @hip o$er the top o& the cake (%ike you are icing it)+ #prink%e
coconut o$er the top+ 'dd s%iced &resh strawberries to the top i& you wish+
#&! - 2e9on Fli/
(by Aunt Betty [Herman] Arnol%)
1 - .o-+ package %emon ?e%%-A
1 %emon (%emons can be &ro-en in a p%astic bag4 when you2re ready to use them, put
each %emon in microwa$e &or 1 minute on high and then it2s ready to use)
1 cup white sugar
1 1/8 cups boi%ing water
1 - 12o-+ !arnation mi%k (re&rigerate o$ernight be&ore using)
1 bo, graham cracker crumbs (or can you break up graham crackers in a Iip%oc bag
and ro%% with a ro%%ing pin--they taste much better)
:e&rigerate the can o& !arnation mi%k o$ernight+ !ut the %emon in ha%&+ 7se a %emon
s)uee-er and s)uee-e out the >uice+ "hrow the seeds away+ 7se a grater and grate
the %emon rind+ 3n a bow% that wi%% withstand boi%ing water, add ?e%%-A, sugar, %emon
>uice, grated %emon rind, and boi%ing water+ Mi, with a spoon unti% the ?e%%-A is
disso%$ed+ <et coo% and then re&rigerate unti% it starts to ge%+ 3n the mi,er, beat the
!arnation mi%k unti% it comes to a peak and then add the %emon ?e%%-A mi,ture to the
beaten !arnation mi%k+ Mi, unti% smooth+ 3n a sma%% g%ass cake dish (about 0 , 11)
co$er the who%e bottom with graham cracker crumbs+ Pour the who%e ?e%%-A/!arnation
mi%k mi,ture on top o& the graham cracker crumbs+ !o$er the who%e top with more
graham cracker crumbs+ :e&rigerate o$ernight+ "he ne,t day, cut and ser$e+
#&$ - Pinea//le Coconut Cookies
(by Aunt Betty [Herman] Arnol%)
1 cup Parkay margarine (2 sticks)
1 cup white sugar
1 cup dark brown sugar
1 cup Do%e crushed pineapp%e (do not drain)
2 eggs
8 cups &%our
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
1 tsp+ baking soda
2 tsp+ $ani%%a
1 cup chopped nuts (optiona%--use pecans or wa%nuts)
1 - 0o-+ bag Baker2s coconut
3n a mi,er, b%end Parkay, white sugar, brown sugar, eggs and beat unti% creamy+ 'dd
pineapp%e inc%uding the >uice, baking soda, sa%t, and $ani%%a+ Beat unti% smooth and
add coconut and nuts (optiona%)+ B%end in &%our a cup at a time+ 3& it gets too sti&& &or the
mi,er, mi, the batter by hand+ Drop teaspoons&u% on a greased cookie sheet+ Bake at
.1C degrees &or 12-11 minutes or unti% go%den brown+
#&& - Fried Potatoes
(by #hirley McNevich)
Pee% 1 or B red potatoes+ #%ice potatoes into chips about 1/8 inch thick and p%ace in a
bow%+ 7se a cast iron &rying pan (%arge) and add 1 "B#P o& %ard or !risco in the pan+
Eou can dice a medium onion i& you desire+ "urn heat on medium and me%t the %ard or
shortening+ 'dd the s%iced potatoes and sprink%e 1 %e$e% tsp+ o& sa%t (and 1/2 tsp+
pepper i& you %ike pepper) o$er the potatoes and add the diced onion i& you wish+
P%ace a %id on top o& the &rying pan+ 5ry &or about 1 minutes, then use a spatu%a to turn
a%% o& the potatoes on the other side and brown that side about another 1 minutes+ 3& it
gets dry add more %ard/shortening+ "urn potatoes again with the spatu%a+ !ontinue
&rying and turning them &or about 2C minutes tota% unti% we%% browned+ "est with a &ork
&or doneness+
#&' - S/ring Anion aked Potatoes
(by #hirley McNevich)
Pee% B red potatoes+ #%ice potatoes into chips 1/8K thick+ #pray a 2 )t+ cassero%e dish
with Pam+ 'dd s%iced potatoes+ #prink%e 1 tsp+ sa%t and 1/2 tsp+ pepper o$er the top o&
the potatoes+ 'dd 2-. diced spring onions (e$ery bit o& each onion, stem and a%%)+ 'dd
2 "B#P butter or margarine to the top (cut in sma%% pieces)+ !o$er the cassero%e with
a %id or &oi% and bake at .01 degrees &or .C-8C minutes or unti% done+ "est potatoes
with a &ork &or doneness+ 3& you don2t ha$e spring onions, you can use a regu%ar onion
but it won2t come out as we%%+
#&( - Peanut utter Pie
(by Francis Kiv$o ( )rien%)
8 o-+ Phi%%y cream cheese
1 cup Domino2s powdered sugar
1/. cup ?i& peanut butter
1/2 cup mi%k
= o-+ !oo% @hip
1 Feeb%er pre-made choco%ate pie she%%
3n a mi,er, combine cream cheese, powdered sugar, peanut butter, and beat unti%
creamy+ #%ow%y add mi%k and continue mi,ing+ By hand, &o%d in the !oo% @hip+ Pour
batter into choco%ate pie she%% and smooth it out so itNs e$en+ 5ree-e o$ernight be&ore
eating+ Feep it &ro-en i& you ha$e pie %e&t o$er+
#'* - Carrot Cake
(by -ean [2homas] 2aylor)
2 cups white sugar
1 1/2 cups cano%a oi%
8 eggs
2 tsp+ baking powder
1 tsp+ sa%t
2 tsp+ cinnamon
2 cups &%our
. cups raw grated carrots
1 cup chopped wa%nuts (optiona%)
;rate the carrots and set aside+ 3n a mi,er, combine sugar, oi%, and eggs+ Beat unti%
creamy+ 'dd baking powder, sa%t, and cinnamon+ ;radua%%y add the &%our+ Beat unti%
smooth+ :emo$e &rom mi,er and &o%d in grated carrots with a spoon (and wa%nuts i&
desired)+ Pour batter into a / , 1. , 2 greased and &%oured cake pan+ Bake at .1C
degrees &or .1-8C minutes+ "est &or doneness with a toothpick+
3cing9 1/2 cup butter (room temperature), 1 - =o-+ package Phi%%y cream cheese, room
temperature (or &rom re&rigerator, microwa$e 92C seconds on high--must remo$e
cream cheese &rom &oi% be&ore putting in microwa$e), 2 cups powdered sugar , 1
tab%espoon %emon >uice+
!ream together the butter and cream cheese unti% smooth+ #%ow%y whip in the
powdered sugar and %emon >uice+ 3ce the cake when cake is coo%+
#'1 - Peanut utter Cookies
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 cup Parkay margarine
1 cup white sugar
1 cup dark brown sugar (packed)
2 eggs
1 "B#P $ani%%a
1 cup ?i& peanut butter
. cups &%our
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
2 tsp+ baking soda
3n a mi,er, combine margarine, both sugars, eggs and beat unti% creamy+ 'dd $ani%%a,
sa%t, baking soda, peanut butter and add &%our a cup at a time+ @hen you get to the
third cup it might be too sti&& &or the mi,er so you may need to continue by hand+ Drop
teaspoons&u% on a greased cookie sheet+ 7se a &ew "B#P o& sugar in a sma%% dish+
7se a &ork and put one criss cross on the &irst cookie to get the &ork sticky+ Dip &ork in
the sugar each time as you add criss cross pattern to a%% o& the cookies+ Bake at .1C
degrees &or 1C-12 minutes unti% brown+
#'2 - Scallo/ed Potatoes
(by #hirley McNevich)
Pee% 8-1 medium red potatoes+ #%ice them into chips about 1/8K thick+ Put in a 2 )t+
cassero%e sprayed with Pam+ Eou can dice a sma%% onion and add i& you wish+
#prink%e with a tsp+ o& sa%t and 1/2 tsp+ pepper o$er the top+ 'dd enough mi%k to co$er
potatoes+ 'dd 2 heaping "B#P o& &%our+ #tir e$erything with a spoon unti% we%% mi,ed+
Put 2 "B#P Parkay o$er the top and bake .01 degrees &or one hour+ "est with a &ork
to make sure they2re done+ Don2t co$er with a %id or they wi%% cook out+
#'3 - Bclair Cake
(by Alma 'ussell ( )rien%)
1 pound oney graham crackers
2 - .o-+ packages instant 5rench $ani%%a pudding
. 1/2 cups mi%k
1 - =o-+ !oo% @hip
Butter the bottom o& a / , 1. , 2 cake pan+ <ine the bottom o& the cake pan with
who%e graham crackers+ 3n a mi,er, b%end the pudding and the mi%k at medium speed
&or 2 minutes+ :emo$e &rom mi,er and stir in the !oo% @hip by hand+ Pour ha%& o& the
batter o$er the graham crackers+ #mooth out the batter+ P%ace a second %ayer o&
who%e graham crackers on top o& the batter and then pour the remaining batter o$er
the second %ayer o& graham crackers+ !o$er the entire top with another %ater o&
graham crackers+ :e&rigerate &or 2 hours, then add the &o%%owing &rosting9 B "B#P
ershey2s cocoa, 2 "B#P cano%a oi%, 2 tsp+ white Faro syrup, 2 tsp+ $ani%%a, 2 "B#P
me%ted butter, 1 1/2 cups Domino2s powdered sugar, . "B#P mi%k+ 7sing a mi,er,
beat a%% &rosting ingredients together unti% smooth+ #pread e$en%y on top o& cake+
:e&rigerate o$ernight &or best resu%ts+
#'4 - Cherry #elight
(by #hirley McNevich)
8 egg whites
1/8 tsp+ cream o& tartar
1 1/2 cups white sugar
1/2 cup chopped nuts (wa%nuts or pecans)
1 1/2 cups crushed :it- crackers
8 en$e%opes o& Dream @hip
1 can cherry pie &i%%ing
Make Dream @hip according to directions on package+ 3n a mi,er, beat egg whites
and cream o& tartar unti% sti&&+ "ake mi,ing bow% o&& o& mi,er and continue by hand+
'dd sugar, nuts, and crushed :it- crackers (you can crush them in a Iip%oc bag using
a ro%%ing pin)+ #tir e$erything with a spoon+ ;rease a / , 1. , 2 cake pan+ Pour the
batter into the cake pan and smooth it out+ Bake at .21 degrees &or 21 minutes+ <et it
coo%+ @hi%e it2s coo%ing, make Dream @hip according to package directions+ Pour the
Dream @hip o$er the coo%ed cake+ 'dd the cherry pie &i%%ing o$er the top o& the Dream
@hip+ :e&rigerate o$ernight be&ore ser$ing+
#'! - 2e9on SCuares
(by 1hyllis [Ne))] Moyer ( )rien%)
1/2 cup butter
1 cup &%our
1/8 cup Domino2s powdered sugar
1 cup white sugar
2 "B#P &%our
2 beaten eggs
2 1/2 "B#P %emon >uice
3n a bow%, combine butter, 1 cup &%our, and powdered sugar and mi, with a spoon+ 3n
a greased = , = , 2 s)uare pan, pat the mi,ture e$en%y on the bottom o& the pan+
Bake it at .21 degrees &or 2C minutes+ Do not coo% crust+ 3n a mi,er, combine white
sugar, eggs, 2 "B#P &%our, and the %emon >uice+ Mi, unti% smooth+ Pour mi,ture o$er
the hot crust+ Bake at .21 degrees &or 21 minutes+ :emo$e &rom o$en and %et it coo%+
#prink%e some powdered sugar o$er the top+ :e&rigerate &or at %east 2 hours be&ore
cutting into s)uares+
#'$ - Pu9/kin Cake
(by #hirley 'oss)
8 eggs
1 2/. cups white sugar
2 cups &%our
2 tsp+ baking powder
1 cup cano%a oi%
2 tsp+ cinnamon
1 - 11-1Bo-+ can pumpkin
1 tsp+ baking soda
1 tsp+ sa%t
3n a mi,er, combine eggs, sugar, oi%, and pumpkin+ Beat unti% %ight and &%u&&y+ 'dd
&%our, baking powder, cinnamon, sa%t, and baking soda+ Mi, thorough%y+ #pread batter
in greased and &%oured / , 1. , 2 cake pan+ Bake at .1C degrees &or .C-.1 minutes+
"est with toothpick &or doneness+ !oo% and &rost with this topping9 1 - .o-+ bo, instant
$ani%%a pudding, 1/8 cup powdered sugar, 1/2 cup co%d mi%k, 1 - =o-+ !oo% @hip+ 3n a
mi,er, combine pudding, powdered sugar and mi%k+ :emo$e bow% &rom mi,er, then
using a spoon &o%d in !oo% @hip+ #pread e$en%y on cake+ Best i& kept re&rigerated+
#'& - )ini Cheesecakes
(by #hirley McNevich)
12 $ani%%a wa&ers
2 - =o-+ packages cream cheese
1/2 cup white sugar
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
2 eggs
12 &oi% cupcake %iners
<ine mu&&in tins with &oi% cupcake %iners+ 3n a mi,er, combine cream cheese, sugar,
and $ani%%a unti% smooth+ 'dd eggs and mi, we%%+ Put one $ani%%a wa&er in each &oi%
%iner (p%ace them upside down)+ #poon batter o$er wa&ers, &i%%ing each ./8 &u%%+ Bake at
.21 degrees &or 21 minutes+ !oo% the cheesecakes and then add your choice o& pie
&i%%ing or &resh &ruit to the top o& each cheesecake+
#'' - Sal9on Cakes
(by #hirley McNevich)
1- 18+0o-+ can red sa%mon
2 eggs
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
1/2 tsp+ pepper
1/2 medium onion &ine%y chopped
1/8 cup &resh, &ro-en, or dried pars%ey
1 1/2 cups crushed cracker crumbs
cano%a oi% &or &rying
Put sa%mon in a %arge bow%, >uice inc%uded (remo$e any bones)+ 7se a &ork to pu%%
sa%mon apart to remo$e any %arge chunks+ 'dd the eggs and mi, together using the
&ork+ 'dd onion, pars%ey, sa%t, pepper, and 1 heaping cup cracker crumbs+ #coop out
sa%mon mi,ture (about the si-e o& a %arge meatba%%) and &orm into a cake+ :epeat with
the rest o& the sa%mon mi,ture+ 5i%% a sma%% dish with more crackers crumbs and dip
each sa%mon cake on both sides into the crumbs+ 5ry in a &rying pan with cano%a oi%+
Brown on both sides+
#'( - Fantasy Fudge
(by 2ami [4immerman] ,hamberlin)
1 - 12 o-+ can !arnation mi%k
1 - 2%b+ bag or bo, Domino2s powdered sugar
1 stick Parkay margarine
1 - 12o-+ bag Jest%MNs choco%ate bits
1 cup ?i& peanut butter
1 - =o-+ >ar 5%u&& marshma%%ow
3n a saucepan, add mi%k, powdered sugar and margarine o$er medium heat+ Bring to
a boi%, stirring constant%y+ #tir constant%y &or si, minutes a&ter it starts to boi% (i& you
ha$e a candy thermometer bring the temp+ up to 2.8 degrees)+ "urn the heat down to
%ow and make sure it keeps bubb%ing (i& it2s not bubb%ing turn the heat up a bit)+ #tir in
choco%ate bits, peanut butter, and marshma%%ow+ #tir unti% e$erything is disso%$ed and
$ery smooth+ Pour in a / , 1. , 2 cake pan %ined with &oi%+ @hen it2s coo% enough,
re&rigerate &or se$era% hours, then dump &udge upside down on cutting board and pee%
o&& &oi%+ !ut into s)uares+ Feep &udge s)uares re&rigerated+
#(* - Chocolatey utterscotch -reats
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 - Bo-+ package Jest%MNs butterscotch morse%s
1/2 cup ?i& peanut butter
. cups Fe%%ogg2s !ocoa Frispies cerea%
Me%t butterscotch morse%s and peanut butter in a saucepan o$er GH:E %ow heat,
stirring constant%y unti% smooth+ :emo$e &rom heat when e$erything is me%ted and
smooth+ 'dd the cerea% and stir unti% the cerea% is we%% coated+ Press mi,ture e$en%y
into a buttered 11+1K , 0+1K , 1K pan+ !hi%% in re&rigerator unti% &irm+ :emo$e &rom
re&rigerator &or ten minutes be&ore cutting into s)uares+
#(1 - Crea9y Fettuccini 3lfredo
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 - =o-+ Phi%%y cream cheese (cubed)
./8 cup rea% grated parmesan cheese (better i& it2s not the &ine%y grated kind in the
1/2 cup Parkay margarine
1/2 cup mi%k
=o-+ cooked and drained &ettuccini (cooked to desired doneness)
3n a saucepan o$er %ow heat, combine cream cheese, parmesan cheese, Parkay, and
mi%k+ Feep stirring unti% smooth and hot+ !ook &ettuccini, drain it, and return it to the
hot pan you >ust cooked it in (do not rinse nood%es-->ust drain them)+ Pour the a%&redo
sauce o$er the top and stir+
#(2 - )agic Cookie ars
(by *ois [1enny&ac$er] Minnich)
1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
1 stick Parkay margarine
1/. cup Baker2s coconut
1 cup Jest%MNs choco%ate bits
1 cup chopped nuts (optiona%)
1 cup Borden2s condensed mi%k
Me%t the margarine in the microwa$e+ 3n a sma%% bow%, add the graham cracker
crumbs and the me%ted margarine+ #tir we%%, and then use the mi,ture to co$er the
bottom o& a buttered / , 1. , 2 cake pan+ "op with a %ayer o& coconut, then a %ayer o&
choco%ate bits, then a %ayer o& nuts i& desired+ Pour the cup o& condensed mi%k e$en%y
o$er the who%e top+ Bake at .1C degrees &or .C minutes+ <et it coo% be&ore cutting into
#(3 - 5o9e9ade Peanut rittle
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 cup Fing syrup mo%asses
1 cup white sugar
1 "B#P butter or Parkay margarine
./8 tsp+ sa%t
12-1Bo-+ b%anched peanuts
1 tsp+ baking soda
!ombine Fing syrup, sugar, butter, and sa%t in a saucepan+ !ook o$er medium heat
unti% a%% o& the sugar is disso%$ed+ 'dd the who%e bag o& b%anched peanuts to the mi,+
#tir constant%y unti% the peanuts become %ight brown+ :emo$e &rom heat and )uick%y
stir in baking soda+ #pread on a sha%%ow, greased pan (a cookie sheet with a %ip works
best)+ <et it coo% to room temperature (about an hour) to gi$e it time to harden+ 3t
shou%d be hard and coo% to the touch be&ore you break it up+ 3n$ert the pan and dump+
!rack into sma%%er pieces using the hand%e o& a butter kni&e+
#(4 - )eatloaf
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 en$e%ope <ipton :ecipe #ecrets Anion Mushroom soup mi,
2 pounds ground chuck
1 1/2 cups &resh &i%%ing bread (or break up your own using &resh bread)
1/2 cup seasoned 8! breadcrumbs
2 eggs
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
1/2 tsp+ pepper
./8 cup ketchup
1/8 cup water
. "B#P @orcestershire sauce
1 medium chopped onion
1 - 12o-+ can mushrooms chopped (optiona%)
3n a %arge bow%, combine a%% ingredients and mi, thorough%y using your hands+ #hape
it into either one %arge %oa& or two sma%%er %oa$es+ #pray a baking pan with Pam and
add 1/8 cup water+ P%ace meat%oa& in the pan+ Bake at .1C degrees (unco$ered) &or
one hour (shou%d be brown on top)+ 3& you make >ust one %arge %oa& it wi%% take %onger
to get done+
#(! - Pi9ento Cheese S/read
(by Alice 'au& ( )rien%)
. eggs
. "B#P cider $inegar
8 heaping "B#P white sugar
1 tsp+ sa%t
. "B#P butter
1 - =o-+ Phi%%y !ream !heese
1 >ar o& chopped pimentos
3n a saucepan, add $inegar, sugar, and sa%t+ Beat the eggs with a &ork and add to the
saucepan+ !ook ingredients on medium heat and stir constant%y unti% it2s thick+ 'dd
butter and stir+ :emo$e &rom heat and %et it coo% &or about 11 minutes+ 3t shou%d be
coo% to the touch+ Drain the >ar o& pimentos and put them on a cutting board--chop
them &ine%y+ 7sing a mi,er beat the cream cheese unti% creamy+ 'dd the cooked
mi,ture to the cream cheese, and a%so the pimentos+ Beat it &or a &ew minutes unti%
e$erything is mi,ed thorough%y+ Put in the re&rigerator o$ernight+ 7se it as a spread &or
chips, ce%ery, crackers, etc+ :ecipe can be doub%ed, trip%ed, etc+ &or %arge gatherings+
#($ - 3ldine aked eans
(by *illian Boyer)
1 %b+ >umbo marrow beans (dry, uncooked)
1/2 %b+ bacon
1 "B#P sa%t
1 tsp+ pepper
1 cup white sugar
@ash the dry beans in co%d water+ #oak them o$ernight with enough water to co$er
them+ !ook the beans in the same water that you soaked them in--add sa%t, stir, and
cook o$er medium heat+ #tir whi%e they are cooking+ "o test i& they2re done, taste one
to make sure that the bean is so&t and not hard+ 3& it2s so&t, they2re done+ 3& it2s hard,
continue cooking+ 5ry the bacon and cut into sma%%er pieces and add to the
beans/water+ Put . "B#P o& the bacon grease into the beans+ 'dd the pepper and
the sugar+ #tir e$erything together+ P%ace entire mi,ture in a Dutch o$en, making sure
there is enough water to co$er the beans and bake at .CC degrees &or three hours+
Do not put a %id on the Dutch o$en+ Don2t stir them a&ter putting in the o$en+ "hey
bake rea%%y s%ow%y at &irst and you think they2re not doing anything+
#(& - aked 2i9a eans
(by #hirley McNevich)
8 - 1%b+ cans buttered %ima beans
B-= s%ices bacon (&ried and cut in sma%% pieces)
1 %e$e% tsp+ 5rench2s ye%%ow mustard
. heaping "B#P Domino2s dark brown sugar
. "B#P Fing #yrup mo%asses
1/2 cup ein- ketchup
Apen the cans o& beans+ 7se a spoon to throw out the >uice that is on the top in each
can, but do not drain the beans+ #pray a 2 )t+ cassero%e dish with Pam+ Put the beans
in the cassero%e dish+ 'dd the &ried bacon a%ong with 2 "B#P o& bacon grease that
resu%ted &rom &rying the bacon+ 'dd mustard, brown sugar, mo%asses, ketchup+ #tir a%%
ingredients with a spoon unti% we%% mi,ed+ Bake at .01 degrees &or 1 hour
(unco$ered)+ #tir them when they are cooked ha%&way (.C minutes)+
#(' - aked Pork D eans
(by #hirley McNevich)
8 - 1%b+ cans pork 2n beans
B-= s%ices bacon (&ried and cut in sma%% pieces)
1 %e$e% tsp+ 5rench2s ye%%ow mustard
. heaping "B#P Domino2s dark brown sugar
. "B#P Fing #yrup mo%asses
1/2 cup ein- ketchup
Apen the cans o& beans+ 7se a spoon to throw out the >uice that is on the top in each
can, but do not drain the beans+ :emo$e the pork pieces &rom the pork 2n beans and
throw away+ #pray a 2 )t+ cassero%e dish with Pam+ Put the beans in the cassero%e
dish+ 'dd the &ried bacon a%ong with 2 "B#P o& bacon grease that resu%ted &rom &rying
the bacon+ 'dd mustard, brown sugar, mo%asses, ketchup+ #tir a%% ingredients with a
spoon unti% we%% mi,ed+ Bake at .01 degrees &or 1 hour (unco$ered)+ #tir them when
they are cooked ha%&way (.C minutes)+
#(( - -hree ean Salad
(by Hannah Garman ( )rien%)
1 - 18/1Bo-+ can kidney beans
1 - 18+1o-+ can ye%%ow wa, beans
1 - 18+1o-+ can green string beans
1/2 cup chopped carrots
1/2 cup chopped onions (optiona%)
1/2 cup chopped ce%ery
1/2 cup chopped green pepper
./8 cup sugar
1/. cup cano%a oi%
1/2 cup cider $inegar
Drain and throw away the >uice &rom the cans o& beans+ Put the beans in a %arge bow%+
'dd carrots, onions, ce%ery, and green pepper to the beans+ 3n a sma%% saucepan o$er
medium heat, combine sugar, oi%, and $inegar and bring it to a boi%+ :emo$e &rom
heat and %et it coo% &or 2C minutes+ Pour this mi,ture o$er a%% other ingredients and mi,
we%% with a spoon by hand+ !o$er and re&rigerate o$ernight+
#1** - roccoli Salad
(by Hannah Garman ( )rien%)
1 cup e%man2s %ight mayo
1/2 cup white sugar
2 tsp+ cider $inegar
1 chopped sma%% onion (optiona%)
12 s%ices &ried and crumb%ed bacon
1 bunch o& &resh brocco%i
5ry and crumb%e bacon in sma%% pieces+ @ash and cut brocco%i into bite-si-ed pieces+
3n a sma%% bow%, combine mayo, sugar, $inegar and onion and mi, with a spoon+
#prink%e bacon on top o& the brocco%i+ Pour the mayo/sugar/$inegar/onion o$er the top
o& the brocco%i/bacon and mi, comp%ete%y with a spoon+ !o$er and re&rigerate
#1*1 - Crea9y Cra4 #i/
(by 2erri #te.art ( )rien%)
1 - =o-+ package Phi%%y cream cheese
1 "B#P dry white wine or $ermouth
2 "B#P minced onion
1/2 tsp+ prepared white horseradish
1/8 tsp+ sa%t
1/= tsp+ pepper
1/2 pound %ump crab meat
1/8 cup s%iced a%monds (optiona%)
Preheat o$en to .01 degrees+ 3n a medium bow%, combine cream cheese and wine+
B%end we%%+ Mi, in onion, horseradish, sa%t, and pepper+ 5o%d in crab meat+ "rans&er
mi,ture to a sma%% sha%%ow baking dish and sprink%e with a%monds+ Bake 11 minutes or
unti% a%monds are go%den brown and mi,ture is hot and bubb%y+
#1*2 - Pu9/kin Cookies
(by Grace 'osenblum ( )rien%)
2 cups &%our
1 tsp+ baking powder
1 tsp+ cinnamon
1 tsp+ sa%t
1 cup white sugar
1 cup Parkay margarine (2 sticks)
1 cup canned pumpkin
1 egg
1 cup dates A: raisins
1/2 cup chopped nuts
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
3& you2re using raisins, put them in a saucepan, co$er with water and bring to a boi%
and cook &or &i$e minutes, then drain+ 3n a bow%, si&t &%our, baking powder, baking
soda, cinnamon, and sa%t+ #et aside+ 3n a mi,er, combine sugar, Parkay, and egg+
Beat unti% smooth+ 'dd pumpkin, then s%ow%y add the &%our/baking powder/baking
soda/cinnamon/sa%t mi,ture+ 'dd $ani%%a+ 'dd cooked raisins A: dates+ 'dd nuts+ Mi,
unti% smooth+ Drop teaspoons&u% on a greased cookie sheet+ Bake at .1C degrees &or
1C-12 minutes+ @hen coo%, you can ice with our icing recipe Q2 and sprink%e with nuts
i& you wish+
#1*3 - Pound Cake
(by Mitzie [#ha%e] illiams ( )rien%)
1/2 cups chopped pecans (optiona%)
1 1/2 cups butter (so&tened) (or Parkay margarine)
1 - =o-+ Phi%%y cream cheese (so&tened)
. cups white sugar
B eggs
. cups si&ted cake &%our
1/8 tsp+ sa%t
1 1/2 tsp+ $ani%%a
#prink%e chopped nuts into greased ange% &ood cake pan+ 3n a mi,er, combine sugar,
cream cheese and beat unti% &%u&&y+ 'dd eggs one at a time, beating we%% a&ter adding
each egg+ 'dd &%our, sa%t, and $ani%%a+ Beat unti% smooth+ Pour batter into ange% &ood
cake pan+ Bake at .21 degrees &or /C minutes+ !oo% in pan 1C-11 minutes, then &%ip
upside down to remo$e+
#1*4 - Filling
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 bag &i%%ing bread (18-1B o-+)
1/2 cup chopped ce%ery (use %ea$es and e$erything &rom heart, and some o& the sta%k)
1 medium onion (chopped)
1/2 cup &resh pars%ey or dried pars%ey &%akes
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
1/2 tsp+ pepper
. eggs (beaten)
1/2 cup mi%k
2 "B#P Parkay margarine
3n a &rying pan, add Parkay, onion, ce%ery, and pars%ey+ eat on medium heat with %id
on &or 1C minutes, stirring a&ter &irst 1 minutes+ #pray a 2 )t+ cassero%e with Pam+ Put
&i%%ing bread in a mi,ing bow% and add the onion/ce%ery/pars%ey mi,ture and mi, with
your hands+ 'dd the eggs and mi%k and continue mi,ing with your hands+ Pour
e$erything into the cassero%e dish and pat it down with your hands+ Bake at .01
degrees &or .C-.1 minutes with the %id on+ Bake unti% it2s s%ight%y brown+ 3& you2re
making this &or stu&&ing &or turkey dinner, once e$erything is mi,ed you can stu&& it
inside the turkey be&ore baking (you can doub%e the recipe i& you2re using a big
#1*! - 2e9on S/onge Pie
(by 1hyllis [Ne))] Moyer ( )rien%)
1 - / inch pie crust (unbaked)
1/2 cup me%ted butter or margarine
1 cup white sugar
. "B#P &%our
. s%ight%y beaten egg yo%ks
. "B#P %emon >uice
2 tsp+ grated %emon pee%
1 1/2 cups mi%k
. sti&&%y beaten egg whites
Beat egg whites and set aside+ 3n a mi,er, add me%ted butter/margarine, sugar, egg
yo%ks and beat+ 'dd &%our+ 'dd %emon >uice and grated %emon pee%+ #%ow%y add mi%k
and beat+ 'dd the beaten egg whites and beat+ Pour into a /K unbaked pie crust+
Preheat o$en to 81C degrees+ @hen o$en is ready, bake pie &or = minutes+ "urn heat
down to .21 degrees and bake &or 21 minutes %onger+
#1*$ - 5o9e9ade Cara9els
(by Martha [0n+le] #.eetser)
2 cans Hag%e brand condensed mi%k
1 cup dark brown Domino2s sugar
1 - 1Bo-+ bott%e o& dark Fayro corn syrup
1 pound butter
!ombine a%% ingredients in a saucepan o$er medium heat--you must stir constant%y+
eat unti% sma%% amount o& the mi,ture wi%% &orm a so&t ba%% i& you drop it in a g%ass o&
co%d water+ @hen done, pour on a greased cookie sheet that has a %ip on a%% &our
sides+ <et coo%+ !ut into 1K s)uare pieces and wrap indi$idua%%y in sma%% pieces o& wa,
paper, twisting the ends c%osed+
#1*& - Peach :uchen
(by Hannah Garman ( )rien%)
1/2 cup butter
2 cups &%our
1/8 tsp+ baking powder
1 tsp+ cinnamon
1 cup white sugar
2 egg yo%ks
1 cup sour cream
1 %arge can peaches (ha%$ed)
3n a sma%% bow%, add butter, &%our, baking powder, and . "B#P sugar out o& the cup o&
sugar+ 'dd the tsp+ o& cinnamon to the remainder o& the cup o& sugar and stir it up--
sa$e the rest o& the sugar &or %ater+ Mi, by hand+ Pat the mi,ture in the bottom o& an =
, = , 2 g%ass or a%uminum baking pan+ #pread peach ha%$es o$er the top+ Pour the
sugar/cinnamon o$er the top o& the peaches+ Pre-heat o$en to 8CC degrees+ Bake &or
11 minutes+ @hi%e it2s baking, beat the 2 egg yo%ks by hand and mi, in the sour
cream+ '&ter 11 minutes, remo$e &rom o$en and pour the egg yo%k/sour cream mi,
o$er the top+ :eturn to o$en and bake &or .C additiona% minutes+ <et it coo% and then
#1*' - Pu9/kin Pie
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 - 11 o-+ can <ibby2s 1CCD pure pumpkin
./8 cup white sugar
1/2 tsp+ cinnamon
1 tsp+ sa%t
. %arge eggs
1 cup 2D mi%k
1 unbaked /K pie she%% (8 cup $o%ume) (our pie crust recipe is Q.. on this b%og)
By hand, mi, pumpkin, sugar, sa%t, cinnamon+ 3n a separate bow% beat the eggs with a
&ork+ 'dd the eggs to the mi,ture and stir them in+ #tir in the mi%k+ #pray the pie p%ate
with Pam, then put in the pie dough and &%ute the edges+ #pray the inside o& the pie
dough with Pam+ Pour the pumpkin mi,ture into the pie she%%+ #prink%e the cinnamon
o$er the top o& the pumpkin+ Put sma%% pieces o& &oi% around >ust the edge o& the pie
crust a%% the way around the pie so it doesn2t burn+ Pre-heat o$en to 821 degrees+
P%ace in o$en and bake &or 11 minutes+ "urn the temperature back to .1C degrees+
Bake &or another .1 minutes+ Apen o$en door and remo$e the &oi% &rom the pie crust
edges+ :eturn to o$en and bake another 11 minutes+ @hen you think it2s done, insert
a kni&e through the midd%e o& the pie+ 3& it2s c%ean when it comes out, it2s done+ 3& not,
bake a &ew more minutes and retest+
#1*( - Potato Sou/
(by #hirley McNevich)
B - = medium red potatoes (cubed)
1 medium onion chopped
.-8 sta%ks o& ce%ery (chopped4 i& you use the %ea$es, chop them &ine)
1 tsp+ sa%t
1/2 tsp+ pepper
1 "B#P pars%ey &%akes or &resh pars%ey
2 "B#P Parkay margarine
1 1/2 cups mi%k
Put cubed potatoes in a pot and co$er them ha%&way with water+ 'dd the onion,
ce%ery, sa%t, pars%ey and pepper+ !ook the potatoes unti% they are so&t when you stick
them with a &ork+ 'dd the margarine and the mi%k+ #tir and continue heating+
#11* - Stra+4erry Shortcake
(by #hirley McNevich)
2 1/. cups origina% Bis)uick mi,
1/2 cup mi%k
. "B#P white sugar
. "B#P butter or Parkay margarine (me%ted)
Pre-heat o$en to 8CC degrees+ By hand, stir the Bis)uick, mi%k, sugar, and me%ted
butter/margarine unti% a so&t dough &orms+ Pour batter in an = , = , 2 cake pan or a /
inch round cake pan+ Pat dough down with your hand unti% it2s e$en a%% o$er the
bottom o& the pan+ Bake &or 11 - 2C minutes unti% go%den brown+ "est with a toothpick
&or doneness+ @hi%e the shortcake is coo%ing, wash and de-stem 1 )uart o& &resh
strawberries+ @ith a potato masher, mash the berries+ 'dd 1/2 cup white sugar to the
berries and stir--taste a sma%% spoon&u%--add more sugar i& it2s not sweet enough+ "o
ser$e, p%ace a piece o& shortcake in a bow%, crumb%e the cake into sma%% pieces, pour
some berries o$er the top, and add a %itt%e co%d mi%k+
#111 - 39a;ing Coconut Pie
(by #hirley McNevich)
2 cups mi%k
./8 cup white sugar
1/2 cup Bis)uick mi,
8 eggs
1/8 cup butter or margarine
1 1/2 tsp+ $ani%%a
1 cup Baker2s ange%&%ake coconut
3n a b%ender, combine mi%k, sugar, Bis)uick, eggs, butter, and $ani%%a+ !o$er and
b%end on %ow speed &or . minutes+ Pour into a greased /K pie pan+ <et stand &or 1
minutes+ #prink%e the coconut o$er the top+ Bake at .1C degrees &or 8C minutes+ Eou
can ser$e it warm or re&rigerate and ser$e it co%d+
#112 - I9/ossi4le Pu9/kin Pie
(by Mitzie [#ha%e] illiams ( )rien%)
1 eggs
1/2 stick Parkay margarine
1/2 cup Bis)uick mi,
1 cup mi%k
./8 cup white sugar
2 cups canned pumpkin
1 "B#P $ani%%a
3n a b%ender, combine eggs, margarine, Bis)uick, mi%k, sugar, pumpkin, and $ani%%a+
B%end on %ow &or . minutes+ Pour into a greased /K pie pan+ Bake at .1C degrees &or
11 minutes+ Don2t open the o$en door whi%e baking+
#113 - Cru94 Pie
(by Hannah Garman ( )rien%)
2 cups &%our
1 cup white sugar
1/2 cup !risco A: 1/2 cup Parkay margarine
1/2 cup Brer :abbit mo%asses (green %abe%)
1 tsp+ baking soda
1 cup hot tap water
./8 tsp+ sa%t
1 - 1CK pie crust (recipe Q.. i& you want to make it &rom scratch)
Mi, by hand in a bow% - &%our, sugar, sa%t, and !risco/Parkay+ Mi, with your hands unti%
it2s crumb%y+ "ake out 1/2 cup o& the crumb mi,ture and set aside+ 3n another bow%,
mi, with a spoon the mo%asses, water, baking soda and stir unti% the baking soda
&i--es+ 'dd the crumb mi,ture to the mo%asses mi,ture+ Mi, thorough%y, then pour into
the 1CK unbaked pie crust+ Pour the 1/2 cup o& crumb mi,ture that you set aside o$er
the top o& the pie+ Bake at .21 degrees &or 1 hour+ "est with a toothpick &or doneness+
#114 - Pecan Pie
(by #hirley McNevich)
. eggs, s%ight%y beaten
1 cup Fayro dark corn syrup
1 cup white sugar
2 "B#P me%ted Parkay margarine
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
1 1/2 cups pecans, chopped
1 unbaked /K pie crust (our pie crust is recipe Q..)
3n a %arge bow%, stir together the eggs, Fayro, sugar, Parkay, and $ani%%a+ #tir by hand
unti% we%% mi,ed+ #tir in pecans+ #pray the pie tin with Pam+ P%ace pie dough into pie
tin and spray inside o& the pie with Pam+ 5%ute the edges o& the pie dough+ Pour
mi,ture into pie she%%+ Bake at .1C degrees &or 1C-11 minutes, or unti% a kni&e inserted
in the midd%e comes out c%ean+
#11! - ro+n Sugar Icing
(by Aunt Florence [Herman] Brosius)
(good &or choco%ate cakes/cookies/cupcakes)
1/2 cup butter
1 cup Domino2s dark brown sugar
1/8 cup mi%k
2 cups Domino2s powdered sugar
Me%t butter in saucepan o$er medium heat+ 'dd the brown sugar and stir+ 'dd mi%k
and then bring to a boi%+ Boi% &or 2 minutes, stirring constant%y+ !oo% to %ukewarm+ 'dd
powdered sugar and beat with a spoon+ 3ce your cake, cookies, or cupcakes+
#11$ - 2e9on Cake
(by *illian 2homas ( )rien%)
1 package Duncan ines ye%%ow cake mi,
1 - .+1o-+ ?e%%-A %emon instant pudding
8 eggs
./8 cup co%d tap water
./8 cup cano%a oi%
3n a mi,er, combine a%% ingredients and b%end a%% together+ Ance mi,ed, beat the
mi,ture on medium &or 1 minutes+ ;rease an ange%&ood cake pan+ Pour the batter into
the cake pan+ Bake at .1C degrees &or 1 hour+ 7se icing be%ow+
3cing9 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar, 2 "B#P butter, the >uice that you can s)uee-e out
o& a &resh %emon, 1/8 cup warm tap water (i& it comes out thick, add more water)+ 3n a
mi,er, b%end a%% ingredients unti% smooth+ 3ce the cake a&ter the cake is coo%+
#11& - Cantonese ake
(by Grace 'osenblum ( )rien%)
1 - Bo-+ can name brand tuna &ish
1 can o& !ampbe%%2s cream o& mushroom soup
1/8 cup water to thin the soup
1 cup o& chopped ce%ery
1/8 cup chopped onion
1 sma%% can s%iced water chestnuts
1 sma%% can o& !hinese nood%es
1 can cashew nuts
3n a bow% mi, by hand a%% o& the ingredients+ Put in a greased baking dish or cassero%e
dish+ #prink%e chopped cashew nuts o$er the top+ Bake at .1C degrees &or 21
minutes+ #er$e hot+
#11' - S+iss Steak
(by #hirley McNevich)
2 %bs+ either round steak or sir%oin steak
2 cans !ampbe%%2s tomato soup
1/2 chopped medium onion
1 tsp+ sa%t
1/2 tsp+ pepper
!ut the steak into &ist-si-ed pieces+ Put steak in a &rying pan, spray with Pam, add 1/2
chopped medium onion and brown the steak on both sides+ Pour ./8 cup o& water into
the pan and then trans&er e$erything to a Dutch o$en+ 'dd the tomato soup and
another 1/2 cup water+ #tir e$erything with a spoon+ 'dd 1 tsp+ sa%t and 1/2 tsp+
pepper and stir+ Bake at .1C degrees &or /C minutes--turn steaks a&ter the &irst 81
minutes and then return to o$en+ "est with a &ork--i& not tender enough, bake %onger+
#11( - Eegeta4le Pi;;a
(by 2ami [Nei%i+] Moo%y ( )rien%)
2 packages crescent ro%% dough A: 2 packages pi--a crust mi,
1 - =o-+ Phi%%y cream cheese
1/2 cup mayo
1 package idden Ga%%ey :anch dressing (dry)
= o-+ grated mo--are%%a cheese
1 bunch brocco%i (chopped)
1 green pepper (chopped)
1 sma%% head cau%i&%ower (chopped)
1 sma%% onion (chopped)
1 cup shredded carrots
1 cup chopped ce%ery
1 tomato (chopped)
1/2 pound s%iced or chopped pepperoni
Make the dough according to package directions and press into a >e%%y ro%% pan (11
1/2K , 1C 1/2K , 1K deep)+ Press the seams together i& you made the two ba%%s o&
dough separate%y+ Bake &o%%owing the directions on the package+ 3n a mi,er, s%ow%y
combine cream cheese, mayo and idden Ga%%ey dressing mi,+ !oo% the crust, then
spread the cream cheese/mayo/ranch mi,ture on the dough+ H$en%y distribute the
cau%i&%ower, brocco%i, green pepper, onion, carrots, tomato and pepperoni on the
pi--a+ H$en%y distribute the mo--are%%a cheese on the pi--a %ast+ #er$e hot or co%d--i&
ser$ing hot, bake at .1C degrees &or 11-2C minutes++
#12* - Pu9/kin read
(*aura [Frey] McDonal%( )rien%)
. cups white sugar
1 cup !risco A: Parkay margarine
2 cups canned pumpkin
2/. cup co%d tap water
. 1/. cups si&ted &%our
2 tsp+ baking soda
1 1/2 tsp+ sa%t
1 1/2 tsp+ pumpkin spice (i& you don2t ha$e pumpkin spice you can substitute 1 tsp+
cinnamon, 1/2 tsp+ nutmeg, and 1 tsp+ ground ginger)
3n a mi,er, combine sugar, !risco A: Parkay+ 'dd pumpkin and water and b%end+
'dd a%% the other ingredients and mi, we%%+ Pour e$en%y into 2 greased = 1/2 K , 8 1/2 K
by .K bread %oa& pans+ Bake both at the same time at .1C degrees &or 1 hour+ "est
with toothpick &or doneness+ !oo% about 2C minutes be&ore remo$ing &rom the pans+
#121 - 5ard Sugar Cookies
(by Art Keithan ( )rien%)
2/. cup !risco A: Parkay margarine
./8 cup white sugar
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
1 egg
8 tsp+ mi%k
2 cups &%our
1 1/2 tsp+ baking powder
1/8 tsp+ sa%t
3n a mi,er, combine !risco/Parkay and sugar+ 'dd the egg, $ani%%a+ #%ow%y add in the
mi%k+ 'dd the rest o& the ingredients and mi, we%%+ !hi%% dough &or at %east one hour+
:o%% out with a ro%%ing pin and cut out with circu%ar cookie cutter and p%ace on your
greased cookie sheets A: drop teaspoons&u% on your greased cookie sheets+
#prink%e white sugar or ho%iday co%ored sugar on each cookie+ Bake at .01 degrees
&or 12 minutes or unti% %ight%y browned+
#122 - lue4erry )uffins
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 package Betty !rocker b%ueberry mu&&in mi,
1 cup &resh or &ro-en b%ueberries
Mi, batter according to package directions (e$erything is stirred by hand -- do not use
a mi,er), but instead o& ./8 cup mi%k as %isted on the directions, on%y use 1/2 cup mi%k+
'dd the packaged b%ueberries that come with the mi, and a%so add the &resh or &ro-en
b%ueberries %ast+ Pour batter into each paper cupcake %iner and &i%% each 2/. &u%%,
making sure there are b%ueberries in each one+ Bake according to bo, directions+
#123 - roccoli Casserole
(by -ulie A%ams ( )rien%)
. - = o-+ packages o& &ro-en brocco%i
8 s%ices o& bread cut into bite si-ed pieces (%ike &i%%ing)
12 :it- crackers
1/2-./8 %b+ grated sharp cheese
1 eggs, beaten
. cups mi%k
!ook brocco%i in sa%ted water (1 tsp+ sa%t) according to directions on the package+
Drain water o&& the brocco%i and set the water aside &or %ater+ 3n a buttered cassero%e
(about 2 )t+ si-e), add 1/. o& the brocco%i &irst, then 1/. o& the crumbs ne,t, then 1/. o&
the cheese+ :epeat, making a second %ayer o& each+ :epeat, making a third %ayer o&
each+ 3n a separate bow%, add the mi%k to the beaten eggs and enough o& the water
%e&t o$er &rom cooking the brocco%i so that you end up with 8 1/2 cups tota% o& the
mi%k/egg/brocco%i water mi,ture--stir with a spoon+ Pour that %i)uid o$er the top o&
e$erything in the cassero%e+ !rush the :it- crackers and sprink%e o$er the top+ !o$er
%oose%y with &oi%+ Bake at .21 degrees &or 21 minutes or unti% a kni&e inserted comes
out c%ean+
#124 - Candied S+eet Potatoes
(by #hirley McNevich)
. %arge who%e yams
1/2 - ./8 cup dark brown Domino2s sugar
cano%a oi%
Pee% yams and cut each yam into )uarters+ Put yams in a saucepan+ !o$er yams with
water and add a pinch o& sa%t+ "urn heat on medium+ '&ter water comes to a boi%, cook
1C-12 minutes (they won2t be comp%ete%y done unti% %ater)+ Drain water &rom yams+
7se a &rying pan and add 2 "B#P cano%a oi%+ 'dd yams to &rying pan and sprink%e the
brown sugar o$er the top o& the yams (1/2 cup brown sugar &or not-so-sweet4 ./8 cup
brown sugar i& you %ike them sweeter)+ Put a %id on the &rying pan and cook on
medium heat &or 11-2C minutes, turning them e$ery 1 minutes+
#12! - >inger Sna/s
(by Aunt Hazel [Hau&t] Herman)
2 cups white sugar
2 cups !risco A: Parkay margarine
. eggs
1 "B#P ginger
2 cups Brer :abbit mo%asses (green %abe%)
1 "B#P baking soda
0 cups &%our
1/2 cup more white sugar to ro%% them in
3n a mi,er, combine sugar and !risco A: Parkay+ 'dd eggs+ Beat unti% smooth+ 'dd
ginger, baking soda, and mo%asses+ Beat unti% smooth+ 'dd the &%our one cup at a
time+ '&ter about .-8 cups, it gets too sti&& &or the mi,er so continue mi,ing by hand+
"ake out heaping teaspoons&u%+ :o%% each teaspoon&u% in a ba%% and ro%% into a bow%
with the e,tra 1/2 cup sugar to coat each cookie with sugar+ P%ace on a greased
cookie sheet and keep cookie ba%%s about 2K apart+ Bake at .1C degrees &or 1C-12
#12$ - Peanut utter losso9s
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 ./8 cups &%our
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
1 tsp+ baking soda
1/2 cup ?i& peanut butter
2 "B#P mi%k
1/8 cup white sugar &or the batter
1/8 cup white sugar to ro%% the cookies in %ater
1/2 cup dark brown Domino2s sugar (packed)
1/2 cup Parkay margarine
1 egg
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
1 bag ershey2s kisses
3n a mi,er, combine Parkay, brown sugar, white sugar and beat with mi,er+ 'dd the
egg, $ani%%a, peanut butter, mi%k, sa%t, baking soda+ Beat+ #%ow%y add the &%our and
beat+ Ance batter is ready take out a teaspoon&u% at a time and ro%% it into a ba%% in your
hand+ :o%% in a bow% with the white sugar to co$er the cookie+ Put on a greased cookie
sheet about 2K apart+ Bake at .01 degrees &or = minutes+ Bring them out o& the o$en
and press one ershey2s kiss (unwrapped) into the midd%e o& each cookie+ :eturn to
o$en and bake another .-8 minutes unti% the cookies are %ight%y browned+
#12& - )rsF Fields Chocolate Chi/ Cookies
(by 555)
2 cups butter
2 cups white sugar
2 cups brown sugar
2 tsp+ $ani%%a
8 eggs
8 cups &%our
1 cups dry oatmea% (Puaker )uick oats)
1 tsp+ sa%t
2 tsp+ baking powder
2 tsp+ baking soda
28 o-+ Jest%MNs choco%ate bits
1 p%ain = o-+ ershey bar cut into 1/8K pieces
1 cups chopped nuts (optiona%)
3n a mi,er, combine butter, white sugar and brown sugar+ 'dd eggs and $ani%%a+ Put
oatmea% in a b%ender (sma%% amount at a time) and continue b%ending unti% it turns to
powder+ 3n a separate bow%, add the powdered oatmea% and mi, together (using a
spoon) with the &%our, sa%t, baking powder, and baking soda+ 'dd that mi,ture s%ow%y
to the batter a%ready in the mi,er--i& the batter gets too sti&& &or the mi,er continue by
hand+ 'dd the choco%ate chips, ershey bar chunks and nuts (optiona%)+ Drop
heaping teaspoons&u% on to a greased cookie sheet+ Bake at .21-.1C degrees &or 1C
minutes or unti% %ight%y browned+ <et the cookies coo% s%ight%y be&ore remo$ing them
&rom the cookie sheets+
#12' - ?uick )icro+a,e Fudge
(by Aunt 0ileen [Knouse] ,arter)
1- 1=-2Co-+ >ar creamy or crunchy ?i& peanut butter
1 container o& pre-made &rosting (any &%a$or, any brand)
Put ingredients in a microwa$e sa&e bow%+ eat in microwa$e on high &or . minutes,
or unti% peanut butter me%ts+ :emo$e &rom microwa$e and stir with a spoon unti% it2s
mi,ed we%% and smooth+ <ine an = , = , 2K pan with &oi% (you do not need to butter the
pan)+ Pour the &udge into the pan and %et it coo% at %east an hour, and then re&rigerate
unti% &irm, pre&erab%y o$ernight+ Dump upside down on a cutting board, pee% o&& the &oi%,
and cut into s)uares+ Feep re&rigerated+
#12( - #ou4le Chocolate Cookies
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 cup butter (so&tened - 2 sticks)
1 1/2 cups white sugar
2 eggs
2 tsp+ $ani%%a
2 cups &%our
2/. cup ershey2s cocoa powder
./8 tsp+ baking soda
1/8 tsp+ sa%t
2 cups Jest%MNs semi-sweet choco%ate bits
1/2 cup coarse%y chopped nuts (optiona%)
eat o$en to .1C degrees+ 3n mi,er, beat butter, sugar, eggs, and $ani%%a unti% %ight
and &%u&&y+ 3n a separate bow% (by hand with a spoon) stir together &%our, cocoa, baking
soda, and sa%t+ 'dd this mi,ture to the butter/sugar/eggs/$ani%%a+ Mi, comp%ete%y and
beat with mi,er+ :emo$e &rom mi,er and add choco%ate bits and nuts (optiona%) using
a spoon and mi, by hand+ Drop teaspoons&u% on a greased cookie sheet about 2K
apart+ Bake =-1C minutes at .1C degrees or >ust unti% set+ !oo% s%ight%y be&ore
remo$ing cookies or they wi%% &a%% apart+ Makes about 8 1/2 do-en cookies+
#13* - )ock >raha9 Cracker Cheese Pie
(by Grace B6 'osenblum ( )rien%)
18-1B graham crackers (put in p%astic bag and crush with ro%%ing pin)
1 stick me%ted butter
1 can Hag%e brand condensed mi%k
8 eggs (separated)
?uice &rom 2 %emons and the rind o& 1 %emon
#a$e about 1/8 cup o& the crushed graham crackers &or %ater+ 3n a sma%% bow% by hand,
mi, the rest o& crushed graham crackers and the me%ted butter+ <ine a pie p%ate with
the graham cracker/butter mi,ture+ Beat the egg whites in a mi,er unti% they are sti&&+
#et the egg whites aside+ Beat the 8 egg yo%ks in the mi,er+ 'dd the condensed mi%k
to the egg yo%ks, as we%% as the >uice &rom 2 %emons and the rind o& 1 %emon (use a
pee%er and scrape the outside o& the %emon to remo$e the ye%%ow rind)+ B%end we%%+
@ith a spoon, &o%d in the 8 egg whites with the egg yo%k/%emon >uice/%emon rind/mi%k
mi,+ Pour e$erything into the pie she%%+ #prink%e the sa$ed graham cracker crumbs
o$er the top o& the pie+ Bake at .01 degrees &or 11 minutes--make sure that the o$en
has been preheated be&ore baking+ !oo% the pie and re&rigerate+ Feep re&rigerated+
#131 - lue4erry 2e9on SCuares
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 stick so&tened butter
1/2 cup white sugar
1 egg
the >uice &rom 1 sma%% %emon
1 1/2 cups &%our
1/8 tsp+ sa%t
1/2 tsp+ baking powder
2 cups &resh or &ro-en b%ueberries
2 "B#P white sugar
3n a mi,er, combine butter and 1/2 cup white sugar unti% creamy+ 'dd the egg and
%emon >uice and mi, we%%+ 'dd the &%our, sa%t, and baking powder and mi, unti% we%%
b%ended+ Press the mi,ture into the bottom o& a greased baking dish - = , = , 2K+ 3n
another bow%, stir together with a spoon the b%ueberries and the 2 "B#P white sugar+
#pread the b%ueberry mi,ture e$en%y o$er the top o& the &irst mi,ture+ Bake in a
preheated o$en at .1C degrees &or 8C minutes unti% %ight%y browned+ :emo$e &rom
o$en and %et coo% comp%ete%y+ !ut into s)uares and ser$e+ Makes = ser$ings+
#132 - acon 6ra//ers
(by Aunt 0ileen [Knouse] ,arter)
. cans water chestnuts
Hnough raw bacon strips that when cut in ha%& wi%% e)ua% the number o& water
. cups brown sugar
2 cups ein- ketchup
Drain water o&& o& water chestnuts+ #%ice the raw bacon strips in ha%&+ @rap each 1/2
bacon strip around a water chestnut and secure with a toothpick+ :epeat &or a%% the
bacon and water chestnuts+ P%ace them in a baking dish sprayed with Pam+ 3n a sma%%
bow%, mi, the brown sugar and the ketchup using a spoon+ Pour the ketchup/brown
sugar mi,ture e$en%y o$er a%% o& the wraps+ Bake at .01 degrees &or 81 minutes+
#er$e hot+
#133 - read and utter Pickles
(by Grace 1enny&ac$er ( )rien%)
= cups thick%y s%iced unpee%ed cucumbers (washed)
2 cups thick%y s%iced onions
8 tsp+ sa%t
2 cups cider $inegar
. cups white sugar
2 tsp+ ce%ery seed
2 tsp+ mustard seed
7se a %arge stain%ess stee% pot or a %arge g%ass bow%+ 'dd cucumbers and s%iced
onions+ 'dd 2 tsp+ sa%t o$er the top and co$er e$erything with co%d water+ <et stand
&or 1 hour in the sa%twater+ Drain o&& the water+ 3n a saucepan, add the $inegar, sugar,
ce%ery seed, 2 tsp+ sa%t and the mustard seed+ #tir o$er medium heat and bring it to a
boi%+ 3n a %arge cookpot (1-B )uarts), add the cucumbers and onions, and pour the
heated $inegar mi,ture o$er the top+ !ook &or 2C minutes, stirring with a spoon+ Put
pint >ars in the o$en on the racks and set temp+ to 2CC degrees+ "ake the >ar %ids and
rings and co$er them with water in a saucepan--bring them to a boi%+ Put
cucumbers/onions/>uice in each >ar unti% you run out o& the mi,ture+ "ake a tab%e kni&e
and insert it a%% around the sides and midd%e o& the >ars to get the air bubb%es out+ Put
the ring and center piece on each >ar and turn tight%y+ Put the >ars on a sur&ace that
can sa&e%y stand heat+ <et them coo% and as they coo% they wi%% sea% themse%$es+ 3& the
>ars sea% proper%y, they wi%% %ast about 2 years+ Ance you open a >ar, re&rigerate it+
#134 - Coconut 6ash4oard Cookies
(by Aunt Hazel [Hau&t] Herman)
2 cups dark brown Domino2s sugar
1 cup !risco A: Parkay margarine
1/8 cup warm water
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
8 cups si&ted &%our
1 1/2 tsp+ baking powder
1/2 tsp+ baking soda
1/8 tsp+ sa%t
1 cup Baker2s ange%&%ake coconut
3n a mi,er, combine brown sugar and !risco (A: Parkay)+ 'dd the warm water,
$ani%%a, baking powder, baking soda, sa%t and b%end we%%+ 'dd &%our a %itt%e at a time--i&
it gets too sti&& &or the mi,er continue mi,ing by hand with a spoon+ 'dd the coconut
and stir+ "ake out teaspoons&u% and ro%% each into a wa%nut-si-ed ba%%+ P%ace ba%%s on a
greased cookie sheet+ Dip a &ork in &%our and &%atten each ba%% into an ob%ong shape+
Bake at 8CC degrees &or =-1C minutes+
#13! - Pecan Cris/ies
(by #hirley McNevich)
1/2 cup !risco
1/2 cup Parkay margarine
2 1/2 cups dark brown Domino2s sugar
2 eggs
. cups &%our
1/2 tsp+ baking soda
1/8 tsp+ sa%t
1 cup chopped pecans
3n a mi,er, combine !risco, margarine and brown sugar+ 'dd the eggs and beat we%%+
#i&t dry ingredients, add to the batter and b%end we%%+ 'dd the pecans and stir them in
by hand using a spoon+ Drop teaspoons&u% on to greased cookie sheet 2K apart+ Bake
at .1C degrees &or 12-11 minutes+
#13$ - utterscotch ars
(by *in%a ['ei+le] Bauman ( )rien%)
1 - 12o-+ Jest%MNs butterscotch morse%s
B "B#P butter
2 cups graham cracker crumbs
2 cups chopped nuts (optiona%)
2 - =o-+ Phi%%y cream cheese, so&tened
1/2 cup white sugar
8 eggs
1/8 cup unsi&ted &%our
2 "B#P %emon >uice
Preheat o$en to .1C degrees+ 5i%% a saucepan with water and heat unti% hot (not
boi%ing or butterscotch morse%s wi%% get %umpy)+ P%ace butterscotch morse%s and butter
in second saucepan and set on top o& &irst saucepan (or use a doub%e boi%er i& you
ha$e one)+ eat morse%s and butter unti% they are smooth+ "rans&er the me%ted
butterscotch morse%s and butter into a bow%+ By hand, stir in the graham cracker
crumbs and nuts (optiona%) with a &ork+ #tir unti% the mi,ture &orms sma%% crumbs+ "ake
out 2 cups o& the crumb mi,ture and set aside &or %ater+ Press the remaining mi,ture
into a 11K , 1CK by 1K baking pan+ Bake the crust at .1C degrees &or 12 minutes+ 3n a
mi,er, combine cream cheese, sugar and beat unti% creamy+ 'dd eggs and beat we%%+
B%end in the &%our and %emon >uice+ :emo$e the crust &rom the o$en+ Pour the cream
cheese mi,ture into the crust+ #mooth out e$en%y+ #prink%e the 2 cups o& graham
crackers that you set aside o$er the entire top o& the cream cheese mi,ture+ Bake at
.1C degrees &or 21 minutes+ !oo% comp%ete%y and cut into s)uares+ !hi%% be&ore
ser$ing+ :e&rigerate %e&to$ers+
#13& - Pound Cake
(by Aunt -anie [McNevich] Barano.s$i)
1 pound 3mperia% margarine, so&tened
1 pound powdered sugar
B eggs
. cups unsi&ted cake &%our
3n a mi,er, combine margarine, sugar and mi, we%%+ 'dd eggs and beat unti% creamy+
'dd &%our 1 cup at a time and mi, unti% smooth+ Pour into two greased bread %oa&
pans+ Bake at .1C degrees &or 1 hour and 11 minutes+ "est with a toothpick &or
doneness+ !oo% &or 1C-11 minutes+ 7se a kni&e to %oosen the edges and dump on to
cutting board to s%ice+
#13' - >er9an 3//le Cake
(by Mitzie [#ha%e] illiams ( )rien%)
. %arge eggs
1 cup cano%a oi%
2 cups white sugar
2 cups &%our
2 tsp+ cinnamon
1/2 tsp+ baking soda
2 tsp+ $ani%%a
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
8 cups s%iced baking app%es (Macintosh, granny smith, etc+)
1 cup o& chopped nuts (optiona%)
1 1/2 "B#P butter
1/2 tsp+ $ani%%a
./8 cup powdered sugar
3n a mi,er, combine eggs and cano%a oi% and beat unti% &%u&&y+ 'dd the sugar and beat+
'dd the &%our, cinnamon, baking soda, 2 tsp+ $ani%%a, sa%t and beat unti% smooth+ "ake
bow% o&& o& mi,er and &o%d in app%es and nuts (optiona%) using a spoon+ ;rease a / ,
1. , 2 cake pan and pour the batter in the cake pan+ Bake at .1C degrees &or 1C
minutes+ !oo%+ 3n a mi,er, add powdered sugar, butter and 1/2 tsp+ $ani%%a and beat
unti% smooth+ #pread the icing o$er the top o& the cake+
#13( - Free;er Pickles
(by Gran%ma Dora McNevich)
0 cups s%iced cucumbers (unpee%ed)
1 cup white $inegar
2 cups white sugar
1 cup chopped onions
1 chopped green pepper
1 "B#P ce%ery seed
1 1/2 "B#P sa%t
@ash and s%ice cucumbers+ Mi, sugar and $inegar in %arge bow%, stirring unti%
disso%$ed+ 'dd cucumbers, onions, green pepper, ce%ery seed, and sa%t+ #tir with a
spoon+ Di$ide e$en%y into .-8 pint si-ed p%astic containers+ 5ree-e+ @hen ready to
eat, thaw one container at a time and re&rigerate+
#14* - S+eet %it; Cracker Snack )i<
(by #hirley McNevich)
2 bo,es tiny :it- dinosaur crackers
2 cups any kind o& who%e nuts
1/2 cup butter or margarine
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup %ight corn syrup
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
1 tsp+ baking soda
Pre-heat o$en to 21C degrees+ Mi, nuts and crackers in a %arge pot+ 3n a %arge
saucepan, bring sugar, butter/margarine and corn syrup to a boi% and cook &or 2
minutes+ :emo$e &rom heat and add $ani%%a and baking soda+ #tir--baking soda wi%%
&oam up+ Mi, e$erything together with the nuts and crackers+ Bake .C-81 minutes,
stirring e$ery 1 minutes+ Pour onto wa, paper to coo%+
#141 - roccoli Sla+
(by Mary Kern ( )rien%)
1 package brocco%i s%aw mi, (usua%%y in grocery ais%e with pre-mi,ed sa%ads)
1/2 cup diced green onions
1 cup chopped wa%nuts A: pecans
1 cup sun&%ower seeds
2 packages :amen nood%es (chicken &%a$or)
1/2 cup white sugar
1/8 cup o%i$e oi%
1/. cup white $inegar or app%e cider $inegar
2 packs soup seasoning (the two chicken &%a$or packets that come inside o& the
:amen nood%e packages)
3n a %arge bow%, add the brocco%i s%aw mi,, onions, nuts, sun&%ower seeds+ Break up
the raw :amen nood%es and add into the bow%+ 3n a separate sma%% bow%, mi, sugar,
o%i$e oi%, $inegar, and chicken &%a$or packets &rom the :amen nood%es--mi, thorough%y
with a spoon+ Pour this mi,ture on top o& a%% the other ingredients in the %arge bow%+
"oss as you wou%d toss a sa%ad+ :e&rigerate o$ernight+ Feep re&rigerated+
#142 - S+eet Potato Pie
(by #hirley McNevich)
8 %arge yams
. eggs
1/. cup white sugar
1 tsp+ %emon >uice
./8 tsp+ cinnamon
1/2 tsp+ a%%spice
1/2 tsp+ nutmeg
1/8 tsp+ sa%t
1 1/2 cups %ight cream
8 "B#P me%ted butter
1 unbaked /K pie she%% (i& you want to make the pie she%% &rom scratch, check out our
recipe Q..)
Bake the yams at 8CC degrees on a cookie sheet or in a cake pan unti% tender (test
with a &ork)+ :emo$e &rom o$en, pee% them, and mash them with a potato masher+
Beat . eggs and add to the mashed yams+ 'dd the sugar, %emon >uice, cinnamon,
a%%spice, nutmeg, and sa%t+ #tir e$erything with a spoon unti% we%% mi,ed+ 'dd the %ight
cream and stir+ 'dd the me%ted butter and stir with a spoon+ #pray the pie dish with
Pam, insert the unbaked pie crust, then spray the inside o& the pie crust with Pam
a%so+ #coop mi,ture into the unbaked pie she%% and bake 8CC degrees &or 1C minutes+
#143 - )andarin Arange Su/re9e Cake
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 bo, Duncan ines orange supreme cake mi,
1/2 cup cano%a oi%
8 eggs
2 packages .+1 o-+ ?e%%-A $ani%%a instant pudding
1 - 11 o-+ can mandarin oranges inc%uding >uice
1 - 2C o-+ can Do%e crushed pineapp%e inc%uding >uice
1 - = o-+ container !oo% @hip
3n a mi,er, combine cake mi,, oi%, eggs, 1 package instant pudding, and mandarin
oranges+ Beat unti% smooth+ Pour batter in a / , 1. , 2 greased cake pan+ Bake at
.1C degrees &or .1-81 minutes (test with a toothpick &or doneness)+ 3cing9 in a mi,er,
combine crushed pineapp%e (inc%uding >uice), 1 package instant pudding, and coo%
whip+ Mi, unti% smooth+ <et the cake coo% be&ore icing+ Feep cake re&rigerated+
#144 - %hu4ar4 Cake
(by #hirley 'oss ( )rien%)
!o$er a greased / , 1. , 2 cake pan with 1 cups o& bite-si-ed pieces o& rhubarb+
#prink%e 1 cup o& white sugar e$en%y o$er the top o& the rhubarb+ "ake a B o-+
package o& strawberry ?e%%-A and sprink%e the dry ?e%%-A mi, o$er the top o& the white
sugar+ #prink%e an =o-+ bag o& miniature marshma%%ows o$er the top o& the dry ?e%%-A
mi,+ Mi, up a bo, o& Duncan ines ye%%ow or white cake mi, according to the bo,
directions, and pour the batter o$er the top o& the marshma%%ows+ Bake at .1C
degrees &or 81 minutes+
#14! - )icro+a,e Scallo/ed Potatoes
(by Nancy [ynn] #.an$ ( )rien%)
. "B#P me%ted butter
2 "B#P &%our
1 tsp+ sa%t
1/8 tsp+ pepper
2 cups mi%k
B medium red potatoes, thin%y s%iced
2 "B#P minced onion
#auce--3n a microwa$eab%e bow%, add me%ted butter, sa%t, pepper and stir the &%our in
s%ow%y so it doesn2t get %umpy+ #tir in the mi%k+ Microwa$e on high &or =-1C minutes
(stopping the microwa$e and stirring e$ery 2 minutes)+ 3n a %arge microwa$e bow%,
%ayer the potatoes, onions, and sauce unti% you use up a%% o& the ingredients+ !o$er
the bow% with a piece o& wa, paper and poke sma%% s%its in it with a sharp kni&e+
Microwa$e on high 1=-22 minutes, stirring a&ter 11 minutes--test with a &ork to see i&
the potatoes are so&t--i& not, cook a &ew minutes %onger+ <et stand 1 minutes be&ore
#14$ - usy #ay Cake
(by 1hyllis [Ne))] Moyer ( )rien%)
1 1/2 cups white sugar
1 stick butter
. eggs
1/2 cup mi%k
1 tsp+ sa%t
2 cups a%%-purpose &%our (unsi&ted)
2 tsp+ baking powder
1 1/2 tsp+ $ani%%a
3n a mi,er, combine a%% ingredients and beat at medium speed &or 1 minutes+ Pour
batter in a greased tube pan+ Bake at .1C degrees &or 81 minutes+ "est with a
toothpick &or doneness+ <emon 3cing9 1/2 bo, Domino2s Powdered #ugar (1 %b+ si-e),
1 stick Parkay margarine, 2 tsp imitation $ani%%a, 1 "B#P mi%k, 2 tsp+ %emon >uice+
5eed in mi,er+ "he %onger you beat it the creamier it gets+ <et cake coo% be&ore icing+
#14& - Stra+4erry %hu4ar4 Pie
(by Martha ,6 Har.oo% ( )rien%)
Eou can use our pie crust recipe Q.., make your own pie crust, or use pre-made pie
crust dough+
Pie 5i%%ing9 ./8 cup white sugar, 1/8 cup &%our, 1 cup &resh s%iced strawberries, 2 cups
diced rhubarb, 2 "B#P butter+ #i&t &%our and sugar together in a bow%, and then stir in
strawberries and rhubarb+ #pray inside o& pie crust with Pam+ <ine pie crust with the
&ruit &i%%ing and dot with butter+ 'dd top %ayer o& pie crust and using a sharp kni&e, mark
with s%its+ Bake at 821 degrees &or 1C minutes, then reduce temperature to .1C
degrees and bake &or .C minutes %onger or unti% &ruit is tender and bubb%ing+ Makes 1
- /K pie+
#14' - 7dison Celery Seed Salad #ressing
(by the 0%ison Hotel3 #unbury3 1A)
1 cup white sugar
1 tsp+ sa%t
1 tsp+ dry mustard
1/2 tsp+ ce%ery seed
1/2 tsp+ grated onion
1 cup cano%a oi%
1/2 cup cider $inegar
Mi, sugar, sa%t, dry mustard, ce%ery seed, and grated onion by hand in a bow%+ 'dd
cano%a oi% and cider $inegar and stir+ Pour e$erything in a b%ender+ Beat on %ow speed
&or 11 minutes+ Feep re&rigerated+
#14( - Pudding Cake Frosting
(by *in%a ['ei+le] Bauman)
1 - =o-+ Phi%%y cream cheese
1 - .+/ o-+ package any &%a$or ?e%%-A instant pudding
1 en$e%ope Dream @hip (DA JA" mi, according to directions on package)
1 cup mi%k
'dd a%% ingredients in a mi,ing bow%+ Beat unti% smooth and creamy+ 7se as &rosting
on any cake+ Feep cake re&rigerated+
#1!* - 6atergate Salad
(by -une Brosius ( cousin)
2 - .o-+ packages ?e%%-A pistachio instant pudding
1 - 2Co-+ can Do%e crushed pineapp%e
1 cup miniature marshma%%ows
1/2 cup chopped nuts A: 1/2 cup Baker2s ange% &%ake coconut
1 - =o-+ container !oo% @hip
Mi, by hand in a %arge bow%+ 'dd pudding mi,, crushed pineapp%e inc%uding >uice and
stir+ 'dd marshma%%ows and nuts A: coconut+ #tir in !oo% @hip+ Feep re&rigerated+
#1!1 - Cucu94er Salad
(by #hirley McNevich)
. %arge cucumbers (pee%ed and s%iced)
1 thin%y s%iced onion
1 tsp+ sa%t
. "B#P cider $inegar
.-8 "B#P white sugar
Hnough water to co$er cucumbers
Pee% and s%ice cucumbers and p%ace in a %arge bow%+ 'dd s%iced onion+ 'dd sa%t+ #tir
so sa%t gets mi,ed in+ <et it sit &or 11 minutes+ Pour o&& the >uice that has accumu%ated+
'dd the sugar and $inegar+ Pour enough co%d water on to co$er the cucumbers+ #tir+
(Aptiona%--some peop%e add 1 diced tomato and/or diced ce%ery)+ :e&rigerate+
#1!2 - 3//le Cris/
(by Aunt Betty [Herman] Arnol%)
1-B cups baking app%es
1 cup &%our
1 cup white sugar
1 tsp+ baking powder
./8 tsp+ sa%t
1 unbeaten egg
1/. cup me%ted Parkay margarine
Pee% and s%ice app%es+ ;rease an ob%ong deep g%ass baking dish (.K high)+ 3n a bow%,
use a &ork to mi, &%our, sugar, baking powder, sa%t, and the egg - mi, unti% you ha$e a
crumb mi,ture+ <ayer the app%es in the g%ass baking dish and pour the crumb mi,ture
e$en%y o$er the app%es+ Pour me%ted margarine e$en%y o$er the top o& the crumbs+
#prink%e entire top with cinnamon+ Bake at .1C degrees &or .C-8C minutes+ "est with
a &ork &or doneness - app%es shou%d be so&t+
#1!3 - Pinea//le Cheesecake Cu/cakes
(by #hirley McNevich)
2 - = o-+ packages Phi%%y !ream !heese
1/2 cup white sugar
. eggs
Beat with a mi,er unti% it2s smooth+ Pour batter into indi$idua% &oi% cupcake %iners--
cupcake %iners shou%d be ./8 &u%%+ Bake 18 minutes at .21 degrees+
@hi%e cupcakes are baking, mi, the &o%%owing by hand9
1/2 pint o& sour cream (Breakstone2s reduced &at)
1/2 cup white sugar
1 - = o-+ can Do%e crushed pineapp%e (drained)
@hen cupcakes are remo$ed &rom o$en a&ter 18 minutes, spoon topping mi,ture o$er
the top o& each cupcake+ :eturn to o$en and bake 1 minutes %onger at the same
temperature+ !oo% and re&rigerate be&ore ser$ing+
#1!4 - 394rosia Cake
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 - 1=+1o-+ bo, Duncan ines ye%%ow or butter cake mi,
1 - 1Bo-+ >ar maraschino cherries (drained, chopped and patted dry)
2 - =o-+ cans Do%e crushed pineapp%e (inc%uding >uice)
1/. cup white sugar
1 cup Baker2s ange% &%ake coconut
2 - =o-+ containers !oo% @hip (thawed in re&rigerator)
Preheat o$en to .1C degrees+ #pray Pam on the inside o& a / , 1. , 2 cake pan+
Prepare bo, cake mi, batter according to package directions+ Pour the batter into the
cake pan+ Drain and chop the cherries into sma%% pieces, then pat the pieces with a
paper towe% to remo$e a%% o& the >uice+ #prink%e cherries e$en%y o$er the top o& the
cake batter+ Bake at .1C degrees &or .C-.1 minutes or unti% an inserted toothpick
comes out c%ean+ @hi%e the cake is baking, in a 1 )t+ saucepan combine the
pineapp%e and >uice with the sugar+ #tir and bring to a boi%, then immediate%y remo$e
&rom heat and a%%ow to sit on an unheated burner unti% the cake is done baking+
:emo$e cake &rom o$en and immediate%y use a toothpick to poke ho%es a%% the way
down through the cake--makes <A"# o& ho%es+ #pread the pineapp%e mi,ture o$er the
top o& the cake+ !oo% cake comp%ete%y+ #pread the !oo% @hip o$er the top o& the
cake+ #pread the coconut on a cookie sheet and toast in the o$en unti% the &%akes are
%ight brown+ <et the coconut coo% comp%ete%y and sprink%e the coconut e$en%y o$er the
top o& the cake+
#1!! - Cinna9on Flo/
(by Hannah Garman ( )rien%)
2 1/2 cups &%our
2 1/2 tsp+ baking powder
1 1/2 cups white sugar
1/2 cup Parkay margarine
2 eggs
1 cup mi%k
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
brown sugar
3n a mi,er, combine Parkay, sugar and eggs+ 'dd baking powder, $ani%%a, mi%k, and
s%ow%y add the &%our+ Mi, unti% smooth+ ;rease a / , 1. , 2 cake pan+ #pread ha%& o&
the dough in the pan+ #prink%e the top with brown sugar, cinnamon, and dot with
butter+ Pour the rest o& the batter in, then sprink%e with brown sugar, cinnamon, and
dot with butter again+ Bake at .1C degrees &or .C-.1 minutes+ "est with a toothpick
&or doneness+
#1!$ - Se,en "/ Cake
(by -ean [2homas] 2aylor ( cousin)
. sticks Parkay margarine
1 1/2 cups white sugar
1 eggs
2 tsp+ $ani%%a
1 tsp+ %emon >uice
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
1 cup 07p soda, room temperature
. cups &%our
powdered sugar
3n a mi,er, combine Parkay, sugar and eggs+ 'dd sa%t, $ani%%a, %emon >uice, 07p+ Beat
unti% smooth+ #%ow%y add the &%our and beat unti% smooth+ Pour batter in a greased / ,
1. , 2 cake pan+ Bake at .21 degrees &or 01 minutes+ "est &or doneness with a
toothpick+ '&ter coo%ing, sprink%e with powdered sugar+
#1!& - Fro;en Ca44age Sla+
(by Harriet eaver ( )rien%)
1 head o& cabbage (medium si-ed)
1 heaping tsp+ sa%t
2 cups white sugar
1 cup cider $inegar
1/2 cup water
1 tsp+ ce%ery seed
1 tsp+ mustard seed
#hred cabbage on shredder into a bow%+ 'dd a heaping tsp+ o& sa%t+ <et is sit &or 1
hour+ Drain o&& the >uice that has accumu%ated+ 3n a 2 )t+ saucepan, combine white
sugar, $inegar, and water+ Bring to a boi%, then %et it boi% &or 1 minute+ <et it coo%+ Pour
the >uice mi,ture onto the cabbage+ 'dd ce%ery seed and mustard seed+ Eou can a%so
add chopped ce%ery and chopped carrots, as many as you wish+ #tir with a spoon
comp%ete%y+ #coop into containers with %ids and &ree-e it+ @hen you want to eat it,
take out a container and %et it thaw in the re&rigerator o$ernight+
#1!' - aked ean Casserole
(by 1atti Mc,aslin ( )rien%)
1/2 %b+ bacon, cut into sma%% pieces
1/2 %b+ ground chuck
1 chopped onion
1/2 cup ein- ketchup
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
1/2 tsp+ pepper
1 tsp+ 5rench2s ye%%ow mustard
2 "B#P cider $inegar
1 - 1Bo-+ can baked beans (drained)
1 - 1Bo-+ can kidney beans (drained)
1 - 1Bo-+ can buttered %ima beans (drained)
1 - 1Bo-+ can green beans (drained)
Brown the bacon and cut into sma%% pieces+ Brown the ground chuck together with the
chopped onion+ 'dd 1/2 tsp+ sa%t and 1/2 tsp+ pepper and stir into the ground
chuck/onion mi,ture+ Mi, the bacon, ground chuck/onion, and a%% other %isted
ingredients in a crock pot+ !ook in crock pot or bake in the o$en &or 1 hour at .1C
degrees+ #er$e hot+
#1!( - Pinea//le #rea9 Cake
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 bo, Duncan ines ye%%ow cake mi,
. packages ?e%%-A instant coconut cream pudding
0 o-+ Baker2s ange% &%ake coconut
8 1/2 cups mi%k
2 cups Do%e crushed pineapp%e (drained)
1 - =o-+ package Phi%%y cream cheese
1 - =o-+ container !oo% @hip
Mi, ye%%ow cake batter according to directions on bo,+ Pour batter into a / , 1. , 2
greased cake pan+ Bake at .1C degrees &or 21 minutes+ "est with a toothpick &or
doneness+ !oo% cake comp%ete%y+ #pread the crushed pineapp%e (drained) e$en%y
o$er the top+ 3n a mi,er, combine pudding mi,, cream cheese, and mi%k+ Beat unti%
thick+ #pread this mi,ture o$er the top o& the pineapp%e+ #pread the !oo% @hip on
ne,t+ #prink%e the coconut o$er the top o& the cake+ :e&rigerate o$ernight be&ore
ser$ing+ Feep re&rigerated+
#1$* - Pastry D Cheese
(by Mitzie [#ha%e] illiams ( )rien%)
1 cup grated sharp cheddar cheese
. "B#P so&t butter or margarine
1/8 tsp+ sa%t
1/8 tsp+ paprika
1/2 cup si&ted &%our
28 green o%i$es with pimentos (drained)
3n a bow%, stir cheese and butter+ #tir in sa%t, paprika and &%our+ Mi, we%%+ @rap 1 tsp+
pastry dough around each o%i$e+ P%ace each o%i$e on a Pam-sprayed cookie sheet+
Bake at 8CC degrees &or 1C-11 minutes or unti% go%den brown+ 3& you ha$e e,tra
pastries be&ore baking and don2t want to use them right away, &ree-e them in a Iip%oc
#1$1 - 5o9e9ade Eanilla Ice Crea9
(by #hirley McNevich)
B )t+ e%ectric ice cream maker
B eggs
. packages ?e%%-A $ani%%a instant pudding (use choco%ate pudding i& you want to make
choco%ate ice cream)
2 - 12o-+ cans !arnation e$aporated mi%k
2 cups white sugar
2 "B#P $ani%%a
3n a mi,er, combine eggs, sugar, $ani%%a+ 'dd instant pudding one package at a time+
:emo$e &rom mi,er and stir in !arnation mi%k by hand+ Pour into ice cream maker
container and &o%%ow directions &rom your e%ectric ice cream maker directions+
#1$2 - roccoli Cauliflo+er Salad
(by Hannah Garman ( )rien%)
1 bunch brocco%i
1 sma%% head cau%i&%ower
1/2 pound bacon (&ried, cut into sma%% pieces, drained)
1 cup shredded sharp cheese
1/2 cup mayo
2 "B#P white sugar
2 "B#P cider $inegar
1 tsp+ sa%t
Break into pieces and boi% cau%i&%ower and brocco%i unti% tender--add a tsp+ sa%t to the
water be&ore boi%ing+ Drain+ 5ry, drain, and cut bacon into sma%% pieces+ 3n a bow%, add
mayo, sugar, and $inegar--stir, then add the sharp cheese and bacon, then stir again+
Put cau%i&%ower and brocco%i in a %arge bow%+ 'dd the mayo mi,ture and toss gent%y
unti% we%% co$ered+ :e&rigerate o$ernight+ 3& you choose, you can use >ust brocco%i or
>ust cau%i&%ower instead o& both+
#1$3 - Pu9/kin Pie Cake
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 bo, Duncan ines ye%%ow cake mi,
2 tsp+ cinnamon
2 eggs
1 cup canned pumpkin
1 cup &ine%y chopped nuts
1/. cup water
1 cup powdered sugar
2 tsp+ %emon >uice
Hnough mi%k to make g%a-e runny
3n a mi,er, add cake mi,, cinnamon, eggs, pumpkin, water and beat unti% smooth+
'dd the nuts+ Pour into a greased ange% &ood cake pan+ Bake at .1C degrees &or .C-
.1 minutes+ "est with a toothpick &or doneness, <et cake coo% &or 1 minutes a&ter
remo$ing &rom o$en, then remo$e cake by s%iding a kni&e around the edge and turning
upside down+ ;%a-e - by hand with a spoon, mi, powdered sugar, %emon >uice, and
enough mi%k to make the g%a-e runny+ Put g%a-e on the top and %et the g%a-e run down
the sides and through the ho%e+ Does not ha$e to be re&rigerated+
#1$4 - 6hite Chocolate )acada9ia .ut Cookies
1 1/8 cups a%%-purpose &%our
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon sa%t
1/2 cup butter or margarine (1 stick), so&tened
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/8 cup granu%ated sugar
1 %arge egg
1 teaspoon $ani%%a e,tract
./8 cup white choco%ate baking chips
1 cup chopped macadamia nuts
Preheat o$en to .01 degrees 5+ 3n sma%% bow%, combine &%our, baking soda, and sa%t+
3n %arge bow%, with mi,er at medium speed, beat butter and brown and granu%ated
sugars unti% %ight and &%u&&y+ Beat in egg and $ani%%a unti% we%% combined+ :educe
speed to %ow4 beat in &%our mi,ture >ust unti% b%ended+ @ith wooden spoon, stir in
baking chips and macadamia nuts+
Drop dough by rounded tab%espoons, 2 inches apart, on two ungreased cookie
sheets+ Bake unti% go%den around edges, 1C to 12 minutes, rotating cookie sheets
between upper and %ower o$en racks ha%&way through baking+ @ith wide spatu%a,
trans&er cookies to wire racks to coo% comp%ete%y+
#1$! - ?uick Cookies
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 bo, any &%a$or Duncan ines cake mi,
1/2 cup cano%a oi%
2 eggs
Mi, a%% ingredients by hand using a spoon+ Mi, thorough%y+ "he dough wi%% be sti&&+
Drop teaspoons&u% on to a greased cookie sheet+ Bake at .1C degrees &or 12 minutes
or unti% cookies are %ight%y browned+
#1$$ - Pecan Pie Cake
(by #hirley McNevich)
2 cups white sugar
1 1/8 cups &%our
8 eggs
1 stick Parkay margarine
2 tsp+ $ani%%a
2 cups chopped pecans
3n a mi,er, combine Parkay, sugar, eggs and beat unti% smooth+ 'dd $ani%%a and &%our
and mi, we%%+ 'dd the pecans and stir by hand+ Pour into a greased / , 1. , 2 cake
pan+ Bake at .1C degrees &or .C-.1 minutes+ "est with a toothpick &or doneness+ 3cing
&or this cake9 1/2 cup Parkay margarine, 1/2 cup white sugar, 1/2 cup !arnation
e$aporated mi%k, 1/2 cup o& chopped pecans, one cup o& Baker2s 'nge% 5%ake
coconut+ Put the ingredients in a one )uart saucepan+ Bring to a boi%, then boi% unti% it
thickens+ 'dd one cup o& Baker2s 'nge% 5%ake coconut and 1/2 cup o& chopped
pecans+ @hen cake is coo%, pour icing mi,ture o$er the top and spread with a spatu%a
or a kni&e+
#1$& - S+eet Potato Casserole
(by #hirley McNevich)
. cups mashed sweet potatoes (or yams), &resh or canned
1/2 cup me%ted butter
1 cup white sugar
1/. cup mi%k
2 eggs, beaten
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
1 cup brown sugar
1/. cup butter
1 cup chopped pecans
1/2 cup &%our
Mi, sweet potatoes, 1/2 cup me%ted butter, white sugar, mi%k, 2 beaten eggs, and
$ani%%a in a %arge bow%+ Pour into a greased baking dish or cassero%e dish+ 5or the
topping, mi, brown sugar, 1/. cup butter, pecans, and &%our in a bow%+ #prink%e the
topping e$en%y on top o& the sweet potato mi,ture+ Bake at .1C degrees &or 21-.C
#1$' - Cherry Cris/
(by #hirley McNevich)
("his recipe is $ery sweet+ 3& you &ind it too sweet, try substituting app%e &i%%ing rather
than cherry &i%%ing)+
2- 21o-+ cans cherry pie &i%%ing
1 - 1=o-+ bo, Duncan ines ye%%ow cake mi,- dry
./8 cup chopped pecans
= "B#P butter or margarine (R1 stick)
Preheat o$en to .1C degrees+ #pray a / , 1. , 2 cake pan with Pam+ #pread the
cherry pie &i%%ing e$en%y in the bottom o& the pan+ #pread dry cake mi, and pecans
e$en%y o$er the cherry pie &i%%ing+ !ut butter into sma%% pats 1/=K thick (butter needs to
be co%d when cutting)+ #pread the butter pats e$en%y o$er the top o& e$erything e%se+
Bake at .1C degrees &or 81-1C minutes unti% top is go%den brown and &i%%ing is bubb%y+
<et coo% at %east .C minutes be&ore ser$ing+
#1$( - Pinea//le Crush Cake
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 bo, Duncan ines pineapp%e cake mi,
1 - =o-+ Phi%%y cream cheese
1- .+1o-+ package ?e%%-A $ani%%a instant pudding
2 cups mi%k
1- 2Co-+ can Do%e crushed pineapp%e (drained)
2 cups !oo% @hip
maraschino cherries
Mi, cake batter according to bo, directions+ Pour e$en%y into 2 round %ayer cake pans+
Bake at .1C degrees &or 2C-21 minutes+ :emo$e &rom o$en and %et them coo%+ 3n a
mi,er, combine cream cheese, pudding mi,, and mi%k unti% creamy--beat 2 minutes at
medium speed+ @hen cakes are coo%, spread the cream cheese mi,ture on one o&
the coo%ed %ayer cakes+ #poon the drained crushed pineapp%e on top o& the cream
cheese mi,ture+ :emo$e second %ayer cake &rom its pan and p%ace it on top o& the
crushed pineapp%e+ #pread the !oo% @hip on the top and sides o& the entire %ayer
cake+ :e&rigerate o$ernight be&ore ser$ing+ Feep re&rigerated+ 5or decoration, you
can add maraschino cherries to the top but pat them dry with a paper towe% &irst+
#1&* - Cocoa Cu/cakes
(by Maryellen 1ac$er ( )rien%)
1/2 cup !risco A: margarine
1 cup white sugar
1 egg
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
./8 tsp+ sa%t
1/2 cup ershey2s cocoa powder
1 tsp+ baking soda
1 1/2 cups &%our
1/2 cup mi%k
1/2 cup boi%ing water
3n a mi,er, combine !risco A: margarine, sugar, egg and beat unti% smooth+ 'dd
$ani%%a, sa%t, cocoa, baking soda, mi%k and beat+ 'dd &%our s%ow%y and beat unti%
smooth+ 'dd boi%ing water (M7#" be boi%ing, not >ust hot)+ Beat unti% smooth+ Put
cupcake %iners into cupcake pans and &i%% each %iner ./8 &u%% with batter+ Bake at .01
degrees &or 11-2C minutes+ "ouch the top o& a cupcake with your &inger--i& the top
springs back into p%ace they are done+ 3cing9 ($ani%%a or choco%ate)9 1/2 bo, Domino2s
Powdered #ugar (1 %b+ si-e), 1 stick Parkay margarine, 2 tsp imitation $ani%%a, 1+1
"B#P mi%k+ 5eed in mi,er+ "he %onger you beat it the creamier it gets+ 7se &ood
co%oring to make the co%or you desire+ 5or choco%ate &rosting, add 2 %e$e% "B#P
ershey2s !ocoa+
#1&1 - 6hi//ed Crea9 Icing
(by *ucille Minier ( )rien%)
7se this icing &or cakes or cupcakes9
2 1/2 %e$e% "B#P &%our
1/2 cup mi%k
1/2 cup !risco
1 1/2 cup Domino2s powdered sugar
1/8 tsp+ sa%t
1/2 tsp+ $ani%%a
3n a mi,er, combine &%our and mi%k and set aside+ 3n another mi,ing bow%, combine
!risco, 1/2 cup powdered sugar and sa%t+ Beat unti% %ight and &%u&&y+ 'dd the &%our/mi%k
mi,ture one teaspoon at a time to the !risco mi,ture, beating constant%y+ 'dd the
$ani%%a and b%end in 1 additiona% cup o& powdered sugar+ B%end unti% creamy+
#1&2 - Sugar Cookies
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 stick butter
1 stick Parkay margarine
1 1/2 tsp+ $ani%%a
2 cups white sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp+ sa%t
1 cup regu%ar mi%k
8 tsp+ baking powder
B cups &%our
3n a mi,er, combine sugar, butter and margarine unti% %ight+ 'dd $ani%%a and eggs+
Beat we%%+ 'dd mi%k s%ow%y+ 'dd sa%t, baking powder, and add &%our one cup at a time+
Drop teaspoons&u% on to a greased cookie sheet+ Bake at 81C degrees unti% %ight%y
#1&3 - 7asy #ro/ #anish Pastry
(by #hirley McNevich)
1/8 cup butter (so&tened)
2 "B#P white sugar
2 cups Bis)uick baking mi,
2/. cup mi%k
1/8 cup any &%a$or preser$es or >e%%y
2/. cup powdered sugar
1 "B#P warm tap water
1/8 tsp+ $ani%%a
3n a bow%, use your hands or a spoon to mi, butter, sugar and Bis)uick unti% crumb%y+
#tir in the mi%k unti% dough &orms+ Beat with a spoon &or at %east 11 strokes+ Drop by
rounded "B#P o& dough 2K apart on to a %ight%y greased cookie sheet+ Make a sha%%ow
we%% in the center o& each using the back o& a spoon (dip spoon in &%our i& you ha$e
troub%e with the spoon sticking)+ 5i%% each we%% with 1 tsp+ o& preser$es or >e%%y+ Bake at
81C degrees 1C-11 minutes unti% go%den brown+ :emo$e &rom o$en and whi%e sti%%
warm, dri--%e with g%a-e+ "o make g%a-e, put powdered sugar, warm tap water, and
$ani%%a in a bow% and stir unti% smooth+ Dri--%e the g%a-e using a spoon on the top o&
each Danish+
#1&4 - Cran4erry Salad
(by Nancy [ynn] #.an$ ( )rien%)
1 %arge can who%e cranberry sauce
1 - Bo-+ bo, raspberry ?e%%-A
1 cup sour cream
1/2 cup chopped wa%nuts
1/2 cup chopped ce%ery
Disso%$e ?e%%-A in 2 cups boi%ing water in a %arge bow%+ #tir unti% disso%$ed+ 'dd the
cranberry sauce and stir thorough%y+ !hi%% mi,ture unti% it gets K>igg%yK+ 'dd sour
cream, wa%nuts, and ce%ery and stir comp%ete%y+ :e&rigerate unti% so%id+ Feep
#1&! - -hree Corn Casserole
(by 1at Klase ( )rien%)
1/2 cup so&t butter
1 cup sour cream
1 tsp+ sa%t
1/2 tsp+ pepper
1 egg
1 - 1B o-+ can who%e kerne% corn (De%Monte)
1 - 1B o-+ can creamed corn (De%Monte)
1 - / o-+ package corn mu&&in mi,
Preheat o$en to .01 degrees+ Mi, butter, sour cream and egg in a bow%+ #tir in both
kerne% corn and creamed corn+ #tir in sa%t and pepper+ #tir in dry mu&&in mi,+ #poon
mi,ture into a we%% greased 2 )t+ cassero%e dish+ Bake at .01 degrees &or BC minutes
unti% pu&&ed up and go%den brown+
#1&$ - Peach Pudding
(by Harriet Betz ( )rien%)
8-1 &resh or canned who%e peaches, s%iced
1 cup white sugar
2 "B#P butter
1 egg
1/2 cup mi%k
1 cup &%our
1 tsp+ baking powder
;rease a g%ass baking dish (=,=,2K)+ #%ice peaches, drain them, and arrange them to
co$er the bottom o& the dish+ 3n a bow%, add &%our, sugar and butter and mi, with your
hands unti% crumb%y+ 3n a separate bow%, add the mi%k and egg--beat we%% by hand+
'dd the baking powder to the &%our mi,ture, and stir in the egg/mi%k mi,ture with the
&%our mi,ture+ Mi, we%%+ Pour the batter o$er the top o& the peaches+ Bake at .1C
degrees &or 8C minutes or unti% nice and brown+
#1&& - 5a94urger .oodle ake
(by Aunt Florence [Herman] Brosius)
1 %b+ hamburger
8 o-+ uncooked nood%es
1 cup water
1/2 cup chopped onion
11o-+ o& tomato sauce A: 1 pint home canned tomatoes
1 tsp+ sa%t
1/2 tsp+ pepper
Brown the hamburger and onion+ 3n a greased 2)t+ cassero%e, add hamburger/onion,
uncooked nood%es+ 3n a separate bow%, mi, the sauce or canned tomatoes, water,
sa%t, and pepper and stir we%% with a spoon+ Pour the sauce mi,ture o$er the
nood%es/hamburger+ Bake at .1C degrees &or 1 hour+
#1&' - Cran4erry %elish
(by Mitzie [#ha%e] illiams ( )rien%)
1 - 1Bo-+ can who%e cranberry sauce
1 - 2Co-+ can Do%e crushed pineapp%e
2 cups chopped or grated app%es
2 cups chopped oranges
1 "B#P o& orange -est (grated outside pee% o& an orange)
1/2 cup chopped B%ack Diamond wa%nuts
Put a%% ingredients in a %arge bow% and stir with a spoon to mi,+ :e&rigerate be&ore
#1&( - .ight9are Cake
(by Mitzie [#ha%e] illiams ( )rien%)
1 bo, choco%ate Duncan ines cake mi,
1 sma%% bo, ?e%%-A instant choco%ate pudding
8 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup cano%a oi%
1 cup water
3n a mi,er, beat a%% ingredients unti% smooth+ Pour batter into an ungreased ange%&ood
cake pan+ Bake at .1C degrees &or 8C-81 minutes+ "est with a toothpick &or doneness+
3& you want to use icing, you can use our recipe Q2 &or $ani%%a icing+
#1'* - Peanut utter Icing
(by #hirley McNevich)
1/8 cup butter
. "B#P mi%k
1 cup peanut butter chips (:eese2s)
1/2 tsp+ $ani%%a
./8 cup powdered sugar
3n sma%% saucepan, combine butter, mi%k, and pb chips+ !ook o$er %ow heat, stirring
constant%y unti% smooth+ :emo$e &rom sto$e and stir in $ani%%a+ 3n a sma%% mi,er bow%,
combine hot mi,ture with powdered sugar and beat with mi,er unti% thickened+ 7se
immediate%y because it hardens &ast+
#1'1 - =a9 Stri/ed Cocoa ars
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 cup butter
./8 cup ershey2s cocoa
1 ./8 cup white sugar
1 1/2 tsp+ $ani%%a
. eggs
1 1/8 cups &%our
1/2 tsp+ baking powder
1/8 tsp+ sa%t
1/8 cup grape >e%%y
3n medium saucepan o$er %ow heat, me%t butter, add cocoa, stirring unti% smooth+
:emo$e &rom heat+ !oo% s%ight%y+ 'dd sugar, $ani%%a, and eggs--beat with a spoon
unti% we%% b%ended+ 'dd &%our, baking powder and sa%t+ Mi, we%%+ #pread into a 1. , / ,
2 greased baking pan+ Bake at .1C degrees &or 21-.C minutes+ "est with a toothpick
&or doneness+ :emo$e &rom o$en and %et coo%+ #pread peanut butter &rosting o$er the
top (%isted be%ow)+ @ith the end o& a spoon hand%e, score diagona% ridges in &rosting 1
1/2K apart+ eat the >e%%y in the microwa$e &or 2C seconds and spoon into the ridges+
'%%ow to coo% unti% the >e%%y is set+ !ut into bars+ Makes about . do-en bars+
Peanut Butter 5rosting9
1/8 cup butter
. "B#P mi%k
1 cup peanut butter chips (:eese2s)
1/2 tsp+ $ani%%a
./8 cup powdered sugar
3n sma%% saucepan, combine butter, mi%k, and pb chips+ !ook o$er %ow heat, stirring
constant%y unti% smooth+ :emo$e &rom sto$e and stir in $ani%%a+ 3n a sma%% mi,er bow%,
combine hot mi,ture with powdered sugar and beat with mi,er unti% thickened+ 7se
immediate%y because it hardens &ast+
#1'2 - 5u99ing4ird Cake
(by Aunt 0ileen [Herman] ,arter)
. cups &%our
2 cups white sugar
1 tsp+ baking soda
1 tsp+ sa%t
1 tsp+ cinnamon
. eggs, beaten
1 cup cano%a oi%
1 1/2 tsp+ $ani%%a
1 - =o-+ can Do%e crushed pineapp%e (do not drain)
1 cup chopped bananas
1 cup chopped pecans
3n a %arge bow%, combine &%our, sugar, baking soda, sa%t and cinnamon by hand with a
spoon+ 'dd beaten eggs and oi%--stir unti% ingredients are moist--do not beat+ #tir in
$ani%%a, pineapp%e, bananas and pecans+ Pour into two greased /K %ayer cake pans+
Bake at .1C degrees &or 21-.C minutes+ "est with a toothpick &or doneness+ :emo$e
&rom o$en, coo% &or 1C minutes and remo$e &rom pans (take a kni&e and go around the
edges to %oosen, then turn upside down and care&u%%y remo$e)+ 5rosting9 1 - =o-+
package Phi%%y cream cheese (so&tened), 1/2 cup so&tened Parkay margarine, a 1
pound bo, o& Domino2s powdered sugar, 1 tsp+ $ani%%a+ 3n a mi,er, combine cream
cheese, Parkay and beat unti% smooth+ 'dd $ani%%a and sugar--beat we%%+ #pread
&rosting a%% o$er the &irst %ayer, then p%ace second cake on top and &rost what remains+
#prink%e pecans on top i& you wish+
#1'3 - Italian 2o,e Cake
(by Martha [0n+le] #.eetser ( )rien%)
1 bo, Duncan ines marb%e cake mi,
2 pounds ricotta cheese
. eggs
./8 cup white sugar
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
1 - .+1o-+ bo, ?e%%-o choco%ate instant pudding
1 cup mi%k
1 - =o-+ container !oo% @hip (thawed in re&rigerator i& &ro-en)
Prepare cake mi, as directed on bo,+ Pour batter into / , 1. , 2 greased cake pan+ 3n
a mi,er, combine, ricotta cheese, eggs, sugar and $ani%%a+ Pour this mi,ture on top o&
the 7JB'FHD cake batter+ Bake at .1C degrees &or 1 hour+ :emo$e &rom o$en and
%et coo% comp%ete%y+ 3n a mi,er, add choco%ate pudding and mi%k+ Beat+ 5o%d in !oo%
@hip by hand using a spoon+ Pour choco%ate mi,ture o$er the cake+ :e&rigerate+
Feep re&rigerated+
#1'4 - Pinea//le Salad
(by Aunt Faye [Herman] Minier)
1 - 2Co-+ can Do%e crushed pineapp%e
1 cup white sugar
the >uice o& 1 %emon
2 packs Fno, ge%atin
1 - =o-+ Phi%%y cream cheese
1/8 cup !arnation mi%k
1 en$e%ope Dream @hip
3n a sma%% saucepan, disso%$e Fno, ge%atin in 1/8 cup co%d water+ "urn heat on %ow+
'dd crushed pineapp%e, sugar, and %emon >uice+ #tir and bring to a boi%+ :emo$e &rom
sto$etop and %et coo% comp%ete%y+ 3n a mi,er, mi, Dream @hip according to package
directions+ 'dd the cream cheese and !arnation mi%k to the Dream @hip and beat
we%%+ :emo$e &rom mi,er and &o%d in the Fno,/pineapp%e/sugar/%emon >uice mi,ture
using a spoon+ Pour into a %ong dish and re&rigerate o$ernight+ Feep re&rigerated+
#1'! - -urtle Cake
(by Martha [0n+le] #.eetser ( )rien%)
1 - 18o-+ bag Fra&t carame%s
1/2 cup !arnation mi%k
./8 cup butter
1 package Duncan ines choco%ate cake mi,
2 cups Jest%MNs choco%ate bits
1 cup chopped nuts (optiona%)
Prepare cake mi, as directed on bo,+ Pour ha%& o& cake batter into greased 1. , / , 2
cake pan+ Bake 11 minutes at .1C degrees+ @hi%e cake is baking, in a saucepan,
combine carame%s, mi%k, and butter+ !ook o$er %ow heat, stirring unti% the carame%s
are me%ted+ :emo$e &rom heat and set aside+ :emo$e cake &rom o$en a&ter 11
minutes and pour me%ted carame% mi,ture e$en%y on top o& cake+ #prink%e the
choco%ate bits and nuts e$en%y on top o& carame% mi,ture+ #poon remaining cake
batter o$er the top+ Bake .C minutes at .1C degrees+ <et the cake coo% be&ore cutting+
#1'$ - Pu9/kin Pudding
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 cup <ibby2s canned pumpkin
1 1/2 cups mi%k
1-Bo-+ bo, ?e%%-A $ani%%a instant pudding
1 cup !oo% @hip (thawed in re&rigerator i& &ro-en)
cinnamon to sprink%e on top
3n a mi,er, combine pudding mi,, mi%k, and pumpkin+ Beat unti% smooth+ :emo$e &rom
mi,er and stir in !oo% @hip+ Pour into ser$ing bow% and sprink%e top with cinnamon+
:e&rigerate be&ore ser$ing+ Feep re&rigerated+
#1'& - Eanilla/Chocolate Frosting
(by #hirley 'oss ( )rien%)
(good &or cakes or cupcakes)
1-.+1o-+ bo, ?e%%-A $ani%%a instant pudding (use choco%ate pudding i& you want
choco%ate icing)
1/8 cup powdered sugar
1/2 cup mi%k
= o-+ !oo% @hip (thawed in re&rigerator i& &ro-en)
3n a mi,er, combine pudding mi,, powdered sugar and mi%k+ Beat unti% smooth+
:emo$e &rom mi,er and stir in !oo% @hip with a spoon+ Feep cakes/cupcakes
re&rigerated since this icing has mi%k in it+
#1'' - 2e/rechaun Casserole
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 %b+ ground bee&
2 baking potatoes, pee%ed and thin%y s%iced
1 can !ampbe%%2s mushroom soup
1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese
1 cup sour cream
2 tsp+ sa%t
1/2 tsp+ pepper
1 medium onion, chopped
Brown bee& in ski%%et with onion, sa%t and pepper+ !ook the s%iced potatoes in water
with 1 tsp+ sa%t--a&ter they start to boi% cook them &or 1 minutes+ @hen bee& is
browned, add mushroom soup to the bee& and stir we%%+ ;rease a 2 )t+ cassero%e+ Put
bee&/soup mi,ture in the cassero%e+ Drain water &rom potatoes+ 'dd potatoes to the
cassero%e+ #tir e$erything with a spoon+ #prink%e cheddar cheese o$er the top o& the
cassero%e+ Bake at .1C degrees &or .C minutes+ Be&ore ser$ing, add sour cream to
the top o& the cassero%e+
#1'( - Pu9/kin 6hoo//ee Pies
(by #hirley McNevich)
2 cups <ibby2s canned pumpkin
2 egg yo%ks
2 cups Domino2s dark brown sugar
1 cup cano%a oi%
1 tsp+ c%o$es
1 tsp+ cinnamon
1 tsp+ ginger
1 tsp+ sa%t
1 tsp+ baking powder
1 tsp+ baking soda
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
. cups &%our
(&rosting) R 2 egg whites, 2 tsp+ $ani%%a, 8 "B#P &%our, 2 "B#P mi%k, 1 1/2 cups !risco,
1 - 1Bo-+ bo, Domino2s powdered sugar+
3n a mi,er, combine pumpkin, egg yo%ks (sa$e whites &or &rosting), brown sugar, and
cano%a oi%+ Beat we%%+ 'dd c%o$es, cinnamon, ginger, sa%t, baking powder, baking soda,
$ani%%a, and &%our+ Beat we%%+ Drop batter by teaspoons&u% on a greased cookie sheet+
Don2t p%ace too c%ose together+ Bake in preheated .1C degree o$en &or =-1C minutes,
watching care&u%%y so they don2t burn+ :emo$e &rom o$en and coo% comp%ete%y+
5rosting9 beat egg whites unti% sti&&+ 'dd $ani%%a, &%our and mi%k--beat we%%+ 'dd !risco
and gradua%%y add powdered sugar+ "he more you beat it the &%u&&ier it wi%% get+ #pread
&rosting on one cookie (&%at part) and co$er with another cookie so that both &%at parts
are &acing the icing+ Eou can &ree-e these i& you wrap them indi$idua%%y in #aran wrap
and then store inside o& a container with a %id+
#1(* - 3//lesauce Cake
(by Nancy [Mo.ery] 7lrich ( )rien%)
1/2 cup !risco
2 cups white sugar
1 egg
2 cups canned app%esauce
2 1/2 cups &%our
1 1/2 tsp+ baking soda
1 1/2 tsp+ sa%t
1 tsp+ cinnamon
1/2 tsp+ c%o$es
1/2 tsp+ a%%spice
1/2 cup raisins
./8 cup wa%nuts (B%ack Diamond)
Mi, &%our, baking soda, sa%t, cinnamon, c%o$es, and a%%spice in a bow% using a spoon--
set aside+ 3n a mi,er, combine !risco, sugar, and egg--beat we%%+ 'dd app%esauce and
beat+ 'dd bow% o& dry ingredients and beat we%%+ 3& using raisins, cook them in water
&or 1 minutes, then drain+ 'dd raisins and wa%nuts to the batter and stir with a spoon+
Pour batter into a greased bundt cake or ange%&ood cake pan+ Bake at .1C degrees
&or 1C minutes+
#1(1 - utterscotch Ice4o< Cookies
(by Aunt Hazel [Hau&t] Herman)
2 cups Domino2s dark brown sugar
2 eggs
1 cup butter
1 cup chopped b%ack wa%nuts
1/8 tsp+ sa%t
1 tsp+ baking soda
1 tsp+ cream o& tartar
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
8 cups &%our
3n a mi,er, combine brown sugar, butter and beat+ 'dd eggs and beat unti% smooth+
'dd baking soda, cream o& tartar, sa%t, $ani%%a, chopped wa%nuts and beat+ #%ow%y add
&%our unti% batter gets too sti&& &or the mi,er+ 7se a wooden spoon to mi, in the rest o&
the &%our by hand+ !ut the dough into &our parts+ 7se your hands and shape each o&
the &our parts into a ba%%+ "ake one ba%% at a time, sprink%e &%our on counter, put ba%% on
top o& &%our, and sprink%e &%our on top o& ba%%+ :o%% with your hands unti% it2s shaped %ike
a %og (about 2K round)+ Pat the ends so they are &%at, and wrap in #aran @rap and
p%ace in a %ong cake pan+ :epeat with other . ba%%s o& dough+ :e&rigerate o$ernight+
:emo$e &rom re&rigerator one ro%% at a time and s%ice into cookies with a sharp kni&e
(about 1/8K thick &or each cookie)+ P%ace on a greased cookie sheet and bake at .01
degrees unti% %ight%y browned+
#1(2 - 3//le Fritters
(by Mitzie [#ha%e] illiams ( )rien%)
= %arge Macintosh or :ome app%es
8 eggs
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
1 tsp+ cinnamon
1 1/8 cups white sugar
1/8 cup &resh mi%k
2-. cups &%our (enough to make batter sti&&)
1 %emon (the >uice and the rind)
deep &ryer
Pee%, core and thin%y s%ice app%es+ Beat eggs, sugar, sa%t, cinnamon and mi%k unti%
b%ended+ 'dd &%our unti% batter is sti&&+ 'dd %emon >uice and %emon rind (use a grater to
get the %emon rind)+ 5o%d the app%e s%ices into the batter+ Drop by %arge spoon&u%s into
.01 degree cano%a oi% in the deep &ryer+ 5ry unti% go%den brown on both sides+ Drain
on paper towe%s and sprink%e powdered sugar on to ser$e+
#1(3 - >ra/e Cookies
(by Aunt Hazel [Hau&t] Herman)
1 cup butter
1 1/2 cups white sugar
8 eggs
1 tsp+ baking soda disso%$ed in 1/8 cup water
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
1 tsp+ cinnamon
. 1/2 cups &%our
1 %b+ chopped dates
1 %b+ chopped b%ack wa%nuts
1 %b+ red grapes, each grape s%iced in ha%&
3n a mi,er, combine butter and sugar+ 'dd eggs and beat unti% smooth+ 'dd baking
soda in water, $ani%%a, cinnamon and beat+ 'dd &%our a %itt%e at a time--i& it gets too sti&&
&or the mi,er, remo$e and continue by hand with a wooden spoon+ 'dd dates,
wa%nuts, and grapes--mi, with wooden spoon+ Drop teaspoons&u% on to a greased
cookie sheet and bake at .01 degrees unti% %ight%y browned+
#1(4 - 2ayered Chocolate #essert
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 1/2 sticks Parkay margarine (so&tened)
1 1/2 cups chopped pecans
1 1/2 cups &%our
=o-+ Phi%%y cream cheese
1 cup Domino2s powdered sugar
=o-+ thawed !oo% @hip
2 - .+1o-+ bo,es ?e%%-A instant choco%ate pudding
. cups mi%k
3n a bow% using a wooden spoon, mi, Parkay, pecans, and &%our+ Pour this mi,ture
into a greased / , 1. , 2 cake pan and %e$e% it with the spoon+ Bake .C minutes at
.1C degrees+ :emo$e &rom o$en and coo% comp%ete%y+ 3n a mi,er, beat cream
cheese, powdered sugar, and ha%& o& the !oo% @hip+ :emo$e &rom mi,er and spread
cream cheese mi,ture o$er the coo%ed crust in the cake pan+ 3n the mi,er again, beat
choco%ate pudding mi, and the mi%k+ Beat unti% smooth+ Pour the choco%ate mi,ture on
top o& the cream cheese mi,ture+ 'dd remaining !oo% @hip to the top o& the
choco%ate mi,ture+ :e&rigerate o$ernight+ Feep re&rigerated+
#1(! - 2ayered 2e9on #essert
(by #hirley McNevich)
2 cups &%our
2 sticks Parkay margarine (so&tened)
2 "B#P white sugar
1 %arge Phi%%y cream cheese
1 sma%% Phi%%y cream cheese
1 1/2 cups Domino2s powdered sugar
2 cans %emon pie &i%%ing
1 - =o-+ !oo% @hip (thawed)
5irst %ayer--in a bow%, add &%our, Parkay and sugar and stir+ Press this mi,ture in a
greased / , 1. , 2 cake pan+ Bake at .1C degrees &or 11 minutes4 remo$e &rom o$en
and coo% comp%ete%y+ #econd %ayer--in a mi,er, beat cream cheese and powdered
sugar unti% creamy+ #pread the cream cheese mi,ture on the coo%ed crust+ "hird
%ayer--spread %emon pie &i%%ing o$er the cream cheese %ayer+ 5ourth %ayer--spread !oo%
@hip on top o& %emon pie &i%%ing+ !hi%% &or se$era% hours be&ore ser$ing+ Feep
#1($ - Chicken #i,an
(by Nancy [ynn] #.an$ ( )rien%)
2 - 1Co-+ packages &ro-en brocco%i (thaw bo,es in warm water)
2 cups bite si-ed pieces cooked chicken
2 cups s%iced water chestnuts
2 cans !ampbe%%2s !ream o& !hicken soup
1 cup %ight e%%mannNs mayo
1 tsp+ %emon >uice
1/2 tsp+ curry
1/2 cup shredded sharp cheese
1/8 cup buttered bread crumbs (butter the bread, then s%ice into crumbs)
3n a %arge greased cassero%e, add brocco%i, chicken, water chestnuts+ 3n a separate
bow%, stir together the soup, mayo, %emon >uice, and curry+ Pour this mi,ture o$er the
chicken+ 'dd shredded cheese to the top+ 'dd buttered crumbs on top o& the cheese+
Bake at .1C degrees &or 21-.C minutes+
#1(& - %ed Eel,et Cake
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 1/2 cups white sugar
1/2 cup butter
2 eggs
2 "B#P ershey2s cocoa
2 o-+ red &ood co%oring
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
1 cup buttermi%k
2 cups &%our
1 1/2 tsp+ baking soda
1 "B#P $inegar
3cing9 1 "B#P &%our, 1 cup mi%k, 1 cup butter, 1 cup white sugar, 1 tsp+ $ani%%a+
3n a mi,er, combine sugar, eggs and butter+ 3n a sma%% dish, make a paste with the
cocoa and the &ood co%oring+ 'dd this to the mi,er and b%end+ 'dd sa%t, $ani%%a, and
buttermi%k and beat+ #%ow%y add &%our and beat unti% smooth+ 3n a measuring cup, mi,
baking soda and $inegar+ :emo$e cake batter bow% &rom mi,er and using a spoon,
&o%d in the $inegar/baking soda mi,ture+ Pour batter into a / , 1. , 2 greased cake
pan A: i& you want to make it a %ayer cake, pour into 2 greased %ayer cake pans+
Bake at .1C degrees &or .C minutes+ "est with a toothpick &or doneness+ :emo$e
&rom o$en and coo% cake comp%ete%y be&ore icing+ 3cing9 in a medium saucepan, mi,
&%our and s%ow%y add mi%k o$er %ow heat+ Ance it is mi,ed, cook unti% it thickens+
:emo$e saucepan &rom sto$e and %et it coo%+ 3n a mi,er, combine butter, white sugar,
and $ani%%a+ 'dd the cooked &%our/mi%k and beat we%%+ Beat unti% &%u&&y+ 3ce your cake(s)+
#1(' - =ell-A Cheesecake
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 - .o-+ bo, ?e%%-A (strawberry, cherry, %ime, or raspberry--your choice)
1 cup boi%ing water
1 cup white sugar
2 tsp+ $ani%%a
1 - =o-+ Phi%%y cream cheese
1 %arge can !arnation mi%k (re&rigerated at %east o$ernight)
1 bo, graham cracker crumbs
3n a sma%% bow%, add boi%ing water--disso%$e ?e%%-A in water and stir thorough%y+ #et
aside to coo%+ 3n a mi,er, combine white sugar, $ani%%a and cream cheese--beat unti%
smooth+ Pour cream cheese mi,ture in a bow% and c%ean mi,ing bow% so you can use
it again+ 3n c%eaned mi,ing bow%, whip the can o& !arnation mi%k+ 'dd coo%ed ?e%%-A
mi,ture to the whipped mi%k--mi, we%%+ 'dd cream cheese mi,ture to the whipped mi%k
mi,ture--mi, we%%+ Pour some graham cracker crumbs on the bottom o& a g%ass pie
p%ate+ Pour who%e mi,ture on top o& the crumbs+ #prink%e more graham cracker
crumbs on the top+ Feep re&rigerated+
#1(( - Scratch lue4erry )uffins
(by -ean oo%ley ( )rien%)
1/8 cup me%ted butter
1 cup white sugar
2 eggs
1/2 tsp+ $ani%%a
2 cups &%our
2 tsp+ baking powder
1/8 cup mi%k
2 cups &resh or &ro-en b%ueberries
1/2 cup chopped wa%nuts (optiona%)
3n a %arge bow%, stir/combine butter, sugar and eggs--stir unti% smooth+ 'dd $ani%%a,
baking powder, mi%k and stir+ 'dd &%our and stir %ight%y+ 5o%d in berries and nuts
(optiona%)+ Preheat o$en to 8CC degrees+ Put cupcake %iners in mu&&in tins+ 5i%%
cupcake %iners 2/. &u%% o& batter+ Bake at 8CC degrees 10-2C minutes unti% %ight%y
browned+ "o test &or doneness, touch one mu&&in top with your &inger--i& it dents,
they2re not done+ 3& the mu&&in springs back up, they2re done+
#2** - Gucchini read
(by -ean oo%ley ( )rien%)
. eggs
2 cups white sugar
1 cup cano%a oi%
2 tsp+ $ani%%a
1 cup chopped b%ack wa%nuts (optiona%)
1/2 cup raisins (optiona%)
2 tsp+ baking powder
2 tsp+ baking soda
2 tsp+ cinnamon
. cups &%our
. cups grated -ucchini
3n a mi,er, beat eggs unti% &oamy+ 'dd remaining ingredients in the order %isted and
mi,ing we%% as you add them+ Pour batter in 2 greased %oa& pans+ Bake at .1C
degrees &or 1 hour and 2C minutes+ "est &or doneness with a toothpick+
#2*1 - ?uick Fudge ro+nies
(by #hirley McNevich)
8 - 1o-+ bars ershey2s baking choco%ate
./8 cup butter
2 cups white sugar
. eggs
1 1/2 tsp+ $ani%%a
1 cup &%our
1 cup chopped nuts (optiona%)
1 cup Jest%MNs choco%ate bits
eat o$en to .1C degrees+ Prepare a 1. , / , 2 baking pan by %ining it with &oi%+ P%ace
choco%ate and butter in %arge microwa$e sa&e bow%+ Microwa$e on high 1 1/2 - 2
minutes or unti% choco%ate is me%ted and mi,ture is smooth when stirred with a spoon+
'dd sugar to the choc/butter mi,ture and stir unti% we%% b%ended+ Beat eggs in a
measuring cup with a &ork and add to mi,ture+ 'dd $ani%%a, &%our, nuts, and choco%ate
bits+ #tir unti% we%% mi,ed+ #pread in prepared pan+ Bake .C-.1 minutes at .1C
degrees or unti% toothpick inserted comes out a%most c%ean+ !oo% comp%ete%y, pu%% on
&oi% to remo$e brownies be&ore cutting+
#2*2 - 6hite Cake
(by Aunt Grace [Herman] Knouse)
. cups si&ted &%our
8 tsp+ baking powder
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
1 cup white sugar
1 egg
1 cup mi%k
1/8 cup me%ted butter
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
Aptiona%--Baker2s coconut ( s%iced bananas
#i&t the baking powder, &%our, sugar and sa%t into a sma%% bow% and set aside+ 3n a
mi,er, combine egg, butter, $ani%%a and mi%k+ #%ow%y add the si&ted ingredients that
you set aside+ Mi, unti% smooth+ Pour in a / , 1. , 2 greased cake pan A: two
greased %ayer cake pans+ Bake at .01 degrees &or 2C-21 minutes or unti% inserted
toothpick comes out c%ean+ 7se our icing recipe Q2 to &rost the cakes+ 3& you make it
as a %ayer cake, you can p%ace s%iced bananas between the %ayers be&ore &rosting+ 3&
making one / , 1. , 2 cake, &rost the cake and sprink%e Baker2s coconut o$er the top+
#2*3 - Stra+4erry Pret;el Salad
(by #hirley McNevich)
2 cups crushed pret-e%s (p%ace thin pret-e%s in p%astic bag and crush coarse%y with
your hands--pret-e%s shou%d sti%% be in pieces, not crumbs)--do not use unsa%ted
. "B#P white sugar
./8 cup me%ted butter or margarine
1 - =o-+ Phi%%y cream cheese
1 cup white sugar
1 - =o-+ container !oo% @hip (thawed)
1 - .o-+ bo, strawberry ?e%%-A
1 - Bo-+ bo, strawberry ?e%%-A
2 1/2 cups boi%ing water
. cups &resh or &ro-en strawberries
3n a bow%, add crushed pret-e%s, . "B#P sugar, me%ted butter/margarine and stir+
;rease a / , 1. , 2 cake pan and pour pret-e% mi,ture e$en%y in pan+ Bake &or =
minutes at 8CC degrees+ :emo$e it &rom o$en and coo% comp%ete%y+ 3n a mi,er,
combine cream cheese, cup o& white sugar and beat unti% smooth+ 'dd !oo% @hip
and beat+ Pour this mi,ture o$er the coo%ed pret-e% mi,ture in the cake pan+ 3n a bow%,
add the two packages o& strawberry ?e%%-A and the boi%ing water--stir comp%ete%y unti%
we%% disso%$ed+ 'dd the strawberries to the ?e%%-A and stir+ !oo% it enough to
re&rigerate+ :e&rigerate &or 11-2C minutes+ :emo$e it &rom re&rigerator and pour it o$er
the top o& the cream cheese mi,ture+ :e&rigerate o$ernight+ Feep re&rigerated+
#2*4 - ?uick Pigs in a lanket
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 medium head o& cabbage (chopped)
1 pound ground bee&
1/2 cup chopped onion
1/2 cup raw minute rice
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
1/2 tsp+ pepper
1 can !ampbe%%2s tomato soup
1 1/2 cups water
1/8 cup grated sharp cheddar cheese
;rease a / , 1. , 2 cake pan+ !hop the cabbage and spread on bottom o& greased
pan+ Brown the ground bee& and onion with sa%t and pepper+ #tir the rice into the
ground bee&+ #poon the ground bee&/rice mi,ture e$en%y o$er the top o& the cabbage+
3n a sma%% saucepan, heat the tomato soup and the water+ Bring it to a boi%+ Pour the
tomato soup o$er the top o& the ground bee& mi,ture+ #prink%e the cheese o$er the
top o& the soup+ !o$er the pan with &oi% and bake &or /C minutes at .1C degrees+
#2*! - Su/er Scallo/ed Potatoes
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 1/2 cups mi%k
1 %e$e% tsp+ sa%t
1/2 tsp+ pepper
. baking potatoes, pee%ed and thin%y s%iced
2 "B#P butter
1/2 cup shredded Monterey >ack cheese
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
3n a saucepan, bring mi%k to boi%ing o$er medium heat+ 'dd the sa%t and pepper and
stir+ 'dd the s%iced potatoes and butter and stir+ Put a %id on the saucepan, turn heat
on %ow and cook 11 minutes--make sure %id is ti%ted+ Pour the potato mi,ture into a 2
)t+ greased cassero%e+ #prink%e cheeses onto potatoes and stir to mi, we%%+ Bake at
.21 degrees &or BC minutes+
#2*$ - %ussian -ea Cookies
(by Hannah Garman ( )rien%)
1 cup butter
1/2 cup Domino2s powdered sugar
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
2 1/8 cups &%our
1/8 tsp+ sa%t
./8 cup chopped nuts
e,tra powdered sugar to ro%% cookies in
3n a mi,er on %ow, combine butter, powdered sugar, and $ani%%a+ 'dd &%our, sa%t and
nuts--beat s%ow%y+ Drop teaspoons&u% on greased cookie sheet+ Bake at .01 degrees
&or 1C minutes+ '&ter remo$ing &rom o$en, %et them coo% to the touch+ Put powdered
sugar in a sma%% bow% and ro%% each cookie with sugar+
#2*& - lack otto9 Cu/cakes
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 - =o-+ Phi%%y cream cheese
1 egg, unbeaten
1/. cup white sugar
1/= tsp+ sa%t
1Bo-+ semi-sweet Jest%MNs choco%ate bits
1 cup white sugar
1/8 cup ershey2s cocoa
1 tsp+ baking soda
1 1/2 cups &%our
1/. cup cano%a oi%
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
1 cup water
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
1 "B#P $inegar
3n a mi,er, combine cream cheese, egg, 1/. cup white sugar, and 1/= tsp+ sa%t--beat
we%%, stir in choco%ate bits by hand and set aside+ 3n a separate mi,ing bow%, combine
&%our, 1 cup white sugar, cocoa, baking soda, and 1/2 tsp+ sa%t+ 3n a sma%% bow%, stirring
by hand, combine cano%a oi%, water, $inegar, and $ani%%a, then add this to the &%our
mi,ture in the mi,er and beat we%%+ 5i%% mu&&in tins with cupcake %iners and &i%% each 1/.
&u%% o& the choco%ate batter, then put 1 heaping teaspoon&u% o& the cream cheese
mi,ture on the top o& each cupcake+ Bake at .CC degrees &or 21-.C minutes+ Makes
1= cupcakes+ 3& you want to &rost them, use our recipe Q2+
#2*' - 5aluskie
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 head cabbage (chopped)
1 %arge onion (chopped)
1 stick Parkay margarine
1 %b+ bacon (&ried)
1/2 package wide nood%es (1/2 %b+ o& the 1%b+ package)
1 cup water
1 tsp+ sa%t
Brown bacon in %arge &rying pan+ P%ace cooked bacon s%ices on paper towe%s to dry up
the grease, then throw paper towe%s away+ Break bacon into bite si-ed pieces and
return to &rying pan+ 'dd chopped cabbage and chopped onions to the bacon , and
add a cup o& water+ !ook o$er medium heat, stirring o&ten, unti% cabbage is so&t+ 3n a
saucepan, add sa%t and water and cook nood%es according to package directions+
Drain the nood%es and mi, Parkay in with nood%es+ 3n a Dutch o$en or %arge pot, add
bacon/cabbage/onion mi,ture and the nood%es+ #tir+ #immer entire mi,ture 1-1C
minutes on %ow heat, stirring o&ten, be&ore ser$ing+
#2*( - Pu9/kin S+irl Pie
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 ready made pie crust (or you can make your own)
1 - =o-+ Phi%%y cream cheese (so&tened)
1/2 cup %ight corn syrup (c%ear)
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
1 cup <ibby2s canned pumpkin
2 eggs
1/2 cup !arnation e$aporated mi%k
1/8 cup white sugar
1 tsp+ cinnamon
1/8 tsp+ ground ginger
1/8 tsp+ nutmeg
1/= tsp+ a%%spice
1 tsp+ sa%t
Prepare pie crust according to package directions using a /K pie p%ate+ #pray pie
p%ate with Pam be&ore inserting the dough4 spray Pam on the top o& the pie dough
a%so (where you wi%% be inserting the &i%%ing)+ 5%ute the edge o& the pie crust+ eat o$en
to .21 degrees+ 7sing a mi,er at medium speed, combine cream cheese, 1/8 cup o&
the %ight corn syrup, $ani%%a and beat unti% smooth+ #pread this mi,ture e$en%y o$er the
bottom o& the pie crust+ 7sing the mi,er, combine pumpkin, eggs, other 1/8 cup %ight
corn syrup, !arnation mi%k, white sugar, and a%% spices and sa%t %isted on the
ingredients+ Mi, we%%+ Pour this mi,ture o$er the cream cheese mi,ture in the pie
she%%+ @ith a kni&e, swir% the mi,ture to gi$e it a marb%ed e&&ect+ Bake at .21 degrees
&or 81-1C minutes or unti% kni&e inserted comes out c%ean+
#21* - 2e9on %ounds
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 cup butter
1/2 cup si&ted Domino2s powdered sugar
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
1/2 tsp+ grated %emon pee%
1 "B#P %emon >uice
2 1/2 cups &%our
1/2 cup chopped pecans
3n a mi,er, combine butter, sugar and $ani%%a+ 'dd %emon pee%, %emon >uice, then beat+
#%ow%y add in &%our--mi, we%%+ #hape the dough into ba%%s using one teaspoon&u% &or
each cookie+ Dip one side o& each ba%% in the chopped nuts+ P%ace the cookies on a
greased cookie sheet (nut side up)+ 5%atten each cookie with the bottom o& a g%ass+
Bake at .1C degrees &or 22-21 minutes+ :emo$e &rom o$en and coo%+ Dri--%e each
cookie with the &o%%owing g%a-e - 1 cup si&ted powdered sugar, .-8 tsp+ o& %emon >uice--
stir by hand in a bow%--shou%d ha$e a runny consistency+
#211 - Starlight )int Sur/rise
(by Martha [0n+le] #.eetser ( )rien%)
. cups &%our
1 tsp+ baking soda
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
1 cup butter
1 cup white sugar
1/2 cup Domino2s brown sugar
2 eggs
2 "B#P water
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
1 bo, 'ndes choco%ate mints
Pecan ha%$es (optiona%)
3n a mi,er, combine butter, white sugar, brown sugar, eggs, water, $ani%%a and beat
unti% smooth+ 'dd baking soda, sa%t and &%our--mi, thorough%y+ :e&rigerate the dough
&or two hours+ :emo$e &rom re&rigerator+ "ake out 1 "B#P o& dough at a time and
wrap dough around a sing%e mint+ :epeat with a%% dough and mints+ P%ace on greased
cookie sheet and put a pecan ha%& on the top o& each cookie (optiona%)+ Bake at .1C
degrees &or 1C-11 minutes or unti% go%den brown+
#212 - Chocolate utterscotcheroos
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 cup Fing #yrup
1 cup white sugar
1 cup ?i& peanut butter
B cups Fe%%ogg2s :ice Frispies
1 - Bo-+ Jest%MNs semi-sweet choco%ate morse%s
1 - Bo-+ package Jest%MNs butterscotch morse%s
3n a . )t+ saucepan, cook the Fing syrup and sugar o$er medium heat, stirring
&re)uent%y unti% it comes to a boi%+ :emo$e &rom heat and stir in peanut butter+ Mi, in
the rice krispies+ Press mi,ture into a buttered 1. , / , 2 pan+ A$er hot (not boi%ing)
water, use a doub%e boi%er (or two saucepans inside o& one another, the bottom one
with the hot water), me%t both the choco%ate and butterscotch morse%s+ #tir constant%y
unti% it2s smooth+ Pour this mi,ture o$er top o& the cerea% mi,ture+ !hi%% unti% &irm--cut
into bars or s)uares+ Feep re&rigerated+
#213 - Su/er )oist Chocolate Cake
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 bo, choco%ate cake mi, (Duncan ines)
1 cup e%%mannNs mayo
1 cup coo% tap water
. eggs
Put a%% ingredients in mi,er and b%end we%%--beat unti% smooth+ Pour batter in a / , 1. ,
2 greased cake pan (or two greased %ayer cake pans)+ Bake at .1C degrees &or .C-.1
minutes+ "est with a toothpick &or doneness+ 7se our &rosting recipe Q2 to make
$ani%%a or choco%ate &rosting (your pre&erence)+
#214 - Chocolate Sheet Cake
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 1/8 cups butter
1/2 cup unsweetened ershey2s cocoa
1 cup water
2 cups &%our
1 1/2 cups Domino2s brown sugar
1 tsp+ baking soda
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
1 - 18o-+ can Hag%e brand sweetened condensed mi%k (JA" e$aporated)
2 eggs
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
1 cup Domino2s powdered sugar
1 cup chopped nuts (optiona%)
Preheat o$en to .1C degrees+ 3n sma%% saucepan o$er %ow heat, me%t 1 cup butter, stir
in 1/8 cup cocoa and water+ Bring to a boi%+ :emo$e &rom heat+ 3n mi,er, combine
&%our, brown sugar, baking soda and sa%t+ 'dd the cocoa mi,ture and beat we%%+ B%end
in 1/. cup o& Hag%e mi%k, eggs and $ani%%a+ Pour batter into a greased >e%%y ro%% pan (11
, 1C , 1)+ Bake 11 minutes or unti% cake springs back when %ight%y touched+ 3n sma%%
saucepan o$er %ow heat, me%t 1/8 cup butter and stir in 1/8 cup cocoa, and remaining
Hag%e mi%k %e&t in can+ #tir in powdered sugar and nuts (optiona%)+ #pread this mi,ture
on top o& the warm cake when you remo$e it &rom the o$en+
#21! - %ocky %oad ro+nies
(by #hirley McNevich)
1/2 cup butter
. o-+ unsweetened choco%ate
1 cup &%our
./8 tsp+ baking powder
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
. eggs
1 1/2 cups white sugar
1 1/2 tsp+ $ani%%a
Brownie "opping9 1/2 cup chopped peanuts, 1/2 cup semi-sweet choco%ate bits, 1 cup
miniature marshma%%ows, 1/8 cup choco%ate &udge ice cream topping (warmed)
eat o$en to .1C degrees+ ;rease a pan that you wou%d norma%%y use to make
brownies+ Me%t butter and unsweetened choco%ate o$er %ow heat in a saucepan,
stirring &re)uent%y+ :emo$e &rom sto$etop and a%%ow to coo%+ 3n a sma%% bow%, combine
&%our, baking powder and sa%t--stir with a spoon and set aside+ 3n a mi,er, beat eggs
unti% %ight+ 'dd sugar 2 "B#P at a time unti% you ha$e added the 1 1/2 cups sugar,
beating unti% mi,ture is thick+ 'dd $ani%%a and gradua%%y add choco%ate/butter mi,ture+
:emo$e bow% &rom mi,er and stir in &%our mi,ture with a spoon, >ust unti% it2s b%ended+
#pread batter e$en%y in greased pan+ Bake at .1C degrees &or 21-.C minutes or unti%
the edges s%ight%y pu%% away &rom the sides o& the pan+ Don2t o$erbake+ :emo$e &rom
o$en+ #prink%e peanuts, choco%ate bits and marshma%%ows o$er the top e$en%y whi%e
it2s warm+ Dri--%e with the warm choco%ate &udge topping and return to o$en--bake =-
12 minutes or unti% %ight%y browned+ !oo% comp%ete%y and cut into s)uares+
#21$ - Fresh 3//le Cake +ith Cara9el >la;e
(by #hirley McNevich)
1/8 cup cinnamon/sugar (pre-mi,ed)
8 chopped app%es (sma%% pieces)
. eggs
1 cup cano%a oi%
2 cups &%our
2 cups white sugar
1/2 tsp+ baking soda
1 tsp+ cinnamon
;%a-e9 2 "B#P butter, 1/2 cup &irm%y packed Domino2s brown sugar, 2 "B#P mi%k+
Preheat o$en to .1C degrees+ ;rease a bundt or tube pan and coat with the
cinnamon/sugar mi,ture+ 3n the mi,er, combine eggs, app%es and oi%+ 'dd white
sugar, baking soda, cinnamon, and &%our+ Mi, we%%+ Pour batter in pan and bake 1 hour
or unti% toothpick inserted comes out c%ean+ '%%ow cake to stay in pan at %east 11
minutes a&ter remo$ing &rom o$en+ 3n$ert cake on to a cake p%ate+ "o prepare g%a-e,
in a medium saucepan add butter, brown sugar and mi%k+ Bring to a boi% and boi% &or 1
minute+ #poon o$er cake so it drips down the sides+ '%%ow the cake to coo% be&ore
#21& - )ilky 6ay Fudge ro+nies
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 - 10+B o-+ bo, brownie mi, with mi%k choco%ate chunks
1/8 cup me%ted butter
2 "B#P hot tap water
1 egg
12 mini-Mi%ky @ay s)uare bars, cut into sma%% pieces (sma%%er than &un-si-e Mi%ky
@ays4 &ound in grocery store candy ais%e)
Preheat o$en to .21 degrees+ <ine a brownie pan with enough &oi% to o$erhang edges
by 2 inches+ !oat &oi% with Pam cooking spray+ 3n a mi,er on %ow speed, beat brownie
mi,, butter, water and egg unti% combined+ Beat on medium speed &or 2 minutes+ #tir
in the Mi%ky @ay pieces by hand+ Pour batter in pan+ Bake 21 minutes at .21 degrees
or unti% center is so%id+ :emo$e &rom o$en and coo% 11 minutes+ 7se &oi% to %i&t &udge
brownies &rom pan and coo% it on a rack+ :e&rigerate unti% so%id (about 1 hour)+ !ut
into s)uares+
#21' - )idnight )ocha ro+nies
(by Aunt 0ileen [Knouse] ,arter)
2/. cup Jest%MNs semi-sweet choco%ate bits
1/2 cup butter
1 cup S 2 "B#P white sugar
2 eggs
1/8 cup hot water
2 "B#P instant co&&ee granu%es
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
1/2 cup &%our
1/2 cup ershey2s cocoa
1 tsp+ baking powder
Mocha &rosting9 . cups si&ted Domino2s powdered sugar, 2/. cup ershey2s cocoa,
1/2 cup butter, 1 tsp+ $ani%%a, 1/. cup hot water mi,ed with 2 "B#P instant co&&ee
3n a saucepan o$er %ow heat, me%t the 2/. cup choco%ate bits, 1/2 cup butter and pour
into mi,er bow%+ Beat and add 1 cup S 2 "B#P white sugar, and add 2 eggs one at a
time+ Beat we%% a&ter each egg is added+ !ombine 1/8 cup hot water and 2 "B#P
instant co&&ee in a cup or bow%--stir unti% disso%$ed+ 'dd co&&ee mi,ture to the
choco%ate mi,ture (no need to coo%)+ 'dd 1/2 cup cocoa, 1 tsp+ baking powder, 1 tsp+
$ani%%a and 1/2 cup &%our and beat we%%+ Pour batter into a greased / , 1. , 2 baking
pan+ Bake at .1C degrees &or 11-2C minutes or unti% toothpick inserted on side comes
out c%ean--do not o$erbake+ :emo$e &rom o$en and %et coo% comp%ete%y+ 5rosting9 in a
mi,er, beat 1 cup powdered sugar, 2/. cup cocoa, 1/2 cup butter, 1 tsp+ $ani%%a+ 3n a
cup, add 1/. cup hot water and stir in 2 "B#P instant co&&ee granu%es--%et coo% be&ore
adding+ Ance coo%ed, add ha%& o& the coo%ed co&&ee mi,ture to the &rosting mi,ture in
the mi,er and beat+ ;radua%%y beat in the other 2 cups o& powdered sugar and the
remaining ha%& o& coo%ed co&&ee mi,ture+ Beat unti% &rosting is a good consistency &or
&rosting+ 5rost the coo%ed brownies+
#21( - 5oliday Chocolate utter Cookies
(by #hirley McNevich)
1/2 cup white sugar
./8 cup butter, so&tened
1 egg yo%k
1 tsp+ a%mond e,tract
1 1/2 cups &%our
1/8 cup ershey2s cocoa
3n a mi,er, combine a%% ingredients HL!HP" &%our and cocoa--beat on medium speed
unti% %ight and &%u&&y (2-. minutes)+ ;radua%%y add &%our and cocoa and mi, we%% (2-.
minutes)+ Bake on greased cookie sheets--drop by rounded teaspoons&u% on to cookie
sheet+ Bake at .01 degrees &or 0-/ minutes or unti% they are set+ :emo$e &rom o$en
and coo%+
#22* - Peach Co44ler
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 cup Bis)uick
1 "B#P so&tened butter
1/2 cup Domino2s brown sugar
1/8 tsp+ cinnamon
1/. cup mi%k
1 can De%Monte s%iced peaches (cut in bite si-ed pieces--do not drain)
By hand using a &ork, mi, Bis)uick, butter, brown sugar, cinnamon unti% crumb%y+ 'dd
the mi%k and stir with a spoon unti% smooth+ ;rease an = , = , 2 baking dish+ #pread
batter e$en%y on the bottom+ Pour the pieces o& peaches and the >uice o$er the top o&
the batter+ Bake at 8CC degrees &or .C-.1 minutes+ Eou can eat it hot or %et it coo%
&irst+ #er$e with $ani%%a ice cream+
#221 - Pinea//le 3ngelfood Cake
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 bo, Betty !rocker con&etti ange%&ood cake mi,
1 - 2C+1 o-+ Do%e crushed pineapp%e (do not drain)
3n a %arge bow%, add dry ange%&ood cake mi, and crushed pineapp%e (inc%uding >uice)+
#tir with a spoon unti% it2s comp%ete%y mi,ed+ Pour batter into an 7Jgreased / , 1. , 2
cake pan+ Bake at .21 degrees &or 1C minutes+ #er$e with !oo% @hip i& desired+
#222 - 6et read Pie
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 - = inch pie she%% (baked)
1 cup bread broken into bite si-ed pieces
1/2 cup water
1 cup white sugar
. eggs (separated--reser$e egg whites &or %ater)
the >uice o& 1 %arge %emon
1 tsp+ %emon -est (grate the %emon pee%)
2 "B#P butter
. "B#P white sugar
. egg whites
1/8 tsp+ cream o& tartar
'dd the 1 cup o& bread pieces to a bow% and pour the 1/2 cup water o$er the bread
pieces+ 3n the top o& a doub%e boi%er (water in bottom pot--i& you don2t ha$e a doub%e
boi%er use two pots that &it inside o& each other) add the wet bread, 1 cup white sugar,
. egg yo%ks, %emon >uice, %emon -est, and butter+ !ook on medium heat unti% thick,
stirring occasiona%%y+ Pour this mi,ture into the baked pie crust+ 3n a mi,er, combine .
egg whites, cream o& tartar+ Beat unti% &oamy, then add the . "B#P white sugar and
continue beating at your mi,er2s highest speed unti% the mi,ture is sti&&+ Pour the egg
white mi,ture on top o& the pie+ 7se a spatu%a to spread the egg whites a%% the way to
a%% edges o& the pie+ 7sing your inde, &inger, start in the center o& the egg whites and
begin making a sma%% spira% and continue as it gets %arger unti% you get to the edge o&
the pie (&or decoration)+ Bake at .1C degrees &or 11-2C minutes or unti% the egg whites
(meringue) are brown+
#223 - Crea9 Puff Cake
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 cup water
1/2 cup butter (1 stick)
1 cup &%our
8 eggs
1 - =o-+ !oo% @hip (thawed)
ershey2s choco%ate syrup
8 cups mi%k
. sma%% bo,es instant ?e%%-A pudding ($ani%%a or 5rench $ani%%a)
1 - =o-+ Phi%%y cream cheese
maraschino cherries
3n a medium saucepan, add water and butter and bring to a boi%+ :emo$e &rom heat,
and add &%our to the water butter mi,ture--stir by hand unti% it &orms a ba%%+ '%%ow the
ba%% to coo%+ 'dd 1 unbeaten egg at a time to the ba%% and stir thorough%y+ #pread the
ba%% mi,ture on the bottom and up the sides o& a greased / , 1. , 2 cake pan+ Bake at
8CC degrees &or .1 minutes+ :emo$e &rom o$en and coo% comp%ete%y+ 3n a mi,er, beat
mi%k and pudding mi,es together unti% thickened+ 'dd cream cheese and beat unti%
smooth+ #pread the cream cheese mi,ture on to the coo%ed crust+ #pread the !oo%
@hip on the top o& the cream cheese mi,ture+ Dri--%e with choco%ate syrup+ Drain and
s%ice maraschino cherries into ha%$es, dry them on a paper towe% and add to the top o&
the cake+ :e&rigerate be&ore ser$ing, and keep re&rigerated+
#224 - 5a+aiian Slush
(by Donna 'anc$ ( )rien%)
Bo-+ awaiian punch (&ro-en concentrate--in grocery store &ree-er section)
Bo-+ &ro-en concentrate pineapp%e orange >uice (same as abo$e)
Bo-+ rum
Put a%% ingredients in a b%ender and add enough ice cubes to &i%% to the top o& the
b%ender+ Beat unti% s%ushy+ #tore in &ree-er unti% ready to use+
#22! - 7arthCuake Cake
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 cup chopped pecans
0o-+ Baker2s ange%&%ake coconut
1 bo, Betty !rocker ;erman choco%ate cake mi,
1 stick butter
1 - =o-+ Phi%%y cream cheese
1 %b+ Domino2s powdered sugar
;rease a / , 1. , 2 cake pan+ !o$er the bottom o& the pan with the pecans and the
coconut+ Prepare the ;erman choco%ate cake mi, according to bo, directions+ Pour
cake batter o$er coconut and pecans+ Me%t the butter together with the cream cheese
in a saucepan+ #tir in the powdered sugar and stir whi%e cooking--this mi,ture
scorches easi%y so use %ow heat+ Pour this mi,ture on top o& the cake batter+ Bake at
.1C degrees &or 81-BC minutes+ "est with a toothpick &or doneness+ @hen you
remo$e it &rom the o$en it wi%% ha$e a %arge crack in the midd%e--that2s why it2s ca%%ed
Harth)uake !ake+
#22$ - Cookie ars
(by *ynn [Moyer] #imin+ton ( )rien%)
1/2 cup me%ted butter
1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
1 cup chopped Hng%ish wa%nuts
1 cup Jest%MNs choco%ate bits
1 1/. cups Baker2s ange%&%ake coconut
1 - 11o-+ can Hag%e brand condensed mi%k
Pour me%ted on to bottom o& a / , 1. , 2 cake pan+ #prink%e graham cracker crumbs
e$en%y o$er the butter+ #prink%e chopped nuts e$en%y o$er the top o& the graham
cracker crumbs+ #catter choco%ate bits o$er the chopped nuts+ #prink%e the coconut
e$en%y o$er the choco%ate bits+ Pour the can o& mi%k e$en%y o$er the top o& e$erything+
Bake at .1C degrees &or 21 minutes unti% top is %ight%y browned+ :emo$e &rom o$en--
a%%ow to coo% &or 11 minutes+ !ut into bars+
#22& - Sour Crea9 Cookies
(by Harriet eaver ( )rien%)
1 cups si&ted &%our
2 tsp+ baking soda
1 tsp+ sa%t
1 tsp+ nutmeg
1 cup butter
2 cups white sugar
8 eggs
1 cup sour cream
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
3n a mi,er, combine butter, sugar+ 'dd eggs and beat+ 'dd sour cream and beat+ 'dd
baking soda, sa%t, nutmeg and $ani%%a--beat we%%+ 'dd &%our one cup at a time and
mi,--i& it gets too sti&& &or mi,er, continue adding &%our and stirring by hand+ Drop
teaspoons&u% on a greased cookie sheet and sprink%e a %itt%e white sugar o$er the top
o& each cookie be&ore baking+ Bake at .1C degrees &or 1C-12 minutes or unti% %ight%y
#22' - %eally 7asy ro+nies
(by Hannah Garman ( )rien%)
1 bo, graham cracker crumbs
2 cans Borden2s condensed mi%k
1 - 12o-+ bag Jest%MNs choco%ate bits
3n a %arge bow%, mi, a%% ingredients together using a spoon+ Pour batter in a greased /
, 1. , 2 cake pan+ Bake at .1C degrees &or 21 minutes+ :emo$e &rom o$en, a%%ow to
coo% and cut into s)uares+
#22( - Areo Cheesecakes
(by #hirley McNevich)
. - =o-+ packages so&tened Phi%%y cream cheese
./8 cup white sugar
. eggs
1 package Areo cookies
P%ace cupcake %iners into mu&&in tins+ P%ace one Areo cookie on the bottom o& each
cupcake %iner+ 3n a mi,er, beat the cream cheese, add the sugar and mi, unti%
smooth+ 'dd eggs one at a time, beating a&ter each egg+ Mi, unti% smooth+ #poon
batter o$er each Areo cookie in the cupcake %iners unti% they are each ./8 &u%%+ Bake at
.1C degrees &or 11-2C minutes or unti% the center o& each cupcake is a%most set+
:emo$e &rom o$en, coo% comp%ete%y and re&rigerate o$ernight be&ore ser$ing+ "hey
can be dri--%ed with me%ted choco%ate or !oo% @hip i& desired+ Feep re&rigerated+
#23* - Che+y ro+nie Cookies
(by #hirley McNevich)
2/. cup !risco
1 1/2 cups &irm%y packed Domino2s dark brown sugar
1 "B#P co%d tap water
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups &%our
1/. cup ershey2s cocoa
1/8 tsp+ baking soda
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
1 - 12o-+ package Jest%MNs 12 o-+ choco%ate bits
3n a mi,er on medium speed, combine !risco, brown sugar, water, and $ani%%a+ 'dd
the eggs and mi, we%%+ 'dd baking soda, sa%t, cocoa and s%ow%y add &%our+ Mi, at %ow
speed unti% b%ended+ :emo$e &rom mi,er and stir in choco%ate bits with a spoon+ Drop
teaspoons&u% on greased cookie sheets and bake at .01 degrees &or 0-/ minutes or
unti% cookies are set--AJ<E bake one sheet o& cookies at a time and do not o$erbake+
'&ter remo$ing cookie sheet &rom o$en, a%%ow cookies to coo% a &ew minutes be&ore
remo$ing them+
#231 - >arlic read
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 stick o& butter, so&tened
2 "B#P grated Parmesan cheese
2 "B#P Mc!ormick2s gar%ic and 3ta%ian herb seasoning
1 %oa& 5rench or 3ta%ian bread
By hand in a bow%, mi, butter, gar%ic/3ta%ian seasoning and Parmesan cheese unti%
we%% b%ended+ !ut the bread in 1K s%ices but do not cut a%% the way through the bottom
o& the %oa&+ #pread the gar%ic mi,ture on both sides o& each s%ice+ @rap entire %oa& in
&oi% and p%ace on a cookie sheet+ Bake at 8CC degrees &or 1C minutes+ "o ser$e, tear
o&& the s%ices &rom the %oa&+
#232 - Chocolate Co,ered Cherry Cake
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 bo, Duncan ines de$i% 2s &ood cake mi,
1 - 21o-+ can cherry pie &i%%ing
2 %arge eggs
1 tsp+ pure a%mond e,tract
3n a mi,er, combine a%% ingredients and beat on %ow &or 1 minute+ #top the mi,er and
scrape down the sides o& the bow% with a rubber spatu%a+ 3ncrease speed to medium
and beat 2 minutes more+ "he batter shou%d %ook thick and we%% b%ended+ ;rease a 1.
, / , 2 cake pan and p%ace o$en rack in the center o& the o$en+ Preheat o$en to .1C
degrees+ Pour batter into cake pan and smooth the top with a spatu%a+ P%ace the cake
in the o$en and bake at .1C degrees &or .C-.1 minutes--test with a toothpick &or
doneness+ :emo$e cake &rom o$en and coo% on wire rack+ 7se our icing recipe Q2 &or
$ani%%a icing+
#233 - 2e9on Cheesecake
(by Dot [#chuc$] Amerman ( )rien%)
1 - =o-+ Phi%%y cream cheese
1 - .+1 o-+ bo, %emon ?e%%-A instant pudding
2 cups mi%k
1 - Pre-made graham cracker crust
graham cracker crumbs (optiona%)
3n a mi,er, beat cream cheese unti% smooth+ B%end in 1/2 cup o& mi%k and beat+ 'dd
pudding mi, and the remainder o& the mi%k and beat+ Pour batter into graham cracker
crust+ 3& you want, you can sprink%e some graham cracker crumbs o$er the top+
:e&rigerate o$ernight be&ore ser$ing+ Feep re&rigerated+
#234 - S/ringfor9 Cheesecake
(by #hirley McNevich)
. - =o-+ packages Phi%%y cream cheese
./8 cup white sugar
1/8 cup white sugar
B egg whites
1 "B#P $ani%%a
1 spring&orm pan
1 cup graham cracker crumbs
1/8 cup graham cracker crumbs
1/8 cup white sugar
1/2 "B#P cinnamon
1/8 %b+ me%ted butter (1 stick)
=o-+ Breakstone2s sour cream
1/= cup white sugar
1/2 "B#P $ani%%a
3n a mi,er, combine . packages cream cheese, ./8 cup white sugar, and 1 "B#P
$ani%%a--beat we%%+ 3n a separate mi,ing bow%, beat B egg whites with 1/8 cup white
sugar--beat unti% they are $ery sti&&+ 'dd the egg white mi,ture to the cream cheese
mi,ture and beat we%%+ #et the cheesecake batter aside+ !rust--in a bow% by hand, add
1 cup graham cracker crumbs, 1/= cup white sugar, 1/2 "B#P cinnamon, and the 1/8
%b+ (one stick) o& me%ted butter+ Mi, we%% by hand, then press crust mi,ture into a we%%
greased spring&orm pan+ Do not prebake crust+ Pour cheesecake batter into crust and
bake at .1C degrees &or .C minutes+ @hi%e it2s baking, make the sour cream topping
in a separate bow% by hand--add =o-+ sour cream, 1/= cup white sugar, 1/2 "B#P
$ani%%a and stir together with a spoon+ '&ter cheesecake is baked, remo$e &rom o$en
and preheat o$en to 801 degrees+ #pread the sour cream topping o$er the top o& the
cheesecake and sprink%e 1/8 cup graham cracker crumbs o$er the top+ Bake at 801
degrees &or 1 minutes+ :emo$e &rom o$en--coo%+ :e&rigerate o$ernight be&ore
#23! - #irt Cake
1 - =K 5%ower Pot (new)
1 garden trowe% (new)
gummy worms
p%astic &%owers (new or washed)
1B o-+ Areo cookies
1/2 cup Butter, so&tened
= ounces Phi%%y cream cheese, so&tened
1 cup Domino2s powdered sugar
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
2 - bo,es ?e%%-A 3nstant !hoco%ate 5udge pudding
. cups mi%k
12 o-+ !oo% @hip -- thawed
!rush the cookies &ine to resemb%e potting soi% and set aside+ !ream the butter,
cream cheese, sugar and $ani%%a unti% the mi,ture is smooth+ #et aside+ !ombine the
pudding mi, and mi%k unti% we%% b%ended, then &o%d in the !oo% @hip+ ;ent%y &o%d the
cream cheese and pudding mi,tures together+ <ayer 1/. o& the cookie crumbs
&o%%owed by 1/2 o& the pudding mi,ture, 1/. o& the crumbs, the rest o& the pudding
mi,ture and topping with the remaining cookie crumbs+ :e&rigerate 1C to 12 hours+
'bout ha%& an hour be&ore ser$ing, remo$e &rom the re&rigerator and decorate with
&%owers and worms+ #er$e by digging out portions with the trowe%+
#23$ - Arange #ro/ Cookies
(by #hirley McNevich)
2/. cup !risco
1 egg
2 "B#P grated orange rind
1/2 tsp+ baking soda
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
./8 cup white sugar
1/2 cup orange >uice s)uee-ed &rom the &resh orange that you used to get the rind
2 cups &%our
1/2 tsp+ baking powder
eat o$en to 8CC degrees+ 3n a mi,er, combine !risco, white sugar and egg
thorough%y+ 'dd orange >uice, orange rind and beat+ 'dd baking soda, sa%t, baking
powder, and &%our--mi, we%%+ Drop by rounded teaspoons&u% about 2K apart &rom each
other on a greased cookie sheet+ Bake at 8CC degrees =-1C minutes or unti% cookies
are brown on the edges+
#23& - Pistachio undt Cake
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 bo, Duncan ines ye%%ow cake mi,
1 - .+1o-+ bo, ?e%%-A instant pistachio pudding
8 eggs
1 cup co%d water
1/2 cup cano%a oi%
1/2 tsp+ a%mond e,tract A: $ani%%a
3n a mi,er, combine cake mi,, pudding mi,, eggs, oi%, water, and a%mond e,tract A:
$ani%%a+ Beat unti% smooth+ Pour batter into a greased bundt cake or ange%&ood cake
pan+ Bake at .1C degrees &or 1C minutes+ :emo$e &rom o$en and coo% &or 11
minutes, then remo$e &rom pan+ @hen coo%, sprink%e top and sides with powdered
sugar (or substitute your &a$orite g%a-e i& you wish)+
#23' - 5a+aiian read
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 - 12+1 o-+ can Do%e crushed pineapp%e (undrained)
1 - 1Co-+ Baker2s ange%&%ake coconut
8 eggs, beaten
1 1/2 cups white sugar
8 cups &%our
2 tsp+ sa%t
2 tsp+ baking soda
3n a %arge bow%, combine pineapp%e, coconut, beaten eggs, sugar, &%our, sa%t and
baking soda+ Mi, thorough%y+ Put batter into a greased %oa& pan and bake at .21
degrees &or 1 hour+ :emo$e &rom o$en, a%%ow to coo% &or 11 minutes, then remo$e
&rom pan+ #%ice+
#23( - 5a9 and Cheese Casserole
(by #hirley McNevich)
2 cups cooked ham (diced)
1 sma%% chopped onion
2 cups dry macaroni
1 "B#P cornstarch
2 &resh tomatoes (diced)
2 cups shredded sharp cheese
8 cups mi%k
2 s%ices o& bread broken in bite si-ed pieces
!ook macaroni according to package directions+ #et aside+ Dice the ham, chop
onion, and dice tomatoes+ Make cheese sauce by heating . 1/2 cups mi%k and stirring
in shredded cheese unti% me%ted+ 3n a cup, add 1/2 cup o& mi%k and 1 "B#P
cornstarch--stir unti% mi,ed+ 'dd cornstarch mi,ture to the cheese mi,ture and stir
unti% it thickens+ 3n a greased 2 )t+ cassero%e, add ham, onion, tomatoes, macaroni
and mi, them together+ Pour cheese sauce o$er the top+ 'dd bread pieces to the top+
Bake unco$ered at .1C degrees &or 8C-BC minutes+
#24* - Peanut utter ro+nie Cu/cakes
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 - 10+B o-+ package brownie mi, with mi%k choco%ate chunks
. eggs
1/2 cup sour cream
1/. cup cano%a oi%
/ unwrapped mini-:eese2s Peanut Butter !ups
1/8 cup ?i& creamy peanut butter
1 - 1Bo-+ can $ani%%a &rosting
Mu%ti-co%ored sprink%es (optiona%)
Pre-heat o$en to .1C degrees+ <ine / mu&&in ho%es in 2 mu&&in tins with cupcake %iners+
't medium speed, beat brownie mi,, eggs, sour cream, and cano%a oi% unti% %ight and
&%u&&y (. minutes)+ H$en%y di$ide the batter among the / cupcake %iners+ P%ace one
unwrapped peanut butter cup in the center o& each cupcake on top+ Bake 21 minutes
or unti% inserted toothpick comes out c%ean+ :emo$e &rom o$en and coo%+ #tir peanut
butter into the can o& $ani%%a &rosting+ 5rost cupcakes and add sprink%es+
#241 - .o ake Peanut utter Cookies
(by #hirley McNevich)
1/. cup ershey2s cocoa
2 cups white sugar
1 stick Parkay margarine
1/2 cup mi%k
1 tsp+ $ani%%a
1/2 cup ?i& peanut butter (smooth, not chunky)
. cups )uick Puaker oats oatmea%
3n a medium saucepan, add cocoa, white sugar, Parkay and mi%k--stir and bring to a
boi% o$er medium heat--boi% &or 1 minute a&ter bringing to a boi%--stir constant%y+
:emo$e &rom heat and add $ani%%a and peanut butter+ Beat with a spoon unti% smooth+
#tir in the oatmea%+ Drop teaspoons&u% on wa, paper or saran wrap+ @hen coo%, store
in airtight containers+
#242 - 6hi//ed S+eet Potato ake
(by #hirley McNevich)
.- 11 o-+ cans sweet potatoes (drained)
1/2 stick Parkay or butter (me%ted)
1 tsp+ Mc!ormick ground cinnamon
1/8 tsp+ Mc!ormick ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
. cups ?et Pu&&ed miniature marshma%%ows
Preheat o$en to .1C degrees+ 3n a mi,er, combine sweet potatoes, me%ted butter,
cinnamon, sa%t, and nutmeg--beat on medium speed unti% we%% b%ended+ ;rease a 1+1
)uart baking dish with Pam+ Pour the sweet potato mi,ture into the baking dish and
top with the marshma%%ows+ Bake at .1C degrees &or 11-2C minutes or unti% the sweet
potato mi,ture is heated through and marshma%%ows are %ight%y browned+
#243 - Chocolate Areo Cookie Cake
(by #hirley McNevich)
2 cups sugar (1 white, 1 dark brown--Domino Brand)
1/2 cup Parkay Margarine (1 stick)
2 eggs
1/2 cup ershey !ocoa
1 "B#P $ani%%a
Pinch o& sa%t
1 "B#P baking soda ('rm ( ammer brand)
1 cup buttermi%k (or powdered buttermi%k--&o%%ow directions on %abe% to e)ua% 1 cup
2 cups si&ted &%our (measure &%our be&ore you si&t it*)
1/2 cup boi%ing water
1 cup coarse%y crushed Areo cookies
Gani%%a &rosting (ingredients %isted a&ter recipe)
Beat Parkay margarine and sugar unti% creamy+ 'dd eggs, $ani%%a, sa%t, and cocoa+
Mi, baking soda in buttermi%k unti% it starts to &i--+ Pour buttermi%k into batter+ #top
mi,er and add &%our+ Mi, unti% smooth, about . minutes+ 'dd boi%ing water and mi,+ 3n
a Iip%oc bag, coarse%y crush Areo cookies unti% you ha$e enough &or 1 cup--take out .
"B#P o& crushed Areo cookies to use %ater in the &rosting+ #tir the rest o& the 1 cup
crushed Areo cookies into the cake batter+ Pour batter into %ong cake pan 1. by / by
2+ Bake at .01 degrees &or .1 minutes+ "est i& it2s done using a toothpick+ 3& toothpick
comes out c%ean, it2s done+ 3& it doesn2t come out c%ean, %ea$e in a &ew more minutes
and retest+ 5rosting9 1/2 bo, Domino2s Powdered #ugar (1 %b+ si-e)4 1 stick Parkay
margarine4 2 tsp+ imitation $ani%%a4 1+1 "B#P mi%k+ 5eed in mi,er+ "he %onger you beat
it the creamier it gets+ @hen &inished making &rosting, stir in the . "B#P o& crushed
Areos that you had set aside+ 5rost cake when it is coo%+ Eou can add more crushed
Areos to the top &or decoration i& you wish+
#244 - A,en aked Chicken Par9esan
(by #hirley McNevich)
8 bone%ess/skin%ess chicken breast ha%$es
1 egg, s%ight%y beaten with a &ork
./8 cup 3ta%ian seasoned bread crumbs
1 - 2B-2=o-+ >ar :agu pasta sauce (room temperature)
1 cup shredded mo--are%%a cheese
Pre-heat o$en to 8CC degrees+ Dip chicken in the beaten egg and ro%% chicken in the
bread crumbs, coating we%%+ #pray a 1. , / , 2 g%ass baking dish with Pam+ 'rrange
chicken in the dish+ Bake unco$ered at 8CC degrees &or 2C minutes+ "est chicken to
make sure it2s no %onger pink--return to o$en a &ew more minutes i& sti%% pink+ :emo$e
&rom o$en and pour pasta sauce o$er the chicken+ "op with the mo--are%%a cheese+
:eturn to o$en and bake an additiona% 1C minutes at 8CC degrees+
#24! - 6hole 6heat Soda read
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 cup &%our
2 "B#P Domino2s dark brown sugar
1 tsp+ baking soda
1/2 tsp+ sa%t
2 "B#P co%d butter or margarine
2 cups who%e wheat &%our
1/2 cup Puaker o%d &ashioned oats
1 1/2 cups buttermi%k
Preheat o$en to .01 degrees+ ;rease a cookie sheet+ By hand in a %arge bow%,
combine &%our, brown sugar, baking soda and sa%t+ Mi, we%%+ 'dd butter and mi, with
your hands+ #tir in the who%e wheat &%our and the oats+ 3n the center o& the dough,
make a %arge ho%e and pour buttermi%k in the ho%e+ Mi, the dough and buttermi%k with
a &ork unti% we%% b%ended+ Drop the dough on to a &%oured countertop+ Fnead the dough
&or 1 minute+ #hape dough into a ba%% and p%ace on the cookie sheet+ 5%atten out the
dough into a BK circ%e+ 7se a kni&e and cut a cross into the top o& the %oa&+ Bake at .01
degrees &or 8C minutes or unti% brown+
#24$ - -una %ice Casserole
(by #hirley McNevich)
2 - Bo-+ cans tuna (drained)
1 - 1Co-+ package &ro-en peas (cooked according to package directions and drained)
. cups cooked rice (cooked according to package directions and drained)
./8 cup water
1 - 1Co-+ can !ampbe%%2s cheddar cheese soup
2 s%ices o& bread
3n a %arge bow%, combine tuna, cooked peas, and cooked rice--mi, we%% with a spoon+
3n a separate bow%, combine the co%d cheddar cheese soup and water+ Pour cheese
soup mi,ture on top o& tuna mi,ture and mi, with a spoon+ Pour e$erything into a
greased cassero%e dish+ Break up two s%ices o& bread into bite si-ed pieces and p%ace
on top o& cassero%e+ Bake unco$ered at 8CC degrees &or 2C minutes+
#24& - -una .oodle Casserole
(by #hirley McNevich)
2 - 1C+01o-+ cans !ampbe%%2s cream o& mushroom soup
1 cup mi%k
2 cups &ro-en peas
2 - 12o-+ cans tuna (drained)
8 cups o& hot (cooked) medium egg nood%es (cooked according to package
2 s%ices o& bread broken in bite si-ed pieces
1 "B#P me%ted butter
#tir mi%k, peas, soup, tuna and nood%es together in a bow% using a spoon+ Pour into
greased . )t+ cassero%e+ 'dd bread crumbs to the top+ #prink%e the me%ted butter o$er
the top o& the bread crumbs+ Bake at 8CC degrees &or .C minutes+
#24' - I9/ossi4le -una Pie
(by #hirley McNevich)
1 - B+1 o-+ can drained tuna
1 cup shredded sharp cheese
1 - .o-+ package Phi%%y cream cheese, cut into sma%% pieces
1/2 medium onion (chopped)
2 cups mi%k
1 cup Bis)uick
8 eggs
./8 tsp+ sa%t
;rease a 1CK , 1+1K pie p%ate+ 3n a bow% using a spoon, combine tuna, sharp cheese,
cream cheese, and onion+ Pour this mi,ture into the greased pie p%ate+ 3n a b%ender,
beat mi%k, Bis)uick, eggs and sa%t--beat &or 11 seconds on high+ Pour this batter on
top o& the tuna mi,ture+ Bake at 8CC degrees &or .1-8C minutes+ "est with a kni&e--i&
inserted kni&e comes out c%ean, it2s done+
#24( - ?uick >inger read
(by #hirley McNevich)
2 cups Bis)uick
1 1/8 cups white sugar
2 "B#P ground ginger
1/2 cup mi%k
1/8 cup Brer :abbit mo%asses
2 "B#P me%ted butter
2 eggs
!oo% @hip
Preheat o$en to .1C degrees+ ;rease a 1. , / , 2 cake pan+ 3n a %arge bow%, combine
Bis)uick, white sugar and ginger+ 3n a separate bow%, mi, mi%k with mo%asses and
then beat in butter and eggs with mo%asses and mi%k+ 'dd the mo%asses mi,ture to the
Bis)uick mi,ture and stir with a spoon unti% b%ended and smooth+ Pour batter into
cake pan and bake at .1C degrees about 21 minutes (or unti% inserted toothpick
comes out c%ean)+ #er$e with !oo% @hip+
#2!* - 5a9 and )ushroo9 Casserole
(by #hirley McNevich)
2 "B#P butter
1 cup s%iced &resh mushrooms
2 - 1C+01o-+ cans !ampbe%%2s cream o& mushroom soup
./8 cup mi%k
1 1/2 cups cooked ham (cubed)
B hard boi%ed eggs (s%iced or )uartered)
toast or !hinese nood%es
#autee the mushrooms in the 2 "B#P butter &or 1 minutes+ 3n a saucepan, heat
mushroom soup and mi%k together--when it2s hot, add and stir in the sautMed
mushrooms, cubed ham--cook &or a &ew minutes unti% entire mi,ture is hot+ 'dd the
s%iced hard boi%ed eggs %ast+ #er$e o$er toast or !hinese nood%es+
0ND 8F 98*7M0 8N0
Q1 - !hoco%ate !ake (page 1)
Q. - #hoo 5%y !ake (page 2)
Q1 - 7g%y Duck%ing !ake (page .)
Q11 - Banana !ake (page B)
Q22 - @atergate !ake (page 1.)
Q20 - "andycakes !ake (page 10)
Q.C - Mi%ky @ay @onder !ake (page 1=)
Q11 - @et !hoco%ate !ake--no eggs (page ..)
Q10 - Aatmea% !ake (page .8)
QBC - 5ruit !ocktai% !ake (page .B)
QB1 - Jo Jame !ake (page .0)
QB8 - :aisin !ake (page .=)
QB1 - Pineapp%e 7pside-down !ake (page ./)
QBB - Dump !ake (page ./)
Q08 - #nowba%% !ake (page 88)
Q=C - !arrot !ake (page 80)
Q=. - Tc%air !ake (page 8=)
Q=B - Pumpkin !ake (page 1C)
Q1C. - Pound !ake (page 1=)
Q11C - #trawberry #hortcake (page B1)
Q11B - <emon !ake (page B8)
Q1.0 - Pound !ake (page 01)
Q1.= - ;erman 'pp%e !ake (page 01)
Q18. - Mandarin Arange #upreme !ake (page 0=)
Q188 - :hubarb !ake (page 0=)
Q18B - Busy Day !ake (page 0/)
Q118 - 'mbrosia !ake (page =2)
Q11B - #e$en 7p !ake (page =.)
Q11/ - Pineapp%e Dream !ake (page =1)
Q1B. - Pumpkin Pie !ake (page =0)
Q1BB - Pecan Pie !ake (page ==)
Q1B/ - Pineapp%e !rush !ake (page /C)
Q10/ - Jightmare !ake (page /8)
Q1=2 - ummingbird !ake (page /B)
Q1=. - 3ta%ian <o$e !ake (page /0)
Q1=1 - "urt%e !ake (page /=)
Q1/C - 'pp%esauce !ake (page 1CC)
Q1/0 - :ed Ge%$et !ake (page 1C8)
Q2C2 - @hite !ake (page 1C0)
Q21. - #uper Moist !hoco%ate !ake (page 112)
Q218 - !hoco%ate #heet !ake (page 11.)
Q21B - 5resh 'pp%e !ake with !arame% ;%a-e (page 118)
Q221 - Pineapp%e 'nge%&ood !ake (page 110)
Q22. - !ream Pu&& !ake (page 11=)
Q221 - Harth)uake !ake (page 11/)
Q2.2 - !hoco%ate !o$ered !herry !ake (page 122)
Q2.1 - Dirt !ake (page 128)
Q2.0 - Pistachio Bundt !ake (page 121)
Q28. - !hoco%ate Areo !ookie !ake (page 120)
Q1B - Pineapp%e !heesecake (page 1C)
Q18 - Jew Eork #ty%e !heesecake (page ..)
Q1/= - ?e%%-A !heesecake (page 1C1)
Q2.. - <emon !heesecake (page 122)
Q2.8 - #pring&orm !heesecake (page 12.)
ro+nies and Cu/cakes:
Q21 - !hoco%ate !ream !heese !upcakes (page 1B)
Q=0 - Mini !heesecakes (page 1C)
Q11. - Pineapp%e !heesecake !upcakes (page =2)
Q10C - !ocoa !upcakes (page /C)
Q2C1 - Puick 5udge Brownies (page 1CB)
Q2C0 - B%ack Bottom !upcakes (page 1C/)
Q211 - !hoco%ate :ocky :oad Brownies (page 11.)
Q210 - Mi%ky @ay 5udge Brownies (page 111)
Q21= - Midnight Mocha Brownies (page 111)
Q22= - :ea%%y Hasy Brownies (page 12C)
Q22/ - Areo !heesecakes (page 12C)
Q28C - Peanut Butter Brownie !upcakes (page 12B)
Q.. - omemade !ountry Pie !rust (page 21)
Q.8 - 'pp%e Pie (page 22)
Q0. - #trawberry Pie (page 8.)
Q0/ - Peanut Butter Pie (page 8B)
Q1C1 - <emon #ponge Pie (page 1/)
Q1C= - Pumpkin Pie (page BC)
Q111 - 'ma-ing !oconut Pie (page B2)
Q112 - 3mpossib%e Pumpkin Pie (page B2)
Q11. - !rumb Pie (page B.)
Q118 - Pecan Pie (page B.)
Q1.C - Mock ;raham !racker !heese Pie (page 01)
Q182 - #weet Potato Pie (page 00)
Q180 - #trawberry :hubarb Pie (page 0/)
Q2C/ - Pumpkin #wir% Pie (page 11C)
Q222 - @et Bread Pie (page 110)
Q2 - 3cing/5rosting &or !akes and !ookies (page 1)
Q111 - Brown #ugar 3cing (page B8)
Q18/ - Pudding !ake 5rosting (page =C)
Q101 - @hipped !ream 3cing (page /1)
Q1=C - Peanut Butter 3cing (page /1)
Q1=0 - Gani%%a/!hoco%ate 5rosting (page /=)
Fudge and Candies:
Q8 - Peanut Butter 5udge/!hoco%ate Peanut Butter 5udge (page 2)
Q1C - Microwa$e 5udge (page B)
Q81 - !hoco%ate 5udge (page 2=)
Q1= - !ream !heese Mints (page .1)
Q=/ - 5antasy 5udge (page 11)
Q/. - omemade Peanut Britt%e (page 1.)
Q1CB - omemade !arame%s (page 1/)
Q12= - Puick Microwa$e 5udge (page 0C)
QB - :aisin !assero%e Bread (page 8)
Q12 - Banana "ea Bread (page 0)
Q.= - :ed <obster !heese/;ar%ic Biscuits (page 28)
Q1B - 5rench "oast (page .8)
QB. - B%ueberry Bread (page .=)
Q12C - Pumpkin Bread (page BB)
Q122 - B%ueberry Mu&&ins (page B0)
Q1// - #cratch B%ueberry Mu&&ins (page 1C1)
Q2CC - Iucchini Bread (page 1CB)
Q2.1 - ;ar%ic Bread (page 121)
Q2.= - awaiian Bread (page 121)
Q281 - @ho%e @heat #oda Bread (page 12/)
Q28/ - Puick ;inger Bread (page 1.C)
Q2. - Pierogies (page 1.)
Q28 - !hicken #a%ad (page 11)
Q.1 - omemade Po%ish Pigeons (page 1/)
Q./ - Frispy Baked !hicken (page 28)
Q1C - Hasy BBP/#%oppy ?oes (page .C)
QB/ - am <oa& (page 81)
Q0C - #upreme Bee& <asagna (page 81)
Q== - #a%mon !akes (page 11)
Q/1 - !reamy 5ettuccini '%&redo (page 12)
Q/8 - Meat%oa& (page 1.)
Q110 - !antonese Bake (page B8)
Q11= - #wiss #teak (page B1)
Q11/ - Gegetab%e Pi--a (page B1)
Q11= - Baked Bean !assero%e (page =8)
Q1B0 - #weet Potato !assero%e (page =/)
Q101 - "hree !orn !assero%e (page /.)
Q100 - amburger Jood%e Bake (page /8)
Q1== - <eprechaun !assero%e (page //)
Q1/B - !hicken Di$an (page 1C.)
Q2C= - a%uskie (page 11C)
Q2./ - am and !heese !assero%e (page 12B)
Q282 - @hipped #weet Potato Bake (page 120)
Q288 - A$en Baked !hicken Parmesan (page 12=)
Q28B - "una :ice !assero%e (page 12/)
Q280 - "una Jood%e !assero%e (page 1.C)
Q28= - 3mpossib%e "una Pie (page 1.C)
Q21C - am and Mushroom !assero%e (page 1.1)
Side #ishes:
Q= - Potato #a%ad (page 1)
Q/ - Macaroni #a%ad (page 1)
Q11 - <ayered #a%ad (page /)
Q2= - De$i%ed Hggs (page 1=)
Q2/ - Hgg #a%ad (page 1=)
Q82 - Microwa$e Baked !orn (page 2B)
Q8/ - Pasta #a%ad (page .C)
QB= - !orn 5ritters (page 8C)
Q00 - 5ried Potatoes (page 81)
Q0= - #pring Anion Baked Potatoes (page 8B)
Q=2 - #ca%%oped Potatoes (page 8=)
Q/B - '%dine Baked Beans (page 18)
Q/0 - Baked <ima Beans (page 11)
Q/= - Baked Pork and Beans (page 11)
Q// - "hree Bean #a%ad (page 1B)
Q1CC - Brocco%i #a%ad (page 1B)
Q1C1 - !reamy !rab Dip (page 10)
Q1C8 - 5i%%ing (page 1=)
Q12. - Brocco%i !assero%e (page B0)
Q128 - !andied #weet Potatoes (page B=)
Q1.2 - Bacon @rappers (page 02)
Q1.. - Bread and Butter Pick%es (page 02)
Q1./ - 5ree-er Pick%es (page 0B)
Q181 - Brocco%i #%aw (page 00)
Q181 - Microwa$e #ca%%oped Potatoes (page 0=)
Q18= - Hdison !e%ery #eed #a%ad Dressing (page =C)
Q111 - !ucumber #a%ad (page =1)
Q110 - 5ro-en !abbage #%aw (page =8)
Q1B2 - Brocco%i !au%i&%ower #a%ad (page =B)
Q108 - !ranberry #a%ad (page /2)
Q10= - !ranberry :e%ish (page /8)
Q1=8 - Pineapp%e #a%ad (page /0)
Q2C8 - Puick Pigs in a B%anket (page 1C=)
Q2C1 - #uper #ca%%oped Potatoes (page 1C=)
Q0 - :ice Pudding (page 8)
Q10 - 'pp%e Pudding (page 1C)
Q1. - :aspberry Pudding (page .2)
Q10B - Peach Pudding (page /.)
Q1=B - Pumpkin Pudding (page /=)
Q.1 - Baked Pret-e% #nacks (page 2.)
Q.B - #nack !rackers (page 2.)
Q/1 - Pimento !heese #pread (page 18)
Q18C - #weet :it- !racker #nack Mi, (page 0B)
Cookies and Cookie ars:
Q18 - #ugar !ookies--drop or cutouts (page =)
Q8C - !ream !heese !ookies (page 21)
Q81 - #o&t Mo%asses !ookies (page 21)
Q88 - :ice Frispie "reats (page 20)
Q80 - #nickerdood%es (page 2/)
Q8= - Hasy #ugar !ookies--so&t (page 2/)
Q11 - Drop !ookies (page .1)
Q1/ - !hoco%ate !hip !ookies (page .B)
QB2 - Pineapp%e !ookies (page .0)
QB0 - @hooppee Pies (page 8C)
Q01 - Fiddie !ookies (page 82)
Q02 - Aatmea% !risps--3cebo, !ookies (page 8.)
Q0B - Pineapp%e !oconut !ookies (page 81)
Q=1 - Peanut Butter !ookies (page 80)
Q/C - !hoco%ate%y Butterscotch "reats (page 12)
Q/2 - Magic !ookie Bars (page 12)
Q1C2 - Pumpkin !ookies (page 10)
Q121 - ard #ugar !ookies (page BB)
Q121 - ;inger #naps (page B=)
Q12B - Peanut Butter B%ossoms (page B/)
Q120 - Mrs+ 5ie%ds !hoco%ate !hip !ookies (page B/)
Q12/ - Doub%e !hoco%ate !ookies (page 0C)
Q1.8 - !oconut @ashboard !ookies (page 0.)
Q1.1 - Pecan !rispies (page 0.)
Q1.B - Butterscotch Bars (page 08)
Q1B8 - @hite !hoco%ate Macadamia Jut !ookies (page =0)
Q1B1 - Puick !ookies (page ==)
Q102 - #ugar !ookies (page /1)
Q1=1 - ?am #triped !ocoa Bars (page /1)
Q1=/ - Pumpkin @hooppee Pies (page //)
Q1/1 - Butterscotch 3cebo, !ookies (page 1C1)
Q1/. - ;rape !ookies (page 1C2)
Q2CB - :ussian "ea !ookies (page 1C/)
Q21C - <emon :ounds (page 111)
Q211 - #tar%ight Mint #urprise (page 111)
Q212 - !hoco%ate Butterscotcheroos (page 112)
Q21/ - o%iday !hoco%ate Butter !ookies (page 11B)
Q22B - !ookie Bars (page 11/)
Q220 - #our !ream !ookies (page 12C)
Q2.C - !hewy Brownie !ookies (page 121)
Q2.B - Arange Drop !ookies (page 128)
Q281 - Jo Bake Peanut Butter !ookies (page 120)
Q2C - Party Punch (page 12)
Q228 - awaiian #%ush (page 11=)
Q1. - Pecan Jut !ups (page =)
Q1= - #trawberry #a%ad (page 11)
Q1/ - ea$en (page 11)
Q21 - Phi%%y !heese Ba%%s (page 12)
Q2B - 5unne% !akes (page 1B)
Q.0 - Fno, ?e%%-A B%ocks (page 28)
Q12 - Hasy #ticky Buns (page .1)
Q01 - <emon 5%ip (page 88)
Q=8 - !herry 5%ip (page 8/)
Q=1 - <emon #)uares (page 8/)
Q1C0 - Peach Fuchen (page BC)
Q1.1 - B%ueberry <emon #)uares (page 01)
Q11C - @atergate #a%ad (page =C)
Q112 - 'pp%e !risp (page =1)
Q111 - !innamon 5%op (page =.)
Q1BC - Pastry and !heese (page =1)
Q1B1 - omemade Gani%%a 3ce !ream (page =B)
Q1B= - !herry !risp (page =/)
Q10. - Hasy Drop Danish Pastry (page /2)
Q1/2 - 'pp%e 5ritters (page 1C1)
Q1/8 - <ayered !hoco%ate Dessert (page 1C2)
Q1/1 - <ayered <emon Dessert (page 1C.)
Q2C. - #trawberry Pret-e% #a%ad (page 1C0)
Q22C - Peach !obb%er (page 11B)
Q.2 - !hi%i (page 2C)
Q8. - Beansoup (page 20)
Q8B - !hicken Jood%e #oup (page 2=)
Q1C/ - Potato #oup (page B1)

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