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Would a product function beyond its

original manufacturers intention? I guess
not! God had an intention before He
created man, and its sad to see that very
few people are functioning based on His
intention. This book has thirteen parts that
will enlighten the eyes of your
understanding. By the time you finish this
book, youd not only discover Gods
intention for man, youd become zealous
to work in Gods plan for your life. I pray
that at the end of this book, God will give
you understanding! Cheers!
Gods Intention


Part One
In Genesis 1:1, the bible says "in the
beginning God created the heaven and
the earth". But have you asked
yourself, what happened before the
beginning? If we would add Genesis
1:0 to the bible then the verse would
say "before the beginning was, God is".
God was there before the beginning.
This means, God must have carefully
planned creation from the beginning to
the end even before he began the
creation process. God had an idea of
what to do when the earth was without
form and void, God knew that light
would be the solution. God knew where
the fishes, animals and plants would be
created from, He also knew that even
though man would be created from
dust, man must live like Him, so He
breath life into man to differentiate
man from every other creature. From
that singular act, I understand that I
carry a part of God inside of me. Please
understand me, God didn't breathe life
into animals and yet they are living.
The life that God breathe into man is
His kind of life, His Spirit. That's why
Adam lived for 930 years even after his
disobedience against God; God's
Gods Intention


personality was resident inside of him.
That's why Adam could name all the
animals and creatures even without
going to school. Man was supernatural,
he knew all things! The reason why
Jesus came is to restore this glory to
man. So I'd like to encourage you
today, you're in God's plan; none of
God's creation exists by chance, no!
They exist for a change! It doesn't
matter how you came into this world,
God has a plan for you. The devil does
not give children, children are heritage
from God. The way you came into the
world might not be pleasing to God but
what matters to God is the fact that
you came and He has a plan for you.
Come to think of it, if God didn't want
you in this world He wouldn't have
allowed your conception! Remember
that no one is good for nothing,
everyone is good for something, you
only need to stay FOCUS! May God give
us understanding!

Gods Intention


Part Two
The potentials of a thing are related to
its source. "Myles Munroe"
A product can only produce based on
the demand its manufacturer had
placed on it. A car will never run at a
speed of 200km until its manufacturer
designs it to do so. The capacity of a
product is based on the features loaded
into it. When God wanted to create
plants and animal, He spoke to the
ground, that's why every plant needs
soil to grow. No product would exist
without its source. Animals feed on
other animals while some feed on
plants, because they are all made up of
sand. When plants and animals die,
they return back to the ground. Also,
when God needed to create fishes, He
spoke to the water; no aquatic creature
would survive outside water. When God
needed to create man, He spoke to
Himself "let us make man in our own
image - Gen 1:27". And God is a Spirit,
that also qualifies man to be a Spirit,
and that also means man cannot
actualize his potentials without God
because every product must rely on its
source for proper functionality. Man is
not a body and soul, man is a Spirit
Gods Intention


that possesses a soul and lives in a
body. A plant without soil is dead
already, so also is a man without God!
You cannot know your actual capacity
until you know your source. I didn't
know I could write, sing and teach until
three years ago when I gave my life to
Christ. Helen Keller was deaf and blind
at the same time, and because of that
she couldn't speak. But today she's is a
world known writer, this is possible
because man should not depend on the
disability of his body to maximize his
God given potentials, man is not a
body, man is a Spirit. Your body was
made from the earth and that means it
would go back to the earth, but your
Spirit should go back to God if you
remain connected to God! I'd like to
encourage you; there is more to what
you can do, but the secret is in your
Source! May God give us

Gods Intention


Part Three
No one can fix the parts of a product
like the products manufacturer -
"Emeka Anslem"
When God created the Spirit, soul and
body of man, He called the triune
nature of man "human being". He also
designed a manual for man's
functionality; in this manual He
described the potentials or the Spirit,
soul and body of man. Every
manufacturer of a product would
always draw your attention to the
manual of a product to know its
purpose and full functionality. If you
don't read the manual you'd not know
the full potential of the product. I
believe this is why God had to make
the believers manual available to the
human race. The manual contains all
the possibilities of man and all the
atrocities man should not commit. God
gave Adam this manual when He told
him "eat from any three in the garden
except the forbidden tree". But man
disobeyed God, and became faulty in
operations; he could no longer function
well. Now, instead of man to return to
his Manufacturer for repair through the
"warranty seal of forgiveness", man
Gods Intention


went to the devil who is an
unauthorized dealer. Now, the devil
destroyed several parts in man, and
man lost his warranty to go back to
God. Man lost complete function on the
earth, but the Manufacturer was
concerned, He needed to get back His
product and repair man even though
man had been infringed. The
Manufacturer sacrificed His only son
Jesus for a ransom to get back His
products. And after His son died a new
manual was written for new
functionality. This manual tells us that
the only way to access God is through
His Son, And that without faith it is
impossible to please God. That further
explains that God functions by faith,
and for man to function like God man
has to function by faith. A man that
functions outside faith is
malfunctioning! If God has said in the
manual that "as you think in your heart,
so will you do", He means nothing is
impossible to man as long as he can
think it, but man has to do this by faith!
Remember that God is the source of
man's creations, if the source functions
by faith, the product must also function
by faith. The potential of a product is
related to its source! May God give us
Gods Intention


Part Four
"Don't make God look like a liar, you
need to rise up and obey His
commandment" - Emeka Anslem
In Ecclesiastes 12:13, the bible says
"let us hear the conclusion of the whole
matter: FEAR GOD, and KEEP HIS
COMMANDMENTS: for this is the whole
duty of man". It's lucid that the word
"fear" in that context doesn't mean "to
be afraid" but "to have reverence for".
Man's duty is to reverence God and do
His commandments, but it appears man
has grossly neglected the "duty" part of
this scripture. It's also lucid that many
people reverence God but do not keep
His commandments. God's
commandments is not just the Ten
Commandments that you're familiar
with, God's commandment is in every
verse of scriptures! For example; the
bible says "we should be fruitful, and
multiply, and replenish the earth... And
have dominion over the earth". There
are very few individuals who are
keeping this commandment! Many
people are not having dominion over
the earth; rather the earth is having
Gods Intention


dominion over them. Cigarettes, hard
drugs, alcohol, money and jobs are all
products of the earth, and yet they are
having dominion over many individuals.
It might interest you to know that
fornication is a product of the earth,
because the body of man was made
from the earth, and it's the lust of the
body that leads to fornication. Abraham
was a man that had reverence for God
in every area and he also kept God's
commandments. When God
commanded him to possess a land, he
did accordingly. When God told him it
was time to have a son, he had the
son. When God told him to be the
father of many nations, he did
accordingly. The same God has told
you to have dominion over the earth!
Listen to this; If you're not having
dominion over those issues of your life
then you're being disobedient! And the
next verse of that scripture says "God
will judge every work". I can imagine
God asking a man why he didn't get a
job when he was alive. Hmm, if you live
by the Ten Commandments alone then
you might never be prosperous. The
Ten Commandments were given to
humanity so that we won't disconnect
from God just like Adam disconnected
from God because he disobeyed God's
Gods Intention


commandment. But asides that singular
commandment, God gave Adam many
other commandments that guaranteed
his fruitfulness on the earth; God told
him to work, to eat from any tree
except the forbidden tree, and many
others, and Adam was keeping all the
commandments. Listen to me; if God
has commanded you to be prosperous
then you have no choice than to obey
Him. If God had said "it shall be well
with the righteous, he shall eat from
the fruit of his doing", it means you
can't be jobless for any reason! Don't
make God look like a liar, you need to
rise up and obey His commandment.
Remember! Obedience is better than
sacrifice! May God give us

Gods Intention


Part Five

"Everyone is pregnant with something"
- Emeka Anslem
Abortion is the ignorance of
responsibility. Abortion is not just when
a woman terminates a fetus; it's a
complete denial of obligation. Many
politicians make promises with great
potentials before they get elected into
power, but as soon as they are sworn
in they abort these potentials, thereby
putting the lives of their followers at
risk. It might interest you to know that
abortion itself is as old as time! God
deposited a potential to rule over the
earth in the first man, and instructed
man never to eat from the forbidden
tree else he'd surely die. Death is the
termination of potential, and that's
what the first man did, he aborted the
potentials of many generations and left
humanity to run life at a risk. The
reason why I used the word "risk" is
because the reproductive system could
be destroyed in the cause of the
abortion, and this is why many
individuals are not productive in life.
Everyone is pregnant with something,
Gods Intention


Satan stole the first pregnancy, Jesus
came to make up for what the devil
stole, and all you have to do is to give
Him a chance. Because in other to be
pregnant again there has to be a re-
process, and that's why God sent His
Son Jesus to impregnate humanity with
new potentials. But remember, what
you're pregnant with can only be
valued when it has manifested in the
physical, it's therefore not enough to be
pregnant with something but also to do
something to deliver in a grand style.
Let me leave a word for Doctors who
abort lives, "your mother did not abort
you", if she did you won't be a Doctor
today! May God give us understanding!

Gods Intention


Part Six
"The wrong attitude confuses your
source" - Emeka Anslem

The strength of a thing is dependent on
its source. God spoke to me in a dream
this morning, He said "many individuals
have been blessed by Me but they walk
away from the blessing through wrong
attitudes". And I remember that it was
a wrong attitude that separated Lot
from his source of blessing. Lot was
supposed to have internal control
towards his herdsmen but he was
reluctant, perhaps he was rubbing
shoulders with Abraham, and that's
why he lost it! Listen, you're not
permitted to rub shoulders with your
source! When you do that you'd rub
your blessing away completely. God is
your source, and He has told you the
conclusion of the whole matter, "fear
Him and keep His commandments". If
you're not reverencing God then you
must have an attitude problem, likewise
if you're not keeping His
commandments then your attitude
needs to be checked! There are many
believers who don't pray, and yet God
has said they should pray without
Gods Intention


ceasing. There is no pleasure in
disobeying God; you only have an
attitude problem. God has reasons for
every commandment He gives to you;
for example, the reason why God said
we should pray without ceasing is so
that He can cease the enemy from
coming to us! It was when Abraham
saw that Lot could not control himself
that he decided to separate Lot from
him, and as soon as Lot separated from
Abraham things started going down. I
pray, things will not go down for you!
But remember, maintain the right
attitude towards your source! God
didn't stop blessing Abraham until Lot
lost control; it was after Abraham
separated himself that God spoke to
him again, so Lots problem was also a
problem to Abraham. In Romans 1:28
the bible says "Because those people
refuse to keep in mind the true
knowledge about God, he has given
them over to corrupted minds, so that
they do the things that they should not
do". That was exactly what happened
to Lot, he was given over to corrupted
people because of wrong attitude, and
that was where his downfall began. I
pray again, you will not fall! May God
give us understanding!

Gods Intention


Part Seven

"The quality of a thing is determined by
the quality of its source" - Myles
God was not joking when He said
"without Me you can do nothing". A
plant would naturally have a weak
growth if the soil is weak. It is not the
seed that guarantees the growth of a
plant, no! It is the soil! No matter how
rich and beautiful a seed may look, it
completely depends on the soil to fulfill
its beautiful potentials. The plant
depends on the soil because plants
where originally made from the ground.
And everything ever created is always
related to its source. Now, man was
made from God; God spoke to the
source of everything He created. He
spoke to the ground to produce plants
and animal, He spoke to the gases of
the air to produce all kinds of birds; He
spoke to the waters to produce aquatic
organisms. But when it came to man,
He spoke to Himself saying "let us
make man in our own image", so man
came out of God. And just like the seed
depends on the ground to fulfill destiny,
a man must also depend on God to
Gods Intention


fulfill destiny. If the quality of a product
depends on the quality of its source,
then the quality of man should be
dependent on the quality of God. An
healthy soil would produce an healthy
plant, a mighty God would not produce
less than a mighty man. If nothing is
impossible for God then nothing should
be impossible for man. The baby in the
womb can be likened to a seed that is
still within the ground and has not
germinated. The upshot of the seed
towards the surface of the soil can be
likened to the delivery of the baby.
Now the fact that the plant is now
visible doesn't mean the plant can be
disconnected from the soil, it would dry
off its potentials. The same way, no
man should disconnect from God
otherwise he'd never fulfill his
potentials on earth. You are of more
quality than man rates you. Stand up
and release your inner qualities! May
God give us understanding!

Gods Intention


Part Eight
"The original purpose of a product is
the initial intention of its creator" -
Anslem Emeka

People who see problems never solve
them; people who solve problems
never see problems as they appear. In
every nation, there are a percentage of
people who work hard, watch hard and
talk hard. In Nigeria, 5 percent work
hard, 15 percent watch hard, while 80
percent talk hard. So we have more of
people who talk things out than people
who work things out. Development
should not be talked or watched out, it
should be worked out! Nigerians abroad
practically deny their country, many of
them hate to be identified as a
Nigerian, many of them complain about
the happenings in Nigeria. Even back in
Nigeria, almost everyone talks about
the happenings. We need to stop
talking and start working towards the
development we seek! If God created
you a Nigerian and placed you in
America, He didn't make a mistake, He
must have had very good intentions for
that, and His intention is definitely not
to complain, because God hates
Gods Intention



Now let's do some analysis;
If Benjamin Carson denied his black
race, I'm sure he won't be the famous
Benjamin Carson today. I think he was
focused on achieving rather than
defending his nation, where he was
notwithstanding. Achievement naturally
breaths defense. If I become the
president of America tomorrow, I'm
sure all these mediocritic
communications would stop. Nigerians
abroad, did Obama deny his country
before he became a president of
America? Does it mean his country is
not corrupt? And even more than
Nigeria? God didn't make a mistake
when He made you a Nigerian, wake
up and begin to see reasons rather
than problems. I believe God wanted
unity between America and Kenya, that
was why He made Obama the
president of the united state of

The moral of this message is; whoever
you are, whatever you are in wherever
you are, God had an intention before
He created you. May God give us

Gods Intention


Part Nine
"Every product has an identification
number that links it to its source" -
Emeka Anslem

The idea of a serial number is to
identify a product with its
manufacturer. And its important to let
you know that "God started the identity
process". The bible says and I
paraphrase "for whoever God created,
He did fore know, He also predestined
and called". In that context, the
word "foreknow" means "God's
intention before He created you", the
word "predestined" means "your
purpose or destiny", while the word
"called" means "your identity". After a
product is purchased, the next step is
to register it with its serial number so
that its manufacturer can identify with
it and send possible updates or
troubleshooting skills. If you refuse to
register the product, the manufacturer
would not recognize that the product is
in use and therefore would not send
any update or help kits to you. The
same way, every believer has to
register with God Whom is their
Gods Intention


manufacturer. Man had an automated
registration process, but the devil came
and stole the generation of man, and
man began to operate without
registration. But Jesus came as a new
Manager of man; He came with His
sweet and mighty word to retrieve
these stolen products. Jesus created a
new platform for the registration of
man, and that is salvation. The day you
give your life to Christ is the same day
you register with God. Many people
have neglected this fact, they feel they
can operate without due registration.
You can't pretend to be registered;
once you're not in God's database then
you're not there. A product that is not
registered would run in a trial period
and afterwards expire. The reason why
many individuals cannot achieve their
full potential is because they are living
a life of trials and error. They've not
been activated to function properly.

Every product has a procedure to
register; God had also designed a
procedure for the registration of man.
All a man has to do is to receive Jesus
as their Lord and Savior according to
Romans chapter 10, and he'd receive
an acknowledgment from God that he
Gods Intention


has been registered. May God give us

Part Ten
"Every manufacturer creates a fail-safe
feature on their product" - Emeka

A church was not part of God's creation
in the beginning. God primarily
designed the body of man to worship,
serve and give God glory. God had no
plan to build a church during the first
generation. The reason why we go to
church is to re-learn what we lost to
the devil through ignorance. Man knew
everything he ever needed to know
Gods Intention


about God; man didn't need to pray to
God because God comes down in the
cool of the day to talk to man. Man
didn't need to fast; man was living a
supernatural life naturally. Man knew
everything by the Spirit of God. But
when man disobeyed God, his Spirit
could no longer connect to God, as a
result he had a dormant spirit. And for
that reason his soul began to seek for
knowledge. As a born again, going to
church is very vital because you need
to re-learn what you've lost to the
devil. Don't get me wrong, man can still
communicate with God like he used to,
but he has to learn his way to that
God's ultimate plan is to see that man
has a full knowledge of Him again.
Asides learning, there are many other
spiritual benefits you get when you go
to church. A church is a place where
the word, works and personality of God
is preached without compromise. A
church was not designed to throw
parties and do launchings or harvests;
a church was designed to know God!
So if you're not learning adequately
about God from that church or
congregation, then change church. God
said His people perish because they
lack knowledge; He didn't say the
Gods Intention


sinner, He said His people. So the
reason why many believers are
perishing is because they lack adequate
knowledge about their Creator. Your
greatest investment would be your
thorough engagement in knowing God!
A church should be a practical school
that teaches you how to come out of
relative situations.
The moral of this message is; we all
belong to The Church Of Christ where
Jesus is the Head. But as part of God's
expansion plan, He divided The Church
into subsets or segments, that's why
we now have different denominations
and congregations that are formally
called churches, and every believer
must be identified with one. But the
main goal of a congregation should be
to build their knowledge of God and
work in it. May God give us

Gods Intention


Part Eleven
"Every product has an operational
environment" - Emeka Anslem
Many people have asked; "why did God
put the forbidden tree in the garden of
Eden when He knew they'd disobey
Him?". To be candid, I've also asked
that question over and again, and no
one seemed to have a positive answer,
rather their response confuses me the
more. Many people say you cannot
know the mind of God, that He shows
mercy to whom He will show mercy.
That's scripturally true, but that
response has nothing to do with
knowing God's intention for that tree,
afterall the bible says we have the mind
of Christ, and that also means we can
know the intention of God concerning
any confusing thing in scriptures. I
didn't believe God was wicked, I believe
He is a good God and He loves every of
His creations, and He will not do any
harm to His creation.
First, I found out that "God's people
perish because they lack
understanding". Man is a creature of
choice, he has the right to choose
between good and evil, and this
concept has been laid down since the
Gods Intention


inception of man. But one beautiful
thing about God is that; He will tell you
that evil exists, and He will also tell you
the price to pay when you engage in it.
It's just like the manufacturer of a car
telling you those oceans of water exist,
but a car was not designed to drive on
it, and if you rebel the car will be
damaged. Evil is the outcome of
disobedience against God. God told
Adam to eat from any tree in the
garden except the fruits from the
forbidden tree, that if he eats from it
he'd surely die. In other words, "do not
disobey me because if you do, you'd be
exposed to the wyles of satan".

Secondly, God loves man, and He also
wants man to love Him, reverence Him
and give Him glory. Man would have no
reason to love, reverence or give God
glory if man was created without a
choice. Man would be like a toy that
can be controlled by a remote, that's
not what God wants. I've heard
testimonies of individuals that were
involved in fatal accidents and yet
nothing happened to them. By that act
they'd know that there is a God that
loves them, and that would also boost
their love for God. I've heard of the
dead being raised back to life, I've
Gods Intention


heard of people being delivered from
terminal diseases. Recently I saw a lady
that came to testify of God's goodness;
she had cancer, and according to her
the Doctor said she should go home
and die. But instead she went to church
to seek God's face, and she was
delivered! If Adam had repented and
asked God to forgive him, I'm sure God
would have restored him. But he didn't
go to God to restore him rather he
went to an unauthorized dealer to fix
his problems. A car was not designed
to ride on water; if it does enter water
then it would sink. And the car cannot
give the manufacturer any glory while
in the water except the manufacturer
brings it out and repairs it. A man was
not designed to experience evil, but as
long as he operates in the wrong
environment he'd continue to
experience evil. Remember! Man is not
a toy; he is a creation of choice! May
God give us understanding!

Gods Intention


Part Twelve
"If your heart is not involved, then the
promises would not become" - Emeka

I've heard Christians that complain
about the attitude of other Christians.
Many of them even judge believers for
their actions. Many of them think the
Bible has been compromised because
according to them "the bible doesn't
meet their needs". Each time I hear
people talk in that manner, I'd always
say that their understanding is
unfruitful. Because if you're wise
enough to know that another Christian
is doing wrong then you should be able
to approach this Christian and reprove
him. Somebody has complained that
some churches preach only prosperity.
Well if they do, that's probably the
mandate God gave to the Pastor. I was
in a very long argument last night, the
people I was arguing with are
Christians but they've began to see
things differently because of the recent
challenge they went through. They
made a lot of unscriptural arguments
and I want to share some with you.

Gods Intention


First, they told me they've been
working for a church for years and their
life has not changed. And then I asked
them "were you working or serving in
the church?", and from their arguments
they were serving in one of the service
groups of the church. And then I told
them; "serving in the church doesn't
mean youre working in the church. You
are working for God, and so you should
focus on God for your rewards".

Secondly, they said "the church has
built three schools, and they've not
benefited from these schools, as a
matter of fact they are not graduates".
Over 5,000 people followed Jesus, but
the bible didn't record that He gave
them businesses, houses, except food
and the word of God. He had the
capacity to provide all those things, but
that was not His purpose on earth. If
he does that, the people won't follow
Him because of the word but because
of the supplies. If the church gives
everyone scholarship then it won't be
long before the school and church
crashes, because people would come to
church because of what they can get.

Third, they said "they've read all the
books that their pastor wrote and yet
Gods Intention


no changes". I believe the secrets of a
man are in their story, and these
stories are usually translated into books
so that others can benefit from it.
Moreover, Paul planted, Apollo watered
but it is God that gives the increase.
Don't just read a book because you like
the title, read them because they can
tackle your current need.
And lastly, they said "the Holy Spirit
does not exist, that no one is filled with
the Holy Spirit". They said "people who
are filled with the Holy Spirit are people
who will see a dead man and raise him
back to life; they are people who will
see a mad man and recover him". If I
were a baby Christian I would have
given up faith by that statement. That
statement made me to understand that
they have been serving God with their
soul and body. God is a Spirit; they that
worship Him must worship Him in truth
and in Spirit. Moreover, the gifts of the
Spirit are diverse!
The moral of this message is; God is
too faithful to fail, it is man that fails.
Distributing fliers, preaching,
evangelism and most of these activities
are bodily exercise. And the bible has
warned that bodily exercise profits
little, but spirituality is profitable unto
Gods Intention


all things. So if you ever want to live a
profitable Christian life, then you must
engage your heart, otherwise you'd be
sweating for nothing! May God give us

Part Thirteen
"The source of a thing determines it's
potential" - Emeka Anslem

Man without The Spirit of God is not
different from an animal. Because
animals were created from dirt or the
ground, while the body and soul of man
was also created from the ground.

Hey, the soul of man was created from
the ground?
Yes! The soul of man is the intellectual
and emotional part of man that helps
the man to react or respond to
Gods Intention


happenings in the world. The soul of
man can only act based on what it has
learnt or read. The soul doesn't have
the capacity to bring new innovations,
it can't think of new things, it can't
imagine things that do not exist, and it
is difficult to release your potentials
without your soul because all that it can
do or think is all that it has learnt. The
reason why I said the soul was made
from the ground is because animals
were also made from the ground, they
also have the intellect and emotion to
reason and to feel, and yet God did not
breathe in them. In other words, every
animal has a soul.
Now, man is a triune being, he has a
spirit, a soul and a body. But the spirit
of man is dormant without a connection
to its source, which is God. The spirit of
man cannot function the way it should
without its source. Man's spirit was
made out of nothing, but his body and
soul was created out a raw material
called "dirt". The reason why I said
man's spirit was made out of nothing is
because the spirit of man was made
out of God, and God is not a physical
being, He is a Spirit. So man's spirit
was made out of what cannot be seen.
The law of creation states that "the
Gods Intention


fulfilling of the potential of a thing is
related to its source". No matter how
beautiful a plant is, it would die as soon
as it's disconnected from the soil. God
told Adam not to disconnect from Him
otherwise he'd die. The plant can no
longer fulfill its potentials once it has
disconnected from the soil, the spirit of
man can no longer fulfill its potential
once it has disconnected from God.

The spirit of man without the Spirit of
God is an empty spirit. And the bible
says that "if a man be cleansed, and
the demon which possessed the man
returns and finds him empty, the
demon would multiply and occupy the
man so that his present state would be
worse than the initial one". Wow! When
the Spirit of God is absent from man,
demons take over man's Spirit to
commit all kinds of atrocities. Your
body and soul would therefore be used
to fulfill the devil's potential instead of
God's omnipotence.
The reason why God put His Spirit into
man is because He wants to continue
His omnipotence with man. He wants
man to continue His mighty works on
the earth. The bible says the Spirit of
God bares witness with our spirit; this
means the Holy Spirit needs to witness
Gods Intention


God's creative agenda to man's spirit.
Man's spirit cannot be creative on its
own; it needs the Spirit of God! Man's
spirit without God's Spirit is a
destructive spirit!
The moral of this message is; you
might think you're very creative
because you've been able to scale
certain heights in life. If you connect
properly to God, you'd yet scale greater
heights! May God give us

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