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1st - 2nd Aapril

I was made aware of got hands on learning opportunity in various compliance

based activities. It primarily involves like designing diversity and inclusion
programs, updating the employee handbook, employment practice risk
assessments, Rrecruitment and hiring processes etc.
I learned how to file documents and verify them for recruitment purpose.
In any documentation the most important things are that are used for verifying
the identity as well as the authenticity of the qualifications of the person by
matching it with a set of documents.

A basic document includes the following details under the following header:

1. Employee name:
3. Location:
4. Job function (css/fpss):
5. Employee code:
6. Academic records
7. Permanent address proof
8. Local address
9. Identity documents
10. Past employment records
11. Immediate previous employer documents
12. Pre joining documents:
(Which includesThis includes)- Interview evaluation form
CV of the candidate
Application form (if duly filled up or not)

3rd April 2014

1. Helped my buddy manager as well as manager in the promotion related
activities that have has been happening in the firm company. The power
point flash presentations and posters sheets for the promoted peoplefor
displaying promotions in different LOS were to be prepared and their
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names had to be displayed at an allocated time the next dayon promotions
2. My task here was to help on few of the PowerPoint flash presentations to
ensure that the names, pictures and LOS of the people are not incorrect. I
even also had to assisted my colleagues HR to in ensuringe that none of the
names are left out.
3. I also even worked on the excel sheets that included the list of people from
various zones of India who are have been promoted in various zones of
India. The names of the people were bifurcated as per their designation
and LOS.
4. On 4
of April, when the promotions were announced, the presentations
were displayed on the displays in the cafeteria and the list was posters
were pinned up in on the notice boards, to complement the as well as
people were mailed congratulatory emails messages by their respective
business unitsdepartments.

4th April 2014 - 13th April 2014

I was allowed access to the GMM database by Ganesh Kotian, who is a is the
pPrincipal consultant at PwC based in Mumbai. I started researching upon about
the kinds of international assignments that happen in PwC, be. Be it a long-term
secondment or a short term international assignment. In long term assignments,
we have development deployed and strategic deployed long term assignments. In
short term assignments, we have revenue generating assignments and non-
revenue generating assignments. Apart from that we have swap and twinning
arrangements in STA. We even have partner international assignments,
international transfers and frequent travelers. (Refer to next pages)

I have also started reading about the process that is required in applying for any
of these the Assignments, about (IAAF) , and the criteria for selection, the
process involved in sending a person for secondment, the repatriation process
after the completion of a secondment, and even the situations in whichwhere
early disruption of the assignment takes place. (Refer to next pages)

14th April 2014 - 15th April 2014

1. Worked upon the Promotion letters that were to be sent to all the family
members of the employees who have been promoted in the company.

2. I had a list in the excel in which all the names of the employees who have
been promoted was were written. aAlongside with were their employee id,
their LOS, whom they dedicate their promotion to, the address of the
person, their phone no. as well as the phone no. of the employee was
written himself. I had to assist in putting all of this information in separate
excel sheets as per the LoSs of the individuals, so that it is more viable in
sending the promotion letters to the respective individuals.

15th April 2014-16
April 2014

1. Worked upon the webpage layout of GM to understand missing data in the
primary structure of the webpage.

NOTE - The link to 'Culturewizard' is missing which is supposed to be added in this
webpage. Then Also I was am supposed to analysedze the sub-links of the links in
this webpage.
Will be working upon that to find a way to incorporate CultureWizard in the

2. Suggested Ganesh to include a search box in the layout of the Webpage
upon whose necessitywhich even he also agreed, and said that it will be
done by the IT department in a the later stage.

3. Started learning more about the various aspects of cross cultural training of
an individual as targeted by CultureWizard.

April 2014
Worked upon the generation of the AMEX gift cards for the employees who are to
be awarded for their exceptional performance by the HR managers of their
respective offices. The gift certificates for locations of Pune, Kolkata, Mumbai and
Gurgaon were issued.
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The process that is required at PwC to acquire Gift certificates is as follows:
1. HR manager applies for the PR i.e. purchase requisition at the Appropriate
portal on the PwC internal server.
2. Than a purchase order is generated after the PR gets approved by the
respective LOS partner.
3. The admin dept then receives the snapshot of the PO and it generates PI
i.e. Performa issued.
4. This gets accepted by the finance dept. and it generates a GRN no. within
the time frame of 2-3 days.
5. The gift cards are sent in by American express as soon as it receives the
payment. The cards are usually worth 5000 and 2000. The cards priced at
5000 are for the individual performers and the cards are for the team.
6. In total it takes 2 weeks for the entire process to be over.
After the gift are received from American express office, they are slotted by their
serial numbers and sent in to the HR managers of the respective locations. The HR
distributes the gift certificates as soon as the announcements are made.

In PwC Hyderabad, the Amex gift certificates are not excepted. So, the company
uses HDFC gift cards to reward their employees who has received any awards.

-22 April 2014
Worked upon the GM India webpage so as to meet the deadline.
Researched in the GMM database do as to make GM web Page more
understandable and easily accessible to the employees.

April to 25
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Worked upon the GM webpage and started developing a flowchart for the easier
understanding of the identification and the approval process for a secondment.

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