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A History of Electroluminescent Displays


Jeffrey A. Hart
Indiana University

Stefanie Ann Lenway
University of Minnesota


Thomas Murtha
University of Minnesota

Second Draft
Septemer !"""

#e are $ratefu% for the comments provided y &hristopher 'in$( Sey Shin$ Sun( )ichard Tuen$e(
T. *eter Brody( and )unar Torn+vist. )esearch assistance was provided y &rai$ ,rtsey. This
research was supported y a $rant from the A%fred *. S%oan -oundation. *%ease do not cite or +uote
without the written permission of the authors.

.%ectro%uminescent disp%ays /.LDs0 have their ori$ins in scientific discoveries in the first decade of
the twentieth century( ut they did not ecome commercia%%y via%e products unti% the!"12s. .LDs
are particu%ar%y usefu% in app%ications where fu%% co%or is not re+uired ut where ru$$edness( speed(
ri$htness( hi$h contrast( and a wide an$%e of vision is needed. &o%or .LD techno%o$y has
advanced si$nificant%y in recent years( especia%%y for microdisp%ays. The two main firms that have
deve%oped and commercia%i3ed .LDs are Sharp in Japan and *%anar Systems in the United States.

What Is Electroluminescence?
There are two main ways of producin$ %i$ht4 incandescence and %uminescence. In incandescence(
e%ectric current is passed throu$h a conductor /fi%ament0 whose resistance to the passa$e of current
produces heat. The $reater the heat of the fi%ament( the more %i$ht it produces. Luminescence( in
contrast( is the name $iven to 5a%% forms of visi%e radiant ener$y due to causes other than

There are a numer of different types of %uminescence( inc%udin$ /amon$ others04
e%ectro%uminescence( chemi%uminescence( cathodo%uminescence( trio%uminescence( and
photo%uminescence. Most 5$%ow in the dar85 toys ta8e advanta$e of photo%uminescence4 %i$ht that
is produced after e9posin$ a photo%uminescent materia% to intense %i$ht. &hemi%uminescence is the
name $iven to %i$ht that is produced as a resu%t of chemica% reactions( such as those that occur in the
ody of a firef%y. &athodo%uminescence is the %i$ht $iven off y a materia% ein$ omarded y
e%ectrons /as in the phosphors on the facep%ate of a cathode ray tue0. .%ectro%uminescence is the
production of visi%e %i$ht y a sustance e9posed to an e%ectric fie%d without therma% ener$y

An e%ectro%uminescent /.L0 device is simi%ar to a %aser in that photons are produced y the return of
an e9cited sustance to its $round state( ut un%i8e %asers .L devices re+uire much %ess ener$y to
operate and do not produce coherent %i$ht. .L devices inc%ude light emitting diodes( which are
discrete devices that produce %i$ht when a current is app%ied to a doped p;n <unction of a
semiconductor( as we%% as .L disp%ays /.LDs0 which are matri9;addressed devices that can e used
to disp%ay te9t( $raphics( and other computer ima$es. .L is a%so used in %amps and ac8%i$hts.

There are four steps necessary to produce e%ectro%uminescence in .LDs4

!. .%ectrons tunne% from e%ectronic states at the insu%ator=phosphor interface>
:. .%ectrons are acce%erated to a%%istic ener$ies y hi$h fie%ds in the phosphor>
?. The ener$etic e%ectrons impact;ioni3e the %uminescent center or create e%ectron;ho%e pairs that
%ead to the activation of the %uminescent center> and
@. The %uminescent center re%a9es toward the $round state and emits a photon.

A%% .LDs have the same asic structure. There are at %east si9 %ayers to the device. The first %ayer is
a asep%ate /usua%%y a ri$id insu%ator %i8e $%ass0( the second is a conductor( the third is an insu%ator(
the fourth is a %ayer of phosphors( and the fifth is an insu%ator( and the si9th is another conductor.

Figure 1. Structure of an
Electroluminescent Display
Source4 *%anar Systems.

.LDs are +uite simi%ar to capacitors e9cept for the phosphor %ayer. Aou can thin8 of an .LD as a
5%ossy capacitor5 in that it ecomes e%ectrica%%y char$ed and then %oses its ener$y in the form of
%i$ht.6?7 The insu%ator %ayers are necessary to prevent arcin$ etween the two conductive %ayers.

An a%ternatin$ current /A&0 is $enera%%y used to drive an .LD ecause the %i$ht $enerated y the
current decays when a constant vo%ta$e is app%ied. There are( however( .L devices that are D&
driven /see e%ow0.

Scientific Origins
.%ectro%uminescence was first oserved in si%icon caride /Si&0 y &aptain Henry Joseph )ound in
!"2B.6@7 )ound reported that a ye%%ow %i$ht was produced when a current was passed throu$h a
si%icon caride detector.6C7 )ound was an emp%oyee of the Marconi &ompany and a persona%
assistant to Du$%ie%mo Marconi. He was an inventor in his own ri$ht with !!B patents to his name
y the end of his %ife.6E7

The second reported oservation of e%ectro%uminescence did not occur unti% !":?( when ,.F.
Lossev of the Gi<ni;Gov$orod )adio Laoratory in )ussia a$ain reported e%ectro%uminescence in
si%icon caride crysta%s.6B7

B. Dudden and ).#. *oh% conducted e9periments in Dermany in the %ate !":2s with phosphors
made from 3inc su%fide doped with copper /HnS4&u0. Dudden and *oh% were so%id state physicists
at the *hysi8a%isches Institut at the University of D`ttin$en.617 They reported that the app%ication
of an e%ectrica% fie%d to the phosphors chan$ed the rate of photo%uminescent decay.6"7

The ne9t recorded oservation of e%ectro%uminescence was y Deor$es Destriau in !"?E( who
pu%ished a report on the emission of %i$ht from 3inc su%fide /HnS0 powders after app%yin$ an
e%ectrica% current.6!27 Destriau wor8ed in the %aoratories of Madame Marie &urie in *aris. The
&uries had een ear%y pioneers in the fie%d of %uminescence ecause of their research on radium.
Accordin$ to Dooch( Destriau first coined the word 5e%ectro%uminescence5 to refer to the
phenomenon he oserved.

Dooch a%so ar$ues that one shou%d 8eep in mind the differences etween the 5Lossev effect5 and the
5Destriau effect45

The Lossev effect shou%d e distin$uished from the Destriau effect. DestriauIs
wor8 invo%ved 3inc su%phide phosphors( and he oserved that those phosphors
cou%d emit %i$ht when e9cited y an e%ectric fie%dJ6The Lossev effect( in
contrast( invo%ves e%ectro%uminescence7 in p;n <unctions.6!!7

Durin$ #or%d #ar II( a considera%e amount of research was done on phosphors in connection with
wor8 on radar disp%ays /which was %ater to enefit the te%evision industry in the form of etter
cathode ray tues0. #artime research a%so inc%uded wor8 on the deposition of transparent
conductive fi%ms for deicin$ the windshie%ds of airp%anes. That wor8 was %ater to ma8e possi%e a
who%e $eneration of new e%ectronic devices.

In the !"C2s( DT. Sy%vania fired various coatin$s( inc%udin$ .L phosphors onto heavy stee% p%ates
to create ceramic .L %amps.6!:7 Durin$ this period( most research focused on powder .L
phosphors to $et ri$ht %amps re+uirin$ minima% power and with a potentia%%y %on$ %ifetime.
)esearch fundin$ was cut ac8 when it was determined that product %ifetimes were too short
/appro9imate%y C22 hours0.6!?7

The first thin;fi%m .L structures were faricated in the %ate !"C2s y F%asen8o and *op8ov.6!@7
These two scientists oserved that %uminance increased mar8ed%y in .L devices when they used a
thin fi%m of Hinc Su%fide doped with Man$anese /HnS4Mn0. Luminance was much hi$her in thin
fi%m .L /T-.L0 devices than in those usin$ powdered sustances. Such devices however were sti%%
too unre%ia%e for commercia% use.

)uss and 'ennedy introduced the idea of depositin$ insu%atin$ %ayers under and aove the phosphor
%ayer on a T-.L device.6!C7 The imp%ications for re%iai%ity of T-.L devices was not appreciated
at the time( however.

So9man and 'etchpe% conducted research etween!"E@ and !"B2 that demonstrated the possii%ity
of matri9 addressin$ a T-.L disp%ay with hi$h %uminance( ut a$ain unre%iai%ity of the devices
remained a pro%em.6!E7

In the mid;!"E2s( there was a reviva% of .L research in the United States focused on disp%ay
app%ications. Si$matron &orporation first demonstrated a thin;fi%m .L /T-.L0 dot;matri9 disp%ay
in !"EC. Unfortunate%y( Si$matron was una%e to successfu%%y commercia%i3e these disp%ays and it
fo%ded in !"B?.6!B7

In !"E1( Aron Fecht first demonstrated a direct current /D&0 powered .L pane% usin$ powdered
phosphors.6!17 )esearch on powdered phosphor D&;.L devices continued( especia%%y for use in
watch dia%s( ni$ht%i$hts and ac8%i$hts( ut most suse+uent research on .LDs focused on thin;fi%m
A& driven devices. An ear%y e9amp%e was the wor8 of *eter Brody and his associates at
#estin$house )esearch Laoratories on .L and AM;.L devices etween !"E1 and !"B@.6!"7

In !"B@( Toshio Ino$uchi and his co%%ea$ues at Sharp &orporation introduced an a%ternatin$ current
/A&0 T-.L approach to .LDs at the annua% meetin$ of the Society for Information Disp%ay /SID0.
The Sharp device used 3inc su%fide doped with man$anese /HnS4Mn0 as the phosphor %ayer and
yttrium o9ide /A
0 for the sandwichin$ insu%ators. This was the first hi$h;ri$htness %on$;
%ifetime .LD ever made. Sharp introduced a monochrome .LD te%evision in !"B1. The paper
Ino$uchi pu%ished on his $roupIs research he%ped to reinvi$orate .L research in the rest of the
wor%d( inc%udin$ at Te8troni9( a U.S. e%ectronics firm ased in *ort%and( ,re$on.6:27

Te8troni9I research on .L e$an in !"BE. The mana$ement at Te8troni9 were fami%iar with the
wor8 reported y Ino$uchiIs team. They decided to start a new pro$ram on .LDs at Te8troni9
App%ied )esearch Laoratories. The wor8 e$un there was continued when the Te8troni9
researcher %eft to create a spinoff firm ca%%ed *%anar Systems. Severa% other %ar$e U.S. companies
a%so were conductin$ research on .LDs in the !"B2s( inc%udin$4 IBM( DT.( #estin$house( Aero<et
Denera%( and )oc8we%%. A%% these companies rea%i3ed that .LDs had potentia% advanta$es over
e9istin$ L&D techno%o$y in the fo%%owin$ areas4

!. &ontrast
:. Mu%tip%e9in$( and
. Fiewin$ an$%e.

The most important pro%em that had to e so%ved efore mass production of .LDs cou%d e$in was
increasin$ the re%iai%ity of the .L thin fi%m stac8. Since the devices operated at very hi$h fie%d
%eve%s ;; aout !.C MF=cm ;; there was a hi$h proai%ity that they wou%d rea8 down( especia%%y if
there was insufficient uniformity in the stac8. Sharp( Te8troni9( and Loh<a &orporation in -in%and
were a%e to so%ve this pro%em etween !"BE and !"1? usin$ s%i$ht%y different approaches.

The second ma<or pro%em was to $et access to hi$h;vo%ta$e drivers for the disp%ays. Sharp ended
up deve%opin$ their own> Tom .n$ious deve%oped drivers for .L disp%ays at Te9as Instruments y
modifyin$ the desi$n his $roup had done for p%asma disp%ays.6:!7 *%anar used the TI drivers in its
products unti% it cou%d find additiona% supp%iers.

The introduction to the mar8et in !"1C of Drid and Data Denera% %aptops with .L disp%ays from
Sharp and *%anar respective%y he%ped to ui%d the foundations for the nascent %aptop computer
industry at a time when L&Ds did not have sufficient ri$htness or contrast to e used in
commercia% products. Both *%anar and Sharp monochrome .LDs used a phosphor %ayer made from
3inc su%fide doped with man$anese /HnS4Mn0. These disp%ays $ave off an amer /oran$e;ye%%ow0
co%or that was ri$ht ut a%so p%easin$ to the eye.

-i$ure :. A Monochrome /Amer0 .L
Goteoo8 Disp%ay
Source4 *%anar Systems.

!esearch on "olor E#Ds
,ne of the 8ey disadvanta$es of .LDs re%ative to %i+uid crysta% disp%ays /L&Ds0 was that unti% !"1!
.LDs were not capa%e of disp%ayin$ more than one co%or. .ven after !"1!( co%or .LDs were
%imited to a %imited ran$e of co%ors /red( $reen( and ye%%ow0 unti% !""? when a %ue phosphor was

In !"1!( ,8amoto reported that a rare;earth doped HnS cou%d e used in the phosphor %ayer of a
T-.L device.6::7

In !"1@( #i%%iam Barrow of *%anar and his co%%ea$ues announced that they were a%e to $et %ue;
$reen emissions from strontium su%fide doped with cerium /SrS4&e0.

In !"1C( Shosa8u Tana8a at Tottori University and his co%%ea$ues reported that they had dup%icated
the wor8 done at *%anar on SrS4&e phosphors ut added that they had $otten ca%cium su%fide /&aS0
to emit a deep red co%or. In !"11( Tana8aIs $roup announced that they had $otten white %i$ht from a
T-.L disp%ay usin$ a comination of SrS4&e and SrS doped with .uropium /SrS4.u0. The idea
here was to use the white %i$ht in connection with a co%or fi%ter to produce a fu%% co%or disp%ay
ana%o$ous%y to the way that it is done in %i+uid crysta% disp%ays. The advanta$e of doin$ this with
.LDs was that such a disp%ay wou%d not re+uire a ac8%i$ht. The main disadvanta$e was the added
cost and difficu%ty of introducin$ a co%or fi%ter.

In !""@( Soininen and cowor8ers at *%anar Internationa% in -in%and announced that a
SrS4&e=HnS4Mn white phosphor deposited y atomic %ayer epita9y achieves sufficient %uminance
and stai%ity for use in co%or .L disp%ay products.6:?7

-urther wor8 on %ue phosphors was done y )einer Mach and his co%%ea$ues at the Heinrich Hert3
Institute in Ber%in. Additiona% wor8 on SrS4&e %ue phosphors was done at #estaim &orporation.

A SrS4&u %ue phosphor showin$ improved %ue co%or and efficiency was reported y Sey;Shin$
Sun of *%anar in !""B. *%anar demonstrated true white co%or .L prototype disp%ays usin$ this %ue
phosphor in a SrS4&u=HnS4Mn mu%ti;%ayer structure. The SrS4&u phosphor wi%% ena%e co%or .L
disp%ays to e produced with a wider co%or $amut.6:@7

Barrow and his team at *%anar announced a prototype of a mu%ti;co%or .L disp%ay usin$ HnS4Mn
and HnS4T phosphor %ayers in !"1E. By !"11( they had a prototype fu%%;co%or disp%ay usin$ a
patterned phosphor structure. &ommercia% production of mu%tico%or .LDs did not occur unti% !""?
at *%anar( however( and fu%% co%or .LDs have een produced on%y in the form of microdisp%ays /see
section e%ow on AM.L microdisp%ays0.6:C7 These co%or AM.L microdisp%ays used the AL.
SrS4&e=HnS4Mn white phosphor with either se+uentia% or spatia% co%or fi%terin$.

$lanar Systems
*%anar Systems( Inc.( was formed in !"1? as a spinoff from Te8troni9. It was founded y three
senior mana$ers from Te8troni9I So%id State )esearch and Deve%opment Droup4 John Laney( James
Hurd( and &hristopher 'in$.6:E7 Hurd ecame the *resident and &.,( Laney wor8ed on
manufacturin$ issues( and 'in$ ecame the firmIs chief technica% officer. Te8troni9 $ave *%anar its
ri$hts to certain techno%o$ies in e9chan$e for an e+uity sta8e /in !""@ its share was sti%% B.C
percent0.6:B7 *%anar remained private%y he%d unti% it went pu%ic in !""?.

In !"1@( *%anar opened its first manufacturin$ faci%ity in Beaverton( ,re$on. It shipped its first
u%8 order in !"1C to Gippon Data Denera% for an ear%y %aptop computer with a &DA /E@29:220 .L

,nce vo%ume manufacturin$ of .LDs e$an( a numer of additiona% pro%ems had to e so%ved in
order to improve prospects for sa%es in the competitive mar8ets for f%at pane% disp%ays4

!. Luminous efficiency had to e increased>
:. Better drivin$ methods were needed> and
?. Dray sca%e capai%ity of .LDs had to e enhanced.

The initia% .LD prototypes had ri$htness %eve%s of on%y aout :2 foot %amerts /fLs0. &ommercia%
products in the !""2s were to have ri$htness %eve%s of !22 fLs.

The initia% drive scheme for .LDs at *%anar was to app%y a sin$%e po%arity vo%ta$e pu%se to each %ine
of the disp%ay and then an opposite po%arity pu%se to the entire pane%. This was ca%%ed 5the refresh
method.5 In !"1@=1C( it was determined that this drive method %ed to 5urn in5 ;; some pi9e%s
wou%d ecome unusa%e over time. A new drive scheme invented y Tim -%e$a% ca%%ed symmetric
drive rep%aced the refresh method. In symmetric drive( pu%ses of a%ternate po%arities were app%ied to
each %ine so that a net 3ero dc vo%ta$e was deve%oped. This prevented 5urn in.5

Tim -%e$a% was a%so responsi%e for pioneerin$ a variety of $ray sca%e drivin$ methods( inc%udin$
pu%se width( ana%o$ vo%ta$e( and frame rate modu%ation. Hi$h performance ana%o$ drivers at
reasona%e prices were difficu%t to otain( and *%anar had difficu%ty $ettin$ Te9as Instruments to
supp%y them ecause of the re%ative%y %ow vo%umes invo%ved /from TIIs perspective0( ut eventua%%y
*%anar found a new supp%ier for these circuits4 Superte9.6:17

,ne of *%anarIs 8ey mar8ets after the dec%ine in demand for monochrome disp%ays for %aptop
computers was mi%itary disp%ays. *%anar provided .L disp%ays to defense contractors %i8e Gorden
Systems and &omputin$ Devices &anada( Ltd. /&D&0. These disp%ays were monochrome with
%imited $ray sca%in$. *%anar diversified its sa%es out of mi%itary app%ications toward industria% and
medica% e+uipment. By the mid !""2s( over a third of *%anarIs sa%es were to medica% e+uipment

-i$ure ?. Sa%es of *%anar Disp%ays y Type of
App%ication( c. !""1.
Source4 *%anar Systems at http4==www.p%anar.com on
Ju%y :1( !""".

Because of *%anarIs wi%%in$ness to wor8 with customers to adapt products for specific app%ications(
it was a%e to command a price premium over the products of its main competitor( Sharp. By the
%ate !"12s( *%anar contro%%ed over "2 percent of the wor%d mar8et for .LDs.

*%anar purchased the -in%u9 Disp%ay .%ectronics unit of Loh<a ,y /-in%and0 in Decemer !""2.
-in%u9 was renamed *%anar Internationa%( Ltd. Its head+uarters remained in .spoo( -in%and. The
main reason for the purchase of -in%u9 was to otain a mar8etin$ and production ase in .urope ut
an important secondary reason was to $et access to -in%u9Is atomic %ayer epita9y /AL.0 techno%o$y
/see the section on -in%u9 e%ow0.6:"7

.L disp%ays were not we%% suited to mi%itary app%ications y the ear%y !""2s. By that time( the
mi%itary wanted co%or disp%ays that were ri$ht enou$h to e seen in airp%ane coc8pits and tan8s
under a variety of environmenta% %i$htin$ conditions. In Au$ust !""@( *%anar purchased the
avionics disp%ay operations of Te8troni9 and formed a who%%y owned susidiary ca%%ed *%anar
Advance to mana$e this usiness.6?27 *%anar Advance initia%%y invested aout K!2 mi%%ion in &)T;
ased disp%ays for coc8pits( ut was %indsided y the DoDIs po%icy of switchin$ to ru$$edi3ed T-T
L&Ds. In response to this shift( *%anar Advance purchased T-T L&D $%ass from dpiL and
assem%ed them into 5mi% spec5 units for the DoD. This move permitted *%anar to diversify its
disp%ay offerin$s out of .LDs ut it a%so necessitated a redefinition of the core competence of the

In !"":( *%anar he%ped to or$ani3ed a consortium to deve%op co%or .LDs ca%%ed the American
Disp%ay &onsortium. This consortium was funded y the Department of &ommerce under the
Advanced Techno%o$y *ro$ram /AT*0 created y the &%inton administration. The tota% fundin$ for
the consortium was to e K?2 mi%%ion> ha%f funded y the $overnment and ha%f y the consortiumIs
private firms. The Gationa% Institute for Standards and Techno%o$y /GIST0 supervised the
consortium on eha%f of the Department of &ommerce. ,ther memers of this consortium were4
&andescent Techno%o$ies( dpiL( .%ectro *%asma( -.D &orporation( 'ent Disp%ay Systems( Lucent
Techno%o$ies( ,IS( *hotonics Ima$in$( SI Diamond( Standish Industries( Three;-ive Systems( and
Fersati%e Information *roducts.

In Sprin$ !""C *%anar or$ani3ed a consortium to deve%op the ne9t $eneration of Hi$h )eso%ution
and &o%or T-.L Disp%ays. This consortium was funded y the Department of Defense under the
DA)*A mana$ed Techno%o$y )einvestment *ro$ram /T)*0. The tota% fundin$ for the consortium
was to e K?2 mi%%ion> ha%f funded y the $overnment and ha%f y the consortiumMs private firms.
,ther memers of the consortium were4 A%%iedSi$na% Aerospace( &omputin$ Devices of &anada(
Ltd.( Advanced Techno%o$y Materia%s( Boein$( &F& *roducts( Deor$ia Tech )esearch Institute(
Hew%ett *ac8ard( Honeywe%%( Lawrence Livermore Gationa% Laoratory( Los A%amos Gationa%
Laoratory( ,re$on State University( *ositive Techno%o$ies and the University of -%orida.6?!7

In !"1"( the Defense Advanced )esearch *ro<ects A$ency /DA)*A0 e$an to fund wor8 on
advanced disp%ays as part of its Hi$h Definition Systems pro$ram. DA)*A issued a Broad Area
Announcement in that year and in suse+uent years as8in$ for proposa%s.

*%anar won one of the first $rants from DA)*A in !""2 and used the funds to set up a %aoratory to
deve%op co%or .LDs.

*%anar participated in a variety of DA)*A pro$rams( ut perhaps the most si$nificant was its wor8
with 'opin and the David Sarnoff )esearch &enter on active matri9 .L /AM.L0 microdisp%ays
e$innin$ in !""?.

The AM.L device is processed on a si%icon wafer sustrate usin$ the inverted .L
structure with a transparent IT, top e%ectrode. The %ower .L e%ectrode is the top
meta%%i3ation %ayer of the si%icon I&.

AL. was used to ma8e the device ecause of its e9ce%%ent 5conforma% coatin$5 characteristics. AL.
resu%ted in very few pinho%e defects( a 8ey re+uirement for re%ia%e .L devices with top e%ectrodes.

The pi9e% si3e of the first $eneration of AM.L disp%ays was :@ microns. The second $eneration of
disp%ays used pi9e%s of !: microns. Sma%%er pi9e%s meant hi$her reso%ution( %ower power
consumption and %ower cost of production for a $iven disp%ay format.6?:7

In ,ctoer !""C( *%anar announced an arran$ement to supp%y AM.L disp%ays to Firtua% I;,( a
Seatt%e;ased manufacturer of consumer head mounted disp%ays for virtua% rea%ity entertainment
systems.6??7 Unfortunate%y( Firtua% I;, went an8rupt in !""B efore any of these disp%ays cou%d
e so%d to the pu%ic.

In March !""E( *%anar was a awarded a DoD contract to
supp%y an AM.L;ased head mounted disp%ay /HMD0 for the
mi%itaryIs Land #arrior *ro$ram.6?@7 ,n May !E( !""E(
*%anar announced that it had deve%oped an AM.L
microdisp%ay that was one;inch s+uare( ?mm thic8( and
wei$hed on%y @ $rams. In !""B *%anar announced that it had
deve%oped a 2.BC inch dia$ona% fu%%;co%or FDA AM.L
microdisp%ay usin$ an L& se+uentia% co%or shutter.6?C7/ref4 ).
Tuen$e( et a%.( SID "B Di$est /!""B0( p.1E: 0. *%anar now
has a ri$hter fu%%;co%or microdisp%ay capa%e of disp%ayin$
?:8 co%ors that does not re+uire the L& shutter.

*%anar has e9perienced a steady $rowth in revenues /see
-i$ure C e%ow0.

-i$ure C. Annua% )evenues for *%anar Systems in KMi%%ions(

Source4 Annual Report /!""10 accessed at
http4==www.p%anar.com on Ju%y !C( !""".

-i$ure @. *icture of a &o%or AM.L
Source4 *%anar Systems.

Its profits a%so steadi%y increased in oth aso%ute terms and per share ut with a dec%ine in !""1.
*%anar went pu%ic with an I*, in !""?.

A %rief History of Sharp&s E# Operations
The head of research at Sharp( Sanai Mita( was convinced that .LDs cou%d e used eventua%%y to
ma8e f%at TFs. Mito was former%y a professor at ,sa8a Municipa% University. He and his team
mounted a ma<or effort in the mid !"B2s to deve%op T-.Ls.6?E7

The 8ey research at Sharp was done y Toshio Ino$uchi and his co%%ea$ues. The successfu%
demonstration of a wor8in$ T-.L disp%ay in Septemer !"B1 at the &onsumer .%ectronics Show in
&hica$o was the 5finest hour5 of Ino$uchiIs $roup. This disp%ay was on%y a few inches in dia$ona%(
ut it was a%so on%y ? cm thic8.

Sharp e$an mass production of .LDs in !"1?. ,ne of its ear%iest disp%ays was used in the U.S.
Space Shutt%eIs oita% navi$ation system in that same year.6?B7 Another ear%y app%ication of a
Sharp .LD was in a Drid %aptop computer. This disp%ay provided reso%ution e+uiva%ent to a +uarter
FDA /?:29:@20.

!"1? was a%so the year that Shin<i Moro3umi at Sei8o announced that his $roup was a%e to ui%d a
T-T L&D te%evision. That announcement too8 Sharp y surprise and they redirected their efforts
toward catchin$ up with Sei8o in L&Ds. By !"1B( Sharp was a%e to mar8et their own T-T L&D
te%evision.6?17 They were a%e to capita%i3e on their %ead in mass production of STG L&Ds for
ca%cu%ators to +uic8%y deve%op production techno%o$ies for hi$h;vo%ume T-T manufacturin$. After
!"1B( T-T L&D production was far more important to SharpIs corporate strate$y than .L
production. Geverthe%ess( the firm remained active in oth research and production of .LDs(
providin$ stron$ competition to *%anar and Loh<a. Sharp continues to mar8et .L disp%ays for niche

A %rief History of the Finlu' Display Di(ision of #oh)a Oy*+,
In !"BC( a research $roup headed y Dr. Tuomo Sunto%a reco$ni3ed that thin fi%m
e%ectro%uminescence wou%d e an idea% f%at pane% disp%ay techno%o$y provided that %uminance
stai%ity and re%iai%ity pro%ems cou%d e overcome. To so%ve these pro%ems a new thin;fi%m
deposition method ca%%ed atomic %ayer epita9y /AL.0 was deve%oped /see -i$ure E0. The asic idea
was to ui%d thin fi%ms %ayer y %ayer usin$ surface;contro%%ed chemica% e9chan$e reactions. The
resu%t is a dense( pinho%e fi%m with very $ood step covera$e properties. This research activity
started in a sma%% company ca%%ed Intrumentarium that was ac+uired in !"BB y Loh<a ,y( a -innish
con$%omerate which was primari%y a manufacturer of construction materia%. Loh<a was the second
%ar$est -innish e%ectronics company after Go8ia( and the new .LD techno%o$y was considered a
$ood fit for its strate$y of diversification into e%ectronics.

Figure -. A#E se.uences for a /inary compound 0courtesy of 1uomo Suntola2
A. -irst precursor reacts with the surface. &hemisorption occurs throu$h %i$and e9chan$e etween the
precursor mo%ecu%es and the ondin$ sites.
B. #hen
sites are
fi%%ed the
sites for
r have

.9ce%%ent .LD resu%ts ased on its proprietary AL. techno%o$y were for the first time presented at
the annua% meetin$ of the Society for Information Disp%ay /SID0 in !"12( where they received a %ot
of attention. In !"1?( three %ar$e information oards were de%ivered to the He%sin8i Fantaa airport.
.ach of these was comprised of more than B22 character modu%es. They proved that AL.
techno%o$y cou%d meet re%iai%ity re+uirements necessary for commercia% use. That techno%o$y was
%icensed to Sintra A%cate% in -rance in !"1?. However( the driver costs of the .LD character
modu%es were too hi$h to ma8e them commercia%%y via%e( and as a resu%t -in%u9 e$an
deve%opment of a ";inch C!:9:CE matri9 disp%ay for computer and industria% app%ications. A %ar$e
manufacturin$ p%ant was constructed in a new science par8 set up in .spoo c%ose to He%sin8i. &ore
manufacturin$ techno%o$ies( inc%udin$ AL. deposition e+uipment( were deve%oped in;house( which
de%ayed the start of mass production unti% !"1E. Ha%f;pa$e .LD matri9 disp%ays with reso%utions of
E@29:22( EC29?C2 and E@29@22 were suse+uent%y manufactured at this p%ant.

The investments and deve%opment costs for .LDs were essentia%%y funded interna%%y y Loh<a ,y
ecause %itt%e pu%ic or customer;paid fundin$ was avai%a%e. This situation chan$ed when co%or
.LD deve%opment was started in !"11 as part of an .U;supported internationa% consortium. The
first co%or .L disp%ay ased on an innovative device structure was rou$ht to mar8et in !""?.

Loh<a &orporation was never a%e to ma8e the -in%u9 Disp%ay Division profita%e ecause of a %ac8
of e9perience in mana$in$ microe%ectronics usinesses. The -innish economy enefited from rapid
economic $rowth from the %ate !"B2s unti% the %ate !"12s. But when the Soviet Union ro8e apart
in !""!( the -innish economy suffered ecause of its dependence upon the Soviet Union as a
customer for e9ports. In !""!( the -in%u9 Disp%ay Division was so%d to *%anar Systems and was
renamed *%anar Internationa%.

The two .LD operations were of appro9imate%y the same si3e at the time of the mer$er. The
mer$er permitted savin$s in mar8etin$ costs and materia%s purchases. *%anar Systems succeeded in
ma8in$ *%anar Internationa% profita%e in <ust a few years y usin$ more e9perienced mana$ement(
ut without chan$in$ manufacturin$ techno%o$y and with on%y minor chan$es in staffin$. The AL.
manufacturin$ techno%o$y sti%% forms the asis for the production of hi$h vo%ume .LDs at oth
*%anar Systems and *%anar Internationa%. Much of the co%or deve%opment resu%ts that were achieved
in -in%and were a%so of direct enefit to the wor8 on co%or .LDs at *%anar Systems in the United
States( and in particu%ar the AM.L microdisp%ays discussed aove.

In addition( in !""E( *%anar Systems e$an to mar8et a new $eneration of monochrome .LDs ca%%ed
I&.Brite disp%ays. The I&.Brites comined AL. $rown phosphors and insu%ators with hi$h
contrast %ayers deve%oped y .ric Dic8ey in the %ate !"12s.6@27

-i$ure B. *icture of an I&.Brite Disp%ay
Source4 *%anar Systems.

Organic #ight Emitting Diodes 0O#EDs2
In the %ate !""2s( severa% research %aoratories announced that they had made rea8throu$hs in
$ettin$ thin fi%ms of or$anic materia%s to emit %i$ht ana%o$ous%y to .L devices. Because or$anic
materia%s offered a numer of process advanta$es over inor$anic phosphors( these announcements
were ta8en very serious%y y potentia% investors. This is not the p%ace to $o into the detai%s of these
deve%opments. Suffice it to say that the emer$ence of ,L.Ds %ed to a re%ative dec%ine in interest in
further wor8 on co%or .LDs. *%anar Systems set up its own ,L.D pro$ram in co%%aoration with
NNN as did severa% other disp%ay manufacturers. It is possi%e that inai%ity to so%ve the
techno%o$ica% pro%ems that have to e so%ved in order to manufacture ,L.Ds in hi$h vo%umes wi%%
resu%t in a return to research on co%or .LDs and other a%ternatives to T-T L&Ds. -or the moment(
however( the momentum is with the ,L.D research $roups.

.%ectro%uminescent disp%ays /.LDs0 have a venera%e history startin$ with the e9periments of
&aptain Henry J. )ound in !"2B( ,.F. Lossev in the Soviet Union( and Deor$es Destriau in -rance.
.%ectro%uminescence was most%y a scientific curiosity unti% the invention of thin fi%m deposition
techni+ues and the discovery that a sandwich of conductors( insu%ators and phosphors cou%d resu%t
in a very efficent and %on$;%astin$ form of emissive disp%ay. .LDs were very important in the ear%y
days of the %aptop computer industry and remained important in niche mar8ets for mi%itary( medica%
and industria% e+uipment where hi$h ri$htness( speed( contrast( and ru$$edness are necessary. The
rise of the co%or T-T L&D disp%ay forced the .LD producers to en$a$e in research on co%or .LDs
with the resu%t that there are now mu%tico%or .LDs on the mar8et and fu%%;co%or AM.Ls in
deve%opment for microdisp%ays. The .LD industry is current%y %imited to two ma<or p%ayers4 *%anar
and Sharp. *%anar ac+uired its on%y .uropean competitor( the -in%u9 Disp%ay Division of Loh<a ,y(
in !""2. Sharp remains committed to competin$ in .LDs ut its main focus is on %i+uid crysta%
disp%ays. Most of the important research on .LDs remains within the corporate %aoratories of
*%anar and Sharp( ut severa% pu%ic%y funded research %aoratories and consortia have a%so made
important contriutions to .LD techno%o$y.


5Active Matri9 .%ectro%uminescence(5 accessed at http4==www.p%anar.com=tech=ame%tech.htm on
Ju%y :B( !""".

A%t( *au% M.( 5Thin -i%m .%ectro%uminescent Devices4 Device &haracteristics and *erformance(5
Proceedings of the Society for Information Display( v. :C( no. : /!"1@0( !:?;!@E.

Ba8er( #.J.( A History of the Marconi Company /Gew Aor84 St. MartinIs *ress( !"B:0

Barrow( #i%%iam A.( )ichard &. &oovert( .ric Dic8ey( &hristopher G. 'in$( &. Laa8so( Sey;Shin$
Sun( )ichard T. Tuen$e( ). #entross( and J. 'ane( SID '93 Digest /!""?0 p.BE!.

Bhattacharya( '.( S. M. Doodnic8( and J.-. #a$er( ! Appl! Phys! B? /!""?0 p.??"2.

B%asse( D. and B.&. Dramaier( "uminescent Materials /Ber%in4 Sprin$er;Fer%a$( !""@0.

Brennan( 'evin( 5Theory of Hi$h;-ie%d .%ectronic Transport in Bu%8 HnS and HnSe(5 ournal of
Applied Physics( v. E@( Go. 1 /,ctoer !C(!"110( @2:@;@2?2.

Brody( T. *eter( et a%.( 5A E9E inch :2;%pi .%ectro%uminescent Disp%ay *ane%(5 I### $ransactions%
#lectron De&ices( vo%. :: /Septemer !"BC0( B?"; .

&aste%%ano( Joseph A.( ed.( Hand'oo( of Display $echnology /Gew Aor84 Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich( !"":0.

&oovert( )ichard ..( &hristopher G. 'in$( and )ichard T. Tuen$e( !"1: SID Digest /!"1:0 p.!:1.

Destriau( Deor$es( 5)echerches sur %es scinti%%ations des su%fures de 3inc au9 rayons "(5 ournal de
Chemie Physi)ue% ?? /!"?E0( C1B;E:C.

.%ectronic Industries Association of Japan /.IAJ0( Research Report on the *isions of the #lectronic
Display Industry in the +ear ,---( trans%. By InterLin$ua /To8yo4 .IAJ( !""?0.

Dooch( &.H.( In.ection #lectroluminescent De&ices /Gew Aor84 #i%ey( !"B?0.

Dudden( B. and ).#. *oh%( 5ger Aus%euchteun$ der *hosphores3en3 durch e%e8trische -e%der(5
/eitschrift fhr Physi(( vo%. : /!":"0( !":;!"E.

Dudden( B. and ).#. *oh%( 5Lichte%e8trische Beoachtun$en an Hin8su%fiden(5 /eitschrift fhr
Physi(( vo%. : /!"?20( !1!;!"!.

Haaranen( J.( T. Har<u( *. Hei88inen( D. Har8onen( M. Leppanen( T. Lindho%m( J. Mau%a( J.
Maatianen( Arno *a88a%a( .r8ii Soininen( M. Sonninen( )unar Torn+vist( and J. Fi%<anen( 5C!:/9?0(
:CE )DB Mu%tico%or T-.L Disp%ay Based on &o%or y #hite(5 SID '90 Digest /!""C0( 11?; .

Howard( #ester ..( 5The Importance of Insu%ator *roperties in a Thin;-i%m .%ectro%uminescent
Device(5 I### $rans! on #lectron De&ices( .D;:@( Go. B /Ju%y !"BB0( "2?;"21.

Howard( #ester ..( 5Memory in Thin;-i%m .%ectro%uminescent Devices(5 orunal of
"uminescence( :? /!"1!0( !CC;!B?.

Howard( #ester ..( ,mesh Sahni( and *au% M. A%t( 5A Simp%e Mode% for the Hysteretic Behavior
of HnS4Mn Thin -i%m .%ectro%uminescent Devices(5 ournal of Applied Physics( C? /!"1:0( E?";

Hurd( James M.( 5The Disp%ay Industry in the "2s and the Important )o%e of .L Techno%o$y( 5 in
Fi<ay *. Sin$h and John &. Mc&%ure( eds.( #lectroluminescence1 Proceedings of the Si2th
International 3or(shop on #lectroluminescence /.% *aso( Te9as4 &inco *untos *ress( !"":0.

Ino$uchi( Toshio( 5)etrospect and *rospect on )esearch and Deve%opment of .%ectro%uminescent
Disp%ays(5 in Shi$eo Shionoya and Hiroshi 'oayashi( eds.( #lectroluminescence1 Proceedings of
the 4ourth International 3or(shop% $ottori% apan% 5cto'er 66768% 6999 /Ber%in4 Sprin$er Fer%a$(

Ino$uchi( Toshio and Sanai Mito( 5.%ectro%uminescence(5 in J.I. *an8ove( ed.( $opics in Applied
Physics( vo%. !B /Heide%er$4 Sprin$er Fer%a$( !"BB0

Ino$uchi( Toshio( Mi8io Ta8eda( Au8ihi8o 'a8ihara( A. Ga8ata( and Masaru Aoshida( 5Sta%e Hi$h
Luminance Thin -i%m .%ectro%uminescent *ane%s(5 Digest of the 69:8 SID International
Symposium( /Gew Aor84 L. #inner( !"B@0( 1@;1C.

Johnstone( Bo( 3e 3ere ;urning1 apanese #ntrepreneurs and the 4orging of the #lectronic Age
/Gew Aor84 Basic Boo8s( !"""0.

'ahn$( D.( 5.%ectro%uminescence of )are;.arth and Transition Meta% Mo%ecu%es in II;FI
&ompounds via Impact .9citation(5 Applied Physics "etters( v.!?( Go. E /Septemer !C( !"E10(

'oayashi( Hiroshi( Shosa8u Tana8a( H. Sasa8ura( and A. Hama8awa( 5 (5 apanese ournal of
Applied Physics( v. !: /!"B?0( E!C; .

'in$( &hristopher G.( 6999 SID "ecture <otes.

'in$( &hristopher G.( 5*erformance of Monochrome T-.L Disp%ays(5 in Fi<ay *. Sin$h and John J.
Mc&%ure( #lectroluminescence1 Proceedings of the Si2th International 3or(shop on
#lectroluminescence /.% *aso( Te9as4 &inco *untos *ress( !"":0

'in$( &hristopher G.( 5.%ectro%uminescent Disp%ays(5 accessed at
http4==p%anar.com=down%oad=tech=mrsnf"1.pdf on Ju%y !C( !""".

Leppanen( M.( D. Har8onen( Arno *a88a%a( .r88i Soininen( )unar Torn+vist(5 Broadand Dou%e
Layer *hosphor for an Inverted -i%tered )DB .%ectro%uminescent Disp%ay(5 Proceedings of
#uroDisplay '93 /!""?0( ::"; .

Lossev( ,.F.( 5#ire%ess Te%e$raphy and Te%ephony(5 $elegrafia i $elefonia 'e= pro&odor( no. !1
/!":?0( p. E! and no. :E /!":@0( p. @2?.

Lossev( ,.F.( 5Luminous &arorundum Detector and Detection .ffect and ,sci%%ations with
&rysta%s(5 Philosophical Maga=ine( v. E( no. ?" /!":10( !2:@;!2@@.

Mach( )einer H. and D.,. Mu%%er( ! of Cryst! >ro?th !2! /!""20 p."EB

Mach( )einer H. and D.,. Mu%%er( 5*hysics and Techno%o$y of Thin -i%m .%ectro%uminescent
Disp%ays(5 Semiconductor Science and $echno%o$y( E /!""!0( ?2C;?:?.
Mach( )einer H.( 'ar% ,tto Fe%thaus( B. Hutt%( U. Troppen3( and ). Herrmann( SID 90 Digest
/!""C0 p. B:2.

Mach( )einer H. and 'ar% ,tto Fe%thaus( Displays( !? /!"":0( !2B; .

,hmi( 'outo8u( Shosa8u Tana8a( Aoshihi8o Aamano( '. -u<imoto( Hiroshi 'oayashi( )einer H.
Mach( 'ar% ,tto Fe%thaus( and H.#. Schoc8( 5#hite Li$ht .mittin$ .%ectro%uminescent Devices
with /SrS4&e=HnS4Mn0n Mu%ti%ayer Thin -i%ms(5 6,
International Display Research Conference1
apan Display '9,( /!"":0( B!B; .

,hnishi( Hideomi( ). Iwase( A. Aamasa8i( Proc! Soc! Inf Disp! :" /@0 /!"110 p.?!!.

,hnishi( Hideomi and -. Mohri( SID 9, Digest /!"":0 p. ?E?.

,8amoto( '.( Ph!D! Dissertation( ,sa8a University( !"1!.

,no( Aoshimasa A.( #lectroluminescent Displays /Sin$apore4 #or%d Scientific *u%ishin$
&ompany( !""C0.

*a88a%a( Arno( 5.L Disp%ays Based on AL. Drown *hosphors and Insu%ator Thin -i%ms(5 accessed
at http4==p%anar.com=down%oad=tech=a%ephosp.pdf.

)ac8( *.D.( A. Gaman( *.H. Ho%%oway( Sey;Shin$ Sun( and )ichard T. Tuen$e( 5Materia%s Used in
.%ectro%uminescent Disp%ays(5

)ound( Henry J.( 5A Gote on &arorundum(5 #lectrical 3orld( vo%. !" /-eruary "( !"2B0( p. ?2".

)uss( M.J. and D.I. 'ennedy( 5 The .ffects of Dou%e Insu%atin$ Layers on the
.%ectro%uminescence of .vaporated HnS4Mn -i%ms( 5 ournal of the! #lectrochemical Society( !!@
/!"EB0( !2EE;!2B!.

Shionoya( Shi$eo and Hiroshi 'oayashi( eds.( #lectroluminescence1 Proceedings of the 4ourth
International 3or(shop on #lectroluminescence /Ber%in4 Sprin$er Fer%a$( !"1"0.

Soininen( .r88i( M. Leppanen( and Arno *a88a%a( *roc. 63th Int! Display Res! Conf!
/.uroDisp%ayI"?( !""?0 p. ::".
Soininen( .r88i( M. Leppanen( )unar Torn+vist and Juha Fi%ianen( Proceedings of the :th Int!
3or(shop on #lectroluminescence /Bei<in$( !""@0
So9man( .dwin J. and )ichard D. 'etchpe%( 5.%ectro%uminescence Thin -i%m )esearch )eports5
A<AIR 4inal Report :,-9-3 /Ju%y !C( !"B:0. JAGAI) is the Joint Army;Gavy Aircraft
Instrumentation *ro<ect. So9man and 'etchpe% were emp%oyed y Si$matron( Inc.

Sun( Sey;Shin$( )ichard T. Tuen$e( J. 'ane( and M. Lin$( ournal of the #lectrochemical Society%
!@!/!20 /!""@0 p. :1BB

Sunto%a( Tuomo( 5Atomic Layer .pita9y(5 Material Science Reports( /!"1"0( :E!; .

Tannas( Lawrence ..( Jr.( ed.( 4lat Panel Displays and CR$'s /Gew Aor84 Fon Gostrand )einho%d
&ompany( !"1C0.

Uede( H.( A. 'anatani( H. 'ishishita( A. -u<imori( and '. ,8ano( 5 (5 Digest of the 699- SID
International Symposium /!"120( p. EE
Fecht( Aron( 5Hi$h .fficiency D.&. .%ectro%uminescence in HnS /Mu( &u0(5 ;ritish ournal of
Applied Physics( vo%. ! /January( !"E10( !?@;!?E.

Fe%thaus( 'ar% ,tto( )einer H. Mach( H.#. Schoc8( Shosa8u Tana8a( 'imihi8o Aamada( 'outo8u
,hmi( and Hiroshi 'oayashi( 5.fficient .%ecro%uminescent Devices Based on HnS=SrS4&e
Mu%ti%ayered *hosphors(5 in Fi<ay *. Sin$h and John &. Mc&%ure /eds.0( #lectroluminescence1
Proceedings of the Si2th International 3or(shop on #lectroluminescence /.% *aso( Te9as4 &inco
*untos *ress( !"":0.

F%asen8o( G.A. and Iu.A. *op8ov( 5Study of the .%ectro%uminescence of a Su%imed HnS;Mn
*hosphor(5 5ptics @ Spectroscopy( 1 /!"E20( ?";@:.

6!7 5So%id State Lamp Theory(5 Technica% Information provided y Lume9 ,pto=&omponents( Inc.
at http4==%ume9.com=techNnotes=theryN!.htm%( access on Ju%y !?( !""".
6:7 *.D. )oc8( A. Gaman( *.H. Ho%%oway( Sey Shin$ Sun( and ).T. Tuen$e( 5Materia%s Used in
.%ectro%uminescent Disp%ays(5 http4==www.distec.com=.%ectro.htm( accessed on Ju%y !?( !""".
6?7 'en Burrows( 5Screen *rintin$ .L Lamps for Memrane Switches(5
http4==www.screenwe.com=main=newstand=""=e%N%amps""2!:1.htm% accessed on Ju%y !?( !""".
6@7 Http4==nina.ecse.rpi.edu=shur=Si&=ts%d2!!.htm accessed on Ju%y !?( !""". The pu%ication of his
oservations was in Henry J. )ound( 5A Gote on &arorundum(5 #lectrical 3orld( v. !" /-eruary
"( !"2B0( p. ?2".
6C7 &.H. Dooch( In.ection #lectroluminescent De&ices /Gew Aor84 #i%ey( !"B?0( p. :.
6E7 #.J. Ba8er( A History of the Marconi Company /Gew Aor84 St. MartinIs *ress( !"B:0( pp. :1!;
:1C> http4==memers.9oom.com=NL,,M=<onNu8=io$raphy.htm% accessed on Ju%y !?( !""".
6B7,.F. Lossev( 5#ire%ess Te%e$raphy and Te%ephony(5 $elegrafia i $elefonia 'e= pro&odor( no. !1
/!":?0( p. E! and no. :E /!":@0( p. @2?> and ,.F. Lossev( 5Luminous &arorundum Detector and
Detection .ffect and ,sci%%ations with &rysta%s(5 Philosophical Maga=ine( v. E( no. ?" /!":10(
!2:@;!2@@. See a%so http4==www.%ume9.com=techNnotes=theryN!.htm% accessed on Ju%y !?( !""">
and Dooch( p. :.
617 http4==$wdu!".$wd$.de=Ou$m8=hisNen$.htm% accessed on Ju%y !C( !""".
6"7 B. Dudden and ).#. *oh%( 5ger Aus%euchteun$ der *hosphores3en3 durch e%e8trische -e%der(5
/eitschrift fhr Physi(( vo%. : /!":"0( !":;!"E> B. Dudden and ).#. *oh%( 5Lichte%e8trische
Beoachtun$en an Hin8su%fiden(5 /eitschrift fhr Physi(( vo%. : /!"?20( !1!;!"!.
6!27 Deor$es Destriau( 5)echerches sur %es scinti%%ations des su%fures de 3inc au9 rayons "(5 ournal
de Chemie Physi)ue( v. ?? /!"?E0( C1B;E:C.
6!!7 Dooch( p. :.
6!:7 Burrows.
6!?7 )ac8( et a%.( p. :.
6!@7 G.A. F%asen8o and Iuri A. *op8ov( 5Study of the .%ectro%uminescence of a Su%imed HnS;Mn
*hosphor(5 5ptics @ Spectroscopy( v. 1 /!"E20( ?";@:.
6!C7 M.J. )uss and D.I. 'ennedy( 5The .ffects of Dou%e Insu%atin$ Layers on the
.%ectro%uminescence of .vaporated HnS4Mn -i%ms(5 ournal of the #lectrochemical Society( v. !!@
/!"EB0( !2EE; !2B!.
6!E7 .dwin J. So9man and )ichard D. 'etchpe%( 5.%ectro%uminescence Thin -i%m )esearch
)eports5 A<AIR 4inal Report :,-9-3 /Ju%y !C( !"B:0. JAGAI) is the Joint Army;Gavy Aircraft
Instrumentation *ro<ect. So9man and 'etchpe% were emp%oyed y Si$matron( Inc. See a%so(
Aoshimasa A. ,no( #lectroluminescent Displays /Sin$apore4 #or%d Scientific( !""C0( pp. ?;@.
6!B7 Bo Johnstone( 3e 3ere ;urning1 apanese #ntrepreneurs and the 4orging of the #lectronic
Age /Gew Aor84 Basic Boo8s( !"""0( p. !?".
6!17 Aron Fecht( 5Hi$h .fficiency D.&. .%ectro%uminescence in HnS /Mn(&u0(5 ;ritish ournal of
Applied Physics( vo%. !( Ser. : /January !"E10( !?@;!?E.
6!"7 *eter Brody( et a%.( 5A E9E inch :2;%pi .%ectro%uminescent Disp%ay *ane%(5 I### $ransactions%
#lectron De&ices /Septemer !"BC0( ::(B?".
6:27 Toshio Ino$uchi( M. Ta8eda( A. 'a8ihara( A. Ga8ata( and M. Aoshida( Digest of the 69:8 SID
International Symposium /!"B@0( 1@; .
6:!7 .mai% correspondence from &histopher 'in$ on Ju%y !C( !""".
6::7 '. ,8amoto( Ph!D! Dissertation( ,sa8a University /!"1!0.
6:?7 .mai% correspondence from )ichard Tuen$e( Au$ust !1( !""".
6:@7 Iid.
6:C7 ,no( pp. @;C.
6:E7 http4==www.p%anar.com=profi%e.htm accessed on May 1( !""B> and emai% correspondence from
&hristopher 'in$ on Ju%y !C( !""". A%so comin$ to *%anar from Te8troni9 were4 )ichard &oovert(
Brian Do%inar( Dona%d &ramer( #i%%iam Barrow( and Ha% Merritt.
6:B7 HooverIs ,n%ine profi%e( accessed at http4==www.hoovers.com on May 1( !""B.
6:17 .mai% correspondence from &hristopher 'in$ on Ju%y !C( !""".
6:"7 Interview with James Hurd( &., of *%anar( on June !2( !""E.
6?27 Annual Report /!""@0( p. !@.
6?!7 5*%anar and A)*A Si$n T)* A$reement(5 ;usiness 3ire( March ::( !""C.
6?:7 &hristopher G. 'in$( 5.%ectro%uminescent Disp%aysJ(5 accessed at
http4==p%anar.com=down%oad=tech=mrsnf"1.pdf( p. E.
6??7 5*%anar Systems announces the wor%dIs first fu%%;co%or active matri9 e%ectro%uminescent
/AM.L0 miniature headmount disp%ay(5 ;usiness 3ire( May !C( !""E.
6?@7 Andrew MacLe%%an( 5Sma%%er Disp%ays Dain(5 #lectronic <e?s( May :2( !""E( p. !.
6?C7 )ichard T. Tuen$e( et a%.( SID 9: Digest /!""B0( p.1E:.
6?E7 Johnstone( p. !?".
6?B7 .%ectronic Industries Association of Japan /.IAJ0( Research Report on the *isions of the
#lectronic Display Industry in the +ear ,---( trans%ated from Japanese y InterLin$ua /To8yo4
.IAJ( !""?0( p. C1> and Johnstone( p. !@2.
6?17 Johnstone( p. !@!.
6?"7 Information for this section was provided y )unar Torn+vist of *%anar Internationa%.
6@27 .ric Dic8ey( U.S. *atent Go. C(@2@(?1" /!""E0.

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