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Summary of the Online Learning Experience

Shannon Herndon
Kennesaw State University

The online learning experience created for Instructional Technology 7481 will be a
hybrid course. A combination of face-to-face and online classes will engage students in the
classroom and at home. The online portion of the honors world history course will begin during
the French Revolution unit and continue through the World War I unit. There will be four
modules. Module One will consist of the activities covering the French Revolution and an
overview of the revolutions in England, the United States, Haiti, and Latin America. The
Revolutions Unit will last approximately a week and a half. Module Two will contain activities
on the impact of industrialism and nationalism on the world. The Industrialism and Nationalism
Unit will last approximately a week. Module Three will entail activities concerning the effects of
imperialism on Africa, Asia, and the Americas. The Age of Imperialism Unit will last
approximately a week. Module Four will comprise of an interactive tiered World War I
WebQuest containing activities for every level on Blooms taxonomy. The World War I Unit
will last approximately a week and a half. The required Georgia Performance Standards are as
SSWH14 The student will analyze the Age of Revolutions and Rebellions.
a) Examine absolutism through a comparison of the rules of Louis XIV, Tsar Peter
the Great, and Tokugawa Ieyasu.
b) Identify the causes and results of the revolutions in England (1689), United States
(1776), France (1789), Haiti (1791), and Latin America (1808-1825).
c) Explain Napoleons rise to power, the role of geography in his defeat, and the
consequences of Frances defeat for Europe
d) Examine the interaction of China and Japan with westerners; include the Opium
War, the Taiping Rebellion, and Commodore Perry.
SSWH15 The student will be able to describe the impact of industrialization, the rise
of nationalism, and the major characteristics of worldwide imperialism.
a) Analyze the process and impact of industrialization in England, Germany, and
Japan, movements for political reform, the writings of Adam Smith and Karl
Marx, and urbanization and its effect on women.
b) Compare and contrast the rise of the nation state in Germany under Otto von
Bismarck and Japan under Emperor Meiji.
c) Describe the reaction to foreign domination; include the Russo-Japanese War and
Young Turks, and the Boxer Rebellion.
d) Describe imperialism in Africa and Asia by comparing British policies in Africa,
French policies in Indochina, and Japanese policies in Asia; include the influence
of geography and natural resources.
SSWH16 The student will demonstrate an understanding of long-term causes of
World War I and its global impact.
a) Identify the causes of the war; include Balkan nationalism, entangling alliances,
and militarism.
b) Describe conditions on the war front for soldiers; include the Battle of Verdun.
c) Explain the major decisions made in the Versailles Treaty; include German
reparations and the mandate system that replaced Ottoman control.
d) Analyze the destabilization of Europe in the collapse of the great empires; include
the Romanov and Hapsburg dynasties.
Harrison High School operates on a 4x4-block schedule. Due to the scheduling format,
the description of learners can only be assumed for next semester. The students will be ninth and
tenth graders that have been identified as gifted and honors learners. Most of the students speak
English as their first language; occasionally, there will be a student in class that is considered an
English as a second language, ESOL, learner. If there is an ESOL student in honors world
history, the students accommodations will be adhered to and Google translate will be
incorporated into activities and assessments. Normally in honors world history at Harrison High
School, the cultural backgrounds consist of ninety-six percent Caucasian, two percent African-
American, one percent Latin American, and one percent Asian. At least one special education
student is usually enrolled in one of the honors world history courses. All accommodations for
any special education student will be followed monitored by the students special education case
The students online learning readiness will be gauged next semester by utilizing an
online readiness quiz. The online readiness quiz is yet to be determined; the readiness quiz will
be geared towards the high school population. Students have access to the required technology at
home or the local library. Extra time outside of class will be offered to allow for students who
need to complete their work at school. If students need technology tutoring, they will have access
to help sessions several times a week.
The hybrid honors world history course will consist of in-class lectures and group
activities; the online portion of the class will comprise of individual activities and discussion
elements with a reflection component. Student growth will be monitored on a daily basis through
the hybrid formative and summative assessments. If students do not perform up to their potential
or the expectations of an honors course, they will have to reflect on their poor performance, in
order to, earn extra time on the specified activity or assessment. Learning styles and all levels of
Blooms taxonomy will be addressed in each module, in order to, differentiate instruction for
each student.
The principles of universal design and access will be followed according to the Web
Content Accessibility Guidelines, WCAG, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, IDEA,
and the American Disabilities Act, ADA. The WCAG Checklist will be closely followed during
the creation of the online learning course. The recommendations for the visual aspects of the site
discussed in the Perceivable section will be useful when creating the Moodle online course site.
The Operable section, which references a few visual guidelines to follow but mainly points out
navigational issues, will be helpful with creating an organized flow to the online course site. To
make sure that an online learning experience is a positive one, the site will be easy to navigate
and the directions for each activity and assessment will be written in a clear, concise manner for
full student comprehension; this concept is addressed in the Understandable section. The final
section, Robust, will be the hardest to accomplish; making sure that the compatibility of each
technology for every student will be a challenge. While following each special education
students Individualized Education Program, IEP, which is mandated by the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act, IDEA, all accommodations will be implemented as directed.

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