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Savitri: the Light of the Supreme
Main age
revious: revious: revious: revious: Mus! is the M"ster"
Ne#t: Ne#t: Ne#t: Ne#t: The Art of $iving%from an &-Mai'
The first ever (oice on $ramophone The first ever (oice on $ramophone The first ever (oice on $ramophone The first ever (oice on $ramophone
)ecor*%Agni m+,e purohitam )ecor*%Agni m+,e purohitam )ecor*%Agni m+,e purohitam )ecor*%Agni m+,e purohitam
-" ). /eshpan*e on Thu 01 2an 0133 14:41 AM 5ST 6 ermanent
Lin! 6 7osmos

HMV had once published a pamphlet giving the history of
gramophone record. Gramophone was invented by
Thomas Alva Edison in the 1th century.

Edison! who had invented many other gadgets li"e
electric light and the motion picture camera! had
become a legend even in his own time.

#hen He invented the gramophone record! which could
record human voice for posterity! he wanted to record
the voice of an eminent scholar on his first piece. $or
that he chose %rof Ma& M'ller of England! another great
personality of the 1th century.

He wrote to Ma& M'ller saying! () want to meet you and
record your voice. #hen should ) come*( Ma& M'ller
who had great respect for Edison as"ed him to come on
a suitable time when most of the scholars of the Europe
would be gathering in England.

Accordingly Edison too" a ship and went to England. He
was introduced to the audience. All cheered Edison+s
presence. ,ater at the re-uest of Edison Ma& M'ller
came on the stage and spo"e in front of the instrument.

Then Edison went bac" to his laboratory and by
afternoon came bac" with a disc. He played the
gramophone disc from his instrument. The audience was
thrilled to hear the voice of Ma& M'ller from the
instrument. They were glad that voices of great persons
li"e Ma& M'ller could be stored for the benefit of
L8$5N L8$5N L8$5N L8$5N
9ser name:
)emem-er me
7reate an Account
:h" 7reate A )ea*er Account;
)&7&NT A)T57L&S )&7&NT A)T57L&S )&7&NT A)T57L&S )&7&NT A)T57L&S
Last ost%0< March 0130
La =eaut> an* 2e Te /onne 7es
(ers -" Ar?ava with Sri
Auro-in*o@s 7omments
The (oice of Tomorrow
%&#cerpts from Sri
Auro-in*o@s :ritings
Mirror of Tomorrow is moving
to a new 'atform
Let it -e what Thou wi''est%the
7orrespon*ences -" Ar?ava
with Sri Auro-in*o@s 7omment
Two Trans'ations -" Ar?ava
with Sri Auro-in*o@s 7omments
An &#amp'e of the Aesthesis of
the Spirit
A ra"er -" Ar?ava with Sri
Auro-in*o@s 7omment
The 8rigins of the Nationa'
&*ucation Movement
Aspects of Sri Auro-in*o%A
)eview of Ama' Airan@s =oo!
The Master-Light -" Ar?ava
with Sri Auro-in*o@s 7omment
urpose -" Ar?ava with Sri
Auro-in*o@s 7omment
A'' things the past has ma*e
Mirror of Tomorrow (Archives) :: The first ever Voice on Gramophone... http://archives.mirroroftomorrow.org/blog/_archives/2011/1/20/471726...
1 of 6 3/13/2014 8:27 AM

After several rounds of applause and congratulations to
Thomas Alwa Edison! Ma& M'ller came to the stage and
addressed the scholars and as"ed them! (.ou heard my
original voice in the morning. Then you heard the same
voice coming out from this instrument in the afternoon.
/o you understand what ) said in the morning or what
you heard in the afternoon*(

The audience fell silent because they could not
understand the language in which Ma& M'ller had
spo"en. )t was 0Gree" and ,atin1 to them! as they say.
2ut had it been Gree" or ,atin! they would have
definitely understood because they were from various
parts of Europe. )t was in a language which the
European scholars had never heard.

Ma& M'ller then e&plained what he had spo"en. He said
that the language he spo"e was 3ans"rit and it was the
first 4lo"a of 5ig Veda! which says Agni me purohitam.
This was the first recorded public version on the
gramophone plate.

#hy did Ma& M'ller choose this* Addressing the
audience he said! (Vedas are the oldest te&t of the
human race. And Agni me purohitam is the first verse
of 5ig Veda. )n the most primordial time when the
people of Europe were 6umping li"e 7himpan8ees! from
tree to tree and branch to branch! when they did not
"now how to cover their bodies! but with fig leaves! did
not "now agriculture and lived by hunting and lived in
caves! at that remote past! )ndians had attained high
civili8ation and they gave to the world universal
philosophies in the form of the Vedas.9
$rom an e:mail

oste* to: oste* to: oste* to: oste* to: Main age
ost a comment
)e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )ecor*%Agni )e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )ecor*%Agni )e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )ecor*%Agni )e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )ecor*%Agni
m+,e purohitam m+,e purohitam m+,e purohitam m+,e purohitam
-" San*eep on Thu 01 2an 0133 1B:04 AM 5ST 6 rofi'e 6 ermanent
Cor that he chose rof Ma# MD''er of &ng'an*E another great
persona'it" of the 3<th centur".
Ma# Mu''er was a $erman a'though he move* to &ng'an*
an* s'ain were there%the
A )ipe Cruit of 5n*ian
)&7&NT 78MM&NTS )&7&NT 78MM&NTS )&7&NT 78MM&NTS )&7&NT 78MM&NTS
)e: Mirror of Tomorrow is
moving to a new 'atform -"
)e: Mirror of Tomorrow is
moving to a new 'atform -"
)e: )e: )e: Arishna'a' A
=hatt%-" Sri!ant 2ivara?ani
-" ). /eshpan*e
)e: )e: Arishna'a' A =hatt%-"
Sri!ant 2ivara?ani -" !a'pana
)e: )e: )e: )e: )e: )e: )e: )e:
)e: )e: )e: :hat 2uga' to'* me
a-out )ecor* of .oga -"
)e: )e: )e: )e: )e: )e: )e: )e:
)e: )e: :hat 2uga' to'* me
a-out )ecor* of .oga -"
)e: )e: )e: )e: )e: )e: )e: )e:
)e: )e: )e: :hat 2uga' to'* me
a-out )ecor* of .oga -"
)e: )e: )e: (ita Su- Specie
Amoris -" Ar?ava with Sri
Auro-in*o@s 7omment -" ).
)e: )e: )e: )e: )e: )e: )e: )e:
)e: )e: :hat 2uga' to'* me
a-out )ecor* of .oga -"
)e: )e: )e: )e: )e: )e: )e: )e:
)e: )e: :hat 2uga' to'* me
a-out )ecor* of .oga -"
M8NTH A)7H5(& M8NTH A)7H5(& M8NTH A)7H5(& M8NTH A)7H5(&
March 0133
Ce-ruar" 0133
2anuar" 0133 2anuar" 0133 2anuar" 0133 2anuar" 0133
/ecem-er 0131
Novem-er 0131
7AT&$8)5&S 7AT&$8)5&S 7AT&$8)5&S 7AT&$8)5&S
Mirror of Tomorrow (Archives) :: The first ever Voice on Gramophone... http://archives.mirroroftomorrow.org/blog/_archives/2011/1/20/471726...
2 of 6 3/13/2014 8:27 AM
:h" *i* Ma# MD''er choose this; A**ressing the au*ience he
sai*E F(e*as are the o'*est te#t of the human race. An* Agni
m+,e purohitam is the first verse of )ig (e*a. 5n the most
primor*ia' time when the peop'e of &urope were ?umping 'i!e
7himpanGeesE from tree to tree an* -ranch to -ranchE when
the" *i* not !now how to cover their -o*iesE -ut with fig
'eavesE *i* not !now agricu'ture an* 'ive* -" hunting an*
'ive* in cavesE at that remote pastE 5n*ians ha* attaine* high
civi'iGation an* the" gave to the wor'* universa' phi'osophies
in the form of the (e*as.H
5 canIt -e'ieve "ou are posting this vain an* -oastfu' crap that
was o-taine* from some emai'. 5 am wi''ing to -et that this
artic'e is factua''" incorrectE an* pro-a-'" the invention of
some *e'usiona' i*iot.
Here is the histor" of the phonograph. 5t ma!es no mention of
&*ison having trave'e* to &ng'an* in connection with the
phonograph invention
5 am sti'' investigating...
)ep'" )ep'" )ep'" )ep'"
)e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )ecor*%Agni )e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )ecor*%Agni )e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )ecor*%Agni )e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )ecor*%Agni
m+,e purohitam m+,e purohitam m+,e purohitam m+,e purohitam
-" San*eep on Thu 01 2an 0133 1B:J4 AM 5ST 6 rofi'e 6 ermanent
This was the first recor*e* pu-'ic version on
the gramophone p'ate.
8AE the stor" is part'" fictiona' an* the tit'e is comp'ete'"
&*ison never trave'e* to &ng'an* to recor* Ma# Mu''erIs voice
on the phonograph. The first wor*s spo!en on the
gramophone were N8T Fagni mi'e purohitamF -ut FMar" ha* a
'itt'e 'am-F fo''owe* -" man" other voices - $'a*stoneE
Tenn"sonE =rowningE Henr" :ar* ='eecherE etc.F
)ea* this Stor" of Thomas A. &*ison
=" 5neG Ne''ie 7anfie'* McCee page LL
Later onE Ma# Mu''er *i* atten* a meeting in Lon*on at the
house of 2. Cre*eric! Mou'ton (M.7) where the gramophone
was showcase*E an* Mu''erE who was the first to -e invite* to
tr" the machineE spo!e the wor*s FAgni mi'e purohitamF.
=ut Mu''er certain'" *i* not sa" as in*icate* in the artic'e
a-ove: F(e*as are the o'*est te#t of the human race. An* Agni
m+,e purohitam is the first verse of )ig (e*a. 5n the most
primor*ia' time when the peop'e of &urope were ?umping 'i!e
7himpanGeesE from tree to tree an* -ranch to -ranchE when
the" *i* not !now how to cover their -o*iesE -ut with fig
'eavesE *i* not !now agricu'ture an* 'ive* -" hunting an*
'ive* in cavesE at that remote pastE 5n*ians ha* attaine* high
civi'iGation an* the" gave to the wor'* universa' phi'osophies
.&A) A)7H5(& .&A) A)7H5(& .&A) A)7H5(& .&A) A)7H5(&
S&A)7H S&A)7H S&A)7H S&A)7H
January 2011
3un Mon Tue #ed Thu $ri 3at
; < = > ? @ A
1B 11 1; 1< 1= 1>
1? 1@ 1A 1 20 ;1 ;;
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<B <1
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3 of 6 3/13/2014 8:27 AM
in the form of the (e*as.H
)ea* -ottom of the page Life an* Letters of Cre* Ma# Mu''erE
page B1
A'so rea* Auto-iograph"E memories an* e#periences of
Moncure /anie' 7onwa" page 0N3
)ep'" )ep'" )ep'" )ep'"
)e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )ecor*%Agni )e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )ecor*%Agni )e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )ecor*%Agni )e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )ecor*%Agni
m+,e purohitam m+,e purohitam m+,e purohitam m+,e purohitam
-" San*eep on Thu 01 2an 0133 1O:3L AM 5ST 6 rofi'e 6 ermanent
Accor*ing to this 'in!E this stor" seems to have originate* in a
-ene*ictor" a**ress given -" Swami )anganathanan*a at a
seminar he'* on /ecem-er 3B an* 3OE 0111E at the
)ama!rishna 5nstitute of 7u'tureE Ao'!attaE 5n*ia.
age 3< of this -oo! Ma# Mu''er an* his contemporaries
apers rea* at a seminar he'* at the )ama!rishna Mission
5nstitute of 7u'tureE Ao'!ataE 5n*iaE on 3B an* 3O /ecem-er
0111 contains the a**ress given -" )anganathanan*a.
This -oo! can revea' whether the fictiona' part of this artic'e
was the wor! of )anganathanan*a or someone e'se *own the
)ep'" )ep'" )ep'" )ep'"
)e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )ecor*%Agni )e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )ecor*%Agni )e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )ecor*%Agni )e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )ecor*%Agni
m+,e purohitam m+,e purohitam m+,e purohitam m+,e purohitam
-" ). /eshpan*e on Thu 01 2an 0133 1O:J0 AM 5ST 6 rofi'e 6
ermanent Lin!
5 thin! that puts things in a -etter perspective. There is a'so a
stor" of (ive!anan*a@s 7hicago a**ress -eing recor*e* on
the &*ison machineE -ut 5 suspect it.
P )./
)ep'" )ep'" )ep'" )ep'"
)e: )e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )e: )e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )e: )e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )e: )e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone
)ecor*%Agni m+,e purohitam )ecor*%Agni m+,e purohitam )ecor*%Agni m+,e purohitam )ecor*%Agni m+,e purohitam
-" San*eep on Thu 01 2an 0133 1N:0L AM 5ST 6 rofi'e 6
ermanent Lin!
This is the te#t of the actua' inci*ent from the
FAuto-iograph"E memories an* e#periencesF of Moncure
/anie' 7onwa"
:hen the phonograph was invente*E one
of its first appearances was at the house of
2. C'etcher Mou'tonE M.c. (now M..). A
fashiona-'e compan"E among them men
eminent in science an* 'ettersE gathere*
aroun* the nove't"E an* Ma# Mii''er was
Mirror of Tomorrow (Archives) :: The first ever Voice on Gramophone... http://archives.mirroroftomorrow.org/blog/_archives/2011/1/20/471726...
4 of 6 3/13/2014 8:27 AM
first ca''e* on to utter something in the
phonograph. :e present'" hear* issuing
from it these soun*s:
Agnim i'e purohitam "agnasm "a*evam
ritvigam !ot*ram ratna*!*tamam.
There was a -urst of merriment at these
Queer soun*sE -ut a *eep si'ence when
Ma# Mu''er e#p'aine* that we ha* hear*
wor*s from the o'*est h"mn in the
wor'*-the first in the (e*as :
FAgni 5 worship-the chief priest of the
sacrifice-the *ivine priest-the invo!er-
conferring the greatest wea'th.F An* then
the "oung peop'e gathere* aroun* the
smi'ing scho'arE to 'earnE no *ou-tE that the
h"mns ha* a'' passe* through thousan*s
"earsE in a phonographic wa"E each
generation uttering precise'" what was
poure* into its ear -" the prece*ing
generationE unti' their 'anguage *ie*E to -e
recovere* in the :estE where for the
first time the rea' meaning of AgniE an*
human significance of the h"mnsE were
stu*ie* an* !nown. HoweverE 5 *i* not
hear e#act'" what the professor sai* to the
eager inQuirersE -ut stoo* apart o-serving
the picturesQueness of the sceneE an*
fin*ing in it something s"m-o'ica' of the
who'e career of the po'ite scho'ar. He ha*
evo!e* from the ora' Sans!rit phonograph
the ancient Ar"an 'iterature an*
m"tho'og"R the thinE meta''ic voice -ecame
rea' an* cast their poetic spe'' a'i!e on the
'earne* an* on the fashiona-'e in
*rawing-roomsE throughout &urope an*
AmericaE a**ing vast estates to their
min*sE *e'ivering them from the mere
pin-ho'e views of humanit" to which their
ancestors were 'imite*.
)ep'" )ep'" )ep'" )ep'"
)e: )e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )e: )e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )e: )e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )e: )e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone
)ecor*%Agni m+,e purohitam )ecor*%Agni m+,e purohitam )ecor*%Agni m+,e purohitam )ecor*%Agni m+,e purohitam
-" San*eep on Cri 03 2an 0133 1B:4J AM 5ST 6 rofi'e 6
ermanent Lin!
There is a'so a stor" of (ive!anan*a@s 7hicago a**ress
-eing recor*e* on the &*ison machineE -ut 5 suspect it.
The voice is pro-a-'" someone from the of Ci'ms /ivision
5nci*enta''"E a 3011S page report on the 3N<4 :or'*
ar'iament of )e'igions containing the origina' a**resses
an* photographs is avai'a-'e for free *own'oa*.
7'ic! here: http://-oo!s.goog'e.com
Mirror of Tomorrow (Archives) :: The first ever Voice on Gramophone... http://archives.mirroroftomorrow.org/blog/_archives/2011/1/20/471726...
5 of 6 3/13/2014 8:27 AM
)ep'" )ep'" )ep'" )ep'"
)e: )e: )e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )e: )e: )e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )e: )e: )e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )e: )e: )e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone
)ecor*%Agni m+,e purohitam )ecor*%Agni m+,e purohitam )ecor*%Agni m+,e purohitam )ecor*%Agni m+,e purohitam
-" San*eep on Mon 33 2u' 0133 1O:4J M 5ST 6 rofi'e 6
ermanent Lin!
There is a'so a stor" of (ive!anan*a@s 7hicago
a**ress -eing recor*e* on the &*ison machineE -ut 5
suspect it. The voice is pro-a-'" someone from the
of Ci'ms /ivision 5n*ia
The voice -e'ongs to Su-ir $hosh (info given -"
See http://www.hamarac*.com/hc*internationa'
)ep'" )ep'" )ep'" )ep'"
)e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )ecor*%Agni )e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )ecor*%Agni )e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )ecor*%Agni )e: The first ever (oice on $ramophone )ecor*%Agni
m+,e purohitam m+,e purohitam m+,e purohitam m+,e purohitam
-" San*eep on Thu 1L 2u' 0133 14:00 AM 5ST 6 rofi'e 6 ermanent
The o'*est !nown recor*ing on the gramophone is a
30-secon* recor*ing of Twin!'e Twin!'e 'itt'e star ma*e at
&*isonIs La-.
To hear itE see http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow
)ep'" )ep'" )ep'" )ep'"
Trac!=ac! 9)L: Trac!=ac! 9)L: Trac!=ac! 9)L: Trac!=ac! 9)L:
No trac!-ac!s foun*.
Mirror of Tomorrow (Archives) Mirror of Tomorrow (Archives) Mirror of Tomorrow (Archives) Mirror of Tomorrow (Archives)
Mirror of Tomorrow (Archives) :: The first ever Voice on Gramophone... http://archives.mirroroftomorrow.org/blog/_archives/2011/1/20/471726...
6 of 6 3/13/2014 8:27 AM

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