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Carmel Holy Word Secondary School (AL Chemistry)

Form 6 Chemistry Practical

Experiment 17 !istri"#tion o$ a sol#te "et%een t%o immisci"le sol&ents
'n many reactions( imp#re prod#ct is o"tained) For example( the reaction may ha&e "een
carried o#t in a*#eo#s sol#tion and at the end o$ the reaction( there may "e present #nreacted
startin+ materials and #n%anted side,prod#cts) A techni*#e -no%n as sol&ent extraction may "e
#sed to o"tain the p#re prod#ct) .he a*#eo#s sol#tion is sha-en %ith another sol&ent that does not
mixed %ith %ater) S#ch sol&ents are said to "e immisci"le %ith %ater( co#ld "e( $or example( ether(
) .he immisci"le sol&ent is chosen s#ch that the s#"stance that are %anted %ill dissol&e in it(
lea&in+ the other s#"stance in the %ater layer) .he sol&ent are separated and i$ necessary( the
proced#re is repeated "y addin+ more o$ the or+anic sol&ent to the a*#eo#s layer( sha-in+ the
sol#tions to+ether( separatin+ them and r#nnin+ o$ the sol#tion containin+ the re*#ired prod#ct)
.he sol#tion o$$ the prod#ct are p#t to+ether and sha-en %ith a s#ita"le solid dryin+ a+ent to
remo&e the small amo#nt o$ %ater carried o&er) Finally the or+anic sol#te can "e separated $rom
the sol&ent "y distillation or "y crystalli0ation)
'n the $ollo%in+ experiment( it is ass#med that yo# -no% that a certain mass o$ a sol#te %ill
dissol&e in a +i&en mass o$ sol&ent at a partic#lar temperat#re) 1#t %hat happens %hen the same
mass o$ sol#te is dissol&ed "et%een t%o immisci"le sol&ents in the same $las-2
.his experiment is concerned %ith the distri"#tion o$ ethanoic acid "et%een t%o sol&ents that
may "e considered to "e immisci"le( "#tan,1,ol and %ater) Sol#tions o$ the acid in the t%o sol&ents
are sha-en to+ether( allo%ed to separate and analy0ed "y titratin+ a sample o$ each layer %ith
sodi#m hydroxide sol#tion)
.he proced#re is repeated se&eral times( #sin+ di$$erent concentration o$ acid and yo# %ill
then "e a"le to see %hether there is any simple relationship "et%een the concentrations o$ the acid
in each sol&ent)
3 meas#rin+ cylinder( $or meas#rin+( %ater( "#tan,1,ol and ethanoic sol#tion to "e shared "y
st#dents on each "ench
pipette $illers( pipette (14ml)
separatin+ $#nnel (564ml)
titration $las-s (564ml)
meas#rin+ cylinder (14756ml)
Carmel Holy Word Secondary School (AL Chemistry)
1#tan,1,ol 144ml per +ro#p
58 ethanoic acid 154ml
4)68 9a:H a"o#t 164ml
phenolphthalein indicator
1) From the meas#rin+ cylinder( add 56cm
o$ "#tan,1,ol( 14cm
58 ethanoic acid and /4
%ater into the separatin+ $#nnel)
5) Sha-e the mixt#re $or a"o#t 6 min#tes to allo% ethanoic acid to dissol&e in "oth layer)
;eep yo#r hand on the stopper and hold the tap %ith the other hand) Al%ays -eep the <et
pointin+ #p%ards and a%ay $rom e&ery one) :pen the tap to release the "#ild,#p press#re(
approximately e&ery 34 seconds)
A$ter sha-in+( rest the $#nnel on a clamp &ertically and allo% the layers to separate) .his
%ill ta-e a"o#t 1 min#te)
3) =sin+ the pipette and pipette $iller( trans$er 14cm
o$ the #pper layer ("#tan,1,ol) into a
conical $las-) =sin+ a meas#rin+ cylinder( add a"o#t 56cm
o$ %ater to the $las-(
$ollo%ed "y 3 drops o$ phenolphthalein indicator)
.itrate the res#ltin+ mixt#re a+ainst the standard 9a:H sol#tion)
/) 'nsert a second pipette( into the "ottom layer (a*#eo#s) thro#+h the top layer( s*#ee0e the
pipette $iller "#l" so that "#""les o$ air are expelled to ens#re that no alcohol remains in
the <et o$ the pipette "e$ore yo# %ithdra% 14cm
o$ the a*#eo#s layer into a titration
$las-) .itrate it a+ainst the standard 9a:H sol#tion as "e$ore)
Wash the $las- and $#nnel thoro#+hly %ith %ater and $inally rinse %ith distilled %ater)
Sha-e o#t as m#ch %ater as yo# can "e$ore yo# start the next set o$ mixt#re)
>epeat the experiments a"o&e %ith three other mixt#res o$ "#tan,1,ol( %ater and ethanoic
acid o#tline in the ta"le))
>ecord yo#r res#lts into the ta"le "elo%)
9)1) !: 9:. P:=> :>?A9'C S:L@E9.S !:W9 .HE S'9;) P:=> .HE8
'9.: .HE WAS.E S:L@E9. 1:..LE P>:@'!E!)
Carmel Holy Word Secondary School (AL Chemistry)
8ixt#re 1#tan,1,ol 7 cm
Ethanoic acid 7 cm
Water 7 cm
.itre 7 cm
:r+anic layer A*#eo#s layer
1 56 14 /4
5 56 56 56
3 56 36 16
/ 56 64 4
Data Treatment
1) Constr#ct a +raph "y plottin+ the &ol#me o$ sodi#m hydroxide #sed to titrate the acid in the
"#tan,1,ol layer a+ainst the &ol#me #sed to titrate the acid in the %ater layer)
5) What is the *#antitati&e si+ni$icance o$ the slope o$ the +raph yo# ha&e o"tained2
3) Why m#st the immisci"le sol#tion "e separated "e$ore the ethanoic acid is titrated2
/) 4)5+ o$ a s#"stance A are dissol&ed in 144cm
o$ a sol&ent 1) As m#ch o$ A as possi"le is to "e
extracted $rom sol&ent 1 to a second sol&ent A( %hich is immisci"le %ith 1) .he partition
coe$$icient "et%een the t%o sol&ents is / at the temperat#re o$ the operation)
Calc#late %hether it is more e$$ecti&e to sha-e the sol#tion o$ A in 1 %ith 144cm
o$ A or %ith
t%o separate portions o$ 64cm
o$ A)

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