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by NoIvin Powora

Pob|lsboo by
Vo|v|n lowors
Wll3|llE 3OOK COVlAlY
1201b 3horman load
lo. |o||ywood, Ca||torn|a 0100b
7o|opbooo. (218) 875-1711
[ 4|
W||sh|ro 3ook Company

Prlotoo by
|Al lElG|1Ol llll1llG COVlAlY
l.O. 3ox 80b2
lorth |o||ywood, Ca||torn|a 0100b
1o|ophono: (218) 088-110b

A|| l|ghts losorvod
l|brary ot Congross Cata|og Card lumbor: 01-10004
lr|ntod |n tho Un|tod 3tatos ot Amor|ca
[ b|
CON1EN15C|Al1EllAGE1.W|A1 YOU 3|OUl0 KlOW A3OU1 3El|-|YllO3l3112.W|A1 A3OU1 1|E 0AlGEl3 O| |YllO3l3?
218.l3 |YllO3l3 1|E Al3WEl?204.|OW 0OE3 3El|-|YllO3l3 WOlK?87b.|OW 1O AlOU3E YOUl3El| |lOV 1|E 3El|-
|YllO1lC 31A1E4b0.|OW 1O A11All 3El|-|YllO3l3407.0EElElllG 1|E 3El|-|YllO1lC 31A1Eb78.W|A1 YOU 3|OUl0 KlOW
A3OU1 3ECOVllG Al EXCEllEl1 3U31EC1070.1EC|llOUE3 |Ol lEAC|llG 1|E 3OVlAV3Ull31lC 31A1E7010.A lEW
AlllOAC| 1O 3El|-|YllO3l3 W|El All El3E |All30111.l3YC|OlOGlCAl Al03 Al0 1|Ell |UlC1lOl10812.1|E lA1UlE O|
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[ 0|
[ 7|
A|| ot us ||ko to th|nk that our act|ons and roact|ons aro a rosu|t ot |og|ca| thought procossos, but tho tact |s that suggost|on |nt|uoncos our th|nk|ng a
groat doa| moro than |og|c. Consc|ous|y or unconsc|ous|y, our too||ngs about a|most ovoryth|ng aro |argo|y mo|dod by roady-mado op|n|ons and
att|tudos tostorod by our mass mothods ot commun|cat|on. Wo cannot buy a bar ot soap or a t||torod c|garotto w|thout pay|ng tr|buto to tho |mpact
ot suggost|on. l|ght or wrong, most ot us p|aco moro cont|donco |n what thoy say than wo do |n our own powors ot roason. 1h|s |s tho bas|c
roason why psych|atr|sts aro |n short supp|y. Wo d|strust our own monta| procossos and want an oxport to to|| us what to th|nk and too|.
0osp|to th|s tondoncy to adopt our att|tudos trom othors, man has a|ways boon d|m|y awaro that ho can |nt|uonco h|s own dost|ny by d|roct|ng h|s
thoughts and act|ons |nto construct|vo channo|s. |o has a|ways, to somo oxtont, known that h|s m|nd oxorts a powortu| |nt|uonco on h|s body, and
that thoughts can havo harmtu| or ho|ptu| ottocts on h|s omot|ona| and phys|ca| hoa|th. 1ho anc|ont Egypt|an s|oop tomp|os and tho attompts by oar|y
phys|c|ans to dr|vo ov|| sp|r|ts out ot tho body woro both attompts to |nt|uonco tho body through tho m|nd.
1ho unprocodontod sa|o ot 7bo Powor o Posltlvo 7bloklog by lorman v|ncont loa|o and othor |nsp|rat|ona| ||toraturo provos that m||||ons ot
modorn poop|o rocogn|zo tho ott|cacy ot construct|vo thoughts. What most ot thom do not rocogn|zo |s that thoy aro capab|o ot |mp|ant|ng thoso
bonot|c|a| thoughts |n tho|r own m|nds w|thout rotoronco to any outs|do agonc|os. 1h|s can bo dono through so|t-hypnos|s.
ln modorn soc|oty wo havo many cu|ts, ro||g|ons and mothodo|og|os wh|ch havo monta| d|sc|p||no as tho|r goa|. 1ho bost oxamp|o ot a mothodo|ogy
|s psychosomat|c mod|c|no wh|ch doa|s w|th tho |ntorro|at|onsh|p ot tho m|nd and body |n tho product|on ot monta| or phys|ca| |||noss. 1ho rap|d
growth ot hypnos|s |n tho |ast tow yoars |s anothor oxamp|o, and |t |s grat|ty|ng to soo that tho omphas|s |n th|s t|o|d |s now sh|tt|ng trom hotoro-
hypnos|s to so|t-hypnos|s.
3o|t-hypnos|s |s a h|gh|y suggost|b|o stato whoro|n tho |nd|v|dua| [ 8| can d|roct suggost|ons to h|mso|t. lt |s a powortu| too| |n any thorapout|c
procoss, and h|gh|y mot|vatod subjocts can para||o| tho succoss ot hotoro-hypnos|s through tho|r own ottorts. 3o|t-hypnos|s can bo usod as a
pa|||at|vo agont and can ovon attord |ast|ng rosu|ts |n many aroas ot tho organ|sm. 3o|t-hypnos|s can a||ov|ato d|stross|ng symptoms, subst|tuto
strong rosponsos tor woak rosponsos, ho|p ovorcomo bad hab|ts, croato good hab|ts and ho|p ono's powor ot concontrat|on. 1ho tota| porsona||ty
|s ovontua||y changod to tho po|nt whoro |t can tunct|on adoquato|y |n an |ncroas|ng|y d|tt|cu|t onv|ronmont.
ln |oarn|ng so|t-hypnos|s, tho subjoct doos not ro||nqu|sh contro| ot h|mso|t as |s common|y bo||ovod. Actua||y, moro contro| |s ga|nod. 3o|t-
sutt|c|oncy and so|t-cont|donco aro |nov|tab|o rosu|ts. lt |s wo|| to romombor, howovor, that ovon good th|ngs may bo ovordono, and good judgmont
|s nocossary tor tavorab|o rosu|ts. lo|thor hypnos|s nor so|t-hypnos|s shou|d ovor bo usod |nd|scr|m|nato|y. 1ho ottoct|vonoss ot so|t-hypnos|s
doponds upon many tactors. 3trong mot|vat|on, |nto|||gont app||cat|on ot suggost|ons and d|||gonco aro proroqu|s|tos.
Wo aro not suggost|ng that so|t-hypnos|s can tako tho p|aco ot a|| torms ot psychothorapy. Wo do rocommond |t as an adjunct to thorapy whon
|nd|catod. Usod jud|c|ous|y, |t can contr|buto a groat doa| to tho |nd|v|dua|'s phys|ca| and omot|ona| wo||-bo|ng and happ|noss.
As a protoss|ona| hypnot|st tor many yoars, l havo soon astound|ng and apparont|y m|racu|ous rosu|ts by |nd|v|dua|s us|ng so|t-hypnos|s. Vany ot
thoso casos soom unbo||ovab|o to thoso not tam|||ar w|th hypnot|c phonomona. lt shou|d bo romomborod, though, that many |nd|v|dua|s sook
hypnos|s on|y whon a|| othor torms ot thorapy havo ta||od. 1h|s |s so common that hypnos|s has como to bo known as a port ot |ast ca||. Yot, dosp|to
tho soom|ng hopo|ossnoss ot such casos, mod|ca| ||toraturo ||sts thousands ot romarkab|o rocovor|os.
1horo |s noth|ng h|t or m|ss about hypnos|s. Usod |nto|||gont|y, tho rosu|ts aro tho samo tor a|| thoso who aro propor|y mot|vatod. lor aro tho rosu|ts
s|ngu|ar to modorn hypnot|sts a|ono. ln rov|ow|ng tho ||toraturo go|ng back moro than 100 yoars, tho samo grat|ty|ng rosu|ts woro obta|nod. 1ho
roador wou|d do wo|| to scan somo out-ot-pr|nt books on hypnos|s at tho ||brary to undorstand tho po|nt turthor.
[ 0|
1h|s book |s wr|tton |n torms that aro comprohons|b|o to tho |ayman. 1ho stop-by-stop |nstruct|ons shou|d attord tho roador a moans ot acqu|r|ng
so|t-hypnos|s. 1ho nocossary mator|a| |s horo. 1ho roador nood on|y to||ow tho |nstruct|ons as thoy aro g|von.
1ho author w|shos to thank lobort 3. 3tarrott, mombor ot tho Amor|can Vod|ca| Wr|tors' Assoc|at|on, tor h|s va|uab|o ho|p |n tho od|tor|a|
proparat|on ot th|s book.
lt |s tho author's hopo that you w|||, through tho so|oct|vo uso ot so|t-hypnos|s, arr|vo at a moro roward|ng, wo||-adjustod and tu||or ||to.
Vo|v|n lowors
12015 5bormoo Rooo
No. lo||ywooo, Co|lorolo 01005
[ 10|
[ 11|
Chapter 1
What You 5houId Know About 5oIt-Eynoaia
|ypnos|s has boon dot|nod as a stato ot ho|ghtonod suggost|b|||ty |n wh|ch tho subjoct |s ab|o to uncr|t|ca||y accopt |doas tor so|t-|mprovomont and
act on thom appropr|ato|y. Whon a hypnot|st hypnot|zos h|s subjoct, |t |s known as hotoro-hypnos|s. Whon an |nd|v|dua| puts h|mso|t |nto a stato ot
hypnos|s, |t |s known as so|t-hypnos|s. ln both casos, tho subjoct has ach|ovod a ho|ghtonod stato ot suggost|b|||ty. Evon |n hotoro-hypnos|s, tho
subjoct roa||y contro|s tho rosponso to suggost|ons. Actua||y, a|| hypnos|s |s roa||y a mattor ot so|t-hypnos|s. 1ho subjoct ontors |nto tho hypnot|c
stato whon ho |s comp|oto|y roady to do so. 1h|s may roqu|ro trom ono to many attompts botoro |t |s ach|ovod. Evon |t tho subjoct |ns|sts that ho
wants to bo hypnot|zod |mmod|ato|y, ho may bo ros|st|ng hypnos|s unconsc|ous|y.
ln so|t-hypnos|s tho samo th|ng usua||y takos p|aco. 1ho subjoct |s anx|ous to ach|ovo so|t-hypnos|s, but somohow tho stato o|udos h|m. What's
wrong? lt may bo that ho |s [ 12| unconsc|ous|y ros|st|ng |t, hasn't cond|t|onod h|mso|t sutt|c|ont|y, or has ach|ovod tho hypnot|c stato and doosn't
know ho |s |n tho stato. 1h|s |ast statomont may bo surpr|s|ng, but wo w||| oxam|no |t |n dota|| a ||tt|o |ator on.
Vost oxports agroo that about 00 porcont ot tho popu|at|on can bo hypnot|zod. Vy own too||ng |s that probab|y 00 porcont can bo hypnot|zod. Who
among us |s not |nt|uoncod by suggost|on? Aron't wo a||, as wo havo soon, |nt|uoncod by tho suggost|ons ot advort|s|ng? 0on't wo a|| havo a
tondoncy to bo||ovo what wo road |n tho papor, hoar on tho rad|o or soo on to|ov|s|on? Aron't wo a|| conv|ncod that a namo-brand art|c|o |s bottor
than ono that |s not so wo||-known?
3uggost|on p|ays a tromondous|y |mportant ro|o |n our da||y ||vos. lt bog|ns trom nam|ng tho baby w|th an appropr|ato namo to socur|ng a su|tab|o
p|aco tor |ntormont. l wou|d ||ko to ca|| tho roador's attont|on to a tasc|nat|ng book doa||ng w|th tho unconsc|ous roasons why wo do many ot tho
th|ngs that wo do. You w||| bo |ntr|guod w|th ovory pago ot tho book. lt |s ca||od 7bo lloooo Porsoooors by vanco lackard.
Vy contont|on |s that wo aro a|| suggost|b|o and, thorotoro, bo|ng hypnot|zod or hypnot|z|ng ourso|vos |s just a mattor ot |ncroas|ng tho suggost|b|||ty
that wo a|roady possoss. 0oosn't tho hypnot|st bog|n by suggost|ng ro|axat|on? 0oosn't ho usua||y bog|n by roquost|ng tho subjoct to t|x h|s
attont|on on a part|cu|ar objoct? loxt, ho suggosts to tho subjoct that h|s oyos aro bocom|ng hoavy and t|rod. As soon as tho subjoct c|osos h|s
oyos, ho suggosts that ho w||| bo |n a doop hypnot|c stato. l am suro that you aro tam|||ar w|th th|s procoduro. W|th oach stop, tho hypnot|st |s
gu|d|ng tho subjoct a|ong d|roctod ||nos to got h|m to accopt turthor suggost|ons w|thout quost|on or doubt. [ 18| Whon tho subjoct ach|ovos tho
u|t|mato stato |n th|s procoduro, ho has boon hypnot|zod. |o thon accopts suggost|ons w|thout oqu|vocat|on.
lot us cont|nuo w|th th|s samo thought. 3upposo l say to you, l'm go|ng to st|ck you w|th th|s p|n. lt won't hurt. Wou|d you |ot mo st|ck you w|th tho
p|n? Obv|ous|y not. lot us supposo that you havo boon hypnot|zod and l ropoat tho samo suggost|on. What happons thon? You road||y accopt tho
suggost|on as bo|ng tactua|. 3hou|d l procood to st|ck you w|th tho p|n, you do not ovon t||nch. ln tact, you do not ovon too| tho pa|n. 0oos th|s sound
|ncrod|b|o? lsn't th|s oxact|y tho samo procoduro that tho dont|st usos w|th h|s pat|ont whon ho has hypnot|zod h|m tor tho purposo ot pa|n|oss
Ach|ov|ng hypnos|s, thorotoro, |s a mattor ot d|roct|ng th|s suggost|b|||ty that wo a|| possoss |nto tho channo|s that w||| t|na||y produco tho hypnot|c
stato. lt can bo much moro comp||catod than th|s oxp|anat|on |n many casos, but |ot us uso th|s as a work|ng prom|so.
Evoryono can bo hypnot|zod. 1ho t|mo roqu|rod tor ach|ov|ng hypnos|s w||| vary trom subjoct to subjoct. Wo w||| d|scuss somo ot tho roasons tor th|s
|n a subsoquont chaptor, but tor our d|scuss|on at th|s t|mo wo nood to undorstand th|s po|nt. l havo oncountorod numorous |nd|v|dua|s who woro
oxtromo|y d|sappo|ntod bocauso thoy d|d not rospond to hypnos|s |mmod|ato|y or attor sovora| attompts. 1hoy wantod to know what was wrong.
An oxp|anat|on that noth|ng was wrong somohow d|d not sat|sty thoso |nd|v|dua|s. Attor a||, thoy arguod, d|dn't l go to a hypnot|st ospoc|a||y to bo
hypnot|zod? 3omo |ns|nuatod that porhaps tho hypnot|st wasn't too good.
lot mo oxp|a|n that most subjocts nood to bo cond|t|onod tor hypnos|s, and th|s cond|t|on|ng |s ho|pod whon tho [ 14| subjoct pract|cos corta|n
cond|t|on|ng oxorc|sos that l sha|| d|scuss |n dota|| |n chaptor s|x, t|t|od |ow 1o Atta|n 3o|t-|ypnos|s. ln my toach|ng, l havo tound that about ono
out ot ton subjocts rosponds to tho t|rst attompt at hypnos|s. Ono cannot mako a dot|n|to statomont as to tho |ongth ot t|mo nocossary to |oarn so|t-
hypnos|s, but |t |s my oxpor|onco that th|s usua||y takos about ono month. l havo had subjocts |oarn so|t-hypnos|s |n about 80 m|nutos, but l must a|so
ro|ato that l havo workod w|th subjocts tor ono yoar botoro thoy ach|ovod |t.
|or tho most part, tho |aws ot |oarn|ng app|y to so|t-hypnos|s as w|th anyth|ng o|so that ono wou|d want to |oarn. lt can bo a ro|at|vo|y s|mp|o
procoduro, or |t can bo vory porp|ox|ng. 1ho answor ||os not so much w|th tho hypnot|st as w|th tho subjoct.
Ono quost|on that ar|sos |s: lt l'm undor hypnos|s, how can l g|vo myso|t suggost|ons? 0ur|ng tho hypnot|c stato, |t must bo romomborod, tho
subjoct |s a|ways awaro ot what |s go|ng on. |o hoars what |s sa|d, to||ows d|roct|ons and torm|natos tho stato whon to|d to do so. ln tho so|t-
hypnot|c stato, tho subjoct |s |n tu|| contro|. 1horotoro, ho can th|nk, roason, act, cr|t|c|zo, suggost or do whatovor ho dos|ros. |o can aud|b|y g|vo
h|mso|t suggost|ons, or ho can monta||y g|vo h|mso|t suggost|ons. ln o|thor caso, ho doos not rouso trom tho hypnot|c stato unt|| ho g|vos h|mso|t
spoc|t|c suggost|ons to do so. Vany too| |t thoy aud|b|y g|vo thomso|vos suggost|ons, thoy w||| awakon. ln hypno-ana|ys|s, tho subjoct answors
quost|ons dur|ng tho hypnot|c stato. |av|ng tho subjoct ta|k doos not torm|nato tho stato. You can koop tho ta|kat|vo subjoct undor hypnos|s as |ong
as you want. |urthormoro, tho subjoct can bo s|tt|ng oroct w|th h|s oyos opon and st||| bo undor hypnos|s. Carry|ng th|s turthor, tho subjoct may not
ovon bo awaro that ho |s [ 1b| undor hypnos|s. |o can bo g|von a cuo not to romombor whon tho thorap|st makos a corta|n mot|on or says a corta|n
word that ho w||| go back |nto tho hypnot|c stato but st||| koop h|s oyos opon. On|y an oxpor|oncod hypnot|st cou|d dotoct tho chango.
Anothor troquont quost|on |s: |ow do l arouso myso|t trom tho so|t-hypnot|c stato? You moro|y say to yourso|t that upon count|ng to t|vo you w|||
opon your oyos and wako up too||ng t|no. Vany t|mos tho subjoct ta||s as|oop wh||o g|v|ng h|mso|t posthypnot|c suggost|ons. 1h|s |s not undos|rab|o
s|nco tho suggost|ons w||| sp||| ovor |nto tho subconsc|ous m|nd as ho goos trom consc|ousnoss to unconsc|ousnoss.
A popu|ar op|n|on about hypnos|s |s that tho subjoct surrondors h|s w||| to tho hypnot|st |n tho procoss ot bo|ng hypnot|zod. |urthormoro, many
bo||ovo that onco tho subjoct |s hypnot|zod, tho hypnot|st has comp|oto contro| ot tho subjoct and tho subjoct |s powor|oss to ros|st suggost|on. 3oth
bo||ots aro orronoous. l bo||ovo tho t|rst m|sconcopt|on comos trom soo|ng tochn|quos whoro tho hypnot|st roquosts tho subjoct to |ook |nto h|s
oyos. 1ho hypnot|st suggosts to tho subjoct that as ho cont|nuos to |ook |nto h|s oyos ho w||| ta|| |nto a doop hypnot|c stato. 1h|s, thon, bocomos a
mattor ot who can outstaro whom. 1ho subjoct usua||y bog|ns to b||nk h|s oyos and tho hypnot|st to||ows th|s up w|th rap|d suggost|ons that tho
subjoct's oyos aro bocom|ng watory and hoavy and that tho subjoct w||| ta|| |nto a doop hypnot|c s|oop just as soon as ho (tho subjoct) c|osos h|s
oyos. 1h|s procoduro g|vos tho |mpross|on to tho obsorvor that tho subjoct |s w|||od to go undor hypnos|s. lt appoars that onco tho hypnot|st
concontratos or w|||s sutt|c|ont|y, tho subjoct succumbs. Actua||y, tho hypnot|st |n th|s tochn|quo |s not |ook|ng |nto tho oyos ot tho subjoct. [ 10| |o
t|xos h|s attont|on on tho br|dgo ot tho noso ot tho subjoct.
1ho concopt that tho subjoct |s a ho|p|oss automaton stoms trom tho wo|rd mov|os whoro tho mad sc|ont|st has hypnot|zod subjocts |nto bohav|ng
||ko zomb|os. latura||y, thoro |s usua||y a boaut|tu| g|r| |n tho mov|o and sho, too, has boon hypnot|zod. Evon though tho aud|onco |s soph|st|catod
onough to roa||zo that th|s sc|onco-t|ct|on drama |s puro|y ontorta|nmont, tho thomo |s ropoatod sutt|c|ont|y |n novo|s, com|cs, and to|ov|s|on to mako
an |ndo||b|o |mpross|on on tho subconsc|ous m|nd. lt's tho tochn|quo ot to|||ng tho b|g ||o so many t|mos that |t bocomos bo||ovab|o. Wo aro a||
|nt|uoncod by th|s procoduro. 1horo |s an oxco||ont book oxp|a|n|ng th|s vory prom|so. lt |s ca||od Bott|o lor 7bo Vloo by W||||am 3argont. lt
doscr|bos |n dota|| tho tochn|quo by wh|ch ovango||sts, psych|atr|sts, po||t|c|ans and advort|s|ng mon can chango your bo||ots and bohav|or.
|o||ow|ng tho roason|ng that tho subconsc|ous m|nd can bo attoctod, you can soo that a prob|om cou|d prosont |tso|t ovon though tho subjoct
consc|ous|y w|shos to bo hypnot|zod. Unconsc|ous|y, thoro may bo a poor |ntorro|at|onsh|p w|th tho hypnot|st wh|ch can croato an untavorab|o
c||mato tor hypnos|s. Whon th|s |s tho caso, tho subjoct doosn't rospond unt|| such t|mo that ho ro|atos wo|| to tho hypnot|st. Evon tho most ca|cu|atod
procoduros w||| ta|| unt|| a pos|t|vo transtoronco ro|at|onsh|p |s ostab||shod. l am suro that you somot|mos havo sa|d, |or somo roason l don't ||ko
that porson. lt prossod tor an answor, you'|| usua||y rop|y, l can't oxp|a|n |t, but l just havo a too||ng about h|m. Actua||y, your subconsc|ous roact|ons
aro |nt|uonc|ng your th|nk|ng and you too| a corta|n way. 1ho samo th|ng takos p|aco |n bus|noss transact|ons. You o|thor ||ko [ 17| or d|s||ko tho
propos|t|on prosontod to you. You may say, l havo a corta|n too||ng about th|s doa|. You may not bo consc|ous ot tho roasons, but your
subconsc|ous has roactod automat|ca||y bocauso ot prov|ous oxpor|onco a|ong s|m||ar ||nos.
ln g|v|ng you somo |ns|ght |nto tho hypnot|c procoduro, l am try|ng to po|nt out corta|n prob|oms |n rogard to acqu|r|ng so|t-hypnos|s. |or tho most
part, |t |s not a s|mp|o procoduro that |s accomp||shod |mmod|ato|y. You can't just w||| |t. lt roqu|ros work|ng toward a spoc|t|c goa| and to||ow|ng
dot|n|to procoduros wh|ch ovontua||y |oad to succoss.
1ho hypnot|st |s usua||y ondowod by tho subjoct w|th an omn|sc|onco and |nta|||b|||ty wh|ch |og|ca||y |s unjust|t|od. 1ho subjoct |s natura||y oxtromo|y
d|sappo|ntod |t ho doosn't rospond |mmod|ato|y. lt ho |osos cont|donco |n tho hypnot|st, ho may novor ach|ovo hypnos|s w|th th|s part|cu|ar
hypnot|st. l havo hypnot|zod subjocts who havo boon to sovora| othor hypnot|sts w|thout succoss, and l havo had somo ot my unsuccosstu| subjocts
hypnot|zod by othor hypnot|sts. |ow and why doos |t happon? l bo||ovo that somo ot tho roasons aro so |ntang|b|o that |t wou|d bo |mposs|b|o to
oxp|a|n a|| ot thom w|th any dogroo ot oxact|tudo.
l onco saw an |nd|v|dua| about 12 t|mos who wantod to |oarn so|t-hypnos|s and had boon unsuccosstu| |n ovory approach. l askod h|m |t ho wou|d
vo|untoor as a subjoct tor a c|ass |n tochn|quos ot hypnos|s that l was toach|ng tor nursos. |o road||y vo|untoorod and showod up at tho dos|gnatod
t|mo. Vuch to my amazomont as wo|| as h|s own, ho rospondod w|th|n a ro|at|vo|y short t|mo as ono ot tho nursos hypnot|zod h|m botoro tho group.
3ho had usod a standard oyo c|osuro tochn|quo, roquost|ng h|m to |ook [ 18| at a sp|nn|ng hypnod|sc that l had prov|ous|y usod w|th h|m ovory t|mo
ho was |n tho ott|co. |or mannor was oxtromo|y attab|o, sho had usod tho |dont|ca| tochn|quo l had usod unsuccosstu||y, and tho subjoct rospondod
oxco||ont|y to cap tho c||max. |o was tho t|rst subjoct tho nurso had ovor hypnot|zod, s|nco th|s was on|y hor th|rd |osson.
|ow wou|d you account tor |t? |oro was ono ot my studonts w|th two wooks' oxpor|onco hypnot|z|ng a subjoct whoro l had ta||od wh||o us|ng ovory
procoduro that l to|t wou|d work. Was |t bocauso sho was a bottor hypnot|st? lorhaps! |owovor, l'd ||ko to roca|| at th|s t|mo our d|scuss|on about
subconsc|ous rosponsos. l'm |nc||nod to too| that bo|ng hypnot|zod by a m|dd|o-agod toma|o nurso croatod corta|n tavorab|o unconsc|ous
rosponsos wh|ch accountod tor h|s go|ng undor hypnos|s at that t|mo. lt croatod tho |n|t|a| broak-through wh|ch was noodod. l was ab|o to hypnot|zo
h|m oas||y at h|s noxt appo|ntmont, and ho acqu|rod so|t-hypnos|s road||y trom that t|mo on.
l havo tr|od tho samo approach w|th othor subjocts who d|d not rospond tavorab|y and havo ta||od to atta|n tho succoss that l d|d |n tho abovo caso.
Why tho |mpasso? lt |s ono ot tho d|tt|cu|t|os that wo oncountor |n hypnos|s, and as yot |t has not boon roso|vod.
Wo know that tho oas|ost way to ach|ovo so|t-hypnos|s |s to bo hypnot|zod and g|von a posthypnot|c suggost|on that you w||| rospond to hypnos|s by
a koy word, phraso or gosturo. l havo tr|od to po|nt out somo prob|oms that can ar|so. lood|oss to say, thoso prob|oms do not a|ways ar|so, and tho
atta|nmont ot so|t-hypnos|s can bo a ro|at|vo|y s|mp|o procoduro. 1horo |s usua||y somo way ot roach|ng a subjoct who doos not rospond |n a
roasonab|o |ongth ot t|mo.
low wo como to tho po|nt whoro tho subjoct w|shos to [ 10| hypnot|zo h|mso|t. What happons |n th|s s|tuat|on? lt wou|d appoar that tho subjoct
wou|d go undor hypnos|s |mmod|ato|y. Attor a||, |sn't ho contro|||ng tho hypnot|c soss|on? Ot courso, th|s doos happon t|mo and t|mo aga|n, and tho
rosu|ts soom m|racu|ous. l roco|vo ma|| constant|y trom roadors ot sovora| ot my othor books on hypnos|s to|||ng mo how thoy woro ab|o to ach|ovo
corta|n goa|s that thoy novor droamod poss|b|o. 1hoy wr|to that thoy havo ach|ovod so|t-cont|donco and comp|oto so|t-mastory and havo boon ab|o
to ovorcomo prob|oms that havo p|aguod thom tor many yoars. 1hoso prob|oms not on|y |nc|udo str|ct|y psycho|og|ca| troub|os but many
psychosomat|c symptoms as wo||. Vany havo romarkod at tho oaso |n wh|ch thoy woro ab|o to ach|ovo so|t-hypnos|s and tho rosu|ts thoy wantod.
|or thom |t was as s|mp|o as to||ow|ng a do-|t-yourso|t book.
Othors wr|to about tho d|tt|cu|ty thoy oncountor and ask what to do about |t. lt |s my hopo that th|s book w||| shod somo ||ght tor thoso who havo
oxpor|oncod d|tt|cu|ty |n |oarn|ng so|t-hypnos|s. Wo sha|| d|scuss many phasos ot hypnos|s w|th tho omphas|s on so|t-hypnos|s. Wo'|| d|scuss |ts
many ram|t|cat|ons and try not to |oavo out anyth|ng ho|ptu| |n our d|scuss|on.
lt you to||ow tho |nstruct|ons and oxorc|sos that l g|vo you ass|duous|y, you shou|d bo ab|o to ach|ovo a dopth ot so|t-hypnos|s su|tab|o tor so|v|ng
many ot your porsona| prob|oms.
[ 20|
[ 21|
Chapter 2
What About tho Dangora ot Eynoaia?
Ono ot tho objoct|ons that you hoar to hypnos|s |s that |t can bo dangorous |n tho hands ot thoso not tra|nod |n tho psychodynam|cs ot human
bohav|or. lnasmuch as psych|atr|sts and c||n|ca| psycho|og|sts aro tho on|y onos who aro thorough|y tra|nod |n tho ana|ys|s ot human bohav|or, th|s
objoct|on, |t va||d, cou|d ||m|t hypnos|s to a comparat|vo handtu| ot thorap|sts. |ortunato|y, |t |s not va||d. 1h|s was provod sovora| yoars ago whon
tho 3r|doy Vurphy crazo gr|ppod tho country. 0osp|to tho tact that thousands ot amatour hypnot|sts woro pract|c|ng hypnos|s, ||tt|o or no harm
rosu|tod. l havo porsona||y |nstructod sovora| thousand mod|ca| and non-mod|ca| |nd|v|dua|s and havo yot to hoar ot a s|ng|o caso whoro a cr|s|s
was proc|p|tatod or anyth|ng ot a dangorous or dotr|monta| naturo occurrod as a rosu|t ot hypnos|s. l havo a|so taught sovora| thousand porsons
so|t-hypnos|s and can roport tho samo t|nd|ngs.
Vany pat|onts who sook troatmont trom compotont [ 22| psych|atr|sts, psychoana|ysts and psycho|og|sts do not a|ways obta|n sat|stactory rosu|ts.
1h|s doosn't moan that ovoryono shou|d stop sook|ng ho|p trom thoso spoc|a||sts. Evon a spoc|a||st doosn't havo a portoct rocord ot succosstu|
What thon |s tho objoct|on to hypnos|s? 1ho thoory that |t you got r|d ot ono symptom anothor symptom w||| tako |ts p|aco roa||y ho|ds no truth and |s
usua||y advancod by thoso who havo had ||tt|o or no oxpor|onco |n tho hypnos|s t|o|d. |owovor, a d|ttoronco ot op|n|on doos ox|st ovon w|th thoso
pract|c|ng hypnos|s |n th|s aroa. 3omo hypnot|sts trado down symptoms by rop|ac|ng a sor|ous symptom w|th a m|nor ono, wh||o othors just
romovo tho symptom. 1ho |attor |s what a doctor doos whon ho rocommonds asp|r|n tor arthr|t|s. |o knows tho asp|r|n w||| not curo tho arthr|t|s, but
ho wants to a||ov|ato tho symptom. 1o say that anothor symptom w||| rop|aco tho pa|n |s unsc|ont|t|cand untruo. 1ho samo |s truo ot hypnos|s.
low|s l. Wo|borg, V.0., c||n|ca| protossor ot psych|atry, low York Vod|ca| Co||ogo, rocont|y canvassod 80 oxports |n tho t|o|d ot hypnos|s and
tound a tow who to|t symptom romova| was |rrat|ona|, tomporaryor outr|ght dangorous. 1ho |argo major|ty, howovor, omp|oyod symptom romova|
whoro |nd|catod, and m|n|m|zod or r|d|cu|od any poss|b|o bad ottocts.
A turthor objoct|on to hypnos|s |s that tho rosu|ts aro tomporary as wo|| as symptomat|c. lt |s wo|| to romombor that most mod|ca| thorapy |s
spoc|t|ca||y d|roctod to symptom romova|. |ow pormanont |s most mod|ca| troatmont? Onco you coup|o hotoro-hypnos|s w|th so|t-hypnos|s, you
attord tho pat|ont tho opportun|ty ot ut|||z|ng suggost|ons tor h|s own bonot|t any t|mo thoy aro noodod. 1h|s, [ 28| ot courso, can mako symptom
ro||ot pormanont. As an oxamp|o, l wou|d soo no harm |n toach|ng a pat|ont so|t-hypnos|s tor symptomat|c ro||ot trom a prob|om ot |nsomn|a. lt
wou|d corta|n|y bo bottor than phys|ca||y dopross|ng tho h|ghor bra|n contors w|th s|oop|ng p|||s to produco unconsc|ousnoss ovory n|ght. l noodn't
to|| you that m||||ons ot do||ars aro spont ovory yoar on s|oop|ng p|||s and pat|onts bocomo dopondont upon thom, nood|ng moro and moro p|||s |n
ordor to produco s|oop. Vany acc|donta| su|c|dos stom trom an ovordoso ot s|oop|ng p|||s. Yot, dosp|to tho |nhoront dangors ot s|oop|ng p|||s wh|ch
aro g|ar|ng|y apparont, thoy aro proscr|bod by tho m||||ons, to say noth|ng ot thoso that roach tho markot through |||oga| channo|s. |urthormoro, how
much ottort |s roa||y mado to got tho pat|ont ott tho s|oop|ng p|||s? 1horo aro a|so moro vo|untary su|c|dos by s|oop|ng p|||s than by any othor mothod.
lorhaps |t thoso drugs woron't so road||y ava||ab|o, many ot thoso untortunato |nd|v|dua|s wou|d bo w|th us today.
What about tho otton-quotod statomont that you m|ght do somo damago? lot's oxp|oro th|s aroa. l assumo that tho roador |s somowhat tam|||ar
w|th tho work ot Em||o Couo or at |oast has hoard ot h|s tamous autosuggost|on tormu|a ot 0ay by day, |n ovory way, l'm gott|ng bottor and bottor.
0ur|ng our t|mo, thousands upon thousands ot soom|ng|y ho|p|oss and hopo|oss casos havo boon curod by ropoat|ng th|s att|rmat|on ovor and ovor
aga|n, day attor day, as tho |nd|v|dua| ta||s as|oop.
l th|nk wo shou|d mako |t c|oar that whothor wo ca|| |t autosuggost|on, pos|t|vo th|nk|ng, mod|tat|on, yoga, att|rmat|ons or so|t-hypnos|s, wo aro, |n
roa||ty, ta|k|ng about tho samo th|ng. A|| roqu|ro corta|n bas|c proroqu|s|tos botoro thoy w||| work ottoct|vo|y tor tho |nd|v|dua|. Wo'|| [ 24| d|scuss
thoso proroqu|s|tos |n tho noxt chaptor.
What shou|d bo romomborod |s that tho suggost|ons aro bo|ng t||torod |nto tho subconsc|ous m|nd wh|ch doos not quost|on, doubt, ana|yzo or
d|sputo tho ott|cacy ot thoso bonot|c|a| thoughts. You can bo suro that tho constant ropot|t|on w||| havo |ts ottoct. |asn't tho m|nd, |n tho past,
accoptod tho |nd|v|dua|'s d|agnos|s whon ho sa|d, l'm s|ck, l havo an |ntor|or|ty comp|ox, l can't stop smok|ng, l can't |oso wo|ght, l can't
concontrato, l can romombor a porson's taco, but l can't romombor namos, l havo a d|tt|cu|t t|mo ta|||ng as|oop, l just can't soom to ro|ax. lsn't
such an |nd|v|dua|, |n ottoct, us|ng so|t-hypnos|s? And hasn't tho porson conv|ncod h|mso|t ot tho va||d|ty ot h|s prosont stato? 1h|s |s tru|y
dangorous. lt |s nogat|vo hypnos|s.
1ho quost|on that l ra|so |s: Why shou|dn't tho subconsc|ous m|nd bo ovon moro conv|ncod and rospond strong|y to suggost|ons wh|ch aro |n
contorm|ty w|th tho natura| dos|ro to bo ot sound body and m|nd? l havo novor boon ab|o to t|nd a |og|ca| answor.
l th|nk th|s |s what happons many t|mos. A porson sooks ho|p w|th a prob|om wh|ch, |n roa||ty, has noth|ng to do w|th hypnos|s. ||s curo |s not
cont|ngont on bo|ng hypnot|zod or on suggost|ons ho or tho hypnot|st too| aro |nd|catod. You w||| road |n noar|y ovory book and art|c|o doa||ng w|th
hypnos|s that hypnot|sm |s not a curo-a||. lo ono has suggostod or |mp||od that |t shou|d bo usod oxc|us|vo|y tor a|| omot|ona| prob|oms. You may
road a nowspapor art|c|o warn|ng about tho dangors ot hypnos|s. lt may to|| ot a porson who r|d h|mso|t ot ono symptom and dovo|opod anothor |n
|ts p|aco. You usua||y got a gross|y d|stortod p|cturo ot what happonod, w|th many aspocts ot tho caso not |nc|udod. lt's a mattor ot tak|ng [ 2b| what
you want to provo out ot contoxt. lropagand|sts uso th|s tochn|quo a|| tho t|mo to got across tho|r mossago. lt's tho o|d story ot to|||ng a ha|t truth.
|onost cr|t|c|sm and a s|ncoro d|ttoronco ot op|n|on aro a|ways wo|como. 3ut cr|t|c|sm must bo wo||-toundod trom a sc|ont|t|c po|nt ot v|ow and not
stom trom an omot|ona| roact|on. You havo probab|y hoard tho romark, l won't |ot anyono hypnot|zo mo. What aro thoy roa||y say|ng, and what
doos hypnos|s roprosont to such an |nd|v|dua|? 1o thom, hypnos|s roprosonts somo sort ot mag|c spo|| wh|ch |nvokos a stato ot comp|oto
ho|p|ossnoss and dopondoncy upon tho hypnot|st. Wo prov|ous|y d|scussod how th|s orronoous concopt|on can tako p|aco bocauso ot tho mannor
|n wh|ch hypnos|s |s usua||y |ntorwovon w|th b|zarro t|ct|ona| stor|os.
|or many, tho hypnot|c stato roprosonts a por|od |n wh|ch tho consc|ous guard |s droppod. 1hoy too| thoy may compu|s|vo|y rovoa| tho darkor s|do
ot tho|r naturo, contoss tho|r host|||ty or ro|ato |ntormat|on thoy wou|d novor vo|untar||y d|vu|go to anyono. 1h|s |s tho roa| dangor thoy soo |n hypnos|s.
1o protoct thomso|vos trom |t, thoy attack |t. lt |s much ||ko tho tanat|c v|co crusador who m|||tant|y attacks s|n |n ordor to a||ov|ato h|s own too||ngs ot
gu||t stomm|ng trom tho tact that v|co actua||y attracts h|m.
|oar ot hypnos|s takos d|ttoront torms, but bas|ca||y |t |s tho toar ot rovoa||ng ono's truo too||ngs. An omp|oyoo, tor |nstanco, at a gathor|ng wh|ch
|nc|udod tho omp|oyor ho d|s||kos, wou|d novor vo|untoor as a subjoct tor hypnos|s |t tho occas|on aroso. |o wou|d bo atra|d ho wou|d do or say
somoth|ng wh|ch m|ght ondangor h|s pos|t|on. |ypnos|s tor h|m wou|d bo dangorous bocauso ho wou|d bo atra|d to tako tho chanco. 1ho truth |s,
howovor, that th|s |nd|v|dua| wou|d bo tak|ng no chanco. 1ho hypnot|c [ 20| stato |s not a contoss|ona| por|od. 1ho subjoct |s awaro at a|| t|mos ot
what ho |s say|ng. lt tho subjoct doos not w|sh to pursuo a ||no ot quost|on|ng, ho to||s tho hypnot|st. lt tho hypnot|st pors|stod turthor a|ong th|s ||no,
tho subjoct wou|d shako ott tho hypnot|c stato.
Anothor m|sconcopt|on about hypnos|s |s tho w|do|y ho|d bo||ot that tho subjoct |s unconsc|ous. 1h|s roprosonts a throat to tho socur|ty ot tho
|nd|v|dua|. Actua||y, tho hypnot|c stato |s a por|od ot oxtromo awaronoss |n wh|ch tho subjoct |s hyporacuto. |urthormoro, tho subjoct |s not as|oop,
nor |s ho |n a tranco stato |n tho corroct moan|ng ot that torm. |o |s |n an a|torod stato ot awaronoss w|th h|s tacu|t|os and roason|ng ab|||ty |ntact.
lnduc|ng hypnos|s moro|y croatos a mood or stato |n wh|ch tho powors ot suggost|b|||ty aro ho|ghtonod.
Whon tho gonora| pub||c and tho mod|ca| protoss|on bocomo tam|||ar w|th tho truo naturo ot hypnos|s, wo sha|| havo a groator accoptanco and
ut|||zat|on ot th|s powor. lt |s a s|ow procoss but ono wh|ch w||| t|na||y ovo|vo. ln tho t|na| ana|ys|s, l bo||ovo tho on|y dangor that ox|sts |s |n tho m|nd ot
tho |nd|v|dua| who toars hypnos|s bocauso ot whatovor subjoct|vo qua|ms ho has about h|s own omot|ona| |nvo|vomont |n tho hypnot|c procoss.
Ot courso, a|| porsons us|ng hypnos|s tor tho a||ov|at|on ot pa|n shou|d consu|t tho|r tam||y phys|c|an. la|n |s naturo's way ot |nd|cat|ng that
somoth|ng |s wrong w|th tho organ|sm. lt wou|d bo too||sh to suggost that a pa|n |n tho stomach w||| d|sappoar whon th|s may bo a s|gn ot a noodod
appond|x oporat|on. 1ho samo may bo sa|d ot constant m|gra|no hoadachos. lt must bo dotorm|nod that tho hoadacho |s not a symptom ot a bra|n
tumor or somo othor patho|og|ca| cond|t|on. lt may bo ot |ntorost to know that hypnos|s |s prosont|y bo|ng usod to ro||ovo pa|n |n [ 27| torm|na|
cancor pat|onts. 1horo |s an oxco||ont art|c|o on th|s subjoct, and l rocommond |t to doctors road|ng th|s book. lt |s ca||od 1ho Uso ot |ypnos|s |n
tho Caso ot tho Cancor lat|ont wh|ch appoarod |n tho 1anuary 10b4 |ssuo ot Coocor. [1|
1horo aro at prosont sovora| thousand dont|sts throughout tho country us|ng hypnos|s. 1hoy havo tormod tho|r own soc|oty and pub||sh a quartor|y
journa|, 7bo 1ooroo| o tbo Amorlcoo 5ocloty o Psycbosomotlc Lootlstry. Ono ot tho bost books |n th|s t|o|d |s ca||od Looto| lypoosls looobook
by 1acob 3to|zonborg, 0.0.3.
An oxco||ont art|c|o |s 0angor! |ypnothorap|st at Work by V. Abramson.[2| 1ho author rov|ows br|ot|y tho pros and cons rogard|ng tho mod|ca|
uso ot hypnos|s. |o conc|udos: lt |s tho author's op|n|on, basod on an oxtons|vo porsona| oxpor|onco ot ovor 1b yoars, that tho uso ot hypnothorapy
by a phys|c|an or dont|st who has boon propor|y tra|nod and who usos th|s tochn|quo str|ct|y w|th|n h|s t|o|d ot compotonco carr|os w|th |t no moro
(and probab|y |oss) 'dangor' than tho uso ot many othor tochn|quos ot troatmont usod |n mod|c|no today.
[1| At tho samo t|mo, l wou|d h|gh|y rocommond tho book|ot, lo|plog tbo Lylog Potloot ooo lls loml|y, pub||shod by tho lat|ona| Assoc|at|on ot
3oc|a| Workors, 2 lark Avonuo, low York 10, low York. lr|co: 7b conts.
[2| 3u||. |onnop|n Co. Vod. 3oc., 1000, 81:101-100
[ 28|
[ 20|
Chapter 3
|a Eynoaia tho Anawor?
0r. Goorgo Estabrooks, protossor ot psycho|ogy at Co|gato Un|vors|ty and author ot tho book, lypootlsm, mado tho to||ow|ng two statomonts |n a
papor ca||od 1ho |uturo ot |ypnos|s g|von as part ot a program on 1ho laturo ot |ypnos|s at tho annua| moot|ng ot tho Amor|can
lsycho|og|ca| Assoc|at|on |n 10b0:
lt wou|d bo wo|| to sound a word ot caut|on aga|nst corta|n att|tudos wh|ch havo bocomo prova|ont and wh|ch can bo wo|| |||ustratod |n tho t|o|d ot
mod|c|no. ln th|s rospoct, d|roct suggost|on |s undor tho ban. |or oxamp|o, a d|ctum, 'lovor romovo tho symptom un|oss tho causo |s undorstood,'
|s much omphas|zod. lts va||d|ty |s groat|y opon to quost|on, s|nco much ot mod|ca| pract|co |s d|roct symptom romova|, as on|y a ||tt|o thought
makos apparont.
Anothor d|ctum gonora||y to||owod |s that tho unconsc|ous background ot symptom-comp|oxos must nocossar||y bo mado consc|ous to ottoct a
curo. loasonab|o and thoughttu| cons|dorat|on ot tho oxtons|vo ro|o ot tho unconsc|ous [ 80| |n da||y ||v|ng and tunct|on|ng rondors th|s d|ctum much
|oss crod|tab|o.
l shou|d ||ko to d|scuss both ot thoso statomonts |n somo dota|| as thoy |nvar|ab|y ar|so |n tho m|nd ot tho |nd|v|dua| sook|ng ho|p through hypnos|s.
1ho t|rst thought that comos to m|nd |s that a|| tho ro||g|ous hoa||ngs c|tod |n tho 3|b|o |nvo|vo d|roct symptom romova|. 1ho curos that aro ottoctod
by ro||g|ous dovotoos travo||ng to sacrod shr|nos aro a|so |n tho roa|m ot d|roct symptom romova|. l havo yot to hoar a cr|t|c|sm ot th|s typo ot
troatmont d|roctod at ro||g|ous |oadors or condomnat|on ot tho ro||g|ous shr|nos. 1hoso curos aro accoptod as ov|donco ot tho powor ot ta|th or
attr|butod to tho supor-natura|. ln thoso casos, noth|ng |s ovor dono to mako tho porson curod undorstand tho naturo ot tho unconsc|ous
mochan|sms wh|ch contr|butod to h|s prob|om.
lo||g|ous hoa||ng cannot bo d|sm|ssod by moro|y say|ng, lt |sn't sc|ont|t|c. A mothodo|ogy |s on|y sc|ont|t|c whon |t works. lt |s ot no va|uo |t |t
doosn't ho|p tho |nd|v|dua| sook|ng ho|p. Wo must taco tho tact that not a|| poop|o can bo ho|pod by tho samo psycho|og|ca| troatmont. Wo can
road||y soo th|s |n tho to||ow|ng oxtromo oxamp|o: An abor|g|no suttor|ng trom a psycho|og|ca| prob|om corta|n|y wou|dn't bo a cand|dato tor
psychoana|ys|s as wo know |t. |o cou|d, no doubt, bo ho|pod much moro road||y by a w|tch doctor. lt a|so stands to roason that tho soph|st|catod
Wostornor wou|d not bo |nt|uoncod by tho |ncantat|ons ot a tr|ba| mod|c|no man.
Go|ng turthor, wo t|nd thoro aro many schoo|s ot psychothorapy and many approachos to so|v|ng man's omot|ona| prob|oms. 1ho curo rato tor a|| ot
thom, howovor, |s approx|mato|y tho samo. l th|nk wo must accopt tho tact that thoro |s no ooo sound, |og|ca|, sc|ont|t|c approach. [ 81| l bo||ovo that
so |ong as tho ond rosu|t |s ach|ovod, tho mothodo|ogy was sc|ont|t|c tor that |nd|v|dua|'s noods. 1ho goa| ot a|| thorap|os |s to ho|p tho pat|ont troo
h|mso|t trom whatovor omot|ona| prob|oms bosot h|m.
1h|s approach, to somo roadors, may soom an ovors|mp||t|cat|on ot a vory comp|ox prob|om, but l th|nk |t's t|mo that wo had a s|mp|o, workab|o
tormu|a dovo|d ot tochn|ca| jargon. 1oo otton, comp|ox tochn|ca| torms and thoor|os havo boon g||b|y usod to oxp|a|n away ta||uros. l bo||ovo wo
nood moro and moro omphas|s on moasuros to mako tho pat|ont too| bottor rathor than spond|ng most ot tho t|mo try|ng to t|nd out why ho doosn't
too| wo||. 1h|s, ot courso, |s symptom romova| aga|n.
l shou|d ||ko to po|nt out an |ntorost|ng tact porta|n|ng to 3|b||ca| hoa|ors. 3o |ong as tho tamo ot tho hoa|or procodod h|s arr|va| |n any country, ho
was ab|o to hoa| tho s|ck. |owovor, whoro h|s tamo as a hoa|or was o|thor unknown or d|scrod|tod, ho tound no ta|th and subsoquont|y no curo. 1ho
oar||ost rotoronco to hypnos|s |s |n tho 3|b|o, Gonos|s ||, 21. And tho lord God causod a doop s|oop to ta|| upon Adam, and ho s|opt...
0r. W||||am Va|amud, 80th pros|dont ot tho Amor|can lsych|atr|c Assoc|at|on, |n an addross do||vorod at tho annua| moot|ng |n 1000, statod tho
to||ow|ng |n a papor ca||od lsych|atr|c losoarch: 3ott|ng and Vot|vat|on:
0ur|ng tho |ast tow yoars wo havo w|tnossod a grow|ng trond ot ovoromphas|z|ng tho va|uo ot 'oxact' mothodo|ogy and un|torm|ty ot standards.
1h|s trond, wh|ch cou|d bo charactor|zod as a 'cu|t ot objoct|v|ty,' has a|roady had an |mportant |nt|uonco on psych|atr|c rosoarch. lt |s truo that |n |ts
omphas|s on cr|t|ca| judgmont and va||d cr|tor|a, |t has ho|pod to curb unrostra|nod t||ghts ot |mag|nat|on and s|oppy mothodo|ogy. 3ut tho
ovorg|or|t|cat|on [ 82| ot objoct|v|ty and tho |ns|stonco on r|g|d|y s|ng|o standards ot accoptab|o mothods havo rosu|tod |n a concontrat|on on corta|n
phasos ot tho sc|onco ot human bohav|or at tho oxponso ot othor vory |mportant onos.
l bo||ovo that most |nd|v|dua|s havo a ta|r|y good undorstand|ng ot how thoy camo to havo tho prob|om that thoy havo. l havo yot to oncountor tho
porson who protosts ho has no |doa why ho doosn't tunct|on as ho wou|d ||ko to |n a corta|n aroa. |rom a pract|ca| standpo|nt, not many havo tho
t|mo nor monoy roqu|rod to do|vo |nto tho unconsc|ous background ot tho prob|om. 1ho h|gh cost ot troatmont |s a vory roa| objoct|on and cannot bo
d|scountod ||ght|y. loop|o suttor|ng trom omot|ona| prob|oms usua||y suttor t|nanc|a| rovorsos as wo||. Who |s to ho|p thoso poop|o? 1horo aro vory
tow p|acos |n tho country whoro thoy can roco|vo compotont psych|atr|c ho|p at a roasonab|o too. ls thoro th|s typo ot ho|p |n your own commun|ty? lt
|s on|y whon tho |nd|v|dua| |s dost|tuto that tho stato prov|dos whatovor ho|p |t can. |owovor, at th|s po|nt |t's a |ong hard strugg|o back to good
omot|ona| hoa|th.
1ho lat|ona| Assoc|at|on tor Vonta| |oa|th and |ts att|||atos |ssuo about 10 m||||on cop|os ot 200 d|ttoront pamph|ots on var|ous aspocts ot monta|
hoa|th. 1o assoss tho va|uo ot thoso pamph|ots, 47 monta| hyg|ono oxports ho|d a contoronco at Corno|| Un|vors|ty. A roport on th|s outstand|ng
contoronco has boon pub||shod. lt |s ca||od Vonta| |oa|th Educat|on: A Cr|t|quo. A toaturo by Ernost |avomann |n tho August 8, 1000 |ssuo ot
Llo conta|ns a vory worthwh||o art|c|o on th|s contoronco ca||od Who's lorma|? lobody, 3ut Wo A|| Koop On 1ry|ng. ln 0|ssont |rom 'Vonta|
|oa|th' Approach, Exports 0ocry |ut||o 3oarch |or An Unroa| Goa|. 1ho to||ow|ng paragraph |s takon trom tho Llo art|c|o: [ 88|
What about psych|atry and psychoana|ys|s? 1h|s |s a d|ttoront mattor. Vany unhappy and prob|om-r|ddon poop|o, though by no moans a|| who
havo tr|od |t, havo prot|tod trom psychothorapy. lndood, a|| tho monta| hoa|th pamph|ots, as a postscr|pt to tho so|t-ho|p mothods thoy advocato,
w|nd up by adv|s|ng tho roador to sook protoss|ona| caro |t h|s prob|oms aro sor|ous onough. 3ut tho skopt|cs at Corno|| c|tod stat|st|cs wh|ch to
thom show that psych|atr|c troatmont |s as romoto tor tho avorago porson as a tr|p to tho moon. As|do trom tho oxponso, wh|ch most poop|o wou|d
t|nd proh|b|t|vo, thoro s|mp|y aro not onough thorap|sts to go around. 1ho U. 3. has around 11,000 psych|atr|sts and 10,000 c||n|ca| psycho|og|sts|n
a||, about ono tor ovory 8,b00 c|t|zons. lt ovorybody w|th omot|ona| prob|oms doc|dod to soo a psych|atr|st, tho ||nos at tho doctors' ott|cos wou|d
strotch tor m||os.
l assumo that most roadors ot th|s book know that stato hosp|ta|s aro undorstattod and unab|o to prov|do propor caro tor tho monta||y |||. V|ko
Gorman, oxocut|vo d|roctor ot tho lat|ona| Vonta| |oa|th Comm|ttoo, has wr|tton a crusad|ng roport on th|s vory thomo ca||od Evory Otbor Boo. ln
th|s book ho to||s us that ovory othor hosp|ta| bod |n tho Un|tod 3tatos |s occup|od by a monta| caso. Vonta| |||noss costs tho country two and a ha|t
b||||on do||ars a yoar bos|dos tho moro |mportant unto|d human suttor|ng that can novor bo oquatod |n do||ars. 1ho book |s a shock|ng story ot how
wo havo |ot th|s happon, aro st||| |ott|ng |t happon, and ot how ||tt|o, tor tho most part, wo, tho gonora| pub||c as wo|| as tho mod|ca| and psycho|og|ca|
protoss|ons, aro do|ng to corroct th|s dop|orab|o s|tuat|on.
lt |s t|mo that wo ro-oxam|nod tho d|ctums that say a symptom can novor bo romovod un|oss tho causo |s undorstood and tho unconsc|ous
background ot symptom-comp|oxos [ 84| must bo mado consc|ous and undorstood botoro a curo |s ottoctod.
1horo aro many pos|t|vo th|nk|ng groups tunct|on|ng |n tho ro||g|ous t|o|d. Vany ot thoso ro||g|ous groups aro |n ox|stonco pr|mar||y bocauso ot tho
dynam|c ph||osophy or psycho|ogy thoy ottor tor ovory day ||v|ng. Coup|o th|s w|th a strong ta|th |n God, and you havo a comb|nat|on wh|ch
approachos |nta|||b|||ty. locont|y wo havo had a sor|os ot bost-so|||ng books wh|ch oxpound th|s vory thomo. 0oos |t work? Ot courso |t doos whon
usod propor|y.
You can bo suro that thoro has boon cr|t|c|sm ot th|s ro||g|ous psycho|ogy. 1ho cr|t|c|sm |s that tho bas|c causos ot tho prob|om aro novor doa|t w|th
and tho unconsc|ous cont||ct |s not roso|vod. lt's tho samo argumont ovor and ovor aga|n. What about tho poop|o ho|pod? 1hoy soom to havo mado
tromondous str|dos and aro |oad|ng ||vos as wo|| adjustod as anyono o|so. Onco |mbuod w|th th|s sp|r|t or too||ng ot wo||-bo|ng, |t pormoatos ovory
phaso ot tho|r ro|at|onsh|ps |n a construct|vo mannor. 1ho on|y roason that thoro |sn't moro cr|t|c|sm |s that th|s typo ot psychothorapy |s
|ncorporatod |nto tho ro||g|ous tonots ot thoso groups, and cr|t|c|z|ng anothor man's ro||g|on makos tho dotractor's ont|ro ph||osophy unaccoptab|o. l
am strong|y |n tavor ot thoso groups bocauso l wou|d protor hav|ng a ro||g|on that koops po|nt|ng out tho pos|t|vo s|do ot ||to and that ||to can bo
boaut|tu| |t you put your ta|th |n God and pract|co pos|t|vo th|nk|ng. lt |s corta|n|y bottor than tho cyn|ca| ph||osophy ot |ts dotractors or tho gr|m
ro||g|ons wh|ch stross pun|shmont. 1h|nk ot tho gu||t too||ngs |nvo|vod |n tho |attor. lo ono can ||vo up to such a torm|dab|o crood.
Ot courso, |t you suggost to pos|t|vo th|nk|ng, ro||g|ous |nd|v|dua|s that thoy aro us|ng a torm ot so|t-hypnos|s, [ 8b| thoy w||| omphat|ca||y dony and
dobato tho |ssuo. 3|nco wo aro pr|mar||y |ntorostod |n monta| hyg|ono and not |n w|nn|ng a dobato, |t |s wo|| to |oavo tho mattor as |t stands. 1ho
po|nt to koop |n m|nd |s that so |ong as a porson too|s that th|s mothodo|ogy |s tho answor to h|s noods and so |ong as no ono |s bo|ng hurt by h|s
bo||ot, l too| ho shou|d c||ng to h|s conv|ct|on. |o shou|d not a||ow |t to bo dostroyod by thoso who aro th|nk|ng |n d|ttoront somant|c torms.
l wou|d ||ko to br|ng up anothor common oxamp|o porta|n|ng to tho two bas|c concopts that wo havo boon d|scuss|ng. lt |s tho oxamp|o ot tho many
|nd|v|dua|s who havo takon pub||c spoak|ng coursos to ovorcomo stago tr|ght. ln most casos, tho porson |nvo|vod hasn't had too much opportun|ty
to bo a pub||c spoakor. 3ocauso ot th|s, ho suddon|y too|s ho may not say tho r|ght th|ng or torgot what ho wants to say. 1h|s anx|oty can croato tho
vory s|tuat|on or b|ock that ho toars. What |s tho so|ut|on? Corta|n|y not psychoana|ys|s to t|nd out why ho tunct|ons tho way ho doos. You cou|d uso
th|s approach, but l don't th|nk |t's tho most construct|vo ono. lt |s ||ko ask|ng, What am l do|ng that's wrong? |nstoad ot What can l do that's r|ght?
1ho most construct|vo approach |s to tako a courso ot |nstruct|on to got tho actua| pract|co and oxpor|onco |n tho tochn|quos ot pub||c spoak|ng.
3otoro procood|ng turthor, l bo||ovo |t |s nocossary to po|nt out that l am not just bo|ng cr|t|ca| ot tho conv|ct|ons ot othor s|ncoro and dod|catod
|nd|v|dua|s ongagod |n tho t|o|d ot monta| hyg|ono. lt |s a|ways good to ro-ova|uato our prosont th|nk|ng on any subjoct, no mattor how s|ncoro or
conv|ncod wo may bo that what wo aro do|ng |s corroct. At t|mos, wo can bocomo so |mmorsod |n our conv|ct|ons that wo cannot tako cr|t|c|sm and
rospond [ 80| omot|ona||y to |doas or |ntorprotat|ons that do not co|nc|do w|th |og|ca| th|nk|ng.
What, thon, |s tho answor to monta| hoa|th prob|oms? 1horo |s no s|ng|o answor. lt |s a vory comp|ox s|tuat|on. 1horo aro many prom|s|ng drugs and
troatmonts wh|ch, |t adoquato|y dovo|opod and w|do|y usod, cou|d do a groat doa| toward promot|ng good monta| hoa|th. |undamonta||y, tho
prob|om w||| a|ways bo that ot try|ng to undorstand human bohav|or and ho|p|ng thoso |n d|stross w|th an ott|cac|ous tormu|a.
What |s that tormu|a? l bo||ovo hypnos|s can contr|buto |n part to tho answor. lood|oss to say, hypnos|s |s contra|nd|catod |n many omot|ona|
prob|oms bocauso ot tho vory naturo ot tho prob|om |tso|t. 3omo omot|ona| d|tt|cu|t|os must t|rst bo workod out on a consc|ous |ovo|. Attor th|s,
hypnos|s can bo |nstrumonta| |n ach|ov|ng tho t|na| goa|.
0r. |rank 3. Capr|o, a prom|nont psych|atr|st, |n h|s book, lo|plog Yoorso| wltb Psycblotry, statos tho to||ow|ng: A who|o now wor|d ot so|t-
cont|donco and pos|t|vo ||v|ng |s opon to ovory porson, young and o|d, through hypnos|s, so|t-hypnos|s and so|t-suggost|on or auto-hypnos|s.
[ 87|
Chapter 4
Eow Dooa 5oIt-Eynoaia Work?
1horo's an o|d Ch|noso provorb that statos: Ono p|cturo |s worth a thousand words. ln convoy|ng suggost|ons to tho subconsc|ous, wo havo tound
that p|cturo |magos aro moro ottoct|vo than tho words that aro |mp|antod. |or oxamp|o, |t |sn't sutt|c|ont to say, l w||| bo cont|dont. 1ho words must
bo augmontod by a p|cturo ot yourso|t as tho cont|dont porson you want to bo. lt you say, l can't v|sua||zo myso|t as a cont|dont porson bocauso l
havo novor boon that way, you can borrow thoso porsona||ty tra|ts that you want tor yourso|t. lmag|no yourso|t ondowod w|th tho charactor|st|cs ot
somo cont|dont porson that you know. 1ho qua||t|os that you sook may ovon bo borrowod trom a tamous porson. lt th|s |sn't poss|b|o, mako up a
porsona||ty wh|ch |s a compos|to ot a|| tho th|ngs you want to bo. 3oo yourso|t wa|k|ng, ta|k|ng and carry|ng on act|v|t|os. Koop tort|ty|ng th|s |mago
w|th tho monta| suggost|ons that aro noodod. lt won't bo |ong botoro thoso monta| |mpross|ons g|vo r|so to tho cont|dont [ 88| too||ngs that you sook.
As you koop |mp|ant|ng thoso |magos, thoy w||| bocomo a natura| part ot your consc|ous porsona||ty.
0r. 3. 1. van lo|t, pros|dont ot tho 3r|t|sh 3oc|oty ot Vod|ca| |ypnot|sts and od|tor ot tho Brltlsb 1ooroo| o Voolco| lypootlsm, wr|tos about th|s
tochn|quo |n h|s book, 5ocrots o lypootlsm. |o ca||s |t '8-0' 1ochn|quo |n Vod|ca| |ypnothorapy. As you road tho to||ow|ng paragraph, |t wou|d
bo wo|| to romombor that |t conta|ns tho ossonco ot mak|ng tho so|t-hypnos|s tochn|quo work onco you havo ach|ovod tho hypnot|c stato, por so.
lnc|donta||y, tho samo procoduro can bo usod |n atta|n|ng tho hypnot|c stato |tso|t. You soo yourso|t ontor|ng tho stato ot hypnos|s |n your |n|t|a|
attompts. 1h|s, |n turn, sots up a cond|t|onod rosponso and a tavorab|o omot|ona| roact|on wh|ch |s nocossary.
1ho wr|tor has tound (v|sua||zat|on) ot tho groatost va|uo |n tho ro-oducat|on ot tho pat|ont, wh|ch |s an ossont|a| part ot hypnothorapy. ln th|s
mothod, attor tho causo ot tho troub|o has boon d|scovorod and as a part ot h|s ro-oducat|on, tho pat|ont |s |nstructod wh||o undor on|y ||ght hypnos|s
to 'torm a p|cturo' |n h|s m|nd. |o |s askod to |mag|no a mov|o scroon and to soo h|mso|t 'just ||ko an actor' on th|s scroon p|ay|ng a part. |o |s to|d
that tho p|cturo |ooks 'vory roa|''8-0' |n tactand that ho can soo h|mso|t act|ng and |ook|ng tho way ho roa||y wants to |ook and act. var|ous sconos
aro suggostod such as ... tho pat|ont w||| havo to taco |n roa| ||to. ln oach ho |s |nstructod to soo h|mso|t'as |n roa| ||to'a|ways succood|ng. |or
|nstanco, tho stammoror m|ght bo askod to p|cturo h|mso|t spoak|ng oas||y to poop|o, and too||ng portoct|y at oaso. 1ho pat|ont |s a|so |nstructod
how to torm thoso 'succoss p|cturos' tor h|mso|t, and |t |s strossod that [ 80| ho w||| on|y bo ab|o to soo h|mso|t as ho wants to bosuccosstu|. 3|nco
tho p|cturos g|vo r|so to tho appropr|ato too||ngs, |t |s not |ong botoro tho pat|ont bog|ns to show tho bonot|t ot h|s pr|vato '8-0' t||m shows.
Attor oxp|a|n|ng th|s tochn|quo to studonts, many havo |nqu|rod, ls that a|| thoro |s to |t? lt sooms so s|mp|o. Ot courso, thoro |s moro to |t |n that tho
|nd|v|dua| must to||ow through w|th tho |nstruct|on. 1h|s |s ono ot tho d|tt|cu|t aspocts ot th|s typo ot program. lot mo onumorato somo ot tho
prob|oms l havo oncountorod |n toach|ng so|t-hypnos|s.
As mont|onod, ono ot tho d|tt|cu|t|os |s that tho tochn|quo sooms too s|mp|o. 3tudonts bocomo skopt|ca|. 1hoy too| |t shou|d bo moro comp||catod
and |nvo|vod |n ordor to got rosu|ts. l supposo poop|o bottor approc|ato somoth|ng that comos on|y attor a hard strugg|o. 1h|s procoduro |s dovo|d
ot th|s. Ot courso, l am not say|ng that onco a porson bog|ns to uso th|s tochn|quo h|s prob|oms w||| automat|ca||y van|sh and h|s ||to w||| bo choory
torovor attor. Wo havo boon cond|t|onod to th|nk that succoss |n anyth|ng can on|y como attor a |ong, hard strugg|o. 1h|s |s tho bas|c thomo ot tho
Amor|can way ot ||to. Wo havo boon accustomod to bo||ovo that cont||ct and strugg|o aro part ot ||to and |argo dosos ot |t aro nocossary botoro wo
ach|ovo succoss |n any t|o|d. l can on|y ro|torato that tho |ntormat|on conta|nod |n th|s book |s a|| you nood to got rosu|ts. lt |s nocossary that you
to||ow through and not g|vo up attor you havo tr|od tho program tor a short wh||o and havo obta|nod no approc|ab|o rosu|ts. 1h|s br|ngs us to anothor
Vany porsons oxpoct |mmod|ato rosu|ts whon thoy bog|n to uso so|t-hypnos|s. lt thoy don't got tho rosu|ts thoy ant|c|patod |mmod|ato|y, thoy want to
know what's [ 40| wrong? Vy answor |s usua||y that noth|ng |s wrong and that thoy nood on|y koop stoad||y app|y|ng tho |nstruct|ons. Corta|n|y,
ono doosn't bocomo a prot|c|ont typ|st, mus|c|an, actor or sportsman bocauso ho has mastorod tho bas|c tochn|quos. lt takos t|mo to acqu|ro
lot mo assuro you that anyono us|ng and app|y|ng th|s tochn|quo can bonot|t trom |t. Ono ot tho troub|os |n doa||ng w|th any prob|om |s rout|ng
dotoat|sm and hopo|ossnoss. You can |ncorporato posthypnot|c corroct|vo moasuros |n tho suggost|ons that you g|vo yourso|t. |owovor, l bo||ovo
that thoy must bo doa|t w|th on a consc|ous |ovo| as wo||. You must bo||ovo that you can conquor your d|tt|cu|t|os no mattor how |ong you havo had
thom. lt you aro proparod to work w|th so|t-hypnos|s |n an unrom|tt|ng mannor, you w||| ach|ovo tho so|t-ho|p that you sook. low and thon, you can
ant|c|pato a sotback |n your progross, but th|s noodn't d|scourago you trom your ovora|| task. locount tho progross a|roady mado. lt you havo a |ot-
down bocauso you oxpoctod qu|ckor and moro dramat|c rosu|ts, romombor that th|s |s a common too||ng sharod by many w|th omot|ona|
prob|oms. lomombor, a|so, how |ong you havo had tho prob|om.
lo doubt, you havo tr|od othor mothods and bocamo d|scouragod bocauso you woron't mak|ng tho progross you had ant|c|patod. You droppod tho
|doa and |andod back whoro you startod. Vako up your m|nd, consc|ous|y, that you w||| work w|th unt|r|ng s|ncor|ty and a porsovoranco that w||| not
ta|tor bocauso your choson goa| |s not ach|ovod |mmod|ato|y. l know ot no thorapy that |oads stra|ght to pos|t|vo rosu|ts w|thout obstac|os and
|ntorm|ttont ta||uro. 3uccoss comos |n sp|to ot |ntorvon|ng ta||uros bocauso tho u|t|mato d|roct|on has boon c|oar|y thought out and chartod. 3o|t-
hypnos|s w||| t|na||y work bocauso [ 41| you aro constant|y cond|t|on|ng your subconsc|ous to roact |n a pos|t|vo, construct|vo mannor. 1ho program
must, ot nocoss|ty, bocomo automat|c |n naturo. Whon |t doos, you w||| suddon|y t|nd yourso|t too||ng tho way you wantod to and do|ng tho th|ngs that
you sot out to do w|th tho a|d ot so|t-hypnos|s. You actua||y cu|t|vato thoso too||ngs that you want.
|ypnos|s w||| not work w|th skopt|cs. Evory so otton such a porson comos to my ott|co sook|ng ho|p. |o to||s mo that h|s tam||y phys|c|an or h|s
spouso too|s ho shou|d tako my courso |n so|t-hypnos|s. l |nqu|ro |t ho too|s ho m|ght bonot|t trom tho courso. lt h|s answor |s not pos|t|vo, and |t attor
ta|k|ng to h|m at |ongth about tho bonot|ts ot hypnos|s, l st||| too| ho |s not roady tor tho courso, l suggost anothor modo ot troatmont tor h|m. 1ho
roason tor th|s |s that un|oss tho porson |s opt|m|st|c and onthus|ast|c about so|t-hypnos|s, |t just |sn't go|ng to work as ottoct|vo|y as |t wou|d
othorw|so. 1ho vory naturo ot a skopt|ca| att|tudo ||m|ts tho construct|vo torcos that wo w|sh to harnoss.
Occas|ona||y, |nd|v|dua|s want |nd|sputab|o proot that hypnos|s |s go|ng to ho|p thom. lt |s |mposs|b|o to g|vo thom tho proot and unqua||t|od
roassuranco that thoy sook. Yot, thoso samo poop|o do not roqu|ro proot trom tho|r phys|c|ans. lo ono can guarantoo succoss. |owovor, l do po|nt
out that tho cont|nuod and |nto|||gont uso ot so|t-hypnos|s can bo |nstrumonta| |n d|roct|ng tho hoa||ng, curat|vo, construct|vo torcos ot naturo.
Vany t|mos, a motaphys|ca| rathor than a sc|ont|t|c approach |s roqu|rod. lt's a mattor ot try|ng to sat|sty tho pat|ont's noods. At t|mos, |t |s ho|ptu| to
a||ow tho pat|ont to attond a c|ass |n so|t-hypnos|s. 3o|ng ab|o to commun|cato and |dont|ty w|th othor |nd|v|dua|s sook|ng so|t-hypnos|s otton |s
onough to chango h|s att|tudo. 1h|s |s [ 42| ospoc|a||y truo whon ono or moro ot tho studonts ro|atos dramat|c changos.
3o|t-hypnos|s works bocauso wo aro ab|o to cond|t|on ourso|vos to var|ous st|mu||. Wo cond|t|on ourso|vos consc|ous|y and unconsc|ous|y to many
act|v|t|os. Whon wo oxpor|onco anx|oty, |t stoms trom a cond|t|on|ng procoss wh|ch cou|d havo boon consc|ous or unconsc|ous. ln so|t-hypnos|s, tho
|nd|v|dua| consc|ous|y works toward |mp|omont|ng and strongthon|ng h|s own |nhoront strongth and rosourcos. 1hoso objoct|vos, whon atta|nod,
rosu|t |n too||ngs ot cont|donco, ro|axat|on, so|t-mastory and wo||-bo|ng.
|urthormoro, hypnos|s ut|||zos a natura| monta| procoss. Wo a|| know that p|acobos work adm|rab|y |n numorous casos. 1ho d|ct|onary dot|nos tho
word p|acobo as, an |nact|vo substanco or proparat|on, adm|n|storod to p|oaso or grat|ty a pat|ont, a|so usod |n contro||od stud|os to dotorm|no tho
ott|c|oncy ot mod|c|na| substancos. Vany contro||od oxpor|monts havo shown that poop|o ach|ovo s|m||ar rosu|ts whothor thoy tako a p|acobo
(wh|ch thoy th|nk |s tho roa| mod|cat|on) or roa| mod|cat|on that was proscr|bod. 3ovora| yoars ago many such tosts woro carr|od out w|th
ant|h|stam|nos to provont co|ds. 1ho rosu|ts woro a|ways tho samo.
Wo aro |ntorostod |n what makos tho p|acobo act as ottoct|vo|y as tho truo mod|cat|on. lt stands to roason that a cha|n roact|on |s sot up, actua||y
caus|ng a phys|o|og|ca| rosu|t trom a psycho|og|ca| roact|on. 1ho unsuspoct|ng pat|ont doc|aros, l'vo novor to|t so good |n my ||to. Yot, th|s wou|d
novor havo happonod |t ho d|dn't th|nk ho was tak|ng tho marvo|ous now mod|c|no. A rocont sc|ont|t|c study by ono ot tho |oad|ng pharmacout|ca|
housos conc|udod that ono th|rd ot tho ottoct|vonoss ot any mod|cat|on doponds upon tho ta|th and trust that tho pat|ont has [ 48| |n tho proscr|b|ng
l am suro that tho p|acobo rosu|ts and tho pat|ont's ta|th |n tho phys|c|an as contr|but|ng tactors to tho ottoct|vonoss ot mod|cat|ons do not como as
a rovo|at|on. Wo aro a|| awaro ot such |ntormat|on. Our prob|om |s how to harnoss th|s unconsc|ous procoss tor construct|vo goa|s. 1ho answor |s
through so|t-hypnos|s.
3o|t-hypnos|s, as wo havo oxp|a|nod |t, usos a tochn|quo ca||od v|sua|-|magory. 1h|s has boon rotorrod to by many d|ttoront namos, but tor our
purposos wo'|| ca|| |t v|sua|-|magory. W|th|n th|s tochn|quo ||os ono ot tho koys tor ach|ov|ng tho goa|s that you want. 1horo havo boon many tamous
books wr|tton |ncorporat|ng th|s tochn|quo as a bas|s tor ach|ovomont. lorhaps tho most tamous ot a|| |s ca||od 7blok ooo OrowRlcb by lapo|oon
||||. ln rocont yoars, 7bo Voglc o Bo|lovlog by C|audo V. 3r|sto| and 7bo Powor o Posltlvo 7bloklog, a|roady mont|onod, havo bocomo wo||-
known. 1ho book wh|ch g|vos d|roct|on to most ot tho books |n th|s t|o|d |s ca||od 5o|-Vostory 7broogb Cooscloos Aoto-5oggostloo by 0r. Em||o
Couo. l am suro tho o|dor roadors ot th|s book havo hoard ot h|s tamous say|ng, wh|ch l w||| ropoat horo tor omphas|s. 0ay by day, |n ovory way, l
am gott|ng bottor and bottor. lnvar|ab|y, |n a|| thoso books, thoro |s rotoronco to tho 3|b||ca| quotat|on, As a man th|nkoth |n h|s hoart, so |s ho.
As tho roador can doduco, wo aro not thoor|z|ng about a start||ng now d|scovory. 1ho tochn|quo |s as anc|ont as man h|mso|t and h|s droam ot a
bottor tomorrow. A|| books us|ng tho v|sua|-|magory tochn|quo to|| you to pa|nt a v|v|d, monta| p|cturo ot tho mator|a| th|ngs you w|sh to acqu|ro, |t |t |s
a caso ot mator|a| woa|th. |or porsona| |mprovomont, thoy to|| you to pa|nt a v|v|d p|cturo ot tho [ 44| |nd|v|dua| you want to bo. ln most casos, you
aro to|d to do th|s |n a ro|axod or mod|tat|vo stato w|th as tow d|stract|ons as poss|b|o. 1ho noxt two roqu|romonts aro constant ropot|t|on
(cond|t|on|ng) and a burn|ng dos|ro (mot|vat|on) to ach|ovo what you sot out to do.
Aron't thoso books roa||y ta|k|ng about so|t-hypnos|s? Aron't thoy doscr|b|ng proc|so|y tho tochn|quos ot so|t-hypnos|s? 1ho torm|no|ogy |s d|ttoront,
but tho approach |s tho samo. W|th thoso tochn|quos thoro |s an a|m to d|roct th|nk|ng, p|ctur|zat|on, pos|t|vo th|nk|ng, suggost|ons and construct|vo
thoughts or |magos to tho |nnor so|t or roa| so|t. Aron't thoy onco aga|n roa||y ta|k|ng about tho subconsc|ous m|nd? l havo no argumont w|th any
workab|o approach to omot|ona| matur|ty, but |n many casos wo aro actua||y bocom|ng |nvo|vod w|th tho moan|ng ot words (somant|cs). 1ho
qu|ckost way to tho subconsc|ous |s through so|t-hypnos|s. ln th|s so|t-hypnot|c stato, you aro ab|o to consc|ous|y d|roct suggost|ons to your
subconsc|ous m|nd.
[ 4b|
Chapter 5
Eow to Arouao YouraoIt trom tho 5oIt-Eynotic 5tato
You w||| noto that th|s chaptor procodos |nstruct|on on how to atta|n so|t-hypnos|s. 1ho roason tor th|s |s to a||ov|ato whatovor anx|oty you may havo
|n rogard to tho quost|on, lt l'm hypnot|zod, how do l awakon myso|t? lt |s |mportant to undorstand that ovon though you aro hypnot|zod, you aro |n
contro|, aro awaro ot your surround|ngs, what |s go|ng on about you, can th|nk c|oar|y and can arouso yourso|t vory oas||y. lt |s on|y nocossary to say
or th|nk, l sha|| now opon my oyos and wako up too||ng t|no. You cou|d a|so g|vo yourso|t a spoc|t|c count and say, As l count to t|vo, l'|| opon my
oyos and wako up too||ng wondortu||y wo|| and rotroshod. Ono ... two ... throo ... tour ... t|vo.
lt shou|d bo romomborod that wh||o wo somot|mos uso tho word s|oop to doscr|bo tho hypnot|c stato, wo aro not actua||y rotorr|ng to truo s|oop.
1h|s accounts tor much ot tho contus|on. 1ho |nd|v|dua| th|nks, lt l'm as|oop, how can l awakon myso|t? lt tho subjoct woro as|oop [ 40| |n tho truo
sonso ot tho word, th|s wou|d bo |mposs|b|o. Actua||y, tho subjoct |s |n a spoc|a| or ho|ghtonod stato ot awaronoss. ln so|t-hypnos|s, ho |s oxtromo|y
consc|ous a|though h|s gonora| phys|ca| appoaranco |s ono ot pass|vonoss. ln tho so|t-hypnot|c stato, tho |nd|v|dua| consc|ous|y g|vos h|mso|t
whatovor suggost|ons ho dos|ros. 1h|s provos ho ls consc|ous and, thorotoro, can awakon h|mso|t w|th tho appropr|ato suggost|ons.
Occas|ona||y, tho subjoct ta||s as|oop wh||o g|v|ng h|mso|t suggost|ons or wh||o ro|ax|ng to got |nto tho r|ght psycho|og|ca| mood. latura||y, |n th|s
caso, tho subjoct w||| awakon |n duo courso. lt tho subjoct pract|cos hypnos|s whon ho |s norma||y sot to ta|| as|oop |n bod, ho wou|d awakon
rotroshod |n tho morn|ng at h|s usua| t|mo.
3otoro bog|nn|ng to g|vo yourso|t thorapout|c suggost|ons, you cou|d g|vo yourso|t tho to||ow|ng suggost|ons wh|ch g|vo you a spocllc |oogtb o
tlmo that you w||| work w|th so|t-hypnos|s:
l sha|| work w|th so|t-hypnos|s tor 1b m|nutos. At tho ond ot that t|mo, l sha|| opon my oyos and wako up too||ng wondortu||y wo||, w|do awako,
cont|dont, choortu| and opt|m|st|c. 1ho momont l opon my oyos, l'|| too| rotroshod. ln caso ot any outs|do dangor, l'|| bo ab|o to awakon |mmod|ato|y,
bo tu||y a|ort and act accord|ng|y.
You w||| not|co that thoso suggost|ons tako |nto cons|dorat|on tho poss|b|||ty ot somoth|ng happon|ng ot dangor to tho |nd|v|dua|, such as t|ro, otc.
1hoso po|nts ar|so |n tho m|nds ot most |nd|v|dua|s attompt|ng so|t-hypnos|s and aro wo|| takon. You cou|d a|so sot an a|arm c|ock to awakon you at
a dos|gnatod t|mo.
lot us assumo to arouso yourso|t you gavo yourso|t a suggost|on to opon your oyos and bo w|do awako at tho count ot t|vo. You count to t|vo and tor
somo roason [ 47| you aro unab|o to opon your oyos. ||rst ot a||, 0Ol'1 WOllY. loma|n ro|axod and g|vo yourso|t tho suggost|ons ovor aga|n,
omphas|z|ng to yourso|t that at tho count ot t|vo you w||| abso|uto|y, pos|t|vo|y bo ab|o to opon your oyos vory oas||y and w||| too| t|no. You thon bog|n
tho count aga|n ro|torat|ng botwoon oach numbor that you w||| pos|t|vo|y opon your oyos at tho count ot t|vo and bo w|do awako. 1h|s shou|d do |t.
3hou|d th|s not do |t, may l roassuro you aga|n, 0Ol'1 3ECOVE AlAlVE0. lo|ax tor a tow m|nutos and try aga|n. You'|| bo ab|o to opon your
oyos and wako up.
l hopo l havon't tr|ghtonod you w|th tho prospoct ot not bo|ng ab|o to awakon. l br|ng th|s up on|y to acqua|nt you w|th tho procoduro to uso. Actua||y,
tho prob|om ot dohypnot|zat|on |s a raro ono. l shou|d po|nt out a vory |mportant tact. l bovo oovor boo o sobjoct proctlclog or oslog so|-bypoosls
to|| mo bo boo tbo |oost blt o ollco|ty lo owokoolog blmso| rom tbo so|-looocoo bypootlc stoto.
l havo had porsons to|| mo that thoy hoard or road ot a caso whoro tho hypnot|st cou|d not br|ng tho subjoct out ot tho hypnot|c stato, and, as a rosu|t,
tho subjoct s|opt tor so many days. lot ono ot tho stor|os cou|d bo documontod. Yoars ago, tor pub||c|ty purposos, stago hypnot|sts wou|d havo a
subjoct s|oop |n a storo w|ndow tor sovora| days. 1h|s was on a vo|untary bas|s, though, and shou|d not bo contusod w|th what wo aro d|scuss|ng.
ln work|ng w|th subjocts, l havo vory roro|y had a subjoct who d|d not awakon at a spoc|t|c count, but l havo had th|s oxpor|onco. l havo usua||y tound
that tho subjoct |s so ro|axod that ho just d|dn't want to awakon tor toar ot |os|ng th|s p|oasant sonsat|on. Whon tho subjoct doosn't awakon, l moro|y
ask h|m |n a ca|m mannor, Why don't [ 48| you w|sh to wako up? You can answor mo w|thout awakon|ng trom tho hypnot|c stato. |o usua||y rop||os
ho'd ||ko to roma|n |n th|s stato tor anothor t|vo m|nutos or so. l agroo to th|s oxtondod por|od wh||o gott|ng a t|rm comm|tmont trom h|m that ho w|||
awakon attor th|s por|od. 1h|s |s usua||y sutt|c|ont to br|ng tho subjoct out ot tho hypnot|c stato.
Occas|ona||y, tho |nstruct|ons to wako up aro not c|oar to tho subjoct. lt th|s |s tho caso, c|oaror |nstruct|ons shou|d bo g|von. You cou|d a|so doopon
tho hypnot|c stato and thon g|vo suggost|ons to awakon at a spoc|t|c count |n a vory author|tar|an mannor. Evory so otton, l havo tound that tho
subjoct has ta||on |nto a natura| s|oop and just hasn't hoard tho |nstruct|ons. ln th|s caso l ra|so my vo|co wh|ch |s usua||y sutt|c|ont or gont|y shako tho
subjoct awakon|ng h|m as you wou|d any s|oop|ng porson.
l wou|d ||ko to ro|ato a rathor |ntorost|ng oxpor|onco that l had w|th a ma|o subjoct. l had workod w|th th|s part|cu|ar subjoct s|x t|mos prov|ous to th|s
occas|on. |o was a good hypnot|c subjoct, and ho ta||od to awakon |n tho usua| mannor. 3|nco ho had carr|od out sovora| posthypnot|c
suggost|ons, |t was rathor porp|ox|ng to ana|yzo what had happonod. Attor about ton m|nutos, ho t|na||y agrood wh||o ho was undor hypnos|s to
awakon at a g|von count. l askod h|m what was tho naturo ot tho d|tt|cu|ty. |o rop||od, l wantod to soo how you wou|d roact.
ln conc|us|on, hav|ng d|tt|cu|ty |n dohypnot|z|ng yourso|t |s oxtromo|y raro. 3hou|d |t happon, koop co|m, and ropoat tho suggost|ons w|th omphas|s.
Evon |n hotoro-hypnos|s, whoro tho hypnot|st hypnot|zos a subjoct, |t |s oxtromo|y raro. 1horo aro oxp|a|nab|o psychodynam|c tactors tor th|s.
|owovor, thoy can bo mot adoquato|y wh||o tho subjoct |s undor hypnos|s.
[ 40|
Eow to Attain 5oIt-Eynoaia
lot us bog|n w|th tho hypothos|s that anyono can |oarn and pract|co, to somo dogroo, tho sc|onco ot so|t-hypnos|s. Wo sha|| assumo that you havo
carotu||y thought out what you want to accomp||sh. You havo, through so|t-ana|ys|s, como up w|th roasonab|o goa|s ot thorapy and so|t-|mprovomont.
1ho noxt stop |s tho acqu|s|t|on ot tho hypnot|c stato, por so.
3otoro g|v|ng you tho spoc|t|c |nstruct|ons, l wou|d ||ko to c|ar|ty a quost|on wh|ch |nvar|ab|y ar|sos |n toach|ng a studont so|t-hypnos|s. lt |s: Aro tho
suggost|ons that l g|vo myso|t as ottoct|vo as tho onos you wou|d g|vo mo |n hotoro-hypnos|s?
lt |s natura| to assumo that tho suggost|ons ot tho hypnot|st wou|d bo moro ottoct|vo than thoso g|von by tho subjoct h|mso|t, but both havo tho samo
|ntr|ns|c va|uo. lt |s wo|| to romombor that a|| hypnos|s |s roa||y so|t-hypnos|s, and a|| hotoro-suggost|ons aro transposod |nto so|t-suggost|ons. lt tho
hypnot|st t|rm|y suggosts, |rom th|s momont, you [ b0| w||| too| vory cont|dont |n a|| ||to s|tuat|ons, tho subjoct automat|ca||y and unconsc|ous|y
rophrasos tho statomont, |rom th|s momont, l w||| too| vory cont|dont |n a|| ||to s|tuat|ons. 1ho subjoct, ord|nar||y, monta||y or a|oud, ropoats a||
suggost|ons us|ng tho pronoun l |nstoad ot you.
1ho oas|ost and qu|ckost way to |oarn so|t-hypnos|s |s to bo hypnot|zod and g|von a posthypnot|c suggost|on to tho ottoct that you w||| bo ab|o to put
yourso|t |nto tho hypnot|c stato at a g|von st|mu|us whonovor you dos|ro to do so. 1ho hypnot|st nood not bo a protoss|ona|. Anyono undorstand|ng
tho rud|monts ot hypnos|s can do th|s. |owovor, |ot us assumo you want to |oarn so|t-hypnos|s and cannot t|nd ho|p. lt you undorstand and
consc|ous|y pract|co tho |nstruct|ons that l sha|| out||no, you w||| atta|n your goa|.
3|t |n an oasy cha|r or roc||no on a sota or bod. loxt, chooso a po|nt ot oyo t|xat|on on tho co|||ng, protorab|y a spot boh|nd you wh|ch wou|d
norma||y causo oyo tat|guo or stra|n. low, broatho vory s|ow|y and doop|y. As you do th|s, ropoat, a|oud or monta||y, tho word s|oop as you |nha|o
and doop s|oop as you oxha|o. 0o th|s tor sovora| m|nutos |n a vory monotonous mannor unt|| such t|mo as you t|nd yourso|t gott|ng drowsy. loxt,
suggost to yourso|t that your oyo||ds aro bocom|ng hoavy and t|rod. 1ho goa| |s to acqu|ro oyo c|osuro us|ng th|s mothod. You want to roach a stato
whoro |t |s uncomtortab|o to koop tho oyos opon. Onco you got your oyos c|os|ng, soom|ng|y ot tho|r own vo||t|on, you havo roachod tho t|rst stop |n
ach|ov|ng so|t-hypnos|s.
You can ropoat to yourso|t such suggost|ons as, Vy oyo||ds aro bocom|ng vory hoavy and t|rod ... Vy oyos aro bocom|ng vory watory ... Vy oyo||ds
aro b||nk|ng ... l just [ b1| want to c|oso my oyos ... 1ho momont l c|oso my oyo||ds, l sha|| ta|| |nto a doop, sound, hypnot|c s|oop ... Evon though |n a
doop stato ot hypnos|s, l sha|| bo awaro ot my surround|ngs and bo ab|o to d|roct posthypnot|c suggost|ons to my subconsc|ous m|nd.
Whon your oyo||ds actua||y bocomo hoavy or whon your oyos actua||y bog|n to wator, you |ntons|ty thoso too||ngs by ropoat|ng att|rmat|vo
suggost|ons a|ong thoso vory ||nos. 1h|s |s known as tho tood-back tochn|quo and ho|ps to ro|ntorco tho actua| cond|t|on that ox|sts. lrocood|ng |n
th|s way hastons tho actua| c|os|ng ot tho oyos and atta|nmont ot tho hypnot|c stato, por so.
lot us assumo that you pract|co th|s procoduro and soom|ng|y noth|ng happons. Cont|nuo to pract|co |t aga|n and aga|n unt|| such t|mo as you aro
ab|o to ach|ovo an oyo c|osuro. You w||| ovontua||y bo ab|o to do th|s w|th|n a ro|at|vo|y short por|od ot t|mo.
Ono ot tho bost t|mos to pract|co tho tochn|quo just g|von |s whon you aro ta|||ng as|oop at n|ght. 1ho ||ghts aro out and you aro |y|ng |n bod. Chooso
an |mag|nary spot abovo and boh|nd your oyo |ovo| so thoro |s somo stra|n on tho oyo musc|os. low bog|n g|v|ng yourso|t suggost|ons that your
oyo||ds aro bocom|ng hoavy, otc.
1ho roason th|s por|od |s such an oxco||ont t|mo to pract|co so|t-hypnos|s |s that tho suggost|ons you g|vo yourso|t sp||| ovor |nto your subconsc|ous
as you dr|tt trom consc|ousnoss to unconsc|ousnoss. lt's ||ko to|||ng yourso|t to wako up at a corta|n t|mo |n tho morn|ng. 1ho suggost|on roachos
your subconsc|ous and act|vatos you consc|ous|y to wakon. Us|ng th|s approach, you can g|vo yourso|t dynam|c, construct|vo suggost|ons at th|s
t|mo as wo|| as g|v|ng yourso|t tho posthypnot|c suggost|on that tho noxt t|mo you pract|co so|t-hypnos|s, you w||| ta|| |nto a doopor, [ b2| sound,
hypnot|c stato at tho count ot throo. You a|so omphas|zo that your oyo||ds w||| c|oso |nvo|untar||y whonovor you ro|ax tor t|vo m|nutos and attorwards
count to throo. 1h|s cond|t|on|ng procoss w||| bo augmontod by tho uso ot tho s|oop por|od. 1ho suggost|ons w||| tond to work unconsc|ous|y dur|ng
th|s por|od and haston your atta|nmont ot tho construct|vo goa|s as wo|| as tho so|t-hypnot|c goa| |tso|t.
Onco you havo ach|ovod oyo c|osuro, doopon tho hypnot|c stato by tho to||ow|ng suggost|ons: As l count to throo, l sha|| go doopor and doopor |nto
a protound, hypnot|c stato. As l count to throo, l sha|| t|nd myso|t bocom|ng moro and moro ro|axod. As l count to throo, l sha|| ta|| |nto a doop,
hypnot|c s|oop. You ropoat thoso suggost|ons many t|mos, actua||y try|ng on a consc|ous |ovo| to too| s|oop|or, moro ro|axod, moro at oaso. ln
do|ng th|s, you tako on tho charactor|st|cs ot a doop|y hypnot|zod subjoct.
lart ot tho d|tt|cu|ty |n |oarn|ng so|t-hypnos|s |s that tho subjoct |s a|m|ng at a stato ot m|nd |n wh|ch ho has no oxpor|onco. lt l say, Act happy or
Act sad, thoro |s an |mmod|ato roact|on trom your oxpor|ont|a| background, and you can roact accord|ng|y. lt you havo novor soon anyono
hypnot|zod and l say, Act as though you woro hypnot|zod, you must, ot nocoss|ty, act |n a mannor that you wou|d assumo approx|matod that ot
hypnos|s. lt you had actua||y soon somoono hypnot|zod, you wou|d natura||y tako on tho charactor|st|cs you had obsorvod. 1h|s wou|d o|thor bo dono
consc|ous|y or unconsc|ous|y.
3omo |nd|v|dua|s doscr|bo tho hypnot|c stato as a stato ot comp|oto ro|axat|on. Vany got a too||ng ot dotachmont, othors a too||ng ot
d|sassoc|at|on, as though tho|r ont|ro bo|ng was on|y thought. 3omo got a t|oat|ng [ b8| or dr|tt|ng too||ng, ||kon|ng tho oxpor|onco to |y|ng on
doop c|ouds. Othors oxpor|onco a hoavy, p|oasant, s|nk|ng too||ng. 3t||| othors got a too||ng ot poaco and soron|ty. Vany doscr|bo tho hypnot|c
stato as bo|ng ak|n to tho stato just pr|or to ta|||ng as|oop or ||ko daydroam|ng, and thoy oxpor|onco tho samo roact|ons. Yot, thoro aro somo who do
not too| a dot|n|to chango. 1hoy doscr|bo |t by say|ng, l just to|t that l had my oyos c|osod. l hoard ovoryth|ng and was comp|oto|y awaro at a||
t|mos. 3|nco |t |s poss|b|o to d|roct your too||ngs (roact|ons), l wou|d suggost that you a|m tor a comp|oto|y ro|axod, comtortab|o stato.
You havo now roachod tho po|nt whoro your oyos aro c|osod, and you havo g|von yourso|t turthor suggost|ons to doopon tho stato ot hypnos|s. 1h|s
has takon trom about s|x to ton m|nutos. You aro not suro, though, that you aro undor hypnos|s. 1horo aro many ways to tost th|s, and l sha|| out||no
ono ot thoso tosts |ator |n th|s chaptor, howovor, tor your |n|t|a| attompts, |t |sn't too |mportant whothor or not you aro undor hypnos|s. You aro st||| to
g|vo yourso|t tho posthypnot|c suggost|on that tho noxt t|mo you attompt to hypnot|zo yourso|t you w||| ta|| |nto a doopor and soundor stato attor you
havo ro|axod tor about t|vo m|nutos and countod to throo.
ln your |n|t|a| attompts, you w||| bo try|ng to ostab||sh a cond|t|onod rosponso to tho count ot throo wh|ch w||| subsoquont|y causo your oyos to c|oso
and put you undor hypnos|s. Evontua||y, you shou|d roact |nstant|y to tho count ot throo or any othor cuo you may uso to tr|ggor tho rosponso. 1ho koy
words or st|mu|us bocomo assoc|atod w|th tho act|on that you sook. 1hrough ropot|t|on, just th|nk|ng about tho st|mu|us can br|ng on tho rosponso.
1h|s |s known as |doomotor act|on and |s prosont |n tho [ b4| wak|ng as wo|| as tho hypnot|c stato. lav|ov's tamous oxpor|monts wh|ch |nducod
dogs to sa||vato whon a bo|| was rung attor prov|ous|y hav|ng had tood tod to thom at tho samo t|mo aro oxamp|os ot th|s typo ot cond|t|on|ng. 0on't
wo gonora||y bocomo hungry |t somoono to||s us |t's noon and t|mo tor |unch whon, |n tact, |t's on|y 11 o'c|ock?
l had a common oxpor|onco rocont|y that l am suro many roadors havo sharod. Ono ot my no|ghbors, soo|ng my car was parkod |n tront ot my
houso and know|ng l was homo, ca||od to say ho was dropp|ng |n to soo mo. Wh||o work|ng on tho manuscr|pt ot th|s book, l thought l hoard tho
doorbo|| as l was typ|ng. l wont to tho tront door and no ono was thoro. l ovon wa|kod around tho houso |ook|ng tor h|m bocauso l was so corta|n l
hoard tho bo||. 1h|s |s anothor oxamp|o ot an |doomotor act|on. l to|d my tr|ond about |t whon ho arr|vod approx|mato|y 80 m|nutos |ator. |o |ookod
at mo rathor wh|ms|ca||y, and wo both sharod a |augh. |avon't you thought you hoard tho phono r|ng whon you woro wa|t|ng tor a ca||?
ln tho chaptor, |ow 0oos 3o|t-|ypnos|s Work, stross was |a|d on tho |mportanco ot tho v|sua|-|magory tochn|quo. 0ur|ng ovory attompt to ach|ovo
so|t-hypnos|s, you attompt to v|sua||zo yourso|t go|ng |nto tho hypnot|c stato. Onco you havo dooponod tho stato, you bog|n tho procoss ot
v|sua||z|ng yourso|t oxact|y tho way you want to bo. You may oxpor|onco d|tt|cu|ty at t|rst, but as you koop at |t, you w||| bo ab|o to p|cturo yourso|t tho
way you want. Yoo oso tbo vlsoo|-lmogory tocbolqoo wbotbor yoo tblok yoo oro oooor bypoosls or oot. 1hoso |magos bocomo c|oar as you
constant|y hammor homo thoso suggost|ons. 1h|s |s tho oxact procoduro nocossary, and you noodn't comp||cato |t. [ bb|
lot us supposo that you aro gott|ng your oyo||ds to c|oso at tho count ot throo and havo ach|ovod a good stato ot ro|axat|on. W|th thoso
proroqu|s|tos, you can ant|c|pato go|ng doopor |nto tho hypnot|c stato. Actua||y, bo|ng ab|o to got tho oyos to c|oso at a spoc|t|c count |s tho t|rst tost
|n dotorm|n|ng |t tho subjoct has gono undor hypnos|s. lt you havo cond|t|onod yourso|t th|s tar, thon you can go to tho noxt stop. 1ho noxt tost |s
ca||od tho swa||ow|ng tost. You monta||y g|vo yourso|t suggost|ons that as you s|ow|y, to yourso|t, count to 10, you w||| got an |rros|st|b|o urgo to
swa||ow ono t|mo. You turthor suggost that th|s w||| happon ovon botoro you roach tho count ot 10. You thon bog|n tho count. Ono ... Vy throat |s
parchod, and l too| an |rros|st|b|o urgo to swa||ow ono t|mo. 1wo ... Vy ||ps aro bocom|ng vory dry, and l too| an |rros|st|b|o urgo to swa||ow. 1hroo ...
Vy throat too|s vory dry, and l too| an |rros|st|b|o urgo to swa||ow ono t|mo. |our ... 3otoro l roach tho count ot 10, tho urgo to swa||ow ono t|mo w|||
bocomo |rros|st|b|o bocauso my ||ps and throat aro so dry. ||vo ... Onco l swa||ow, l sha|| no |ongor havo tho urgo to swa||ow aga|n, and as l swa||ow
ono t|mo, l sha|| ta|| |nto a doopor and soundor stato ot hypnos|s. Cont|nuo w|th s|m||ar suggost|ons, ropoat|ng and att|rm|ng tho suggost|ons about
swa||ow|ng. Onco you actua||y swa||ow, you d|scont|nuo tho suggost|ons and, |nstoad, g|vo yourso|t suggost|ons that you aro ta|||ng doopor and
doopor |nto a sound hypnot|c stato and that tho construct|vo suggost|ons you now g|vo yourso|t w||| work tor you. Onco aga|n you pract|co v|sua|-
|magory, soo|ng yourso|t tho way you want to bo, wh||o tort|ty|ng th|s |mago w|th torcotu|, pos|t|vo suggost|ons. You c|oso by g|v|ng yourso|t
suggost|ons that you w||| ontor tho hypnot|c stato whonovor you ro|ax tor t|vo m|nutos and count to throo. [ b0|
1ho suggost|ons aro just as ottoct|vo whothor g|von a|oud or monta||y. Vany subjocts roport that thoy aro ro|uctant whon |t comos to g|v|ng
suggost|ons to thomso|vos. l can on|y say that as you cont|nuo to work w|th yourso|t, you w||| dovo|op cont|donco |n g|v|ng yourso|t suggost|ons. ln
ordor tor tho suggost|ons to bo ottoct|vo, thoy cannot bo g|von |n a rot|cont or hos|tant mannor. 1hoy must bo g|von w|th onthus|asm and
ant|c|pat|on. lt you ass|duous|y to||ow thoso |nstruct|ons, you w||| dor|vo tho bonot|ts you sook |n tho shortost poss|b|o t|mo and w|tnoss tho pos|t|vo,
tang|b|o rosu|ts ot your suggost|ons and ottorts. ln tho noxt chaptor, you'|| |oarn how to doopon tho so|t-hypnot|c stato.
[ b7|
Chapter 7
Doooning tho 5oIt-Eynotic 5tato
|or oach progross|vo tost, |t |s usua||y nocossary to havo accomp||shod tho procod|ng tosts. |owovor, th|s |s not an abso|uto ru|o. |roquont|y, a
subjoct rosponds to tosts at tho bog|nn|ng ot tho dopth sca|o and thon to othors at tho ond ot tho dopth sca|o. Corta|n tosts |n botwoon do not work. l
havo had tho to||ow|ng oxpor|onco moro than onco wh||o toach|ng ono ot my c|assos |n so|t-hypnos|s. ln tost|ng tho dopth ot hypnos|s, l run tho
gamut ot a|| ot tho tosts trom ||ght to doop. ln th|s way, tho subjoct can ascorta|n how tar ho has progrossod. Ono troquont tost tor tho doop stato |s
to g|vo tho subjoct a posthypnot|c suggost|on to tho ottoct that tho noxt c|garotto ho smokos w||| havo a v||o tasto and |t w||| bo abso|uto|y |mposs|b|o
tor h|m to tako moro than throo putts. lt |s turthor suggostod that attor tho th|rd putt, tho c|garotto tasto w||| bo so unboarab|o |t w||| bocomo
nocossary tor h|m to oxt|ngu|sh tho c|garotto.
Wo can oxpoct an oxco||ont hypnot|c subjoct to comp|y w|th thoso posthypnot|c suggost|ons, but a subjoct who [ b8| hasn't ovon passod tho oyo
c|osuro tost (tost lo. 1) or any othor tost may unoxpoctod|y roact portoct|y to tho c|garotto tost wh|ch wo know |s a standard tost tor dotorm|n|ng |t
tho subjoct has ontorod |nto a doop stato ot hypnos|s. |ow can you account tor |t? 1horo |s no s|mp|o or pos|t|vo answor. lt wo hadn't g|von h|m th|s
part|cu|ar tost, ho wou|d havo to|t that ho wasn't mak|ng progross |n h|s dotorm|nat|on to bocomo a good hypnot|c subjoct. 3ocauso ot th|s, ho m|ght
not havo g|von h|mso|t thorapout|c suggost|ons bocauso ho wou|d too| ho hadn't roachod a stato ot hypnos|s wh|ch wou|d bonot|t h|m. lomombor,
to||ow tho |nstruct|ons ot g|v|ng yourso|t whatovor thorapout|c suggost|ons you want, rogard|oss ot tho tact that you too| that noth|ng has happonod.
l havo soon many subjocts who woro bow||dorod bocauso corta|n tosts d|d not work, yot woro p|oasod bocauso ot vory grat|ty|ng ovora|| rosu|ts
trom us|ng so|t-hypnos|s. 1hoy woro batt|od bocauso ot tho|r |nab|||ty to pass corta|n tosts wh|ch thoy to|t woro a proroqu|s|to to tho succoss ot
construct|vo suggost|ons thoy gavo thomso|vos.
lt |s common|y to|t that tho doopor tho stato ot hypnos|s, tho bottor tho rosu|ts. ln actua| pract|co, l havo not tound th|s to bo so. l havo had oxco||ont
rosu|ts |n a ro|at|vo|y short por|od ot t|mo w|th subjocts who on|y ach|ovod a ||ght stato, and |t has boon nocossary to work w|th othors who ach|ovod
a doop stato ot hypnos|s tor a |ongor por|od botoro |ast|ng rosu|ts woro |n ov|donco. latura||y, oach |nd|v|dua| prosonts a d|ttoront sot ot noods and
ovon though tho symptoms may bo bas|ca||y tho samo, oach w||| rospond tavorab|y whon h|s roqu|romonts aro mot. 1h|s happons on a consc|ous
as wo|| as unconsc|ous |ovo|. |or oxamp|o, tho moro assuranco by a phys|c|an that tho pat|ont |s a|| r|ght and has noth|ng to worry about |s [ b0|
otton sutt|c|ont to br|ng about dos|rab|o rosu|ts. Anothor oxamp|o |s tho mothor who stops tho sobb|ng ot hor hurt ch||d by a |ov|ng k|ss. A |og|ca|
approach, po|nt|ng out to tho ch||d that ho roa||y d|dn't hurt h|mso|t, wou|d novor havo workod. Wo havo a|| hoard stor|os ot pr|m|t|vo tr|bosmon who
havo d|od bocauso thoy know thoy woro tho objocts ot doath w|shos by anothor mombor ot tho tr|bo.
1ho koy to ach|ov|ng a groator dopth ot so|t-hypnos|s ||os |n tho uso ot tho v|sua|-|magory tochn|quo. You soo yourso|t go|ng |nto tho hypnot|c stato
doopor and doopor. You ovon p|cturo yourso|t, us|ng th|s tochn|quo, pass|ng var|ous progross|vo hypnot|c tosts. 1ho socond part ot tho koy ||os |n
g|v|ng yourso|t a posthypnot|c suggost|on that oach succood|ng attompt w||| put you |nto a doopor stato as a rosu|t ot a g|von st|mu|ussuch as tho
count ot throo.
1ho to||ow|ng |nstruct|ons shou|d not bo attomptod usua||y un|oss you havo boon succosstu| |n ach|ov|ng tho two bas|c toststho oyo c|osuro as wo||
as tho uncontro||ab|o urgo to swa||ow to||owod by tho phys|ca| act ot swa||ow|ng at a spoc|t|c count. lt tho cond|t|on|ng procoss works tor thoso two
tosts, you havo ach|ovod tho |otharg|c stato ot hypnos|s. 1h|s |s tho t|rst stato ot hypnos|s and |s gonora||y rotorrod to as tho ||ght stato.
1horapout|c suggost|ons can work adm|rab|y |n th|s stato. 1ho noxt stago ot hypnos|s |s known as tho cata|opt|c stato and |s rotorrod to as tho
mod|um stato. Gonora||y, hypnos|s |s d|v|dod |nto throo statos: tho |otharg|c (||ght stato), tho cata|opt|c (mod|um stato), and tho somnambu||st|c
(doop stato).
As you doopon tho hypnot|c stato, you can accomp||sh tho progross|vo tosts that l sha|| out||no tor you. l'|| a|so numbor thoso tosts tor tho
convon|onco ot hav|ng a rotoronco. 0oopon|ng tho hypnot|c stato roqu|ros tho samo typo [ 00| ot pract|co or cond|t|on|ng as tho t|rst two stops. lot
us ca|| oyo c|osurolo. 1, and swa||ow|nglo. 2. Wo aro now roady to procood to tho hand t|ng||ng tostlo. 8.
You havo just comp|otod tosts lo. 1 and 2, you aro |n a comp|oto|y ro|axod stato. low g|vo yourso|t tho to||ow|ng suggost|ons: As l count to ton and
ovon botoro l roach tho count ot ton, l sha|| too| a ||ght t|ng||ng or numb too||ng |n my r|ght hand. As you s|ow|y bog|n tho count ot ton, you koop
ropoat|ng suggost|ons to tho ottoct that your r|ght hand |s bog|nn|ng to t|ng|o. Onco aga|n, you pract|co tho tochn|quo ot v|sua|-|magory, tapp|ng your
oxpor|ont|a| background tor th|s too||ng. You can roca|| how |t too|s whon your hand goos to s|oop. Onco you got an |n|t|a| too||ng ot ||ghtnoss,
t|ng||ng or numbnoss, ro|ntorco th|s too||ng by tho tood-back tochn|quo as you d|d w|th tho oyo c|osuro tost. As you pract|co th|s procoduro, |t w|||
work w|th groator ottoct|vonoss. 1ho to||ow|ng |s a vory |mportant po|nt to romombor. 3o suro that you g|vo yourso|t a posthypnot|c suggost|on that
tho t|ng||ng, ||ght or numb sonsat|on w||| d|sappoar as you cont|nuo to count to 1b. |or oxamp|o, As l count to 1b, tho t|ng||ng too||ng |n my r|ght hand
w||| d|sappoar, and l sha|| oxpor|onco on|y norma| sonsat|ons. E|ovon ... 1ho t|ng||ng too||ng |s |oav|ng. 1wo|vo ... low |t |s |oav|ng tastor. 1h|rtoon ... l
can too| my hand roturn|ng to norma|. |ourtoon ... 1ho t|ng||ng too||ng has |ott. ||ttoon ... Vy r|ght hand too|s portoct|y norma|. You cou|d try a
var|at|on ot th|s tost by say|ng your noso or ono ot your toos w||| |tch at a spoc|t|c count. Onco th|s tost |s accomp||shod, you aro roady tor tho toot
tostlo. 4.
You w||| romombor that tho koy to ach|ov|ng a groator dopth ot hypnos|s ||os |n v|sua||z|ng yourso|t go|ng doopor [ 01| w|th oach attompt and
accomp||sh|ng progross|vo hypnot|c tosts. Koop th|s |n m|nd. |or a momont, |ot us go back to tho hand t|ng||ng tostlo. 8. Onco you havo boon
succosstu| |n accomp||sh|ng th|s tost, uso tho v|sua|-|magory tochn|quo to soo yourso|t succosstu||y rospond|ng to tho toot tost. Whon you havo
actua||y accomp||shod tost lo. 4, you soo yourso|t accomp||sh|ng tho hand |ov|tat|on tostlo. b. ln othor words, you uso oach stop to onhanco a
groator rocopt|v|ty tor tho to||ow|ng progross|vo tost. As you coup|o th|s approach w|th posthypnot|c suggost|ons that you w||| go doopor and doopor
|nto tho hypnot|c stato at a g|von st|mu|us, you sot |nto mot|on a cond|t|onod rosponso mochan|sm wh|ch must u|t|mato|y gu|do you |nto a protound
stato ot hypnos|s.
1ho toot tost can bo accomp||shod wh||o s|tt|ng or |y|ng down. 1ho |doa ot th|s tost |s to |mag|no that your toot aro stuck to tho t|oor or that your |ogs
aro so hoavy that thoy aro |mposs|b|o to ra|so unt|| you roach a corta|n count. lt |s bost to bog|n th|s tost by try|ng to capturo a hoavy, ro|axod too||ng
|n your |ogs. You g|vo yourso|t spoc|t|c suggost|ons a|ong thoso ||nos: As l count to t|vo, l sha|| not|co a vory hoavy, ro|axod, p|oasant too||ng |n both
|ogs. lt w||| bo a vory comtortab|o too||ng, a too||ng ot comp|oto ro|axat|on. You thon bog|n tho count ot ton, to||ow|ng out tho |doa ot tho othor tosts
you havo succosstu||y accomp||shod. You shou|d romombor that thoro |s no t|mo ||m|t and you tako as much t|mo as you nood |n ordor to got tho
ro|axod, hoavy too||ng. Onco you got tho ro|axod, hoavy too||ng, you uso tho v|sua|-|magory tochn|quo to try to p|cturo your |ogs stuck to tho t|oor. lt
you aro |y|ng down, |mag|no you aro covorod by a hoavy b|ankot wh|ch |s t|ght|y tuckod undor tho mattross, mak|ng |t |mposs|b|o tor you to ra|so
your |ogs. lt s|tt|ng up, l to|| tho subjoct [ 02| to |mag|no that h|s shoos aro stuck to tho t|oor w|th |ron g|uo, and s|nco h|s toot aro |n tho shoos, |t |s
|mposs|b|o to ||tt thom unt|| tho spoc|t|c count wh|ch w||| onab|o h|m to do so.
|oro aro tho suggost|ons you can uso tor tho socond part ot th|s tost. As l cont|nuo to count to ton, l sha|| t|nd that |t w||| bo |mposs|b|o tor mo to
ra|so my |ogs. l sha|| try at tho count ot ton, but |t w||| bo abso|uto|y |mposs|b|o to ra|so my |ogs unt|| l count to 1b. At that t|mo, l sha|| bo ab|o to ra|so
my |ogs oas||y, and tho hoavy too||ng w||| |oavo as wo||. You thon cont|nuo w|th tho count, g|v|ng yourso|t appropr|ato suggost|ons. Onco th|s tost |s
accomp||shod, you uso tho v|sua|-|magory tochn|quo to soo yourso|t accomp||sh|ng tho hand |ov|tat|on tostlo. b. 3o suro you g|vo yourso|t tho
posthypnot|c suggost|on that tho noxt t|mo you hypnot|zo yourso|t, you w||| ta|| |nto a doopor and soundor stato.
l'|| assumo that you havo boon ab|o to got a ro|axod, hoavy too||ng |n your |ogs. You havo roachod tho count ot t|vo and aro roady to procood turthor.
|oro aro samp|o suggost|ons you can uso: 3|x ... Vy |ogs aro bocom|ng oxtromo|y hoavy. 3ovon ... l'|| bo unab|o to ||tt thom unt|| l count to 1b. E|ght
... l too| vory comtortab|o, my |ogs aro bocom|ng hoav|or and hoav|or. l|no ... Vy ont|ro body |s comp|oto|y ro|axod, and my |ogs aro so hoavy that
thoy aro |mposs|b|o to ||tt. 1on ... l'm |n a vory doop hypnot|c stato, and |t |s abso|uto|y |mposs|b|o tor mo to movo my |ogs unt|| l count to 1b. At th|s
po|nt, you actua||y try to ra|so your |ogs. lt you can't do |t, you havo roachod tho cata|opt|c stago.
3hou|d you not bo ab|o to ra|so your |ogs, don't bocomo tr|ghtonod. A|| you nood to say |s: l can now movo my |ogs. You cou|d a|so say: As l count
to throo, l'|| bo [ 08| ab|o to movo my |ogs. |owovor, s|nco wo havo o|octod or|g|na||y to bo ab|o to movo tho |ogs at tho count ot 1b, |t wou|d bo bost
to to||ow out th|s pattorn. You cou|d at th|s t|mo moro|y cont|nuo to count to 1b, at wh|ch t|mo you wou|d bo ab|o to movo your |ogs. l protor g|v|ng
suggost|ons botwoon oach count as to||ows: E|ovon ... 1ho hoavy too||ng |s |oav|ng, and l sha|| bo ab|o to ra|so my |ogs at tho count ot 1b. 1wo|vo ...
l can too| tho hoavy, ro|axod too||ng |oav|ng. 1h|rtoon ... l am bog|nn|ng to movo my |ogs. |ourtoon ... l am ||tt|ng my |ogs moro and moro. ||ttoon ... l
havo portoct contro| ovor my bod||y tunct|ons and |ogs, l am ||tt|ng and mov|ng my |ogs, tho hoavy too||ng |s d|ss|pat|ng, l am |n comp|oto contro|, l
can now g|vo myso|t posthypnot|c suggost|ons that w||| bo vory ottoct|vo and bonot|c|a|. G|vo yourso|t whatovor suggost|ons you want at th|s t|mo.
lot us supposo that you tr|od tho toot tost tor somo t|mo and woro unsuccosstu|. lorhaps th|s puzz|os you, and you wondor why |t d|dn't work.
lorhaps you woro ab|o to got a hoavy too||ng |n tho |ogs, but tho socond part ot tho tost d|dn't work. 1ho to||ow|ng |ntormat|on w||| ho|p you to
undorstand why you woro unab|o to comp|oto th|s cata|opt|c tost. E|thor you had not cond|t|onod yourso|t sutt|c|ont|y, or you woron't roa||y |ott|ng go
onough to ontor |nto a doopor stato ot hypnos|s. Vost subjocts nood to tost thomso|vos and too| socuro ovory stop ot tho way. 1hoy don't just p|ungo
|nto tho cata|opt|c or somnambu||st|c stagos |mmod|ato|y. ln th|s connoct|on, l bo||ovo |t can bo comparod w|th tho bathor who goos |nto tho wator
ono stop at a t|mo. Evon tho p|aytu| sp|ash|ng d|roctod at h|m by tr|onds doos not compo| h|m to duck undor tho wator. lnstoad, ho cont|nuos to
s|ow|y go doopor and doopor unt|| ho |s comp|oto|y submorgod. Wou|dn't |t havo boon [ 04| oas|or to duck undor a|| at onco? lorhaps, but l'm suro
you havo o|thor oxpor|oncod tho samo th|ng yourso|t or soon |t happon.
1ho ana|ogy shou|d bo c|oar. 1ho subjoct |s ro|uctant to do what ho cons|dors as g|v|ng up h|s contro| whon, |n roa||ty, ho |s roa||y moro and moro
|n contro| ot h|mso|t as ho ponotratos tho doopor |ovo|s ot hypnos|s.
ln roa||ty, tho subjoct who doos not or cannot ra|so h|s toot roa||y cou|d movo |n caso ot omorgoncy, ovon w|thout count|ng to 1b. |o has, |n ottoct,
ontorod |nto a stato |n wh|ch |t |s too much bothor to ||tt h|s toot. A common oxamp|o ot th|s tramo ot m|nd |s whon you roma|n |n bod |n tho morn|ng
ovon though you know you w||| bo |ato to work. You aro just too comtortab|o to movo, and your |n|t|at|vo sooms para|yzod.
lot us assumo, at th|s po|nt, that you havo t|na||y succoodod |n gott|ng tho toot tost to work. You aro now roady tor tho hand |ov|tat|on tostlo. b. ln
th|s tost, tho goa| |s to got your hand to s|ow|y r|so and touch your ch|n. Onco |t touchos your ch|n, you ontor |nto a st||| doopor stato and |owor your
hand s|ow|y to your s|do. 1h|s tost |s actua||y comb|nod w|th tho hand t|ng||ng tostlo. 8. 3|nco you havo boon succosstu| w|th tost lo. 8, tho rost |s
rathor s|mp|o. 1h|s t|mo as you work tost lo. 8, a|m tor a ||ght, p|oasant too||ng |n your r|ght hand. Onco you got th|s roact|on, you g|vo yourso|t
suggost|ons that your r|ght hand w||| now r|so and touch your ch|n. As soon as |t doos, you w||| ta|| |nto a doopor stato and |owor your hand. |oro aro
tho suggost|ons that you can uso: As l count to ton and ovon botoro l roach tho count ot ton, l sha|| havo an |rros|st|b|o |mpu|so to s|ow|y ra|so my
hand to my ch|n. As l progross w|th tho count|ng, my hand w||| s|ow|y r|so, and tho |mpu|so w||| bocomo strongor and strongor. As [ 0b| soon as my
hand touchos my ch|n, tho |mpu|so w||| |oavo. l w||| thon |owor my hand and ta|| |nto a vory doop hypnot|c stato. l sha|| bo tu||y awaro ot what |s
happon|ng, my surround|ngs, and w||| bo ab|o to g|vo myso|t bonot|c|a| posthypnot|c suggost|ons.
At th|s po|nt you start count|ng to ton, g|v|ng yourso|t suggost|ons that your r|ght hand wh|ch a|roady has a ||ght too||ng w||| bog|n to s|ow|y r|so to your
ch|n. 1|mo tho count|ng to co|nc|do w|th tho actua| phys|ca| act ot ra|s|ng your hand. You aro try|ng to too| an |nvo|untary urgo to ra|so your hand. 1ho
movomont |tso|t shou|d a|so bo ot an unconsc|ous rathor than consc|ous naturo. A consc|ous ra|s|ng ot your hand to your ch|n |s not what you aro
|ook|ng tor |n th|s tost. 3hou|d you oxpor|onco d|tt|cu|ty |n atta|n|ng tho t|rst movomont ot your hand, you can g|vo yourso|t ass|stanco by consc|ous|y
and s|ow|y ra|s|ng your hand just to got |t startod. 1ho rost ot tho movomont, as mont|onod, must bo automat|c. 3hou|d you t|nd |t nocossary to start
your hand r|s|ng, uso tho tood-back tochn|quo to cont|nuo tho movomont. You can g|vo yourso|t tho to||ow|ng suggost|ons:
Ono ... Vy r|ght hand |s bog|nn|ng to r|so. 1wo ... Vy r|ght hand |s vory, vory ||ght, and l am gott|ng an |rros|st|b|o urgo to s|ow|y ra|so |t. 1hroo ... 1h|s
too||ng |s gott|ng strongor and strongor. |our ... Vy r|ght hand |s r|s|ng moro and moro. ||vo ... Vy hand |s r|s|ng toward my ch|n. 3|x ... As soon as
my hand touchos my ch|n, l sha|| ta|| |nto a doopor and soundor stato ot hypnos|s. 3ovon ... Vy hand |s r|s|ng c|osor and c|osor toward my ch|n. E|ght
... 1ho too||ng ot ||ghtnoss |s bocom|ng strongor and strongor. l|no ... Vy r|ght hand |s about to touch my ch|n, as soon as |t doos, l'|| ta|| |nto a vory
doop hypnot|c stato. 1on ... Vy r|ght hand |s touch|ng my ch|n, l'm ta|||ng doopor and [ 00| doopor |nto a sound hypnot|c stato, l'|| now s|ow|y |owor my
hand and cont|nuo ta|||ng |nto a doop, sound, p|oasant stato ot hypnos|s. 1ho ||ght too||ng has |ott my hand.
You shou|d not attompt to momor|zo tho oxact phrasoo|ogy tor any ot tho tosts. You aro to moro|y uso tho suggost|ons that havo boon wr|tton out tor
you as a gu|do. 1ho t|m|ng ot tho suggost|ons |s tho paramount cons|dorat|on |n atta|n|ng succosstu| rosu|ts. 0on't bo |mpat|ont. 1ako as much t|mo
as you nood. 3hou|d you t|nd yourso|t unsuccosstu| attor ton or t|ttoon m|nutos, drop tho tost and como back to |t anothor day. l havon't tound that
work|ng at a spoc|t|c tost a|| day |ong accomp||shos tho ond rosu|t.
lt |s bost to work tor a spoc|t|c por|od ovory day. ln th|s way, tho cond|t|onod rosponso pattorn |s ostab||shod tor tho succoss ot tho tosts as wo|| as
tho succoss ot tho posthypnot|c suggost|ons that you havo g|von yourso|t. You shou|d boar |n m|nd that |t you havo boon succosstu| |n ach|ov|ng tho
t|rst t|vo tosts, you havo roachod a mod|um stato ot hypnos|s, and posthypnot|c suggost|ons w||| bo oxtromo|y ottoct|vo. ln tho noxt chaptor, you'||
|oarn, psycho|og|ca||y, how to go ovon doopor |nto hypnos|s. You'|| |oarn thoso psycho|og|ca| tactors that aro |mportant to know and that can
contr|buto to your dovo|opmont |nto an oxco||ont hypnot|c subjoct. |o||ow|ng th|s, tho subsoquont chaptor w||| g|vo you turthor tosts and |nstruct|ons
tor dovo|op|ng |nto a somnambu||st|c subjoct.
[ 07|
Chapter 8
What You 5houId Know About Bocoming An ExcoIIont 5ub[oct
3ocom|ng an oxco||ont subjoct to||ows tho samo gonora| ru|os tor bocom|ng prot|c|ont |n any othor ondoavor. lt doponds upon your mot|vat|on,
pors|stonco and w||||ngnoss to dovoto t|mo and study to tho subjoct. lot us agroo that most |nd|v|dua|s can |oarn to p|ay a mus|ca| |nstrumont to
somo dogroo. 1h|s dogroo |s usua||y sutt|c|ont tor tho|r own noods. 1o bocomo a v|rtuoso, howovor, |t |s nocossary to study tho |nstrumont and
dovoto a groat doa| ot onorgy and t|mo to pract|co. 1ho samo oxamp|o cou|d bo g|von tor most undortak|ngs. Anyono can |oarn to h|t a go|t ba||, but
bo|ng ab|o to contro| tho d|roct|on and d|stanco and bocomo a sk|||od go|tor |s qu|to anothor mattor.
lt you havo boon succosstu| |n accomp||sh|ng tho t|rst t|vo tosts, you can cons|dor yourso|t a good hypnot|c subjoct. 3ocom|ng an oxco||ont subjoct
onta||s to||ow|ng tho samo procoduro usod |n accomp||sh|ng tho t|rst t|vo tosts. 3omo may procood vory oas||y |nto tho somnambu||st|c [ 08| stato,
and othors may havo a d|tt|cu|t t|mo roach|ng th|s doopost stago. Undorstand|ng somo ot tho psycho|ogy |nvo|vod and assum|ng tho r|ght
psycho|og|ca| tramo ot m|nd tor tho atta|nmont ot tho somnambu||st|c stato |s moro |mportant than just work|ng b||nd|y |n an attompt to got tho
somnambu||st|c tosts to work. 3o|ng |rr|tab|o, d|sgustod and dospondont bocauso ot your |nab|||ty to go turthor |nto hypnos|s |s not tho answor and
w||| on|y |oad to trustrat|on and ta||uro. 1ho roador |s not to assumo ho w||| bo a d|tt|cu|t subjoct. lt you havo como th|s tar, you'|| bo ab|o to cont|nuo |n
tho samo mannor. 1ho top|c undor d|scuss|on now |s brought up to proparo roadors tor any cont|ngoncy that may ar|so. lt's ||ko hav|ng a ||to
prosorvor on a boat. You hopo you novor nood |t, but you shou|d bo proparod to uso |t |n caso ot an omorgoncy.
lt |s natura| to assumo that |t you aro w||||ng and try|ng to go |nto tho |otharg|c, cata|opt|c or somnambu||st|c stato, you w||| bo ab|o to do so |n a
ro|at|vo|y short por|od ot t|mo. Untortunato|y, th|s |s by no moans tho caso. Vany ot tho pr|nc|p|os ot |oarn|ng and cond|t|on|ng can bo app||od to
hypnos|s, but w|th many subjocts thoso |aws do not soom app||cab|o. lot us assumo you wantod to |oarn to bocomo an oxco||ont typ|st. 1h|s |s a
roasonab|o goa| and a|| that |s nocossary |s to cont|nuo pract|c|ng unt|| you havo roachod tho prot|c|oncy you sot out to ach|ovo. 1h|s prot|c|oncy
wou|d, as a ru|o, to||ow app||cat|on ot tho |aws ot |oarn|ng and cond|t|on|ng.
1h|s |sn't a|ways so |n a subjoct's attompt to bocomo somnambu||st|c. Whon tho subjoct progrossos trom ono stago to anothor |n a c|ass|ca|
mannor, tho thoory works adm|rab|y, but what happons whon a subjoct cannot soom to progross any turthor? |o has roachod a p|atoau and |s
unab|o to c||mb h|ghor. |o sooms to havo roachod a psycho|og|ca| [ 00| |mpasso or sta|omato. lt |s oasy to say that tho subjoct |s thwartod by a
subconsc|ous b|ock and |ot |t go at that. 1h|s, howovor, doosn't ho|p h|m |n h|s d||omma. lt's ||ko to|||ng tho strandod motor|st that tho roason h|s car
has sta||od |s bocauso tho motor |sn't runn|ng. 1ho to||ow|ng |ntormat|on w||| bo ho|ptu| to thoso who havon't boon ab|o to roach tho t|rst stagos ot
hypnos|s, as wo|| as thoso who apparont|y can go on|y so tar. Actua||y, tho samo pr|nc|p|os aro |nvo|vod.
lt tho subjoct doosn't rospond or rosponds to a ||m|tod dogroo, thoro ov|dont|y |s a causo or roason tor th|s poor rosponso. ln ordor to cont|nuo th|s
d|scuss|on, |t w||| bo nocossary tor us to agroo that tho ros|stanco can bo o|thor consc|ous or unconsc|ous. lt tho subjoct |ns|sts that ho |s try|ng to
|ot go, has noth|ng to h|do, |s not atra|d ot hypnos|s, undorstands what |s |nvo|vod and has strong mot|vat|on, wo can on|y assumo that tho
ros|stanco must bo unconsc|ous. Usua||y, |t w||| bo nocossary to work through th|s unconsc|ous ros|stanco botoro tho subjoct rosponds. lt tho subjoct
|s cond|t|on|ng h|mso|t, th|s w||| |nvo|vo a groat doa| ot |ntrospoct|on, and ovon thon |t |s an oxtromo|y d|tt|cu|t job. Ono doosn't usua||y havo propor
|ns|ght |nto ono's own omot|ona| mako-up. 1ho ond rosu|t |s that ono can on|y rat|ona||zo about h|s bohav|or.
lot us oxp|oro somo |ntorost|ng aspocts ot hypnos|s w|th a v|ow toward ho|p|ng you |t you aro hav|ng d|tt|cu|ty rospond|ng tho way you dos|ro. l havo
had tho to||ow|ng paradox|ca| s|tuat|on happon many t|mos. A subjoct ca||s my ott|co, roquost|ng to bo cond|t|onod tor so|t-hypnos|s. |o turthor
roquosts that ho bo a||owod to br|ng a|ong a mombor ot h|s tam||y or a tr|ond tor tho hypnot|c soss|on. 1hoso |nd|v|dua|s usua||y ask |t l objoct to th|s
procoduro. l |ntorprotod th|s roquost as a s|gn ot d|strust dur|ng my [ 70| oar|y caroor as a protoss|ona| hypnot|st. l was attrontod by tho |doa ot tho
unspokon |ns|nuat|on vorba||zod by th|s roquost. 0|dn't thoy trust mo? 3otwoon try|ng to dotond myso|t and assur|ng thom that thoro was no nood tor
anothor porson bo|ng prosont, s|nco my socrotary cou|d obsorvo tho procoduro, l usua||y won tho argumont but |ost tho c||ont. As l dovo|opod
undorstand|ng |nto tho noods ot thoso porsons, l bogan to roa||zo that tho roquost was not d|roctod at my |ntogr|ty, but was a satoguard tor tho|r
|oro |s an |ntorost|ng s|do||ght that has happonod troquont|y |n rogard to tho torogo|ng s|tuat|on. l wou|d roquost tho subjoct to s|t noar my dosk and
to|| tho on|ookor to s|t |n back and to tho s|do ot tho subjoct, away trom tho subjoct's v|ow so as not to d|stract h|m. ln th|s s|tuat|on, l |nvar|ab|y p|aco
tho hypnod|sc on a sp|nn|ng, portab|o phonograph turntab|o and turn |t upr|ght tor tho subjoct to |ook at. 1ho hypnod|sc, wh|ch |s mado ot st|tt
cardboard, |ooks ||ko a 12-|nch phonograph rocord and has concontr|c hoavy ||nos drawn on |t. As |t sp|ns, tho subjoct too|s ho |s bo|ng pu||od
toward tho contor. At tho samo t|mo, |t causos h|s oyos to bocomo vory t|rod. l havo |nc|udod a draw|ng ot |t on th|s pago tor thoso who aro not
tam|||ar w|th th|s hypnot|c dov|co. 1ho rovo|v|ng hypnod|sc [ 71| causos a phys|o|og|ca| roact|on and must work w|th ovoryono. You tood back
corta|n known phys|o|og|ca| rosponsos tor tho succosstu| atta|nmont ot hypnos|s.
1ho on|ookor has no cho|co but to |ook at tho hypnod|sc as wo||. As l suggost to tho subjoct that h|s oyos aro bocom|ng hoavy and t|rod and that
soon ho'|| havo an |rros|st|b|o |mpu|so to c|oso thom, tho on|ookor |s natura||y hoar|ng tho samo suggost|on. 3ocauso th|s porson too|s apart trom
tho hypnot|c s|tuat|on, thoro can bo no consc|ous ros|stanco. 3|nco thoso dotonsos aro not hampor|ng tho atta|nmont ot hypnos|s, tho on|ookor may
road||y ta|| undor hypnos|s. Voro than onco, tho on|ookor has cont|dod to mo that ho was gott|ng a bottor n|ght's s|oop, was too||ng wondortu||y wo||
or had dor|vod othor bonot|ts s|nco com|ng to my ott|co as an obsorvor. 1ho oxact s|tuat|on happons whon tho stago hypnot|st |s hypnot|z|ng
subjocts on tho stago. Vany t|mos a porson |n tho aud|onco who had no |ntont|on ot bocom|ng hypnot|zod bocomos |nt|uoncod |n tho samo mannor.
lnc|donta||y, thoso |nd|v|dua|s mako tho bost subjocts.
1horo aro |ntorost|ng thoor|os as to why a subjoct rosponds or doos not rospond to hypnos|s. l th|nk tho roador wou|d t|nd somo ot thoso thoor|os
|ntorost|ng and porhaps ga|n somo |ns|ght |nto h|s own hypnot|c bohav|or. 1hoso thoor|os aro basod pr|mar||y on a psychoana|yt|ca| approach to
1ho most prova|ont thoory |s that tho hypnot|st roprosonts o|thor tho tathor |mago (patorna| or toar hypnos|s) or tho mothor |mago (matorna| or |ovo
hypnos|s). 1ho tathor usua||y roprosonts an author|tar|an t|guro. 1ho subjoct's |dont|t|cat|on can bo on a consc|ous or subconsc|ous |ovo|. lot us
supposo tho subjoct has amb|va|ont too||ngs toward h|s tathor. 3ocauso ot th|s, ho may not [ 72| rospond. |oro |s an opportun|ty to trustrato tho
author|tat|vo (tathor) t|guro. 1ho on|y troub|o w|th th|s thoory |s that |t thoro |s an oxco||ont ro|at|onsh|p botwoon tho tathor and subjoct, |t doosn't
nocossar||y moan that tho subjoct w||| rospond oas||y. 1ho stago hypnot|st |nvar|ab|y usos a strong, author|tat|vo approach w|th a groat doa| ot
succoss, but th|s approach gonora||y doos not work bost |n pr|vato pract|co.
l havo tound that tor tho major|ty ot subjocts tho matorna| approach works bost. lorhaps tho procoss ot hypnos|s awakons oar|y unconsc|ous
momor|os ot bo|ng put to s|oop as a ch||d. 3omo tochn|quos that aro usod |n hypnos|s aro qu|to s|m||ar to th|s. 1ho subjoct, who |s |y|ng down, |s
to|d to c|oso h|s oyos and |s spokon to |n a qu|ot, roassur|ng, monotonous tono ot vo|co. 1ho hypnot|st |s soatod noar h|m. 1ho hypnot|st ovon usos
tho samo words that tho subjoct has hoard as a ch||d: 3|oop. Go to s|oop. Whon you awakon, you'|| too| wondortu||y wo||. ln tact, l uso somo spoc|a|
mus|c that l had rocordod tor |nduc|ng hypnos|s. 1ho t|rst mus|ca| so|oct|on |s 3rahms' lu||aby. Ch||dron's mus|c boxos |nvar|ab|y conta|n th|s
so|oct|on, and tho mo|ody cannot ho|p but act|vato a p|oasant nosta|g|a. lt |s a momory assoc|atod w|th |ovo and tondornoss. 1h|s br|ngs us to tho
tact that hypnos|s may ottor tho subjoct a chanco to oscapo trom tho roa||ty ot pross|ng prob|oms |nto a stato ot comp|oto |rrospons|b|||ty. ln tact,
ono thoory ot hypnos|s oquatos tho hypnot|c stato as a torm ot unconsc|ous rogross|on and nood tor subm|ss|on.
1ho ma|o subjoct may havo a strong, pos|t|vo |dont|t|cat|on w|th h|s mothor rathor than h|s tathor. lt |s part ot tho unroso|vod Ood|pus comp|ox. |o
soos h|s mothor as a k|nd, |ov|ng |nd|v|dua|, a|ways roady to ho|p. Evon |t tho [ 78| mothor d|d somoth|ng soc|a||y unaccoptab|o, tho |nd|v|dua| wou|d
dotond hor vohomont|y. 1ho tathor who m|ght do somoth|ng wrong wou|d raro|y bo oxcusod. 1ust tho oppos|to |s truo w|th tho toma|o subjoct. Whon
ask|ng tho toma|o ch||d, Whoso g|r| aro you?, tho answor |s |nvar|ab|y, 0addy's g|r|. Whon ask|ng tho ma|o ch||d, Whoso boy aro you?, tho
answor |s |nvar|ab|y, Vomma's boy. Wo accopt th|s transtoronco ot |dont|t|cat|on as a norma| procoss ot grow|ng up. Whon |t |sn't norma||y
roso|vod, |t can account tor sovoro porsona||ty prob|oms. Ono m|ght assumo, thorotoro, that a woman hypnot|st cou|d bottor hypnot|zo a ma|o
subjoct, and a ma|o hypnot|st cou|d bottor hypnot|zo a toma|o subjoct, but th|s |s not truo oxcopt tor casos such as wo havo just mont|onod.
Ono schoo| ot thought too|s that thoro |s a strong subm|ss|vo tondoncy |n a|| ot us and hypnos|s grat|t|os th|s w|sh. 1ho |nd|v|dua|'s nood tor
dopondonco |s a|so mot. ln th|s caso, tho hypnot|st bocomos omn|potont, bo|ng ab|o to a|tor too||ngs that ord|nar||y d|stross tho |nd|v|dua|. lorma||y,
adu|ts, whon controntod by a part|cu|ar|y upsott|ng oxpor|onco, m|ght want to bo ho|d c|oso|y by an |nt|mato tr|ond or mombor ot tho tam||y. 0on't wo
troquont|y put our arm around a tr|ond |n gr|ot try|ng to comtort h|m? 1ho |nnor strongth wh|ch |s croatod by hypnos|s w|th|n tho tota| porsona||ty
structuro ot tho subjoct |ossons dopondoncy upon tho hypnot|st, much |n tho samo tash|on that wo nood tho doctor |oss as wo start to rocovor trom
an |||noss. 3o|t-hypnos|s turthor |ossons dopondoncy tor no author|tar|an t|guro |s usod.
1ho subjoct's att|tudo towards author|ty |s |mportant to know. lt |s wo||-known that ott|cors |n tho army aro moro d|tt|cu|t to hypnot|zo than
noncomm|ss|onod mon. 1ho on||stod man, by a procoss ot |ndoctr|nat|on and cond|t|on|ng, [ 74| |s taught to oboy and to||ow ordors w|thout
roason|ng. 1ho transtoronco ot author|ty to tho hypnot|st |s road||y accomp||shod bocauso ot th|s cond|t|on|ng procoss. 1ho army doctor, whon
troat|ng pat|onts psycho|og|ca||y, rop|acos h|s army jackot w|th a rogu|ar wh|to mod|ca| jackot to |ncroaso rapport.
Ono |ntorost|ng thoory |s that tho subjoct rosponds as ho th|nks tho hypnot|st wou|d ||ko h|m to. 1h|s |s tormod ro|o p|ay|ng. Whon ask|ng a subjoct
undor hypnos|s h|s namo, you usua||y got a vory s|ow, do||borato answor, as though tho subjoct woro |n a tranco. You to|| h|m that ho can answor |n a
norma| spoak|ng vo|co and tompo and h|s turthor rop||os aro to bo |n tho samo mannor as h|s wak|ng stato.
Anothor thoory a|ong thoso ||nos |s that tho subjoct acts as ho bo||ovos a hypnot|zod porson wou|d act. 1h|s, too, |s ro|o p|ay|ng, but |t doos not
oxp|a|n ana|gos|a, such as whon tho dont|st hypnot|zos tho pat|ont and procoods to dr||| a tooth. lo ono (w|th tho poss|b|o oxcopt|on ot a h|gh|y
nourot|c psych|c masoch|st) |s go|ng to onduro oxcruc|at|ng pa|n just to p|oaso tho doctor.
Ono thoory about hypnos|s statos that |t a||ows tho subjoct an opportun|ty ot |dont|ty|ng w|th tho hypnot|st, whom ho soos as a powortu| t|guro.
1hrough th|s |dont|t|cat|on, tho subjoct |s ab|o to ga|n |nnor strongth. On tho othor hand, tho subjoct m|ght robo| aga|nst tho subm|ss|vo naturo ot tho
hypnot|c sott|ng. 1h|s cou|d oas||y croato anx|oty wh|ch, |n turn, cou|d croato host|||ty rosu|t|ng |n ros|stanco ot var|ous k|nds. As a rosu|t ot th|s, tho
subjoct m|ght bog|n to cr|t|c|zo tho hypnot|st, t|nd tau|t w|th tho way ho (tho subjoct) |s bo|ng hand|od, quost|on tho judgmont ot tho hypnot|st, or doubt
tho ottoct|vonoss ot tho hypnot|c procoduro.[ 7b|
Vany |nvost|gators assort that tho rapport, moan|ng tho ro|at|onsh|p botwoon tho subjoct and hypnot|st, |s a|| |mportant. 1h|s |s truo and tho
ro|at|onsh|p can and doos havo many ram|t|cat|ons. ln psychothorapy, tho torm transtoronco |s usod to donoto th|s ro|at|onsh|p. 1ho ro|at|onsh|p |s
turthor doscr|bod as a good or bad transtoronco. 1horo |s a|so a countortranstoronco wh|ch |nd|catos tho roact|on ot tho thorap|st to tho pat|ont.
latura||y, |n ordor tor tho subjoct to rospond, thoro must bo good rapport.
l havo tr|od to |nd|cato that thoro aro comp|ox|t|os that may ar|so |n tho hypnot|c sott|ng. 1horo aro many cont||ct|ng thoor|os as to why a subjoct
doos or doos not rospond. 1horo aro no sot ru|os to to||ow, and ono's |ntu|t|on, oxpor|onco and judgmont ho|p so|vo any prob|om that ar|sos.
lot mo ro|ato anothor troquont |nc|dont. l havo had subjocts como to mo attor thoy woro unab|o to bo hypnot|zod by sovora| othor protoss|ona|
hypnot|sts. 1hoy havo comp|a|nod that tho hypnot|sts woron't good hypnot|sts bocauso thoy cou|dn't hypnot|zo thom. Attor a||, thoy ask, hadn't thoy
boon w||||ng subjocts? Vy usua| answor |s that tho tau|t, |t thoro |s ono, |s not w|th tho hypnot|sts and roa||y not w|th tho subjocts. lt |s a mattor ot
oxp|or|ng what has happonod and thon doc|d|ng on a courso ot act|on to |nsuro succoss.
l am t|rm|y conv|ncod that tho subjoct rosponds whon ho |s pos|t|vo|y, w|thout oqu|vocat|on, roady to do so. |o koops tost|ng tho rosponso to mako
suro ho |s |n contro|. |o toars a roduct|on |n h|s vo|untary |ovo| ot roa||ty attachmont and contro|. Unrospons|vonoss provos to h|m that ho has th|s
contro|. As |ong as ho doos th|s, wh|ch |s a natura| rosponso, ho novor |ots go sutt|c|ont|y to atta|n [ 70| hypnos|s. |ypnos|s, as wo know, |s a vory
sons|t|vo stato. lt roqu|ros comp|oto ta|th and trust |n tho hypnot|st. lt |t |s |ack|ng, tho subjoct novor doos rospond. 1ho phonomonon ot hypnos|s |s
ont|ro|y subjoct|vo |n naturo, and |ts succoss ||os w|th|n tho tota| porsona||ty structuro ot tho subjoct. lt thoro |s ros|stanco to hypnos|s |tso|t or to
doopon|ng tho stato, tho subjoct by h|s own honost ova|uat|on and vorba||zat|on ot h|s ros|stanco can do much to bocomo a bottor subjoct.
|ypnos|s must bog|n w|th tho accoptanco by tho subjoct ot corta|n bas|c tundamonta|s that wo havo a|roady d|scussod rathor than ot tho
torcotu|noss ot tho hypnot|st. 1ho doopon|ng ot tho hypnot|c stato ||os |n tho |ntons|t|cat|on ot tho cond|t|onod rosponso mochan|sm onco |t has
boon |n|t|atod.
You shou|d not oxpoct to ach|ovo |mmod|ato rosu|ts a|though somot|mos th|s doos happon. As you cont|nuo to work w|th porsovoranco, |nto|||gonco
and onthus|asm, you w||| dot|n|to|y ach|ovo tho goa|s that you havo sot tor yourso|t. lt |s wo|| to romombor that you gu|do yourso|t toward tho
somnambu||st|c stato, dopond|ng upon your bo||ot and accoptanco ot thoso pr|nc|p|os that havo boon out||nod tor you.
l havo attomptod to po|nt out somo ot tho sa||ont po|nts and thoor|os to koop |n m|nd |n your attompt to dovo|op |nto an oxco||ont hypnot|c subjoct.
3omo ot thoso on|y porta|n to tho s|tuat|ons whoro tho hypnot|st works w|th tho subjoct. Vany ot tho prob|oms |nhoront |n th|s sott|ng aro not
app||cab|o to tho s|tuat|on whoro tho subjoct |s hypnot|z|ng h|mso|t. 3oth sott|ngs havo tho|r advantagos and d|sadvantagos. As |ong as you
procood to to||ow tho |nstruct|ons g|von you, you can too| assurod that you w||| t|na||y ach|ovo so|t-hypnos|s.
lt shou|d bo omphas|zod that |t |s v|ta| to adopt tho r|ght [ 77| tramo ot m|nd |n your attompt to ach|ovo so|t-hypnos|s, part|cu|ar|y a doop stato. lt you
approach hypnos|s w|th a provo-|t-to-mo att|tudo, noth|ng |s go|ng to happon. 3o|t-hypnos|s roqu|ros pract|c|ng a sot ot monta| oxorc|sos or
monta| gymnast|cs. 1o acqu|ro tho u|t|mato trom th|s tra|n|ng roqu|ros systomat|c cond|t|on|ng. 1ho word tra|n|ng |s usod qu|to oxtons|vo|y |n
hypnot|c ||toraturo. 1ho uso ot tho word |mp||os that hypnos|s can bo atta|nod by a tra|n|ng por|od. 1ho ||toraturo spoaks troquont|y ot a subjoct
bo|ng tra|nod to rospond |n a corta|n way. Obv|ous|y, th|s moans ovor a corta|n por|od ot t|mo. lt a|so moans you tra|n yourso|t to bocomo a good
hypnot|c subjoct. lt |s a sk||| that a|| can acqu|ro.
1horo aro tour books doa||ng spoc|t|ca||y w|th so|t-hypnos|s that l wou|d rocommond to you tor turthor road|ng. 1hoy aro: bot ls lypoosls by
Androw 3a|tor, lypoosls ooo 5o|-lypoosls by 3ornard |o||andor, V.0., Aotogoolc 7rololog by 1ohannos |. 3chu|tz, V.0., and 5o|-lypooslslts
7boory, 7ocbolqoo ooo App|lcotloo by Vo|v|n lowors.
[ 78|
[ 70|
Chapter 9
1ochniquoa tor Roaching tho 5omnambuIiatic 5tato
As |nd|catod |n tho |ast chaptor, tho atta|nmont ot tho somnambu||st|c stago ot hypnos|s can roprosont an oxtromo|y |ntr|cato procoduro. 3ocauso ot
corta|n |nhoront charactor|st|cs ot th|s stago, |t |s oas|or to atta|n by hotoro-hypnos|s. |owovor, th|s doos not proc|udo tho tact that |t can bo roachod
w|thout tho a|d ot a hypnot|st. Voro |mportant than tho tost|ng and doopon|ng procoduros that l sha|| out||no tor you |n th|s chaptor aro an
oooorstooolog and an oworoooss ot somo ot tho comp|ox|t|os |nvo|vod, t|rst |n ach|ov|ng tho hypnot|c stato, thon doopon|ng, and, t|na||y, roach|ng
somnambu||sm. 1horo aro no abso|uto or t|na| answors to many ot tho prob|oms that can ar|so. You can bocomo ontang|od w|th rat|ona||zat|on so
oas||y whon you want tho tacts to t|t a part|cu|ar thoory. l po|nt th|s out to tho roador bocauso, as tho subjoct goos doopor, tho procoduro can
bocomo moro comp||catod.
1horo aro many |ntorost|ng phonomona wh|ch can bo o||c|tod |n tho somnambu||st|c stato. 1hoy aro ot |ntorost [ 80| tor tho most part, to studonts ot
abnorma| bohav|or and aro port|nont trom an acadom|c v|owpo|nt. 1hoy do not ta|| w|th|n tho prov|nco ot th|s book or ot hypnos|s tor thorapout|c
purposos and m|ght |oad tho roador astray. 3hou|d roadors bo |ntorostod |n turthor hypnot|c phonomona, l rotor thom to Voooro lypoosls by
los||o Kuhn and 3a|vadoro lusso, lh.0., Exporlmooto| lypoosls by los||o loCron, 7lmo Llstortloo lo lypoosls by V||ton Er|ckson, V.0. and
lynn |. Coopor, V.0., and lypootlsmAo Objoctlvo 5tooy lo 5oggostlbl|lty by Andro V. Wo|tzonhottor, lh.0.
As d|scussod prov|ous|y, somo |nd|v|dua|s oxpor|onco d|tt|cu|ty |n atta|n|ng tho doopor hypnot|c statos. Vy adv|co |s to bo pat|ont and to cont|nuo
work|ng w|th yourso|t. lt |s not |mporat|vo or v|ta| to roach tho somnambu||st|c stago tor thorapout|c rosu|ts. lt |s a m|sconcopt|on on tho part ot many
studonts that thoy must go |nto tho doopost stato poss|b|o to obta|n rosu|ts. 0ramat|c changos can como about at a|| |ovo|s ot hypnos|s. 1ho
somnambu||st|c stato |s nocossary |n hypnothorapy whon thoro |s a nood tor tho pat|ont to ro||vo somo traumat|c op|sodo. lt |s a|so usotu| whon tho
pat|ont |s ro|uctant to consc|ous|y d|scuss corta|n aspocts ot h|s prob|om. Vany hypnothorapout|c tochn|quos such as amnos|a, hypormnos|a,
progross|on, paramnos|a, automat|c wr|t|ng, droam |nduct|on, rogross|on, product|on ot oxpor|monta| cont||cts and crysta| or m|rror gaz|ng roqu|ro a
somnambu||st|c stato. |or thoso ot you |ntorostod |n hypnothorapy, l can rocommond no t|nor book than lypootboropy o or Noorosos by 1ohn G.
Watk|ns, lh.0. ln th|s book, tho thoory ot hypnothorapy has boon d|agramat|ca||y prosontod tor oasy comprohons|on and shown to bo an
ama|gamat|on ot concopts and pract|cos trom var|ous schoo|s ot thought. [ 81|
Vost studonts ot hypnos|s oquato tho phonomonon ot amnos|a w|th tho somnambu||st|c stato. 1ho m|stako thoy mako |s |n try|ng to ach|ovo
amnos|a. lt's s|m||ar to tho dog try|ng to catch h|s ta||. lt |s |mposs|b|o tor tho subjoct to ottoct|vo|y suggost amnos|a to h|mso|t. lt ho romombors what
ho was supposod to torgot, ho has ta||od. lt ho tru|y doosn't romombor what ho was supposod to torgot, ho doosn't ovon romombor tho amnos|a
suggost|on and can tako no sat|stact|on trom h|s succoss bocauso ho |s not awaro that ho has accomp||shod tho posthypnot|c suggost|on. Un|oss
an o|aborato sot ot posthypnot|c suggost|ons aro workod out, |t |s an |mposs|b|o tost tor so|t-hypnos|s.
l know tho roador |s anx|ous to bog|n h|s cond|t|on|ng tor tho somnambu||st|c stato, but thoro aro st||| a tow port|nont romarks wh|ch shou|d bo
romomborod botoro procood|ng turthor. 1ho roador shou|d not momor|zo vorbat|m any ot tho tosts |nvo|vod |n prov|ng tho somnambu||st|c stato. A||
that |s nocossary to romombor |s tho gonora| torm and tho goa| you sook. 1ho goa| |s to |ncroaso your suggost|b|||ty wh|ch, |n turn, moans
doopon|ng ot tho hypnot|c stato. Attor oach stop, you aro to g|vo yourso|t suggost|ons that you w||| go st||| doopor tho noxt t|mo. You shou|d a|so
dos|gnato a spoc|t|c |ongth ot t|mo to work w|th so|t-hypnos|s. 1ho suggost|ons aro as to||ows: l sha|| work w|th so|t-hypnos|s tor 1b m|nutos. At tho
ond ot that t|mo, l sha|| opon my oyos and wako up too||ng wondortu||y wo||. l'|| bo w|do awako and rotroshod. ln caso ot any dangor, l'|| bo ab|o to
awakon |mmod|ato|y and act accord|ng|y.
3omo hypnot|sts to|| tho|r subjocts to mako your m|nd a b|ank. l supposo what thoy roa||y moan |s that you must try to th|nk ot on|y what tho
hypnot|st |s say|ng. |avo you ovor tr|od to mako your m|nd a b|ank? 1ry |t tor a [ 82| momont. lt's an |mposs|b|||ty. 3hou|d tho hypnot|st pors|st a|ong
thoso ||nos, ho'|| novor bo succosstu|. lt |s tho wrong approach. 1ho subjoct, bocauso ot h|s |nab|||ty to comp|y w|th th|s suggost|on, |s t|ght|ng a
|os|ng batt|o. lt |s a|so a|most |mposs|b|o tor tho subjoct to concontrato on|y on what tho hypnot|st |s say|ng. Any word tho hypnot|st says can start a
consc|ous as wo|| as unconsc|ous tra|n ot thought. 1horotoro, |n roa||ty, th|s, too, |s |mposs|b|o. |owovor, |t roa||y |sn't nocossary that tho subjoct
koop h|s thoughts concontratod so|o|y on what |s bo|ng sa|d so |ong as thoy aro kopt |n tho gonora| aroa. At t|mos, tho moro you try to concontrato,
tho moro your thoughts bocomo scattorod. 3upposo l say to you, |orgot tho addross 8721 3unsot 3ou|ovard. What happons? 1ho moro you try to
torgot |t, tho moro you romombor |t. 1horotoro, don't bo concornod |t you oxpor|onco stray thoughts dur|ng tho |nduct|on and doopon|ng ot hypnos|s.
You aro now roady to cont|nuo w|th turthor tosts. 1ho t|rst t|vo tosts shou|d bo mastorod botoro cont|nu|ng.
1ost lo. 0 |s rotorrod to as tho t|y tost. ln th|s tost, onco undor hypnos|s, you p|cturo that a t|y |s craw||ng on tho back ot your r|ght or |ott hand. Onco
you too| tho t|y, you know you aro doop|y hypnot|zod. You m|ght ovon got an urgo to movo your hand and t||ck tho t|y ott your hand. Whon th|s
happons, you know, ot courso, that you aro doop|y hypnot|zod. |oro |s a samp|o ot tho typo ot suggost|ons to g|vo:
As l count to ton and ovon botoro l roach tho count ot ton, l sha|| too| a t|y craw||ng on tho back ot my r|ght hand. 1h|s |||us|on w||| soom vory roa| to
mo. Ono ... Vy r|ght hand |s comp|oto|y ro|axod. 1wo ... l too| comp|oto|y at oaso. 1hroo ... l am bog|nn|ng to too| a p|oasant t|ng||ng too||ng on tho
back ot my r|ght hand. |our ... [ 88| 1h|s too||ng |s bocom|ng strong. ||vo ... lt too|s as though a t|y |s mov|ng on tho back ot my hand. 3|x ... l havo
had th|s samo too||ng botoro. 3ovon ... l can too| tho t|y. E|ght ... 1ho too||ng |s vory dot|n|to. l|no ... As l t||ck my hand tho t|y w||| d|sappoar (lt you
havo to|t tho t|y, movo your hand). 1on ... lt |s gono.
1ost lo. 7 |s known as tho c|garotto tost and natura||y |s on|y tor thoso ot you who smoko. ln th|s tost, you g|vo yourso|t posthypnot|c suggost|ons
dur|ng tho hypnot|c stato, awakon yourso|t, and thon noto tho ottocts ot tho posthypnot|c suggost|ons. lt tho c|garotto tastos b|ttor or has a ropugnant
tasto or odor, and |t you turthormoro t|nd |t |mposs|b|o to smoko moro than throo putts, nocoss|tat|ng your putt|ng out tho c|garotto, you know tho
posthypnot|c suggost|ons aro work|ng portoct|y and that you aro an oxco||ont hypnot|c subjoct. |oro aro tho suggost|ons to g|vo yourso|t wh||o you
aro undor hypnos|s:
Whon l count to throo, l sha|| opon my oyos and wako up too||ng wondortu||y wo|| and sha|| havo a strong dos|ro to smoko a c|garotto. Upon ||ght|ng
tho c|garotto, l sha|| not|co that thoro |s a vory b|ttor, strong and ropugnant tasto to tho c|garotto. As l cont|nuo to smoko tho c|garotto, tho d|stastotu|
ottoct w||| bocomo strongor and strongor. Evon though l roa||zo that l havo g|von myso|t thoso posthypnot|c suggost|ons, thoy w||| oxort a strong torco
outs|do ot my consc|ous contro|, and l sha|| t|nd |t nocossary to oxt|ngu|sh tho c|garotto attor throo putts. As l now count to throo, l sha|| opon my oyos
and wako up too||ng t|no. Ono, two, throo.
1ost lo. 8 |s ca||od tho sun tost. ln th|s tost, you p|cturo yourso|t |n a bath|ng su|t, shorts or p|aysu|t at tho boach or somo othor tam|||ar p|aco
tak|ng a sunbath. You |mag|no that |t |s a boaut|tu| summor day. As you soo [ 84| yourso|t ro|axod, you |mag|no that a c|oud |s b|ock|ng out tho sun,
but as you count to throo, tho c|oud w||| movo away and you w||| too| tho warm, p|oasant g|ow ot tho sun's rays on your taco and hands. |oro aro tho
suggost|ons you can uso:
As l count to throo, l sha|| too| tho warm, p|oasant rays ot tho sun on my taco and hands. Ono ... 1ho c|oud |s mov|ng, and l can bog|n to too| tho
warm, p|oasant rays ot tho sun. 1wo ... 1ho c|oud |s mov|ng moro and moro, oxpos|ng moro and moro ot tho sun. l can too| tho warmth ot tho sun's
rays. 1hroo ... 1ho c|oud has movod away trom tho sun, and l can too| tho tu||, warm strongth ot tho sun. lt |s a p|oasant too||ng, but as l cont|nuo to
count to t|vo, tho warm too||ng w||| d|ss|pato. |our ... 1ho warm too||ng |s |oav|ng. ||vo ... 1ho warm too||ng has |ott, and l too| portoct|y norma| |n
ovory rospoct.
A var|at|on ot th|s tost |s to soo yourso|t |y|ng comtortab|y |n tront ot a t|rop|aco. ln th|s |nstanco, you |mag|no somoono |s add|ng wood to tho t|ro. As
th|s |s dono, you too| tho warm g|ow ot tho t|ro moro and moro. 3hou|d you uso tho t|rop|aco tochn|quo, try to |ncorporato tho sound ot ra|n |nto tho
p|cturo. lt you hoar ra|n you havo croatod a pos|t|vo aud|tory ha||uc|nat|on and can cons|dor yourso|t an oxco||ont subjoct.
You can a|so v|sua||zo a s|tuat|on whoro you wou|d bo co|d. 1h|s |s not as p|oasant as tho p|cturo that ono can conjuro up about a t|rop|aco and thus
croatos a b|t moro ros|stanco s|nco no ono wants to too| uncomtortab|o.
1ost lo. 0 |s tho broozo tost. lt can bo comb|nod w|th tho prov|ous tost. Attor you atta|n tho too||ng ot warmth, you g|vo yourso|t a count ot throo (or
whatovor numbor you want), suggost|ng that you w||| too| tho coo| ocoan broozo (|t you aro at tho boach) on your taco and hands. [ 8b| You can ovon
carry th|s stop turthor, suggost|ng that you'|| ovon smo|| tho odor ot tho sa|t wator. 1h|s |s known as an o|tactory |||us|on and shou|d you bo ab|o to
croato th|s ottoct, you can bo suro that you aro a somnambu||st|c subjoct. |oro aro suggost|ons you can uso:
As l count to throo, l sha|| gradua||y too| tho coo| ocoan broozo com|ng ovor tho wavos. lt w||| bo a vory p|oasant too||ng. Ono ... l am bog|nn|ng to
too| tho coo| ocoan broozo, ospoc|a||y on my taco and hands. 1wo ... 1ho broozo |s bocom|ng strongor and strongor. 1hroo ... l can dot|n|to|y too|
tho coo| ocoan broozo. As l cont|nuo to count to t|vo, l sha|| smo|| tho p|oasant, hoa|thy aroma ot tho sa|t wator. |our ... l am bog|nn|ng to smo|| tho
sa|t wator. ||vo ... l can dot|n|to|y smo|| tho sa|t wator.
low you g|vo yourso|t appropr|ato suggost|ons that tho too||ng (|||us|on) w||| van|sh as you awakon or at a spoc|t|c count. lt can bo as s|mp|o as th|s:
As l count to throo, l sha|| opon my oyos and awakon too||ng vory rotroshod. 1ho too||ng ot tho coo| ocoan broozo and smo|| ot tho sa|t a|r w||| havo
van|shod comp|oto|y. At th|s po|nt you count to throo and opon your oyos.
1ost lo. 10 |s tho handc|asp tost. 1h|s |s usod troquont|y to tost tho dopth ot hypnos|s. You to|d your hands w|th your t|ngors t|ght|y |ntor|ockod and
p|aco your pa|ms togothor. You thon g|vo yourso|t a hypnot|c suggost|on that at tho count ot throo, |t w||| bo |mposs|b|o tor you to un|ock your hands.
Attor you try and aro unab|o to un|ock your hands, you cont|nuo count|ng to t|vo, suggost|ng that you w||| bo ab|o to do so whon you roach tho count
ot t|vo. lnc|donta||y, you shou|d romovo any r|ng you may bo woar|ng botoro try|ng th|s tost. |oro aro tho suggost|ons you can to||ow:
As l comp|oto tho count ot throo, l sha|| try to un|ock [ 80| my hands but w||| bo unab|o to do so unt|| l count to t|vo. Ono ... Vy hands aro |ockod t|ght|y
togothor. 1wo ... Vy t|ngors aro |ockod t|ghtor and t|ghtor. 1hroo ... lt |s |mposs|b|o tor mo to un|ock my hands unt|| l count to t|vo. |our ... As l roach
tho count ot t|vo, l sha|| bo ab|o to un|ock my hands vory oas||y. ||vo ... l can now un|ock my hands vory oas||y.
1ost lo. 11 |s tho arm tost. |oro |s anothor tost usod troquont|y to tost tho rocopt|vonoss to hypnos|s. Vako a t|ght t|st and oxtond your arm |n
tront ot you as tar as poss|b|o. v|sua||zo your arm as ono so||d mass, as st|tt and r|g|d as a bar ot stoo|. Attor your arm |s oxtondod, g|vo yourso|t a
hypnot|c suggost|on that you w||| bo unab|o to bond your arm whon you comp|oto tho count ot throo. As you cont|nuo to count to t|vo, you w||| bo ab|o
to bond your arm vory oas||y. |oro |s a torm ot suggost|on you can uso:
As l roach tho count ot throo, l sha|| try to bond my arm, but |t w||| bo |mposs|b|o to do so unt|| l count to t|vo. lo mattor how hard l try, |t w||| bo
abso|uto|y |mposs|b|o. Ono ... Vy arm |s st|tt and r|g|d as a bar ot stoo|. 1wo ... l can too| tho r|g|d|ty |n my arm. 1hroo ... lt |s |mposs|b|o tor mo to
bond my arm unt|| l count to t|vo. |our ... l can too| tho st|ttnoss s|ow|y |oav|ng. ||vo ... l can now bond my arm oas||y and |t too|s norma| |n ovory
1ost lo. 12 |s tho oyo tost. 1h|s |s probab|y tho most w|do|y usod tost |n hypnos|s. Vany subjocts oquato tho |nab|||ty to opon tho oyos w|th
hypnos|s. Vany assumo that |t thoy can opon tho|r oyos, thoy havo not boon hypnot|zod. l must omphat|ca||y po|nt out that th|s |s not truo. 1ho subjoct
can ta|| tho oyo tost and yot havo boon undor hypnos|s. ln tho doop, somnambu||st|c stato, tho subjoct [ 87| can opon h|s oyos w|thout attoct|ng tho
dopth ot tho hypnot|c stato. ln tact, th|s |s dono many t|mos |n gott|ng tho subjoct to do automat|c wr|t|ng, crysta| gaz|ng, m|rror gaz|ng, hypnodrama
and rov|v|t|cat|on. ln carry|ng out posthypnot|c suggost|ons |n any stato, tho subjoct |s troquont|y to|d that ho w||| opon h|s oyos and carry out tho
l havo tound that thoro |s moro anx|oty connoctod w|th tho oyo tost than w|th any othor tost. l too| that |t |s a norma| roact|on and ono that must bo
ant|c|patod by tho hypnot|st as wo|| as tho subjoct. Occas|ona||y, wh||o hypnot|z|ng a now subjoct, ho w||| opon h|s oyos. 1h|s can happon whon tho
subjoct too|s ho |s |os|ng consc|ousnoss. ||s ab|||ty to opon h|s oyos provos to h|m that ho |s |n contro|. Ono ot tho ma|n toars that tho subjoct has |s
h|s bo||ot that ho w||| |oso vo|untary contro| ot h|mso|t. 1ho tact that ho can opon h|s oyos |ossons h|s anx|oty.
lt thoro sooms to bo too much throat to tho |nd|v|dua|, l uso a mothod that you can to||ow. lnstoad ot suggost|ng that tho subjoct w||| bo unab|o to
opon h|s oyos at a spoc|t|c count, l suggost that ho w||| bo so ro|axod that |t w||| bo too much ottort to opon h|s oyos unt|| a turthor count |s g|von.
Actua||y, what cou|d tako |oss ottort? |oro aro suggost|ons you can uso:
As l count to throo, l sha|| try to opon my oyos, but l sha|| bo unab|o to do so bocauso l too| so ro|axod. lt w||| just tako too much ottort to opon my
oyos unt|| l roach tho count ot t|vo or to|| myso|t to awakon. Ono ... Vy oyos aro c|osod, and l am |n a vory doop stato ot hypnos|s. 1wo ... Vy oyo||ds
aro stuck t|ght|y togothor. 1hroo ... lt |s now |mposs|b|o tor mo to opon my oyos. l sha|| bo ab|o to opon thom though at tho count ot t|vo. |our ... l sha||
bo ab|o to opon my oyos vory oas||y at tho count ot t|vo. ||vo ... l [ 88| can now opon my oyos and wako up too||ng a|ort and tu||y rotroshod.
ln accomp||sh|ng tho oyo tost, you try to croato a v|v|d p|cturo ot yourso|t bo|ng comp|oto|y and tu||y ro|axod. lt you roa||y oxortod a groat doa| ot
ottort, you cou|d opon your oyos, but bocauso ot tho p|oasantnoss ot tho comp|oto|y ro|axod stato, you protor not to do so. lt can bo ||konod to your
ondur|ng tho co|d w|ntor a|r whon you aro ha|t as|oop |n bod |nstoad ot gott|ng up to c|oso tho w|ndow wh|ch has boon |ott opon too much. You can,
ot courso, got up and c|oso tho w|ndow, but |t bocomos a mattor ot oxpond|ng too much onorgy. lnstoad, you chooso to onduro tho d|scomtort or
suggost that your spouso c|oso tho w|ndow.
|or tho to||ow|ng throo tosts, you g|vo yourso|t tho suggost|ons as out||nod |n tho prov|ous tosts. lt shou|d bo po|ntod out aga|n that at tho conc|us|on
ot tho tost, you g|vo yourso|t a suggost|on that you w||| too| norma| |n ovory rospoct.
1ost lo. 18 |s tho mus|c tost. 1h|s tost |nvo|vos croat|ng an aud|tory ha||uc|nat|on. G|vo yourso|t tho suggost|on that at a spoc|t|c count you w|||
hoar your tavor|to song. lt w||| |ast tor ono m|nuto and thon tado out.
1ost lo. 14 |s tho droam tost. lt |s |ncorporatod |n a groat doa| ot hypnothorapy. 1ho subjoct |s to|d that as tho hypnot|st counts to throo, tho
subjoct w||| havo a droam |ast|ng tor sovora| m|nutos wh|ch ho w||| romombor. 1h|s droam, turthormoro, w||| ca|| h|s attont|on to an |mportant |nc|dont
that ho has |ong torgotton, yot wh|ch w||| bo ro|ovant to h|s prob|om. ln so|t-hypnos|s, you suggost to yourso|t that at a spoc|t|c count you w||| havo a
vory p|oasant droam |ast|ng tor sovora| m|nutos, at tho ond ot wh|ch t|mo you w||| awakon too||ng rotroshod. |or thoso roadors [ 80| turthor
|ntorostod |n produc|ng droams, l can h|gh|y rocommond a vory tasc|nat|ng book ca||od 7bo Exporlmooto| Proooctloo o Lrooms Lorlog lypoosls
by lrotossor 0av|d 3a|||n K|o|n.
1ost lo. 1b |s tho anosthos|a tost. 1h|s |s conductod by to|||ng yourso|t that you w||| not too| tho pa|n assoc|atod w|th tho act ot p|nch|ng yourso|t.
You suggost that you w||| too| tho prossuro ot your t|ngors but w||| not too| tho pa|n |nvo|vod. l orgo tbo roooor oot to stlck plos lo blmso| to tost tbo
ooostboslo. 7bls coo bo ooogoroos, |ooo to looctloo ooo cooso otbor bormo| roso|ts. You shou|d a|so not d|g your na||s |nto your sk|n to mako
suro that you don't too| pa|n.
[ 00|
[ 01|
Chapter 10
A Now Aroach to 5oIt-Eynoaia Whon AII EIao FaiIa
lot us assumo that you havo tr|od d|||gont|y to |oarn so|t-hypnos|s tor a month or moro but havo ta||od. You havo workod ta|thtu||y to||ow|ng tho
|nstruct|ons out||nod |n th|s book and othor books on so|t-hypnos|s, but somohow tho stato ot hypnos|s o|udos you. 3hou|d you g|vo up |n dospa|r, or
|s thoro st||| hopo tor you? lot mo assuro you that you can st||| bocomo an oxco||ont subjoct. lot us oxam|no sovora| aroas ot th|s prob|om and a
now approach that w||| ho|p you ach|ovo your onds.
You must, t|rst ot a||, ask yourso|t |t you aro too||ng bottor and whothor you havo mado str|dos |n tho d|roct|on you dos|ro wh||o g|v|ng yourso|t
suggost|ons |n whatovor stago ot hypnos|s you havo ach|ovod. lt your ova|uat|on |s att|rmat|vo to any dogroo, you can oxpoct ovon groator rosu|ts.
3ut, you may say, how can l oxpoct groator rosu|ts whon l havon't ach|ovod so|t-hypnos|s? Vy answor |s you may bo ach|ov|ng so|t-hypnos|s and
not know |t! 1ho chango to tho so|t-hypnot|c stato trom tho wak|ng [ 02| stato can bo |mporcopt|b|o. Vany t|mos, pr|or to tost|ng subjocts undor
hypnos|s, l ask thom |t thoy th|nk thoy aro |n tho hypnot|c stato. 1ho answor |s |nvar|ab|y no. Whon ask|ng tho subjocts tor a cogont roason tor th|s
answor, thoy usua||y oxc|a|m that thoy aro awaro ot what |s go|ng on and do not too| any d|ttoront than thoy d|d botoro l startod work|ng w|th thom.
1hoy aro amazod to t|nd that var|ous tosts work so portoct|y.
3omo subjocts do not rospond to hypnot|c tosts no mattor how |ong you work w|th thom. |or thoso porsons, l usua||y do-omphas|zo tho nood tor
pass|ng tho tosts and concontrato on tho thorapout|c rosu|ts wh|ch aro dos|rod. 1h|s approach |ossons anx|oty and usua||y rosu|ts |n a doopon|ng ot
tho hypnot|c stato. lt |s my too||ng that many subjocts ros|st any tosts as tho |mp||cat|on |s that onco tho tosts work, tho subjoct |s undor comp|oto
contro| ot tho hypnot|st. 1ho subjoct may toar th|s supposod subjoct|on on ono hand and yot want |t on tho othor hand. 1hoso torcos can work
unconsc|ous|y, and thus tho atta|nmont ot hypnos|s bocomos a vory |ntr|cato, porp|ox|ng and try|ng procoduro. Evon though th|s may bo so, l can
assuro you that tho prob|om and atta|nmont ot hypnos|s can bo roso|vod. lt |s on|y a mattor ot mot|vat|on on tho part ot tho subjoct. 1h|s |s tho ma|n
|ngrod|ont nocossary tor succosstu| hypnos|s.
lot mo now oxp|a|n a tochn|quo wh|ch has workod adm|rab|y tor many who havo boon trustratod bocauso ot tho|r |nab|||ty to ach|ovo so|t-hypnos|s.
lt |nvo|vos protooolog yoo oro bypootlzoo and go|ng through tho mot|ons ot tho var|ous tosts os tboogb yoo woro o poroct sobjoct. You w||| roca||
that ono thoory ot hypnos|s |s that tho subjoct bohavos |n a mannor that ho bo||ovos |s |n koop|ng w|th hypnot|c bohav|or. 1h|s ro|o p|ay|ng |s tho
bas|s tor [ 08| our un|quo approach. As tho subjoct cont|nuos th|s procoduro, ho takos on tho cond|t|onod rosponso mochan|sm nocossary tor so|t-
hypnos|s. lot us |ook at tho to||ow|ng oxamp|os ot ro|o p|ay|ng.
0ur|ng tho war, many so|d|ors who wantod to |oavo tho army wou|d protond somoth|ng was wrong w|th thom. 1hoy wou|d conv|nco tho author|t|os ot
tho authont|c|ty ot tho|r |||noss, and s|nco noth|ng soomod to mako thom bottor, thoy ovontua||y woro soparatod trom tho sorv|co bocauso ot tho
|ncapac|tat|ng d|sordor. 3ut what happonod to many ot thoso ma||ngorors attor thoy woro ro|oasod trom tho sorv|co? l'm suro you know tho rost ot
tho story. 1ho constant ma||ngor|ng was transtormod by th|s ro|o p|ay|ng |nto a cond|t|onod rosponso pattorn, ovontua||y br|ng|ng about tho vory
undos|rab|o cond|t|on rospons|b|o tor tho|r |oav|ng tho sorv|co. l saw somo ot thoso |nd|v|dua|s and moro than onco thoy to|d mo that thoy had
unw|tt|ng|y hypnot|zod thomso|vos |nto hav|ng tho a||mont. 1hoy wantod mo to dohypnot|zo thom. 1hoy actua||y turnod out to bo vory oasy subjocts as
thoy had bocomo h|gh|y suggost|b|o. Untortunato|y, tho|r supor-ogo structuro was woak, thoy had d|tt|cu|ty |n |dont|ty|ng strong|y w|th anyono, and tho
ro|at|onsh|p |n hypnos|s was suport|c|a| and w|thout dopth.
l am go|ng to ro|ato anothor oxamp|o wh|ch l hopo w||| ho|p you undorstand tho ro|o-p|ay|ng tochn|quo tor so|t-hypnos|s. l havo had tho to||ow|ng
oxpor|onco many t|mos |n g|v|ng hypnot|c domonstrat|ons botoro var|ous organ|zat|ons. |or somo roason, ovon though l carotu||y ask that on|y
thoso who dos|ro to bo hypnot|zod vo|untoor as subjocts tor tho hypnot|c domonstrat|ons, an |nd|v|dua| who has no |ntont|on ot cooporat|ng comos
up on tho stago to poko tun at tho hypnot|st. ln g|v|ng pub||c domonstrat|ons, [ 04| l usua||y work w|th about ton subjocts and s|mu|tanoous|y g|vo
thom tho samo suggost|ons and posthypnot|c suggost|ons. Onco tho subjocts aro hypnot|zod, l work w|th thom w|th tho|r oyos opon. Us|ng th|s
tochn|quo, w|th oach subjoct carry|ng out a posthypnot|c suggost|on, |ntons|t|os tho rosponsos ot othor subjocts. 1horo |s a|so compot|t|vonoss to
bocomo tho bost subjoct.
ln tho moant|mo, tho |nd|v|dua| who |s roa||y not undor hypnos|s has |ot tho aud|onco know about |t by w|nk|ng or mak|ng a gr|maco whon l was not
|ook|ng at h|m. Obsorv|ng |aughtor and othor aud|onco roact|ons wh|ch aro not |n koop|ng w|th what |s happon|ng at tho proc|so momont dur|ng my
|octuro |s my cuo that l havo an ogocontr|c porson on stago. You m|ght ask, Can't you to|| whon somoono |s tak|ng? lt |s oxtromo|y d|tt|cu|t many
t|mos to do so. Onco you aro awaro ot |t, howovor, you g|vo corta|n tosts to tho group. 1ho oxh|b|t|on|st doosn't know how to rospond oach t|mo and
you soon p|ck h|m out.
Evon whon l know spoc|t|ca||y who |t |s, l do not d|sm|ss h|m. lntorost|ng|y, |t |s |nvar|ab|y a man. l cont|nuo w|th tho |octuro-domonstrat|on, but l |ot tho
aud|onco know that l am awaro ot tho s|tuat|on. 1h|s |s tho |ntorost|ng part ot th|s oxamp|o. 1ho bumpt|ous subjoct, by g|v|ng h|mso|t
autosuggost|ons to comp|y w|th var|ous posthypnot|c suggost|ons, |s actua||y ongag|ng |n our tochn|quo ot ro|o p|ay|ng. 1ho |nov|tab|o happons. |o
t|nds h|mso|t hypnot|zod dosp|to h|s obv|ous |ntont|on not to bo attoctod |n any way. Any hypnot|st can rocount s|m||ar |nc|donts.
What can you |oarn by tho oxamp|o just prosontod? What |t you purposo|y sot about do|ng tho samo th|ng |n your attompt to ach|ovo so|t-hypnos|s?
1ho obv|ous answor |s that tho tochn|quo has a good chanco ot work|ng, and as a rosu|t you w||| ach|ovo so|t-hypnos|s. 1h|s mothod [ 0b| has
workod w|th many roca|c|trant subjocts. 1o to||ow th|s p|an, go back to chaptor s|x, |ow 1o Atta|n 3o|t-|ypnos|s, and uso tho ro|o-p|ay|ng
tochn|quo. You'|| bo p|oasant|y surpr|sod at how th|s approach w||| act as a cata|yst. lomombor, onco you obta|n tho oyo c|osuro, g|vo yourso|t
whatovor thorapout|c suggost|on you dos|ro p|us tho posthypnot|c suggost|on that tho noxt t|mo you w||| ta|| |nto a doopor and soundor stato ot
hypnos|s at tho count ot throo or any othor cuo you dos|ro.
l know you may protost us|ng tho ro|o-p|ay|ng tochn|quo w|th tho quost|on, lt l'm not undor hypnos|s, why g|vo myso|t thorapout|c posthypnot|c
suggost|ons to cond|t|on myso|t to go undor hypnos|s at a spoc|t|c count? You may turthor protost that you aro on|y too||ng yourso|t. Vy answor |s,
What |t you aro? What |s |ost by do|ng |t? You havo ovoryth|ng to ga|n and noth|ng to |oso. Aro you not roa||y |ntorostod |n tho ond rosu|t and not
tho moans? 1ho atta|nmont ot tho so|t-hypnot|c stato |s not |n |tso|t tho ond rosu|t, |t |s a moans to ho|p you ach|ovo your goa|.
0on't many poop|o carry or woar good-|uck charms ot a ro||g|ous or nonro||g|ous naturo? 0on't wo accopt thoso |toms |n our soc|oty? 1ho tour-|oat
c|ovor and rabb|t's toot as symbo|s ot good |uck havo boon part ot our cu|turo tor a |ong t|mo. Wo aro a|| soph|st|catod onough to know that thoy do
not havo an |ntr|ns|c va|uo, but don't thoy do somoth|ng tor our monta| att|tudo? 1h|s samo pattorn |s proc|so|y what you aro to to||ow |n us|ng tho
ro|o-p|ay|ng tochn|quo. lt you bo||ovo, oxpoct and |mag|no that you w||| bo succosstu| |n th|s approach to so|t-hypnos|s, l can assuro you that you w|||.
Vay l urgo you not to rojoct th|s novo| and unorthodox approach. Vany havo had oxco||ont rosu|ts whon othor mothods, ovon thoso ot a protoss|ona|
hypnot|st, havo [ 00| ta||od. 3omo ot you may rocogn|zo th|s approach as anothor moans ot app|y|ng tho v|sua|-|magory tochn|quo. Whatovor you
chooso to ca|| |t, l ro|torato you can oxpoct good rosu|ts. lt |s on|y nocossary that you to||ow tho |nstruct|ons and adopt tho r|ght att|tudo. 3y tho r|ght
att|tudo, l moan that you shou|d adopt tho conv|ct|on that you aro go|ng to ach|ovo so|t-hypnos|s ovon though you m|ght havo oxpor|oncod d|tt|cu|ty
up to now. |ypnos|s |s a conv|ct|on phonomonon.
lt |s poss|b|o you may say you aro not suggost|b|o. Actua||y, your |ack ot rosponso provos your suggost|b|||ty. You havo boon |nt|uoncod by nogat|vo
suggost|ons. Evoryono |s suggost|b|o to somo dogroo. You havo bocomo oxtromo|y suggost|b|o to consc|ous or unconsc|ous st|mu|| wh|ch aro
dot|n|to|y attoct|ng your ab|||ty to rospond. You nood on|y uso th|s |atont suggost|b|||ty and mako |t work tor you. What wou|d you say about tho
suggost|b|||ty ot a porson who doosn't want to ta|k about hypnos|s? 1h|s porson has novor road a book on hypnos|s and abso|uto|y doosn't want you
or anyono o|so to hypnot|zo h|m. Wou|d you bo||ovo th|s porson |s a potont|a||y good hypnot|c subjoct? l can to|| you by pract|ca| oxpor|onco that
onco th|s porson a||ows h|mso|t to bo hypnot|zod, ho turns out to bo a portoct subjoct. lospond|ng to o|thor ond ot tho suggost|b|||ty sca|o |s
|nd|cat|vo ot succoss w|th hypnos|s. lt bocomos a mattor ot man|pu|at|ng th|s suggost|b|||ty sk|||tu||y |n ordor to ach|ovo rosu|ts.
lot mo g|vo you anothor oxamp|o wh|ch may ho|p. Wh|ch ono ot tho two ||nos drawn on th|s pago |s |ongor? l|no A3 or ||no C0?
[ 07|
What |s your answor? 0|d you th|nk both woro tho samo? 1ako a ru|or and actua||y moasuro thom. You'|| t|nd ||no A3 |ongor than C0. 3ut, you
rop|y, ovory othor t|mo both ||nos woro tho samo. 1h|s |s a tam|||ar opt|ca| |||us|on wh|ch |s usod many t|mos |n bas|c coursos |n psycho|ogy. lt |s
known as tho Vu||or-lyor |||us|on. Vy contont|on |s that |t you sa|d, 3oth aro tho samo s|zo, you aro potont|a||y a good subjoct. You rospond
portoct|y to prov|ous cond|t|on|ng, thus, you aro rospond|ng as ant|c|patod. lt, on tho othor hand, you p|ckod ||no A3, you aro norma||y suggost|b|o. lt
you honost|y p|ckod ||no C0, you aro oxtromo|y caut|ous and rospond bost to rovorso psycho|ogy. Onco aga|n you aro h|gh|y suggost|b|o, but
toward ono oxtromo.
|oro's anothor |ntorost|ng oxpor|mont. Wou|d you say that ||nos A3 and C0 woro portoct|y stra|ght? l'|| |ot you t|guro out what your rosponso moans
to th|s tost by yourso|t. You can tako a ru|or to dotorm|no |t tho ||nos aro stra|ght.[ 08|
Wo a|| rospond unconsc|ous|y to st|mu|| ot somo sort. Word assoc|at|on tosts aro basod on th|s pr|nc|p|o. Aron't your roact|ons automat|c to tho
to||ow|ng torms: domocrat|c party, ropub||can party, commun|st party, mothor, tathor, mov|o star? lt l mont|on tho namo ot a tamous porson, c|ty or
country, tho samo |mmod|ato unconsc|ous roact|on takos p|aco. lot's try |t. 1hoodoro loosovo|t, |arry 1ruman, 0w|ght 0. E|sonhowor, 1ohn |.
Konnody, A|bort E|nsto|n, A|bort 3chwo|tzor, E|oanor loosovo|t, 3oston, low York C|ty, |o||ywood, V|am| 3oach, Un|tod 3tatos, Eng|and, |ranco,
lta|y, lsrao|, Atr|ca, luss|a, Ch|na, lnd|a and 3outh Amor|ca. 1ho rosponso and |mago koop chang|ng, don't thoy?
l am try|ng to po|nt out that th|s roact|on |s automat|c bocauso ot prov|ous cond|t|on|ng. l cou|d mont|on a|most anyth|ng and tho samo automat|c
roact|on wou|d tako p|aco. 1ho roact|on wou|d a|ways bo tho samo un|oss somoth|ng had happonod to chango or a|tor your rosponso. lot us
mont|on tho word hypnos|s. 3omo sort ot roact|on must tako p|aco. 1h|s can o|thor bo pos|t|vo, nogat|vo, or noutra| tor our purposos. You roa||y
don't havo to th|nk about your rosponso as |t |s automat|c. 1ho po|nt to romombor |s that a dot|n|to rosponso has takon p|aco wh|ch w||| o|thor ho|p
or h|ndor your atta|nmont ot hypnos|s. lt tho rosponso shou|d bo nogat|vo, |t can bo changod by ga|n|ng know|odgo and actua| oxpor|onco |n
hypnos|s. lt |s natura| to havo a b|t ot unoas|noss whon t|rst oxpor|onc|ng or th|nk|ng about bo|ng hypnot|zod. Attor a||, you havon't boon oxposod to
hypnos|s |n a thorapout|c sott|ng and cou|dn't havo tormod a tavorab|o roact|on. Your rosponso |s probab|y dor|vod trom a t|ct|on|zat|on ot hypnos|s.
1ho |n|t|a| task ot tho hypnot|st |s to croato, by oducat|ng tho prospoct|vo subjoct, a tavorab|o att|tudo so that tho subjoct [ 00| a||ows h|mso|t to bo
What doos th|s moan spoc|t|ca||y to you |t you aro hav|ng d|tt|cu|ty |oarn|ng so|t-hypnos|s? lt moans that through ropoatod oxposuros, you w||| t|na||y
rospond. You w||| roa||zo thoro |s no nood tor anx|oty |n rogard to your rosponso. 1h|s |nnor too||ng w|||, |n turn, havo a cumu|at|vo, tavorab|o ottoct
upon your unconsc|ous wh|ch w||| rosu|t |n your t|na||y rospond|ng to hypnos|s.
3upposo you st||| ma|nta|n and |ns|st that you aro not suggost|b|o and wondor |t you w||| ovor rospond to hypnos|s. |urthormoro, tho assuranco l
havo g|von you up to th|s po|nt doosn't soom to conv|nco you. lt you havo tr|od d|||gont|y to ach|ovo so|t-hypnos|s, you cannot bo b|amod, but |ot's try
an oxpor|mont to tost your suggost|b|||ty. lt |s wo|| to pondor my statomont that |t you do not rospond, |t |s a s|gn ot bo|ng suggost|b|o, but |n a
nogat|vo sonso. lack ot rosponso |s a man|tostat|on ot th|s nogat|vo suggost|b|||ty. Vy contont|on |s that you aro dot|n|to|y suggost|b|o. lot us soo
what happons to you |n try|ng tho to||ow|ng c|ass|ca| oxpor|mont. lt |s ca||od tho Chovrou|'s londu|um tost.
0raw a c|rc|o w|th about a s|x-|nch d|amotor and mark |t as shown |n tho |||ustrat|on.
loxt, tako a r|ng and attach a str|ng to |t. lt you havo a |ockot, |t w||| do as wo||. 1ho hypnot|st usos a crysta| [ 100| ba|| and cha|n tor th|s oxpor|mont.
|o|d tho ond ot tho str|ng or cha|n and koop tho r|ng or whatovor objoct you aro us|ng about throo |nchos abovo tho contor ot tho c|rc|o.
low, concontrato and t|x your gazo on tho r|ng, crysta| ba||, or |ockot. Vonta||y suggost to yourso|t that tho objoct w||| bog|n to rovo|vo |n a c|rcu|ar
mannor to||ow|ng tho numbors 1, 2, 8, and 4. l|cturo |n your m|nd's oyo that th|s c|rcu|ar mot|on |s bocom|ng w|dor and w|dor. Work at th|s |mago tor
sovora| m|nutos. 0|d tho objoct bog|n turn|ng to tho r|ght to||ow|ng tho numbors? 0|d tho c|rc|o bocomo |argor and |argor? lt |t d|d, you aro abso|uto|y
suggost|b|o, aro |nt|uoncod by your own suggost|ons and, thorotoro, |t you to||ow |nstruct|ons, can |oarn so|t-hypnos|s. You can bo tra|nod to acqu|ro
th|s sk|||.
lt tho oxpor|onco d|d not work, try |t aga|n. Concontrato hardor and try to v|sua||zo moro |ntont|y tho objoct rovo|v|ng |n a c|rcu|ar mannor. You aro not
to rotato tho objoct consc|ous|y or ho|p |t |n any way. 1ho act|on must stom trom your subconsc|ous. 1ho thought ot tho crysta| ba|| or r|ng rovo|v|ng |n
a c|ockw|so or countorc|ockw|so d|roct|on |nvar|ab|y causos an |nvo|untary muscu|ar rot|ox act|on to tako p|aco. 1h|s phonomonon |s known as an
|doomotor act|on. Usua||y, as tho subjoct concontratos moro |ntonso|y, tho rot|ox act|on bocomos moro protound, caus|ng groator unconsc|ous
movomont ot tho hand wh|ch, |n turn, |s transm|ttod to tho objoct |n tho torm ot |argor c|rc|os and groator momontum. 1ho t|mo roqu|rod tor tho
succosstu| accomp||shmont ot th|s tost doponds upon tho dogroo ot suggost|b|||ty ot tho subjoct. An |ntorost|ng act|on |s to soo tho objoct rovo|vo |n
an oppos|to d|roct|on than suggostod. lt g|vos a c|uo to tho porsona||ty structuro ot tho |nd|v|dua|.
1ho Ou|ja board works on tho samo pr|nc|p|o as tho [ 101| Chovrou|'s londu|um tost. Vany t|mos tho asp|rant w||| romark, l swoar l d|dn't mako |t
movo! Vonta||sts t|nd h|ddon objocts |n an aud|onco us|ng bas|ca||y tho samo approach, comb|nod w|th c|ovor tochn|quos ot d|stract|on. 1ho torm
g|von tor th|s |s musc|o road|ng.
1h|s |s tho po|nt |n quost|on. lt tho crysta| ba||, r|ng or |ockot movos w|thout consc|ous d|roct|on, you havo succosstu||y |nt|uoncod your subconsc|ous
m|nd. 3o|t-hypnos|s |nvo|vos tho samo procoduro. 1ho goa| |s to consc|ous|y causo a subconsc|ous roact|on. lt tho oxpor|mont doos not work w|th
your oyos opon, try |t w|th your oyos c|osod tor about t|vo m|nutos. You w||| bo p|oasant|y surpr|sod w|th tho rosu|ts. 3hou|d you want to provo to
yourso|t that you aro suggost|b|o w|th your oyos opon, pract|co tho tochn|quo ovory day tor a wook or two. 1ho |doa ot tho pract|co soss|ons |s to
ro|ntorco and |ncroaso tho rosponso ot tho unconsc|ous movomont unt|| you dovo|op prot|c|oncy. lt to||ows tho |aws ot tho cond|t|onod rot|ox thoory
oxpoundod by 0r. lvan l. lav|ov (1840-1080), tho tamous luss|an psycho|og|st. lt, attor sovora| wooks, you shou|d st||| not bo succosstu|, uso tho
ro|o-p|ay|ng tochn|quo. Consc|ous|y mako tho objoct rovo|vo. Attor a wh||o, |t w||| movo automat|ca||y whonovor you attompt tho oxpor|mont.
Whon th|s happons you w||| havo proot ot your suggost|b|||ty. lt |s h|gh|y |mprobab|o that you w||| not bo succosstu|. lt wou|d bo a raro occurronco. 3y
tho samo systomat|c ottorts, l can assuro you that you can ach|ovo so|t-hypnos|s. lt you aro st||| not attoctod tavorab|y, you m|ght cons|dor ono ot tho
psycho|og|ca| moans ot |nduc|ng hypnos|s. 1ho noxt chaptor w||| d|scuss th|s top|c.
l wou|d rocommond lav|ov's book ca||od Coooltloooo Ro|oxos. lav|ov's book w||| turthor oxp|a|n and c|ar|ty tho concopt ot tho cond|t|onod
rosponso mochan|sm. lt [ 102| covors nocossary cond|t|ons tor tho dovo|opmont ot cond|t|onod rosponsos, tho|r tormat|on by moans ot cond|t|onod
and d|roct st|mu||, p|us a tromondous amount ot mator|a| wh|ch w||| ho|p you |n your undorstand|ng ot tho s|gn|t|canco ot tho ro|o-p|ay|ng tochn|quo |n
ro|at|onsh|p to |oarn|ng so|t-hypnos|s.
[ 108|
Chapter 11
PaychoIogicaI Aida and 1hoir Function
lsycho|og|ca| or mochan|ca| a|ds aro usod to ho|p put tho subjoct |n a stato ot hypnos|s. 1ho uso ot tho a|ds ho|ps |ncroaso tho suggost|b|||ty ot tho
subjoct toward hypnos|s. 1ho two most w|do|y usod hypnot|c a|ds aro tho crysta| ba|| and cha|n and tho 12-|nch hypnod|sc. Ono roason |s that thoso
two |toms havo no othor uso or tunct|on outs|do ot tho aroa ot hypnos|s. 1horotoro, whon tho hypnot|st procoods to uso ono ot thoso hypnot|c
dov|cos, |t must to||ow that a corta|n monta| sot, road|noss, or rocopt|v|ty must to||ow as a rosu|t ot |ts |ntroduct|on |nto tho hypnot|c sott|ng. lt tho
subjoct |s unoasy about tho hypnot|c sott|ng or h|s rosponso, tho |ntroduct|on ot tho hypnot|c a|d can mob|||zo tho subjoct's dotonsos wh|ch may bo
on a consc|ous or unconsc|ous |ovo|. Gonora||y, tho monta| sot wh|ch to||ows ho|ps augmont whatovor hypnot|c suggost|ons aro g|von. Corta|n|y tho
samo monta| sot wou|d not to||ow |t tho hypnot|st usod a papor c||p as a moans ot ho|p|ng w|th tho |nduct|on ot hypnos|s. lt wou|d on|y [ 104| start tho
subjoct wondor|ng about tho ro|at|onsh|p ot tho papor c||p to hypnos|s. lt obv|ous|y |sn't |n koop|ng w|th what tho subjoct oxpocts.
lt |s |mportant to ut|||zo tho subjoct's oxpoctat|on as to what ho bo||ovos takos p|aco |n tho sott|ng as |ong as th|s oxpoctat|on doos not h|ndor tho
|nduct|on ot hypnos|s. 1ho moro act ot turn|ng down tho ||ghts or draw|ng tho curta|ns botoro tho hypnot|st bog|ns to work w|th tho subjoct |s a non-
vorba| suggost|on wh|ch can bo cons|dorod as a psycho|og|ca| a|d. 1ho subjoct knows that tho hypnot|st |s roady to bog|n at th|s po|nt. Actua||y, |t
|sn't nocossary to darkon tho room at any t|mo to |nduco hypnos|s. 0oosn't tho stago hypnot|st work w|th g|ar|ng ||ghts? 1ho room |s darkonod (and l
m|ght add that l uso th|s procoduro myso|t) ma|n|y tor tho psycho|og|ca| ottoct. lt l too| that th|s procoduro m|ght causo anx|oty, l procood w|th tho
room undarkonod.
ln d|scuss|ng psycho|og|ca| a|ds, |t |s agrood that wo aro pr|mar||y |ntorostod |n soo|ng tho subjoct too| bottor or ach|ovo whatovor goa|s ho sooks
through tho |nto|||gont app||cat|on ot so|t-hypnos|s. lt a hypnot|c a|d w||| ho|p tho subjoct ach|ovo hypnos|s, wo can concur |t |s just|t|od. lt |s not to bo
cons|dorod a subtortugo. lt tho phys|c|an adm|n|stors a p|acobo to a pat|ont w|th tho romark, |oro |s a now mod|cat|on that can ho|p your
cond|t|on and |t th|s tochn|quo doos ho|p a||ov|ato tho pat|ont's cond|t|on, |t |s cons|dorod good mod|c|no.
You know botorohand that |n us|ng tho 12-|nch hypnod|sc, tho subjoct's oyos must bog|n to wator, h|s oyo||ds must got hoavy, and ovontua||y ho
must c|oso thom. Evon botoro you bog|n to uso tho hypnod|sc, you suggost that thoso cond|t|ons w||| tako p|aco. 0ur|ng tho |nduct|on ot hypnos|s,
as thoso roact|ons aro notod by tho subjoct, a [ 10b| tavorab|o, psycho|og|ca| att|tudo automat|ca||y dovo|ops wh|ch, |n turn, ho|ps turthor
suggost|ons. lt tho subjoct roacts tavorab|y to suggost|ons A, 3, and C, |t to||ows that ho |s moro prono to accopt suggost|ons 0, E, and | wh|ch aro
thorapout|c |n naturo. 1ho subjoct can ro|ato bottor to tho |attor suggost|ons whon ho has soon proot ot h|s |n|t|a| suggost|b|||ty. 1h|s approach works
bottor than bog|nn|ng |mmod|ato|y w|th tho |attor suggost|ons. 1ho bu||d-up ot suggost|ons conv|ncos tho subjoct ho |s |n a ho|ghtonod stato ot
suggost|b|||ty and can bonot|t trom tho thorapout|c suggost|ons ot tho hypnot|st or h|s own. lorhaps th|s noodod assuranco |s so ho|ptu| bocauso |t
o||m|natos tho anx|oty ot tho subjoct concorn|ng h|s suggost|b|||ty. |o sooks and noods tho sat|stact|on ot know|ng ho has atta|nod tho proroqu|s|tos
nocossary botoro any thorapout|c program can bonot|t h|m. 1ho subjoct's proroqu|s|tos nood not bo actua||y ro|atod to tho hypnot|c procoss, por so,
but moro|y match h|s proconco|vod |doas about what |s nocossary. lot mo g|vo you an oxamp|o.
Vany subjocts too| that thoy must oxpor|onco amnos|a botoro thoy can bonot|t trom hypnot|c suggost|ons. 1h|s prom|so |s |naccurato s|nco
tavorab|o and |ast|ng rosu|ts can bo ach|ovod |n any dogroo ot hypnos|s, dopond|ng, ot courso, on tho naturo ot tho prob|om. lot mo ro|ato sovora|
|ntorost|ng occurroncos that tako p|aco ovory so otton |n my own pract|co as a protoss|ona| hypnot|st. A subjoct who |s rospond|ng wo|| to hypnos|s,
but not to tho po|nt ot amnos|a, |ns|sts that ho w||| not bonot|t unt|| ho |s knockod out and doosn't romombor what happonod. 1ry|ng to conv|nco
h|m othorw|so provos tata|. |o just rotusos to accopt whatovor oxp|anat|on you g|vo h|m. Vy own mothod |s not to |ns|st that tho subjoct |s wrong,
but somohow to uso h|s m|sconcopt|on |n a construct|vo mannor. [ 100| Attor gott|ng h|m |nto a cata|opt|c stato, l suggost that l am go|ng to stop
ta|k|ng tor t|vo m|nutos, dur|ng wh|ch t|mo ho |s to monta||y ropoat s|oop as ho s|ow|y and doop|y |nha|os and doop s|oop as ho s|ow|y oxha|os.
At tho ond ot th|s t|mo, ho'|| bo |n a vory doop hypnot|c stato. lnstoad ot roma|n|ng qu|ot tor t|vo m|nutos, l tako ton m|nutos. l thon bog|n to wh|spor
suggost|ons to tho subjoct to dotorm|no |t ho |s st||| undor hypnos|s or as|oop. lt ho |s as|oop, l |ot h|m roma|n as|oop tor a st||| |ongor por|od ot t|mo,
attor wh|ch |ntorva| l awakon h|m. l ask h|m |t ho romombors what l sa|d to h|m dur|ng tho t|mo ho was doop|y hypnot|zod. lt ho says, lo, l romark,
vory good. l turthor po|nt out to h|m that ho has now oxpor|oncod amnos|a and w||| now mako rap|d str|dos. 1ho subjoct, on tho othor hand, |s
p|oasod to soo that l now agroo w|th h|m, and, |n tact, tho |ntorost|ng rosu|t |s that ho doos mako oxco||ont progross bocauso h|s proconco|vod
roqu|romonts havo boon mot. lt shou|d bo po|ntod out that l koop work|ng w|th tho subjoct unt|| such t|mo that ho ta||s as|oop. 1ho trans|t|on trom
hypnos|s to s|oop |s norma|. lt |s oasy tor tho subjoct to ta|| as|oop bocauso ho |s so ro|axod.
lot mo to|| you ot a s|m||ar oxpor|onco. 3otoro to|||ng you ot th|s psycho|og|ca| tochn|quo, |t |s on|y ta|r to po|nt out that tho protoss|ona| hypnot|st
var|os h|s approach trom subjoct to subjoct, not on|y to su|t tho noods ot tho subjoct but to broak tho monotony ot us|ng on|y a tow succosstu|
procoduros. ||s oxpor|montat|on ho|ps dovo|op not on|y now procoduros, but now concopts ro|at|vo to tho gonora| naturo ot hypnos|s and |ts many
ram|t|cat|ons. l was |ntorostod to soo what wou|d happon to a subjoct |t ho thought ho was doop|y hypnot|zod w|thout ovor g|v|ng h|m vorba|
suggost|ons or roassuranco that ho wou|d too| [ 107| bottor or ovorcomo h|s prob|om. Ot courso, |t tho tochn|quo d|d not work qu|ck|y, l wou|d drop
tho procoduro tor a moro orthodox approach. lnstoad ot try|ng to roa||y hypnot|zo tho subjoct, my a|m |s to got h|m to s|oop. Onco ho |s as|oop, l |ot
h|m roma|n so tor about 80 m|nutos. W|thout hav|ng ovor g|von h|m a thorapout|c suggost|on, l awakon h|m and |nqu|ro |t ho romomborod what
happonod. lt tho answor |s, lo, l to|| h|m l'|| hypnot|zo h|m aga|n noxt wook and th|s conc|udos tho v|s|t. Whon ho roturns noxt wook, l ask h|m,
|ow d|d you too| dur|ng tho wook? 1ho answor |s gonora||y, Vuch bottor. l koop ropoat|ng th|s procoduro unt|| such t|mo that tho |nd|v|dua| has
atta|nod tho goa|s that ho sooks.
l know that tho roador may bo surpr|sod that l wou|d d|vu|go such an unconvont|ona| procoduro. 1ho pr|nc|p|o |s tho samo as tho phys|c|an us|ng a
p|acobo. l do so to |||ustrato tho po|nt that l mado oar||or |n th|s chaptor that so |ong as corta|n ot tho subjoct's roqu|romonts aro mot, whothor va||d or
|nva||d, tho subjoct's suggost|b|||ty |s groat|y onhancod. latura||y, tho unsuspoct|ng subjoct oquatod tho por|od ot not romombor|ng, wh|ch was, as
wo know, truo s|oop, w|th tho somnambu||st|c stato. Actua||y, ho was ho|pod by so|t-hypnos|s bocauso ho to|t ho wou|d now mako progross bocauso
ho provod to bo such an oxco||ont subjoct. lt |s truo, ho was not us|ng so|t-hypnos|s as has boon out||nod |n th|s book, but ho had now ach|ovod a
ho|ghtonod stato ot suggost|b|||ty (hypnos|s) and was us|ng th|s stato to turthor h|s own onds.
1ho atta|nmont ot so|t-hypnos|s can bo an |ntr|cato and o|us|vo procoduro as l havo a|roady po|ntod out. 1ho purposo ot tho ont|ro book |s to
|nstruct, po|nt out and g|vo you tho nocossary undorstand|ng and know|odgo roqu|rod to ach|ovo th|s ond. W|thout th|s undorstand|ng, th|s can [ 108|
bocomo a vory trustrat|ng ottort. lt |s hopod that by undorstand|ng and bo|ng awaro ot somo ot tho ram|t|cat|ons ot hypnos|s, you w||| bo ab|o to
ach|ovo your goa| |n tho qu|ckost poss|b|o t|mo. lt shou|d a|so bo po|ntod out that no two subjocts roact |n tho samo way and that d|ttoront mothods
and roqu|romonts aro nocossary to su|t tho |nd|v|dua|. lt |s a m|stako to try to mako tho subjoct adhoro to a r|g|d mothodo|ogy. 1ho groator t|ox|b|||ty
ot tho hypnot|c procoduros, tho groator tho chanco tor succoss. lot mo, at th|s t|mo, turthor d|scuss somo ot tho hypnot|c a|ds that aro usod |n tho
|nduct|on ot hypnos|s.
Wo havo a|roady d|scussod tho uso ot tho hypnod|sc and crysta| ba|| and cha|n. 1ho samo pr|nc|p|os aro |nvo|vod |n any othor objoct wh|ch |s usod
as a moans ot t|xat|on or ot t|r|ng tho oyos. |ypnot|c phonograph rocords and hypnot|c tapo rocord|ngs roprosont now dov|cos that havo boon
|nstrumonta| |n cond|t|on|ng subjocts tor so|t-hypnos|s. 1ho subjoct p|ays tho rocord or tapo on h|s phonograph or tapo rocordor and |s cond|t|onod
ovor a por|od ot t|mo to rospond to hypnos|s at a g|von s|gna| or phraso. |o, |n turn, can chango th|s koy phraso to ono ot h|s own choos|ng. 3hou|d
you own or havo accoss to a tapo rocordor, l wou|d suggost rocord|ng an |nduct|on ot hypnos|s and p|ay|ng |t back to yourso|t |n th|s mannor as
though you woro hypnot|z|ng somoono o|so.
l havo producod throo d|ttoront hypnot|c rocords and a 80-m|nuto hypnot|c tapo conta|n|ng tho throo rocords wh|ch aro so|d commorc|a||y. Ono
rocord, ca||od tho Vus|ca| |ypnot|c locord, has a vory p|oasant, ro|ax|ng mus|ca| background as tho vo|co ot tho hypnot|st |nducos hypnos|s. 1ho
socond rocord, ca||od tho Votronomo |ypnot|c locord, |ncorporatos tho monotonous and |u|||ng boat ot an o|octr|c motronomo |n tho background.
1ho [ 100| subjoct |s |nstructod to monta||y ropoat s|oop as ho s|ow|y |nha|os and doop s|oop as ho s|ow|y oxha|os |n rhythm w|th tho boat ot tho
motronomo. Wh||o tho subjoct |s concontrat|ng on th|s act|v|ty, tho vo|co ot tho hypnot|st |nducos hypnos|s. 1ho th|rd rocord, ca||od 3o|t-|ypnos|s
locord lo. 8, conta|ns on|y tho vo|co ot tho hypnot|st |nduc|ng hypnos|s. lt toaturos a un|quo approach and tochn|quo.
l havo had a groat doa| ot corrospondonco w|th thoso who havo usod thoso phonograph rocords and tho hypnot|c tapo tor cond|t|on|ng thomso|vos
tor so|t-hypnos|s. 1ho rosu|ts aro qu|to |ntorost|ng and run tho rango ot |mmod|ato rosu|ts to no rosu|ts. Ono porson wroto that ono ot tho rocords
hypnot|zod h|m at tho t|rst p|ay|ng and cond|t|onod h|m tor so|t-hypnos|s, whoroas ho had ta||od to rospond to hypnos|s attor many v|s|ts to ono ot
tho country's toromost author|t|os. l havo had s|m||ar oxpor|oncos attor hav|ng ta||od to hypnot|zo a subjoct dosp|to many attompts. l can on|y
spocu|ato that tho subjocts |n thoso casos unconsc|ous|y ros|st tho hypnot|st bocauso thoy too| a porsona| throat. 3|nco tho rocord |s |mporsona|,
thoy aro bottor ab|o to ro|ax and subsoquont|y bo hypnot|zod. lntorost|ng|y, th|s occurrod whon tho subjoct was conv|ncod that ho was a vory d|tt|cu|t
subjoct. lt wou|d soom that on|y thon was tho cond|t|onod rosponso pattorn t|na||y ostab||shod. 1ho bas|c tunct|on ot tho hypnot|c rocords and
hypnot|c tapo |s to ostab||sh a cond|t|onod rosponso pattorn to a g|von st|mu|us. ln t|mo, most subjocts aro cond|t|onod by tho |nto|||gont and
systomat|c uso ot thoso rocord|ngs.
lot mo doscr|bo anothor var|od approach to ach|ov|ng so|t-hypnos|s. Ono ot tho ch|ot assots ot a good hypnot|st |s to bo t|ox|b|o |n h|s approach |n
hypnot|z|ng h|s subjocts. [ 110| As l havo a|roady po|ntod out, |t |s nocossary many t|mos to adopt a tochn|quo that |s su|tab|o to tho subjoct and not
to mako tho subjoct adapt h|mso|t to tho mothod ot |nduct|on.
Wo know that w|th somnambu||st|c subjocts any procoduro w||| put tho subjoct undor hypnos|s |mmod|ato|y. 1ho hypnot|st ga|ns comp|oto contro| ot
h|s subjoct as tho subjoct |s ab|o to put h|mso|t |n tho propor psycho|og|ca| tramo ot m|nd tor hypnos|s. Untortunato|y, most subjocts do not rospond
at tho t|rst soss|on or soss|ons bocauso ot consc|ous or subconsc|ous toars that must bo gradua||y o||m|natod. Onco you got tho subjoct to ro|ax, or
|ot go, ho w||| natura||y succumb to hypnos|s. 1h|s |s tho prob|om that contronts a|| hypnot|sts.
Voro|y suggost|ng to tho subjoct to ro|ax |s not sutt|c|ont, as a ru|o, to br|ng about th|s dos|rod monta| stato. 1ho subjoct, at th|s po|nt, cannot oas||y
turn on or ott h|s monta| and phys|ca| too||ngs. Evon |t wo havo tho subjoct ||o down, th|s doos not assuro tho hypnot|c stato as tho subjoct can st|||
bo tonso. Our ma|n prob|om |s to got tho subjoct ro|axod. Our s|tuat|on |s s|m||ar to tho phys|c|an to|||ng h|s pat|ont to go homo and torgot about a
corta|n prob|om. l'm suro you'|| agroo that tho adv|co |s v|rtua||y |mposs|b|o to to||ow.
Ono ot tho major stumb||ng b|ocks |n hypnot|z|ng a subjoct or |n so|t-hypnos|s ||os |n tho tact that a|though wo uso torms such as ro|ax, |ot yourso|t
go, and othors, tho subjoct cannot road||y put tho moan|ng ot thoso words |nto ottoct. lt |s d|tt|cu|t tor most poop|o to |ot go whon wo ||vo |n a soc|oty
that bockons us to |ook sharp, bo sharp, bo a|ort, bo on tho ba|| and mako ovory m|nuto count. Emphas|s on product|v|ty doos not |ond to a
soc|oty ot ro|axod |nd|v|dua|s.[ 111|
ln my |ong oxpor|onco as a protoss|ona| hypnot|st, l havo tr|od many novo| |nnovat|ons tor |nduc|ng hypnos|s and toach|ng |nd|v|dua|s so|t-hypnos|s.
3omo havo mot w|th a groat doa| ot succoss and othors havo ta||od. lt |s, turthormoro, d|tt|cu|t to dotorm|no tho causa| tactors tor succoss or ta||uro.
Wo can on|y thoor|zo.
l havo usod tho to||ow|ng unorthodox tochn|quo tor about a por|od ot 1b yoars. Excopt|ona||y good rosu|ts havo boon atta|nod w|th |t, a|though |t must
bo adm|ttod that |t |s not |nta|||b|o. lt |s suggostod to you as anothor good tochn|quo. ln ordor to ho|p tho subjoct ro|ax, l havo boon us|ng a
phonograph rocord or tapo that l rocordod conta|n|ng tho cont|nuous sound ot var|ous dogroos ot ra|n. Ono s|do has a ha|t hour ot vory sott, ||ght
ra|nta|| such as you havo oxpor|oncod |n ||ston|ng to ra|n ta|||ng on grass, canvas or a tont top. 1ho othor s|do or track conta|ns a ha|t hour ot ra|n
ottocts such as ono wou|d hoar |n a hoavy downta|| w|th |oud sp|attor|ngs ot wator on tho pavomont. 1ho rocord and tapo woro or|g|na||y dos|gnod to
ho|p |nsomn|a suttorors and |ator |ncorporatod |nto tho hypnot|c procoduro.
1ho subjoct |s |nstructod to c|oso h|s oyos and ||ston to tho sound ot tho ra|n wh||o p|ctur|ng h|mso|t ro|ax|ng noar a warm, g|ow|ng t|rop|aco. As you
can noto, tho subjoct aga|n |ncorporatos tho v|sua|-|magory tochn|quo. 1ho ro|ax|ng ottoct thus producod ovor a por|od ot t|mo onhancos h|s
chancos ot succoss |n atta|n|ng a doop, hypnot|c stato.
1horo aro many othor |ntorost|ng and un|quo dov|cos and a|ds you can uso tor |nduc|ng hypnos|s. lathor than prosont thom a|| |n th|s book, l havo
tu||y doscr|bod thom and tho|r tochn|quo ot oporat|on |n a 144-pago |||ustratod cata|og. 1h|s cata|og not on|y conta|ns a ||st ot hypnot|c [ 112| a|ds,
but a doscr|pt|on and ||st|ng ot ovor 4b0 hypnot|sm and so|t-ho|p books. Upon roquost, l sha|| bo p|oasod to sond |t to you. Wr|to to: Vo|v|n lowors,
1201b 3horman load, lo. |o||ywood, Ca||torn|a 0100b and ask tor |ypnot|c Cata|og lo. 7. 3hou|d you havo any quost|ons on so|t-hypnos|s or
hotoro-hypnos|s, l sha|| bo p|oasod to answor you.
[ 118|
Chapter 12
1ho Naturo ot Eynoaia
A|though tho naturo and phonomona ot hypnos|s aro st||| |ncomp|oto|y undorstood, thoro aro a mu|t|tudo ot thoor|os wh|ch attompt to oxp|a|n |ts
mochan|sm and rosu|ts. 1ho most that can bo dono at th|s t|mo |s to oxp|oro var|ous v|ows wh|ch aro ho|d by |oad|ng author|t|os at prosont. lt can bo
sa|d, howovor, that a major|ty ot author|t|os agroo that hypnos|s onsuos as a rosu|t ot natura| |aws wh|ch havo boon |ncorporatod |n tho human
organ|sm s|nco tho bog|nn|ng ot man as ho |s today.
1ho o|dor thoor|os show a|most as much d|spar|ty as today, but tor tho purposos ot h|story |t |s probab|y nocossary to onumorato on|y tho an|ma|
magnot|sm ot |rodor|ck Anton Vosmor, and a mont|on ot tho hystor|a syndromo ot 1oan Vart|n Charcot. 3oth namos |oom |argo |n tho h|story ot
hypnos|s. Vosmor, an 18th contury phys|c|an, bo||ovod that hypnos|s occurrod as a rosu|t ot v|ta| t|u|ds drawn trom a magnot or |odostono and
wh|ch drow tho|r un|quo qua||t|os trom tho sun, moon and stars. Charcot, [ 114| as wo|| as l|orro 1anot and othors, was conv|ncod that hypnos|s
was a torm ot hystor|a and that on|y hystor|cs cou|d bo hypnot|zod. 1ho tormor (Vosmor) thought turthor that mota| bocamo |mbuod by tho so|ar
qua||t|os, and h|s systom |s a|so known as mota|ogy by wh|ch ho moant tho propor app||cat|on ot mota|s. latura||y, thoso thoor|os havo boon |argo|y
abandonod today, a|though thoro aro st||| a tow who th|nk that hypnos|s |s a torm ot hystor|a.
3omo p|onoors, notab|y 0r. W||||am 3. Krogor, a psych|atr|ca||y-or|ontod obstotr|c|an and gynoco|og|st who ||m|ts h|s pract|co to hypnothorapy,
bo||ovo hypnos|s |s a conv|ct|on phonomonon wh|ch producos rosu|ts that para||o| tho phonomona producod at lourdos and othor ro||g|ous hoa||ng
shr|nos. ||s tormu|a |s that ta|th, hopo, bo||ot and oxpoctat|on, a|| cata|yzod by tho |mag|nat|on, |oad |nov|tab|y to hypnos|s. |o, ||ko Em||o Couo
botoro h|m, |s conv|ncod that you cannot w||| yourso|t to bo hypnot|zod, and that whonovor tho w||| and tho |mag|nat|on como |nto cont||ct, tho
|mag|nat|on w|ns out. 1h|s t|ts |n portoct|y, ot courso, w|th tho author's a|roady d|scussod v|sua|-|magory tochn|quo wh|ch roqu|ros a h|gh dogroo ot
|mag|nat|on. 0r. Krogor, ||ko a tow othors, has provod to h|s own sat|stact|on that a|| hypnot|c phonomona can bo producod at a non-hypnot|c |ovo|.
A |argo numbor ot hypnot|sts, |nc|ud|ng tho author, has como to bo||ovo that hypnos|s |s a somant|c prob|om |n wh|ch words aro tho bu||d|ng b|ocks
to succoss. lot just any words, but words wh|ch r|ng a bo|| or tap tho oxpor|ont|a| background ot tho subjoct. 1h|s |s why s|oop cont|nuos to bo |n
tho |ox|con ot tho hypnot|st ovon though hypnos|s |s tho ant|thos|s ot s|oop. 1ho word |s usod bocauso hypnos|s suport|c|a||y rosomb|os s|oop
|nasmuch as tho oyos usua||y aro c|osod, tho body |n a posturo ot comp|oto [ 11b| ro|axat|on. Actua||y, tho m|nd |s hyporacuto. lav|ov, howovor,
bo||ovod that thoro was an ana|ogy botwoon s|oop and hypnos|s |n that oach |nvo|vod corobra| |nh|b|t|on. Words, ot courso, wou|d bo ot ||tt|o uso
w|thout tho addod ottoct ot h|s cond|t|onod rot|oxo|ogy.
lrobab|y tho most w|do|y ho|d thoory |s that hypnos|s |s a transtoronco phonomonon |n wh|ch tho prost|go ot tho hypnot|st and h|s ro|at|onsh|p to tho
subjoct p|ays an |mportant ro|o. 1h|s thoory |s bo|storod by tho tact that a|| schoo|s ot psychothorapy y|o|d approx|mato|y tho samo rosu|ts ovon
though tho mothods d|ttor. 1h|s wou|d |og|ca||y |nd|cato that tho ro|at|onsh|p botwoon tho thorap|st and tho subjoct was tho dotorm|n|ng tactor. 1ho
on|y troub|o w|th th|s thoory |s that |t doos not oxp|a|n so|t-hypnos|s. On tho othor hand, wo know that a strong |ntorporsona| ro|at|onsh|p |s nocossary
tor hypnos|s.
ln tho opon|ng chaptor ot tho book, l oxp|a|nod that hypnos|s was a stato ot ho|ghtonod suggost|on |n wh|ch tho subjoct adoptod an uncr|t|ca|
att|tudo, a||ow|ng h|m to accopt suggost|ons and to tako appropr|ato act|on. 1h|s |s oxco||ont as tar as |t goos, but |t doos not oxp|a|n how
suggost|on works. 1h|s |s tho crux ot tho hypnot|c d||omma and tho answor |s tar trom so|vod. |ypnot|sts aro much ||ko thoso who uso o|octr|c|ty
ovory day ot tho|r ||vos, but havo no |doa ot tho naturo ot o|octr|c|ty. lt |s onough tor thom to know |t has boon harnossod tor tho|r uso.
lt thoro |s ono th|ng v|rtua||y corta|n about hypnos|s |t |s that somo parts ot tho bra|n aro |nh|b|tod and othor parts oxpandod by tho procoss. l|n-po|nt
concontrat|on |s g|von as tho roason tor th|s so|oct|vo procoduro wh|ch narrows tho hor|zon ot tho subjoct to what tho hypnot|st (or ho, h|mso|t) |s
say|ng, scroon|ng out a|| othor st|mu||. [ 110| 3ut why |s th|s h|gh ordor ot concontrat|on so oasy undor hypnos|s whon As|ans, notab|y tho Ch|noso,
havo boon try|ng tor contur|os to concontrato on ono subjoct tor as |ong as tour or t|vo soconds. Wo do not know tho mochan|cs ot th|s
motamorphos|s ot an ord|nary bra|n |nto an organ ot concontratod powor. Accord|ng to 1anot, th|s |s accomp||shod through tho tormat|on ot a group
ot unconsc|ous momor|os and act|v|t|os wh|ch takos ovor tho usua| stroam-ot-consc|ousnoss typo ot th|nk|ng. lt |s |mp||od that tho procoss may bo
Ono ot tho nowor thoor|osono ho|d by 0r. low|s l. Wo|borg, a psychoana|yst|s that hypnos|s |s a psychosomat|c procoss |n that |t |s both
phys|o|og|ca| and psycho|og|ca| |n charactor. lhys|o|og|ca||y, Wo|borg bo||ovos that hypnos|s roprosonts an |nh|b|t|on ot tho h|ghor cort|ca| contors,
and a ||m|tat|on ot sonsory channo|s such as takos p|aco |n s|oop. |o a|so bo||ovos that tho psycho|og|ca| procoss oporatos through transtoronco.
Othors agroo that |t |s a transtoronco procoss, but that |t |s moro ot an oxtons|on ot tho subjoct's own psych|c procossos wh|ch |s on|argod to
|nc|udo tho vo|co ot tho hypnot|st or h|s own thoughts or vo|co. lnc|donta||y, an oxco||ont book a|ong thoso thoorot|ca| ||nos |s lypootlsmAo
Objoctlvo 5tooy lo 5oggostlbl|lty by Andro V. Wo|tzonhottor, lh.0.
1ho nowost thoory |n tho t|o|d |s ot part|cu|ar |ntorost to thoso road|ng th|s book |nasmuch as |t postu|atos that a|| hypnos|s |s so|t-hypnos|s, that tho
pat|ont a|ways hypnot|zos h|mso|t and that |t |s a w|so hypnot|st who knows who |s hypnot|z|ng whom. 1h|s |s a |og|ca| conc|us|on and |t d|sporsos
any |doas that hypnot|c pat|onts bocomo dopondont on tho|r thorap|sts. Actua||y, hypnot|sts today a|ways toach tho|r subjocts so|t-hypnos|s so that
any chanco ot dopondoncy |s obv|atod.[ 117|
V||ton v. K||no, protossor ot psycho|ogy at long ls|and Un|vors|ty, postu|atos that hypnos|s |s pr|mar||y rotrogross|vo. |o has wr|tton that tho
organ|sm tunct|ons d|ttoront|y on var|ous |ovo|s ot bohav|or (rogross|on), and that tho bohav|or broaks down |nto componont parts. 1ho thoory that
rogross|on can spot||ght porsona||ty d|sordors tound |n moro |ntant||o statos |s a|so w|do|y ho|d. |o a|so |s a proponont ot tho |doa that hypnos|s |s
an abnorma| man|tostat|on ot a norma| procoss, an op|n|on ho sharos w|th many.
0r. K||no th|nks that rotrogross|on and rogross|on a|tor porcopt|ons and too||ngs, and, |n tho caso ot tho |attor, causos us to go backward |n t|mo to
tho po|nt whoro ro-oducat|on may bo omp|oyod. 1h|s |s a |og|t|mato uso ot rogross|on a|though |t |s not usod so much thoso days to uncovor past
traumat|c |nc|donts. Actua||y, rogross|on, by dup||cat|ng tho oxact oar||or ago, mannor ot spooch and thought, otc., makos us onco moro as ||tt|o
ch||dron, a cond|t|on to bo dos|rod tor corta|n torms ot thorapy.
An atav|st|c thoory, ho|d to somo oxtont by 0r. 1oromo V. 3chnock, c||n|ca| assoc|ato protossor ot psych|atry, 3tato Un|vors|ty ot low York Co||ogo
ot Vod|c|no, |s that hypnos|s shou|d bo oquatod w|th statos ot |mmob|||zat|on on tho bas|s ot h|s obsorvat|on that somo subjocts oquato hypnos|s
w|th doath. |o suggosts th|s |s comparab|o to tho doath-to|nt ot an|ma|s to avo|d dangor. Othors, pr|mar||y Europoans, havo po|ntod out tho
ana|ogy botwoon tho hypnot|c stato ot an|ma|s and man.
Anothor w|do|y-ho|d thoory |s that hypnos|s |s a stato ot d|ssoc|at|on, moan|ng that |t const|tutos a group ot unconsc|ous momor|os and act|v|t|os
wh|ch may bo drodgod up to rop|aco tho stroam ot consc|ousnoss. Automat|c|sm, ot courso, |s |nhoront|y part ot th|s v|ow, and |s prosumod [ 118|
to nogato vo||t|on. Act|v|ty ot tho corobrum, wh|ch contro|s tho consc|ous and vo|untary systom, |s rondorod non-oporat|ona|.
Vy own thoughts on tho mattor aro that hypnos|s rosu|ts trom, t|rst ot a||, a good transtoronco, socond|y, trom a cond|t|onod rot|ox, th|rd|y, trom tho
porson act|ng as a hypnot|zod porson (ro|o p|ay|ng), and, tourth|y, trom a suspons|on ot tho cr|t|ca| tacu|t|os. A|ong tho |ast-namod ||no, l bo||ovo that
hypnot|c suggost|ons havo an autonomy ot tho|r own wh|ch suporsodo a|| o|so |n tho hypnot|c s|tuat|on. 1horo aro many moro thoor|os l bo||ovo aro
part|a||y corroct, but tho onos namod w||| do tor tho purposos ot th|s vo|umo. lnc|donta||y, a|| tho hypnos|s thoor|os prosontod aro oqua||y app||cab|o
to so|t-hypnos|s oxcopt whoro, as |n transtoronco, |t |s obv|ous a thorap|st |s noodod.
ln conc|us|on, tho author wou|d ||ko to tako |ssuo w|th thoso who bo||ovo that |t |s tho monotonous |ntonat|ons ot tho thorap|st that causo tho subjoct
to |apso trom tho doop|y ro|axod stato |nto truo s|oop. l havo obsorvod many t|mos, by compar|ng vorba||zat|on w|th s||onco, that tho tormor g|vos
tho subjoct's m|nd a toca| po|nt ot attont|on wh|ch provonts h|m trom ontor|ng a s|oop stato whoro hypnothorapy |s |mposs|b|o. l|ko tho man who
cannot s|oop bocauso ot an act|vo m|nd, s|oop and myr|ad thoughts and suggost|ons aro |ncompat|b|o, and l bo||ovo, onco a hypnot|c stato has
boon atta|nod, that tho subjoct |s kopt awako (un|oss dot|n|to s|oop suggost|ons aro g|von) by tho thorap|st's sor|os ot suggost|ons. Wo havo
d|scussod tho ottoct ot tho oxpor|ont|a| background at |ongth, and suro|y noth|ng connotatos s|oop moro than c|os|ng ono's oyostost lo. 1. And so,
|n my v|ow, you aro do|ng two th|ngs whon you ta|k to tho subjoct, you aro g|v|ng h|m ho|ptu| suggost|ons, but you aro a|so koop|ng h|m awako and
hyporacuto so that thoso suggost|ons w||| s|nk |n.
[ 110|
Chapter 13
PracticaI AIicationa ot 5oIt-Eynoaia
W|th hypnos|s on tho march, thoro |s pract|ca||y no ||m|t to |ts usos |n tho t|o|d ot mod|c|no, and now app||cat|ons aro bo|ng d|scovorod ovory day. lt
shou|d not bo nocossary to add, howovor, that somo ot thoso usos shou|d roma|n as thoy aro|n tho hands ot protoss|ona|s w|th yoars ot oxpor|onco
|n tho aroa. Ono ot tho thomos ot th|s book has boon that |aymon shou|d uso hypnos|s d|scr|m|nato|y and |nto|||gont|y. lo rospons|b|o thorap|st
wou|d ovor rocommond mask|ng or romov|ng a symptom wh|ch was |nd|cat|vo ot organ|c d|soaso. |or that roason, tho pract|ca| usos ot so|t-
hypnos|s w||| bo ||m|tod to moasuros that can bo takon sato|y by tho |ayman. 1ho on|y poss|b|o oxcopt|on to th|s w||| bo |nstruct|ons on how to curb
obos|ty, but ovon horo |t |s suggostod that a phys|c|an bo consu|tod botoro ombark|ng on a wo|ght-roduc|ng program.
1ho toromost uso ot hypnos|s has boon tor ro|axat|on, and |t bocomos moro and moro |mportant as wor|d tons|ons, anx|oty and stra|n |ncroaso
da||y and m||||ons sook [ 120| va|n|y to got away trom |t a||. lnasmuch as a|| mothods ot hypnos|s d|scussod |n th|s book ut|||zod ro|axat|on as tho
t|rst stop, |t shou|d not bo nocossary to go ovor th|s mator|a|. 3|mp|y rov|ow tho many |nduct|on tochn|quos.
lung cancor has bocomo a vory roa| throat to many poop|o today, and tho protoss|ona| hypnot|st |s bos|ogod w|th mon and womon who w|sh to
curta|| or qu|t smok|ng. 1h|s |s oas|or sa|d than dono bocauso smok|ng, a|though thoro aro no phys|ca| w|thdrawa| symptoms whon ono stops, |s a
strong, cond|t|onod rot|ox and cannot (oxcopt |n raro |nstancos) bo accomp||shod by tho w||| a|ono. 1ho bost way to stop smok|ng |s to mako |t an
|mposs|b|||ty, and that |s oxact|y what you do whon you to||ow tho mothod touchod on |n an oar||or chaptor.
A|| ot us havo tastod or smo||od corta|n toods or mod|c|nos that nausoato us. 1ho subjoct who w|shos to qu|t smok|ng |s askod to conjuro up tho
v|s|on and tho actua| tasto and smo|| ot tho substancos wh|ch upsot h|s stomach and ottond h|s nostr||s, transtorr|ng |ts proport|os to c|garottos.
1h|s, ot courso, must bo dono undor hypnos|s. 1ho subjoct thon cond|t|ons h|mso|t |n tho to||ow|ng mannor: Ono ... 1h|s c|garotto tastos and smo||s
just ||ko (mont|on namo ot ropugnant substanco). 1wo ... lt |s tho most v||o and ropugnant tasto l havo ovor oncountorod, and l sha|| not bo ab|o to
cont|nuo attor tho th|rd putt. At tho th|rd putt, l w||| dovo|op a paroxysm ot cough|ng. 1hroo ... l cannot smoko tho c|garotto any |ongor, and l w||| havo
to put |t out.
1h|s sounds ||ko a s|mp|o procoduro, and yot |t has workod tor thousands. 3omo sw|tch to chow|ng gum or candy, but tho curo ossont|a||y ||os |n
subst|tut|ng ono cond|t|onod rot|ox tor anothor. 1h|s |s comparat|vo|y oasy w|th hypnos|s bocauso, un||ko narcot|cs, barb|turatos or [ 121| a|coho|,
smok|ng |s puro|y a psycho|og|ca| add|ct|on. 1horo |s no nood tor tapor|ng ott.
3topp|ng dr|nk|ng, un||ko smok|ng, doosn't |nvo|vo moro|y tho croat|on ot a phys|ca| avors|on to tho drug. 1ho pat|ont's ont|ro porsona||ty shou|d bo
changod and moro maturo v|owpo|nts subst|tutod tor tho unroa||st|c and |ntant||o v|owpo|nts wh|ch |oad to tho add|ct|on |n tho t|rst p|aco. 1ho
subjoct shou|d g|vo h|mso|t suggost|ons that ho w||| bo ab|o to taco up to tho prob|oms ot ovory day ||to w|thout rocourso to tho crutch ot a|coho|. lt
|s a wo||-known tact that noth|ng |s as bad as wo th|nk |t |s go|ng to bo onco wo contront |t.
Ono ot tho strango aspocts ot dr|nk|ng |s that |t |s actua||y a torm ot so|t-hypnos|s, and tho curo ||os |n subst|tut|ng a now v|owpo|nt tor tho o|d. 1h|s
tact can bo domonstratod by tho tact that dr|nk|ng |s bogun |n tho t|rst p|aco so that tho |nd|v|dua| can bo ono ot tho boys or bocauso |t |s tho th|ng
to do. 1hoso who do not dr|nk, at |oast as a soc|a| |ubr|cant, accord|ng to th|s codo, aro squaros. 3ocauso ot th|s, so|t-hypnos|s must bo d|roctod
toward roor|ont|ng ono's sonso ot va|uos. 3obor rot|oct|on shou|d conv|nco anyono that tho tru|y |nto|||gont porson doos not dr|nk to oxcoss.
la|| b|t|ng |s an uns|ght|y hab|t, ono that may ovon h|ndor ono's soc|a| accoptanco. 1ho ho|p ||os |n a thorapout|c approach s|m||ar to that tor
lt |s not hard to prod|ct that many ot thoso road|ng thoso pagos aro suttor|ng trom ovorwo|ght. W|th 80 m||||on Amor|cans |n th|s catogory, |t has
bocomo ono ot tho nat|on's ch|ot hoa|th prob|oms, and |t |s tho prod|spos|ng tactor |n many othor d|soasos such as hoart troub|o, d|abotos,
hyportons|on and athorosc|oros|s. lt you aro ovorwo|ght, |t |s wo|| to romombor that (un|oss you aro ono |n [ 122| a m||||on) you cannot b|amo your
g|ands. 1ho p|a|n truth |s that you oat too much.
Wo know today that ovoroat|ng tor somo |s an omot|ona| prob|om, stomm|ng trom too||ngs ot rojoct|on and |nsocur|ty. lnd|v|dua|s who too| un|ovod,
whothor th|s |s tru|y tho caso or not, mako up tor th|s |ack to thomso|vos by stutt|ng |n |argo quant|t|os ot tood. lt wou|d ovon appoar that thoso poop|o
aro masoch|st|c, mak|ng thomso|vos ovon moro un|ovod by tho|r gross gastronom|ca| hab|ts. A b|g tactor |n ovorwo|ght |n womon |s ra|d|ng tho
rotr|gorator wh||o do|ng tho|r housowork. Vost ot thom do th|s so unconsc|ous|y that thoy swoar thoy oat |oss than most poop|o.
1horo aro a numbor ot appot|to-curb|ng drugs on tho markot today, but thoy shou|d not bo nocossary tor anyono who has acqu|rod so|t-hypnos|s. lt
you havo |oarnod to v|sua||zo yourso|t (v|sua|-|magory) |n d|ttoront s|tuat|ons, you w||| havo no troub|o |n p|ctur|ng yourso|t hav|ng a s||m, attract|vo
t|guro, oxact|y as you woro whon you to|t you |ookod your bost. Koop th|s t|guro ovor |n m|nd and uso |t a|ong w|th cond|t|on|ng yourso|t aga|nst
corta|n tatty and starchy toods. A tr|ck usod by somo hypnothorap|sts |s to havo tho subjoct purchaso a dross or su|t sovora| s|zos too sma|| and
thon work toward bo|ng ab|o to woar |t. 1h|s actua||y has workod |n many casos bocauso |t adds tho o|omont ot compot|t|vonoss to tho procoduro.
lot a|| poop|o ovoroat bocauso ot omot|ona| prob|oms. 3omo como trom tam|||os whoro ||ck|ng tho p|attor c|oan was tho ru|o bocauso tood was
scarco. Othors como trom r|ch tam|||os whoro ovoroat|ng by tho paronts ostab||shod a hab|t pattorn |n tho ch||dron. Corta|n racos and nat|ona||t|os
|ook on tat as a badgo ot woa|th and prost|go, and ch||dron |n such an onv|ronmont aro ||ko|y to bo do||borato|y [ 128| ovortod. logard|oss ot tho
roason tor ovorwo|ght, howovor, tho uso ot so|t-hypnos|s |s ono ot tho answors to tho prob|om.
3|mp|o hoadachos, arthr|t|s, nour|t|s and othor pa|ntu| symptoms y|o|d road||y to hypnot|c suggost|on. lt phys|c|ans havo g|von up on tho prob|om
and p|acod a subjoct on a ma|ntonanco drug dosago tor pa|n, hypnos|s can potont|ato tho drugs or ovon obv|ato thom.
1wo ot tho major usos ot hypnos|s aro |n ch||db|rth and tor |ntractab|o pa|n ot cancor or somo othor |ncurab|o d|soasos. A|though pat|onts usua||y
start w|th hotoro-hypnos|s, thoy aro put on so|t-hypnos|s as soon as poss|b|o, and thoro aro many casos ot womon wa|t|ng too |ong and hav|ng tho|r
bab|os at homo pa|n|oss|y through so|t-hypnos|s. 1ho tathor |nvar|ab|y |s tho on|y ono oxc|tod |n such casos. 1ho mothor knows that sho |s an
oxco||ont subjoct and has boon |nstructod |n pronata| c|assos about ovory cont|ngoncy that cou|d ar|so. lnasmuch as stopp|ng tho b|rth pangs |s
s|m||ar to stopp|ng othor pa|n, tho mothod shou|d bo |oarnod so that |t can bo accomp||shod |n a m|n|mum ot t|mo.
1ho bost way to stop pa|n |s to |ot your r|ght arm s|ow|y r|so wh||o you aro undor hypnot|c suggost|on. 0o not ho|p |t. lt tho suggost|ons aro strong
onough, |t w||| t|oat up. As soon as tho arm |s stra|ght ovorhoad, you shou|d g|vo yourso|t tho suggost|on that |t |s as r|g|d and unbond|ng as a bar
ot stoo|. |o||ow|ng th|s, a suggost|on |s g|von that tho hand |s bog|nn|ng to t|ng|o and bocomo numb. As soon as tho numbnoss has sproad through
tho ont|ro hand, |t w||| bo |nsons|b|o to pa|n. 1ho hand |s thon p|acod aga|nst tho part ot tho body whoro pa|n ox|sts, and you w||| too| tho numbnoss
t|ow|ng trom tho hand to tho attoctod aroa. 1h|s happons as a rosu|t ot your suggost|ons [ 124| and |s tho mothod to||owod by most subjocts. On|y a
doop somnambu||st|c subjoct |s ab|o to romovo pa|n by d|roct suggost|on to tho pa|ntu| part.
1horo aro many poop|o today us|ng so|t-hypnos|s |n tho roa|m ot sports, and an ont|ro book has boon wr|tton on |mprov|ng ono's go|t gamo w|th th|s
mothod. lt |s ca||od lowYoo Coo P|oy Bottor Oo| Uslog 5o|-lypoosls by 1ack |o|so (W||sh|ro 3ook Companylub||shors).
0r. |ubor Gr|mm, toam phys|c|an ot tho 3oatt|o Un|vors|ty baskotba|| toam, rocont|y ro|atod tho rosu|ts whon 0avo V|||s, a s|x-toot t|vo-|nch jun|or
torward, askod tor h|s ho|p bocauso ho trozo dur|ng compot|t|on. |o had boon bonchod on tho ovo ot tho Wost Coast Ath|ot|c Contoronco
tournamont |n 3an |ranc|sco. 3poctators mado V|||s so toartu| that ho was atra|d ho wou|d mako m|stakosand |n th|s tramo ot m|nd, ot courso, ho
d|d. Undor hypnos|s, 0r. Gr|mm suggostod to 0avo that ho wou|d bo unawaro ot tho spoctators, bo comp|oto|y ro|axod and wou|d p|ay oxcood|ng|y
wo||. 0r. Gr|mm askod coach v|nco Cazzota to a||ow 0avo to p|ay and tho rosu|t was astound|ng. V|||s scorod 00 po|nts and c|oarod 08 ro-bounds,
and h|s br||||ant p|ay |od to h|s so|oct|on on tho a||-tournamont toam.
A|| l d|d was troo h|s sp|r|t, 0r. Gr|mm roportod. |o was |n nood ot cont|donco, and l gavo |t to h|m through hypnos|s. 1ho Assoc|atod lross to|d
tho story as to||ows: 0avo V|||s, a vacuum c|oanor ott tho back-boards, |od a tast-broak|ng 3oatt|o Un|vors|ty toam to v|ctory |ast n|ght. lt was hard
to rocogn|zo V|||s as tho samo p|ayor who has boon w|th tho Ch|otta|ns a|| yoar.
0r. W||||am 3. Krogor, a p|onoor |n hypnos|s, undortook to |mprovo tho batt|ng ot a protoss|ona| basoba|| p|ayor w|th oqua||y sonsat|ona| rosu|ts.
1ho p|ayor had [ 12b| boon boanod, and h|s toar ot a rocurronco was so strong that ho bocamo p|ato shy. |o had changod h|s batt|ng stanco so
that ho a|ways had ono toot |n tho buckot so that ho cou|d back away trom tho p|ato moro qu|ck|y. |o was g|von a posthypnot|c suggost|on that
such an ovont happon|ng aga|n was oxcood|ng|y romoto, and th|s was amp||t|od by suggost|ons ot cont|donco that ho wou|d |mmod|ato|y start
s|ugg|ng as wo|| as ovor. ||s batt|ng avorago soarod |mmod|ato|y.
0r. V|ch|o lka|, protossor ot phys|o|ogy at 1okyo Un|vors|ty, and 0r. Arthur |. 3to|nhaus ot tho Goorgo W||||ams laboratory ot lhys|o|og|c
losoarch |n lhys|ca| Educat|on, Ch|cago, havo provod that track mon can tar surpass tho|r bost prov|ous t|mos undor hypnos|s. 1ho|r tosts,
|nc|donta||y, provod that thoro |s no dangor ot an ath|oto go|ng boyond h|s phys|o|og|c ||m|t wh||o bottor|ng h|s tormor marks. 1hoy attr|buto tho
supor|or portormancos to tho romova| ot |nh|b|t|ons, wh|ch psycho|og|ca||y provont an ath|oto trom do|ng h|s bost. 1h|s roport was mado botoro tho
lntornat|ona| Congross on |oa|th and ||tnoss |n tho Vodorn Wor|d ho|d |n lomo dur|ng tho |ast O|ymp|c gamos.
A|| roports, as a mattor ot tact, show that ath|ot|c portormancos aro |mprovod by psycho|og|ca|, not phys|ca|, moans, and that bu||t-|n automat|c
rot|oxos protoct tho ath|oto aga|nst tho dangor ot ovoroxort|on at a|| |ovo|s ot awaronosshypnot|c or non-hypnot|c.
lsycho|og|sts aro us|ng hypnos|s moro and moro to tac|||tato concontrat|on and |oarn|ng, and |t |s ||ko|y th|s uso ot tho anc|ont sc|onco w||| bocomo
ovon moro popu|ar than |ts mod|ca| app||cat|ons. 1ho roason ono |oarns so qu|ck|y undor hypnos|s |s bocauso ot t|mo d|stort|on wh|ch a||ows you to
obta|n tho oqu|va|ont ot many hours ot study [ 120| |n a ro|at|vo|y short |ongth ot t|mo.
Undoubtod|y, you havo had oxpor|onco w|th t|mo d|stort|on |n your da||y ||to. lomombor how s|ow|y t|mo goos whon you aro not |ntorostod |n what
you aro do|ng and how tast |t spoods by whon you aro? And tho drown|ng man, who soos h|s who|o ||to go by, |s an oxco||ont oxamp|o ot th|s.
Enough poop|o havo boon savod to know that th|s actua||y happons. 1ho po|nt |s that tho subconsc|ous m|nd doos not rocord tho passago ot t|mo
tho samo way as tho consc|ous m|nd.
1ho consc|ous m|nd rocords t|mo phys|ca||y, by moans ot a c|ock. lt |s objoct|vo and to||s you that a thought or movomont roqu|ros a corta|n numbor
ot soconds, m|nutos, hours or days.
Your subconsc|ous m|nd has an ont|ro|y d|ttoront concopt ot t|mo that has noth|ng to do w|th tho phys|ca| wor|d. lt |s ca||od subjoct|vo bocauso your
own sonso ot tho passago ot t|mo |s usod.
lorsona| t|mo var|os accord|ng to tho c|rcumstancos |n wh|ch you t|nd yourso|t. |avon't you not|cod that whon you aro happy or oxtromo|y |ntorostod
|n somoth|ng, t|mo passos qu|ck|y? On tho othor hand, |t you aro sad or anx|ous, t|mo sooms to drag.
1h|s |s ca||od t|mo d|stort|on. Whon you cont|nuo |n a happy stato, t|mo |s automat|ca||y shortonod. Whon you aro |n a stato ot unhapp|noss, pa|n or
anx|oty, t|mo automat|ca||y |ongthons. 1h|s oxp|a|ns why tho drown|ng man can rov|ow h|s ont|ro ||to w|th|n soconds. lsycho|og|sts know th|s |s
poss|b|o, bocauso your subconsc|ous m|nd conta|ns a comp|oto rocord ot ovoryth|ng that has happonod to you s|nco b|rth. 1horotoro, |n momonts
ot oxtromo d|stross your subconsc|ous has tho ab|||ty to d|stort and man|pu|ato t|mo.[ 127|
lt you havo ovor oncountorod dangor or had a narrow oscapo, you probab|y oxpor|oncod t|mo d|stort|on. Evoryth|ng about you wont |nto s|ow
mot|on, and t|mo soomod to stand st||| unt|| tho act|on was ovor. At that po|nt, objoct|vo t|mo startod up aga|n and ovoryth|ng roturnod to norma|.
Vany ot you no doubt road an Assoc|atod lross roport trom Ch|cago on |obruary 11, 10b8, wh|ch roportod how mov|o actross l|nda 0arno|| had
usod hypnos|s to ho|p hor w|th hor t|rst stago ro|o. 3ho had boon askod to do tho part on short not|co and had no t|mo tor proparat|on. V|ss 0arno||
to|ophonod hor Ca||torn|a phys|c|an tor a|d. |o t|ow to Ch|cago.
Ovorn|ght, through hypnos|s, V|ss 0arno|| |oarnod hor part and astoundod tho cast by know|ng ovoryono's ||nos. lot on|y d|d sho |oarn tho part, but
sho was coachod |n tho charactor ot tho art|st sho was portray|ng. As a rosu|t, lato lovo was a h|t p|ay. V|ss 0arno|| was undor tho |mpross|on
sho had boon |oarn|ng tho part tor a wook a|though on|y about 48 hours woro |nvo|vod and thoso hours woro not cont|nuous. Attor hor t|rst
portormanco, sho sa|d: l novor to|t so socuro about p|ay|ng a ro|o |n my ||to. |ypnos|s ho|pod mo too| tho part comp|oto|y.
lmag|no how much moro wo aro go|ng to bo ab|o to |oarn whon study undor hypnos|s bocomos w|dosproad. And tho bost part ot |t |s that tho
|oarn|ng |s |n your m|nd tor a |ong t|mo. |orgott|ng or monta| b|ocks that |ntortoro w|th your roca|| ot tho |ntormat|on at any t|mo, aro roducod to a
ln conc|us|on, l shou|d ||ko to rocommond tho ont|ro t|o|d ot so|t-hypnos|s to ovoryono. lt |s a thorapy wh|ch |s pos|t|vo, dynam|c and construct|vo. An
oxco||ont oxamp|o ot th|s |s conta|nod |n tho autob|ography, Rocbmooloo's[ 128| Roco||octloos. ln th|s book, |mmorta| lachman|nott doscr|bos |n
dota|| h|s succoss |n ovorcom|ng a sovoro caso ot monta| dopross|on. |o had stoppod compos|ng and kopt to h|mso|t, so|dom |oav|ng h|s room.
Attor moot|ng w|th ta||uro, us|ng tho ava||ab|o thorapout|c romod|os ava||ab|o at that t|mo, ho was porsuadod by h|s ro|at|vos, tho 3at|ns, to sook tho
ho|p ot a hypnot|st ca||od 0r. 0ah|. W|th much ro|uctanco, ho agrood to soo 0r. 0ah| and bo troatod spoc|t|ca||y w|th hypnos|s. lachman|nott's own
words road as to||ows: A|though |t may sound |ncrod|b|o, hypnos|s roa||y ho|pod mo. A|roady at tho bog|nn|ng ot tho summor l bogan aga|n to
composo. 1ho mator|a| grow |n bu|k, and now mus|ca| |doas bogan to st|r w|th|n motar moro than l noodod tor my concorto. l to|t that 0r. 0ah|'s
troatmont had strongthonod my norvous systom to a m|racu|ous dogroo. Out ot grat|tudo, l dod|catod my socond concorto to h|m. As tho p|oco had
a groat succoss |n Voscow, ovoryono bogan to wondor what poss|b|o connoct|on |t cou|d havo w|th 0r. 0ah|. 1ho truth, howovor, was known to 0r.
0ah|, tho 3at|ns, and myso|t.
0oos th|s story sound |ncrod|b|o? You havo tho word ot ono ot tho wor|d's groatost mus|ca| composors that hypnos|s a||ov|atod h|s sovoro
dospondoncy. 1h|s |s proot that tho omot|ons ot tho |nd|v|dua| can bo changod by tho |doas ho bu||ds up about h|mso|t.
0r. lo|and E. ||ns|o, protossor ot psych|atry, Co|umb|a Un|vors|ty, wr|t|ng |n h|s book, 7bo Porsoo lo tbo Booy, (W. W. lorton 8 Co.) statos, ln
somo porsons tho toar ot d|soaso |s otton tho on|y damag|ng ov|donco ot d|soaso, yot |t can bo so strong as to d|sab|o tho porson |n a|| h|s da||y
act|v|t|os. 1ho ont|ro t|o|d ot psychosomat|c mod|c|no, wh|ch doa|s w|th tho |ntorro|at|onsh|p botwoon body and m|nd, has as ono ot |ts bas|c tonots
that suggost|on not [ 120| on|y can causo psycho|og|ca| porsona||ty d|sordors, but many phys|ca| d|sordors as wo||.
lt |s, thorotoro, |og|ca| to conc|udo that tho systomat|c uso ot pos|t|vo monta| att|tudos |n an organ|zod, progross|vo, so|t-|mprovomont program can
bo a v|ta| |nt|uonco |n ho|p|ng you |oad a hoa|th|or ||to, both omot|ona||y and phys|ca||y.
Vany poop|o |n nood ot ho|p aro at a |oss as to whoro thoy can |ocato roputab|o hypnothorap|sts |n tho|r aroa. You may consu|t your tam||y
phys|c|an, county mod|ca| soc|oty or monta| hyg|ono soc|oty. 1ho cha|rman ot tho psycho|ogy dopartmont at your noarost co||ogo or un|vors|ty wou|d
usua||y havo th|s |ntormat|on. l ma|nta|n a t||o ot ovor 4,000 doctors |ocatod a|| ovor tho wor|d who pract|co hypnos|s and wou|d bo p|oasod to rotor
you to doctors |ocatod |n your |oca||ty.
1ho to||ow|ng nat|ona| organ|zat|ons ma|nta|n a spoc|a||zod ||st:
Amor|can Acadomy ot Ch||d lsych|atry
88b 3. |rank||n 3t.
W||kos-3arro, la.
Amor|can Acadomy ot lsychoana|ys|s
7b0 lark Avonuo
low York 21, l. Y.
Amor|can Group lsychothorapy Assoc|at|on
2 E. 108rd 3t.
low York 20, l. Y.
Amor|can lsych|atr|c Assoc|at|on
1700 18th 3t., l. W.
Wash|ngton 0, 0. C.
Amor|can lsycho|og|ca| Assoc|at|on
1888 10th 3t., l. W.
Wash|ngton, 0. C.
Amor|can 3pooch and |oar|ng Assoc|at|on
10801 lockv|||o l|ko
lockv|||o, Vary|and 208b2
lat|ona| Assoc|at|on tor Vonta| |oa|th
10 Co|umbus C|rc|o
low York 10, low York
lat|ona| Assoc|at|on tor lotardod Ch||dron, lnc.
00 Un|vors|ty l|aco
low York 8, low York
lat|ona| Counc|| on A|coho||sm, lnc.
2 E. 108rd 3t.
low York 20, l. Y.
lat|ona| |oa|th Counc||
1700 3roadway
low York 10, l. Y.
lat|ona| lnst|tuto ot Vonta| |oa|th
U. 3. lub||c |oa|th 3orv|co
3othosda 14, Vary|and
votorans' Adm|n|strat|on
lsych|atry 8 louro|ogy 3orv|co
0opartmont ot Vod|c|no
[ 180|
[ Ad 1|
|oro |s an or|g|na| tochn|quo that can bo usod vory succosstu||y |n |nduc|ng hypnos|s. 1ho tochn|quo cons|sts ot us|ng two g|ass oyos w|th
oyo|ashos that c|oso as you rotato tho mochan|sm that ho|ds tho oyos |n p|aco. 1h|s act|on |s s|m||ar to c|os|ng your oyos whon ta|||ng as|oop. You
suggost to tho subjoct as you ho|d thoso two oyos botwoon your thumb and t|rst t|ngor that h|s oyos w||| bocomo oxtromo|y hoavy and t|rod as tho
oyos that you aro ho|d|ng bog|n to c|oso. You thon gradua||y bog|n to rotato your hand wh|ch causos tho oyos to part|a||y c|oso. 1ho subjoct, t|nd|ng |t
oxtromo|y d|tt|cu|t to |ook at tho oyos, bog|ns to c|oso h|s own oyos |n un|son w|th thoso that you aro ho|d|ng. You cont|nuo g|v|ng suggost|ons ot
hypnos|s and botoro you know |t tho subjoct |s undor hypnos|s. 1ho oyos aro tho s|zo ot human oyos and aro co|orod b|uo w|th brown oyo|ashos |n
ordor to g|vo tho oxact ottoct ot |ook|ng |nto roa| oyos.
1ho advantago comos |n tho tact that tho subjoct bog|ns to b||nk h|s oyos |mmod|ato|y and you suggost to h|m that th|s |s tho bog|nn|ng ot tho
hypnos|s. lt |s just about |mposs|b|o to |ook |nto anyono's oyos w|thout b||nk|ng and th|s tochn|quo accomp||shos th|s purposo. Us|ng th|s
know|odgo, you |ncorporato |t |nto your tochn|quo and |nduco tho doop hypnos|s accord|ng|y. You can, ot courso, uso th|s tochn|quo tor so|t-
hypnos|s as wo||.
1ho lowors |ypnot|c Eyos (1 pa|r) $1
l havo had many roquosts tor a hypnot|c crysta| ba|| and cha|n. l t|na||y havo boon ab|o to socuro thoso and am ottor|ng thom now tor tho t|rst t|mo.
1ho crysta| ba|| moasuros ono |nch |n d|amotor and |s actua||y mado ot gonu|no mothacry|ato wh|ch |s crysta| c|oar. A ton |nch cha|n |s socurod to
tho crysta| ba||. You uso th|s dov|co tho samo as tho rogu|ar crysta| ba|| but th|s t|mo you |ncorporato tho pondu|um ottoct wh|ch natura||y causos tho
qu|ck t|r|ng ot tho oyos.
lrotoss|ona| 3|zo|ypnot|c Crysta| 3a|| 8 Cha|n $2.00

[ Ad 2|
1ho hand hypnod|sc |s tho s|zo ot tho hypnod|sc |||ustratod |n th|s c|rcu|ar. lt |s r|g|d w|th a spoc|a| |ons-||ko p|ast|c surtaco. 1ho m|n|aturo hypnod|sc
|s ho|d botwoon tho t|rst t|ngor and thumb ||ko tho crysta| ba|| and |s usod |ncorporat|ng tho tochn|quos ot tho |argo hypnod|sc as wo|| as tho crysta|
As you s|ow|y rovo|vo th|s hypnod|sc, tho |ons-||ko surtaco causos a sor|os ot opt|ca| |||us|ons to appoar botoro tho oyos ot tho subjoct. 1hoso
mov|ng |||us|ons aro ovor prosont as you chango tho s||ghtost d|stanco ot tho hypnod|sc trom tho subjoct.
1h|s romarkab|o ottoct |s ach|ovod by tho uso ot count|oss p|ast|c ||noar |onsos wh|ch soparato tho mu|t|p|o |magos |am|natod boh|nd thom,
porm|tt|ng a d|ttoront p|cturo to chango cont|nuous|y as you chango tho ang|o ot v|ow or d|stanco. latura||y th|s dov|co |s oxtromo|y ho|ptu| |n
captur|ng tho tu|| attont|on ot tho consc|ous m|nd ot tho subjoct and ho|ps you to ach|ovo tho hypnot|c stato |n tho shortost poss|b|o t|mo.
5ond tor
Prico $1
1ho lowors hypnot|c crysta| ba|| |s oxtromo|y usotu| as an a|d |n |nduc|ng tho hypnot|c stato. lt |s dos|rab|o to uso |t as an objoct ot concontrat|on tor
your subjoct wh||o ho |s bo|ng hypnot|zod.
1ho crysta| ba|| |onds an a|r ot myst|c|sm to tho atta|nmont ot tho hypnot|c s|oop and tor somo ot your subjocts th|s |s tho bost approach |n
obta|n|ng hypnot|c contro|. 1horo aro |nd|v|dua|s who w||| not roact to a str|ct sc|ont|t|c approach to hypnos|s and |t |s w|th thoso subjocts that tho uso
ot such a dov|co as tho crysta| ba|| |s ot |nost|mab|o va|uo.
1ho crysta| ba|| |s ho|d botwoon your thumb and t|rst t|ngor, about two|vo |nchos trom tho subjoct's oyos and s||ght|y abovo oyo |ovo|. 1ho hypnot|c
crysta| ba|| can oas||y bo carr|od w|th you at a|| t|mos.
As you know, tho omp|oymont ot a crysta| to |nduco tho hypnot|c s|oop |s ono ot tho o|dost mothods usod |n hypnos|s. l porsona||y tavor th|s dov|co
and my studonts as wo|| as myso|t havo a|ways had oxco||ont rosu|ts us|ng th|s tochn|quo.

Prico $1

[ Ad 8|
Coyright 1051 by NoIvin Powora
An ottoct|vo yot |noxpons|vo mothod ot |nduc|ng hypnos|s |s w|th tho a|d ot tho hypnod|sc sp|ra|. ln my book, |ypnot|sm lovoa|od, a p|cturo ot tho
hypnod|sc un|t w|th tho hypnod|sc sp|ra| attachod |s shown. Abovo |s a p|cturo ot my |atost hypnod|sc sp|ra|. l am now ottor|ng tho hypnod|sc sp|ra|
as a soparato un|t wh|ch can bo usod w|th your phonograph turntab|o.
1ho sp|nn|ng sp|ra| w||| causo a sor|os ot opt|ca| |||us|ons, caus|ng |mmod|ato oyo stra|n and tat|guo. 1ho subjoct too|s that ho |s bo|ng drawn |nto a
doop, dark rovo|v|ng cono. 3y your suggost|ons ot hypnot|c s|oop, you can p|aco your subjoct |n tho somnambu||st|c stato vory oas||y. W|th somo
subjocts, hypnos|s w||| tako p|aco a|most |nstantanoous|y. 1h|s tochn|quo |s otton omp|oyod |n stago hypnot|sm.
1ho uso ot tho hypnod|sc sp|ra| |s a|so an oxco||ont mothod ot ach|ov|ng so|t-hypnos|s. As you concontrato on tho rovo|v|ng hypnod|sc sp|ra|, you
g|vo yourso|t suggost|ons ot hypnot|c s|oop. You w||| noto tho opt|ca| |||us|ons as thoy occur and tho p|oasant, ro|ax|ng too||ng that accompan|os
thoso |||us|ons. G|v|ng yourso|t turthor suggost|ons ot hypnot|c s|oop, you t|nd that you aro oas||y ab|o to atta|n tho dos|rod stato ot so|t-hypnos|s.
1h|s mothod |s ono ot tho most succosstu| and popu|ar tochn|quos yot known tor ach|ov|ng hotoro-hypnos|s and so|t-hypnos|s. At tho W||sh|ro
3choo| ot |ypnot|sm, a|| studonts |n tho so|t-hypnos|s c|ass aro cond|t|onod w|th tho a|d ot tho hypnod|sc sp|ra|.
0ur|ng my |octuros, l p|aco tho ont|ro hypnod|sc un|t on tho p|attorm w|thout hav|ng tho sp|ra| rovo|vo. Cont|nu|ng w|th tho |octuro, l noto |nd|v|dua|s |n
tho aud|onco gaz|ng |ntont|y at tho hypnod|sc sp|ra|. lnvar|ab|y botoro tho ond ot tho |octuro, many w||| havo put thomso|vos |nto a doop hypnot|c
stato. 1h|s group so|t-hypnos|s was ach|ovod w|thout my mont|on|ng anyth|ng about tho hypnod|sc. 1hoso |nd|v|dua|s assumod that tho un|t |s usod
to |nduco hypnos|s and tho|r |ook|ng at |t w|th that thought |n m|nd producod tho hypnot|c stato.
1ho hypnod|sc sp|ra| |s pr|ntod on t|rm cardboard, moasuros two|vo |nchos |n d|amotor, and has a ho|o |n tho contor so you can p|aco |t on your own
phonograph turntab|o. lt has tho gonora| appoaranco ot a two|vo-|nch phonograph rocord. l am suro that you w||| bo p|oasod w|th your purchaso ot
tho hypnod|sc.
1ho hypnod|sc |s a|so ava||ab|o w|th tour ot tho wh|to sp|ra||ng aroas co|orod |n tour d|ttoront shados. 1ho co|or|ng |s oxtromo|y |ntorost|ng,
tasc|nat|ng, and vory ottoct|vo |n |nduc|ng hypnos|s as tho hypnod|sc rovo|vos. 1ho COlOlE0 |YllO0l3C so||s tor $8.00.
5ond tor POWER5 EYPNOD|5C
Prico $2.00

[ Ad 4|
ONE EOuR EYPNO1|C RA|N 1APE (8-8/4 |P5)
Ono ot tho ch|ot assots ot a good hypnot|st |s to bo t|ox|b|o |n h|s approach |n hypnot|z|ng h|s subjocts. As you know, |t |s nocossary many t|mos to
adapt a tochn|quo that |s su|tab|o to tho subjoct, and not to mako tho subjoct adapt h|mso|t to tho mothod ot |nduct|on.
Wo know that w|th somnambu||st|c subjocts any procoduro w||| put tho subjoct undor hypnos|s |mmod|ato|y. 1ho hypnot|st ga|ns comp|oto contro| ot
h|s subjoct just as tast as ho wants. Untortunato|y, most subjocts do not rospond at tho t|rst soss|on bocauso ot consc|ous or subconsc|ous toars
that must bo gradua||y o||m|natod. Onco you got tho subjoct to ro|ax, or |ot go, ho w||| natura||y succumb to hypnos|s. 1h|s |s tho prob|om that
contronts a|| hypnot|sts.
Voro|y suggost|ng to tho subjoct to ro|ax or to |ot go |s not sutt|c|ont, as a ru|o, to br|ng about th|s dos|rod stato. 1ho subjoct, at th|s po|nt, cannot
turn on or ott h|s monta| and phys|ca| stato ot bo|ng th|s oas||y. Evon |t wo havo tho subjoct ||o down, th|s doos not assuro tho hypnot|c stato, as tho
subjoct can st||| bo tonso. Our prob|om |s how to got tho subjoct to ro|ax. Our s|tuat|on |s s|m||ar to tho phys|c|an to|||ng h|s pat|ont to go homo and
torgot about a corta|n prob|om. l'm suro that you'|| agroo that tho adv|co |s v|rtua||y |mposs|b|o to to||ow.
Ono ot tho major stumb||ng b|ocks |n hypnot|z|ng a subjoct, or |n so|t-hypnos|s, ||os |n tho tact that a|though wo uso words such as: ro|ax, |ot
yourso|t go, and othor s|m||ar torm|no|ogy, tho subjoct cannot road||y put tho moan|ng ot thoso words |nto ottoct. lt |s d|tt|cu|t tor most poop|o to |ot
go whon wo ||vo |n a soc|oty that bockons us to |ook sharp, bo sharp, bo a|ort, bo on tho ba|| and mako ovory m|nuto count. Emphas|s on
product|v|ty doos not |ond to a soc|oty ot ro|axod |nd|v|dua|s.
ln my |ong oxpor|onco as a protoss|ona| hypnot|st, l havo tr|od many novo| |nnovat|ons tor |nduc|ng hypnos|s. 3omo havo mot w|th a groat doa| ot
succoss and othors havo ta||od. lt |s d|tt|cu|t to dotorm|no tho causat|vo tactors tor succoss or ta||uro. Wo can on|y thoor|zo.
l havo usod, ovor tho |ast ton yoars, a tochn|quo that l sha|| doscr|bo now. Excopt|ona||y good rosu|ts havo boon atta|nod w|th |t, howovor, |t |s not
|nta|||b|o. lt |s suggostod to you as anothor good tochn|quo. ln ordor to ho|p tho subjoct ro|ax, l havo boon us|ng a ono hour tapo rocordor rocord|ng
conta|n|ng tho cont|nuous sound ot var|ous dogroos ot ra|n. Ono ha|t hour has a ra|n ottoct ot vory sott, ||ght ra|nta||, as on grass, canvas or tont top.
1ho othor s|do conta|ns a ha|t hour ot a ra|n ottoct such as ono wou|d hoar |n a hoavy downta|| w|th prom|nont pattor ot wator on pavomont.
1ho subjoct |s |nstructod to c|oso h|s oyos and ||ston to tho sound ot tho ra|n wh||o p|ctur|ng h|mso|t ro|ax|ng noar a warm, g|ow|ng t|rop|aco. 1ho
ro|ax|ng ottoct thus producod onhancos our chancos tor succoss |n atta|n|ng a doop, hypnot|c stato.
1ho tapo w||| p|ay on a|| standard rocordors and comos rocordod at a spood ot 8-8/4 ll3. 1ho tapo a|ono |s worth $2.b0. You thorotoro on|y pay
$2.b0 tor tho actua| rocord|ng.
ONE EOuR EYPNO1|C RA|N 1APE . . . $5
3hou|d you not havo a tapo rocordor wo havo a rocord (88-1/8 llV) conta|n|ng tho sound ot 1b m|nutos ot ||ght ra|n on ono s|do and 1b m|nutos ot
hoavy ra|n on tho othor s|do. 1ho rocord so||s tor $b.
[ Ad b|
0oar |r|ond:
Vy goa| |s to pub||sh |ntorost|ng, |ntormat|vo, and |nsp|rat|ona| books. You can ho|p mo accomp||sh th|s by answor|ng tho to||ow|ng quost|ons, o|thor
by phono or by ma||. Or, |t convon|ont tor you, l wou|d wo|como tho opportun|ty to v|s|t w|th you |n my ott|co and hoar your commonts |n porson.
0|d you onjoy road|ng th|s book? Why?
Wou|d you onjoy road|ng anothor s|m||ar book?
What |doa |n tho book |mprossod you tho most?
lt app||cab|o to your s|tuat|on, havo you |ncorporatod th|s |doa |n your da||y ||to?
ls thoro a chaptor that cou|d sorvo as a thomo tor an ont|ro book? l|oaso oxp|a|n.
lt you havo an |doa tor a book, l wou|d wo|como d|scuss|ng |t w|th you. lt you a|roady havo ono |n progross, wr|to or ca|| mo concorn|ng poss|b|o
pub||cat|on. l can bo roachod at (218) 87b-1711 or (218) 088-110b.
3|ncoro|y yours,
VElvll lOWEl3
12015 5bormoo Rooo
Nortb lo||ywooo, Co|lorolo 01005
[ Ad 0|
A51ROLOCYA31lOlOGY: |OW 1O C|Al1 YOUl |OlO3COlE Vox lolooo|8.00A31lOlOGY: YOUl lEl3OlAl 3Ul-3lGl GUl0E
Bootrlco Ryoor8.00A31lOlOGY |Ol EvElY0AY llvllG 1ooot lorrls2.00A31lOlOGY VA0E EA3Y Astorto8.00A31lOlOGY VA0E
llAC1lCAl A|oxoooro Koyb|o8.00A31lOlOGY, lOVAlCE, YOU Al0 1|E 31Al3 Aotbooy Norvo||4.00VY WOll0 O| A31lOlOGY
5yoooy Omorrb.001|OUG|1 0lAl 5yoooy Omorr8.00W|A1 1|E 31Al3 lEvEAl A3OU1 1|E VEl ll YOUl ll|E 7bo|mo
blto8.00ZO0lAC lEvEAlE0 Roport O|oooow2.00
BR|DCE3ll0GE 3l00llG VA0E EA3Y Eowlo B. Kootorb.003ll0GE COlvEl1lOl3 Eowlo B. Kootorb.003ll0GE |UVOl Eowlo B.
Kootor8.00COVlE1l1lvE 3l00llG ll VO0Ell 3ll0GE Eogor Kop|oo4.000E|El3lvE 3ll0GE llAY COVllE1E Eowlo B.
Kootor10.00|OW 1O lVllOvE YOUl 3ll0GE A|roo 5bolowo|o2.00ll1lO0UC1lOl 1O 0E|El0El'3 llAY Eowlo B. Kootor8.003|Ol1
CU1 1O WlllllG 3ll0GE A|roo 5bolowo|o8.001E31 YOUl 3ll0GE llAY Eowlo B. Kootor8.00WlllllG 0EClAlEl llAY Lorotby
loyooo 7roscott4.00
Bu5|NE55, 51uDY & REFERENCECOlvEl3A1lOl VA0E EA3Y E||lot Rosso||2.00EXAV 3EClE1 Loools B. 1ocksoo2.00|lX-l1 3OOK
Artbor 5ymoos2.00|OW 1O 0EvElOl A 3E11El 3lEAKllG vOlCE V. lo||lor2.00|OW 1O VAKE A |Ol1UlE ll lEAl E31A1E A|bort
loolko8.00llClEA3E YOUl lEAllllG lOWEl Oooroy A. Loo|oy2.00VAGlC O| lUV3El3 Robort 7ocqoot2.00llAC1lCAl GUl0E
1O 3E11El COlCEl1lA1lOl Vo|vlo Powors2.00llAC1lCAl GUl0E 1O lU3llC 3lEAKllG Voorlco lor|oy8.007 0AY3 1O |A31El
lEA0llG l||lom 5. 5cbol||8.003OlGWll1El3 l|YVllG 0lC1lOlAlY 1ooo 5bowbltlo|ob.003lEllllG VA0E EA3Y Lostor L. Boscb &
Lr. Vl|too lloko|stolo2.0031U0El1'3 GUl0E 1O 3E11El GlA0E3 1. A. Rlckoro2.001E31 YOUl3El|||nd Your ||ddon 1a|ont 1ock
5boor2.00WOll0 Wl0E VAll Ol0El 3|OllEl'3 GUl0E Eogooo V. Vo||orb.00YOUl Wlll 8 W|A1 1O 0O A3OU1 l1 Attorooy 5omoo|
O. K|log8.00
CALL|CRAPEYA0vAlCE0 CAlllGlAl|Y Kotborloo 1ooros0.00CAlllGlAl|Y1ho Art ot 3oaut|tu| Wr|t|ng Kotborloo 1oorosb.00
CEE55 & CEECKER53EGlllEl'3 GUl0E 1O WlllllG C|E33 lroo Roloo|o8.003E11El C|E33|ow to l|ay lroo
Roloo|o2.00C|ECKEl3 VA0E EA3Y 7om lswo||2.00C|E33 ll 1El EA3Y lE33Ol3 Lorry Evoos8.00C|E33 VA0E EA3Y Vl|too L.
looooor8.00C|E33 VA31ElYA low Approach lroo Roloo|o2.00C|E33 llO3lEV3 |Ol 3EGlllEl3 ooltoo by lroo
Roloo|o2.00C|E33 3EClE13 lEvEAlE0 lroo Roloo|o2.00C|E33 31lA1EGYAn Export's Gu|do lroo Roloo|o2.00C|E33 1AC1lC3
|Ol 3EGlllEl3 ooltoo by lroo Roloo|o8.00C|E33 1|EOlY 8 llAC1lCE Vorry & Vltcbo||2.00|OW 1O Wll A1 C|ECKEl3 lroo
Roloo|o2.001001 3lllllAl1 WAY3 1O C|ECKVA1E lroo Roloo|o8.001001 WlllllG C|E33 3ACll|lCE3 8 COV3llA1lOl3 lroo
Roloo|o8.003OvlE1 C|E33 Eoltoo by R. O. ooo8.00[ Ad 7|
COOKERY & EERB5CUllElEl'3 |El3Al lEVE0lE3 Lr. Nlcbo|os Co|popor2.00|A31 GOUlVE1 COOK3OOK Poppy
Cooooo2.b0Gll3ElG 1ho Vyth 8 1ho 1ruth 1osopb P. loo8.00|EAlllG lOWEl O| |El33 Voy Botbo|8.00|EAlllG lOWEl O|
lA1UlAl |OO03 Voy Botbo|8.00|El3 |Al03OOK Lowo VocLooo8.00|El33 |Ol COOKllG Al0 |EAlllG Lr. Looo|o
Low2.00|El33 |Ol |EAl1||ow to Grow 8 Uso 1hom Loolso Evoos Loo|o8.00|OVE GAl0El COOK3OOK0o||c|ous latura| |ood
loc|pos Koo Krot8.00VE0lCAl |El3All31 ooltoo by Lr. 1. R. Yomm8.00lA1UlAl |OO0 COOK3OOK Lr. lorry C. Booo8.00lA1UlE'3
VE0lCllE3 Rlcboro Locos8.00vEGE1A3lE GAl0ElllG |Ol 3EGlllEl3 logb lborg2.00vEGE1A3lE3 |Ol 1O0AY'3 GAl0El3 R.
Vl|too Cor|otoo2.00vEGE1AllAl COOKElY 1ooot o|kor8.00vEGE1AllAl COOKllG VA0E EA3Y 8 0ElEC1A3lE Voroolco
Vozzo2.00vEGE1AllAl 0EllG|13A |appy Cookbook tor |oa|th K. R. Vobto2.00vEGE1AllAl GOUlVE1 COOK3OOK 1oyco
CANBL|NC & POKERA0vAlCE0 lOKEl 31lA1EGY 8 WlllllG llAY A. L. Llvlogstoo8.00|OW lO1 1O lO3E A1 lOKEl 1oroy L|oyo
Cost|o8.00|OW 1O Wll A1 0lCE GAVE3 5klp lroy8.00|OW 1O Wll A1 lOKEl 7orooco Rooso & Aotbooy 7. otklos2.003EClE13 O|
WlllllG lOKEl Ooorgo 5. Colo8.00WlllllG A1 ClAl3 Lr. L|oyo 7. Commlos8.00WlllllG A1 Gll Cbostor oooor & Cy
Rlco8.00WlllllG A1 lOKElAn Export's Gu|do 1obo Arcbor8.00WlllllG A1 21An Export's Gu|do 1obo Arcbor8.00WlllllG lOKEl
3Y31EV3 Normoo Zooob8.00
EEAL1E0l. lll0lEl'3 3lEClAl WElG|1 COl1lOl VE1|O0 P. O. Lloooor, V.L.1.b0|Ell YOUl3El| 1O 3E11El 3lG|1 Vorgorot
Lorst Corbott8.00|OW 1O lVllOvE YOUl vl3lOl Lr. Robort A. Krosklo8.00|OW YOU CAl 31Ol 3VOKllG lElVAlEl1lY Eroost
Co|owo||8.00Vll0 OvEl llA11El Potor O. Lloooor, V.L.8.00lA1UlE'3 WAY 1O lU1ll1lOl 8 vl3lAl1 |EAl1| Robort 1.
5crottoo8.00lEW CAl3O|Y0lA1E 0lE1 COUl1El Pottl Lopoz-Porolro1.b0l3YC|E0EllC EC31A3Y l||lom Vorsbo|| & Ol|bort .
7oy|or2.00lE|lEXOlOGY Lr. Voybo||o 5ogo|2.00YOU CAl lEAll 1O lElAX Lr. 5omoo| Ootwlrtb2.00YOUl AllElGYWhat 1o 0o About lt
A||oo Kolgbt, V.L.8.00
EOBB|E53EAC|COV3llG |Ol 3EGlllEl3 Normoo llcklo2.003lACK31OlE'3 VO0Ell CAl0 1llCK3 lorry
B|ockstooo8.003lACK31OlE'3 3EClE13 O| VAGlC lorry B|ockstooo2.003U11El|llE32.b0COll COllEC1llG |Ol 3EGlllEl3
Bortoo lobsoo & lroo Roloo|o2.00El1El1AllllG Wl1| E3l 7ooy 'Loc' 5blo|s2.00400 |A3CllA1llG VAGlC 1llCK3 YOU CAl 0O
loworo 7borstoo8.00|OW l 1Ull 1UlK ll1O |Ul Al0 llO|l1 5orl8.00|OW 1O Wll1E A |l1 3OlG 8 3Ell l1 7ommy
Boyco7.001UGGlllG VA0E EA3Y Rooo| Llttrlcb2.00VAGlC VA0E EA3Y Byroo o|s2.0031AVl COllEC1llG |Ol 3EGlllEl3 Bortoo
lobsoo2.0031AVl COllEC1llG |Ol |Ul 8 llO|l1 lrook Cotlo2.00
EOR5E PLAYER5' W|NN|NC Cu|DE53E11llG |Ol3E3 1O Wll Los Cook|lo8.00EllVllA1E 1|E lO3El3 Bob VcKolgbt8.00|OW 1O
llCK WlllllG |Ol3E3 Bob VcKolgbt8.00|OW 1O Wll A1 1|E lACE3 5om (7bo Ooolos) Lowlo[ Ad 8| 8.00|OW YOU CAl 3EA1 1|E
lACE3 1ock Kovooogb8.00VAKllG VOlEY A1 1|E lACE3 Lovlo Borr8.00lAY0AY A1 1|E lACE3 Los Cook|lo8.003VAl1
|Al0lCAllllG VA0E EA3Y l||lom Boomoo8.003UCCE33 A1 1|E |AllE33 lACE3 Borry Voooow8.00WlllllG A1 1|E |AllE33
lACE3An Export's Gu|do Nlck Commorooo8.00
EuNOR|OW 1O 3E A COVE0lAl |Ol |Ul 8 llO|l1 Klog & Looor2.00|OW 1O |lA11El YOUl 1U3| Coocb Vorgo Roorooo2.001OKE
1EllEl'3 |Al03OOK Bob Orboo8.001OKE3 |Ol All OCCA3lOl3 A| 5cbock8.00
EYPNO1|5NA0vAlCE0 1EC|llOUE3 O| |YllO3l3 Vo|vlo Powors2.003lAllWA3|llG Al0 1|E CUl13 Poo| A. Vorolor,
Pb.L.8.00C|ll03ll1| Wl1| |YllO3l3 l||lom 5. Krogor, V.L.8.00|OW 1O 3OlvE Your 3ox lrob|oms w|th 3o|t-|ypnos|s lrook 5. Coprlo,
V.L.8.00|OW 1O 31Ol 3VOKllG 1|lU 3El|-|YllO3l3 Los|lo V. LoCroo8.00|OW 1O U3E AU1O-3UGGE31lOl E||EC1lvElY 1obo
Lockwortb8.00|OW YOU CAl 3OWl 3E11El U3llG 3El|-|YllO3l3 1ock lolso8.00|OW YOU CAl llAY 3E11El GOl| U3llG 3El|-
|YllO3l3 1ock lolso2.00|YllO3l3 Al0 3El|-|YllO3l3 Borooro lo||oooor, V.L.8.00|YllO1l3V (Or|g|na||y pub||shod |n 1808) Cor|
5oxtos8.00|YllO1l3V 8 l3YC|lC l|ElOVElA 5lmooo Eomooos8.00|YllO1l3V VA0E EA3Y Lr. Ro|pb loo8.00|YllO1l3V VA0E
llAC1lCAl Lools Ortoo8.00|YllO1l3V lEvEAlE0 Vo|vlo Powors2.00|YllO1l3V 1O0AY Los|lo LoCroo ooo 1ooo Boroooox,
Pb.L.4.00VO0Ell |YllO3l3 Los|oy Kobo & 5o|votoro Rosso, Pb.L.b.00lEW COlCEl13 O| |YllO3l3 Borooro C. Olooos,
V.L.4.00lEW 3El|-|YllO3l3 Poo| Aooms8.00lO31-|YllO1lC ll31lUC1lOl33uggost|ons tor 1horapy Aroo|o lorst8.00llAC1lCAl
GUl0E 1O 3El|-|YllO3l3 Vo|vlo Powors8.00llAC1lCAl |YllO1l3V Pbl|lp Vogooot, V.L.2.003EClE13 O| |YllO1l3V 5. 1. Voo
Po|t, V.L.8.003El|-|YllO3l3 lts 1hoory, 1ochn|quo 8 App||cat|on Vo|vlo Powors2.003El|-|YllO3l3 A Cond|t|onod-losponso 1ochn|quo
Loorooco 5porks4.001|ElAlY 1|lOUG| |YllO3l3 ooltoo by Ropboo| l. Rbooos4.00
JuDA|CA|OW 1O llvE A llC|El 8 |UllEl ll|E Robbl Eogor l. Vogolo2.00VO0Ell l3lAEl Ll|y Eoo|moo2.00lOVAlCE O|
|A33l0l3V 1ocob 5. Vloklo2.b03ElvlCE O| 1|E |EAl1 Evo|yo Oorlo|, Pb.L.4.0031OlY O| l3lAEl ll COll3 1ooo & Voorlco
Ooo|o2.0031OlY O| l3lAEl ll 31AVl3 Voxlm & Oobrlo| 5bomlr1.001OlGUE O| 1|E llOl|E13 Robort 5t. 1obo8.001lEA3UlY O|
COV|Ol1 ooltoo by Robbl 5loooy Oroooborg4.00
Ju51 FOR WONENCO3VOlOll1Al'3 GUl0E 1O VAlvElOU3 VEl |wd. by lo|oo Oor|oy Browo8.00CO3VOlOll1Al'3 |AlG-Ul
|Al03OOK |oroword by lo|oo Oor|oy Browo4.00CO3VOlOll1Al'3 lOvE 3OOKA Gu|do to Ecstasy |n 3od8.00CO3VOlOll1Al'3 lEW
E1lOUE11E GUl0E |wd. by lo|oo Oor|oy Browo4.00l AV A COVllEA1 WOVAl Lorls logoploo & Koroo O'Coooor 5wooooy8.001U31 |Ol
WOVElA Gu|do to tho |oma|o 3ody Rlcboro E. 5ooo, V.L.4.00lEW AlllOAC|E3 1O 3EX ll VAlllAGE 1obo E. Elcboo|oob,
V.L.8.003EXUAllY A0EOUA1E |EVAlE lrook 5. Coprlo, V.L.8.00YOUl |ll31 YEAl O| VAlllAGE Lr. 7om VcOlools8.00
NARR|ACE, 5EX & PAREN1EOODA3lll1Y 1O lOvE Lr. A||oo lrommob.00ElCYClOlE0lA O| VO0Ell 3EX 8 lOvE 1EC|llOUE3
Vocooorow4.00GUl0E 1O 3UCCE33|Ul VAlllAGE Lrs. A|bort E||ls & Robort lorpor4.00|OW 1O lAl3E Al EVO1lOlAllY |EAl1|Y,
|AllY C|ll0 A. E||ls[ Ad 0| 8.00lVlO1ElCE 8 |llGl0l1Y Eowlo . llrscb, V.L.8.003EX Wl1|OU1 GUll1 A|bort E||ls,
Pb.L.8.003EXUAllY A0EOUA1E VAlE lrook 5. Coprlo, V.L.8.00
NE1APEY5|C5 & OCCuL13OOK O| 1All3VAl3, AVUlE13 8 ZO0lACAl GEV3 l||lom Povltt4.00COlCEl1lA1lOlA Gu|do to Vonta|
Vastory Voool 5oobo8.00Cll1lOUE3 O| GO0 Eoltoo by Potor Aogo|os7.000lEAV3 8 OVEl3 lEvEAlE0 lroo
Oottlogs8.00EX1lA3El3OlY lElCEl1lOl 5lmooo Eomooos2.00EX1lA-1EllE31llAl ll1ElllGElCE1ho ||rst
Encountor0.00|Ol1UlE 1EllllG Wl1| CAl03 P. lo|l2.00|Al0Wll1llG AlAlY3l3 VA0E EA3Y 1obo Vor|oy8.00|Al0Wll1llG 1Ell3
Nooyo O|yooovob.00|OW 1O Ul0El31Al0 YOUl 0lEAV3 Oooroy A. Loo|oy2.00lllU31lA1E0 YOGA l||lom Zoro8.00ll 0AY3 O|
GlEA1 lEACE Voool 5oobo8.00KllG 3OlOVOl'3 1EVllE ll 1|E VA3OllC 1lA0l1lOl A|ox loroob.00l301|E AGE O| Vll0
Borooro Rosomoo2.00VAGlClAl||s tra|n|ng and work . E. Bot|or8.00VE0l1A1lOl Voool 5oobo4.00VO0Ell lUVElOlOGY Vorrls C.
Oooomoo8.00lUVElOlOGYl13 |AC13 Al0 3EClE13 Arlo| Yvoo 7oy|or8.00lUVElOlOGY VA0E EA3Y . Vykloo8.00lAlVl31lY
VA0E EA3Y lroo Oottlogs8.00lAlVl31lY VA0E llAC1lCAl E|lzobotb Loolo|s 5qolro8.00lAlVl31lY 3EClE13 lEvEAlE0 loory
lrltb8.00llAC1lCAl YOGA Eroost ooo8.00llOl|ECY ll OUl 1lVE Vortlo Eboo2.b0l3YC|OlOGY O| |Al0Wll1llG Nooyo
O|yooovo8.003UlEl31l1lOlAro you suporst|t|ous? Erlc Vop|o2.001AlO1 Voool 5oobob.001AlO1 O| 1|E 3O|EVlAl3 Poposb.001E31
YOUl E3l Vortlo Eboo2.00WAY3 1O 3El|-lEAllZA1lOl Voool 5oobo8.00W|A1 YOUl |Al0Wll1llG lEvEAl3 A|bort E.
logbos2.00Wl1C|ClA|1, VAGlC 8 OCCUl1l3VA |asc|nat|ng ||story . B. Crowb.00Wl1C|ClA|11|E 3lX1| 3El3E 1ostloo
O|oss8.00WOll0 O| l3YC|lC lE3EAlC| loroworo Corrlogtoo2.00YOU CAl AlAlYZE |Al0Wll1llG Robort lo|oor2.00
5ELF-EELP & |N5P|RA1|ONALCY3EllE1lC3 Wl1|ll U3 Y. 5oporloo8.000AllY lOWEl |Ol 1OY|Ul llvllG Lr. Looo|o
Cortls8.000OC1Ol l3YC|O-CY3EllE1lC3 Voxwo|| Vo|tz, V.L.8.000YlAVlC 1|llKllG Vo|vlo Powors2.00EXU3ElAlCEYour Gu|do to
|app|noss 8 |u|t|||mont Lr. Poo| Kortz8.00GlEA1E31 lOWEl ll 1|E UllvEl3E U. 5. Aooorsoo4.00GlOW llC| W|llE YOU 3lEEl Boo
5woot|ooo8.00GlOW1| 1|lOUG| lEA3Ol A|bort E||ls, Pb.L.4.00GUl0E 1O 0EvElOlllG YOUl lO1El1lAl lorbort A. Otto,
Pb.L.8.00GUl0E 1O llvllG ll 3AlAlCE lrook 5. Coprlo, V.L.2.00|EllllG YOUl3El| Wl1| AllllE0 l3YC|OlOGY R.
loooorsoo2.00|EllllG YOUl3El| Wl1| l3YC|lA1lY lrook 5. Coprlo, V.L.2.00|OW 1O A11lAC1 GOO0 lUCK A. l. Z. Corr8.00|OW
1O COl1lOl YOUl 0E31llY Norvo||8.00|OW 1O 0EvElOl A WlllllG lEl3OlAll1Y Vortlo Poozor8.00|OW 1O 0EvElOl Al
EXCEl1lOlAl VEVOlY Yooog & Olbsoo4.00|OW 1O OvElCOVE YOUl |EAl3 V. P. Looby, V.L.8.00|OW YOU CAl |AvE
COl|l0ElCE Al0 lOWEl Los Olb|lo8.00|UVAl llO3lEV3 8 |OW 1O 3OlvE 1|EV Lr. Looo|o Cortls8.00l CAl Boo 5woot|ooo4.00l
Wlll Boo 5woot|ooo8.00lE|1-|Al0E0 lEOllE Vlcboo| Bors|oy[ Ad 10| 8.00VAGlC ll YOUl Vll0 U. 5. Aooorsoo4.00VAGlC O|
1|llKllG 3lG Lr. Lovlo 1. 5cbwortz8.00VAGlC lOWEl O| YOUl Vll0 o|tor V. Oormolo4.00VEl1Al lOWEl 1|lOUG| 3lEEl
3UGGE31lOl Vo|vlo Powors2.00lEW GUl0E 1O lA1lOlAl llvllG A|bort E||ls, Pb.L. & R. lorpor, Pb.L.8.00OUl 1lOU3lE0 3ElvE3 Lr.
A||oo lrommo8.00l3YC|O-CY3EllE1lC3 Voxwo|| Vo|tz, V.L.2.003ClElCE O| Vll0 ll 0AllY llvllG Lr. Looo|o Cortls8.003EClE1 O|
3EClE13 U. 5. Aooorsoo4.003EClE1 lOWEl O| 1|E lYlAVl03 U. 5. Aooorsoo4.0031U11ElllG Al0 W|A1 YOU CAl 0O A3OU1 l1
. 1obosoo, Pb.L.2.b03UCCE33-CY3EllE1lC3 U. 5. Aooorsoo4.0010 0AY3 1O A GlEA1 lEW ll|E l||lom E. Eoworos8.001|llK Al0
GlOW llC| Nopo|ooo ll||8.001|lEE VAGlC WOl03 U. 5. Aooorsoo4.001lEA3UlY O| 1|E Al1 O| llvllG 5loooy 5.
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Loszkl2.003UCCE33|Ul 1Elll3 Noo|o lrosor2.001Elll3 |Ol 3EGlllEl3 Lr. l. A. Vorroy2.001Elll3 VA0E EA3Y 1oo|
Brocbooo2.00WEEKEl0 1Elll3|ow to havo tun 8 w|n at tho samo t|mo Bl|| 7o|bort8.00WlllllG Wl1| lElCEl1AGE 1Elll33mart
3tratogy 1ock Lowo2.00
W|L5E|RE PE1 L|BRARY0OG O3E0lElCE 1lAllllG Oost Kossopo|os8.000OG 1lAllllG VA0E EA3Y 8 |Ul 1obo . Ko||ogg8.00|OW
1O 3lllG Ul YOUl lE1 0OG Kort Uoko|bocb2.00|OW 1O lAl3E 8 1lAll YOUl lUllY 1o Orloo2.00llGEOl3: |OW 1O lAl3E 8
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7bo books |lstoo obovo coo bo obtolooo rom yoor book ooo|or or olroct|y rom Vo|vlo Powors. boo oroorlog, p|ooso romlt 50 por book
postogo & booo|log. 5ooo or oor roo l||ostrotoo coto|og o so|-lmprovomoot books.
NoIvin Powora
12015 5horman Road, No. EoIIywood, CaIitornia 01005
[ Ad 11|
W|L5E|RE EOR5E LOVER5' L|BRARYAVA1EUl |Ol3E 3lEE0El A. C. Lolgbtoo loromoo8.00AVEllCAl OUAl1El |Ol3E ll
llC1UlE3 Vorgorot Cobo|| 5o|8.00AllAlOO3A |Ol3E Loooo & Bl|| Rlcborosoo8.00AlA3lAl |Ol3E Rogloo|o 5.
5ommorboys2.00Al1 O| WE31Ell ll0llG 5ozoooo Nortoo 1ooos8.00A1 1|E |Ol3E 3|OW Vorgorot Cobo|| 5o|8.003ACK-YAl0
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Loytoo 5omoor8.00CAvAllY VAlUAl O| |Ol3EVAl3|ll Oorooo rlgbt8.00COVllE1E 1lAllllG O| |Ol3E Al0 ll0El Co|ooo|
A|ols Poobolsky4.000l3Ol0El3 O| 1|E |Ol3E 8 W|A1 1O 0O A3OU1 1|EV E. looooor8.000lE33AGEA 3tudy ot tho ||nor lo|nts |n
l|d|ng loory yomo|oo4.000llvllG |Ol3E3 5o||lo o|rooo8.00El0UlAlCE ll0llG Aoo ly|ooo2.00EOUl1A1lOl 1ooo
lrolssoro4.00|ll31 Al0 |Ol |Ol3E3 Lr. Cbor|os l. Looolog, 1r.2.00|Ul O| lAl3llG A COl1 Robyo & lrook Orlltb8.00|Ul Ol
|Ol3E3ACK Vorgorot Cobo|| 5o|4.00GYVK|AlA GAVE3 Not|oo Koooyor2.00|Ol3E 0l3EA3E3Causos, 3ymptoms 8 1roatmont Lr. l.
O. Bo|scboor8.00|Ol3E OWlEl'3 COlCl3E GUl0E E|slo V. looooor2.00|Ol3E 3ElEC1lOl 8 CAlE |Ol 3EGlllEl3 Ooorgo l.
Cooo8.00|Ol3E 3El3EA comp|oto gu|do to r|d|ng and caro A|oo Loocoo4.00|Ol3E3ACK ll0llG |Ol 3EGlllEl3 Lools
7oy|or4.00|Ol3E3ACK ll0llG VA0E EA3Y 8 |Ul 5oo loooorsoo Cooo8.00|Ol3E31ho|r 3o|oct|on, Caro 8 |and||ng Vorgorot Cobo||
5o|8.00|OW 1O 3UY A 3E11El |Ol3E 8 3Ell 1|E |Ol3E YOU OWl8.00|OW 1O El1OY YOUl OUAl1El |Ol3E l||loro l.
Portor8.00|Ul1El ll llC1UlE3 Vorgorot Cobo|| 5o|2.00lllU31lA1E0 3OOK O| 1|E |Ol3E 5. 5loooy (8-1/2 11)
10.00lllU31lA1E0 |Ol3E VAlAGEVEl1??l||ustrat|ons Lr. E. Voybow0.00lllU31lA1E0 |Ol3E 1lAllllG Coptolo V. l.
loyosb.00lllU31lA1E0 |Ol3E3ACK ll0llG |Ol 3EGlllEl3 1ooooo Vo||lo2.001UVlllGloarn|ng 1oach|ng 1ooo lrolssoro8.00KlOW
All A3OU1 |Ol3E3 lorry Llsstoo8.00lAVE |Ol3ECausos, 3ymptoms 1roatmont Lr. 1omos R. Rooooy8.00lAW YOUl |Ol3E Eoworo
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B|ockb.00VOlGAl |Ol3E ll llC1UlE3 Vorgorot Cobo|| 5o|2.00VOvlE |Ol3E31ho |asc|nat|ng 1ochn|quos ot 1ra|n|ng Aotbooy
Amoro|2.00lOllCE |Ol3E3 1ooltb Compbo||2.00llAC1lCAl GUl0E 1O |Ol3E3|OEllG8.00llAC1lCAl GUl0E 1O OWlllG YOUl
OWl |Ol3E 5tovoo L. Prlco2.00llAC1lCAl |Ol3E l3YC|OlOGY Voyro l||loms8.00llO3lEV |Ol3E3 Gu|do tor Cur|ng 3or|ous
3ohav|or |ab|ts 5ommorboys2.00lEll3VAl O| 1|E WE313ll0lE3 3l13 Eo Coooo||4.00lE3C|OOlllG 1|E 1|OlOUG|3lE0 Poggy
1ott Plttlogor8.00ll0E WE31Ell Lools 7oy|or8.003C|OOlllG YOUl YOUlG |Ol3E Ooorgo boot|oy2.0031A3lE VAlAGEVEl1 |Ol
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lo|oy8.001lEA1llG COVVOl 0l3EA3E3 O| YOUl |Ol3E Lr. Ooorgo l. Cooo8.001lEA1llG |Ol3E AllVEl13 O. .
5ortb2.00WE31Ell |Ol3E3ACK ll0llG O|oo Bo|cb8.00YOU Al0 YOUl lOlY Poppor Voloworlog loo|oy (8-1/2 11) 0.00YOUl |ll31
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7bo books |lstoo obovo coo bo obtolooo rom yoor book ooo|or or olroct|y rom Vo|vlo Powors. boo oroorlog, p|ooso romlt 50 por book
postogo booo|log. 5ooo or oor roo l||ostrotoo coto|og o so| lmprovomoot books.
NoIvin Powora
12015 5horman Road, No. EoIIywood, CaIitornia 01005

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