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Strict Candida Diet

The Strict Candida Diet is for people experiencing a wild array of symptoms related to foods. To make this diet, Ive cross-referenced
many candida diets and read about why certain foods are on the list or why they are stricken from it. This is not a perfect diet for
everyone experiencing radical food sensitivities as people even develop individual sensitivities/allergies. However, this is a core diet
and can be added to or subtracted from based on the individuals needs.

The diet principles exercised here are sugar-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, meat-free, yeast-free, processed food-free, and low-carb.
The intent is to starve (actually weaken) the offending bacteria so that anti-bacterials, anti-fungals and anti-inflammatories can
further damage and kill them off.

DIETARY RATIO 65%- 20%- 10%- 5%

Keep this tentative ratio in mind when planning meals: 65+%of high fiber foods such as steamed vegies (broccoli, celery, red
radishes in moderation, asparagus, cabbage, spinach and kale) with raw garlic, onion and ginger, three natural anti-fungals; 20%of
high protein foods like nuts, seeds (and some people eat eggs); 10%complex carbs like brown rice, millet, select beans (carbs
actually help promote a healthy body and deter candida, but once there is overgrowth the bacteria must be weakened and so carbs
are withdrawn); 5%fresh fruits like lemons, limes, avocadoes and perhaps green apples or blackberries if the person can tolerate
them (some people like myself must be very strict with this category). ?? %of oils is unknown but depends on the individual some
oils are very instrumental in fighting against the candida overgrowth, and so some people require more oil than others; for those
upping their oils, reduce the carbs as they compete with each other. A word of caution here, a low-carb diet long-term, say for six
months or more, has been known to cause electrolyte problems.


Vegetables starve the candida of the sugar and mold that feed it. Vegies filled with chlorophyll absorb fungal poisons and escort
them out of the body. Avoid starchy vegies like carrots sweet potatoes, potatoes, yams, corn, all winter squash, beets, peas, parsnips
and all beans except green beans; the starch quickly turns to sugar which feeds the candida. Vegies are typically very alkaline and
should be eaten raw or slightly steamed. Cooking makes all food - vegies included - acidic, the pH which candida thrives in. Seaweeds
are good, e.g. spirulina, chlorella, dulse, but many seaweeds are processed with processed salts and corn oil, which could cause
reaction and/or feed the candida. Tomatoes are acidic (yellow tomatoes less so) and a nightshade, which affects inflammation and
particularly those with rheumatoid problems - best to avoid.
Vegetables : amaranth leaves, asparagus, beet greens, bok choy, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, collard greens, cucumber
(peeled), dandelion greens, eggplant (controversial as its a nightshade), endive, garlic stems, green beans, kale, lettuce (all types),
leeks, mustard greens, okra, fresh olives, onions, red radish (in moderation), seaweed, spaghetti squash, spinach, spring onions,
swiss chard, tomatoes (controversial), turnip greens, zucchini

Legumes can be very moldy. Some candida diets restrict all legume consumption, some allow low-carb legumes such as
chickpeas/garbanzo beans, lentils, black beans, black-eyed peas and adzuki beans. Because of the possible mold factor, soak beans
(except lentils) for 8 hours, drain off dirty water and rinse till rinse-water is colorless. Cook as desired. Slow-cooking in a crock pot
will retain the most nutrients that higher heats will kill.

Nuts are rich in nutrients, essential fats but can be very moldy. Also they are tough on the digestive system of many candida
sufferers; some people react while others tolerate them well. For eliminating mold on nuts, soak and rinse nuts before eating. For
the busy person, they can be soaked in bulk and dried in a dehydrator to be eaten when desired. Drying temperatures over 118F (in
the oven for example) kill nutrients, essential for the healing candida sufferers body. Flax seeds (chia and hemp to a lesser degree)
go rancid quickly so buy whole seeds and blend the seeds to a powder just before using. Heat also destroys the nutrients in these
fragile seeds so eat raw.
Nuts : almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts (no more than 6 at a time due to heavy selenium)
Seeds : sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds

Grains contain a high amount of fiber, so figuratively they are the pipe-cleaners of the intestines grabbing pollutants, chemicals,
pesticides and heavy metals and sweeping some of them out. Grains are complex carbs but they do break down into sugars and so
must be eaten in small proportion when starving the candida so anti-fungals work more effectively.
Gluten-free grains: adlay/Jobs tears, amaranth, buckwheat, millet, quinoa, sorghum (possibly), wild and brown rice

The GI track needs to be continually washed throughout the day to remove toxins, so drink lots of water. The herbal teas listed have
anti-fungal properties. Chickory root is also a great prebiotic (it contains 20%inulin) so can help repopulate the gut with healthy
Beverages: almond milk, chamomile tea, chickory root, cinnamon tea, clove tea, fennel tea, ginger tea, lemongrass tea, licorice tea,
peppermint tea, taheebo/pau darco tea, lots of water

Candida loves sweeteners. Supposedly stevia (controversial) can be eaten in tiny amounts every day. Coconut oil is naturally sweet,
as are green apples, cinnamon, almonds and almond flour. Blend ingredients considering natural flavors and skip on all sugars and
chemical-compound substitute sugars, including xylitol (known to mess up pets pancreases) and agave (90+%fructose while corn
syrup is only about 50%; also processed at temps around 400F! thus a trans fat?).

Fruits range from very high fructose to fruits with much less fructose. Fruits tend to be slightly acidic, which makes them even more
appealing to candida. So, choosing low fructose, low-acidic fruit is important. Limes and lemons are both low acidic, as are
avocadoes. Cranberries are very low fructose but high acidic; tomatoes are acidic. The following fruits are good fruits for the strict
candida diet but must be eaten only upon occasion and as each body allows. Limes, lemons and avocadoes are the first fruits to add
to the diet.
Fruits: avocadoes, blackberries, cranberries, green apples, green papaya, lemons, limes, red or black currants

Condiments are typically fermented but people with candida have huge intolerances to yeast and/or fermentation, so they must
think simple, eat simple but feel well. Coconut aminos is a great alternative for soy sauce. Salt, by the way, is processed and often
has dextrose and chemical ingredients in it; eat unprocessed sea salt which is loaded with accessible nutrients and minerals. Dried
herbs are known to be moldy, not to mention irradiated. Dehydrated garlic and onion powders might have sugar additives.
Condiments: fresh garlic, fresh ginger, fresh onion, fresh lemon juice, olive oil, coconut oil, flax oil, hemp oil; mustard powder (rarely;
very arguable); apple cider vinegar (very very arguable!)
Seasonings: (unprocessed) sea salt, black pepper (very arguable)

Certain herbs and spices contain antioxidants and anti-fungals. Some increase circulation and reduce inflammation. Some improve
digestion and alleviate constipation. Most herbs and spices are beneficial in the fight against candida. Avoid the nightshades, that is,
any in the red pepper family.
Herbs and spices: basil, black pepper (very arguable), cardamom, cayenne (very arguable), cilantro, cinnamon, cloves, coriander
(good cinnamon substitute), cumin, dill, fennel, garlic, ginger, marjoram, oregano, parsley, rosemary, thyme, tarragon, turmeric

Eat carefully selected oils only, and always choose cold-pressed and extra virgin if given the option. Heating or boiling destroys oils,
especially fragile oils like hemp and flax oils.
Oils: coconut oil, olive oil, flax oil, hemp oil
Fats: avocado, cleaned nuts (almonds, walnuts and Brazil nuts)


Sugars exacerbate candida. Soft drinks are loaded, and even if sugar-free there are chemicals and the drinks are very acidic.
Artificial sweeteners can impair the immune system.
Avoid: honey, syrup includes brown rice syrup, lactose, malt, sucrose, fructose, chocolate, molasses, artificial sweeteners (e.g.
asulfame, nutra-sweet, saccharine, maltodextrine), agave nectar, coconut sugar, yacon syrup

Alcohol is high in sugar, plus it is fermented, both of which cause candida to thrive. Alcohol puts stress on the organs and immune
system. Mixing alcohol and candida is like opening all the windows in a house fire!
Avoid: beer, cider, liquors, spirits, wine

Most candida sufferers have high sensitivities to glutens, so avoiding them allows the immune system to repair itself and spend
more energy attacking the bacteria rather than the introduced toxin. Corn products like popcorn are highly contaminated with toxic
fungi. White rice causes rapid spikes in blood sugar levels.
Avoid: glutens (wheat, rye, barley, oats and wheat variations like spelt, couscous, cream of wheat, durum, semolina, farina, triticale,
etc); corn (popcorn, blue corn, hominy, grits)

Most legumes are high in carbs, moldy, as well as hard to digest and so should be avoided. Lentils, garbanzos and black beans are
probably the easiest to digest and have the lowest glycemic count. Soy products are toxic to people with candida, probably because
the majority of soy is GMO, which has been linked to immune system damage and other health problems. Soy is also disruptive to
the thyroid, a common problem with candida sufferers. Cocoa powder, even unsweetened, contains caffeine and weakens the
adrenal glands. Bean sprouts contain high levels of bacteria and sometimes e.coli those grown at home can be safe.
Avoid: all beans except later on the lentils, garbanzos and black beans; all soy (tofu, tofu cheese, textured vegetable protein, soy
milk, tempeh, etc); carob powder; cocoa powder; bean sprouts

Nuts contain high amounts of molds/fungal toxins, which can inflame candida. Some nuts are extremely moldy like the peanuts and
pistachios while almonds and walnuts are easiest for the candida sufferer to clean and eat. Coconut meat is inflammatory while
coconut oil fights against the candida bacteria (the body uses these materials very differently).
Avoid: all nuts, especially peanuts and pistachios; coconut meat, milk and cream; pecans cause inflammation; cashews can be very

Mushrooms often have mold on their exterior. Eating fungi can further the spread of candida, as they are a mold; however, some
molds have been used to fight the candida mold-bacteria, ex. reishi and maitake.

Fruits have high sugar content, which candida thrives on. Melons and especially cantaloupe tend to be very moldy. Oranges and
grapefruits cause inflammation and are acidic (even orange peel as a flavoring must be avoided) while lemons and limes are alkaline
and low-inflammatory. Dried fruits and fruit juices are sugar intensified and must be avoided as they heavily tax the adrenals;
processed canned fruit with natural fruit sugars and the added sugars does too!

Root vegies are dense in nutrients but have high starch that easily convert to sugar. Winter squash are incredily starch and thus
speedily convert to sugar. Hot peppers (capsicum family) and other peppers, including sweet peppers, are in the nightshade family
(along with potatoes, eggplants and tomatoes) and therefore cause inflammation in many people with autoimmune diseases,
particularly those with rhuematoid problems.
Avoid: beets, brussel sprouts (many people react), carrots, daikon radishes, eggplant, parsnips, all peppers (hot and not), peas,
potatoes, all squash (except zucchini and spaghetti squash), sweet potatoes, tomatoes, yams and yucca

Avoid all meats: Meats like beef and pork are grain-fed, which increases the acidy of the meat, filled with hormones and antibiotics,
and bacterial carriers. Pork cells contain retroviruses that survive cooking and may further harm a weakened digestive system.
Processed meats like lunch meat and spam are loaded with dextrose, nitrates, nitrites, sulphates and sugars.

Avoid all fish and seafood: Most fish, excepting perhaps sockeye salmon and sardines, contain alarming levels of heavy metals and
toxins, which suppress the immune system. Farm-raised salmon is grey in color before factory coloring making it more appealing to
consumers, not to mention farm-raised salmon is extremely inflammatory while wild salmon is considered extremely anti-
inflammatory, excepting for the fact that its loaded with PCBs, mercury and carcinogenic agents, as is farm-raised salmon according
to studies. Seafoods are the oceans floor sweepers and are toxic by nature.

Avoid eggs: eggs are inflammatory (one naturopath found that 90%of all people with food sensitivities had an egg sensitivity too)

Dairy is inflammatory, loaded with bacteria, hormones and antibiotics as well as pus. Dairy also contains lactose, a sugar
compounded with milk agents, which feed bacteria and create phlegm (bacteria crap). Cheese is created by bacteria by-
products aka crap.
Avoid: dairy (all cheese, milk, cream, buttermilk, even kefir and yogurt although many argue that these two are beneficial as
probiotics, but these are fermented)

Chemicals disrupt friendly bacteria and allow candida yeast to flourish. MSG and citric acid are in most processed foods and are
derived from yeasts as they underwent a fermentation process. The natural citric acid in lemons and limes is not a chemical
compound and is beneficial.
Avoid: MSG, citric acid, maltodextrin, chemicals and anything on the list that cant be pronounced.

Caffeine causes blood sugar spikes feeding candida and stressing the adrenals and weakening the immune system, both already
weaknesses in the candida sufferer. Coffee contains mold, one of the most important food categories to avoid; it also contains
taurine, another evil. Decaf coffees and teas contain residual caffeine. Coconut water/milk contains a high amount of sugar and so is
Avoid: coffee, black and green tea, diet and regular sodas, energy drinks, sport drinks, malted drinks (e.g. Ovaltine, Horlicks, Caro),
coconut water, fruit juices (fresh or packaged), rice milk, coconut water/milk

Condiments are usually fermented (vinegars, olives, pickles) or have sugar and/or citric acid (ketchup, tomato paste). They may even
contain soy (soy sauce, fermented Asian bean sauces, Braggs, balsamic vinegar). Vinegars are made in a yeast culture, which
depletes the stomach of acids and can cause inflammation in the gut
Avoid: Braggs, horseradish, ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, relish, salad dressings, soy sauce; brewers yeast; nutritional yeast
(some can tolerate nutritional yeast flakes though)

Avoid: Peanut, cottonseed, cotton and canola oils are mold contaminated. Sunflower and safflower oils are highly processed. Most
beans in soy oil are GMO. Margarine is dairy plus saturated fat. Shortening is highly processed and has trans fat. Sesame seed oil is
inflammatory for people with candida (some can tolerate it though).


Candida flourishes in an acidic environment, and this acidity inhibits the bodies ability to absorb vitamins and minerals as well as
limits enzyme production of digestive proteins, thus causing gas and a sense of being bloated and an increase in food sensitivities.
Therefore, selecting foods from the ALLOWABLE FOODS list is important. A rule of thumb when starving the candida is to diet for
one month for every year the person has had candida. That is, if someones had it for 18 years, then he/she must be on a strict
candida diet for 18 months. Candida results in deficiencies; the strictness of the diet does not aim to clean up those deficiencies and
may create more; however, once candida has been eliminated the body can be restored. There will never be any kind of restoration
as long as candida survives and thrives.

Reverse osmosis water and distilled water are acidic waters and contain no minerals and actually leach minerals from the body.
Adding minerals to water does not help as processed minerals cannot possibly duplicate what Mother Nature provides.

Canned foods are high in molds and lack nutrients; frozen is better; fresh is best.

Avoid all yeast: brewers yeast, bakers yeast, vitamins & minerals (unless labeled yeast free and sugar free), B-complex (usually
vitamin B1 undergoes a major fermentation process this might affect the vitamin B1 additive in breads too)
Avoid malt products: malted drinks, cereals, candy (fermented)

Avoid sprouts unless home-grown. Sprouts often contain high amounts of bacteria and even e.coli.

Leftovers grow mold. Two hours after putting leftovers in the fridge, mold starts growing. Its best to freeze leftovers.

Drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Consider lymphatic drainage techniques also (dry skin brushing) to keep the lymph system
moving, which by the way, has more fluid in it than there is blood in the body. Exercise regularly (cardiovascular) to promote good
circulation and oxygen-rich blood, which candida dislikes.

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