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Executive Summary
This report is a merger of introduction to the community immunization program given by
Redland City Council as well as how and why the proposed program should be evaluated
in depth to see its feasibility. This report provides a brief approach to all the necessities
that the immunization program is inclusive of and at the same time as such an important
process is to be judged from all the aspects, thus, the approval of an evaluation program
is required. The report also focuses on what the program evaluation process actually is
and how does it work. Therefore, all that this report basically aims at is the agreement of
the council to run the program by analyzing the various sections of the report along with
important links that are to be tackled.
The report will be a general information based on what the plan actually is, how is
program evaluation connected to the corporate plan, the history of the program evaluation
as well as the immunization program along with conclusions and recommendations.
Relationship to Corporate Plan
mmunization program started by Redland City Council is that organization or a center
for free treatment where people are provided vaccines for free. The vaccines that are
provided with such a service are also mentioned along with. The problem arises when
proposed plans like these are definitely running but are not yielding the results that they
should, may be because the people still don!t know about it or may be people are
lethargic enough to not reach these centers.
"ence, for the benefit of the people a program evaluation is required. This evaluation
makes sure that all the efforts put into to an environmental public health program are
paying off results or not. #rogram evaluation is an important aspect which should be run
for all the environmental health programs.
The corporate plan is to provide free immunization to all people whether it be infants or
children or even adults. The plan is highly important and requires a lot of management.
Redland City Council is located in south east $ueensland build up in a large area. %ith a
perfect location on the &oreton 'ay with certain important borders connected along with
it, Redland is blessed with a healthy coastal lifestyle, great values and merger of culture
and nature. The Redland City council build over it believes in green living, adaptation
and change of energies, and thus as it is so close to developing nature, it has various
environment related plans working along with. t believes in protection of the
environment and thus promoting health (%oodruffe, )**+,.
"ence, the connection of program evaluation to the environmental health programs is to
collect evidences which on collection should be able to provide an account to all the
funders associated with the program as well the public that would believe in the health
program and come to get treated.
-uch an evaluation is important for another reason as it provides a detailed analysis of the
corporate plans due to which improvements can be made and the results can be compared
as well as measured.
.ll these points relate to the fact that these are the necessities of the council as well and
this is what the council as well requires and hence, program evaluation would easily
fulfill the councils concerns (/ittmar, 0111,.
#rogram evaluation as already seen in the above section is an advantageous program and
does not hamper any situations associated with it.
%hat becomes important is to throw light on the fact that how, why and when these
programs are to be conducted.
%e ve already seen what #rogram evaluation actually is. This section deals with a
detailed study about the steps related in conducting the program along with the benefits
that it causes.
Redland City Council offers an immunization program in which it is to be focused that
each and every child as well as adults for whom the vaccinations are important are
vaccinated. 2accines are against micro organisms and these vaccines make the body
immune against the diseases so that once the disease has happened in the system, it
wouldn!t repeat itself. The program is well versed, beneficial and for the people
(%oodruffe, )**+,.
#rogram 3valuation on the other hand is to ensure that the efforts involved in the system
are fruitful and will pay results. There are various people associated with the
immunization program. The capital for these free vaccines is funded by other
organizations or by donation of the people. The people as well as the investors need to
know where there money is actually utilized and what fruits it is bearing.
The only problem with the evaluation program is who should evaluate. The person who4
5nderstands the project well.
6nows how to plan and hence successfully complete the evaluation of the
"as the available time to carry out such a heavy program as an evaluation
program requires time
.vailability of financial resources. f resources are enough, then hiring other
evaluators should be considered.
7nce this factor is decided that who would carry out the evaluation program the system
becomes easy to manage and a base is provided for it.
.lso, the evaluation program aims at the elements that are necessary to be evaluated. 8or
immunization programs, the necessary requirements are4
The purpose that this evaluation has on the stakes involved as well as us
The reason behind the evaluation process which in this case is to know whether
immunization program, by the Redland City Council is being conducted fruitfully
or is lacking.
The program may not receive continuous funds so the standards of the evaluation
system are to be increased.
-uccess of the program is to be displayed so that the stakeholders trust on the
evaluation program and effectively help to improve the program
This evaluation that is the evaluation of every element of the program may or may not be
necessary but is definitely not need compulsory. 'ut such analysis helps in knowing the
limited resources that are available for conducting the program and hence, perfect
utilization of the available resources can be done (3lliot, )**9,.
Detailed Discussion
This report has discussed so far about the program evaluation system, the immunization
program on which the evaluation is to be done, the importance of both the programs and
the relationship that both the systems share. 5nder the detailed section will be discussed
how the evaluation program is to be carried about that is the steps involved as well as the
disadvantages of this program if not carried out properly.
Focus of Evaluation
Choosing an evaluation focus is important. The focus could either be on the process or on
the conclusion or the result attained by the process. f the focus is on the program process
then the questions of evaluation include4
The people who are to be vaccinated are reached or not:
The projected information of the immunization program was the same as
projected or not
Costs involved
Categories being established or not
%hereas the evaluation which is based on the result would include questions such as4
.ll the systems places in the process as well as the immunization program are
functioning with effectively
#ublic awareness
The effect on the people taking the service are satisfied and are the spreading the
word of mouth.
7ur evaluation program is focused on the process of the program. This selection is thus
made because if the base of anything is not strong then great results cannot be achieved
no matter how hard it is tried. This involvement would give us a brief account on how to
proceed. f such an evaluation is focused on outcome then the program would require a
lot of control and there would be various options to focus on. 'ut when the basis is
strong, the building is stronger hence when the process is strong the result would be
stronger (;offman, )*<*,.
To begin with, the evaluation process requires that all the questions of concern be first
jotted down. These questions should be evaluating everything about the immunization
program in order to learn all its elements. These questions would not only help the
evaluation program but would also help the stakeholders to know about the project and its
concern such as this report.
The question arises that when the immunization program is already functioning at its best
and it is establishes, now when should the evaluation program be e=ecuted. 8or this, it
becomes important to mention here that every evaluation is useful at various points when
life of a program is taken into consideration.
/3-;> #".-3 4 %hen a program is in the design phase and is being planned in
this phase, then the evaluation process helps to understand as well as decide what
the take of the program actually is and the activities that are really effective.
3.R?@ &#?3&3>T.T7> #3R7/ 4 %hen a program is in this stage where
testing of program activities are being carried out, evaluation defines the
modification required in the program.
3-T.'?-"3/ #3R7/ 7R -5-T.>3/ #3R7/ 4 %hen a program is in this
stage, the evaluation procedure helps to evaluate that whether the program is
meeting all that what is required of it or not.
%hen concerning the immunization program, the evaluation process will be entered in
the middle period that is early implementation as the immunization program by Redland
City Council is in that phase and thus entry of evaluation in that level will make it easier
to know what mistakes were done in the beginning of the process and what modifications
are required (&cCracken, )*A*,.
Evaluation of Framework
There are various frameworks when the concern is a health organization which is to be
evaluated. There are some frameworks which are to evaluate different programs at the
same time and there are others which are to evaluate only specific programs. 7ur
evaluation process would use C/C 3valuation which is a type of framework where B
components are kept in mind while evaluating. This approach is a successful one and has
provided results in various departments of public health. 3ach component of the
framework are important and each component may even from time to time coincide with
each other. The C/C approach helps the evaluation process to run freely while taking
into account several components at a time. These si= components include4
3ngaging stakeholders that is involving only those important people that are in
some or the other way connected to the program.
/escription of the program that is organizing the information that is required for
the program
8ocusing on the design that is to plan out all the components of the program to be
3vidences to be gathered that is to gather all the available information and
technical issues about the concerned program
Custifying the conclusions derived by comparing each result of the evaluation and
then providing proofs for its flaws or supporting it wherever necessary
3nsuring use is to inform people about the result of the evaluation done (&iles,
>ot only are these B components important to the C/C approach but also there is a list of
D1 other important elements that assess the qualities of activities.
n order to help the evaluation, it is thought that the evaluation process should be made
more effective and along with it evaluation activities are to be checked to see that
whatever evaluation is being carried out is being met or not.
C/C approach hence, ensures that the approach is useful, feasible, legal, and ethical by
all means and provides accurate information (&iles, )**A,.
Logic Models
.fter the approach is developed and it is known how to begin with the approach, what
becomes necessary is to design a ?ogical &odel. This model will provide a visual way of
our approach allowing others to acknowledge the importance of the evaluation visually.
The form of any logical model is from following the sequence from nput to activities
and then output of those activities to the results.
'y doing this, a logical model helps make connection among the elements of the
program. >ot only get the elements connected but also the processes as well as the
results. .n evaluation can be focused on all of the logical models components or if
desired then neither can be focused on. .n e=ample can be quoted here stating that if a
specific activity is being carried out then what can be achieved and if in general we want
to see the outcomes then that also can be carried out. This logic model is a kind of a map
and a guide helping to decide all the parts of the immunization program that are to be
evaluated and then measured on the basis of the evaluation.
f we talk in detail then each section of the logic model such as nputs, .ctivities, 7utputs
and 7utcomes constitute various elements (&cCracken, )*A*,.
nputs constitute the resources that help the program to progress such as funds,
staff system, material required, and enough space.
.ctivities include all the major and minor steps used to accomplish the project
such as conducting media campaigning, developing partnerships, providing
training programs as well as surveillances.
7utput constitutes the what can be produced and the how and all that which has to
be measured after the inputs and the activities have taken place such as training,
increasing the awareness of the evaluation among people, keeping track of each
agency associated, number of people given training for the work, number of
surveillance that have been completed and there types. -uch an approach makes it
possible to know in the end how cost effective the whole system was and how
much e=tra capital has gone without sufficient results.
7utcomes include changes which have to remain long term which have resulted
from what the evaluation process has been able to do. These outcomes may be to
inform the public of the harmful effects or the disadvantages if any of the
immunization program, workforce should be well prepared, incidents should be
decreased, surveillance should be proper.
8or evaluating the immunization program, these important components have to be
focused keeping in mind the cost effectiveness of the program. The evaluation program
should help make the immunization approach which is free of cost beneficial to the
people. This is the actual linkage between the two programs and the vision looked at
behind the evaluation approach.
%ith this the steps of the evaluation process and its approach becomes understandable
but another important aspect is yet to be discussed which is the cost effectiveness of the
approach (;offman, )*<*,.
Financial Implications
"ere would be discussed various components for which the capital is to required.
5nder the input section
-taff for the evaluation program
-pace of where the program is to take place
Training for all those involved in the training are to be searched
-afety of the area
%ebsite developments
.ll these components are to be raised and the costs by these have to be managed.
The activities section would include4
Traning for staff of the evaluation
The camp to be organized
Regulations and guidelines to be distributed
>ewspaper advertising and promotions
/eveloping banners
These costs are important to be monitored but there is no fi=ed appro=imate value that
can be estimated.
The 7utputs whereas the outcome section is a little silent sections which do not require a
lot of approach. The development of websites whereas analysis of data is what is to be
monitored in the output section which can easily be managed whereas once the outcomes
are learnt out of the program, the modification has to start. Thus, capital for the
distribution of proper and right kind of information to the stakeholders regarding the
project after analysis is important.
The cost also has to be monitored because the evaluation program should not be a flaw to
the immunization program. t should help increase its productivity and not by any means
degrade it (3lliot, )**9,.
Recommendations here are based on the information that will be gathered throughout the
evaluation process and they are also consistent with the purpose of whatever is the
evaluation taking place. The limit of the program is kept in mind and thinking about those
limitations such as money, time, space or e=periences as well as the level of e=perience
only the following recommendations are attributed to the immunization program4
%ays to improve the immunization program would be provided
The strengths as well as the best practices that are involved within the program
are described
Challenges that are faced will be listed
The necessary approaches that can be suggested instead of the practices already
%ays to increase or decrease the program
f necessary then one of the parts of the program should be terminated if it is
creating a problem for the rest of the system
-takeholders are always important and helpful in giving the right kind of
recommendations and information!s which are qualitative and quantitative (/ittmar,
This report hence concludes in a typical manner stating that all the above given points are
to be taken into consideration and then given consent for the approval of the evaluation
process. t has already been seen how the evaluation process could be an asset to the
immunization program.
mmunization programs are for the benefit of the people. #rograms such as started by
Redland City Council is beneficial for the people as there are so many vaccines which
people are unable to buy because of their e=pensive nature. The availability of an
immunization program helps improve health and mortality levels all around the world.
'ut keeping a check on all these points is necessary. t is necessary to focus on the fact
that when something at a greater level is taking place then is it producing the same
benefit as is desired or are people still unaware of it. The above proposed evaluation
process will help improve the state of the program which we have seen is not very good.
#eople still do not know the importance of polio drops or getting vaccinated for "epatitis
'. The program is feasible but all it needs is a little guidance and a truthful approach.
/ittmar, ". and /rury, C. (0111, -elf mage E s t in The 'ag: . $ualitative Comparison
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International Journal in Marketing. 2ol. B pp. )DEDD.
&iles, -. ()**A, onsumerism as a !ay of Life. ?ondon4 -age Tian, 6. (011),
ConsumersF >eed for 5niqueness4 -cale /evelopment and 2alidation. Journal of
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TheyFre 8ed up and 7ther -tories. Marketing intelligence and #lanning. 2ol. )< (+, pp.
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