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ampus Security

Most col l ege campuses are smal l ci t i es; some are even l arger than thei r nei ghbori ng urban communi t i es. They are pl aces where di verse popul ati ons
meet, resi de, shop, l earn, research, and pl ay often 24 hours per day. Unfortunatel y, they are al so subject to a wi de range of ri sks, i ncl udi ng
shoot er attacks, pandemi c outbreaks, chemi cal or bi ol ogi cal att acks or acci dents, natural di sast ers, power outages, protests, student unrul i ness or
ri ot i ng, host age si tuat i ons, and mass f ood poi soni ng.
Securi ty and saf ety i n such a compl ex and mi xed-use envi ronment means more than campus pol i ce, cameras, and emergency cal l boxes. It means an
i ntegrat ed approach, begi nni ng wi th a compl ete understandi ng of the threats, vul nerabi l i t i es, and potent i al consequenc es of adverse events.
Getti ng thi s ri ght requi res an approach that i s sensi ti ve to the academi c and research envi ronment but that meets the saf ety and securi ty needs of
students, thei r parent s, the school s st aff, and the l arger communi ty. Prevent i ng i nci d ents through eff ecti ve desi gn i s the goal , but the campus must
al so be abl e to act qui ckl y and smartl y i f an i nci dent does occur. Thus, both cri si s management and emergency management syst ems need to be
real i sti c and test ed. The communi cat i ons and medi a el ements of i nci dent management requi re careful pl anni ng and trai ni ng. Faci l i ty and campus
desi gn, procedures, and technol ogi es shoul d be pl anned i n a way that provi des deterrence, reassurance, and adaptabi l i ty to ev ol vi ng threat s.
Good Harbor has experi ence worki ng al ongsi de col l ege admi ni strators and operators across a range of proj ects and types of i nsti tut i ons, i ncl udi ng
the fol l owi ng:
Organi zat i on and cri si s management revi ew f or Indi ana Uni versi ty
Securi ty syst ems pl anni ng for Harvard Uni versi ty and the Massachusett s Insti tute of Technol ogy
Securi ty and saf ety desi gn for a major bi o-technol ogy research faci l i ty
Services and Approach
Good Harbor devel ops saf ety, securi t y, and emergency management sol ut i ons f or col l ege campuses and other major research and educat i on
i nst i tuti ons usi ng an i ncl usi ve approach that consi ders the overal l sustai nabi l i ty of the campus ent erpri se. Good Harbor s ri sk management approach
provi des a refreshi ngl y i ncl usi ve out l ook, bal anci ng saf ety and securi ty requi rements wi th operat i onal real i t i es to del i ver securi ty sol uti ons that
enabl e, rather than hi nder, the purpose and acti vi t i es of the campus.
Good Harbor i s vendor-neutral , so when we recommend sol uti ons or technol ogi es, our cl i ent s know they are gett i ng an unbi ased sol uti on t hat wi l l
work best for thei r needs. We have chosen to remai n a smal l , speci al i st consul t ancy to better dedi cat e oursel ves to our cl i en t s and honor
commi t ments i n a t i mel y and di screet manner. We provi de resi l i ent, cost -eff ecti ve sol ut i ons for ri sk mi t i gati on that are tai l ored to each cl i ent based
on thei r speci fi c threats, vul nerabi l i t i es, and needs.
Our approach emphasi zes knowl edge transf er. Throughout the proj ect l i fe cycl e, our expert s work al ongsi de each cl i ent s perso nnel to promot e
conti nui ty and sel f -sustai nabi l i ty of robust securi ty pract i ces. By worki ng cl osel y and col l aborat i vel y wi th our cl i ent s, we gai n a bett er unders tandi ng
of thei r operati ons, phi l osophi es, and ri sk profi l es. In addi ti on to devel opi ng anal yses, recommendati ons and securi ty de si gns, our consul tant s
transf er thei r expert i se to hel p organi zati ons enhance thei r abi l i ty to operate thei r safety and securi ty program i ndependent l y.
Good Harbor s Campus Securi ty servi ces combi ne our expert i se i n cyber and physi cal securi ty and safety, cri si s and emergency management , and
emergency response trai ni ng to support the devel opment of ri sk mi t i gati on strategi es f or both new and exi st i ng campuses. Our approach addresses
al l stages of campus devel opment, i ncl udi ng pl anni ng, desi gn, and operat i ons and management.
Our approach emphasi zes knowl edge transfer: throughout
the proj ect l i fe cycl e, our experts work al ongsi de cl i ents' personnel to better understand thei r operati ons, phi l osophi es, an d ri sk profi l es and to enhance thei r
abi l i ty to operate thei r safety and securi ty programs i ndependentl y.

Strategic Consulting Services
After conduct i ng a thorough Ri sk Assessment and Gap Anal ysi s, the Good Harbor team works wi th cl i ents to devel op a tai l ored s ervi ce package for
ful l -spectrum ri sk mi ti gat i on:
Threat, Vul nerabi l i ty, and Ri sk Assessments
Behavi oral Threat Assessment Program Devel opment
Faci l i ty Securi ty Desi gn
Regi ster of Cri t i cal Asset s
Cri me Prevent i on Through Envi ronment al Desi gn (CPTED) and Securi ty Strategy Devel opment
U.S. Nat i onal Inci dent Management System (NIMS) Compl i ance Audi ts
Cri si s Management Tabl etop Exerci ses
Cri si s Intervent i on Trai ni ng for Campus Securi ty/Pol i ce
Busi ness Conti nui ty Pl anni ng
Interoperabl e Communi cati ons Testi ng and Desi gn Recommendat i ons

After conducti ng a thorough Ri sk Assessment and Gap Anal ysi s, the Good Harbor team works wi th cl i ents to devel op a tai l ored s ervi ce package for ful l -
spectrum ri sk mi ti gati on.
Case Studies
Good Harbor has proven experi ence provi di ng securi ty consul ti ng servi ces to col l ege campuses of varyi ng si zes, types, and ri sk profi l es from
smal l er col l eges to maj or, urban uni versi t i es and focuses i t s servi ces to meet the needs of each i ndi vi dual cl i ent
Indiana University
Good Harbor conducted a comprehensi ve assessment of emergency management and pl anni ng capabi l i t i es for the Indi ana Uni versi ty (IU) campus
system. Good Harbor s goal was t o provi de IU wi th an assessment of capabi l i ti es at both the syst em-wi de and campus-speci fi c l evel s, wi th a focus
on i mprovi ng the abi l i ty of the uni versi ty s admi ni strat i on to coordi nat e and manage the emergency pl anni ng act i vi ti es of al l campuses. Key tasks
performed by Good Harbor i ncl uded a prel i mi nary remote assessment, si te vi si ts, and i ntervi ews wi th over 50 campus securi ty of fi ci al s and seni or
admi ni strators. As a capstone to the project , Good Harbor conducted two tabl etop exerci ses desi gned to val i dat e key fi ndi ngs and recommendat i ons
from the previ ous phases.

Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA.
Good Harbor worked wi th admi ni strators at Indi ana Uni versi ty Bl oomi ngton to revi ew and i mprove cri si s and emergency managemen t capabi l i ti es through si te
vi si ts, i ntervi ews, and tabl etop exerci ses.
Harvard University Allston Science Complex, Allston, Massachusetts
Good Harbor was chosen to provi de securi ty anal ysi s, desi gn, and engi neeri ng servi ces for Harvard Uni versi ty s mul ti -bui l di ng campus expansi on i nto
Al l ston, Massachusett s. Good Harbor revi ewed and anal yzed archi tectural pl ans and sec uri ty systems desi gns, as wel l as anal yzed f aci l i ty and
systems vul nerabi l i ti es, systems and equi pment desi gn cri t eri a, and engi neeri ng desi gns. Syst ems i ncl uded securi ty management head-end, i ntrusi on
detecti on, card access control , CCTV survei l l ance, par ki ng garage securi ty, emergency t el ephone, and emergency-power -backup.
University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester, Massachusetts
Good Harbor was chosen to provi de desi gn and engi neeri ng servi ces for Al bert Sherman Cent er, currentl y under const ru cti on at the Uni versi ty of
Massachusetts Medi cal Campus. Good Harbor provi ded an i nt egrated securi t y desi gn for the sci ence compl ex and parki ng structur e, i ncl udi ng the
securi ty management head-end, i ntrusi on detect i on, card access control , CCTV survei l l ance, parki ng garage securi ty, emergency tel ephone, and
emergency-power-backup systems. Good Harbor pl ans to conduct the bi d revi ew and provi de constructi on admi ni st rati on servi ces.

University of Massachusetts (UMass) Medical Center, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA
Good Harbor provi ded desi gn and engi neeri ng servi ces for the Al bert Sherman Center at the UMass Medi cal Center.
Harvard University Sherman-Fairchild Facility, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Good Harbor was sel ected to provi de desi gn and engi neeri ng servi ces for Harvard Uni versi ty s renovati on of the Sherman Fai rchi l d sci ence faci l i ty
l ocated at the Cambri dge, Massachusetts campus. Good Harbor revi ewed and anal yzed archi tectural pl ans, securi ty systems desi g ns, f aci l i ty and
systems vul nerabi l i ti es, systems and equi pment desi gn cri t eri a, and engi neeri ng desi gns. Syst ems i ncl uded securi ty management head -end, i ntrusi on
detecti on, card access control , CCTV survei l l ance, parki ng garage securi t y, emergency tel ephone, and emergency -power-backup. Good Harbor
revi ewed the contractor responses, made an award recommendati on, and i s currentl y provi di ng const ructi on admi ni strati on servi ces.
Boston Medical Center
Good Harbor was sel ected to provi de a Feasi bi l i ty Study and Desi gn Concept to i ntegrat e three exi sti ng f aci l i t i es and securi ty cont rol centers i nto a
si ngl e Servi ces Command and Cont rol Center (SCCC). A subsequent contract awarded to Good Harbor i nvol ved the compl ete systems desi gn,
archi t ecture, engi neeri ng and constructi on oversi ght for the SCCC i n a space al l otted consi sti ng of over 2,500 square feet .

Boston University Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Good Harbor was sel ected to provi de a Feasi bi l i ty Study and Desi gn Concept to i ntegrate three exi sti ng faci l i ti es and securi t y control centers i nto a si ngl e
Servi ces Command and Control Center.
Brown University/RISD Hillel, Glenn and Darcy Weiner Center, The Brown Hillel Foundation
Good Harbor was chosen to provi de securi ty anal ysi s, desi gn and engi neeri ng servi ces f or Brown Uni versi ty/RISD Hi l l el Center on the campus i n
Provi dence, Rhode Isl and. Good Harbor revi ewed and anal yzed archi tectural pl ans and prepared a conceptual securi ty pl an for t he si te and bui l di ng
under devel opment. Brown sol i ci ted a fol l ow-on contract wi th Good Harbor for a ful l securi ty systems desi gn and anal ysi s of faci l i ty and syst ems
vul nerabi l i t i es. Good Harbor al so del i vered systems and equi pment desi gn cri teri a and prepared engi neeri ng drawi ng desi gns an d speci fi cat i ons.

Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA.
Good Harbor provi ded securi ty anal ysi s, desi gn, and engi neeri ng servi ces, i ncl udi ng revi ewi ng archi tectural pl ans and prepari ng a conceptual securi ty pl an for
the si te and bui l di ng under devel opment.
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, New Hampshi re
Good Harbor provi ded an assessment of Dartmouth s Campus Securi ty Operati ons and Systems (approxi matel y 1,700,000 sq ft faci l i ti es). As part of
Dartmouth s real i gnment of securi ty operati ons, Good Harbor anal yzed exi sti ng personnel requi rement s and trai ni ng and provi ded recommendat i ons
for upgrade.
The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Good Harbor provi ded compl ete desi gn and engi neeri ng f or The Broad Inst i tute s new research bui l di ng. Key t asks i ncl uded the revi ew of securi ty
system desi gns and archi t ectural pl ans, anal ysi s of f aci l i ty and syst ems vul nerabi l i ti es and cri teri a and revi ew of engi neeri ng desi gns. Good Harbor
al so oversaw construct i on and conducted syst ems tests for fi nal acceptance on al l securi ty management syste ms.

Broad Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
Good Harbor provi ded compl ete desi gn and engi neeri ng for The Broad Insti tute' s new research bui l di ng, i ncl udi ng conducti ng al l fi nal tests for securi ty
management systems.
SUNY Oswego, Oswego, New York
Good Harbor conduct ed a threat assessment and securi ty ri sk anal ysi s of al l campus bui l di ngs. The ri sk assessment was desi gne d to i denti fy credi bl e
scenari os that woul d resul t i n i njury t o students and/or st aff or l oss of assets or i nformat i on that woul d h ave si gni fi cant i mpact on the uni versi ty.
The resul t i ng report became the basi s for the Campus Mast er Securi ty Pl an. Addi ti onal tasks i ncl uded assi st i ng a campus admi n i strati ve team i n the
devel opment of emergency response pl ans for Resi dent Li f e and Housi ng Staff, provi di ng support to personnel and resi dence hal l occupants, and
provi di ng a detai l ed desi gn and speci fi cati ons for a campus CCTV system.

State University of New York, Oswego, New York, USA.
Good Harbor assessed ri sks for al l campus bui l di ngs, cul mi nati ng i n a report that became the basi s for the Campus Master Securi ty Pl an.
Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania
Good Harbor conduct ed a campus securi ty assessment for Bucknel l Uni versi ty. Good Harbor devel oped the desi gn concept and submi tted document s
for revi ew at 35, 60, 90, and 100 percent construct i on. Good Harbor was subsequent l y retai ned to provi de const ructi on admi ni s t rati on servi ces for
the i nst al l at i on of the securi ty management syst em.

Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylvani a, USA.
Good Harbor assessed ri sk for Bucknel l Uni versi ty' s campus and was l ater retai ned to provi de constructi on admi ni strati on serv i ces for the i nstal l ati on of the
securi ty management system.
The Good Harbor Team
Good Harbor' s strength i s the perspecti ve and experi ence of i ts team: we are l ed by partners and pri nci pal s who have managed some of the most
pressi ng safety and securi ty i ssues of the day, among them cri si s response to the attacks of September 11, 2001.
Our team i ncl udes securi ty strategy and operati ons speci al i sts, emergency managers, archi tect s, Certi f i ed Prot ecti on Professi onal s, Physi cal Securi ty
Professi onal s, and degreed and board certi f i ed engi neers. Our securi ty professi onal s have demonstrated experi ence i n the pri v ate sect or and i n
l ocal , st ate, and nati onal government across a range of di sci pl i nes: cri si s and emergency management; busi ness cont i nui ty; ur ban pl anni ng;
i nfrastructure protect i on; cyber securi ty; publ i c transport; commerci al and corporate securi ty ri sk management, l oss preventi on, and i nsurance; and
engi neeri ng, i ncl udi ng management of l arge-scal e engi neeri ng servi ce proj ects and securi ty systems (e.g. access control s, peri met er i ntrusi on
detecti on systems, barri ers/f enci ng, vi deo survei l l ance and assessment, l i ght i ng upgrades, and communi cat i ons and power systems).
As a measure of our success, we are frequentl y asked by our cl i ents to i mpl ement the strategi es that we have hel ped devel op, resul ti ng i n our
teams f ormi ng l ong-t erm partnershi ps wi th our cl i ents as we bui l d capaci ty for them, and wi th them.

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