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Lesson 6: The Chakras

The chakras of the subtle body are considered the seat of the core energies that we work with in
life. They are situated along the spine and the energy that flows through them and up the spine
is called Kundalini Energy. There are symbols, colors, sounds, elements, drives and gestures
that accompany each chakra. As we extend our practices of Tantra and other sciences relating
to the body, we begin to see where we flow and where we get stuck in life. These areas can be
pin-pointed in the chakras and can further aid us in recogniing and working with the areas
where we need growth and re-vitaliation.
!elvis area " !erineum
The first chakra represents being grounded and secure in the basic physical comforts of life:
food, shelter and the basic needs of our animal nature. #ts element is Earth. #ts color is red. A
secure first chakra enables us to feel confident in our abilities to care for ourselves. $e can
hold a %ob that brings us enough money to survive. $e have a good concept of what our
physical, bodily needs are. &tability and a sense of being grounded are the essential attributes
that accompany this chakra.
SECOND CHAKRA Svadhishthana
'enital area
The second chakra represents our sexual urges, family, procreation and fantasies. #ts element
is water. #ts color is orange. &ensations, pleasure, sexuality and emotions are all associated
with this chakra. The element of water is often e(uated with emotions and sex. The chemicals
our bodies produce in response to strong emotions are said to anchor our memories. Touch
and love are an essential part of well-being, stable emotions, gracefulness and self-acceptance.
&olar plexus " )avel
The third chakra represents our powerfulness, will, energy, authority and longevity. #ts element
is fire. #ts color is yellow as the sun is yellow. Ego identity and self-esteem are the products of
a healthy third chakra. *onfidence, reliability and autonomy without domination and
manipulation produce the fire necessary to live a powerful yet compassionate life. +utterflies in
the stomach are a sign of both energy, excitement and fear " more elements that describe the
third chakra.
,eart - chest area
The fourth chakra represents our heart and all that is associated with it. &haring, love, service,
compassion and devotion. #ts element is air and its color is green. The heart is often
considered the &eat of the &oul because, when it is open, it embodies the (ualities mentioned
above. $e can all recognie the times when our heart feels shut-down. $hen we are mad,
hurt, pitying ourselves or when we don-t feel loved. $e actually can feel it as a stuck or tight
area in the chest. .ealousy has been called the 'reen Eyed /onster in honor of the ,eart
*hakra and its color green. $e say that our ,eart aches when we feel it-s been broken.
""TH CHAKRA $ishuddha
Throat area
The fifth chakra represents knowledge and speaking the truth of that knowledge. #ts element is
ether or space. #ts color is violet. The Throat *hakra builds upon the knowledge garnered
from the previous four chakras. #t takes all that we know and have learned and dares to
synthesie and speak what we know. $hen was the last time you had a 0lump0 in your throat1
That is your fifth chakra telling you that you don-t know all of the facts or you aren-t in integrity
with what you are saying. &top, breathe deeply and tell the truth.
!ineal gland - the third eye
The sixth chakra represents enlightenment and self-realiation. #t has no element as it is
beyond the elements as they have merged back to T,E &234*E, /ahat. #ts color is bluish
white. &elf-mastery, intuition and insight are marks of the sixth chakra. &ymbolic and
archetypal meaning is integrated into self-reflection. $e can move to and through old,
recurring patterns in our lives when our sixth chakra is healthy. 2ften this chakra awakens
through a 0spiritual0 emergence or awakening.
*ranium - top of the head
The seventh chakra represents the guru within, the empty void. #mmortality is achieved at this
level. 'olden white light and the thousand petaled lotus are symbols of this uppermost chakra.
/indfulness and awareness of all that is around us is a hallmark feature of the &eventh *hakra.
A supremely conscious human being that exhibits compassion and self-awareness has a very
evolved &eventh *hakra.
*hakra !ractices5
First Chakra Practice
&it in a cross-legged position on the floor with a small pillow tucked under the edge of your
tailbone. &it up straight but in a relaxed, natural manor. 6eel the floor. 6eel your bottom on
the floor. 4elax your pelvic muscles completely and simply sit for five minutes or more. 6eel
the support the earth and life gives you.
Second Chakra Practice
&itting in this position, begin to tighten and relax your !* muscles. These are the muscles that
you learned about in 7esson 8. As you tighten each time imagine the earth-s healing essence
drawing upward into your body. As you breathe out release the energy back to the earth and
relax completely. 6eel the energy flow to your pelvis and your genitals. &tay at this for four to
five minutes, pacing your self and resting if need be.
Third Chakra Practice
7ie on your back and practice the deep breathing into your belly that you learned in 7esson 9.
6eel your belly rise softly and fall back with each breath. $hen one has achieved balance in
this region of the body they breathe easily and effortlessly. They stand balanced; willing to
back their word and deed and to do it with fire :third chakra; and passion :second chakra; and
security :first chakra;.
Fourth Chakra Practice
&it or lie on the floor and relax. Take a few deep breaths. !lace your left hand in the center of
your chest between your breasts. !lace your right hand over your left and let them rest there.
+egin to softly breathe into your belly. !ut your attention on your heart as you breathe. 'ently
repeat to yourself as you breathe in: 0# receive love0. As you breathe out repeat: 0 # give
love0. <o this meditation=mantra for about five minutes.
Fifth Chakra Practice
&it in a cross-legged position on the floor with a small pillow tucked under the edge of your
tailbone. &it up straight but in a relaxed, natural manner. 6eel the floor. 6eel your bottom on
the floor. +egin a round of three tones of the &anskrit seed word 2/. Take a deep breath and
begin the 2 part on the out breath saving 9=> the breath for the / part. 2pen the lips wide and
really let the sound out. 4epeat three times.
Sixth Chakra Practice
&it in a meditative posture and begin going inward. ?isualie your Third Eye in the area of your
brow as you focus inward. @ou can actually look up at your brow. Keep your eyes soft and
your breath constant. @ou may visualie something if you wish. !ossibly a favorite 'oddess,
a concept like love, 'od, $hite 7ight, &pace, Abundance or anything that you hold in gratitude
or reverence.
Seventh chakra Practice
!ractice little acts of generosity and compassion in your life. *onsciously give something to
another that might be hard for you. This is not a gift of an 0#tem0 but a gift that comes from your
soul and your spirit. An opening, a clearing or a possibility that another might cherish.
9. *an you identify any areas in your life, through the use of the chakra system, where you
may struggle1
>. *an you identify any areas in your body that may give you clues to struggle1

8. <oes your breath get 0stuck0 anywhere in your body1
B. #s this associated with a particular chakra1
C. ,ow were the simple practices for you1
D. <id you balk at trying any of them1 $hy1
A<?A)*E< !4A*T#*E
4ead and study more about your chakras. An excellent book to reference is:
Wheels of Life: A User's Guide to the Chakra System
by: Anodea Judith
Offering a Western approah to the hakra system! this omprehensi"e guide addresses the
de"elopment of the physial! emotional! mental! spiritual! and politial aspets of human life# Using
a multi$dimensional approah that ombines theoretial understanding and pratial e%erises! the
author sho&s ho& eah of the le"els of onsiousness represented by the hakras are neessary for
a omplete life# List 'rie: ()*#+,
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