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Lecture: The Science of Psychology

Define psychology
Define empiricism
Discuss the history of psychology. Compare the goals and beliefs of structuralis
m, Gestalt psychology, psychoanalysis, functionalism, and behaviorism
Describe introspection and the functional analysis of behavior
Compare and contrast the basic assumptions of the six approaches to psychology:
biological, evolutionary, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, and humanistic
Define eclectic
Name the psychological subfields
Give examples of the questions and issues associated with each subfield
Name the four main goals of scientific research in psychology
Explain how the reliability and validity of evidence are checked
Describe the evolution of a theory
Describe the three basic research methods used to describe and predict a phenome
non and give examples of each
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each method
Describe the experimental research method and give an example of it
Define variables
Explain why an experiment allows investigation of causation
Define and explain the role of independent and dependent variables and of experi
mental and control groups in an experiment
Define hypothesis and operational definition
Define confounding variables
Discuss the problems presented by confounding variables in the interpretation of
experimental results
Define random variables, placebo effect, and experimental bias
Define random assignment and double-blind design
Explain the purpose of each in an experiment
Define quasi-experiments
Explain why they are used as experimental designs
Define sampling, random sampling and biased sample
Discuss the importance of sampling in data collection
Define correlation
Describe how the absolute value and sign of a correlation coefficient are interp
Describe the ethical guidelines that psychologists must follow
Lecture: Biology and Behavior
Define biological psychology
Describe the nervous system
List the three main components of information processing that the nervous system
Compare and contrast neurons and glial cells with other body cells
Name and describe the features of neurons that allow them to communicate with on
e another
Define and describe action potentials
Define myelin and discuss its effects
Define neurotransmitter and synapse and describe their roles in nervous system a
Describe the role of receptors in the communication process between neurons
Explain the role of postsynaptic potentials in the creation of an action potenti
al in the postsynaptic cell
Define neurotransmitter systems
Name the seven major neurotransmitters
Discuss the behaviors and mental processes associated with each
Name and describe the two major divisions of the nervous system
Name the two components of the peripheral nervous system and describe their func
Name the two components of the autonomic nervous system and describe their funct
Describe the spinal cord and its functions
Define reflex
Describe the methods used by scientists in their study of the brain
Name and describe the three major subdivisions of the brain and describe their f
Define brainstem
Name and define the structures in the hindbrain
Describe their functions
Name and define the structures in the midbrain
Describe their functions
Name and define the structures in the forebrain
Describe their functions
Define cerebral cortex
Name the four lobes that make up the cortex and state their locations
Name three functional divisions of the cortex and describe their functions
Describe split brain studies and explain the function of the corpus callosum
Describe the lateralization of the cerebral hemispheres
Define synaptic plasticity
Explain why the brain has difficulty repairing itself after it has been damaged
Describe the methods used to help people recover from brain damage today
Define the fight-or-flight syndrome
Lecture: Sensation and Perception
Define sense, sensation, and perception
Explain the difference between sensation and perception
Define accessory structure, transduction, receptor, and coding
Define adaptation and give an example
Define psychophysics and absolute threshold
Explain the influence of internal noise and response criterion on performance
Define signal-detection theory
Explain how sensitivity and response criterion affect signal detection
Describe Webers Law
Define just-noticeable difference (JND)
Define wavelength, frequency, and amplitude
Define visible light and explain how light intensity and light wavelength are re
lated to what you sense
Define and describe the accessory structures of the eye, including the cornea, p
upil, iris, and lens
Define retina and explain how accommodation affects the image on the retina
Define photoreceptors, rods, and cones
Describe how these structures are involved in transduction and dark adaptation
Define fovea and explain why visual acuity is greatest in the fovea
Describe the path that visual information follows on its way to the brain, inclu
ding the roles of the optic nerve, optic chiasm, primary visual cortex, and feat
ure detectors
Explain what creates the blind spot
Define hue, saturation, and brightness
Describe the trichromatic and opponent-process theories of color vision
Discuss the phenomena each explains
Describe the physical problem that causes colorblindness
Define sound
Describe the psychological characteristics of sound, including loudness, pitch,
and timbre
Discuss the relationship among pitch, frequency, and wavelength as well as that
between amplitude and loudness
Describe how information is relayed to the primary auditory cortex
Explain how the cortex processes the messages received from the auditory nerve
Describe the process of coding auditory information
Discuss the relationship between place theory and volley theory
Describe the sense of smell (olfaction) and sense of taste (gustation)
Describe the relationship among taste, smell, and flavor
Define somatic sense
Describe the transduction process in the skin senses, including touch, pain, and
Describe the gate-control theory of pain sensation
Define analgesia
Name the bodys natural analgesics
Define proprioceptive and kinesthesia
Name the sources of kinesthetic information
Describe the types of information that the vestibular sense provides
Discuss the role of the vestibular sacs, otoliths, and semicircular canals in th
e sensation of vestibular information
Describe the two basic principles of perceptual organization: figure-ground and
Define and give examples of proximity, similarity, continuity, closure, texture,
simplicity, common fate, common region, and synchrony
Define and describe depth perception
Describe the stimulus cues that influence depth perception, including relative s
ize, height in the visual field, interposition, linear perspective, reduced clar
ity, light and shadow, and textural gradient
Define perceptual constancy
Give examples of size, shape, and brightness constancy
Define attention
Give examples of overt and covert orienting
Explain parallel processing
Describe factors that affect the ability to direct or divide attention
Describe the research using reaction time and PETs
Lecture: Consciousness
Define consciousness
Define state of consciousness
Distinguish among the various levels of conscious activity: conscious, nonconsci
ous, preconscious, and unconscious or subconscious
Give example for each
Define altered state of consciousness
Compare and contrast slow-wave and REM sleep
Be sure to discuss how the two types of sleep differ in terms of physiological a
rousal and brain activity
Describe a nights sleep
Discuss the changes in sleep that occur over the course of the life span
Discuss the symptoms of insomnia, narcolepsy, sleep apnea, sudden infant death s
yndrome (SIDS), sleepwalking, nightmares, night terrors, and REM behavior disord
er; Specify the sleep stages in which sleepwalking, nightmares, night terrors, a
nd REM behavior disorder occur
Define circadian rhythm and discuss the brains role in regulating sleep patterns;
define jet lag and explain how to reduce fatigue and disorientation that result
s from shifts in sleep patterns
Define dreams and lucid dreaming
Discuss the various theories that explain why people dream, including wish fulfi
llment and activation-synthesis theory
Define hypothesis and describe the process of becoming hypnotized
Lecture: Consciousness and Drugs
Define psychoactive drugs and psychopharmacology. Explain the function of the bl
ood-brain barrier and discuss how agonist, antagonist, and other types of drugs
Define substance abuse. Distinguish between psychological dependence and physica
l dependence, or addiction. Define withdrawal syndrome and tolerance
Lecture: Learning: Classical and Operant Conditioning
Define learning
Define classical conditioning, unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, c
onditioned stimulus, and conditioned response
Give an example that illustrates the process of classical conditioning, and labe
l the parts of your example using terms
Describe the processes of extinction, reconditioning, and spontaneous recovery
Give an example of each
Explain Figure 5.3 in your text
Define and give examples of stimulus generalization and stimulus discrimination
Describe the adaptive balance between these two phenomena
Discuss how attention influences the process of classical conditioning
Define and give an example of second-order conditioning
Explain and give examples of biopreparedness; explain why conditioned taste aver
sion is a special case of classical conditioning
Discuss the role of classical conditioning in the development and treatment of p
hobias and in the diagnosis of Alzheimers disease
Define habituation and give an example; describe opponent-process theory and exp
lain how it applies to drug addiction
Define the law of effect
Describe instrumental or operant conditioning and explain how it differs from cl
assical conditioning
Define operants and reinforcers
Define positive reinforcers and negative reinforcers and give examples for each
Define escape conditioning and avoidance conditioning
Give an example of each that highlights their similarities and differences
Define discriminative stimuli
Explain and give an example of stimulus control
Explain how stimulus discrimination and stimulus generalization can work togethe
Define shaping
Explain when it is used in operant conditioning
Discuss the differences between primary and secondary reinforcers
Explain the difference between continuous and partial reinforcement schedules; c
ompare and contrast fixed-ratio, variable-ratio, fixed-interval, and variable-in
terval schedules
Be sure to describe how these schedules affect response patterns and discuss the
partial reinforcement extinction effect
Define punishment and describe its role in operant conditioning
Explain why punishment differs from negative reinforcement
Discuss the disadvantages of and guidelines for using punishment
Lecture: Cognitive and Observational Learning
Define learned helplessness and give an example of it; describe the experiments
used to study learned helplessness and the results
Define and give an example of latent learning and cognitive map
Define and discuss how insight differs from classical and operant conditioning
Define observational learning and vicarious conditioning
Discuss their similarities and differences
Lecture: Memory
Define encoding, storage, and retrieval, and discuss the role of each in our abi
lity to remember; define and give examples of acoustic, visual, and semantic cod
es; explain the difference between recall and recognition
Define and give examples of episodic, semantic, and procedural memories
Define and give examples of explicit and implicit memories
Define the levels-of-processing model of memory; define maintenance and elaborat
ive rehearsal and explain how these concepts relate to the levels-of-processing
Define the parallel distribution processing (PDP) model of memory; describe the
role of association networks in drawing inferences and making generalizations
Define the information-processing model of memory
Name the three stages of processing
Define sensory memory and sensory registers
Discuss the capacity and duration of sensory memory
Explain the importance of selective attention in information processing
Define short-term memory (STM) and explain why it is sometimes referred to as th
e working memory
Describe short-term memory encoding
Define immediate memory span and chunks
Discuss the role of long-term memory in the chunking process
Define the Brown-Peterson procedure
Describe the importance of rehearsal in maintaining information in short-term me
Define long-term memory (LTM) and discuss the relationship between semantic enco
ding and long-term memory
Describe the storage capacity of LTM
Discuss the studies illustrating the distortion of long-term memories
Define retrieval cues and explain why their use can increase memory efficiency
Define the encoding specificity principle
Define context-dependent and state-dependent memories and give examples of each
Explain the mood congruency effect
Describe the semantic network theory of memory and explain the principle of spre
ading activation
Define the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon and explain how it relates to the semant
ic network theory of memory
Compare and contrast the decay and interference theories of forgetting
Define retroactive interference and proactive interference and give an example o
f each
Discuss the controversy surrounding repressed memories; Describe motivated forge
tting and false memories
Define mnemonics and explain why they improve memory
Give an example of the method of loci
Lecture: Thought, Language, and Intelligence: Part I
Define information-processing system and thinking
Explain the sequence of events that occurs in the circle of thought in terms of
an information-processing model
Define cognitive maps and discuss their formation and use
Describe the manipulation of mental images
Define concepts, formal, and natural concepts, and prototype
Give examples of each
Define schema, scripts, propositions, and mental models and describe their role
in the thinking process
Define inductive or informal reasoning, and heuristics
Describe and give examples of the anchoring, representativeness, and availabilit
y heuristics
Define artificial intelligence
Discuss the cognitive and personality characteristics necessary for creative thi
Define divergent and convergent thinking
Lecture: Thought, Language, and Intelligence: Part II
Explain how our decision-making abilities are influenced by biases and flaws in
our perceptions of utilities, losses, and probabilities
Be sure to discuss loss aversion and the gamblers fallacy
List the components of language
Define grammar
Describe language development in children
Define babblings and telegraphic speech
Define intelligence
Discuss the history of intelligence test construction
Explain the scoring methods used in the Binet and Stanford-Binet intelligence te
Describe Wechslers intelligence test
Explain why it is different from tests that were used previously
Define verbal and performance scales
Explain how intelligence quotients (IQ scores) are calculated today
Define test
Describe the advantages of tests over other evaluation methods
Define and describe the usefulness of norms
Define reliability and validity
Describe how correlation coefficients are used to evaluate the reliability and v
alidity of tests
Discuss the research evaluating the reliability and validity of IQ tests
Lecture: Motivation
Define motivation
Discuss the types of behaviors that motivation may help to explain
Define instinct
Discuss how instinct theory explains behavior
Explain the problems with this theory of motivation
Define homeostasis, need, drive, and drive reduction theory.
Define primary and secondary drives and discuss their role in motivation
Describe the kinds of behavior that drive reduction theory can and cannot explai
Define arousal
Discuss the relationship between arousal level and performance
Describe the arousal theory of motivation
Define hunger and satiety
Describe the role of stomach cues and the role of the brain in regulating hunger
and eating
Be sure to list the nutrients and hormones that the brain monitors, and explain
how the ventromedial nucleus and lateral hypothalamus might interact to maintain
a set point
Define obesity, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia nervosa
Describe the behaviors and health problems associated with each of these eating
Discuss the potential causes of each disorder, and describe how each is treated
Describe the University of Chicago study of sexual behavior and discuss its find
Describe the sexual response cycle
Name the male and female sex hormones and explain their organizing and activatin
g effects
Discuss the social and cultural influences on sexual motivation
Define heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual orientation
Describe the evidence of the extent to which genes may determine sexual orientat
Define sexual dysfunction and give examples
Define need achievement
Describe the characteristics of people with strong achievement motivation and th
e factors that can affect its development
Describe Maslows hierarchy of needs
Give examples of each kind of need
Describe the four types of motivational conflicts, and explain the relationship
between motivation and stress
Lecture: Emotion
Describe the defining characteristics of the subjective experiences of emotion
Give examples of the objective aspects of emotion
Describe the role of the brain in emotion and facial expressions; describe how t
he parasympathetic and sympathetic systems are involved in emotional experience,
including the fight-or-flight syndrome
Describe James theory of emotion
Use the theory to explain an emotional experience
Discuss the research that evaluates Jamess theory
Describe the facial feedback hypothesis.
Describe the various types of lie-detection tests and discuss the assumptions up
on which they are based
Describe Schachters modification of James theory of emotion
Define attribution and give an example
Discuss the research that evaluates Schachters theory
Define transferred excitation and give an example of its effects
Describe Cannons theory of emotion
Discuss the updates to Cannons theory
Compare and contrast James, Schachters, and Cannons theories of emotion
Discuss the role of facial movements in expressing human emotion; describe Darwi
ns theory of innate basic facial expressions
Discuss the research that supports this theory
Lecture: Human Development
Define developmental psychology
Define and give examples of teratogens; define critical period and name the stag
e associated with it
Describe the types of birth defects that can be caused by using teratogens, incl
uding the pattern of defects known as fetal alcohol syndrome
Describe Piagets theory of cognitive development
Define schemas, assimilation, and accommodation
Describe the development of mental abilities during the sensorimotor period
Define object permanence
Describe the changes in cognition that occurs during the preoperational period
Discuss the ability to use symbols during this period
Define conservation
Describe the changes in cognition that occurs during Piagets stage of concrete op
Discuss the criticism of Piagets theory of cognition development, and discuss the
information processing approach as an alternative to Piagets theory
Define temperament
Describe the different behaviors exhibited by easy, difficult, and slow-to-warm-
up babies
Define attachment and discuss how this type of relationship is formed between ca
regiver and infant
Describe Harlows studies of motherless monkeys
Explain how the Strange Situation is used to study attachment
Describe how secure attachment patterns differ from avoidant, ambivalent, and di
sorganized attachment patterns
Discuss the question of whether day care damages the formation of a healthy moth
er-infant attachment
Compare and contrast the parenting styles of authoritarian, permissive, and auth
oritative parents
Describe the characteristics of children raised by each type of parent, and disc
uss the limitations of the research in this area
Define puberty, and discuss the physical and psychological changes and problems
that occur during adolescence
Describe the relationship adolescents have with their parents and peers
Describe the development of both the personal and the ethnic identity
Define identity crisis
Describe the changes in cognition that occurs during the formal operational peri
Describe the stages of moral reasoning suggested by Kohlberg
Define preconventional, conventional, and postconventional moral reasoning and g
ive examples of statements that illustrate reasoning at each of these stages
Discuss the cultural and gender-related limitations of Kohlbergs theory
Define generativity, midlife transition, and terminal drop
Lecture: Health, Stress and Coping
Define health psychology. List the objectives of health psychologists
Define stress, stressors, and stress reactions
Give examples of stressors
Be sure to include a catastrophic event, a life change or strain, a chronic stre
ssor, and a daily hassle
Describe the Social Readjustment Rating Scale and the Life Experience Survey
Explain how each is used to measure stress
Define general adaptation syndrome
Describe the alarm, resistance, and exhaustion stages of the model, and discuss
the physiological changes that occur in each stage
Define disease of adaptation
Discuss the major criticisms of Selyes model
Define burnout and posttraumatic stress disorder
Describe the symptoms of each and discuss the conditions that can lead to these
Define psychoneuroimmunology
Describe the components of the immune system
Discuss the relationship between stress and immune system functioning
Describe the five stages in changing behavioral health risks
Describe cognition coping strategies
Define cognitive restructuring
Describe physical coping strategies
Explain the possible problems of using drugs to alter stress or stress responses
Explain how progressive relaxation training can help people cope
Lecture: Personality: Part I
Define personality
Describe the assumptions of Freuds psychodynamic approach to personality
Define and describe the nature and function of the id, ego, and superego; define
the pleasure principle and reality principle
Define defense mechanism
Explain the purpose and give examples of defense mechanisms
Name, define, and describe the psychosexual stages in Freuds theory of personalit
y development
Compare and contrast the Oedipus and Electra complexes
Describe the three basic assumptions of the trait approach to personality
Discuss Allports trait theory and Eysencks biological trait theory of personality
Define and describe the big five model
Lecture: Personality: Part II
Describe the basic assumptions of the social-cognitive approach to personality
Describe Rotters expectancy theory, Banduras reciprocal determinism and self-effic
acy, and Mischels person variables
Describe the phenomenological approach to personality
Describe Rogers self theory and Maslows humanistic psychology; define self-actuali
zation, self-concept, and conditions of worth; explain the difference between a
deficiency orientation and a growth orientation
Describe the three general methods of personality assessment; discuss the differ
ences between objective and projective tests and give examples of each
Lecture: Psychological Disorders: Part I
Define psychopathology; discuss the prevalence of mental disorders in the United
Describe the three criteria for abnormality, and discuss the limitations of each
; describe the practical approach and impaired functioning
Describe and give an example illustrating the diathesis-stress approach to menta
l disorder
Describe the contents of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorde
rs (DSM-IV)
List the five axes of the DSM-IV used in diagnosis
Discuss the reliability and validity of diagnostic labels
Describe the problems associated with diagnosis
Define anxiety disorder
Specify which disorders are classified as anxiety disorders
Define phobia, and describe specific phobia, social phobias, and agoraphobia
Define and describe generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and obsessive-
compulsive disorder
Explain the difference between obsessions and compulsions
Define somatoform disorder; describe conversion disorder, hypochondriasis, somat
ization disorder, and pain disorder
Define dissociative disorder
Compare and contrast dissociative fugue and dissociative amnesia
Describe dissociative identity disorder
Define mood disorders
Describe major depressive disorder, dysthymic disorder, bipolar disorder, mania,
and cyclothymic disorder
Lecture: Social Psychology
Define social psychology and social cognition
Compare and contrast self-esteem and self-concept
Discuss Festingers theory of social comparison
Describe the role of reference groups in the process of self evaluation, and giv
e an example of downward social comparison
Define relative deprivation
Define social identity and discuss its influence on thought and behavior
Define self-fulfilling prophecies
Discuss the relationship between self-fulfilling prophecies and impressions
Define attribution
Discuss the importance of attributions and give examples of internal and externa
l attributions
Define and give examples illustrating fundamental attribution error, ultimate at
tribution error, actor-observer bias, and self-serving bias
Define unrealistic optimism
Define attitude
Describe the cognitive, affective, and behavioral components of attitudes and gi
ve an example of each
Discuss the factors that influence whether attitude-consistent behavior will occ
Define and describe cognitive dissonance theory
Define and give examples of stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination
Describe the contact hypothesis
Describe the influence of the environment, similarity, and physical attractivene
ss on attraction
Define matching hypothesis
Define and give examples of social facilitation and social impairment
Describe the social factors that influence motivation and define social loafing
Compare and contrast conformity and compliance
Describe the roles of norms in conformity and compliance
Define obedience
Describe Milgrams study and his findings on obedience
Define aggression
Describe the genetic and biological influences on aggression
Discuss the role of brain structures, hormones, and drugs in aggressive behavior
Describe the role of learning and cultural mechanisms in aggression
Define the frustration-aggression hypothesis
Describe the empathy-altruism and evolutionary theories of helping
Define cooperation, competition, and conflict
Give an example of a social dilemma
The course description, objectives and learning outcomes are subject to change w
ithout notice based on enhancements made to the course. November 2011

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