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Procedures # 1441/PA11 and 1441/PA6 are not updated, they contain data related with AWS forms not

QC4-89 : Paragraphs 3.8 and 3.2 and 3.2(4)
Review and upgrade certified welder procedure, (1441/PA-06) in (5.6.1), (5.6.2), (5.7) and (5.3.2) paragraphs that
include the current AWS forms, also in the procedure (1441/PA-11) certify welder program administration in (5.3.3)
responsibilities, paragraph. Likewise undertake the implementation of any notification from AWS.

Preventive actions related with NCR # 090711-1 were not implemented as planned (actions implemented
only for some WPSs).
QC4-89-3,2,1(6) arrangements for timely feedback and corrective actions whenever non-conformances
are detected.
Review and upgrade, 1441/PA-06 in (3.0) politics, and (5.0) welding procedure specification (WPS)
paragraphs., indicate that previously to be prepared by test supervisor, all WPS and PQR welding
procedures must be reviewed, stamped and approved by quality assurance manager.

Base and filler metal is checked on receipt, but the inspections is not effective: data on records are not
accurate and complete (heat number of last base metal purchased is not recorded; in one case, heat
number of filler metal in the tag on product is different to heat number in test report)
-See QC4:89-paragraph 3.7-
Upgrade inspection form (1441/F0-09) in wich it make reference to mtrs, HT and add dimensional
measurements information. Also must to assign a unique number of incoming for each (HT) or (lot) using a
marker, to ensure the traceability. Materials that not show traceability evidence, must be segregated and
confined according to the non-conforming procedure and cant be used in CW programs.

Management review is not conducted on the routine basis established in QAM (6 months), it is conducted
once to year.
Upgrade the QA manual (1441/MC-01) (3.2-2) paragraph to establish the frequency of a minimum once
a year as is stipulated in the standard QC4-89 in (3.2.2) paragraph.

Purchase orders do not define the application or the proper acceptance standards (for RT); RT of
contractor procedures do not define the acceptance standards for AWS D1.1 and ASME BPVC
applications (Welder performance testing /-Please see QC4-89, paragraph 3.2.1. (8).
Upgrade (1441/PA-06) certified welder procedure in (5.3.8) paragraph in which includes
nondestructive test and personnel certification procedure to assurance that all documents are update with
standard applying. Upgrade the form 1441/F0-84 including criteria.

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