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Universal values for social innovations

a new ethical vision
V. Comar
Institute for Environment and Development, I.M.A.D., Dourados, MS, Brazil
www.imad.org.br E-mail: vito_comar@uol.com.br


A civilization based on the three interrelated components of ideology, organization and technology is not
sufficiently guided in its rightful development, unless the concept of transcendence pervades the ideological
component. Governments have to change their perspectives towards governance, decision processes, planetary
partnership and resource use; scientists must cease to connive with materially oriented market forces; economists
stop viewing competition as the only market value, and environmental processes just from a consumer-based
perspective; educational processes need to foment an ampler quest for fundamentals, for social inclusion, for
excellence, for virtues. A paradigm change is not just welcome, but essential for life to continue.

1. Introduction The late Brazilian sociologist Darcy Ribeiro (1988)

argued that the progress of civilization was based on
So far, governments have been able to maintain their three interrelated components: ideology, organization
authority and capacity to channel civilization’s progress and technology. We present, in that order, the main
through their defense of the principle of justice. But how features of a novel ideology, the emergence of new
long will this last? Have they themselves upheld this networks of organizational structures within today’s
principle? They were formed over a long-enduring, technological advances and propose our own network
tortuous and traumatic historical process – from for the essential and cyclic processes of scientific
extended families, to tribes, city-states, states and reflection and social action towards a more meaningful
confederations - to secure the ordained continuity of society.
social life on the planet and thus encourage the In September 2000, at the Millennium Forum in New
collective realization of humankind’s latent York, representatives of thousands of NGOs defined a
endowments. Are they still doing that? new world ethical framework which would be mirrored
These are the questions asked and discussed in this by an international institutional structure emerging from
article, stressing the need for a new moral code, a new a re-engineering of the United Nations Organization.
ethics, a new structure for planetary governance, based The World Social Forum movement (Forum Social
on universal principles, but characterized by recognition Mundial-FSM), very active in Brazil, in its yearly sessions
of the transcendent nature of human beings. Planetary did echo many of these considerations and proposed a
social, economic, political and ecological disruption is plan for action.
an outcome of a deeper disease, affecting the human Since the Environment and Development Conference -
heart, its feeling of void and loneliness, of lack of Rio 92 - NGOs have stressed the vital role of moral and
purpose within a consumer prone, consumer oriented, ethical principles as essential development components
consumer owned society, with its all powering and have proposed solutions to the question of
architecture serving an economy that has long stopped corruption within governmental and non-governmental
striving for its goals of the pursuit of happiness and self- organizations. Seldom discussed in technical and
realization and opportunities for everyone, independent scientific circles, these principles have to be dealt with as
of class, creed, nationality or colour. Especially the forcing functions of social interactions and the
environmental question symbolically registers the impact construction of social capital, fundamental to
of such a pattern, showing eloquent signs that it can no meaningful changes in human development and its
longer tolerate these abuses. relationship to nature.

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In synthesis, this paper: strand” (Cheaf Seattle, 1854). And to this must be added,
1. presents an ideological benchmark for social in terms of cultural values and codes, that
innovation; “Cultural…codes and biodiversity as the real wealth of
2. depicts some of the features of a new nations”, while “Information is the world’s real
organizational basis, on a local and international currency”(Henderson, 1996). As we assist to the
scale; breakdown of long-supported cultural codes, such as
3. delineates social and technological advances, fairness, justice, solidarity, righteousness, which have
understood as technical support networks, lost their significance and original connotation, we are,
including the new perspectives of more as we resign to the market ideology, assisting to the
environmentally sound production and breakdown of civilization, nothing short of that!
evaluation practices, that facilitate interchange To confirm this phenomenon, according to Arnold
and technical and scientific collaboration; Toynbee (1934), in his “A Study of History”, this
4. proposes an action plan with priorities and breakdown is marked by a clear pattern which invariably
international support structures. involves:

• failure of creative power in the minority,

2. The Growth paradigm – at the Crossroads • an answering withdrawal of collective imitation
“But the paradigm of growth is a shared global attitude that may on the part of the majority,
switch all at once for all together when the truth becomes
• consequent loss of social unity in the society as
obvious through some galvanizing event.
Or perspectives may shift gradually as books like this one a whole.
circulate” Toynbee sums it up as the “standardization is the mark of
(H.T. and E. Odum, 2001, p. 9) a disintegrating society”.
As these new needs are arising, the response must be one
In their fascinating book “The Prosperous Way Down”, of new values. Such an effort cannot possibly be
Howard and Elisabeth Odum revise intellectual views of undertaken by a philosopher or thinker alone, nor by a
the future, expand on systemic principles - ruling our multidisciplinary team effort of social scientists. It must
relationship with natural resources and services - and be rooted in the understanding - in a novel conception,
propose policies for a transition to a descent scenario, through a conscious individual and collective effort - of
emphasizing a ‘Large-scale ethics’. the spiritual nature of man and on the belief of the
These considerations, together with world events, like organic unity of humankind, of transcending the
the resurgence of fundamentalism, world summits on limitation of a national socially functional and economic
global governance and personal experiences prompted boundary.
this paper, part of which was presented as a ‘Moment for “The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens…
reflection for coherent action’ at the IV International He is truly a man who today dedicates himself to serving
Workshop in Energy Studies – Energy and Ecology Issues the whole of mankind…Blessed and happy is he who
in Latin-America , held in Campinas, Brazil 1. arises to promote the best interests of the peoples and
If the progress of civilization is based on three interrelated races of the earth” (Bahá’u’lláh 2, 1872).
components: ideology, organization and technology This is why the world’s social structures and the value
(Ribeiro, 1988), we need an initial philosophical system, on which they were built, cannot satisfy our
approach within which to frame our argument, an new, present and urgent needs. We must recreate our
organizational vision to channel efforts and scientific and society and its values and abide by the ethic that: “We
technological tools to support development. are not the owners of this earth, but its guardians. What
man does to the earth he does to himself” (Cheaf Seattle,
3. The Process of Civilization – an initial philosophical
“It is fascinating that changes in attitudes appropriate for a time
4. Moral and Ethical Values echoed by NGOs
of leveling and transition, such as complexity, diversity and
environmental adaptation, are already being recognized as new
ideals.” The Environment and Development Conference, Rio 92,
(H.T. and E. Odum, 2001, p.11) NGOs have stressed the vital role of moral and ethical
principles as essential development components and
Many thinkers are already subscribing to the perception have proposed solutions to the question of corruption
that “Man doesn’t weave the net of life, he is just but a within governmental and non-governmental

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organizations. Seldom discussed in technical and principles of democracy, equality, inclusion,

scientific circles, these principles have to be dealt with as voluntarism, non discrimination and participation by all
forcing functions of social interactions and the people....”
construction of social capital 3, fundamental to Some fundamental points of the Forum’s Declaration
meaningful changes in human development and its also were:
relationship to nature. • it’s a brutal violation of human rights when 1
billion people go to sleep hungry.
• Call for an immediate canceling of the debt.
5. A planetary vision - Planetary Values • Call for the immediate establishment of a
at the Millennium Summit & Forum “Global fund for the eradication of poverty” to
offer the poor access to credit.
More than 180 chiefs of States met in New York, from 6 • Although Globalization offers “significant
to 8 September of 2000, in the Millennium Summit. So opportunities for people’s relationships, sharing
did representatives of more than 30,000 NGOs at their of experiences and mutual learning”, in its
Forum. present unruly form, increased the “inequalities
Towards the end of the Summit, Techeste Ahderom4 between and within nations, drains local
(2000) speaking to all governmental officials on behalf of traditions and cultures and increases the
all NGOs, declared that it had been one of the world disparities between the rich and the poor, thus
meetings most touching and most representative of the marginalizing great numbers of people in urban
geopolitical diversity of participants which dealt with and rural areas”.
questions and decisions, such as: • Call for government commitments to re-structure
• establishing a just and lasting peace, the global financial architecture based in
• eradicating poverty, principles of equity, transparency, proven
• sustainable development, at the same time coherence and democracy.
protecting our commonly shared environment, • UN should supervise the World Bank, the
• guaranteeing human rights in all parts, by all International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Word
nations, Trade Organization (WTO).
• facing the urgent challenges brought on by • The UN Organization reinforced and more
globalization. democratic, is the only global institution capable
The Millennium Forum’s Declaration of an Agenda for or providing the international structuring and
Action considered that it was important to conceive a necessary coordination for the critical challenges
Vision of the future of humanity as a thrust for action, facing us.
delineating concrete steps that United Nations (UN), • Call for a strengthened UN as our best protection
governments and members of organized civil society against global calamity, be it economic,
(NGOs) could undertake to solve global problems. It environmental, or caused by epidemics or new
said: “We are ready to work with you and your conflicts.
governments side by side, within a strong and new • Call for a reinforced peacekeeping regime with
partnership to create this new world. But organized civil the establishment of international forces of
society (read NGOs) is ready to call you to your permanent policing and maintenance of peace.
commitments should you not honour your words: That • Call for a reformed Security Council by increase
governments in the world would keep their in the number of members and of more
commitments within the principles with which they democratic procedures.
agreed upon in the great global conferences of the 90s • Call for the eventual elimination of the right to
(e.g. Agenda 21- where is that gone now?). We also must veto.
be looking for greater NGO access in the UN General • Call for a proposal for global disarmament in a
Assembly and its principal committees”. Session of the General Assembly.
The Declaration ended with their Vision:
“Our vision is one of a world which is centered in the
human being and truly democratic, where all human 6. The era of the maturity of mankind and a common
beings are full participants and determine their own goal for life
destiny. In our vision we are all but one human family,
in all our diversity, living in a common motherland and The author believes in the emergence of a world
sharing a just, sustainable and pacific world; guided by civilization where the development of human potential

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is the fruit of universal spiritual values and material proposed above, we cite H.T. Odum’s idea (2001, p. 40)
progress and that thus, with a renewed vision, people to resuscitate Lester Milbrath (1989), where he proposes
and governments should strive to achieve a common a new institution to accomplish the transition to this
goal for human life, best envisaged in this enlightened novel development mentality and model, as exposed in
declaration by Shoghi Effendi 5 (1936): the functions of a Council for Long-range Societal
“The goal towards which the unifying force of life impels Guidance:
humanity is one of a world federated system, which will • Assisting in learning our way out to a new
reign the whole earth, exercising an unquestionable society;
authority, harmonizing and incorporating the ideals of • A consciously anticipatory…transforming [of]
the East and the West, free from the curse of war and its the dominator society;
sad consequences, in an effort to harness all existing • Includes “ecojustice” (ecological wholeness
energy sources on the surface of the planet (notice and social justice);
“surface”) – a system in which force is subordinated to • Health structure that emphasizes wellness;
justice, and whose life is sustained by its universal • Electronic town meetings;
recognition of the one God..”. • Soft energy; cogeneration;
For this vision and goal to be implemented, some • A planning structure that avoids large projects;
individual and collective building blocks would be fore • A production structure that emphasizes
mount: sustainability;
• Elevation of mankind • A science court ruling on scientific accuracy.
• Enlightening of world’s people Summing up, then, the items for the Organizational
• Striving for universal peace Component of this civilizatory process would be:
• The organic and spiritual unity of human kind • Building Social Capital;
• Interior transformation affects the common • Administrative and communication
good transparency;
• Self-knowledge • Participatory processes inbuilt into long-range,
• Recognition of our part in history planetary planning practices;
• Our individual and collective part as a • Solidarity-based world economy;
contribution to a favourable environment for • Constitution of a Council for Long-range
the development of civilization Societal Guidance, associated to participatory
• Tools for individual and collective action processes;
• Examples of development alternatives • Definition of an International Scientific
Summing up the Ideological Component of a novel Advisory Body;
civilizatory process would have to consider: • Establishment of an International Scientific
• Human potential, including its transcendent Court.
• Self-Determination of peoples;
• Social well-being; 8. Technological component
• Cultural and Economic viability;
• Environmental equilibrium. Any technological advance has deep socio-cultural
implications. The excluded fraction of world population,
read ‘world’s poor’, is always marginal to these
7. Organizational component developments and negatively impacted by them. Unless
“Although political pressure to downsize has been directed at the above proposed code of ethics is not universally
government, more - not less - government coordination may be
adopted, there is little chance of technology offering
needed to adapt society to the new stages ahead”
(H.T. and E. Odum, 2001, p. 10) meaningful and durable solutions.
Thus real social and technological advances must be
As we keep building our Social Capital - or our capacity viewed as an integrated effort towards technical support
as a society to establish an agreed common set of values networks, including the new perspectives of more
and generate development goals, reflected in transparent environmentally sound production and evaluation
institutions and participatory processes with an efficient practices, that facilitate interchange and technical and
information system for all and environment concerns – scientific collaboration. We have the means 6 and can
the need for long-range planning on a planetary scale find the mechanisms to solve present negative trends, but
will become paramount. Here, besides the value system lack the moral and political commitment to bring this

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Figure 1 – The central hypothesis is that it is necessary to evoke the realization of the values implied by transcendency to assist in the present
ebb of our civilization.

about. Which brings us back to the nature of our first 4. Techeste Ahderom, representative of the Bahá’í International
questioning: how can we force governments to adopt the Community. http://www.bahai.org/
5. Shoghi Effendi held for 36 years the Guardianship of the
new paradigm? Or will events need to force us to that?
International Bahá’í Community. http://www.bahai.org/
The author takes the positive approach that we might 6. Strategic Environmental Assessment-SEA, Participatory planning
listen to Bahá’u’lláh’s prophetic injunction and, processes, Emergy, Exergy, Ecological Footprint, Geographic
motivated by it, recover our path to sanity and redeem Information Systems, Earth Monitoring Systems, new production
our nobility and our perception of the role of systems (agro ecology, industrial ecology etc.).
transcendence (Figure 1) in the process of civilization:
Oh Son of Man! Bibliography
Veiled in My immemorial Being and in the ancient
eternity of My essence,
1) Bahá’u’lláh, 1872. The Hidden Words. Bahá’í Publishing Trust.
I knew My love for thee and thus I created thee, having Wilmette, Illinois.
engraved in thee My image and revealed unto thee My 2) Chief Seattle, 1854. Chief Seattle’s 1854 Oration. Ver . 1.
beauty. (Bahá’u’lláh, 1872). Authentic Text Of Chief Seattle’s Treaty Oration.
3) Darcy Ribeiro, 1988. O Processo Civilizatório: etapas da evolução
sócio-cultural. São Paulo, Editora Companhia das Letras.
Note: 4) Hazel Henderson, 1996. Building a Win-Win World: Life Beyond
Global Economic Warfare.
1. IV Biennial International Workshop Advances in Energy Studies 5) Lester Milbrath, 1989. Envisioning a Sustainable Society: Learning
Ecology-Energy Issues in Latin-America. Universidade Estadual de Our Way Out.
Campinas (Unicamp). Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, June 16-19, 6) Odum, H.T.; E. Odum. 2001. The Prosperous Way Down -
2004. URL: www.fea.unicamp.br/energy Principles and Policies. University Press Colorado.
2. Bahá’u’lláh, founder of the Bahá’í Faith. 7) Shoghi Effendi, 1936. Call to the Nations: Extracts from the
http://www.bahai.org/article-1-2-0-6.html Writings of Shoghi Effendi. Bahà’ì Publishing Trust. Wilmette.
3. Social capital could be defined as the capacity of a society to Illinois.
establish an agreed common set of ethical values, generating 8) Techeste Ahderom, 2000. Presentation at the 53rd Annual
development goals, both reflected in transparent institutions DPI/NGO Conference, Global Solidarity: The Way to Peace and
connected to participatory processes with an efficient information International Cooperation, 28-30 August. United Nations
system for all, thus granting true development towards the Headquarters, New York.
common good, environment included. 9) Toynbee Arnold, 1934. A Study of History.

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