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1) "Vessel" "A" is overtaking vessel" "B"on open waters and will pass without changing course. Vessel "A"
a ) sound two prolonged blasts followed by two
short blasts
b ) sound the danger
c ) not sound any whistle
2) "hich state!ent applies to a vessel""constrained by her draft""
a ) #he is severely restricted in her ability to
change her course because of her draft in relation
to the available depth of water.
b ) $he ter! applies
only to vessels in !arked
c ) "#he is designated as a
"vessel restricted in her ability
to !aneuver".
%) "hich vessel is &'$ regarded as being" "restricted in her ability to !aneuver""
a ) A vessel servicing an aid to
b ) A vessel engaged in
c ) A vessel constrained by her
() .)hich state!ent is true concerning a vessel) *constrained by her draft)"
a ) #he !ust be a power+driven
b ) #he is not under
c ) #he !ay be a vessel being
,) A fishing vessel is approaching a vessel not under co!!and. hich state!ent is $-./"
a ) the fishing vessel !ust keep
clear of the vessel not under
b ) 0f the vessel not under co!!and is a
power+driven vessel1 she !ust keep clear of the
fishing vessel.
c ) $hey !ust
e2change whistle
3) A signal of intent !ust be sounded in international waters by _____________
a ) a vessel !eeting another
b ) a vessel overtaking another in a
narrow channel
c ) a vessel crossing the course
of another
4) A vessel not under co!!and sounds the sa!e fog signal as a vessel _____________.
a ) engaged in towing b ) constrained by her draft
c ) All of the above
5) At what interval shall successive light signals be given "
a ) At not less that 16 seconds.
b ) After at least one !inute. c ) henever it is necessary.
7) 8ow shall a power+driven vessel navigate in conditions of restricted visibility "
a ) At a safe speed and her
engines ready for i!!ediate
b ) At slow speed but the telegraph on
"stand+by" in order to be able to !anoeuvre
in a!ple ti!e.
c ) At econo!ic speed1
but with a proper look+
16) 8ow shall a vessel !anoeuvre in doubt as to whether she is overtaking another "
a ) #he shall consider herself a
privileged vessel and shall !aintain
her course and speed.
b ) #he shall assu!e
that this is the case and act
c ) #he shall give the regular signals and
after being enlightened1 act according to
the circu!stances.
11) 8ow shall a vessel overtaking any other conduct "
a ) $he vessel
overtaking any other will
have priority.
b ) $he overtaken vessel shall
!anoeuvre such as to allow the
overtaking vessel to overtake.
c ) Any vessel overtaking any other
shall keep out of the way of the vessel
being overtaken.
12) 8ow shall an action to avoid collision be taken "
a ) 0n a!ple ti!e1 with a succession of
s!all alterations of course in order not to
deviate fro! the vessel9s course.
b ) :ositively1 in a!ple ti!e
and with due regard to the
observance of good sea!anship.
c ) :ositively1 with speed
alterations to avoid risk of
1%) 8ow shall the green lights of vessels engaged in !ineclearance operations be e2hibited "
a ) 'ne of these lights shall be e2hibited near the
fore!ast head and one at each end of the fore yard.
b ) 0n a
vertical line.
c ) 'ne at the fore!ast head1 the
other two at the stern !asthead.
1() 8ow shall vessels engaged in fishing conduct in a traffic separation sche!e "
a ) $hey shall conduct as any other
vessel and shall co!ply with the
;'<-/= rules.
b ) $hey shall navigate in
any direction for fishing
c ) $hey shall not i!pede the
passage of any vessel following a
traffic lane.
1,) 0n a crossing situation on international waters1 a short blast by the give+way vessel indicates that the
vessel _____________.
a ) is holding course and speed
b ) is turning to starboard
c ) intends to pass port to port
13) <ighting re>uire!ents in inland waters are different fro! those for international waters for
a ) barges being towed by pushing
b ) vessels restricted in their ability to
c ) vessel towing
14) 'f the vessel listed1 which !ust keep out of the way of all the others"
a ) A vessel constrained by her
b ) A vessel restricted in her ability to
c ) A vessel pushing a
15) 'f the vessels listed1 which !ustkeep out of the way of all the others"
a ) A vessel constrained by her
b ) A vessel restricted in her ability to
c ) A vessel on pilotage
17) $he light which !ay be used with a vessel?s whistle is to be _____________.
a ) used when the whistle is broken b ) used prior to sounding the whistle
c ) a white light
26) $ill when shall the effectiveness of an avoiding action be checked "
a ) .ntill the vessels shall
be abea! one to each other.
b ) .ntill the other vessel will be at an angle of
!ore than (, degrees by starboard @ portside.
c ) .ntill the other
vessel is finally past and
21) $o what vessel is the ter! "vessel restricted in her ability to !anoeuvre" li!ited to "
a ) $he ter! "vessel restricted in her
ability to !anoeuvre" will not be li!ited to the
vessels >uoted in the rules.
b ) 0t is li!ited to
te vessels >uoted in
the rules.
c ) 0t is li!ited to the da!aged
vessels which are unable to keep out of
the way of another vessel.
22) $wo prolonged blasts followed by one short blast on the whistle is a signal which could be sounded by a
a ) fishing vessel b ) vessel anchored
c ) vessel overtaking another in a narrow channel
2%) hat additional lights shall a trawler engaged in fishing e2hibit1 when fishing in close pro2i!ity to other
vessel engaged in fishing and when the nets have co!e fast upon an obstruction "
a ) 2 red lights in a vertical
b ) An all+round red
c ) A green light over a red light in a vertical
2() hat additional lights shall a trawler engaged in fishing e2hibit1 when hauling her nets and fishing in
close pro2i!ity to other vessels engaged in fishing "
a ) 2 red lights in a vertical
b ) An all+round red
c ) 'ne white light over one red light in a
vertical line.
2,) hat additional lights shall a trawler e2hibit1 when engaged in pair trawling in close pro2i!ity to other
vessel engaged in fishing "
a ) An all+round white light at
the !asthead.
b ) A searchlight directed forward and in the
direction of the other vessel of the pair.
c ) 2 all+round
red lights.
23) hat characteristics shall the light supple!enting the sound signals have "
a ) An all+round red
b ) An all+round white
c ) =reen to starboard1 red to port and white for astern
24) hat distance between vessels shall the avoiding action ensure "
a ) A distance of not less
than 3 cables shall be ensured.
b ) 0t shall be such as to
result in passing at a safe
c ) 0t shall be such as to ensure that the
vessel passes at !ore than 2 !iles
25) hat does the ter! "flashing light" !ean "
a ) A light flashing at regular
intervals at a fre>uency of 36 flashes
per !inute.
b ) A light flashing at regular
intervals at a fre>uency of 126 flashes or
!ore per !inute.
c ) A light flashing >uick
flashes at regular intervals.
27) hat does the ter! "restricted visibility" !ean "
a ) Any condition in
which visibility is reduced
under 11, !.
b ) $he condition in which
the visibility is restricted by
fog1 rain or snow.
c ) Any condition in which visibility is
restricted by fog1 !ist1 falling snow1 heavy
rainstor!s1 sandstor!s or any other si!ilar causes.
%6) hat does the ter! "vessel constrained by her draught" !ean "
a ) A vessel which because of her
draught and the e2istance of navigation
obstructions in unable to deviate fro!
her course.
b ) A deep
vesselbeing towed.
c ) A power+driven vessel which because
of her draght in relation to the avilable depth of
water is severely restricted in her ability to
deviate fro! her course.
%1) hat does the word "seaplane" !ean "
a ) Any aircraft designed to carry out
hydrotechnical and@or hydro!eteorological
b ) Any aircraft designed
to !anoeuvre on the water.
c ) Any aircraft being on
the water for various
work. reasons.
%2) hat does the word "sternlight" !ean "
a ) A white
light placed at
the stern of a
b ) A white light placed as nearly as practicable at the
stern showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horiAon
of 1%, degrees and soi2ed as to show the liht 34., degrees
right aft on fro! each side of the vessel.
c ) A white light placed at the
stern showing an unbroken
light over an arc of the horiAon
%36 degrees.
%%) hat does the word "vessel" !ean1 according to the ;'<-/= rules "
a ) Any watercraft capable of
floating on water without
propelling !achinery.
b ) Any watercraft including non+
displace!ent craft and seaplanes used or capable
of being used as a !eans of transportation on
c ) Any floating obBect
fitted with propelling
%() hat e>uip!ent for sound signals shall a vessel of 12+166 !etres in length be provid with "
a ) 'ne whistle at
b ) A bell in the fore part or at the stern of the
c ) A whistle and a
%,) hat lights shall a power+driven vessel of less than ,6 !etres in length e2hibit when towing and the
length of the tow is less than 266 !etres "
a ) 2 !asthead lights in a vertical
line1 sidelights and a towing light.
b ) 2 !asthead lights in a vertical line1
sidelights1 a sternlight and a towing light.
c ) #idelights1 a
sternlight and a towing
%3) hat lights shall a power+driven vessel underway1 less than ,6 !etres in length1 e2hibit "
a ) A !asthead light1 sidelights1 a
b ) A !asthead light and
c ) #idelights and a
%4) hat lights shall a power+driven vessel underway1 of less than 4 !etres in length and whose !a2i!u!
speed does not e2ceed 4 knots1 e2hibit "
a ) An all+round white light and also1 if
practicable1 sidelights.
b )
c ) A white light which could be
e2hibited if practicable.
%5) hat lights shall a sailing vessel underway e2hibit "
a ) #idelights. b ) Casthead lights and sidelights.
c ) #idelights and a sternlight.
%7) hat lights shall a vessel aground e2hibit "
a ) $he lights of a vessel at anchor
and 2 all+round red lights in a vertical line.
b ) 2 all+round red
lights in a vertical line.
c ) % all+round red lights in a vertical
line and the lights of a vessel at anchor.
(6) hat lights shall a vessel engaged in !ineclearance operations e2hibit "
a ) $he lights of a
vessel not under
b ) $he lights of a vessel not under
co!!and and % all+round red lights.
c ) $he lights prescribed for power+
driven vessels underway and % all+round
green lights.
(1) hat lights shall a vessel engaged in trawling e2hibit1 when !aking way through the water "
a ) #idelights1 a
sternlight and an all+
round green light at the
b ) #idelights1 2 lights in a vertical
line1 the upper being white and the
lower green1 a !asthead light placed
abaft of and higher than the green light.
c ) #idelights1 a sternlight1 2 lights in
a vertical line1 the upper being green and
the lower white1 a !asthead placed abaft
of and higher than the green light.
(2) hat lights shall a vessel engaged on pilotage duty e2hibit1 when she is at anchor "
a ) $he lights of a vessel at anchor and 2 all+
round lights in a vertical line1 the upper being
white1 the lower red.
b ) $he lights of
a vessel at anchor.
c ) $he lights of a vessel at anchor
and a white alternating light at the
(%) hat lights shall a vessel restricted in her ability to !anoeuvre e2hibit1 when at anchor "
a ) $he red1 white1 red
lights in a vertical line.
b ) $he red1 white1 red lights in a vertical line1
an anchor light in the fore part and an anchor light
at the stern.
c ) $he anchor light in the fore
part and the anchor light at the
(() hat lights shall a vessel under oars e2hibit "
a ) A blue light to be
shown at any ti!e.
b ) A red
c ) 0f she does not e2hibit the lights of a sailing vessel1 she shall be
ready to show an electric torch or lighted lantern showing a white light.
(,) hat lights shall an inconspicuous1 partly sub!erged vessel or obBect being towed e2hibit1 when her
length e2ceeds 166 !etres and her breadth e2ceeds 2, !etres "
a ) , all+round white lights at the forward end1 after end1 at
or near the e2tre!ities of her breadth and a light between the
forward end and the after end so that the distance between the
lights shall not e2ceed 166 !etres.
b ) % all+
round white
c ) ( all+round white lights at
the forward end1 after end and
at the e2tre!ities of her
(3) hat !anoeuvre shall be !ade when 2 power+driven vessels are crossing so as to involve risk of
collision "
a ) $he vessel which
sees the other on port
side shall keep out of the
way of the other.
b ) $he vessel which sees the
other on starboard side shall
reduce speed or even stop to let
the other pass by.
c ) $he vessel which has the other on her own
starboard side shall keep out of the way and1 if the
circu!stances of the case ad!it1 avoid crossing
ahead of the other vessel.
(4) hat range shall an all+round white light of an inconspicuous1 partly sub!erged vessel or obBect being
towed be visible "
a ) % nautical !iles.
b ) 2 nautical !iles. c ) 1 nautical !ile.
(5) hat range shall the !astlights be visible at1 for vessels between 26 and ,6! in length "
a ) , nautical !iles.
b ) Between % + , nautical !iles. c ) 2 nautical !iles.
(7) hat range shall the sidelights be visible at for vessels less than 12 !etres in length "
a ) 2 nautical !iles. b ) 6., nautical !iles.
c ) 1 nautical !ile.
,6) hat range shall the towing light be visible at1 for vessels of ,6 !etres or !ore in length "
a ) % nautical !iles.
b ) 2 nautical !iles. c ) %., nautical !iles
,1) hat ranges shall the !astlights be visible at for vessels of ,6! or !ore in length "
a ) , !iles !a2i!u!. b ) Between % and , nautical !iles.
c ) 3 nautical !iles.
,2) hat shall a vessel engaged in diving operations e2hibit1 whenever her siAe !akes it i!practicable to
e2hibit all lights and shapes prescribed for vessels engaged in during operations "
a ) % all+round lights in
a vertical line1 the highest
and lowest being red and
the !iddle light white.
b ) % all+round lights in a vertical line1 the
highest and lowest being red and the !iddle light
white1 a rigid replica of the 0nternational ;ode flag "
A " not less than 1 !etre in height1 to ensure her all+
round visibility.
c ) A rigid replica of the
0nternational ;ode flag " A
"1 not less than 1 !etre in
,%) hat shall a vessel engaged in towing which is not nor!ally engaged in towing operations do1 when1
fro! any sufficient cause it is i!practicable to e2hibit the lights prescribed by the rules1 when engaged in
towing another vessel in distress or other
a ) #he shall navigate with
caution the radiotelephone
working in order to infor! the
vessels in the area.
b ) #he shall take all possible !easures to
indicate the nature of the relationship between
the towing vessel and the vessel being towed1 in
particular by illu!inating the towline.
c ) #he shall e2hibit
the lights for a disabled
vessel and will take the
,() hat shall a vessel or obBect being towed do when1 fro! any sufficient cause it is i!practicable to
e2hibit the lights prescribed by the rules "
a ) All possible !easures shall be taken to light the vessel or
obBect being towed or at least to indicate the presence of such vessel
or obBect.
b ) 0t shall
e2hibit no light.
c ) 0t shall e2hibit
only the sidelights.
,,) hat shape shall a power+driven vessel being towed e2hibit1 when the lenght of the tow e2ceeds 266
!etres "
a ) A cone with the ape2 downward.
b ) A dia!ond.
c ) $wo black cones with ape2es together.
,3) hat shape shall a vessel constrained by her draught e2hibit "
a ) 2 balls in a vertical
b ) 2 balls in a vertical line with a dia!ond between
c ) A black
,4) hat shapes shall a fishing vessel other than trawling e2hibit1 when there is outlying gear e2tending
!ore than 1,6 !etres horiAontally "
a ) A black
b ) 2 cones with their
ape2es together.
c ) 2 cones with their ape2es together and a cone ape2
upwards in the direction of the gear.
,5) hat shapes shall a vessel engaged in dredging or underwater operations e2hibit1 when restricted in her
ability to !anoeuvre "
a ) 2 balls in a vertical line
indicating the side on which an
obstruction e2ists1 2 dia!onds in a
vertical line indicating the side on
which another vessel !ay pass.
b ) 2 balls in a vertical line indicating the side
on which an obstruction e2ists1 2 dia!onds in a
vertical line indicating the side on which another
vessel !ay pass and the shapes of a vessel
restricted in her ability to !anoeuvre.
c ) $he shapes
of a vessel not
under co!!and.
,7) hat shapes shall a vessel not under co!!and e2hibit "
a ) 2 balls or si!ilar shapes in a vertical line.
b ) A black dia!ond. c ) A ball or a si!ilar shape.
36) hat signal shall a vessel give1 when nearing a bend or an area of a channel or fairway where other
vessels !ay be obscured by an intervening obstruction "
a ) 'ne short blast "0 a! altering !y course
to starboard".
b ) 'ne prolonged
c ) #uccessive short blasts to attract
31) hat significance shall the light signal "2 flashes" have1 if associated with the sound signal "
a ) 0 a! altering !y course to
b ) 0 a! !anoeuvring with difficulty
to port.
c ) 0 a! altering !y course
to port.
32) hat sonud signals shall a pilot vessel at anchor give1 when engaged on pilotage duty in conditions of
restricted visibility "
a ) -apid strokes on the gong for ,
seconds at intervals of not !ore than
one !inute.
b ) 'ne prolonged blast followed
by ( short blasts at intervals of one
c ) $he signals of a vessel at
anchor and in addition ( short
identity blasts.
3%) hat sound signals shall a pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed ahead give1 in conditions of
restricted visibility1 when twey are rigidly connected in a co!posite unit underway "
a ) 'ne prolonged blast at
intervals of not !ore than 2
b ) 'ne prolonged blast followed
by 2 short blasts at intervals of 2
c ) 'ne prolonged blast and ( short
warning blasts at intervals of one
3() hat sound signals shall a sailing vessel give1 in conditions of restricted visibility "
a ) 'ne prolonged blast by
hooter at intervals of one !inute.
b ) ( short blasts at
intervals of 2 !inutes.
c ) 'ne prolonged blast followed by 2 short
blasts at intervals of not !ore than 2 !inutes.
3,) hat sound signals shall a vessel aground give in conditions of restricted visibility "
a ) $he signals given by a vessel at anchor and1
in addition1 i!!ediately before and after the rapid
ringing of the bell she shall give % separate and
distinct strokes on the bell. 0n addition1 she !ay
sound an appropriate whistle signal.
b ) #ignals on the
whistle to attract
attention and rapid
ringing of the bell at
intervals of 2 !inutes.
c ) 'ne short blast1 one
prolonged and one short blast
on the whistle and ringing the
bell rapidly at intervals of one
33) hat sound signals shall a vessel give when engaged in towing or pushing another1 in conditions of
restricted visibility "
a ) 'ne prolonged blast followed
by 2 short blasts at intervals of not
!ore than 2 !inutes.
b ) ( short blasts preceded and
followed by one prolonged blast at
intervals of 2 !inutes.
c ) 'ne prolonged blast and ,
short stay blasts at intervals of
one !inute.
34) hat sound signals shall a vessel restricted in her ability to !anoeuvre give1 when carrying out her
work1 at anchor1 in conditions of restricted visibility "
a ) -apid blasts on the bell for , seconds
preceded and followed by one prolonged
blast at intervals of 2 !inutes.
b ) -apid blasts on the
bell for , seconds to one
c ) 'ne prolonged blast followed
by 2 short blasts at intervals of not
!ore than 2 !inutes.
35) hat sound signals shall a vessel towed give1 if !anned1 in conditions of restricted visibility "
a ) 'ne prolonged blast and 2
short blasts at intervals of 2
b ) 'ne prolonged blast and %
short blasts at intervals of not !ore
than 2 !inutes.
c ) 2 prolonged blasts followed
by 2 short blasts at intervals of 2
37) hat vessel !ay be considered as "vessel restricted in her ability to !anoeuvre" "
a ) A vessel engaged in replenish!ent or
transferring persons1 provisions or carge while
b ) A vessel lying to1
on stor!y weather.
c ) A vessel with
da!ages to the steering
46) hat vessel !ay be considered as "vessel restricted in her ability to !anoeuvre" "
a ) A vessel engaged in
towing1 having the towing line
less than ,6 C in lenght.
b ) A pushing tug
boat1 underway1 at
c ) A vessel engaged in towing operation such as
severely restricts the towing vessel and her tow in
their ability to deviate fro! their course.
41) hat vessels aground shall not be re>uired to e2hibit the lights and shapes of a vessel aground "
a ) Vessels of less than 4 !etres
in length.
b ) Vessels of less than 1, !etres
in length.
c ) Vessels of less than 12
!etres in length.
42) hat vessels do ;'<-/= rules 175% apply to "
a ) $o all vessels navigating
in international waters.
b ) $o all vessels navigating in
roadsteads1 straits and open seas.
c ) $o all vessels upon the high seas
and in all waters connected therewith.
4%) hen in sight of one another in a narrow channel or fairway1 what signal shall the vessel intending to
overtake another on starboard side1 give "
a ) 2 prolonged blasts followed by one
short blast.
b ) 'ne short
c ) 'ne prolonged blast followed by one
short blast.
4() hen shall a stand+on vessel take action to avoid collision by her !anoeuvre alone "
a ) hen the vessels
are navigating through
the straits.
b ) hen entering or
leaving a traffic
separation sche!e.
c ) hen1 fro! any cause1 the vessel finds herself so
close that collision cannot be avoided by the action of the
give+way vessel alone1 she shall take such action as will best
aid to avoid collision.
4,) hen shall a vessel be dee!ed to be overtaking any other "
a ) hen co!ing up with another vessel
fro! a direction !ore than 22., degrees aft her
bea! so that at night she would be able to see
only the sternlight of that vessel.
b ) hen she will be able to
see the sternlight and the
sidelights of the overtaken
c ) hen she will be able
to see the stern+!asthead
light and the sidelights.
43) hen shall sound signals be given1 in conditions of restricted visibility "
a ) 0n or near an area of restricted
b ) 0n an area of restricted
c ) 'nly on foggy
44) hen shall the rules concerning "lights and shapes" co!plied with "
a ) hen underway1 by day and by
b ) 0n all
c ) hen she is !oored1 by day and by
45) hen shall the sound signals for !anoeuvring be given "
a ) 0n any circu!stances.
b ) hen vessels are in sight of one another.
c ) 0n restricted vibility.
47) hen shall vessels of less than 4 !etres in length not be re>uired to e2hibit the lights of a vessel at
anchor "
a ) hen at anchor1 but not in a narrow channel1 fairway or
anchorage1 or where other vessels nor!ally navigate.
b ) hen at
anchor in a basin.
c ) hen at anchor in
the roadstead.
56) hen shall vessels of less than 4 !etres in length not be re>uired to e2ibit the shapes of a vessel at
anchor "
a ) hen at
anchor in a basin.
b ) hen at anchor but not in a narrow channel1 fairway or
anchorage1 or where other vessel nor!ally navigate.
c ) hen at anchor in
the roadstead.
51) here shall the shape of the power+driven vessel underway be placed1 when the length of the tow
e2ceeds 266 !etres "
a ) At the fore !asthead.
b ) here it can best be seen.
c ) At the after head.
52) hich are the factors taken into accouunt in deter!inating the "safe speed" "
a ) $he vessel9s length1
nautical >ualities of the
b ) $he crew9s
training1 the navigation
c ) $he visibility1 the traffic density1 the
!anoeuvrability of the vessel at night1 the presence
vessel1 the engine9s power and
the visibility.
conditions and
of background light1 the state of wind and sea1 the
vessel9s draught.
5%) hich is the alar! signal in radiotelegraphy "
a ) 2 long dashes for 16 seconds1
separated by an interval of 2
b ) 12 long dashes for 1(
seconds1 separated by an interval of
one second.
c ) % long dashes for ( seconds1
separated by an interval of one
5() hich is the best !anoeuvre to allow !ore ti!e to asset the situation1 when a collision !ust be
avoided "
a ) #lackening her speed or taking all way off by
stopping or reversing her !eans of propulsion.
b ) #topping the
c ) #lackening the speed to
steerage way.
5,) hich state!ent in $-./1 according to the -ules"
a ) A vessel constrained by
her draft shall keep out of the
way of a vessel engaged in
b ) A vessel engaged in fishing
while underway shall1 so far as possible1
keep out of the way of a vessel restricted
in her ability to !aneuver
c ) A vessel not under co!!and
shall avoid i!peding the safe
passage of a vessel constrained by
her draft
53) hich state!ent is $-./1 according to the -ules"
a ) A vessel engaged in fishing while
underway shall1 so far as possible1 keep
out of the way of a vessel restricted in her
ability to !aneuver
b ) A vessel not under
co!!and shall keep out of the
way of a vessel restricted in her
ability to !aneuver
c ) A fishing vessel while
underway has the right+of+way
over a vessel constrained by her
54) hich state!ent is $-./1 according to the -ules"
a ) A vessel engaged in fishing while
underway shall1 so far as possible1 keep out
of the way of a vessel restricted in her ability
to !aneuver
b ) A vessel not under co!!and
shall keep out of the way of a
vessel restricted in her ability to
c ) A vessel engaged in
fishing shall keep out of
the way of a sailing vessel
55) hich state!ent is $-./1 according to the -ules"
a ) A vessel not under
co!!and shall keep out of the
way of a vessel restricted in her
ability to !aneuver
b ) A vessel not under
co!!and shall avoid i!peding
the safe passage of a vessel
constrained by her draft
c ) A vessel engaged in fishing
while underway shall1 so far as possible1
keep out of the way of a vessel restricted
in her ability to !aneuver
57) hich vessel is to keep out of the way of the others"
a ) A vessel constrained by her
b ) A vessel engaged in underwater
c ) A vessel engaged in
76) hich vessel shall avoid i!peding the safe passage of a vessel constrained by her draft"
a ) A vessel not under co!!and
b ) A fishing vessel
c ) A vessel restricted in her ability to
71) hich vessel shall avoid i!peding the safe passage of a vessel constrained by her draft"
a ) A vessel not under co!!and
b ) A sailing vessel
c ) A vessel restricted in her ability to
72) hich vessel would &'$ sound a fog signal of one prolonged and two short blasts"
a ) A vessel not under co!!and b ) A vessel constrained by her draft
c ) A vessel being towed
7%) hich vessel9s way shall a sailing vessel underway keep out of "
a ) Dish+freeAing vessels with high
b ) 'il+
c ) Vessels restricted in their ability to
7() hich vessel9s way shall a vessel constrained by her draught keep out of "
a ) #ailing
b ) Vessels not under
c ) 'il+tankers and tankers carrying li>uefied
7,) hich vessel9s way shall a vessel constrained by her draught keep out of "
a ) Vessels restricted in their ability to
b ) :ower+driven vessels underway1
with low speed.
c ) #pecialiAed
73) hich vessel9s way shall1 so far as possible a vessel engaged in fishing1 when underway1 keep out of "
a ) :ower+driven vessels at
high speed.
b ) Air+cushion vessels
c ) Vessels restricted in their ability to
74) Eou are approaching another vessel and will pass starboard to starboard without danger if no course
changes are !ade. Eou should _____________.
a ) hold course and sound a two
blast whistle signal
b ) hold course and sound no
whistle signal
c ) change course to the right and
sound one blast
75) Eou are in charge of a 2,6+!eter freight vessel constrained by her draft proceeding down a narrow
channel. $here is a vessel engaged in fishing on your starboard bow half a !ile away. According to -ule 71
which state!ent is $-./"
a ) Eou are not to
i!pede the fishing
b ) 0f you are in doubt as to the fishing vessel?s
intentions you !ay sound at least five short and
rapid blasts on the whistle.
c ) Eou are to slow to bare
steerageway until clear of the
fishing vessel
77) Eou are in sight of another vessel in a crossing situation1 and the other vessel sounds one short blast.
Eou are going to hold course and speed. Eou should _____________.
a ) answer with one short blast b ) answer with two short blasts
c ) sound no whistle signal
166) Eou are operating a vessel in a narrow channel.Eour vessel !ust stay within the channel to be
navigated safely. Another vessel is crossing your course fro! starboard to port1and you are in doubt as to his
intentions. According to -ule 71
a ) !ay sound the
danger signal
b ) !ust sound one prolonged
and short blasts
c ) should sound one short blast to indicate that
you are holding course and speed
161) Eou are underway in a norrow channel1 and you are being overtaken by a vessel astern. After the
overtaking vessel sounds the proper signal indicating his intention to pass your vessel on your starboard
side1 you signal your agree!ent b
a ) two prolonged followed by two
short blasts
b ) one prolonged1 one short1 one prolonged1
and one short blast
c ) one short
162) Eou are underway in fog and hear a fog signal consisting of one prolonged and two short blasts1 0t
could be any of the following /F;/:$ a vessel _____________.
a ) enganged in !ineclearance b ) enganged in fishing
c ) being towed
16%) Eou intend to overtake a vessel in a narrow channel1 and you intend to pass along the vessel?s port side.
8ow should you signal your intention"
a ) $wo short blasts followed by two
prolonged blast
b ) $wo prolonged followed by
two short blasts
c ) $wo prolonged
blasts only
16() Eour vessel is constrained by her draft and operating in a narrow channel. Another vessel is crossing
your course fro! starboard to port. Eou are in doubt as to her intentions. According to -ule 7 you
a ) should sound one short blast to indicate that you
are holding course and speed
b ) !ust sound one
prolonged blast
c ) !ay sound the
danger signal
16,) Eour vessel is crossing a narrow channel. A vessel to port is within the channel and crossing your
course. #he is showing a black cylinder. Eou should _______________
a ) hold your course and speed
b ) not i!pede the other vessel
c ) e2change passing signals
163) )hich state!ent applies to a vessel) *constrained by her draft)"
a ) $he ter! only
applies to vessels in
narrow channels
b ) #he is severely restricted in her ability to
change her course because of her draft in relation to
the available depth and width of navigable water
c ) )#he is designated as a *
*vessel restricted in her ability
to !aneuver)
164) )hich state!ent is $-./ concerning a vessel) *constrained by her draft)"
a ) #he is ha!pered because
of her work
b ) #he is unable to !aneuver due to so!e
e2ceptional circu!stance
c ) #he !ust be a
power+driven vessel
165) )hich vessel is &'$) *restricted in her ability to !aneuver)"
a ) A vessel servicing an aid
to navigation
b ) A vessel constrained
by her draft
c ) A towing vessel with tow1 unable to
deviate fro! its course

VA-0A&$A 6
1) 9hat does the word "sidelight" !ean "
a ) A green light on the starboard side and a red light on the port side
each showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horiAon of 112.,
degrees and so fi2ed as to show the light fro! right ahead to 22., degrees
abaft the bea! on its respective side
b ) $he white
sidelights fro! the
c ) $he
white light
fro! the
2) A 26+!eter power+driven vessel pushing ahead or towing alongside will display _____________.
a ) a single white light
b ) two !asthead lights in a vertical
c ) two towing lights in a vertical
%) A 26+!eter power+driven vessel pushing ahead or towing alongside will display _____________.
a ) two towing lights in a
vertical line
b ) a towing light above the
c ) two !asthead lights in a
vertical line
() A light used to signal passing intentions !ust be an ______________
a ) all+round yellow light only
b ) all+round white light only
c ) all+round blue light only

,) A light used to signal passing intentions !ust be an ________________
a ) all+round white or yellow light b ) all+round yellow light only
c ) all+round white light only
3) A partially sub!erged obBect towed by a vessel !ust show during the day one _____________.
a ) dia!ond shape when the length of the
tow is 266 !eters or less
b ) dia!ond shape when the length of the tow
e2ceeds 266 !eters in length
c ) black
4) A power+driven vessel pushing ahead or towing alongside displays navigation lights and
a ) two all+round red lights in a
vertical line
b ) two yellow towing lights in a
vertical line
c ) two white !asthead lights in a
vertical line
5) A power+driven vessel pushing ahead or towing alongside will show sidelights1 a sternlight1 and
a ) an all+round red light where it
can best be seen
b ) two yellow !asthead lights in
a vertical line
c ) two !asthead lights in a
vertical line
7) A single vessel being towed alongside shall e2hibit ________________
a ) one all+round white
b ) sidelights1 stern light and a special flashing
c ) sidelights and a stern
16) A single vessel being towed alongside shall show ________________
a ) one all+round white
b ) sidelights and a stern
c ) only the outboard sidelight and a stern
11) A towing light is _____________.
a ) shown below the
b ) white in
c ) a yellow light having the sa!e characteristics as the
stern light
12) A towing light is __________________.
a ) shown at the bow b ) white in color
c ) shown in addition to the sternlight
1%) A towing light _____________.
a ) flashes at regular intervals of
,6+46 flashes per !inute
b ) is
yellow in color
c ) shows an unbroken light over an arc of the horiAon
of not less than 156 grd nor !ore than 22, grd
1() A vessel constrained by her draft !ay display _____________.
a ) three all+round red lights
b ) two 22, grd red lights c ) three all+round blue lights
1,) A vessel constrained by her draft !ay display________________.
a ) three all+round red lights instead
of the lights re>uired for a power+
driven vessel of her class
b ) the sa!e lights as a
vessel restricted in her ability
to !aneuver
c ) three all+round red lights in
addition to the lights re>uired for a
power+driven vessel of her class
13) A vessel displaying three red lights in a vertical line is _________________
a ) restricted in her ability to !aneuver b ) not under co!!and
c ) constrained by her draft
14) A vessel displaying three red lights in a vertical line is _________________.
a ) not under co!!and b ) aground
c ) constrained by her draft
15) A vessel not under co!!and sounds the sa!e fog signal as a vessel___________.
a ) towing b ) constrained by her draft
c ) All of the above
17) A vessel which detects by radar alone the presence of another vessel shall deter!ine if a close+>uarters
situation is developing and@or risk of collision e2ists. 0f so1 she shall take avoiding action in a!ple ti!eH
however1 if such action consists of
a ) An alteration of course to
starboard for a vessel forward of the
bea!1 other than for a vessel being
b ) An alteration of course to port
for a vessel forward of the bea!1 other
than for a vessel being overtaken.
c ) An 156 degrees
alteration Greciprocal) to
avoid risk of collision.
26) At night1 a power+driven vessel less than 4 !eters in length1 with a !a2i!u! speed which does not
e2ceed 4 knots1 !ay show when underway _____________1
a ) sidelights co!bined in a single
b ) an all+round flashing yellow
c ) one all+round white
21) At night1 a power+driven vessel less than 4 !eters in length1 with a !a2i!u! speed which does not
e2ceed 4 knots1 C.#$ show when underway at least _____________.
a ) one white %36
b ) a white light on the near approach of another
c ) sidelights and a
22) At night1 a power+driven vessel underway of less than 4 !eters in length where its !a2i!u! speed does
not e2ceed 4 knots !ay show1 as a !ini!u!1 ______________.
a ) sidelights and a
b ) the lights re>uired for a vessel !ore than 4
!eters in length
c ) one all+round white
2%) /2cept where it has been deter!ined that a risk of collision does not e2ist1 point out how a vessel shall
conduct1 which hears apparently forward of her bea! the fog signal of another vessel1 or which cannot avoid
a close+>uarters situation with anot
a ) #he shall reduce her speed to the
!ini!u! at which she can be kept on her
course. #he shall1 if necessary1 take all her
way off and in any event navigate with
e2tre!e caution untill danger of collision is
b ) #he shall keep at the
sa!e speed1 but with the
engine on stand+by for
!anoeuvre in order to avoid
risk of collision
c ) #he shall navigate at
econo!ic speed and proper
look+out1 radar working and the
engines on stand+by ready for
2() 8ow do ;'<-/= rules interfere with the special rules for roadsteads1 harbours1 rivers1 lakes or inland
waterways navigable by seagoing vessels "
a ) &othing in ;'<-/= rules shall interfere with
the operation of special rules1 !ade by an appropriate
authority1 but such special rules shall confor! as
closely as possible to ;'<-/= rules.
b ) $he appropriate
authority is not obliged to
take into account ;'<-/=
c ) $he ;'<-/= rules
shall apply in all
2,) 8ow shall 2 power+driven vessels !anoeuvre1 when navigating on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal
courses1 so as to involve risk of collision "
a ) /ach shall alter
courses to port in order to
pass at a safe distance.
b ) $hey shall give the regular signals1
alter course to starboard or port1 according
to the circu!stances.
c ) /ach shall alter her course to
starboard so that each shall pass on
the port side of the other.
23) 8ow shall 2 sailing vessels !anoeuvre when they are approaching one another1 so as to involve risk of
collision and each has the wind on a different side "
a ) $he vessel which has the
wind on the port side shall keep out
b ) $he vessel which has the wind
on the starboard side shall keep out of
c ) $he vessel which has the
wind fro! astern shall keep out
of the way of the other. the way of the other. of the way of the other.
24) 8ow shall a proper look+out be !aintained aboard "
a ) /very vessel shall at all ti!es !aintain a
proper look+out by sight and hearing as well as by
all available !eans appropriate in the prevailing
circu!stances and conditions so as to !ake a full
appraisal of the situation and of risk of collision.
b ) /very vessel shall
at all ti!es !aintain a
look+out by sight to
avoid any dangerous
c ) hen the visibility is
restricted1 a proper look+out
shall be !aintained in order to
!ake a full appraisal of any
risk of collision.
25) 8ow shall the alternations of course and@or speed be !ade to avoid collision "
a ) #!all alterations of
course and@or speed not to
deviate too !uch fro!
vessel9s course.
b ) <arge enough alterations of
speed and s!all alterations of
course1 not to deviate too !uch
fro! vessel9s course.
c ) 0f the circu!stances ad!it1 they
shall be large enough to be readily
apparent to anoter vessel observing
visually or by radar.
27) 8ow shall vessels not using a traffic separation sche!e navigate "
a ) $hey shall use the
inshore traffic Aones.
b ) $hey shall avoid it by as
wide a !argin as is practicable.
c ) $hey shall navigate in the pro2i!ity of1
but shall not cross the separation line.
%6) 0f a vessel displays theree all+round red lights in a vertical line at night1 during the day she !ay
a ) three balls in a vertical line
b ) a cylinder
c ) two dia!onds in a vertical line
%1) 0f at night a vessel displays three all+round red lights in a vertical line1 during the day she !ay show
a ) two cones1base to base b ) three black balls in a vertical line
c ) a cylinder
%2) 0f you sighted three red lights in a vertical line on another vessel at night1it would be a vessel
a ) aground
b ) constrained by her draft
c ) dredging
%%) 0n addition to her running lights1 an underway vessel constrained by her draft !ay carry in a vertical
a ) a red light1 a white light1 and a red light b ) two red lights
c ) three red lights
%() $he light which !ay be used with a vessel?s whistle !ust be _____________.
a ) used when the whistle is broken
b ) a white light
c ) used only at night
%,) $o indicate that a vessel is constrained by her draft1 a vessel !ay display1 in a vertical
a ) three %36grd. red lights
b ) two 22,grd. red lights c ) three %36grd. blue lights
%3) $o which vessels do the rules of conduct of vessels in restricted visibility apply to "
a ) Vessels navigating in areas of
restricted visibility when only one
of the! is not in sight of one
b ) Vessels not in sight of
one another when navigating in
or near areas of restricted
c ) Vessels navigating in or near
areas of restricted visibility when they
sight only the !asthead lights of one
%4) hat additional lights shall vessels engaged in fishing with purse seine gear e2hibit1 when engaged in
fishing in close pro2i!ity to other vessels "
a ) A yellow light flashing
alternately white e>ual light and
b ) An all+
round white
c ) 2 yellow lights in a vertical line flashing
alternately every second and with e>ual light and
occultation duration. light. occultation. duration.
%5) hat characteristic !ust a light a light used to indicate passing intentions have"
a ) 0t !ust be an alternating red and
yellow light
b ) 0t !ust be an all+round
white light
c ) 0t !ust be an all+round
yellow light
%7) hat characteristic !ust a light have if used to signal passing intentions"
a ) 0t !ust be an all+round
white light
b ) 0t !ust be an alternating blue and
white light
c ) 0t !ust be an all+round white or
yellow light
(6) hat dayshape is prescribed for a vessel constrained by her draft"
a ) A black cone1 ape2 upward b ) A black cone1 ape2 downward
c ) A cylinder
(1) hat do the shapes and lights of vessels engaged in !ineclearance operations indicate "
a ) $hat it is dangerous for
another vessel to approach within
1666 !etres of the !ineclearance
b ) $hat it is dangerous for
another vessel to approach within
,66 !etres of the !ineclearance
c ) $hat another vessel shall
navigate with precaution keeping
!ore than 2 nautical !iles distance
fro! the vessel.
(2) hat does the ter! "power+driven vessel" !ean "
a ) $he ter! "power+driven vessel"
!eans any vessel propelled by
b ) Vessels using a Iiesel
engine as a !eans of
c ) All vessels capable of
navigating on water1 e2cept for
sailing vessels.
(%) hat does the ter! "short blast" !ean "
a ) A blast of fro! 2 to %
seconds9 duration.
b ) A blast of a short1 less than 1 second9s duration1
produced by a power+driven vessel underway.
c ) A blast of about 1
second9s duration.
(() hat does the ter! "towing light" !ean "
a ) A white light placed
above the sternlight used
as a steering guide1 while
b ) A yellow light
showing an unbroken
light over an arc of the
horiAon of %36 degrees.
c ) A yellow light placed as nearly as practicable
at the stern showing an unbroken light over an arc of
the horiAon of 1%, degrees and so fi2ed as to show the
light 34., degrees fro! right aft on each side of the
(,) hat does the ter! "vessel not under co!!and" !ean "
a ) Any vessel having
serious da!ages to the
steering gear and@or the
!ain engine.
b ) Any vessel which through so!e
e2ceptioal circu!stance is unable to !anoeuvre
as re>uired by the rules and is therefore unable to
keep out of the way of another vessel.
c ) Any da!aged vessel
which is unable to !anoeuvre
and to keep out of the way of
another vessel.
(3) hat does the ter! "vessel underway" !ean "
a ) Any vessel which is not
!ade fast to the shore.
b ) Any vessel at sea having the
propeller syste! working.
c ) Any vessel which not at anchor or
!ade fast to the shore1 or aground.
(4) hat does the ter! "vessel9s breadth" !ean "
a ) Vessel9s greatest
b ) Vessel9s breadth
c ) $he !ean breadth of the vessel !easured at the
bow1 stern and !idship.
(5) hat does the ter! 9vessel engaged in fishing" !ean "
a ) Any vessel fishing with trolling lines
or other fishing apparatus which do not
b ) All vessels
built and e>uipped
c ) Any vessel fishing with nets1 lines1
trawls or other fishing apparatus which
restrict !anoeuvrability. for fishing. restrict !anoeuvrability.
(7) hat e>uip!ent for sound signals shall a vessel of 166 !etres or !ore in length be provided with"
a ) A whistle1 a bell and a
gong at the stern.
b ) A whistle in the fore part and a
gong at the stern.
c ) A bell in the fore part and a
gong at the stern.
,6) hat e>uip!ent for sound signals shall a vessel of less than 12 !etres in length carry "
a ) Vessels of less than 12
!etres in length shall not be
obliged to carry sound
signalling appliances.
b ) Vessels of less than
12 !etres in length shall
carry a whistle and a bell
in the fore part.
c ) Vessels of less than 12 !etres in length
shall not be obliged to carry the prescribed sound
signalling appliances1 but they shall be provided
with so!e other !eans of !aking an efficie!ent
sound signal.
,1) hat is the length of a vessel at anchor which !ust use the available working or e>uivalent lights to
illu!inate her decks "
a ) 4, !etres. b ) ,6 !etres.
c ) 166 !etres and !ore.
,2) hat is the reason for proceeding at a "safe speed" "
a ) A vessel shall proceed at a safe speed so
that she can take proper and effective action to
avoid collision and be stopped within a distance
appropriate to the prevailing circu!stances and
b ) A vessel shall proceed at
a safe speed so that she can in
all circu!stances avoid any
c ) A vessel shall
proceed at a safe speed
to avoid a close >uarters
situation between ships.
,%) hat lights and shapes shall a fishing vessel e2hibit1 when not engaged in fishing "
a ) $he lights and shapes
prescribed for a vessel of her
b ) $he lights of a vessel engaged in
fishing and !aking way through the
c ) $he lights of a vessel
restricted in her ability to
,() hat lights and shapes shall a pilot vessel e2hibit when not engaged on pilotage duty "
a ) $he lights and shapes
prescribed for a pilot vessel.
b ) $he lights or shapes
prescribed for a si!ilar vessel of her
c ) $he lights and shapes for vessels
restricted in their ability to !anoeuvre.
,,) hat lights are re>uired for a single barge being towed alongside"
a ) #idelights and a
stern light
b ) #idelights1 a special flashing light1 and
a stern light
c ) #idelights and a special
flashing light
,3) hat lights shall a power+driven vessel of less than ,6 !etres in length e2hibit1 when towing and the
length of the tow e2ceeds 266 !etres "
a ) % !asthead lights in a
vertical line and a towing
b ) % !asthead lights in a
vertical line1 sidelights and a
c ) % !asthead lights in a vertical
line1 sidelights1 a sternlight and a towing
,4) hat lights shall a power+driven vessel of !ore than ,6 !etres in length e2hibit1 when towing and the
length of the tow e2ceeds 266 !etres "
a ) % !asthead lights in a
vertical line1 sidelights and a
b ) 0nstead of the lights forward aft or aft1
% !asthead lights in a vertical line1 sidelights1 a
sternlight1 a towing light.
c ) % !asthead lights in a
vertical line1 sidelights and a
towing light.
,5) hat lights shall a power+driven vessel underway1 of ,6 !etres or !ore in length1 e2hibit "
a ) A !asthead light1
sidelight and a
b ) A !asthead light forward1 a second !asthead
light abaft of and higher than the forward one1
sidelights and a sternlight.
c ) #idelights1 a sternlight
and two white !asthead
,7) hat lights shall a pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed ahead e2hibit1 when they are rigidly
connected in a co!posite unit "
a ) $he lights of a tugboat with
the length of the tow less than 266
b ) /very vessel shall e2hibit herwn
lights prescribed for the power+driven
vessel underway.
c ) $he lights of a single
power+driven vessel1
36) hat lights shall a sailing vessel underway e2hibit1 when her length is less than 26 !etres "
a ) #idelights and a sternlight co!bined in one
b )
c ) A white light to be e2hibited if
31) hat lights shall a vessel engaged in dredging or underwater operations e2hibit1 when restricted in her
ability to !anoeuvre "
a ) 2 all+round red lights in a vertical line
to indicate the side on which the obstruction
e2ists1 2 all+round green lights in a vertical line
to indicate the side on which another vessel
!ay pass and the lights of a vessel restricted in
her ability to
b ) $he lights
of a vessel not
c ) 2 all+round red lights in a vertical line
to indicate the side on which an obstruction
e2ists1 2 red lights in a vertical line to
indicate the side on which another vessel
!ay pass and the lights of a power+driven
vessel underway.
32) hat lights shall a vessel engaged in dredging or underwater operations e2hibit1 when restricted in her
ability to !anoeuvre and at anchor "
a ) $he lights of a
power+driven vessel
at anchor.
b ) A red light indicating the side on
which an obstruction e2ists and the
lights for a vessel at anchor.
c ) 0nstead of the lights of a vessel at
anchor1 the lights of a vessel restricted in her
ability to !anoeuvre engaged in dredging
3%) hat lights shall a vessel engaged in fishing other than trawling e2hibit1 when there is outlying gear
e2tending !ore than 1,6 !etres horiAontally and is not !aking way through the water "
a ) 2 all+round lights in a vertical line1 the
upper being white and the lower red1 an
all+round red light in the direction of the
b ) 2 lights in a vertical line1 the
upper being red and the lower white1 an
all+round white light in the direction of
the gear.
c ) An all+round
white light in the
direction of the gear.
3() hat lights shall a vessel engaged in trawling e2hibit1 when not underway "
a ) An all+round green
light and a !asthead
light placed higher.
b ) 2 all+round lights in a vertical line1 the
upper being green and the lower white1 a
!asthead light placed abaft of and higher than
the all+round light.
c ) 2 all+round lights in a
vertical line1 the upper being
white and the lower green and a
3,) hat lights shall a vessel engaged on pilotage duty e2hibit1 when she is not underway "
a ) 2 all+round lights in a vertical line1
the upper being red and the lower white.
b ) An all+round white
alternating light.
c ) 2 all+round lights in a vertical
line1 the upper being white and the lower
33) hat lights shall a vessel not under co!!and e2hibit1 when not !aking way through the water "
a ) #idelights and 2 red lights in a
b ) 2 all+round red lights in a
c ) $he red lights and a
vertical line. vertical line. sternlight.
34) hat lights shall a vessel restricted in her ability to !anoeuvre e2hibit1 when not !aking way through
the water "
a ) % lights in a vertical line1 the highest
and the lowest being red and the !iddle one
b ) % white lights
in a vertical line.
c ) % lights in a vertical line1 the highest
and the lowest being white and the !iddle
one red.
35) hat lights shall an inconspicuous1 partly sub!erged vessel or obBect !ore than 2, !etres in breadth1
e2hibit "
a ) ( all+round white lights at the after
end1 forward end and on each side at the
e2tre!ities of her breadth.
b ) An all+round white light at the
forward end and another all+round
white light at the after end.
c ) =reen and red
sidelights at the e2tre!ities
of her breadth.
37) hat lights shall the obBects or vessels being towed e2hibit1 other than inconspicuous vessels or
obBects "
a ) Casthead lights and a sternlight.
b ) #idelights and a
c ) $owing lights and a sternlight.
46) hat ligths and shapes shall a seaplane e2hibit1 when alighted on the sea "
a ) $he lights and shapes
prescribed by the rules.
b ) $he lights and shapes
necessary for identification.
c ) $he lights and shapes for vessels
of less than 26 !etres in length.
41) hat range shall the !astlights be visible at1 for vessels between 12 and 26! in length "
a ) 1 + 2 nautical !iles. b ) 2 nautical !iles.
c ) % nautical !iles.
42) hat range shall the sidelights be visible at for vessels !ore than ,6 !etres in length "
a ) % nautical !iles.
b ) , nautical !iles. c ) Between % and , nautical !iles.
4%) hat range shall the sternlight be visible at1 for vessels less than l2 !etres in length "
a ) % nautical !iles. b ) 1., nautical !iles.
c ) 2 nautical !iles.
4() hat range shall the sternlight be visible at1 for vessels of ,6 !etres or !ore in length "
a ) % nautical !iles.
b ) ( nautical !iles. c ) 2 nautical !iles.
4,) hat range shall the towing light be visible at1 for vessels of 12+,6 !etres in length "
a ) % nautical !iles.
b ) 2 nautical !iles.
c ) , nautical !iles.
43) hat range shall the white1red1 green or yellow all round light be visible at1 for vessels less than 12
!etres in length "
a ) 1 nautical !ile. b ) <ess than 1 nautical !ile.
c ) 2 nautical !iles.
44) hat shall a vessel of less than 12 !etres in length do1 in conditions of restricted visibility1 when she
cannot give the signals prescribed by the rules "
a ) #he shall give a sound signal
on the whistle consisting of , short
blasts at intervals of one !inute.
b ) #he shall !ake so!e other
efficient sound signal at intervals
of not !ore than 2 !inutes.
c ) #he shall give rapid strokes
on the gong at intervals of not
!ore than one !inute.
45) hat shape shall a vessel proceeding under sail e2hibit1 when also being propelled by !achinery "
a ) A conical shape forward1 ape2
downward1 where it can best be seen.
b ) A dia!ond where it
can best be seen.
c ) 2 black cones with the
ape2es together.
47) hat shape shall an inconspicuous1 partly sub!erged obBect or vessel e2hibit by day when being towed
and the length of the tow is less than 266 !etres "
a ) A cone ape2 downwards at
the forward end.
b ) A dia!ond at or near the after end of the
last vessel or obBect being towed.
c ) 2 black cones1
ape2es together.
56) hat shapes shall a vessel aground e2hibit "
a ) $he shapes of a vessel at anchor and
% balls in a vertical line.
b ) $he shapes of a vessel at anchor and
2 balls in a vertical line.
c ) 2 balls in a
vertical line.
51) hat shapes shall a vessel engaged in !ineclearance operations e2hibit "
a ) $he shapes of a
vessel not under
b ) % balls and in case the vessel is at
anchor1 % balls and the shape prescribed for
anchored vessels.
c ) $he shapes of a power+
driven vessel underway and %
52) hat shapes shall a vessel engaged in trawling e2hibit "
a ) A shape consisting of 2 cones with their ape2es
b ) A dia!od
c ) 2 black balls in a vertical
5%) hat shapes shall a vessel restricted in her ability to !anoeuvre e2hibit "
a ) 2 black balls in a
vertical line.
b ) A black
c ) % shapes in a vertical line1 the highest and the lowest
being a ball and the !iddle one a dia!ond.
5() hat signal shall a vessel give1 when approaching a bend or obstruction that !ay obscure another vessel
and hearing a prolonged blast "
a ) 'ne short blast "0 a! altering !y
course to starboard".
b ) 'ne prolonged blast followed by
one short blast.
c ) 'ne prolonged
5,) hat significance shall light signal "% flashes" have1 if associated with the sound signal "
a ) 0 a! operating astern
b ) 0 a! !anoeuvring astern
c ) 0 have !y engines
53) hat significance shall the light signal"one flash " have1 if associated with the sound signal "
a ) 0 a! altering !y course to
b ) 0 have stopped !y
c ) 0 a! !anoeuvring with difficulty
to port.
54) hat sound signal shall a power+driven vessel give1 when !aking way through the water in conditions
of restricted visibility "
a ) , short
warning blasts.
b ) 'ne prolonged blast followed by one short
blast at an interval of one !inute.
c ) 'ne prolonged blast at intervals
of not !ore than 2 !inutes.
55) hat sound signals shall a co!posite unit1 pushing vessel+vessel being pushed ahead give1 when
stopped and not !aking way through the water1 in conditions of restricted visibility "
a ) 'ne prolonged blast at
intervals of 2 !inutes.
b ) 'ne prolonged blast preceded and
followed by one short blast at intervals of 2
c ) 2 prolonged blasts at
intervals of not !ore than 2
57) hat sound signals shall a fishing vessel underway give1 in conditions of restricted visibility "
a ) ( short G warning )
blasts at intervals of 2
b ) 'ne prolonged blast followed by 2
short blasts at intervals of not !ore than 2
c ) 'ne prolonged blast followed
by % short blasts at intervals of one
76) hat sound signals shall a pilot vessel give1 when stopped and not !aking way through the water1
engaged on pilotage duty in conditions of restricted visibility "
a ) ( short blasts on the
whistle at intervals of one
b ) $he blasts of stopped vessel not !aking
way through the water and in addition ( short
identity blasts.
c ) 2 prolonged blasts at
intervals of one !inute.
71) hat sound signals shall a vessel at anchor give1 of 166 !etres or !ore in lenght1 in conditions of
restricted visibility "
a ) -apid blasts on the bell in
the forepart and one prolonged
blast on the whistle at intervals
of one !inute.
b ) -apid blasts on the bell in the
forepart and i!!ediately the gong shall be
sounded in the after part for about ,
secondat intervals of not !ore than one
c ) % distinct strokes on the
bell in the forepart and %
strokes on the gong in the after
part at intervals of one !inute.
72) hat sound signals shall a vessel give when in sight of another and failing to understand the intentions
of another1 or when in doubt whether sufficient action is being taken by the other to avoid collision "
a ) At least , short and rapid
blasts on the whistle.
b ) 'ne prolonged blast and ,
short blasts.
c ) 2 prolonged blasts followed
by short blasts.
7%) hat sound signals shall vessels constrained by their draught give1 in conditions of restricted visibility "
a ) 'ne prolonged blast followed by 2
short blasts at intervals of not !ore than 2
b ) 'ne prolonged blast preceded and
followed by one short blast at intervals of
one !inute.
c ) , short blasts at
intervals of 2 !inutes.
7() hat vessel !ay be considered as "vessel restricted in her ability to !anoeuvre" "
a ) A vessel engaged in an
abandon+ship drill.
b ) A vessel engaged in the
launching or recovery of aircraft.
c ) A deep draught vessel sailing
in narrow channels.
7,) hat vessel !ay be considered as "vessel restricted in her ability to !anoeuvre" "
a ) A vessel engaged in fishing
which is going to recover her
b ) A
c ) A vessel engaged in dredging1 hydrographic
surveying and oceanographic operations or underwater
73) hen in sight of one another in a narrow channel or fairwey1 what signal shall the vessel intending to
overtake another on port side produce "
a ) 2 short
b ) 2 prolonged blasts followed by 2
short blasts.
c ) 2 short blasts preceded and followed by one
prolonged blast.
74) hen is a vessel1 the !aster or the owner e2onerated fro! the conse>uences of any neglect or the
neglect of any precaution which !ay be re>uired by the ordinary practice of sea!an "
a ) $he co!pliance with
;'<-/= rules e2onerates
the vessel1 !aster or owner
fro! any responsability.
b ) $he closest possible
co!pliance with the rule
"privileged vessel" e2onerates
the vessel1 !aster or owner fro!
any responsability.
c ) $he rules shall not e2onerate the
vessel1 !aster or owner fro! the
conse>uences of any neglect to co!ply with
these rules or of the neglect of any precaution
which !ay be re>uired by the ordinary
practice of sea!an.
75) hen shall a stand+on vessel take action to avoid collision by her !anoeuvre alone "
a ) $he vessel shall not keep out
of the way of another vessel1 no
!atter the circu!stances.
b ) As soon as it beco!e apparent to her
that the vessel re>uired to keep out of the way
is not taking appropriate action in co!pliance
with the rules.
c ) hen after taking
the bearing1 she realiAed
that the risk of collision
77) hen shall it be dee!ed that a risk of collision e2ists1 when an appreciable bearing change is evident "
a ) hen approaching a very large vessel
or a tow or when approaching a vessel at close
b ) hen a vessel
approaching fro! abea!1 at
high speed.
c ) hen approaching a
vessel at low speed1 fro!
166) hen shall sound signals be given1 in conditions of restricted visibility "
a ) 'nly by day in conditions of
restricted visibility.
b ) By night on foggy
c ) By day and by night in conditions of
restricted visibility.
161) hen shall the rules concerning lights be co!plied with "
a ) By night. b ) By night and in restricted visibility.
c ) Dro! sunset to sunrise.
162) here shall the lights or shapes of the vessels constrained by their draught be e2hibited "
a ) here they can best be seen.
b ) At the stern !asthead. c ) At the fore !asthead.
16%) here shall the shape of a vessel being towed be placed when the length of the tow e2ceeds 266 !etres
a ) At the fore!ast head. b ) At the after!ast head.
c ) here it can best be seen.
16() here shall the shapes of a vessel not under co!!and be placed "
a ) Dorward.
b ) here they can best be seen.
c ) At the aft!asthead.
16,) hich are the additional lights a sailing vessel underway !ay e2hibit "
a ) An all+round green
light at the top of the !ast.
b ) An all+round red
light at the top of the
c ) 2 all+round lights in a vertical line1 the upper
being red and the lower green at the top of the !ast.
163) hich are the factors taken into accont in deter!ining the "safe speed" additionally1 by vessels with
operational radar "
a ) $he !ini!al passing
distance1 the use of a proper
range scale1 the eli!ination of
b ) $he characteristics1 efficiency1 constraints
i!posed by the radar range scale in use1 the effect of
the sea state1 the nu!ber1 location and !ove!ent of
c ) $he sa!e
factors as when the
radar is not in use.
164) hich are the vessels e2e!pted fro! co!plying with provisions at the rule regarding navigation in
traffic separation sche!es "
a ) Vessels restricted in their ability to !anoeuvre when
engaged in an operation for the !aintenance of safety of navigation
in the traffic separation sche!e is e2e!pted fro! co!plying with
this rule.
b ) Vessels with
da!ages to the
!ain engine.
c ) Vessels with
da!ages to the
steering gear.
165) hich dayshape is prescribed for a vessel constrained by her draft"
a ) A black dia!ond
b ) A cylinder
c ) A black ball
167) hich is the action by given+way vessel "
a ) $he vessel shall so
far as possible take early and
substantial action to keep
well clear.
b ) $he vessel shall take early
action with s!all alterations of
course not to deviate too !uch
fro! her course.
c ) hen the vessels are in close
pro2i!ity1 the give+way vessel shall take
substantial action by alterations of course
and speed to co!pletly avoid the risk.
116) hich is the alar! signal in radiotelephony "
a ) A 2+tone bitonal
b ) A continuous tone c ) A signal consisting of short continuous
signal. signal. tones.
111) hich is the sound signal to indicate the !anoeuvre "0 a! altering !y course to starboard" "
a ) 'ne short
b ) 'ne prolonged blast followed by one
short blast.
c ) 2 prolonged blast followed by one
short blast.
112) hich state!ent is $-./ concerning light signals"
a ) $he ti!e between flashes
shall be about five seconds
b ) $he light signals are to be
used when not using sound
c ) $he ti!e between successive
signals shall be not less than ten seconds.
11%) hich state!entGs) is Gare) $-./ concerning light signals"
a ) $he ti!e between flashes
shall be about five seconds
b ) $he ti!e between successive
signals shall be not less than ten seconds
c ) $he light signal are to be
used when not using sound signal
11() hich vessel !ay &'$ e2hibit two red lights in a vertical line"
a ) A vessel constrained by her
b ) A trawler fishing in close pro2i!ity to other
c ) A vessel
11,) hich vessel9s way shall a power+driven vessel underway keep out of "
a ) A vessel not under
b ) All oil+tankers and tankers carrying
li>uefied gases.
c ) :ower+driven vessels1 with
high speed.
113) hich vessel9s way shall a sailing vessel underway keep out of "
a ) :ower+driven vessels with
low speed.
b ) Vessels not under
c ) 'il+tankers or tankers carrying
li>uefied gases.
114) hich vessel9s way shall a sailing vessel underway keep out of "
a ) Vessels engaged in
b ) $rawlers underway to the fishing
c ) Dish+carriers1
115) hich vessels shall1 if the circu!stances of the case ad!it1 avoid i!peding the safe passage of a vessel
constrained by her draught "
a ) Vessels restricted in their ability to
b ) Vessels not under
c ) :ower+driven vessels
117) Eellow lights are &'$ shown by _____________.
a ) towing vessels pushing ahead
b ) air cushion vessels in a nondisplace!ent
c ) purse seiners
126) Eou are on a vessel that cannot co!ply with the spacing re>uire!ent for !asthead lights. hat is
re>uired in this situation"
a ) $he vessel !ust carry only the
lights that co!ply with the rulesH the
others !ay be o!itted.
b ) $he vessel?s lights !ust
co!ply as closely as possible1 as
deter!ined by her govern!ent.
c ) $he vessel !ust be
altered to per!it full
co!pliance with the rules.


VA-0A&$A 6
1) 9hat does the word "sidelight" !ean "
a ) A green light on the starboard side and a red light on the port side
each showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horiAon of 112.,
degrees and so fi2ed as to show the light fro! right ahead to 22., degrees
abaft the bea! on its respective side
b ) $he white
sidelights fro! the
c ) $he
white light
fro! the
2) A 26+!eter power+driven vessel pushing ahead or towing alongside will display _____________.
a ) a single white light
b ) two !asthead lights in a vertical
c ) two towing lights in a vertical
%) A 26+!eter power+driven vessel pushing ahead or towing alongside will display _____________.
a ) two towing lights in a
vertical line
b ) a towing light above the
c ) two !asthead lights in a
vertical line
() A light used to signal passing intentions !ust be an ______________
a ) all+round yellow light only
b ) all+round white light only
c ) all+round blue light only
,) A light used to signal passing intentions !ust be an ________________
a ) all+round white or yellow light b ) all+round yellow light only
c ) all+round white light only
3) A partially sub!erged obBect towed by a vessel !ust show during the day one _____________.
a ) dia!ond shape when the length of the
tow is 266 !eters or less
b ) dia!ond shape when the length of the tow
e2ceeds 266 !eters in length
c ) black
4) A power+driven vessel pushing ahead or towing alongside displays navigation lights and
a ) two all+round red lights in a
vertical line
b ) two yellow towing lights in a
vertical line
c ) two white !asthead lights in a
vertical line
5) A power+driven vessel pushing ahead or towing alongside will show sidelights1 a sternlight1 and
a ) an all+round red light where it
can best be seen
b ) two yellow !asthead lights in
a vertical line
c ) two !asthead lights in a
vertical line
7) A single vessel being towed alongside shall e2hibit ________________
a ) one all+round white
b ) sidelights1 stern light and a special flashing
c ) sidelights and a stern
16) A single vessel being towed alongside shall show ________________
a ) one all+round white
b ) sidelights and a stern
c ) only the outboard sidelight and a stern
11) A towing light is _____________.
a ) shown below the
b ) white in
c ) a yellow light having the sa!e characteristics as the
stern light
12) A towing light is __________________.
a ) shown at the bow b ) white in color
c ) shown in addition to the sternlight
1%) A towing light _____________.
a ) flashes at regular intervals of
,6+46 flashes per !inute
b ) is
yellow in color
c ) shows an unbroken light over an arc of the horiAon
of not less than 156 grd nor !ore than 22, grd
1() A vessel constrained by her draft !ay display _____________.
a ) three all+round red lights
b ) two 22, grd red lights c ) three all+round blue lights
1,) A vessel constrained by her draft !ay display________________.
a ) three all+round red lights instead
of the lights re>uired for a power+
driven vessel of her class
b ) the sa!e lights as a
vessel restricted in her ability
to !aneuver
c ) three all+round red lights in
addition to the lights re>uired for a
power+driven vessel of her class
13) A vessel displaying three red lights in a vertical line is _________________
a ) restricted in her ability to !aneuver b ) not under co!!and
c ) constrained by her draft
14) A vessel displaying three red lights in a vertical line is _________________.
a ) not under co!!and b ) aground
c ) constrained by her draft
15) A vessel not under co!!and sounds the sa!e fog signal as a vessel___________.
a ) towing b ) constrained by her draft
c ) All of the above
17) A vessel which detects by radar alone the presence of another vessel shall deter!ine if a close+>uarters
situation is developing and@or risk of collision e2ists. 0f so1 she shall take avoiding action in a!ple ti!eH
however1 if such action consists of
a ) An alteration of course to
starboard for a vessel forward of the
bea!1 other than for a vessel being
b ) An alteration of course to port
for a vessel forward of the bea!1 other
than for a vessel being overtaken.
c ) An 156 degrees
alteration Greciprocal) to
avoid risk of collision.
26) At night1 a power+driven vessel less than 4 !eters in length1 with a !a2i!u! speed which does not
e2ceed 4 knots1 !ay show when underway _____________1
a ) sidelights co!bined in a single
b ) an all+round flashing yellow
c ) one all+round white
21) At night1 a power+driven vessel less than 4 !eters in length1 with a !a2i!u! speed which does not
e2ceed 4 knots1 C.#$ show when underway at least _____________.
a ) one white %36
b ) a white light on the near approach of another
c ) sidelights and a
22) At night1 a power+driven vessel underway of less than 4 !eters in length where its !a2i!u! speed does
not e2ceed 4 knots !ay show1 as a !ini!u!1 ______________.
a ) sidelights and a
b ) the lights re>uired for a vessel !ore than 4
!eters in length
c ) one all+round white
2%) /2cept where it has been deter!ined that a risk of collision does not e2ist1 point out how a vessel shall
conduct1 which hears apparently forward of her bea! the fog signal of another vessel1 or which cannot avoid
a close+>uarters situation with anot
a ) #he shall reduce her speed to the
!ini!u! at which she can be kept on her
course. #he shall1 if necessary1 take all her
way off and in any event navigate with
b ) #he shall keep at the
sa!e speed1 but with the
engine on stand+by for
!anoeuvre in order to avoid
risk of collision
c ) #he shall navigate at
econo!ic speed and proper
look+out1 radar working and the
engines on stand+by ready for
e2tre!e caution untill danger of collision is
2() 8ow do ;'<-/= rules interfere with the special rules for roadsteads1 harbours1 rivers1 lakes or inland
waterways navigable by seagoing vessels "
a ) &othing in ;'<-/= rules shall interfere with
the operation of special rules1 !ade by an appropriate
authority1 but such special rules shall confor! as
closely as possible to ;'<-/= rules.
b ) $he appropriate
authority is not obliged to
take into account ;'<-/=
c ) $he ;'<-/= rules
shall apply in all
2,) 8ow shall 2 power+driven vessels !anoeuvre1 when navigating on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal
courses1 so as to involve risk of collision "
a ) /ach shall alter
courses to port in order to
pass at a safe distance.
b ) $hey shall give the regular signals1
alter course to starboard or port1 according
to the circu!stances.
c ) /ach shall alter her course to
starboard so that each shall pass on
the port side of the other.
23) 8ow shall 2 sailing vessels !anoeuvre when they are approaching one another1 so as to involve risk of
collision and each has the wind on a different side "
a ) $he vessel which has the
wind on the port side shall keep out
of the way of the other.
b ) $he vessel which has the wind
on the starboard side shall keep out of
the way of the other.
c ) $he vessel which has the
wind fro! astern shall keep out
of the way of the other.
24) 8ow shall a proper look+out be !aintained aboard "
a ) /very vessel shall at all ti!es !aintain a
proper look+out by sight and hearing as well as by
all available !eans appropriate in the prevailing
circu!stances and conditions so as to !ake a full
appraisal of the situation and of risk of collision.
b ) /very vessel shall
at all ti!es !aintain a
look+out by sight to
avoid any dangerous
c ) hen the visibility is
restricted1 a proper look+out
shall be !aintained in order to
!ake a full appraisal of any
risk of collision.
25) 8ow shall the alternations of course and@or speed be !ade to avoid collision "
a ) #!all alterations of
course and@or speed not to
deviate too !uch fro!
vessel9s course.
b ) <arge enough alterations of
speed and s!all alterations of
course1 not to deviate too !uch
fro! vessel9s course.
c ) 0f the circu!stances ad!it1 they
shall be large enough to be readily
apparent to anoter vessel observing
visually or by radar.
27) 8ow shall vessels not using a traffic separation sche!e navigate "
a ) $hey shall use the
inshore traffic Aones.
b ) $hey shall avoid it by as
wide a !argin as is practicable.
c ) $hey shall navigate in the pro2i!ity of1
but shall not cross the separation line.
%6) 0f a vessel displays theree all+round red lights in a vertical line at night1 during the day she !ay
a ) three balls in a vertical line
b ) a cylinder
c ) two dia!onds in a vertical line
%1) 0f at night a vessel displays three all+round red lights in a vertical line1 during the day she !ay show
a ) two cones1base to base b ) three black balls in a vertical line
c ) a cylinder
%2) 0f you sighted three red lights in a vertical line on another vessel at night1it would be a vessel
a ) aground
b ) constrained by her draft
c ) dredging
%%) 0n addition to her running lights1 an underway vessel constrained by her draft !ay carry in a vertical
a ) a red light1 a white light1 and a red light b ) two red lights
c ) three red lights
%() $he light which !ay be used with a vessel?s whistle !ust be _____________.
a ) used when the whistle is broken
b ) a white light
c ) used only at night
%,) $o indicate that a vessel is constrained by her draft1 a vessel !ay display1 in a vertical
a ) three %36grd. red lights
b ) two 22,grd. red lights c ) three %36grd. blue lights
%3) $o which vessels do the rules of conduct of vessels in restricted visibility apply to "
a ) Vessels navigating in areas of
restricted visibility when only one
of the! is not in sight of one
b ) Vessels not in sight of
one another when navigating in
or near areas of restricted
c ) Vessels navigating in or near
areas of restricted visibility when they
sight only the !asthead lights of one
%4) hat additional lights shall vessels engaged in fishing with purse seine gear e2hibit1 when engaged in
fishing in close pro2i!ity to other vessels "
a ) A yellow light flashing
alternately white e>ual light and
occultation duration.
b ) An all+
round white
c ) 2 yellow lights in a vertical line flashing
alternately every second and with e>ual light and
occultation. duration.
%5) hat characteristic !ust a light a light used to indicate passing intentions have"
a ) 0t !ust be an alternating red and
yellow light
b ) 0t !ust be an all+round
white light
c ) 0t !ust be an all+round
yellow light
%7) hat characteristic !ust a light have if used to signal passing intentions"
a ) 0t !ust be an all+round
white light
b ) 0t !ust be an alternating blue and
white light
c ) 0t !ust be an all+round white or
yellow light
(6) hat dayshape is prescribed for a vessel constrained by her draft"
a ) A black cone1 ape2 upward b ) A black cone1 ape2 downward
c ) A cylinder
(1) hat do the shapes and lights of vessels engaged in !ineclearance operations indicate "
a ) $hat it is dangerous for
another vessel to approach within
1666 !etres of the !ineclearance
b ) $hat it is dangerous for
another vessel to approach within
,66 !etres of the !ineclearance
c ) $hat another vessel shall
navigate with precaution keeping
!ore than 2 nautical !iles distance
fro! the vessel.
(2) hat does the ter! "power+driven vessel" !ean "
a ) $he ter! "power+driven vessel"
!eans any vessel propelled by
b ) Vessels using a Iiesel
engine as a !eans of
c ) All vessels capable of
navigating on water1 e2cept for
sailing vessels.
(%) hat does the ter! "short blast" !ean "
a ) A blast of fro! 2 to %
seconds9 duration.
b ) A blast of a short1 less than 1 second9s duration1
produced by a power+driven vessel underway.
c ) A blast of about 1
second9s duration.
(() hat does the ter! "towing light" !ean "
a ) A white light placed
above the sternlight used
as a steering guide1 while
b ) A yellow light
showing an unbroken
light over an arc of the
c ) A yellow light placed as nearly as practicable
at the stern showing an unbroken light over an arc of
the horiAon of 1%, degrees and so fi2ed as to show the
towing. horiAon of %36 degrees.
light 34., degrees fro! right aft on each side of the
(,) hat does the ter! "vessel not under co!!and" !ean "
a ) Any vessel having
serious da!ages to the
steering gear and@or the
!ain engine.
b ) Any vessel which through so!e
e2ceptioal circu!stance is unable to !anoeuvre
as re>uired by the rules and is therefore unable to
keep out of the way of another vessel.
c ) Any da!aged vessel
which is unable to !anoeuvre
and to keep out of the way of
another vessel.
(3) hat does the ter! "vessel underway" !ean "
a ) Any vessel which is not
!ade fast to the shore.
b ) Any vessel at sea having the
propeller syste! working.
c ) Any vessel which not at anchor or
!ade fast to the shore1 or aground.
(4) hat does the ter! "vessel9s breadth" !ean "
a ) Vessel9s greatest
b ) Vessel9s breadth
c ) $he !ean breadth of the vessel !easured at the
bow1 stern and !idship.
(5) hat does the ter! 9vessel engaged in fishing" !ean "
a ) Any vessel fishing with trolling lines
or other fishing apparatus which do not
restrict !anoeuvrability.
b ) All vessels
built and e>uipped
for fishing.
c ) Any vessel fishing with nets1 lines1
trawls or other fishing apparatus which
restrict !anoeuvrability.
(7) hat e>uip!ent for sound signals shall a vessel of 166 !etres or !ore in length be provided with"
a ) A whistle1 a bell and a
gong at the stern.
b ) A whistle in the fore part and a
gong at the stern.
c ) A bell in the fore part and a
gong at the stern.
,6) hat e>uip!ent for sound signals shall a vessel of less than 12 !etres in length carry "
a ) Vessels of less than 12
!etres in length shall not be
obliged to carry sound
signalling appliances.
b ) Vessels of less than
12 !etres in length shall
carry a whistle and a bell
in the fore part.
c ) Vessels of less than 12 !etres in length
shall not be obliged to carry the prescribed sound
signalling appliances1 but they shall be provided
with so!e other !eans of !aking an efficie!ent
sound signal.
,1) hat is the length of a vessel at anchor which !ust use the available working or e>uivalent lights to
illu!inate her decks "
a ) 4, !etres. b ) ,6 !etres.
c ) 166 !etres and !ore.
,2) hat is the reason for proceeding at a "safe speed" "
a ) A vessel shall proceed at a safe speed so
that she can take proper and effective action to
avoid collision and be stopped within a distance
appropriate to the prevailing circu!stances and
b ) A vessel shall proceed at
a safe speed so that she can in
all circu!stances avoid any
c ) A vessel shall
proceed at a safe speed
to avoid a close >uarters
situation between ships.
,%) hat lights and shapes shall a fishing vessel e2hibit1 when not engaged in fishing "
a ) $he lights and shapes
prescribed for a vessel of her
b ) $he lights of a vessel engaged in
fishing and !aking way through the
c ) $he lights of a vessel
restricted in her ability to
,() hat lights and shapes shall a pilot vessel e2hibit when not engaged on pilotage duty "
a ) $he lights and shapes
prescribed for a pilot vessel.
b ) $he lights or shapes
c ) $he lights and shapes for vessels
restricted in their ability to !anoeuvre.
prescribed for a si!ilar vessel of her
,,) hat lights are re>uired for a single barge being towed alongside"
a ) #idelights and a
stern light
b ) #idelights1 a special flashing light1 and
a stern light
c ) #idelights and a special
flashing light
,3) hat lights shall a power+driven vessel of less than ,6 !etres in length e2hibit1 when towing and the
length of the tow e2ceeds 266 !etres "
a ) % !asthead lights in a
vertical line and a towing
b ) % !asthead lights in a
vertical line1 sidelights and a
c ) % !asthead lights in a vertical
line1 sidelights1 a sternlight and a towing
,4) hat lights shall a power+driven vessel of !ore than ,6 !etres in length e2hibit1 when towing and the
length of the tow e2ceeds 266 !etres "
a ) % !asthead lights in a
vertical line1 sidelights and a
b ) 0nstead of the lights forward aft or aft1
% !asthead lights in a vertical line1 sidelights1 a
sternlight1 a towing light.
c ) % !asthead lights in a
vertical line1 sidelights and a
towing light.
,5) hat lights shall a power+driven vessel underway1 of ,6 !etres or !ore in length1 e2hibit "
a ) A !asthead light1
sidelight and a
b ) A !asthead light forward1 a second !asthead
light abaft of and higher than the forward one1
sidelights and a sternlight.
c ) #idelights1 a sternlight
and two white !asthead
,7) hat lights shall a pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed ahead e2hibit1 when they are rigidly
connected in a co!posite unit "
a ) $he lights of a tugboat with
the length of the tow less than 266
b ) /very vessel shall e2hibit herwn
lights prescribed for the power+driven
vessel underway.
c ) $he lights of a single
power+driven vessel1
36) hat lights shall a sailing vessel underway e2hibit1 when her length is less than 26 !etres "
a ) #idelights and a sternlight co!bined in one
b )
c ) A white light to be e2hibited if
31) hat lights shall a vessel engaged in dredging or underwater operations e2hibit1 when restricted in her
ability to !anoeuvre "
a ) 2 all+round red lights in a vertical line
to indicate the side on which the obstruction
e2ists1 2 all+round green lights in a vertical line
to indicate the side on which another vessel
!ay pass and the lights of a vessel restricted in
her ability to
b ) $he lights
of a vessel not
c ) 2 all+round red lights in a vertical line
to indicate the side on which an obstruction
e2ists1 2 red lights in a vertical line to
indicate the side on which another vessel
!ay pass and the lights of a power+driven
vessel underway.
32) hat lights shall a vessel engaged in dredging or underwater operations e2hibit1 when restricted in her
ability to !anoeuvre and at anchor "
a ) $he lights of a
power+driven vessel
at anchor.
b ) A red light indicating the side on
which an obstruction e2ists and the
lights for a vessel at anchor.
c ) 0nstead of the lights of a vessel at
anchor1 the lights of a vessel restricted in her
ability to !anoeuvre engaged in dredging
3%) hat lights shall a vessel engaged in fishing other than trawling e2hibit1 when there is outlying gear
e2tending !ore than 1,6 !etres horiAontally and is not !aking way through the water "
a ) 2 all+round lights in a vertical line1 the
upper being white and the lower red1 an
all+round red light in the direction of the
b ) 2 lights in a vertical line1 the
upper being red and the lower white1 an
all+round white light in the direction of
the gear.
c ) An all+round
white light in the
direction of the gear.
3() hat lights shall a vessel engaged in trawling e2hibit1 when not underway "
a ) An all+round green
light and a !asthead
light placed higher.
b ) 2 all+round lights in a vertical line1 the
upper being green and the lower white1 a
!asthead light placed abaft of and higher than
the all+round light.
c ) 2 all+round lights in a
vertical line1 the upper being
white and the lower green and a
3,) hat lights shall a vessel engaged on pilotage duty e2hibit1 when she is not underway "
a ) 2 all+round lights in a vertical line1
the upper being red and the lower white.
b ) An all+round white
alternating light.
c ) 2 all+round lights in a vertical
line1 the upper being white and the lower
33) hat lights shall a vessel not under co!!and e2hibit1 when not !aking way through the water "
a ) #idelights and 2 red lights in a
vertical line.
b ) 2 all+round red lights in a
vertical line.
c ) $he red lights and a
34) hat lights shall a vessel restricted in her ability to !anoeuvre e2hibit1 when not !aking way through
the water "
a ) % lights in a vertical line1 the highest
and the lowest being red and the !iddle one
b ) % white lights
in a vertical line.
c ) % lights in a vertical line1 the highest
and the lowest being white and the !iddle
one red.
35) hat lights shall an inconspicuous1 partly sub!erged vessel or obBect !ore than 2, !etres in breadth1
e2hibit "
a ) ( all+round white lights at the after
end1 forward end and on each side at the
e2tre!ities of her breadth.
b ) An all+round white light at the
forward end and another all+round
white light at the after end.
c ) =reen and red
sidelights at the e2tre!ities
of her breadth.
37) hat lights shall the obBects or vessels being towed e2hibit1 other than inconspicuous vessels or
obBects "
a ) Casthead lights and a sternlight.
b ) #idelights and a
c ) $owing lights and a sternlight.
46) hat ligths and shapes shall a seaplane e2hibit1 when alighted on the sea "
a ) $he lights and shapes
prescribed by the rules.
b ) $he lights and shapes
necessary for identification.
c ) $he lights and shapes for vessels
of less than 26 !etres in length.
41) hat range shall the !astlights be visible at1 for vessels between 12 and 26! in length "
a ) 1 + 2 nautical !iles. b ) 2 nautical !iles.
c ) % nautical !iles.
42) hat range shall the sidelights be visible at for vessels !ore than ,6 !etres in length "
a ) % nautical !iles.
b ) , nautical !iles. c ) Between % and , nautical !iles.
4%) hat range shall the sternlight be visible at1 for vessels less than l2 !etres in length "
a ) % nautical !iles. b ) 1., nautical !iles.
c ) 2 nautical !iles.
4() hat range shall the sternlight be visible at1 for vessels of ,6 !etres or !ore in length "
a ) % nautical !iles.
b ) ( nautical !iles. c ) 2 nautical !iles.
4,) hat range shall the towing light be visible at1 for vessels of 12+,6 !etres in length "
a ) % nautical !iles.
b ) 2 nautical !iles.
c ) , nautical !iles.
43) hat range shall the white1red1 green or yellow all round light be visible at1 for vessels less than 12
!etres in length "
a ) 1 nautical !ile. b ) <ess than 1 nautical !ile.
c ) 2 nautical !iles.
44) hat shall a vessel of less than 12 !etres in length do1 in conditions of restricted visibility1 when she
cannot give the signals prescribed by the rules "
a ) #he shall give a sound signal
on the whistle consisting of , short
blasts at intervals of one !inute.
b ) #he shall !ake so!e other
efficient sound signal at intervals
of not !ore than 2 !inutes.
c ) #he shall give rapid strokes
on the gong at intervals of not
!ore than one !inute.
45) hat shape shall a vessel proceeding under sail e2hibit1 when also being propelled by !achinery "
a ) A conical shape forward1 ape2
downward1 where it can best be seen.
b ) A dia!ond where it
can best be seen.
c ) 2 black cones with the
ape2es together.
47) hat shape shall an inconspicuous1 partly sub!erged obBect or vessel e2hibit by day when being towed
and the length of the tow is less than 266 !etres "
a ) A cone ape2 downwards at
the forward end.
b ) A dia!ond at or near the after end of the
last vessel or obBect being towed.
c ) 2 black cones1
ape2es together.
56) hat shapes shall a vessel aground e2hibit "
a ) $he shapes of a vessel at anchor and
% balls in a vertical line.
b ) $he shapes of a vessel at anchor and
2 balls in a vertical line.
c ) 2 balls in a
vertical line.
51) hat shapes shall a vessel engaged in !ineclearance operations e2hibit "
a ) $he shapes of a
vessel not under
b ) % balls and in case the vessel is at
anchor1 % balls and the shape prescribed for
anchored vessels.
c ) $he shapes of a power+
driven vessel underway and %
52) hat shapes shall a vessel engaged in trawling e2hibit "
a ) A shape consisting of 2 cones with their ape2es
b ) A dia!od
c ) 2 black balls in a vertical
5%) hat shapes shall a vessel restricted in her ability to !anoeuvre e2hibit "
a ) 2 black balls in a
vertical line.
b ) A black
c ) % shapes in a vertical line1 the highest and the lowest
being a ball and the !iddle one a dia!ond.
5() hat signal shall a vessel give1 when approaching a bend or obstruction that !ay obscure another vessel
and hearing a prolonged blast "
a ) 'ne short blast "0 a! altering !y
course to starboard".
b ) 'ne prolonged blast followed by
one short blast.
c ) 'ne prolonged
5,) hat significance shall light signal "% flashes" have1 if associated with the sound signal "
a ) 0 a! operating astern
b ) 0 a! !anoeuvring astern
c ) 0 have !y engines
53) hat significance shall the light signal"one flash " have1 if associated with the sound signal "
a ) 0 a! altering !y course to
b ) 0 have stopped !y c ) 0 a! !anoeuvring with difficulty
starboard. engines. to port.
54) hat sound signal shall a power+driven vessel give1 when !aking way through the water in conditions
of restricted visibility "
a ) , short
warning blasts.
b ) 'ne prolonged blast followed by one short
blast at an interval of one !inute.
c ) 'ne prolonged blast at intervals
of not !ore than 2 !inutes.
55) hat sound signals shall a co!posite unit1 pushing vessel+vessel being pushed ahead give1 when
stopped and not !aking way through the water1 in conditions of restricted visibility "
a ) 'ne prolonged blast at
intervals of 2 !inutes.
b ) 'ne prolonged blast preceded and
followed by one short blast at intervals of 2
c ) 2 prolonged blasts at
intervals of not !ore than 2
57) hat sound signals shall a fishing vessel underway give1 in conditions of restricted visibility "
a ) ( short G warning )
blasts at intervals of 2
b ) 'ne prolonged blast followed by 2
short blasts at intervals of not !ore than 2
c ) 'ne prolonged blast followed
by % short blasts at intervals of one
76) hat sound signals shall a pilot vessel give1 when stopped and not !aking way through the water1
engaged on pilotage duty in conditions of restricted visibility "
a ) ( short blasts on the
whistle at intervals of one
b ) $he blasts of stopped vessel not !aking
way through the water and in addition ( short
identity blasts.
c ) 2 prolonged blasts at
intervals of one !inute.
71) hat sound signals shall a vessel at anchor give1 of 166 !etres or !ore in lenght1 in conditions of
restricted visibility "
a ) -apid blasts on the bell in
the forepart and one prolonged
blast on the whistle at intervals
of one !inute.
b ) -apid blasts on the bell in the
forepart and i!!ediately the gong shall be
sounded in the after part for about ,
secondat intervals of not !ore than one
c ) % distinct strokes on the
bell in the forepart and %
strokes on the gong in the after
part at intervals of one !inute.
72) hat sound signals shall a vessel give when in sight of another and failing to understand the intentions
of another1 or when in doubt whether sufficient action is being taken by the other to avoid collision "
a ) At least , short and rapid
blasts on the whistle.
b ) 'ne prolonged blast and ,
short blasts.
c ) 2 prolonged blasts followed
by short blasts.
7%) hat sound signals shall vessels constrained by their draught give1 in conditions of restricted visibility "
a ) 'ne prolonged blast followed by 2
short blasts at intervals of not !ore than 2
b ) 'ne prolonged blast preceded and
followed by one short blast at intervals of
one !inute.
c ) , short blasts at
intervals of 2 !inutes.
7() hat vessel !ay be considered as "vessel restricted in her ability to !anoeuvre" "
a ) A vessel engaged in an
abandon+ship drill.
b ) A vessel engaged in the
launching or recovery of aircraft.
c ) A deep draught vessel sailing
in narrow channels.
7,) hat vessel !ay be considered as "vessel restricted in her ability to !anoeuvre" "
a ) A vessel engaged in fishing
which is going to recover her
b ) A
c ) A vessel engaged in dredging1 hydrographic
surveying and oceanographic operations or underwater
73) hen in sight of one another in a narrow channel or fairwey1 what signal shall the vessel intending to
overtake another on port side produce "
a ) 2 short
b ) 2 prolonged blasts followed by 2
short blasts.
c ) 2 short blasts preceded and followed by one
prolonged blast.
74) hen is a vessel1 the !aster or the owner e2onerated fro! the conse>uences of any neglect or the
neglect of any precaution which !ay be re>uired by the ordinary practice of sea!an "
a ) $he co!pliance with
;'<-/= rules e2onerates
the vessel1 !aster or owner
fro! any responsability.
b ) $he closest possible
co!pliance with the rule
"privileged vessel" e2onerates
the vessel1 !aster or owner fro!
any responsability.
c ) $he rules shall not e2onerate the
vessel1 !aster or owner fro! the
conse>uences of any neglect to co!ply with
these rules or of the neglect of any precaution
which !ay be re>uired by the ordinary
practice of sea!an.
75) hen shall a stand+on vessel take action to avoid collision by her !anoeuvre alone "
a ) $he vessel shall not keep out
of the way of another vessel1 no
!atter the circu!stances.
b ) As soon as it beco!e apparent to her
that the vessel re>uired to keep out of the way
is not taking appropriate action in co!pliance
with the rules.
c ) hen after taking
the bearing1 she realiAed
that the risk of collision
77) hen shall it be dee!ed that a risk of collision e2ists1 when an appreciable bearing change is evident "
a ) hen approaching a very large vessel
or a tow or when approaching a vessel at close
b ) hen a vessel
approaching fro! abea!1 at
high speed.
c ) hen approaching a
vessel at low speed1 fro!
166) hen shall sound signals be given1 in conditions of restricted visibility "
a ) 'nly by day in conditions of
restricted visibility.
b ) By night on foggy
c ) By day and by night in conditions of
restricted visibility.
161) hen shall the rules concerning lights be co!plied with "
a ) By night. b ) By night and in restricted visibility.
c ) Dro! sunset to sunrise.
162) here shall the lights or shapes of the vessels constrained by their draught be e2hibited "
a ) here they can best be seen.
b ) At the stern !asthead. c ) At the fore !asthead.
16%) here shall the shape of a vessel being towed be placed when the length of the tow e2ceeds 266 !etres
a ) At the fore!ast head. b ) At the after!ast head.
c ) here it can best be seen.
16() here shall the shapes of a vessel not under co!!and be placed "
a ) Dorward.
b ) here they can best be seen.
c ) At the aft!asthead.
16,) hich are the additional lights a sailing vessel underway !ay e2hibit "
a ) An all+round green
light at the top of the !ast.
b ) An all+round red
light at the top of the
c ) 2 all+round lights in a vertical line1 the upper
being red and the lower green at the top of the !ast.
163) hich are the factors taken into accont in deter!ining the "safe speed" additionally1 by vessels with
operational radar "
a ) $he !ini!al passing
distance1 the use of a proper
range scale1 the eli!ination of
b ) $he characteristics1 efficiency1 constraints
i!posed by the radar range scale in use1 the effect of
the sea state1 the nu!ber1 location and !ove!ent of
c ) $he sa!e
factors as when the
radar is not in use.
164) hich are the vessels e2e!pted fro! co!plying with provisions at the rule regarding navigation in
traffic separation sche!es "
a ) Vessels restricted in their ability to !anoeuvre when
engaged in an operation for the !aintenance of safety of navigation
in the traffic separation sche!e is e2e!pted fro! co!plying with
this rule.
b ) Vessels with
da!ages to the
!ain engine.
c ) Vessels with
da!ages to the
steering gear.
165) hich dayshape is prescribed for a vessel constrained by her draft"
a ) A black dia!ond
b ) A cylinder
c ) A black ball
167) hich is the action by given+way vessel "
a ) $he vessel shall so
far as possible take early and
substantial action to keep
well clear.
b ) $he vessel shall take early
action with s!all alterations of
course not to deviate too !uch
fro! her course.
c ) hen the vessels are in close
pro2i!ity1 the give+way vessel shall take
substantial action by alterations of course
and speed to co!pletly avoid the risk.
116) hich is the alar! signal in radiotelephony "
a ) A 2+tone bitonal
b ) A continuous tone
c ) A signal consisting of short continuous
111) hich is the sound signal to indicate the !anoeuvre "0 a! altering !y course to starboard" "
a ) 'ne short
b ) 'ne prolonged blast followed by one
short blast.
c ) 2 prolonged blast followed by one
short blast.
112) hich state!ent is $-./ concerning light signals"
a ) $he ti!e between flashes
shall be about five seconds
b ) $he light signals are to be
used when not using sound
c ) $he ti!e between successive
signals shall be not less than ten seconds.
11%) hich state!entGs) is Gare) $-./ concerning light signals"
a ) $he ti!e between flashes
shall be about five seconds
b ) $he ti!e between successive
signals shall be not less than ten seconds
c ) $he light signal are to be
used when not using sound signal
11() hich vessel !ay &'$ e2hibit two red lights in a vertical line"
a ) A vessel constrained by her
b ) A trawler fishing in close pro2i!ity to other
c ) A vessel
11,) hich vessel9s way shall a power+driven vessel underway keep out of "
a ) A vessel not under
b ) All oil+tankers and tankers carrying
li>uefied gases.
c ) :ower+driven vessels1 with
high speed.
113) hich vessel9s way shall a sailing vessel underway keep out of "
a ) :ower+driven vessels with
low speed.
b ) Vessels not under
c ) 'il+tankers or tankers carrying
li>uefied gases.
114) hich vessel9s way shall a sailing vessel underway keep out of "
a ) Vessels engaged in
b ) $rawlers underway to the fishing
c ) Dish+carriers1
115) hich vessels shall1 if the circu!stances of the case ad!it1 avoid i!peding the safe passage of a vessel
constrained by her draught "
a ) Vessels restricted in their ability to
b ) Vessels not under
c ) :ower+driven vessels
117) Eellow lights are &'$ shown by _____________.
a ) towing vessels pushing ahead
b ) air cushion vessels in a nondisplace!ent
c ) purse seiners
126) Eou are on a vessel that cannot co!ply with the spacing re>uire!ent for !asthead lights. hat is
re>uired in this situation"
a ) $he vessel !ust carry only the
lights that co!ply with the rulesH the
others !ay be o!itted.
b ) $he vessel?s lights !ust
co!ply as closely as possible1 as
deter!ined by her govern!ent.
c ) $he vessel !ust be
altered to per!it full
co!pliance with the rules.
121) A fishing vessel is showing a basket and a single cone ape2 upwards" 0n which direction do the nets
a ) Astern. b ) Ahead.
c ) Dro! the basket towards the cone.
122) A power driven vessel engaged in towing is displaying the re>uired lights on her after!ast. 8ow !uch
higher !ust the lowest after !asthead light be above the forward !asthead light"
a ) &ot less than ( !etres.
b ) &ot less than (., !etres.
c ) &ot less than 2 !etres.
12%) A power driven vessel observes the stern light of another power+driven vessel on a steady bearing and
reducing range on the port bow. hich vessel !ust give way"
a ) $he observing vessel
b ) $he observed vessel c ) &o risk of collision e2ists
12() A vessel is at anchor and displaying two anchor lights. hat is the !ini!u! vertical distance between
the forward anchor light and the after anchor light"
a ) At least 1., !etres.
b ) &ot less than (., !etres.
c ) &ot less than ( !etres.
12,) A vessel Boining the general direction of traffic flow in a traffic separation sche!e fro! either side
shall do so......
a ) at as s!all an angle as
b ) avoiding traffic using
the sche!e.
c ) !aking a course as nearly as practicable
at right angles.
123) A vessel not using the traffic separation sche!e shall......
a ) only use it to avoid
i!!ediate danger.
b ) if practicable only use the
inshore traffic Aone.
c ) not i!pede the passage of any vessel
following a traffic flow.
124) A vessel shall1 so far as is practicable1 avoid crossing traffic separation lanes. But if obliged to do so
shall cross the general direction of traffic flow .....
a ) at as s!all an angle as
b ) avoiding other traffic using
the sche!e.
c ) on a heading as nearly as
practicable at right angles.
125) A vessel using a traffic separation sche!e shall so far as practicable....
a ) keep to the starboard side
of the lane.
b ) avoid vessels crossing
the sche!e.
c ) keep clear of the traffic separation line
or separation Aone.
127) A vessel which can only safely navigate within a narrow channel or fairway shall not be i!peded
a ) sailing vessels1 fishing vessels1 or vessels of
less than 26 !etres.
b ) crossing
c ) sailing vessels or vessels of less
than 26 !etres.
1%6) A vessel9s sidelights should be positioned above the hull1 but according to the ;ollision -egulations
what is the !a2i!u! height they can be placed"
a ) 8alf the height of the
forward !asthead light
b ) $hree+>uarters the height of the
forward !asthead light
c ) Any height below the
forward !asthead light
1%1) At night you notice1 in addition to other lights1 two yellow lights in a vertical line which flash
alternately every second. hat does this indicate"
a ) A fishing vessel ha!pered
by her purse seine gear..
b ) A dredger showing the side on
which a vessel can pass.
c ) A towing vessel9s light seen
fro! abaft the bea!.
1%2) At night1 in addition to her sidelights1 what else !ust a sailing vessel show"
a ) A white light. b ) -ed over green !asthead lights.
c ) A stern light.
1%%) At night1 you are power+driven vessel 9A9 approaching power+driven vessel 9B9 as shown. 'ccasionally
you see both white !asthead lights and the green side light of vessel 9B9. hich of the following is true"
a ) Both are e>ually
responsible for keeping clear.
b ) $his is a case of special
circu!stances and 0 would contact 9B9.
c ) Vessel 9B9 !ust keep clear
of you G vessel 9A9 ).
1%() At range 2 !iles and steady bearing1 you sounded , short blastsJ it is apparent that the other vessel is
not taking appropriate action. hat should you do"
a ) Cake a substantial
reduction of speed.
b ) #ound one short blast and
alter to starboard.
c ) #ound five short and rapid blasts again
and stand on with caution..
1%,) At sea during the day1 you see a vessel displaying two black cones with their points together. hat
does this indicate"
a ) A vessel
engaged in fishing
b ) A vessel engaged in a towing operation which
is unable to deviate fro! her course
c ) A vessel of less than ,6
!etres in length at anchor
1%3) At sea you sight a tug displaying this signal. hat should you do"
a ) Keep well clear as she is
towing a dracone.
b ) Keep well clear as the tug is restricted
in her ability to !anoeuvre.
c ) =ive assistance as the
tug is in distress.
1%4) At what height above the hull should the forward anchor light be placed on a vessel of ,6 !etres or
!ore in length"
a ) 26 !etres. b ) , !etres.
c ) 3 !etres.
1%5) At what !ini!u! height above the hull should the !astlight on a power driven vessel of length 36
!etres and bea! 7 ! be carried"
a ) 26 !etres. b ) 3 !etres. c ) , !etres.
1%7) Ioes this signal indicate that the vessel is......
a ) at anchor.
b ) fishing. c ) underway and !aking way through the water.
1(6) Dor a power driven vessel less than %6 !etres in length and , !etres bea!1 at what height above the
hull should the !astlight be carried"
a ) &ot less than 3 !etres
b ) &ot less than 12 !etres c ) &ot less than 26 !etres
1(1) Dor a power driven vessel of 116 !etres in length and 26!etres bea!1 what is the !a2i!u! height
above the hull that the forward !asthead light can be carried"
a ) , !etres b ) 3 !etres
c ) 12 !etres
1(2) Dor which types of vessel should a fishing vessel not i!pede the passage in a narrow channel or
a ) Vessels greater than
26!. in length.
b ) A vessel which can safely navigate
only within such a channel.
c ) #ailing vessels and vessels
greater than 26!. in length.
1(%) 8ow should a vessel cross a traffic separation lane"
a ) At a speed and heading that will
cause the least encounters with
vessels within the lane
b ) 'n a heading that will
cause her to spend the </A#$
$0C/ in the lane
c ) 'n a 8/AI0&= as nearly as
practical at right angles to the
direction of traffic flow
1(() 0f a vessel is being towed alongside on the starboard side of the towing vessel1 what lights should it
a ) #tarboard sidelight and sternlight.
b ) #idelights and sternlight.
c ) #idelights only.
1(,) 0f a vessel of length 26!etres or !ore is re>uired by the rules to carry two or three lights in a vertical
line1 at what height above the hull Ge2cept where a towing light is re>uired) !ust the lowest of these be
a ) &ot less than ( !etres
b ) #o it can be seen at a distance of 1666! c ) &ot less than (., !etres
1(3) 0f another ship does not appear to be taking sufficient action to avoid a collision1 what should you do
according to the ;ollision -egulations"
a ) Alter course.
b ) #ound , short and rapid blasts on the whistle.
c ) ;all it up on V8D.
1(4) 0f you hear a fog signal forward of the bea!1 -ule 17 states that you !ust......
a ) !ake a substantial course
b ) reply with your own fog
c ) reduce to !ini!u! steerage
1(5) 0n a traffic separation sche!e a vessel engaged in fishing shall not i!pede the passage of......
a ) any vessel following a
traffic lane.
b ) a power driven vessel following
a traffic lane.
c ) a vessel crossing the traffic
separation sche!e.
1(7) 0n a traffic separation sche!e a vessel of less than 26!. in length or a sailing vessel shall not i!pede
the safe passage of......
a ) any vessel following a
traffic lane.
b ) a power driven vessel
following a traffic lane.
c ) a vessel crossing the traffic
separation sche!e.
1,6) 0n open waters1 you see the lights G shown in the picture ) right ahead at !ediu! range. hat do you
a ) #ound one short blast and alter
course to starboard.
b ) Keep out of the way of
the other vessel.
c ) #ound two short blasts and
alter course to port.
1,1) 0n the ;ollision -egulations1 the =overn!ent of any #tate can !ake provision for special rules
allowing the use of additional whistle signals between which vessels"
a ) arships and vessels sailing under
b ) $ugs and their
c ) :ilot vessels and vessels re>uiring
1,2) 0n what situation would you e2pect a vessel to show these lights"
a ) hen on pilotage duty
b ) hen unable to !anoeuvre
c ) hen towing
1,%) 0nshore traffic Aones shall not be used by which of the following vessels"
a ) 'ne that can safely use the
adBacent lane within the $.#.#.
b ) 'ne that can safely use the
appropriate lane within the $.#.#.
c ) 'ne en route to or fro! a place
situated within the inshore traffic
1,() 0s anchoring per!itted in a narrow channel"
a )
b ) 0t should be avoided if at all
c ) Ees1 but only near the outer li!it of the fairway to
1,,) <ooking straight ahead at night you observe the !asthead lights and both side lights of another vessel.
hat action should be taken"
a ) /ach ship shall alter
course to port.
b ) 'ne ship shall alter course to starboard
and the other to port.
c ) /ach ship shall alter
course to starboard.
1,3) 'n nearing a bend in a narrow channel and the way ahead is obscured1 you hear a prolonged blast.
hat should be your response"
a ) 'ne short blast. b ) $wo short blasts.
c ) 'ne prolonged blast.
1,4) :ower+driven vessel 9A9 sees power+driven vessel 9B9 as shown here at % !iles range. hat !ust vessel
9A9 do"
a ) -educe speed and !onitor the
co!pass bearing of 9B9.
b ) 0f necessary1 reduce
speed or stop.
c ) #ound one short blast and alter
course to starboard.
1,5) :ower+driven vessels 9A9 and 9B9 are in sight of one another. hich of the following state!ents is
a ) Both vessels should alter course
to starboard. &o whistles signals need
be sounded.
b ) A9 and 9B9 should alter course to
starboard1 each sounding one short blast
on the whistle.
c ) A9 should blow one
blast and alter course to
1,7) -eferring to Anne2 00 of the ;ollision -egulationsH additional signals for fishing vessels in close
pro2i!ity. hat does the signal "one white light over one red light" !ean"
a ) 0 a! shooting nets.
b ) 0 a! hauling nets.
c ) Cy nets are fast on an obstruction.
136) $he bearing is steady. $he range is , !iles1 reducing slowly. hat action would you take"
a ) #ound one short blast and
alter course to starboard.
b ) Cake a substantial
reduction of speed.
c ) #ound five short and rapid blasts
and stand on with caution.
131) $he lights shown indicate a vessel......
a ) towing another vessel astern1 length of
tow e2ceeding 266!.
b ) towing a vessel !ade fast
c ) towing !ore than one
vessel astern.
132) $he observed vessel sounds three short blasts. hat does this !ean"
a ) 0 a! altering !y course to
b ) 0 a! altering !y course
to port.
c ) 0 do not understand your intentions @
13%) $he range is 4 !iles and constant. $he bearing is steady. hat action would you take"
a ) $ake a series of co!pass
b ) #ound one short blast and alter
course to starboard.
c ) #ound two short blasts and
alter to port.
13() $he white light shown !ust be so fi2ed as to show an unbroken light over an arc of the horiAon. hat
is the siAe of this arc"
a ) 1%, deg. G12 points of the
b ) 112 1@2 deg. G16 points of the
c ) %36 deg. G%2 points of the
13,) $his vessel is on a steady bearing and the range is reducing. hat action would you take"
a ) #ound five short and rapid blasts
and stand on with caution.
b ) Cake a substantial
reduction of speed.
c ) #ound one short blast and alter
course to starboard.
133) $his vessel is on a steady bearing1 range % !iles. hat action would you take"
a ) Cake a substantial
reduction of speed.
b ) #ound five short and rapid blasts
and stand on with caution.
c ) #ound two short blasts and
alter course to port.
134) $his vessel is on a steady bearing1 the range is 2 !iles and reducing slowly. hat action would you
a ) #ound five short and rapid blasts
and stand on with caution.
b ) Cake a substantial
reduction of speed.
c ) #ound one short blast and alter
course to starboard.
135) $his vessel is on a steady bearing1 the range is 2 !iles and reducing. hat action should you take"
a ) $wo short blasts and alter
course to port.
b ) 'ne short blast and alter
course to starboard.
c ) Dive short and rapid blasts and
stand on with caution.
137) $his vessel is signaling two flashes at intervals. hat is the !eaning of this signal"
a ) 0 a! altering !y
course to port.
b ) 0 intend to overtake you on your
starboard side.
c ) 0 intend to overtake you on
your port side.
146) $his vessel sounds one short blast. hat does this !ean"
a ) 0 intend to overtake you on your
port side.
b ) 0 a! operating stern
c ) 0 a! altering !y course to
141) $o which traffic separation sche!es does -ule 16 apply"
a ) $hose adopted by the 0nternational
Cariti!e 'rganiAation
b ) $hose set up by local
c ) $hose defined on
navigational charts
142) Vessels as far as possible should avoid anchoring......
a ) in a traffic separation sche!e or in areas near
it9s ter!inations.
b ) in a traffic separation
c ) in a traffic
separation Aone.
14%) hat additional lights does a vessel constrained by its draught have to show"
a ) -ed and white lights in a
vertical line.
b ) -ed1 white1 red lights in a
vertical line.
c ) $hree red lights in a
vertical line.
14() hat could a vessel do to highlight a danger to another vessel1 especially at night "
a ) #how a s>uare flag and a black ball in
a vertical line one over the other.
b ) Iirect a search light in the
direction of the danger.
c ) #ound three short
blasts on the whistle.
14,) hat could be the fog signal of a vessel aground in a channel"
a ) Dour strokes on the bell1 sounded in
the sa!e !anner as 9four bells9 to indicate
b ) A blast of fro! three to
five seconds on the whistle.
c ) $hree distinct blasts
followed by a rapid ringing of the
143) hat do these lights indicate"
a ) A power+driven vessel of less
than 26 !etres in length underway.
b ) A power+driven vessel of less
than 12 !etres in length underway.
c ) A power+driven vessel
engaged in trawling.
144) hat do these lights indicate"
a ) A power+driven
vessel underway.
b ) A power+driven vessel underway when
towing and the length of the tow e2ceeds
c ) A pushing vessel and a vessel
pushed ahead as a co!posite unit.
145) hat do these lights indicate"
a ) A power+driven vessel engaged in towing
unable to deviate fro! her course.
b ) A vessel engaged in
trawling using pelagic gear.
c ) A vessel engaged in
147) hat do these lights indicate"
a ) A power driven vessel underway.
b ) A pilot vessel at anchor.
c ) A fishing vessel at anchor.
156) hat do these lights indicate"
a ) A vessel towing a
b ) A power+driven vessel of over ,6! in
c ) A power+driven vessel of
under ,6!
151) hat do these lights show"
a ) A vessel over ,6 !etres
in length engaged in
b ) A vessel engaged in trawling with her
outlying gear e2tending !ore than 1,6 !etres
into the seaway.
c ) A vessel under ,6
!etres in length engaged in
152) hat do these three red lights indicate"
a ) A vessel engaged in
b ) A vessel restricted in her ability to
c ) A power driven
15%) hat does this shape indicate"
a ) A vessel at anchor.
b ) A vessel aground. c ) A vessel engaged in fishing.
15() hat infor!ation is given about the tow shown here"
a ) $he tow is 266 !etres
or !ore.
b ) $he tow is less than 266
c ) $he vessel is ha!pered by tow + tow less
than 266 !etres.
15,) hat infor!ation is given about the tow shown here"
a ) A vessel ha!pered by her tow + tow less
than 266 !etres
b ) $he tow is less than
266 !etres.
c ) $he tow is 266 !etres
or !ore.
153) hat is a power+driven vessel"
a ) Any vessel which is self+
b ) Any vessel propelled by an internal
co!bustion engine.
c ) Any vessel propelled by
154) hat is the arc Gangle) of visibility of a !asthead light"
a ) 22, degrees
b ) 156 degrees c ) 216 degrees
155) hat is the arc Gangle) of visibility of a sternlight"
a ) 1,6 degrees
b ) 1%, degrees
c ) 126 degrees
157) hat is the arc of visibility of the % red lights shown here"
a ) Dro! right aft to 22., degrees abaft the
bea! on each side.
b ) All
c ) Dro! right ahead to 22., degrees abaft the
bea! on each side.
176) hat is the arc of visibility of the % white lights shown here"
a ) Dro! right ahead to 22., degrees
abaft the bea! on the starboard side.
b ) Dro! right ahead to 22.,
degrees abaft the bea! on each
c ) Dro! right aft to 22.,
degrees abaft the bea! on each
171) hat is the arc of visibility of the !astlights shown by this vessel"
a ) All
b ) Dro! right ahead to 22., degrees forward of
the bea! on each side
c ) Dro! right aft to 22., degrees abaft the
bea! on each side
172) hat is the arc of visibility of the red lights shown here"
a ) All
b ) Dro! right ahead to 22., degrees abaft
the bea! on each side.
c ) Dro! right ahead to 22., degrees abaft the
bea! on the starboard side.
17%) hat is the arc of visibility of the sidelight shown by this vessel"
a ) Dro! right aft to 22., degrees abaft the
bea! on each side.
b ) All
c ) Dro! right ahead to 22., degrees abaft the
bea! on each side.
17() hat is the duration of a "9short blast" on the whistle"
a ) 'ne second.
b ) $wo seconds. c ) $hree seconds.
17,) hat is the duration of a prolonged blast"
a ) 3+5 seconds
b ) (+3 seconds
c ) !ore than 5 seconds
173) hat is the fog signal of this vessel"
a ) 'ne prolonged blasts followed by two
short blasts at intervals less than or e>ual to 2
b ) -inging of bell for , seconds
followed by the gong for ,
c ) -apid ringing of
the bell for , seconds.
174) hat is the fog signal of this vessel"
a ) 'ne G if !aking way ) or two G if
stopped ) prolonged blasts at intervals less
than or e>ual to 2 !inutes.
b ) 'ne prolonged
blast followed by two
short blasts.
c ) -apid ringing of the bell for ,
secondsat intervals less than or
e>ual to 2 !inutes.
175) hat is the fog signal of this vessel"
a ) -apid ringing of the bell
for , seconds every 1 !inute.
b ) 'ne G if !aking way ) or two G if stopped
) prolonged blasts at intervals of 2 !inutes.
c ) Dour short blasts at
2 !inute intervals.
177) hat is the fog signal of this vessel"
a ) 'ne prolonged blast
followed by two short blast on
the whistle.
b ) Dour strokes on the bell1 sounded
in the sa!e !anner as 9four bells9 to
indicate ti!e.
c ) A rapid ringing of the bell
for about , seconds repeated every
266) hat is the length of the vessel shown here"
a ) &o indication of length. b ) <ess than ,6 !etres. c ) <ess than 26 !etres.
261) hat is the length of the vessel shown here"
a ) &o indication of
b ) <ess than ,6
c ) Cay be of any length but probably ,6 !etres or
262) hat is the length of the vessel shown here"
a ) 16 !etres or less.
b ) &o indication of length.
c ) <ess than 12 !etres.
26%) hat is the length of the vessel shown here"
a ) &o indication of length. b ) =reater than 166 !etres. c ) <ess than 12 !etres.
26() hat is the length of the vessel shown here"
a ) <ess than 12 !etres
in length.
b ) $here is no indication
of length.
c ) Cay be any length but probably ,6 !etres
or !ore in length.
26,) hat is the length of the vessel shown here"
a ) <ess than 12 !etres in
b ) =reater than 166 !etres in
c ) <ess than ,6 !etres in
263) hat is the length of the vessel shown here"
a ) <ess than 26 !etres in length.
b ) <ess than 12 !etres in
c ) <ess than ,6 !etres in length.
264) hat is the length of the vessel shown here"
a ) =reater than 166 !etres in
b ) <ess than ,6 !etres in
c ) <ess than 26 !etres in
265) hat is the length of the vessel shown here"
a ) <ess than ,6 !etres in
b ) &o indication of
c ) Cay be any length but probably ,6 !etres or
!ore in length.
267) hat is the !ini!u! vertical separation of the !astlights on power driven vessels such that1 in all
nor!al conditions of tri!1 the afterlight will be seen over and separate fro! the forward light"
a ) #o it can be seen at 1666 !etres fro! the ste! at sea level.
b ) 3 !etres. c ) , !etres.
216) hat is the range of the !astlight being displayed by this ship"
a ) 3 !iles
b ) % !iles c ) 2 !iles
211) hat is the range of visibility of the sidelights shown by this ship"
a ) 3 !iles
b ) % !iles
c ) 2 !iles
212) hat is this vessel9s fog signal"
a ) -apid ringing of the bell
for , seconds at intervals not
e2ceeding one !inute.
b ) -inging of the bell for , seconds
followed by the gong for , seconds at
intervals not e2ceeding one !inute.
c ) 'ne prolonged blast
followed by 2 short blasts at
intervals not e2ceeding two
21%) hat kind of vessel !ay sound a fog signal consisting of four short blasts"
a ) A vessel being
b ) A vessel engaged on pilotage
c ) A vessel constrained by her
21() hat light or lights !ust be carried by a group of three barges in a line being pushed ahead of a tug as
shown here"
a ) -ed and green
sidelights on each barge.
b ) -ed and green sidelights at the forward end of
the leading barge and white all+round light on each
c ) A white all+round light at
the forward end of the barge.
21,) hat signal shall a vessel sound when nearing a bend or an area of narrow channels or fairway where
other vessels !ay be obscured by an intervening obstruction"
a ) $wo short blasts.
b ) 'ne prolonged blast.
c ) At least five short and rapid blasts.
213) hat signals !ust a vessel at anchor display"
a ) ;ode flag 9A9 by day
and a red light at night.
b ) A black ball hoisted at the bow by
day and all round white lights at night.
c ) A large black s>uare by day and
a flashing white light at night.
214) hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A vessel restricted in her ability to !anoeuvre.
b ) A pilot vessel. c ) A trawler.
215) hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A vessel constrained by draught. b ) A power driven vessel. c ) A vessel at anchor.
217) hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A pilot
b ) A vessel not under
c ) A vessel engaged in fishing other than a
226) hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A vessel engaged in towing.
b ) A pilot vessel.
c ) A vessel constrained by draught.
221) hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A vessel constrained by draught.
b ) A vessel engaged in towing. c ) A power driven vessel.
222) hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A vessel not under co!!and.
b ) A vessel engaged in towing.
c ) A power driven vessel.
22%) hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A trawler. b ) A vessel engaged in towing.
c ) A vessel engaged in fishing other than a trawler.
22() hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A vessel engaged in fishing other
than a trawler.
b ) A vessel constrained by
c ) A vessel restricted in her ability
to !anoeuvre.
22,) hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A vessel restricted in her ability to
b ) A power driven
c ) A vessel constrained by
223) hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A trawler. b ) A power driven vessel. c ) A pilot vessel.
224) hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A vessel constrained by draught.
b ) A vessel not under co!!and.
c ) A pilot vessel.
225) hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A vessel engaged in dredging or underwater
b ) A sailing
c ) A vessel constrained by
227) hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A vessel not under co!!and.
b ) A vessel engaged in !ine clearance.
c ) A power driven vessel.
2%6) hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A vessel engaged in dredging or underwater
b ) A sailing
c ) A vessel at
2%1) hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A vessel engaged in fishing other than
a trawler.
b ) A vessel constrained by
c ) A vessel engaged in
2%2) hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A pilot vessel.
b ) A trawler.
c ) A vessel constrained by her draught.
2%%) hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A sailing vessel.
b ) A vessel at anchor. c ) A power driven vessel.
2%() hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A vessel not under
b ) A vessel constrained by
c ) A vessel engaged in
2%,) hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A power driven vessel.
b ) A trawler.
c ) A vessel engaged in fishing other than a trawler.
2%3) hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A vessel restricted in her ability to
b ) A vessel engaged in
c ) A vessel which is
2%4) hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A vessel constrained
by draught.
b ) A vessel engaged in !ine
clearance operations.
c ) A vessel engaged in dredging or
underwater operations.
2%5) hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A vessel engaged in
b ) A vessel which is
c ) A vessel engaged in !ine clearance
2%7) hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A vessel constrained by her
b ) A vessel not under
c ) A vessel engaged in
2(6) hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A vessel engaged in dredging
underwater operations.
b ) A vessel engaged in !ine
clearance operations.
c ) A vessel constrained
by draught.
2(1) hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A sailing
b ) Vessel engaged in dredging or underwater
c ) A power driven
2(2) hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A vessel engaged in fishing.
b ) A vessel engaged in towing c ) A vessel constrained by draught.
2(%) hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A vessel engaged in
b ) A vessel engaged in !ine clearance
c ) A vessel engaged in
2(() hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A vessel engaged in !ine
clearance operations.
b ) A vessel which is
c ) A vessel engaged in dredging or
underwater operations.
2(,) hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A power driven vessel.
b ) A vessel not under co!!and. c ) A vessel constrained by draught.
2(3) hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A power driven
b ) A vessel restricted in her ability to
c ) A vessel engaged in
2(4) hat type of vessel is shown here"
a ) A trawler.
b ) A vessel not under co!!and.
c ) A vessel engaged in fishing other than a trawler.
2(5) hen a vessel of length 26! or !ore is re>uired by the rules to carry two or three lights in a vertical
line1 what spacing is re>uired between the lights"
a ) At least 1., !etres. b ) &ot less than (., !etres.
c ) &ot less than 2 !etres.
2(7) hen is a vessel " .&I/-AE ""
a ) hen she is not at anchor or !ade
fast to the shore
b ) hen she is !oving
through the water
c ) hen the !ain engine is
2,6) hen proceeding along a narrow channel a vessel should......
a ) keep to the outer li!it which
lies on her port side.
b ) keep to the outer li!it which lies
on her starboard side.
c ) keep to the side which
lies on her port side.
2,1) hen proceeding in a narrow channel1 you hear a vessel astern sound two prolonged blasts followed by
two short blasts. hat does this signal indicate"
a ) $he other vessel intends to
overtake you on your starboard side.
b ) $he other vessel intends to
overtake you on your port side.
c ) $he other vessel intends
to follow you to port.
2,2) hen should a sailing vessel keep out of the way of a power driven vessel"
a ) hen both vessels are
b ) hen the power driven vessel is
c ) hen the sailing vessel is
2,%) hen should a vessel not under co!!and display the sternlight"
a ) hen another vessel is
b ) hen !aking way
through the water
c ) hen unable to get out of the way
of other vessels
2,() hen taking action to avoid collision under -ule 51 you should avoid.....
a ) any reduction in
b ) a succession of s!all alterations of speed
or course.
c ) stopping or reversing
2,,) hen two power driven vessels are !eeting on reciprocal courses ......
a ) each shall alter course to
b ) each shall alter course to
c ) one shall alter course to
2,3) hen two power+driven vessels1 in sight of each other1 are crossing so as to involve risk of collision1
avoiding action !ust be taken by ......
a ) both vessels altering
course to starboard.
b ) the vessel which has the other on
her own starboard side.
c ) the vessel which has the other
on her own port side.
2,4) hen two whistles are fitted on a vessel and are placed !ore than 166! apart1 what is the usual
arrange!ent for giving !anoeuvring and warning signals "
a ) $he forward whistle shall sound
before the after whistle
b ) $he after whistle shall sound
before the forward whistle
c ) $hey are sounded
2,5) hich of the following is a vessel "not under co!!and""
a ) A vessel engaged in underwater
b ) A tug engaged in a towing
c ) A sailing vessel
2,7) hich of the following is &'$ a vessel restricted in her ability to !anoeuvre"
a ) A vessel servicing a
navigation buoy.
b ) A tanker underway
refueling a warship.
c ) A !inesweeper engaged in
!inesweeping operations.
236) hich of the following shall not i!pede the passage of any vessel following a traffic lane in a traffic
separation sche!e"
a ) A sailing vessel1 fishing vessel or a vessel of less
than 26 !etres.
b ) A vessel engaged in
c ) A crossing
231) hich of the following vessels !ay use inshore traffic Aones in all circu!stances"
a ) Vessels not under co!!and and
vessels restricted in their ability to
b ) Vessels less than 26
!etres in length and sailing
c ) Vessels towing which are
severely restricted in their ability to
232) hilst proceeding along a narrow channel the vessel astern sounds two prolonged blasts followed by
one short blast. hat does this !ean"
a ) 0 intend to overtake you on your
starboard side.
b ) 0 intend to overtake you on
your port side.
c ) 0 a! operating stern
23%) hilst proceeding along a narrow channel1 the vessel astern sounds two prolonged blasts followed by
two short blasts. hat does this !ean"
a ) 0 a! altering !y course to
b ) 0 a! altering !y course
to port.
c ) 0 intend to overtake you on your
port side.
23() Eou are heading west and observe a north cardinal buoy dead ahead. hat action do you take"
a ) Alter course to port.
b ) Alter course to starboard.
c ) ait until you can see a port hand buoy.
23,) Eou are underway on a tanker and observe the lights illustrated on a steady bearing and at decreasing
range on the :'-$ bow. hat do you do"
a ) Caintain course and speed keeping a
careful watch on the bearing of the other
b ) Alter course to
#$A-B'A-I and sound '&/ short
c ) Alter course to :'-$
and sound two short blasts.
233) Eou have another vessel on your port bow in clear visibility1 but with a !oderate sea and swell. hich
of the following would nor!ally give greatest accuracy in deter!ining if risk of collision e2ists"
a ) 'bservation of the radar
bearing and range
b ) 'bservation of the co!pass bearing
over a period of ti!e
c ) 'bservation of the
radar range
234) Eou intend overtaking a vessel in a narrow channel and signal your intentions. $he vessel ahead sounds
, short and rapid blasts. hat does this !ean"
a ) 0 a! operating stern
b ) 0 do not understand your
c ) 0 a! altering !y course to
235) Eou observe this vessel + range ( !iles. hat action should you take"
a ) #ound one short blast and alter course
to starboard..
b ) $ake a series of co!pass
c ) Caintain course and
237) Eou observe this vessel at a range of 7 !iles. hat action would you take"
a ) Cake a substantial reduction
of speed.
b ) #tand on but continue
to !onitor.
c ) $ake a series of co!pass bearings
and radar plot.
246) Eou observe this vessel at a range of 7 !iles. hat action would you take"
a ) #tand on with caution. $he other
vessel should give way.
b ) Cake a substantial
alteration of course to port.
c ) #tand on + no risk of collision
+ continue to !onitor.
241) Eou observe this vessel at a range of 7 !iles. hat action would you take"
a ) #tand on + no risk of collision +
continue to !onitor.
b ) Alter course parallel to
other vessel9s course.
c ) $ake a series of co!pass
bearings and radar plot.
242) Eou observe this vessel at a range of 7 !iles. hat action would you take"
a ) Cake a substantial
reduction of speed.
b ) #tand on with caution. $he other
vessel should give way.
c ) Alter course parallel to the
other vessel9s course.
24%) Eou observe this vessel at a range of 7 !iles. hat action would you take"
a ) Cake a substantial alteration
of course to port.
b ) $ake a series of co!pass
bearings and radar plot.
c ) #tand on + no risk of collision +
continue to !onitor.
24() Eou observe this vessel at a range of 7 !iles. hat action would you take"
a ) #tand on + no risk of collision +
continue to !onitor.
b ) Alter course parallel to the
other vessel9s course.
c ) $ake a series of co!pass
bearings and radar plot.
24,) Eou observe this vessel at a range of 7 !iles. hat action would you take"
a ) $ake a series of co!pass
bearings and radar plot.
b ) Cake a substantial
alteration of course to port.
c ) #tand on with caution $he other
vessel should give way.
243) Eou observe this vessel at a range of 7 !iles. hat action would you take"
a ) Cake a substantial
reduction of speed.
b ) Cake a substantial alteration of
course to port.
c ) $ake a series of co!pass
bearings and radar plot.
244) Eou observe this vessel at a range of 7 !iles. hat action would you take"
a ) Cake a substantial alteration of
course to starboard.
b ) Cake a substantial
reduction of speed.
c ) Cake a substantial alteration
of course to port.
245) Eou observe this vessel at a range of 7 !iles. hat action would you take"
a ) #tand on with caution. $he other
vessel should give way.
b ) Cake a substantial
reduction of speed.
c ) Cake a substantial alteration
of course to port.
247) Eou observe this vessel at a range of 7 !iles. hat action would you take"
a ) Cake a substantial
reduction of speed.
b ) Cake a substantial alteration
of course to port.
c ) #tand on with caution $he other
vessel should give way.
256) Eou observe this vessel at a range of 7 !iles. hat action would you take"
a ) Alter course to parallel the
other vessel9s course.
b ) #tand on + no risk of collision +
continue to !onitor.
c ) Cake a substantial
reduction of speed.
251) Eou observe this vessel at a range of 7 !iles. hat action would you take"
a ) Cake a substantial
reduction of speed.
b ) #tand on + no risk of collision +
continue to !onitor.
c ) $ake a series of co!pass
bearing and radar plot.
252) Eou observe this vessel at a range of 7 !iles. hat action would you take"
a ) Cake a substantial
reduction of speed.
b ) #tand on + no risk of collision +
continue to !onitor.
c ) #tand on with caution. $he other
vessel should give way.
25%) Eou observe this vessel at a range of 7 !iles. hat action would you take"
a ) Alter course parallel to
other vessel9s course.
b ) $ake a series of co!pass
bearings and radar plot.
c ) #tand on + no risk of collision +
continue to !onitor.
25() Eou observe this vessel on a steady bearing at range % !iles. hat action should you take"
a ) #ound two short blasts
and alter to port.
b ) #ound one short blast and
alter course to starboard.
c ) #ound five short and rapid blasts
and stand on with caution.
25,) Eou observe this vessel on a steady bearing1 range % !iles. hat action would you take"
a ) Cake a substantial
reduction of speed.
b ) #ound one short blast and alter
course to starboard.
c ) #ound two short blasts and
alter course to port.
253) Eou see a vessel displaying a black cylinder on her starboard yardar!. At night1 what lights would the
sa!e vessel be showing1 in addition to those for a power+driven vessel underway"
a ) $wo all+round red
lights in a vertical line.
b ) $hree all+round lights in a vertical
line1 the upper and lower red and the
!iddle one white.
c ) $wo all+round lights in a vertical
line1 the upper one red and the lower
one white.
254) Eou sight a vessel bearing % points abaft the starboard bea!. #o!eti!e later1 it is bearing % points
forward of the starboard bea!. hich of the following circu!stances apply"
a ) $wo vessels with the sa!e speed
and course.
b ) $wo power+driven vessels
c ) A vessel overtaking
255) Eour power+driven vessel is fitted with radar and is underway in poor visibility. At what speed should
you proceed"
a ) #ea speed if there are no targets
showing on the radar
b ) #ea speed only if
in open waters
c ) #ea speed with the engines on standby1
keeping a close radar watch

1) "Vessel "A"is overtaking vessel "B" on open waters and will pass without changing course. Vessel "A"
a ) should sound two short
b ) should sound the danger
c ) will not sound any whistle
2) "Vessel" "A" is overtaking vessel" "B" on open waters as shown1 and will pass without changing course.

Vessel "A" _____________.
a ) need not sound any whistle
b ) should sound two short
c ) should sound the danger
%) A light used to signal passing intentions !ust be an _____________.
a ) alternating red and yellow
b ) alternating white and yellow
c ) all+round white light
() A power+driven vessel leaving a >uay or wharf !ust sound what signal"
a ) $hree short blasts b ) A long blast
c ) &o signal is re>uired.
,) A sailing vessel is overtaking a power+driven vessel in a narrow channel1 so as to pass on the power+
driven vessel?s port side. $he overtaken vessel will have to !ore to facilitate passage. $he sailing vessel is
the _____________.
a ) stand+on vessel and
would sound two short
b ) give+way vessel and
would sound no whistle signal
c ) give+way vessel and would sound two
prolonged blasts followed by two short blasts
3) A signal of one prolonged1 one short1 one prolonged1 and one short blast1 in that order is given by a vessel
a ) engaged on pilotage duty b ) in distress
c ) being overtaken in a narrow channel
4) A vessel sounds one short blast. $his signal indicates the vessel _____________1
a ) intendes to alter course to
b ) intends to pass starboard to
c ) is altering course to
5) A vessel sounds two short blasts. $his signal indicates the vessel _____________.
a ) intends to alter course to
b ) intends to pass starboard to
c ) is altering course to
7) A vessel which detects by radar alone the presence of another vessel shall deter!ine if a close+>uarters
situation is developing and@or risk of collision e2ists. 0f so1 she shall take avoiding actions in a!ple ti!eH
however1 if such action consists o
a ) An alteration of course in the
opposite direction of a vessel
abea! or abaft the bea!.
b ) A 76 degrees alteration of course in the
opposite direction of the signal in order to be
dee!ed as being overtaken.
c ) An alteration of
course towards a vessel or
abaft the bea!.
16) A whistle signal of one prolonged1one short1one prolonged and one short blast1is sounded by a vessel
a ) at anchor b ) towing a sub!erged obBect
c ) being overtaken in a narrow channel
11) Are the vessels restricted in their ability to !anoeuvre when engaged in an operation for the laying1
servicing or picking up of a sub!arine cable e2e!pted fro! co!plying with provisions of the rule regarding
navigation in traffic separation sche!es
a ) $hey are not
e2e!pted fro! co!plying
with this rule.
b ) $hey are e2e!pted fro!
co!plying with this rule to the e2tend
necessary to carry out the operation.
c ) $hey are e2e!pted fro!
co!plying with this rule if they are
giving warning signals.
12) At what speed shall a vessel navigate in conditions of restricted visibility "
a ) At slow speed
and look+out
b ) At econo!ic speed but with radar
working and a proper look+out in order to
avoid risk of collision.
c ) At a safe speed adapted to the
prevailing circu!stances and conditions of
restricted visibility.
1%) 8ow do ;'<-/= rules interfere with the lights and signals for ships of war1 vessels proceeding in
convoy and fishing vessels engaged in fishing as a fleet "
a ) $he =overn!ent of any state !ay issue special rules
with respect to the nu!ber of station lights or signal lights
but these shall1 so far as possible1 be such that they cannot be
!istaken for the lights or signals authoriAed under ;'<-/=
b ) $he =overn!ent
of any state !ay
authoriAe any lights or
c ) ;'<-/= rules
shall be co!plied
with as closely as
1() 8ow shall 2 sailing vessels !anoeuvre1 when they are approaching one another so as to involve risk of
collision and both have the wind on the sa!e side
a ) $he vessel which sees the
other on port side shall keep out
of the way of the other.
b ) $he vessel which is to
windward shall keep out of the way of
the vessel which is to leeward.
c ) $he vessel which sees the
other on starboard side shall keep
out of the way of the other.
1,) 8ow shall a vessel navigate in areas near the ter!inations of traffic separation sche!es"
a ) $he vessel shall navigate in
the general direction of traffic
b ) $he intentions of altering course will be
co!!unicated by sound and visual signals.
c ) $he vessel shall do
so with particular caution.
13) 8ow shall a vessel navigate within a traffic separation sche!e "
a ) $he vessel shall
navigate as close as
possible to the traffic
separation sche!es.
b ) $he vessel shall
navigate in the traffic
lane in the indicated
c ) $he vessel shall navigate in the appropriate
traffic lane in the general direction of traffic flow for
that lane and1 so far as practicable1 keep clear of a
traffic separation line or separation Aone.
14) 8ow shall radar e>uip!ent be used if fitted aboard "
a ) $he radar e>uip!ent
shall be used when the
visibility is restricted1 using
ade>uate range scales.
b ) $he radar
e>uip!ent shall be
used to avoid risk of
c ) :roper use shall be !ade of radar e>uip!ent1
including long+range scanning to obtain early warning
of risk of collision and radar plotting or e>uivalent
syste!atic observation of detected obBects.
15) 8ow shall the balls of vessels engaged in !ineclearance operations be e2hibited "
a ) 0n a vertical
b ) 'ne at the fore!asthead and 2 at the
c ) 'ne at the fore!asthead and one at each
end of the fore yard.
17) 0f alteration of course alone is sufficient to avoid collision1 how shall it be done "
a ) $he !anoeuvre shall be !ade in
good ti!e1 be substantial and it does not
result another close+>uarts situation.
b ) <arge alterations of
course shall be !ade1 sufficient
to avoid collision.
c ) An alternation of course1
sufficient to avoid any risk of
26) 0f whistles are fitted on the vessel at a distance apart of !ore than 166 !etres1 which of the! shall be
used for giving !anoeuvring and warning signals "
a ) 'ne of
b ) Both of
c ) 'nly the whistle forward for warning and only the whistle aft for
21) 0n a narrow channel1 a signal of intent which !ust be answered by the other vessel1 is sounded by a
vessel _______________.
a ) !eeting another head+on b ) crossing the course of another
c ) overtaking another
22) 0n a narrow channel1 a vessel trying to overtake another on the other vessel?s port side1 would sound a
whistle signal of_____________.
a ) one short blast b ) two short blasts
c ) two prolonged blasts followed by two short blasts
2%) 0n a narrow channel1 an overtaking vessel which intends to pass on the other vessel?s port side would
sound ___________________.
a ) one prolonged followed by two short
b ) one short
c ) two prolonged followed by two short
2() 0n a narrow channel1 an overtaking which intends to :A## on the other vessel?s port side would sound
a ) one prolonged followed by two short
b ) one short
c ) two prolonged followed by two short
2,) 0n which case would an overtaking vessel sound a whistle signal of two prolonged followed by one short
a ) hen obertaking in restricted
b ) hen overtaking in a narrow
c ) hen overtaking on open
23) Cay the bell or the gong1 or both be replaced by other e>uip!ent having the sa!e sound
characteristics "
a ) Ees1 but only the
gong at the stern.
b ) $hey cannot be
c ) Both of the! !ay be replaced1 provided that
!anual sounding shall always be possible.
24) 'n open water two vessels are in an overtaking.$he overtaking vessel has Bust sounded one short blast
on the whistle. hat is the !eaning of this whistle signal"
a ) "0 re>uest per!ission to pass
you on !y port side".
b ) "0 will !aintain course and speed and
pass you an your starboard side."
c ) "0 a! changing
course to starboard."
25) 'n open water1 a power+driven vessel co!ing up dead astern of another vessel and altering her course to
starboard so as to pass on the starboard side of the vessel ahead would sound_______________.
a ) two short blasts
b ) one short blast
c ) two prolonged blasts followed by one short blast
27) $wo power+driven vessels are !eeting. A two blast whistle signal by either vessel !eans
a ) "0 intend to alter course to
b ) "0 desire to pass starboard to
c ) "0 a! altering course to
%6) $wo prolonged blasts followed by one short blast on the whistle is a signal which would be sounded by
a vessel _____________.
a ) overtaking another in a narrow channel
b ) anchored c ) engaged in !ineclearance
%1) .nder what circu!stances would an overtaking vessel sound a whistle signal of two prolonged followed
by one short blast"
a ) hen overtaking in restricted
b ) hen overtaking in a narrow
c ) hen overtaking on open
%2) hat additional lights shall a trawler engaged in fishing e2hibit when shooting her nets and fishing in
close pro2i!ity to other vessel engaged in fishing "
a ) An all+round red light.
b ) 2 all+round white lights in a vertical line.
c ) An all+round green light.
%%) hat additional sound signal shall a vessel at anchor give1 in conditions of restricted visibility to give
warning of her position and of the possibility of collision to an approaching vessel "
a ) #ignal on the whistle J one short
blast followed by one prolonged blast and
then one short blast.
b ) #ignal on the
whistle J , short
warning blasts.
c ) #ignal on the whistle and@or by fog
horn J one prolonged blast followed by
rapid short blasts.
%() hat does the ter! "all round light" !ean "
a ) A light showing an
unbroken light over an arc of the
horiAon of %36 degrees.
b ) An unbroken light visible
fro! ahead and either side of
the vessel.
c ) A light showing an unbroken
light visible over an arc of the horiAon
of 156 degrees.
%,) hat does the ter! "prolonged" !ean "
a ) A blast of fro! (
to 3 seconds9 duration.
b ) A blast of !ore than 3 seconds9 duration1
produced by a power+driven vessel1 underway.
c ) A blast of fro! 2 to %
seconds9 duration1 produced by a
%3) hat does the ter! "sailing vesel" !ean "
a ) Any vessel using wind
power as !eans of propulsion.
b ) Any power+driven
vessel using sails1too.
c ) Any vessel under sail provided that
propelling !achinery1 if fitted1 is not being used.
%4) hat does the ter! "vessel restricted in her ability to !anoeuvre" !ean "
a ) A vessel which fro! the nature of her
work is restricted in her ability to !anoeuvre as
re>uired by the rules and is therefore unable to
keep out of the way of another vessel.
b ) A vessel with !inor
da!ages to the gear and@or
the engine1 being
c ) A vessel unable to
deviate fro! her course due
to so!e navigation
%5) hat does the ter! "vessel9s length" !ean "
a ) Vessel9s length between
b ) Vessel9s
length overall.
c ) Vessel9s length !easured between the draught
line forward and the draught line aft.
%7) hat does the ter! 9 !asthead light9 !ean "
a ) Any white light placed
on the !ast of a vessel at a
height prescribed by the
register standards.
b ) Any
white all
round light.
c ) Any white light placed over the fore and aft centreline of
the vessel showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horiAon
of 22, degrees and so fi2ed as to show the light fro! right ahead
to 22., degrees abaft the bea! on either side of the vessel
(6) hat does the word "whistle" !ean1 aboard "
a ) An electronic device capable
of producing short and prolonged
b ) Any sound signalling appliance
capable of producing the blasts prescribed
by the rules.
c ) A !echanical device
producing only fog signals.
(1) hat is the duration of one flash1 when using the !anoeuvring light signal "
a ) About one second.
b ) 2 to % seconds. c ) As long as possible so as to be observed.
(2) hat light signals !ay suppli!ent the sound signals given by a vessel which fails to understand the
intentions of another or is in doubt whether sufficient action is being taken by the other to avoid collision "
a ) #uccessive light
b ) A light signal of at least , short
and rapid flashes.
c ) 'ne long light signal and other
short light signals.
(%) hat lights shall a fishing vessel other than trawling e2hibit1 when !aking way through the water"
a ) #idelights1 2 all+round lights
in a vertical line1 the upper being
white and the lower red.
b ) 2 all+round lights in a vertical
line1 the upper being red and the
lower white and a sternlight.
c ) #idelights1 a sternlight1 2 all+
round lights in a vertical line1 the
upper being red and the lower white.
(() hat lights shall a power+driven vessel e2hibit when pushing ahead or towing alongside1 this not being
the case of a co!posite unit "
a ) 2 !asthead lights forward in a
vertical line1 sidelights1 a sternlight.
b ) % !asthead lights in a vertical line1
sidelights and a towing light.
c ) #idelights and a
towing light.
(,) hat lights shall a power+driven vessel e2hibit1 when engaged in towing operations and restricted in her
ability to deviate fro! her course "
a ) $he lights prescribed for power+
driven vessels underway1 engaged in
towing operations.
b ) $he lights of a vessel restricted
in her ability to !anoeuvre engaged in
towing operations.
c ) $he lights prescribed
for vessels not under
(3) hat lights shall a power+driven vessel of !ore than ,6 !etres in length e2hibit1 when towing and the
length of the tow is less than ,6 !etres "
a ) 0nstead of the !asthead lights forward and
aft1 2 !asthead lights in a vertical line1 sidelights1 a
stern light and a towing light.
b ) #idelights1 a
sternlight and a towing
c ) 2 !asthead lights in a
vertical line1 sidelights and a
towing light.
(4) hat lights shall a sailing vessel underway e2hibit1 when her length is less than 4 !etres "
a ) #he shall have ready at hand an electric torch or lighted lantern
showing a white light which shall be e2hibited in sufficient ti!e to
prevent collision.
b )
c ) A white light at
the !asthead.
(5) hat lights shall a vessel at anchor e2hibit1 when her length e2ceeds ,6 !etres "
a ) An all+round white
light at the fore
b ) An all+round
white light in the
fore part.
c ) An all+round white light in the fore part and another
all+round white light at or near the stern1 but at a lower level
than the light in the fore part.
(7) hat lights shall a vessel at anchor e2hibit1 when less than ,6 !etres in length "
a ) $he lights of a
vessel at anchor.
b ) 0nstead of the lights of a vessel at anchor1 an all+round
white light where it can best be seen.
c ) A light in the
fore part.
,6) hat lights shall a vessel being pushed ahead e2hibit1 this not being the case of a co!posite unit "
a ) #he shall e2hibit the sidelights at
the forward end.
b ) $he !asthead light and
c ) $he !asthead light and a
,1) hat lights shall a vessel being towed alongside e2hibit "
a ) $he !asthead lights and a
b ) A sternlight and sidelights at the
forward end.
c ) #idelights at the
forward end.
,2) hat lights shall a vessel constrained by her draught e2hibit "
a ) $he lights prescribed for
power+driven vessels underway
and an additional red light.
b ) $he lights prescribed for power+
driven vessels underway and % additional
all+round red lights in a vertical line.
c ) $he lights of a vessel
restricted in her ability to
,%) hat lights shall a vessel engaged in fishing1 other than trawling e2hibit1 when there is outlying gear
e2tending !ore than 1,6 !etres horiAontally and is !aking way through the water "
a ) #idelights1 a sternlight1 2 all+round
lights in a vertical line1 the upper being red and
the lower white1 an all+round white light in the
direction of the gear.
b ) #idelights1 a sternlight1
an all+round white light in
the direction of the gear.
c ) #idelights1 a sterlinght1
two lights in a vertical line1 the
upper white and the lower red.
,() hat lights shall a vessel engaged on pilotage duty e2hibit1 when underway "
a ) #idelights and 2 all+round lights
in a vertical line1 the upper being
white and the lower red.
b ) #idelights1 a sternlight1 2 all+
round lights in a vertical line1 the upper
being white and the lower red.
c ) #idelights1 a sternlight
and an all+round red >uick+
flashing light.
,,) hat lights shall a vessel not under co!!and e2hibit1 when !aking way through the water "
a ) $wo red lights in a vertical line1
sidelights and a sternlight.
b ) A red light1 sidelights and a
c ) 2 red lights and a
,3) hat lights shall a vessel restricted in her ability to !anoeuvre e2hibit1 when !aking way through the
water "
a ) #idelights1 a sternlight and %
lights in a vertical line1 the highest
and the lowest one being red and the
!iddle one white.
b ) % lights in a vertical
line1 the highest and the
lowest being red and the
!iddle one white.
c ) #idelights1 a sternlight1 a
!asthead light and % lights in a vertical
line1 the lowest and the highest being red
and the !iddle one white.
,4) hat lights shall an air+cushion vessel e2hibit1 when operating in non+displace!ent !ode "
a ) $he sa!e lights as a
power+driven vessel underway
b ) An all+round
flashing yellow light.
c ) $he sa!e lights as a power+driven vessel
underway and an additional all+round flashing yellow
,5) hat lights shall an inconspicuous1 partly sub!erged vessel or obBect less than 2, !etres in breadth
e2hibit1 when being towed "
a ) An all+round white light at
the forward end.
b ) An all+round white
light at the after end.
c ) An all+round white light at the forward
end and one at the after end.
,7) hat !ay the sound signals given on the whistle be supple!ented by1 to indicate the !anoeuvre being
carried out "
a ) By ligth signals.
b ) By any other signals. c ) By one or two black balls at the !asthead.
36) hat !eans shall a vessel use to deter!ine if risk of collision e2ists "
a ) /very vessel shall use all available !eans
appropriate to the prevailing circu!stances aand
conditions to deter!ine if risk of collision e2ists.
b ) /very vessel shall use
all visual !eans to deter!ine
if risk of collision e2ists.
c ) /very vessel shall use
the radar to deter!ine if
risk of collision e2ists.
31) hat range shall the !astlight be visible at1 for vessels less than 12! in length "
a ) % nautical !iles.
b ) 2 nautical !iles.
c ) 1 nautical !ile.
32) hat range shall the sidelights be visible at1 for vessels of 12 !etres or !ore in length1 but less than ,6
!etres "
a ) % nautical !iles.
b ) 2 nautical !iles.
c ) 1., nautical !iles.
3%) hat range shall the sternlight be visible at1 for vessels between 12 and ,6 !etres in length "
a ) % nautical !iles.
b ) 2 nautical !iles.
c ) 1 nautical !ile.
3() hat range shall the towing light be visible at1 for vessels less than 12 !etres in length "
a ) 1 nautical !ile. b ) % nautical !iles.
c ) 2 nautical !iles.
3,) hat range shall the white1 red1 green or yellow all round light be visible at1 for vessels of ,6 !etres or
!ore in length "
a ) % nautical !iles.
b ) ( nautical !iles. c ) , nautical !iles.
33) hat range shall the white1 red1 green or yellow all round light be visible at1 for vessels of l2+,6 !etres
in length "
a ) % nautical !iles.
b ) 2 nautical !iles.
c ) 1 nautical !ile.
34) hat safety precautions shall a seaplane on the water take "
a ) #he shall keep well clear of
all vessels and avoid i!peding their
b ) #he shall give a
warning signal in order to
be avoided.
c ) #he shall consider herself as any
other privileged vessel and follow her
course and speed.
35) hat shape shall a power+driven vessel underway e2hibit1 when the length of the tow e2ceeds 266
!etres "
a ) A dia!ond.
b ) A cone with the ape2 downwards. c ) 2 cones with ape2es together.
37) hat shapes shall a power+driven vessel e2hibit1 when engaged in towing operations and restricted in
her ability to deviate fro! her course "
a ) $he shapes prescribed for a
power+driven vessel engaged in
towing operations.
b ) $he shapes
prescribed for a vessel
not under co!!and.
c ) $he shapes of a vessel restricted in her
ability to !anoeuvre and the shapes prescribed
for vessels engaged in towing operatins.
46) hat shapes shall a vessel at anchor e2hibit "
a ) 'ne ball in the fore part.
b ) 'ne dia!ond in the fore part. c ) 'ne black cone in the fore part.
41) hat shapes shall a vessel engaged in dredging or underwater operations e2hibit1 when restricted in her
ability to !anoeuvre and at anchor "
a ) 0nstead of the shapes of a vessel at
anchor1 the shapes of a vessel restricted in her
ability to !anoeuvre engaged in dredging
b ) A dia!ond indicating the side
on which an obstruction e2ists and
the shapes of vessels at anchor.
c ) $he shapes of a
power+driven vessel
at anchor.
42) hat shapes shall a vessel restricted in her ability to !anoeuvre e2hibit1 when at anchor "
a ) 'ne ball in the fore part and % shapes in a vertical
line1 where they can best be seen1 the highest and the
lowest of these shapes being balls and the !iddle one a
b ) 'ne
ball in the
fore part.
c ) % shapes in a vertical line1 the
highest and the lowest being balls
and the !iddle one a dia!ond.
4%) hat shapes shall an inconspicuous1 partly sub!erged obBect or vessel e2hibit by day1 when being
towed and the length of the tow e2ceeds 266 !etres "
a ) A cone ape2 upwards at the
forward end and an additional one
at the after end.
b ) 2 black
cones1 ape2es
c ) A dia!ond at or near the after!ost e2tre!ity
and an additional one where it can best be seen and
located as far forward as practicable.
4() hat signals shall a vessel give1 when indicating her agree!ent to be overtaken "
a ) 'ne prolonged
blast and , short blasts.
b ) 'ne prolonged1 one short1 one prolonged
and one short blast G 0nternational ;ode1 letter
";" ).
c ) 'ne short blast for
starboard and 2 short blasts for
4,) hat sound signal shall a vessel not under co!!and give1 in conditions of restricted visibility "
a ) 'ne prolonged blast followed by 2
short blasts at intervals of not !ore than 2
b ) 'ne prolonged blast and ,
short blasts at intervals of 2
c ) , short warning blasts at
intervals not !ore than one
43) hat sound signal shall a vessel restricted in her ability to !anoeuvre give1 in conditions of restricted
visibility "
a ) 'ne long blast followed
by % short blasts at intervals of
2 !inutes.
b ) % short blasts preceded and
followed by one prolonged blast at
intervals of 2 !inutes.
c ) 'ne prolonged blast followed
by 2 short blasts at intervals of not
!ore than 2 !inutes.
44) hat sound signal shall a vessel underway but stopped and !aking no way through the water give1 in
conditions of restricted visibility "
a ) 'ne prolonged warning
blast at intervals of one
b ) At intervals of not !ore than 2 !inutes 2
prolonged blasts in succession with an interval of
about 2 seconds between the!.
c ) , short warning
blasts at intervals of one
45) hat sound signals shall a fishing vessel at anchor give1 in conditions of restricted visibility "
a ) -inging the bell
rapidly for , seconds at
intervals of one !inute.
b ) 'ne prolonged blast
followed by 2 short blasts at
intervals of not !ore than 2
c ) -inging the bell rapidly for , seconds
and one prolonged blast on the whistle at
intervals of not !ore than 2 !inutes.
47) hat sound signals shall a pilot vessel give in conditions of restricted visibility1 when underway and
engaged on pilotage duty "
a ) 'ne prolonged blast at intervals of not !ore
than 2 !inutes and in addition an identity signal
consisting of ( short blasts.
b ) 'ne prolonged blast
at intervals of one
c ) ( short blasts on the
whistle at intervals of one
56) hat sound signals shall a vessel at anchor give1 if her lenght is less than 166 !etres1 in conditions of
restricted visibility "
a ) -apid blasts on the bell for
about , seconds1 at intervals of not
!ore than one !inute.
b ) % short blasts on the whistle and
rapid blasts on the bell in the fore part
at intervals of 2 !inutes.
c ) 'ne short blast1 one
prolonged and one short blast at
intervals of one !inute.
51) hat vessel !ay be considered as "vessel restricted in her ability to !anoeuvre" "
a ) A vessel engaged in laying or picking
up a sub!arine cable or pipeline.
b ) A sailing vessel having
the wind dead ahead.
c ) A vessel having da!ages
to the propeller syste!.
52) hat vessel !ay be considered as "vessel restricted in her ability to !anoeuvre" "
a ) A vessel engaged in taking @
dropping the pilot.
b ) A vessel with the
engines stopped.
c ) A vessel engaged in !ine
clearance operations.
5%) hat vessel !ay be considered as "vessel restricted in her ability to !anoeuvre" "
a ) A vessel with
da!aged steering gear.
b ) A vessel engaged in laying1 picking up
or servicing a navigation !ark.
c ) A deep draught vessel
navigating in the straits.
5() hat whistle signal1 if any1 would be sounded when two vessels are !eeting1 but will pass clear
starboard to starboard"
a ) 'ne short blast b ) $wo short blasts
c ) &o signal is re>uired
5,) hen are 2 vessels dee!ed to be in sight of one another "
a ) hen they are watching
each other1 visually.
b ) hen only one can be observed
visually fro! the other.
c ) hen the vessels are not
beyond radar range.
53) hen is it per!itted to !ake a departure fro! the ;'<-/= rules "
a ) 0n national waters1 roasteads and
in all waters connected therewith
navigable by seagoing vessels.
b ) hen there is a danger of
navigation1 risk of collision as well as in
all special circu!stances.
c ) 0t is not per!itted to
!ake any departure fro! the
;'<-/= rules.
54) hen !oving fro! a berth alongside a >uay Gwharf)1 a vessel !ust sound __________
a ) three short blasts b ) a long blast
c ) &o signal is re>uired
55) hen shall a vessel engaged in fishing e2hibit the prescribed lights and shapes "
a ) 0n any circu!stance.
b ) hile underway and at anchor.
c ) hen underway.
57) hen shall a vessel enter a separation Aone or cross a separation line "
a ) hen the hydro!eteorological
conditions !ake it difficult to navigate in
the general direction of traffic flow.
b ) 0n cases of e!ergency1 to
avoid i!!ediate danger or to
engage in fishing within a
separation Aone.
c ) $he separation Aone
shall not be crossed in any
76) hen shall a vessel proceed at "safe speed" "
a ) .nder conditions of restricted
b ) At all
c ) 0n straits1 channels and difficult
71) hen shall it be dee!ed that a risk of collision e2ists "
a ) hen the vessels are
navigating on opposite
b ) hen the co!pass bearing of an
approaching vessel does not appreciably
c ) hen the approaching speed
between the two vessels is very
72) hen shall the lights prescribed by these rules be also e2hibited "
a ) Dro! sunrise to sunset1 restricted visibility and in all
other circu!stances when it is dee!ed necessary.
b ) hen visibility
is under % &!.
c ) 0n straits1 in
restricted visibility.
7%) hen shall the rules concerning shapes be co!plied with "
a ) By twilight.
b ) By day.
c ) By day or by night when they are lit.
7() hen shall the vessel be dee!ed to have reciprocal courses "
a ) hen the vessel sees the other ahead and
by night she could see the !asthead lights of the
other in a line and@or both sidelights and1 by day1
she observes the corresponding aspect of the other
b ) hen by night she could see
the !asthead lights nearly in a line
and one of the sidelights and by day
the !asts can be seen under a s!all
c ) hen the
!asthead lights and
the sternlight can
be seen.
7,) hen two vessels are in sight of one another and &'$ in or near an area of restricted visibility1 any of
the following signals !ay be given /F;/:$ ____________.
a ) a light signal of at least five
short and rapid flashes
b ) one prolonged1 one short1 one prolonged1
and one short whistle blast
c ) four short
whistle blasts
73) hen two vessels are in sight of one another1 all of the following signals !ay be given /F;/:$
a ) a light signal of at least five
short and rapid flashed
b ) four short
whistle blasts
c ) one prolonged1 one short1 one prolonged
and one short whistle blasts
74) hen vessels are in sight of one another1 two short blasts fro! one of the vessels !eans
a ) "0 a! altering !y course to
b ) "0 a! altering !y course
c ) "0 intend to change course to
starboard" to port" starboard"
75) here shall a sailing vessel underway carry the lantern1 when her length is less than 26 !etres "
a ) Anywhere and to be e2hibited only if
b ) At the top of the !ast where it can
best be seen.
c ) At the Back
77) here shall the red lights of the vessels not under co!!and be placed "
a ) At the fore!asthead. b ) At the after!asthead.
c ) here they can best be seen.
166) here shall the shapes and lights of the vessels aground be e2hibited "
a ) 0n the fore part. b ) At the stern!ast head.
c ) here they can best be seen.
161) hich is the action by stand+on vessel "
a ) $he vessel shall
keep her course and
b ) $he vessel shall alter her course
only in order to avoid a dangerous
c ) $he vessel shall reduce speed or
even stop not to engender dangerous
162) hich is the sound signal to indicate the !anoeuvre "0 a! altering !y course to port" "
a ) 'ne prollonged blast followed by 2
short blast.
b ) 2 short
c ) 2 prolonged blasts followed by 2 short
16%) hich is the sound signal to indicate the !anoeuvre "0 a! operating astern propulsion" "
a ) 'ne prolonged blast followed by %
short blasts.
b ) % short blasts preceded and followed by one
prolonged blast.
c ) % short
16() hich signal is sounded '&<E by a vessel in sight of another and &'$ in or near an area of restricted
a ) Dour short blasts on the
b ) 'ne prolonged blast on the
c ) 'ne short blast on the
16,) hich signal is sounded '&<E by a vessel in sight of another"
a ) 'ne short blast on the
b ) Dour short blasts on the
c ) 'ne prolonged blast on the
163) hich signal is sounded '&<E when vessels are &'$ in sight of each other"
a ) A signal of at least five
short and rapid blasts
b ) Dour short
blasts on the whistle
c ) 'ne prolonged1 one short1 one prolonged1 and
one short blast on the whistle1 in that order
164) hich vessel9s way shall a power+driven vessel keep out of "
a ) :ilot vessels underway1
engaged in pilotage operations.
b ) Vessels restricted in their
ability to !anoeuvre.
c ) #pecialiAed vessels carrying
containers and -'@-' vessels.
165) hich vessel9s way shall a power+driven vessel underway keep out of "
a ) Dish+carriers1 underway. b ) -esearch vessels1 underway.
c ) Vessels engaged in fishing.
167) hich vessel9s way shall a power+driven vessel underway keep out of "
a ) #ailing
b ) #ailing vessels navigating only by
use of engines.
c ) #ailing vessels1 having a black cone
ape2 downwards.
116) hich vessel9s way shall1 so far as possible1 a vessel engaged in fishing1 when underway1 keep out of "
a ) Dish+carriers underway to the
b ) Vessels not under
c ) :ilot+vessels
111) hile underway and in sight of another vessel1 you put your engines full speed astern. hich state!ent
concerning whistle signals is $-./"
a ) Eou !ust sound three
short blasts on the whistle
b ) Eou !ust sound one blast if
backing to starboard
c ) Eou !ust sound whistle signals
only if the vessels are !eeting.
112) Eou are approaching another vessel and will pass safely starboard to starboard without changing
course. Eou should _________________
a ) hold course and sound no
whistle signal
b ) hold course and sound a two
blast whistle signal
c ) change course to starboard and
sound one blast
11%) Eou are in sight of a power+driven vessel that sounds two short blasts of the whistle. $his signal !eans
that the vessel _____________.
a ) is altering course to
b ) is altering course to
c ) intends to leave you on her port
11() Eou are underway in a narrow channel1 and you are being overtaken by a vessel astern. After the
overtaking vessel sounds the proper signal indicating his intention to pass your vessel on your starboard
side1 you signal your agree!ent b
a ) one short
b ) two prolonged
c ) one prolonged1 one short1 one prolonged1 and one short
blast in that order
11,) Eou are underway on the high seas in restricted visibility. Eou hear a fog signal of one prolonged and
two short blasts. 0t could be any of the following /F;/:$ a vessel ______.
a ) !inesweeping b ) engaged in fishing
c ) being towed
113) Eou intend to overtake a vessel in a narrow channel1 and you intend to pass along the vessel?s port side.
8ow should you signal your intention"
a ) &o signal is necessary b ) $wo prolonged blasts
c ) two prolonged followed by two short blasts
114) Eour vessel is backing out of a slip in a harbor and you can see that other vessels are approaching. Eou
should sound _____________.
a ) three short blasts
when leaving the slip
b ) one prolonged blast followed by three short blasts
when the last line is taken aboard
c ) one prolonged
blast only
115) Eour vessel is backing out of a slip in a harbor. Visibility is restricted. Eou should sound
a ) one
prolonged blast only
b ) one prolonged blast followed by three
short blasts when the last line is taken aboard
c ) one prolonged blast followed by
three short blasts when leaving the slip


1) At what intervals is the "gun or other e2plosive signal" fired "
a ) At about one !inute.
b ) At about , !inutes. c ) At about 1, !inutes.
2) 8ow shall a vessel cross the traffic lanes when is obliged to do so "
a ) At a s!all angle to the
general direction of traffic flow
and at s!all speed.
b ) At as s!all an angle to the
general direction of traffic flow as
practicable at full speed.
c ) As nearly as practicable at
right angles to the direction of
traffic flow.
%) 8ow shall a vessel engaged in fishing conduct in a narrow channel or fairway "
a ) $he vessel shall not i!pede the
passage of any other vessel navigating
within a narrow channel or fairway.
b ) $hey shall fishing only in the centre
of the narrow channel not to i!pede the
passage in both directions.
c ) As a privileged
vessel which !ust be
() 8ow shall a vessel Boin or leave a traffic separation sche!e "
a ) At right angles
to the general
direction of the
traffic flow.
b ) &or!ally Boin or leave traffic lane at the
ter!ination of the lane1 but1 when Boining or
leaving fro! either side shall do so at as s!all
angle to the general direction of traffic flow as
c ) $hrough the traffic separation
Aone but with the approuval of the
authorities surveying navigation in
the traffic separation sche!e.
,) 8ow shall a vessel less than 26 ! in length or a sailing vessel proceed along a narrow fairway "
a ) As all the
other vessels.
b ) As close to the centre
of the fairway as possible.
c ) $he vessel shall not i!pede the passage of a vessel
which can safely navigate only within a narrow fairway or
3) 8ow shall a vessel navigate along a narrow channel or fairway "
a ) 0n the centre
of the channel or
b ) As near to the outer li!it of the
channel or fairway which lies on her
starboard side as is safe and practicable.
c ) $he vessel shall keep as near to the
outer li!it of the channel or fairway as
possible1 to provide a proper look+out.
4) 8ow shall the distress signals be used "
a ) Iistress signals are
used separately at short
b ) Iistress signals are used either
together or separately at short intervals of
about one !inute.
c ) Iistress signals are used
only together in order to be
noticed >uickly.
5) 0s anchoring per!itted in the traffic separation sche!es "
a ) A vessel shall so far as practicable
avoid anchoring in a traffic separation
sche!e or in areas near its ter!inations.
b ) Anchoring is per!itted1 but the
vessels shall !ake all signals
provided in the ;'<-/= rules.
c ) Anchoring is
prohibited in all
7) #hall inshore traffic Aones be used for the inshore traffic "
a ) &or!ally1 they shall not be used for
through traffic1 e2cept for vessels of less than
26! in length and sailing vessels.
b ) $hey shall be used by
all vessels owned by the
riverside state.
c ) $hey shall be used by
vessels restricted in their ability
to !anoeuvre.
16) hat additional signals shall a pilot vessel give1 when engaged on pilotage duty1 in conditions of
restricted visibility in order to be identified "
a ) , short blasts on the
b ) ( short blasts on the
c ) % short blasts on the whistle or
11) hat does the ter! "distress signals" !ean "
a ) $he signals given by
a vessel in distress.
b ) $he signals given by a vessel in
distress and in need of assistance.
c ) $he signals given by a vessel not
under co!!and1 in distress.
12) hat is the significance of a continuous sounding with any fog+signalling apparatus "
a ) A warning signal given
by a vessel in fog.
b ) A
distress signal.
c ) A signal given by a vessel not under co!!and or
restricted in her ability to !anoeuvre.
1%) hat safety precautions shall a vessel nearing a bend of a narrow channel or fairway take "
a ) $o sound ,
short blasts.
b ) $o sound one short blast and
navigate on the right side of the channel.
c ) $o sound one long blast and navigate
with particular alertness and caution.
1() hat shall the traffic separation sche!es rule apply to "
a ) $o traffic separation
sche!es adopted by the
b ) $o traffic separation sche!es
adopted by the =overn!ent of the
respective state.
c ) $o traffic separation sche!es
adopted by the organisation and the
1,) hat signal do the shells or rockets throwing red stars indicate1 when fired at short intervals "
a ) A warning signal. b ) A restriction signal given by a war vessel.
c ) A distress signal.
13) hat signal does "fla!es on the vessel fro! a burning tar or oil barrel" indicate "
a ) $he warning signal of a vessel having
the steering gear out of order.
b ) A
distress signal.
c ) $he signal to attract attention that the
vessel cannot avoid another vessel.
14) hat signal does "the s!oke signal giving off orange+coloured s!oke" indicate "
a ) A warning signal for an avoiding
b ) A distress
c ) A signal to attract
15) hat signals shall a vessel give to attract attention of another "
a ) , short blasts on the
whistle and , rapid
strokes on the bell.
b ) <ight or sound signals that cannot be
!istaken for other signals or to direct the bea! of her
searchlight in the direction of the danger.
c ) 'ne prolonged blast
and ( short blasts on the
17) hat sound signals !ay a vessel navigating within a channel use1 when in doubt to the intention of a
crossing vessel "
a ) 'ne long blast and two short blasts on
the whistle.
b ) , short and rapid blasts on
the whistle.
c ) 'ne long warning
26) hich is the distress signal given by ar!s "
a ) #lowly and repeatedly !oving
the ar!s1 !aking circles above the
b ) -aising both ar!s
vertically1 above the head.
c ) #lowly and repeatedly raising and
lowering ar!s outstretched to each side.
21) hich is the distress signal in radiotelegraphy "
a ) % dots1 % dashes1 % dots G #.'.#. ) in
the Corse ;ode.
b ) -epeated dots G / ) in the
Corse ;ode.
c ) % dashes G ' ) in the
Corse ;ode.
22) hich is the distress signal in radiotelephony "
a ) $he word IA&=/-
b ) $he word CAEIAE
c ) $he words A$$/&$0'&+IA&=/-
repeted % ti!es.
2%) hich is the distress signal in the international code of signals "
a ) "&.;."
b ) ":." c ) "'."
2() hich signal !ay be considered a distress signal "
a ) A s>uare flag having above or below it a ball or a
si!ilar obBect.
b ) % black balls in a
vertical line.
c ) A red flag
G B ).
2,) hich signal !ay be considered as a distress signal "
a ) #hells or hand flares
showing a red light.
b ) #hells or hand flares
showing a green light.
c ) #hells or hand flares showing a
brillant white light.

1) A navigational position line is a part of a ......
a ) position circle.
b ) s!all circle. c ) seg!ent. d ) All of the other options.
2) A vessel is under pilotage approaching a /uropean port. ho is responsible for the safe navigation of the
a ) $he
b ) $he !aster and duty
c ) $he traffic
d ) $he pilot and the !aster
%) Iistance on a chart is !easured using ......
a ) latitude scale.
b ) longitude scale. c ) any unifor! scale. d ) none of the given options.
() 8ow often are chart corrections published"
a ) eekly
b ) Conthly c ) Eearly d ) Annually
,) 8ow often is a chart catalogue published"
a ) Annually
b ) Conthly c ) $wice a year d ) eekly
3) 0n what direction does the a2is of the gyro+co!pass wheel point"
a ) $rue &orth
b ) Cagnetic &orth c ) &orth -elative d ) ;o!pass &orth
4) 0n which publication can infor!ation on ship reporting be found"
a ) A<-#
b ) #hip -outeing c ) 0AC#A- d ) #':/: Canual
5) 0n which publication can infor!ation on V$# be found"
a ) A<-#
b ) $ide $ables c ) -outeing ;harts d ) ;hart ;atalogues
7) 'n a navigational chart1 how is the probable direction of the predo!inant direction of sea surface current

a ) <etter a
b ) <etter b c ) <etter c d ) <etter d
16) 'n a navigational chart1 what does this figure indicate"
a ) ind!ill
b ) ind+!otor c ) ;hi!ney d ) :illar
11) 'n a navigational chart1 what does this figure indicate"
a ) #ector lights
b ) 8eading lights c ) Iirection lights d ) All of the other options
12) 'n which side of this buoy should you pass"
a ) #outh
b ) &orth c ) /ast d ) est
1%) $he best position fi2 is obtained when the bearings of two obBects are......
a ) 76 degrees apart.
b ) (, degrees apart. c ) 156 degrees apart. d ) 1%, degrees apart.
1() $he correct order to follow when planning a passage is ......
a ) appraise1 plan1
!onitor1 e2ecute
b ) plan1 appraise1
!onitor1 e2ecute
c ) plan1 !onitor1
appraise1 e2ecute
d ) plan1 !onitor1
e2ecute1 appraise.
1,) $he direction towards which a tidal strea! runs is called ......
a ) set
b ) drift c ) current d ) leeway
13) $he relationship between the distance on the earth and the length by which that distance is shown on the
navigation chart is called the ......
a ) natural scale.
b ) actual scale. c ) calculated scale. d ) variable scale.
14) $he vertical distance between the sea bed and the deepest part of the keel is known as the ......
a ) underkeel clearance.
b ) draft. c ) depth. d ) sounding.
15) .nder soundings !arked on the chart1 the nature of the sea botto! is also indicated. hat does #h
a ) #hells
b ) ;orals c ) #oft !ud d ) #hingle
17) hat are sailing directions also known as"
a ) :ilot books
b ) =uide to port entry c ) -outeing charts d ) :assage planning charts
26) hat charts are used for coasting1 pilotage waters and plotting waypoints"
a ) <arge scale
b ) #!all scale c ) -outeing d ) 0nstructional
21) hat charts are used for plotting =reat ;ircle courses"
a ) =no!onic
b ) 0nstructional c ) -outeing d ) :assage planning
22) hat does this chart sy!bol !ean"
a ) Iirection of :revailing
b ) Iirection of $raffic
c ) Iirection of $idal
' ) Iirection of
2%) hat does this figure indicate on a navigation chart"
a ) est cardinal buoy
b ) /ast cardinal buoy c ) &orth cardinal buoy d ) #outh cardinal buoy
2() hat is a routeing !easure ai!ed at the separation of opposing strea!s of traffic by establishing traffic
lanes called"
a ) $raffic separation sche!e
b ) $raffic <ane c ) #eparation Lone d ) -eco!!ended route
2,) hat is the east + west distance between two points called"
a ) Ieparture
b ) I9long c ) I9lat d ) IC:
23) hat is the line roughly following the 156th !eridian called"
a ) $he date line
b ) $he =reenwich !eridian c ) $he />uator d ) A rhu!b line
24) hat is the !eaning of the sy!bol ;l on a navigational chart"
a ) ;lay
b ) ;oral c ) ;loud d ) ;ill
25) hat is the vertical distance on a given day between the water surface at high and low water called"
a ) -ange of tides
b ) 8eight of tide c ) 8ighest astrono!ical tide d ) <owest astrono!ical tide.
27) hat should a passage plan include"
a ) $he plan should
include the first 42 hours of
the sea voyage.
b ) $he plan should
include the entire voyage
fro! berth to berth.
c ) $he plan should
cover the first half of the
sea voyage.
d ) $he '' decides
what to include in the
passage plan.
%6) hat ti!e is used for the ship9s course recorder"
a ) <ocal ti!e b ) #hip9s ti!e
c ) =C$
d ) ;o!pany head office ti!e
%1) hen !ust a passage plan be prepared"
a ) =radually during a
sea voyage
b ) Before the voyage
c ) henever re>uested
by a pilot
d ) Any of the other
%2) hen selecting the !a2i!u! distance at which a landfall light would be visible1 which of the following
should be selected"
a ) lesser of the two
Ggeographical M no!inal range)
b ) geographical
c ) no!inal
d ) greater of the two
Ggeographical M no!inal range)
%%) hen using great circle sailing the saving in distance is the !ost when......
a ) the course is /+ 1nearer
to the poles.
b ) at the
c ) the course is
d ) the course is one of the inter+
cardinal headings.
%() here can you find the sy!bols and abbreviations used on the Ad!iralty charts"
a ) ;hart ,611
b ) ;hart ,622 c ) ;hart catalogue d ) &otices to !ariners
%,) here is the title of the navigation chart printed"
a ) 0n so!e convenient1 conspicuous
place1 where it does not hinder navigation or
the use of it.
b ) Always at the
center of the chart.
c ) here the sea
areas are located.
d ) Always at the
botto! left hand
%3) here will you find a co!prehensive list of navigation charts with the title and nu!ber for various parts
of the world"
a ) ;hart catalogue
b ) ;hart ,611 c ) ;hart folio d ) #ailing directions
%4) here would you find infor!ation about a vessel reporting syste! for a port which you are about to
a ) Cariner9s
b ) 0nternational ;ode of
c ) Ad!iralty <ist of
-adio #ignals.
d ) 'cean :assages for
the orld.
%5) hich error in the echo sounder is illustrated in the diagra!"
a ) :ythagoras
b ) Cultiple error c ) Velocity error d ) Dalse botto! echoes
%7) hich is the !ore accurate !eans of position fi2ing"
a ) A radar range and
b ) $wo radar
c ) $wo visual
d ) A visual bearing and a radar
(6) hich of the following options would be considered "good sea!anship""
a ) .sing radar
when proceeding at
full speed in fog.
b ) #ounding a fog
signal when in clear
weather1 but approaching
a fog bank.
c ) .sing deck and
acco!!odation lights to
indicate the presence of your
ship in poor visibility.
d ) :roceeding on the port
side of a narrow channel to
take advantage of a
favourable current.
(1) ho publishes the chart catalogue"
a ) 8ydrographer to the &avy
b ) 0C' c ) 0;# d ) 8C#'
(2) hy should the largest scale chart available be used for navigational purposes"
a ) Because it uses
larger sy!bols.
b ) Because it uses
better colour.
c ) Because it shows !ore
accurate infor!ation.
d ) Because the brightest
lights are shown.
(%) Eou are on watch at night and you stop the !ain engines. hat changes would you !ake to your
navigational lights"
a ) #witch the
stea!ing lights off
b ) #witch on
three vertical red
c ) #witch on two vertical red
lights and switch off all other
navigational lights.
' ) #witch on two vertical
red lights and switch off
stea!ing lights.
(() Eou e2pect to sight land at 2166. By 2126 no land has been sighted1 the visibility is good. hat action
would you take"
a ) Keep looking out.
b ) ;all the !aster.
c ) #top engines. d ) Alter course.
(,) Eou see a two flag signal on a ship close+by. hat publication would you consult to discover its
a ) Ad!iralty <ist of -adio
b ) Cariner9s
c ) 0nternational ;ode of
d ) &autical
(3) Eour vessel is carrying a full cargo of scrap steel. hich ite! of bridge e>uip!ent is likely to be
a ) $he satellite navigator.
b ) $he echo
c ) $he gyro
' ) $he !agnetic
1) A falling baro!eter is an indication of ....
a ) good weather to
b ) bad weather to
c ) no change in
d ) rainy weather to
2) A s>uall line of sharp changes of wind1 is very often associated with ......
a ) cold front.
b ) war! front. c ) occluded front. d ) warn front.
%) A sudden rising strong wind1 or sudden increase of wind usually followed i!!ediately by a shower of
rain or snow is called a ......
a ) s>uall
b ) cyclone c ) stor! d ) tropical cyclone
() An occluded depression tends to !ove ....
a ) slowly and irregularly.
b ) fast and irregularly. c ) fast. d ) slowly.
,) Assu!ing a forecast wind of say1 %6 kts1 with the !a2i!u! wind duration and !a2i!u! fetch1 what
would be the value of the significant wave height"
a ) (17
b ) ( c ) % d ) %17
3) Dast !oving high clouds are an indication of ....
a ) bad weather to
b ) good weather to
c ) rainy weather to
d ) unchanged
4) Drontal depressions !ove in fa!ilies1 each depression following its predecessor but in ......
a ) a slightly higher
b ) the sa!e
c ) a slightly lower
d ) a !uch higher
5) 0f a !eteorological depression has a large war! sector1 it has a tendency to ......
a ) weaken. b ) re!ain unchanged.
c ) deepen.
d ) !ove fast.
7) 0f an observer is facing the wind in the northern he!isphere1 where does the low pressure lie"
a ) $o the right
b ) $o the left c ) Ahead d ) Behind
16) 0f the distance between two consecutive isobars Gdrawn at intervals of (!b) is found to be 166 n.!. and
the latitude is ,6 deg1 what is the geostrophic wind speed"
a ) %6 kts
b ) 1, kts c ) 36 kts d ) 126 kts
11) 0n a tropical revolving stor!1 "the eye" is a s!all central region of......
a ) co!paratively strong winds
and heavy clouds.
b ) very strong
winds and no clouds.
c ) no winds
and heavy rain.
' ) co!paratively light
winds and little clouds.
12) 0n !eteorology1 isobars are lines Boining places having the sa!e ......
a ) pressure.
b ) te!perature. c ) hu!idity d ) iceberg density.
1%) 0n !eteorology1 isother!s are lines Boining places having the sa!e ....
a ) pressure. b ) hu!idity.
c ) te!perature.
d ) iceberg density.
1() 0n what direction does the wind blow around a cyclonic stor! in the northern he!isphere"
a ) Anti+clockwise
b ) ;lockwise c ) $owards the pole d ) $owards the e>uator
1,) 0n what latitude do tropical revolving stor!s generally originate"
a ) 6 to 2, degrees.
b ) 2, to %, degrees. c ) %, to ,6 degrees. d ) ,6 to 3, degrees.
13) 0n which area will the isobars be spaced closest1 given the wind speeds indicated"
a ) (6kts
b ) 26kts c ) %6kts d ) 16kts
14) Ceteorology + what does the figure indicate"
a ) ar! occlusion
b ) ;old occlusion c ) ar! front d ) ;old front
15) 'n the Beaufort scale1 hurricane force corresponds to wind ......
a ) force 5. b ) force 16.
c ) force 12.
d ) force 1(.
17) 'n the Beaufort scale1 stor! force corresponds to wind ......
a ) force 16 and above.
b ) force 5 and above. c ) force 12 and above. d ) force 3 and above.
26) 'n this weather routeing chart1 what does the lower figure represent"
a ) $he percentage fre>uency of
currents having a rate of less than " knot
b ) $he nu!ber. of
c ) $he !ean
d ) $he strongest
current e2perienced
21) 'n this weather routeing chart1 what does the upper figure indicate"
a ) $he nu!ber of
b ) $he percentage fre>uency of
variables winds.
c ) $he nu!ber of
observed cal!s.
d ) &one of the
other options.
22) 'n this weather routeing chart1 what does this figure indicate"
a ) :ipeline
b ) $elegraph line c ) :ower trans!ission line d ) 'verhead transporter
2%) 'n this weather routeing chart1 what does this figure indicate"
a ) #ingle 'cculting
b ) #ingle flashing c ) =roup >uick d ) ;o!posite group flashing
2() 'n this weather routeing chart1 what does this figure indicate"
a ) 'verfalls and tide+rips
b ) /ddies c ) Breakers d ) Kelp
2,) 'n this weather routeing chart1 what is indicated"
a ) -adio calling in point1 way or
reporting point showing direction of
vessels !ove!ent.
b )
c ) Aeronautical
radio beacon.
d ) ;oast radio station providing
range and bearing fro! stations on
23) 'n this weather routeing chart1 what is the wind speed indicated by the arrow"
a ) ( kts
b ) % kts c ) , kts d ) 4 kts
24) 'n weather routeing charts how are iceberg li!its presented"
a ) letter a
b ) letter b c ) letter c d ) letter d
25) #outh esterlies are the general surface wind in which of the following latitudes"
a ) 6 + %6 degrees. b ) %6 + (6 degrees.
c ) (6 + 36 degrees.
d ) 36 + 76 degrees.
27) $he cause of ice accu!ulation on a ship is due to freeAing of sea spray at a te!perature below ......
a ) 6 degrees ;. b ) N2 degrees ;. c ) + 2 degrees ;.
' ) +, degrees ;.
%6) $he direction of the centre of a stor! !ay be found by Buys Ballot9s law1 na!ely face the wind and ....
a ) the centre of the stor! is to
your left if you are in &orthern
he!isphere and to your right if you
are in #outhern he!isphere.
b ) in the &orthern
he!isphere the centre of the
stor! will bear 5 to 12
points to the right.
c ) the center of
the stor! will be
ahead about a
point to the right.
d ) the center of the
stor! will be right
behind you about a
point on your left.
%1) $he eye of a tropical revolving stor! is an area with light wind but with seas that are....
a ) very high fro! the &orth
or #outh.
b ) very high and
c ) !oderate and
d ) very high fro! the
/ast or est.
%2) $ropical revolving stor!s are acco!panied by ......
a ) heavy rain so!eti!es with
thunder and lightning.
b ) dense
c ) slight wind and
heavy rain.
d ) very cold air and
so!eti!es hail.
%%) hat does this indicate on a wether !ap"
a ) ;old front
b ) ar! front c ) 'ccluded front d ) #tationary front
%() hat instru!ent is used for !easuring the velocity of the wind"
a ) Ane!o!eter
b ) Baro!eter c ) $acho!eter d ) 8ydro!eter
%,) hat is rain acco!panied by snow called"
a ) #leet.
b ) #now flakes. c ) 0ce pellets. d ) 8ail.
%3) hat is the co!!on na!e for hurricanes1 typhoons or cyclones"
a ) $ropical
b ) 0nter tropical convergence
c )
' ) $ropical revolving
%4) hat is the instru!ent used for !easuring hu!idity of the at!osphere called"
a ) :sychro!eter
b ) 8u!idifier c ) 8ydro!eter d ) Baro!eter
%5) hat is the >uantity of water vapour present in the at!osphere called"
a ) 8u!idity
b ) -elative hu!idity c ) Absolute hu!idity d ) Iew point
%7) hat is water content of the at!osphere Gusually e2pressed as a percentage) known as"
a ) 8u!idity
b ) Iew c ) Dog d ) Cist
(6) hat type of clouds are shown in the picture"
a ) #tratocu!ulus
b ) ;u!ulus c ) #tratus d ) ;irrus
(1) hat weather conditions are likely to result fro! the !ove!ent of war! air !ass over a relatively
colder sea surface"
a ) Dog
b ) -ain c ) #>ualls d ) $rough
(2) hat weather pheno!enon can cause a reduction of radar range due to attenuation"
a ) -ough seas. b ) Dog. c ) Cist.
' ) -ain M snow.
(%) hen visibility is 1k! or less1 it is known as ......
a ) fog.
b ) haAe. c ) !ist. d ) none of the other options.
(() hich of these are "high clouds""
a ) Altocu!ulus1
b ) &i!bostratus1 stratus1
c ) ;irrus1 cirrocu!ulus1
d )
(,) hich of these are "low clouds""
a ) &i!bostratus1 stratus1
b ) Altocu!ulus1
c ) ;irrus1 cirrocu!ulus1
d )
(3) hich of these at!ospheric layers is closest to the earth"
a ) $roposphere
b ) #tratosphere c ) Cesosphere d ) 0onosphere
(4) hich of these is the correct pressure se>uence associated with a weather "war! front""
a ) 0n advance +
steady H during the
passage + steady fall H in
the rear + increase.
b ) 0n advance + steady
fall H during the passage + fall
ceases H in the rear + little
change or slow fall.
c ) 0n advance +
increase H during the
passage + steady H in the
rear + decrease.
d ) 0n advance + sharply
falling H during the passage
+ rise and fall H in the rear +
slowly rising.
(5) hich of these is the correct pressure se>uence associated with a weather " cold front ""
a ) 0n advance + steady H
during the passage + sudden
rise H in the rear + fall.
b ) &one of
these are
c ) 0n advance + fall H during
the passage + sudden rise H in the
rear + rise continues !ore slowly.
d ) 0n advance + sudden fallH
during the passage + sudden
riseH in the rear + steady.
(7) hich of these is the correct se>uence of visibility associated with a weather "cold front""
a ) 0n advance + very
good H during the passage +
!oderate in showers H at
the rear + usually poor.
b ) 0n advance + usually
poor H during the passage + first
bad than good H in the rear +
usually very good e2cept in
c ) 0n advance + very
poor H during the
passage + bad H in the
rear + !oderate.
d ) 0n advance + very
good H during the
passage + very poor H in
the rear + !oderate.
,6) hich of these is the correct se>uence of weather associated with a "cold front""
a ) 0n advance +
heavy rain H during
the passage + no
rain H in the rear +
no rain.
b ) 0n advance + no
rain H during the
passage + !oderate
rain H in the rear +
heavy rain.
c ) 0n advance + clear skies H
during the passage +
thunderstor!s1 often with hail H
in the rear + steady driAAle with
cloudy skies.
' ) 0n advance + usually
so!e rain and perhaps thunder H
during the passage + rain1 often
heavy H in the rear + heavy rain
for a short period than fair .
,1) hich of these is the correct weather se>uence associated with a "war! front""
a ) 0n advance + continuous
rainH during the passage + rain
al!ost or co!pletely stopsH in
the rear + !ainly cloudy and
slight rain.
b ) 0n advance + no
rainH during the passage
+ continuous rainH in the
rear + driAAle.
c ) 0n advance +
driAAleH during the
passage + no rainH in the
rear + continuous rain.
d ) 0n advance + showersH
during the passage +
thunderstor!s @ in the rear
+ clear skies.
,2) ind force 16 correspond to wind speed of ......
a ) (5 + ,, knots.
b ) ,3 + 3% knots. c ) %( + (6 knots. d ) 25 + %% knots.
,%) ind force , corresponds to a wind speed of ....
a ) 16 + 1( knots.
b ) 14 + 21 knots.
c ) %6 + %( knots. d ) 2, + 27 knots.
,() Eou are 16 to 36 nautical !iles away fro! the centre of a tropical revolving stor!. hat baro!etric
changes would you e2pect"
a ) &o change. b ) #light 0ncrease.
c ) -apid fall.
d ) -apid 0ncrease.
1) After a collision on the high seas1 the Caster of a ship sailing under its flag has several legal duties"
hich answer does &'$ belong in the list"
a ) $o render assistance
to the other ship1 her crew
and her passengers.
b ) $o infor! the
other ship of the
na!e of his own
c ) $o infor! the other ship of
the na!e of port of registry and
the nearest port at which the
ship will call.
' ) $o infor! the
other ship of the na!e of
the ship9s agents at the ne2t
port of call.
2) At what intervals should an /:0-B be tested1 inspected and1 if necessary have the source of energy
a ) At intervals not
e2ceeding twelve !onths
b ) At intervals not
e2ceeding si2 !onths
c ) At intervals not
e2ceeding three !onths
d ) At the weekly
!ustering and boat drills
%) 8ow often should e!ergency steering drills be carried out"
a ) At least every %
b ) At least every 3
c ) At least every 7
d ) At least every 12
() 0f you have a !ain engine failure1 what shapes would you e2hibit"
a ) $wo black balls in a vertical line
b ) A cylinder c ) Ball+ dia!ond+ ball d ) #ingle dia!ond
,) 0f you were at the entrance to an enclosed space and you lost co!!unication with a crew!e!ber inside1
what should you do"
a ) ait for a few
!inutes in case the
crew!e!ber is busy.
b ) :ut on a BA set
and enter the
enclosed space.
c ) 8olding your breath1 enter
the enclosed space to see if you
can spot the crew!an.
' ) -aise the alar!
with the bridge or other
officers in the area.
3) 0n the case of per!anent loss of power1 what type of radio !essage would you send"
a ) .rgency
b ) Iistress c ) #ecurite d ) All of the the other options
4) 0n the event of a fire1 what would be your first action"
a ) -aise the alar! before
carrying out subse>uent actions
b ) Atte!pt to fight the
fire independently
c ) =et help fro! nearby
and proceed to fight the
d ) #eal off the area
before calling for help
5) 0n the event of a !an overboard1 what flag would you hoist"
a ) Dlag "'"
b ) Dlag "." c ) Dlag " #" d ) Dlag " -"
7) 0n which of these cases would you trans!it a Iistress !essage"
a ) Dlooding
b ) #teering failure c ) Cain engine failure d ) /lectrical failure
16) $o which one of these actions would you give priority if you have a !ain engine failure"
a ) :repare for anchoring if
in shallow waters.
b ) 0nfor!
head office.
c ) 0nfor!
d ) 0nfor! agents that the vessel
will possibly be delayed.

11) hat action should the watch officer take on being notified of !an overboard"
a ) Alter course
156 degrees and
sound the alar!.
b ) -elease the bridge wing buoy1
notify the !aster and start slowing down
to !anoeuvering speed.
c ) Alter course hard over on
the side the !an fell in and
infor! the engine roo!.
d ) ;all for
a lookout.
12) hat can be done when a vessel e2periences synchronous rolling during rough weather"
a ) Alter course
b ) Alter speed c ) Caintain course and speed d ) <ower the =C of the vessel
1%) hat do the letters =CI## refer to"
a ) $he "=eneral Custer list
Iirections M vessel #afety
#ervices" !anual onboard ship.
b ) #earch and rescue
services to large
passenger vessels.
c ) $he "=lobal
Cariti!e Iistress and
#afety #yste!."
d ) $he !andatory
0nternational #afety
Canage!ent syste!.
1() hat is an /:0-B"
a ) An electronic
positioning instru!ent and
receiving device.
b ) A+ s!oke generator used
to indicate the position of a
ship or boat in distress.
c ) An electronic
e!ergency position+
indicating radio beacon.
d ) An
receiving beacon.
1,) hat type of e2tinguishing agent would you use if you have an electrical fire"
a ) ;'2
b ) Doa! c ) #oda acid d ) #tea!
13) hat type of radio !essage would you trans!it if your ship has a collision and there is grave and
i!!inent danger"
a ) Iistress alert and !essage
b ) .rgency !essage c ) #afety !essage d ) Iistress relay
14) hat type of radio !essages contain i!portant navigational or !eteorological warnings"
a ) #afety
b ) .rgency c ) Iistress d ) All of the other options
15) hen an e!ergency is clearly over1 how should a Cayday !essage be cancelled"
a ) By broadcasting
to all stations.
b ) By broadcasting to
those involved.
c ) By broadcasting to the
nearest coast station.
d ) $here is no need
to take any action.
17) hen should one abandon a ship"
a ) 'n verbal orders
fro! the !aster.
b ) 'n hearing the general
e!ergency alar! signal..
c ) hen one feels there
is a threat to the ship.
d ) 'n orders fro!
the owners.
26) hich of these are distress signals"
a ) All of the
other options.
b ) A gun or e2plosive signal fired
at intervals of about one !inute.
c ) Dla!es on
a vessel.
d ) A continuous sounding with
any fog+ signaling apparatus.
21) hich of these would be the correct order to fight a fire"
a ) Dind1 infor!1
restrict1 e2tinguish
b ) Dind1 restrict1
infor!1 e2tinguish
c ) Dind1 restrict1
e2tinguish1 infor!
d ) Dind1 e2tinguish1
infor!1 restrict

1) 8ow often should the auto pilot be tested in !anual !ode"
a ) At least once a
b ) At least once a
c ) At least once in a
d ) :rior to arrival and departure
2) 8ow often should the !agnetic co!pass error be checked "
a ) 'nce a
b ) 'nce a watch and after a !aBor
course alteration.
c ) $wice a
d ) After each !aBor alteration
of course.
%) 0f VarO 5 and Iev O(1 hat is the co!pass error"
a ) 12
b ) ( c ) (/ d ) 12/
() 0f ship9s head by co!pass was 6(, G ; )1 hat is the true course if the variation is , and the deviation is
7., "
a ) 6%6., G $ )
b ) 6,(., G $ ) c ) 6,7., G $ ) d ) 6,6 G $ )
,) 0f the true transit bearing of two leading lights is read off the chart and the co!pass bearing of the two
lights1 when in transit1 is taken1 then the difference between the two bearings so obtained is the ......
a ) co!pass error.
b ) deviation. c ) variation. d ) !agnetic bearing.
3) Cagnetic ;o!pass + 0f var O3/ H dev O%1 hat is the co!pass error"
a ) % /
b ) % c ) 7/ d ) 7
4) Cagnetic co!pass + Var O 4 H Iev O 12/ H hat is the co!pass error"
a ) ,/
b ) , c ) 17/ d ) 17
5) $he angle between the !agnetic north and the true north is ......
a ) variation.
b ) deviation. c ) co!pass error. d ) !agnetic co!pass error.
7) $he point at which the hel! !ust be applied to achieve a re>uired course alteration is called the ......
a ) wheel+over position.
b ) way+point. c ) abort+point. d ) drift+point.
16) $o convert a co!pass course to a !agnetic course1 it is necessary to apply.....
a ) deviation.
b ) variation. c ) co!pass error. d ) none of the other answers.
11) $o convert a !agnetic course to a true course1 it is necessary to apply ....
a ) variation.
b ) deviation. c ) co!pass error. d ) none of the other options.
1) An ''1 on duty in coastal waters1 notices that he beco!es too busy to be able to take a fi2. hat
should he do"
a ) #low down
the vessel
b ) <eave the fi2
until later
c ) Ask the lookout to check for other
vessels while he takes a fi2
' ) ;all the !aster
to assist hi!

2) Apart fro! ensuring navigational safety at anchorage1 what should the '' do"
a ) 8ave all bridge
e>uip!ent cleaned.
b ) ;heck that the engineer
on watch is in the engine
c ) Conitor the V8D
for orders for the vessel.
d ) Iirect the lookout to
do !aintenance work.
%) At the co!!ence!ent of a sea voyage the Caster1 a :ilot1 the '' and 2 ratings are present on the
bridge. ho is in charge"
a ) $he Caster can designate
either the :ilot or the '' to be
in charge
b )
Always the
c ) Always the :ilot
whenever he is on
d ) /ither the :ilot or the Caster
in accordance with the owner9s
() 8ow often should a position fi2 be taken during a sea voyage if the ship is in open coastal waters"
a ) Pust before the change of
b ) $wice a
c ) At least every %6
d ) 'nly when the visibility
,) 8ow should the anchor be positioned when a ship is due to anchor in a river with a strong current"
a ) 0t should be
properly secured to
prevent da!age..
b ) 0t should be
lowered to Bust below
the water level.
c ) 0t should be
lowered to Bust above the
water level.
d ) 0t should be ready to drop
at any ti!e fro! it9s nor!al
secured position.
3) 0f the '' is in doubt as to the :ilot9s actions or intentions1 what !ust he do"
a ) #eek clarification fro! the :ilot 1
notify the !aster and take corrective action
b ) Avoid
taking any
c ) Ask the :ilot
to leave the bridge
d ) ;all the !aster and
wait for hi! to take action
4) 0f a hel!s!an is given an order "starboard 16" 1 what !ust he do"
a ) 8e !ust repeat
the order before putting
the wheel on stbd 16
b ) 8e !ust put
the wheel on stbd
16 and then report
c ) 8e !ust repeat the order 1 wait for a
reconfir!ation fro! the '' and then
put the wheel on stbd 16
d ) All of the other
options are
5) 0f two vessels approach each other on a collision course1 what is !eant by "the critical period""
a ) $he period when
action to prevent a collision
has to be taken
b ) $he period
before collision takes
c ) $he period after which
it is too late to avoid a
d ) $he period when
neither vessel has noticed
the other
7) #hould the ''1 who is escorting the pilot to the pilot ladder1 be e>uipped with a walkie+talkie for
co!!unication with the bridge"
a ) 0t9s not
b ) Ees1 but only if visibility is
c ) 0t9s up to the pilot to
' )
16) $he captain of a vessel has 2 years of e2perience as a captain and the pilot directing the navigation has
26 years of e2perience. ho is in charge "
a ) Always the officer with the longest sea
b ) $he
c ) $he
d ) Iepends on :ort Authority9s
11) $he 0nternational -egulations for :revention of ;ollision at #ea includes......
a ) instructions for the
use of the radio in fog.
b ) instructions for
keeping the radar log.
c ) instructions on action to
take while plotting a ship by
d ) rules for the proper
use of navigational aids.
12) $he '' has1 during the pre+departure check of the bridge e>uip!ent1 found an error in the weather
facsi!ile. hat should he do"
a ) -ecord the
error in the log
b ) Advise the !aster
after the vessel has
c ) ;all the attention of
the 2nd /ngineer on the
' ) Advise the !aster as soon
as possible before the vessel9s
1%) $he pilot gives the hel!s!an an order which the '' believe to be incorrect. hat should he do"
a ) -ecord
it in the log
b ) $he pilot is in control of
the vessel so he cannot
>uestion the action of the
c ) Ask the pilot to clarify the reason for
the order. 0f still in doubt he should consult
the !aster and take action if the !aster is not
d ) Keep >uiet in
order not to
disturb the pilot
1() $wo ships approach each other on reciprocal courses1 one with a speed of 22 knots1 the other with 1,
knots. hat is their relative speed"
a ) 22 knots b ) 1, knots c ) 4 knots
' ) %4 knots
1,) hat chart should be used when navigating"
a ) $he largest scale chart
b ) Any chart which c ) $he largest scale d ) $he chart which
onboard for the area which is
properly corrected
shows the area which the
vessel is passing through
chart on board for the
concerned area
covers the largest part
of the passage
13) hat is a pilot boarding card"
a ) A card certifying
that the pilot is
b ) A card that the pilot
should sign to record his
presence onboard
c ) A list of the vessel9s
essential particulars which is
given to the pilot
d ) A card given by the
:ort Authorities to the
14) hat is a safe interval between position fi2es"
a ) Before the
vessel is due to
alter course
b ) hen the
c ) #o that the vessel cannot
be set into danger if the last
two fi2es were incorrect
' ) #o that the vessel cannot be set
appreciably off course1 or into danger by
the effects of wind1 tide or current
15) hat is the best way to !onitor the risk of collision in poor visibility"
a ) :ost an e2tra
b ) Conitor the radar display and
post a lookout.
c ) $ake !ore
satellite fi2es..
d ) Arrange for hand
17) hat is the duty of a pilot"
a ) $o be responsible for the
vessel9s navigation as long as
he is on board
b ) $o assist in
planning the sea
c ) $o direct the
navigation of the ship in a
certain area
d ) $o relieve the '' of
his duty to !onitor the
navigation of the ship
26) hat is the !eaning of the light signal being shown"
a ) A vessel !ay only proceed when
given a specific order1 e2cept those
navigating outside the !ain channel.
b ) A vessel
!ay proceed. 'ne
way traffic.
c ) A vessel !ay
proceed. $wo way
d ) A vessel !ay only
proceed when given a
specific order.
21) hat is the !eaning of the light signal being shown"
a ) A vessel !ay only
proceed when given a
specific order.
b ) A vessel !ay
proceed. $' AE
c ) /C/-=/&;E + All
vessels to stop or divert according
to instructions.
d ) Vessel !ay
proceed. '&/ AE
22) hat is the !eaning of the light signal being shown"
a ) Vessel
shall &'$
b ) /C/-=/&;E + All
vessels to stop or divert
according to instructions.
c ) A vessel !ay only proceed
when given a specific order1 e2cept
if navigating outside the !ain
' ) A vessel !ay
only proceed when
given a specific order.
2%) hat is the !eaning of the light signal being shown"
a ) Vessels
shall &'$
b ) Vessels shall &'$ proceed
e2cept if navigating outside the
!ain channel.
c ) A vessel !ay only
proceed when given a
specific order.
d ) Vessels !ay
proceed. $' AE
2() hat is the !eaning of the light signal being shown"
a ) Vessel !ay
proceed. $' AE
b ) Vessel !ay proceed.
'&/ AE $-ADD0;.
c ) Vessel shall
&'$ proceed.
d ) Vessel shall &'$ proceed
e2cept if navigating outside the
!ain channel.
2,) hat is the !eaning of the light signal being shown"
a ) Vessel
shall &'$
b ) Vessel !ay
proceed. $' AE
c ) /C/-=/&;E + All
vessels to stop or divert
according to instructions.
' ) A vessel !ay only proceed
when given a specific order1 e2cept if
navigating outside the !ain channel.
23) hat is the !eaning of the light signal being shown"
a ) Vessel
shall &'$
b ) Vessel shall &'$
proceed e2cept if navigating
outside the !ain channel.
c ) Vessel !ay
proceed. '&/ AE
d ) A vessel !ay only proceed when
given a specific order1 e2cept those
navigating outside the !ain channel.
24) hen at anchor1 what should the '' do if the vessel appears to be dragging her anchor"
a ) Ask the chief engineer to
start the engine
b ) Ask the bosun to check
the anchor
c ) ;all the
!aster at once
d ) Any of the other
25) hen !ay positions !arked on the navigation chart be erased"
a ) At the end of
the voyage
b ) 'nce the vessel is on
the ne2t chart
c ) After the day has
d ) 'nce the vessel is on the
ne2t course
27) hen !ay the '' on the bridge !anoeuvre the engines"
a ) henever he
needs to
b ) 'nly on orders fro!
the !aster
c ) 'nly after infor!ing the
d ) hen approaching
%6) hen out of sight of land1 what is the principal threat to the ship"
a ) $o have an engine
breakdown which re>uires
b ) $o have a
collision with another
c ) $o end up on the wrong course
and1 as a result1 consu!ing to !uch
d ) $o be late
due to bad
%1) hen told to rig a pilot ladder1 which side do you choose"
a ) $he weather side b ) ;lose to the stern
c ) $he lee side
d ) /ither side
%2) hen two ships are on reciprocal courses1 what is !eant by the "approaching vessel9s relative speed""
a ) $he su! of the
speed of the two vessels
b ) $he speed of the
faster vessel
c ) $he difference in speed
between the two vessels
d ) $he speed of the
slower vessel
%%) hen using a buoy as an aid to navigation1 which of the following should always be considered"
a ) $he buoy
!ay not be in its
charted position.
b ) 0f the light is
showing its correct
characteristic it is in its
right position.
c ) 0f no radio navigation
warning has been issued
concerning the buoy1 it can be
assu!ed to be in its correct
d ) $he buoy is nearly
always well anchored and
can be considered to be in its
charted position.
%() hen watchkeepers are inade>uately rested1 it calls for changes to routine watchkeeping periods. ho is
responsible for !aking such changes"
a ) $he !aster
b ) $he watch keeper involved c ) All the watchkeepers d ) $he navigating officer
%,) hich of following ite!s should be checked before a ship sails"
a ) $hat cargo is
stowed safely
b ) $hat all !oveable
obBects are secured
c ) All bridge e>uip!ent1 !ain engine1
au2iliary syste!s and the steering syste!
' ) All of the
other options
%3) hich of the following should not used for collision avoidance"
a ) V8D -adio
b ) Canual -adar potting c ) A-:A d ) #ound@<ight #ignalling
%4) hich of the following would not be included as part of control testing by the deck ''1 prior to
a ) $esting
of ship9s cranes
b ) $esting of engine
telegraph and it9s auto
c ) #ynchronising
d ) ;hecking co!!unication between
Bridge and /ngine control roo!
%5) hich of the listed tasks have priority over the other"
a ) Caintaining the track
co!es before collision
b ) &avigating co!es
before controlling the
vessel9s track
c ) ;ollision avoidance
co!es before !aintaining
course and track
d ) $he !aster
decides which task has
%7) hich of these factors !ust be taken into account when deciding the co!position of a navigational
a ) All of
the other
b ) hether the
ship is fitted with
auto!atic steering.
c ) $he weather
conditions1 visibility and
whether there is daylight or
d ) $he pro2i!ity of navigational haAards1
which !ay !ake it necessary for the officer
in charge to carry out additional
navigational duties.
(6) ho has the responsibility for the watch during a sea voyage if the !aster co!es on to the bridge"
a ) $he !aster
auto!atically assu!es
the responsibility for the
b ) $he !aster can only
take over the watch
responsibility if he tells the
'' that he is taking over
c ) $he !aster and the ''
will share the responsibility
whenever the !aster is on the
d ) $he two
persons shall
consult each other
as re>uired
(1) ho is responsible for the safety of the vessel when the pilot is on board"
a ) $he !aster
b ) $he pilot c ) $he '' d ) $he port authorities
(2) hy is it i!portant for the '' to !ove around the bridge"
a ) $o be able to view all
the instru!ents on the
b ) $o be able to see
what the lookout is
c ) $o be able to check
the fire alar! syste!
' ) $o be able to obtain a
clear view of the surrounding
(%) ill snow fall reduce the ability of the radar to detect targets"
a )
b ) Ees1 but only with 9#9
band radars.
c ) Ees1 but only with old radars which do not have a
visibility co!pensator.
' )
(() Eou need to anchor a ship in 56 !eters of open water. 8ow !uch chain should you use"
a ) 3 shackles.
b ) 11 shackles.
c ) 5 shackles. d ) , shackles.
1) A basic radar plot can be used to ....

a ) deter!ine the effect of own
ship proposed avoiding action.
b ) obtain the rate of
change of aspect.
c ) indicate target9s
!ost likely action.
' ) esti!ate the
speed of target.
2) A co!plete oscillation of a radio wave is called......
a ) the fre>uency. b ) the a!plitude. c ) the wavelength.
' ) a cycle.
%) A corner reflector is used to......
a ) enable the radar to
e2a!ine shadow areas.
b ) increase the radar
power output.
c ) increase the
detectability of s!all targets.
d ) detect targets below
the radar horiAon.
() A factor in deter!ining a radar !a2i!u! range is......
a ) spot siAe. b ) heading !arker align!ent. c ) linearity of ti!ebase.
' ) receiver sensitivity.
,) A function of the deflection coils in a ;.-.$. is to....
a ) focus the electron to
a sharp i!age
b ) control
the flow
c ) cause the electrons
to for! the trace
d ) return the electrons fro! the
screen to the cathode
3) A radar log should record....
a ) a listing of radar
aids to navigation
b ) the procedure for regular
!aintenance routines
c ) the details of repairs
and services carried out
d ) the details of
ships9 power supplies
4) A radar presentation feature which can often be used to advantage for position fi2ing is....
a ) bea!width
b ) relative
c ) an off+centred
d ) an unstabilised
5) A radar presentation feature which is useful in radar pilotage is....
a ) true !otion
b ) relative !otion c ) fi2ed play centre d ) radar shadow sector deter!ination
7) A radar reflection plotter can be used to....
a ) increase radar
detection range
b ) identify own ship to
a target
c ) e2a!ine a radar9s
shadow sector
' ) !ake a >uick
radar plot
16) A radar target is likely to give the poorest reflection if it9s shape is......
a ) conical.
b ) can+shape. c ) a perpendicular plane. d ) cylindrical.
11) A radar target of a certain siAe is likely to give a stronger echo if it is !ade of.....
a ) wood. b ) canvas.
c ) !etal.
d ) fibreglass.
12) A radar with a wavelength of %.2 c! would have a fre>uency of about....
a ) 31636 C8A b ) 121(,6 C8A
c ) 71%4, C8A
d ) %12(, C8A
1%) A reflection plotter is a radar device which....
a ) fits directly over
the display
b ) is fitted in the
c ) is !ounted in the
scanner unit
d ) is an auto!atic
plotting device
1() A target with a "rough" surface is likely to......
a ) give a good echo
at any aspect.
b ) reflect all the energy in
one direction.
c ) give only a very
weak echo.
d ) appear very s!ooth to
a % c! radar.
1,) A target with a s!ooth surface will only give a good echo if it9s aspect relative to the direction of the
radar bea! is......
a ) 36 degrees. b ) (, degrees. c ) %6 degrees.
' ) 76 degrees.
13) A true !otion radar display shows....
a ) own ship9s !ove!ent
relative to own ship
b ) a target9s !ove!ent
relative to own ship
c ) a target9s
actual !ove!ent
d ) a target stopped at
the screen centre
14) A typical figure for !ini!u! radar range is......
a ) 4, !etres. b ) 166 !etres.
c ) 2, !etres.
d ) ,6 !etres.
15) A typical pulse repetition fre>uency is......
a ) %666 to 3666 pulses
per second.
b ) 3666 to 5,66 pulses
per second.
c ) 166 to ,66 pulses
per second.
' ) ,66 to %666 pulses
per second.
17) A typical radar pulse length is......
a ) ,.6, to 16.2,
b ) 6.6, to 1.2,
c ) 16.2, to 1,.6,
d ) 1.2% to ,.6%
26) A vessel fitted with an operational radar !ust use it under -ule 3 to....
a ) assess the course
and speed of other
b ) identify itself to
approaching vessels
c ) ensure co!pliance with
traffic separation sche!es
d ) help deter!ine safe
speed in prevailing
21) Accurate target bearings are obtained by......
a ) !aking the radar
bea! wide vertically.
b ) synchroniAing the
radar bea! and the trace.
c ) !aking the radar
bea! wide horiAontally.
d ) rotating the trace
22) After changing range scales on which the A-:A facilities are available1 or resetting the display1 in what
period of ti!e should full plotting infor!ation be displayed"
a ) A period of ti!e
not e2ceeding four scans
b ) A period of ti!e
not e2ceeding ten scans
c ) A period of ti!e not
e2ceeding twelve scans
d ) A period of ti!e not
e2ceeding fourteen scans
2%) Altering the range scale !ay auto!atically change the....
a ) anti+clutter settings
b ) pulse length
c ) a!plification of echoes d ) trans!itted fre>uency
2() An A.-.:.A. is an....
a ) Actual -adar
:osition Analyser
b ) Anti+collision -adar
:erfor!ance Aid
c ) Auto!atic -adar
:lotting Aid
d ) Additional -adar
:ilotage Assign!ent
2,) An aid to identifying land features at long range is....
a ) the use of varying pulse
b ) a chart with
topographic details
c ) the echo+ranging
d ) a reflection
23) An alternative na!e for the anti+rain clutter control is the....
a ) shift control
b ) D.$.;. control
c ) #.$.;. control d ) swept gain control
24) An alternative na!e for the anti+sea clutter control is the....
a ) radar on@off switch b ) differentiator
c ) #.$.;. control
d ) D.$.;. control
25) An operation check re>uired on installation is to....
a ) deter!ine the length
of waveguide
b ) deter!ine the li!its
of shadow sectors
c ) !easure the fre>uency
of the local oscillator
d ) !easure the peak
power output
27) An operational check you should carry out when a radar set is installed is to ....
a ) check the accuracy
of the heading !arker.
b ) !easure the
duration of pulse
c ) check the adBust!ent
of the parallel inde2.
d ) !easure the
fre>uency of the
%6) As distance fro! the scanner increases1 the power of the radar bea!....
a ) re!ains constant
b ) decreases rapidly
c ) decreases slowly d ) increases slowly
%1) Attenuation is ....
a ) the radiation of
radar energy fro! a
power source.
b ) the absorption of
radar energy by the
c ) the reflection of radar
energy fro! precipitation.
d ) the scattering of
radar energy around a
%2) Attenuation is likely to cause ....
a ) shadow or blind
b ) !ultiple target
c ) reduced detection
d ) increased detection
%%) Attenuation of the radar bea! is greatest in....
a ) heavy rain
b ) strong clutter
c ) high clouds
d ) thick fog
%() Bearing accuracy depends !ainly on....
a ) spot siAe b ) pulse length c ) scanner rotation speed
' ) horiAontal bea!width
%,) Before taking target bearings1 you should check that....
a ) the Variable -ange Carker
G V-C ) is switched on
b ) the trace is
correctly centred
c ) the gain control
is set to Aero
d ) the heading !arker
is switched off
%3) ;lutter echoes are not usually caused by ....
a ) rain.
b ) fog.
c ) hail. d ) snow.
%4) ;lutter echoes are often caused by....
a ) dust stor!s b ) sand stor!s c ) s!oke and haAe
' ) rain
%5) ;o!pared to the visual horiAon1 the radar horiAon is....
a ) about 3Q further away
b ) about %Q further away c ) about %Q nearer d ) about 3Q nearer
%7) Iucting of the radar bea! is caused by....
a ) e2tre!e sub+
refraction conditions
b ) e2tre!e super+
refraction conditions
c ) !ild sub+refraction
d ) !ild super+
refraction conditions
(6) /choes fro! rain can be reduced using the....
a ) #.$.;. control b ) brilliance control c ) tuning control
' ) differentiator control
(1) /dges of land should be avoided if possible when position fi2ing by radar because of....
a ) the effect of pulse
b ) their poor
c ) the difficulty of the
d ) the effect of vertical
(2) 8alf the vertical distance between the crest and the trough of a radio wave is called.....
a ) the a!plitude
b ) a cycle c ) the wavelength d ) the fre>uency
(%) 8oriAontal bea!width depends !ainly on....
a ) waveguide cross+section b ) :-D c ) trans!itted power
' ) scanner width
(() 8ow does height above sea level influence the range of detection of a target"
a ) 8igher obBects
are detected further
away than lower
b ) 8igher obBects are
detected at a lesser
distance than lower
c ) 8igher obBects are
detected at the sa!e
distance as lower
d ) 8igher obBects are so!eti!es
never detected whereas lower
obBects at the sa!e range are
always detected.
(,) 8ow is attenuation affected when using waves of shorter wavelength"
a ) Attenuation is
b ) Attenuation is
c ) Attenuation is always the
d ) $here is no
(3) 0f possible the radar display should be sited ....
a ) as close as possible to
the co!pass.
b ) as far forward as
possible in the ship.
c ) so it can be viewed
facing forward.
d ) so that it is on the
fore+and+aft line.
(4) 0f the trace is not correctly centred1 error !ay occur when....
a ) !easuring ranges b ) using the gain control
c ) !easuring bearings
d ) using the tuning control
(5) 0f the visibility is 16 !iles1 what action should be taken "
a ) A substantial reduction of
b ) #tand
c ) A broad alteration to
' ) A broad alteration to
(7) 0f the visibility is restricted1 what action should be taken in this situation "
a ) A broad alteration
to port
b ) A broad alteration of course
to starboard
c ) A substantial
reduction of peed
d ) #tand on with
,6) 0f your radar suffers fro! shadow sectors you should....
a ) warn approaching
vessels in fog
b ) deter!ine and
record their li!its
c ) consult your
operator9s !anual
d ) report the fact to your
!arine authority
,1) 0f your vessel1 while proceeding east at 16 knots1 observed by radar a vessel proceeding west at 16 knots1
what would be the appro2i!ate direction and rate at which the pip would !ove on your ::0 scope"
a ) est at 26 knots
b ) est at 16 knots c ) /ast at 26 knots d ) #tationary
,2) 0f your vessel1 while proceeding north at 1, knots1 observed by radar a stationary target1 what would be
the appro2i!ate direction and rate at which the pip would !ove on your ::0 scope"
a ) #outh at 1, knots
b ) &orth at 1, knots c ) #outh at 4 " knots d ) #tationary
,%) 0f your vessel1 while proceeding south at 16 knots1 observed by radar a vessel proceeding south at 16
knots1 what would be the appro2i!ate direction and rate at which the pip would !ove on your ::0 scope"
a ) #tationary
b ) #outh at 26knots c ) #outh at 16knots d ) &orth at 26knots
,() 0n addition to initiating the action of the trans!itter1 the trigger unit also sends a pulse to theJ
a ) scanner to start
scanner rotation.
b ) display to start
the ti!ebase.
c ) waveguide to open
the $.-. cell.
d ) receiver to start the
local oscillator.
,,) 0n restricted visibility1 risk of collision can best be assessed by....
a ) posting
additional lookouts
b ) watching the target9s
radar bearing and range
c ) establishing radio
co!!unication with the target
d ) listening for the
target9s sound signals
,3) 0n what type of wavefor! does the current go fro! Aero to !a2i!u! slowly but very steadily"
a ) #aw+ tooth wave for!
b ) #pike wavefor! c ) #>uare wavefor! d ) Iirect current wavefor!
,4) 0nco!ing target echoes are detected by the....
a ) video a!plifier
b ) !i2er crystal
c ) 0.D. a!plifier d ) local oscillator
,5) 0ndirect echoes appear on the display....
a ) on the true bearing1 but
at a false range
b ) on the true range1 but
on a false bearing
c ) on the true range
and bearing
d ) on a false range
and bearing
,7) 0ndirect echoes are caused by reflections fro!.....
a ) targets on the
b ) targets directly
c ) the surface of the
' ) obstructions close to the
36) 0ndirect echoes can be recognised by the fact that they....
a ) appear at twice the
true range
b ) appear as lines of dots
or dashes
c ) appear on the arc of
a circle
' ) appear in shadow
31) Carine radar wavelengths are !easured in .....
a ) !icroseconds. b ) feet per second.
c ) centi!etres.
d ) !egahertA.
32) Ca2i!u! radar range depends partly on the....
a ) siAe of the spot. b ) !i2er strength.
c ) peak power output.
d ) scanner rotation speed.
3%) Cini!u! radar range depends !ainly on......
a ) scanner height.
b ) pulse length.
c ) receiver sensitivity. d ) vertical bea!width.
3() Cost co!!only1 ships9 radars operate in the....
a ) #+ band b ) <+ band
c ) F+ band
d ) R+ band
3,) Cultiple echoes appear on the screen....
a ) on the correct bearing
but half the true range
b ) on the correct range
but a false bearing
c ) on the correct bearing
at double the true range
d ) on a false
bearing and range
33) Cultiple echoes can be recognised because they appear....
a ) at constant range
b ) around the arc of a
c ) along a curved
d ) on a false
34) Cultiple radar echoes are caused by....
a ) reflections fro!
the surface of the sea
b ) reflections fro! the
side lobes of the radar
c ) reflection fro! an
obstruction on your own
' ) reflection between
own ship and a large close
35) 'n a radar display1 the return fro! a racon....
a ) gives a distinctive
echo on the display
b ) is trans!itted
c ) cannot be seen in
a clutter area
d ) cannot be seen during
hours of darkness
37) 'n a radar display1 this sy!bol identifies the....
a ) tuning control
b ) gain control
c ) focus control d ) brilliance control
46) 'n a radar display1 this sy!bol indicates the....
a ) range ring brilliance b ) range scale switch
c ) variable range !arker
d ) fi2ed range rings
41) 'n which of these factors does bearing resolution depend"
a ) 8B
b ) VB c ) :-D d ) :eak power of the set
42) 'ne cause of bearing error is....
a ) inaccuracy of the
fi2ed range ring
b ) !isalign!ent of the
centre of the trace on the display
c ) scanner
!ounted too far
d ) use of an unsuitable :ulse
-epetition Dre>uency G :-D )
4%) :ositions obtain by radar....
a ) should only be used
in restricted visibility
b ) should be checked
by other available !eans
c ) cannot be relied
on for navigation
d ) should be used
independently of other aids
4() -adar bearing discri!ination depends !ainly on which of the following"
a ) $rans!itted fre>uency b ) #canner rotation speed
c ) 8oriAontal bea!width
d ) :ulse length
4,) -adar bearing discri!ination is the ability to display separately....
a ) two targets at slightly
different range and
b ) two targets at sa!e
range on slightly different
c ) two targets on
sa!e bearing at sa!e
d ) two targets on sa!e
bearing at slightly different
43) -adar bearing discri!ination should be within.....
a ) 2.6 degrees b ) 1., degrees
c ) 2., degrees
d ) 1.6 degrees
44) -adar does not trans!it continuously because it would......
a ) prevent
detection of targets.
b ) cause interference to
other vessels.
c ) reduce the life of
d ) !ake the e>uip!ent
get very hot.
45) -adar !aintenance should be carried out in accordance with procedures in the....
a ) operator9s !anual
b ) ship9s log c ) radar log d ) safety !anual
47) -adar navigational techni>ues should....
a ) be practised in clear
b ) not be used in bad
c ) only be used at
d ) only be used in poor
56) -adar range accuracy depends !ainly on the......
a ) align!ent of centre of
b ) accuracy of the
c ) accuracy of fi2ed range
d ) receiver
51) -adar range accuracy should be within......
a ) 1., Q of the range
scale in use.
b ) 6., Q of the range
scale in use.
c ) %., Q of the range
scale in use.
d ) 2., Q of the range
scale in use.
52) -adar range discri!ination should not be less than......
a ) 166 !etres. b ) 4, !etres.
c ) ,6 !etres.
d ) 2, !etres.
5%) -adar reflectors are fitted to so!e buoys and s!all craft in order to....
a ) avoid !utual radar
b ) obtain !ore
accurate ranges
c ) !ake the! better
radar targets
d ) provide positive
5() -adar targets give the strongest echoes if they are.....
a ) hard and dense.
b ) soft and porous. c ) !ade of wood. d ) poor electrical conductors.
5,) -ange discri!ination depends !ainly on which of the following"
a ) :ulse length
b ) :ulse repetition
c ) $rans!itted fre>uency d ) #canner rotation speed
53) -egarding perfor!ance standards for navigational radar1 what are the re>uire!ents for a scanner"
a ) 0t should rotate at a
constant rp! of not less
than 12 in relative wind
speeds upto 166kts.
b ) 0t should rotate at a
constant rp! of not less
than 26 in relative wind
speeds upto 166kts.
c ) 0t should rotate at a
constant rp! of not less
than%6 in relative wind
speeds upto 166kts.
d ) 0t should rotate at a
constant rp! of not less
than (6 in relative wind
speeds upto 166kts.
54) -egarding perfor!ance standards for navigational radar1 what should be the bearing accuracy"
a ) :lus or !inus
b ) :lus or !inus 2
c ) :lus or !inus 1@ 2
d ) :lus or !inus 2 1@2
55) -ule 17 says that1 if you detect another vessel by radar alone1 you !ust....
a ) deter!ine if risk of
collision e2ists
b ) switch to
!anual steering
c ) continue to observe
the other vessel
d ) !aintain a steady
course and speed
57) #+band radar has a wavelength of ....
a ) %.1 to %.2 c!
b ) 7.2 to 16 c!
c ) ,.6 to ,.( c! d ) 12., to 12.7 c!
76) #ea clutter echoes appear on the radar screen as....
a ) a group of echoes
within a shadow sector
b ) a !ass of s!all echoes
with an irregular shape
c ) a group of echoes
at a constant range
' ) a !ass of s!all
echoes around the screen
71) #ea clutter is caused by reflections fro! ....
a ) the sides of
b ) s!all craft and
c ) the blank surface of the
d ) areas of
72) #econd trace echoes appear on the radar display at....
a ) correct ranges and
b ) false ranges and
c ) false bearings at the
correct range
' ) false ranges on the
correct bearing
7%) #econd trace echoes are !ore likely to occur when ....
a ) a low :.-.D. is
b ) a high :.-.D. is
c ) a short pulse length is
d ) a long pulse length is
7() #ide echoes appear on the radar display as.....
a ) a sy!!etrical arc of
b ) echoes in shadow
c ) lines radiating fro!
the centre.
d ) a line of echoes on
one bearing.
7,) #ide echoes are caused by reflections fro!....
a ) the side lobes of the
radar bea!.
b ) the obstruction in the path of
the scanner.
c ) the surface of
the sea.
d ) the side of your
own vessel.
73) #ignals are converted to a suitable for! for the display by the....
a ) local oscillator b ) 0.D. a!plifier
c ) video a!plifier
d ) !i2er crystal
74) #ignals are converted to a suitable for! for the display by the....
a ) local oscillator
b ) !i2er crystal c ) 0.D. a!plifier d ) video a!plifier
75) #o!eti!es shipboard obstructions such as !asts1 funnels etc reflect radar energy and the echo painted
on the ::0 shows a different direction but the sa!e range. hat is this type of echo known as"
a ) 0ndirect echo
b ) #ide lobe echo c ) Cultiple echo d ) #econd trace echo
77) #ub+refraction co!!only occurs where....
a ) a cold air layer lies
over a war! sea surface
b ) strong winter
gales are co!!on
c ) upper air
disturbances are co!!on
d ) a war! air layer lies
over a cold sea surface
166) #ub+refraction is likely to result in....
a ) inaccurate
detection range
b ) increased target
detection ranges
c ) reduced target
detection ranges
d ) no effect on
detection ranges
161) #uper+refraction is likely to cause....
a ) decreased target
detection ranges
b ) no effect on
detection ranges
c ) increased target
detection ranges
d ) inaccuracies in
detection ranges
162) #uper+refraction is nor!ally caused by....
a ) cool air over a war!
sea surface
b ) war! air over a cool
sea surface
c ) strong
d ) disturbances in the upper
16%) $arget echoes appear along a line called the......
a ) ti!ebase.
b ) scanner. c ) centre line. d ) heading !arker.
16() $arget echoes are received in the display unit in the for! of....
a ) an increased
potential to the grid
b ) a pulse fro! the
brightening unit to the
c ) a signal fro! the
scanner to the deflection
d ) a current fro! the
final anode to the screen
16,) $arget ranges are obtained fro!......
a ) the pulse repetition
b ) the heading
c ) the range
d ) the bearing
163) $he alteration of own ship9s course or speed re>uired to give a desired ;losest :oint of Approach
G;:A) can be obtained fro! the....
a ) radar tables b ) collision rules c ) ship9s data book
' ) radar plot
164) $he best land target to use for a radar bearing is....
a ) a sloping foreshore b ) a large headland
c ) a s!all isolated feature
d ) a coastal indentation
165) $he best land target to use for radar ranging is....
a ) an edge of land b ) a s!all rock c ) a low+lying point
' ) a cliff face
167) $he bright spot which for!s the trace or ti!ebase !oves across the radar screen at a speed e>uivalent
a ) half the speed of the
radar waves.
b ) the speed of the
radar waves.
c ) a continuously
variable speed.
d ) twice the speed of the
radar waves.
116) $he brilliance control of a ;athode -ay $ube G ;-$ ) operates on....
a ) the deflection coil b ) the cathode
c ) the anode
d ) the grid
111) $he brilliance control should be adBusted so that....
a ) the trace is Bust
barely visible
b ) the trace is as
bright as possible
c ) weaker echoes are Bust
barely visible
d ) weaker echoes are as
strong as possible
112) $he cause of shadow or blind sectors is....
a ) electro!agnetic
b ) obstructions on your
own ship
c ) rough weather
d ) side lobes of the
radar bea!
11%) $he co!!onest type of radar scanner is the....
a ) tilted parabolic cylinder b ) single cheese c ) double cheese
' ) horiAontal slotted waveguide
11() $he detection range of surface targets is decreased when radar waves touch the earth9s surface at a point
closer than the standard horiAon. hat type of refraction is this"
a ) sub refraction
b ) nor!al refraction c ) super refraction d ) ducting
11,) $he display sy!bol shown here is for....
a ) radar standby
b ) the power !onitor
c ) heading !arker align!ent d ) scanner rotating
113) $he display trace is caused to rotate in synchronisation with the scanner by a signal fro! the....
a ) selsyn generator b ) duple2er c ) heading !arker contacts
' ) scanner !otor
114) $he distance of a target can be !easured by using the....
a ) variable range !arker
b ) #.$.;. control c ) range scale switch d ) tuning control
115) $he distance of the radar horiAon is largely deter!ined by......
a ) the state of the sea
b ) the downward refraction of
radar waves.
c ) the width of the
d ) the a!ount of
cloud cover.
117) $he effect of the anti+rain clutter control is to....
a ) reduce the siAe
of all echoes
b ) reduce the strength of
close range echoes
c ) reduce the strength
of all echoes
d ) reduce the siAe of
close range echoes
126) $he electrons in the ;athode -ay $ube G ;-$) are attracted....
a ) fro! the grid to the
b ) fro! the cathode to
the anodes
c ) fro! the grid to the
d ) fro! the anodes to the
121) $he function of the local oscillator is to....
a ) li!it the strength
of the stronger target
b ) carry out final
a!plification of the
c ) convert the target
echoes fro! an A; to a
I; signal
' ) provide a fre>uency
for !i2ing with the target
122) $he function of the waveguide is to....
a ) block the trans!itter
during reception
b ) generate the
-.D. pulses
c ) conduct pulses to and
fro! the scanner
d ) shape the bea! in
vertical plane
12%) $he gain control should be adBusted so that....
a ) the screen
background has no
b ) clutter echoes are
showing at !a2i!u!
c ) no clutter echoes
are showing on the
' ) there is a light
speckled background on the
speckling strength screen screen
12() $he horiAontal distance between the adBacent crests of a radio wave is called....
a ) the a!plitude
b ) the wavelength
c ) a cycle d ) the fre>uency
12,) $he horiAontal pattern of a radar bea! consists of......
a ) one
b ) a nu!ber of lobes of
si!ilar siAe
c ) one s!all lobe and two
larger lobes
' ) one large lobe and s!aller side
lobes either side
123) $he intensity of the electron bea! in the ;.-.$. is controlled by....
a ) passing a current through the
deflection coil
b ) varying the
potential on the grid
c ) a signal fro! the
ti!e unit
d ) the action of the
first anode
124) $he inter!ediate fre>uency is generated by the....
a ) !i2er crystal
b ) !agnetron c ) selsyn generator d ) local oscillator
125) $he !agnetron is sited in the ....
a ) display unit. b ) scanner unit.
c ) transceiver unit.
d ) power supply unit.
127) $he !agnetron sends the -.D. pulses to the....
a ) display unit b ) trans!itter unit
c ) scanner unit
d ) receiver unit
1%6) $he !ain co!ponent of the trans!itter is the....
a ) antenna b ) power supply
c ) !agnetron
d ) cathode ray tube
1%1) $he !ost co!!on cause of radar interference is....
a ) other radar
trans!issions on a si!ilar
b ) electro!agnetic
stor!s or disturbances
c ) defective electrical
e>uip!ent on the ship
e2periencing interference
d ) the power of radar
trans!issions fro! your
own ship
1%2) $he !ost co!!on type of radar reflector used by s!all craft is ....
a ) the <uneberg lens.
b ) the octahedral cluster.
c ) the racon. d ) the pentagonal cluster.
1%%) $he nu!ber of cycles of a radio wave which pass a fi2ed point in a given ti!e is called the....
a ) speed b ) a!plitude
c ) fre>uency
d ) wavelength
1%() $he preferred !ethod of radar position fi2ing for greatest accuracy is....
a ) taking several
radar ranges
b ) taking several
radar bearings
c ) taking a radar range and
radar bearing
' ) taking a radar range
and visual bearing
1%,) $he principle of a corner reflector is that it.....
a ) changes the direction
of the bea! by 76
b ) deflects the bea!
clear of obstructions.
c ) scatters the bea!
unifor!ly through %36
' ) changes the
direction of the bea! by
degrees. degrees. 156 degrees.
1%3) $he principle of a racon is that it....
a ) trans!its
continuously on F band
b ) trans!its at fi2ed
ti!e intervals
c ) trans!its when
activated by an operator
' ) trans!its on receipt
of ship9s radar pulse
1%4) $he purpose of radar is to enable....
a ) the wave+lengths of
radio waves to be calculated.
b ) the echoes of
targets to be separated.
c ) the range and
bearing of obBects to be
d ) the speed of radio
waves to be !easured.
1%5) $he purpose of the anodes in the ;.-.$. is to....
a ) cause the screen to glow
when hit by electrons
b ) deflect the electrons to
the edge of the screen
c ) attract the
electrons to the screen
d ) focus to a sharp
point at the screen
1%7) $he purpose of the bearing cursor is to....
a ) show the course of
own ship
b ) align the heading
c ) !easure the bearing
of targets
d ) indicate the direction of
true north
1(6) $he purpose of the gain control is to adBust....
a ) the a!plification of
the target echoes
b ) the brightness of the
display control
c ) the sharpness of the
display focus
d ) the fre>uency of the
local oscillator
1(1) $he purpose of the $@- cell is to....
a ) paint the heading
!arker on the display
b ) protect the receiver
during trans!ission
c ) radiate the radar
pulses to the targets
d ) shape the bea! in the
horiAontal plane
1(2) $he radar transceiver !ust be ....
a ) at a safe distance fro!
the !agnetic co!pass.
b ) as close to the power
supplies as possible.
c ) on the fore+and+aft
line of the vessel.
d ) directly
underneath the scanner.
1(%) $he re>uire!ents for using radar for collision avoidance are described in....
a ) Carine
'rders :art 21
b ) Ad!iralty <ist of
-adio #ignals
c ) 0nternational -egulations for
:revention of ;ollisions at #ea
d ) -adar
Canual Vol. 2
1(() $he signal fro! a racon....
a ) enables the beacon to
be identified
b ) does not provide
c ) only provides
range data
d ) only provides
bearing data
1(,) $he sy!bol shown here identifies the....
a ) variable range !arker b ) gain control
c ) bearing cursor
d ) heading !arker align!ent control
1(3) $he sy!bol shown here identifies the....
a ) head+up
b ) north+up
c ) heading !arker align!ent
d ) range scale
1(4) $he techni>ue of parallel inde2ing !akes use of....
a ) a selsyn
generator on the
b ) transistors in
parallel in the transceiver
c ) a rotatable !ask !ounted on
the display and !arked with parallel
d ) a $@- cell in
the waveguide
1(5) $he techni>ue used in radar pilotage for continuously !onitoring a vessel9s position is called....
a ) cross inde2ing b ) presentation stabiliAation
c ) parallel inde2ing
d ) presentation unstabilisation
1(7) $he trace on the display rotates....
a ) in synchroniAation with
the scanner
b ) at half the speed of
the scanner
c ) at twice the speed
of the scanner
d ) independently of the
1,6) $he trans!itted fre>uency is deter!ined by the design of the....
a ) !agnetron
b ) $@- cell c ) scanner d ) waveguide
1,1) $he trans!itted pulse length is deter!ined by the action of the....
a ) !agnetron b ) trigger unit
c ) !odulator
d ) delay line
1,2) $he trans!itter :.-.D. is deter!ined by the....
a ) trigger unit
b ) !odulator c ) !agnetron d ) delay line
1,%) $he tuning control adBusts....
a ) the a!plification of
target echoes
b ) the trans!itted
c ) the fre>uency of the
local oscillator
d ) the a!plification of
power output
1,() $he tuning control is best adBusted by using the....
a ) visual tuning indicator
b ) range scale control c ) power !onitor d ) centring control
1,,) $he unit which sends returning target echoes to the receiver is the....
a ) scanner unit
b ) power supply unit c ) trans!itter unit d ) display unit
1,3) $he use of radar ranges in preference to radar bearings for position fi2ing is because....
a ) they are !ore
b ) they are >uicker to
c ) they are easier to
d ) suitable targets are easier
to find
1,4) $he vertical bea! !ust be wide enough to allow for the......
a ) rolling and pitching of
the ship.
b ) eli!ination of shadow
c ) the siAe of large
d ) reduction of sea
1,5) $here is a risk of collision with another vessel if....
a ) her bearing is steady
and the range is
b ) her bearing is
changing and the range is
c ) her bearing is
steady and the range is
d ) her bearing is
changing and the range is
1,7) $his display sy!bol shown is for....
a ) true !otion
b ) head+up presentation
c ) relative !otion d ) north+up presentation
136) $his sy!bol identifies the....
a ) scanner rotating b ) centering control
c ) range scale control
d ) heading !arker align!ent
131) $o establish additional target data other than the ;losest :oint of Approach on a relative plot1 you !ust
a ) draw a relative
velocity triangle.
b ) plot your own
future track.
c ) e2tend the target9s
relative track.
d ) draw a line perpendicular to
the target9s track.
132) $o provide accurate target bearings the radar bea! !ust be......
a ) wide in the horiAontal
b ) narrow in the
horiAontal plane.
c ) narrow in the
vertical plane.
d ) wide in the vertical
13%) .nder -ule 171 if you get into a close >uarters situation with a vessel forward of the bea! in restricted
visibility1 you !ust....
a ) reverse your engine
until all way is lost
b ) post a
forward lookout
c ) activate a second
radar1 if fitted
' ) navigate with caution until
danger of collision is over
13() .nder -ule ,H the radar should be used for keeping a proper lookout....
a ) during night+
ti!e hours
b ) when the background lights
obscure visibility
c ) when the radio is
' ) whenever it
!ay help
13,) .nder -ule 41 proper use of radar to deter!ine risk of collision includes....
a ) use of true !otion to
deter!ine target !ove!ent
b ) correct use of
anti+clutter controls
c ) short range
scanning for s!all
' ) radar plotting or
e>uivalent syste!atic
133) .sing relative !otion display !ode1 a plot of successive positions of a target at ti!ed intervals enables
you to assess....
a ) it9s true course
b ) it9s closest point of approach G;:A)
c ) it9s aspect d ) it9s true speed
134) Vertical bea!width is deter!ined by....
a ) the height of the
b ) the trans!itted
c ) the design of the
d ) the nu!ber of slots in the
135) eaker echoes are converted to signals of detectable strength by the....
a ) !i2er crystals b ) li!iter circuit c ) local oscillator
' ) 0.D. a!plifier
137) hat are 16c! radars called"
a ) # band
b ) F band c ) < band d ) C band
146) hat deter!ines the nu!ber of pulses that strike a target"
a ) $he scanner
rotational speed1 aperture
siAe of the aerial M :-D of
the trans!itter.
b ) $he scanner
rotational speed1
aperture siAe of the
aerial M siAe of target.
c ) $he siAe of the target 1
distance fro! the
scanner1!edia through
which energy passes
d ) $he siAe of the target 1
distance fro! the
scanner1scanner rotational
141) hat does the diagra! indicate" Gsee figure)
a ) Bearing discri!ination.
b ) -ange discri!ination. c ) Cini!u! range. d ) VB.
142) hat does this control on the radar indicate" Gsee figure)
a ) :erfor!ance !onitor.
b ) $rans!itted power !onitor. c ) Anti+clutter. d ) $uning.
14%) hat is another na!e for a calibration ring"
a ) -ange ring
b ) Variable range !arker c ) /lectronic bearing !arker d ) /2pand center
14() hat is aspect of the target B "
a ) :ort bow. G-ed
b ) :ort bea!. G-ed 4,+
c ) /nd on or nearly
end on
d ) #tarboard bow. G=reen
14,) hat is no. 12 " Gsee figure)
a ) ;-$.
b ) #canner. c ) Ci2er d ) $race blanking.
143) hat is no.(" Gsee figure)
a ) Codulator.
b ) Cagnetron c ) Ielay line. d ) :ower supply.
144) hat is the ability of a radar set to clearly distinguish two targets1 on the sa!e range and slightly
different bearings1 as two separate targets on the ::01 known as"
a ) Bearing discri!ination
b ) -ange discri!ination c ) Cini!u! range d ) Ca2i!u! range
145) hat is the aspect of the target A "
a ) #tarboard bow G=reen
b ) #tarboard >uarter G=reen
c ) :ort bow G-ed
d ) :ort >uarter G-ed
147) hat is the aspect of the target A "
a ) #tarboard bow G=reen
b ) :ort >uarter G-ed
c ) :ort bea! G-ed
d ) /nd on or nearly
end on
156) hat is the aspect of the target B "
a ) #tarboard bow. G=reen
b ) #tarboard bea! G=reen
c ) :ort bow. G-ed
d ) :ort bea!. G-ed
151) hat is the aspect of the target B "
a ) #tern or nearly
b ) :ort bow. G1,+
c ) #tarboard bow. G1,+
d ) /nd on or nearly end
152) hat is the aspect of the target ; "
a ) :ort bow. G-ed
b ) :ort bea!. G-ed
c ) #tarboard bow. G=reen
d ) #tarboard bea!. G4,+
15%) hat is the aspect of the target ; "
a ) #tern or nearly
b ) :ort bow. G-ed
c ) #tarboard bow. G=reen
d ) /nd on or nearly
end on
15() hat is the closest point of approach of target A "
a ) Between 2 + 2.2 !iles
b ) <ess than 6.7 !iles
c ) Between % + %.7 !iles d ) Between 1 + 2 !iles
15,) hat is the closest point of approach of target A "
a ) Between 1+2 !iles b ) Between %+%.7 !iles c ) Between (+, !iles
' ) <ess than 6.7 !ile
153) hat is the closest point of approach of target A "
a ) <ess than 6.7 !ile
b ) Between (+, !iles c ) Between 2.1+%.7 !iles d ) Between 1+2 !iles
154) hat is the closest point of approach of target A "
a ) Between 2.1+2.7 !iles b ) Between %+%.7 !iles
c ) Between 1 + 2 !iles
d ) <ess than 6.7 !ile
155) hat is the closest point of approach of target A "
a ) Between 1+2 !iles
b ) <ess than 6.7 !iles
c ) Between (+, !iles d ) Between 2.1+%.7 !iles
157) hat is the closest point of approach of target A "
a ) <ess than 6.7 !iles b ) Between ( + , !iles c ) Between %+%.7 !iles
' ) Between 1+2 !iles
176) hat is the closest point of approach of target A "
a ) Between 1+2 !iles b ) Between ( + , !iles
c ) <ess than 1 !ile
d ) Between 2+( !iles
171) hat is the closest point of approach of target A "
a ) <ess than 1 !ile
b ) Between %+%.7 !iles c ) Between 1+2 !iles d ) Between 2.1+2.7 !iles
172) hat is the closest point of approach of target A "
a ) Between %+( !iles b ) <ess than 1 !ile
c ) Between 2+2.7 !iles
d ) Between 1+2 !iles
17%) hat is the closest point of approach of target A "
a ) Between (+, !iles b ) <ess than 1 !ile
c ) Between 2+ ( !iles
d ) Between 1+2 !iles
17() hat is the closest point of approach of target A "
a ) Between %+( !iles b ) Between 2+2.7 !iles c ) Between 1+2 !iles
' ) <ess than 1 !ile
17,) hat is the closest point of approach of target A "
a ) Between 1+2 !iles
b ) Between 2+( !iles
c ) <ess than 6.7 !iles d ) Core than ( !iles
173) hat is the closest point of approach of target A "
a ) <ess than 6.7 !iles
b ) Between %+%.7 !iles c ) Between 2+2.7 !iles d ) Between (+, !iles
174) hat is the closest point of approach of target A "
a ) Between 1+2 !iles b ) Between 2+2.7 !iles c ) Between %+%.7 !iles
' ) <ess than 6.7 !iles
175) hat is the closest point of approach of target A "
a ) Between 2+2.7 !iles b ) Between % + ( !iles c ) <ess than 6.7 !iles
' ) Between 1+2 !iles
177) hat is the closest point of approach of target A "
a ) <ess than 1 !ile
b ) Between 1 + 2 !iles c ) Between % + %.7 !iles d ) Between 2 + % !iles
266) hat is the closest point of approach of target A "
a ) Core than , !iles
b ) <ess than 6.7 !ile
c ) Between ( + , !iles d ) Between 1 + 2 !iles
261) hat is the closest point of approach of target A "
a ) <ess than 6.7 !iles b ) Between 2 + 2.7 !iles
c ) Between % + ( !iles
d ) Between 1 + 2 !iles
262) hat is the closest point of approach of target A "
a ) Between 2+2.7 !iles
b ) <ess than 6.7 !iles
c ) Between %+%.7 !iles d ) Between 1+2 !iles
26%) hat is the closest point of approach of target A "
a ) Between 1 + 2 !iles b ) Between 2 + 2.7 !iles c ) Between % + %.7 !iles
' ) &ow or passed
26() hat is the closest point of approach of target A "
a ) Between 1 + 2 !iles b ) Between ( + , !iles c ) &ow or passed
' ) <ess than 6.7 !ile
26,) hat is the closest point of approach of target A "
a ) Between 1 + 2 !iles b ) Between ( + , !iles c ) Core than , !iles
' ) <ess than 1 !ile
263) hat is the closest point of approach of target A "
a ) <ess than 6.7 !ile
b ) Between (+, !iles c ) Between 1+2 !iles d ) Between %+%.7 !iles
264) hat is the closest point of approach of target A "
a ) Between 1+2 !iles
b ) <ess than 6.7 !iles c ) Between (+, !iles d ) Between %+%.7 !iles
265) hat is the closest point of approach of target A "
a ) Core than ( !iles b ) Between % + ( !iles c ) Between 2+2.7 !iles
' ) Between 1+2 !iles
267) hat is the closest point of approach of target A "
a ) Between 1+2 !iles b ) Between (+, !iles
c ) <ess than 6.7 !iles
d ) Between %+%.7 !iles
216) hat is the closest point of approach of target A "
a ) <ess than 6.7 !iles b ) Between (+, !iles
c ) Between 2 + % !iles
d ) Between %+%.7 !iles
211) hat is the closest point of approach of target B "
a ) Between 1+2 !iles b ) Between (+, !iles
c ) <ess than 1 !ile
d ) Between 2+( !iles
212) hat is the closest point of approach of target B "
a ) Between 1+2 !iles
b ) <ess than 1 !ile
c ) Between (+, !iles d ) Core than , !iles
21%) hat is the closest point of approach of target B "
a ) Between 1 + 1.7 !iles
b ) <ess than 6.7
c ) Between 2 + 2.7 !iles d ) Between % + %.7 !iles
21() hat is the closest point of approach of target B "
a ) Between % + ( !iles b ) Between ( + , !iles
c ) <ess than 6.7 !ile
d ) Between 1 + 2 !iles
21,) hat is the closest point of approach of target B "
a ) Between % + %.7 !iles b ) Core than , !iles c ) Between ( + , !iles
' ) Between 1 + 2 !iles
213) hat is the closest point of approach of target B "
a ) Between (+, !iles
b ) <ess than 6.7 !ile
c ) Between 1 + 1.7 !iles d ) Between 2 + % !iles
214) hat is the closest point of approach of target B "
a ) Between 1 + 2 !iles
b ) <ess than 1 !ile
c ) Between % + ( !iles d ) Core than ( !iles
215) hat is the closest point of approach of target B "
a ) <ess than 6.7 !iles
b ) Between ( + , !iles c ) Between 2 + % !iles d ) &ow or passed
217) hat is the closest point of approach of target B "
a ) &ow or passed b ) Between % + ( !iles c ) Between 1 +2 !iles
' ) <ess than 1 !ile
226) hat is the closest point of approach of target ; "
a ) Between (+, !iles b ) Between 2+( !iles c ) Core than , !iles
' ) <ess than 6.7 !iles
221) hat is the closest point of approach of target ; "
a ) <ess than 6.7 !ile
b ) Between 2+2.7 !iles c ) Core than % !iles d ) Between 1+2 !iles
222) hat is the closest point of approach of target ; "
a ) Between 1+2 !iles b ) Between 2+2.7 !iles c ) Between %+%.7 !iles
' ) <ess than 1 !ile
22%) hat is the closest point of approach of target ; "
a ) Between 2+% !iles b ) Between 1+2 !iles
c ) <ess than 1 !ile
d ) Between (+, !iles
22() hat is the closest point of approach of target ; "
a ) Between % + ( !iles b ) Between ( + , !iles
c ) <ess than 6.7 !ile
d ) Between 1 + 2 !iles
22,) hat is the closest point of approach of target ; "
a ) Between 6., +1., !iles
b ) Between ( + , !iles. c ) Between 2 + 2.7 !iles d ) Core than , !iles
223) hat is the effect of a radar reflector on a buoy"
a ) 0t strengthens the
reflectivity of the target
b ) 0t weakens the
reflectivity of the target
c ) 0t is used to provide a
uni>ue signal
d ) 0t acts as a
224) hat is the na!e given to unwanted radial lines that so!eti!es appear on the radar screen"
a ) #poking
b ) #tarring c ) -anging d ) -acking
225) hat is the range discri!ination of a radar set of pulse length 36!etres"
a ) %6 !etres
b ) 36 !etres c ) 76 !etres d ) 26 !etres
227) hat is the rate at which two !oving obBects approach or separate fro! each other called"
a ) -elative speed
b ) -elative !ove!ent c ) -elative distance d ) -elative bearing
2%6) hat is the ter! for the nu!ber of pulses sent out by the scanner in one second"
a ) :ulse repetition fre>uency
b ) :ulse length c ) :ulse width d ) :ulsation
2%1) hat is the ti!e of closest point of approach of target A "
a ) Between %1+(,
b ) Between 21+%6
c ) Between (3+36
d ) Between 11+26
2%2) hat is the ti!e of closest point of approach of target A "
a ) Between 6+16
b ) Between 11+26
c ) Between 21+%6
d ) Between %1+(6
2%%) hat is the ti!e of closest point of approach of target A "
a ) Between 11+26
b ) &ow or
c ) Between %1+(,
d ) Between (3+36
2%() hat is the ti!e of closest point of approach of target A "
a ) &ow or
b ) Between 16 + 26
c ) Between %1+(,
d ) Between (3+36
2%,) hat is the ti!e of closest point of approach of target A "
a ) &ow or
b ) Between %1+(,
c ) Between 21+%6
d ) Between 11+26
2%3) hat is the ti!e of closest point of approach of target A "
a ) Between 11 + 26
b ) Between (3 + 36
c ) Between %1 + (,
d ) &ow or
2%4) hat is the ti!e of closest point of approach of target A "
a ) Between 11+26
b ) Between (3+36
c ) Between 21+%6
d ) &ow or
2%5) hat is the ti!e of closest point of approach of target A "
a ) Between %1+(,
b ) Between (3+36
c ) &ow or
' ) Between 21+%6
2%7) hat is the ti!e of closest point of approach of target B "
a ) &ow or
b ) Between 6+16
c ) Between %1+(,
' ) Between 1, +%6
2(6) hat is the ti!e of closest point of approach of target B "
a ) Between 6+16
b ) Between 11+26
c ) Between 21+%6
d ) &ow or passed
2(1) hat is the ti!e of closest point of approach of target B "
a ) Between 6 + 16
b ) Between 21 + %6
c ) Between %1 + (,
d ) Between (3 + 36
2(2) hat is the ti!e of closest point of approach of target B "
a ) Between 11+26
b ) Between 21+%6
c ) Between %1+(,
d ) &ow or
2(%) hat is the ti!e of closest point of approach of target ; "
a ) Between 26 +%6
b ) Between , + 1,
c ) Between %1+(,
d ) &ow or
2(() hat is the ti!e of closest point of approach of target ; "
a ) &ow or
b ) Between %1 + (,
c ) Between 21 + %6
d ) Between 6 + 16
2(,) hat is the ti!e of closest point of approach of target ; "
a ) Between 21+%6
b ) Between %1+(,
c ) Between 11+26
d ) Between 6+16
2(3) hat is the ti!e to closest point of approach of target ; "
a ) Between (3+36
b ) Between %1+(,
c ) Between 21+%6
d ) &ow or
2(4) hat is the typical a!ount of ti!e an A-:A would take to process and predict data"
a ) 1 to % !in.
b ) , to 16 !in c ) 16to 26 !in d ) 26 to %6!in
2(5) hat is the vertical angle between the upper and lower edges of the radar bea!"
a ) Vertical bea!
b ) 8oriAontal bea!
c ) Vertical band
d ) 8oriAontal band
2(7) hat is this !ark" Gsee figure)
a ) -acon
b ) -a!ark c ) #ignal fro! #A-$. d ) <t vessel
2,6) hat is this on the ::0" Gsee figure)
a ) -a!ark.
b ) -acon. c ) ;learing line. d ) ;learing bearing.
2,1) hat is used as a portable1 plotting device which is cla!ped on top of the radar screen"
a ) -eflection plotter
b ) -adar reflector c ) :lotting sheet d ) :lotting chart
2,2) hat is used to control the a!plification of echoes received"
a ) =ain
b ) Iifferentiator c ) Brilliance d ) Docus
2,%) hat is used to warn the observer if any distinguishable target closes to a chosen range or transits a
Aone chosen by the observer"
a ) =uard rings and Aones
b ) ;:A warnings c ) $arget lost warning d ) ;ollision course warning
2,() hat !easures !ay be taken to !ini!iAe dangers fro! blind spots"
a ) Dre>uent change of
:-D fro! low to high and
vice versa and observing
results on the screen
b ) Dre>uent change of
gain 1 by increasing or
decreasing and observing
results on the screen
c ) Dre>uent change of sea
clutter by increasing and
decreasing and observing
results on the screen
d ) Dre>uent tuning
of the radar set and
observing results on
the screen
2,,) hat should be the perfor!ance standards of a radar so that it should function without deterioration in
perfor!ance when the vessel is rolling or pitching"
a ) .pto N@+16deg
-olling or pitching
b ) .pto N@+26deg
-olling or pitching
c ) .pto N@+2,deg
-olling or pitching
d ) .pto N@+%6deg
-olling or pitching
2,3) hat should be the siAe of the display on which A-:A infor!ation is presented"
a ) Iisplay dia!eter
should be at least %(6!!
b ) Iisplay dia!eter
should be at least %66!!
c ) Iisplay dia!eter
should be at least 2,6!!
d ) Iisplay dia!eter
should be at least 266!!
2,4) hat type of refraction will be e2perienced1 when a cold breeAe blows over a relatively war! sea"
a ) #ub refraction
b ) #uper refraction c ) &or!al refraction d ) Iucting
2,5) hat type of scanner is this" Gsee figure)
a ) #lotted wave guide.
b ) ;heese. c ) :arabolic plate. d ) :arabolic !esh.
2,7) hat type of spurious echoes are these" Gsee figure)
a ) Cultiple echoes.
b ) 0ndirect echoes. c ) #econd trace echoes. d ) #ide lobe echoes.
236) hen choosing obBects for position fi2ing by radar ranges you should1 if possible1 avoid....
a ) sloping land
b ) large pro!inent
c ) steep faced
d ) s!all isolated
231) hen ducting occurs1 the radar bea! is....
a ) carried for long
b ) affected by the duration of
c ) bent
d ) affected by sunspot
232) hen obtaining a fi2 1 which is !ore accurate"
a ) $he intersection of the arcs
obtained using the ranges fro! the
obBects as radii
b ) A fi2 obtained
by cross bearings
c ) A fi2 obtained
by bearing and range.
d ) All of the other
options are e>ually
23%) hen side echoes are displayed1 the true target echo will appear.....
a ) closer than the false
b ) farther than the false
c ) at the centre of the
d ) at the edge of the
23() hen two tracked targets are very close to each other1 the radar data of one target shifts over to the
other target. hat is this called"
a ) $arget swap
b ) $arget loss c ) $rial !anoeuvre d ) :lotting
23,) hen using the radar for coastal position fi2ing the !ain concern is to....
a ) obtain the !ost
accurate fi2
b ) avoid radar
c ) allow for bea!width
d ) avoid radar shadow
233) hich are the four !ain ele!ents of a radar syste!"
a ) $rans!itter1
antenna1 receiver1 display
b ) $rans!itter1 servo
link1 antenna1 target
c ) $rans!itter1 servo
link1 antenna 1 display
d ) $rans!itter1 servo
link1 target1display
234) hich are the two !ost i!portant pieces of input infor!ation re>uired to operate the A-:A
a ) #peed and
b ) :osition and =C$
c ) 8eading and =C$
d ) =C$ ti!e and
235) hich control on the radar is used to suppress clutter"
a ) Anti+ clutter
b ) =ain c ) $uning d ) Iifferentiator
237) hich of the following has !ost effect on the siAe and shape of s!all radar targets"
a ) :ulse repetition rate b ) #canner rotation speed c ) #canner height
' ) :ulse length
246) hich of the following has the !ost effect on the definition of a s!all target on the radar display"
a ) #canner rotation
b ) 8oriAontal
c ) :ulse repetition
d ) Accuracy of range
241) hich of these controls is provided to check the overall efficiency of the radar"
a ) :erfor!ance !onitor
b ) -ange selector c ) :ulse length selector d ) ;entre shift
242) hich of these factors would cause blind sectors on the ::0"
a ) $he bea! of radar
energy is obstructed by a !ast
b ) $he scanner speed is a
little slower than nor!al
c ) 'ther trans!issions taking
place at the sa!e ti!e
d ) $oo !uch
24%) hich of these gives only a bearing and not a range"
a ) -a!ark
b ) -acon c ) Buoy d ) <t vessel
24() hich of these range scales would you use in a congested channel"
a ) 1 to 3 !iles
b ) 2( !iles c ) 12 !iles d ) 15!iles
24,) hich part of the radar is a high power -D oscillator capable of being switched on and off for short
durations at the desired :-D1 by the pulses fro! the !odulator"
a ) Cagnetron
b ) $- cell c ) <ocal oscillator d ) Ci2er
243) hich target will have the closest point of approach "
a ) $arget A
b ) $arget B
c ) $arget ; d ) All e>ual
244) hich target will have the closest point of approach "
a ) $arget A b ) $arget B
c ) $arget ;
d ) All />ual
245) hich target will have the closest point of approach "
a ) $arget A
b ) $arget B
c ) $arget ; d ) All e>ual
247) hich target will have the closest point of approach "
a ) $arget A b ) All />ual c ) $arget B
' ) $arget ;
256) hich target will have the closest point of approach "
a ) $arget ;
b ) All e>ual c ) $arget A d ) $arget B
251) hich target will have the closest point of approach "
a ) $arget A b ) $arget B
c ) $arget ;
d ) All the sa!e
252) hich target will have the closest point of approach "
a ) $arget I b ) All the sa!e c ) $arget D
' ) $arget B
25%) hich target will have the closest point of approach "
a ) $arget A
b ) $arget B
c ) $arget ; d ) $arget I
25() hich target will have the closest point of approach "
a ) $arget I b ) $arget / c ) $arget D
' ) $arget B
25,) hich target will have the closest point of approach "
a ) $arget A b ) $arget I
c ) $arget B
d ) $arget D
253) hich target will have the closest point of approach "
a ) $arget I b ) $arget ;
c ) $arget B
d ) $arget /
254) hich target will have the closest point of approach "
a ) $arget I b ) $arget / c ) $arget ;
' ) $arget A
255) hich target will have the closest point of approach "
a ) $arget A
b ) $arget B
c ) $arget ; d ) $arget I
257) hich target will have the closest point of approach "
a ) $arget / b ) $arget D c ) $arget ;
' ) $arget B
276) hich target will have the closest point of approach "
a ) $arget ; b ) $arget A c ) $arget /
' ) $arget B
271) hich target will have the closest point of approach "
a ) $arget A b ) $arget B
c ) $arget ;
d ) $arget I
272) hich target will have the closest point of approach "
a ) $arget A
b ) $arget B c ) $arget ; d ) $arget I
27%) hich target will have the closest point of approach "
a ) $arget A
b ) $arget B c ) $arget ; d ) $arget I
27() hich target will have the closest point of approach "
a ) $arget I b ) $arget D c ) $arget /
' ) $arget B
27,) hich target will have the closest point of approach "
a ) $arget A
b ) $arget B c ) $arget ; d ) $arget I
273) hich target will have the closest point of approach"
a ) All e>ual b ) $arget A c ) $arget ;
' ) $arget B
274) hich target will have the closest point of approach"
a ) $arget A b ) $arget ;
c ) $arget B
d ) All />ual
275) hich target will have the closest point of approach"
a ) $arget ;
b ) All e>ual c ) $arget A d ) $arget B
277) hich target will have the closest point of approach"
a ) $arget ; b ) All e>ual
c ) $arget B
d ) $arget A
%66) hich target will have the closest point of approach"
a ) $arget B
b ) $arget ;
c ) All e>ual d ) $arget A

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