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Application # _________

Date received: ____/____/14

Hamilton International Middle School PTSA:
2013 - 2014 Mini Grant Form
The HIMS PTSA proudly announces the availability of funding for mini-grants to be
awarded to teachers and staff with proposals that augment, improve, and strengthen our
school community. Applications will be accepted by email to: lynn_lee@comcast.net or
physically in the PTSA mailbox. If you need assistance or have questions about the
grant application process, please contact PTSA grant committee co-chairs Lynn Lee at
lynn_lee@comcast.net or Karen Nakagawa at khatsu@yahoo.com. We look forward to
hearing from you!

Add pages as needed.

1. Requestor Name: Virginia Philbrook

2. Email Address: vaphilbrook@seattleschools.org

3. What is your position at HIMS:

Teacher. Subject: _____________
Other: School Counselor Intern

4. Please give a short description of your project, activity, equipment, or supplies

Student demographic data indicates that some specific populations of students at
Hamilton International Middle School are exceptionally less likely to be enrolled in APP
or Spectrum classes. Those underrepresented populations include African American
and Hispanic/Latino students. This project is designed to reduce the
underrepresentation of student populations in college preparatory programs at HIMS.
These student groups indicated lower levels of school satisfaction and engagement and
were much more likely to receive D and E grades on their report cards than their
Caucasian and Asian-American peers. I believe that reducing the underrepresentation
of student populations in APP and Spectrum programs will improve the degree to which
African American and Latino students at HIMS feel they are full participants in the school

In order to increase participation in Advanced Learning Opportunities at HIMS, I propose
strategy to be enacted during the 2014-15 school year. I propose using this grant to fund
Extra Service Contracts to pay Homeroom teachers to call the parents or guardians of
African American and Hispanic/Latino students with information about upcoming
Advanced Learning testing opportunities. In these phone calls, teacher would explain
that they personally nominated this student to be tested, encourage families to take
advantage of this test, describing possible benefits and explaining that there is no
downside to testing.

Application # _________
Date received: ____/____/14
5. What is the total amount requested?
I am requesting $500 to pay extra service contracts to teachers, no more than 1
hour each, to make phone calls to families.

6. I (we) will use the funds for: (Please check all that apply)
Curriculum enrichment
Equipment or supplies
Project or activity
Other: ________________

7. How many students will benefit from this grant in one year? (Please estimate)
Approximately 100 students would benefit from this grant in one year.

8. How many years will student benefit from this grant?
The benefit to students who are able to enroll in APP and Spectrum classes would
last through their high school careers. They would benefit for a minimum of 5 years.

9. Which categories best represent the impact of your request? (Please select
your top two categories)
Youth education
Youth mental or emotional health
Youth physical health
Youth skill building
School morale building
Teacher morale building
Teacher equipment
Other: _________________

10. Please check all that apply:
I/We have received PTSA funding for this project before
I/We have explored other sources to fund our request

11. Do you have supporting materials? (For example: catalog pages, price sheets,
I will email supporting materials to Karen Nakagawa (lynn_lee@comcast.net)
I will submit supporting material to the PTSA mailbox in the HIMS main office

12. Please add any additional information that could help the PTSA understand this

13. I submitted this application on 04/01/2014 by:
Hard copy

Thank you for applying!
Application # _________
Date received: ____/____/14

Receipt. If you have submitted this application by email, please expect an email
confirming receipt within 2 days. If you have submitted this application by hard
copy, please expect an email confirming receipt by the end of the week (i.e.
Friday of the week you turn it in). If you have not received confirmation, please
email us and if it is close to the deadline, resubmit your application. We
encourage you to submit your application by email.

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