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Answers to Selected Exercises for

Fortran 90/95 for Scientists and Engineers
by Stephen J. Chapman
Chapter 1. Introduction to Computers and the Fortran Language
1-1 (a) 1010
(c) 1001101
1-2 (a) 72
(c) 255
1-5 A 23-bit mantissa can represent approximately 2
numbers, or about six significant decimal digits. A 9-bit
exponent can represent multipliers between 2
and 2
, so the range is from about 10
to 10
1-8 The sum of the twos complement numbers is:
= 9362
= -772
= 8590
The two answers agree with each other.
Chapter 2. Basic Elements of Fortran
2-1 (a) Valid real constant (c) Invalid constantnumbers may not include commas (e) Invalid constantneed two
single quotes to represent a quote within a string
2-4 (a) Legal: result = 0.888889 (c) Illegalcannot raise a negative real number to a negative real power
2-12 The output of the program is:
- 3. 141592 100. 000000 200. 000000 300 - 100 - 200
2-13 The weekly pay program is shown below:
PROGRAMget _pay
! Purpose:
! To cal cul at e an hourl y empl oyee' s weekl y pay.
! Record of revi si ons:
! Dat e Programmer Descri pt i on of change
! ==== ========== =====================
! 12/ 30/ 96 S. J . Chapman Ori gi nal code
! Li st of vari abl es:
REAL : : hours ! Number of hours worked i n a week.
REAL : : pay ! Tot al weekl y pay.
REAL : : pay_rat e ! Pay rat e i n dol l ars per hour.
! Get pay rat e
WRI TE ( *, *) ' Ent er empl oyees pay rat e i n dol l ars per hour: '
READ ( *, *) pay_rat e
! Get hours worked
WRI TE ( *, *) ' Ent er number of hours worked: '
READ ( *, *) hours
! Cal cul at e pay and t el l user.
pay =pay_rat e * hours
WRI TE ( *, *) "Empl oyee' s pay i s $", pay
The result of executing this program is
C: \ BOOK\ F90\ SOLN>get_pay
Ent er empl oyees pay rat e i n dol l ars per hour:
5. 50
Ent er number of hours worked:
Empl oyee' s pay i s $ 214. 500000
2-17 A program to calculate the hypotenuse of a triangle from the two sides is shown below:
PROGRAMcal c_hypot enuse
! Purpose:
! To cal cul at e t he hypot enuse of a ri ght t ri angl e, gi ven
! t he l engt hs of i t s t wo si des.
! Record of revi si ons:
! Dat e Programmer Descri pt i on of change
! ==== ========== =====================
! 12/ 30/ 96 S. J . Chapman Ori gi nal code
! Li st of vari abl es:
REAL : : hypot enuse ! Hypot enuse of t ri angl e
REAL : : si de_1 ! Si de 1 of t ri angl e
REAL : : si de_2 ! Si de 2 of t ri angl e
! Get l engt hs of si des.
WRI TE ( *, *) ' Programt o cal cul at e t he hypot enuse of a ri ght '
WRI TE ( *, *) ' t ri angl e, gi ven t he l engt hs of i t s si des. '
WRI TE ( *, *) ' Ent er t he l engt h si de 1 of t he ri ght t ri angl e: '
READ ( *, *) si de_1
WRI TE ( *, *) ' Ent er t he l engt h si de 2 of t he ri ght t ri angl e: '
READ ( *, *) si de_2
! Cal cul at e l engt h of t he hypot enuse.
hypot enuse =SQRT ( si de_1**2 +si de_2**2 )
! Wri t e out resul t s.
WRI TE ( *, *) ' The l engt h of t he hypot enuse i s: ' , hypot enuse
2-21 A program to calculate the hyperbolic cosine is shown below:
! Purpose:
! To cal cul at e t he hyperbol i c cosi ne of a number.
! Record of revi si ons:
! Dat e Programmer Descri pt i on of change
! ==== ========== =====================
! 12/ 30/ 96 S. J . Chapman Ori gi nal code
! Li st of vari abl es:
REAL : : resul t ! COSH( x)
REAL : : x ! I nput val ue
WRI TE ( *, *) ' Ent er number t o cal cul at e cosh( ) of : '
READ ( *, *) x
resul t =( EXP( x) +EXP( - x) ) / 2.
WRI TE ( *, *) ' COSH( X) =' , resul t
When this program is run, the result is:
C: \ BOOK\ F90\ SOLN>coshx
Ent er number t o cal cul at e cosh( ) of :
3. 0
COSH( X) = 10. 067660
The Fortran 90 intrinsic function COSH( ) produces the same answer.
Chapter 3. Control Structures and Program Design
3-2 The statements to calculate y(t) for values of t between -9 and 9 in steps of 3 are:
I NTEGER : : i
REAL : : t , y
DO i =- 9, 9, 3
t =REAL( i )
I F ( t >=0. ) THEN
y =- 3. 0 * t **2 +5. 0
y =3. 0 * t **2 +5. 0
WRI TE ( *, *) ' t =' , t , ' y( t ) =' , y
3-6 The statements are incorrect. In an I F construct, the first branch whose condition is true is executed, and all others
are skipped. Therefore, if the temperature is 104.0, then the second branch would be executed, and the code would
print out ' Temperat ure normal ' instead of ' Temperat ure dangerousl y hi gh' . A correct version of the I F
construct is shown below:
I F ( t emp <97. 5 ) THEN
WRI TE ( *, *) ' Temperat ure bel ownormal '
ELSE I F ( TEMP >103. 0 ) THEN
WRI TE ( *, *) ' Temperat ure dangerousl y hi gh'
ELSE I F ( TEMP >99. 5 ) THEN
WRI TE ( *, *) ' Temperat ure sl i ght l y hi gh'
ELSE I F ( TEMP >97. 5 ) THEN
WRI TE ( *, *) ' Temperat ure normal '
3-14 (a) This loop is executed 21 times, and afterwards i res = 21. (c) This outer loop is executed 4 times, the inner loop
is executed 13 times, and afterwards i res = 42.
3-19 The legal values of x for this function are all x < 1.0, so the program should contain a while loop which calculates the
function y(x) = ln
for any x < 1.0, and terminates when x 1.0 is entered.
PROGRAMeval uat e
! Purpose:
! To eval uat e t he f unct i on l n( 1. / ( 1. - x) ) .
! Record of revi si ons:
! Dat e Programmer Descri pt i on of change
! ==== ========== =====================
! 12/ 30/ 96 S. J . Chapman Ori gi nal code
! Decl are l ocal vari abl es:
REAL : : val ue ! Val ue of f unct i on l n( 1. / ( 1. - x) )
REAL : : x ! I ndependent vari abl e
! Loop over al l val i d val ues of x
! Get next val ue of x.
WRI TE ( *, *) ' Ent er val ue of x: '
READ ( *, *) x
! Check f or i nval i d val ue
I F ( x >=1. ) EXI T
! Cal cul at e and di spl ay f unct i on
val ue =LOG ( 1. / ( 1. - x ) )
WRI TE ( *, *) ' LN( 1. / ( 1. - x) ) =' , val ue
3-28 A program to calculate the harmonic of an input data set is shown below. This problem gave the student the freedom
to input the data in any way desired; I have chosen a DOloop for this example program.
! Purpose:
! To cal cul at e harmoni c mean of an i nput dat a set , where each
! i nput val ue can be posi t i ve, negat i ve, or zero.
! Record of revi si ons:
! Dat e Programmer Descri pt i on of change
! ==== ========== =====================
! 12/ 31/ 96 S. J . Chapman Ori gi nal code
! Li st of vari abl es:
REAL : : h_mean ! Harmoni c mean
I NTEGER : : i ! Loop i ndex
I NTEGER : : n ! Number of i nput sampl es
REAL : : sum_rx =0. ! Sumof reci procal s of i nput val ues
REAL : : x =0. ! I nput val ue
! Get t he number of poi nt s t o i nput .
WRI TE ( *, *) ' Ent er number of poi nt s: '
READ ( *, *) n
! Loop t o read i nput val ues.
DO i =1, n
! Get next number.
WRI TE ( *, *) ' Ent er next number: '
READ ( *, *) x
! Accumul at e sums.
sum_rx =sum_rx +1. 0 / x
! Cal cul at e t he harmoni c mean
h_mean =REAL ( n) / sum_rx
! Tel l user.
WRI TE ( *, *) ' The harmoni c mean of t hi s dat a set i s: ' , h_mean
WRI TE ( *, *) ' The number of dat a poi nt s i s: ' , n
When the program is run with the sample data set, the results are:
C: \ BOOK\ F90\ SOLN>harmon
Ent er number of poi nt s:
Ent er next number:
Ent er next number:
Ent er next number:
Ent er next number:
The harmoni c mean of t hi s dat a set i s: 4. 000000
The number of dat a poi nt s i s: 4
Chapter 4. Basic I/O Concepts
4-3 (b) The result is printed out on the next line. It is:
A = 1. 002000E+06 B = . 100010E+07 Sum= . 200210E+07 Di f f = 1900. 000000
- - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - |
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
4-8 A program to calculate the average and standard deviation of an input data set stored in a file is shown below:
! To cal cul at e t he average ( ari t hmet i c mean) and st andard
! devi at i on of an i nput dat a set f ound i n a user- speci f i ed
! f i l e, wi t h t he dat a arranged so t hat t here i s one val ue
! per l i ne.
! Record of revi si ons:
! Dat e Programmer Descri pt i on of change
! ==== ========== =====================
! 01/ 04/ 97 S. J . Chapman Ori gi nal code
! Decl are vari abl es
REAL : : ave ! Average ( ari t hmet i c mean)
CHARACTER( l en=20) : : f i l ename ! Name of f i l e t o open
I NTEGER : : nval s =0 ! Number of val ues read i n
REAL : : sd ! St andard devi at i on
I NTEGER : : st at us ! I / O st at us
REAL : : sum_x =0. 0 ! Sumof t he i nput val ues
REAL : : sum_x2 =0. 0 ! Sumof i nput val ues squared
REAL : : val ue ! The real val ue read i n
! Get t he f i l e name, and echo i t back t o t he user.
WRI TE ( *, 1000)
1000 FORMAT ( 1X, ' Thi s programcal cul at es t he average and st andard ' &
, / , 1X, ' devi at i on of an i nput dat a set . Ent er t he name' &
, / , 1X, ' of t he f i l e cont ai ni ng t he i nput dat a: ' )
READ ( *, *) f i l ename
! Open t he f i l e, and check f or errors on open.
OPEN ( UNI T=3, FI LE=f i l ename, STATUS=' OLD' , ACTI ON=' READ' , &
I OSTAT=st at us )
openi f : I F ( st at us ==0 ) THEN
! OPEN was ok. Read val ues.
readl oop: DO
READ ( 3, *, I OSTAT=st at us) val ue ! Get next val ue
I F ( st at us / =0 ) EXI T ! EXI T i f not val i d.
nval s =nval s +1 ! Val i d: i ncrease count
sum_x =sum_x +val ue ! Sums
sum_x2 =sum_x2 +val ue**2 ! Sumof squares
END DO readl oop
! The WHI LE l oop has t ermi nat ed. Was i t because of a READ
! error or because of t he end of t he i nput f i l e?
readi f : I F ( st at us >0 ) THEN ! a READ error occurred. Tel l user.
WRI TE ( *, 1020) nval s +1
1020 FORMAT ( ' 0' , ' An error occurred readi ng l i ne ' , I 6)
ELSE ! t he end of t he dat a was reached. Cal cul at e ave & sd.
ave =sum_x / REAL( nval s)
sd =SQRT( ( REAL( nval s) *sum_x2- sum_x**2) / ( REAL( nval s) *REAL( nval s- 1) ) )
WRI TE ( *, 1030) f i l ename, ave, sd, nval s
1030 FORMAT ( ' 0' , ' St at i st i cal i nf ormat i on about dat a i n f i l e ' , A, &
/ , 1X, ' Average =' , F9. 3, &
/ , 1X, ' St andard Devi at i on =' , F9. 3, &
/ , 1X, ' No of poi nt s =' , I 9 )
END I F readi f
ELSE openi f
WRI TE ( *, 1040) st at us
1040 FORMAT ( ' ' , ' Error openi ng f i l e: I OSTAT =' , I 6 )
END I F openi f
! Cl ose f i l e
Chapter 5. Arrays
5-4 (a) 60 elements; valid subscript range is 1 to 60. (c) 105 elements; valid subscript range is (1,1) to (35,3).
5-5 (a) Valid. These statements declare and initialize the 100-element array i count to 1, 2, 3, , 100, and the 100-
element array j count to 2, 3, 4, , 101. (d) Valid. The WHERE construct multiplies the positive elements of array
i nf o by -1, and negative elements by -3. It then writes out the values of the array: -1, 9, 0, 15, 27, -3, 0, -1, -7.

0 1 2 3
1 0 1 2
2 1 0 1
3 2 1 0
5-9 (b) The READstatement here reads all values from the first line, then all the values from the second line, etc. until 16
values have been read. The values are stored in array val ues in row order. Therefore, array val ues will contain the
following values
val ues=

27 17 10 8
6 11 13 11
12 21 1 0
0 6 14 16
5-25 A program to calculate the distance between two points (x
, y
, z
) and (x
, y
, z
) in three-dimensional space is
shown below:
PROGRAMdi st _3d
! Purpose:
! To cal cul at e t he di st ance bet ween t wo poi nt s ( x1, y1, z1)
! and ( x2, y2, z2) i n t hree- di mensi onal space.
! Record of revi si ons:
! Dat e Programmer Descri pt i on of change
! ==== ========== =====================
! 01/ 05/ 97 S. J . Chapman Ori gi nal code
! Li st of vari abl es:
REAL : : di st ! Di st ance bet ween t he t wo poi nt s.
REAL : : x1 ! x- component of f i rst vect or.
REAL : : x2 ! x- component of second vect or.
REAL : : y1 ! y- component of f i rst vect or.
REAL : : y2 ! y- component of second vect or.
REAL : : z1 ! z- component of f i rst vect or.
REAL : : z2 ! z- component of second vect or.
! Get t he f i rst poi nt i n 3D space.
WRI TE ( *, 1000)
1000 FORMAT ( ' Cal cul at e t he di st ance bet ween t wo poi nt s ' , &
' ( X1, Y1, Z1) and ( X2, Y2, Z2) : ' &
/ , 1X, ' Ent er t he f i rst poi nt ( X1, Y1, Z1) : ' )
READ ( *, *) x1, y1, z1
! Get t he second poi nt i n 3D space.
WRI TE ( *, 1010)
1010 FORMAT ( ' Ent er t he second poi nt ( X2, Y2, Z2) : ' )
READ ( *, *) x2, y2, z2
! Cal cul at e t he di st ance bet ween t he t wo poi nt s.
di st =SQRT ( ( x1- x2) **2 +( y1- y2) **2 +( z1- z2) **2 )
! Tel l user.
WRI TE ( *, 1020) di st
1020 FORMAT ( ' The di st ance bet ween t he t wo poi nt s i s ' , F10. 3)
When this program is run with the specified data values, the results are
C: \ BOOK\ F90\ SOLN>di st_3d
Cal cul at e t he di st ance bet ween t wo poi nt s ( X1, Y1, Z1) and ( X2, Y2, Z2) :
Ent er t he f i rst poi nt ( X1, Y1, Z1) :
-1. 4. 6.
Ent er t he second poi nt ( X2, Y2, Z2) :
1. 5. -2.
The di st ance bet ween t he t wo poi nt s i s 8. 307
Chapter 6. Procedures and Structured Programming
6-1 A function is a procedure whose result is a single number, logical value, or character string, while a subroutine is a
subprogram that can return one or more numbers, logical values, or character strings. A function is invoked by
naming it in a Fortran expression, while a subroutine is invoked using the CALL statement.
6-6 Data is passed by reference from a calling program to a subroutine. Since only a pointer to the location of the data is
passed, there is no way for a subroutine with an implicit interface to know that the argument type is mismatched.
(However, some Fortran compilers are smart enough to recognize such type mismatches if both the calling program
and the subroutine are contained in the same source file.)
The result of executing this program will vary from processor. When executed on a computer with IEEE standard
floating-point numbers, the results are
C: \ BOOK\ F90\ SOLN>mai n
I =- 1063256064
6-10 According to the Fortran 90/95 standard, the values of all the local variables in a procedure become undefined
whenever we exit the procedure. The next time that the procedure is invoked, the values of the local variables may or
may not be the same as they were the last time we left it, depending on the particular processor being used. If we
write a procedure that depends on having its local variables undisturbed between calls, it will work fine on some
computers and fail miserably on other ones!
Fortran provides the SAVE attribute and the SAVE statement to guarantee that local variables are saved unchanged
between invocations of a procedure. Any local variables declared with the SAVE attribute or listed in a SAVE
statement will be saved unchanged. If no variables are listed in a SAVE statement, then all of the local variables will be
saved unchanged. In addition, any local variables that are initialized in a type declaration statement will be saved
unchanged between invocations of the procedure.
6-26 A subroutine to calculate the derivative of a discrete function is shown below.
SUBROUTI NE deri vat i ve ( vect or, deri v, nsamp, dx, error )
! Purpose:
! To cal cul at e t he deri vat i ve of a sampl ed f unct i on f ( x)
! consi st i ng of nsamp sampl es spaced a di st ance dx apart .
! The resul t i ng deri vat i ve i s ret urned i n array deri v, and
! i s nsamp- 1 sampl es l ong. ( Si nce cal cul at i ng t he deri vat i ve
! requi res bot h poi nt i and poi nt i +1, we can' t f i nd t he
! deri vat i ve f or t he l ast poi nt i n t he i nput array. )
! Record of revi si ons:
! Dat e Programmer Descri pt i on of change
! ==== ========== =====================
! 01/ 07/ 97 S. J . Chapman Ori gi nal code
! Li st of cal l i ng argument s:
I NTEGER, I NTENT( I N) : : nsamp ! Number of sampl es
REAL, DI MENSI ON( nsamp) , I NTENT( I N) : : vect or ! I nput dat a array
REAL, DI MENSI ON( nsamp- 1) , I NTENT( OUT) : : deri v ! I nput dat a array
REAL, I NTENT( I N) : : dx ! sampl e spaci ng
I NTEGER, I NTENT( OUT) : : error ! Fl ag: 0 =no error
! 1 =dx <=0
! Li st of l ocal vari abl es:
I NTEGER : : i ! Loop i ndex
! Check f or l egal st ep si ze.
I F ( dx >0. ) THEN
! Cal cul at e deri vat i ve.
DO i =1, nsamp- 1
deri v( i ) =( vect or( i +1) - vect or( i ) ) / dx
error =0
! I l l egal st ep si ze.
error =1
A test driver program for this subroutine is shown below. This program creates a discrete analytic function f(x) = sin
x, and calculates the derivative of that function using subroutine DERV. Finally, it compares the result of the
subroutine to the analytical solution df(x)/dx = cos x, and find the maximum difference between the result of the
subroutine and the true solution.
PROGRAMt est _deri vat i ve
! Purpose:
! To t est subrout i ne "deri vat i ve", whi ch cal cul at es t he numeri cal
! deri vat i ve of a sampl ed f unct i on f ( x) . Thi s programwi l l t ake t he
! deri vat i ve of t he f unct i on f ( x) =si n( x) , where nst ep =100, and
! dx =0. 05. The programwi l l compare t he deri vat i ve wi t h t he known
! correct answer df / dx =cox( x) ) , and det ermi ne t he error i n t he
! subrout i ne.
! Record of revi si ons:
! Dat e Programmer Descri pt i on of change
! ==== ========== =====================
! 01/ 07/ 97 S. J . Chapman Ori gi nal code
! Li st of named const ant s:
I NTEGER, PARAMETER : : nsamp =100 ! Number of sampl es
REAL, PARAMETER : : dx =0. 05 ! St ep si ze
! Li st of l ocal vari abl es:
REAL, DI MENSI ON( nsamp- 1) : : cderi v ! Anal yt i cal l y cal cul at ed deri v
REAL, DI MENSI ON( nsamp- 1) : : deri v ! Deri vat i ve f romsubrout i ne
I NTEGER : : error ! Error f l ag
I NTEGER : : i ! Loop i ndex
REAL : : max_error ! Max error i n deri vat i ve
REAL, DI MENSI ON( nsamp) : : vect or ! f ( x)
! Cal cul at e f ( x)
DO i =1, nsamp
vect or( i ) =SI N ( REAL( i - 1) * dx )
! Cal cul at e anal yt i c deri vat i ve of f ( x)
DO i =1, nsamp- 1
cderi v( i ) =COS ( REAL( i - 1) * dx )
! Cal l "deri vat i ve"
CALL deri vat i ve ( vect or, deri v, nsamp, dx, error )
! Fi nd t he l argest di f f erence bet ween t he anal yt i cal deri vat i ve and
! t he resul t of subrout i ne "deri vat i ve".
max_error =MAXVAL ( ABS( deri v - cderi v ) )
! Tel l user.
WRI TE ( *, 1000) max_error
1000 FORMAT ( ' The maxi mumerror i n t he deri vat i ve i s ' , F10. 4, ' . ' )
When this program is run, the results are
C: \ BOOK\ F90\ SOLN>test_deri vati ve
The maxi mumerror i n t he deri vat i ve i s . 0250.
Chapter 7. Character Variables
7-4 A character function version of ucase is shown below. In order to return a variable-length character string, this
function must have an explicit interface, so it is embedded in a module here.
MODULE myprocs
FUNCTI ON ucase ( st ri ng )
! Purpose:
! To shi f t a charact er st ri ng t o upper case on any processor,
! regardl ess of col l at i ng sequence.
! Record of revi si ons:
! Dat e Programmer Descri pt i on of change
! ==== ========== =====================
! 01/ 09/ 96 S. J . Chapman Ori gi nal code
! Decl are cal l i ng paramet ers:
CHARACTER( l en=*) , I NTENT( I N) : : st ri ng ! I nput st ri ng
CHARACTER( l en=LEN( st ri ng) ) : : ucase ! Funct i on
! Decl are l ocal vari abl es:
I NTEGER : : i ! Loop i ndex
I NTEGER : : l engt h ! Lengt h of i nput st ri ng
! Get l engt h of st ri ng
l engt h =LEN ( st ri ng )
! Nowshi f t l ower case l et t ers t o upper case.
DO i =1, l engt h
I F ( LGE( st ri ng( i : i ) , ' a' ) . AND. LLE( st ri ng( i : i ) , ' z' ) ) THEN
ucase( i : i ) =ACHAR ( I ACHAR ( st ri ng( i : i ) ) - 32 )
ucase( i : i ) =st ri ng( i : i )
A simple test driver program is shown below.
PROGRAMt est _ucase
! Purpose:
! To t est f unct i on ucase.
! Record of revi si ons:
! Dat e Programmer Descri pt i on of change
! ==== ========== =====================
! 01/ 09/ 96 S. J . Chapman Ori gi nal code
USE myprocs
CHARACTER( l en=30) st ri ng
WRI TE ( *, *) ' Ent er t est st ri ng ( up t o 30 charact ers) : '
READ ( *, ' ( A30) ' ) st ri ng
WRI TE ( *, *) ' The shi f t ed st ri ng i s: ' , ucase(stri ng)
When this program is executed, the results are:
C: \ BOOK\ F90\ SOLN>test_ucase
Ent er t est st ri ng ( up t o 30 charact ers) :
Thi s i s a Test! 12#$6*
The shi f t ed st ri ng i s: THI S I S A TEST! 12#$6*
7-11 A subroutine to return the positions of the first and last non-blank characters in a string is shown below. Note that
this subroutine is designed to return i beg = i end = 1 whenever a string is completely blank. This choice is arbitrary.
SUBROUTI NE st ri ng_l i mi t s ( st ri ng, i beg, i end )
! Purpose:
! To det ermi ne t he l i mi t s of t he non- bl ank charact ers wi t hi n
! a charact er vari abl e. Thi s subrout i ne ret urns poi nt ers
! t o t he f i rst and l ast non- bl ank charact ers wi t hi n a st ri ng.
! I f t he st ri ng i s compl et el y bl ank, i t wi l l ret urn i beg =
! i end =1, so t hat any programs usi ng t hese poi nt ers wi l l
! not bl owup.
! Record of revi si ons:
! Dat e Programmer Descri pt i on of change
! ==== ========== =====================
! 01/ 09/ 96 S. J . Chapman Ori gi nal code
! Li st of dummy argument s:
CHARACTER( l en=*) , I NTENT( I N) : : st ri ng ! I nput st ri ng
I NTEGER, I NTENT( OUT) : : i beg ! Fi rst non- bl ank charact er
I NTEGER, I NTENT( OUT) : : i end ! Last non- bl ank charact er
! Li st of l ocal vari abl es:
I NTEGER : : l engt h ! Lengt h of i nput st ri ng
! Get t he l engt h of t he i nput st ri ng.
l engt h =LEN ( st ri ng )
! Look f or f i rst charact er used i n st ri ng. Use a
! WHI LE l oop t o f i nd t he f i rst non- bl ank charact er.
i beg =0
i beg =i beg +1
I F ( i beg >l engt h ) EXI T
I F ( st ri ng( i beg: i beg) / =' ' ) EXI T
! I f i beg >l engt h, t he whol e st ri ng was bl ank. Set
! i beg =i end =1. Ot herwi se, f i nd t he l ast non- bl ank
! charact er.
I F ( i beg >l engt h ) THEN
i beg =1
i end =1
! Fi nd l ast nonbl ank charact er.
i end =l engt h +1
i end =i end - 1
I F ( st ri ng( i end: i end) / =' ' ) EXI T
A test driver program for subroutine st ri ng_l i mi t s is shown below.
PROGRAMt est _st ri ng_l i mi t s
! Purpose:
! To t est subrout i ne st ri ng_l i mi t s.
! Record of revi si ons:
! Dat e Programmer Descri pt i on of change
! ==== ========== =====================
! 01/ 09/ 96 S. J . Chapman Ori gi nal code
! Li st of l ocal vari abl es:
CHARACTER( l en=30) , DI MENSI ON( 3) : : a ! Test st ri ngs
I NTEGER : : i ! Loop i ndex
I NTEGER : : i beg ! Fi rst non- bl ank char
I NTEGER : : i end ! Last non- bl ank char
! I ni t i al i ze st ri ngs
a( 1) =' Howmany charact ers are used?'
a( 2) =' . . . and howabout t hi s one? '
a( 3) =' ! ! '
! Wri t e resul t s.
DO i =1, 3
WRI TE ( *, ' ( / 1X, A, I 1, 2A) ' ) ' a( ' , i , ' ) =' , a( i )
CALL st ri ng_l i mi t s ( a( i ) , i beg, i end )
WRI TE ( *, ' ( 1X, A, I 3) ' ) ' Fi rst non- bl ank charact er =' , i beg
WRI TE ( *, ' ( 1X, A, I 3) ' ) ' Last non- bl ank charact er =' , i end
When the program is executed, the results are:
C: \ BOOK\ F90\ SOLN>test_stri ng_l i mi ts
a( 1) =Howmany charact ers are used?
Fi rst non- bl ank charact er = 1
Last non- bl ank charact er = 29
a( 2) = . . . and howabout t hi s one?
Fi rst non- bl ank charact er = 4
Last non- bl ank charact er = 29
a( 3) = ! !
Fi rst non- bl ank charact er = 4
Last non- bl ank charact er = 8
Chapter 8. Additional Data Types
8-1 Kinds are versions of the same basic data type that have differing characteristics. For the real data type, different
kinds have different ranges and precisions. A Fortran compiler must support at least two kinds of real data: single
precision and double precision.
8-5 (a) These statements are legal. They read ones into the double precision real variable a and twos into the single
precision real variable b. Since the format descriptor is F18. 2, there will 16 digits to the left of the decimal point.
The result printed out by the WRI TE statement is
1. 111111111111111E+015 2. 222222E+15
(b) These statements are illegal. Complex values cannot be compared with the >relational operator.
8-10 A subroutine to accept a complex number C and calculate its amplitude and phase is shown below:
SUBROUTI NE compl ex_2_amp_phase ( c, amp, phase )
! Purpose:
! Subrout i ne t o accept a compl ex number C =RE +i I Mand
! ret urn t he ampl i t ude "amp" and phase "phase" of t he number.
! Thi s subrout i ne ret urns t he phase i n radi ans.
! Record of revi si ons:
! Dat e Programmer Descri pt i on of change
! ==== ========== =====================
! 01/ 10/ 97 S. J . Chapman Ori gi nal code
! Li st of dummy argument s:
COMPLEX, I NTENT( I N) : : c ! I nput compl ex number
REAL, I NTENT( OUT) : : amp ! Ampl i t ude
REAL, I NTENT( OUT) : : phase ! Phase i n radi ans
! Get ampl i t ude and phase.
amp =ABS ( c )
phase =ATAN2 ( AI MAG( c) , REAL( c) )
A test driver program for this subroutine is shown below:
! Purpose:
! To t est subrout i ne compl ex_2_amp_phase, whi ch convert s an
! i nput compl ex number i nt o ampl i t ude and phase component s.
! Record of revi si ons:
! Dat e Programmer Descri pt i on of change
! ==== ========== =====================
! 01/ 10/ 97 S. J . Chapman Ori gi nal code
! Local vari abl es:
REAL : : amp ! Ampl i t ude
COMPLEX : : c ! Compl ex number
REAL : : phase ! Phase
! Get i nput val ue.
WRI TE ( *, ' ( A) ' ) ' Ent er a compl ex number: '
READ ( *, *) c
! Cal l compl ex_2_amp_phase
CALL compl ex_2_amp_phase ( c, amp, phase )
! Tel l user.
WRI TE ( *, ' ( A, F10. 4) ' ) ' Ampl i t ude =' , amp
WRI TE ( *, ' ( A, F10. 4) ' ) ' Phase =' , phase
Some typical results from the test driver program are shown below. The results are obviously correct.
C: \ BOOK\ F90\ SOLN>test
Ent er a compl ex number:
(1, 0)
Ampl i t ude = 1. 0000
Phase = . 0000
C: \ BOOK\ F90\ SOLN>test
Ent er a compl ex number:
(0, 1)
Ampl i t ude = 1. 0000
Phase = 1. 5708
C: \ BOOK\ F90\ SOLN>test
Ent er a compl ex number:
(-1, 0)
Ampl i t ude = 1. 0000
Phase = 3. 1416
C: \ BOOK\ F90\ SOLN>test
Ent er a compl ex number:
(0, -1)
Ampl i t ude = 1. 0000
Phase = - 1. 5708
8-16 The definitions of point and line are shown below:
! Decl are t ype "poi nt "
TYPE : : poi nt
REAL : : x ! x posi t i on
REAL : : y ! y posi t i on
END TYPE poi nt
! Decl are t ype "l i ne"
TYPE : : l i ne
REAL : : m ! Sl ope of l i ne
REAL : : b ! Y- axi s i nt ercept of l i ne
END TYPE l i ne
8-17 A function to calculate the distance between two points is shown below. Note that it is placed in a module to create
an explicit interface.
MODULE geomet ry
! Purpose:
! To def i ne t he deri ved dat a t ypes "poi nt " and "l i ne".
! Record of revi si ons:
! Dat e Programmer Descri pt i on of change
! ==== ========== =====================
! 01/ 11/ 97 S. J . Chapman Ori gi nal code
! Decl are t ype "poi nt "
TYPE : : poi nt
REAL : : x ! x posi t i on
REAL : : y ! y posi t i on
END TYPE poi nt
! Decl are t ype "l i ne"
TYPE : : l i ne
REAL : : m ! Sl ope of l i ne
REAL : : b ! Y- axi s i nt ercept of l i ne
END TYPE l i ne
FUNCTI ONdi stance(p1, p2)
! Purpose:
! To cal cul ate the di stance between two val ues of type "poi nt".
! Record of revi si ons:
! Date Programmer Descri pti on of change
! ==== ========== =====================
! 01/ 11/ 97 S. J . Chapman Ori gi nal code
! Li st of dummy arguments:
TYPE (poi nt), I NTENT(I N) : : p1 ! Fi rst poi nt
TYPE (poi nt), I NTENT(I N) : : p2 ! Second poi nt
REAL : : di stance ! Di stance between poi nts
! Cal cul ate di stance
di stance =SQRT ( (p1%x - p2%x)**2 +(p1%y - p2%y )**2 )
END MODULE geomet ry
A test driver program for this function is:
PROGRAMt est _di st ance
! Purpose:
! To t est f unct i on di st ance.
! Record of revi si ons:
! Dat e Programmer Descri pt i on of change
! ==== ========== =====================
! 01/ 11/ 97 S. J . Chapman Ori gi nal code
USE geometry
! Decl are vari abl es:
TYPE ( poi nt ) : : p1, p2 ! Poi nt s
WRI TE ( *, *) ' Ent er f i rst poi nt : '
READ ( *, *) p1
WRI TE ( *, *) ' Ent er second poi nt : '
READ ( *, *) p2
WRI TE ( *, *) ' The resul t i s: ' , di stance(p1, p2)
When this program is executed, the results are.
C: \ book\ f 90\ SOLN>test_di stance
Ent er f i rst poi nt :
0 0
Ent er second poi nt :
3 4
The resul t i s: 5. 000000
C: \ book\ f 90\ SOLN>test_di stance
Ent er f i rst poi nt :
1 -1
Ent er second poi nt :
1 1
The resul t i s: 2. 000000
Chapter 9. Advanced Features of Procedures and Modules
9-7 The scope of an object is the portion of a Fortran program over which it is defined. There are three levels of scope in
a Fortran 90/95 program. They are:
1. Global Global objects are objects which are defined throughout an entire program. The names of these
objects must be unique within a program. Examples of global objects are the names of programs, external
procedures, and modules.
2. Local Local objects are objects which are defined and must be unique within a single scoping unit.
Examples of scoping units are programs, external procedures, and modules. A local object within a scoping unit must
be unique within that unit, but the object name, statement label, etc. may be reused in another scoping unit without
causing a conflict. Local variables are examples of objects with local scope.
3. Statement The scope of certain objects may be restricted to a single statement within a program unit. The
only examples that we have seen of objects whose scope is restricted to a single statement are the implied DOvariable
in an array constructor and the index variables in a FORALL statement.
9-10 (a) This statement is legal. However, y and z should be initialized before the CALL statement, since they correspond
to dummy arguments with I NTENT( I N) . (c) This statement is illegal. Dummy argument d is not optional, and is
missing in the CALL statement. (e) This statement is illegal. Dummy argument b is a non-keyword argument after a
keyword argument, which is not allowed.
9-12 An interface block is a construct that creates an explicit interface for an external procedure. The interface block
specifies all of the interface characteristics of an external procedure. An interface block is created by duplicating the
calling argument information of a procedure within the interface. The form of an interface is
i nt erf ace_body_1
i nt erf ace_body_2
. . .
Each i nt erf ace_body consists of the initial SUBROUTI NE or FUNCTI ONstatement of the external procedure, the
type specification statements associated with its arguments, and an ENDSUBROUTI NE or ENDFUNCTI ONstatement.
These statements provide enough information for the compiler to check the consistency of the interface between the
calling program and the external procedure.
Alternatively, the i nt erf ace_body could be a MODULE PROCEDURE statement if the the procedure is defined in a
In interface block would be needed when we want to created an explicit interface for older procedures written in
earlier versions of Fortran, or for procedures written in other languages such as C.
9-23 Assess to data items and procedures in a module can be controlled using the PUBLI Cand PRI VATE attributes. The
PUBLI Cattribute specifies that an item will be visible outside a module in any program unit that uses the module,
while the PRI VATE attribute specifies that an item will not be visible to any procedure outside of the module in which
the item is defined. These attributes may also be specified in PUBLI Cand PRI VATE statements. By default, all
objects defined in a module have the PUBLI Cattribute.
Access to items defined in a module can be further restricted by using the ONLY clause in the USE statement to
specify the items from a module which are to be used in the program unit containing the USE statement.
Chapter 10. Advanced I/O Concepts
10-1 The ES format descriptor displays a number in scientific notation, with one significant digit to the left of the decimal
place, while the ENformat descriptor displays a number in engineering notation, with an exponent which is a multiple
of 3 and a mantissa between 1.0 and 999.9999. These difference between these two descriptors is illustrated by the
following program:
WRI TE ( *, ' ( 1X, ES14. 6, / , 1X, EN14. 6) ' ) 12345. 67, 12345. 67
When this simple program is executed, the results are:
C: \ book\ f 90\ SOLN>test
1. 234567E+04
12. 345670E+03
10-10 Namelist I/O is a convenient way to write out a fixed list of variable names and values, or to read in a fixed list of
variable names and values. A namelist is just a list of variable names that are always read or written as a group. A
NAMELI ST I/O statement looks like a formatted I/O statement, except that the FMT=clause is replaced by a NML=
clause. When a namelist-directed WRI TE statement is executed, the names of all of the variables in the namelist are
printed out together with their values in a special order. The first item to be printed is an ampersand (&) followed by
the namelist name. Next comes a series of output values in the form "NAME=val ue". Finally, the list is terminated by
a slash (/).
When a namelist-directed READstatement is executed, the program searches the input file for the marker &nl _name,
which indicates the beginning of the namelist. It then reads all of the values in the namelist until a slash character (/ )
is encountered to terminate the READ. The values are assigned to the namelist variables according to the names given
in the input list. The namelist READstatement does not have to set a value for every variable in the namelist. If some
namelist variables are not included in the input file list, then their values will remain unchanged after the namelist
Namelist-directed READstatements are very useful for initializing variables in a program. Suppose that you are
writing a program containing 100 input variables. The variables will be initialized to their usual values by default in
the program. During any particular run of the program, anywhere from 1 to 10 of these values may need to be
changed, but the others would remain at their default values. In this case, you could include all 100 values in a
namelist and include a namelist-directed READstatement in the program. Whenever a user runs the program, he or
she can just list the few values to be changed in the namelist input file, and all of the other input variables will remain
unchanged. This approach is much better than using an ordinary READstatement, since all 100 values would need to
be listed in the ordinary READs input file, even if they were not being changed during a particular run.
10-15 The status of the file is ' UNKNOWN' . It is a formatted file opened for sequential access, and the location of the file
pointer is ' ASI S' , which is processor dependent. It is opened for both reading and writing, with a variable record
length. List-directed character strings will be written to the file without delimiters. If the file is not found, the
results of the OPENare processor dependent; however, most processors will create a new file and open it. If an error
occurs during the open process, the program will abort with a runtime error.
10-16 (b) The status of the file is ' REPLACE' . If the file does not exist, it will be created. If it does exist, it will be deleted
and a new file will be created. It is an unformatted file opened for direct access. List-directed i/o dies not apply to
unformatted files, so the delimiter clause is meaningless for this file. It is opened for writing only. The length of
each record is 80 processor-dependent units. If there is an error in the open process, the program containing this
statement will continue, with I STAT set to an appropriate error code.
Chapter 11. Pointers and Dynamic Data Structures
11-2 An ordinary assignment statement assigns a value to a variable. If a pointer is included on the right-hand side of an
ordinary assignment statement, then the value used in the calculation is the value stored in the variable pointed to by
the pointer. If a pointer is included on the left-hand side of an ordinary assignment statement, then the result of the
statement is stored in the variable pointed to by the pointer. By contrast, a pointer assignment statement assigns the
address of a value to a pointer variable.
In the statement "a = z", the value contained in variable z is stored in the variable pointed to by a, which is the
variable x. In the statement "a =>z", the address of variable z is stored in the pointer a.
11-7 The statements required to create a 1000-element integer array and then point a pointer at every tenth element within
the array are shown below:
I NTEGER, DI MENSI ON( 1000) , TARGET : : my_dat a =( / ( i , i =1, 1000) / )
I NTEGER, DI MENSI ON( : ) , POI NTER : : pt r
ptr =>my_data(1: 1000: 10)
11-11 This program has several serious flaws. Subroutine runni ng_sumallocates a new variable on pointer sumeach time
that it is called, resulting in a memory leak. In addition, it does not initialize the variable that it creates. Since sum
points to a different variable each time, it doesnt actually add anything up! A corrected version of this program is
shown below:
MODULE my_sub
SUBROUTI NE runni ng_sum( sum, val ue)
REAL, POI NTER : : sum, val ue
sum=sum+val ue
END SUBROUTI NE runni ng_sum
PROGRAMsum_val ues
USE my_sub
I NTEGER : : i st at
REAL, POI NTER : : sum, val ue
ALLOCATE ( sum, val ue, STAT=i st at )
WRI TE ( *, *) ' Ent er val ues t o add: '
READ ( *, *, I OSTAT=i st at ) val ue
I F ( i st at / =0 ) EXI T
CALL runni ng_sum( sum, val ue)
WRI TE ( *, *) ' The sumi s ' , sum
When this program is compiled and executed with the Lahey Fortran 90 compiler, the results are:
C: \ book\ f 90\ SOLN>l f90 ex11_11. f90
Lahey Fort ran 90 Compi l er Rel ease 3. 00b S/ N: F9354220
Copyri ght ( C) 1994- 1996 Lahey Comput er Syst ems. Al l ri ght s reserved.
Copyri ght ( C) 1985- 1996 I nt el Corp. Al l ri ght s reserved.
Regi st ered t o: St ephen J . Chapman
Opt i ons:
- nap - nbi nd - nc - nchk - co
- ndal - ndbl - ndl l - nf 90 - nf i x
- ng - hed - ni n - i nl n - nl i sk
- nl st - nml - o1 - out ex11_11. exe
- pca - sav - st ack 20000h - st chk - nswm
- nsyn - t 4 - nt race - nt rap - nvax
- vm - w - nwi n - nwo - wrap
- nxref
Compi l i ng f i l e ex11_11. f 90.
Compi l i ng programuni t MY_SUB at l i ne 1.
Compi l i ng programuni t SUM_VALUES at l i ne 12.
Encount ered 0 errors, 0 warni ngs i n f i l e ex11_11. f 90.
386| LI B: 7. 0 - - Copyri ght ( C) 1986- 96 Phar Lap Sof t ware, I nc.
386| LI NK: 8. 0_Lahey2 - - Copyri ght ( C) 1986- 96 Phar Lap Sof t ware, I nc.
C: \ book\ f 90\ SOLN>ex11_11
Ent er val ues t o add: 4
The sumi s 4. 00000 2
The sumi s 6. 00000 5
The sumi s 11. 0000 7
The sumi s 18. 0000 4
The sumi s 22. 0000 ^D
11-17 A function that returns a pointer to the largest value in an input array is shown below. Note that it is contained in a
module to produce an explicit interface.
FUNCTI ON maxval ( array) RESULT ( pt r_maxval )
! Purpose:
! To ret urn a poi nt er t o t he maxi mumval ue i n a
! rank one array.
! Record of revi si ons:
! Dat e Programmer Descri pt i on of change
! ==== ========== =====================
! 01/ 25/ 97 S. J . Chapman Ori gi nal code
! Decl are cal l i ng argument s:
REAL, DI MENSI ON( : ) , TARGET, I NTENT( I N) : : array ! I nput array
REAL, POI NTER : : pt r_maxval ! Poi nt er t o max val ue
! Decl are l ocal vari abl es:
I NTEGER : : i ! I ndex vari abl e
REAL : : max ! Maxi mumval ue i n array
max =array( 1)
pt r_maxval =>array( 1)
DO i =2, UBOUND( array, 1)
I F ( array( i ) >max ) THEN
max =array( i )
pt r_maxval =>array( i )
A test driver program for this function is shown below:
PROGRAMt est _maxval
! Purpose:
! To t est f unct i on maxval .
! Record of revi si ons:
! Dat e Programmer Descri pt i on of change
! ==== ========== =====================
! 01/ 25/ 97 S. J . Chapman Ori gi nal code
USE subs
! Decl are vari abl es
REAL, DI MENSI ON( 6) , TARGET : : array =( / 1. , - 34. , 3. , 2. , 87. , - 50. / )
REAL, POI NTER : : pt r
! Get poi nt er t o max val ue i n array
pt r =>maxval ( array)
! Tel l user
WRI TE ( *, ' ( 1X, A, F6. 2) ' ) ' The max val ue i s: ' , pt r
When this program is executed, the results are:
C: \ book\ f 90\ SOLN>test_maxval
The max val ue i s: 87. 00
Chapter 12. Introduction to Numerical Methods
12-1 Two subroutines to calculate the derivative of a function using the central difference method and the forward
difference method are shown below.
SUBROUTI NE deri v_cen ( f , x0, dx, df dx, error )
! Purpose:
! To t ake t he deri vat i ve of f unct i on f ( x) at poi nt x0
! usi ng t he cent ral di f f erence met hod wi t h st ep si ze dx.
! Thi s subrout i ne expect s t he f unct i on f ( x) t o be passed
! as a cal l i ng argument .
! Record of revi si ons:
! Dat e Programmer Descri pt i on of change
! ==== ========== =====================
! 01/ 25/ 97 S. J . Chapman Ori gi nal code
! Decl are dummy argument s:
REAL, EXTERNAL : : f ! Funct i on t o di f f erent i at e
REAL, I NTENT( I N) : : x0 ! Locat i on t o t ake deri vat i ve
REAL, I NTENT( I N) : : dx ! Desi red st ep si ze
REAL, I NTENT( OUT) : : df dx ! Deri vat i ve
I NTEGER, I NTENT( OUT) : : error ! Error f l ag: 0 =no error
! 1 =dx <0.
! I f dx <=0. , t hi s i s an error.
I F ( dx <0. ) THEN
error =1
! I f dx i s speci f i ed, t hen cal cul at e deri vat i ve usi ng t he
! cent ral di f f erence met hod and t he speci f i ed dx.
ELSE I F ( dx >0. ) THEN
dfdx =(f(x0+dx/ 2. ) - f(x0-dx/ 2. ) ) / dx
error =0
SUBROUTI NE deri v_f wd ( f , x0, dx, df dx, error )
! Purpose:
! To t ake t he deri vat i ve of f unct i on f ( x) at poi nt x0
! usi ng t he f orward di f f erence met hod wi t h st ep si ze dx.
! Thi s subrout i ne expect s t he f unct i on f ( x) t o be passed
! as a cal l i ng argument .
! Record of revi si ons:
! Dat e Programmer Descri pt i on of change
! ==== ========== =====================
! 01/ 25/ 97 S. J . Chapman Ori gi nal code
! Decl are dummy argument s:
REAL, EXTERNAL : : f ! Funct i on t o di f f erent i at e
REAL, I NTENT( I N) : : x0 ! Locat i on t o t ake deri vat i ve
REAL, I NTENT( I N) : : dx ! Desi red st ep si ze
REAL, I NTENT( OUT) : : df dx ! Deri vat i ve
I NTEGER, I NTENT( OUT) : : error ! Error f l ag: 0 =no error
! 1 =dx <0.
! I f dx <=0. , t hi s i s an error.
I F ( dx <0. ) THEN
error =1
! I f dx i s speci f i ed, t hen cal cul at e deri vat i ve usi ng t he
! cent ral di f f erence met hod and t he speci f i ed dx.
ELSE I F ( dx >0. ) THEN
dfdx =(f(x0+dx) - f(x0) ) / dx
error =0
A test driver program that uses these two routines to calculate the derivative of the function f(x) = 1/x for the location
= 0.15 is shown below:
PROGRAMt est _deri v
! Purpose:
! To t est subrout i nes deri v_cen and deri v_f wd by eval uat i ng
! t he deri vat i ve of t he f unct i on f ( x) =1. / x at
! x0 =0. 15 f or a vari et y of st ep si zes. Thi s program
! compares t he perf ormance of t he cent ral di f f erence
! met hod and t he f orward di f f erence met hod.
! Record of revi si ons:
! Dat e Programmer Descri pt i on of change
! ==== ========== =====================
! 01/ 25/ 97 S. J . Chapman Ori gi nal code
! Li st of ext ernal f unct i ons:
REAL, EXTERNAL : : f ! Funct i on t o cal cul at e deri v of
! Li st of vari abl es:
REAL : : df dx_cen ! Deri vat i ve of f unct i on ( cent ral )
REAL : : df dx_f wd ! Deri vat i ve of f unct i on ( f orward)
REAL : : dx ! St ep si ze
I NTEGER : : error ! Error f al g
I NTEGER : : i ! Loop i ndex
! Cal cul at e deri vat i ve f or 3 st ep si zes, and t el l user.
DO i =1, 3
dx =1. / 10**I
CALL deri v_cen ( f , 0. 15, dx, df dx_cen, error )
CALL deri v_f wd ( f , 0. 15, dx, df dx_f wd, error )
WRI TE ( *, 1000) dx, df dx_cen, df dx_f wd
1000 FORMAT ( ' dx =' , F5. 3, ' Cent ral Di f f =' , F10. 6, &
' Forward Di f f =' , F10. 6)
FUNCTI ON f ( x)
! Purpose:
! To eval uat e t he f unct i on f ( x) =1. / x
! Record of revi si ons:
! Dat e Programmer Descri pt i on of change
! ==== ========== =====================
! 01/ 25/ 97 S. J . Chapman Ori gi nal code
! Li st of dummy argument s:
REAL, I NTENT( I N) : : x ! I ndependent vari abl e
REAL : : f ! Funct i on resul t
f =1. / x
When this program is executed, the results are shown below. Recall from Chapter 8 that the derivative of the function
is actually -44.44444... As you can see, the central difference method does a much better job of estimating the
derivative than the forward difference method, regardless of step size.
C: \ BOOK\ F90\ SOLN>test_deri v
dx = . 100 Cent ral Di f f =- 49. 999990 Forward Di f f =- 26. 666660
dx = . 010 Cent ral Di f f =- 44. 493820 Forward Di f f =- 41. 666700
dx = . 001 Cent ral Di f f =- 44. 444080 Forward Di f f =- 44. 150350
Chapter 13. Fortran Libraries
13-1 A library is a collection of compiled Fortran object modules organized into a single disk file, which is indexed for
easy recovery. When a Fortran program invokes procedures that are located in a library, the linker searches the
library to get the object modules for the procedures, and includes them in the final program. The procedures in a
library do not have to be recompiled for use, so it is quicker to compile and link programs that use some components
from libraries. In addition, libraries can be distributed in object form only, protecting the source code which
someone invested so much time writing. Furthermore, libraries which are in the form of modules supply an explicit
interface to catch common programming errors.
Libraries may be purchased to perform many special functions, such as mathematical or statistical calculations,
graphics, signal processing, etc. They allow users to add features to their programs without having to write all of the
specialized code themselves.
13-19 A program to calculate the derivative of f x x ( ) sin = with automatic step size selection, comparing the results to the
true analytical answer.
PROGRAMcal c_deri vat i ve_1
! Purpose:
! To cal cul at e t he deri vat i ve of t he f unct i on si n( x) at 101
! equal l y- spaced poi nt s bet ween 0 and 2*pi usi ng aut omat i c
! st ep si zes, compari ng t he resul t s wi t h t he anal yt i cal
! sol ut i on.
! Record of revi si ons:
! Dat e Programmer Descri pt i on of change
! ==== ========== =====================
! 01/ 31/ 97 S. J . Chapman Ori gi nal code
USE bookl i b
! Li st of named const ant s:
REAL, PARAMETER : : pi =3. 141593 ! Pi
! Ext ernal f unct i on:
REAL, EXTERNAL : : f un ! Funct i on t o di f f erent i at e
! Li st of vari abl es:
REAL : : dx =2*pi / 100. ! St ep si ze
I NTEGER : : error ! Error f l ag
I NTEGER : : i ! Loop i ndex
REAL : : st ep =0. 0 ! St ep si ze
REAL : : x0 ! Poi nt t o t ake deri vat i ve
REAL, DI MENSI ON( 101) : : y ! y dat a poi nt s
REAL, DI MENSI ON( 101) : : y_t rue ! Anal yt i cal sol ut i on
! Cal cul at e dat a poi nt s.
DO i =1, 101
x0 =( i - 1) * dx
st ep =0.
CALL deri v ( fun, x0, step, y(i ), error )
y_t rue( i ) =cos( x0)
! Comapare t he resul t i ng dat a.
WRI TE ( *, 1000)
1000 FORMAT ( ' A compari son of t he t rue answer versus t he cal cul at i on' , &
' wi t h aut o st ep si zes: ' )
WRI TE ( *, 1010)
1010 FORMAT ( T10, ' x ' , T21, ' True' , T32, ' Aut o ' &
/ T10, ' ===' , T21, ' ====' , T32, ' ========' )
DO i =1, 101
x0 =( i - 1) * dx
WRI TE ( *, 1020) x0, y_t rue( i ) , y( i )
1020 FORMAT ( 3X, 3F12. 6)
FUNCTI ON f un( x)
REAL, I NTENT( I N) : : x
REAL : : f un
! Eval uat e f unct i on.
f un =si n( x)
When this program is executed, the results are:
C: \ BOOK\ f 90\ SOLN>cal c_deri vati ve1
A compari son of t he t rue answer versus t he cal cul at i on wi t h aut o st ep si zes:
x True Aut o
=== ==== ========
. 000000 1. 000000 1. 000000
. 062832 . 998027 . 998030
. 125664 . 992115 . 992106
. 188496 . 982287 . 982269
. 251327 . 968583 . 968565
. 314159 . 951057 . 951057
. . .
. . .
3. 015929 - . 992115 - . 991700
3. 078761 - . 998027 - . 997610
3. 141593 - 1. 000000 - . 999582
3. 204425 - . 998027 - . 997610
3. 267256 - . 992115 - . 991700
3. 330088 - . 982287 - . 981877
3. 392920 - . 968583 - . 968179
3. 455752 - . 951056 - . 950659
3. 518584 - . 929776 - . 929388
3. 581416 - . 904827 - . 904449
3. 644248 - . 876307 - . 875941
3. 707079 - . 844328 - . 843975
3. 769911 - . 809017 - . 808679
3. 832743 - . 770513 - . 770191
. . .
. . .
6. 031858 . 968583 . 968969
6. 094690 . 982287 . 982680
6. 157522 . 992115 . 992513
6. 220354 . 998027 . 998429
6. 283185 1. 000000 1. 000404

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