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*und+ent+!s of %u+n &esource '+n+,eent
Week 2, Discussion Question 2

Do you think an employer has the right to monitor an employee's computer?
Explain your answer.
What principle should the H! department ha"e to ensure work e##iciency
while protecting employee pri"acy?
(t is agreea)le that the employer has the right to monitor an employee*s
computer. +his to some extent depends on the ownership o# the computer. (# the
company owns the computer, the employer has a right to monitor how the employee
is using the computer. +his will include monitoring communication and personal #ile
,$tanton - $tam, 2./.0.
(# the employee owns the computer, there#ore, employer*s a)ility to "iew and
o)tain personal #iles is limited to whether the employee is using the computer at the
work place, what the state law says, policy o# the employer, and whether the employer
has an important reason to monitor the communication.
(t is important #or the management to note that monitoring the employee*s
computer may )e "iewed as mistrust )y the employee. (# the management wants to
ha"e a relaxed work en"ironment where all people are treated maturely and
responsi)le, monitoring personal computers will not promote this cause. E"en i# the
company is legally allowed to monitor something, it does not mean that it is an
e##icient management practice ,$tanton - $tam, 2./.0.
Howe"er, i# the company is dealing with highly sensiti"e in#ormation,
monitoring is a must to sa#eguard the company )y ensuring that the employees do not
gi"e out the in#ormation to other competitors out there.
$tanton, 1. !., - $tam, 2. . ,2./.0. +he "isi)le employee using workplace
monitoring and sur"eillance to protect in#ormation assets33without compromising
employee pri"acy or trust. !ed#ord, '.1.4 (n#ormation +oday.
E$%&'$E 2
Do you think an employer has the right to monitor an employee's computer?
( do )elie"e employers ha"e a right to monitor employee*s computers within
reason. 5ompanies are paying employees to work, to )e producti"e, and makemoney
#or the company. Employers do not pay employees to do personal shopping on the
(nternet, watch pornography, or play computer games during working hours. +he
text)ook ,2..60 gi"es a good example o# this with the ($. &ne hundred sixty3sixo#
($ employees looked at tax returns o# #riends, neigh)ors, and cele)rities without
authori7ation. 8 company cannot keep employees #rom doing things unethical
without monitoring the work they do.
+he organi7ation ( work #or can monitor phone con"ersations )etween
employees or )etween employees and customers. Howe"er, the H policy #or the
company states i# the con"ersation turns personal the person monitoring the phone
call must hang up.
What principle should the H! department ha"e to ensure work e##iciency
while protecting employee pri"acy?

Employers can monitor e3mail, phone calls, "oicemail, and (nternet use o#
employees to "eri#y that what employers are using the company assets #or are work
related. H! should ha"e policies in place a)out how they monitor employees.
+hese policies should address that it will )e under )usiness3related circumstances. (t
should also state that the use o# monitoring will )e reasona)le, that the manager will
not go o"er)oard, which will protect the employee*s pri"acy ,9a!ance, 2./20.

De5en7o, D. 8., - o))ins, $. %. ,2..60. :undamentals o# Human esource
!anagement ,;th ed.0. 1ohn Wiley - $ons (nc. etrie"ed &cto)er 2<, 2./=, #rom
9a!ance, 2. ,2./2, 1une 60. Employer !onitoring %ractices and Employee's
ight %ri"acy. 9egal !atch. etrie"ed &cto)er 2@, 2./=, #rom
E$%&'$E =
( )elie"e that an employer has the right to monitor any computer in their
network. 8ny person that uses a company computer has to understand that the things
you do on a company computer aren*t pri"ate. (# a person decides to sur# the net while
on company time, that*s their choice, howe"er they should )e aware o# the #act the
computer is monitored and watched. 8t my Ao) all the computers are dialed into one
network, we all use that network to send and recei"e email, sur# the net, and may)e
pay a )ill #rom time to time. +here is a one speci#ic location at my place o#
employment that their only Ao) is to monitor what*s going on with the computers. (
was logged in one day when ( noticed my cursor mo"ing around on its own and
clicking on icons on my computer. ( called the B(+C department and that*s when they
)egan to in#orm me that they were doing a random monitor o# the computers in the
network. (# ( had )een logged into my )ank account paying a )ill or whate"er, they
could ha"e seen my entire account and password access. Employees should
remem)er, Aust case it has your name on it, don*t make it yours.
E$%&'$E <
Des and no, i# an employer ha"e the right to monitor an employee's computer.
!anagers should gi"e employees a technology agreement which should )e read
and sign )y the employee. (ncluded in the agreement should )e reasons that emails
can )e read )y management. Employers ha"e the right to monitor an employee's
computer i# it in"ol"es workplace security and protection. +he company has the right
to protect the property and product. Employers check employees emails to make sure
no "alua)le in#ormation is )eing communicated with the competitor. +he signed
employee hand)ook is a power#ul tool #or organi7ations.
+he workplace pri"acy should )e used to protect the employee's pri"acy and
protect the )usiness interest o# the company. H must )e care#ul to guard employee
pri"ate in#ormation such as medical or health in#ormation sent "ia email. (# the
employer is gi"en reason to )elie"e the company ha"e need to protect its product, the
employer can monitor (nternet and email uses.
?ut, the employer must )e care#ul to a"oid in#ringing on employee's pri"acy
E$%&'$E E
( think an employer has the right to monitor an employee*s computer. 8#ter all,
the employee is using the company*s property. ( am not saying the monitoring is not
creepy, )ut it should )e deterrence #or the employee to use the eFuipment #or #oul
play. (n the military there were plenty sites that were typed in and a large display
Bwe)site )locked, you are )eing monitored.C
Employees could )e ignorant o# sites that pro"ide enemies or competitors with
in#ormation that could harm the organi7ation or the company*s )rand. BEmployee
the#t, re"ealing trade secrets to competition, or using the company*s customer
data)ase #or personal gain could damage the company ,De5en7o - o))ins, 2..6, p.
(n some instances, ( ha"e heard o# employees )eing monitored in the restroom. (
think that practice is a)surd and a human rights "iolation. +he H! department must
ha"e an employee policy agreement that states all o# the rights o# the employer to
monitor them. +here should )e a seminar to make employees understand the depth in
which they will )e monitored. +his practice can alle"iate lawsuits and disputes o#
)eing wrong#ully terminated. +his practice also ensures work e##iciency while
protecting employee pri"acy )ecause the employee is completely aware o# )eing
De5en7o, D. 8., - o))ins, $. %. ,2..60. :undamentals o# Human esource
!anagement ,;th ed.0. Ho)oken, 'ew 1ersey4 1ohn Wiley - $ons.

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