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Good morning ladies and gentlemen.

Honorable to the judge, moderator, time keeper, my

beloved negative team and all of the audience. Thank you for the opportunity that given to us.
We are from affirmative team. Now, lets me to introduce our team. Me as the first speaker, my
name is RinaAnjani, I will deliver our definition. Our 2
speaker is Anisa Nanda Puri, who will
deliver arguments from economic perspective and our 3
speaker is NilaRosianaDewi, who will
restate the ideas that were going to talk about. Okay next, I would like to give our motion, our
motion today is This House Believes That Bilingualism in the Border Area of Indonesia Supports
the Existence of the National Language of Indonesia.
We absolutely agree with this motion, because Malay is a major language of the
Austronesian family. It is the national language of Brunei, Malaysia, and Indonesia and it is one
of four official languages of Singapore. It is spoken natively by 40 million peopleacross the
Malacca Strait, including the coasts of the Malay Peninsula of Malaysia and the eastern coast of
Sumatra in Indonesia, and has been established as a native language of part of western coastal
Sarawak and West Kalimantan in Borneo.
The total number of speakers of the language is more than 215 million. As the National
Language of several states, Standard Malay has various official names. In Singapore and Brunei
it is called Bahasa Melayu (Malay language); in Malaysia, Bahasa Malaysia (Malaysian
language); and in Indonesia, Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian language) and is designated the
Bahasa Persatuan/Pemersatu.
However, in areas of central to southern Sumatra where the language is indigenous,
Indonesians refer to it as Bahasa Melayu and consider it one of their regional languages.
Although there are some differences in the pronunciation of Indonesian in the border region, but
it has managed to unite Indonesian citizens in terms of communicating. They find it very easy to
interact with them. Improve the welfare of local communities to explore the potential economic,
social and cultural as well as geographical location advantage for the strategic relationship with
our neighbors. One of the neighboring countries Malaysia, has established growth centers and
corridors borders through various economic and trade activities that have benefited the
government and the society. With the enactment of both the ASEAN free trade and international
agreements and economic cooperation as well as regional and bilateral, then the economic
opportunities in some areas of land and sea borders become more open and need to be considered
in the development of the region. Sub-regional cooperation such as AFTA (Asean Free Trade
Area), IMS-GT (Indonesia Malaysia Singapore Growth Triangle), IMT-GT (Indonesia Malaysia
Thailand Growth Triangle), BIMP-EAGA (Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines-East Asian
Growth area) and AIDA (Australia Indonesia Development area) needs to be optimally utilized
so that both parties benefit equally. Outermost small islands are National Stratagis Region
Specific (KSNT) which has the potential of natural resources and environmental services are
high, in addition to a strategic role in maintaining the unity of the Republic of Indonesia
(Republic of Indonesia). Bilingualism makes the economic relations with neighboring countries
will be more easily. During the ASEAN Tourism Forum 2012 in Manado, North Sulawesi,
Indonesia and the Philippines started their first bilateral tourism cooperation. This initiative will
improve connectivity between the two countries to operate cruises and the opening of direct
flights between Davao in the Philippines to Manado. The two countries are also actively supports
the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity, which will increase the greater mobility in the region.

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