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29/10/12 Events organized by the Association for Behavior Analysis

1/1 portal.abainternational.org/callforpapers/SubmissionNexus.aspx?st=Poster&intEntityKey=1&intConvID=
Begin Presentation Submission
ABAI Behav ior Analy sis Ev ent s Jobs Member ship Jour nals Chapt er s Special Int er est s St or e Lear ning Cent er
Int er nat ional | Delegat ions | Aut ism | Annual | Sust ainabilit y | Theor y and Philosophy | Fut ur e Ev ent s | Ar chiv es
39th Annual Convention; Minneapolis, MN; 2013
Poster Submission Process
Please follow t he st eps below t o assemble y our submission. Once a st ep is
complet e, y ou will be able t o go back and edit y our infor mat ion. Your
submission is not complet e unt il y ou hav e clicked t he Complet e Submission
but t on on t he Rev iew and Submit page.
Step 1: Add Poster Info
Provide general information regarding your submission, including a
title, program area, category of submission, and 200-word abstract.
Step 2: Add Poster Authors
Add up to eight authors for your submission as well as designate the
primary (presenting) author. Please Note: If you are submitting for
co-authors, you must have a confirmed e-mail address for each co-
author. More Info
Submitters will need to enter an e-mail address for each co-author. This
information will allow submitters to easily identify membership accounts
for co-authors listed in the on-line ABAI membership directory.
Our membership database has grown to about 50,000 records with a
significant proportion of the records coming from duplicate accounts
meaning that the same person has several accounts in our database.
Duplicate accounts occur primarily at the time of call for papers
submissions. Often the submitter of a group proposal will create a new
author account during the submission process rather than identifying the
correct membership directory record to auto-fill submission information.
This approach results in the system generating duplicate records and
interferes with our ability to provide good customer service. For instance,
a submitter might receive confirmation of submission in one account and
registration information in another. We have taken many steps to clean
the database and also to prevent this problem from occurring in the
future. In an attempt to reduce multiple accounts, submitters must now
provide an e-mail address for each author included in the submission.
Step 3: Recommend a Book [Optional]
Recommend books for inclusion in the ABAI bookstore. While we
appreciate and welcome all recommendations, be aware that a
submission of a particular book title will not guarantee that the book
will be sold in the bookstore. The list of books will be reviewed by the
Program Committee, and the ABAI office will check the availability of
each book.
Step 4: Review and Submit
Review your submission and make any corrections necessary. Your
submission is not complete until you select the Complete
Submission button on the final page.
5 5 0 W. Cent r e Av e. , Por t age MI 4902 4-5 3 64
Phone: (2 69) 492 -93 1 0 | Fax: (2 69) 492 -93 1 6 | E-mail: mail@abaint er nat ional. or g
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