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Mak|ng a Dua|-Stage 1emperature Contro||er

Ior your homebrew fermentat|on chamber

Andrew N. W||||ng
arts L|st
S1C-1000 LemperaLure conLroller, 110vAC (e8ay, mlxLea" seller, ~$27)
ro[ecL 8ox, 8"x6"x3" slze (8adloshack, $7.39)
Creen Lamp Assembly, 120vAC (8adloshack #272-0708, $3.69 for 2)
8ed Lamp Assembly, 120vAC (8adloshack #272-0712, $3.69 for 2)
9' 1ool 8eplacemenL Cord, 14CA (Pome uepoL Sku#342376, $12.97)
3/8" Cable Clamp (Pome uepoL Sku#839647, $1.34 for 3)
20-Amp uuplex CuLleL (Pome uepoL Sku#710320, $2.99)
1-Cang 8ox Cover (Pome uepoL Sku#101222, $0.33)
#6-32x1" llaL Pead hllllps Machlne Screws ackage (Pome uepoL, Crown 8olL" #28331, $0.98)
A handful of wlre nuLs, varlous slzes
!"#$%&'( * +, -. /$01 234*546
1oLal cosL: $60.60 (excludlng opLlonal wlre spool)
1lme Lo compleLlon: AbouL Lwo evenlngs.
1. use a pencll (or oLher Lool) Lo Lrace Lhe cuL-ouL areas on your pro[ecL box. A slngle rounded-recLangle for Lhe
duplex ouLleL ls easlesL, and ls cheap Lo cover up (l.e., wlLh a $0.33 1plaLe).
2. CuL ouL sald areas. 1h|s |s the |ongest and hardest part of the ent|re pro[ect. l used a [lgsaw Lo cuL Lhe larger holes
(uslng a plloL hole lnlLlaLed wlLh a power drlll), a dremel Lo sllghLly wlden Lhe large holes Lo ensure a LlghL flL, and a
power drlll Lo cuL Lhe clrcular holes. l recommend sLarLlng wlLh a small drlll blL (e.g., 1/8" or smaller), and slowly
worklng up Lo Lhe deslred dlameLers, a large blL wlll Lake forever Lo cleanly cuL Lhrough. noLe:
1. A 3/8" blL works well for Lhe lamp assemblles. 1he package clLes a 9/32" mounLlng hole.
2. A 1/8" blL works well for Lhe mounLlng holes assoclaLed wlLh Lhe duplex ouLleL (Lhose LhaL would be used Lo
secure Lhe ouLleL Lo an elecLrlcal box). uo &%# drlll Lhese mounLlng holes unLll '7#10 Lhe ouLleL hole has been cuL
and Lhe ouLleL placemenL ls known.
3. ush Lhe lamps lnLo place, and secure wlLh Lhe provlded nuLs. l kepL Lhe provlded lock washer on Lhe ouLslde, for
vlsual appeal.
4. lnserL Lhe cable clamp and secure wlLh Lhe provlded nuL.
3. unless you have an alLernaLe wlre source (do noL use less Lhan 14CA wlre), cuL off a generous porLlon (up Lo 30") of
Lhe Lool replacemenL cord Lo be used as wlrlng lnslde Lhe box. SLrlp an addlLlonal 6-8" of Lhe caslng on Lhe Lool
replacemenL cord, Lo allow beLLer bendlng of Lhe wlres lnslde Lhe box. lnserL Lhe cord unLll Lhe caslng ls [usL lnslde
Lhe clamp, and secure wlLh Lhe cable clamp screws.
6. lor Lhe ouLleL, bend and remove Lhe Labs connecLlng Lhe Lwo screws (l.e., connecLlng Lhe Lwo ouLleLs) on each slde.
1hls wlll allow us Lo conLrol Lhe ouLleLs separaLely. ?ou may wanL Lo mark Lhe plaLe Lo remember whlch wlll be
PeaL" and whlch wlll be Cool."
7. Wlre Lhe box accordlng Lo Lhe provlded dlagram (from 8ooLknockerbrewlng.com) noLe:
1. 8e sure Lo cuL lengLhs of wlre long enough Lo allow you Lo comforLably connecL Lhe componenLs, buL noL Loo
long so as Lo add unnecessary bulk Lo Lhe lnslde of Lhe box. lL wlll great|y help lf Lhe wlre ls long enough Lo
allow you Lo hook-up Lhe conLroller whlle Lhe conLroller ls loose, ouLslde Lhe box.
2. l needed Lo use addlLlonal wlre Lo lengLhen each lead on each lamp, you may need addlLlonal wlre, dependlng
on your placemenL of Lhe lamps and/or Lhe duplex ouLleL. l used scrap wlre from an old C power supply.
8. Secure Lhe LemperaLure conLroller wlLh Lhe provlded orange Labs. l dld noL re-aLLach lLs Lermlnal cover.
9. Secure Lhe duplex ouLleL aL lLs mounLlng holes wlLh Lhe #6-32x1" screws and nuLs. lf you drllled 1/8" holes, you wlll
need Lo use a screwdrlver Lo LwlsL ln Lhe screws, buL lL wlll ensure a good flL. l used one screw & nuL on each slde,
aL opposlLe corners.
10. Close Lhe pro[ecL box and mounL Lhe 1-gang box cover. l needed a longer screw Lo mounL Lhe box cover.
11. ower on your unlL, and conflrm lL operaLes as deslgned. rogram your unlL for deslred operaLlon, accordlng Lo Lhe
lnsLrucLlons lncluded wlLh lLs packaglng. ?ou may wanL Lo creaLe a qulck reference Lable Lo converL C Lo l.

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